Sarso Ke Khet Me Ladki Ki Chut Mari Pahle Baar
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Thought could only go so far, and space was so very large, that the chances were very slim of finding anyone. It took almost three hours to make contact. It was with Sula, and her mixed crew of Tandra females, and other races that were first spotted.
At this extreme distance, only a type of radio was functional. I did not know how come we were so far from where Cal should be. There was a lot of confusion, and even suspicion, until I mentioned the pineapple. The call signs I now sported were much different, than the one's Runna had.
I engaged our drive, and within three minutes was almost on top of the diminutive corvette. It was easy to read Sula's and then the rest of the crew's gasps of amazement. When a mountain of ceramic all of a sudden appear beside you and matched course, it should make anyone nervous.
Her face came on the screen even, though I could see through her sensors. My own face was not revealed. "Sula, I would like you to continue your patrol, while I meet the Claw. This ship needs to be investigated before I try to push us to Falm 6."
Though almost speechless, she did manage to say, "Yes, my emperor."
The Claw came into view a few moments later, and I aligned our course so we were right behind their centre of gravity. All the time I was fending off calls and congratulations.
"Blue, are you there?"
"Yes, husband," she said full of admiration.
"I have to tell you..." Then I decided to let her have the images that I had in my mind. I had taken a long time to get them just right, and it took almost five minutes to get the entire story across.
Blue cried, and wanted to come to me. Cal normally would never interfere, but this time said, "Your wife is very upset. What would you like me to do?"
"There is very little you can do. I don't want her altered in any way. Already too many small changes are made, that will eventually make it much harder to deal with. Just interrogate this computer, and see what you can find. The shield, weapons and drive are much more advanced than we currently have. The techs here may be of some help. There is a group of Tandra that are hooked up to the drive controls. They seem to be able to do things much more efficiently, than we can, but I do not want them forced to do this."
Blue made time to come over, and see us. She walked into the room and I could see how appalled she felt. From my mind, she knew all of us were in tanks, but the visual proof was a little too much to take. Her hands came up against the tank, and she placed her face as close as possible, while she sobbed.
"Blue, there is very little we can do but grieve. When we have recovered enough, we will have the funeral to say our goodbyes." I knew Blue was also thinking of the unborn life, that Nema bore, at the time of her death.
I was finally able to get some sleep, because Cal was watching out for all our interests. I had the dreams I feared, and had to go through the agony of seeing my loved ones killed many times over again.
My sleep lasted for almost five hours. I checked on my girls and saw that Star and Chris had made substantial gains, and were out of danger. Susan would only be another few days or so, the same as Nova. Amy would have to stay at least a day longer.
I talked to Cal, and got a synopsis on the capabilities of the new ship. We were very lucky to get her. The main computer and its store of data were seriously damaged. The newer small ships I originally saw in the boat bays were the main source of any newfound data. There had been so many improvements in the last 650,000 years that none or almost none of my old tricks would work.
The computer was actually a group of eight processors, governed by a large crystal. Its grasp of the multi universe, and all their dimensions were crucial to all of its actions.
Medicine had progressed and the virus we made could now be stopped dead in its tracks. If the captain had seen fit, he could have had a vaccine made, and administered it to his troops as they fought.
The galvanized weapons had even been countered during the Tandra / Thonas war, two and a half million years ago. The secret had been kept, along with the need to have the counter-weapons. In the intervening time period, there had been many claimants to the throne, and many lead to civil war and anarchy. This was the main reason for any improvements in war technology.
This vessel was capable of going 80% faster than Cal's best, because it employed the same mechanism as the giant transmitters, but was very power hungry. A bottle neck was still the presence of a bonded deck crew, and the insatiable appetite of the engines. The present crew could only get it to 136 times the nominal ship speed of 1800 lights. Our speed here attested to the ability of the remainder of the crew to assist us. The ship's ability to enter more fully those other dimensions, were the reason for the speed increase, but with my recent experience, I knew that this was just a crude tool from what it could be.
The Tandra confined to their beds, were considered criminals, or malcontents, but I deduced that it was just a reason, to put the poor creatures there. Their medical science had made it impossible to remove their guiding mechanism, except upon death. Their emancipation was on my mind, but I would have to learn an awful lot more, before it could be attempted any acts.
I used the sensors to check out these sleepers better. There were very few young ones, but then again, there were no old ones. They numbered 143 in all. Everyone was a woman, and each looked very thin and weak. At least on Earth we had nurses that would come in and move them around, and give them massages. Here the ever present machines did all the necessary work, and no extra effort was put out.
A tiara of tiny iridescent crystals circled the head, and served both as an interface with the machine, and a control device. The women were supposed to be able to move about, but this was usually discouraged for various reasons. Small transmitters brought each food, and took away the waste. The computer even regulated their sleep patterns, so that some would be able to work at a moments notice. At idle times, they were fed sensations and emotions from a computer generated interface. I did not even know if they would welcome a change in their lives at this time. Visions of Ingrid came to me, and I wondered it a similar tiara could benefit her, if it did not take over her life.
We took the biggest crystal remaining from the stock we got at Epsilon Eridani, and had the tractors inserted it into the dominant position on the computer board. It would be many hours before we knew if it would work or not.
Cal was able to get the tractors and pressors into position to hold the two ships stationary to each other. Cal's engines were not Newtonian in nature, and could be used, but all the energy conduits were destroyed.
