In Broad Daylight – Short Story free porn video

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Dark eyes stared at me, devoid of emotion. Were they empty, or just tired? I stared at the photo in my hands for a good long while, committing his face to memory. The sharp jaw, the sunken cheeks, the bumpy Roman nose, the inky black hair. The man in the photo was lean with broad, jutting shoulders and a tattoo on his neck that I couldn’t make out.

‘This is him, huh?’ I said under my breath. ‘And you’re sure?’

‘It doesn’t matter. Until we know he’s not a threat, he’s a threat. Resort security stopped him at the gate this morning. If he is who we think he is, he’ll be back,’ Nigel stated matter-of-factly.

‘And who do you think he is?’ I asked.

He didn’t answer immediately, he had his head turned slightly, listening to his ear piece, nodding minutely.

‘One of you,’ he finally responded with a smidge of distaste. ‘We’ve got a press conference with the Prime Minister tomorrow at 2, so get it done fast, and get it done quietly. If this blows up, you’re on your own. Understood?’

I nodded. ‘Consider him dealt with.’

‘Good girl,’ he said with a hint of condescension.

Nigel’s immaculate suit rustled as he made for the door of my hotel room.

‘Nigel,’ I called. He turned, eyebrows raised heavenward. ‘This is it. The last one. Right?’

He pursed his lips. ‘Sure thing.’

I sighed as the door clicked shut behind him. I was exhausted. The drive hadn’t been too unpleasant, it was the weight of Nigel’s expectations that crushed my bones.

I looked again at the photo, wondering why I hadn’t seen this man’s face before. Was he new to the game? Or just that good at staying to the shadows?

Either way, it didn’t matter. By this time tomorrow, he’d be dead.


An hour later, I flashed the man’s photo around to the security team at the Palm Shade Resort. A kid name Andrew was the only one who’d seen him. He reeked of inexperience and eagerness, but he wasn’t quite up to snuff. His company issued kelly green polo was untucked in the back and too tight to boot, and his blonde hair was matted down with an excess of hair gel. That, and he smelled of too much Brut.

‘He just didn’t look right, around here especially,’ Andrew said. ‘He looked like a criminal. All those tattoos. Gave me the creeps.’

‘What’d he say to you when he approached you?’ I asked.

‘He said he was here to see family. I asked for his name, but he wouldn’t give it to me. I told him until he did, I couldn’t let him in the gates.’

‘And then what?’

‘Then he left.’

‘Just like that?’

Andrew wiped the sweat from the back of his neck. Whether it was a nervous habit or due to the sweltering heat, I couldn’t tell. ‘Well, he looked like maybe he was eyeing the place up, y’know? On his way out. Like maybe he was going to climb the wall or something.’

I followed Andrew’s gaze up the beige stone wall, well over 10 feet tall. Every other pillar had a camera anchored to it, their red status lights shining steadily. If this man decided to scale the wall, he was going to have a hell of time of it.

‘And you haven’t seen him since?’

‘No. But I told Mr. Black’s guy, the one with the red tie, that I’d let him know if I did.’

I nodded. ‘Nigel.’

‘Yeah, that’s him.’

‘You got a pen?’ I asked.

Andrew patted down the pockets of his khakis, searching. He fumbled around as if he were unfamiliar with his own attire, where his pockets were located and what was in each. Finally, he found a pen in his front pocket and handed it to me. I ripped off a corner of the man’s photo, turned it over, and jotted down my cell phone number.

‘Nigel’s having me take care of this, so if you see him again, give me a call. Got it?’

He took the slip of paper from me and nodded, but frowned a moment later.

‘You didn’t give me your name,’ he pointed out.

‘Kara,’ I lied easily.


Over the hours that followed, I wandered the resort, languidly observing happy families and relaxing businessmen by the pool, on the beach, and in the hotel lobby. It didn’t take long, however, for the Florida heat to get to me. I’d been called down here in such a rush that I brought only the clothes on my back, unfit for the climate.

I ducked into the resort’s gift shop, relieved to feel cool air against my skin. There were several patrons inside, none of them the man I sought. I asked them each quietly, non-invasively, if they’d seen him, but no one had.

The shop itself sold surf boards and trinkets and most of all memorabilia, as if the Palm Shade Resort of Key West was something you’d want to tell your grandkids about. But it also offered a small selection of clothing.

