DreamWeaverChapter 11 free porn video

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I drove us home, taking extra care. I didn’t want to risk us getting into an accident because I’d been distracted. When I got there, Belinda was waiting, and Claire was just pulling up. I got out and helped Melody out of the car, carrying her to the door with me while she continued to sob. Belinda took my keys and opened the door, shaken at seeing the two of us like this. I wasn’t a lot better than Melody, at this point.

I’d just watched a man hand over everything he owned and kill himself. It was ... horrifying and touching that he’d made such a grandiose gesture at the end. I sat down on the couch with her still in my arms and the two of us wept inconsolably, unable to explain what had happened.

Eventually the others arrived, and we were surrounded with hugs as we poured out the story, stopping often when our emotions overwhelmed us. Eventually, I calmed enough to relate the hospice visit. The Will was passed around and the document canceling the prenup. I told them what Stan had done and what he’d said. Claire wanted it in minute detail, and I did my best to give her everything I could remember.

We sat in silence for a little while, drawing support from our friends, I found myself thinking this was the most heartfelt memorial that Stan Weaver would get. Two people he’d harmed monstrously, surrounded by the company of loving friends who’d been harmed by others in the same way. There were more tears than just Melody’s and mine. They wept for us though, not for Stan. I’d grudgingly come to respect Stan in the last hour of his life. He could have lived to be a hundred and I’d never have called him friend, but I respected that he did what he could to set things right at the end of his life.

Eventually, Melody cried herself to sleep, still clinging to my neck and we talked quietly for a little while.

“Thank you all for coming,” I whispered. “But it’s getting late. You all need to get up for work tomorrow, except Claire who’s going to stay up all night, typing notes for her new book.”

That got a few chuckles and Claire came and kissed me on the cheek.

“You take care of her. I need a happy ending for my book,” she whispered to me.

I nodded. I’d promised Stan that I’d take care of her both as his dying wish and my deepest desire. I’d protect her from harm, no matter what. One by one, they came to kiss me and Melody on the cheek. Well, Jason patted me on the shoulder because we’re guys. That’s the guy equivalent of a long hug and a promise to drop everything and come running. Never let anyone tell you that guys don’t feel. We just tend to express it without words. It’s funny. Use minimalist expression in a piece of art and women stare at it and dig for the meaning but use it in a conversation between guys and women growl something that ends in “MEN!”

When they left, I got up as carefully as I could and took Melody upstairs. The Master Bedroom wasn’t ready, so all I had was the guest-room. I laid her on the mattress, and she moaned in complaint when I pulled her arms from around my neck.

“No!” she whimpered, waking up in a panic.

“Baby, I’m just putting you to bed,” I told her soothingly. “I’m right here. I’m not leaving. I just need to pull off your shoes.

She nodded, sat up, kicked off her shoes and then started to undress. She asked me for a t-shirt, so I grabbed one from the dresser. She stripped down to her panties and pulled the shirt on over her head. I undressed in the bathroom and then set the alarm for a little later than normal since I wasn’t going to class. I also wasn’t going to work. Mel needed me close, so I’d be here.

The bed was small for two people, but she clung to me like I was life itself. I held onto her just as tight. When sleep took me, I was still whispering to her that I loved her. She was already breathing the slow breaths of deep sleep.

That night, I didn’t have any erotic dreams. I had no dreams that I remembered, but I woke several times to Melody weeping in her sleep. I held her and whispered that I was here and loved her. I don’t know whether she heard me or not, but it seemed to calm her, and she’d settle back to sleep each time.

When the alarm went off, I reached out to turn it off and then I settled back, holding this precious woman in my arms. I kissed her forehead and held her close. She hadn’t stirred when I turned off the alarm, so I took this opportunity to make a new promise.

“Melody, I promise to love you every day for the rest of your life,” I whispered to her. “You have no idea how perfect your name is. You bring music into my monotone life. I love you.”

“I love you too,” she whispered back and then opened her eyes and looked at me with those soul-searching blue eyes.

“You were listening,” I said, smiling a little.

I leaned in and kissed her softly. I didn’t think she was in the mood for passion and neither was I, but this was the woman I loved, and I reserved the right to kiss her in the morning.

“Of course, I was listening,” she said. “I listened all those times you spoke to me through the night too. I kept waking up and you’d tell me that you were here, and you loved me, and it calmed me down. He’s really gone, isn’t he?” she asked me, her voice trembling as I held her close.

“We’ve set him free. The only things that were holding him here were guilt over what he’d done and worry that you might not be okay without him to take care of you. Last night we took those last worries from his heart. He’s at peace and happy for us, I think.”

She nodded and didn’t exactly cry, but she was mourning the man she’d loved at one time. She held me tight and I held her. I didn’t want to get up, but we had calls to make and details to take care of. I bundled her off to the shower while I made breakfast. I’d have to do some shopping later, but I made omelets big enough for the two of us. By the time she appeared at the bottom of the stairs, I was just ready to serve her.

I slid the eggs on the plate and set it at the table before I poured her coffee, made the way she’d taken it the other night. She thanked me and sat at the table. I noticed she was wearing another of my shirts, and she looked better in it than I did. I joined her a minute later with my own plate and mug and we sat down to plan our day.

We were each going to call the lawyers. I was calling Angela and she was calling Stan’s lawyer, Mr. Lawton, to find out what other arrangements he’d made. I was taking the day off work and then we were driving over to her place after the workmen left for the day, to see if anything had to be done there. As soon as Human Resources was open for the day, I called and told them that I wouldn’t be in.

“Someone I know is dying of cancer,” I told them frankly. “I’m very close to the family and I’m needed for the next few days.”

“Did you want to use your vacation time or take unpaid time off?” he asked me sympathetically.

“Unpaid for now is fine,” I said and thanked him for helping out.

My next call was to Angela.

“I’ve been expecting you,” she said when she picked up. “Imagine my surprise when I got a call from Stan Weaver’s attorney yesterday, asking me to meet with him and his client. Surprise turned to shock when they told me why I was there,” she told me. “He actually went through with it?”

“Yes. We stayed with him until he went to sleep,” I told her somberly.

It was still the damnedest thing I’d ever seen.