Sula, Roderick, and Turner brought their ships into the bay. I started the engines and was better able to control them this time. The strain began to climb and Cal compensated for it and strengthened both shields. We reached 1100 times the speed of light and were forced to stay there. We probably had the power to go faster, but both ships were still not whole. For 63 minutes we ran at this speed and I cut power to return to the Zindor system. We were hailed by the Disembowel, and I replied with our code. There was no need for it to convert us. Two new dreadnaughts, a carrier and many troop transports greeted us. They were ours now. Originally they were part of the forces Dulfa, the former captain and king of a Samutz empire. His kingdom was closer to the core of the galaxy. These ships were being used to assist in his expansion plans.
The original plan was for the present ship to lay waste this planet, and just wait for the backup to arrive from the other empire, and simply take over. Through the records, it was deduced that Falm would be hit as well. The plans were only on the dreadnaught, and the fine details had been destroyed with the fireball.
Cal had been busy making weapons to take on the newer class of ship, and we thought this system would be capable of protecting itself if lead by the right sort of people. Blue remained with the Claw, even though she cried. We swapped half of our crew of Tandra for a mixed bag of races, so that any defeat would not be catastrophic, nor any gains attributed to only one race. The crews would be able to swap data better if this happened.
Claw had to do with her own crew and what help the yards could spare for her repairs. Cal and I had gone over the plans for the improvements we wanted while in flight. Major portions of the hull were to be opened to space and large damaged portions removed. An old idea I had, where a much smaller lithium reactor was used to start a dimensional generator, was worked on. If the reactor was placed close to existing lithium reactors the size could be reduced even more. The shield unit was to be changed, to what our newest ship had, to repel galvanized projectiles.
We were very lucky, for there were one more of the personal shield generators that the Samutz king wore. It was damaged slightly, and had to be worked on by the techs. Its principles were similar, but much more intricate, to repel our zinc/iron ordinance.
The burnt out energy conduits had to just be replaced, with larger models, for we could find no method to reduce their bulk. A battleship that was extensively damaged, would supply all of the engines we needed. The hulk was kept to provide a fabricating centre, to assist all the other ships in need of repair.
Sula and the other captains went back into their ships to patrol the system, and give the imperial override if the occasion occurred.
The trip to Falm was only a little over an hour at our best speed. The approach did not go unnoticed this time. Small but powerful missiles capped with galvanized warheads hit us, time after time. The shields held but there was no way to avoid the heavy fusillade. Any type of missile could destroy our shields, if they were powerful enough.
Mom was being besieged again and I sent off my own reply to a few ships of the new kind. These missiles used the newer technology and their guidance was even better. A battleship blew up and took a conventional frigate with it. Three destroyers almost 800 metres long attacked in mass. I threw my major weapons at them but concentrated on the left most ship. As the destroyer exploded, I worked again on the next left most ship. This allowed me to do the same thing again, but before the ship exploded, our shield was breached four times. The large torus was hit twice, and had to be shut completely down. This device had to be discharged quickly, for fear of a short circuit. The energy weapons came to mind, and the energy drained through them. The last ship became our target.
Damage reports came in and I could do little except ignore them, till we were safe.
The discharge struck, but did little damage to the last destroyer, but did distract it long enough to be hit by our own missiles. This one did not blow up, but dropped its shields and quietly died.
There were quite a number of conventional forces hammering away at the planet, the moon and all of the forts and ships protecting the system. Runna was still in the boat bay, and she used the imperial code through the dreadnaught's transmitters, and all the firing stopped except for the missiles still in flight.
Out of the system moments later, fled a half dozen smaller ships of the improved type, and there was no way I could catch them with the torus damaged.
"Mom, Secric, are you all right?"
"Henry, oh Henry, it is you. We have had so much death," came from Secric, as she started to cry.
Mom called now, and said, "You are making it a habit of saving us. This time you cut the time, very close."
"I would have come sooner, but I had a few problems of our own. Let me get rid of the Samutz first and we can talk. Send me a list of loyal ships."
"Yes, Henry."
I found that there were few ships left on our side. There did seem to be a disproportionate number of enemy casualties, even three more battleships with the new shield, and each one was a wreck. A quick count gave me three battleships, six large troop transports, eight destroyers, and two carriers. A large number of frigate size or less was also present, but most were damaged.
The usual place to store a captured enemy was in stasis in our holds. The sheer number here would put a strain on the number of fighting ships.
The airless moon would be a good place to store them, but it would be subject to attack the next time an invasion occurred. Samutz cared little for life, but if the prisoners were kept out of harms way, then it was a good chance that they would not be rescued. The outer planets were certainly barren, and it was not a hard job to set up domes with the necessities of life, and large stasis generators. If the generators alone were used, then very little life support was necessary.
Our ship was still manoeuvrable, but not between the stars. I gave the order to all of the now loyal ships, to follow, and we headed out system at 100 gravities, the best that they could collectively maintain.
A small planetoid that was originally called Guyda was our best choice. We had raced ahead; the fabrication units started making large shield generators, food units, air makeup units, and sanitary facilities. Our energy weapons started to melt the rock in various areas, to smooth out the rough features, and make it liveable. Domes went up after the necessities of life were installed. Before we finished, there was fifty three domes that covered almost six million square metres each. The vaccine for our virus was administered to each Samutz or there would be none left at our next visit.
