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Byakko: A MORFS Universe Story By Tagrachan?? Chapter 1 Three men were conducting a briefing in a secret location somewhere in the USA. A large man in a business suit asked, "So our man is ready for the mission and everything else is in place?" Another man in a military uniform with the insignia of a general replied, "We're almost ready. A few personnel still have to be replaced and positioned." The large man grunted before saying, "Ok, how about security? Who knows about the operation or our man? What risks still exist?" The general looked back at the man, "Only we three and the assigned teams know about it. There might be a slight chance that the extraction team, who got us our operative, knows about him and what he can do." "That is unacceptable. Who are they and where are they now?" The third man, a small man with glasses dressed in an ill-fitting suit, looked at his palmtop. "There were five members in that team. Lieutenant Milton was killed on a black-ops mission last month. Sergeant Johns went missing during a mission in Asia. Corporal Boswell is assigned to us and is already in place for the operation. That leaves Lieutenant Torrence, who is assigned to JAG headquarters in Falls Church, and Sergeant Bartlett.? He got a medical discharge due to sustained injuries." The large man barked, "I want that Lieutenant and Sergeant picked up for questioning ASAP." The general acknowledged and began issuing orders to his teams. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Bartlett was walking at a leisurely pace along the street, on his way to the VA-hospital for his annual check-up. He had been injured on a mission and now lived on a disability benefit from his discharge. As he walked past some high-school girls with several girls that looked like they had morphed, he decided they must be on a shopping spree. He nodded a greeting to them. He turned and gazed after them a bit before walking on, thinking, 'I Wish I could be that young again. No more hurt in my body.' As he walked on towards the hospital, a black van suddenly came out of an alley ahead of him and screeched to a stand still. Four armed and masked men jumped out of the van and approached Paul in a hurry. Paul was stunned for a moment and thought, 'What the hell is this? Who wants to send a team to kidnap a crippled ex-military?' He didn't have more time to think as the first men reached him and his old reflexes took over. With a quick open hand chop to the head he shoved the first man into the wall, disabling him for a moment. Then he dropped down to his good knee and swept the legs of the second man out from under him, causing an obstruction for the other two attackers. Paul got up in a hurry and bolted from the scene, looking for a better fighting point. The man lying on the ground took out his gun and fired at Paul, just as one of the girls, an Asian one that looked like she had morfed, panicked and stepped into the shot. The bullet tore through her shoulder before hitting Paul in the head. The girl fell down screaming, while Paul dropped down unconscious. The leader of the team yelled angrily, "Idiot, we need him alive for questioning!" The men ignored the girls who were cowering away from them in fear and quickly hauled the unconscious Paul into the van before people could interfere. They departed with screeching tires and a little while later, arrived at a warehouse, where Paul was offloaded. They carried him into a cell-like room and dumped him on a cot. A camera was watching him while a medic was called and a report was made for their superiors. The medic examined Paul but can't do much. The bullet had lodged in his skull and couldn't be removed without too much risk. The general received the report of the team and though furious, didn't show any emotion to his men. He decided to go there and see for himself. Not too long later he showed up at the warehouse with a doctor accompanying him. He had the doctor examine Paul. "So Dr. Mapleton, how is our subject doing?" The doctor looked up to the general, "Not too bad. He does have some hemorrhaging in his brain due to the bullet. But he'll survive. The problem is: there is no way to know what the trauma did to his brain. He could be paralyzed, have amnesia, even be reduced to a vegetable or be totally fine. There is no way of knowing. We have to wait till he wakes up." The general looked stoically back at him, "Can you wake him up with something?" Dr. Mapleton stared at him incredulously, "I might, but I advise against it. It will not do him any good. In fact I'm fairly certain it will deteriorate his condition." "Do it anyway. We need some info now. Do what you can to keep him alive and coherent, but wake him up ASAP." Dr. Mapleton grumbled a bit, but searched his bag and after a while pulled out a vial and a syringe. He injected Paul, who began to stir. 'I woke up in a nice place and position. Some scantily clad Asian girl was all over me, well mostly on one part of my anatomy. She began to blow me, when I felt a pain in my head.' Paul opened his eyes and winced from the pain in his head. He realized that he had been dreaming. He thought, 'I woke up from that nice place to God knows where?' Paul groaned and tried to get up, but found he was tied to the bed.? He didn't like being tied down. In fact, he hated it, because he was a little claustrophobic. "Hey, what is this? Why am I tied down? Who the hell are you, and where am I?" Paul started to fire question in a rapid tempo. A grim looking man stared down at Paul. "Where you are is not important. Neither is who I am. We need to know something from you, and I advise you to answer fast and correctly." Paul wanted to get up to show the man where he could put his questions. But being tied down precluded that, and he still had a severe headache. Paul thought to himself, 'Why does my head hurt so much?' He even felt a little nauseous. Paul dismissed the nausea and toughened up with the pain. He had developed a high tolerance for pain after sustaining injuries in battle and he'd had to live with the pain ever since. "Sergeant Bartlett, what can you tell me about the extraction mission last year in India? You were part of the team that covertly got a man back to the US." Paul thought back, but he didn't remember any mission like that. "Are you sure that I was in that team? I can't recollect any mission like that." "Don't play that game with us, Sergeant. We know you were there." Paul thought hard, but still couldn't remember. In fact he didn't remember a lot of things. Not only about the missions, but also the memory of his home just wasn't there anymore. Where did he live? Paul was getting worried. "I'm sorry, but I still don't know. I wish I could help you, but I don't know." The man swore before reaching for a radio. "He isn't co-operating. Please assist me." Another man in a white lab coat stepped into the room. He carried a small briefcase with him. Out of Paul's vision the man in the lab coat opened his case and moments later approached Paul holding a syringe in his hand. Paul hated needles. Merely the sight of it made his skin crawl. Paul snarled, "Stay away with that, I already told you what I know. I don't know anymore." The first man menacingly growled, "Tell us what we want to know, so we won't have to use the CycloIsoSynclonal. It will make you tell the truth, but hurts like hell." Paul knew about the drug. 