TandraChapter 46 free porn video

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Chris once she was rested seemed less on edge. I had to admit, that I felt the same way. Pulling her close we followed all the data we could from the probes and Cal's interpretations.

Four hours after the rescue operation began Mom materialized in our shadow and entered her previous boat bay. Her hatches opened, and thousands of stunned barbaric Tandra and other races drifted out on her tractors. Cal took each of them, and deposited them into a very large stasis chamber, made ready in advance. There was no way that three of us, plus Mom and Cal, could take care of all of these people. With both Mom and Cal scanning the individuals for necessary skills, I felt that no trained person would get through our hands.

When almost forty thousand individuals, stunned and packed like sardines had been removed from her holds, she returned for others. A quick upload, showed us the conditions she found on the surface of the planet. Since the plants had been sending out meat, then there was no reason to investigate any irregularities if they were found.

Time passed slowly and each of us stood watch, till the wedding festivities started. Cal's auxiliary ships brought in more of the desperate people, and they to were again processed and put into stasis. Chris became irritable and needed constant reassurance and attention. The cure I used seemed to work for me as well as for her. John had no such help, and his mood steadily soured.

Hours before the wedding, a major flotilla approached. Their number almost doubled the present complement of major ships. Cal's interception of the communications showed us, that the new arrival was the groom, King Sook, aboard the dreadnaught 'Disembowel'. The pronunciation of the ship's name was too difficult for Human vocal cords to sound. His betrothed, Samlay, daughter of King Tinsu, waited in the palace, for the groom's arrival. From Cal's thoughts on Samutz culture, we could just as easily find a battle taking place, except that King Sook would reunite two Samutz empires, and not need to this time.

All of Cal's data on the Samutz Empire actually covered only King Tinsu's territory. These two systems had been at one another's throats for centuries. This was very unlike Samutz. They would kill their enemy, instead of aligning through marriage. The empire of King Sook was only twelve systems. Other small one system monarchies abounded throughout this section of the arm, and paid homage to either of the two kings.

The hectic pace of the meat processing plants slowed and stopped. Mom and the other ships had brought in almost three hundred thousand people. A hundred and ninety thousand remained, hidden below the surface of the planet. With some Tandra volunteers, the rest of the crew boarded the ships, and returned with what captives they could.

I stood, as my girls were deposited on the deck of one of our larger boat bays. They immediately ran to me, with outstretched arms. They all looked haggard from loss of sleep, worry of being caught, and all the loads they took upon their shoulders, when dealing with such desperate and destitute people.

The rescued Tandra, stood in awe of John and me, as we greeted the returnees. The men formed ranks, and stood at ease, awaiting a formal dismissal. When all the men had come to parade rest, they snapped to attention. I walked in front of the men and decided that my thanks must be given.

"I want to thank all of you for putting your lives on the line, to save these people, even though they are not even your species. All of you were just following orders, but I know, that you went far beyond those orders to make these people as comfortable, and as safe as possible. Many would have died from simple misunderstandings. If it weren't for some very quick thinking, the Samutz would have found what was happening, and killed all of you."

I was referring to some men in particular, that had gone into the streets of the capital city Suron. They went to recover individuals that had escaped from the sewers, and tried to make their way to the countryside. In one case, a few Samutz had seen the escapees, and were starting to give an alarm. The men had dispatched them, and hid the bodies in the sewer, with the stunned bodies of the escapees.

I knew the men appreciated our notice of their commitment to the cause. Our new guests knew next to nothing, of what was going on, because they could not communicate well. Much later, they would remember this time, if we lived that long.

The men were then dismissed to get cleaned, eat and sleep. The former captives were put into stasis, to await settlement in either a new home, or the one they came from. I still hated to do this, but we hadn't enough people to get all of them reacquainted with Tandra technology. A happy exception was finding a few thousand Tandra, with an education similar to the ones on Earth. They had been taken out of stasis, by the Samutz, after they forced their way into the dome, using some thoroughly brainwashed Tandra. These again took the chairs to begin healing, and regaining their priorities and self esteem.

Just before the wedding, Cal gave me the devastating news. The new king and queen were being given a system to play with, and feed off, during their honeymoon. If King Sook found it suitable he could add it to his empire, as a gift from his father-in-law. The direction and distance said that it could be no other than Sol.

King Tinsu had offered to take the planet, for the new family, but King Sook wanted the pleasure, even though Tinsu had already assembled a training crew to do the small chore. This crew, he did not know, were no longer in existence.

Part of the reason for our preemptive attack on Epsilon Eridani, was to gain some of the weapons we needed to defend ourselves. The first captured ship told us that the same weapons were to be used against us. Now I could see that much more than just those few ships were to come against a very weak Sol system.

I begged Cal to try to find their itinerary. Given enough time, we could mount a suitable defence. Cal doubted if all of the ships would go on the honeymoon. The king would go to his home planet first, to display his new bride, before taking a few ships to subdue a primitive planet. Even one ship, could easily take Earth, and all the inhabitants, even with our stepped up defences.

In an almost all or nothing gesture, I ordered all of the smaller ships to resume deliveries of the beer, spirits and virus. This time we used any and all strains. If a few percent lived through one contagion, then they were not likely to live through two or more. Almost three quarters of the new ships accepted our largesse, along with many of the old ones. The notable exclusions were the major ships of the groom. Their training must have precluded them taking any gifts, even if from the king's future father-in-law's people.

The ones that refused our offer were targeted by the small probes carrying only the long term virus we released on the planet below. They went out in clouds, to attack the goliaths. They infiltrated the other ships through any hatch only secured with a shield. Luckily, all the ships had some areas that were weak enough that they could enter. Their numbers were much smaller, than I would like. It took a lot of time to make the specialized virus that they carried. Their small numbers had been sent off regardless; hoping against hope, that they would do the job assigned them.

