7 Days In Heaven: Day 2 free porn video

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Day 2: Early morning

I awoke to the most beautiful sight in the world. There she was sleeping next to me looking so peaceful and deep in dream land. I could have stayed there watching her for hours but I had something I had to do. I slowly made my way out of our bed trying my best not to wake her, when I moved and she stirred I held my breath, thankfully she never woke up. I made my way out of my room and into the place where my other talents are put to good use: the kitchen.

For the next 30min or so I prepared the best breakfast I have ever done. French toast with a sweet twist, scrambled eggs with bacon bits, fresh fruit and a glass of a mixture of juices. I put them all on a tray and garnished it up making it look beautiful. I then proceeded to place a Lilly across the bottom of the tray because I know it is her favorite flower. I slowly make my way back to our room carefully opening the door and placing the tray next to the bed. I then carefully lean over her and give her a soft sweet kiss on the lips waking her from her sleep. And then she looked at me with those tired pretty eyes and my heart melted. I said good morning beautiful and kissed her forehead. I asked her how she slept and she told me wonderful. I told her I had a surprise for her and I grabbed the tray of food and set it over her. It looked like she was about to cry when she saw what I had done for her. She thanked me and kissed me passionately before we started to eat enjoying each other’s company.

After breakfast I cleared our things back to the kitchen and started to wash the dishes. As I was washing them she came in and wrapped her arms around my waist and held me like she never wanted to let go. She proceeded to tip toe up and kiss me on the cheek and whispers in my ear “last night was amazing” I tell her I'm glad she enjoyed it and that I would be willing to do it again every night she wanted to. She blushed and kissed me on my cheek again and told me she’s going to get ready for the day to come.
I finished up the dishes and went back to the bed room to get changed myself.... but little did I know I had a surprise waiting for me.

I opened the door to my room and I found my breath leaving my lungs... because before me was my girl laying in our bed naked with the blanket covering just her legs and hips, holding the Lilly and rubbing it up and down her chest. I walk over beside her and lean in for a gentle kiss... well it was going to be a gentle kiss. But when I leaned over she grabbed me around the neck and pulled me on top of her and we embraced each other as we kissed passionately. Within minutes she had taken my shirt and sweats off and we lay naked holding each other. She then rolled me on my back and told me to relax and not do anything, I was skeptical at first but that soon changed as she ran her hands in my hair and started to kiss my neck. Softly just brushing her lips on my skin. She started moving seductively lower kissing me on her way down, she kissed my collar bone, my peck, my nipple, along my abs, and then she followed my treasure trail lower. She started to run her fingers through my curly black pubic hair with one hand while her other hand cupped my balls and squeezed them gently. She moved her mouth onto the tip of my now throbbing cock kissing it from the tip to the bottom of my shaft.

At this point I was in a starry bliss of pleasure and when she moved up and took me in her mouth I thought I was going to come right there. But thankfully I didn't, she started to work up and down my shaft slowly as she cupped my balls, but soon she started to move faster, up and down, up and down. While she was doing this she was looking me in the eyes... or at least trying to since my head started to move back as I let out a load moan letting her know I am about to come. She understands the cue and starts going faster and faster until finally I tilt my head back and unload my seed deep into her mouth. She keeps going though not letting up for even a moment as she sucks and swallows my entire load.

After she finishes she comes up and kisses me and rests her head and hand on my chest. I kiss her forehead and ask her when she wants to leave... she replies with “never” and soon we drifted off to sleep.

Day 2: Early Afternoon

Around 11 or so in the morning we woke up to find each other starring into one another's eyes. I looked at her and with a smile on my face and she said morning darling. I kissed her forehead and asked her if she was ready get out of bed and start getting ready to leave. Her response was closing her eyes, snuggling into my arms, and pretending to fall asleep. I would have loved to spend the day in bed with her cuddling and not moving. But I had a plan and I intended on following it. So I poked her side, she squirmed and giggled but didn't move, so I did it again, once again same reaction, by now I was getting a little creative... so I moved up a little and placed my one hand on her shoulder, and in a heartbeat I pushed her so she was on her back and I moved on top of her leaning in kissing her passionately but because I was trying to get her out of bed not keep her in I stopped and got off her and stood up. She looked at me flustered and told me that was just mean. I told her if she wants to finish that kiss she would have to get out of bed and come and get it... and boy did she ever. As she slowly slid those bare legs out from under the covers I realized I should not have said that. She seductively got out of bed and walked to me naked with a look of passion in her eyes. When she got to me she wrapped one arm around to my back and the other around to my head holding me running her hands in my hair as she kissed me not with a wanting kiss but I kiss of need, in this moment she needed me.