“We’re kind of lost in all this. I know Wills aren’t exactly your specialty, but I thought you might know an estate lawyer.”

“Taken care of,” she said. “You two don’t have to lift a finger. Stan prepaid the accountant, the estate lawyer and retained both my services and his existing lawyer to make sure no one starts to get thoughts of dipping into the accounts. The Savings and Loan will continue running. The only thing you and Mrs. Weaver have to do is plan the Christmas party and once probate clears, decide whether to keep or sell the business.”

“What about his properties?” I asked.

“The Miami condo is in mothballs, so there’s no bills there right now except property taxes and utilities, which the accountant will take care of. He has a few rental properties left and the primary residence that Mrs. Weaver is living in. Those bills, including for the staff will continue to be paid from the estate, for now.”

“Staff?” I repeated.

“From what I understand, there’s a housekeeper/cook and a groundskeeper. They’re a married couple who live in an apartment above the garage. There’s also a cleaning service that comes in twice a week. The lights will stay on, the bills will be paid, and Mrs. Weaver’s personal accounts have been made flush, so she doesn’t have to worry about groceries or other expenses until after everything’s been settled. Since Mr. Weaver isn’t dead yet, we’re all taking the next few days to prepare so we hit the ground running.”

“I think it’s okay for you to call her Melody,” I told Angela lightly. “So, we’re officially free to just relax and leave it to be handled?”

“That’s sort of why I’m involved,” she chuckled. Apparently, I have a reputation for being scary, so Stan thought of me when he wanted someone to look over everyone’s shoulder. He made it clear to all involved when he hired me that the money was coming from him, but you were my client. His lawyer is technically representing Melody, but the end result is that neither of us can dip into the accounts without the other finding out and I’m too honest to make a run for the cash.”

She paused for a moment and then sighed.

“So, you and his wife. If that isn’t the irony of all time.” she chuckled. “I did tell you things would get better for you.”

“You did,” I allowed. “You may absolutely wallow in saying ‘I told you so’. Wait until you see us together. You’ll sue me for contributing to your diabetic coma.”

“You’ve got it that bad for her, huh?”

“Angela, it’s like there’s a part of me that was always dead. Even when I was at my most in love with Beth, there was this space in the middle of me that was just ... dark. Melody fills it with life. It’s like she’s part of me and I’ve been incomplete without her. Last night was ... I don’t even have the words to describe what we witnessed at the hospice. I just know that I’ll never leave her. If there’s ever a compelling argument in favor of fate, this is it. We belong together. Even Stan saw it.”

“Stop it!” she told me. “You’ll ruin my cynicism for the day, filling me with this much enthusiasm in the morning. It’s got to be against some law.”

We chuckled a little and I thanked her.

“Call me in a couple of weeks and I’ll update you,” she promised.

“Okay,” I agreed. “Thanks again, Angela.”

“No problem. I’m glad things have gotten better for you, but we need to stay in touch this time to work through all of the estate issues.”

We hung up and when I turned around, she was watching me.

“So, I complete you?” she asked, obviously having heard some of the conversation. She had a beautiful smile on her angelic face.

“You’ve unlocked parts of my soul I didn’t even know were there,” I told her. “It looks like we’re free to start planning our future. Angela said that the only thing we need to do is to plan the Christmas party for the savings and loan employees.”

“Are you going to be okay with that?” she asked. “Your wife used to work there, after all.”

I shrugged.

“With you there, I’ll be fine,” I assured her. “The planning part will be interesting. I’ve never really planned a big formal party.”

“Not even your wedding?” she asked, surprised. “I’d have thought you were involved in that.”

“My involvement came down to, ‘do you like this choice or that choice’, followed closely by, ‘no, I think we’ll go with the other one’.” I shrugged and grinned. “I’ll try to be more helpful this time, I promise.”

“This one’s easy,” she said lightly and picked up her phone. She looked up a number and then dialed it.

“Hello, my name is Melody Weaver. I’m looking to book a Christmas party for my company ... About a hundred people with dates and all. We can be flexible with the date, but preferably on a weekend ... That’s a Saturday? Perfect. We’d like it decorated for the holiday. Tasteful. Not too glitzy. Okay. Dinner, bar services, dancing. We’d like to provide gifts to our employees, but we can ... You do? Wrapped? That would be lovely. I would think fifty gifts that contain both a ‘his’ and ‘her option would be suitable.”

I listened as she hammered out the details for the party. She wanted a DJ who could do Christmas, new music and some oldies and classic rock for dancing; she arranged the menu; suggested gifts for the employees for the evening; champagne fountain, snacks before dinner, dessert and even arranged for a suite for us for the evening so neither of us would have to drive.

Ten minutes! It had taken her ten minutes to arrange a venue, decorations, dinner, drinks, dancing, appetizers, music, gifts and a suite for the night. I was appalled. Beth, May, her maid of honor and various friends had spent two weeks to decide on where to hold our wedding reception; a month on decorations; we had a two-hour meeting to sample different dishes for the menu. They took a weekend to interview people for the music; a week on putting together the little gift bags she insisted on. And that was before she got into the nuts and bolts of her dress, bridesmaid’s outfits, matching tuxedos for the gents and I’m not even going to go into how vile the micro-managing was for the seating arrangements. We actually signed a peace treaty, swearing never to discuss the seating arrangements again.

“I can’t wait to sit you in a room with Beth and make her watch you plan a big party,” I laughed and told her about the wedding and all the nightmares, leaving out the seating plan, of course.

She chuckled.

“Well, we could have done that, but it’s so much easier to have the professionals at the Ritz-Carlton do it instead,” she pointed out.

I hopped into the shower and we got dressed. She was still wearing my oversize t-shirt and her jeans from yesterday. I dressed casually and by the time we were done cleaning up the dishes, the contractors were there to start work. I was exiled to my study, so I wouldn’t get hints and Mel came to visit me regularly, so I didn’t feel neglected.

“How do you feel?” I asked gently when she brought in lunch for the two of us and cuddled in my lap.

“I feel ... empty, I guess. I mean, I was looking forward to us having our revenge on him for all of it. Now, I don’t think I want revenge. I’m ... I’m grateful that he was decent at the end, you know?”