As this was happening, the local equivalent of television was used to beam the scenes of the actual wedding, to the others on the planet, and those still in space.

The locale was much like an arena in ancient Rome. Thousands of spectators crowded the seats as two pairs of Samutz came out. King Tinsu and his daughter from the west side. King Sook came from the other, accompanied by another Samutz I took for his best man.

Fifty metres from one another, the groups stopped and waited theatrically, for the crowd's approval. When a roar was heard, that shook the structure, Sook and Samlay approached each other alone. The intervening area was wet. Mud started to creep up their ankles, and eventually to their hips. Simlay sank into the mud and then stood up. The mud now covered her to her neck. Sook looked fairly confidant as he moved toward his intended. Simlay did not want to come too close for some reason and stood just outside his grasp.

This seemed to be much more than a reluctant bride. King Sook started first and jumped close with a burst of speed that I was amazed at. He punched the bride enough to knock her back into the mud. She sank, and came up fuming. Keeping low, she worked toward her opponent. Sook kept facing her, till he was facing the glow of the local sun. At his first squint she attacked. A hand went for his eyes to incapacitate him, while another threw mud to hit his eyes if he moved.

He knew of the diversion, and moved a step back. The quick step was not very sure, and Samlay jumped on him, trying to gouge his eyes again. He punched her once, then again, with the other hand. She staggered and lashed out again with some mud. This time the eyes were hit, and in that second she jumped on him, and tried her best to kill him.

Sook reared up angrily, and punched her in the face many times. He took her by the throat and pushed her under the mud. Her struggles were frantic. His arms ran green, with his blood and hers. An arm came up from below with a vengeance. It held a coconut sized rock. King Sook staggered back from the blow, leaving his opponent momentarily free.

Simlay regained her feet and breathed deeply. She kept a wary eye on her opponent and went after him before he was completely recovered. Sook was able to dodge the first strike with the rock but the second grazed his skull. A fit of rage seemed to take over and he viciously backhanded his truelove, knocking her back into the mud.

This time he seemed to know that his life was on the line and advanced on his bride-to-be. She came quickly to her feat but Sook took her neck in his left hand and repeatedly struck his fiancée in the face. When she quieted a bit he drove her body beneath the mud again and soon had to hold tight to her squirming body.

When she quieted he waited ten seconds, and pulled her out, and turned her over, to tie her hands behind her back, with some golden rope at his waist. Her face remained at all times beneath the surface of the mud.

The crowd cheered and cheered. Sook took the unconscious female, and threw her over his shoulder, and returned to his best man. They retraced their steps, and left the arena. Moments later the large and powerful craft left the planetary surface, to meet up with the dreadnaught.

The girls and I got ready, but the ship remained stationary in its orbit. Four hours later the same ship left the dreadnaught again, and returned to the planet. Our probes gave us the image of a now dutiful wife hanging onto her husband's arm, as they walked down the ramp, and into the palace.

The reception was not televised, but I was actually glad of the fact. The sights I would see would put me back into the same condition I had been in twice before.

Seven and half hours later, Cal warned us of the ships being made ready. The new couple boarded, and left for the dreadnaught. Like a well organized military operation, the ships left the system. The capital ships left for a star by the Tandra name of Zindor, about twenty three light years distant. The others pealed off and dispersed in the same general direction, but would not be able to keep up with the larger ships.

The decision was mine, and I knew I had to get to Zindor first. The 'Disembowel' could do almost three light years in a day. The eight day cruise would be only two subjectively for the crew. Since Samlay had been exposed to the virus she would only have two more days at journey's end, to live, while the rest of the crew had six.

If I was able to get to Zindor first, and again spread the virus, it may eventually be looked on as an attack by King Tinsu. If there were any survivors, then I would start a war that would do better at killing off the Samutz, than I could possibly hope to accomplish myself.

A quick acting virus would present Sook with a dying planet, and his crew as the walking dead. The last thing he would be looking for is a honeymoon planet to feast upon. Mom and Cal made ready with more of the viruses that we planned to fight with.

We left on a course at right angles to King Sook, to allay any fears if we were discovered. Once at the Mardaf Limit, we immediately went to the maximum speed possible. The girls were tired, and needed my attention nevertheless. I made love to each, in the tenderest way I could, and our speed allowed us to make the same eight day trip in one and a half hours. The other females, that were awake, seemed to help, which was an unheard of occurrence. Only the bonded group had previously been able to do this. Did this mean that all the women here were in this group?

We stopped short of our objective, and sent probes into the system. Zindor orbited a red giant. The comfort zone here was 450 million klicks, not the 150 million that the Earth enjoyed. The main city Farnac was even larger than Suron was. The defences around the planet make the planet we left, look like a tourist resort. There were large forts, evenly space, around the planet and ready to repel any invasion imaginable.

Three Omicron class ships kept vigil, as well as hundreds of other smaller ships. Giant troop transports, with their own landing craft, stood ready. It looked like Sook was ready to actually launch the attack against his father-in-law, or some other very strong enemy.

This system too, had massive ship building capacity, but looked much different than the Tandra made system on Samutzi. The sensors brought back lots of information, about the many planets and moons of the system. It became clear, that the Samutz worked on the labours of the previous masters of this system, but they were not the Tandra.

The long range scanners could not pick out the various types of aliens, only the ever present Samutz. This would mean that the food source was kept inside buildings, or shipped in and went directly to the consumer.

Cal had been building probes the entire time we remained around Samutzi, and this is when we would use most of them. Again, we were restrained by the ability to manufacture enough of the long term viruses, to complete the job to my satisfaction.