We continued to kiss naked for several minutes when finally she pulled back and asked me if we really had to leave... and me being the sap I am just shook my head. She smiled and dragged me back to bed completely in control, not that I cared. I was happy just being with her. She laid me on my back and started kissing my neck making me moan in pleasure as I reached down and grabbed her perfectly formed butt gently caressing and massaging it. She let out a small gasp when I first grabbed her ass but she leaned in and whispered how she liked it. Then she started to kiss lower starting at my ear working to my neck, chest, stomach and finally teasing me back to my lips. We kisses passionately for a minute before she moved up teasing my chest by running her perfect breasts across them and moving her lips so they are almost touching mine and right as she kisses me she moves her hips lower taking my throbbing hard on deep into her body as we both moaned in unison from the pleasure. She stayed there for a moment just being one with me and I enjoyed every second of it, and when she leaned in and started to kiss me I felt like time had stood still and all that there was in the universe was me, her, and this moment.

Soon she starts rocking her hips back and forth making love to me slowly but it’s driving me wild as I kiss her and run my hands across her back. Through her hair. But she looks at me with this beautiful evil smirk and I become scared and as she starts to tease me by kissing my ear and coming up on me so only the tip of my dick is in her. Then in a fluid motion she slams herself onto me making me gasp and moan, but she moves up again with me almost slipping out as she whispers in my ear if I want her. I tell her I need her and half way through my sentence she pushes herself back onto me making me moan and cut off my last word. We start to pick up the pace going faster and faster as she reaches her climax, and then I feel it, she starts to tighten around my cock as she leans back and tilts her head back moaning in ecstasy as her orgasm releases, and in that moment I can’t hold on any more and I join her in my own bliss of ecstasy as I come deep in her. Then she collapses on to my chest as I am still in her our juices leaking down my shaft and onto my bed, I realized that I will need to change my sheets a lot this week, but I don't care. As we lay there in perfect harmony our breathing slow and deep holding each other sweaty and spent. As I lay there I still think she is too good to be true and that this is all a dream.... if it really is a dream then I never want to wake up...but no matter what, I will love her with all my heart and do anything I can to make her happy.

Day 2: The Shower

After lying in bed for a few moments we finally agreed to get out of bed and start the day. But considering we were both covered in each other’s juices and sweat we thought it would be smart to take a shower first. And like the saying says “why waste water? Shower with a friend.” that is exactly what we planned to do.

We got up and moved into the bathroom as I got a towel for her and a towel for me. Since we were already naked there was no point in taking any clothes off, so we turned on the water and let it warm up after it warmed up we both stepped in and let the warm water wash over us. I think at this point that running water was one of the best feelings we had. As I stood there I just watched her and the water falling off of her skin making it shine and look glossy, her hair now wet was draped over her shoulders and down on to those perfect breasts. Well I'm sure you know what happened next, looking at this beauty started to make me hard again and when she looked at me and noticed it all she did was laugh and say “wow ready to go again” I blushed slightly and she came over to stroke me gently as she pressed her wet naked body against mine and kissed me very passionately. She pulled back and continued to wash herself and I just looked at her like the tease she is as I grabbed the soap and started to wash myself.

When I was covered in soap I decided to have a little fun and came up behind her and I put my slippery arms around her waist pulled her close and kissed her neck softly but biting it just to tease her. At this point my erection had grown fully and was now pressing against her lower back and it seemed like I surprised her because as I was kissing her she tilted her head back and started to moan as she reached down and starting rubbing her clit with one hand, and with her other hand she reached up and grabbed my hair and pulled me closer to her as she turned her head to meet my lips with hers.