Most ships were able to land next to a dome and use their matter transmitter to move the Samutz into the domes. Some were not capable of that, and had to off load to other vessels, that could, and the process completed. Many dead Samutz littered the surface. Some from the conflict, but most trying to retake the computers of their former ships.
Before we were finished the long process, it was time to awake Nova and Susan from the tank.
Lots of Susan's hair was burnt, and I used the tractors to cut it to look... all I could say, is less bad. Nova sported a lot of pink skin, the same as Susan. Other than cosmetic and possible mental problems, there was little damage now, to show for our narrow escape.
"Henry, Henry! Where are you?" Came from Susan, as she sat up abruptly from the recovery table.
"I am here, but busy for a moment. It is good to have you back. I am sorry I can't hold you or Nova, but many things have to be done."
Nova was a little groggier, and when she was able to stand, she just sat and started to cry. Soon Susan sat beside her, held her close, and did some crying of her own.
An hour later the girls had a shower, and were doing what they could to make each other presentable. They had queried Runna, and knew all what had happened since our last flight. They came over to each of the tanks, and looked in, trying to communicate in some way. I was the only one awake and Nova said she had never heard of a person in the tank retaining consciousness. I had done my own questioning, and found that the archives of both major ships did not list this happening either.
When the last of the Samutz were finally removed, all the ships headed for Falm. I did not want to ever hear the word Samutzi again.
On the way back, Mom and Secric joined our conversation through a hologram. Before too long all of us were either crying or almost there. I uploaded the crystal between my shoulder blades, another time, and sent the data to Mom for posterity. The way things were going, one of these times the information would not be able to be sent.
An hour later, Mom dressed up in her own probe induced hologram, and Secric in the flesh, joined us in the sick bay, with Runna happily playing hostess.
Small trays of food came out, and both Susan and Nova dove right in. Susan in particular was familiar with how much hunger she would have at this time. Cups of the ever present tea were filled and emptied on a regular basis, as we talked about what had happened, and what our fears were of what might happen soon.
My personal concern was that all the small systems, that had the Samutz killed off by our virus attacks, would be easy game for any roving group of Samutz or others. The original populations on these planets, if not already eaten, could be faced with an even more voracious predator, if they had to come in quickly and consolidate their position.
Our new unnamed ship would be able to go to each of the systems quickly, and leave a small garrison of troops, and some extra ships that could be co-opted to follow me, as a would-be emperor.
Susan after her experiences on the ship had a drastic change of heart. "I want all of the Samutz dead. There is no way any should live after what they are capable of doing." She turned in her chair and looked into my tank, and said, "I want all of the ones we captured, killed. There is too much of a chance of having them regain their position, and kill people like Nema." She stooped for a while, overcome with emotion and buried her face in her hands.
Nova as a good suna, followed the dictates of the head wife, and said, "I too, want the Samutz killed. At one time, I would have given them some clemency, but not now."
I did not have to ask Secric, but she too was Susan's suna, and would voice the same words as her metsu. Tandra culture was taking over our lives. It was not necessarily a bad thing, for their culture was more advanced and thought-out, than ours was. When the head wife wants something, it is the policy of the rest of the family, to try to make it happen.
Quizzing Mom on a probable action was not the way I should guide our family. Susan position as metsu would be a more elevated position than mine, and Susan did not always think in an orderly way of accomplishing her goals, or think of the consequences of her actions.
"Susan, I have killed literally billions of the Samutz, and want no part in completely eradicating the race. One day, in the future, some race will use our president to kill another race, and those others, may be us." I changed my voice to sound more conciliatory, and said, "We have made may plans, and you had your input into them. It was decided to place the Samutz in a place where they could hunt and live as their ancestors did, and we would restrict their ability to use anything more destructive than a bow. They will not be able to harm any of us again."
"That was then. Now I want them all killed," she said, as she folded her arms across her breasts.
The next hour or so was not pleasant. Susan had made up her mind, and the minds of her fellow wives, about the matter. My previous hold over her when it came to sex was useless now that I was in a tank, and would remain there for quite a while. Being an Emperor, if only in name, gave me the command of the ships, but my own family was an entirely different matter.
When we got back to Falm, I pulled into the yards on the moon Scorso, ahead of one of the battle ships. The fabricators worked full time as well as the Tandra and T'aut slaves that had just tasted freedom. I was not able to greet them, but the sensors were able to sample what they thought, and said. There was a lot of adjustment to do; for most had been slaves for such a long time that they did not really know how to function without a supervisor's attention.
Almost every available tutor ran all the time, as the techs caught up on what they needed to know. Non-techs were trained to help as best they could, while others that were not able to mindspeak were trained to do so in the chairs. Some of the other races could train the same way but most were unable to interact with the machines this way. Old-fashioned classes had to be run with hologram teachers, doing the necessary work. This was hundreds if not thousands of times slower, than the methods the rest of us enjoyed.
The usual bitching was absent; as they did the best they could on their own. Training supervisors was very difficult, and lots of this duty had to fall on the Humans, Tandra from Sol, and the most stable of the remainder of the rescued people.
The last destroyer hit had a surprising supply of parts we could use. Our giant torus on the other hand, had to be rebuilt with fabricated parts. This put me into thinking why the shield admitted galvanized iron in the first place, then of the methods to keep it out. Finally the missiles needed to puncture this new shield, needed to have a defence made when used against us. There were a few research areas onboard, and I set up a few experiments to find any answers I could.