I found a more suitable getup and changed in their dressing room, taking great lengths to make sure the yellow sundress I selected offered enough coverage, no one needed to know that I had a gun strapped to my left thigh. When I was satisfied, I ripped the tags off and dropped my old clothes in a canvas bag embroidered with the Palm Shade Resort of Key West logo.

I handed the tags to the clerk, and my bill came to $300. It was a steep amount, but I was happy to be out of my jeans and boots.

With the bag slung over my shoulder, I continued my search, hidden beneath a wide-brimmed hat and dark sunglasses. Kids built sandcastles on the beach, trophy wives tanned in their beach chairs, and teenagers played volleyball, if the man was here, he was well hidden.

I traipsed down a sidewalk that seemingly led to nowhere. The farther I went, the closer I came to the end of the line, in this corner of the resort, it was dead. Where I expected to see that familiar stone wall, instead I saw chain link running the length of the eastern side of the resort all the way down to the beach. Beyond it was a vacant lot with a sign stuck in the sand proudly proclaiming a new resort in development. They’d break ground in the Fall.

The sidewalk ended even with the building wall. It seemed off and protrusive, like a wing of the resort that was seldom used, with few windows. I walked around the side of it, slipping in the sand dunes, only to find a hollow of space open and unused. There were a few pallets of shingles stashed back there, out of sight and weatherworn. I looked around for cameras, but weren’t any. If my target wanted to get in here, this would be the place. It was a giant blind spot with few people around to get suspicious.

Three o’clock came and went and there was no sign of him. I checked in with Nigel on the hour, every hour, all while keeping my eye on the resort’s vacant neighboring lot.

I took his photo to hotel management, to the shop owners, to the restaurant staff at the crab shack down the beach, all under the false pretense that I was a cop. No one seemed to question it. With enough confidence, you can make most people believe whatever you want them to.

By 5 o’clock, my shoulders were pink and warm and the sun had tired me. I walked down the beach to a cabana bar, bought a smoothie and propped myself up on a barstool, happy to be in the shade for the moment. Not a minute later, my phone rang.


‘Kara? This is Paul Hughes, from hotel managment. The man you were asking about-‘

‘Did you see him?’ I asked impatiently, sitting up a little straighter.

‘One of the maids said she saw someone fitting his description, going up the elevator. Lots of tattoos.’

‘I’m on my way.’

The hotel lobby was packed with people checking in and their respective luggage, as if a tour bus had just dropped them off. I searched the crowd for my target, but he was nowhere to be seen. Paul flagged me down while I made a beeline for the elevators, bumping into people left and right.

‘She said he went to the 8th floor,’ he whispered conspiratorially as I punched the Ù button.

‘Did she s
ay what he was wearing?’

‘A yellow shirt and dark shorts.’

The door opened and I climbed inside, leaving Paul out in the corridor, baffled.

‘Shouldn’t you have backup?’ he asked, again in a whisper. He was one of the many who’d bought my act.

‘They’re already on their way,’ I lied. ‘Don’t worry.’


When the elevator doors opened, I cautiously stepped into the corridor. I had my gun in hand, held behind me so as not to frighten anyone. But there was no one lingering in the posh halls, only closed doors and silence.

Instinctively, I made for the stairs. And lo and behold, two flights down a man in a bright yellow shirt was rushing away. My footfalls echoed in the stairwell as I ran after him, dropping my bag somewhere around the 5th floor. The man stopped on a landing and craned his neck to see me. He knew.

A few more flights down, a door loudly opened and closed, ringing in the air around me. When I caught up, I tore out into the lobby, dismayed that the horde of patrons hadn’t dwindled in the slightest.

Paul motioned from behind the counter and pointed to a vacant corridor. In my pursuit, I cut off a weighed-down bellhop and nearly knocked over a tall plant. The door at the end of the corridor led outside, and was closing just as I rounded the corner. I broke into a run.

Outside, I caught a glimpse of him descending another set of stairs, traipsing down the sidewalk toward the vacant lot. I knew it.

I followed him as fast as I could without sprinting. He turned the corner of the building and I slowed, removing my gun from its holster before I proceeded. I knew once I rounded that corner, there’d be no cameras or people to see what was about to happen.

