DreamWeaverChapter 14 free porn video

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I gasped and stumbled out of the chair in shock, flinching away from whoever was here with me and tripped over the edge of the coffee table, sprawling out on the floor. I rolled over, gasping and still crying as grief warred with shock at not being alone in the suite. I looked up into those piercing blue eyes and was shattered all over again, my face contorting as the sight of those eyes sent me into a new round of grief. I bawled, wondering if I was asleep or awake or if I’d finally gone mad and was seeing her here, haunting me in my mind.

“Oh my God!” the ghost whispered. “I had no idea you’d taken it this badly!”

She reached for the towel full of ice and picked it up before coming for me. Her fingers felt solid enough as she touched my face.

“Oh, Baby!” she murmured in sympathy to this pain. “I’m so sorry I put you through this!”

She was patting my face and neck with the cold towel as she gently smoothed my hair. I reached out to see if she was real at first and then I snaked my arms around her, crying on her shoulder, my thoughts a jumble. I was truly shattered in that hotel suite. I couldn’t have made sense, if my life depended on it.

She just held on and quietly assured me that she was there and wasn’t going anywhere, that she was back and mine and was indeed real. I must have babbled something about going crazy or ghosts or something. She got the message somehow that I wasn’t sure she was really here with me. It took a while, but I finally calmed down some and she was able to steer me into a chair. She plopped down in my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my head down onto her shoulder.

She was still whispering apologies to me when there was a knock at the door. She told me to stay there and she got up to answer the door. They wheeled the room service cart into the room and set the place setting and food on the dining table before retreating, leaving the cart in the room with us to put out into the hall when we were finished.

She came and got me, urging me to eat something. I sat at the table and looked at the steak in front of me and started to pick at it. I’d been staggered by weeks of being frantic with worry and pain, pummeled by hosting the party, brutalized by the constant stream of questions about her and Beth, stunned by her appearance and was more than a little drunk as the booze sloshed in my empty stomach.

“What happened?” I whispered to her after a few bites.

I was finally concluding that she wasn’t a ghost or a hallucination since room service had spoken to her when they set the table. She looked pained.

“I got scared,” she said. “That night that we went back to the house, I wanted you so much, it scared me. I dropped you off and I called my best friend from high school. She told me ... well, she gave me a lot of advice and some of it was good, but this was clearly the worst thing I could have done. She told me that we got too hot, too fast. She said we needed to cool off and that I needed to make sure that you felt as deeply about me as I did about you. She suggested we spend some time apart and told me to come out to see her for a while, since she was on the other side of the country at UCLA. So, I went, and hung around and moped. She laughed that I had it so bad. I told Theresa that I was leaving, and I think I might have been out of my mind at that point, because I did a really bad job of explaining why. Anyway, all I could think about was you. Tanya tried to get me to go to parties and date guys while I was out there.”

She made a soothing noise and touched my arm comfortingly when I raised my head at that.

“She was trying to get me to go on double-dates with her. I think she wanted to get a sense of how deeply in love I was with you. Well, it must have worked because last week, she told me that, since I was so in love with you that there was no hope for other men. Then she told me to go home and take you to bed. That’s when I called and got the message to you that I wanted you to attend the party tonight. I set up the fitting for the suits and had all the bonuses waiting for you. I wanted to surprise you by being here in the suite when you came up after the party.”

“You surprised me alright,” I murmured, looking at my plate.

I picked at it some more and found my appetite had recovered a little.

“Have you talked to anyone?” I asked, carefully.

I wasn’t sure how much anger there was toward her among the rest of our support group for how she’d left. She shook her head.

“I was off the grid. I knew that the group would have your back and I didn’t want to put them in the middle. I just asked Theresa to help you with the bedroom and deliver the letter. How did you like the changes?” she asked delicately.

I looked at her and she was obviously on pins and needles about my reaction.

“I haven’t seen it,” I told her flatly.

