SamChapter 10D free porn video

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Without my seat-cushion, I was back to being the shortest person at the table. The bench seats of the booth were narrow and close to the table. My boobs were forced over the edge. If I wasn't careful, I would bump into someone's glass and get beer spilled all over me.

Dave pointed to the guy across from me. "That's TJ," he said.

"Hi, TJ," I said, "I'm Sam. Nice to meet you."

TJ was bordering on chubby, but it didn't look too bad on him. He had dark hair, which he unfortunately had decided to wear in a mullet. I thought mullets had gone out of style before I was born.

"And the fella next to you is Gator."

"Gator?" I asked. Gator nodded and offered me a hand, which I shook politely.

Dave leaned close to my left ear and said, "His real name is Claude, but he don't like it, so we call him Gator."

Gator had on a fancy hat with an alligator band. The dark sweat-stains that showed through the brim told me it was clearly a prized possession and he rarely took it off. I thought he might be getting a little thin on top and wore the hat to cover it.

"Give Sam a beer," Dave told TJ. TJ slid an already-full glass over in front of me.

"Oh, I really don't think I should..." I started to say. I didn't want to tell them that I had hated the only taste of alcohol I'd ever had.

"Aw, cmon!" TJ said. "One beer won't hurt you none." He edged it co close to me that I had to pick it up or have it dumped onto my boobs.

Once I had the glass in my hand, it seemed only polite to take a sip. The beer wasn't nearly as nasty tasting as I expected. It certainly didn't have the tongue-curling flavor of the bourbon that Fiona Morgan liked. I took another sip and then another. Dave, Gator and TJ watched me expectantly, so I took a long pull and drained half the glass.

When I put it down, TJ said, "Way to go girl!" and filled my glass again from the pitcher. I kept my hand on the glass, but left it on the table. I wanted to see how the beer would affect me before I drank any more of it.

"You guys come here a lot?" I asked.

"Every payday," Dave said, "Regular as clockwork. We come to drink beer and meet pretty girls like you." To emphasize that he was talking about me, Dave patted my knee under the table.

"Why thank you, Dave," I said. "How nice of you to say." Dave's hand was still on my knee, just resting lightly. I wondered how long it would be before it moved.

"So, do you guys work together?" I asked.

"Yeah," Gator said. "We all work for this pulpwood company. Dave and me handle the chainsaws and TJ here runs the grapple."

"I know what a chainsaw is," I said. "But what's a grapple?"

Gator said, "Oh that's a big ol' claw hanging off the back of a two-ton truck. That's how the logs get onto the transport trucks that haul it to the mill down on the coast. TJ just drops the claw down and GRABS the wood."

As he said 'grabs', Gator demonstrated my grabbing my right thigh with his left hand, and squeezing hard about halfway from my hip to my knee. I flinched and squirmed in his grip, as he expected.

There was a general laugh at my expense over what I figured was a joke they had pulled more than once. To cover my embarrassment at being caught like that, I took another drink of my beer. The flavor seemed different this time, a little less bitter. I smacked my lips and wondered if I liked the flavor or not. There wasn't much to say for it, but it seemed to grow on me. I drank some more, and JT obligingly topped off my glass.

While I watched the amber liquid pour, I began to feel more relaxed. There was a soft buzz in my ears and the noise level in the restaurant seemed to drop off. At the same time, I started to feel a warm sensation in the pit of my stomach and a tingling in my pussy and my breasts. I thought the beer must be affecting me. The sensations seemed mild and harmless, so I took another drink. This time everyone joined me.

When they put their glasses down, they were all empty but for mine, so I picked it up again and finished it off, too.

"That's the ticket!" Dave said.

"Yeah," Gator said, "we appreciate a girl who can keep up with us. TJ! Where's your manners? Sam's glass is empty!"

TJ filled me up again and waved to the waitress for a fresh pitcher. Beer refills seemed to have priority in the 6440, because it arrived very quickly. Beer drinkers also seemed to be on a pay-as-you-go basis, too. I thought that was probably a wise policy, since otherwise there might be drunken disagreements over how many refills you had had.

While we were drinking, both Dave's and Gator's hands wandered further up my thighs. They had my legs pulled apart, my knees pressed against theirs and they were moving their fingers around. I felt sorry for TJ, it looked like he wound up on the wrong side of the table tonight.

