TandraChapter 56 free porn video

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"You shot them. Just throw them over your shoulder and we can take them home. I will take the pack and your rifle."

Tom could see the logic of that, and knew that Jim was not putting him on. Throwing the pack to Jim's feet, beside the rifle, the small Tandra positioned the two males, and picked them both up at the same time.

They started back to the falls, to see one of the godough, looking out of its den, trying to figure out what was happening. Jim projected, "Just taking them home, so they don't get eaten."

A reply seamed to indicate disgust, and the animal returned to its own home.

Jim went first this time, walked across the clearing and into the rocks beside the falls. Stepping carefully, in the dark area, he came up the small path. Because of the sore right shoulder, the two packs, and both rifles, he stumbled, on a slippery rock. As he sank sunk to one knee, a large log, with stone spear head embedded in one end, crashed into a large rock, just where his chest would be.

"Stop!" He cried.

Tom dropped the two Tandra, and advanced, to see how he could help. Tom picked up his rifle as he advanced to Jim's side. The cave had a small entrance that led to a much wider area further back. Just as they were preparing to rush the frightened people behind the rocks, Jim remembered his time chasing down Tandra, in the Umal Mountains.

"Tom, try to get through to them that we are not going to hurt them. Tell them, that their men are out here, and not hurt. I better go, and drag them in before they drown."

Tom concentrated hard, and took his time to explain himself as he would to a child. The first thing he tried to get across was the fact, that he too was Tandra. Behind him, he felt Jim drag each of the males into the dryer area, right before the cave.

"Tom, you better go in first. Just drop your invisibility, and look out for traps. The last one might have overloaded my shield."

"Ok. You better come in while invisible, right behind me."

"Anything you say, lover."

Tom verbally told the hidden people, that he was coming in, and at the same time looked for any traps. His enhanced sight, showed him the two women, and the two older children, with rocks clutched in their hands, ready to defend themselves, as best they could. In the far corner, the children peaked over the tops of rocks, to see what was happening. A small, almost smokeless fire, cooked some fish, and gave out some light. What smoke there was, drifted out, and into the flow of water.

Tom stopped, and with his hands outstretched, and the rifle in one hand, slowly turned around, to let the people see that he was a Tandra, even if he was covered in odd clothing. Their stance did not change in the least.

"Tom, the fish is burning. Turn it over."

Tom looked at the fire, and did as he was asked. "What now?"

"Go back, and get the males, and put them against the far wall. Then get the packs. These people look like skin and bones."

Tom did as he was asked, after setting his gun to safety, so no other could use it against him.

The first male was dragged in, and when he went for the other, one of the females ran over to see if the male was still alive. When Tom came back, the woman stood in a better position with her rock, and watched as the second male was laid beside the first. When Tom had the two packs, he just sat close to the fire, and opened the first. A wafer, in a metallic like wrap, held enough energy to feed a Tandra for a whole day.

Still trying to project his thoughts, he only found terror, within their minds. It was difficult to even read their thoughts, never mind transmitting thoughts, to them.

Tom now tried again to speak the local dialect, and still the people were almost petrified. After ten minutes he said, "Jim, they are too frightened for me to get through to them. Do you want to give them a light stun, to get them to sit down, or do you want to give it a try?"

"The stun idea is best, I think."

Jim's gun came up, and it was mentally set to its very lowest setting. A quick spray, as the focus of their attention was still on Tom, brought all four to the floor. The one on the end, got less of the stun, and would be the first to awaken.

Jim removed his invisibility, and walked into the cave. Both he and Tom helped put the Tandra into a more comfortable position, and removed the rocks from their hands. Jim twisted a small tube, and it immediately blazed brightly, as he put it on a small depression, in the top of a rock.

Tom took out the med unit, and ran it over each of the adults on the floor. There were many things wrong, and it took almost five minutes to start the proper corrections happening. The two youngest, were healthier, but not by much.

"Tom, are you going to get the kids? They are probably just as bad off."

Tom remembered the only time he was able to take care of a child in the lunar base. The boy had been his exclusively, for almost three years, till he was forced to leave. A few tears came to his eyes, at the double occurrences.

