Sparky's DadChapter 8: Conditions free porn video

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The next day on the floor, she spilled coffee on her outfit. It wasn’t a horrible stain, considering the fluids she could have spilled on it. She went down to dinner without changing, and met Eric there. Now, if she had asked, he would have sent one of his minions to meet her and get that outfit washed. What she did instead was to wear the emergency outfit she had kept in her room for the next day.

That night she took the coffee-stained outfit home. She changed into blue jeans and put all her hospital whites into the laundry. She did a set of sheets, too, although she hadn’t had much wear out of that set of sheets. She went out of the coin laundry during the wash cycle to buy Christmas wrapping paper. She got only two rolls, although she knew that the family would all be opening their packages together on Christmas Eve in Minneapolis. She wrapped the five packages and got them all together in a mailing package during the drying cycle. She got back late, but not all the dryers were in use, and nobody bitched at her.

She got to bed late, though. In the morning, she dumped the laundry on the made bed and pulled hospital whites out of the pile until she got a matching set. She wore them to work and didn’t bring a spare. She did carry a spare set of underwear in a plastic grocery bag.

The day was a drag, and her lack of sleep didn’t help. Eric called to say that he wouldn’t meet her for supper. She got four calls during the night. Though none of them required her to go on the floor, she had a real sleep deficit that morning. The day was more of a drag, and she got home exhausted. She got her packages, drove to the post office, stood in line for a good hour, got them mailed, got to her car and back to the apartment. Then she had to sort clothes before she could go to bed. She fell asleep late. She dragged herself out of bed the next morning and managed to get to the hospital and up to the floor just before six. She hung her coat in the nurses’ space on the floor, remembering as she did so that she didn’t have a spare set of clothes upstairs.

She didn’t need a spare set of clothes that day, though she could have used a spare week of sleep. Eric met her for supper.

“Not the best day?” he asked.

“You could say so. I really got a lot accomplished on my nights off call, but what I didn’t do was catch up on my sleep deficit.”

“Well, if you got the things accomplished, then could I have the honor of your company tomorrow night?”

“Eric,” she said, “You don’t want my company in the state that I’m in.”

“Demonstrably false. You’re breaking the rules. Tell me what you want, and I’ll try to get it for you. You don’t tell me what I want.”

She thought. Her period was really drying up. She had missed sex, and Eric provided great sex, he could provide great sex the next night. No cunnilingus, though. She wasn’t sure she was that dried up, and it wouldn’t be fair to have him do it without warning him. And it was definitely none of his business.

“Well,” she said, “all right, with conditions. I’ll tell you later.”

“Any conditions. You’re in charge. You can tell me up until the time I must obey. One exception, though. Are you accepting another visit to my house? If not, I should tell Valerie beforehand that I won’t be there.”

Why not? At least she got to bed earlier when they ate there. She didn’t get to sleep when she got to bed, but the love play -- the sex play she meant -- didn’t go on any longer.

“You’d prefer that.”

“Yes,” he said, “but the question is which you’d prefer.”

“All right, with conditions.”

“I agreed to that earlier.”

“Yeah,” she said, “but I sometimes need to remind you.” He grinned at that. Eric had his bad points, but he could see his faults when they were pointed out to him forcefully enough.

She had, though, a night and a day to get through before that visit. The night was interrupted by two phone calls. One was serious enough that she had to come fully awake and think before she answered. Neither, though made her get dressed and come down to the floor.

She had a sleep deficit, but not a serious one, when she started the day. Then she was run ragged. She got to lunch at 2:30, and was called back from it before she was quite finished. She was leaving the floor late when Eric called. She got her parka from her room, but decided not to try for makeup.

He opened the door on her side when he saw her coming. He got in and drove to the exit onto the street.

“Give me your hand, your right hand,” Eric said when he had stopped waiting to exit the parking lot. When she put her hand in his, he brought it to his mouth. He kissed the palm, shooting heat from her hand all the way to the pit of her abdomen. When there was a break in traffic, he dropped her hand and pulled out onto the street.


“Well, it was the only part that I could kiss right then. We don’t want to attract the guards again.”

“Then,” she said, “I want to kiss you, too.”

“Well, we’ll have to wait for a quieter time. On the other hand, the door out of the garage entryway opens that way. We can have all the time we want in there.”

“You’re always planning, aren’t you?” And he was planning to kiss her. Well, she wanted more kisses, and not just on her hands, either.

“Did I mention in that tour that the rooms are fairly soundproof, and the bedroom is nearly totally so?” Eric asked. “The door is solid, which is the weakest point in a lot of soundproofing attempts. So, while I’ll have to satisfy myself with kissing your mouth before Sparky is in bed, I don’t plan to limit myself so much later. Feel free to express anything you feel in that room.” He sounded smug, and damned possessive. She was less sure that she didn’t want to be possessed. At least that night she did. His kisses, however, would have to be restricted.

“Feeling possessive are we?”

“Anything of yours you want to move out at any time, I’ve told Madeleine to allow you. You have the key, and I’m not trying to hold onto them.” Now, that was a dash of cold water.

“Well, you know how limited my schedule is,” she said. “Do you want me to take them tonight?” She still had her case there, but she wasn’t sure everything would still fit in there.

“No! No! No! No-no-no, No!” He was pounding the wheel with his right fist, and she tried to remember whether she had ever before seen him without both hands on the wheel while the car was moving. “I don’t want you to do it at all. I hatched an elaborate plan to hold you to me by locking up your possessions. You have to be fond of that sexy dress. Then I saw that this wouldn’t hold you. I don’t want your body, as much as I love it. I want your heart.”

“Well, you can’t have even my body by locking up those clothes.” Sure she liked that dress, but she could walk away from it in a second. Walking away from Eric would be harder.

“You said that I was possessive.” So she had. She was less certain now that she found that possessiveness attractive.