"I hope you won't take this the wrong way," Dave said earnestly, "But you have a hell of a nice rack there."

"A what?" I said, innocently.

"These things here," Dave said, stroking my exposed flesh with his left hand.

"Why, thank you!" I said, giggling. "I'm happy you like them."

"You know, Gator here has a rare talent, TJ said. "He can guess your size, just from one feel." Gator nodded and smiled at me.

"Really?" I said. "I bet you can't." I pulled my shoulders back and pushed my chest out, turning halfway toward Gator to give him an opportunity to prove his claim.

Gator slid his right hand into the top of my dress and cupped my left breast with it. He spread his fingers wide and tried to get as big a feel of me as he could. He squeezed gently and hefted my breast while he thought it over.

"Gee," he said, "I dunno. I never felt any this big before. This is gonna be hard."

"My nipples are what's going to be hard," I said. "If you don't hurry up."

Of course, Gator had to check that out for himself. He slid his hand out to the end of my breast and felt my nipple.

"Oh, it's getting hard, OK," he said, rolling my nipple between his fingers. "Damn, guys. Her nipples are big too!"

"That's enough," I said, turning so Gator's hand slipped out of my dress. "Maybe Dave can guess." I turned toward Dave to give him the same chance as his friend.

I looked Dave right in the eye as he put his hand on my breast. When he squeezed, I moaned and pressed my breast into his hand. He felt me for a bit, and then rolled my nipple between his fingers. "I can't tell," he said.

"Take a guess," I said, huskily.

"F?" Dave said, "Double-F?"

"Pooh!" I said. "You guys are frauds. I'm a double-H for your information." A sly smile came to my face as I said, "I bet you can't guess what color panties I have on, either."

"Oh, now how would we be able to..." Dave said, sliding his hand the last couple of inches up my thigh and running his fingers against my hot pussy. He felt around like he kept expecting to find my underwear someplace, but I wasn't wearing any, as usual.

"Took you long enough," I said, squirming my butt around invitingly.

Dave took the hint and slid a finger into my slit. I leaned back in the booth and let him feel around. Shortly, Gator caught on and got in on the action. With both their hands groping me and fingering me, my pussy was very quickly steaming.

I spread my legs as far apart as I could and hooked my knees over the legs of my two fondlers. I scooted my butt forward on the bench and tilted my hips to give them even more access to me.

My eagerness was rewarded when Gator pushed two fingers roughly inside me and Dave found my clit. I grinned and said, "Still can't guess what color they are? Maybe you need a clue?"

Neither Dave or Gator seemed inclined to guess, so I asked JT, "Can you guess, TJ? Can you guess what your friends are doing to me right now?"

I gasped as Gator curled a finger around and touched my g-spot. Dave pressed on my swollen clit and my eyes rolled briefly back in my head, as the sensation swept over me.

TJ leaned over and peeked under the table. He was under there so long I kicked him to get him to sit up again.

"Don't be obvious, TJ," I continued in a conversational tone to disguise what was going on. "Watch my face. It's much more interesting to watch a girl's face when she cums. Oh! OH, Yes! Gator! Right there. Rub me right there. That's right. Aaaaaaaaahhh. TJ, Gator has found my g-spot and he's massaging it for me. Guys don't have anything like this, so they have no idea how good this feels."

I put my head back against the wooden seatback and closed my eyes to savor the experience of being manhandled in public by two complete strangers. If was fantastically decadent. I probably would have let them do it to me, even without all the beer and whatever they had slipped into that first drink. I was pretty sure it was Rohypnol or some other date-rape drug. They had no way of knowing that my metabolism was so accelerated trying to repair the damage to my hand that I had burned it up in the first minute. The alcohol lasted only a few seconds before the buzz wore off. It occurred to me that I was probably immune to a lot of poisons. As long as I could recognize what was happening in time, I could deal with it before it did me any harm.

"Mmmmmmmm. Yes. TJ, Dave has his hand right on my clit and he's pulling on it. I'm so sensitive there that I can feel his fingerprints with my clit. When he touches me it just drives me wild. Ooohhhhhhhh! Damn. That feels sooo goooood. I think these two have done this before. Hunh? Is this what you guys do for fun on Fridays? Finger-fuck girls until they scream for mercy?"