My nerves were on edge. I gripped my gun and rounded the corner, knowing I wouldn’t like it when I did. Immediately, I was socked in the elbow. The man grabbed my wrist and tried to make me drop my gun, holding his own on me all the while. A solid kick to his knee dropped him, and I thrust his gun away into the sand dunes with my foot.

‘Get up,’ I said as I kept a safe distance.

A gust of wind blew through my dress, lifting the skirt. The man smirked. His hands were held in the air as if he were surrendering, but we both knew he wasn’t.

‘I like the view from down here better,’ he said suggestively.

‘Get. Up,’ I said again, unamused.

Slowly, he got to his feet and pointedly held my gaze. His smirk was ever-present and snaky.

‘What? You gonna shoot me? In broad daylight? With all these people around?’ His tone suggested he thought I wouldn’t, that the mere possibility was laughable.

‘What else do you have on you?’

‘I guess you’re gonna have to find out on your own,’ he shrugged. And then he winked at me.

His playfully aloof behavior irritated my nerves, but I didn’t let on.

‘Take off your clothes,’ I demanded.

His eyebrow raised and his eyes glinted with mischief. He backed toward the brick well into the shade. From where I stood, the sun glared in my eyes, so I followed his example, lest he use the blinding light to his advantage.

Unfazed, he pulled his t-shirt over his head and threw it at my feet. His jeans came off just as quickly, though they hung around his ankles. He had so many tattoos, adorning his arms and legs and even his abdomen, that he looked like a displaced rockstar.


Nearly naked, he made a circle, his arms out to his side. The only item of clothing he still wore was a pair of tight boxer briefs which left little to the imagination. I had my doubts he was concealing anything in there.


As he pulled his pants back up, I tossed him his shirt. While he slipped it over his head, I rushed him and pressed my gun into his abdomen. He was taken aback by the sudden movement and froze. For the moment, his smirk was gone.

‘This is how this is going to go,’ I said. ‘You and me, we’re gonna take a nice, normal walk back the way we came. We’re gonna walk through the courtyard and make for the gates, and you’re gonna take me to whatever shitheap you pulled up in. Got me?’

‘And what if I decide to run, or scream, or alert security?’ The seriousness in his voice was betrayed only be the humor in his eye.

‘You do and I shoot you. And I’ll get away with it. You wanna know why? Because you’re here after being denied access, after the NSA ran your photo through their database and found out you’re a dirty man. You’re here to kill a member of congress, and I’m here to keep that from happening, with the government’s blessing. You wanna try me? Go for it. It’s your funeral.’

Just then, a beach ball came bouncing up from the beach, past the brick wall that offered us a modicum of privacy, and stopped in the sand. The world spun unexpectedly as the man grabbed me and rammed my back into the wall. In the confusion, his large hand wrapped around mine tightly, clasped around my gun. With his weight and his strength, he now had it pressed into ribs.

‘That’s what they told you, huh?’ he asked with a scoff. ‘Typical.’

‘It’s over here, mommy!’ a small voice cried.

Surprised, we both watched as a little girl, no older than four, came running into view, pigtails bouncing. She trudged through the sand toward her lost ball, and I realized with some horror that it was near his gun.

The gap between us suddenly vanished when pushed me into the wall with his body, as if trying to make us both disappear into its searing bricks. I held my breath, waiting for the little girl to leave.

‘Alisa, what did I say?’ a breathless woman cried, coming upon her daughter and grabbing her hand. They were both oblivious to our existence, but if they turned to leave, they’d see us.

Without warning, the man’s arm wrapped tightly around my back, and he crushed his lips against mine. My first instinct was to protest, but after a split second, I realized what he was doing. None too happily, I opened my lips to him, and he took it as an invitation to slip his tongue inside.

My eyes screwed together tightly against what felt like an impossible situation. I wanted to shove him away, but that would likely mean collateral damage. I didn’t want that, and I was guessing neither did he.

The mother gasped, evidence that she’d finally seen us.

‘Come on,’ she said hurriedly. ‘Come on!’

‘But my ball!’

‘I said come on,’ the mother ground out.