The first child was about eight, and well able to run. The next was a little younger, and was quick too. Tom was able to grab both, and bring them over to his lover, and set one down. The other was retained in Tom's arms, while the one behind the rock, peeked out at the sight.

Jim knew that most Tandra were influenced by a Human's smell. It was something that was built into Humans by Tandra males, over two and a half million years ago. Jim dropped his shield, and picked up the older child, bringing it to his chest, he just held it so it could not get away, but was still able to move. Jim talked in the local dialect, and eventually the child in his arms quieted.

Jim broke off a piece of fish from the fire, and ate a small amount, then took another, and placed it in the child's mouth. Fear was still there, but it had lessened considerably.

Jim was startled, when Tom began to hum a children's song that he had heard, when he was a child himself. This, other than groans, was the only sounds that Tom ever emitted. The low tones filled the cave, and bounced back, as if a hidden chorus was accompanying him. Visions of native women singing to their children came back to Jim, from his youth. Some of the words he remembered were in Cree and he could translate some.

Jim took the fish off the flames, and the child stayed with him, as he put raw portions in their place. The other child came out, but stayed far away, to see what was happening. Jim handed Tom a large portion of fish, and he fed it to the child he was carrying. The child resisted at first, and then its hunger overcame it, and started eating. Tom sat beside his lover, and the two children could see, that neither was really restrained. Tom continued humming, and feeding the child, as Jim fed the one in his lap.

Jim turned the fish, and beckoned the last child over for a now cool piece. The child came a bit, and then stopped, unsure of what to do.

"Tom what is the gender of these kids. It is hard to tell when they are so young. They have no external genitals."

"That is because you don't know the Tandra very well. The one in your lap is a girl, and so is the one thinking of getting something to eat. The one here is a boy."

"How can you tell?"

"To be honest, it is a matter of looking into their minds. Girls are pushier, while the boys like to be taken care of, like the little one I have here," he said as he turned the child's face to Jim. "If you are unsure, you can put your finger, in the child's anus, and feel for something like a bone. Girls aren't as lucky to have one."

Both of the 'captive' children seemed to be happy now, and Jim shifted one over, while he dug into his pack, and brought out his wafer, that would represent half, of his daily requirement of energy.

The package was opened, and a small portion broken off. The child watched, as Jim placed it in his mouth and chewed. The taste was plain, but knew it was nutritious. The next piece went to the child's mouth, and she opened wide, to get her portion. The face showed a high degree of thought, as she tasted the strange food. Jim just pinched off another, and held it out for the last child. She came forward, and almost like she knew she would not be hurt, she put out her hand, and Jim placed the small piece in her palm. She backed up to make her own assessment, and then came forward for more.

Jim fed them a quarter bar each, and knew that they would soon feel full. He put the bar away, and picked up the med unit. He ran it over the girl on his lap, and found vitamin deficiencies, small bone breaks, a multitude of various diseases running through her system, and a deformed palate.

Since the child on his lap was not hurt, by the big stranger, the last was captured fairly easily, and the diagnostic unit showed the same thing, except, instead of her mouth, a small growth was on her lung.

Neither of the children tried to get away, as Jim pulled out a shiny blanket designed to keep him warm in a colder environment. He placed it around the children and brought out the cleanser and used it to remove deeply embedded dirt, from their faces and hair. Before too long, he had each clean the other, to make a game of it. The children marvelled at the device in their hands. Tom's child got up, and was cleaned too, and had his turn doing the others.

A groan startled the children, as they remembered their mothers in the pile, close to them. Jim knew the adult males would be out, till the morning. The children backed away from their new friends, and went over to the females.

Jim continued with the cooking of the fish, and set some out on a plate from his kit.

A woman put her hand to her head, and then remembered what had happened, and pushed her feet into the floor to get further away. Her frantic eyes flew around the unaccustomedly bright room, and found the children free, and very clean. Her frantic voice ordered the children to hide, and she waited as they did what she ordered, wondering what was to become of all of them.

Tom said, "I believe that you will have to order her to do as you want. She, and all her gender here, follow the dominant male."

"What should I order her to do?"