When I opened my eyes to look at TJ, I saw three heads looking back. At first, I thought it was the alcohol, but then I realized that the party in the next booth had heard my play-by-play and had turned around to watch. One of the heads belonged to a girl. She and her boyfriend were probably out on a date and had come to the 6440 looking for a good time. I decided to try to show them what one looked like.

"God, I'm so hot! You guys really know how to handle a girl. I'm so turned on I could almost let you fuck me right here on the table. Would you like that? Would we get in trouble if you stripped me naked and took turns fucking me right here on the table with me screaming for your hard cocks?

"Ohhhhhhh! That feels good. C'mon Gator, see if you can get another finger in me. Stretch my pussy out with your big fingers. Yes, like that. Come on, push it in me. You're making me feel so good. I'm on fire!"

I put my hands into the sides of my halter and started squeezing my breasts and pulling on my nipples. I let my mouth hang open and licked my lips while I stared into the eyes of TJ, the guy behind him and the girl.

The girl looked like she was getting more turned on by my lewd display than either TJ or her boyfriend. When I stuck my tongue out of my mouth, I saw hers peeking out between her lips, too. I would have bet anything that she had her hand down her shorts and was playing with herself while she watched me.

"Oooooo. You've got me so wet! My pussy is so sopping wet I bet it's dripping all over the floor. I'm just sliding around in the pussy juice. Please don't let me slide of onto the floor.

"Come on, Gator, fuck me faster with those strong hard fingers. Make me think that's your cock in there. That's it. Deeper. Faster. Yeah. Oh, yeah! I'm almost there, guys. I'm almost ready to pop. Just a little bit more, Dave. Pull my clit just a little bit harder. That's it... that's it... AAAAaaaahhhhhhhhh! YES! I'm cumming! I'm cumming all over your hands. MMMmmmmmmmmmm!"

Dave and Gator kept it going while I came. TJ looked so flushed and sweaty that I think he came, too. My audience in the next booth was scrambling to pay their check and get somewhere private as quickly as they could.

I was still pretty well still into my orgasm when I heard Neeka tell me that our food had arrived. I sighed and borrowed Dave's napkin to mop up between my legs.

When I wasn't drippling juice anymore, I scooted against Dave, forcing him out of the booth. He seemed surprised that I was able to escape so easily. I'm sure he thought he had me trapped.

I pulled my dress back down and my boobs back into place, got my purse and helped Dave sit back down next to Gator. He was about to say something about 'you can't leave now' when I fished my new leather wallet out of my purse and flipped it open to show my badge. You would have thought I had tossed a cottonmouth moccasin on the table, the way they all jumped.

"OK, guys. We've all had a lot of fun. Well, I've had a lot of fun and you got to help, and I appreciate it. But... if you turkeys ever give another girl drugs to try to get into her pants again, I promise I will hunt you down and cut your balls off. Are we clear on that?" I got three very stunned nods.

"Good. OK, TJ. Let's have that shit in your shirt pocket."

I held out my hand. When he didn't move fast enough, I snapped my fingers. The sound seemed to wake him up and he handed over a small vial of fine white powder.

"Now you guys have another beer or three and think about this learning experience" I said.

I was about to pick up my badge and walk off when Dave decided to call what he thought was my bluff.

"That ain't a real badge!" He said. "And you ain't a real cop!"

I leaned over him and smiled at him sweetly, as if I was about to admit that I had just been pulling his leg. Then I reached down and grabbed his thigh the same way Gator had grabbed mine. Only I pinched all the way to the bone, and then I rubbed the bone.

Dave squirmed and thrashed so hard I thought he would hurt poor Gator. I had to grab his left arm to keep him from hitting me accidentally. He wasn't trying to fight back. He was in far too much pain to mount any effective defense against me. His eyes popped and his face tensed and his mouth strained open in a soundless scream. I hung on for a full ten-count and then I let go.

Dave slumped like a puppet with the strings cut. He fell against Gator, clutching his leg and whining in pain. TJ and Gator looked like they were about to lose their lunch. They looked from me to my badge to Dave and back at me with sick expressions.