It was quiet after, for however many heartbeats, however many breaths. I didn’t open my eyes to see if they were gone, but in the silence, I knew they were. Still, the man kissed me like he had something to prove, like I imagine someone would if their destiny were on the line. He sold it well to the mother and the girl, and to me, too. He kissed me like a lover might, and I got swept up in the feel of it. But it didn’t take me long to remember where I was, who I was with, and the gun he had trained on me.

When I did finally come back to reality, I pulled away from his lips and pressed hard against his chest. His grip on me eased, but he didn’t let me go and he offered no apologies. Instead, he stared at me, breathless. For that brief moment, we’d gone somewhere else, as two different people, and it seemed both of us were dizzied from the journey.

He gulped heavily before regaining his cocky smirk.

‘I already got what I came for, sweetheart.’

I blanched. Had I been too late?

‘Relax,’ he said. ‘All I wanted was this.’

He pulled a small disc from his back pocket, tucked into a blank white sleeve, its very nature insidious. It must be important. Across it, in scratchy handwriting, read 8-13-15. Today’s date.

‘Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got somewhere to be.’

As he backed away, he pulled on the gun. I stubbornly held to it, reluctant to give it up. His eyes bore into mine as I relinquished it, a
nd he winked at me again, this time in triumph. I angrily watched him walk away, pick up his own gun, and dust it off. He slipped both of our pieces into the waist band of his shorts and slinked through an opening in the chain link fence, each loop cut to accommodate him.

He looked back only once, and gave me a small wave. I contemplated going after him, but for whatever reason, I believed him: he’d gotten what he came for, and without bloodshed.

In the end, I retrieved my bag from the stairwell, checked out of my room and called Nigel to let him know that it was taken care of, to let him know that I was done.

With lighter shoulders than I’d had in years, I hailed a cab, made my way to the airport, and rented a car. It was high time I put all of this in my rearview.


Over the following months, one of the biggest scandals in the history of politics took place, the result of a leak by the notorious Anonymous. I knew in my bones that whatever had been on that disc played a part, though the man with the tattoos never came up in the investigation. Thirty-eight state senators, twenty-seven governors, and countless representatives had information leaked on their affairs, most of which was illegal, for all the world to see. It seemed they had a penchant for laundering money and accepting bribes. Many were arrested, some resigned of their own accord while others were forced from their positions, and a few even committed suicide.

As the mainland fell apart, I disappeared into the Alaskan wilderness, to a quaint cabin made of logs and chimney smoke that I used to think only existed in stories. I was 20 miles from the nearest town, an hour and a half from the coast, surrounded by solitude. I loved it.

One night, during the Leonid meteor shower, I was outside wrapped in layers, lying in the snow. Six fireballs had passed so far, and my fingers had gone numb. After the seventh, I decided to call it a night. I trudged back to my cabin, a lantern in one hand and my folded blanket in the other. Even after all this time here, it still amazed me how absolute the darkness was and how crystal clear the skies. It was a hell of a lot more quiet, too, almost unnervingly so.

After kicking the snow off of my boots, I went inside and hung my coat and my sweater, my scarf and my gloves. The fire was burning low, I’d been out there for hours, having lost track of time. That happened a lot these days. I added more kindling and another log in hopes that it would catch.

And that’s when I felt it, that familiar prickling on the back of my neck, the crawling of my skin. I wasn’t alone.

My heart stuttered as I wheeled around only to see a man I didn’t recognize, not at first. With his hair tucked under a cap, his tattoos hidden by his coat, and his jaw now mottled with stubble, I didn’t recognize him as the man who helped put Congress on its knees.

‘Who sent you?’ I asked. My voice shook more than I’d have liked.

‘Nobody,’ he replied with a congested voice. He sniffled as if he had a cold.

‘Bullshit. Who sent you?’ I asked again, this time raising my voice.

‘I’m not here to cause trouble. I came by myself. I found you by myself. And you weren’t easy to find, either,’ he said with a smirk.

Up here on the edge of the world, I didn’t have a gun anymore because I didn’t need it. I reached for the fireplace poker next to me and clutched it tightly. He shook his head in earnest.

‘You don’t need that.’

I clasped both hands around the cold iron and held it out in front of me as if it were a sword.

‘If no one sent you, then why are you here?’

I came toward him with the poker held high, and he backed into the door, though he didn’t seem afraid.