"Jim, I love you, and I have to tell you, that you must have sex with her. From my own experience, it will put her at ease, and it is the fastest way I know, to interspecies understanding. Just remember, you belong to me."

Jim thought about the matter, and after digging deeper into Tom's mind, knew he was speaking the truth. "Ok, I will give it a try."

Jim stood up, then phrased the words in his mind, and tried to act as if he would do what his words would indicate. "Female, come here now."

The woman was torn. The size of the male was fantastic. He would be very powerful, and able to beat her easily, if not kill her.

"Female, I said now. Do you want me to come over there, and drag you here?" Jim was not too sure now. If she would not comply, he was not going to push her any further. He was not a rapist.

Using just his finger, and a gesture, the woman slowly came over in a crouching servile posture.

"Sit," he ordered in his best commanding voice. When she complied, he used his hand to raise her head, to see what she looked like. She was very beautiful below the dirt, and bruising, just like Tom was.

"Turn around; I am going to mount you."

The woman quickly did as she was ordered to do so many times before.

Jim reached into his pack, and removed a bottle of lubricant. The woman was far from clean, and in fact smelled. Some was fear, and the rest was the accumulation of dirt since she was born. Her short bath in the stream, had not done nearly enough. Bracing for the first touch, he stopped, and could not do it. The cleanser came out, and went over all of her exposed body. His hand went underneath, and cleaned as much as he could get.

The woman trembled at the unusual feeling, and waited for the quick pain, and then the male would be finished. Instead she felt his slippery hands poking around both of her entrances. Was the male blind, and did not know where to go? Perhaps he did not know what to do? But that would be foolish. A child had sex, and from an early age. Oh! Finally he was in. No it was his large finger. It was going in and out. It never felt this way before. There was no pain. Oh! Her clits were rubbed. Only a woman would do that to her. Oh! Another finger in another opening, and both slipped in easily, with no pain.

Jim watched the woman stroke back, onto his fingers and contented himself to just make her feel good first. His other hand reached around, and grasped the long urethra, that had grown with the woman's excitement. Stroking it slowly, in time with the fingers, that plunged into her depths, about as deep as her males' members would. The woman could not control herself. She came, and came again, on the invading digits, and never knew a male to do this for her before.

The woman fell forward, but Jim's hand held her butt up in the air. "Female, do you want me to continue? If you wish, you may go back with the others."

The words were clear in the woman's mind, but the meaning was beyond her. Was the male offering to do nice things to her, or was he just finished?

"Female, do you want to get fucked, or go back with the others?"

She knew she must answer. The male always got what he wanted, but never was she allowed a choice. The feelings she got were beyond most of her couplings, and only Fonza, the younger woman on the floor was able to make her feel so special.

"Take me, master," she said in her speech.

Jim was shocked at the answer. Not at the choice, but at the choice of words. But it stood to reason, when a female was so far down the leadership hierarchy, on this planet.

He stood, and removed his coveralls, and put them on the floor to protect his knees. The female did not even turn around, for this was none of her concern. Jim looked at Tom, and stroked his cock, to get it ready. He still was looking at Tom, as he slowly sank down and into the female.

The female had never felt something this big before, except when she gave birth. It went in and out slowly, and then went deeper, so deep. Never before had she felt something like this. It went in deeper still. When was it going to end? All the small nerves in her vagina fired, and did so again, as her eyes rolled up into her sockets, and she collapsed at the intensity of the orgasm.

Jim was still on his knees with his dick pointing away from him, and the woman was completely out of it, just like Tom did most of the time. Tom was breathing quickly, and Jim knew he would love to relieve the pressure, but it was not his way to ask now.

Jim shook himself and came back to the present. After grabbing the blanket. He stood, and in a clear area, laid it on the floor. The comatose woman was laid on it and Jim took the cleanser, and went all over her body again, to get everything he missed the first time.

Looking at the other three adults, he went over, and did the best he could, even the young male. They were all flipped over, and he did them as carefully as he did the children.

Speaking of the children, they were looking at the woman on the floor and probably wondering what I did to her. Hey their minds were much clearer now.

"Children," he said in a quiet voice, "she is just resting. She felt so good, that she went to sleep."