I told them, "Now if you guys think I won't have your balls on a plate if you ever think of doing this to anyone else, you just try me."

This time I got no back-talk. I folded my wallet, put it back in my purse and walked back to my family.

"Nothing like having sex with three rapists before dinner to whet the appetite," I thought.

When I sat down at the table to start on my steak, I put the vial next to my plate where I could keep an eye on it.

"What's that?" Jim asked. Neeka snorted and poked him with a finger. He jumped, but didn't take the hint. He looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"Some kind of drug," I said. "I took it off three rapists."

"You what?" Bambi said. With the noise level in the place, I wasn't sure if she hadn't heard me or just wished she hadn't.

I leaned over toward her and said, "The three guys I was visiting with are a rape-gang. They drug girls and take them out in the woods and rape them. They probably leave them there and make them walk home by themselves, wondering what the hell happened. I took away their drug and gave them a warning.

"The irony is they're not so offensive that they need to resort to that. They could probably have just as much fun if they just tried charm instead of dope. I hope I put that idea into their heads."

Bud asked, "Did you know this when you sat down with them?"

"No," I said, around a mouthful of steak. "I didn't. I didn't know until I saw how they looked at me after I drank that first beer. They were obviously watching me to see how quick I would go under. I knew then what was going on and I decided to play along."

"But you took the drug?" Jim asked. "And it didn't affect you?"

"Only slightly," I said. "I got more of a buzz off the beer." I looked at Bambi. "I think we can add another one to the list."

When we got home, Bambi went into full Mom-mode on me. She gave me hell about letting strangers pick me up, letting them ply me with alcohol, and letting them try to drug me and haul me off to the woods.

"How about letting them make me cum in a public restaurant with people watching?" I asked.

She blushed a bright red color when I reminded her of that. I got the impression that she wished she had been in the next booth watching while that was going on.

"Don't change the subject," she said. "You shouldn't be experimenting with drugs. That's the main thing."

"Should I be risking my life and limb, saving hostages from certain death or worse?"

She didn't have an answer to that, so she caved.

"All right. I confess. I worry. This whole superhero business scares me. I know I promised to support you. I'm trying my best to stand behind you, but it still scares the hell out of me when you put yourself in danger."

"I'm sorry if this scares you. It scares me, too. When I go up against someone who is willing to kill and is equipped to do it, it scares the crap out of me. But I steel myself to do it anyway. I need to be able to get my head into a place where I can focus on what needs to be done, without thinking about how scared I am. I need to be stone cold fearless if I am going to be any good at this at all. One day it may even save my life. I had that point brought home to me very clearly this afternoon."

"I care about you. And I worry. Please be careful."

"Thank you. I promise not to take any unnecessary risks if I can help it. The problem is, I need to take risks that may not look like they're necessary at the time. Sometimes, you just have to go around turning over rocks to see what's underneath. Like tonight. If I hadn't gone back to their table and drunk beer with them, I never would have known what they were up to. Some poor girl might be lying out in the woods right now, hurt and alone, with a big hole in her memory and a long walk home in the dark. I think what I did is far better than the cops coming along after the fact and catching the people responsible.

"I wish I'd never seen the faces of those kids this afternoon. I'd give almost anything to have been able to prevent them from being in that situation."

"Is that why you decided to 'turn over rocks', as you call it?"

"Yeah. It's a lot easier to prevent a crime than to stop one in progress or to clean up afterwards. In this case it was a lot more fun, too; in all sorts of ways. If I can be there to jerk a knot in someone when they are still in the thinking stage, then I have not only saved the victim, I've saved the perpetrator, too!"

"Is that why you let those men off so light tonight? I would have been truly pissed at them when I found out what they were trying to do."

"I think knocking their heads together might have been emotionally satisfying for me, but it wouldn't have been the educational experience they needed. That's why I flashed my badge. I wanted them to know that Official Notice had been taken of their activities."

"Then you should tell Bob Foster about what you discovered. Make an official report." Bambi advised.

"That's a good idea. If the police find evidence of a crime that matches their MO, they'll know where to start investigating. Even if it wasn't them, those gomers will know that they haven't got a prayer of getting away with anything.