That took her by surprise.

“Why not?” she blurted in shock.

“I promised I wouldn’t look at it until you revealed it,” I said and busied myself in separating a piece of fat from the piece of meat I was cutting. “I wouldn’t go in there without you. If I did, I’d be admitting that you weren’t coming back.”

She gasped at that, connecting the dots between what she’d done and how it had spilled over into my life.

“So, you’re still sleeping in the guest-room?”

I nodded and took a bite of the steak. I wasn’t thrilled with it. It was overcooked and was getting cold, but it gave me something to focus on.

“That bed is the only one we ever shared. When I laid down to sleep, that was the place I felt closest to you.”

She leaned against me, hugging my arm.

“I’m so sorry I left, and sorrier that I was too stupid to explain why. Like I said in the letter, I was a grieving widow half the time and a scared girl the rest. My life has been full of bad decisions and I was scared out of my mind that you were another bad decision and terrified you were a good one and I was gonna screw it up. My sister stole the first boy I had a crush on. I let Stan sweep me off my feet - and then you came along. I was scared that I was making another mistake.”

“You were so good, and I was such a fuck-up that I couldn’t figure out whether I’d finally lucked-out or paid my dues or whatever. I was scared that you were gonna end up being another chapter in my life that ended with me miserable. I know, that’s awful to say, but we’d only known each other for a week, and I was seriously going to jump into bed with you. If that’s not bad decision-making, I don’t know what is.”

“When Tanya told me to go home, she said she’d never seen anyone this deep in love with anyone. She never saw me this in love with Drake, or with Stan, not ever. I had no idea how crushed you were. I instructed Mr. Lawton not to pass any personal messages either way. I think he wanted to, but I told him that if he mentioned anything, I’d hang up and call Angela to keep in touch. I figured she might be capable of resisting temptation.”

I nodded.

“I almost hired an investigator to try to find you,” I said. “She convinced me not to.”

“I probably wouldn’t have been hard to find,” she admitted. “I hadn’t stopped using my bank accounts or credit cards.” She was silent for a minute. “So, when you came into the suite ... does it ... I mean, did you get overwhelmed by it, a lot?”

I shook my head.

“Most of the time, I shed a few tears and just hoped you’re doing okay. Today ... was awful. The party was a disaster. Nothing was right. I was run off my feet all night trying to keep the schedule working. Decorations weren’t put up until just before the party, the DJ had problems, the kitchen couldn’t have dinner on time and the list of problems went on forever.”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Some of that was my fault. I asked the party planner if he could keep you from coming up to the suite before the party. I was hoping to surprise you. Instead, you surprised me.”

“I wish you’d surprised me before the party and been with me down there,” I said. “Part of what did me in was that everyone at the party knows that Stan and Beth were screwing around at last year’s party. Hell, for all I know, they might have snuck away for a quickie while I was there. Anyway, there were a lot of people that asked some very smug questions about where you were, why I was hosting and what happened with Beth. I couldn’t get away from it all night. Then I asked the desk to have the limo brought around and waited outside for a half-hour before they told me it was only supposed to drop me here.”

“You were trying to leave?” she asked, surprised. “Why? The suite was waiting here for you.”

“I was miserable. I still have a pounding headache. I just wanted to go home, hang up my suit, put on something comfortable, get drunk and bawl my eyes out.”

She looked pained.

“Oh God, I’m sorry. I wish I’d had you come up to the suite as soon as you arrived, now that I know. See what I mean?!!? I’m a total fuck-up!!! I wanted tonight to be perfect and I made you miserable all day! Fuck!!! What can I do?!!?” she asked. “Let me rub your shoulders.”

She started to get up and I reached out for her hand, stopping her.

“Just tell me you love me, and that we’ll make all our decisions together from now on,” I told her.

“I do love you!” she told me ardently, “and I swear I’ll let you keep me from making any more fuck-up decisions for the rest of my life! Just please, tell me you forgive me for screwing this all up!”

