New Beginnings - Adam's StoryChapter 53 free porn video

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I woke early the next morning to Zeya working on my cock. Kola was still asleep. I smiled a good morning to her in the dim interior light of the camper and then whispered for her to be quiet. She didn't agree. Instead she rolled away from me until she was flat on her back beside me with her legs parted. With a tug of my cock she indicated that she wanted me. I didn't resist. I did however take my time getting there. I really didn't want to wake Kola.

When I got into position I found that Zeya was already damp with anticipation. I did lean over her for a minute or two, kissing her lips and the tips of her breasts as she lined me up at the opening of her sex. Once I was in position she pulled me into her and I went willingly. We fucked slowly for about twenty minutes with me teasing her with kisses and the flickering of my tongue over her lovely breasts and her clawing at my ass with her hands. Eventually she started gasping and moaning and making a lot of noise as she begged me to go faster and harder. Feeling my own need for release I gave in to Zeya's demands and started ploughing her hard. Naturally, our bouncing about and Zeya's groaning and pleading woke up Kola. The young cave woman watched us fuck and to my amazement diddled herself as I brought Zeya over the edge with a mind shattering orgasm and I bucked and rocked and spurted into the woman. Afterwards we each took a shower and got ourselves dressed for the day.

We received a round of applause as we debarked from our camper. Everyone else was already up and ready for the day. Lizzy had a fire going in the centre of our encampment while Karen and Samantha were busy in their camper whipping together a hearty breakfast for everyone. I just smiled good humouredly at the women and bowed. That brought on a round of giggles. While I settled myself down in a folding camp chair by the fire to wait for someone to bring me my morning coffee, Kola and Zeya scurried off to chat with their friends. From the reaction of the other women I knew that I'd be spending time with two more of them very soon.

My coffee was delivered by Helena. My saucy niece plopped herself down in my lap and warmed it for a couple of minutes, demanding that I pay a little attention to her before she'd let me drink. I gave her a few tender kisses and I slipped my maul of a hand under her coat so I could squeeze her breast through her heavy flannel shirt. Helena purred with appreciation and before getting up reminded me that I needed to pay more attention to the rest of the family. I promised her I would, although I couldn't guarantee when. For better or worse, being the only stud on the farm was a demanding job. I didn't tell her that, but I did think it. I just hoped that in time James Dong would see the light and step up to do his share. Only time would tell.

We ate heartily that morning. We had scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, and leftover chilli with wild beef in it. Along with that we had the last of the cornbread muffins that had accompanied last night's dinner. While we ate we talked a little more about the hunt. The deal was that Vicky was going to head up one hunting party and I was going to lead the other. Vicky would have the honour of dropping the mammoth, while Silla would kill a giant elk. My hunting group would bring down a bison and an Aurochs. Mira would get to kill the bison and Kayla would get to kill the Aurochs. My family would be split up between the two groups and we'd provide logistics and protection while our new Cro-Magnon friends did the killing and the field dressing. My intention was to bag the bison and Aurochs as quickly as we could and then bring them back to the encampment to be butchered down. While that was going on, I'd grab an Argo and head over to where Vicky's team would be. As per our plan Vicky would have taken the big 6x6 to move her party into position. We both knew that the mammoth would be a bitch to manage without the vehicle's crane and a couple of extra hands.

Before leaving I radioed by to the settlement and let everyone know what our plans were. Given the fact that we were going after the mammoth I forewarned them that we might not be back until the next day. Emma wished us luck and then signed off.

Things went pretty much as I'd thought that they would. I took Helena and Beth with me along with Mira and Kayla. We took the two pickups that were towing the flatbed trailers with the Argos. We left the Argos at our encampment so we could use the trailers to haul back our kills. It took up about half an hour to drive to where Gaeta and I had bagged the wild cow yesterday.

By then the sun was up and the day was warming. A fog was rising about the herds in the valley and it obscured our view of things. Still, given our height above our targets and the fact we were using rifles with high powered scopes, I didn't think we'd have any problem dropping the two animals we wanted to take. My big worry was predators. While I doubted that any would be about this early in the morning considering that they'd probably been out hunting all night, the chance was still there that we might run into one and the rising fog would make things even more dangerous. I posted Helena to cover the left side of our hunting arc and Beth to cover the right with a warning to sing out if they spotted anything moving about that they couldn't identified. I took the centre standing a few feet back behind my two designated hunters. Again I had Mira and Silla take up sitting firing positions on the crest of the hill leading down into the valley where the animals were milling about.