"I don't like the idea of being on-record officially, though. That's just the sort of thing I'm trying to avoid. I need to have an informal channel into local law enforcement. Something that could work both ways. Something a good bit lower than the Sheriff. And I think I know just who that might be."

Same as Sam
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Parking, I notice her, she is just standing in the yard next door looking at me. She is willowy, with blond hair, and strikingly good looking. So much like Phoebe. My heart lurches with the memory of my first love.Our eyes lock momentarily, and that is enough. I’m pretty sure I know what her gaze means.She continues to stare at me as I get my handbag out of the car. Her attentive eyes are checking me out, conveying what interests her. In her case, words aren’t needed for me to hear her ping.Her...

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Pissing Kay

I want to tell you about an ex-girlfriend of mine, Kay, who was by far the wildest, most exciting, and also craziest girl I have ever been out with. In appearance think Suzy Quattro aged about 21: small, lithe, feisty, long blond hair, blue eyes, usually dressed in tight, sky-blue jeans and leather jacket, and with a wild-c***d personality to match. She spoke her mind, and couldn't care less who she offended or how much outrage she caused. Quite what she saw in me, a much more restrained and...

3 years ago
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One day at school

One day at school came this new girl named Susan. She was a very pretty girl in her school uniform. Her black shoes with white socks gave to her slender legs something sinful. I can still remember that day when our Latin teacher Miss. Margaret came in the classroom with her cane in one hand and her books in the other. This strict lady always scared everybody and so we were standing silent waiting for her orders.“Everybody sit down!” she said, “… except you miss…”“Brown, mistress. Susan...

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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 15

Béla opened her eyes. The little stretch of sky high above them was light blue. 'It must be morning, ' she thought, shivering. Dew had fallen sometime while they slept, curled up together. Her legs and torso were covered with a furry substance that stuck to her cold, damp body. It itched horribly, and she suspected she knew what it was. Deciding not to get hysterical about something that wasn't really hurting her, she looked around to find that the fire was out. She nudged Jake, anxious...

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Two Tents Were Pitched That Night

It was a last minute decision, but I decided to go camping with my boyfriend for the weekend. My name is Lisa and I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 years. I'm still a virgin at 18, but I've done lots of oral sex with him. I told my parents that I would be staying at my best friends house for the weekend. I snuck off later that day and we headed up north. When we got there we set up the tent first and then built a fire and cuddled as we talked about random things. It was a beautiful night...

First Time
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MILF On The Corner House

Hi everyone who all are fans of ISS. I am also a pure follower of Indian sex stories. This is my real story which happened recently. I wish everyone who is reading my story will enjoy and have the same experience what I had. Get ready in this romantic rainy and get satisfied. Please reply at So, myself kumar aged around 23. I finished my studies and going for one the small private company nearby. Got bit of muscular body and good shaped. My dick size would be around 5.5inchs I guess. In the...

3 years ago
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Oral Sex Richa Ke Sath

Hi, I am Aman meri age 25 years hai aur mein smart hoon mein aaj apko apni real sex story ke bare mein batata hoon. Ek baar mein yahoo messenger pe chat kar raha tha to ek ladki jiska name richa aur who hissar mein rehti hai. Usne mujhe apni photo dikhayi. Who married thi aur bahut hi sexy thi. Uske boobs bahut ache the. Maine usey phone sex karne ke liye kaha aur who ready ho gayi. Kuch der sex ke bare mein chat karne ke baad usne mera number manga aur maine usey de diya. Usne kaha who raat...

4 years ago
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The Collapse A New Beginning Book 1Chapter 8 Day Eight Sunday

I awoke early with an intense pressure on my bladder. I was wedged between Irene and Kari and at least part of the problem was Kari's knee which had worked its way up under me. As much as I loved these women and wanted every night to be with each of them, at that moment I realized that we had to find a larger bed. Kari awoke as I moved out from under her and mumbled something that sounded like, "Mom just a few more minutes, please." I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom where I...

2 years ago
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The Compressor The Beginning

The Compressor Disclaimer: I do not claim to be the original creator of this idea. It was one called "The Wringer" but I cannot seem to find it anywhere and therefore cannot site it as a source for this work. The story is of my own creation just borrowing the universe in which this device exists. Part 1: The Yard Sale It is amazing what kind of junk you can find at a yard sale. I just happened to be walking home after a busy day of work, but not yet ready to stay inside for...