“Mel, I forgave you the second I looked into your eyes,” I said. “I’ve been lost without you. I couldn’t turn my back on you. I’ve been less than half alive without you here with me.”

She beamed at me and now she was crying, and I was holding her, the remains of my steak forgotten, but that was for the best. After a trip on the elevator for 23 floors and taking time for us to catch up between bites, it was ice cold now. I’d eaten most of it, but the rest was a lost cause. But that was irrelevant right now. All that mattered was that Melody was back. I held her and thanked all the Gods in all the Heavens that she was. I’d never known I was incomplete until I’d met her. Being separated from that feeling had been agony.

She wept for a long time, clinging to me desperately. She blubbered and tried to talk to me about her month apart in between breaking down, but it was all disjointed. In the end, I just held her and felt right for the first time since I’d read her letter. She’d become my life. Without her, there was nothing.

Eventually, she calmed down and just snuggled against my chest. She’d been feeling the strain too, and tonight was the release of all her anxieties. She’d been scared by her feelings, uncertain of mine, terrified she’d ruin things and insecure about her ability to hold onto me, having had her sister poach her first boyfriend from her. Once her sister mentioned that she’d shown interest in Stan, it led to Mel diving in head-first.

“Feel better?” I asked gently.

She didn’t speak, but nodded, holding me tighter. She was breathing deeply and when I looked down, I found that she’d fallen asleep on me. I supposed that made a certain degree of sense. I felt like I was ready for bed. I picked her up and slid my chair back from the table. I looked around the suite and took her into the bedroom. The bed was turned down, so I laid her on it gently and went to clean up. The ice in the towel went into the sink and the remains of the steak went onto the cart, which I pushed out into the hall. I looked in the bar fridge and pulled out a can of Coke. I wanted something to drink and more booze was the last thing I needed for tonight. I drained the can while I loosened my tie and undid the collar button.

I went to the window, looked out at the city and breathed deeply. Did I accept Melody’s explanation that she’d been running scared? Yeah, I suppose I did. She was young and naive and what experience she had was horrific and scarring. I thought that she was probably half-mad with fear by the time she’d gotten to LA.

I wished she’d talked to me. It would have calmed my anxiety a lot this past month and might have given me more certainty that she was coming back. I’d had the group, and both individually and as a unit, they’d been amazing, but I knew there was a certain amount of pity in their eyes when mention of Melody had come up. Terri, in particular, had gone above and beyond to be supportive, giving up most of her Saturdays to come hang out.

I returned to the bedroom and really looked at her. She’d been dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I smiled at the realization that it was the shirt I’d left at her place, the last night that we’d been together. I tucked her into bed and then left the room. I needed to think. I started to go through my phone contacts, wondering who’d still be awake at 2AM. I sent Terri a text, asking if she was still awake.

“Sure. Just watching movies. Having a bad night?” was the immediate reply.

“I think I’d like to talk if you’re up for it...”

“Sure, tonight was that big thing you had to do for Melody, right? I was kind of expecting you to have a tough time tonight. Call.”

I smiled and tapped the phone icon to switch to call and she picked up right away.

“Hi,” I said quietly.

“Hey,” she said sympathetically. “Tell Aunt Terri where it hurts,” she prompted me. “Start from the beginning.”

I sighed and started to talk to her slowly about the whole thing. The party details, the problems, the changes, the bonuses, the dance, the half-drunk comments, all of it.

“Shit! No wonder you feel down tonight. You think she stuck it to you on purpose?” she asked.

I laughed a little at that.

“I know she did. She didn’t plan on me skipping dinner or the pounding headache, but she wanted me busy before and during the party.”

“Why?” she blurted, surprised that she’d do something like that.

“I’ll get to that,” I promised.