'How did I know that?' He wasn't so much as scared but angry at the treatment he got. "I already told you the truth, and everything I know. I really can't recall the mission. You don't need to give me the drug." "I wish we could believe you on your word, Sergeant Bartlett. But we can't, sorry." The man with the syringe came closer and put the needle into a vein of Paul's arm. In a monitoring room the doctor complained to the general. "I really must protest against this action. The man has already suffered trauma, and he obviously has some amnesia. Administering the drug will lower his chances of getting well." The general just shrugged and stoically watched as Paul began to tremble and then screamed in pain as the truth drug was spreading through his body. The rest of the interrogation was a blur to Paul, as he told the men everything he still knew. But sometimes Paul was just incoherent or mixing up things. The men tried their best to steer Paul to what they wanted to know, but they got nothing substantial out of Paul. Finally the interrogation was finished. Paul got a little rest but was on the brink of consciousness. Even worse, he started to feel sick. He was still tied down to the bed and suddenly felt like he had to throw up. He just had enough room to turn his head aside before he puked his guts out. Dr. Mapleton rushed in and examined Paul. He was really out of it now, and he barely noticed that his restraints were unbuckled. Dr. Mapleton took a blood sample from Paul and sent the medic out to have it checked at the lab. Seeing that Paul wasn't in immediate danger of dying, the doctor had a man stay with Paul and told him to notify him immediately if Paul's condition changed. Paul himself didn't seem to be any threat anymore. He was really sick now. Dr. Mapleton reappeared in the monitoring room sometime later and reported to the general. "Sergeant Bartlett still suffers from the bullet wound, and it has affected his memory. But he has a more serious condition. Somehow he managed to contract MORFS." The general interrupted the doctor, "How is that possible? I thought mature people didn't contract MORFS anymore." "Well it hasn't happened before, that is true. But that doesn't mean it isn't possible. As to how it happened we can only guess. Maybe the place of where the bullet is lodged in his brain has something to do with it. Anyhow, he is well on his way into Stage 1 already." "Very well Doctor. Keep monitoring his vitals and progress. I have to make a phone call." The general waited till Dr. Mapleton left the room before selecting a number on his e-Com. The man he called didn't pick up immediately and he started to get a bit antsy. Then the large man in the business suit answered. The general apologized, "Sorry to disturb you, but we have a new and unexpected development. The Sergeant we interrogated suffered memory loss, and somehow contracted MORFS. I propose that we move him into a secure facility and have him go through the changes. If he changes into something useful, like our man for the current operation, we lucked out. If his change turns out to be not useful, we can discard or terminate him." The large man agreed with the general and told him to set things up. As he hung up, the large man thought carefully about some devious plans he would like to start. Maybe one or more could be done with this new MORFS victim. Well, if he changed into something useful anyway. Maybe he even wouldn't have to coax or threaten a super into doing his bidding this time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took awhile to set things up for a place to take the morphing Paul to, but finally they were ready to transport him to the secure facility. Paul, in the meantime, had already slipped into Stage 2 of MORFS and started changing. Dr. Mapleton had given him an IV to supply Paul with extra energy and kept him sedated for the change. Paul was put on a stretcher into the black van and driven as quickly as possible within the limits, straight through the city towards their new destination. The driver and his colleague riding shotgun kept a sharp lookout for trouble, but couldn't see a beat up old caddy racing through an alley. The caddy was full of gang-bangers who were being chased by the police, while the occupants were exchanging sporadic gunfire with the police. Just as the black van just drove in front of the alley, the caddy shot out of it. With a horrifically loud bang followed by the scream of twisting metal, the cars collided. Several of the men inside the van got smashed against the sides, and as the doors spontaneously opened up. Paul, lying unconscious on the stretcher, was lucky enough to be just in front of the side door when it opened up, and flew clear out of the car onto the sidewalk, crashing into a Japanese family that was walking there. Several police cars arrived on the scene and the officers put the uninjured gang-bangers into cuffs, while checking out the van and surroundings. They found the team of military men inside the car with the doctor. The doctor was in a bad shape, with several lacerations and a concussion. The other men were very fit and had fewer injuries. They refused to answer any questions on how a man on a stretcher without any ID happened to be in their van. So the police took them into custody as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ichiro Furumori was walking with his family from the restaurant, where they had in enjoyed a lunch with the three of them, to his work. Ichiro was a resident gynecologist in the Bellevue Hospital. They enjoying the afternoon, walking in the nice weather they had this day. Suddenly everything started to happen at once. A black van drove by in the street, as a car was heard screeching from an alley across the street. There was the loud bang of a collision and then a body fell out of the van, landing on Ichiro and his daughter Sachiko. They both went down, and Ichiro swore, "Shimata. Kuso!" {Damn. Shit!} Amaya, his wife said, "Damare Ichiro. Don't give a bad example to Sachiko." {Stop Ichiro} Then she bowed down to her daughter, "Sweetheart, are you okay?" Sachiko looked up, "Daijobu Okasan. What hit us?" {I'm fine Mom} Ichiro saw that his daughter wasn't hurt too badly and was already checking the man that fell on them. He obviously had come from the van. But he was wearing only a pair of too big boxer shorts and T-shirt. There was evidence that an intravenous needle had been inserted into his arm, and he looked sort of effeminate. The police who had been in pursuit of the car that smashed into the van had already called an ambulance. Ichiro told his wife and daughter to go home. He would be going with the unknown victim to the hospital. Also, an unknown man in a doctor's coat, who was unconscious and had several severe wounds, would be taken to the hospital. On route to the hospital Ichiro observed that the unknown victim was getting slightly smaller all the time. Suddenly he understood why the IV that had been attached to the man's arm. The man was undergoing MORFS, and the IV had to be an energy solution drip. As soon as