1 year ago
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Sex with my neighbour

I had been married 18 years and I hated being on my own. I had met a woman and I moved in with her just to have a bit of company. She was nice enough but I didnt love her and to be honest I didnt fancy her either. Her husband had died suddenly and she was lonely too. One day she told me the woman next door had a dripping tap and she asked me if I could fix it for her. I told her I would go round after she had gone to work so a little later I went to see the divorced woman with toolbag in hand....

2 years ago
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My sister Taught Me

Let me start by saying this is a story about my sister and I when we were both a lot younger. I have two sisters, they are both older than me. One by five years and the other by eight. Neither of them were raised by my mother, she was very young when they were born. The oldest one, I'll call her Charlotte for name sake, (even though that's not her real name), was raised by my grandparents in the next state over from where my mom and I lived. We visited often, driving over for the weekend...

2 years ago
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About Last Night

The five of us sat in the living room of our cozy apartment. This little scenario had played out several times before as Lisa, my lovely bride of three years, and I hosted our parents. Unfortunately, this time it wasn't a pleasant Sunday dinner. My soon to be ex-wife sat on our couch, bookended by her parents, while my mother sat beside me on our love seat. I felt her squeeze my hand, reassuring me of her support. However, I knew she was struggling with her promise to me. I'd asked her...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Chihiro Momo Chihiro Momo is our lovely cheating Japanese housewife

Our favorite thing in the world is a cheating Japanese housewife. They are often sexy young ladies that have been neglected and in need of some attention. If we could, we would scour the morning markets all over Japan looking for that hot lonely housewife in need of a hard fuck. They are easily found in buying fresh produce to make a lovely meal for their spouse who undoubtedly will return too late at night from the bars with co-workers to eat it. Today we have the lovely Miss Chihiro Momo with...

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Dennys Breakfast Treat

First let me say I’m just your average 50 year old guy. No Adonis or jock looking dude. I work 50-60 hours a week running a warehouse operation for a large corporation in Austin, Tx. One of my night shift crews was having some problems so I decided that I would work nights for while and get the shift back on track. Monday night was rough. Working nights after years of 7 to 5 takes some getting used to. On my way home I decided to get some breakfast so I wouldn’t have to cook at home. There...

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In DreamsChapter 3

As I began to waken the following morning -- Just as I reached that senseless half-awake half-asleep state where one usually finds you are wondering what day of the week it is. Well, I kind-a found that I was more than a little reluctant to actually open my eyes. And for more reasons than the two that I'd instantly become acutely aware of, because I could actually feel their warm bodies against mine. Yeah well, if you're old enough (and have been around the park a few times) to be able to...

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It's my office, I didn't get up very well today. It's the memories, still them. My secretary suspicious, realize. My sad, uncomfortable way.Miriam is 25 years old, curly hair, green eyes, medium breasts, brown skin. We've never had anything, but she knows about my wishes for her figure. Especially after my separation.She then starts, provokes me, curious to know if it's what she suspects."What was? Talk!""Nothing, no. I'm not well today.""Are you sad?""Yeah."She takes off her glasses and comes,...

1 year ago
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Sex with my aunty during vacation Incest Sex Stories

Shana was my aunt – my dad’s stepsister. She was a little different from my stiff collared family. She was visiting this week and I was going to see her after five years. I was eighteen now, ready to join college. It was my last week at home and Shana who was 30, was visiting. Destiny had different plans and I had sex with my aunty. I hear the car door being shut and stare at the door. Someone rings the bell and mum opens it. There stands a young woman, with golden hair and blue eyes. I don’t...

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Holiday fun with mum part two

After our afternoon of fun me and mum hadn't mention what had happened, we went on normal as if nothing happened. It was two days after when i was sitting round the pool when i couldn't help but say something. Mum was reading her book and i started making conversation about the holiday its self, when i said to her how did she feel about our afternoon of fun. She went a little bit nervous and didn't really say much. It was the first time she got a little bit shy. I left it at that and didn't say...

