BrownBunnies Evi Rei Evi Bounces Her Ass On Hard Cock
- 2 years ago
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Thought could only go so far, and space was so very large, that the chances were very slim of finding anyone. It took almost three hours to make contact. It was with Sula, and her mixed crew of Tandra females, and other races that were first spotted.
At this extreme distance, only a type of radio was functional. I did not know how come we were so far from where Cal should be. There was a lot of confusion, and even suspicion, until I mentioned the pineapple. The call signs I now sported were much different, than the one's Runna had.
I engaged our drive, and within three minutes was almost on top of the diminutive corvette. It was easy to read Sula's and then the rest of the crew's gasps of amazement. When a mountain of ceramic all of a sudden appear beside you and matched course, it should make anyone nervous.
Her face came on the screen even, though I could see through her sensors. My own face was not revealed. "Sula, I would like you to continue your patrol, while I meet the Claw. This ship needs to be investigated before I try to push us to Falm 6."
Though almost speechless, she did manage to say, "Yes, my emperor."
The Claw came into view a few moments later, and I aligned our course so we were right behind their centre of gravity. All the time I was fending off calls and congratulations.
"Blue, are you there?"
"Yes, husband," she said full of admiration.
"I have to tell you..." Then I decided to let her have the images that I had in my mind. I had taken a long time to get them just right, and it took almost five minutes to get the entire story across.
Blue cried, and wanted to come to me. Cal normally would never interfere, but this time said, "Your wife is very upset. What would you like me to do?"
"There is very little you can do. I don't want her altered in any way. Already too many small changes are made, that will eventually make it much harder to deal with. Just interrogate this computer, and see what you can find. The shield, weapons and drive are much more advanced than we currently have. The techs here may be of some help. There is a group of Tandra that are hooked up to the drive controls. They seem to be able to do things much more efficiently, than we can, but I do not want them forced to do this."
Blue made time to come over, and see us. She walked into the room and I could see how appalled she felt. From my mind, she knew all of us were in tanks, but the visual proof was a little too much to take. Her hands came up against the tank, and she placed her face as close as possible, while she sobbed.
"Blue, there is very little we can do but grieve. When we have recovered enough, we will have the funeral to say our goodbyes." I knew Blue was also thinking of the unborn life, that Nema bore, at the time of her death.
I was finally able to get some sleep, because Cal was watching out for all our interests. I had the dreams I feared, and had to go through the agony of seeing my loved ones killed many times over again.
My sleep lasted for almost five hours. I checked on my girls and saw that Star and Chris had made substantial gains, and were out of danger. Susan would only be another few days or so, the same as Nova. Amy would have to stay at least a day longer.
I talked to Cal, and got a synopsis on the capabilities of the new ship. We were very lucky to get her. The main computer and its store of data were seriously damaged. The newer small ships I originally saw in the boat bays were the main source of any newfound data. There had been so many improvements in the last 650,000 years that none or almost none of my old tricks would work.
The computer was actually a group of eight processors, governed by a large crystal. Its grasp of the multi universe, and all their dimensions were crucial to all of its actions.
Medicine had progressed and the virus we made could now be stopped dead in its tracks. If the captain had seen fit, he could have had a vaccine made, and administered it to his troops as they fought.
The galvanized weapons had even been countered during the Tandra / Thonas war, two and a half million years ago. The secret had been kept, along with the need to have the counter-weapons. In the intervening time period, there had been many claimants to the throne, and many lead to civil war and anarchy. This was the main reason for any improvements in war technology.
This vessel was capable of going 80% faster than Cal's best, because it employed the same mechanism as the giant transmitters, but was very power hungry. A bottle neck was still the presence of a bonded deck crew, and the insatiable appetite of the engines. The present crew could only get it to 136 times the nominal ship speed of 1800 lights. Our speed here attested to the ability of the remainder of the crew to assist us. The ship's ability to enter more fully those other dimensions, were the reason for the speed increase, but with my recent experience, I knew that this was just a crude tool from what it could be.
The Tandra confined to their beds, were considered criminals, or malcontents, but I deduced that it was just a reason, to put the poor creatures there. Their medical science had made it impossible to remove their guiding mechanism, except upon death. Their emancipation was on my mind, but I would have to learn an awful lot more, before it could be attempted any acts.
I used the sensors to check out these sleepers better. There were very few young ones, but then again, there were no old ones. They numbered 143 in all. Everyone was a woman, and each looked very thin and weak. At least on Earth we had nurses that would come in and move them around, and give them massages. Here the ever present machines did all the necessary work, and no extra effort was put out.
A tiara of tiny iridescent crystals circled the head, and served both as an interface with the machine, and a control device. The women were supposed to be able to move about, but this was usually discouraged for various reasons. Small transmitters brought each food, and took away the waste. The computer even regulated their sleep patterns, so that some would be able to work at a moments notice. At idle times, they were fed sensations and emotions from a computer generated interface. I did not even know if they would welcome a change in their lives at this time. Visions of Ingrid came to me, and I wondered it a similar tiara could benefit her, if it did not take over her life.
We took the biggest crystal remaining from the stock we got at Epsilon Eridani, and had the tractors inserted it into the dominant position on the computer board. It would be many hours before we knew if it would work or not.