“And,” she said, “to show how wrong I was, you told me about the elaborate plan you had to keep me prisoner. Since you’d abandoned it on the grounds that it wouldn’t work, that should demonstrate that you weren’t really possessive.” He laughed at that, and the laughter continued for a while.

“You shouldn’t make me laugh like that when I’m driving,” he said at last.

“I felt safer than I did when you were pounding the wheel.”

“I’ll try to restrain myself. Both restrain myself from displays of anger -- I was angry with myself, not you -- and restrain my possessiveness.”

“I knew you were angry with yourself,” she assured him. She had never been afraid of physical violence from him. Even when she’d had that silly picture of his locking women in cells to satisfy his needs, she hadn’t thought of his being violent.

His possessiveness, on the other hand, was a clear and present danger. Well, the very intensity of his present attraction was part of her protection. He would burn through that attraction fairly soon. Valerie was in greater danger. Eric was spoiling her now, but what would happen when what Valerie wanted was not another poster for her bedroom wall but a date to the dance? Worse, what would happen when she wanted to park after her date to the dance? Worst of all, what would happen when she wanted to marry somebody and leave Daddy all alone? That wouldn’t be Diane’s problem thank God. She’d be long gone from Valerie’s life before she had her first date. Still, she sympathized with the future Valerie.

And, too, when Eric’s passion burnt itself out, she would be safe from his possessiveness. What would protect her from her loneliness? She had missed him for these last few days. What would leaving him forever do? Well, with any luck, this would last through June. July first would bring hundreds of changes. The residency, which gave her many headaches, would probably give the benefit of delaying the inevitable time when he tired of her.

“Look,” she said, “I spoke of conditions. Stop at a drugstore on the way, will you? Preferably one where neither one of us will be recognized. I want to make a purchase.”

“Sure. Want me to make it for you?”

“No. To quote somebody I know, no-no-no-no. When a woman tells you she wants to make an unspecified purchase, you don’t ask her what.”

“Okay.” he said. “Interesting quotation. Anybody I know?”

“You definitely don’t know him.” Eric had less self-knowledge than anyone else she had ever met, maybe than anyone else in the world.

“Ouch! Well, there is a drugstore. Shall I park there?” He parked and she went in. She bought a package of six commercial douches. Her gynecologist had expressed negative opinion of them in general, but had acknowledged that there were times to use them. This seemed to be one of those times. She brought the paper bag back with her to the car, and Eric tried to hide his curiosity. He did that very poorly.

In the entryway out of the garage, she set the package down before Eric took her in his arms for a long, wet kiss. He held her glutes through the kiss. When they came into the living room, Valerie shouted.

“Doctor!” Valerie hugged her, and then ran to her dad to be picked up and kissed. “Why did you take so long after the garage door opened?” she asked. Good question.

“Daddy moves slowly sometimes. I brought you your favorite person to visit, you shouldn’t complain about how slowly I do it.”

“Okay.” But Valerie was as bad at hiding her curiosity as her father was. Of course, at one sixth his age, she had more chance of growing out of it.

Dinner was filet mignon. Dessert was hot-fudge sundaes. She was given her choice of having the hot fudge on vanilla ice cream or on chocolate. She stuck to vanilla, but Eric and Valerie went with the chocolate choice. She decided while watching Eric that she would be more adventurous when next given the choice. Then she realized how unlikely it was that she would ever again be given the choice, at least in this house.

Mrs. Grant cleared the table while the other three went into the living room. Valerie wanted to play a game of Go Fish with her and Eric. Eric tried to beg her off. Diane noticed that he didn’t try to get out of it himself.

“I’ll tell you what, Valerie,” she finally said. “I’ll play with the two of you until it’s your bedtime. At that time, you’ll go up with Mrs. Grant without any fuss. Okay?”


“Is that a promise?”

“Promise,” said Valerie. They all sat on the floor to play. She had to wear this outfit for two more twelve-hour days, but she trusted Mrs. Grant’s cleaning. Probably this floor had less dirt than some of the chairs she sat on at the hospital. She had to be reminded of the rules, and the others were sharks at the game. She couldn’t muster much competitive instinct this late in the day. When Mrs. Grant came in, Valerie claimed it was a special day, and she should be allowed to stay up.

“But, Valerie,” Diane said, “I had your promise.” She got up -- slowly, she was no longer in shape for sitting on floors -- and went into the garage-entrance room to fetch her purchase. Valerie, thinking Diane was leaving, stopped her whining and went up with Mrs. Grant. Diane went up enough later that Valerie was already in her room.

She stored the douches in ‘her’ bathroom. She got undressed and into the nightgown and robe in ‘her’ dressing room. To be absolutely sure, she douched and then used the bidet. She went into the bedroom, took off the bedspread, stripped, and got into bed. She was nearly asleep when Eric came in.

“I think you really shocked her,” he said.

“Well, she has to keep her promises. Besides, I had something to hide. Disappearing was the best method of doing that.”

“Quite likely.” He hung up the pajamas he was carrying. He took off his robe, lifted the sheet, and slipped into bed.

“Look,” she said.

“I’d be glad to.” He put his hand on the sheet as though to strip it off her, and she had to put her hand down over the sheet to stop him.

“I have your promise, too. I said there would be conditions. One of them is no cunnilingus.” He didn’t look pleased.

“None? Ever?” he asked.

“None tonight. Next time will be okay.”

Eric said, “Okay.” He found the promise that there would be a next time more important than the limitation. He’d been afraid that she was weaning him off.

“As a matter of fact,” she said, “I have a sleep deficit. Maybe one time is enough for tonight.”

“Just tonight?”

“Tonight. I told you that you didn’t want me tonight.”

“And you were wrong,” he said. “Do I, at least, get a kiss?”

“Sure.” She puckered up, and he leaned over to kiss her. Soon, he moved the sheet down off her breasts and was kissing those.

Diane was tired and slower to arouse than usual, but he didn’t complain. As the heat spread through her, he returned to her mouth for a long kiss. She was ready for him, afraid that her orgasm would come from his finger alone, when his hand left her center to grab the condom.