2 years ago
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My Anonymous Friend

I had a couple of days free and was glad of the rest and a chance to reflect on passed happenings, the AirBNB guests, the dentist visit and then OMG the blowjob in the park toilets, now that was something else and my mind raced through all kinds of scenarios, was it male or female?, did I know them? Or did they know me?, so many questions which in a way made it all the more exciting.I had to pop into town to sort a few things out and as it was a warm day decided to walk through the park, I...

2 years ago
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Whores de BalletChapter 7

Isabel heard a voice calling to her through the fog of her arousal, she had, she thought, been dreaming of watching a woman seduce, spank and fuck her beautiful young niece. The voice was still speaking, bringing her back to a reality she didn't want. What she did want, was to put her hands down her damp silk panties that were sticking to her skin, soaked in her own juices. Her hand moved but was held and the voice continued, audible now to her sex clouded mind, repeating for the third...

3 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 28

Six thirty Wednesday morning and Dan had already been awake and up since sunrise. Same as the last two mornings, he wanted to get the days paper to search for any information about the job. Reading from cover to cover, he could find nothing that mentioned anything about the job. Well, he thought, this could mean either of two things. They are keeping quiet and searching for clues or they have not cottoned on at all. After a job, there is normally no contact with any of the crew for a while,...

1 year ago
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Confession Of An Aunty

I love boobs. I cannot resist them; just the thought of two round, warm and magnificent breasts in my two hands. How I would slowly move my hands just slightly touching her breast, just the way a sculptor would feel his newly made smooth marble statue, as if it were some very delicate thing. In fact it is. I have pressed it hard enough to make her scream, in pain. Not those masochistic orgasmic pains, I am talking about pain, plain simple and very painful, and pain. Just as much as I enjoy...

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Drunk wife cheats

I have been married to the same woman for twenty-three years. Never cheated on her, sure I thought of it a time or two. But I never did it. I just couldn't face myself if I cheated on her. I wish that were true of her though. No, I never thought she would cheat on me. Then again, in all the years we have been together I never saw her drunk either. All that changed last summer. We had been having some difficulties. She was going through a mid-life crisis and everyone was paying for it. She went...

Drunk sex
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Virgo Peridot 1000 235000

Thick bitches. We all love them. Back in the day, thick bitches got no love from the straight male community. That is no longer the case. The booty is in, folks, and if a bitch is going to support a big ass, she needs some meat on her bone.Meaty PAWGAnd Virgo Peridot has meat on her bones. This white bitch must have been black in a past life cause that booty looks ethnic. To be fair, though, since big black ass came into style, white bitches have been pouring miracle grow on their asses. To...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Blast from the past part 3

I am now almost three months pregnant. It has been a crazy journey. I finally got my divorce after claiming to have had a drunken one night stand. Jeff bitched and told me I was a slut and a whore before walking out. It didn’t bother me though, I knew the truth, and it was worth it. Dom and Katie have both tried calling, but I would not have a clue as to what to tell them about Luke (the name I have picked for my little one.) So I have just ignored the calls assuming that they will...

1 year ago
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Alone With AllisonChapter 2

I was very hung over and as Mike packed to go away on another trip to the Houston office I wasn't much help. He was a good sport about it, bringing me coffee and aspirin in bed, but eventually I did have to get up and drive him to the airport. I just pulled on the most comfortable thing I had. I didn't even bother with a bra under my t-shirt. Ted ended up coming with us and I cursed him for being so hangover-free. That five-year gap really makes a difference. I just couldn't deal with...

3 years ago
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My late wife Renees sexuality

My pal from work, Brian, and I stopped off at the club fordrinks after work. A couple of drinks later I called my wife,Renee, to join us. She took a bit of time to get ready and thento drop off our k**s at all night day care. By the time shearrived at the club both Brian and I were in full party modeand the band was playing loudly. Tequila sunrises and dancing, laughter were the opening.Brian and Renee were dancing together more than I was dancingwith her. Later when I was sober I wondered what...

2 years ago
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Um Negocio Lucrativo Portuguese

UM NEGÓCIO BEMLUCRATIVO Geraldo AntonioLelis de Freitas UM OSimca Chambord estacionou na Pracinha do Araçatuba Clube, aquela doColégio das Irmãs, vizinha da Praça 19 de fevereiro.Carro novo, cores tradicionais de vermelho e amarelo, linha impecável,conforto até exagerado. No radio tocava Neil Sedaka, "You mean everythingto me", sucesso romântico. Olocal estava deserto. Deserto era modo de se dizer: alguns carros passavampelas ruas Duque de Caxias e Carlos Gomes. Um "biribeiro" gritou um...

