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It was a gorgeous Saturday morning. Paul just got out of
the shower and saw Amanda out on the deck laying in her
bikini. His dick started to get hard again as he began
thinking back to last night. He cupped his hand over the
crotch of his pants feeling his hard dick swell even
more as he watched Amanda applying the suntan lotion
over her gorgeous white thighs.

Paul and Amanda met in college. She was a cheerleader
for the football team. She grew up in a strict Catholic
family and was so inexperienced when it came to having
sex when they first met. Paul remembered how it took
several months to finally get into Amanda's pants. That
didn't happen until after his proposal about two weeks
later Paul remembered.

She was only nineteen at the time and even though she
accepted his proposal she wanted to wait until she
finished college before the actual wedding date was set
that June of her senior year. They got married that year
and right after the honeymoon Paul got himself a job as
a young executive at a manufacturing company just
outside of Ann Arbor Michigan.

Amanda managed to latch onto a good paying job at a bank
as a financial adviser where she still works to this
day. They bought a small house a year later and Paul was
doing great until his company. They were celebrating
their fourth year anniversary when Paul got the news
that his company was brought out by another firm. A few
months later they began merging jobs to other locations.
Paul was a causality and soon out of work. Amanda became
the bread winner in the household while Paul searched
for a permanent job.

It pretty much put a big strain on their marriage. Paul
felt so measurable working these low paying part time
jobs while he searched for something more permanent. The
financial strain lead to frequent arguments. They just
weren't getting along very well under the circumstances.

Paul finally found a job at a small local company ran by
the widow of its founder. Her name was Cathy. She was in
her late fifties and hired Paul as her new CEO. She was
still very attractive and desirable for her age. The
real fact she hired Paul was because she liked younger
men and thought Paul was very handsome. Paul sucked it
all in for the benefit of his job and getting huge
raises and bonus checks in just the few short months of
his employment.

Cathy called Paul into her office one Monday and told
him she had planned to attend a company conference in
New York for a few days and wanted Paul to come with
her. Paul had no choice but to accept her offer and told
Amanda that night he'd be going out of town for a few
days with his boss.

There were company meetings to attend during the day
which kept him busy. He got a dinner invite from his
boss the next afternoon. A nice dinner with wine and a
little dancing afterward. That's when Cathy made her
move on Paul corning him on the dance floor in a dark
corner. He tried to resist but ended up spending the
night in her hotel room that night.

Cathy seduced him that night and he felt so obligated to
have sex with her since she had been given Paul absolute
control over her small company. When Paul returned home
that weekend he felt so guilty about what he'd done that
he confessed to Amanda the first night telling her
everything that happen. Confessing to Amanda wasn't
exactly the smart thing to do. She packed her things the
next morning an filed for a divorce the following Monday

It was her strict upbringing that brought her to that
decision plus talking to her mother didn't help much
either. So, the house was sold and the divorce was final
within a few short months. Paul saw his life and dreams
turn into a nightmare in just one week. Paul soon quite
his job working for Kathy and moved to Ohio where he
began working for a small bank.

He kept in touch with Amanda. Paul was still very much
in love with Amanda and thought she felt the same way
about him As the weeks and months past by she finally
confessed that her quick judgment was a mistake and told
Paul she was very sorry she listened to her Mothers
advice about filing for a divorce in the first place.
She was very angry at the time of the incident. They're
talks became more frequent and one day Amanda invited
Paul to come visit her at her new condo she just bought.
Paul only lived about an hour and a half away so it was
no problem making the trip one Saturday to visit his ex-
wife and see her new condo.

Paul arrived early that Saturday which they spent a few
hours talking and getting reacquainted. Paul was amazed
at the new condo Amanda had bought. The place was really
nice with three bedrooms, two baths, and a gorgeous view
of the woods right behind the development. Paul was
proud of the way she continued her being so successful.
and independent. They had a fabulous dinner together at
one of the local restaurants in Ann Arbor.

Paul was ready to leave for the drive back home that
evening when Amanda asked him to stay the night. That
night turned into a new beginning for them both. Paul
had no idea how or why Amanda changed but sex was so
very different with her now. She seemed so experienced
at having sex. Paul remembered how she seemed to work on
his cock so expertly like she had been reading a book on
how to perform a good blow job on a man. Amanda had
taken the time teasing him and touching places she never
had before. He almost went into shock when she worked
herself under his body somehow and began licking his
ball sack and poking the tip of her tongue between his
ass cheeks.

She was acting like a total slut. Paul didn't understand
it. Perhaps it was because she hadn't seen him in so
long and wanted to perform at her best. Paul knew he
wasn't built that large. He only measured slightly over
five inches in length and not that thick. Paul
remembered how Amanda settled herself onto his cock that
night. Teasing him with her newly shaved pussy.
Something she'd never done when they were married.

It was a great new look at he absolutely loved. Her
pussy looked so fresh and young looking. When she
finally got herself fully impaled that night Paul almost
went into shock at the way she was moving her body
around above him. She was like an exotic dancer in a
seated position seductively moving every party of her
hot body above him.

That wasn't the only think he noticed that night. Her
pussy felt like it now had a mind of its own the way her
muscles tightened around his cock. It was all too
strange. At first her pussy felt much looser then he
remembered but she used her pussy muscles to great
advantage to work his load from his balls that night.

Amanda was just so amazing that night the way she
performed sex that Paul was just happy and so pleased.
They had a very emotional conversation that Sunday with
Amanda even asking Paul to move back to Michigan with
her. Paul gave it some thought over the following week
and called Amanda that Thursday telling her he'd work
something out as soon as he could.

The bank Paul was working for was just putting a branch
in the Ann Arbor area so Paul was the first to volunteer
for a job transfer which he got a few weeks later. Paul
had been making weekly trips in the mean time to see
Amanda. Their sex life was so amazing now and Paul
couldn't be happier. Paul even proposed marriage to
Amanda and she accepted his proposal for the second

It was mutual between them both that when Paul moved
back in with Amanda that he would stay in another
bedroom at her condo. Amanda thought it would be a more
romantic setting having Paul sleep in another room. He
didn't mind. He was just so happy being back home with
her again and getting a new start together.