All ships went through a military blockade, and we would not be able to dump large volumes of contagions, even if we had the supplies to do so. We would need to rely on their natural ability to multiply in this case. The other quick acting virus was easily replicated, and available to us, and this went into many of the probes, that would be held in reserve.

The chain of Samutz sensors around the system assured the security of the Samutz, from massed intruders. We were obliged to stay far away from any ship, and rely on our own probes.

Through discussions with Mom and Cal, we found we could only use, the now standard way of attacking. The long term viruses would be dispatched as soon as possible, hoping to bring their lives to a less abrupt end.

The more important ships were dealt with first. Hundreds of probes went out to the battleships and hundreds more to the troop carriers even though they were only partially loaded. The chain of forts got only a few, but the amount of traffic they got, insured that the various viruses would spread regardless.

Small unobtrusive packets of death rained down on the planet, to spread as best they could, unaided. Other probes targeted important government buildings, and military complexes. These probes too, had the ability to compromise the computers, and AIs, that controlled the planet. The amount allotted to the planet was less than the ships in orbit, for the ships and orbital forts were the planet's main defensive positions.

Hours later, most of our stores of probes and virus were exhausted. More was being produced, and made ready, for the new ships that were entering and leaving the system, all the time.

Mom slipped out of her new home, and left, to drag cometary debris and ice from the periphery of the system, to keep up with the demand for raw materials. Her tractors gathered all that she could, compressed the debris into packets, and left it to allow her to hunt for more, without dragging a visible mountain behind her. We too retreated, and did our own hunting for raw material, but did not do as well as Mom did, on her own.

I had talked to many of the Tandra techs, but had stayed away from the mainly Softay and T'aut. They seemed to be very frightened of me, because to their eyes, I was almost as big as a Samutz, and therefore must have some of the other attributes, as well. My fast pace and determined manner, usually told them to stay out of my way, for fear of getting me angry, if I ran into them.

A tutor had given me their languages, for neither could mindspeak well. The Softay language was soft and easy to get off the tongue, but spoken very quickly. I had heard many Earth languages that seemed fast when heard by a person that did not understand the language. Here the Softay language was conveyed very fast.

The T'aut, on the other hand, spoke slower and seemed to put a lot of thought into every word they spoke. My jaw and tongue, made speaking the language difficult, even when I had all the technical skills of the Tandra behind me. Their stance and gestures conveyed a great deal of the meaning. I could use Mom or Cal to translate, but this way seemed to be cheating, or less polite.

Cal was the one that warned me of a potential problem, and a solution for one of our own problems. An older female Softay was despondent after losing her only child. The father happened to be one of the casualties inflicted on the gentle race. If help could be given, then we would be seen as a more benevolent race. Cal told me that the others of her kind had their own problems to deal with, and ignored the distraught mother. I had very little call to get any of the techs to help, other than the Tandra, even though there were almost a few thousand of the combined races. Perhaps this would be a way to get them to help me, and in doing so help themselves.

The distance to the bay was considerable, but I did not want to enter unannounced, so I came as close as I could, with the matter transmitter, and walked the remainder, whistling Greensleeves as I went. The tune was simple and slow enough, to perhaps get them to react less. I didn't want them to think they were being raided by the Samutz again. The Softay were stunned to find me, in what they came to think of, as their home. The bay was one of the largest, and stretched for over half a klick, and about a quarter wide. There was enough height to take in most of the ships that we ran across. Now it contained some troop transports, some assault landing craft, and a hundred or so fighters, of various sizes. They were not pressed for room, for the craft and the barracks attached to this section, would take almost ten times more than their number.

The Softay backed away, and the slow moving T'aut were caught against a small alcove. I stopped whistling, and spoke to them in their own language, and said, "Hello, good beings. I came down to find out if you were getting all the things you need." The terms I used were as close as I could use, to the T'aut way of speaking.

There was no reply. The T'aut were about a metre high, and just a little taller than the Softay. Small pink and green scales covered their entire body. The effect made them attractive. The head was almost round with a mouth that reminded me of a turtle. Some even had their mouths open in the same gesture, that a Human would have, and there were no teeth evident. Their hands sported only three digits, but were sufficient to do almost any job.

Cal told me that they enjoyed a warmer environment, than the Softay, and the bay was already the best compromise we could make, without one or the other suffering. The ships in the bay were all on standby, and little could be done to them, even by the techs.

"Cal, I would like you to form another shield around their area that will keep the air to their liking, and the area outside it to the Softay. Do we have enough supplies to make portable shields, to keep them comfortable outside their area?"

"Yes we do. There are many semiautomatic fabricators that would do the job nicely. Do you want me to automate them?"

"No, Cal I have a better idea."

There was little I could do now to make them comfortable, except make some warm spots for them. I turned slowly, and walked over the four troop transports, that they used for homes. Some of the younger ones fled my approach, thinking I would hurt or eat them. I placed my hand on the interface panel, and got access to the computer on the ship. I instructed it to begin warming the interior, and increase the relative humidity. A small screen was installed over the doorway, to keep the moisture in, but everyone could enter or leave if they wished.

By the time I got to the fourth ship, the T'aut had decided that I probably wasn't going to eat them yet, and just hid in the interior or behind small ships, on the bay floor.

As I finished, I spoke aloud to the ones hiding, "The ship that now carries us has just passed instructions to the food replicators in the troop transports, to change the food, to better suit you. The communal room too will serve food tailored for each of the races here. Later, when we are less pressed for time, we will improve things more. The troop transports will now respond to everything you ask it, and within its power, as long as it is considered safe. Rest and recover from your time with the Samutz. You will not fall into their grasp again. There are now a few fabricators, dedicated to your use. I would like you to make some personal shields, of the design best suited to your bodies. After that is completed, you may use them for your own needs."