Cal was able to get the tractors and pressors into position to hold the two ships stationary to each other. Cal's engines were not Newtonian in nature, and could be used, but all the energy conduits were destroyed.
Sula, Roderick, and Turner brought their ships into the bay. I started the engines and was better able to control them this time. The strain began to climb and Cal compensated for it and strengthened both shields. We reached 1100 times the speed of light and were forced to stay there. We probably had the power to go faster, but both ships were still not whole. For 63 minutes we ran at this speed and I cut power to return to the Zindor system. We were hailed by the Disembowel, and I replied with our code. There was no need for it to convert us. Two new dreadnaughts, a carrier and many troop transports greeted us. They were ours now. Originally they were part of the forces Dulfa, the former captain and king of a Samutz empire. His kingdom was closer to the core of the galaxy. These ships were being used to assist in his expansion plans.
The original plan was for the present ship to lay waste this planet, and just wait for the backup to arrive from the other empire, and simply take over. Through the records, it was deduced that Falm would be hit as well. The plans were only on the dreadnaught, and the fine details had been destroyed with the fireball.
Cal had been busy making weapons to take on the newer class of ship, and we thought this system would be capable of protecting itself if lead by the right sort of people. Blue remained with the Claw, even though she cried. We swapped half of our crew of Tandra for a mixed bag of races, so that any defeat would not be catastrophic, nor any gains attributed to only one race. The crews would be able to swap data better if this happened.
Claw had to do with her own crew and what help the yards could spare for her repairs. Cal and I had gone over the plans for the improvements we wanted while in flight. Major portions of the hull were to be opened to space and large damaged portions removed. An old idea I had, where a much smaller lithium reactor was used to start a dimensional generator, was worked on. If the reactor was placed close to existing lithium reactors the size could be reduced even more. The shield unit was to be changed, to what our newest ship had, to repel galvanized projectiles.
We were very lucky, for there were one more of the personal shield generators that the Samutz king wore. It was damaged slightly, and had to be worked on by the techs. Its principles were similar, but much more intricate, to repel our zinc/iron ordinance.
The burnt out energy conduits had to just be replaced, with larger models, for we could find no method to reduce their bulk. A battleship that was extensively damaged, would supply all of the engines we needed. The hulk was kept to provide a fabricating centre, to assist all the other ships in need of repair.
Sula and the other captains went back into their ships to patrol the system, and give the imperial override if the occasion occurred.
The trip to Falm was only a little over an hour at our best speed. The approach did not go unnoticed this time. Small but powerful missiles capped with galvanized warheads hit us, time after time. The shields held but there was no way to avoid the heavy fusillade. Any type of missile could destroy our shields, if they were powerful enough.
Mom was being besieged again and I sent off my own reply to a few ships of the new kind. These missiles used the newer technology and their guidance was even better. A battleship blew up and took a conventional frigate with it. Three destroyers almost 800 metres long attacked in mass. I threw my major weapons at them but concentrated on the left most ship. As the destroyer exploded, I worked again on the next left most ship. This allowed me to do the same thing again, but before the ship exploded, our shield was breached four times. The large torus was hit twice, and had to be shut completely down. This device had to be discharged quickly, for fear of a short circuit. The energy weapons came to mind, and the energy drained through them. The last ship became our target.
Damage reports came in and I could do little except ignore them, till we were safe.
The discharge struck, but did little damage to the last destroyer, but did distract it long enough to be hit by our own missiles. This one did not blow up, but dropped its shields and quietly died.
There were quite a number of conventional forces hammering away at the planet, the moon and all of the forts and ships protecting the system. Runna was still in the boat bay, and she used the imperial code through the dreadnaught's transmitters, and all the firing stopped except for the missiles still in flight.
Out of the system moments later, fled a half dozen smaller ships of the improved type, and there was no way I could catch them with the torus damaged.
"Mom, Secric, are you all right?"
"Henry, oh Henry, it is you. We have had so much death," came from Secric, as she started to cry.
Mom called now, and said, "You are making it a habit of saving us. This time you cut the time, very close."
"I would have come sooner, but I had a few problems of our own. Let me get rid of the Samutz first and we can talk. Send me a list of loyal ships."
"Yes, Henry."
I found that there were few ships left on our side. There did seem to be a disproportionate number of enemy casualties, even three more battleships with the new shield, and each one was a wreck. A quick count gave me three battleships, six large troop transports, eight destroyers, and two carriers. A large number of frigate size or less was also present, but most were damaged.
The usual place to store a captured enemy was in stasis in our holds. The sheer number here would put a strain on the number of fighting ships.
The airless moon would be a good place to store them, but it would be subject to attack the next time an invasion occurred. Samutz cared little for life, but if the prisoners were kept out of harms way, then it was a good chance that they would not be rescued. The outer planets were certainly barren, and it was not a hard job to set up domes with the necessities of life, and large stasis generators. If the generators alone were used, then very little life support was necessary.
Our ship was still manoeuvrable, but not between the stars. I gave the order to all of the now loyal ships, to follow, and we headed out system at 100 gravities, the best that they could collectively maintain.