We kissed for a few minutes with the water from the shower raining over us making the sensation so much better, before she turned around and pulled me close so I could feel her every curve molding along my body as we kissed. Her nipples now hard were pressing into and teasing my chest as she moved to start kissing my neck, and my chest. Then without saying anything she turned over so her back was facing me and she bent over looking at me and I knew then what she wanted as I positioned the head of my dick into her tight hole, and in a slow motion I drove half of my dick into her, and pulling out just so the tip was still in before I drove the rest of my dick into her. Then we started to make love in the shower with the water running all over my chest and her back and within minutes she was saying my name and coming all over my shaft, the water quickly washing it off though. After she came I decided to try something, I pulled out of her, stood her up, turned her around, and picked her up. She got the hint and wrapped her long legs around my waist as I drove back into her now holding her by her ass as I continued to thrust into her. This time with the water running all over her back and over her shoulders onto me and it was within minutes that she started to come again but this time when she reached her climax and I felt her start to come I joined her as I thrust deep into her and started to shoot my seed. A few minutes later when my dick became flaccid, I pulled out of her and placed her down, we had a little laugh because she almost fell down since her legs were like Jelly, but I helped her up and I helped clean her and she helped clean me. Shortly after we got out of the shower and dried off, and finally started to get ready to go out.

Day 2: The Night life of the City

We were both spent from a day of fun and hot sweaty sex, so we agreed to take a little break and get some dinner and have a nice quiet night. We decided to go out for dinner followed by a nice walk on the beach. Nothing to fancy but the perfect way to welcome her to the city, come good food and the sight of sunset on the west coast.

I got dressed in jeans and a casual dress shirt, and she chose something similar, jean shorts and a beautiful summer blouse. We headed out for a small family restaurant by my house for a nice semi romantic dinner. During the meal we laughed about some of our past stories, we talked about the past twenty four hours and how much we enjoyed it, and we talked about our plans for the future…family, work, you know just the usual dinner conversation, well besides the sex experience. After dinner we shared a chocolate cake like desert, I paid and we left for the beach. Thankfully for us I happen to life five minutes away from the beach so it wasn’t that far of a walk. But we took our time, stopping by the park, we went to the swings and I pushed her as she was on one, and being the klutz that I am I was paying too much attention to her hair waving in the wind to notice her coming back and knocking me to the ground, she jumped off the swing and ran do me as I lay in the sand laughing at my misfortune as she came and kneeled beside me asking if I was okay. I responded with a soft kiss to her lips, but within seconds that turned into a passionate open mouth kiss as she lay on top of me in the sandy ground of the park swing set. After a minute or so of kissing and when my head stopped hurting, we got up and started out walk towards the beach, as we walked it was like we were little kids swinging our arms up and down and I even twirled her a couple times she looked at me like I was a goof and I responded by kissing her cheek and nose. We kept walking to the beach hand in hand talking, goofing around, being young and in love as they say. As we got to the beach she looked at me, kissed my cheek, took off her shoes and socks, and started running to the water. So I did the only thing I could think of. I took mine off to and started to chase after her. So there we ran along the beach me chasing after her running through the sandy beach and shallow water, finally after catching up with her I wrapped my arms around her waist and she returned my gesture by wrapping her arms and hands around mine. As we held each other we just stood there watching the sunset slowly creep down onto the west coast being at complete peace. That is until she turned around into my arms, looked up at me with eyes as beautiful as the sunset and she came on her tip toes and kissed me. All I could do at this point was to keep holding her and kissing her like time had just stood still. Finally when time started to tick again we put our shoes back on and walked back to my place, my arm around her waist, her arm around mine.

Eventually we made it home and got changed into our bed wear, and being the hopeless romantic I am I put in the titanic for us to watch. I have never seen it and it is one of her favorite movies. We snuggled in bed watching it and when the scene came on where he was painting her naked I looked at her and asked her if I could do that, she said sure with a smile on her face, then I said no sorry I am a terrible drawer. So she looked at me and said you don’t need a paint brush to capture me naked and she looked at my camera with a seductive look on her face. All I did was smile and start to get up to grab it, but before I got anywhere she grabbed me and pulled me back to the bed and told me after the movie. So now we are snuggling there watching the rest of the movie and as I am watching it all that’s going through my head is: “I can’t wait until this movie is over.”