the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Ichiro alerted the ER people to his suspicions and they quickly confirmed it to be true. The still unconscious Paul was put into ICU and had a new IV attached. The unknown doctor got put into an ER room and got treated for his injuries. But a guard was posted near his bed, as the police still wanted an explanation on the victim and the situation. Paul, who was listed as a John Doe, was under constant observation, though he was sleeping peacefully during the transformation that continued to go on. It was a good thing that he was under such observation too as well into the night suddenly blood spurted out of a wound that appeared in one leg. A large piece of titanium stuck out of the leg. The man had apparently had a Pin inserted in his leg at one time. Now the body was getting much smaller, and the metal pin had been too big for the new leg size. A doctor was called and in an immediate surgical procedure, the pin was extracted. The wound healed up fast, while the body of the now apparently young girl, the previous John Doe, changed and kept getting smaller still. The surgeon kept the pin separate for identification, knowing there was a serial number imprinted on the pin for that purpose. However before he could check out into what patient that pin had been inserted, he got called away for another emergency. Dr. Mapleton wasn't far from the operating room and heard most of what went on. He was still being guarded, but could follow what went on in there. He swiped a syringe with an anesthetic from a nearby cart and injected the guard. Then he looked in on the former sergeant Bartlett and saw that he now looked more like a little girl with long purple hair, and a white fur on her arms and hands, with a tiger striping. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, but moaned a few times from pain and discomfort as the doctor watched on. Then he saw the pin lying on a table. His blood went cold. 'They could identify her as the former sergeant Paul Bartlett with that.' He quickly hid the pin in a bag and quietly exited the hospital. He had some trouble, as his own wounds were quite severe, and he really shouldn't be traveling under his own power yet. But he knew that he shouldn't be caught in the hospital, and definitely didn't want to be interrogated about the incident. Luck was with him, as he slipped out unnoticed. Once on the street he called the emergency number that he had been given from a public booth. Barely ten minutes later, a black van pulled up to bring him to a safehouse. The girl that used to be Paul Bartlett, but didn't have any identification with her anymore, slept peacefully. Now that she had reached Stage 3 of MORFS, she was taken off the critical list, and put into a small single room. She wasn't watched that intensively anymore, though she was still under the watchful eye of a nurse. When it became obvious that she could wake up any moment, Doctor Ichiro Furumori, looking in on her, decided to stay with her for a while just in case she did wake up. He wanted to know who she had been and why she now looked like an Asian hybrid girl. The little girl woke up from a nice slumber, and kept her eyes closed a little longer to savior the nice feeling. Then she opened her eyes and saw a stranger sitting at her bed. The stranger noticed her gaze and smiled at her. "Konnichiwa shoujo, genki?" {Hello little girl, how are you feeling} The girl looked at him with curiosity, "Daijobu, dozo." {I feel fine, thank you} Ichiro hadn't realize that he had spoken in Japanese, and was surprised that she talked Japanese back to him. "Nihongo ga dekimasu ka? Onamae wa nan desu ka?" {You speak Japanese? What is your name?} The girl abruptly sat up thinking, 'I speak Japanese? Who am I? What is my name, where am I?' Then she slid out from under the blanket and tried to slide from the bed to the floor. Unfortunately, her body memory said that the bed wasn't that high, and she found herself falling flat on her face towards the ground. Only her catlike reflexes prevented from her really falling flat on her face, as she managed to break her fall with her hands and feet. Ichiro couldn't help himself he started laughing from the sight. It looked funny the way she had fallen down from the bed. The girl got upset and angrily said, "I don't think that it is funny at all. Stop laughing." Then she stopped, as she realized that she was saying it in English. Ichiro had stopped laughing and frowned. So she wasn't Japanese from origin, but probably American. He helped her up back up on to the bed and said to her, "I didn't mean to make fun of you. So what is your name?" The girl that used to be Paul thought hard, but didn't remember. "I don't know. I really want to tell you, but I can't remember what my name is." She was getting frantic as she really wanted to remember, but only ran into a blank wall trying to. "That is okay. What do you remember? We do know that you were a man, probably fully grown, before you contracted MORFS. But you were already changed too much to ascertain who you were." Ichiro tried to put the girl at ease, and tried to help her remember, but instead, the girl got more upset. 'I was a man, and now I'm a girl? I'm a girl?' Only now did she notice her body and looked stupefied at the lithe body that was covered by a hospital smock. For a few moments she just looked and forgot to breathe. She inhaled noisily and her lips started to tremble. Then at first, a few tears silently trickled down from her eyes. They increased in number till she fully cried out her anguish over everything. Ichiro hugged her but let her cry for now. He understood that the girl needed to let her emotions run rampant. Several minutes later the girl stopped crying and though she still felt very sad, she didn't want to cry anymore. She looked at Ichiro, "Who are you, are you my doctor?" Ichiro shook his head, "No, I'm not. I'm Doctor Ichiro Furumori. I'm a gynecologist here at the hospital. When the car that you were in had an accident, you fell on me and my daughter. So I stayed with you for while to see who you are and how you were doing." This brought her mind back to her predicament and she almost started crying again. "I don't remember anything about an accident, or being a man. I don't remember anything." The girl was getting hysterical, trying to remember something, anything, now. "Don't worry too much about it now. Most times it takes a while or seeing something specific before the memory returns. Now unless you would like to be called Jane Doe, you need a name that we can call you by. How does Kumiko sound to you?" She thought about it, and she knew it meant beautiful, long-lived child. 