‘Your gun. I wanted to give it back to you,’ he said, wholeheartedly serious.

‘What?’ That wasn’t the answer I expected.

‘It’s under my coat, if you’ll let me get it.’

‘Do I look like a fool to you? What’d you do with it? Kill someone? Are you trying to frame me?’ I asked, so perplexed I almost laughed.

‘No. It’s not just the gun, though.’ He paused. ‘I never got your name, back in Florida. I figure if I found you again, I could kill two birds with one stone. I know your handle, of course, but not your real name.’

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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 03

After the four men left, Mark was too stupefied to move, and just laid on the grass while thinking about how incredible the last twenty-four hours had been. Just the morning before, he’d been a virgin. Now, he’d had two cocks rammed up his ass, had sucked two cocks, given a hand-job to another man, and received several blow jobs. And as if this wasn’t surreal enough, much of this had been immortalized on video. Mark was terrified by this latter detail. Would the older man use it to blackmail...

1 year ago
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Daylight comes Ill have to go

‘I’m glad you’re here. My parents and sisters are out this night and you know how much I hate to be alone,’ she smiled, looking at Kay, but not at me. Of course she isn’t happy to have me here. Who would be, if your ex-girlfriend of two years was suddenly invited to your sleepover by your best friend who conveniently forgot to tell you until the last minute? ‘What about Justin, Ina? Aren’t you glad that she’s here, too?’ Kay quipped, an angelic look on her face. Ina refused to bite her bait....

3 years ago
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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 06

When Mark woke in the morning, he reviewed the previous few days. How could he have been a virgin on Monday, and so ravaged by Friday? He couldn’t count the dicks that had been rammed up his young ass, or the blow jobs he’d given and received, or the amount of jism that had been pumped into his body. What a week! He could hardly believe it happened. Of course, in thinking about it all, his dick got hard again, and Mark was unsure whether to be happy or sad that he was leaving the next day for...

2 years ago
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Daylight Comes Ill Have To Go 2

Ina ‘Hey, beautiful!’ someone wolf-whistled. I didn’t look up. The call came from the congregation of guys in ill-fitting suits by the door. Unfortunately, that was the only entrance to the convention hall the school rented out for the night. It was prom. Hence the gorillas in the suits. I walked faster, wanting to get it over with. The guys were probably seniors. Football jocks. Jerks. I let out a sigh of relief as I passed them by, but my breath hitched in my throat when somebody grabbed my...

2 years ago
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Daylight Comes Ill Have To Go 3

Justin I sat in my car, feeling numb. Yeah sure, I know Ina doesn’t give a damn about me anymore. But she should have had the decency not to fuck my twin brother, shouldn’t she? I felt like someone clawed a hole in my chest. I pressed my forehead against the wheel, trying to figure out a way to breathe. Tears slid down my nose, finally dropping on my dress. When I got home I took a shower and put on an oversized shirt and cutoffs. Then I went back downstairs and waited for Warren. At 2:14...

1 year ago
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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 04

What a day! Mark was lying in his bed reliving all that had happened. During dinner with his parents, he could barley suppress laughing at the various wild, erotic images that danced through his head. Thank God my parent’s can’t read my mind, he’d thought more than once. He was also fascinated at what the two officer’s had told him while driving him home. ‘Mark, we’ve never done that before. Not to anybody, and nor to each other.’ ‘What?’ Mark had said. ‘You two aren’t lovers?’ Tom laughed....

1 year ago
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The Pleasures of Three Ch 3 Exhibition in broad daylight

Deana, John and Mathew enjoyed their threesome so much they couldn’t wait to get it on again, but it was two months before John could make another visit. Deana and John couldn’t get their little rendezvous in the parking lot out of their minds, and she secretly hoped that he would want to repeat it. Sure enough she had the same email in her Inbox at 10:00 that very morning. The only difference is that this time John added, ‘Wear the same dress you wore last time.’ This time when Mathew...

3 years ago
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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 05

While lying in bed the next morning, Mark just couldn’t believe it. His mind reeled at what he’d been through. How was it possible that he’d been an innocent virgin just a few days previously, but had now been ravaged by more men than he could count? What’s come over me? Why does that older man have such a hypnotic effect on me? God, what if my parent’s ever found out! During the course of the day, Mark’s resolve to never again see the older man eroded, and he kept thinking about the card in...

