Fellatrix Training
- 3 years ago
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August 7, 1847
We soon found the guide to be correct in his knowledge of the tribe. An Indian brought out a large amount of salmon and vegetables soon after we reached the valley floor. After spirited bargaining between him and the guide, we purchased the entire amount for three knives. Other Indians soon appeared and we had a lot of trading going on between the settlers and the Indians. I had the wagon captain post a guard around the wagon with the measles and the guide warned the Indians that there was sickness in them and not to approach. We asked the two wagons if they wanted anything and then traded for it with sterilized items from the wagon after I passed them. The Indians were mostly interested in getting knives or guns for trade but would accept powder or bullets instead. One attempt to interest them in clothes was a complete failure. By dusk we were about five miles inside the valley and trading had stopped for the night.
This was Louise's night to be the center of attention again and I had no idea what she would request this time. She decided that she wanted to eat out Claire while I entered her from behind. She stiffened when I started to enter and I began to withdraw. Elizabeth stopped me and whispered in her ear. I don't know what she said, but Louise relaxed and Elizabeth nodded for me to continue. Every time I pushed in Louise's tongue pressed deeper into Claire and soon all three of us began to grunt every time I bottomed out inside of Louise. Elizabeth stuck her finger in her mouth and reaching under Louise began to finger her clit. With a load moan Louise climaxed and with hers came Claire's. Louise fell forward to the side of Claire and gave her a deep kiss.
I remained erect as I did not cum because of my concern for Louise. Elizabeth seeing this pulled me down and positioned herself over my erection sank down until I was completely seated. I then held on as she slid backwards and began to rock back and forth on my cock. I was totally aroused so after about five minutes I began to cum, shooting glob after glob of semen into her womb. She began to wail and stiffened as she came. Soon afterwards we cuddled next to each other and fell asleep.
August 8, 1847
I woke up this morning when Louise got up to prepare breakfast. Following her out of the wagon, I gave her a tender kiss on the neck. She stiffened and then relaxed.
"Are you felling better now?" I asked.
"Yes. Though I'm still nervous about being around other men."
"I noticed that you were afraid last night when we made love."
"I'm sorry!" She began to cry.
Holding her in my arms I just told her, "It's all right. I'm willing to wait until you are ready."
She sniffed and wiped her nose on my shirtsleeve. "It's just that I remembered the slavers raping me from behind when you were there. Elizabeth had to remind me that it was you, not them."
I just continued to hold her wishing I could kill the bastards again. "They're dead and buried. They'll never be able to hurt you gain."
"I know, but I still remember in my nightmares. The worst was how helpless I was against them."
Having been a nerd, I remember being bullied in high school until my father made me go to the dojo and learn how to defend myself. I hadn't used it in years, but I thought I remembered enough to give her the basics of it.
"I can show you how to defend yourself against an attacker with just your own body, but you have to promise me to use it only when you have to."
She looked at me as if I had offered her the Holy Grail. Kissing my hand she told me "Yes!"
After I thought about it I decided that it wouldn't be a bad idea to teach all three of my wives some self-defense. Although I hadn't gone very far along in the dojo, I was more advanced than anyone here. Plus eastern forms of unarmed combat wouldn't even be on the radar screen of anyone for years here in the United States. I also had another self-defense method available for me to give my wives. My sisters had studied Krav Magen, an Israeli self-defense course when a serial rapist was targeting young white females in our area, and I became the test dummy for their practice sessions. This was dirty fighting with a vengeance. I always wore a cup and shin guards and I still got hurt even when they pulled their blows. That I will always remember!
I showed Louise some quick hold breaks and promised to teach her more when I could. I left her practicing and woke up the other wives. Talking to them I told them that I wanted to teach them some unarmed self-defense. Claire was all for it but Elizabeth seemed to think she didn't need it. I told her to hit me and threw her gently over my hip and into an arm hold. She struggled but couldn't get out. Finally she admitted she might learn something and I released her. She got up, turned around, and tried to kick me in the balls! This time I was a little rougher and put her into a cradle lock. When I released her this time she gave me a look like she didn't recognize me. She didn't say anything, just left and went to help Louise at the fire. I turned to Claire.