The old Tandra Empire had found the original solution, just after the great exodus. The work on the shield had lasted for hundreds of years, and resulted in untold numbers of Tandra, sacrificing themselves to keep the Thonas at bay. The missile able to pierce this new shield had waited almost two million years.
The original number of Tandra working on the project must have been fantastic, and the thoughts of one upping them, was very far from my mind, but the effort had to be made.
Two days into the repairs, the AI came aware, and I tried my best to bond with it. Its job was very hard, because it would have to do the work of eight others as well as its own. Much of the computer was still damaged, and the AI had to work with what was left. I only hoped the crew could be counted on to help as they had done before. It seemed that Tandra brains could even take over for an AI, but the need for rest was one of our weak points.
At the same time as the AI awoke, Chris and Star came from the tanks. Susan, Secric and Nova were there to give them all the support they could handle. Chris had come through the ordeal fairly well, but Star seemed to be withdrawn. She dwelt on the battle with the Samutz, and would not let the matter go. I knew serious problems were in store for us, if she did not pull herself out of it.
The girls took her into their arms, and made tender love to her many times, and in different ways. Susan even fabricated some vibrators and their use helped, but only for a short time. They did not give up though, and gently weaned her off to the old level in the next week.
I had done my own diagnosis, and found that all the babies were doing fine, though it had been touch and go with the one Star carried. Perhaps I could use the old trick I used before, and take an orphaned child and get Star to care for it. The problem was that Susan was still angry with my decision to save some of the Samutz, and I was in the proverbial dog house. She also knew of my stratagem that had brought Nedue and Soma to us. Even though I was in a tank and not able to participate very well in any sexually gratifying events. Susan made it known, that I was not as well respected, in the candasu or female family, as I was before.
Susan was gaining enough power, so that she could supplant me, if she chose. Looking into her mind, I knew that this was not the case, but it would certainly come to her eventually. Whether she would use it or not, was debatable. At least my position with the Tandra was fairly secure, but the position itself relied on a family of bonded individuals. I had no intention of forming a new family. The girls I loved were just being led astray, and I would fight with everything I had, to keep them.
I had private conversations with Mom on the manifestation of the fireball, its path, control and our obvious escape, even if we had not done it unscathed. Then I mentioned about using the combined intellect of the crew to pilot the ship without an active AI.
"Henry, this is just more of your hidden abilities coming out. I have no idea how this happened or how the energy was guided, without great amounts of power. I examined the control room, and saw that it melted far into the ship, destroying much of the controls. The only thing I do believe, is that Nedue was partially responsible for the control, but how it was done, is as I said, unknown."
"Nedue was also responsible for our unpowered flight. I got a tiny glimpse of how the ship did this. It seemed it was more or less greased so it would slip higher into the hyper universe. The power there was not as important as just breaking the surface. A feeling I have, is that we will be able to go much faster, perhaps even 100,000 lights and use very little energy doing so. The tough part is trying to find enough power to get that far into the higher dimensions. The amount of mental power the crew supplied seems to work better, than all the energy the engines could put out."
Amy was due out soon, and I thought of her as my surrogate to get Star better adjusted. There were many orphaned children, and I searched for the best choice. I felt it best to pick one Soma's age, and now I had to find a way to get Amy to accept the baby, even if it were against Susan's wishes. I knew that Susan might suspect this as too much of a coincidence, but I had to do it anyway. One idea was to get Star away from the rest, and give her the baby. It would take little time before she would be utterly devoted to the child, or she would abandon it in her grief.
The unnamed ship would be ready in a week and one course would be for me to leave Susan here, while I took the rest with me. This would also mean either giving Susan the authority to kill the captured Samutz, or give her only limited command. The latter would prove to be very undermining, and her resentment would grow.
With enough ships capable of supporting our guests, I decided to call out some of the less skilled individuals, and give them a job.
"Yes my Emperor."
"First, I would like to give you a name. Jamal was a brave friend of mine that died recently. I think he could best be remembered, if you tried to carry on his ideals."
"Thank you my Emperor. It has been a long time since any entity aboard this vessel has been given a biological name."
"You are welcome. The other matter I want you to look into is a team of Tandra that could look after the sleepers that drive this vessel. I want at least three hundred, so that there is someone handy all the time. I do not like the present Tandra custom of keeping the sleepers in bed all the time. I want them awakened in groups, exercised, talked to, fed solid food, and basically told how much they are appreciated."
"I have just queried my faulty memory, the other ships, and see that this has been tried before, and resulted in untold confusion. It would be much better to leave them as they are."
"I understand what you are saying, but I want this to happen. Search for techs first, that are still too psychologically damaged to perform their regular duties. The first of them, I want over here in an hour."
"Yes, my Emperor. It shall be as you ask."
Small shuttles started arriving soon after. Jamal explained as best he could, what would be asked of them. When a few more than 300 Tandra had arrived, I had Jamal form a hologram of me, when I had all my limbs, and was able to walk around.
My image formed in the room with the sleepers, and immediately all of the Tandra went to one knee. I simply said, "Hello, please get up. I am only here as a hologram at the moment, because I am actually in the medical section undergoing treatments for burns, and to regrow an arm." They got up a little confused and looked at me for more information. "You have been told, about the sleepers that propel the ship, when we go into the hyper universe. I do not like having slaves, and would like each of you to help me get these people back into something resembling what a crew should be like. I would do some myself, but I am stuck in the tank at the moment, and could only help a few in any case."