2 years ago
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Daylight Comes Ill Have To Go 3

Justin I sat in my car, feeling numb. Yeah sure, I know Ina doesn't give a damn about me anymore. But she should have had the decency not to fuck my twin brother, shouldn't she? I felt like someone clawed a hole in my chest. I pressed my forehead against the wheel, trying to figure out a way to breathe. Tears slid down my nose, finally dropping on my dress. When I got home I took a shower and put on an oversized shirt and cutoffs. Then I went back downstairs and waited for Warren. At 2:14 a.m.,...

3 years ago
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Daylight Comes Ill Have To Go 2

Ina"Hey, beautiful!" someone wolf-whistled.I didn't look up. The call came from the congregation of guys in ill-fitting suits by the door. Unfortunately, that was the only entrance to the convention hall the school rented out for the night. It was prom. Hence the gorillas in the suits. I walked faster, wanting to get it over with. The guys were probably seniors. Football jocks. Jerks.I let out a sigh of relief as I passed them by, but my breath hitched in my throat when somebody grabbed my...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The Pleasures of Three Ch 3 Exhibition in broad daylight

Deana, John and Mathew enjoyed their threesome so much they couldn't wait to get it on again, but it was two months before John could make another visit. Deana and John couldn't get their little rendezvous in the parking lot out of their minds, and she secretly hoped that he would want to repeat it. Sure enough she had the same email in her Inbox at 10:00 that very morning. The only difference is that this time John added, "Wear the same dress you wore last time."This time when Mathew suggested...

1 year ago
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Day light was streaming through the window when he woke up, he woke with a smile. Sliding his arm across the bed under the covers he could not feel her, he opened his eyes and turned over, all that was there was her pillow, still with the intend of where she had slept, the rest of his senses started to come alive, he could hear running water. He pulled back the covers and slid out of bed, walking over to the bathroom door he could hear her in the shower, he gently knocked on the door, he heard...

4 years ago
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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 06

When Mark woke in the morning, he reviewed the previous few days. How could he have been a virgin on Monday, and so ravaged by Friday? He couldn't count the dicks that had been rammed up his young ass, or the blow jobs he'd given and received, or the amount of jism that had been pumped into his body.What a week! He could hardly believe it happened.Of course, in thinking about it all, his dick got hard again, and Mark was unsure whether to be happy or sad that he was leaving the next day for...

1 year ago
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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 05

While lying in bed the next morning, Mark just couldn't believe it. His mind reeled at what he'd been through. How was it possible that he'd been an innocent virgin just a few days previously, but had now been ravaged by more men than he could count? What's come over me? Why does that older man have such a hypnotic effect on me? God, what if my parent's ever found out!During the course of the day, Mark's resolve to never again see the older man eroded, and he kept thinking about the card in his...

3 years ago
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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 04

What a day! Mark was lying in his bed reliving all that had happened. During dinner with his parents, he could barley suppress laughing at the various wild, erotic images that danced through his head. Thank God my parent's can't read my mind, he'd thought more than once.He was also fascinated at what the two officer's had told him while driving him home."Mark, we've never done that before. Not to anybody, and nor to each other.""What?" Mark had said. "You two aren't lovers?"Tom laughed. "No!...

3 years ago
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Ravaged in Broad Daylight At 18 Ch 03

After the four men left, Mark was too stupefied to move, and just laid on the grass while thinking about how incredible the last twenty-four hours had been.Just the morning before, he'd been a virgin. Now, he'd had two cocks rammed up his ass, had sucked two cocks, given a hand-job to another man, and received several blow jobs. And as if this wasn't surreal enough, much of this had been immortalized on video.Mark was terrified by this latter detail. Would the older man use it to blackmail...

2 years ago
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Masturbation In Broad Daylight

I woke up early in the afternoon, my parent was still at work, so I decided to take a shower to refresh myself. I moved back home after graduating from college. Now I try to write my first novel. I usually stay up to 4 am and sleep during the day. I went to the bathroom, took off my nightgown, and started cleaning myself. I shaved my pussy, because I hate when it's hairy, I like it to be soft, silky, and bare. I have not planned to masturbate that afternoon, but I was naked, wet in every sense...