During the first two weeks back, Paul got adjusted to
working at the new bank location working long hours that
kept him and Amanda from seeing one another during much
of the evening. Things began settling down giving him
and Amanda more free time to spend getting re-acquainted
after their long separation.

Amanda seemed so different than before their divorce.
She was much more independent now which Paul seemed to
like about her now. Her wardrobe had changed since they
were married. Amanda had an array of sexy dresses now
that enhanced her gorgeous figure like low cut cleavage
and short tight fitting around her gorgeous curves. She
also added a huge collection of new 6" spike heeled
shoes. She looked like a slut when she dressed for work
these days.

It was a Saturday morning. Paul had taken Amanda out for
an early breakfast in downtown Ann Arbor. It was an
outdoor café. Their food arrived and about halfway into
their meal Amanda got a phone call.

"Oh, Hi Rob. I didn't expect to hear from you." Paul
heard her say.

Amanda looked a bit uncomfortable sitting across from
Paul speaking to this other person on the phone.

There were a lot of quick one word replies from Amanda
to whomever she was speaking to.

"Yeah, sure... That would be nice..." Pause from Amanda
squirming in her seat.

"I... Well... Maybe we can get together...Let me call
you back... Eating breakfast with a friend right now."

Friend? Paul thought to himself. She's hiding something.

"Yeah...That would be great... Bye."

Amanda quickly put the cell phone back inside her purse
and quickly began eating again as if nothing had just
taken place.

"Who was that Amanda?" Paul asked.

"Um...It was a friend... Someone I know..."

Paul kept chewing as he starred over at Amanda. "You
seemed a little upset. Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine. I'll tell you about it later."

Paul continued to eat his breakfast leaving it alone for
now. He was certainly curious about the phone
conversation and hoped Amanda would explain what it was
all about.

They're Saturday continued with a walk in the park and
driving by a lake later that afternoon. They sat down on
a bench near the water when Amanda finally opened up
about the phone call.

"Paul. A few months after our divorce I started seeing
this guy named Rob."

Paul was a bit shocked but under the circumstances it
appeared normal for Amanda to date. Paul sat quietly as
Amanda explained.

"I felt very lonely at the time and I guess I just
needed a person to lean on and help me thru those
difficult times."

Paul held her hand while she continued to speak.

"I met Rob at one of the little cafe's downtown. He made
some sort of comment about my hair and the next thing I
knew we were having lunch together. I gave him my phone
number and we went out the next night."

Amanda was transfixed in telling the details of how she
met this man. Starring at the water while she spoke.

"We started seeing each other more regularly. I guess
you could say we were dating."

Amanda sighed. "Paul... It was so different. I can't
really explain it. Rob made me feel like a woman again.
He taught me things I never really dreamed about. It was
so incredible!"

Amanda squeezed Paul's hand looking over at him. "Honey.
I'm so sorry. I just felt I needed to tell you this."

Paul held her hand tight. "It's alright. Tell me more."

Amanda sighed again continuing her story. "Well. We
began seeing each other every day. Rob began spending
the night with me and things started getting more

Amanda paused again looking at Paul straight into his
eyes. "Paul. That man taught me so much in so little

Paul asked. "Do you mean about sex?"

"Yes." She replied.

It was all coming together for Paul now. The way she
moved and acted during sex. She had learned everything
she knew from this guy Rob.

"You see. Rob works in sales for this medical
manufacturing company. His job calls for him to travel
sometimes. We met one night and Rob told me he had to
take a transfer out of town with his company out in
Southern California. It was a bit pay increase and I
told him to take it."

Amanda began to cry a little as Paul held her hand. She
took a tissue out from her purse and wiped her eyes and
continued with her story.

"We continued to see each other right until the last day
before Rob had to catch a plane out west. Rob's been
calling me every other day checking up on me to see how
I'm doing. His calls got a little infrequent these past
few weeks. I just figured he had finally moved on
perhaps with someone else and..."

Paul comforted her. "It's OK. I understand."

Amanda sniffled as she replied looking at Paul. "Rob's
phone call this morning. He wanted to surprise me. He
said he was moving back to Michigan. He...said he
couldn't wait to see me again... Didn't want to tell me
a few weeks ago when he found out the good news. Wanted
it to be a surprise!"

Paul just starred at the water in deep thought.

"Honey! What I'm I going to do? Rob would be so
devastated if he knew I was engaged to my ex-husband."

Paul paused for a moment than looked at Amanda. "What do
you want to do?"

Amanda blurted out. "Paul. I love you very much! I just
don't want to hurt Rob and..."

"It's OK. We'll work something out."

Amanda wrapped her arms around Paul and began to cry.
Paul rubbed her back for a while letting her vent until
they finally stood up and walked back to the car hand in

They got home after a quiet ride back in the car. Paul
fixed a small dinner for them both as they sat down
quietly to eat. Paul had done a lot of thinking. He
certainly felt a little shocked by everything Amanda had
told him but on the other hand she confessed that she
loved him very much.

"So. Is our engagement still on or what?" Paul asked
Amanda after dinner.

She smiled back at him giving him a big hug as she
replied that it was still on. Amanda changed into some
black lingerie later that evening at came out and sat
down next to Paul on the sofa. They held hands as they
watched a movie.

Paul began thinking about the way Amanda had opened up
sexually. Meeting this guy Rob wasn't all that bad of a
thing. He certainly changed her for the good Paul
thought to himself/ He enjoyed sex so much more now and
knew that Amanda really had an appreciation for pleasing
her sexual partner now.

Paul wasn't stupid. Nor was he going to be corned into
doing something he felt was wrong. After much thought he
got the guts to ask Amanda a question.

"Do you want to see this guy Rob again?"

Amanda looked over at Paul with a surprised look on her
face as she held his hand.

"Well. I guess I was going to see him once he got back
into town and explain the circumstances to him."