I told her about how miserable I was and about finally seeing the party to the end of the night and asking for the limousine to take me home only to wait outside for a half-hour before they could find me to tell me that it was only booked to deliver me to the hotel, and it was long gone.

“I wanted a cab, but the hotel staff was falling over themselves in their insistence that they make it right.”

“Why didn’t you call?” she scolded me lightly. “I would have picked you up.”

“You already do too much,” I told her. “Besides, it was midnight and I wasn’t thinking right. So, I came upstairs, poured myself as much booze as I thought I could stomach at once and then sat down to cry myself stupid ... and then she was here,” I said.

“What?!!? She’s there?!!? Now???”

“Yeah. She’d been waiting to surprise me and heard me fall apart. The first that I knew that I wasn’t alone in the suite was when she ran her fingers through my hair and spoke my name,” I said and got up to get another Coke from the bar. “I nearly had a stroke from the shock. I bolted up out of the chair and promptly fell on my face. I rolled over and looked up at her ... I thought I was going crazy. I’ve been holding onto hope this whole entire time. I ... I thought that I’d crossed from hope into delusion. I guess I even asked her if she was real, while I sat there on the floor babbling incoherently.”

“Sweet, merciful Jesus!” she breathed. “She just up and disappeared and then she ambushes you like that after making you entertain her employees? Please, tell me that she at least told you what was in her head that started this in the first place!”

“She did,” I said quietly. “But I think you need to hear that from her, though. She admitted that she did a really bad job of explaining it to you before she left. She’s a little clearer about it now. She’s been kind of a mess too, from what she said. However, her head seems to be on straight again.”

“Pffft!” was the heartfelt reply. “She could have ended it any time,” she pointed out. “So why now? Why tonight?”

“She worked through the issue,” I said carefully. “I don’t want you to think I’m dodging your question, but she needs to be the one to tell you. She and I talked, and she admitted she had no idea that I was taking it so hard. Tonight, when I got back to the suite, I hit the wall, to borrow a NASCAR expression. I was in complete despair when she first approached me. She didn’t realize that it had broken me this badly.”

“No kidding!” she said. “I mean, you look like a million bucks, but that’s only because you go to the gym when you’re stressed. I kind of hate you for that. I eat chocolate icing from the tub when I’m upset.”

“I told you,” I reminded her. “I visualize the weights as my problems and I just push them away until I get too tired to push anymore.”

“That works for you, Muscles, but the rest of us visualize our problems as chocolate frosting and we handle them one large spoonful at a time.”

That got us both laughing some.

“I’m glad you’re still able to laugh,” she said, sounding relieved. “Bella, Steph and I have been worried that you’d shatter when she returned.”

“I did,” I told her. “I didn’t stay shattered though. I got the worst of it out and then I started pulling the pieces together.”

“Okay,” she said, getting a handle on what I’d told her. “How do you feel about her being back? I know you love her, but she left you with a fat pack of hurt and not a lot of reason.”

“I’m ... I’m doing okay,” I said. “I’ll take some time to recuperate, but I was kind of soulless without her here. I’d walk around, do my work, hit the gym like a fiend and sleep. You and Bella and all the rest of the group have been amazing and gotten me through it and I know that if she hadn’t come back, you’d have continued to help me find myself again. Having her back has soothed a lot of the hurt. I think we both have a lot of talking to do, and a lot of recovery before we’re perfect, but we’ll get there.”

Same as DreamWeaver
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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Aspen Romanoff 23697

Money always wins…unless you have none and your landlords wants sex. Aspen Romanoff is about to boot her friend and her friend’s boyfriend Ryan out of her home if they can’t pay their rent, just like they couldn’t last month. While Ryan’s lady is out looking for a new job, Aspen tells him they’d better get their stuff together, but that in the meantime she needs him to help her review the new outfits she’s purchased for her go-go dancing gig. Ryan’s on the spot without cash in hand, so he...