I walked to the other end of the bay, with slow measured steps. Cal said, "The T'aut are talking over your speech, and do not know what to make of it. The younger ones aboard the ships are sampling the new food, and find it a lot better, than the plate provided them previously. The older ones are much more comfortable, in the warmer air. Some of the older techs cannot understand how they now have a relatively free access to the fabricators. Before everything was made for the Samutz exclusively."

The Softay saw that I killed or maimed none, but still stayed out of my way. All but a few, however. A youngster of only a few years had not heard the warning, and the others chasing him or her, in a game of tag. The youngster looking behind, did not see me till too late, and ran into my legs. He careened off them, and fell to the floor tangling with some of the closely following pursuit.

The rest stooped dead in their tracks, at the sight of the one armed, monster before them. The smallest in the pile was crying a high pitched wail, as only a child can make. I helped the child to its feet, and the rest quickly ran back to relative safety. The youngest looked to be a boy, now that he was close. He was on his belly with a bumped head. I gently picked him up with some difficulty, with one arm, and held the small bundle close. His arms came up to hold me, as he recovered, till he felt my uniform, and the crying immediately stopped. I did not need to read his mind, to know he was frightened out of his mind. A wet feeling down my front, told me how frightened he really was.

A female, perhaps the mother, came out and raised her arms, but would come no closer.

"You may come and take the child," I said in my best possible approximation of their speech. She hesitantly came. She was only a little over a metre tall, and if her hair was longer, she would remind me of 'It' on the 'Adams Family'. Her arms were long for her body, as well as her legs. Something along the lines of a monkey, except that there was no tail. The face had very short hair, that showed wide spaced eyes, and nostrils open in the front, with a very short turned up nose. The hands had four long digits, with a non-retractable claw at the end.

She came forward with her arms stretched as much as possible, to keep her body away from me, and recover the child. I took the small bundle, and reached out the same way, with one arm. The child balanced on my palm, and I placed the bundle into her hands. Immediately after getting the child, she retreated four metres, and continued to watch me, and the dark spot on my uniform. The child like the adults had tangled hair that would look a lot better if combed or brushed.

I had a comb in my back pocket, and I ran it through my own hair, to show her what it was for, and said, "You can take this, and try to straighten the boy's hair. Catch it." I tossed it, because she would not come closer. Her hand came quickly out, and snatched the comb out of the air, as if by magic. These people would make great ball players, if given the chance.

"Cal, could you make this without too much difficulty?" As I pictured a small plastic disk.

"Will this do?"

From mid-air a ceramic disk of almost the right proportions appeared, and fell before me. I reached out, and caught it before it fell far. It was quite light, but not too much.

I turned to the woman and asked, "Will you walk out to the open area, so I can throw this to you?" She did not want to do this, but decided to comply. Probably because it would take both of them further from me.

She went about ten metres, and I did my best to judge the weight, and flight characteristics of the 'Frisbee'. Activating my navigational aids, I threw the disk to her in a wide arc that came to her from the side. The disk was neatly snatched out of the air.

"Throw it back."

The disk flew to land close to my feet. I picked it up, and threw it back again. The woman had to be told again to comply, and this time I had to run to catch the projectile. This frightened her a little. Throwing the disk back right away, made her forget her fear, and the disk came back quicker and more accurately. I threw behind her, and she needed to reverse to catch it.

A thousand or so eyes followed our action, as the disk flew back and forth. The last time I threw it up at an angle, till it almost touched the ceiling, and came back to the woman easily.

The boy wanted down, now that his fears were forgotten, and to possibly get the Frisbee. This was the second time I had used this device, to win over friends, and I considered buying stock in the company.

The Frisbee went faster and faster. I played all of my old tricks, to put the Frisbee close but not close enough to be caught properly. The woman had very good reflexes, and hand/eye coordination. It did not take her long before she to was trying to get me to miss. The boy set up a howl, for his turn, and I threw it to him, in a gentle arc.

I moved to a different position, and we had a three way toss. The boy enjoyed this and laughed at our antics at trying to catch the elusive device. I tried to make it seem much harder, than it seemed, so his tosses were seen as very difficult to catch, till I missed and fell spectacularly.

The boy came running over to see if I was hurt, and I grabbed him and using a leg to pin him loosely. I tried to tickle him with my one hand. I was very lucky for the boy did happen to be ticklish, or the entire act would have resulted in another interspecies fiasco. I quickly got up, and ran for the Frisbee, and passed it to the boy who was just recovering from the unexpected attack.

We played a few more minutes, before I called a halt, and allowed the two to continue to play. I did not know if the adults played with the children or not, but I did have hopes in this matter. Walking off to what I thought a safe distance, seven boys raced to their companion, to investigate his find. Cal gave me a dozen more, at my request, and the boys were stunned to find all twelve flying towards them at once. I turned as they were still in the air, and went to my main objective.

Cal's intel told me that the depressed mother's name was Nedue. She was presently in a far corner of one of the troop carriers, and beyond his passive scanners. My route took me past many startled Softay, as they came from around corners, or onto my level from above. I started my whistling again, and walked to a section in the far back. I found her sitting on her knees staring at the bulkhead, and rocking back and forth to her mumbling speech. The golden fur was dirty and unkempt. It was as if she had not cleaned herself for a long time. I had seen this before, in people trying to wish themselves to death, after a great personal tragedy.

Everything Cal told me about her seemed to be correct, and I knew what I had to do. Luckily I was prepared for some of it.

"Cal, are you ready to transport her?"

"Yes, Admiral."

"Then do both of us at the same time, and be prepared to sedate her."