"Do you know what that look was about?"
She looked at me in amusement, "I think you gave Elizabeth a surprise. She forgot that even though you're a gentle man you're not from this time and might not react like one."
I just looked at her with an uncomprehending look on my face.
"I mean, Dear, that no man from this era would ever think of throwing a young woman on the ground and holding her so she couldn't get up. And that last hold was something no man I've ever met would put a woman in."
I had forgotten the differences in outlooks again! I was brought up to believe that men and women were equal in rights and responsibilities. It was common for women to be in the dojo and to demand to be treated the same as the male students.
During our morning meeting it was decided that since we were in an area that seemed safe enough, we would take a two-day stopover to repair the wagons and let the women clean clothes and bake light bread for our trip over the Blue Mountains. The older boys were given permission to hunt the many waterfowl we saw around the marsh and bring any bigger game back to smoke for the trip. I told everyone that if they needed medical help to get me during the day as I would not leave my wagon at night for anything not life threatening.
The wagon master inspected each wagon and told the owner to make the needed repairs. If anyone needed help he first asked for volunteers and, if no one did, picked people to help them. I insisted that no one help the wagons with the measles unless they had them as a child. I also insisted that all clothing and bedding from those wagons be washed separately from the others.
When he checked our wagon he told me that I needed to tighten the rims on the wheels again. He suggested that I pull the wagon into the river and let them soak for the next two days as this would cause the wood to swell and that would tighten the rims. He showed me some other minor items that needed repairs but said that these were not vital, just needed. Elizabeth and I discussed how to best soak the wheels and she told me the best way would be to back the wagon into the river for the day and bring it out at night. I left it to her and wandered over to the main fire where Claire and Louise were talking to the other women. As I approached, everyone stopped talking. Corrie came out of the group and grabbed my arm.
"Walk with me for a while." she said. We walked for a ways and she spoke again, "I understand you know of ways for women to defend themselves using only their own body."
I uttered a noncommittal grunt. ("Why didn't I tell Louise not to say anything?")
"I want you to teach us so we can teach others."
I glanced at her and raised my eyebrows, "You want me to be hung? Can you imagine what their husbands or brothers would say if they saw me doing that?"
She just waved her hand as if she was telling a joke, "Don't worry. The women you will teach are discrete and won't talk." She smiled as if she knew a wonderful joke.
I turned to face her and said bluntly, "Why?"
Just as bluntly she answered, "I'm tired of seeing young women thought of as nothing but a punching pillow for their husbands or male relatives. Our group believes that women are more than baby machines or beasts of burden. We want what your wives tell us they have from you, equality!"
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I was getting caught up in a secret woman's conspiracy for equal rights in 1847? I couldn't think of anything that would change history more. And who was this group?
(Author's note: This was the time period (1848) when women of the various reform groups got together at Seneca Falls in New York to demand equal rights for the first time. They didn't have a name for this or a single group espousing this idea but they did know what they wanted. And you thought that the equal rights movement began with the bra burning 1960's.)
"I have to talk to my wives about this as it affects the whole family. Besides, the wagon captain told me that we would be thrown out of the wagon train after we reach Oregon City."
"You let us take care of the wagon captain. Talk to them about it. You'll find we are all in agreement about this."
I walked away in a fog of confusion. What is going on here? I headed back to our wagon in a daze.
"Elizabeth? Walk with me for a while. I need to talk." We headed over to the river and sat down. "What can you tell me about a woman's group on the train?"
Her face, which had been showing nothing other than an interest about what I was going to talk about, became blank. "What group?"
"The one that Corrie is involved with that includes my three wives."
After several evasions and counters from me, Elizabeth finally admitted that there was a group of temperance and abolitionist reformers who had been organizing in the east to fight for equal rights for women. A number of the women on the train had been involved with these groups and during the journey they had spread these ideas through most, if not all the women of the train.
"They want me to train them in unarmed combat. What are they planning to do with it?"
"Our plan is to teach women to protect themselves from abuse by teaching them how to defend themselves."