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My srs Diary

I’m Tom. I am a hard working senior in college with a minimum wage job and a loving f****y. I have a younger s****r that means the world to me, a mother and a father that have helped me get through all kind of tough times and help me out every step of the way. I also have four of the best friends in the world, or so I thought until I rooted through my s****r’s diary. I wasn’t just snooping around, I was worried. It went like this: I noticed that my s****r was dressing in skimpier and skimpier...

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Sarah the first time

My wife left me three years ago; obviously she said it was my own fault but I’m still not altogether sure why. She said that there was no one else involved but it wasn’t long before she was shacking up with another bloke. Jen had won custody of my daughter Sarah; I was only her step dad but she didn’t know that. As far as she was concerned I was her dad; she comes round to stay over the weekends a couple of times a month; she’s free to come and go anytime though really. I have had sex with...

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Nicholas, or Nick to his friends, was a 21st Century Adonis, only much larger.  Nick stood 6'10", 360 pounds his senior year in high school.  He was a strikingly handsome, highly intelligent and naturally gifted athlete who seemingly had the ability to pack on muscle mass by just walking past the weight room.What hung between Nick's massive, muscular thighs was equally impressive.  His man area looked like the business end of a Louisville slugger, with the exception of one very peculiar...

Group Sex
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Best RegardsChapter 14

His face reveals the ego rush that he is experiencing and it also tells her that she has won. He asks for her phone and she hands him her Master's cell. After getting the number he hands it back and she teases, "My stud will have his pussy on call ... anytime, anywhere! Just ring and have your pussy delivered!" After a hearty and self satisfied laugh he says, "Make me cum two more times and I will call your boss. And I mean cum twice today!" Walking over to the plush couch she on her...

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Constant in All Other Things 2 Chapter 03

Constant in All Other Things 2 Chapter Three by Fakeminsk ([email protected]) "Friendship is constant in all other things Save in the office and affairs of love: Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues; Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent." Much Ado About Nothing One black pump and then the next swung free from the taxi and...

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Biwi Ki Chudai Makan Malkin Ne Karwai

Meri makan malkin jyoti ek bahut sexy aurat thi par moti thi.Uski umra 35 saal hai.Uska size 40″34″40″ hai. Uske pati smart aur handsome hain aur ek factory mein officer hain.Main aur meri biwi sugandha ek saal pehle unke yahan rahne aaye the. Meri biwi ek nihayat hi khubsurat aur masum aurat hai.Uski umra 26 saal ki hai.Lekin wo dikhti bis se jyada ki nahin hai.Uski size 34″28″34″ hai.Rasile hoth,kasi chuchiyan aur ubhare hue gaand ,masum nigahen ,madmast chaal,dilkash awaj kisi ka bhi land...

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New LifeChapter 3

We weren't in any real hurry. I viewed this as a honeymoon and more time for Elena and I to get to know each other better. It also was a time for us to learn each others' language. We talked until we wanted to love more and then communicated that way. We decided to skip Meriesk and head east and south for warmer climes. I knew roughly where we were and where we were headed. I knew the Black Sea was east somewhere and hoped that it would be more temperate. I didn't want to have to survive...

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Mrs Ann

Ever reflect on how you ended up with what you are? I was pondering this and this absolutely true story explains why I like what I like now. I was in my late 20's and she was in her late 50's, right at 30 years older than me. This is something that I did probably for no other reason than just wanting to do something wrong. Very rare for me in my life to be that way. I am very glad I did though because I still jack off thinking of her sometimes. I'll call her Mrs. Ann. With many older women, I...

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My Bestie Helps To Make Me Satisfied

Hello all, I am posting this story on behalf of my friend Kalyani and how . This was a real incident. I am Kalyani, 39 years old. I was married with one kid. For the past year, I am reading this portal. This is the right platform to share my sexual experience with the audience. I am sharing this story to relieve my pain inside my heart. I belong to a lower-middle-class family. I was married to Pankaj, but honestly, I didn’t like him at first glance. He is very thin and doesn’t have a good...