The move soon finished and I could have sworn I saw a tear in her eye; maybe I was wrong because if there was she hid it well. But after the movie finished we just lay there holding each other her leaving soft kisses on my chest and me leaving them on her head. It was then she looked up at me and said: “do you want me to get the camera or do you want to get it?” so I got up and retrieved my camera. I asked her how she wanted to do this and all she said was take pictures and ill pose for you. So that’s just what I did. I started taking pictures as she stroked sexy poses, we took some with her biting her lip, playing innocent, semi nude, fully nude, her touching herself and playing with herself, and a lot more teasing photos. I just couldn’t believe she was letting me photograph her like this I knew that I would have these photo’s forever. After this little photo shoot she was really turned on, hell we were both really turned on, and she asked me if I wanted to take more photos and I said sure not knowing what was about to happen. Next thing I knew she took the camera and started to kiss me, “click” she took a photo, she moved down kissing my chest “click” moving lower to the bulge in my sweats. As she pulled them down releasing my cock from its prison and taking it into her mouth “click” I was starting to get really turned on with this as she slowly worked on my cock as she took pictures. Then she moved up and gave me the camera as she positioned herself just behind my cock as I took pictures of me rubbing against her tight slit. Then she positioned herself so just my tip was in her as I took another photo, and finally she moved onto my cock as I took another picture while moaning, I took this opportunity to take some pictures of her riding my cock moaning in pleasure and before I knew it she was coming and right on cue as she started to so did I. It may have not lasted as long as the others but it still was amazing and I think she felt the same. After we finished we just lay there embraced as I stroked her back and she stroked my chest. She looked up to me with a smile on her face and said she can’t wait to see the photos… in the morning. We stayed there holding each other until we drifted off to sleep. Waiting for the next day to come.


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Marathon Chudayi

Aaaahhhh…. Ye kya kar rahe ho sanjuuu… ufff.. Chus chus kar hi mujhe jhada doge.. Kya… ohh tumhari jeebh…haaiiiii…. Mar gayiiiiiii.. Haann.. Aur andar.. Uffff… ye kyaaa… ummmm.. Ohh… meriii choooooot.. Ohh… itnaa…paaniiiiii… bahut achcha ..lag..rahaaaa.. Pehali..baar.. Choot me jeebh..ohh maaa… maa…. Sanju..aaj marr..daloge kyaa..” Prabha bhabhi ki choot mere unh ke upar thi.. Dono pair mere sar ke dono taraf aur choot se paani bina ruke tapak raha tha.. Aur bhabhi apne chootad kabhi mere munh...

2 years ago
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The Closest Thing to Heaven

‘I remember the way you used to walk, the swing in your hips, your long straight jet-black hair shielding your face as you walked from that old red brick classroom building over toward that old stone dorm that looked like a fortress. You know, the one you lived in your freshman year. You were in your black phase, remember? The old black cable knit sweater that hung down to your thighs, the dark olive corduroy skirt, the black tights. That sweater’s still in the closet, you know? Did you know I...

3 years ago
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The Consultant and the Hounds of Heaven

The Consultant and the Hounds of Heaven Author Note: Magic has always existed and it is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% have the ability to earn a Magic-User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. However, it takes hard work and training to develop that raw talent. There are currently, in the United...

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Triumph Act 3 Road to Heaven

TRIUMPH by enduringshades This is the third and final Act. ______ TRIUMPH (THE COMPLETE STORY) PROLOGUE ACT 1 ROAD TO HELL Our hero borrows a classic sports car and our heroine discovers her new life. Chapter 1 TR3 Chapter 2 Housekeeper Chapter 3 The Plan Chapter 4 Reality ACT 2 HELL Our heroine experiences the good, the bad and the ugly. Chapter 5 Training Chapter 6 Dressing up Chapter 7 Room service Chapter 8 Heaven and Hell ACT 3 ROAD TO HEAVEN Our heroine goes from the worst in her...