I nodded. “If not for him, you’d have continued on to college, probably in DC or somewhere in the north and we would never have met,” I pointed out. “He also loved you. The love you two had might not have been passionate, but he respected you and tried to protect you from the worst of himself.”

She nodded. “Yeah. I mean, I wasn’t in love with him, you know? I mean, he was my first, but he was more like an uncle than a husband. We even had separate bedrooms. He said that it was because of sleep apnea, but he admitted after he was admitted to the hospice that wasn’t it. He just didn’t want to be around me.”

I nodded and held her gently.

“Well, I do,” I told her with a playful smirk.

She looked at me, surprised and then laughed and settled against me and cuddled for a little while.

“You know, I always wondered why your wife hooked up with Stan,” she said. “When you told your story and mentioned that she was bored, I thought that was the most pathetic excuse imaginable. That’s a reason to stop watching a TV show or put down a book or cut a date short. You don’t get bored with someone you love. You sometimes need space, but you settle into a place like my grandparents did.”

“Grandma and Grandpa used to be able to sit in the same room, doing different things all day, without saying a word to each other. They took comfort from each other’s presence. I was probably twelve when I realized that they’d glance at each other and smile once in a while. Sometimes he’d look at her and smile while he watched her for a second. Sometimes she’d do it to him. Once in a while though, they’d both look up at the same time and the smiles they had for each other were so beautiful, I knew that was what I wanted from life. I wanted a man that would look at me the way Grandpa looked at Grandma even after all those years.”

She paused and squeezed me tight, leaning in to kiss me before continuing.

“So, when you told us that she’d said that she’d just fallen out of love, my first thought was of Grandma and Grandpa and I thought ‘that stupid cow doesn’t have the first sweet clue what love really is. She’s not after love, she’s chasing hot sex and she nearly ruined you in her search for more dick’. I kind of hate her for that.”

“I really don’t hate Stan any more. He did what he did because he’s been damaged for years before either of us met him. Your ex though ... I want to punish her. I saw in your eyes how badly she hurt you when you recognized me Thursday. I want us to show her what real love is all about.”

I smirked. “Her mother wants to meet you. She’s talking about wanting us to go down there for the holidays.”

“You told her about us?” she asked, looking at me. “Aren’t you worried she’ll tell Beth?”

I shook my head.

“She sometimes wants to shake Beth to see if she can hear the loose screws in her head rattle. May’s excited about you. She knows who you are and knows that Stan and Beth had the affair. She asked if we’d come down for Christmas. She wants to see the look on Beth’s face when she realizes who you are and how in love we are.”

“We should just hire a camera crew to follow us around when we go to see her,” she laughed. “So how come you told your ex mother-in-law?” she asked.

“Because I love May to death. Her husband is a complete asshole, but I’m told he’s starting to change, since I told him off after the divorce. Beth is Beth, but May’s always treated me like her own son, not an outsider that’s getting frisky with her daughter. She’s been worried about how I’m handling it, and she’s a little pissed at Beth for her latest stunt.”

“Oh?” she said, her eyes turning hard. “What’s she done this time?”

“Nothing terrible,” I promised. “She wants me to meet her new boyfriend. May’s mad at her because Beth made me meet Stan just after their affair started, and now she’s asked me to meet her new guy.”

She rolled her eyes at that and shrugged. “Typical self-centered bitch. She wants to rub your nose in it a little more.”

“Yeah, well, she’s in for a shock, isn’t she?” I said knowingly. “She has no idea that I’ll be bringing you with me. She can rub my nose in thoughts of Roger all she wants. I don’t love her anymore, so there’s nothing she can say that can get under my skin. If she decides to kiss him to make me jealous, she’s doomed to fail. She could tell me she’s two months pregnant and I wouldn’t care since I have you. Nothing in the world could make me want Beth back. And if me shaking hands with her cop boyfriend makes it more exciting for her, great. Let her chase the sex. We’re in love, and she has nothing compared to that.”

She nodded. “I still want to do something to punish her,” she said crossly.

“Bring a copy of Stan’s Will,” I suggested. “Showing her that he left everything to the two of us may make her head explode.”

She laughed at that. “If that doesn’t, we should tell her what he said at the hospice,” she suggested.

“Probably,” I said with a nod. “Even if it doesn’t get to her, I know that she’ll always know that I’m honoring Stan’s dying wish. Of course, he made it easy, by asking me for something that I was planning to do anyway, but she’ll always know that it was his last wish that the two of us stay together.”

“I still want her to scream with frustration,” she said.

Her beautiful eyes narrowed in spite. Even thinking evil thoughts, she looked adorable. I couldn’t help it, I laughed.

“You look so cute when you’re scheming,” I told her.

She looked like she wanted to argue, but she broke down into giggles as we enjoyed the rest of our lunch together.

“Trust me,” I told her. “When May hugs you like a daughter and treats you like family, steam will come out of Beth’s ears. If I can get May to share one of her recipes with you ... well, she never trusted them to Beth.”

That got her eyes to light up. “You think she might?” she asked hopefully.

“I think if we’re there for Christmas and we help around the kitchen, she might share some with both of us,” I told her.

“I’ll let my parents know that we’ll be coming to see them for New Year’s then,” she said sweetly. “I should check and see if I can get a flight for you to come for Thanksgiving,” she added and leaned forward to check the airline schedules.

Twenty minutes of that proved that we were weeks too late to find a last-minute flight to Washington.

“Don’t worry about it,” I told her with a kiss to the back of her neck. “I’ll stay here and have the gym to myself all weekend while everyone else is filling their plates with comfort food.”

“I don’t want that! You’ll be alone the whole weekend.”

“No, I won’t,” I told her. “I’ll have you in my thoughts. I promise, I’ll cook a really big steak or something else delicious.”

“You’d better,” she warned me. “Otherwise I’ll feel guilty about going.”

“Someone has to tell your parents about all of this,” I reminded her.

“Ugh! And my sister! She’s gonna ask more questions than Mom and Dad put together!” she told me. “Allison’s a pain. Thank God she’s still in high school or she’d be down here trying to insert herself into my life.”

I laughed a little at that.

“You think she’s going to decide that your pool is her pool?” I asked knowingly.