If it hadn't been for the wolves the whole experience would have been anticlimactic. Both Mira and Kayla easily acquired their targets even given the fog. With patience they took aim and then squeezed off their shots. Mira dropped her bison without a problem while Kayla's Aurochs took two rounds to finish off. Just as she'd fired, the giant cow had shifted its position. That moved Kayla's aim point and instead of getting a clean head shot, she ended up putting her first round into the cow's thick neck. While the round staggered the cow and caused it to bellow in pain, Kayla quickly adjusted her aim and squeezed of a second round. This one slammed into the Aurochs head dropping the animal before it could cause anymore of a disturbance.

Naturally we waited a few minutes for things to settle down and for the herds to meander off before I sent Mira and Kayla down to field dress the animals. While they did that I kept Helena and Beth on guard duty while I went and drove one of the pickups up to the crest of the hill. I intended to use the front winch on the truck to help move the carcasses up out of the valley so we could load them up on to the two trailers. It was while I was walking back towards where we'd parked the trucks that I spotted the wolves. I caught sight of them in my peripheral. They were loping along off towards my left as I walked towards the truck. There were three of them and they were about five hundred yards out when I spotted them. Thankfully they weren't interested in me. Unfortunately they were heading towards the valley. There were three of them and they were big.

"Wolves!" I shouted loudly as I brought my rifle up from the ready and quickly adopted a standing firing position.

My cry alerted Beth and Helena. They spun around at the sound of my voice and quickly spotted me. At that point I was taking aim at the last wolf in the trio. Both girls looked from me towards where I was aiming and then spotted the wolves. By then the wolves had reached the crest of the hill leading down into the valley. They were closest to Beth's position and at that point they were about three hundred yards away from them. Instantly both women brought their weapons up and took firing positions.

My shot dropped the rear most wolf without any problems. Unfortunately, the report of my rifle and the yelp emitted by the animal as my round slammed into it alert the other two wolves to their predicament. Both wolves skittered to one side as their fellow tumbled over and fell dead, moving just as Beth and Helena squeezed off their shots. Both of them missed with their rounds kicking up dirt and debris in front of the two predators. Recovering quickly, the two wolves darted over the crest of the hill and headed instinctively towards the rising fog. Thankfully both Helena and Beth recovered just as quickly as the two wolves. Their height and positions on the crest gave them the advantage. Beth dropped the second wolf before it could bound forward anymore than a few yards from the crest and Helena was able to stop the lead animal before it could disappear into the fog. All in all it was a bit of excitement we could have done without, however I was pleased with how Helena and Beth had responded and I was certain that the wolves' pelts would be a welcomed bounty by those back at the settlement. I reminded myself that I'd have to demonstrate my appreciation to the two young women later on. For now I waved to them when they shouted that the animals were taken care of and then turned back to what I'd been doing.

Between the four girls we were able to field dress the two grazers in an hour and get their carcasses up onto the top of the crest. Mira and Kayla were both very skilled and very strong and they only needed a little help from Beth and Helena and that was while we were winching the carcasses up the hill. I covered them while Helena operated the winch and Beth helped lift and direct the carcass. We tried to spare the hides as best we could. Once they were up we loaded them on the trailer and quickly dealt with the three big wolves. Once they were gutted we tossed their carcasses on to the trailers as well. We'd skin them back at camp.

Vicky's team had less problems than my team. Silla dropped her target, a large buck of a Giant Elk and then Vicky took her big rifle and took down an adult female mammoth. The mammoths were on the far side of the valley and the range was over twelve-hundred yards. She set herself up on the crest of the hill in a prone position with her bipod extended and then took her time. Her first round slammed into the right side of the female's head just behind the ear. That round staggered the beast but didn't drop it. The second round was already on its way when the first one hit. The second round hit just behind the right eye as the mammoth swung its head from side to side, stunned by the effects of the first round. That round dropped the mammoth. Its front legs buckled and then the rest of the body just folded up and collapsed onto the ground. The entire hunt was over in under ten minutes. They waited a while and then Silla, Gaeta, and Kola headed down to field dress the big elk.