"Our plan?"
"Corrie did tell you that we are all members of the group, didn't she? Just like the men get together to talk about what to do every morning, so do we. We talk about who is being abused and who is to be encouraged. You would have never learned anything about this if we hadn't been willing to assure everyone you could be trusted."
Elizabeth gave me a kiss on my cheek and stood up. "Just think about it, Sweetheart. I know you'll decide to do what's right."
I remained sitting. I had been given plenty of facts that would need a through chewing before I could decide anything. My first impulse was to agree. How would the ability to defend themselves change the position of women in this time? I wildly envisioned a secret group of ninja-like woman avenger's secretly eliminating abusive husbands. I threw off this bit of fantasy quickly. I simply didn't have the knowledge of martial arts to support anything like that. What did I know? I knew enough to teach dirty tricks of fighting and a basic knowledge of Tae Kwon Do and Tai Chi. In other words enough to surprise a man long enough to escape and maybe some blows that could do some damage if used at the right time. Mostly I would be able to instill an attitude that defense was possible.
I stood up and realized somewhat to my surprise that I had decided to do it. I had already decided that I was going to change history if needed to keep slavery out of Oregon. What made this different? I returned to the wagon where my wives were talking to Corrie.
I spoke without any preamble; "I'll do it but only the most basic moves until we get to Oregon City. Even the most basic training will take several months. Do you have women who are willing to spend that much time to learn?"
Corrie answered without delay, "I have three who can start immediately."
I was trying to think of three women who could start immediately and whose husband's brothers would not object when it hit me that she meant my wives. I turned to them and gave them an unhappy glance. "When did you plan on telling me?"
As usual Elizabeth acted as the spokesman, "We were just asked about it right before you returned."
I accepted this but it didn't make me happy that they made such a decision without me again. Then I got a surprise.
"But only if you agree." Elizabeth said.
(Finally my wives were remembering that I had to be consulted before we made a family decision!) "Is this something you really want to do?"
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Rhonda sits in the tub wondering what Ivan's next move will be, completely excited at the prospect of being seduced by this man. Deciding to act normal, Rhonda shaves herself and dresses in a mini skirt and blouse. With her heels on, Rhonda feels that she won't be quite as intimidated by Ivan as she examines herself in the mirror. As she passes Ivan's room the door is closed and she does not hear him and wonders if maybe he has already left. Looking out the picture window she sees his...
Introduction A few of these characters can be found in my previous story “A New Start”. Chapter One: Background My name is Sonja and I am thirty years old. Although I am fairly average, my best assets are my long straight black hair and blue eyes. My body is fairly average. I am not a stunning beauty and neither a woman who makes heads turn. I think that my main qualities are my strong sense of duty and loyalty, which I pride, despite the fact that some people find them either boring or...
BDSMMy wife Ava is a very beautiful, sexy, attractive woman with long straight black hair, thin golden-brown tone body, and fantastic legs. She is a tall Asian woman. She always gets looks when we are around town from guys checking her out. I have always wanted her to be an exhibitionist or flasher but it is not her thing. Sometimes, she will do a little bit of that for me in public but not very much and not very often.I recently accompanied my wife to the emergency room at our closest hospital for...
VoyeurI had to walk past some thick bushes in front of one of the houses and I‘d heard the warnings about walking by myself, down a dark street, especially passing dark, thick bushes where a robber or rapist could be hiding, waiting to jump out and grab someone walking by. I balked at the warning, since it never happened here and I had been walking at night from the time I was twelve years old. Of course, I wasn’t a well-developed woman then, like I am now, at least an older teenager anyway. I had...
They never did make it to a table set for two. The conversation was brisk and entertaining and Kat got to hear about David as a boy as the two brothers traded good-natured barbs. Anna filled her in a bit about Pan's extended family and about her and Pan's brother. John was the older brother by ten years. Unlike their father, John did not have the passion for engineering and found, instead, that he had a gift for numbers. After graduating, he took over the financial side of the business...