“Hopefully that’s all of mine that she decides to try to claim. I’d hate to have to send her home to Mom in a box,” she said sourly.

“Baby don’t get upset. She’s still a couple of years away from coming down here to try to do anything. We can just conveniently have already decided to vacation somewhere else.”

“She’d invite herself along,” she said, her mood already crashing.

“And your parents would just pay for her to tag along?” I asked. “Because we’re not. I don’t know her, and you don’t want her along. That means she’s gotta raise the money somewhere else.”

She gave me a dark look.

“Daddy’s Girl,” she sneered.

Okay! You don’t need to hit me over the head to know what’s going on here. Allison was very obviously her father’s little princess and Melody was the second-class citizen growing up.

“How about we put in a fence with a gate and just don’t give her a code?” I suggested lightly.

I caught the look on her face and decided she was still in a bad mood.

“We could electrify the fence,” I suggested.

She laughed, possibly at the thought of her sister lying in the driveway twitching with her hair smoking and sticking up on end.

“She’s not that bad, but she seriously gets everything that she wants from Dad. It’s revolting. I’m older, but she was allowed out later, had a car at 16, had fewer rules, more money, the best of everything.”

“Worried she’s going to try to take the best of your life?” I asked gently.

“Maybe. She’s been that kind of bitch before,” she said. “There was a reason that I jumped into things with Stan quickly. She’d already stolen a boyfriend from me. Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to have your ex-boyfriend show up to family dinner on your sister’s arm?” she growled.

I shook my head. “My brother is sixteen years older than me,” I confided. “He was out of the house by the time I was out of diapers. I can promise you that she’s not going to get the chance to do that to you again though.”

“She’ll try,” she said sullenly.

“Let her,” I told her lightly. “After what you and I have been through this past year, neither of us will ever cheat on each other. She can try all she wants. If it helps you feel better about it, I’ll buy something special to wear any time we go to visit your parents.”

She looked at me strangely. She obviously hadn’t gotten as deep into the websites as I had in my research. I took the mouse and surfed to an online store I had saved, clicking on one of the links.

“Male chastity devices?” she read the title out loud.

She took the mouse from me and started looking through the items.

“These look uncomfortable,” she said uncertainly.

“They probably are,” I admitted.

I’d looked at them a few nights ago and wondered why any sane man would agree to wear one. Now I was suggesting it for her peace of mind.

“For you, I’ll wear one while your sister is around.”

She looked at me as if trying to decide if she should agree or trust in me to keep Allison off of me. I took the initiative.

“Pick one. We’ll order it and it’ll be here in time for us to have it on the trip.”

“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around my parents,” she shook her head.

“Just pick one,” I said. “We’ll bring it with us and decide to use it or not. If we use it, you keep the key to the lock.”

She frowned, but we finally selected one that didn’t look like it was too uncomfortable to wear. I ordered it and set it to be shipped to the house.

“I’m really not comfortable with this,” she said with a sigh. “I don’t want you to feel like I don’t trust you.”

“That’s not how I feel at all,” I told her. “This is about me trusting you. First, I trust your judgment that Allison is a threat. Second, I trust you with the key to unlock it.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” she asked sheepishly.

“Until we make sure that Allison has no interest in breaking us up, I’d prefer it,” I told her. “I’ll never touch her, but this stops any misunderstandings that she might be able to arrange. The last thing I need is to come out of the shower and find her lying across the bed waiting to ambush me.”

She nodded and looked at the screen again, getting another hard look at what we’d just bought.

“Okay,” she relented, her voice sounding relieved. That told me that the fear was real for her. I held her quietly for a while and let her calm down, taking the mouse long enough to close the browser window so she wouldn’t keep looking at what we’d bought.

“We probably won’t need it,” I soothed her gently, “but it’s for both our peace of mind.”

She nodded and slowly, we got back to a normal mood. We talked about Christmas in Atlanta instead of Washington and she regained a little of her good mood as we planned to help May with dinner.

“Let’s call her and make plans to be there,” I said lightly, hoping that May would cheer her up considerably.

We called and got hold of May.

“Hello Rand! I am so happy to hear from you again.”

“Hello May. I’ve got some good news and good news.”

“Oh my. Two good bits of news. I feel so special!”

“May, this is Melody.”


“Oh my, this is good news. Hello my dear. So, you are the wonderful woman that has saved my Rand’s life?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Ok, first things first, Melody. My name is May, not ma’am.”

“Thank you. Rand and my friends call me Mel.”

I cuddled with Mel and talked a little, but mostly let them make the arrangements between them.

“May, we would like to take you up on your invitation. Can we come for Christmas?”

“Oh yes! I’ll have one of the spare rooms ready for you.”

“No, we’ll stay at a hotel. We don’t want you to go to any trouble for us. We’ll book a suite, so you don’t have to worry about us being in the way. It also gives us somewhere to retreat if Beth doesn’t like the idea of us.” Mel said with a giggle.

“You let me handle her,” May said with a conviction that said Beth had better be prepared to face the skillet if her mother became angered. “My daughter may be a handful, but she’ll behave under my roof. You two are coming at my invitation. Glen and Beth will just have to deal with it, or they can cook their dinner out in the garage - and eat it out there as well. Glen likes to keep a case of MRE packs in the garage, they can just snack on those, if they misbehave.”

This was May on the warpath. I’d never heard her dig in and draw battle-lines like this. I was a little intimidated.

“Uh, May?” I cut in, uncomfortably. “I’m a little worried. It sounds like you’re kind of looking forward to duking it out. What’s up?”

“The more time I spend thinking about the past six months, the less I like how Beth treated you,” she said with a sigh. “You both tell me that she fell out of love with you a long time ago and I’ve given that a lot of thought, too. If Glen had learned to keep his fat mouth shut, she might have had more respect for you, so I’m mad at both of them. I love them dearly, but I love you too, Rand. You’ve treated me like your own mother for as long as you’ve known me. I won’t turn my back on you and if they don’t like it, well, they know where the MREs are!” she growled.