I left Beth, Helena, and Kayla at our encampment to get to work skinning our kills and took Mira with me in an Argo to join up with Vicky and her crew. When I got to their position I found that they were already on the far side of the shallow valley working on skinning and butchering the mammoth. Carefully I drove the Argo down into the valley and into the meandering herds of wild animals. I took my time working my way through them so that I didn't start a stampede. The fact that the alien power unit in the Argo made no sound whatsoever helped a lot. Still it was a time consuming effort and by the time I pulled up beside the big truck, I found that Gaeta, Silla, and Kola had already skinned the huge beast and that they were already carving it up.

"How's it going?" I called out once I was parked and out of the Argo.

"Great," replied Lizzy from her sentry position. "Gaeta and her girls have everything in hand."

Lizzy was standing in the open box of the big cargo truck. Some time between when they had left our encampment that morning and now, they'd removed the canvas cover and the bows that supported the canvas. Both the bows and canvas were lying on the ground near the tailgate of the vehicle. With the canvas and their supports removed Vicky would be able to load the cargo box using the small crane that sat between it and the cab of the truck. While Lizzy stood watch in the cargo box, Karen stood on the hood of the truck keeping watch from there. Vicky was keeping an eye on things from a flat rock in the slope of the valley wall, about a hundred feet away.

I sent Mira to help out with the butchering while I went over and chatted with Vicky. Mira scurried off happily.

"So," I said as I sauntered up to Vicky, "how was it?"

"It was a cakewalk," Vicky replied with a smirk. "Silla bagged her elk and then I dropped the mammoth. The biggest job was removing the canvas and the bows on the truck. Lizzy and Karen took care of that while I covered them from here. While they worked on that Silla, Gaeta, and Kola got to work skinning the mammoth. I'm impressed with them. They really know how to work as a team."

"Good," I acknowledged with a smile. I was happy that her hunt had gone so well and that the Cro-Magnon women were carrying their own weight. It was clear to both of us that they were a great addition to our little settlement. Hopefully the rest of the family was learning the same thing with the other women back at the settlement. I'd ask when we got back. For now I stood and spoke to Vicky for a bit, telling her about my team's hunt and our run-in with the wolves.

It took most of the morning to butcher down the mammoth, even with four cave women working on it with state-of-the-art butchering knives and saws. I'd looked up mammoths on Sarah's tablet before our trip and I had learnt that an average female mammoth weighed in at about four tons or a bit more. Even field dressed with its head removed we were looking at well over two and a half tons of meat to process if we took it all. Thankfully we weren't going to do that. As per our discussion the night before, our butchering team was going to claim the best cuts of meat and then leave the rest for the scavengers. Even so we were looking at almost half a ton of meat.

Luckily storage wasn't a problem for us. One of the things that I requested from Art when I ordered up the vehicles was that he included a chest freezer in the back of the cargo box. It was plugged into the vehicles power system and it was working fine. Most of the mammoth would go into it. The rest including what we kept from the elk, bison, and Aurochs would end up in a number of oversized high tech coolers that Art had provided us. He'd given us three dozen of them when we started discussing our plans to give our surplus meat to the Dong family in the valley.

One of the things that we were taking back was the tusks. These were massive and while we could probably manhandle them into the cargo box with a little difficulty, Vicky planned on using the crane. I thought that was a good idea.

In due course it became time to start loading the truck. Vicky had organized things well. One of the things that she'd done on arrival was to put out a large square tarp beside the kill. Art had also provided us with butcher paper and string, so while Gaeta and Kola had been cutting up the mammoth, Silla and then Mira had been working next to them, wrapping up the meat into individual packages and securing it. Once it had been wrapped it had been placed in the centre of the square tarp. The tarp soon became a mound of packaged meat that needed to be loaded onto the truck. That's where the crane came in. By pulling the four corners together and securing then with a 'D' ring, Vicky was able to turn the tarp into a bag and hook it up to the crane. With her operating the controls and me guiding it with a rope, we had the tarp off the ground and into the bed of the cargo box in a matter of minutes. Then while I transferred our first load of meat into the freezer, Vicky laid down another tarp so that our butchering team could get back to work.