This is about the first night my husband fucked another girl in front of my eyes and how I got off on that, watching him thrust inside of someone that wasn’t me gave me an animalistic shock. I felt incredibly horny.The first girl to join us was Crystal, one of the girls on my volleyball team. She’s a cutie. A few years younger than me, dirty blond hair and phenomenal legs and ass. My husband flirts with her often. Almost inappropriately. I had approached her about joining us. She had just...
Cuckold*** Chapter 3 - Celebration I watched Louis as he took a sip from his glass before stretching across the table to kiss me. The music was loud but I still heard my heart as it pumped away in my ears. When he pulled back the world only came back slightly into view. It was a mostly dark room with shafts of light poking through in different colors. Music was being kicked out from the thirty or so speakers that lined the whole room. The place was hot, but at this point I could blame Louis for most...
BisexualI’m parked down the street, watching them as they hang about on the street corner. As each car passes, they look up and if it slows down, they preen like parrots trying to attract attention. I glance down at my left hand, the paler band of skin a reminder that almost twenty years of marriage were thrown away on girls like these.Decision made, I drive towards the one I want, slowing to a stop beside her. I watch as she peels herself from the wall and saunters over towards the car, trying not to...
MoneyChapter Two After pulling the shirt over his head, he tugged it down and took a quick inventory of the room. Aside from the guy who’d fallen from the counter and was now glaring at him, the other girls he remembered from the bar were watching with interest. The tall Pacific Islander leaning against the counter looked at him with a raised eyebrow, while the woman sitting at the table, a shock of short white-blonde hair framing her face, looked as if she was having trouble breathing. The...
Trapped and Trained Ch. 03The next few days felt like a lifetime for me. I couldn't sleep at night - every time I closed my eyes, all I could see were replays of myself, dressed like a whore, being strapped to a padded sawhorse while it fucked me from both sides. Everything I ate and drank had a horrid aftertaste of that bastard's cum - it was as if that taste was permanently embedded in my ataste buds now. The back of my throat was sore so it hurt to speak and my pussy... no, my ass, as I had...
Dear readers, we have brought the list of the top 10 Indian Sex Stories for the month of August 2021. Check if you have read these stories. 1) By: Find out how I discovered that my delicate and soft spoken mother was actually woman with sex in her heart and lust in her mind during the lockdown days. ‘I never really masturbated to ejaculate, because I believed that masturbation makes you weak – and I was a fitness freak. I masturbated rarely, after a party with drinks, etc. I just played...
However, the coming Friday was Christmas. Instead of celebrating, she would spend the day sleeping late, enjoying a TV dinner while watching one of her old taped movies, like “Gone with the Wind.” Or so she thought, up until the phone rang. When she answered it was her mother. She was calling to invite Melinda to come home for Christmas, after all she was only forty miles away. As usual, mom wouldn’t take no for an answer. “But Mom, I don’t feel like celebrating, it brings back too many...
Jodie approached Nikki who was bent over the spanking bench about to be punished for her fiances earlier mistakes. Do you want to receive this for Todd Nikki, yes mistress the petite slave replied. Jodie then picked up the paddle and gave the girl 6 swats on each cheek then picking up the crop hit her 6 more times. Looking at Todd she could see tears on his cheek and helping Nikki up told her, Todd needs you, you are lucky to have a man like him. Pulling her shorts back up she went to her...
As my arms were stretched above my head, I could hear, but not see there were more than a couple of voices in the bedroom I was in. I thought back to the moment I was still sitting behind my computer upstairs. Try as I might, I couldn’t concentrate on the article I was writing. In it, I was exploring the human reaction to insecurity, and it’s opportunity for growth: ‘In your greatest fear lies your greatest reward’. At this point though my greatest distraction was downstairs. My wife, let’s...
Introduction: This is the last segment of Evan and the Beach Boys. Enjoy! Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Twelve year old Evan had just returned from a fucking session with the notorious Beach Boys. Evan was thinking about cock in his room. He took out his sexy young penis. He was stroking it thinking all about boys. He then had a hot idea. He called his friend Michael. Michael answered the phone. Hello said Mike, Hi its Evan, you wanna come over? responded Evan. Sure,...