Taking the inflatable mattress from his pack, he placed it on the floor and lay down beside the woman. "Tom will you pick her up. This way she can do all the work herself, my shoulder is still sore."

Tom was concerned. The female could try to take his place, and perhaps Jim would like her more than him. It was also possible that Jim would find a woman to breed with, to give both of them some children. The best thing to do is watch, and try to do whatever he could, to make Jim happy, and this might keep him near the man he loved so much.

The woman awoke, and felt her vagina stretched to its maximum. There was no pain, but the feeling she felt, as she twitched, sent signals to her brain, that had never been this strong before. She cautiously picked up her hips and the sensation was more than she could take, and fainted away with the ecstasy of it all.

Her nose twitched at the scent. It was so strong, and so compelling. She had to have more of it. Then she remembered her vagina, and moved a small amount, and this time just avoided the climax.

Large hands came to her face, and she remembered the giant male. She wanted to flee, but could not, because she was ordered here or forced to be here. But that wasn't right. She felt so safe; she knew she just wanted to be here as long as she could keep this male. He would make the best father, for her next child, and worked to get ready to do her best to drop an egg.

She moved more, and held the orgasm at bay. She needed to get the male to shoot into her. What was wrong with him? All males pushed in a little, and then in a few seconds, shot their juice, into the female. Why was she in this unnatural position? She should be on her knees. Could the male have something wrong with him? It might be fun to try to get him to shoot. She had never heard of a female doing it this way before.

She sat up more, and thrust her hips forward. The rough feeling of fur around her opening almost pushed her over the edge. She had to stop and relax. More thrusts and the man only looked into her eyes. They seemed so deep. She built up a lot of sweat trying to milk the man of his seed, and she could not do it. Her next child would be the strongest on the entire planet. So big so strong.

The woman had her last orgasm. It was very strong, and she collapsed on Jim's chest.

Tom in the mean time, had taken the children to the falls, and got them to pee and shit. This was their usual practice, even if it was unhealthy to do this in the water. On the way back, they watched the woman still in the throws of her orgasm. Tom took the unconscious woman, and placed her on her bed, then took the children, and placed them all around her. Before leaving, he gave each child a small lick on the cheek, before putting his blanket around them.

Jim was still on the floor, and the most important part, was pointing up. Coming over he removed his shield and coveralls, before sitting down. He let a groan out, as he felt the phallus enter him. This is what he waited for, all the time. At least, he was more used to this, and could last longer than the woman.

The orgasm started immediately, and Tom frantically flexed his legs and arms to bring his pelvis into as much contact as possible. The time was too short and he managed to get only a few more thrusts, before his body gave out and collapsed on his lover.

Jim did not know what to think. Tom went at their lovemaking in a methodical way, and would try to pace himself. This time he seemed to be much more worked up than usual. Prying into his mind, he saw some of the reason. The female was now a competitor, and Tom just tried to do his best, to get him off, but the method backfired. Now he was stuck with a stiff prick and no home for it. Tom wouldn't mind, but it seemed such a waste.

Jim's hands held Tom and moved his ass to provide stimulation and this was close to jerking off as he could come, with another person. A groan was heard from the pile of unconscious Tandra. But not one of a sore head, but of one in need.

A name came to Jim's mind, Mona, the same as the English name. She was the younger adult woman. And the mother of one of the children hiding behind the rocks. She had feigned unconsciousness, but was still stirred up by the sights, and sounds of her friend Fenna's orgasms. Jim grinned, knowing now that this band of Tandra could be talked to with his mind, but just needed time to acclimatize to the other brain.

Lovingly pushing Tom to the side, he said verbally, "Mona, get over here now."

The woman stopped dead, not knowing if she was found out, but wondering how her name was known.

"Mona, now. I have a hard cock, and need you. Get over here." His voice was as gruff, as he could make it, and figured the woman would comply. Sex was no big thing, and he figured he was the alpha male now.

Same as Tandra
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Dana's turn: I was very wary. Gramma had just turned me over to a nice lady at the school board office. I was here for an assessment. Actually, they already have some idea that I might be just a little bit ahead of the game. It's part of a program run by a university to identify 'talent'. I giggle. I took their test. It was the ACT. Possible composite score was 34. I was in the seventh grade. Got a twenty-eight. That was astounding enough to get me conversations with counselors. I...