Same as DreamWeaver
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“Eight…. Nine…. Ten.” With a resounding THUD Scott let the bar fall back into place on the rack. He and his training partner Justin were doing arms this morning, which was usually a very enjoyable workout, but Scott’s head was not in it, and Justin could tell. “What the hell’s the matter with you today? It’s not like you to be distracted during a workout, but your brain looks like it’s a million miles away right now.” “I’m sorry brother. I don’t know what is the matter this morning.” Which...

2 years ago
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Supergirl and Powergirl Snobs Pleasure

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Supergirl and Powergirl ? Snob?s Pleasure By? Sonya? Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Supergirl and Powergirl are property of DC COMICS. This is not a story intended for profit-making. This is also not intended for anyone below the age of 18. Supergirl and Powergirl fall under the power of a jealous celebrity, who...

2 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 141

“So, how does it feel?” asked Aradelle, lying with her elbows on one of her petals with her chin resting on her hands. A stray breeze shook the white and blue petal but Aradelle never moved, held up by the two thick vines coming from the center of her flower that turned into her legs. Where those legs met an occasional drip of her clear nectar fell to the petal and ran back to the middle of her flower.“Not much different really,” said Bea sitting nearby and casually playing with Kal’s hair...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Battlemage Book 4 the Red DragonChapter 2

As Rayne slowly rode past the testing grounds she saw Anne-Marie as she headed back inside the guild hall on the other side of the ring from where she was. She was now the new guild master, and was watching over the training of the younger guild members. She remembered the first time she was on a battlefield under her command. "What? They only sent twenty of you? And half of them are young girls? Are you kidding me? What kind of fool do you take us for?" asked the Commanding...

2 years ago
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A Little Irish MagicChapter 3

About the time that the emerging Roman Republic had backstabbed the Celts and the Celts were on their way to Rome to demonstrate to the Romans that in the history of bad ideas, backstabbing your Celtic allies was in the top ten, there lived, in a small fishing village off the Northwestern Coast of Modern day Ireland, a wizard by the name of Quinn. Actually, he had a longer name than that, but being an easy going type of wizard, he preferred being called Quinn. Now, being a fairly powerful...

2 years ago
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I am a CockSucker Cuckold Now

This happened a few years ago while vacationing in Puerto Rico. My wife and I were down for a week getting away from the cold snowy winter up north. It was great to be down in the tropical sun partying and enjoying the beaches and local fun.Just the standard back story here -- at the time, I was 36 and my wife Donna was 34. We had one k** at home with his grandparents. Donna is a very hot mom too. Thick dark hair, curvy in the right places and a thick, dark hairy bush. Not out of control hairy,...

1 year ago
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High School Streakers

High School Streakers I own a diner with a unique position in the middle of town and with an entrance on both major streets. It almost happed by accident several years ago when the guy on the next block said that he was considering selling out. He laughed when he suggested that I could triple my dinning area just buy knocking out the far wall. He made so much sense that I made him an offer and he accepted it. That was almost twenty-years ago. Somewhere about that time a high school...

2 years ago
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SingularityChapter 5 Internal Investigation

Robert Givens, the project manager of NASA’s ISSDD program, stared at Eric across the metal table, slowly tapping his fingers. “So, Morgan, I’m interested in hearing how you came to be here?” Stanley Wright, the director of Cape Canaveral operations leaned forward with a cold glare. “I’m interested in how he slipped out of the capsule, and where he’s been for the last day. Son, you’ve embarrassed all of NASA. Thanks to you, we stand to lose all our funding. What were you thinking?” Givens...

2 years ago
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Once Upon A Summer Part 1

I’ve been told that I’m a wonderful lover. I don’t know if that’s true or not, and I laugh when I say it because it sounds so incredibly arrogant and egotistical, but to the extent that it may be true I owe it all to her, and to that summer all those years ago. I’d turned seventeen that April and planned to get a summer job when school let out. My father insisted, saying that the experience would be good for me and that I’d earn more than I had with my previous summer pursuit of mowing lawns....

First Time
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pietagammaalphanuomega pirhoomic

Ήμουν στή αγορά όταν έλαβα ένα μήνυμα στο κινητό μου: «Δεν θα έρθω σπίτι, εσύ όμως θα πας να ντυθείς σαν πουτάνα και θα έρθεις στο σκάφος στις οκτώ το βράδυ». ήταν από τον 60´άρη πού τραβιέμαι. τον έxω μάθει τωρα και μονολόγισα. τι έκπληξη με περιμένει? σύγουρα πολλά καυλιά!να Με ξεφτιλίζουν...Ανυπομονούσα να έρθει η ώρα να πάω στο σκάφος. Πήγα σπίτι, φόρεσα δικτυωτές κάλτσες, ένα φόρεμα το οποίο ήταν κοντό, στράπλες που έπιανε κάτω από το στήθος μου και άφηνε τα βυζιά μου έξω, εκτεθειμένα,...

1 year ago
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Naughty Girl Gets Punished

It seems that ever since I turned seventeen, I have been getting into more and more trouble with my parents. They keep telling me if I don’t change my ways they’ll ship me off to my uncle’s. They tell me he’ll put me in my proper place. I, of course, don’t want this since he lives in the middle of nowhere.I tend to like to stay out with my friends all night, and even drink a little. I haven’t been arrested, nor have I done anything illegal outside of underage drinking. I do skip school a lot, I...

First Time
2 years ago
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Tammy Tammy was delirious with climaxing release. Her voice was now a series of hoarse grunts as the spasms began to swell together in a final, exhausting explosion of pleasure. Her cunt was now overflowing with hot, frothy sperm, squirting out of her pussy lips with each of his thrusts. She felt the sticky fluid ooze down, warming up her asshole and thighs. When he gave a last, grinding pump, she felt her guts press into her lungs, causing her to lose her breath.After a few moments, he pulled...

1 year ago
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Foursome the best way to start

It started as Tiffany and I. She's a taller than me, we are both very fit, I'm a bit more petite. She and I like pegging, she's very dominate. I had my chastity cage on since early in the morning, it had made me pretty horny so I thought I would play to Tiffany's dom-side and get one of Anna's cheerleading outfits. She and I are about the same size and Tiffany likes a flirty girl type.Tiffany got her strapon and Anna got curious so she wanted to come watch (watching is not uncommon in our...