She and I both disappeared, and materialized in the large shower room I had made for my family and myself. Nedue had not even noticed the change in locale, and her keening cry now seemed different in the much larger room. The smell coming from her was not as nice as I would like. It smelt acidic, if not from her equivalent of uric acid.

Same as Tandra
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Having sex is a dream come true for any desperate teen. Sex with a teacher is the ultimate goal. [email protected] for feedback and comments. And if any woman wants a discreet and online fun during lockdown. I’m going to tell a story about my teacher whom I enjoyed this with. Believe me she was a real beauty and I was lucky chap to have her. This goes back to the studies time. Our computer teacher was a newly married lady around 24 years of age, 5′ 7″, extremely fair,...

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The TeacherChapter 24 How do you plead

Meredith walked in while all this cajoling was going on. Seeing that quite a few parents were still hesitant to get their feet wet in spite of all their pious platitudes, rather than go to her bedroom to take her clothes off, she decided to make a show of it and tossed her clothes about the living room in the middle of the crowd. "Gods! That's a relief!" she cried out. "My bra was driving me crazy all day. Does anybody want some tea before they have to leave?" Lisa came in from the...

3 years ago
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Pyar Bhi Hari Aur Shart Bhi

Hello, mera naam Ami hai. Me 23 year ki hun aur independent ladaki hun, meri hight 5’8 hai aur slim aur sexy hun. Aaj ke din me life me pahele jese koi complications nahi hai. Me apake sath mera experience aur betrayed love life ke bare me batana chahti hun. Niraj mera boyfriend tha, aur hum 2 sal se sath the. He was good (kam se kam muje to vahi lagata tha!) dikhane me thik thk tha aur hamari love life kafi romantic thi aur sex life common, me shayd sapano ki dunia me thi. 6 mahine pahel e...

2 years ago
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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 10

It is probably good that I watched as Sally claimed her brother that day. That is because if I hadn't, I might have accidentally seen Jack claim his sister. I cannot tell you why one was acceptable to me, and to the other I would object. It was just the way I felt. I mentioned that Jenny was not there when Louis went to "visit his sister." That is because she was told she could have some time off for a little family time with Jack. As I said before, I didn't see what happened, but the...

4 years ago
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Hritika8217s Affair With Shekher

My name is Hritika Saxena and I am from Delhi India.Here I am going to write an another affair of mine after marriage.In my previous story ”Starting of Hritika’s affairs” I told a lot about my self and also written how I entered in extra marital affairs with Shekher Ahuja.Hope you have readed that story,If not yet then plz read it also to know me and Shekher a well. Although I am introducing myself a bit again here,I am 23 age,and married,I got married when I was 21,I am already graduate in...

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Farmhouse Tales of Sex and Debauchery

As a very young girl I watched a trilogy of Italian movies from the seventies. These were my bedtime feasting, heavy in sexual innuendo and full of beautiful curvaceous Italian women, heavy breasted and titillating, heavy breathing and full of dirty old men, firing a girls imagination, and the naughty ending under the bedclothes, something my roommates never failed to comment about. Looking back I guess these and others like the 'Story of O', and the 'Decameron' brought me into my oestrous...

3 years ago
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Alternate Mom

Based on the short story Alternatives, by Union Street (?) Hiya. I’m Matt, your narrator. This story about 34 year old Becca and her son Michael is based on a short story I read years ago. I recently stumbled across it again in Old Joe’s Collection on ASSTR. It wasn’t as good as I remembered, but thank God I found it, because I had always wanted to do an updated version. I advanced the scenario to 2019, and retooled the characters of mom and Joe to my liking. I also truncated the storyline so...

2 years ago
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The Raid

Black pillars of smoke curled upwards against a grey sky behind the wall of the garden. The clouds were tainted in yellow and red from fires burning in the town. The raid had started before sunrise while everyone was asleep and would continue long into the night. A weak rain was setting in and the distant sounds of steel clashing against steel and men screaming their warcries grew more silent by the minute. The town was lost. Now the looting would begin. The Captain stood inside the garden,...

4 years ago
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Sex With Classmate 8211 Part III

Hi, yeah meri pehli story hai, please friend comment on it if you like. Now come to point, I’m going to write this story in Hindi. Mera naam inder hai, good looking, smart with sexy body,dick size about 7 inchess. Mai us waqt +2 mai tha, meri ek class mate thi jiska naam hai ‘Sonia’. Woh itni sunder thi ki mai shabdo mai uski tareef nahi kar sakta. Uski height 5″9, bright face slim body, boobs abhi bahut chote the, uski umar us waqt 18 saal thi, woh class mai mujhse aage wale bench par bethi...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9Chapter 12 New Mission

I ordered my friends and crew back to the ship. Malmoru had instant and unquestioned authority and no one asked any questions. The word was, that the White Innocent Fur had indeed prevented the darkest spirt from causing the demise of all Togar. The dark spirit, so the word among the Togar had manifested itself in the High Priestess. Something that fits well with the believes and also apparently resonated well with the rebels and dissidents. The demise of the queen, by the hand of that dark...

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Another Year at St Cats Ch 05

Reality Stings —————— Wednesday, 9 April —————— It was the kind of bright, airy spring day that felt warm when you were in the sunshine, but made you shiver if you were caught in the shadows, the cold, northerly breeze nipping at your ears and nose. Along the path that led down to the river the cherry trees were in full blossom looking like giant sticks of pink candy-floss. Vicky walked up the path back towards her maths class and contemplated exactly how much she hated Wednesdays. The day...