A small planetoid that was originally called Guyda was our best choice. We had raced ahead; the fabrication units started making large shield generators, food units, air makeup units, and sanitary facilities. Our energy weapons started to melt the rock in various areas, to smooth out the rough features, and make it liveable. Domes went up after the necessities of life were installed. Before we finished, there was fifty three domes that covered almost six million square metres each. The vaccine for our virus was administered to each Samutz or there would be none left at our next visit.
Most ships were able to land next to a dome and use their matter transmitter to move the Samutz into the domes. Some were not capable of that, and had to off load to other vessels, that could, and the process completed. Many dead Samutz littered the surface. Some from the conflict, but most trying to retake the computers of their former ships.
Before we were finished the long process, it was time to awake Nova and Susan from the tank.
Lots of Susan's hair was burnt, and I used the tractors to cut it to look... all I could say, is less bad. Nova sported a lot of pink skin, the same as Susan. Other than cosmetic and possible mental problems, there was little damage now, to show for our narrow escape.
"Henry, Henry! Where are you?" Came from Susan, as she sat up abruptly from the recovery table.
"I am here, but busy for a moment. It is good to have you back. I am sorry I can't hold you or Nova, but many things have to be done."
Nova was a little groggier, and when she was able to stand, she just sat and started to cry. Soon Susan sat beside her, held her close, and did some crying of her own.
An hour later the girls had a shower, and were doing what they could to make each other presentable. They had queried Runna, and knew all what had happened since our last flight. They came over to each of the tanks, and looked in, trying to communicate in some way. I was the only one awake and Nova said she had never heard of a person in the tank retaining consciousness. I had done my own questioning, and found that the archives of both major ships did not list this happening either.
When the last of the Samutz were finally removed, all the ships headed for Falm. I did not want to ever hear the word Samutzi again.
On the way back, Mom and Secric joined our conversation through a hologram. Before too long all of us were either crying or almost there. I uploaded the crystal between my shoulder blades, another time, and sent the data to Mom for posterity. The way things were going, one of these times the information would not be able to be sent.
An hour later, Mom dressed up in her own probe induced hologram, and Secric in the flesh, joined us in the sick bay, with Runna happily playing hostess.
Small trays of food came out, and both Susan and Nova dove right in. Susan in particular was familiar with how much hunger she would have at this time. Cups of the ever present tea were filled and emptied on a regular basis, as we talked about what had happened, and what our fears were of what might happen soon.
My personal concern was that all the small systems, that had the Samutz killed off by our virus attacks, would be easy game for any roving group of Samutz or others. The original populations on these planets, if not already eaten, could be faced with an even more voracious predator, if they had to come in quickly and consolidate their position.
Our new unnamed ship would be able to go to each of the systems quickly, and leave a small garrison of troops, and some extra ships that could be co-opted to follow me, as a would-be emperor.
Susan after her experiences on the ship had a drastic change of heart. "I want all of the Samutz dead. There is no way any should live after what they are capable of doing." She turned in her chair and looked into my tank, and said, "I want all of the ones we captured, killed. There is too much of a chance of having them regain their position, and kill people like Nema." She stooped for a while, overcome with emotion and buried her face in her hands.
Nova as a good suna, followed the dictates of the head wife, and said, "I too, want the Samutz killed. At one time, I would have given them some clemency, but not now."
I did not have to ask Secric, but she too was Susan's suna, and would voice the same words as her metsu. Tandra culture was taking over our lives. It was not necessarily a bad thing, for their culture was more advanced and thought-out, than ours was. When the head wife wants something, it is the policy of the rest of the family, to try to make it happen.
Quizzing Mom on a probable action was not the way I should guide our family. Susan position as metsu would be a more elevated position than mine, and Susan did not always think in an orderly way of accomplishing her goals, or think of the consequences of her actions.
"Susan, I have killed literally billions of the Samutz, and want no part in completely eradicating the race. One day, in the future, some race will use our president to kill another race, and those others, may be us." I changed my voice to sound more conciliatory, and said, "We have made may plans, and you had your input into them. It was decided to place the Samutz in a place where they could hunt and live as their ancestors did, and we would restrict their ability to use anything more destructive than a bow. They will not be able to harm any of us again."
"That was then. Now I want them all killed," she said, as she folded her arms across her breasts.
The next hour or so was not pleasant. Susan had made up her mind, and the minds of her fellow wives, about the matter. My previous hold over her when it came to sex was useless now that I was in a tank, and would remain there for quite a while. Being an Emperor, if only in name, gave me the command of the ships, but my own family was an entirely different matter.
When we got back to Falm, I pulled into the yards on the moon Scorso, ahead of one of the battle ships. The fabricators worked full time as well as the Tandra and T'aut slaves that had just tasted freedom. I was not able to greet them, but the sensors were able to sample what they thought, and said. There was a lot of adjustment to do; for most had been slaves for such a long time that they did not really know how to function without a supervisor's attention.
Almost every available tutor ran all the time, as the techs caught up on what they needed to know. Non-techs were trained to help as best they could, while others that were not able to mindspeak were trained to do so in the chairs. Some of the other races could train the same way but most were unable to interact with the machines this way. Old-fashioned classes had to be run with hologram teachers, doing the necessary work. This was hundreds if not thousands of times slower, than the methods the rest of us enjoyed.