3 years ago
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My Favorite Student Part 1

I was shocked when one of the other teachers, one of my best buds, showed me the story. Of course I knew who had written it. Everyone could have guessed. She was a unique seventeen yeard old girl. She wasn’t makeup-and-clothes-obsessed, she wasn’t a mouthy brat, she wasn’t an angst-ridden teenager, she just was who she was. Her hair was a shade of red you could never bottle. Her eyes were hazel, my favorite eye-color on a woman, always swirling with emotions and mystery. She liked the same...

1 year ago
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Getting There

I figured it was about a four hour drive, most of it on the Interstate, to Camp Hoyle, where my son is stationed. Kevin had a weekend pass and invited us up to see the place and maybe do some fishing. I had our gear in the big chest back in the bed of my pickup. The day was warm and sunny, but not too hot. Good for driving. We had the windows cranked down—no AC in my old Dodge—and a nice breeze blew through the cab. "Are we almost there yet?" Jill said. She smiled impishly and tossed her...

3 years ago
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Strapon Dream Cum True

He had pretty much resigned himself to the fact that he was never going experience his dream come true. What was his dirty little secret? What thoughts tormented him? You see Edwards’s ultimate fantasy was to become the complete strapon slut of a sexy Black woman. To have her take control, to use him and to fuck him senseless. He would masturbate and think of nothing but the seductive curves and beautiful Ebony skin of a dominant and powerful black woman and he could see the darker than...

1 year ago
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A Dream Come True

This story is fantasy as far as actual relations with another person. The statements about my abilities and desires are true. For some this relationship is common; for me it is strictly a dream. ****************************************** ***** As I do several times a week, I walked downtown to the Post Office to check my mailbox. I tend to 'size up' almost all of the females I see. If I see one especially good looking, and especially in a dress or summer apparel that shows lots of leg or torso,...

3 years ago
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Lost In Hazel Eyes Part3

I woke up in the middle of the night to find my panties damp and my nipples swollen. I was hot, the covers tangled at my feet. My satin blouse stuck to my sweaty chest, I could feel the heat emanating from my vagina. I got out of bed and walked over to the window opening it up to let in the cool air. The back of my apartment building overlooked a large forested area which encircled a lake. Untouched by the lights of the city the moon lit up the tops of the trees and reflected off the flowing...

2 years ago
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Interview With The Tentacle Demon Chapter 5 Sorority

"Julie Rhodes?" "Yes?" Julie barely glanced up from her work. There was always more paperwork to do. Accounting, payroll, purchase orders, work orders, the job of an office clerk was never done. It was better than the being on the factory floor, but not by much. She was looking forward to retirement. "Formerly Julie Stone, of Eta Nu Tau?" "Goddammit!" Julie hissed. "What are you, a reporter? When are you people going to leave me alone? It was forty years ago, and you cock...

2 years ago
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Hard strate up

This is only one year old .Canberra Australia. At the mustang ranch. I was parked out side a gay book shop sent a few people go in worked up to go in no one I said to the guy were is every one first time yes£15.00 dollars get towl locker kes take show thir ten room have fun got undress in the shower walked up and fuck big cocks fucking stood around watching two cock in one hole moved into a big dark room DVDs gay porn few guy pulling sucking moved up the back started getting hard when I...

3 years ago
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The CureChapter 63

The station hung like a Christmas tree bauble under the firmament of the stars in the system of Strichen, an uninhabited red dwarf system on the border of the Emirate closest to the Empire. Although somewhat old by current standards, the station at least had pleasingly aesthetic looks and had been further modified by the Empire’s Bureaucracy of Interstellar Infrastructure both internally and externally to fit the occasion of a Royal wedding, including a full battlestar defensive grid. “Bit...

2 years ago
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Another Satisfied Client

“Isn’t this a great bedroom?” Cynthia asked her client as he looked around the furnished room. “It is quite nice,” he responded, but she felt no warmth in his voice. “Look at this bathroom,” she instructed with a broad smile. “It’s quite roomy and has a walk-in shower that will hold you and your girlfriend at the same time. Just imagine how much fun that would be.” “My girlfriend?” he asked gruffly. She turned to him and smiled brightly. “Oh come on, Warren. I know damned well that you didn’t...

2 years ago
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Lord and Master Ch 01

Friday, June 29 1861 Southampton, Hampshire, England The stranger sitting in the corner of her parlor wouldn’t stop looking at her. Broad shouldered, well dressed, chin length brown hair, his blue eyes tore over her in an assessing way. ‘Let us begin, sir.’ Elizabeth, her mother and sister, the stranger and his lawyer were gathered in the parlor of her home. She knew that the meeting couldn’t come of good things. They had had meetings like this one before, Gentlemen and their lawyers would...

3 years ago
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“Suck hard bitch!” I tried to do as he said, but it was hard when he was fucking my face so hard that I couldn’t get it together. “You Slut! Suck harder!” he screamed at me. I relaxed and pressed down on his shaft sucking in as he pulled out. “Oh yeah! That’s more like it, I knew you could do it you slut.” I kept on doing this as my mind drifted away. How did I end up like this? Just minutes ago I was driving down the interstate, music blaring, trying my best not to fall asleep. If it hadn’t...

4 years ago
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Friends wife

My Dear Friends. Welcome back again. This is Seenu , I am attended the friends marriage The guests to their marriage are Anu, who is the wife of my friend ,Sharmila and two of the friends of Sharmila. They are Haleem, a Muslim girl, aged 21 and the best friend of Sharmila. Next Sirisha, aged 22, a woman married and the second best friend of Mine and her close to me as well as sharmila.. They know the illegal relation of Seenu and Sharmila, (of course told by Sharmila), they are invited to her...

1 year ago
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A Neighborly Threesome

The golf club women's championship was drawing to a close and Lori and Susan were in the last group of the day. They were both on cloud nine because their scores were the lowest of the three-day championship, which meant both would represent their club at the state championships. Lori sank her last putt and stood at the edge of the green, waiting for Susan to finish. The two women had become good friends after Susan moved to the city and into Lori's neighborhood. They golfed together a lot...