“No,” she said. “I’m on the Pill.” Though she hadn’t actually started her second dispenser.

“Darling!” He moved swiftly. He was kneeling between her legs preparing her for his entrance when he stopped. “The Pill takes a month to be effective,” he said. Then, “Oh.”

“Yeah. This is my second month.” She wouldn’t have believed any male could stop when he had. He didn’t stop long, however. He pressed into her, opened her, widened her, filled her, stretched her.

Eric had two thoughts. The front of his brain was telling him what an idiot he was for telling a medical doctor a piece of commonly-known medical fact. The hind part of his brain was listening to the sensations from every nerve ending in his entire phallus.

She was warm against him and smooth. Her opening slid over him, and spread around him. She was slick around him as he sank deeper into her. So warm, so smooth, so welcoming. He was all in her and she was hugging him. Her nipples pressed against his chest. Her face showed her pleasure in being joined to him.

“Love,” he said. Then he started to move out again.

Diane felt his chest hair brush her breasts. She felt his legs flex between hers. She felt him press her into the mattress and ease back. She felt, most acutely, his penis stroking through her vestibule. The heat built again. She ran her hands down to his glutes and hung on.

Without the condom and its lubrication, she felt more friction, and that friction was more exciting. She shifted until his glans was rubbing her G-spot with every stroke. Her body was tensing, and her spirit felt her orgasm approaching. She started pushing up against his down strokes to bring it on. The heat filled her, overflowed out of the top of her head. She felt her orgasm just beyond some tissue-thin barrier. He was larger than he’d been before, and he thrust harder and pressed her deeper.

That broke through the barrier. Her spirit burst into flame, and she convulsed. She felt him hard within her vagina’s clasp.

“Diane!” he said. He drove against her harder and pressed her deeper into the mattress. She felt him pulse inside her, delivering his seed directly into her. “Love, love, love,” he was saying in time with his pulses.

Then he was gasping into her ear, and she was gasping, too. He was heavy on her for the longest time. He came out, and she felt a trickle follow him out and slide down her hip. He finally moved off.

“You,” he said, “are a constant delight. Sorry about trying to tell a doctor about medicine.”

“Well, I didn’t tell you before it was safe because I didn’t want you to try to pressure me. You wouldn’t have, would you?”

“That way, no. Seems to me, that you’ve been feeling a little pressure in other ways.” She took his hand in hers and kissed the backs of his fingers. What she felt was too complicated for words.

He had been a marvelous lover. He had thought of her safety at a point when she hadn’t thought that any male would stop without a gun at his head. He had apologized for not remembering her medical training first thing, though he had remembered it soon enough. She, on the other hand, hadn’t even thought that he had been an experienced husband. Married couples must know about contraception -- well, the sort of married couple that he had been half of.

He could be controlling and possessive to the extent that it would drive her up the wall, but he was responsible. He wasn’t some macho dude enforcing his will. Instead, he was a macho dude enforcing his understanding of her needs and safety. He’d get up before the sun did to get her to the hospital on time, but he wouldn’t break the speed limit or run a red light on empty streets to do that.

The drip was puddling in the inevitable wet spot, and it was becoming uncomfortable. She moved away from him to lie on a drier spot. She heard him chuckle. He turned off the light.

“Without the Trojans,” he said, “you get a wet spot. It’s smarter to make love on one side of the bed and to sleep on the other. Cuddling is messy otherwise.”

He was right. After missing his arms around her so long, she would have to sleep without them for one more night. She reached out above the sheet. When he felt her hand, he took it in his. With both the hard day and the sweet sex behind her, she fell asleep quite easily.

When she woke, however, it was in his arms. They were on her side of the bed, though. She ducked out the door and went directly to the bathroom. Not wanting to leak anything into the panties she would be wearing for the next day, she used both a douche and the bidet.

She needed to rearrange where her clothes were among her current three locations. Showered, dressed, with her Pill taken and her lipstick on, she carried her case downstairs.

“I’m not moving out,” she told Eric when she got to the kitchen. “Lift the case.” He did so. “Moving a bit more in, maybe. I have fewer clothes in more closets than anyone else I’ve ever met. I need them in different places.”

“Well, I wouldn’t have said anything.”

“No, but you would have thought it.”

He smiled at that, and she sat down to some delicious French toast. It was probably the first time she had eaten the same meal twice in his house.

“I’ve been thinking,” he said in the car. As usual when he drove, he was speaking towards the windshield though addressing her.

“I’m glad.” She shouldn’t be sarcastic, though. The man thought. Sometimes she didn’t like what he thought, but she couldn’t really deny that he did.

“You had to take about a week off for other business. Then you came back, and suddenly you are on your second month of taking the Pill. Y’know, I shared that bed with a menstruating woman for years. Well, not that bed. A little more than a year. We moved in late in Laura’s pregnancy, and nursing tends to delay the resumption of periods.”

“Does your over-careful use of words have anything to do with your being a CEO,” she asked. “Do you need the right words in a contract?”

“Legal takes care of contracts. It might have something to do with being a programmer. I can say to you to put some numbers in order, and you would. I have to tell a program to compare every pair of numbers and then switch the order -- a complicated process in itself -- if the second number is less than the first. Then I have to say go on to the next number. Programs, on the other hand, don’t try to change the subject.”

“Well, it is really none of your business.”

Eric winced at that. A woman’s periods were none of her casual boyfriend’s business. For her husband they were part of their common life. At some time, in the process of going from casual boyfriend to husband, a guy crossed the line to where it became his business. Obviously, he hadn’t crossed the line with Diane yet.

“Okay,” he said. “You don’t feel called to share that information with me. I’ll share some information with you, then. One, I have made love to a woman during her periods. It didn’t disgust me. I would be quite happy making love to you at such times. We could use the Trojans or not just as you please. I find that menstrual blood comes off easily in the shower. Two, I love to cuddle you. You may have guessed. If there is a reason that you do not want to make love, I’m capable of controlling myself while cuddling you.”