The usual bitching was absent; as they did the best they could on their own. Training supervisors was very difficult, and lots of this duty had to fall on the Humans, Tandra from Sol, and the most stable of the remainder of the rescued people.
The last destroyer hit had a surprising supply of parts we could use. Our giant torus on the other hand, had to be rebuilt with fabricated parts. This put me into thinking why the shield admitted galvanized iron in the first place, then of the methods to keep it out. Finally the missiles needed to puncture this new shield, needed to have a defence made when used against us. There were a few research areas onboard, and I set up a few experiments to find any answers I could.
The old Tandra Empire had found the original solution, just after the great exodus. The work on the shield had lasted for hundreds of years, and resulted in untold numbers of Tandra, sacrificing themselves to keep the Thonas at bay. The missile able to pierce this new shield had waited almost two million years.
The original number of Tandra working on the project must have been fantastic, and the thoughts of one upping them, was very far from my mind, but the effort had to be made.
Two days into the repairs, the AI came aware, and I tried my best to bond with it. Its job was very hard, because it would have to do the work of eight others as well as its own. Much of the computer was still damaged, and the AI had to work with what was left. I only hoped the crew could be counted on to help as they had done before. It seemed that Tandra brains could even take over for an AI, but the need for rest was one of our weak points.
At the same time as the AI awoke, Chris and Star came from the tanks. Susan, Secric and Nova were there to give them all the support they could handle. Chris had come through the ordeal fairly well, but Star seemed to be withdrawn. She dwelt on the battle with the Samutz, and would not let the matter go. I knew serious problems were in store for us, if she did not pull herself out of it.
The girls took her into their arms, and made tender love to her many times, and in different ways. Susan even fabricated some vibrators and their use helped, but only for a short time. They did not give up though, and gently weaned her off to the old level in the next week.
I had done my own diagnosis, and found that all the babies were doing fine, though it had been touch and go with the one Star carried. Perhaps I could use the old trick I used before, and take an orphaned child and get Star to care for it. The problem was that Susan was still angry with my decision to save some of the Samutz, and I was in the proverbial dog house. She also knew of my stratagem that had brought Nedue and Soma to us. Even though I was in a tank and not able to participate very well in any sexually gratifying events. Susan made it known, that I was not as well respected, in the candasu or female family, as I was before.
Susan was gaining enough power, so that she could supplant me, if she chose. Looking into her mind, I knew that this was not the case, but it would certainly come to her eventually. Whether she would use it or not, was debatable. At least my position with the Tandra was fairly secure, but the position itself relied on a family of bonded individuals. I had no intention of forming a new family. The girls I loved were just being led astray, and I would fight with everything I had, to keep them.
I had private conversations with Mom on the manifestation of the fireball, its path, control and our obvious escape, even if we had not done it unscathed. Then I mentioned about using the combined intellect of the crew to pilot the ship without an active AI.
"Henry, this is just more of your hidden abilities coming out. I have no idea how this happened or how the energy was guided, without great amounts of power. I examined the control room, and saw that it melted far into the ship, destroying much of the controls. The only thing I do believe, is that Nedue was partially responsible for the control, but how it was done, is as I said, unknown."
"Nedue was also responsible for our unpowered flight. I got a tiny glimpse of how the ship did this. It seemed it was more or less greased so it would slip higher into the hyper universe. The power there was not as important as just breaking the surface. A feeling I have, is that we will be able to go much faster, perhaps even 100,000 lights and use very little energy doing so. The tough part is trying to find enough power to get that far into the higher dimensions. The amount of mental power the crew supplied seems to work better, than all the energy the engines could put out."
Amy was due out soon, and I thought of her as my surrogate to get Star better adjusted. There were many orphaned children, and I searched for the best choice. I felt it best to pick one Soma's age, and now I had to find a way to get Amy to accept the baby, even if it were against Susan's wishes. I knew that Susan might suspect this as too much of a coincidence, but I had to do it anyway. One idea was to get Star away from the rest, and give her the baby. It would take little time before she would be utterly devoted to the child, or she would abandon it in her grief.
The unnamed ship would be ready in a week and one course would be for me to leave Susan here, while I took the rest with me. This would also mean either giving Susan the authority to kill the captured Samutz, or give her only limited command. The latter would prove to be very undermining, and her resentment would grow.
With enough ships capable of supporting our guests, I decided to call out some of the less skilled individuals, and give them a job.
"Yes my Emperor."
"First, I would like to give you a name. Jamal was a brave friend of mine that died recently. I think he could best be remembered, if you tried to carry on his ideals."
"Thank you my Emperor. It has been a long time since any entity aboard this vessel has been given a biological name."
"You are welcome. The other matter I want you to look into is a team of Tandra that could look after the sleepers that drive this vessel. I want at least three hundred, so that there is someone handy all the time. I do not like the present Tandra custom of keeping the sleepers in bed all the time. I want them awakened in groups, exercised, talked to, fed solid food, and basically told how much they are appreciated."
"I have just queried my faulty memory, the other ships, and see that this has been tried before, and resulted in untold confusion. It would be much better to leave them as they are."