I could read some incredulity, in that I was awake, while still in the tank. Others had a difficult time taking care of themselves, and now they were told to care for ones even less fortunate than themselves. I knew now why Jamal brought over more than what I originally required. At my urging they went to numbered bed locations, and huddled around individual naked Tandra, held with tractors to their beds.
Jamal used his tractors to move one girl over, and applied a light oil to her back. She, like the rest, had been kept scrupulously clean, and the oil and a light massage would help get her circulation back into shape. The tractor pushed the skin and muscles, but it was not as good as hands. The girl was put back on her pallet, while I talked to the new crew.
I stepped up to one new girl, and asked, "Form a long line, and then take your hands and rub each other, so you will know what I am talking about." From what I knew of the Tandra on Earth, they did not go in for massage, and these ones here, were just the same. "Place your hands on your partner's shoulders, and work the muscles to make them relax." I heard a few groans of pain, and an equal number of pleasurable ones.
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My wife and I had been out drinking and dancing and went back to Tony and Judy's house for a nightcap. Tony had a lot to drink and after another shot and a beer he was passed out. My wife Susan who hardly ever drinks also was passed out on the couch after another drink. Tony and Judy are both several years older than Susan and I. We have gone on vacations together and gone out numerous times. Judy and I went into the kitchen and were talking as Tony and Susan slept it off. She complained that...
“Wow, this place is a disaster!” commented Frank Boscow. “Yeah, isn’t it cool!” replied his grandson. “You two are not being helpful,” said Lauren. The three were standing in the Graham kitchen, looking at the construction going on around them. The week following Lauren and Peter signing their prenups had been busy. First, that Wednesday night, Peter had brought around an architect and an engineer from his firm to discuss what was to be done. Lauren had been amazed to find that the...
When the red lightning crackled across the town square and the first Hellbeast touched down, it was chaos. These days, it was routine. Sure, they were still horrifying, dangerous monsters, but after the first few attacks, people knew to clear out when they saw the warning signs and wait for the cavalry to arrive. Besides, there was something cathartic and uplifting about watching an attractive, super-powered young woman beat a Hellbeast to death. These mysterious monster-battling heroines...
FantasyKim waited for her brother in the hall near the doorway of the school building. She had gone outside, but found it to be too cold and windy to wait there. As she rested against the wall, several of the girls from her classes stopped by and chatted before going out into the cold. Sally came up and stood next to her and waited for Tom. "What are you doing tonight Kim?" Sally asked. "Jack and I are going shopping for a birthday present for Megan and then I guess I'll just do my home work....
Two tall, raw-boned looking men approached the building from the front. They were barefoot, as we had demanded, and both were holding their open hands out, demonstrating that they weren't armed. They were lightly clad, and it didn't look likely, from a distance, that they were carrying any kind of weapon. There was no white flag. A white flag wasn't necessary. From a fourth-floor window, Martin Kazner directed the two men to walk a few steps down into the far-side driveway ramp. After a...
Meine Probleme wurden mir mit der Zeit immer deutlicher. Sie sind nicht immer meine Probleme, manchmal sind sie auch meine Wünsche oder einfach nur meine Wichsfantasien. Wie auch immer, als junger Mann ist es für mich nicht leicht, geradezu unmöglich, das in einer Beziehung zu finden. Denn wenn du einfach nur auf Brünette oder dicke Titten stehst, ist es leicht, so eine Frau zu finden. Aber in den Kopf kann man eben nicht so leicht gucken. Und das bringt mich auch zu meiner Therapie. Und zu...
MILFIf you're like me, and you like celebrities and erotica, you've probably got a million little story ideas that probably don't warrant their own thread. Maybe they're not developed enough to go off in a million different directions. Or maybe the celebrity isn't famous enough. Well that's no problem now. This thread is for all those stories. I will try to denote updates. Contributions and Feedback are encouraged. Thanks Here is our current story lineup: Angelina Jolie teases Brad Pitt about the...
Sue got up, put on a pair of baby doll pajamas and went to make some coffee. What's with the pj's? I'm here to fuck, not to spend the night. And it's still early in the day. I was sitting up on her bed, my back against the headboard, my eyes closed, thinking of nothing. The lower half of my body was covered with a sheet, not for modesty but because of the air conditioning. The phone rang; I heard her say 'Hello', then pause and finally end the call with 'OK'. Not very enlightening...
By the time I reached home my mind had managed to sort through most of today's happenings. Karla was still an enigma to me, her entire make-up a jumble of good, bad and the worst. From her reactions to my questions and suggestions it had become clear that she indeed had tried to manipulate her husband. Pushing, pulling, spurring him along on his way to success. She had not admitted it, but I suspected that withholding sexual favours was an often-used weapon. I had to speak to...
BUZZ!! Yahoo! Messenger alert. My heart leaps and I grab my phone. “Take it out . Right now. And touch yourself” She knows I will. If she tells me to I can’t refuse her. I stand up and walk over to my office door, swinging it closed. Only the large window behind me now, but I’ll have my back to that. I sit down again behind my desk and brush my hand over the bulge in my neat, dark grey suit trousers. My cock is very hard already. I always – always – get hard when she tells me how naughty she...
I am in deep love with my wife, we have a very good sex life, even after 20 years of marriage, we get into sex almost 2 to 3 time a week, of late while having sex I often think of my wife having sex with another male in my presence, I fantasize that I am watching the whole show without my wife noticing it, I prefer a fantasy in which she is accidentally taken by some stranger. My wife is 46 years and I am 49 we have a son who is in his 12th standard and we have put him in a hostel in Hyderabad...