Diane thought of where they had ended up that morning. “Your liking for a cuddle is not exactly news. Did you like lying in the wet spot?”

“Well, that, too, comes off in the shower. As I said, there are ways of keeping us both out of the wet spot. The only nice thing that can be said for a queen-sized bed. But, as I keep trying to tell people, prioritize. Some things are more important than others. Cuddling is more important than wet spots.”

“Well, I’m glad you think so.” And, to be fair to Eric, he hadn’t even suggested that she sleep in the wet spot so that they could cuddle. “I enjoy our cuddles, too. I don’t, however, enjoy them so much that I’d miss a day at the apartment for them. I got my Christmas packages wrapped and sent during our vacation.”

She had him stop at her car, and she put the case in the trunk. Then he drove her the short distance to the entrance. The day wasn’t bad, as days on the floor went. Eric met her that night looking chipper.

“And how was your day?” he asked.

“Fairly good, all things considered. You look like yours was good, too.”

“Well, it was mostly brightened by the attitude I came to the day with. Murphy commented on how pleased I seemed to be starting the day.” Eric’s grin implied that the sex of the previous night had contributed to that mood. They could be overheard, and he was using innuendo. If she had been eavesdropping, though, she would have interpreted that easily enough. Well, she had dated and had two affairs in a college where everybody assumed that you were going to bed with every repeat date. Assumptions weren’t going to cause her any problems. And, too, ‘You would worry less about what people think of you if you knew how seldom they do.’

“I’m happy that you’re happy,” she said.

“Well, then you’ll be happier if you make me happier. Would you consider coming to dinner again tomorrow evening?”

“I couldn’t. I have things planned to do that night. Things to do quite alone.”

“In three days time, then?” he asked.

“With the usual stipulation that the days in between can mess me up. And with another set of conditions, an entirely different set. We’d have to start later.”

“Seven? It might be better if we skipped dinner at home, then. Restaurant?”

“That would be better,” she said. “Maybe not seven, and a place for hospital whites.”

“You pick it, or we go back to the same place?”

“We can decide then.” She might try another place if she had time to select it. If not, repeating a restaurant was no sweat. She ate all her lunches, half her breakfasts, and half her suppers here.


“You’re so agreeable.”

“That’s odd,” he said. “Someone once told me that I was terribly controlling.”

“You are. Just not always, and the exceptions are surprising.” He smirked. Well, yes. Much of it was that he wanted to end up in bed. He would be happy with almost any path she chose if it ended there. That wasn’t all, though. If all his control had been trying to get her into bed, she could have dealt with it more easily. First of all, he wasn’t the first guy who wanted to get her into bed; that was something a girl learned to deal with before she could parallel park. Second, she was quite happy about going to bed with him.

His controlling went far beyond that. Take this evening, for example. He knew very well that she was going to go to bed alone. He didn’t even invite her for even-numbered days of the month. Yet he showed up here and bought her meal. He didn’t even eat with her, though she could understand that. Given the choice between Mrs. Grant’s cooking and the cafeteria’s cooking, she would have taken Mrs. Grant’s cooking any time.

Of course, what she’d eaten from Mrs. Grant had been heavy in cholesterol. That was part of its delicious taste, and the restaurant meals had been as bad. She could afford it for one meal, even two meals, in four days with the all time she spent walking in between. Eric, with that standard for three meals a day and a sitting-down job, was in more serious danger.

“Look, are the meals in your house as good when I don’t visit?” she asked.

Eric quirked his eyebrow but answered straight. “I think Madeleine takes extra care when you’re coming. Still, she puts on a feast morning and night. Sparky has different tastes, and she probably accommodates them for lunch when I’m not home.” Well, Valerie was not overweight for her height. She probably worked it off.

“Mostly, you eat eggs for breakfast?”

“Pretty much,” Eric said. “Two fried eggs when they’re not scrambled. She offered you soft-boiled, but those aren’t favorites with either Sparky or me.”

“What are your cholesterol levels?”

“Dr. Parker says I should watch them, but they’re not serious. I don’t remember the number.” No, he wouldn’t remember the numbers. The doctor’s job is to look at the numbers. The patient’s job is to change when the doctor tells him to.

“You might cut back on fats,” she said. “I’m not your doctor, but more fish instead of meat might be an improvement, and something other than eggs for breakfast.”

“Well, Madeleine buys lean meat.”

“That’s what they call it, and lean meat contains less fat than fat meat does. But ‘less’ doesn’t mean little. Fat is essential to human nutrition, and so is protein. Most Americans eat many times what they should of each, and -- frankly -- rich Americans like you eat more than the rest of us. Then, too, exercise burns up fat, but we don’t work like our ancestors do. Even I, and I’m on my feet twelve hours a day and walking half of that, don’t burn the calories that my peasant ancestors did in the thirteenth century.”

“Fat, yes,” he said. “But protein? I thought protein was good for you.”

“Protein is necessary for you. Water is necessary for the growth of wheat. You read occasionally about some place getting too much rain and the crops being destroyed by that. For that matter, you, too, can drown. Well protein is necessary for you. When you get more than you need, your kidneys work to break it down so it can be excreted. Your kidneys are probably strong enough to handle that easily -- probably. You have two, and you can get along quite comfortably on one. Still, people develop problems with their kidneys, and it’s not a good idea to stress them when you don’t need to.

“Anyway,” she finished knowing that she was poaching on another doctor’s patient -- and a fully practicing doctor’s patient while she was a mere resident -- within earshot of more doctors than were in almost any other single location in the city, “I’m not telling you anything your own doctor can’t and probably nothing he hasn’t told you. It’s just that I’ve seen what you eat regularly.”

“Well, this isn’t critical is it? I mean it isn’t time-sensitive?”

“No. Probably not.”

“Then,” he said, “you can tell it to Madeleine the next time you see her.”