"I figured you'd want to do something of that natural
but what I really wanted to know was if you wanted to
continue seeing him once he moved back?"

Amanda looked a bit confused as she replied. "What do
you mean?"

Paul took a deep breath before replying. "Amanda. You're
a different person now. I don't know how to explain it.
I love the way you've come out sexually. You're

Amanda laughed. "Yeah. I guess I can thank Rob for that

"He must have taught you lots of things didn't he?"

"Yes. Loved having sex with Rob. Honey. I can't explain
it. Rob has a very dominating personality. He explained
to me how he likes to train his woman to please him.
Likes them to be submissive."

Paul laughed. "You mean he's into the bondage thing? You
know. Handcuffs and tying you up and stuff?"

Amanda laughed. "No silly. Rob isn't that way at all. He
just has this way about him where he can take over your
thoughts and control your mind. "

"So you were submissive to him?"

"Yes. Rob liked it that way. He never forced me to do
anything. You have to want it. It's hard to explain how
Rob uses these techniques. I mean. He started out slowly
and explained in detail how and what he'd like me to do.
I guess you could say he brought things out of me that
were deep inside my mind. Things I never really
understood. Rob took the time to allow me to appreciate
what I was doing."

Paul began kissing Amanda. He was messaging one of her
tits poking his hand under the thin material of her
negligee. Without asking. Amanda got down on her knees
and started to tug on Paul's pants unbuckling the belt
and pulled down the zipper. He lifted himself up enough
to slip his pants down to the floor as Amanda scooted
between his legs and began working on his cock.

She handling his cock so skillfully making Paul moan as
he closed his eyes enjoying the please he was receiving
from her daintily lipstick covered lips. He just leaned
back and enjoyed the blow job as she worked the tip of
her tongue on his increasingly throbbing cock.

Amanda worked her lips and tongue making Paul moan even
louder as he arched his hips up allowing better access
to his cock for Amanda to suck. It didn't take long
before he came. Amanda took his cum inside her mouth
holding it on the tip of her tongue opening her mouth to
show Paul his offering. She quickly closed her mouth
swallowing his cum looking up into his eyes as she
continued licking the head of his cock clean.

She arched up kissing his lips. He could taste his own
cum on her lips as their tongues mingled sharing what
was left of his hot seed.

Paul slept in his own room again that night starring up
at the dark ceiling. The question of Amanda wanting to
see this guy named Rob again was really never answered.
Amanda came out cheerful and smiling for breakfast the
next morning. Once they ate Paul got around to asking
that question again only he put it a different way.

"So. When are you going to see this guy Rob again?"

"We spoke on the phone last night before I went to
sleep. He said he's be back in town on Friday. He'll be
living at the same apartment complex and having his
furniture delivered that day."

"So you're going to see him that Friday?"

"That's what I was thinking. Is it alright with you?"
She asked looking like a little girl wanting candy.

"Yeah. Sure. Don't mind at all."

Amanda gave Paul a big hug and kissed him on the cheek.

"Um...Have you told Rob about me... Hugh... staying here
I mean?"

"Hugh...Yes... I told him... I Ugh... Didn't tell him

Paul looked at Amanda waiting for an explanation. "Well.
I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I thought I'd wait
to explain things to him in person."

"Have you talked about me before?" Paul asked.

"Yeah. We have. Sort of. Rob never really cared and
thought it was a good idea not to bring up the past."

Amanda was standing near the sink in the kitchen. She
looked like she wanted to say something so Paul just
stood nearby waiting to see what she was going to say

"Paul... I was thinking. I mean I thought of an idea."
She said as she came forward encircling her arms around
Paul's waist. She looked up at him with those little
girl eyes giving him a passionate kiss as she held her
hands tight around his waist.

"Paul. What if we pretended something. I mean, not
telling Rob you're my ex-husband."

"What do you mean?"

Amanda sighed. "I kind of came up with this scenario
last night. Let me explain."

Amanda pulled Paul into the living room and sat down on
the sofa right next to him still holding his hands.

"What if we pretend to be brother and sister? It might
be a lot of fun if I were too..."

Paul cut her off saying. "You mean you want to fuck this
guy? Don't you?"

Amanda sighed. "Listen Paul... Remember during our first
year of marriage how you used to fantasize about having
me fuck another man? I'd play along with your fantasy
teasing you and pretending that I was going to go out
with someone else and how we had such wild sex.

"Yeah. I remember." Paul replied.

Amanda kept holding Paul's hands with hers as she
continued. "Remember the nights I'd go into the other
bedroom and pretend I was having sex with another man?
I'd make all kinds of silly sounds and come back into
our room and you would just about **** me afterward.

Paul smiled. "Yeah. I remember."

Amanda kind of sat there waiting for some sort of reply
other than that short one he just gave. "Well." She

Paul replied. "You mean you really want to do this. I
mean fuck Rob and come home and tell me about it? Is
that it?"

Amanda smiled in a devilish way replying. "I could do it
here in my room. You could listen."

Paul's heard was beating hard now. He was thinking. The
idea aroused him for sure.

"OK. Let's say we do this. Than what? What happens next
I mean. We still getting married?"

Amanda leaned over and grabbed Paul around the neck
looking him straight in the eyes as she placed her soft
sweet lips onto his. "Of course darling. You can be my
little cuckold husband."

Paul's eyes widened when he heard Amanda say what she
just said.

"Cuckold husband?" Paul said.

Amanda giggled like a little schoolgirl. "Rob told me
this story about a married woman he dated. Her husband
encouraged her to date other men. Rob told me these
stories on how the husband would even eat Rob's cum from
her freshly fucked pussy."

Paul looked at her in a strange way. "You mean you want
me to eat your pussy after you've been fucked by another

Amanda giggled but changed the subject very quickly.
"Why don't we ride into town and look around the shops
today? We can talk some more while we walk."

Paul smiled. Looked like Amanda had everything planned
out ahead. It was an interesting idea she came up with
but didn't understand why she just didn't come out and
tell this guy Rob that he was her ex- husband.