Anton stood at his window looking down on the street below. He was feeling profoundly sad, unaware of the tear about to leak from the corner of his eye. The events of the past three weeks had been an incredible assault on his fragile sensibilities, carrying him from a self-imposed isolation and a shunning of the world around him, into the depths of despair over the loss of his Sophia, through a forced acceptance of that horrible reality, then to the singular joy, transient though it may have...
I thought the whole coronavirus pandemic was going to be bad; I thought going back home from the freedoms of college was going to suck. I did not want to go back to my small city in Arizona from the New York University but unfortunately, I had no other choice.My job had shut down and I didn't want to force my parents to support me; plus I knew my brother would be home since he had just moved back home after completing his fourth year of accounting and his job had fallen through due to the new...
I hate yardwork yet it seems like all I have been doing lately, and as soon as I get one project finished my wife adds three more since I was teaching at night from home due to the coronavirus. Granted last Tuesday was a great day for it, plenty of sunshine and not too humid, but it would have been a great day to go fishing too. My project for the day was to clean out a couple of flowerbeds that needed weeding and new mulch put down and to help me with this my wife had hired a local k** from a...
It had been a long day. Again. They all seemed to be lately, so she was extremely grateful to be home. She walked in the door and sighed with relief at the stillness. She knew he must be resting already. It had been a long week for both of them. He's been pushing himself so hard, she thought. He deserves a little rest...and maybe a reward... She let the idea wander as she pulled off her boots and dropped her bags and coat to the floor with a soft thud. She would gather them later, as she had...
Straight SexHello to all the ISS readers I am Krupal from Hyderabad doing my btech third year in a reputed engineering college near Gandipet. I live with my two of the childhood friends Vimal and Raj in a room. I and my friends are very much fond of this site and we follow this site each and every day. This is the true story happened of how me and my friends fucked my cute sister. Coming to the story my sister has just joined her btech and she took a hostel near to our room as her college is in the same...
IncestThere is a 50 acre plot of land 12 miles north of Thomas Oklahoma that was left to me by my granddad. One day I get a call from BP energy asking if they can put some windmills on it, they offer to pay me $50,000 a year plus a percentage of everything they produce. I don't think anything about it, till one day I receive a check in the mail. The check is for $43,000. Weird just a few days ago I was looking at a business for sell on e-bay, a souvenir shop in Bali Bali with a house on the beach. I...
Boss & Wife AUTHOR: ISS STORY RATING: I came in the house through the garage door. I was early, about a day early. I was just about to call out, announcing my arrival home, when I heard a sound that caused me to pause. I had been out of town on business but the offers made were unacceptable and I didn’t need that kind of business anyway. They said their position was absolutely non-negotiable, but in the two days of meetings they had changed their position so many times it was apparent...
Hi readers of ISS, Its me Sanjay again. Thank you for the response that you gave me for my first story “My Mom Kaveri”, I am here to pen down another incident. This incident includes my mom Kaveri, me and some relatives of mine. So, to start with, I am 23 now, but this happened just after joined college for 1st pre-univ. I was 16 and my mom was 39-40(may be). My mom is beautiful, fair, 5’5″, jet black eyes and had long hair. She had a good swinging ass that used to drive me mad whenever she...
Incest"Do you think they will?" asked Kelani as I closed the door to our room. "Will what?" I asked. "Get laid tonight?" "They'll try. You got them going. I was very impressed." "All I did was what I used to see the old women doing as they worked. They were practically pornographic when they chatted. Of course I didn't know the difference until I came to America. It took some getting used to. I kept saying things that were considered rude in polite society." I thought about the...
Posts: 15 my bosses gf Wed been flirting for a long time. She actually got my numbrr by accident when he had to xall her from my phonr one day. She texted me the dirtiest things. I couldnt believe she had nost of the same fetishes i had. But like my wife her baby daddy wasnt open to it..... but I was we became each others outlet of acceptance. And then my fantasies became reality! As I dropped my boss off from work I noticed his wifestanding topless in the window. Here breasts...
- JEFF'S FIRST GAY EXPERIMENTS - Hello. Let's say my name is Jeff, (not my real name). I am a nearly 16-year-old guy. And this is my story about how I was taken by a rugged and tough-looking biker man. I still don't know for sure how this all exactly happened. But by the time we were done, I was no longer the shy, scared and introvert little fellow I had been. I had become a queer cum sucker. I had no prior experience with any kind of sex at all. Hell,... I had only just discovered the joys of...
I woke up first thing in the morning to a soft pair of lips kissing me. I rolled over and grabbed but found only air. Reggie was already up and said she'd drive today and be home by 5:30. I rolled back over and pulled the covers over my head but eventually got up and jumped into the rain locker. (That's a shower.) I dressed and went into work to get the rest of the travel plans made. I had just walked into the office when John came out and said, "Break out the corporate beer." I had to...
Hello ISS I am Sandeep ma aab sab k oak nahi romantic story bata raha ho ya mara or madam ka beach ke bat hai marai madam job hoot sunder hai jis ka badab gora mota mota nipple hai jo dekhna ma bhot sexy hai. US ke ymra kam sa kam 30 saal ke hogi us ak chota sa ladka hai amit jo 3rd standardma padth hai. Madam ka husband business man hai . Aksar who business ka liya bhar jataratha hai. Madam bhoot gussa wali hai wo kisi ko bhi tution nai padth hail akin mana bhot request ke muja tution pado ma...