1 year ago
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Confessions Of A West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 1

My over-drinking earned me a two-week “vacation” from work. I was told to seek assistance for my drinking as it was interfering too much with my job. I regularly got drunk at work and my register counts were often short as a result.The time off didn’t help as I now had nothing to do but drink. While Rick seemed to enjoy the drunk sex at first, eventually, my drinking wore on him. After a month of living with him, Rick told me I would need to move out.  He gave me some money for a security...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 2

I woke up to banging on my apartment door. I was naked and alone in my bed.  I was confused and looked at the clock.  “Jesus,” I muttered to myself.  It was 10:15am.  I must have slept for over twelve hours.  Hell, I didn’t even recall falling asleep.  I threw on a white tank top and a pair of shorts. I was caught in that grey area between still drunk and hungover.  My steps were uneasy as I walked to the door and opened it.“Hola!”It was Javier.  I had totally forgotten he was coming by to...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 3

It was the first day of March Madness.  Normally, I would have taken off the first Thursday of the tournament to drink and watch basketball, but money was tight and I needed every shift I could get.  Unfortunately, I was relegated to mostly day shifts and today was no different.  It was lunchtime and the bar was emptier than I had hoped with only a scattering of men watching the basketball games.  Bill was at his normal spot at one end of the bar.  I stopped and chatted with him for a while but...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 4

I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling.  I had been able to fall asleep for maybe two hours before my brain took off like a runaway train once again.  I wondered how Derek was and wondered if he missed me.  I wondered where Donnell was and how he was able to cut off ties so easily.  I thought about how many good times I had with Courtney.  I also thought about how easily she had turned on me - embracing my sexuality one day and then shaming me for it the next.  I concluded she was just...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 5

Jimmy had scored tickets to the National Championship.  Florida was playing Ohio State.  The only issue was the game was in Atlanta. Flights and hotel rooms weren’t cheap.  Jimmy had asked around but most people he knew had gone to see Florida win the national championship the year before.  I knew Jimmy must be desperate if he was willing to let me tag along.  There was one problem.  Jimmy said the cost of the ticket and hotel room was seven hundred fifty dollars and that I would also have to...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 6

“You don’t need to do this every time I fix something or put something together for you,” Javier said looking down at me.“I know,” I said as I rose from my knees.I had asked Javier to help me put together a cheap new dresser I bought.  Somehow, someway I had ended up on my knees, blowing him as a thank you.I had told myself I was going to stop meeting up like this with Javier.  His wife, Sonia, had befriended me out at the pool.  She was sweet and nice and had made a habit of sneaking mixed...

3 years ago
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Confessions Of A West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 7

Over the next few weeks, I found myself clinging to Clint the same way I clung to other men who gave me attention.  Whether it was Jimmy or Rick, Derek or Donnell, or even Javier - I craved the attention of people, particularly men.  I knew what they mostly wanted and had accepted that providing them that was my most effective way of making friends. Clint was the same...yet different.  We had a friendship before our first sexual encounter.  Granted it wasn’t a strong friendship, but it was a...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 8

I leaned over in my lounge chair by the pool and grabbed another beer.  It was only 11AM and I was already on my fourth. I could see Sonia and her overweight, pear-shaped body walking over toward me with her pool bag in one hand and a water in the other.“That’s pretty aggressive for this early in the day,” Sonia quipped looking at the empty cans next to my chair.  “No work tonight?”“I got fired,” I shot back.  “So even though it is Wednesday, every day is a Saturday for me now.”“Oh no.  I’m so...

4 years ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 9

It was nine o'clock on a Thursday evening. I was bored and drunk and had sat in the chair outside my apartment, hoping to people watch. The apartment complex was eerily quiet since the landlord raised the rent two months ago. I was disappointed, and only a now nearly empty pack of cigarettes was around to keep me company.  Not that anyone would want to keep me company, given my current state. My hair was now dirty blond as I could not afford to visit my stylist. I had lost weight – about ten...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a West Palm Slut Daylight Fading Chapter 10

I had talked to Sonia who gave me the lead for the job being a nanny.  I had interviewed with the woman of the house, Mary Anne, who was a housewife.  Mary Anne was married to Chris who was typically either traveling throughout the United States or locked away in his home office doing some sort of hedge fund or stock market work.  Mary Anne spent most of her time exercising or at the local country club and was looking for someone to take care of their five-year-old boy, CJ, and two-year-old...