'How did I know all that?' "Okay, Dr. Furumori, I like it. So now I'm Kumiko?" Ichiro rose from his chair, "Hai Kumiko. That will now be your name" {Yes Kumiko} Then he held out his hand and said, "And it is Ichiro, not Dr. Furumori." Kumiko shook his hand and as he wanted to turn around to leave her room, she held on to it. Ichiro turned back to Kumiko, "I have to go now to my family. You still have to stay here in the hospital." Kumiko acted like a little girl, as in fact she was now. She kept holding on to his hand and whined, "I don't want to be left alone. Please stay with me?" Ichiro felt sorry for Kumiko. She didn't know anything about her past, and was all alone with no one to be there for her. But he did need to go home. He sat down with her, "I really have to go to my family, but I promise I will be here again soon. Can you be a good big girl and wait for half a day?" Kumiko searched her feelings. She really wanted this Doctor to stay with her. He was the only one she knew. But she also understood that she couldn't lay claim to all his time. Timidly she answered, "Okay Dr. Furumori. I will wait. But please come see me soon?" Ichiro smiled at her, "Of course I will, and don't forget, it is only Ichiro." With that he got up and left Kumiko's room. Kumiko stared after him for a few minutes and then felt the call of nature beckoning. She slid, more carefully this time, from the bed and made her way to the toilet. There she wasn't sure what to do, stand or sit down. Then in her mind she smacked herself. 'You're a girl now. Sit down, you silly twit!' She sat down quickly and let nature take over. She knew that she should wipe carefully, 'How did I know that?' But as she just did it, it felt natural to her. As she finished her business and washed her hands, she noticed the big mirror on the inside of the door. Astonished, she looked at the little girl in the mirror. For a brief moment she wanted to look behind her to see if that girl was standing there, but she quickly realized that the girl was her. She looked to be about 10 or 11 years of age, had a very white skin, at least where she could see the skin, and pointy ears almost on top of her head. They had white fur on them and swiveled when noticing sounds. She could hear much better, as well. Next, she noticed her eyes. The color was like gold, with a very thin line of black. She could probably see very well in the dark. She also had fangs that protruded a little from her lips. The next thing she inspected in more detail was the white fur on her forearms and hands. She had noticed it before, but hadn't inspected it till now, more closely and in detail. They were white too, with some black tiger striping on it. Her fingers looked thin, but the tips looked strange, especially just below her nails. As she looked closer at the tips, suddenly sharp talons shot out of them. With a shriek Kumiko staggered back from the mirror. 'I have talons in my fingers?' She looked more closely at the sharp extensions and wished that they would go away. Without warning they just as suddenly slid back into her fingers. 'Whew, that was weird. I'm like a real cat, or maybe that should be tiger, with those claws and striping on my fur.' Kumiko went back to the mirror and slipped her hospital smock up and open. She examined her body further. Apart from the same black striping all over her skin, she had long purple hair and a long patch of white with black striped fur that ran from her neck to her swishing tail. 'Wait, a tail? Why didn't I notice that before? I should have noticed that.' The tail was covered with short white fur and black stripes. Only now did she fully understand the things she had been feeling since she woke up. Lost in thought, Kumiko shuffled back to her bed and got a fright as she noticed a cleaning woman coming into the room. It was a dark Asian looking woman, who said, "Selamat sore. Siapa nama anda?" {Good evening, what is your name?} Kumiko was surprised that she understood the woman, and surprised herself and the woman by answering, "Nama saya Kumiko." She thought to herself, 'How many languages do I speak?' She understood that this was the Indonesian language. But she didn't know how she knew it, or what other languages she spoke. She spoke them involuntary and automatically when she was spoken to in a language that she knew. The woman started cleaning the room, while she kept on talking to Kumiko about the weather and other mundane things. Although the conversation wasn't unpleasant, Kumiko was relieved when the woman, who had said that her name was Mudah, had finished cleaning the room and left. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? At first she couldn't fall asleep and lay in her hospital bed, tossing and turning, thinking and wondering about whom she had been and what she should do now. She didn't know anyone in the world anymore, expect that nice doctor. And she didn't even know much about him. Hours later she finally fell asleep in a restless slumber and woke up early, from the noise in the hospital. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Mapleton arrived at the safe house and after a short debriefing, drew up his report for the general. He gave a complete, as far as he knew, description of how the former sergeant Bartlett now looked. He gave a word of caution on how to approach her as she would be under scrutiny of the authorities for the nearby future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {All conversation here translated from Japanese in English} Ichiro came home to his wife Amaya and daughter Sachiko. Amaya was curious as to his late arrival, and he told her all about the adult male MORFS victim that? was now a little hybrid girl. Amaya felt sorry for Kumiko when she heard that she didn't have any memory of her past. Sachiko had another question for her father. "What will happen to Kumiko? She doesn't have any family, money, or a place to stay, right?" Ichiro confirmed that with a nod of his head as he was eating. "So how about letting her stay here for a while? Just till other arrangements can be made." "Sachiko!" her mother scolded. "You can not just invite someone here?" "Why not? We do have the room, and it wouldn't hurt for her to have someone to talk to." Ichiro smiled lightly, "Aren't you just saying that to have someone to talk to yourself? I know that you still haven't made many friends here." Sachiko blushed. Her father was so perceptive, he always saw right through her. Amaya now said, "Actually, I do think that it might not be such a bad idea. Kumiko can not stay long in the hospital, and child services is always overworked." "I can't believe you said that, Amaya. You just said that we can't just invite someone here." "I know, but I changed my mind. I won't mind having another child around for a while." Ichiro sighed, "You should know that Kumiko doesn't have anything. You would need to go shopping with her for clothes, sanitary stuff, and whatever more." Amaya smiled, "You always say that I look for any excuse to go shopping." Ichiro gave in, "Okay then. I guess it would be good. I am the first and maybe only one she knows right now. I'll try to get her discharged into our care." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The general read the reports from both Dr. Mapleton and the team leader. The team members had been imprisoned for a little while, but a few MP's that he sent over had the team quickly released. This case of interrogating a former military operative had gone south so quickly and disastrous. Now he had to change the case into a longtime surveillance project. But he needed other operatives for that kind of operation. He needed to confer with the man in the suit for additional funding, as well. He started up a new project and looking at the data from Dr. Mapleton, codenamed it 'Felicia'.