2 years ago
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Heaven In The Mountainsmy Trip To The City

The trip down the mountain is spectacular, but dangerous. The melting snow causes the small creeks and streams to become frantic torrents. We have to be careful that the horses don't slip in the mud and lose their footing. A trip that should have taken four hours ends up taking ten! During the descent, we talk about how and when we are going to meet again; it seems like the best subject. If the plans that Jayden's parents made prior to the storm are still in place, Jayden will be leaving...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 212 Rat Bastard

Nicki, Cassie, Josh, and Mary were already back in Mishawaka. School started for Cassie and Josh on Thursday. Nicki's family was leaving for Rhode Island on Monday. The other eleven of us in Casa del Fuego cuddled in the harem tent upstairs and talked softly. I had no idea how Drew had died. I didn't care. I just knew I needed to be there for Joanne. I looked at Donna. "Donna, honey, do you want to go with me? You are Joanne's closest friend from school," I said. She shook her...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 257 Emmy

Dawn and I had a whispered conversation in which I reluctantly agreed to her idea. My head was reluctant. The rest of my body was pretty excited. She got all ten of the dormitory girls and took us all upstairs. As soon as we got the door shut, I had naked teens all over me. There was a lot of touching and squeezing. In a second, though I heard smacks and 'ow's as the girls quickly dispersed. Dawn was whacking bare butts and sending each of the girls to their beds. I had to laugh. She was...

4 years ago
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Angel Heaven Can Wait

I thought I would add a short story to the holiday mix. There have been so many charming ones. (The characters are property of J Whedon and the Mutant Enemy. No infringement intended. I am just playing with them!) Angel: Heaven Can Wait By Eric Christmas Eve. Cordelia wanted a break! She needed a vacation from the painful visions coupled with the tensions at work and NOT having a rich boyfriend who worshiped and adored her sucked big time! What as wrong with the male...

2 years ago
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I had been traveling for many hours that day and had finally found a motel out in the middle of nowhere. The name of the motel was ‘Heaven’ but it looked a lot more like ‘Hell’ if you ask me. It was one of those old antique motels that used to be popular back in the fifties. It was about nine o’clock at night when I checked in. I got the very last room that they had too. They still used real metal room keys that were attached to those big diamond shaped pieces of plastic with the name of...

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Jessica Bond 00Heaven

Big thanks to gwensational and panting4urhose, whose kind comments, messages and good stories inspired me to write this story, I'm sure you're able to see your helpful influences throughout!Also a special thank you goes to gwensational for allowing me to feature your wonderful creation of Agent 78, I'm very much honoured by your permission to use her in this story, I hope I've done her a real good justice and are pleased and satisfied with my take on her :)For those of you who haven't read...

2 years ago
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Four Minutes In Heaven

Four Minutes In Heaven The three of us were standing in the hallway against one wall as the rest of the students changed classes. Jimmy and I had our backs against the wall and Mary was between us and she was facing us. She was closer to me so no one could see that my hand was up under her miniskirt. Jimmy was blocking the view from the other side so no one could see what I was up to. Mary was standing there with her feet about shoulder width apart. Her panties were in my pocket and...

3 years ago
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A Ride to Heaven and Back Ch 03

Author’s Note: Yeah, I’m back after a small vacation, but real life has a way of making you remember that there are things that need to be done before you can go back to doing something you love. I know a lot of people have been waiting for this and here it is. hugs darkstone57 * Reni left the bathroom and went across the quiet parking lot of the rest area to where Devlin had parked his truck. It was late, after midnight and he was tired. He had told her that it always took him a few...

2 years ago
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A Marriage Marred in Heaven by Winker

-------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2014. Pleasedo not remove the author information nor make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.-------------------------------------------------------A Marriage Marred in Heavenby Winker (no address provided)***A couple decides to live out a fantasy only to find that fantasy and reality are not entirely the same thing. (Mdom/MF, reluc, wife, cpls, intr,...

4 years ago
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My sister and I are fraternal twins. I guess that’s why we’ve always been close. Came out of the same womb together and all. In school we hung around with the same circle of friends, and were fairly popular. There were about fifteen people in our group, and on weekends we always went out together, either to the movies, or to the local diner, or to a house party. It was good having my sister in the bunch. She was my little spy, telling me which girls liked me and which ones didn’t. I did the...

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Heaven and Hell Recruiter

HEAVEN AND HELL: The Recruiter By Maggie Finson I knew it was wrong to be screwing around with Lisa Hemmings, especially since she was married, and I had a wife of my own that I dearly loved, and a son and daughter I would have gone through fire for without a seconds thought or hesitation. I loved my family, but to my shame, I also had this perverse need to bed other women. A lot of other women, never mind how many, just accept a lot the way it sounds. I'd...