1 year ago
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Peter Is 20 YvetteChapter 3 Daylight

We didn't even need to rent a van. Yvette had so little stuff, Alex and I moved it in just our cars. Alex was amazingly cool about the whole thing. But our first night together, I got a shock. "So when is Alex moving out?" she asked me. "What?" "Alex. I mean, he's not going to live with us. Right?" "This is his house." I sat up and looked at her. "I can't just throw him out." "How are we going to have any privacy with him around?" I shrugged. In all honesty, as close as...

3 years ago
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Vanessa Gets Shorty Blacken

Vanessa is 36 years old, married to her high school sweetheart, Brian. Brian is 5 years older than her. He is not the fittest guy for his age even. He has gained a few pounds over the years. Vanessa however, still looks after her appearance. She has maroon red dyed curly hair at shoulder length, 5"4", 32C cup, a size 8 and very attractive. Some people make jokes about beauty and the b**st but there is always a degree of truth about it. She also has a seductive look that comes naturally and she...

1 year ago
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The Newlyweds Chapter 1 Boyshorts

The Newlyweds Chapter 1: Boy's Shorts Ji-min, my new wife, wanted to be called Jasmin now that she arrived in America. We have known each other for for about three years. She served on several mission trips in Africa. And I served in the Peace Corps. Thinking myself too small and not aggressive enough for regular military service I thought it was a good choice. And it was. When we met she was fifteen and I was eighteeen. Over the years she and I exchanged love letters, text...

2 years ago
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Broadway Hollywood

(The erotic memoirs of a department store ‘Floorwalker’) My Father passed away three months ago to the day. He was a good father and seemingly lived a very quiet, mild-mannered, average life. At least that’s what I thought until I pried open a locked large brown trunk in the attic of his small 2 bedroom home in West Hollywood and discovered the three dusty, well-worn black books inside. They contained the tightly scrawled handwriting of my father. The realtor listing my dad’s house was calling...

2 years ago
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Sissy Sisters Shortcomings

SISSY SISTERS' SHORTCOMINGS by Throne "B... but..." Arnold blinked back tears. "I can't wear this if someone is coming to our house." He stood there in a sleeveless belly shirt and thong panties, the former with a splotchy pattern of reds and greens, the latter in bright yellow. On his small feet were dainty orchid-colored, backless slip- ons. There was no hair anywhere on his slender body. His wife Delia, who was several inches taller than him and carried a good bit of excess...

3 years ago
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Experiments Shorties

So this story is a bit of an experiment in and of itself. There is no overarching narrative. There is nothing that ties the stories here together. This is the place for little ideas and experiments. Some longer than others. All fetishes and storytelling types are welcome here and most of these stories will be only a couple of chapters long. This story is also open to anyone to publish in so if you have an idea that you would like to try out then this is the place to post it. Stories will have...

4 years ago
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Skirt Shortener Part 1

Skirt shortener. Part 1 Brett always thought of himself as a ladies' man, others thought that he thought he was God's gift to women. The latter case was probably more accurate as Brett did have this way of thinking the mere sight of him made any woman fall head over heels. For women who were nymphomaniacs this may have been true, but then, nymphomaniacs will pretty much fall for any guy. Any other girl was actually repulsed by his antics; and...

4 years ago
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Skirt Shortener part 2

Skirt shortener. Part 2 Brett pondered other ways to show people he was really a guy. 'She made my hair longer,' thought Brett 'I should get it cut.' Figuring that people often refer to girls with short hair as having their hair "cut short like a boy." But that meant having to make an appointment; unless he found a no appointment barber. Traditionally barbers only cut men's hair, which Brett was in reality, but some barbers take their business too literally and will not...

2 years ago
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She used to wear Strawberry shortcake panties

Last time I saw her she was still wearing panties the strawberry shortcake character on them. My sister was 11when I left for college, a pale young very awkward, undeveloped , kind of shy girl. I was 18, and went to College all the way to a California College on a baseball scholarship.Leaving behind two parents who used me like their butler and my little sister First, growing up in the Northeast, the cold unsettled winters in New England can have their moments, but can also drive you to the...


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