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A Unique Day

You wake up groggily at 6:30 in the morning. "Oh Gods....School" However, it suddenly dawns on you what day it is and you feel your member immediataly rise. Normally you would have beat it off then and there, but today theres no need..... You attend a boys school, which is right next to a girls school. The entier boys school has the day off as the place is being sprayed for roaches. You however are School Bus Moniter, and as so you have to make sure that the bus arrives safely at school!...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Rob Ch 08

Chapter Eight: Rob Discovers His Sister’s Secret It was early Sunday morning, (about Two A.M.), on the last weekend before Rob had to return to college for the beginning of his sophomore year. He woke up with a dire need to answer the call of nature. As he came back down the hallway, he heard the unmistakable sounds of passion coming from his older sister’s bedroom! As Rob neared the partially opened door to her room he heard her voice, “Fuck Me Harder!” Rob peered into the semi-darkened...

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Tim The Teenage MCPart VIII 2 Its My Orgy And Ill Watch If I Want To

That happiness only lasted a few moments. We were mentally screaming as the twins started ripping out our minds, and after an eternity of enduring their brain flushing, Joey and I were blank, nothing but the memories of the experience left. As we laid there nearly brain dead, the twins concentrated on building their orgasms, pulling ours along with them. Then after an explosion of orgasmic energy, Joey and I sat up blinking as the twins sunk down into a deep sleep. "Are you okay?" Suzi...

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I Loved Sucking his DickTrue StoryPlease Comment

He was a large guy who was one of my older brother's friend, over weight but athletic, thick legs , strong arms, and a very hot cock! He was always ready to cum . I had been sucking his dick since I was 13 and he was 18. We had to sneak around to find a place for me to suck him, roof tops, hallways up near the roof, sometimes his house when his parents were out and same thing with my house. When I turned 21 I got a store front apt and would see him every week day as he was coming home from work...

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A mothers discovery part 3

So me, malin and my husbands friend felix were in our bedroom i asked malin if she could take my daughter for the night and i got her ready i kissed my daughter as i was a little unsure what would happen. With my daughter taken care of i went back to our bedroom and saw felix sitting there i asked him to wait downstars i opened my wardrobe and decided id wear the lingerie i wore on my wedding day a black lace see through bra with a lacey black and with a lacey black and white g string, black...

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Early Morning

Introduction: While most of this story is true, I changed some of what happened so it would read better, and because I had finished writing Yes Mistress a short while beforehand, and wanted to show my lover -whom I wrote the story for- what would be running through my mind if he did the same to me. Hope you enjoy! All things considered, I woke up pretty early this morning. Though I suppose thats normal considering Ive spent the past 4 months waking up at 5 in the morning. Though one would think...

2 years ago
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IsThisReal Emma Starletto Hiding it from Mom

Nathan Bronson is eating breakfast when his step-sister Emma Starletto walks in. They greet each other and make small talk as she rummages around the kitchen, looking for something for breakfast. As they chat, they tease each other and it quickly becomes clear that they have a bit of an adversarial relationship – he seems to always be teasing or pranking her all the time and she is constantly getting annoyed with him, but it seems like deep down she likes it. As they talk, Nathan pretends...

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ChristinaChapter 16

There was an IHOP just a bit up the road. I'd noted its location on the way to dinner. We loaded up in the car again, the girls in the back seat giggling in the delightful way that somehow disappears from females as age advances. Hearing it from the girl I loved and her friend was very pleasant. I looked at Dan. "Didn't expect to be on the road at this hour." "Me neither," Dan said. "But I learned a long time ago that hanging around with Cindy was gonna result in a few random...

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Hot Days With My Cute Chithi

Hello readers, this is Prabhakar from chennai… I’m a B.E. holder and working in a mnc in Chennai itself and staying in a joint family… Me, dad, mom, sister, dad’s 2 brothers and their wives with their sons… We are a trendy family and each and everyone in the home likes each other and friendly in nature… The story is about me and my heroine ( i.e. One of my chithi Vimala)… Everyone in my home likes me a lot including Vimala… More than that I’m her pet… She loves me more than her son from my...

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KittyChapter 7 Sally Jane Doris and Kitty

My mom gave me a quizzical look when I came home from work on Saturday and didn't get ready to go out. "Is it over?" she asked, like she already knew the answer. "Her mother put an end to it," I explained, and that was the last mention of Sally McCall for several weeks. Kitty brightened my day when she arrived at the café before we'd locked the door and placed the closed sign in the window. She turned down Ruth's offer for a cup of coffee, saying she would help me with my chores....

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Watching HerChapter 5

Several weeks after school had started Lacy was snapping some pictures of the school Majorettes at practice. One of the girls had two batons. Lacy asked her if she twirled two. The girl told Lacy one was more than enough, she had bought a new one. She had not made up her mind which she liked the most. Lacy had picked them up and began twirling them, one in each hand. She got them both going so fast they were just a blur. She threw one very high and caught it still spinning then she threw the...

4 years ago
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Sexy Louise the Naughty Boy Part 3

I was having a lazy Sunday in my dressing gown watching TV and chatting to my friends on the phone when out of the blue I received a message from Ahmed that read 'Sorry, it wasn't my fault' closely followed by another this time from Aftab that read 'I'm so sorry Louise'. Just before I could start to reply to the messages my flat intercom buzzes. "Who the hell's this?" I mutter to myself as I answer "hello?", A stern deep voice responds sharply "hello this is Mr and Mrs Hussain, we...

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Introduceing the Spartan Spitter

Introduction: Ron Popeil offers a new invention called The Spartan Spitter. Introducing the Spartan Spitter Story: #25 Copyright 2005 Written: February 06 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Imagine yourself sitting in your favorite easy chair, nagging wife finally went to bed, or those unruly daughters disregarded your rules and ran out again,...