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I walk into the pub and take my usual seat at the end of the bar and wave over the bartender. I order my usual whiskey and look down at my hands. The pub was always busy, full of teenagers letting loose after a day of long boring classes, I hated the noise they brought in but I let it slide considering I was always having dirty thoughts about the young college girls that came in. I scan the room and spot my target for tonight. A young girl at the other end of the bar, she had strawberry blonde...

4 years ago
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Leslie Visits Family

I've not had much experience in these matters, actually, no experience at all, but I would guess that most men become highly upset when they find out that their wife is out spreading it around. I know I was. I have no idea how long she has been doing it or what the outcome is going to be when she finally comes home; the only thing I know for sure is that I caught her with her pants down (no pun intended). Leslie and I have been married for twenty-one years and I suppose our marriage is...

1 year ago
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I Let My Mother Do My Husband

My name is Naomi and I have a unique story to tell. I've been married for about seven years now and our love life is fantastic. But, I have the urge to see my husband fuck someone else. We have talked about this over and over again. Yet, I don't trust any of our friends, so my fantasy goes unfulfilled. This is where the story goes a little weird; you see my mother and I are like sisters. I confided in her about my fantasy and I was surprised by her response. She told me that she and my father...

2 years ago
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Sweet Revenge

She new her boyfriend had cheated on her so she went down to training determined to make him pay. It was all set up. One the guys who she knew had a ctush on her had manged to get a few of the team to jump her boyfriend in the locker room adn tie him to a chair. They thought she was going to porr dirnk on him or something, boy were they wrong.She walked into the locker room with her coat on to see her boyfriend John tied to the chair and the team standing by him waiting to she what she was...

3 years ago
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Amnesia Ch 07

Thank you, Erik Thread, for your excellent editing and helpful suggestions. I am grateful for your patience and skill. Any errors are, of course, mine. The celebration was brief. Tony had no sooner gotten off the phone from hearing Martin tell him that the arrest had gone down as planned when two well-dressed men arrived at Amnesia! ‘Anthony Marino?’ a tall, middle-aged man asked. ‘Yes.’ ‘I’m agent Thorson and this is agent Pellegrino … F.B.I.’ he said succinctly, both showing their I.D. ...

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Mums The WordChapter 2

I know that, to you who are reading this, many years later, it seems I was an incredibly stupid young man, or at least dense. To have my mother first masturbate me and then put my penis in her mouth as it spurted seems clear and simple to you as an indicator of where things might be headed. But remember, I was fourteen, in a small town that was pretty conservative, and where talk of sex was restricted to the playground, or the infrequent sleepovers we had in those days. Sex education was just...

3 years ago
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The new Mrs Harris chapter 14

I awoke the following morning to the sound of Allen getting ready in the bathroom. Just like every single morning I woke up since the swap, It took a couple of seconds for me to realise I was no longer in my body. It was such a cruel thing to happen to me each day, as when I dreamed I dreamed I was still Michael, and then when I woke up and moved I had the awful realisation I was now in the body of a woman. It was usually as soon as I moved, which would cause my huge tits to move too, or...

3 years ago
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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollPreface

It's Friday October 7th 2005. It has been thirty weeks and six days, depending on where in the world you live, since my girlfriend, Vikki Thompson, departed Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne Australia on the first leg of the 'Multitude of Sins' tour of Britain and Europe. Easter in London was meant to be the last time that both families, mine and Vikki's, would see Vikki and the band before we flew back to Australia at the end of our all too brief Easter break. However a lot happened to...

1 year ago
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Fit 18 sounds like it might be a trendy store at the mall for hot young chicks, but nah, it’s a porn site. If they ain’t hawking skirts and sweaters under that banner, I bet you’ve got a pretty good idea what kind of babes are getting their brains banged out on this website, huh? That’s right: they’re fit as hell and at least 18, but never much older. The specialty at this paysite is truly ripe, healthy, and super sexy hasn’t been around all that long. The domain was registered...

Premium Amateur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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The Angel Next DoorChapter 9

“So, first things first. We’ve dealt with Prissy’s issues and allowed you guys to join us, but next on the agenda is to sort out for sure whether Prissy is gay, bi, pansexual, or queer. We know that she is not straight, but Robert, I want you to read her mind and find out what she really is. That will let us know our next step here,” Azrael ordered Robert, who quickly scanned Prissy’s mind with his angelic powers, which he hadn’t used that much in the past few years that way. “You can read...