We spent the afternoon looking in little shops around
town that day and I finally got my questions answered as
to why Amanda didn't want to tell Rob that I was her ex-

"Honey. Don't you think it would be much more erotic and
exciting letting Rob think you my brother? Let me give
you an example. Rob told me that when he dated that
married woman he felt as if he couldn't be himself
around him and held a lot of things back."

Paul replied. "You mean you think he won't be as good a
lover if he knew your ex-husband was hanging around?"

Amanda sighed as she held Paul's hand while they walked
around town. "I don't want Rob to change the way we have
sex and I'm afraid if I tell him the truth it won't be
the same."

Paul learned that afternoon how much Amanda enjoyed
having sex with Rob. He also learned that Rob was a
black guy. She'd become spoiled with his big black cock
and the way their relationship was going. Amanda made it
very clear that she loved Paul very much but wasn't in a
position right now to give up the fabulous sex she had
with Rob.

Rob had taught her about a lot of subjects since he
dated a married woman. She learned about being a HotWife
even though her and Paul were still legally divorced she
didn't see any reason why she couldn't act like a

Amanda put her HotWife skills to work that night when
she got all dressed up in sexy lingerie. Black garter
with black stockings and heels. She laid down in bed
next to Paul playing with his dick teasing him as she
got him extremely aroused.

She was using humiliation on him as she laid on her side
with her leg up over his shoulder while stroking his
dick. Making Paul lick her pussy very delicately as she
rubbed her well oiled hand on his dick.

"That's it baby. Lick Mamma's pussy for her. Make it all
nice and wet and hot for me. That's it baby. Lick it

She was bucking her hips up to meet the rhythm of his
tongue slipping between her pink puffy pussy lips. Paul
was performing what he always liked to do on Amanda
except he wanted to fuck her right now but Amanda kept
pushing him back onto the bed each time he tried to get

"Keep licking me baby. Show Mommy how you can make me
wet and horny."

Paul went along with it and kept working the tip of his
tongue on her clit and pussy lips as she moaned tilting
her head back with passion.

Amanda kept working on his cock squeezing it harder as
she stroked it with her hand. Paul knew that the way it
was going that he's soon spew his load right there in
her hand rather than inside her pussy. He got the
feeling that's what she wanted him to do.

"That's it baby. Mommy's pussy needs a nice big black
cock inside it, don't you think?"

"Yes." Paul reluctantly replied as he continued to lick.

"Oh... You're so good at that honey... So good at
licking my pussy. You going to make Mommy cum just
thinking about Rob's big cock inside me."

Amanda was doing enough on his cock with her hands and
the baby oil she rubbed on it a few minutes ago but was
hoping for much more tonight like one of the blow jobs
she'd been recently giving him or riding his cock like
so many other nights since his return back to Michigan.

Paul looked up at Amanda's tits which were exposed in
this outfit she wore. Her nipples were hard as little
rocks and her tits jiggled with the movement of her
hands on his cock. He kept thinking how gorgeous and
sexy she looked. Paul tried to imagine how she looked
with a big black cock stuffed inside her pink pussy.

He was trying to imagine how it might stretch her pussy
lips apart. Would it be so tight that the lips clung to
Rob's cock? His mind drifted in every direction now as
Amanda quickened her strokes on his cock. He could tell
that she was eager for him to cum soon and he also knew
he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. He
continued licking ever so gently as she stroked his cock
a few last times until Paul let out a loud groan as his
cock began spurting its hot white load.

Amanda kept squeezing it pointing it down toward the bed
sheets not wanting to get any cum on herself except what
leaked onto her hands. His body jerked a few more times
as she squeezed the last of his cum from his veins. She
reached toward the end of the bed grabbing a towel and
quickly wiped her hands dry before applying it onto
Paul's shrinking cock wiping up as much of the cum as
she could with the towel.

Amanda scooted forward away from Paul's tongue. He never
did give her an orgasm tonight and quickly apologized
for not doing so.

"It's alright darling. I'm a little tired to night

What Paul really suspected was that Amanda was trying
hard not to have an orgasm tonight so she would be that
much more aroused once Rob returned at the end of the

Present day: Amanda was still out on the patio sitting
in the sun. Paul could see her talking on her cell phone
likely making plans with Rob for later that day. Amanda
certainly spent the past week getting Paul conditioned
this past week. In a polite but firm manor she made it
clear that her pussy was off limits to Paul now that Rob
was returning into the picture.

Paul was disappointed that Amanda wouldn't even suck his
cock this week and even questioned it with her last
evening getting a polite response back from her. "Honey.
We don't want you to get spoiled now do we? I think it's
best that Mommy makes those decisions for you on how you
get to use your little cock from now on."

Amanda had told him that while cupping his balls through
his pants last night making him want her even more.
After kissing him gently on the lips she smiled at Paul
rubbing the palm of her hand along his crotch saying.

"I want you to stay nice and horny for me when Rob gets
here tomorrow."

Amanda was definitely getting into this cuckold thing.
The problem was that Paul enjoyed what she was doing to
him and couldn't help it.

Paul saw Amanda walking back toward the condo. She
slipped the sliding door open as her little round ass
shook with each movement she took in that tiny little
bikini. She looked at Paul with a smile and said.

"Honey. I want you to come into the bedroom with me and
help me pick out something to wear tonight."

Paul flowered her swaying little round ass back to the
bedroom. Paul's cock was rock solid hard as he thought
to himself. "She's going to get plenty of black cock
inside that sweet little pussy tonight. Or as Rob
probably referred to it as Sweet White Pussy..."

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"Are you all right?" The cool question made Doris pause as she was hurrying through the hall at Romily Manor on her way to her room to freshen up, and compose herself, after George had dropped her off at the front door. "W-why yes, Missus Wynton," Doris stammered. The mistress of Romily Manor surveyed Doris's flushed face, over-bright eyes and keyed-up manner. "What did--" she paused, "the doctor want to see you about?" "Oh," Doris's flush deepened, "just--just some tests."...