The next day when Pam and Janice met Sharon on deck, they were surprised that she did not have her hair in the tightly wrapped bun that she normally wore. Instead her hair was hanging down her back and pulled back into a ponytail. Her reading glasses that normally were either perched on her nose or hanging around her neck were nowhere to be found. The one thing that the two ladies noticed most about Sharon was not only did she look prettier with her hair down but there was a smile on her lips...
I felt her lips reach the base of my cock and I gave the back of her head a soft caress followed by a little push. Her lips gently flared out on the base of my hairless shaft and she moaned with my cockhead buried in her throat. I looked down and watched her green eyes as they stayed locked into mine. Crystal had enhanced her eyes the way she usually did when we went out somewhere. She fringed her lashes with lots of that CoverGirl ThickLash mascara that gave her lashes a longer, plush look....
Mera anurodh hai ki aap iska pehla bhag jaroor padh le, phir age chale. Mujhe unki basti mein rahte hue ek mahina ho chala tha, is beech main Kusum ko roz he chodta, who mujhe aurton ke bare mein batane ke alawa kuch baat nahin karti. Who mere uthne se pehle hi jungle chali jati, aur wapas akar sab beej, phalli aur doosri jadi-bootiyan sardar ke ghar pe de deti, phor naha kar khana banati, Main subah uthkar sardar ke jhopde men chala jaata aur wahan Badi Maa ke sath jadi –bootiyan ka kaam...
Hi I am an avid reader of ISS and wanted to share this real life experience. I am a 25yr old working in a MNC Company in Mumbai. My chachi lives in Mathura a small town near Delhi. I am fair with well built and height of 6ft. My chachi got married 6 years back was thin but she had a body of a lingerie model. She is brown with round eyes and ever smiling face. But after six years of marriage she became curvy with a body like 38 30 38 that’s coz of all the fucking she did with chacha and his...
IncestThe letter from America1968Martin White and his wife Sarah were lying in bed .It wasn’t late in fact it was hardly dark but they had decided on an early night.Martin had decided to give “Don Quixote” another chance but his heart just wasn’t in it.Martin let the book tumble from his hand as it made a satisfying “clump” on the bedroom carpet ……“Fuck it” said Martin “I’ve seen the movie , why do I bother” ?Martin was typically English if there is...
"What! What did you say?" asked Meredith, who peered behind Lisa's shoulder at the computer screen. "That's our day-care," said Lisa despondently. "And those are my kids. And they're naked." "That one is Mark. I'm sure of it!" They paged through all the pictures. There were about two dozen. They all appeared to have been taken from the same vantage point at about the same distance away. The images were of poor quality. There was one video on the bottom of the page. Lisa clicked...
Posted with permission of the author, Curt B.Farmer Family, chapter 1Chapter One*******Missy Braun removed laundry from the washer, and piece-by-piece, inserted the clothing into the electric wringer mounted atop the new washing machine that her husband had bought her. She was very proud of the labour-saving device and it was evidence of them becoming 'modern'. Each time she threw the switch, the wringer would pull the clothing through the rubber rollers and the water would drain back into the...
Detective's Blues Chapter Four By joeshmoe547 Thursday, July 1, 2002 I awoke between Jim and James as the morning sun filtered through the abandoned warehouse's dirty windows. I was snuggled against James' broad back, my breasts crushed between us, as I pressed close against him to ward off the early morning chill. I could feel Jim behind me, his hips curled tight against mine. My head ached slightly from the beer I had drunk last night as I sat up. Groggily, I thought...
Debbie was a slut. She'd been one the entire time I'd known her and that had been almost ten years. Since the eleventh grade. For some strange reason known only to God my wife Tammy and Debbie have become best friends. Even though Debbie was a round heeled slut I'd never fucked her. Not that I didn't want to because the girl was hot! Seriously hot!! But just before I turned sixteen my dad sat me down and talked about the facts of life. Not the birds and bees talk, but about life. The good,...
Hi boys, me Neha verma hu ,age 24 and size 34-26-34, mere size se to pta chal he gya ho ga ki me kitni sexy hu. Me bohat slutty type ki ldki hu, bohat br sex kiya h mene and vo bhi kafi logo k sath, ldko se lekar buddho tk. So ab me story p aati hu, hope aapko story pasand ayegi and mujhe rply krne k liye fb p inbox kre and me aapko fb p apne or sex confessions bataungi. My fb id Ye incident ek hafte pehle ki h, es time mera koi sex partner available ni tha and meri lyf ek dum boring ho gyi...
Payton Preslee joins us this week to show us what she’s working with. Honestly, she has a slot going for her, She has a a huge pair of tits and a perfectly round ass. Add to that a tight little pussy that just begs to get fucked. Payton teases her perfect tits around to the camera for some time. Then our boy, Tommy Pistol is the lucky SOB that’s in charged of showing this beauty a good time. By good time, I mean fucking shit out of her. Her pussy is penetrated in several different positions...
xmoviesforyouNatasha Teen is rather notorious for her anal affections and her big dicked boss Kai Taylor takes full advantage of his horny co-worker when he catches her perusing porn on the job. He decides to assign her to the dirty task that she does best, and cuffs her and fucks her right there on the desk. This hardcore boy-girl DDF House of Taboo BDSM premium porn scene shot in 4K leaves none of this blue-eyed blonde beauty’s body undiscovered. The college intern’s big tits and curvy ass are...
xmoviesforyouIt is a different couple that comes to our door for dinner. Melville looks like a new man, now that he has his wife back. He smiles and beams at her all the time. Godiva, Godiva looks incredible now that she is cleaned up and back home safe and sound. She is less gray and doesn't shrink back at every touch. She goes out of her way to hug us both. "Oh Nim, I was so pleased when you called us for dinner," she gushes at him. Nimrod just stands and takes it in with an indulgent grin on his...