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Two Broken RoadsChapter 5

Laura wanted to pick up some clothes for our honeymoon. The weekend before the wedding, we all piled into Laura’s car to go to the mall. It wasn’t my favorite destination, but I was with my girls. We went to several shops and she wasn’t finding what she wanted. Finally, there was a store that held promise. Laura was trying on several outfits and coming out from the dressing room for my approval. I watched the girls and we formed a voting team for each pairing Laura modeled. She went back to...

2 years ago
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Was Used Left Unsatisfied 8211 Part 1

Hey everyone. Name is Usama. It is my first story so I’m nervous too so I’m 20 years old and physical disable as I have this disease that makes my body shiver itself I am in second year and about to the end, I’m from Pakistan Islamabad, Muslim, I am normal guy slim and have 7 inches cock also straight, Gays,Transgenders stay away please! I have been reading ISS since 18 so thought to share my incident. I have 2 elder sisters and parents, My dad is retired Brigadier from Army and Mom is...

2 years ago
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Erotic Fiction Story

My erotic fiction story Hi Verysexycpl69. I hope you enjoy my sexy fictional story.Regards, Rick. In early March of this year, I was in Las Vegas on Business. I was at the Stratosphere, attempting to renew a service contract, for parts used on the amusement rides located on the top of the building. At the end of the business day, I decided to get some dinner, and relax a little, in the city that never relaxes. I was at McCall’s eating a steak, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar...

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Demons to SlayChapter 6

The plaster was removed from my leg after the appointment at the hospital, the Doctor professing satisfaction that my healing was coming along nicely. They put a support on the lower leg and recommended gentle exercise to build up the wasted muscles. My new car was delivered courtesy of the insurance and I planned to leave within a few days. I hadn't reckoned with my two nurses though, who together and separately vetoed my idea. Angela going as far as stealing the keys and hiding them,...

3 years ago
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A Witch Jumped into my Body

A Witch Jumped into my Body by Terry Hansay Introduction: Witch Mary loves transforming teenage boys into young girls, loves controlling the boys and "guiding" them into femininity. She has the powers to "jump" inside a boy's body and take control of his every movement, including making him speak the words of her choice even if he is unwilling. The boys can think, but that is all. She controls every word and movement. She gets excited by slowly...

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First Time for Soccer Girl

Jean and Guy Roma laid in bed discussing their teenage daughter, Vicky. They were concerned about her welfare. She had just turned 18 and was a very pretty girl, but very shy and not comfortable with boys. She was much more comfortable with girls. Her mother wanted her to be popular with the boys like she was in high school. Her mother also worried that she might end up gay if she did not learn to enjoy the company of boys. Jean, told her husband that Vicky need an experienced male to teach...

4 years ago
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Office Discipline

She was very conscious as she walked that he was standing behind her watching her back as she walked. Not only her back but also her bottom and legs. She was conscious that with the tension in her leg and buttock muscles from wearing high heeled shoes and the black pencil skirt the hem of which was an inch or so above the knee, he would be able to see the panty line across her bottom" but that was the least other worries for he'd soon see far more than the suggestion of the line. She...

4 years ago
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First Time With KathyChapter 10

(conclusion of this part of the story!) Daylight stole across my face, awakening me. I took a moment to orient myself, cataloging arms clasped around me, Kathy’s soft breath into the side of my neck, and her firm breasts pressed into my flank. One hand was clutched, possessively, about my morning wood. As delightful as that was, I had pressing business to attend to, involving my presence before a certain porcelain bathroom fixture. I scooted closer to the edge of the bed, and then...

2 years ago
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Anupama Kulkarni II

Hi, it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. Your overwhelming response to my experiences and comments have made me bare all my secrets, one after the other. Thank you all for the good ratings and mails that you people gave me for my earlier postings. This is one such experience which happened in 2007 while my boss humiliated me in a conference in Pattaya. I hope you all Remember the story Anupama Kulkarni my Boss. Yes its about her only. Anupama was my boss while I worked in...