3 years ago
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Company Slut Chapter 3

It was almost a week later when Brooke got a call from Mr. Barstow. He intentionally called during the day when Brooke's husband, Ken, was at work because Brooke had said she didn't want him to know anything about her work yet. She didn't want him to know because first off, she didn't have the job yet and didn't want to jinx things, and secondly, she didn't want him asking too many questions about it and finding out there was more to her job than just being your average run-of-the-mill...

Office Sex
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FidleChapter 7

“So you’re just going to stand there?” Luke’s feet were riveted to the floor. His jaw was wired shut. Yet both had greater freedom of action than his mind. Kathryn sighed, stretching and writhing sensually within the haphazard cocoon of the sheet, the hard points of her nipples threatening its sanctity while her exposed foot absentmindedly traced circles in the air. Finally, he summoned up sufficient strength of will to speak. “Ka ... Kathryn! Oh my god, you’re really ... I thought you ......

1 year ago
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Weekend with cousin Kara

Last summer, both my parents and my cousin Kara's parents decided to go on a camping trip for the weekend. Since my aunt and uncle did not trust Kara to stay on her own, they asked me to watch over her for the weekend. For my troubles they gave me $100 for the weekend. Kara and I got along very well. Since I was older than her by 3 years she has always looked up to me. Ever since we were younger she was always like a lost puppy following me where ever I went. Although she is a little bit older...

2 years ago
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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 15

George came up and said, "The herd is gone, Jase. What should we do?" "There's not much we can do, tonight, George. Get some help and drag these bodies off somewhere. Also, see if you can find their horses." George took off and in a few minutes, we saw Jo coming back with Becky. Becky was wracked with sobs as she knelt beside her husband. Jo squatted beside her, and put her arms around the distraught wife. Ab and I had the fire going pretty well now, and we watched as Tess cut off...

2 years ago
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My Favorite Place

My asian flower always knew I liked to make love to her. We both had the kind of jobs that we had the freedom to be gone from our desk for many hrs. and no one cared. One day I called her and said I want to spend sometime with her uninterrupted, "she knows that means, strong,sweaty sex." Because she works in an upscale part of town, most of the hotels are very costly, but that doesn't matter because I usually chose the same one each time, we go in the side door and we can get on the elevator...

1 year ago
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Tales of a HustlerBases Loaded

Tales of a Hustler---Bases LoadedIt had been one of the most intense games in recent history. The Cardinals were down by one, bottom of the ninth, and the picture—my lil bro, was up. A win would give the Cardinals a forth straight state championship. A loose—well you can only imagine. I had run up to the announcer box and borrowed the mic from Coach Wallace, as I as much as anybody was going nuts. The crowd was in a constant roar.“Aight ladies and gentlemen—here we are—the moment we all been...

3 years ago
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Went To Meet Rizwana In Hometown

Hello everyone, Thanks for your support and positive feedback regarding my previous post “Classmate Fucked After 3 Years”. I am continuing the things happened after a month. It seems to be little lengthy so please be patient. After Riz left me she didn’t call me back. I tried her number and it is switched off. I contacted my friends and they also said that no information about her. Then I asked my friend to inquire about her. He told me that she wasn’t accepting any marriage proposals and she...

3 years ago
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My First Threesome part 1

When I was in my mid 20’s, I was dating a girl who I’ll call here Sarah. She would regularly join my mates & I on nights out and was well liked by my mates. Sarah was in her early 20’s, tall with long curly gingery-blonde hair, blue eyes, lovely pert boobs with nipples like raspberries. She often said that she thought my mate Steve fancied her.Steve was, and still is, one of my oldest friends and at that time he lived out of town so would often sleep in my spare room after a night out to...

2 years ago
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My Student the Escort

Being a university professor has brought great satisfactions to my life in both personal and professional aspects. Something I have always tried to do is not just to fill my students with tons of information, but also get to see their human side and try to help them as much as I can.Recently, one of my brightest students, Natalia, came to me to ask for advice. Her family and her were about to be evicted as they hadn’t been able to pay rent for the last three months. She wanted to know if I...

Group Sex
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Brother SpyChapter 4 Dangling the Bait to the other Fish

Martha was sitting at the table reading the morning paper while Mom was making oatmeal for breakfast. I took the comic section of the paper to read while I waited for the oatmeal. Jane came in from her morning run. She immediately stripped off her sweatshirt to reveal a very damp sports bra. Her nipples stood out prominently from the sweat-soaked bra. I quickly went back to reading my comics. "Jane, dear," said mom, "I've asked you time and again to please put on a shirt before you sit...

3 years ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 16 Alone

Mike’s Apartment, Tuscaloosa, AL Early Saturday, January 11, 2003 Kaleigh started to hum Good Day, Sunshine by Paul McCartney as we remained down on the bath rug in front of my counter. Again, the water from the shower worked against listening to the sound of her simple, yet pleasant musical performance before me. I started to stand up in front of her and said, “If we don’t get in the shower soon, the whole apartment complex will soon be without hot water.” She moved her now free right...

4 years ago
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Wife Becomes a Caregiver

My wife is not a nurse, or licensed in any way to take care of the elderly or sick. So when she suggested taking in the old man next door, I was shocked. The thing was, she is just an all around kind person. And she felt really bad for him, not having anyone. Also, he was really rich, so maybe that played a part in my thinking. He had always been a bit of grump to most neighbors. To be honest, no one the neighborhood seemed to like him. And if he did have family, we could understand why they...

2 years ago
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Female Athlete I love men

My name is Jenn. I love men.My special friend, Greg, is writing this tale. He agreed to show it to me and allow me to edit parts before he published it. Here is our final story.I am a retired athlete, amateur and professional, and I work hard to stay in shape.I’m 5’6”, maybe 100 lbs, and still have my short brown hair from my days of competing (which has caused several gay women to hit on me, but as I said, I love men!). As an athlete, I have small titties, a trim waist and abs of steel. I’m a...