“Sure.” She was conscious that she was treading on dangerous ground here. “Look, you have regular doctor’s appointments, don’t you?”

“Yeah. The outside directors insist.”

“Well,” she said, “more than your company depends on your health. I told you that you have two kidneys and could probably get by on one?”


“Well, Valerie has already lost one parent. She doesn’t have a spare if she loses you.”

Eric said, “Dr. Kleinfeld said the same thing.” He didn’t like to be nagged. He hated being nagged, especially about his health. On the other hand, Diane’s nagging sounded awfully like a wife’s nagging. It, indeed, sounded like Laura’s nagging had. The last bit of content was nothing he’d heard from Laura of course. She’d been likelier to portray how lonely she and Val would be if Eric died because he hadn’t exercised. If Diane wanted to be his nagging wife, he’d be happy.

Same as Sparky's Dad
Chapter 8: Conditions Videos

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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 17 A Change in Conditions

Alice surveyed the wide expanse of Sheep Meadow in Central Park and began blowing her whistle. Lassie, trotting beside her, started howling in accompaniment, though she was slightly off key. The normally well-maintained field, a familiar escape for thousands from the noise of the city, was overgrown with weeds. Alice turned off West Drive and leaned her bike against the metal gate separating the broad field from the nearby road and jogging trails. She evaluated the area as Peter, Ralph and...

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PyxChapter 9 Terms Conditions

I returned to my comfy recliner, and my slaves knelt at my feet. "There are two responsibilities you need to know about as a slave. After that, your investment as my slave will be complete. "Vonda, stand beside me. Position X. She followed my orders, with her arms and legs making a wide "X". "Now, Pyx. Besides you obvious build differences, how is Vonda different from you?" It took about a minute, and I suspect Vonda did some prompting, but she finally got it. "Body hair. Vonda...

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Slave Sexual Conditioning

The searing pain is the first thing I feel as I become aware of my surroundings. As I struggle to try to find the source of it and to make it stop I begin to realize that I am held down by straps on my ankles, wrists hips, neck, and head. I cannot move except to squirm in my bonds. I try to look around, as I feel the pain ebb, but I realize that I must be blindfolded. I hear a soft, soothing woman's voice say "I'm sorry - we must have miscalculated your anesthesia." I try to respond, to plead...

2 years ago
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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 37 The Final Conditioning

THE FINAL CONDITIONING Laura's time at the Mayim Clinic, Amy told her, was approaching its end. Even as Laura approached her graduation, her friends were starting their own path of conditioning. Amy had arranged for Taylor and Erica to join Laura at the clinic and begin having training sessions to make them into good little hetero fuckdolls at a more fundamental level. Shortly thereafter, Alistair added his own harem of sluts, by invitation of the clinic, and Candy and Hayley and Katy,...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 11 Conditioning

CONDITIONING At the end of the work day, Laura took her pills. She had phoned ahead to the Mayim Clinic this time to check they were necessary, and Amy had responded that yes, they absolutely were, and that Laura would be in the chair again tonight. The chair! Laura's pussy was drooling at the thought even before the pill. She knew it was silly and slutty to think that way - it wasn't the chair that had made her happy, it was just that she'd been on the aphrodisiac pills every time...

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Aggies Condition

There is wife watching and then there is wife watching. They sound the same, but they are way different. The first one for example, is watching your wife spread herself for some one else while you either participate or hide in the closet. The second one is watching some one else's wife do the same thing while hiding in the closet. I've done both and I loved doing both; I just hope that I'll be able to do it again. I've been watching my wife Aggie (don't dare call her Agnes) for years now,...

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Psychological conditioning is an interesting aspect of individual evolution. As we learn and grow certain patterns emerge that control your actions and reactions a great deal. Many of these are introduced by family, friends and those positions of power and control through experience and words. The strongest of those are always attached to emotion. Fear, pleasure, love and hate control what you do in life, and this brings me to my tale of pleasure, fear, humiliation and hate. My husband and I...

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Nurse Darby comes up with a unique way to treat a muscle condition

Lois was in the hospital for observation and physical therapy for a muscle condition she had. Her doctor decided to hospitalize her for tests and observation. Here’s her story: As I also had 2 separate orthopedic injuries as well, I would have tests in the morning and physical therapy in the afternoon. I was in there a total of 25 days. I got to know one nurse quite well. Her name was Darby. Well, Nurse Darby to you. She was a very commanding type person, as most nurses are. She was my...

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Her one condition

My name is Bill Cooper, I'm thirty-eight years old, and my wife Jenny is thirty. Jenny and I had a good sex life, we had been married twelve years, and I was under the impression that both of us were very satisfied with our sexual relationship. However, through a series of events mostly of my own doing, I find myself now, an impotent cuckold to my beautiful wife, and the target of constant public humiliation. We married very young, well at least Jenny was young. Fresh out of high school,...

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Caught and Conditioned

The standard disclaimer applies: If you are under the age of consent in your area please continue no further, go find some place more age appropriate, there will be plenty of time for this when you are older. If you are of legal age and any or all of these themes: humiliation, crossdressing, punishment, non-consensual sex, and/or possible homosexual themes bother you please read no further. However, if this disclaimer has peaked your more prurient interests please enjoy some hopefully...

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Conditioning It was a gorgeous Saturday morning. Paul just got out of the shower and saw Amanda out on the deck laying in her bikini. His dick started to get hard again as he began  thinking back to last night. He cupped his hand over the crotch of his pants feeling his hard dick swell even more as he watched Amanda applying the suntan lotion over her gorgeous white thighs. Paul and Amanda met in college. She was a cheerleader for the football team. She grew up in a strict  Catholic family...

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Or Die AloneChapter 5 Threat Condition

Boyd was startled awake again, Lorza upending the sleeping bag and rolling him out of it onto the cold snow. He gasped, eyes wide, and scrambled to turn his heating system on. He rose to his feet, fists clenched, and glared at the alien as she rolled up the bag and returned it to her pack. “Are you going to do that every day? Just wake me up ‘before’ you put the sleeping bag away!” “But you looked so peaceful,” she whined sarcastically. “The only time you’re not insulting me or throwing...