It turned out that posting sentries wasn't just being overly cautious. Eventually we got a few scavengers who weren't afraid of humans. A pack of giant hyenas showed up just as our butchering team turned their attention away from the mammoth and started on cutting up the giant elk. Fortunately they were either over confident because of their numbers or they were just too hungry to wait us out. They came lopping up the valley from the west making all kinds of noise and stirring up the various herds that were still meandering about out in the valley. The agitated animals alerted us long before Lizzy spotted the lead hyena and we were ready and waiting for them when they came into range of our hunting rifles and Vicky's favourite toy. In total there were eight hyenas in the pack and it took us less than five minutes to deal with all of them. I let Lizzy drop the lead animal and then Vicky, Karen and I opened up. It was so easy that we hadn't even told Gaeta and her team to arm themselves with their rifles. They just knelt beside the carcasses of the slaughtered mammoth and the giant elk and watched in silence as we dropped each of the scavengers one after the other.

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 22 Adams and Eve

November 4, 1995, Colerain Township, Ohio “I get the sense you’re having second thoughts,” Eve said. “And third and fourth thoughts,” I added with a smile. “But that’s normal for me and a new girl.” “May I ask why?” “You obviously know I’ve been with quite a few women. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that successful dalliances, as my wives and I call them, require my partner to have a certain frame of mind. What I don’t want is serious regret, or, perhaps more dangerous, them...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 10

A bright light high above blinded her for a few seconds. During that time, her engine cocked out completely. When she could see again, all her instruments were disabled. Another racing plane zoomed by, obviously in trouble, as it was falling out of the sky like she was. Pulling on the stick as hard as she could, she guided her blunt-nosed racer toward a mountain lake off to the side of the racecourse. Although her racer could reach exciting speeds (when the engine was working), it didn’t...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 05

Elaine, Marla and Annalisa watched joyously as the inner doors to the gigantic vacuum chamber swung open to admit the very first spaceship ever to come from Earth. They had flown straight up for several miles in order to view this momentous first entry. It had been an easy flight in the null gravity above Northern Depot. Although the enormous space doors opened quite rapidly, the winged girls were so far away that the entrance seemed to be opening inch by laborious inch, creeping wider and...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 10

Béla squirmed around, trying to make some room for herself in their cramped sleeping quarters. At the end of the previous day, Tia and Tara had visited Béla and Jake and ended up, not surprisingly, spending the night. The four of them had been getting together regularly ever since the ‘T’ girls had offered to share themselves with Béla and her husband. The other two sets of twins had moved in with Macario to help him get through his grief as well. The fact that Lisa returned within a few...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 02

Part 3 Chapter 2 “Okay, Praetor,” Amber called out with restrained exuberance. “All ahead full power!” The great mass of the derelict ship floating beside them vanished from the viewscreen as Amber, along with everyone else on the Phoenix III held on tightly, expecting to be thrown against whatever bulkhead was to the rear of the ship. “What’s happening?” Tabatha asked from nearby. “I didn’t feel anything. Did we launch?” Amber looked at the inanimate dials and stared, her mouth...

2 years ago
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Beginnings Chapter 4 Room For Change

Later that evening I chased like a child through the wide-open meadows of my mind, carefully sweeping as many of my butterfly thoughts into a delicate net as I could. The beach was now empty and only the sleepy ghosts of happy days remained. A tired sun, its dwindling energy spreading like a worn, burnished cape around it, was balancing uneasily on the far horizon. The darkening sea was giving up cool hints of her salt-scented breath, which every so often lifted wisps of hair from my face and...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings Part 1 The Aftermath

"The bastards have finally done it" his father had said. There had been just the two of them for several weeks. Living off the land, Will's father trying to dispense any survival techniques and tips he may have missed in the years he and his son had spent hunting and living mostly off the grid. Ever since Will's mother had passed he and his father had spent more and more time away from a society that Mr. Stevenson had considered a waste of God's green Earth. Will had been pulled out of...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 02

“Thanks,” Dani replied as he brought a fresh cup from the food dispenser in the mess hall. Around two months ago (at an estimate), their little fishing boat had been sucked into the wormhole entrance floating on the surface of the huge lake formed when Lisa nuked the entranceway to her family’s mountain home to keep the Confederates out. Ten seconds later, they were spit out the other end, and discovered themselves on what they eventually realized was – a spaceship. There was no one else...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 04