I sat on a white-painted iron bed in the dark, deeply confused. Outside, muffled conversation went on for an hour before the lights flicked off. I had placed my feet up on the bed and had almost fallen asleep when the door peeked open a half hour later. “Okay,” Yael whispered. “She’s a heavy sleeper but ... please, really quiet.” I gathered up my things and followed Yael through the door. We shared a silent elevator ride to the lobby. “I’m really sorry,” Yael repeated in the warmth of the...
I awoke – barely. My mind felt like it was lost in a careening hurricane and weakness prowled my soul. Pain shot through my brain like the crackling of cruel lightning. Half-formed thoughts whirled in my head and I struggled to turn them into something concrete. Where was I? For that matter, who was I? What was my name? I fished around in my reeling brain for memories, but it seemed like there was nothing there. Well, almost nothing. My name felt like it was on the tip of my tongue, but...
Hi ISS reader, this is Jim (name changed) I am back with my new real story. First of all I would like to say thanks to all my readers, who sent me feedback about my other stories. I am here again with new real story. This all happened on Christmas Eve. It all happened between me and my sister. We all went to one of my uncle’s house to the party on Christmas Eve. I had my sister visiting us from India. All of us were very happy to have her here. She was here by her self. She had her kids with...
IncestTight teen Carolina Sweets loves putting on a sports bra and panties so she can work out in the gym. Her routine is hard work, but she knows she’ll be rewarded at the end. When Logan Long joins her in the gym, she’s quick to flash her tits and ass to entice him to whip out his stiffie for both of their pleasure. Putting her small hands and hot mouth to work, she strokes and sucks until she has worked her way to a deep throat BJ. When Logan is nice and hard, she turns around and...
xmoviesforyou© 2001 Charmbrights Ltd. All rights reserved. The author has asserted the moral rights under sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. Carol and Jeremy Coming away from the ante-natal clinic after a check-up four weeks before her second baby was due, Carol looked down, a little wistfully, as she eased her bulk into the car. 'Will I ever see my feet again?' she wondered. 'Nonsense,' she chided herself, 'A month from now I will have my baby to feed and...
"Geese Max, it's the cops," Mike said. "It's not the real cops. It's the cop in Atwood's pocket. I can't go out with this," I said putting the shotgun down. "But you stay close to it. Video it all and if he shoots me, kill his ass, If he roughs me up, just get it on film and hide it." "Got it," Mike said. I walked onto the porch and spoke to the middle aged balding man who stepped from the Ford Crown Victoria with police written on the side. "Hello officer what can I do for...
“Seems like you’ve got this down,” I said. I unclicked my pen and started putting away my things. “Your parents getting home soon?” “Umm, lemme check.” She took out her phone. “If not,” I said, “maybe we can talk about what we talked about before.” She smiled as she constructed her text. Like Margo, Julia had a sarcastic undertone to her demeanor. She was hilarious, but she rarely let you see it on her face. She had bright green eyes, but they were masked by heavy eyelids. A minute of...
I had been driving around for a few weeks at night fully dressed as a girl getting on the highway when I got next to a trucker I would slow down turn on the light in my car and let the trucker look in seeing my legs. I was sure they were seeing a lot because my short dress or skirt was way up on my thigh, a few times I let it ride up very high even showing a little panty, at times I would have a row of trucker speeding up riding on the side of me honking and blowing there horn all this was...
I had just fucked Tammy and came inside her sweet pussy and sucked Bree off too. We were all laying there catching our breath and I turned and looked at Tammy. She was beautiful and sexy and I wanted to spend more time with her but right now all I wanted was to make them both come several times more. I rolled and kissed Tammy as I caressed her body pinching her nipples when I had them between my fingers. She was getting hot and I wanted her really hot so she was close to coming again. My plan...
You have always had feelings around cuckolding. Recently though the kink has been becoming a bigger and bigger role in your life. You're barely 22 and you're married but unless you are thinking of your wife getting railed by a black cock you can't cum, let alone get hard! As amazing and loyal as your wife is she's a bit on the dumb side and hasn't realized the degree of cuckolding that you're into! So you'll have to drop some serious hints in order for this to happen. You want this quite a bit...
As her general and his troops settled in for the winter, Cecilia started getting very disturbing reports from some of the villages. Marion was starting to really make herself a pain in the ass. Villages were declaring their allegiance to Marion and she was gathering troops around her. General Kleist of course wasn’t worried, after all what could a woman rebel and a few villages do to him. The worst bit of news for Cecilia came in just after Christmas and was that Marion appeared to be...
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. I groan, flop over, and swat the alarm clock with my hand, but the stupid thing won’t shut up. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Then I remember that it isn’t my alarm clock sounding off. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, I sit up and dig my phone out of the covers on the bed beside me. I unlock the screen, shut off the alarm, and take a look at the date, reminding myself all over again why the alarm on my phone was even necessary. April 1st, 2015, also known as April Fools Day. April first...