"I understand what you are saying, but I want this to happen. Search for techs first, that are still too psychologically damaged to perform their regular duties. The first of them, I want over here in an hour."
"Yes, my Emperor. It shall be as you ask."
Small shuttles started arriving soon after. Jamal explained as best he could, what would be asked of them. When a few more than 300 Tandra had arrived, I had Jamal form a hologram of me, when I had all my limbs, and was able to walk around.
My image formed in the room with the sleepers, and immediately all of the Tandra went to one knee. I simply said, "Hello, please get up. I am only here as a hologram at the moment, because I am actually in the medical section undergoing treatments for burns, and to regrow an arm." They got up a little confused and looked at me for more information. "You have been told, about the sleepers that propel the ship, when we go into the hyper universe. I do not like having slaves, and would like each of you to help me get these people back into something resembling what a crew should be like. I would do some myself, but I am stuck in the tank at the moment, and could only help a few in any case."
I could read some incredulity, in that I was awake, while still in the tank. Others had a difficult time taking care of themselves, and now they were told to care for ones even less fortunate than themselves. I knew now why Jamal brought over more than what I originally required. At my urging they went to numbered bed locations, and huddled around individual naked Tandra, held with tractors to their beds.
Jamal used his tractors to move one girl over, and applied a light oil to her back. She, like the rest, had been kept scrupulously clean, and the oil and a light massage would help get her circulation back into shape. The tractor pushed the skin and muscles, but it was not as good as hands. The girl was put back on her pallet, while I talked to the new crew.
I stepped up to one new girl, and asked, "Form a long line, and then take your hands and rub each other, so you will know what I am talking about." From what I knew of the Tandra on Earth, they did not go in for massage, and these ones here, were just the same. "Place your hands on your partner's shoulders, and work the muscles to make them relax." I heard a few groans of pain, and an equal number of pleasurable ones.
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EroticElla decided to give the old care taker a treat before she went back to the city, as he always perved on her when she was sunbaking by the pool. this her account of what happened while i was at work. Ella made sure she was by the pool sun baking before Ted came to clean the pool.As Ted started cleaning Ella watch and waited till he was right in front of her until she put both feet either side of the deck chair on the pretense of adjusting her pillow thus exposing her naked smooth pussy to Ted....
Ben woke up the next morning and stumbled to the kitchen, greeted by Mindy and Beth, who were in not much better shape than he was. His sisters were clearly hung over from their pussy eating frenzy of the night before and had no interest in heading off to classes or work either one. They were groggy, but otherwise in a good mood and looked at each other and smiled occasionally sharing what they thought was a secret between them. When Ben entered the kitchen they greeted him with a sleepy "good...
This story begins in 1985 when I was 17 and finally ends last year. “Miss Simpson! Go straight to the Headmaster’s room now!” Mr. Flanders shouted as he pointed to the Religious Knowledge classroom door. I shrugged my shoulders and slowly made my way to see Mr. Skinner for the third time that week. With hindsight, at that time of my life I was a bit like a female Marlon Brando in ‘The Wild One’. Q: “What are you rebelling against?” A: “What have you got?” I was...
“Paul!” Opal Anne yelled as she ran towards me and Mick, her pistol in hand. Both of us were on the ground. Betty Mae joined her, running to the side of her man. Out of the corner of her eye, Opal Anne saw the sheriff with his shotgun aimed at Rory and she raised her pistol up to protect her brother-in-law. She was squeezing the trigger when the sheriff pointed the shotgun’s muzzle up in the air. “Sheriff!” Opal Anne yelled still pointing her pistol. “Mrs. O’Dell! Relax!” He yelled at her...
I had always been fascinated by the feel of womens clothes against my skin, and today was no different. Mom was away on a business trip to Canada, and dad was away at work for the next couple of hours.I had always had an effeminate look to me, with me being 6’1” and thin as a twig at 19, I was scrawny. I had bought a black wig to go with the outfit that I had picked out. It was black 6” heels, black pantyhose, a black garter belt and panties, with a short black skirt and a little black tube...
There once was a man who was in love with his hand. He sat on the can,with his dick in his hand, beating his meat on the porcilan seat."wouldn't it be sweet" he said, "If I could simply get some head"but insted...He moved his fat ass from the can to the bed.
I finally arrived home and my mom was waiting for me. She helped me bring in all of my and Alecia's things. She had my old bedroom ready for me and had Alecia's crib already set up in there. I hugged and kissed my little baby. I had to wonder what kind of future she would have. I would make sure she didn't make the same mistakes that I did, but then realized I was talking and sounding like my mother. I was about to tell my mother the whole story, but she said I needed to eat something...
Tuesday had been hot and sunny, the best that Yorkshire had to offer. Deeply in love and desperate to please my new boyfriend, I had risen early, showered and re-shaved my armpits and legs just in case any close physical contact became possible. I had dressed in a pair of my shortest, most revealing shorts and a cropped sleeveless top that I hoped would make me look like I had at least thought about growing boobs. I had brushed my hair and left it down as Jake liked it rather than pulling it...
TabooAre you male or female? MaleAge? 31At what age did you start masturbating? 12 or 13. I was in Middle SchoolHow many times a week do you masturbate? 3-5 timesHow many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? 99% of the time. The other 1% I fall asleep before I find the perfect picture or video to finish me offWhere do you masturbate:In bed? YesIn the shower? YesIn the bath? I don't take baths. Outdoors? I have before. At work? NoEvery room in the house? Not yetIn a car while...