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Winters WonderlandChapter 5

Walker and Mindy sleep in the nude on Mindy Weekends. Neither one tries to hide it from me, which I decide to regard as mature on their part. One Saturday morning, the sheets were down and I appraised her. Not pruriently, I was simply curious what my son’s girlfriend looked like in the buff. She looked good. About to turn 16, Mindy had just the slightest hint of baby fat around her waist. Which she told us more than once she hated and was working furiously to get rid of. Fortunately that...

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Andromeda Part 3

Sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoyed the previous installment. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions and I'm sorry for all the grammatical mistakes. Andromeda ? Part 3 By Elizabeth "Kiwi" Neal Chapter Five Dante kindly offered to drive us to the mall so my sister could buy me some new clothes. She really did feel bad about what happened and that this is all her fault, I admit that all day I've acted like a total ass when she's trying to be helpful. We decided to...

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Spontaneous Public Nudity Some Highlights Part 5

This event took place while on holiday with Susan down the coast from Sydney. I have covered some of her exploits in previous submissions. On this occasion, I was the one getting naked for an audience.The house we rented for the week was across the road from the beach. It was a two story house, with rumpus room and garage at ground level, at the top of a steep rise of from the road. The garage was locked, probably containing the owner's car and personal belongings. On the upper level were the...

3 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 66 Loose Ends

Since running wasn't an option, I went straight to the pool when I woke up, leaving a note for May informing her of where I had gone and that I would be back soon. Soon turned out to be only about forty-five minutes. You would think running a minimum of five miles a day would mean more, but swimming uses a lot more muscles, in ways mine were not accustomed to, and it didn't take long before I was feeling every stroke. Then there was the added distraction of listening to Boris scream. That...

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Becoming The Favorite Formatting Fixed

Becoming Big Brother's Favorite Afraid of coming in second place to oldest sister, Lizzy seduces her big brother big time. My older sister Emma always seemed to have everything I didn't, so when our older brother Henry started sneaking into her room at night, my jealousy hit an all time high. Henry was sort of the pride and joy of our family. All three of us females in the house favored him for different reasons. Ever since dad left us mom had sort of looked to Henry for help...

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White WimpBoy for Master Jarmin

I met Jarmin on a dating website and I clearly told him I needed to be dominated, humiliated, used and abused by a black man with a large cock. He made it clear to me that I had to dress up in girly lingerie, basque with garter belts attached to stockings, panties and some bright red lipstick. I would soon become his cock-sucking white whore and my main source of food and drink would be his cum loads down my throat flollowed by lashings of his hot piss. After our 1st meet at a local hotel he...

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The Princess and the PoleDancer

On a very boring evening in the middle of a very hot summer, the heir apparent of the throne of upper Rhineland was surfing on the palace Wi-Fi connection with no set objective in her young mind. She always used a false name on the site because she did not want any media people using her to get an exclusive. She was known in royal circles as Princess Anne Von Trappenstein and was reputed to be a "cold fish" in matters of the heart. Anne knew that was simply a false rumor probably planted...

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Online Se Offline Sex Tak

Hello everyone, Saurav again. Last 2 stories ka acha response mila mujhe. Jinhone mujhe mail ya text kuch bhi kiya ho, un sab ko main thanks bolna chaahta hu. So is baar ek aur nayi story likh raha hu, jo hai ek married lady who lives in Gujarat and I met her online. Ye kahani ab se 6-7 months pehle ki hai. Ek ladki hai, jo ki 26-27 years ki hai, aur divorced hai. Usko main online site pe mila tha, aur hamari baat hui just casually. Fir hum calls pe video call pe baat karne lage, just as...