5 years ago
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A Bunnie To Play With Chapter 3

I awoke with a groan and the dizzy feeling a daytime nap always brought with it. A sharp pain shot through my left nipple, but it thankfully vanished just as fast as it had come. Rubbing my eyes, I found myself lying on Anne’s bed on my back, with her kneeling next to me, one hand on my left breast and a big smile on her face. “Welcome back in the land of the living,” she teased, and pinched my nipple again! That made me gasp, but I guessed that I should answer her; so, still a bit groggy, I...

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Tentacle Monsters And The Women Who Love Them

It was the year 44,444. Slightly over a century ago Humanity's scouts finally found a sapient alien race that had survived the immediate aftermath of inventing the atomic bomb, and it turned out that we were similar enough in our thinking to not only communicate, but socialize. Thing was there were a few small issues... Roughly four centuries ago the human Y chromosome finally became so damaged and degraded that no amount of genetic engineering could allow us to perpetuate the male half of...

2 years ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Reagan Foxx 24543

Party time! It’s the end-of-the-summer holiday weekend and Reagan Foxx is throwing a bash at her home for her son and his friends. She’s got food and drinks, and now all she needs is some young, hung dick! Holy record scratch! Yup, Reagan’s a horny MILF who needs cock and needs cock NOW. She never thought she’d actually pull it off, but then the strangest thing happened: Her son calls and tells her he and his pals are all on their way to the lake instead, leaving her in the dust. BUT, her son’s...

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NaughtyAmerica Aubrey Sinclair VR 22399

What’s the best part about staying at some rat-hole motel? Hot, horny chicks like Aubrey Sinclair are always going to the vending machine! Lucky for you Aubrey’s in dire need of some pop, and you have the change she needs! But everything has its price, right? Aubrey’s willing to sneak you her dad’s sixer o’suds if you can change her some cola coins. But wait, the horny blonde has a better idea: how ’bout she bang your brains out, too?! Not a bad deal, if I...

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Swingers Close

My husband and I recently moved to a new house in “Swingers Close”.....Yes I know; we laughed about it at the time as well, but what we didn't reckon on was the laugh ending up being on us !We had been there for about a couple of weeks, and had most of the things roughly where we wanted them, when a knock came on the front door. On opening it, a lady introduced herself as one of our neighbours. “Come in will you please” I said, only too pleased to meet and greet people from the Close.“My name...

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The LibrarianChapter 29 Dust Off

Capt. McGregor spoke into the auditorium PA system, "For the benefit of those who may be disinclined to present themselves to a sponsor for medical or physical reasons let me say that most conditions can be corrected by Darjee medical technology including the unfortunate conditions of being fat or ugly." Capt. McGregor smiled at his own quip before adding "If you're uncertain about your particular situation, please ask one of the large people wearing a black uniform." McGregor...

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Chapter 6I left early for the train station before my parents were up so I wouldn't have to listen to my mom about my choice of clothing. My shorts were a bit too short for parental approval and my top... It was a bit to small for my big tits. There was a hint of nipple showing through the stretched material and if I got cold... Well, I wasn't wearing a bra so there would be pokies.I was waiting for Danny outside the coffee shop and one look at his face said I'd chosen my clothes well. I struck...

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Aruni Part One and Two

Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didn’t like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It fell passed her shoulders curling every which way. Her father said that her hair made her lucky, and that he had learned that from a book. That made Aruni feel very proud. Aruni did not like wearing dresses and skirts. Being different made her feel very special. Aruni was just discovering a new emotion in her chest. She felt queasy...

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Strap In Hold Tight

All the focus, it seemed, at home and work, was on summer celebrations, with all of the talk and questions from Jake and now the reminder from Nicola about her plans. I did enjoy them, maybe I was a stick in the mud though, because I felt they and the Christmas events could take the focus off of work that still needed to be done. The rest of my journey to work I was thinking about what I had to get done both that day and the rest of the week.When I walked into the kitchen to make a coffee, I...

Strap-On Sex
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Sarah Loses her virginity

My name is Sarah, I have what I guess you would call a petite body – though it is still developing. I have short dark hair and green eyes. I have barely any pubic hair (and none when all this happened) my breasts are small but firm, and my nipples are unlike the rest of me, quite large. I’m just twelve but this all happened a year ago. The story of how I lost my virginity. I managed to get into an adult only chat room and would try to join in – for some reason no one would talk to me as I...

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Gay Theater In Bangalore For Bisexual Men

Hi, my name is Kshitij. I am 29 and I live in Bangalore. I am going tell you what really happened. I can’t stop thinking about it. There is an old cinema theater in Bangalore that shows dirty movies. The talkies are known to every guy in Bangalore who wants to be in a big dark cinema hall with a lot of other men touching, sucking cocks, running naked between rows of seats and showing their masturbation-ready erected lunds, fucking many men, sometimes moaning and crying like slutty women or...

Gay Male
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Aggybook 2Chapter 24

Sally noticed McCock sitting with his head held back reading the Senate coverage on his PDA, with that instrument held in his outstretched hand. "What's wrong with your eyes, Aggy?" "Nothing" laughed McCock, "it's just that my arms don't seem to be long enough these days and I am a short fellow to start with, you know." "Nonsense" snapped Sally and signalled over the waiter. "This gentleman has something wrong with his eyes. Where can I find someone to look at him?" The...

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Senior Year Part IChapter 17 I Think They Are

Monday October 17 I was sitting in precalculus, taking a quiz, when my phone chirped to let me know that I’d received a text. This was right after Ms. Lowden had given us a lecture about turning them off for the quiz. She glared in my direction. Apparently, this was the last time someone’s phone was going off during a quiz or test ... or there would be ‘consequences.’ I don’t know what came over me. “Dare! She said to turn your phone off.” Ms. Lowden made a big display of getting out of her...