1 year ago
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Incestia 1

A warm night. A distant half-moon. A home of adobe in the Kassanian remote. A man in the soft rustle of sexual motion, the only whisper of sound in a clandestine setting for a necessary coupling. Necessary? Yes. But also i*****l. And yet, it continued. Slowly. Lewdly. The man moved in obscene cadence, pushing in and pulling back, his erect tool slow-plowing like a tiller before seed. His back arched and his loins swiveled as guttural moans emanated in his depths. Criminal. Criminal copulation....

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Emily Right Voluptuous Hottie Emily Right Fucking

All natural beauty Emily Right is ready to have a fucking hot time with Marcus London and really wants to please you with those gorgeous large tits! She whips off her bra and squeezes her tits together making you so badly wish your cock was in that sweet soft cleavage. Marcus will happily titty fuck those beauties and get them all oiled up so they really shine before her goes down on her tasting just how sweet and wet she is! This babe wants to cum and wants you all to cum too… all over...

4 years ago
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HannahChapter 20 Going Home

The next morning will be remembered as one of the saddest days of my life. I came awake slowly, still groggy from sleep and fatigued by the trip and my father's condition. Mom shuffled slowly into the room, holding a hanky to her face. Her voice cracked as she said, "He's gone." I jumped out of bed and went to hold her, and started crying with her. Crying is exhausting work, and I wondered when this crap was going to end. I had never felt so tired, ever. Mom made two phone calls after...

3 years ago
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me and my sister

Hi! My name is Saagar and I'm 20. My sister's name is Sangita and she's 28. She is eight-year-older than me. We are Middle-class family living in small flat in Bombay. Both my father and Mother are working. I call her 'Didi' and since I am much younger than she is she call me 'Sonu'. Initially I wasn't much interested in Sex as I was studying in Boy's school. Also in our building there wasn't any girls which was of similar age of mine. So I never had sex before or even seen a girl naked, except...

1 year ago
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On the Rocks

It's not news, and certainly no surprise to me, that statistics show that half of all marriages end in divorce these days. I think that probably another 25% should end that way but don't. Maybe the idea of marriage is obsolete anyway. My own divorce ratio is 66.66% and my current one should be in that second group to make it 100%. Why don't I divorce my wife? Well, to answer that I need to explain how I got to this point in the first place. Shelley and I met through a mutual friend five...

3 years ago
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The Princess and the HoundChapter 10

The cage is uncomfortable to sleep in. And thought Kat has earned Beckett’s trust and earned a bed and removal of some of her restraints, she is not out of the clear yet. She has no idea how long it has been—how long she has been here. Certainly enough time has passed that her father would be looking for her, but even then, is there a chance he could find her? Would he even care to look in the first place? Back to the bed ... sure it is soft, but certainly not big enough for her to fit on....

1 year ago
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Watching Auntie Jo

Crouching over, his whole weight was against the doorframe as he secretly peered through the gap.The glare of the afternoon sun disappeared as Jo pulled the curtains in her nephews room. After the early morning start for the drive to her sisters, she had needed that long shower. Sitting down at his desk, she pulled the towel from her wet hair and began to rub it dry. Reaching for her hairdryer, she jumped at the loud ring from her mobile phone beside it.”Oh it’s you honey, yes I made it here...

1 year ago
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Life After Bikini Beach Chapter 6

Life After Bikini Beach: Chapter 6 I'm soaked in my bathtub after getting home from Hooters. This, again, was something Ryan never did. It was a hell of a lot easier fitting in a bathtub when you were only 5'2" 105 as opposed to 6'2" 220. I must admit, I wondered why I was so big as a guy, and small as a girl. I wondered how Bikini Beach's magic worked. Had I become the girl I would have grown up to be had my chromosomes been XX instead of XY? Or, had I become my...

2 years ago
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Hypnotic Blunder

I attended one of those hypnosis shows where a hypnotist takes people from the audience and hypnotizes them. Of course, I was skeptical. I figured the people were plants and the whole thing was a ruse. C’mon, seriously, you can’t control someone’s mind by having them look you in the eye, while dangling a shiny object. Much like professional wrestling, there for just the entertainment value, I thought it was all just fake. For those of you who like wrestling, as I do, even though it’s not as...

4 years ago
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Bua Ki Chudai Site Hue

Hi friends now I am going to tell real story of mine hope you all enjoy it let’s began with story…. From my childhood I love my bua becs she is very hot ek din mai bua ke ghar gya or dakha bua so rahi hai unki bati dusre room mai tv dakh rahi thi mai unke room mai gya or dakha wo bed pa so rahi thi meri bua divorcé thi mai bed pa jake bath gya or bua ke lips or unke boobs ko dakh ke pagal sa hone laga and dihre se maine apna haat bua ke thies pa rakha or daar bhi raha tha but phir bhi himmat...

1 year ago
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Its football time part 1

We meet at a designated place and go into the room. It is a standard issue motel room with beige carpet and a floral bedspread. I pull you close and slide my hand behind your neck, tilting it back slightly and cover your plump lips moaning into your mouth as our tongues get familiar. The kiss deepens your arms grasp my shoulders pressing your soft breasts against my chest. I drag my lips down your neck leaving a path i can follow back to your mouth later. I find a tendon in your neck and suck...

4 years ago
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Sisters broken III

Kelly was so frustrated, she had no idea how to cope with this loss and was feeling helpless. When suddenly she heard a chime notifying her she had a new email. She got up wondering if it could be a new lead in the search. But she found that it was actually a video attachment with an email that said only; "Watch your daughters." Kelly nervously opened the video and began to watch. But what she saw broke her immediately. Her youngest daughter Krista hitting her elder sibling with a hammer....

3 years ago
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Fucked Girlfriend And Call Girl On Same Day 8211 Part 3 8211 Being Slave Dog Of My Girl

Hey guys and girls… Hope you all are enjoying my story.. I, Raghu tomar is back with another part of story where my dark side is being full filled by my girl… Those who have not read my previous stories please I suggest you to read them so you can understand this better.. Let me just again introduce me I am Raghu from Gwalior and I am regular gym going guy standing 5.11 ft tall and have dick size of 6 inch.. Any girls ladies wanted to have fun or casual chat please mail me at Now just a quick...