2 years ago
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Nicole n Katie

I was finally trying to control myself, when all of a sudden, i feel Katies hand on my thigh, moving up close to my panties. I jumped, startled. And i layed on my back, looking at her. "What are you doing, Katie?" Katie, turned beat red, looking away from me, "Im sorry, Nicole, you just looked so beautiful. And i couldnt help myself. I wont do it again." Then, for some reason, i go so turned on by it, i looked into her beautful eyes, kissing her on the lips, hard. I then climbed on top...

3 years ago
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My Brothers RevengeChapter Six

I must have been more tired than I thought. I slept straight through from about eight in the evening until after nine in the morning. I woke up confused for a moment. Something didn't seem right. And then it all came flooding back. I lay there crying quietly as horrible images from yesterday flooded my mind. As strange as it probably seems, the worst, the most humiliating images were not of losing my virginity on camera in my living room or even of the gang rape at Paul's house later in...

2 years ago
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Craft Faire LoveChapter 10 Shows over Jessi goes on with life

Whew! Finally Sunday afternoon and the show is winding down. We're not taking any more special orders for this show and there's four weeks until the next one, so any customs we have for the next show can wait. We need a rest, and I plan on resting! We won't know for another couple weeks if Jessi is pregnant, but I have to tell you, if I had to predict right at this moment which is 4 days after the fact, well we've made love a few more times since, but if I was a betting man, I'd bet...

4 years ago
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My Wifes sister

My wife Karen and her sister,Karol are only 11 months apart so they are very close but lived very different lives.They along with their brother are all sex addicts.They all are swingers,nudists and exhibitionist,Karol and Pat being the worst.My wife went on to earn a degree while Karol dropped out of high school and lived a life with d**gs and booze.Karol ran with a biker,hippie type crown and got in a lot of trouble,so at about 30 she decided she needed help. She moved back in with her mom and...

2 years ago
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Seduction Of My Aunt

By : Sateesh2348 Hi to all ISS readers, his is Satish again. My introduction to the new readers I am Satish with fair skin, 5’11” tall having a strong body other descriptions can be found out personally. It was great feeling to get lovely remarks from ladies for my earlier submissions please feel free to send your remarks on my e-mail Id please meet me on Read my earlier submissions mission and Seduction of Young Lady in the train and please comment on the incidents I enjoy the sex with ladies...

4 years ago
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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 9

It was as if nine months hadn't separated them. As soon as Sarah entered the room of the Holiday Inn in Manhattan, they embraced. The embrace turned into kisses. The kisses moved to the revealed parts of the body as they stripped each other. Mostly Melissa stripped Sarah because Melissa had worn only the hotel robe. Soon they were naked on the bed, pressing swollen and leaking pussies together, fiercely kissing. The pressure of clit on clit squishing brought them both to climax. Panting...

2 years ago
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Empty My Balls

Saturday morning was beautiful and the breezes coming through my bedroom window were cool and inviting. Next to me was a hunk of a man with a hung and heavy cock. I felt his hard cock up against my backside and a shiver of heat ran up my spine. I moved in position as this hunk was sleeping like an angel. I turned around to see his cock shoot straight up as if it were reaching towards heaven. My nipples began to protrude through the sheets and I wanted this heavenly cock in my watering,hot...

4 years ago
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Noticing (c) 2009 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial- No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it unmodified on any noncommercial site or list. ----- "Alex," I said, and paused for a moment, seeking the most diplomatic way of pointing out what I'd noticed; "you're really... buxom." "Yes," she said, glancing my way. "Have you just noticed?" "Actually, yes," I said; "and......

4 years ago
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Relaxing Hike and Swim

The mountains and forests of New Hampshire are beautiful in the summer. We had been enjoying the sights and activities of the White Mountain National Forest for the last four days; hiking, exploring, and kayaking on the streams and trails around the little town our  B&B was in. The trip had been somewhat last minute, a week away without any kids or job distractions. The hiking was especially nice up there. Whereas at home, hiking in any location meant crowded paths and not always pleasant...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Coaching Clinic Part 1

Coach Tim was one of the most sought after coaches in the league. All the parents wanted their girls to play for Coach Tim. He had a great reputation of being a fair coach, that won and played everybody and all the girls that played for him had a blast. My youngest daugter Sandi starting playing for coach Tim 2 years ago, when she was 10. She loves him -- she is always so anxious to go to practice and cannot wait for games on Saturday. She and her best friend Lisa have been inseperable...