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Sex With My Sister RewrittenChapter 5 The Whole Story

"You kids need to hear this story, and I don't want any interruptions." My mother said. We both nodded and listened intently. "I was only fourteen years old back then, but I had matured almost as fast as your sisters." My mother said as she looked at me. I was sunbathing in the back yard... Natalie laid naked on the chair with her back facing up. The sun kissed her fourteen year old body as she napped on the deck chair. Her skin was tanned nicely, only showing lines where her bikini...

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Manhattan, Christmas Eve, 1969 As I emerged from the 59th and Lexington subway station, a single snow flake landed between my eyes, suggesting that the city might be in for a white Christmas. The ominous clouds above and the mounting darkness seemed to confirm it. People around me rushed for public transportation or frantically tried to hail cabs.Having escaped from a dismally boring office party in lower Manhattan, I stood at the curb, gazing down Lexington Avenue, growing depressed as the...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 15 Agatha RobertsChapter 11

Bobby woke early, both because he hadn’t had anything to drink and primarily because he hadn’t had anything to eat and his stomach was screaming at him. He got up, got dressed, and went to the kitchen. Along the way he looked in on Paula, who was still snoring, in exactly the same position he’d left her in. He had just finished eating the eggs and bacon he’d cooked for himself when he heard a shaky female voice call out, “Hello?” That was followed by a groan. “In the kitchen!” he yelled. If...

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Black Beauty Usha

Hi ISS readers, I am a big fan of this site and like to read all the stories posted here. I hope to share some of my experiences with you here on this site about myself, my name is Ramkumar, from Mumbai, aged 36, married and have an active sex life with my wife as well as with any female whenever I get a chance. Any ladies, girls, aunties in Mumbai interested in talking can contact me on My first story on this site is about my first sex experience and I was 18 years that time and had been to...

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Choose Your Own CD Bondage Adventure 1

Choose your own CD Bondage Adventure 1 You've thought and thought about it a lot, you've fantasized about nearly every aspect of what could or would happen, you've masturbated to so many climaxes as the images of your Mistress or the stories of her adventures spurs you on. It's late on a Friday night, and what a week at work... TGIF was never so true and it feels so good to be back home and relaxing by the 'puter surfing your favorite porn sites. After quickly scanning...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 70 Emma Again

As I had promised, when I had the opportunity, I went to see how Emma was doing in her new life, hoping for the best since I felt an obligation toward the woman. Mrs. Scott and her ancient mother both greeted me warmly, praised the young woman's diligence and quick wit, and called her from her work in the well-lit back room that had windows on three sides. Emma squealed when she saw me and ran into my arms, jumping to my shoulders. I was a bit embarrassed, but soon took her off for a meal,...

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Second That EmotionChapter 26

Once we'd finished lunch and cleaned up the mess I grabbed a handful of the baby carrots and the four of us made our way out to the corral. Peggy was so full of energy and excitement I thought she might burst, bouncing around on her toes and darting forward then running back to rejoin us, urging us all to hurry. The horses weren't as leery of us as they'd been the day before and approached with no coaxing or effort from me. Izzy and Lilly fed carrots to the adults and Peggy focused her...

1 year ago
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She Made An Amazing Three

My boyfriend referred to her as his “royal cock sucker”. She had been his regular cock sucker when he lived in PA. She was a swinger who loved pussy and cock and she was at the forefront of almost all of our fantasies. I wanted to eat her out and make her moan on his cock. I wanted to see her suck his cock like she did before I was around. So many nights of wanting ‘the royal cock sucker” to join us in bed. We got her on cam once and I gave him a massive blow job as she watched. She was...

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Theseus and Ariadne

"... the hero Theseus, having killed the Minotaur, was reunited with Princess Ariadne. They fled to his ship and sailed with the dawn, leaving turmoil behind them. "The Gods were angry, especially mighty Poseidon, ruler of the waves. Theseus' ship was dashed this way and that, finally fetching up on the island of Naxos. When he could Theseus borrowed a ship from the King of Naxos, sailing to his native Athens and promising to return for Ariadne. In his haste he neglected to change his sail....