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engineering student roomate

Mike made sure we would be alone for the weekendhe wanted me to help him with something he has been building this semesteri was eating with him in our student appartement , dinner was over and i started to feel numbsit in the living room , my head feeling heavy and the room looking blurryi didnt understand why he wanted me to stand up and get in his roomi tried but my limbs woudnt cooperate''you look like you need some help ''he walk me to his room and i was sit on his bed''ive been working in...

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GirlsWay Shyla Jennings Jelena Jensen VAMPIRES Part 5 There Can Only Be One

After stepsisters Lucy (Abigail Mac) and Ella (Shyla Jennings) move to Los Angeles in the wake of their father’s death, Lucy falls prey to a coven of vampires. With the help of her blind sister Ella and vampire hunter (Serena Blair), Lucy vows to destroy the coven’s matriarch Anya (Jelena Jensen) to save her own mortal soul. But when her scheme is foiled by Anya’s henchwoman Angelica (Angela White), the sisters make it home on the skin of their teeth. In hot pursuit, Anya...

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New cow to my farm

She is bought into the auction ring and a hush settles over the rows of men standing around on the circular tiers. The auction master next to me asks me if I'm impressed? Just a few minutes previously I had told him I was going to leave as the standard of cows on show wasn't interesting me. He'd told me in advance that It would be worth my while coming tonight but the stock on show hadn't made good on his promise. Until now. I reply to him that I'm going to stay to see this specimen and he...

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Cusin Sis Komal Or Main Part 8211 1

Hii readers aj jo m story likhne ja raha hu ye mere ir meri bhua ki ldki komal k bich m hui ghtna ki h. Sry ghtna nahi blki icha se bnaye hue smbndho ki h . Phle m ap sbko apni family or bhua ki family se introduce karwa deta hu .   Me -Harry Singhla Age -22 Hight- 5″11′ Meri 2 bdi bhne h ek 22 ki or dusri 23 ki h nd hmari joint family h jisme dada g chacha chahi mummy papa or hm 3 bgai bhn rahte h. Or bhua ki family m bhua Radhika singla ,Fufa g nd unk 1 bda beta Raghav age 24 , Sonalika -22...

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The Office Boy

The Office Boy By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name was Mike Grant, and I say was, because it's different now. I have two years of college and I'm taking classes at night to finish with a degree in Business. In order to support my school expenses and have some spending money, I found a job working in an office as sort of a glorified office boy. I'm 5' 7" tall with soft brown hair and blue eyes and I have never weighed more than 140 in my entire life. Valerie...

1 year ago
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The Kinky Masseur Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Joey is a guy of mid-thirties. He is good-looking with a well-built body but sadly he is still single because of his shy nature. He has a hard time talking to women. Hence, even though he desires them enough, he barely ever get laid. Almost out of desperation he started looking for solutions online. That’s when he came across this website for male massage and pampering session. They promised “ultimate pleasure” and has a number of interesting profiles of masseurs, that’s where he met a...

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Curse of the Blue SpiritChapter 55

Honolulu daylight savings time: 7:18 AM Tuesday, October 20, 2044 West Virginia time: 12:18 PM Tuesday, October 20, 2044 (EST Aina baseline) Aina time: 3:29 PM day 173 of 1451 Mayoni grunted softly, lifting her legs up higher so that her knees were almost touching her breasts, providing Keona deeper access into her. Mayoni was lying on her right side, and she lifted her left arm up without thinking. So in tune with Mayoni's desires that he wasn't even conscious of doing it, Keona left...

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With My Nephew Had Sex

[/Hi, My name is subha, I am 34 years old. I lost my husband When I was 30. I am extremely good looking and very sexy even at this age. I have maintained a tight body and terrific figure as I have not been touched for last 2 years. I have fair complexion with reddish cheeks. I am about 5’10″ with 40-28 -42 size body.But only thing was that had no c***dren. I wear light colored transparent sarees with blouse. I tie the sari much below the navel and when I go out like this, people watch my boobs...

2 years ago
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An Orb And Me

An Orb and Me - by AnonMan --------------------------------- This story can be reproduced as long as it's in its entirety and with correct authorship. If you're under 18, or don't like explicit fiction, then don't read this story. -------------------------------- Jack's wife brings home an orb that has transformational powers. She claims it's for fun but is there more going on? -------------------------------- Chapter 1 My wife Sheri and I have been happily married for many...

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A Genny Story Carol Beguining and End

This is a story I had completely forgot about until I received some mailafter my last story. A really nice guy named Paul sent me a story aboutone of his "Firsts" and it reminded me of this.I am Genny.I was in the spring of my Freshman year at Michigan State. Back aroundChristmas I had gone with a friend to my first meeting of the Gay andLesbian Council. I wasn't really interested in their politics, but I didlike the people I was meeting there. I had dated a number of differentgirls and was...

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Kinara Shehr

You are dead. There's no easy way to put it. You lived a full long happy life and died of old age. Sure your family and friends will miss you, mourn for your loss and continue living their lives. But for you this life is over and its time to move to the next one. Right now you find yourself floating in an endless abyss. It's not like you can feel your body in this dark place. You don't have a body right now. All five sense of yours are gone. It's just the sixth one that tells you that you...

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Client 03

I’ve recently stumbled upon Lush and have really enjoyed the great writings here over the past few weeks. I knew immediately that this would be the perfect place to share my stories. I’m 36 years old and I’m a massage therapist. I’ve been in practice for 11 years and thoroughly enjoy what I do. As an ex-college athlete I had my share of injuries and spent a good amount of time in the trainers room as well as on the massage table. I grew to learn what I liked and what I didn’t and became quite...

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