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The Girlfriends condition

The stories can be read separately and do not relay on each other in any way, but you can read the other to learn more about Nick, the main character. Enjoy: _____________________ It was a sunny Saturday morning, I was sitting in the kitchen of my apartment drinking coffee when my cell rang. "Hi man" said Andy once I picked up, "You home"? "Yes" I answered. "Busy?" he continued. "Not especially" I said. "Great, then I'm on my way over. There's something I...

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It was a gorgeous Saturday morning. Paul just got out of the shower and saw Amanda out on the deck laying in her bikini. His dick started to get hard again as he began thinking back to last night. He cupped his hand over the crotch of his pants feeling his hard dick swell even more as he watched Amanda applying the suntan lotion over her gorgeous white thighs. Paul and Amanda met in college. She was a cheerleader for the football team. She grew up in a strict Catholic family and was so...

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Janas Condition

I get a very large charge out of watching my wife of twenty years take another man's cock into her juicy pussy. And if for some reason I'm not able to watch, just knowing that it's happening will give me a very large woody. And the best part is that it can go on forever if I don't stop it, because she doesn't even know she is doing it. She wakes up in the morning and looks at her gaping cum filled pussy and thinks that I am one hell of a stud. Jana can not handle alcohol. She likes to...

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Race Condition

Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti "A personal computer? A home computer? What kind of an asshole do you take me for?" The regional sales manager guffawed in Theron's face. Positron Semiconductor was too busy cranking out millions of CPU chips every month to bother with a screwball like him. It was a damn shame. This was the outfit that Theron had counted on to supply him with technical support and, hopefully, enough venture capital to survive until orders started rolling in. It was the...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 11 One Condition

June 30, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “I was right!” I said when I arrived at Doctor Blahnik’s house after lunch with Mr. Kozlov. “No way!” “He asked me to take responsibility for the distribution of charity to individuals and families in need. He’s been doing it, temporarily, because of Deacon Grigory’s heart attack. As he said, it does belong with clergy, and typically falls to the deacon.” “Good call, Petrovich.” “He did have a second matter to discuss,” I grinned. “So, actually, we were both...

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Angels Conditioning

‘I can’t stop thinking about your ass.’ Matt whispered to me while giving my ass cheeks a quick grope, pulling them apart. ‘I want to fuck you until you scream for mercy.’ He made a point of brushing his hard on against my ass. ‘My brother is a lucky bastard. If I was him, you wouldn’t walk straight for a week… or more. I’d fuck you every day and night.’ If anyone looked my way they would see me blushing. Thankfully, I was being ignored by everyone but Matt. Ever since the episode of my...

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Episode 85 Alias Condition

A girl’s voice: “Alia” – no responseA closer, gentler voice, Brian – the black barman from The Sycamores pub: “Alia – are you alright baby? You gave us a shock”I stirred; the world slowly came back into focus – where was I? “What happened”?“You blacked out, baby. One moment you were bouncing up and down on this BBC, the next you were..sort of....gone”. It was Amy – next to us on the picnic bench in the pub garden - the girl from Primark, the blonde girl with the gorgeous tits and a motorbike. I...

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The Training of Jody Part 15 Conditioning

I awoke that Monday to the exquisite feeling of Wendy's eager tongue on my pussy. My orgasm approached as I was gaining full conceiousness. All manner of thoughts were going through my head, made all the more erotic by my slave's active tongue. What path was Jody's training to take became apparent to me during climax. Evelyn's involvement remained as murky to me as ever. "Thank you, Mistress," Wendy said, genuinely grateful. "May I masturbate now?" she asked, embracing her new status. ...

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Angels Conditioning

"I can't stop thinking about your ass." Matt whispered to me while giving my ass cheeks a quick grope, pulling them apart."I want to fuck you until you scream for mercy." He made a point of brushing his hard on against my ass. "My brother is a lucky bastard. If I was him, you wouldn't walk straight for a week... or more. I'd fuck you every day and night."If anyone looked my way they would see me blushing. Thankfully, I was being ignored by everyone but Matt.Ever since the episode of my...

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Pussy Conditioning

Despite being fully clothed, her heart was racing. She smiled, looking up at him as he laid down on the floor beside her. Fully twice her age, but handsome, strong. In control, above else, he was always that. He had weaponized his smiles, his frowns, and simple words. Her stomach spun in knots every time she was with him. He patted her exposed belly, rubbing it softly, smiling down at her young body. “I want you to think about that first time you were molested. Fixate it in your mind, your...

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Stewarts Second MissionChapter 5 Training and Conditioning

At D-Day minus six months Jerry and I had, by satellite imagery, located a site on the continent of Plutus that roughly matched the terrain that Navy Intelligence had designated as our target on Metek’at IV. Jerry and I set up a sand table (really a holograph projector built into a table) and invited in the CO, XO, and NCOs that we would be working with on our chunk of the mission. If we were going to write a plan for the mission, we certainly wanted input from the troops who were going to...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 36 In Good Condition

October 16, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “I started dating someone,” I said to Tasha as we relaxed in the whirlpool at Doctor Blahnik’s house. “You’re not cheating on her, are you Mikhail Petrovich?” “No. It’s not THAT serious, and it won’t be anytime soon, if it ever is. But I thought you should know because we promised complete truth and complete honesty. I don’t want any misunderstandings.” “May I ask about her?” “Her name is Kimiko Mei Takahasi. She’s from a small town called Oguni in...