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Little Eddies MotherChapter 6

Instead of driving straight home, Cindy Bradley took a meandering drive up and down the back roads of Mill Valley, deep in thought. She was satisfied after her seduction of Eddie Granger -- but not completely satiated. She still wanted a chance to get her hotly flicking tongue up between the thighs of Eddie's voluptuous mother, Lily. Christ, sometimes the attractive blonde wished she wasn't so turned on by women, especially difficult women like Lily. She guessed that maybe it had something...

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Good Girl Gone Bad Part 11

My cousin Sandy and I had a date with a couple of cops she knew and had “dated” before. She was big into fireman, cops, and military men. I told Sandy about some of the things I was getting into, including some rough sex and name calling. She told me that these two guys were really wild, that the sex would be very intense and they would give me what I was looking for.Sandy warned me that cops were different than the firemen we had fucked a few weeks earlier. She said cops had a sense of power...

Group Sex
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Punjabi Lund Ki Chudai

Hi friends kya hall hai mera name sam hai or main punjab se hun or iss ka bohat bada fan hun bohat se story padh chuka hun main iss pe jis main se jeyada tare jhoot likha hua hai kuc sahi hai main b aaj aap sab lokon ke sath ek sachi ghatna share krna chata hun pehale Main apne bare main bata dun ke mera name sam hai or main punjab se hun average bodey achi hun dikhne main or lund ka size 9 inch hai ager koi lADki aunty ya bhabi muj se sex karna chati ho plz cont me full injoey ke sath Aap ka...

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Sex and sympathy

This is an attempt to describe how the tragic death of my brother led in time to the transformation of my sex life. Written down now, that looks cold and callous. In fact, it was anything but; it has been a journey of discovery that has enriched those of us involved and who have reached the point at which we are comfortable with ourselves and each other and with what we do together. To explain how it came about, I need to fill in some background.Miles and I have been together for more than...

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Bills Slutty Girlfriend

Bill watched Morgan pack her things. "I can't believe I lost that bet," she shook her head. He watched his gorgeous girlfriend prepare for the weekend away. It was all part of the bet. They bet on who could go the longest without sex, not even masturbation. Morgan had made the bet as a joke. If Bill won, she would do whatever he wanted for a whole weekend. If Morgan won, Bill had to promise alot of things. To be nicer to her friends (he was an asshole), and not put his hands all over her all...

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Dear Dawn I will never forget you

When I was 19 years old I was a full time student at a well known college in N.Y.C. (on the soccer and track team)  and had a job as a waiter at a popular restaurant. Well, I had a terrible crush on my boss Dawn. (the most beautiful woman to come out of Albania) Well, I was the butt of a lot of virgin jokes. I had not had sex yet and my coworkers never let me forget it. One Friday night after work we all went to this club. (well, the young people, she was 25 at the time) I was doing my thing...

First Time
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Love Birdspoem

In the dawn of the morning I watched the skiesAnd beheld the warm Sun and watched it rise,The fiery hues and sapphire dyesWere pure amazement to my young tender eyes.And as the dawn grew, I did so too,And I stretched out my wings, as all young ones do,up into the satiny cloud tops I flew, Searching for something, so fresh and new.I followed no path and wandered so longAnd had no direction til’ I heard your songA melody so pure, true and strong I knew my in heart it could never be wrongWe flew...

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Badly in Love

BADLY IN LOVE By Ingrid Halb Bunnie Toy walked barefoot through a meadow. The soft blades of grass tickled her calves as she did. The long peasant skirt she wore was blowing in the gentle breeze, as was her hair. Her hair had grown considerably over the four years since her transformation and now the long black tresses played across her exposed shoulders, every now and then threatening her vision as they occasionally blew across her face. Bunnie sighed as she tucked a loose...

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