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The Adventures Of The Sicilian Twins

Don Luigi sat uncomfortably on the unpainted weather-beaten restaurant chair intended for the sheep-like tourists that crowded the seaside during the high season for travel.His domain was well-situated on the leeward side of a deep and protected bay that boasted a long stretch of fine white sand seldom seen in those parts. He stretched his arms and lifted his impressive haunches from the far-too-small chair taken from the stacked multitudes that lined the unshaded villa beachside dining area....

Straight Sex
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1 the red haired girl

Kaede gulped down yet another glass of vodka, breathing out as it returned empty on the counter.She felt like shit, and yet somehow her mood was enough to keep her sober. Being forced to get out of your house because your girlfriend preferred to fuck another woman isn’t something she expected to add in her to-do list, that day.Left with nothing but a little backpack containing the few clothes she owned, not counting the slim t-shirt that barely govered her giant chest, her denim shorts and the...

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Dost ki behan ko choda

Hi friend kya ap ko fakhar yad hai mai wohi fakhar ho or aj ap ko apni aik or real story sunane wala ho wo kehte hain k aik kam utni dair hi mushkil lagta hai jb tak ap karte nahi jb kar liya to dar khatm ho jata hai to kahani pe ate hain mera aik dost hamid hai wo or mai hamsaye hain ham dono bachpan se aik sath school akathe jate rahe hain os ki do behne hain aik ka nam bable or dosre ka nam naila hai ub dono ki shadi ho chuki hai ye aj se shadehe 3 sal purani bat hai jb naila ki shadi hone...

4 years ago
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Ashley part one First time with Miguel

Ashley walked through the huge ivory doors, again. High School was endless and summer was just around the corner, (plus a few million miles,) though as much as she tried to think of it as a prison, she couldn’t. With Miguel, her handsome, sporty boyfriend, and Jennifer, her wild, yet sweet best friend, school had turned into a retreat from her bad home life.     “Hey Ash,” called Miguel. He smiled and walked over to her at her locker.   They talked about a week ago;...

First Time
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Girlish DelightsChapter 12 Harem Life

Passing through a door at the far end of the room, they came into a large pleasant area, again roofed with frosted glass in which were gardens with terraces, pools and small gazebos which seemed to Princess Elaheh to tempt one to stroll or to sit and chat. The courtyards were bounded by the fronts of indoor pavilions with decorated eaves, beautiful tile work, and elaborate carved shutters. "Father, why is the roof enclosed? Surely it would be nicer to have this open to the air?" "Oh,...

2 years ago
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High School

This is my first writing piece that i have done.look out for the second one which will have alot more action in than the first one.This is not a true story it is purely based off my imagination. I was a horny teenager.At the age of 17 i was 63 with a althetically built body.The girl i liked was small at around 55 with a toned stomach and abs.Id been wanting to get to know her for a long time but i never had the balls to talk to her.Even though i was seen as a fun and bubbly character i was shy...

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A Mothers Journey

So I met an insatiable lady during my travels and as we increasingly became comfortable with each other we started sharing our personal kinks. One of our mutual fantasies was taboo family play. And she started confessing her feelings and attraction to her son. Below is her emails to me regarding what happened after months of talking about this. This is posted with her permission, and she's looking forward to the feedback. If this doesn't interest you, please move along to something that...

5 years ago
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Meeting Our New Friends

We were on the road again, Lisa and I, only this time not in the big truck. I had some time off and we decided to take a vacation, so we packed up my pickup, and headed west. We had met some friends on-line on Xhamster, and after conversations, we had with them, we decided to meet in person. And it was decided that they would head east, and we'd head west, and kinda meet in the middle. They were coming from out near Seattle, and we're coming from Sioux Falls. So we decided to meet in Bozeman,...