2 years ago
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The Pool GirlChapter 3

The next day was Saturday. Again, at four-thirty Melissa appeared. She was wearing cream-colored shorts and a matching t-shirt with a single pink stripe. Unusually, it hugged her chest instead of being loose. As a result, I could see the shape of the hefty breasts I had gained intimate knowledge of yesterday as she walked around the pool. The shirt brought those memories back and I had no doubt it was intentional. I didn’t know how to act at first but she was totally normal. I was different...

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Simpsons The Babysitter makes 3

Bart Simpson couldn’t believe marge was going to let lisa be his and maggie‘s babysitter again especial after the last time she babysat them. After all he was old enough to look after himself and he thought he didn’t need a babysitter! Just because his sister maggie was not old enough to look after herself and his mom and dad didn’t think he was old enough to watch her while they were gone. At least his best friend milhouse would be coming over.With lisa to look after maggie they could be by...

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What a Way to End a Day

An extremely short drabblish story by Kate E This was just a little break from writing 'Harry Potter and the Gerexium', which the next installation will actually now be a SWI. (Story not really copyright Kate E 2003 -- go ahead and steal it, because that is so flattering if you see my work as worth stealing. :P) What a Way to End a Day I laid back in my recliner, as I had every day for the last 10 years, or at least most of them. It was getting dark outside, the summer evening...

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Mum blackmailed grand pa

Naa name raju. Vayasu 17 samvacharamulu appudu.naaku mum, father mariyu two sisters undevaaru. Neenu inter poorthi chesi degree cheeri yuntini.maatho paatu maa grand pa undevaaru. Father udyogam veere urelo. Weekly once vasthu poothu untaru. Sisters ku eddariki marriage ayepooye samsaaramku pooyaaru.grand pa retired teacher. Entiloone evarayena vasthi tuition chepputhaaru. Leeda rest thesukontu untaru medda meeda room lo. Thanu eppudo kindiki vastharu avasam unte.leeda raaru.rooju...

1 year ago
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Connie and Hyde

Technically she was in charge and loved enforcing that fact, but tonight she did not have the energy. However, she needed to stop this food ordering lark. It was becoming a habit, but not now. She would save the pleasure of giving Hyde a hard time for his infractions another time. “It’s not the usual guy,” observed Lucy, as she pressed the button on the intercom. The ring on the bell had come only a few moments after she had resumed work. Hyde casually observed that he was probably on...

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MY FIRST FUCK WITH UNCLE AND AUNTYAs a youngster I stayed with my aunt Diane and uncle Richard during the summer holsThey had one schoolgirl daughter Mia who is two years older than meI first got interested in panty's when I was 13 yr old I had been wanking every dayI had been watching my older sister Eva who was 15 yr when she undressed and dressedthrough a peep hole between her room and mine since I was 11 yrShe had started to grow nice pert tities and she started to wear lovely sexy lacy...

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A Bunnie To Play With Chapter 3

I awoke with a groan and the dizzy feeling a daytime nap always brought with it. A sharp pain shot through my left nipple, but it thankfully vanished just as fast as it had come. Rubbing my eyes, I found myself lying on Anne’s bed on my back, with her kneeling next to me, one hand on my left breast and a big smile on her face. “Welcome back in the land of the living,” she teased, and pinched my nipple again! That made me gasp, but I guessed that I should answer her, so, still a bit groggy, I...

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More to come

Joanne closed the door behind her and kicked her shoes in the general direction of the rack tucked away in the corner of the porch. Junk mail littered the floor, she scooped it up and set it on the counter in the kitchen of her ground floor apartment. It wasn’t massive, but for her salary it was pretty good. It suited her for the time being – two bedrooms, so she could have visitors, when she wanted them of course. She hadn’t spent all that time and effort at University to return home and be...

2 years ago
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A New City

All my young life had been spent in the huge sprawling city of Dervish. It was a seaport on the very edge of the vast Gandish desert. It was known as the jewel of Gandish and was filled with tribes of nomads, merchants, traders and ... thieves. That's where I come in. I was the journeyman thief to the best master thief in the city. Slowly the guild had begun changing. Before, when a merchant or other victim wanted their belongings back they paid. When they demanded the thief it was ignored....

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A Taxi Ride

(A good friend of mine asked me to expand and redo his excellent Short Story and send it to the list. I hope you all enjoy it.) A Taxi Ride By Eric and Friend I checked my appearance. Shit! I really look disheveled! The long flight from California hadn't done my make-up or hair any good at all! I fixed myself up and when I left the airport restroom I noticed with pride that almost all the men stared appreciatively at me. It sure puts the spring back into a girl's step. I called...

1 year ago
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Going Nova ch 11 All of Brie

“Elsie’s on my phone on the couch. Brie’s asleep in her bed. She passed out on stage.” “Passed out?” Warrick asked, concerned. “She’s okay.” Ivy reassured him. “She didn’t have a big fall, but she had a, well… a dramatic experience, you could say.” Ivy turned to Hazel, “Did you tell him what I told you?” Hazel shook her head, “Not fully, but I’ve prepared him.” “Damn, you’re gonna make me say it again?” “I thought it would be best that it not come from me second-hand. You were the one who...

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Milf 1

It was getting to be too much. Why on earth didn’t they just sell the house when they inherited it instead of moving in. This was an elite housing estate and we had no room for working class louts like them. The constant noise when the parents were at work was getting be just too much, and now it was the holiday period I would have to put up with it all day, every day. Finally I just exploded. I jumped up off my sun bed and stormed over to the fence. “Could you please keep the noise down.” I...