3 years ago
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Steamy Session With My Second Cousin

Hi, guys am back again after a long time. I hope you have read my first story of me and my cousin for which I got an overwhelming response. Thanks to All the readers. This story is about me and second cousin, Tanishka. I really do not know from where I got this fantasy of incest but yes I like to do my cousin. So this all started at a wedding where we both met for the first time after growing up. She is 24 years old gorgeous girl hailing from Punjab. Am 21 year old from Delhi? So the wedding...

3 years ago
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Her First Time Ch 5

Robert and I were leaning against the headboard, the same one that my ex, I guess not so much ‘ex’-lover anymore had tried to hammer my head through a few minutes earlier.Alan left ‘to let his dogs go potty’ a few minutes earlier. I smiled at that, a man who’d leave the woman he’d just fucked for letting his dogs out couldn’t be all bad.It was a brief respite from my feeling of impending disaster. I was crying, trying to keep the tears wiped off my cheeks and not doing a very good job of it....

Wife Lovers
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FamilyHookups Lily Adams Accidentally sees her stepdad8217s cock and can8217t help but fuck it

Lily Adams is excited, today her stepdad promised to take her car shopping! She bursts in his room in the morning and he’s still in bed. She tells him he needs to get up so they can go, she takes his blankets off and he’s naked under there! She sees his thick cock and it’s hard, OMG! She says she’s going to tell mom that his cock was hard for her but she says she might forget about it if she can have a taste. He’s not sure at first but you can’t say no to...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 99 Werewolf

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-98”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… When I was young—far too...

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Sam HopkinsChapter 7

The EP&N (El Paso & Northern Railroad) was in a passel of trouble. It seemed like they wuz getting hit right an' left by train robbers. They wuz being hit by a gang of bandits what was makin' life Hell fer the people tryin' ta make an honest livin' off the railroad. Reports of the size of the gang varied between eight an' thirteen members, but the leader always seemed ta be the same man. I got a telegram from the EP&N General Manager offerin' ta hire me ta git rid of these...

4 years ago
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New Years Eve Regret

(MF, nc, alcohol)Laurie stirred groggily as the morning light streamed in through the window blinds. It was New Year's morning and as she slowly gathered her thoughts she suddenly realized that she was in her bedroom, but couldn't remember how she'd gotten home from the party the night before.As Laurie sat up she winced at the throbbing in her head and from the ache throughout her body, it was like she'd been in a boxing match and lost the fight. Then as Laurie pulled the blanket back to get...

2 years ago
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The Teton Mare

The Teton Mare Last night, I dreamed of a black horse. Upon waking, I looked in the dictionaryof dreams I keep in my bedside table, to see if there is any significance tothis particular night time vision. It seems a dream of a black horse is a dreamof passion. Considering all that has happened in the past weeks, I am not surprised. The July winds were whipping the grass in the high Teton meadows, dryingthem out and upping the danger of fire, the first time I saw her. I was walkingbeside my...

4 years ago
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Two birthdays presents

It was Friday afternoon; two days after my birthday.I had come back home after a heavy full week at my office and I was really exhausted. All I wanted was just to take my clothes off, jump into a warm soothing bath and went to bed for catching up on some much needed rest…Victor had flown out of town that same afternoon and he would not come back in three or four days. After enjoying a relaxing warm bath at the tub; I poured a glass of wine and listened to the missed calls on my cell phone.The...

1 year ago
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Stressful day for her

You have just come home from work. Stressed and aching. You grab the tv remote slump yourself on the sofa and turn on the tv. You being to day dream of a break from work and a spar day. All of a sudden you hear a knock at the door. You manage to drag yourself to the front door. You are greeted by an attractive man you subconsciously look him up and down he interrupts you mid way and say. "Good evening miss I hope I didn't  disturb you". You look into his eyes and reply "not at all" with a...

3 years ago
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He goes hiking with his sister

Heather was my sister, she's two years younger than me and we were close growing up. For every cheerleading competition or whatever, I was there for her, and she was always cheering me on during basketball and baseball season. Because we were so close agewise, we were often at the same parties and school functions. People thought it was odd that we were so close, we'd hang out together when we were in public and she always wanted me to take her to the newest movie.She was so cute, I always...

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Sisters swap husbands MF

My wife, Di, and I were having her sister and husband visit us for the week. Mary was Di's older sister but the two of them were fairly close to each other. Mary's husband Jerry was about as easy going as you could get. The two of them made a good pair as neither one seemed to get riled up about anything. Di and I were really easy going as well and naturally it was not a surprise that the four of us got along as well as we did.Mary was only three years older then Di and at forty-one was in...

2 years ago
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Romance On The Rails Chapter 2

I had an hour to wait for my connecting train so I walked around the depot, grabbing a snack from the kiosk and waited. When it was time, I boarded the train and I noticed it had more younger passengers this time. The train was a bit more crowded than the other had been, but still not bad. I found my cabin and set my things up again. This leg of my trip would take me from Seattle down the coast to Los Angeles. It would be a very scenic trip and I was looking forward to writing some great things...

Group Sex
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Step sister confesses her obsession

100% fiction! Hi my name is Allen. I'm 6ft 200lbs brown hair blue eyes I'm 19 kinda fit body. I live with my daughter. Her name is Britt, 5'7 red hair a little over weight. To me I like them in all sizes. When i saw her I thought see was cute, I see her walk past my room nude a lot, but I didn't think anything of it until about a month later. I caught here peeping on me. I was jerking one day and came all over my body. I thought that it would be easy to take a shower then use tissues. When I...