Chloe, at twenty-five years of age, had just ended her first serious relationship and was adrift in more ways than one. Answering her sexual needs without somebody else to stimulate her physical desires had seen her taking to the internet in search of first dating sites, and then, after despairing of the obvious fake postings, had then taken to the fetish sites.She needed something out of the ordinary to re-energise her sex drive and get her out of the slump that her post-breakup had triggered....
WatersportsWifey is 54 and is a pure slutty CFM Milf..... Nice body size 8-10, great tits and a CFM sultry face that will drive you crazy. Started swapping about 18 months ago and now she cannot get enough strange cock in that horny pussy. We have 4 couples we swap/swing with and while I enjoy fucking the other wife's pussy it is hotter to watch my slut wife get her pussy filled with another man's cock, listening to her scream and moan, tell him how much she loves being filled deep and hard. Wifey...
It's Friday night,I'm already intoxicated when I enter a lounge closer to home. This is the 4th bar tonight. When I get drunk and horny I start bar hopping looking for a freak who may want to get busy tonight. I approach the bar, having too much to drink already I just order a beer, take a sip and scan the lounge for females. There's a cutie barmaid with tatoos and a ring in her nose, sometimes gives me free shots and tells me what night she works. There's the club owner and Disc Jockey. I...
Had a pretty interesting day, thought I'd take a few minutes to put it down here and share with you :)I woke up around 7am to the horrible sound of the alarm, I took the day off so I could go to the DMV. I wanted to get there as early as possible and just get it over with, but at that moment I convinced myself I had all day to do it and hit the snooze button a few times. During these short sleeps I had the most fantastic sexual dreams, nothing elaborate but intense all the same, a solid...
Before I begin, keep in mind that all this stuff was going on in like 85, 86, 87,. There were no smart phones,no pc's, not even dvds. We had vcr's & video cassettes back then. So with that in mind....let me tell y'all bout some of the other fun nights we spent together. Living in Birmingham Al. in the later 80's for 2 extremely horny people with no internet doesn't mean no fun, it was what it was. Here's what we'd do sometimes, there are always flea markets down here. Anyone can bring...
When I was working as an apartment manager, I would often have to do repairs while tenants were at home. On one occasion I had to replace a light fixture on the ceiling the lady of the house was home on a personal day. She let me into the apartment and I set up my ladder, and was opening the new fixture box, when I noticed she was watching my every move. I climbed the ladder to remove the old fixture, and the ladder wobbled a little. She grabbed it to steady it. Not soon after I felt something...
After a long time I am back at writing the stories, hope you all will like this one.Hi, my name is David; I’m 30 years old I’m 6'2 215lbs I have greeneyes, blondish brown hair and a nice body. I had been married for 10 years when my wife came home work one day and told me to get out. I had nowhere to go so I got a hotel room and I stayed there until I could find a new place. I had been at the hotel for about a week when while out getting some groceries I ran into my step sister (Carrie).Carrie...
IncestI work with a girl named Jane. We get on very well together and have become very good friends. Jane lives on the same street as me, a few doors down, with her husband, Pete, and their three-year-old daughter, Amy. I would babysit for them from time to time, and it was a pleasure to look after their little girl. On this occasion, whist at work, Jane asked me if I would babysit for her that night and I readily agreed. So, dressed in my usual t-shirt and jeans, I arrived at their house. Pete...
MasturbationPatong beach thailand a few years ago, a few drinhs at a bar with some friends on going to toilet at public loo which was next door to ladyboy bar. Standing and relieving myself in runs two lovely ladyboys from next door. Who proceed to do there make up and have a good look at my cock for good measure! Now at this point I hadn't any feelings one way or another, but now I was very curious indeed! So I made my way back to my friends at the bar finished my drink and with a lame excuse left in...
Jack felt an intense satisfaction fucking Becky. He muttered something about cleaning up and left shortly after getting dressed. But Garrett hung around. He felt a tug at his heart. He didn’t want to be parted from Becky. Garrett went closer to Becky. Her body was still warm from the fuck fest. He sat next to her as she lay on her bed, smiling with satisfaction. Garrett knew that the more he fucked Becky, the more he was falling in love with her. Yes he was in love with her. His mind was clear...
I was on my knees, bent over the outdoor chaise on the balcony of the hotel suite I was staying in. Jason's hands on my hips kept me pressed to his groin as he ground hard against my ass cheeks. He sounded like a man in pain as he came deep in my pussy. I barely had the breath to tell him how incredibly well fucked I felt. Resting my head down on the cushion, I continued to slide my fingers through my wet slit to lightly touch my clit. My own orgasm had been long and very satisfying. Jason...
In PrivateMargaret lived at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. Her life followed the same routine most weeks, 2 mornings helping out in the local charity shop, Wednesdays coffee and cake in town with her friends, and on a Sunday she attended the 9.30am service at Our Lady's. Nothing ever really happened, life just passed by pleasantly. However, recently things had started to change for Margaret. She had been married 31 years, and although comfortable with sex it had always been with her...