3 years ago
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Bad Carbon Copy

Bad Carbon Copy By Angie (kitn) Hughes There she was. Standing in the mirror in front of me in all her natural beauty. The most beautiful girl in the world. So, why wasn't she smiling? I looked down at myself, curves like a two-by-four, breasts just barely more rounded than a sheet of paper. The... thing sticking out from between my legs, pointing up at me like it was trying to remind me of its existence. I looked back at the beautiful girl in the mirror and...

1 year ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 13

The next few days were spent keeping Harry alive and getting rid of the toxins in his system. For a full day, Harry suffered from hallucinations claiming on several occasions that he was surrounded by rattlesnakes or other dangerous animals. Susan spent a lot of time by her husband, reacting in fear each time he made a claim about a snake thinking it was true. It wore her down spiritually and emotionally. She wanted to ease his pain but there was nothing she could do. Ed and Kim took turns...

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Dead Girls Dont Cry

Dead Girls Don't Cry All Souls Day 2008 Story Contest By Maggie Finson All Souls Day kind of sneaked up on Walt Hynes. With a soft, but insistent knocking at his front door at three AM. Turning over in his bed, unhappily without a partner, Walt groaned, stared at the bedside alarm clock and winced as the knocking at the front door got not only louder, but even more demanding. "All...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Sexy Bhabhi

Hai!! Readers!! It was happened with me before six months. And i would like to share my hidden sex story with you all! Kindly bear with me for an hour! First let me introduce myself I’m Mr. X wit good height, slim fitness body n a cute face. Ever i saw a girl who did not gaze at me, still i was very innocent from my childhood! But one situation made me so pervert now i could not sleep at nights! Let me start the story with simple n understandable words- I have an elder brother who got married 2...

2 years ago
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The Big Wank

That was the name they gave it! The regular hen party that Sandy went to, so to speak. It was really a race meeting.As a teenage male I was no stranger to the feel of my hand on my shaft. Ever since that magical day when my balls dropped I'd wanked and wanked. Its a wonder I didn't go blind, good job the school myths weren't true! What I wasn't familiar with was the feel of a girl's vagina around it, even at the age of eighteen. A couple of girls had watched me wank around the back of the...

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My Wife Does It Again

I had been wanting to see my wife give a blow job to another guy. I finally talked her into doing it for me one time. We had found a 27 year old hunk who also had a very cocky attitude. My wife ended up fucking him instead. My wife is in her late forties and has a pretty good body for her age. Please check profile. She didn’t at first want him to fuck her but things got out of control and it happened. Please check out my previous story for what had happened. He started sending emails to us...

1 year ago
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We are old friends and very comfortable in each other’s company with similar tastes, especially when it involves men. I am a size 12-14 honey blond, still with a very good hourglass figure and Mai has a similar well kept body. I arrive mid-afternoon and we have lots to talk about. “Would you like to join us in the spa? Naked of course,” Mai asked after a relaxing dinner. Their spa is luxurious in a landscaped under cover area. “Would you like me to help you undress?” Max asks teasingly. He...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader Audition 1970 style

Mary Beth was eighteen, just out of high school, pretty as a picture, perky little tits, rosy red lips, hardly black at all considering her dad was black as O’Barma, and she was just so thrilled when I asked her out and suggested she was cheer leader material. She wasn’t exactly girlfriend material, no great shakes in the brains department, no style, no sense of humour really, so her best chance of going to uni was a scholorship. I suggested she try out for the cheer leader squad and she...

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Schoolgirls DisciplineChapter 3

Mrs. Grotten marched Cindy out of the dorm and up the dirt road to the administration building. It was a warm summer afternoon, but Cindy had broken out into gooseflesh, and the shapely teen shivered in fear as Mrs. Grotten cursed her and gave her tight, teenaged ass a good whack with her riding crop. "Turn left, you little pussy-eater!" The crop found Cindy's ass again, sizzling into the soft flesh of her asscheeks, which was just barely exposed beneath the hem of the girl's...

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