3 years ago
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Her Husbands BossChapter 9

"Well, well, what a charming little family scene," Max Alexander's voice boomed into the dimness of his palatial office. "The marriage that stays together, plays together, or something like that, eh Cummings?" At the sudden sound of his boss's husky voice, Henry leapt from his chair, wincing as his rampant cock tore free from June Stillson's softly caressing hand. Blushing and mumbling incoherent apologies, the young editor stuffed his rapidly- deflating penis back into his trousers...

2 years ago
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Rachels Bedroom

It was clear and cool that night, with the moon just a sliver of silvery in the deep black sky of the little country town where next to nothing ever happened. It was the sort of town where little twelve- year-old girls went to bed with their window open without a thought for consequences. And despite the light chill in the air, that's just what little Rachel did that night. It was just too stuffy in her room in the ancient farmhouse her parents owned otherwise, but a cotton nightie, a pair of...

4 years ago
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Sissies owner p3

Daddy told cyntia to wait in the carHe needed to unload and i was going to learn how he liked to **** his sissy daughterHe locked the restroom door pushing me back in when i tried to leave and throw me on the toilet seat bend over''you are just a fucking slut now, you never gonna be a boy again ''unlocking my chastity belt , my toy plug buzzing removed and pushed in my mouth, locked the straps on my head , gagged and ass uphe fucked me like a worehard and fast making me squeal on the toilet his...

3 years ago
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The Walk after the Busted Date or My first Job as a Hooker Part 3

The Walk after the Busted Date or My first Job as a Hooker Part 3 "So what did you have in mind?" I said in my best sultry voice while turning part way around. My back was arched slightly to make my ass stick out just right. It must have made the two young men a little nervous. One, for being so forward and assuming in my nature and what would you expect. My body was well worked over finishing less than a hour ago by four delicious cocks and the opportunity to make a couple more...

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Sex in Theater 2

Sex in theater 2 hello dosto.i am jashan . my dick size 6″ 2.5″. Lo main fir ek baar hazir hu apni storyko pura krne k liye sex at theater with sonia, agar meri pichli story padho ge to aur bhi mja aaega padhne ka. And main un ko thanks kehta hu jinho ne meri stories padhi aur mujhe meri id pr reply kiya. Age bhi umid krta hu k mujhe meri storis par aise he response milte rahe. My id is hai. So agar koi bhi ladki bhabhi ya sexy aunty mujhe se sex krna chahe to mujhe mail kr skti hai. but near...

3 years ago
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Rogues Story Part Four a Absorption

Rebecca thinks back to the first night with Travis. The relief she felt when she gave in, admitting out loud that she wanted him. The pleasure she felt when his fingers pushed deep inside her pussy. She had in the past heard woman talking about orgasms. She always thought that they had been exaggerating the feelings, to get one up on each other. She had never realised that her body could feel like that. Like a drug she knew she needed more. She is unable to get back to sleep after her dream....

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CherryPimps Crystal Taylor Hypnotic Crystal Will Get That Cock Of Yours Cumming For Her

Wild and sexy Crystal Taylor is ready to fuck! This MILF knows exactly what she wants and it is that cock of yours in her mouth and in her pussy! How can you say no to that?!? We know Jon sure doesn’t as Crystal gets down on that cock getting sloppy as her spit runs down her tits and chest. With an experienced mouth like that Jon better get her to stop so he doesn’t pop his shot too soon and he definitely wants a piece of that pussy that tastes so sweet! Jon rails her hard with that...

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Hayleys Seventh Photoshoot Part 1

The car journey seemed to take forever for Hayley, and no doubt was not much fun for Matty driving either. An accident on the motorway had caused huge jams, and even though they were fairly close to the front, it still took a long time to get through the bottleneck. They chatted about nothing specific, mindlessly filling the air with words to try and make the time pass faster, but eventually, Hayley pulled out her phone and began going through the various social media platforms she was...

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PornstarPlatinum Alex Coal Fucking the Pool Guy

My husband Dan Hogue, is so busy it’s a miracle he ever finds time for me. But he does let me have some dick on the side. I have been watching our pool boy Danny Steele outside & if my husband thinks it’s ok then I am totally gonna fuck the hell out of Danny. And guess what, my loving husband thinks it fine to fuck the pool guy! I’m so excited, just look at Danny Steele, he is so fucking hot & ripped! Now lets see what he is packing under those shorts. Ah, I just knew...

1 year ago
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Teaching style

Note : This story is completely fictional! I grew up in a very strict Christian home with two loving parents and a younger sister. I always saw my parents as up tight but fair. I never saw what was coming next. I came home from my last day of work before I left for college, it was about 3 pm. As I pulled into the driveway I saw my dads car sitting in the driveway. He was home early, I didn’t think much of it on a Friday. I walked in and slammed the door behind me. “I’m home” I yelled around the...

3 years ago
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My father inlaw Enrique visits home

When living in Savannah, one day Victor’e father announced he would come to visit us. Enrique said her wife Ofelia would stay at Buenos Aires, because he was planning to do a quick business trip to the States and it only would take less than a week.My husband was very happy to receive his father at home. I was a little bit worried, since my father in law had fucked me several times in the past and my concern was Victor could discovered it …The second day having Enrique there, my loving husband...

2 years ago
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Julies story

ONE ONE ?I have to get to Tonga today!? Can?t you help me?? My name is Julie Hudson.? I am a freelance photographer and I?ve been hired to do a photo shoot on the small island of Tonga.? If I don?t get there today, the job will go to someone else.? To say that I am desperate is an understatement. The person I am talking to is Jim Carmichael, the pilot of the local air service here in Brisbane.? He is a tall, handsome man, about thirty, with sparkling gray eyes and a mouth that is in...

3 years ago
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At First Sight

Part One, An enchanted encounter: My God, what a stunner! She has the loveliest face I have ever seen! More than that, she seems very sweet. Sort of like the girl you took to the prom, politely stifling a giggle seeing you in that ridiculous tuxedo, but nonetheless give you a sweet kiss and tells you how wonderful you look. That kind of sweet! I saw her over the mounded vegetable counter at the supermarket. She looks up at me, and immediately lowers head but then raises her clear light...

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