2 years ago
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a fantasy date with roger

I knock on Roger’s door, he answers and lets me in. he is wearing his wifes skirt and blouse. I ask to use the bathroom and return in a pair of white lace panties and a short skirt. roger is in the kitchen making a coffee, I stand in the doorway watching him. when he turns round he smiles his appreciation so I lift my skirt so he can see my panty cock. a bulge develops in the front of his skirt, I am happy he likes what he sees. we sit on the sofa next to eachother and he puts some transsexual...

4 years ago
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The First Time

Introduction: A girl named Christie gets her first orgasm. This is my first time posting. Se Christie and Erica were best friends. They always were together. Theyve known eachother forever, and knew their likes and dislikes. One thing Christie and Erica shared together was the love for historical romance novels. Ericas mother had a large collection of them and Erica out of curiosity always took them to analyze with Christie. Erica, always felt the need to share these stories with Christie. She...

5 years ago
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Sister.She was young. She was inexperienced. She was uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. She felt alone. She was sixteen. She was with her brother in his car but she felt alone. She was scared. She was barely dressed. They were driving. She had been challenged. She had accepted. Now what was going to happen?Brother had always hated her. He was home from college for the summer. He disappeared every Thursday evening. He was secretive. She wanted to know more. He dismissed her. What was the big...

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Mary MaryChapter 2

“Mary, Mary, quite contrary, Why does your pussy glow?” Mary had sometimes reflected on the irony of her name. Now in her later thirties, she was about to become “mar-ied”, something she had doubted would ever happen. The wedding itself was small, held at a friend’s house in the backyard. As expected, Sam and Hazel were the witnesses. During the reception Mary wryly noted that more than half of the males present had left semen in her unmarried pussy, and wondered how many would do so in her...

4 years ago
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Amma Nanna Dengulata

Na peru sai arun. Memu oka double bed room flat lo untam. Naku age 18. Naku late ga chelli puttindhi.Tanaki ippudu 5 months.Ma nanna peru somesh. Ma amma peru supriya.Tana age 43. Tanu chala sexy ga untadi.Oka roju nenu intlo unnanu.Eveng 4 ayyindhi. Aadukovadaniki bayataku vellanu.Aa time lo nanna amma intlo ne unnaru.Ne bat marchipoya. Adi teeskuni ravadaniki intiki vella.Bayatanunchi Chooste amma ni nanna venaka la nunchi pattukuni unnadu.Amma enti andi em kavali ani adigindhi.Daniki nanna...

3 years ago
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Gunsmoke Girl

Tim was stepping out of his favorite Irish pub, he was a bit drunk and frustrated. He was glaring at his cellphone, he put it in his back pocket. He had a message from his girlfriend asking him where he was, he responded that he'd be home soon. His girlfriend was denying him his preferred sexual outlet, but it was alright he could masturbate. He had no right to be angry, a relationship isn't entirely about sex. Except that without the sex, it's really just a friendship. Someday she'd...

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Intoxicated Love Making

Hi, Let me describe myself , i am 5.11ft tall, tough i have a normal body structure, my dick is 9inch.I am right now 18years old and this incident took place 6 months back on my 18th birthday with my cousin sister who is 4 months older than me. Her name is Celia (name changed). She has a good figure and she maintains her posture well. Let me describe her for you. She is 34-28-34. Her ass and boobs are worth dying for. We are for like close friends than brother and sister. She shares everything...

4 years ago
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My Dog My Lover

It was a hot and humid late summer night. The window was down in the Uber that was taking me home from a long night at the local bars. I have always loved the feeling of warm summer air in my face. The driver took an apparent interest in me and would not stop asking me questions. I normally welcome the conversation but I was drunk, tired and ready for sleep. He complemented me on my short light blue dress. The chest was mostly mesh (as the Uber driver noticed) and its color went perfectly with...

3 years ago
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How I Got My Job Part 2

I stayed on my knees, the three guys who were interviewing me stood around me in a circle. Looking down at me with dirty, satisfied looks on their faces, their cocks still semi erect. I spoke up in a pitiful voice, "Alan is my interview done?" They all chuckled for a bit before Alan replied. "We have to talk about that Katie." He glanced at the other guys, "Well I have to take a serious piss, you guys want to talk about Katie and her interview; follow me. And Katie, you stay...

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