“You guys look good out there,” I say. It’s been an hour since football practice ended and the team’s been scrimmaging without gear since. It’s off season but the team is still hitting it hard. “What do you know about football,” Isaiah says, teasing me. “Oh, I wasn’t talking about your football skills,” I say, jumping down from the bleachers. All around me the players are taking their shirts off, hoping I glance their way. I look over and a few of them wink at me. I smirk; reach my hand up...
Straight SexWith a groan, he slowly opened his eyes and pushed his body up into a kneeling position. His eyes darted around, taking in everything around him. He was on a beach, an unfamiliar stretch of sand that ran directly into the ocean. After only a short distance, he could see that the sand gave way to grass covered soil that disappeared among a jungle of trees. "Where in the hell am I", he wondered as he pushed himself to a standing position, his body protesting vociferously. The last thing he...
I’m in a dark back room with boxes and things, getting my coat after a dance with the music still ringing in my ears loudly. Somebody spoke from behind me, saying ‘ its kind of dark back here, there’s no light, something bad could happen in here’. ‘Uh, like what’, I asked nervously, not sure what he meant as the music was still blaring loudly just beyond the confines of the wall. Then he responded saying, ‘You see right over there…let me show where you do not want to be’ as he moved,...
Stunning women are having a wild time together. They seem desperate to strip and reach for one another’s pussy. On the edge of using the biggest strap-on toy ahead of a proper pussy licking foreplay. Lucky for them the desire for a great fuck is bigger than the lust, so they stick to the plan and share a wonderful foreplay together. Soft pussy licking, gentle ass fingering, loud moans and the best nudity, all together in a spicy combination which is driving them both crazy. After a few minutes...
xmoviesforyouThree weeks later, the second session of the rings and valves meeting was convened. In the meantime, copies of all the notes from the first session had been circulated to the participants. Cliff presided as they reviewed the notes page by page. When they reached the basis of competition, no one had more than minor word changes. Additional material on Murphy and its position in the business was added to the notes based on work done by participants between the two sessions. Then, after lunch,...
It was at sunset when she meant the most to him. They sat, always the same, on the porch outside her room. He brushed her hair and pinned it back, careful to keep the curls lying flat against the nape of her neck. She had always kept it like this when she had been able to care for it herself. Now, like so many other things, he did it for her. She had a beautiful neck; it was one of the first things that attracted him to her. He could still remember the first time he saw her. It was her neck...
Behind the iron railings the large private garden used exclusively by the residents of Wellington Square was awash with colour, immaculately mown lawns bordered flower beds containing all sort of exotic flowers. The gardens were overlooked on three sides of the square by imposing late Victorian town houses, from the first floor bedroom of one of these houses Mrs. Frost a plump middle-age housekeeper glanced down into the gardens. The sight that greeted her was at first glance not unusual, a...
They lay there exhausted for some time. Technically BSC frowns upon open sexual intercourse but the crowd of naked girls that surrounded the two on the ground were very sympathetic to what they had witnessed. No one was going to report anything to anyone. Soon Danny and Janet were being helped to their feet and into the shower. Becky was there helping them both to get cleaned up. She had great pleasure in helping Janet strip Danny of all his clothes and get him under the water with some nice...
Introduction Hexton was a tiny, quiet village, stubborn in it’s defiance of the progression of the world of the future in general. Even in the early 21st century the residents insisted on living simple lives, heavily centred around a fear of Christ and an almost primitive dependence on the church. Hex had a lot of similarities with the village. She wasn’t exactly tiny but her small, slim frame, supporting perfectly shaped quite large breasts gave her a delicate almost fragile appearance,...
Sometimes just fapping on your own just isn’t enough. Hot MILF Lilly James finds this out the hard way when her husband is always gone on business. And so does her stepson Jake, who hears his stepmother masturbating & moaning on the daily. Jake confronts his stepmother and while he is sympathetic, he needs her issue to end now! Lilly admits she hasn’t had sex in 2 months, but her stepson comes with solutions. Enter family friend & stud Jonathan Jordan who isn’t exactly...
xmoviesforyou“Whatever you like, Mistress,” Jess said obediently. Emma pushed herself up to a sitting position; she then twisted her body to dig back in the pile of toys. Retrieving one, she turned back to Jess. “I want to fuck you,” Emma said simply, holding up a strap-on dildo which dangled in front of Jess’ face. “As you wish, Mistress. I’ll need a bit of help getting back up, though,” she said. She floundered a bit on the floor to show her lack of mobility. Emma leaned over and helped pull Jess back...
Some time ago I purchased a new dildo for Kelly. when it comes to sex toys for my wife, I have a simple rule – the bigger, the better. In this case, not only did I choose a tremendously large toy, but I also went with a cyberskin model that she had to admit "felt extremely realistic". The truth about this toy is that it's actually too big for her pussy to accommodate entirely, yet. But she still has had some incredible, earth shaking orgasms on it!Now, contrary to wishful thinking of both...