3 years ago
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Givers and Takers

So lets talk about how this all started. I enjoy being used, simple and easy. I have given head to about a dozen guys. It would have been more, but I have a tendency of chickening out right before I go through with it. Why?? Well I don’t think I really like sucking cock, I more like the feeling of degration, dirtiness, wrongness and getting used for only the person’s satisfaction. Sucking cock just seems the easiest way to accomplish this. If a guy I am talking to starts telling me how they...

3 years ago
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The Photo Album

Bob was busted. A woman had showed up at his home while he was at work and given his wife Roxy dates, times, and video of him screwing her a half-dozen times. When Bob came home after work and grabbed his wife’s ass because he had a good day and wanted a piece of it, he wasn’t prepared for her reaction. She sat him down and put the evidence on the kitchen table. He began stuttering and apologizing and she shut him off. “I’m not gonna get mad because she was really attractive and I know how men...

2 years ago
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Tommy and Me

I laid on the couch at Tommy's house, Tommy and his older brother, Adam, sat on the recliners. Lethal Weapon 2 played on their tv. Once the credits rolled I jumped up and headed to the kitchen. Tommy crawled out of the chair and followed me. I leaned up against the counter, facing him. He leaned on me, our faces almost touched. "Hey," he whispered, "Whats the matter?""Did Adam have to be here?" I whispered back. "I thought it was just gonna be you and me.""Hmm, I'm sorry, babe. I didn't realize...

First Time
3 years ago
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Strangers on the Northway

New York's route 87 isn't a very busy highway, even on holiday weekends. It's especially empty late on a Friday night. I was alone, and had driven from southern Connecticut almost non-stop. By the time I came upon the Clifton Park rest area I had to piss, but I decided to pass it by and hold on for the next 25 miles. I'd stop at the Glens Falls rest area; holding my piss helped keep me awake, and it made my dick hard; I always like feeling a little horny. When I pulled into the Glens Falls rest...

2 years ago
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Femdom Strapon

Up until a few years ago, my sex life was very conservative and pretty boring; certainly nothing worthy of a story. I had been with several men and the sex was often enjoyable, but it always ended up being very predictable and in the end, very vanilla. That all changed when I met my present boyfriend, Mike. He is very good-looking and is nicely equipped but what really sets him apart is his ability to use what he has. He is very open, very creative, and has this ability to get me to try things...

1 year ago
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Show Daddy what you can do

_________________________________________________________________ 16 year-old Monica lay on her back in her bed with a well built 17 year -old senior from her school between her legs pounding his hard cock deeply into her cunt. Her eyes were closed and she had her fingers in his chest hair. Soon she shuddered and rolled her head back and forth and dug her fingers into the bed sheets as she climaxed. Her orgasm brought him to his and as he came she opened her eyes. Monica screamed,...

3 years ago
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Divorced Dry Spell is Over Lesbian

Well, hell, I was feeling horny. So what was new? I just had to get out of the apartment, so I decided to slip down a few doors and see Pamela, a good friend and fellow apartment dweller. We had found a common bond as we were both divorcees in our early thirties with no thoughts of rushing into another marriage. She loved to talk about sex, so did I! She was a delightful neighbor to have.As I started to knock on Pam's door, I distinctly heard the sounds of lovemaking. I hesitated a moment, then...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Aria Valencia Vina Sky Lets See Your Flagpole

Aria Valencia and Vina Sky are wearing patriotic bikini tops and camo shorts to celebrate Memorial Day. The girls can’t stop talking about how cute they look. Getting nice and close, they snap a bunch of super sexy selfies. While the girls are focused on the camera, Aria’s stepbrother Ricky Spanish comes creeping out to stare at their hot asses. The girls finally notice, at which point Aria tells Ricky that he’s ruining her family sex fantasy because she’d never fuck...

1 year ago
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The Fulge

-------------------------------------------------- Her knee-high translucent skirt was oscillating at the cadence of her purposely slow pace set by the sharp sounds of her high heels. The sweet movements of her model like hips, up and down the popular Madrid street was generating the desired effect on the now transfixed set of on-lookers. Helena’s long wavy hair were almost indistinguishable from the tight, black, interweaved top that was meant to show more of her beautiful olive-tan...

2 years ago
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Brady Berta BoydChapter 9

It was nearing six when Robby came into the yard and went into the mission. “Hi Mom, Dad is coming. I rode ahead. Hank, Tom, Pete, and Captain Shaw are with him too.” “Is that all?” “No, Jim, Uncle Harry, and Sylvio are with them too.” “Did the construction outfit reach there yet?” “It has. They have some huge horses, bigger than I have ever seen before. They have looked at the place where they are going to work. Sylvio and the Indians have been working on cleaning out where the water is...

2 years ago
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An October Afternoon

                                    A n October Afternoon.   It was a slow in the office that early October afternoon so Wendy left early for the day.   Pulling into her driveway, she saw her son Brandon’s car which meant he'd already picked up his younger sister, Brittany, from high school cheerleading practice.   Once inside the house, Wendy kicked off her shoes then went to the kitchen and found the kid’s books on the dinette but, no evidence of the usual afternoon...

4 years ago
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Troy and His Nephew

His nephew was coming for a visit. This seemed a simple enoughphrase but they were words of near panic for Troy. After all, he hadn'tseen the k**, his name was Josh, for ten years. Josh was seven when Troyhad moved out East. His sister's son was a scruffy little k** who alwaysseemed to be pestering him. Troy had kept busy with his work and all, andbesides phoning and letters, had not been back to see his family sincethen. His sister, with four k**s, couldn't really afford to visit...

3 years ago
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Morning Delight

Master, while You were sleeping i noticed that the sheet had slipped down exposing that beautiful cock of Yours to my eyes and of course, as always, a desire to please it...it was soft when i quietly laid down with my mouth only inches away...softly i kissed each of the shaved balls, licking them lightly with my tongue...i watched Your balls move around for awhile enjoying the sight of them heaving...soon i flicked the base of Your soft shaft with my tongue and saw a small response as it began...

3 years ago
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Full Figured Chic Ch 02

An undersized round man with a crown of hair around his head walked in, immediately bumping into the table and spilling the withered hand, despite the almost half inch thickness of his glasses. ‘Oh god — sorry.’ He stammered into the musty air of the shop. The two women turned when the door opened, and he hadn’t looked in their direction at all. Sasha wondered who he apologised to. At that moment, a thick purple curtain, heavy with gold beads and sequins, parted and a woman Sasha assumed to...