1 year ago
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Pussy and Dick Heaven real or fantasy

The first time i saw him was at the arboretum. I usually went there to relax and fantasize. There was always at least 50 to 60 people there any given day.I would choose an imaginary partner from one of the groups of people then, go into the women's lounge and masturbate. Once I got up the nerve to actually talk to this real sexy, voluptuous older women. I noticed she was watching me while I was checking out potential (imaginary) partners. I thought,..she doesn't know me I could just walk right...

1 year ago
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Bike Ride To Heaven Of Sex

Hello everyone… I am Jay from Bangalore I am 21 years young hot guy. You can give you are eedbacks at u can share all sexual fantasies so that even I can induce it and satisfy my women… This is my first sexual experience I have been reading from past 3 years on this site. This story is written with permission of the women with whom I had this wonderful experience.. let me get into story now… This story belongs to woman of high class society. To tell about me I have got athletic body I keep my...

1 year ago
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Panties from Heaven

Panties from Heaven By Lenal "Every time it rains, it rains panties from Heaven!" Cheryl sang. "It's 'pennies,'" Mark corrected. "Pennies from Heaven." "Pretty sure it's 'panties.'" Cheryl opened her umbrella, eyes twinkling. A pair of lavender boyshorts landed on Mark's head. He removed them and smoothed his long hair. "Huh?" "Don't you know each cloud contains panties from Heaven?" Marc brushed briefs off his slender shoulder and nearly slipped on a g- string. A lacy...

2 years ago
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To Heaven and Back

To Heaven and Back Gay and proud of it. As my friend said it an African man can give u all the pleasures in the bed and beyond. This is a story of my random internet hookup that turned into a very fruitful friendship with benefits. It was a boring Sunday and my city is not very famous for its night life, it is usually families out at public places, restaurants are usually crowded so I usually spend time at home on the net making new friends, chatting and catching up with old ones, a same old...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Heaven In The Mountain At Christmas

It was hard leaving Jayden, after the days we had together during the Thanksgiving weekend. Being with her always gives me a feeling of exhilaration. Jayden's smiling face, her mature aura, her mannerisms, and the way she loves me, provides me with a reason to enjoy life and feel young again. The time we spent at Camp George will have to keep me satisfied till Christmas, when Jayden is joining me for her holiday break. Her parents will be off on a cruise; it will give us nearly two weeks...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2122 Mama Heaven

Joanne had never been on birth control. She couldn’t risk the changes in her body if she’d taken the pills and eventually after she and I were together, she’d never seen a reason to get an IUD. I always used a condom if we made love and that had been a rare occurrence. But that left her vulnerable. She sat staring at the picture of her vagina with Conrad’s semen running out of it. If the last unfortunate event, being pregnant with his child, occurred, she didn’t have the mental fortitude to...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 132 Consequences

What just happened to me? I was sitting on the floor with two cute girls curled up on either side of me, savoring the kisses and wishing this night would never end. All of a sudden I'm standing by the stairs dancing from foot to foot like I have to pee and wishing everyone would hurry up and leave so I can go home. I hoped it wasn't too obvious. I looked at each person as he or she made their way to the stairs and could honestly say 'I love you' about every one of them. But Joanne was...

1 year ago
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Heaven Sent Chapter 2

Etan smiled as he pulled the edges of her robe apart. Alexia sucked in a breath as the cool room air hit her now exposed body. Etan looked at the woman laying open in front of him. His eyes scanned the soft face, the full firm breasts, capped with nipples hard and erect with excitement. His eyes then moved lower to her flat belly and finally the soft, dark, hair neatly trimmed into an upside down triangle pointing to her own heavenly entrance."Alexia... you-you're beautiful!" he said, awestruck...

2 years ago
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Heavens Highway

The long stretch of road disappeared into the bruised purple sky far ahead. The sun was obscured behind thick billowing clouds, projecting endless hazy beams of burnt orange and red as the clock wound down another day of July heat. Richard adjusted his shades and stared straight ahead as the Skylark convertible cruised along the hot blacktop, smooth as a dream, twice as perfect. He had done this several times since moving into the scorched backyard of the nation. Somewhere betwixt the pillars...