Amar nam joy, ami thokhon class 8e pori, amar boyes thokhon hobe pray 18. Ami siliguri te thaki. Aj je ghotonatar kotha bolbo seta hoychilo amar pasher barir ak didir sathe nam tar mou. Amader barir side o der dui tola bari ar didir room ta chilo amader barir bathroomer thik uppore. Didir roomer janala die amader bathroom o tar sider kol par ta ke poriskar dekha jeto. Amra du jone chotobela theke pray ek sathey boro hoychi o du joney chilam khub bhalo bondhu. Ei bar ghotonata boli, sei din...
They always say the quiet ones are the worst, and that proved the case for Subi, in her early thirties she was a tall girl with long dark hair, her skin was a dark shade of golden brown which gave away her Middle Eastern heritage. Her eyes were dark and her face was slim with smouldering good looks.The day began as usual she was late for work; she’d woken up feeling horny and if she had the time, she would have quelled the fire that was raging inside that morning. Subi quickly changed into her...
This is a continuation from the first part of Kausi Chitti How it Began It was around 5 pm and my uncle was leaving for his shift just as my cousin entered the house I watched her come in covered in sweat from the heat. Her under boobs having a distinct outline and her armpits having small almost cute wet patches. The weight of her school bag made her body convex and arch in the sexiest way imaginable. She is only 18 but is so developed that if it was not for her cute innocent face she would...
IncestI had spent the night in Denver and was heading to Jackson Hole Wyoming for a family reunion. That meant driving through Central Wyoming. If you’ve ever driven through the heart of Wyoming, you haven’t missed much. It is high desert, a barren plateau. There is nothing growing but sagebrush and tumbleweeds ... The continental divide runs through it, splitting several times, creating depression where the water does not drain. It gets so little rain, the water left there evaporates, leaving salt...
Hello ISS readers. This is Abhishek, a twenty-three-year-old guy from Hyderabad. Let’s get into the story. Read, relate, and enjoy. After my intermediate, I had to move to Chennai to do my B. tech in one of the reputed universities there. That is where I met Madhavi ma’am. She was my maths teacher in the first year. I like the subject maths but little did I know that I would also like the teacher who taught me maths. She is a simple beauty. She has a wheatish fair skin tone and got a...
Hello People, I’m Prem Rastogi and this is the continuation of the story. Do read the first two parts before reading this. Let’s begin: It was my last day in the flat. I was packing all my stuff and was busy with that. Divya and I used to fuck whenever we got a chance. Rohan the asshole was still not treating Divya well. I asked Divya to leave him. She told me that she would’ve dumped him on the day they had that huge fight. But she stuck around because of me. So that she could hang around and...
When a Roman general returned triumphant from whatever campaign he was on he would ride on his chariot while a slave would ride behind him holding a laurel over their head. While he was doing that the slave would be whispering, "Remember, thou art mortal." In my case the slave would be whispering in my ear, "Remember thou art human." Today was Wednesday, and for three days minus the time I spent hearing the offers from other countries as well as visiting the gambling clubs and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! This is a story of how my intimate relationship started with my mother. My mother Carol is 5' 9" tall with a medium build with brown hair. She is a very unassuming lady; she would not stand out in a crowd when it comes to looks. Don't get me wrong I am not saying she unattractive. She was married to my father for 21 years when he decide that he was not happy with what he had left one day for work and never came home. We got a phone call from him a day...
IncestRobert Zheng listened to the invitation of his friend Marcus. He wasn’t really into parties and gatherings of that sort in general. Having immigrated from China at the age of 12, he had initially been self-conscious of his English and thus avoided social interactions. Though his language skills swiftly improved, his shyness had persisted throughout his teenage years. Now, as an 18-year-old high school senior, Robert seemed like a typical nerd. He preferred indoor activities, social...
I've had numerous guys on here ask if I've ever been part of a gang bang. So, rather than repeating the story to many more times, I thought I would just write it down for all to read. Some will still ask and that totally ok. I don't mind telling of my experience. So, here goes.....One time, several years ago, I expressed my interest in a gang bang with a great friend of mine. I told her that I would like to do it for my birthday. But, I didn't want to feel like I was a real slut or whore....
I woke earlier than usual on Tuesday morning having not had the best night’s sleep. Strange dreams which, as dreams do, faded so quickly that I couldn’t recall what had been so strange about them. I think they may have been about Clarissa. I may have kissed her. In the middle of the school canteen with everyone standing round watching, pointing and laughing. I stared at the ceiling for ten minutes and tried to put the day before into some kind of perspective. Clarissa had done her duty....
The next morning, I awoke from a dream about a blow job to find my mom sucking my morning wood. She saw I was awake so she pulled my cock out of her mouth to say, “It’s about time you woke up. I thought you’d need some relief before school so I hope you don’t mind that I woke you up early.” She took my dick back in her mouth and resumed her licking and sucking. I just noticed that she was completely naked in my bed. “Hell no, Mom,” I said, “I think you need to wake me up with my dick in...
Steph stopped just shy of her little sisters waiting pussy. “Please don’t stop Steph. I NEED you to keep going.” Sarah whispered. Steph made her way all the way up to Sarah’s wet little pussy and began rubbing her lips and clit. By now Sarah was breathing heavy and loud and the occasional whimper would escape her lips. She’d never felt anything so wonderful in her life and she knew she was going to need this a lot more. As Steph played with her sisters pussy she could only focus on her...