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GirlsWay Jillian Janson Karlee Grey Kylie Le Beau Spying On The New Neighbors

Kylie Le Beau is cleaning in her kitchen when she happens to look outside and notices two neighbors, Karlee Grey and Jillian Janson, kissing passionately in their backyard. They don’t see her, and Kylie can’t help but watch for a moment. But does Kylie forget all about the gorgeous lesbians and go back to cleaning? NOPE. As Kylie watches them kissing and touching, she becomes increasingly turned on, masturbating as she spies. The neighbors start taking their robes off and fondling...

4 years ago
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Caught in the act Pt 1

PART 1 - CAUGHTOK, I have to admit it, I am a porn addict. I simply adore pornography, every kind, every flavor, every color, every sexual orientation. From the days of Playboy and Hustler to the present internet age, I have been enjoying getting my cock out and jerking off to porn. I love it. Every chance I get I get on the computer and search for new pictures and videos. Most of the time I hunt for women, however recently I have been enjoying some men and boys. I get my cock out and jerk...

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My second visit for BBC at school

So, I left you last time with how I'd been blacked for the first time. It was brutal, and it hurt, and I was hooked. This is a true story, loosely embelished to allow for the tract of time. Everything that happened, did the way I say.The next few weeks were fairly uneventful. I'd carried on shopping at school, managing to find bits and pieces unattended. Mainly spare pairs of tights, the odd blouse, and in one case, a pair of worn knickers which I treasured for a very long time; they were cute,...

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Double Dealing

"When did you get so good at poker?" muttered Sebastian as he stripped off his undershirt. "I don't know," said Michelle, "When did you start working out?" "About a year ago," said Sebastian, "as I recall, you accused me of becoming a musclehead at the time." As he said it, he looked over at Devon, Michelle's new beau, for any sign of a reaction. It was hard to tell by fire and lantern light, but there was no sign, positive or negative. He kept his head down, concentrating on...

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I Want To Fuck My Neighbour

You ever fantasise about someone you can’t have? Yeah, me too! My next door neighbour has to be one of the hottest women I know. I’ve masturbated thinking of her more times than I’d care to admit to, but damn, she’s hot! I’ve been going to her house for the past few months helping out with her chores. Her husband left her for a younger girl. He had been cheating on Nikki for over a year before he finally told her about the other girl, and Nikki divorced him without a second thought. I thought...

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Tony was sitting alone in a downtown gay bar contemplating his sexless marriage. After forty years of marriage his wife Liz was no longer interested in sex. In desperation, Tony had turned to gay sex, something he had experienced in his youth, but had avoided for many years. He now frequented gay bars hoping to be hit on for NSA sex with other men. He truly loved having his cock sucked and was fast becoming addicted to sucking cock. He had not yet given up his ass to another man.While drowning...

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Z New HorizonsChapter 22 Mel Alice

We finalized our rules at 19:00. Just then Mel left his study to discover his naked wife with three younger naked ladies. He went back returning nude 30 seconds later. Dinner had just been delivered into a dual side cabinet. One side of the cabinet was in the hallway outside their apartment, the other side in their kitchen. Alice put dinner on their glass top table and we ate. While we ate Mel spoke to the young naked ladies at his table. “Fran, although we have never met in person I feel...

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Sues Story in Las Vegas by CRC

Before I start, I think I should give a brief description of myself. My name is Sue, I’m 44 yrs old, 5’6” tall, 140 lbs, natural redhead (I can prove it), blue eyes, 36b, smallish boobs just asking to be sucked & squeezed, proper housewife with 2 k**s and married 23 years (Joe). I have a set of pouting red-lips made for cock sucking and my husband loves it, but I don’t swallow. My pussy is meticulously trimmed to expose my soft and tender lip and I also enjoys giving head to my husband...

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My wifes arousal for black cock

That late evening my sensual horny wife me she felt very aroused and she wanted more than my hard cock inside her. She looked in my eyes and said she really needed some “black action” and then she convinced me to attend an interracial party out of town. The place had been recommended to Anita by her slutty girlfriend Helena, of course…We arrived there early, finding that were already several couples and single black studs at the party house. After about an hour of chatting with many of the...

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Teaching Shannon a LessonChapter 1

When I met Shannon Brien I was twenty-three, had just gotten my M.S., and was teaching in a community college while I worked on my Ph.D. Shannon was in a College Algebra class I taught in my first Spring semester, and I noticed her as soon as I entered the room. I had broken up with my graduate- school girlfriend some time earlier, so I was very vulnerable to Shannon's very obvious charms; so vulnerable, in fact, that my cock actually stiffened slightly when I saw her in the front row. She...

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Welcome to Reality

I stare at my own reflection, still not convinced that that is really me. It’s not how I would usually picture myself; not how I usually saw myself. My eyes seem duller than usual. The hair on my head not quite so lush and verdant, but more hair than I’m used to everywhere else. My chest somehow thinner and not as toned. And, as my eyes roam down the reflection, I don’t quite recognise my cock, which is very strange given how often I look at it and think about it.The mirror is spotless, but all...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Two brothers have problems with their girlfriends

Authors note: This is the same family from ‘A Marriage in Turmoil’ only it’s about their sons approximately six years later. It is a complete stand alone story. This story is about ‘How do we treat family.’ Well, eventually it will be about that. I’m Jacob, twenty- four years old. David is my younger brother who is twenty-two. I’m the jock in the family, receiving a scholarship to play football. I stand 6’2″ and weigh in at about 220 lbs....

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The Wedding Ch 11

Eldon Parkhurst stood at the fringes of the crowd at the reception, enjoying watching the other guests interact. At least that’s what he was trying to tell himself. He may have been glancing at the crowd, but mostly he was watching Sheila Tomlinson, the young woman who was catering the reception. Sheila had once been a student of his. He thought she was lovely then and, in his opinion, she was even lovelier now. He wondered if she was married. As he watched the young woman and thought about...

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Misty Mountains ch 7 The Arkenstone

The Arkenstone, the King's jewel, Heart of the Mountain. The one thing that would mean more to the dwarven people, it would force the King to marry her even if he was really wanting to marry the elf. Pressure would be put on him from the other dwarf kingdoms to choose a dwarf woman regardless and when she presented him with the Arkenstone it would seal their fate. Dithinia knew where she would have to look deep in the mountain where the dragon had once secreted himself. She knew that the...