3 years ago
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Meri First Chudayi

Hiiii… Aaj Me Aap logo se jo story share karne ja rahi hu wo Meri khud ki real story hai. Jise me aap logo ke saath share karna chahati hu. Mera Naam Riya hai, Age 25 year, figure 34, 2, 34, brown rang, me ek school teacher hu. Dosto Ek Age Ke Baad Sab ko Apana Bistar Suna Lagta Hai, Har Ladki Chahti Hai Ke Raat Me koi ho us ke saath jo puri raat use apni baho me le ke pyaar kare, us ke bubs ko dabaye, us ki nipal’s ko suck kare us ki chut ko chume or us ki chudayi kare. Me bhi Aisa hi Sochti...

2 years ago
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Leave Her to Heaven

The first thing I remembered was the pain in my chest. It wasn’t really bad; it was just persistent. I seemed to be walking through a room full of mist. I began to swirl my arms, hoping to dissipate it, so I could get my bearings, or at least see where I was. Suddenly, the mist cleared. I found myself standing in front of an older man in white robes. He had long hair, a long beard, and a long face with a pissed off expression on it. I had no idea or at least no recollection of how I had...

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Letter from Dayton

LETTER FROM DAYTON From Aldous the Call Boy Dear Shoeblossom, Knobby dances naked, huge Victor rat traps snapped on his nipples, as Lia and I take turns swinging at his swinging balls and trembling buttocks. I am using a car ariel I broke off of the neighbor’s old Corvette, and it makes long red streaks on Knobby's buttocks, and Lia, giggling, is slashing him on his other side with a cat O Nine Tails. ? It's really too bad that I get such a kick out of helping Lia torture her...

1 year ago
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American Nazis Winter JenningsChapter 12 Dayton

I was driving my red F-150. Gertie in the middle, Harold, shotgun. We were braving suburban Raytown without Columbo, naked without Harold’s bodyguard. Gertie wasn’t complaining about the less-than-comfortable middle seat. She was strapped in and going over today’s lesson with Harold. Again. “This isn’t a whore building, Harold. You’re playing it straight today.” “I know, Gertrude. Market diversification.” Harold, seat belt diagonally across his dark blue blazer, white shirt, Trumpian red...

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Carefree Daycare

Welcome to Carefree Daycare! This story will be far more linear than regular CHYOA stories. It consists of 5 days of which all have a specified ending. Because of this you can add chapters on how the main character got into this situation, but you can not change the course of the story. There is a 6th day that serves as a free day a couple months after the original story. You can write any story line here you'd like. Because of the said restrictions, the are strict guidelines for adding new...

1 year ago
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Heaven In The Mountainsthanksgiving Day

As we drove into the driveway, Alishia was waiting. "Jayden, wake up! You are home." Jayden's face is glowing as she shakes the sleep from her eyes. She gives my arm a squeeze. "Uncle Don that was a wonderful weekend: everything was perfect. It will take me hours to record it in my diary. I feel so complete. I still tingle all over." "I hope you keep your diary in a safe place. I don't want anything to come between us." "I keep it on my computer. It is encrypted with a password....

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 14 Sunday

Toni drove out the Diagonal Highway in the Sunday sunshine; few cars on the road, the still-green wild grasses swaying on the fields. At the turnoff for Niwot, she bumped over the tracks and drove through the sleepy village to Ned's house. When she turned into the drive, the garage door swung up; the space next to Ned's car was empty. Toni chuckled and drove in, the door beginning to swing down behind her. When she stepped out of the car, Ned was standing in the doorway in t-shirt and...

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Erotic Story Heaven

I was sitting at work and died.Then I woke up and realized I was a teenager again, and I was a woman! I was not just any woman, I was my own year old twin sister! Wow, I always wanted to fuck my twin sister, so now I can fuck myself as her!So I went into the hall, and realized I was not reliving my life, I was in heaven! And stretching before me was a hallway of endless doors.I went into the first one, and saw my mother fucking my father. Or was he fucking her? Either way, they were fucking. I...

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Taking Her To Heaven

She hurried down the path to the old graveyard in the woods outside of town. Dear God, she thought, please let him be there. There was a light breeze, wafting the smell of the woods with it, but it did nothing to lift the sultry heat of the summer evening. The heat barely touched her, though, as her nerves took over. Was he there? If so, would he be happy to see her? She hoped he would. She feared he would shun her but she hoped he would forgive her for breaking his heart when she ran away,...

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