“Well, Alicia and Jackie are really smart,” Murielle replied, “like us – you and me, I mean. For example: Holly and Haley? Total fruit loops, know what I mean? And Tia and Tara? God! How horny can two girls get?” “I like sex,” Miranda protested. “Remember that wake we held for Lisa? Wow! I still feel tingly just thinking about that!” “That’s what I mean,” her sister replied. “Except for Macario, that’s the last time we had sex. And Horry and Harey were always hogging Macario – at least...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 6

Lisa stirred, and sharp agony answered the slight movement she’d tried to make. “Wake up, my darling Elsa,” the loving, venomous voice whispered again. “I’ve have a surprise for you.” “S’prize?” she murmured, still half asleep. “Whaz’it?” She took a breath to try and wake up more so she could see her new gift. A piercing agony speared her deep inside her lungs as she tried to inhale. “Ahh, yes!” she heard Vlad gasp with aroused wonder. “My gift to you works very well… Lisa...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 1 Ch 10

“Not anymore,” Lisa said, almost whispering. “I have to rely on my own energy now. I’m no more able to do repetitive teleportation than any of the others. My body will starve just like theirs do!” “Why?” Jake cried. “What happened? And why now? We need you more than ever to get the Phoenix loaded. You were fine a week ago when you created the San Luis Trench.” “It’s gone! Okay?” Lisa yelled, tired of being interrogated. “I ran out of power! I used it all up!” Jake sat down and...

3 years ago
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Clothing Comdex and Confusion 3 New Beginnings Old Endings

Clothing Comdex and Confusion ? New Beginnings Old Endings Copyright 2004 Beth Williams Sunday, December 9, 2001 I awoke in a hospital bed. There was an IV drip started in my right arm, and I could hear the incessant beep of a heart monitor. The lights were low, and Jeeves was setting in one corner of the room. When he saw I was awake, he left the room. Linda sat next to me, holding my left hand. I felt calm, tranquil, and slightly light headed. "I've been sedated haven't I?" I...

3 years ago
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Marilyns Beginnings A Three Part Tale

MARILYN'S BEGINNINGS: A THREE-PART TALE By Brett Lynn This work of fiction is for the non-commercial use of its readers. Permission to copy and distribute through electronic media for non-commercial purposes is granted. All commercial and non- electronic rights are reserved by me, the author. Please do not read this story if you are offended by adult material, reading this material is illegal in your legal jurisdiction or, if in the United States, under the age of 18. It ain't like...

2 years ago
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Small Beginnings Part Four

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 6

I don't want to make this tale a daily diary or anything like that. I could but it would get boring after a bit, and I also don't want to go on and on about the sex; while fun and most certainly enjoyable for all involved, especially me, it would become repetitious for anyone reading this tale. So I will try to move things along, when possible. Unfortunately, the first week on the new planet was an important one so let me continue for a bit, relating how we settled in and what we...

1 year ago
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The Life And Death Of Al Parker Part 1 Jennifers Beginnings

Warning: This story contains sexual material and transgender themes. If you're not 18 or over, or are offended by such material then don't read it! This story can be posted on Fictionmania or any other free sites however, I do ask that you notify me first before doing so. This story is based on the story called, "I, my sister" and was written by Diana Christy (07/97). I would like to thank Diana for allowing me to use parts of her story in mine. I would also like to thank Arcee...

3 years ago
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Beginnings Larry was hard at work on a new accounting cost model project. As the newest member of the firm and a recent university graduate, he was fortunate to draw this assignment. Stan stopped by to offer his congratulations. Stan was a long time member of the firm; and, had taken Larry under his tutelage at the firm. Larry was grateful as he was new to the area and did not have family or friends in the town since moving here from college. “Congratulations on your new project assignment....