4 years ago
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Hypnotic Revenge

"Now... All the best to you. Hope to not see you in here ever again!" The guard grins, as he hits me on the back, pushing me out of the gate. I did not look back, the place I had been for the past few years, I would have being in there longer, but was given a shorter sentence with good behavior. What did I did to be jailed? One might asked, well, let's just say it is at a point of time where a guy wants to bully others to make themselves feel good, and it gets too extreme that one of my target...

Mind Control
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Paddling and Punishment Enema Farts Fm

Firstly, I was suitably restrained on her lovely leather-padded dungeon table. Then she "opened" -- no pun intended -- with a 1-2-3 enema. After suitable time has elapsed I was allowed to fart out/ evacuate my filled, cramped bowels. Then it was back on her table, perhaps on my back this time with my feet hoisted high above me, and she forced a hot, soapy large volume enema into my bowels, between 3 and 6 litres of it! She devilishly used one of her custom-made nozzles, which was thick and long...

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REMORSE. BY WALLACE Remorse: (n) A feeling of regret for sins or misdeeds;compunction, contrition, penitence, repentance. Warning; contains strong language We had been walking slowly, her arm in mine, both of us maybe lost in ourthoughts when I suddenly came out of my own head and realised where I was.I turned as best I could, looked at her, at her almost serene, smiling faceand said, "Amy, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I was away somewhere again…" shelooked at me indulgently and then...

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My Brother My Sister

My Brother, My Sister – Part I By Michele Nylons Note : This story is completely fictional! I wrote this story originally under the title “Be Careful In the Park” about an older crossdresser who meets a street gang in a park and gets more than she bargained for. There was no incest in the original version. I like this version better as it includes all my peccadillos: incest, crossdressing, nylon fetish, and forced sex. A warning to those who find those subjects not to their taste. My God! I was...

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Roadtrip Caravan Park Girls

A politically correct married guy encounters genuine slut trailer trash times three: [Chas, Beth and Erica's road-trip between college and university]It was either the local caravan park or three weeks at my mother-in-law’s. Some choices in life aren’t really options.Fiona and I were just back from working in Japan for two years. I had taught ESL and so had Fee with a TESSOL Certificate. We were now waiting for the rental lease on our house to expire so we could really be home. Fiona was happy...

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Liliane chapitre 3

Avant toute chose, désoler pour la longue période entre le chapitre 2 et 3. Ce chapitre n'est qu'un fantasme.chapitre 1: 2: Le soir Liliane et ma mère rentrèrent de leur journée shopping. J'étais très gênais mais en même temps excité je n'arrêtais pas de regarder Liliane d'avantage lorsqu'elle vidèrent leur sac d'emplette Ma mère partie...

1 year ago
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Mother shows son the way

Note : this story is completely fictional! I grew up in a very small town and was sheltered from pretty much the whole outside world. Every morning I would wake up, my mother would put me through about 5 hours of home schooling and then leave me to my studies while she did the typical house chores. I never knew my father because my mother ran away and never told him that she was . This left her and I alone in my mothers inherited ranch. With no money worries and my mother, being a very well...

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A Delightful Young Lass

This is an absolute true story, but I've modified a few things for reasons of my own.I've been frequenting a local minor league baseball team, and enjoyed it as much this year as ever. I prefer sitting behind the plate, and found there are seats in a "preferred" area in which servers will take and deliver orders for food and drink. I choose this seating whenever available.On my first visit this season, I happened into Section E - and am I glad it happened. The server for the area (BethAnn)...

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A Special Birthday

Turning 38, it's just a number not a date of significance like 18, 30, 40 or 50 but for some reason I was excited about it. My boss had given me the day off to relax. My husband was back from his business trip so I was hoping for a birthday love making session. Usually my husband is horny as when he comes back from his business trips but he arrived home late and was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I know he doesn't mind a bit of morning glory so before the alarm went off I...

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The Devil and an Angel

Fred Turner from the legal department stuck his head in the door of the boss’s office and said, ‘The bitch is at it again!’ ‘I assume you’re referring to Jana Davis. Yeah, I know she’s a pain in the ass but I wouldn’t go so far as to call her a bitch,’ Tom Green replied. ‘What else would you call her? She’s filed lawsuit number thirty-four, which means she’s batting a thousand on the bitch scale with me. It’s another one for the same old EPA compliance and inspection bullshit, only this time...

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40SomethingMag Aubrey Black BigTitted MILF Gets Her Holes Fucked

Aubrey Black doesn’t have to do much to get a man’s attention. Basically, she just has to stand in front of him. The guy in this scene tries to play it cool, but that’s impossible when Aubrey has her eyes on you. Before long, he’s playing with her big tits and shapely ass, she’s sucking his cock and then he’s fucking her pussy and ass. Oh, in between, he eats her pussy, too, because Aubrey deserves it, and because she has a pussy that begs to be eaten. She...

2 years ago
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Soaked Capture

The GRAB2am in the morning and the moon appears ominous as Melissa walked home, she was a little lit from the party but feeling very relaxed. She passed by this club where a few other young woman in various dress were outside milling about smoking. One of the young women was gazing at her hips and her ass swinging as she passed, thinking of what it was like.A few moments later, as Melissa is on another block, she passes a red door. Suddenly, the door opens and two figures surround her, one of...

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Honey I Thought You Should Know

Wife cuckolds hubby as he had asked of her.I received a letter from my wife of many years. I think it speaks for itself. Following is her letter:Honey, I thought you should know that I finally did what you wanted me to do. Remember all those times you told me that you wanted me to fuck other men? Well, I thought that you were trying to get rid of me at first, but after all the years of you talking to me about it, I knew you were serious.Remember that even when you were fucking me you would ask...