2 years ago
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E113 Subjects E and F

Thursday morning, Emma tells Donald to go and shower himself while she tans and is massaged.  She feels such compassion for him now, but she knows she cannot back down from being his femdom yet.  The self-realization he has been experiencing these last few days, Emma understands, and his deep desires to explore this side of him.  She does not want to deny him this opportunity.So Emma remains strong and continues this ‘punishment’ Donald now feels he deserves and wants.Though he is unhappy as he...

Love Stories
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First Kiss At Her Pussy

My dear all ISS readers as well as lovers and I give my heartfelt respects to those who take sex as an eternal passionate feeling rather than just maintaining the image of getting laid or screwing or banging and for me sex is an way of expressing the love which one carries for someone. This is my first story on ISS rather I can say my first attempt of sharing something which I could not tell some person in real and so cutting the crap and lets jump to the topic that how I landed with a pussy...

2 years ago
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Soft Cuffs on the Couch

So, last night, decided thatI was up for a little self bondage. Stipped down to a t-shirt and panties (light blue for those who want to know), chose a DVD (Ballista 2, an older one) and went to the couch. While standing up, I put on soft cuffs around my ankles adn on my thighs. Could shuffle aroudn if I had to but wasn't planning on it. For a little stimulation, bent over and inserted a small, vibrating anal probe, letting the control dangle from the panties waist band, didn't turn it on.On...

4 years ago
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Zs Sophies Revenge

I was different now. After the physical pain and mental panic and the feeling of helplessness wore off, I began to feel a confidence I had never before known. I don't know where it came from, but from some deep, resilient core within my soul I radiated assuredness. And so I started to plot my revenge. At first, I contemplated telling my father, who would confront Mr. Smythe. But I had to be realistic, my father was a normal-sized man, middle-aged. He was strong from years of farm work...

3 years ago
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Erotic Dreams

She laid naked waiting for him. She was his to do as he pleased. She loved his visits to her room. He had taught her everything she knew about sex and pleasing a man. She loved his manly body and could never get enough. She welcomed it in every hole in her body. They met every night in her room and as often as they could when she could get him alone. He was her moms live in boyfriend and he craved her young sexy body. He knew when he moved in with the mom the daughter would be a special treat...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Angela White Natural National Treasure Angela White Means Business

Angela White is an appraising banker turning viewers into wankers. The blue-eyed Aussie is at Jule’s house to assess value. White is adorned in juicy red business attire. Displaying cleavage that would make giving out free toasters completely unnecessary… Angela, who is used to clients eyeballing her rack says “So you want to get serious about this breast worship?”. Angela allows Jordan to squeeze the golden orbs. She then executes a brutal tease. Sliding one heaving breast out with a nipple...

2 years ago
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Vacation TwoChapter 37

Monday morning is always exciting as it's the beginning of a new week. New challenges, new goals, and new projects are waiting for all of us. This morning I got Ryan off to the side and asked if he was up for me to go through our dealerships and distributorships, one at a time, to see how they were doing. He became excited, saying he would love to show me how they were doing. I asked him to make up an itinerary for us and we would fly around to as many as we could get to in a week. If we...

1 year ago
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University Life First Ch 01

‘Mum, Mum…MOTHER!’ Kainene screamed the last word. ‘Gah! What is it, Child?’ Her mother snapped in irritation. She was trying to stuff her daughter’s novels into her suitcase and it refused to shut. Her face was red, she was sweaty and her daughter was screeching in her ear. She was not best pleased. ‘Don’t yell at me mum, I’m trying to tell you not to bother squeezing them novels in. I’ve got space in this other bag.’ Kainene rolled her eyes. Gosh, she was the one who had to move to Bristol...

3 years ago
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Falling In Love With Kyle Chapter 2

Introduction: Heres the second part to my story! Its got more sex-related context but still no sex. Its coming, though, I swear! Hope you like it, and leave me comments, I love to read them! Also, the next part probably wont be posted until next week as I have a very busy weekend ahead of me, and not much time to write! Ill post is as soon as I can though! His lips against mine, kissing me deep and slow as I straddle his waist, gently grinding against him. He pulls back and his lips brush...

1 year ago
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The Champions Companion 24

As Kaarthen’s bored mind rode along with them, and reveled in their surroundings, they sat talking about the issues the Princess had to address. Around them, nude women and others in bead skirts, or diaphanous shawls lounged in the bathing area decorated in red velvet and gold rope. Women of high class gathered socially in the temple. Few were present to celebrate their menses. Most were avoiding the world getting massages, sleeping, or talking quietly. Novices went around offering...

1 year ago
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Luck By Chance Is True

Right from the beginning, Eve had persuaded Adam to have the forbidden fruit despite objection from God. And it’s not strange, when we think about the actions committed due to persuasion. This can come in any form! I too had some persuasion which resulted in the matter why we all are, here for and hence would like to pen down the incident. This happened while i was 18, and was a time when i used to jack off at least three times a day. The reason, i was scared to take any initiative approach to...

1 year ago
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MY SLUTTY WIFE Hi Folks, I am back once again. I have been receiving several mails from males and females after reading my story “MY WIFE ENJOYED WITH HER FRIEND 1 AND 2. After this my life has undergone several changes and I am enjoying it. After reading my stories a guy mailed me his response. Later we exchanged few mails and now we have become friends. He has now told me to write his story as he is unable to do so. My friend is from western part of India goes by the name of Sunil. This...

1 year ago
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No turning back neighbor daddy p3

''dont cry Alex its going to be just fine you are a sissy boy now , dont cry its ok my sexy boy , you never were meant to be a boy ''''butt buttt daddyyyy i dont wantttt this .....''''im ok to wear panty and stuff but ....but no this pleasse''''its ok baby , you dont need it anymore , all you need is my cock ''''oh noooo noo i cant, i cant , stoppppp ''''please pleaseee dont ''''dadddy noooo no dont lock it pleaaaaasssseee ahhhhhhh nooooo its too small stop stop nooooooo''daddy had me on the...

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