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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New Beginnings Part Four Be Our Guest

"We are here," Dexter said interrupting Solaria and Adrian. Adrian was lying on his back as Solaria's large body bounced up and down on his dick. Solaria expertly rode his dick without causing her massive body to crush Adrian underneath her. "Just a moment," Solaria responded as she felt Adrian's body tense under hers.  Adrian nodded as he stared up at her enormous tits bouncing up and down. "I'm cumming," Adrian's body tensed as he shot his cum deep inside Solaria. Immediately she...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 06

Further studies of the technology that had created the ‘goddesses’ found him cross-referencing recently added history of the Viragoans as a species. The Viragoan’s fascination with altering and improving the DNA of any species found in nature probably made them the least xenophobic race in the entire universe. Virago expanded into the universe, exploring and creating new species and life forms limited only by their imaginations. It was easy for the Viragoans to do, as their own redesigned...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 05

“Three guys against four girls hardly seems fair,” Jake joked as he grinned at Mac. “It’s been way too long since we’ve done this.” “That’s what Lisa said last week after she rescued Danielle’s kids,” Mac grinned back. “If those kids hadn’t been so terrified, she would’ve played with those soldier boys a lot longer than she did. She made me cut her up really good when she got me alone that night.” “Yeah, my little girl’s a real terror when it comes to sex, boys, and knives,” Jake...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings

It’s been a while. This is a bit different from my other stories but I hope you enjoy! I was nervous and excited. I was going on a date! I hadn’t done much of that since my separation from my husband, or ever really. Prior to getting married my involvement with men had been mostly one night stands, (drunk or otherwise) even when I met him, it had been an immediate and powerful sexual connection that had progressed outwardly and, unfortunately, incompletely. I was ready to take it slow, to...

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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 07

“Well, we’ll need guns,” Tabatha said after eagerly volunteering to be the other participant. “Where can we get some?” “Elaine, Dawn and I have practiced how to find stuff,” Annalisa told her. “You just think of the form, and I’ll find it for you!” “Okay,” Tabatha replied, then thought of a really handsome set of double holstered forty-fives that she’d seen in a Tri-d episode of ‘Wild Bill in the Old West’. A few seconds later, Annalisa held that same gun belt in her hands. “Are...

1 year ago
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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 07

For a moment, he thought he’d been dreaming again. Béla was still gone forever and he’d only dreamed her back into his life. In the last hundred years, he’d awakened many mornings with those exact thoughts roaming through his mind – destroying any possibility that today would turn out all right. He opened his eyes and gazed into a pair of dark, almond eyes almost identical to his beloved’s own. “I trust you slept well,” Annalisa whispered, smiling at him. Jake sat up, feeling...

1 year ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision

Introduction: This is a Fictional Story, Romance, Love and Sex. Enjoy it but dont take it too seriously My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision Characters Introduced: Maize, 34, 58 Black maid Hazel, 33, 56 Black maid Dominic, 35, chef 62, white, Derrick, 18, Dominics assistant 60, White Charmaine, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chellise, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chemier, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel...

3 years ago
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Small Beginnings Chapter 8

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2013 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

4 years ago
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Small Beginnings Chapter 18

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2016 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

2 years ago
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My Beginnings As A Woman

MY BEGINNINGS AS A WOMAN Chapter One The Beginning of Being Feminine I am an only child and my parents separated when I was very young, I have not seen my father since their separation. So, I lived with my mother and we were very close. She worked for a very large company and oversaw personnel. Mother was a very beautiful woman and she was also quite feminine. All about her told she was a woman and proud of it. I was always amazed and infatuated when I looked at her as she was...

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New Beginnings Pt 4 Ch 01

Part 4 Chapter 1 Eliannai stepped up behind the Science Officer and gently wrapped her fingers around his arm. For a moment, they both gazed at the dying body of their captain, also the Science Officer’s lifemate. “Sibilius,” the dead Seeker whispered into his ear. Turning his head, Sibilius jerked back for an instant as he recognized the now deceased First Officer. “You’re dead!” he informed her, his voice sounding quite dramatic. “Only bodies die, Father,” Eliannai replied,...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 12

I did get to see and speak to my sisters, Patricia and Jane, but it wasn't until the next morning and it did cost me to get a word in edgewise. You see, they joined me in the shower the next morning. Now I didn't mind too much about that. Emma had skipped her morning roll in the hay with me today. She actually let me sleep in. That meant that I was actually rested. It still took me by surprise. Naturally, I was in the middle of shampooing my hair went the two of them snuck in. "Hi there...

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