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Special Party at the Country House

There is a special house in the country That we have been offered the use of. the nearest neighbor is about 1/2 mile down the road. There is a nice yard with a pool and a big hot-tub in a screened enclosure. It’s a nice house with the living quarters along with a big Master suite and laundry room on the first floor, and the extra bedrooms and bathrooms up on the second floor. Down in the walk out basement is our game room, and the bath and changing area for the pool, along with our "Special...

1 year ago
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Onsen Onna Hot Spring Lady

Onsen Onna (Hot Spring Lady) Part I – The Meeting Onsen bathing is one of the highlights of any trip to Japan. Add meeting an intriguing woman for a memorable experience! There are onsen (hot springs) everywhere in Japan, literally hundreds of places with naturally heated water that comfort millions of Japanese who go on meccas for the best onsenburo (hot spring bath) experiences. Weekends are often fully booked at popular onsen towns, especially near Tokyo and Osaka, the two most populated...

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Love in an Elevator

Nathan was late. He hated being late. Hurriedly he pushed the elevator button, glancing momentarily at his watch. A small, curvy, blond woman stood next to him. She smelled of honey. A hint of vanilla rested in her hair. A shiver went down his spine. He tried to ignore it, glancing irritatedly at her. She didn’t seem to notice. She was looking towards him, a shy smile painting her lips. Red and pouty. He tried not to notice that too. His eyes flicked over her. Her legs were long, despite...

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Sex With My Sexy Hot Elder Sister

Hi, Indian Sex Stories dot net friends. I am Akash from Pune I am 23 years old. I have completed Bachelor’s in Architecture and my looks are good and have an average body type. I am 6 feet tall and have a 6.5-inch dick which will make every girl who fucks with me to feel the real heaven. Any teen, virgin, non – virgin girls, matured aunties, widow, can contact me for a hot sex, my E-mails or hangout me on My family consists of my parents, my elder sister Kavya and me. My sister is 25 years...

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Mummy ki chudai

Dosto me aap logo ko apni mummy ki chacha ke saath kiye gaye chudai ke khel ki 3 story suna chukka hu aur mujse aap logo ne pucha hai ki mane apni mummy ko kab choda to aaj me aap logo ko meri apni mummy ko chodne ki pahli kahani likh raha hu. Papa ka 1 saal ka foreign ka tenure company ne bada kar saal ka kar diya tha aur papa saal me 2baar hi humse milne ke liye aate the. Aur aab to chacha aur mummy khul kar chudai ka maza lete the . Ak baar chacha ne mummy ko khet me kutiya bana kar chodne...

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The Beach House

It was the start of summer vacation, I was eighteen and had just graduated high school. In August I would be starting college at the University of Miami and studying medicine, like my dad. Dad was a doctor specializing in cardiology, so there was a decent amount of money in the family. Nearly every year since I could remember mom, dad, my sister Alanna and I would always take a family summer holiday together. This year we were doing something different and renting a beach house. We lived in the...

Gay Male
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Suckloving MotherChapter 6

Debra thought of her son taking her wet panties and stuffing the crotch into his mouth. He had done so without her suggesting it. The fact that Jerry had ideas of his own thrilled her. It told her Jerry had an erotic mind in that young head of his. She made the bed, knowing any plans she tried to make for the day were useless now. Since she had started fucking her son, she had no need to come up with ways to stay busy. Jerry was keeping her busy, busy fucking him, or sucking him. She...

2 years ago
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A lesson she wont forget

Our senior school was a bit behind on the premise of sexual education lessons. In the three years I had been there we had only ever had one lesson, which never really explained much. Of course most of us at our age knew plenty, thanks to porn and cheap alcohol. Some students however were a little behind on the knowledge, my friend Rose was one of them. She had done as much research as she could and even tried a few things, but she had confided in me she had only ever had sex once, and it never...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fire the Goblets on FireChapter 5

The Goblins had been tireless in pursuit of any allegation of wrongdoing by Albus Dumbledore, and while sharing this information with Amelia Bones they were sure they would remove the Head Master from society by the end of the school year. Griphook sends three letters off one to Fumbeldore, one to Lord Potter, and one to Madam Bones oh it was great to be a goblin. The Gringotts owl flew into Madam Bones office. "Thank you. Let's see what we have here." She opens the letter and her face...

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Sarah Carerra 311 Big Treble in Little Chorus

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: April 23, 2012) Chapter 11 - Big Treble in Little Chorus I groaned loudly at the knock on the door to my bedroom. I knew who was there, and I knew what she wanted. But I wanted to sleep longer. A...

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The cock up my cunt was continuing to do a fantastic job of coaxing another bone-jarring orgasm from me. Whimpers of lust and enjoyment were spilling from my mouth as I clutched the sheets in desperation. My slit was receiving a class fucking. The sensory nerves in my young body were screaming as the owner of this hard meat up me moved his hands under my panting body and cupped my swollen, jiggling, breasts. A loud whimper of acceptance tore it self from my twenty - three year old body when...

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Hooked Chapter One

Written by ShyA little background before you read!This story was inspired by a long-term recurring dream I could never seem to shake, as well as Peter Pan. It's one of my favorites and I've finally expanded upon it.

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The Azayal Book 5Chapter 8

The Future is Bleak “Welcome all of you. I have asked you here so you may contribute your thoughts about the future of the Azayal,” said Queen Mergal Ravengus warmly. Jason looked at her carefully. She was an exceptionally beautiful woman dressed in a black leather outfit. The collar rose to the level of her ears and then abruptly folded outwards. She had intense catlike blue eyes and a calm measured manner that put people at ease. She had a black collar that was knotted at the front with a...

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