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Some Kind of HeroChapter 44

The transition from car to houseboat went smoothly. Darius, Ken and I packed the three coolers in, while the ladies grabbed as much of everything else as possible. One more trip for skis and the only thing left was to get the sherbet out of the freezer. I turned the freezer off at the same time, unplugging it from the Jeep's 12 volt circuit. I got my dessert safely settled in the houseboat's freezer and then I dropped the houseboat's lines while Gloria helped Ken untie the ski boat from...

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Mike briskly walked the mile and a half from his landlady's house, just as he had several times before. He had been renting a space from her and her husband for almost a year now, paying his utilities along with the reasonable rent, every week, just as they had agreed. When he had fallen on tough times several months ago, she had been very understanding and said he could catch the rent up when he was doing better. Her and her husband weren't well off, but they were doing alright, his small...

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The woman who changed my world

It was during my first college semester when my feelings for women really started heating up. I had doubled up on classes in high school, and took college credit courses (yes….there is such a thing as a smart blond) and I had started college early. This would be my first time away from home, but I was excited to begin my life. I have always had adult mentality, even at a young age. I knew what I wanted and knew I would succeed professionally and finacially. I had a great group of friends, both...

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Mistress playtime Pt 1

I meet you outside the front door of my apartment. No words are said. I pull you inside by the collar of your shirt. My room mate is in the living room. His back is to us, so he doesn't notice me dragging you to my room. "Hey," he says mildly when we pass. But you aren't allowed to speak. I walk through the door and turn to face you. "Shut the door and take off your clothes." You narrow your blue eyes at me. "Is there something you would like to say?" You pull your shirt over your head and then...

1 year ago
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Scarlett Jones 2800 205000

I have a thing for sexy British porn stars. Why? Because English folks are some of the ugliest motherfuckers on Earth. From what I can tell, royals weren't the only one's inbreeding. I think everyone was. Finding a sexy British porn star is like finding a unicorn sewing in a pile of hay. In my many years of watching way too much porn (or just enough), I've only come across a tiny handful, and the very best of those might be Scarlett Jones.A Rare and Precious EventScarlett Jones is a firey...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 10 Dees Diary The Mysterious Professor Freddy

DEE'S DIARY MONDAY, MAY 6th Dear Diary, What an absolutely WONDERFUL day yesterday was. And now, here I am writing about it (I was certainly in no shape to do so last night!), strangely at peace, knowing that today is my last full day on this earth. My last night may be a little uncertain, however. I've agreed to do something that has me VERY nervous. But I'll get to that. I drove out to the lake house about nine o'clock and stopped at the farmer's market and butcher shop on the way....

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No Strings Attached Sweetness and Lace Chapter 20

I wake up the next day curled up against my beau's firm, muscular chest, and my manhood locked away again. Its morning stretch is uncomfortable with it being unable to become fully aroused, but I feel less frustrated after yesterday. Liam had made love to me, and we're both on the same page about where our relationship is going.After our lovemaking yesterday, we'd bathed together, ate a delicious dinner Liam had cooked, and then spoke for hours about what had transpired in the playroom. We'd...

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Reluctant Model I

The Reluctant Model I "How did I ever let her talk me into this?" I thought for the hundredth time in the last twenty-four hours. I was standing in my wife's sewing room wearing a pink, halter-top sun dress while she pinned up the hem and I wasn't just wearing the dress; she had dressed me from the skin out! I was wearing a padded girdle with a built-in waist cincher, a long-line, padded strapless bra, and a pair of hot pink open-toed four- inch sandals and that wasn't even the worst...

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Stuck in an elevator with a black man

Stuck in an elevator with a black manI was attending a conference at Baltimore those days. Victor had stayed at home this time and I had to fly away from New York. That afternoon I walked through the hotel lobby toward the elevator. I had had had a long day and really needed to get some rest before the next day conference. My four inches heels were killing me: I wanted to get rid of them and take a long hot tub bath. The elevator finally arrived. I stepped inside, noticing the mirrors all...

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BestGirlfriendEver II

*************************************** After fucking my girlfriend's little sister for the first on the living room floor the night before, the three of us made our way to their parents bedroom to enjoy the larger bed. There, on her parents bed, I fucked Jackie two more times. I got behind her and held on to her narrow hip as I pounded her hard, shoving my cock hard into her tight little cunt over and over. The third time, she rode me cowgirl style. This was my favorite position. On...

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UnbrokenPart 2 Crucible

“I was so full of hate, that there was no room in me for such feelings as love, pity, kindness, or decency“ - Carl Panzram My phone chirped. Flicking it on, I answered. “Merlin.” There was an honest smile on my face, and it must have been conveyed through my voice. Honestly, I WAS happy to hear from Merlin. Time without work, was time where my past was allowed to haunt me. And it had been two months since Gregor. “Glad to hear from me Mason?” There was an almost distinct hint of levity in...

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How Kimi was Born Chapter 1The Spark

From: DaChaz To: kinkyguy606 So I know that your profile says your only looking for women but if your striking out there what would you say to trying a BJ from me. I can be real discreet and I know the perfect place to meet. At first the idea disgusts me and I instantly close the message but the more I think about it the more I wonder what it would be like. I pass the time looking at porn and jacking off. After an hour I pull the message back up and write From: ...

2 years ago
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Mountain Lake AcademyChapter 7

The girls were three bundles of excited energy the next evening. I sat naked on the end of the bed with my feet on the floor. Cat sat naked next to me. The three girls stood in a semi-arc in front of me where they could keep their eyes on my hard cock. "Today," I began. "One girl at a time will get to suck me off." The girls looked confused. Cat clarified. "You will suck his cock until Chris cums in your mouth." "Oh!" the girls said and nodded understanding. "What is sex...

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