PGADChapter 2 free porn video

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Ok time to explain, My name is Sam short for Samantha and I suffer with Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, a condition that means exactly what it says, it varies with different people and I don't suffer as badly as many others. My problem is I get sexually aroused by a variety of things, including car journeys, touch, any kind of vibration anything that raises my heart rate like a loud noise or a shock or fright, like in a film. Masturbation helps a little, but the only way I can get real relief is sex, on average twice a day, although, I try to get by with just once.

It happened about eight months ago, I was crossing a road when I was hit by a car, its brakes had failed. The driver and his wife got out and saved my life. They stabilised my neck and called an ambulance. I had head and spinal injuries, I was in a coma for over a week, my parents were devastated but eventually I came round. It left me with mild absence seizures, controlled by medication and my PGAD. It meant I had to give up my dream of a career in nursing, luckily for me my dad had an opening for me in his firm.

My doctor explained they couldn't treat me as they were unsure of the cause, it was either pressure on a nerve in my spine or the brain damage, and I would have to develop strategies to manage my condition. I tried masturbation, but that sometimes left me high and dry and casual sex, accompanied by alcohol, which was too risky. After a particularly bad night when I arrived home drunk with no underwear, semen in my hair and no memory what happened; I sat down with my parents and poured my heart out.

My parents were great, depending I suppose on your viewpoint. Together we came to two conclusions. Firstly I had to have frequent sex. Secondly I needed help to keep me safe. They resolved to help with both, mum looks after my encounter diary and dad makes sure I am ok, at least that's how it all started, now it's even more involved.

I work for my dads accountancy firm, apart form usual accounts and auditing, we specialise in forensic accountancy, which is to find out what happens to clients money when they can't find it.

The day started ok, I had woke up horny, but manageably so. I had a shower and came out wrapped in a towel to dry off in my bedroom. My brother John was standing in the hallway, waiting for the toilet when I came out, he stood wide eyed and I realised I was showing too much flesh, 'sorry' I said and walked into my bedroom hurriedly adjusting my towel. He nodded and walked past me into the bathroom.

I sat on my bed drying myself and thinking about the expression on John's face as I accidentally flashed him. Up until this second I had only thought of him as my younger brother, he had turned eighteen last week and was finishing school, like me he was hoping for a career in nursing. He had grown from a gawky teenager into a good looking man, without me noticing!

Downstairs I ran into mum, 'hi darling, breakfast is on the table.'

'Thanks mum, ' I replied, sitting down. As I started eating I looked across at her, I wanted to ask if anyone was arranged for today, but I get fed up asking all the time, it seems if I am whingeing, and I don't like pressuring her, she does enough for me. I felt guilty; after all, while all parents have to accept that their children will develop into sexual beings, not many have it so obvious and have to play such a big part in their daughter's activities. I feel guilty about my dad, but it was mums suggestion.

One weekend about three month ago, I was crying on the sofa in frustration, it was Sunday afternoon and I hadn't had sex in two days. I was talking about heading up London and getting drunk and picked up by someone. They calmed me down and went upstairs to talk, leaving me with a cup of tea and a box of tissues on my lap. I don't know what was discussed but an hour later; mum came down to talk to me.

'Darling, I have a delicate suggestion.' I looked up at her quizzically, still sniffing and scratching my arms like a heroin addict. (I think this is what tipped the balance in their discussion in my favour.)

I have discussed this with your father, and ... her voice dried, I don't blame her, after all it was pretty unusual what she was going to suggest. 'What mum?' I said. 'Darling, this is for you, we can't keep seeing you go through this, and we are both ok with this, we have discussed it thoroughly, we think this is a better option then you getting picked up by strangers, especially if you are drunk.' 'What' I said again, still a little dim. 'Your father will take care of you.' I looked down at my feet and whispered 'really?'

'Yes darling, when you need it and nobody else is available he will step in.'

'I need it now' I said still looking at my feet. She patted me on the shoulder; 'I know you do darling; he is in our bedroom waiting if you want.' I nodded, stood up and hugged her, kissing her on the cheek. 'I love you mum' I said.

'Run along' she said, I will watch TV down here. I kissed her again and went upstairs. I'm lucky really, my father has a high sex drive and is also one of the most honest and straightforward people I know. He can't lie and hates deceit of any kind. He wouldn't have done this without my mum's permission.

I knocked on their bedroom door and waited anxiously. 'Come in' he said quietly, 'are you ok?' I shook my head.

'Mum said you could help me?'

He nodded, 'if you want me to?' I looked down at my feet, 'I need it, I'm so sorry daddy I really am but... '

He reached out for me and held me stroking the back of my head, 'I understand, your mother and I have discussed this and we are both ok with it. Now how do you want me to proceed?' I reached up and put my arms around him and hugged him back. Dad, I'm so wet I don't need anything, just do me.' I started taking my clothes off and he slowly removed his shirt. By the time his shirt was off, I was naked and sitting next to him on the bed. 'Are you sure darling, ' he said again.

'Please dad, just take me.' I laid back on the bed. He stood up and removed the rest of his clothes, and stood by the foot of the bed, his cock semi hard, I think he was still a little hesitant about what he was going to do. I reached out for him and grasped his cock in my hand then I came forward on my knees and kissed then end. He groaned and I sucked the entire length into my mouth, his cock was in the back of my throat and I was nuzzling his pubic hair. He grew to full hardness and as it tried to get past my windpipe I pulled away and laid back down on the bed. 'Please dad, ' I said again 'take me.' With that he climbed up on the bed between my legs I grabbed his hips and pulled him forward. Grasping his cock I guided it into me and gasped as he pushed up into my pussy. Slowly and gently, he started to thrust into me like a tender lover I moaned with each thrust and brought my hips up to match each thrust. It was lovely but I needed more. 'Harder dad, please do me harder.'

'Oh honey' he said 'oh my baby, ' and began to thrust harder.

'More dad please, ' I begged, I knew I had to get dirty to get what I wanted. 'Fuck me' I said, he got wide eyed, 'fuck me hard, shove that fat prick up me, dad fuck the arse off me, give me your spunk anywhere you like, I will lick it up off my face, anything you like but do me HARD.' He snarled and almost took it out, then slammed it back into me. 'God' I screamed, as my orgasm started to build. 'Oh dad I'm cumming oh dad I'm cumming oh god dad, dad, daaaaaaadddddyyyyyyyyyyyy.' My orgasm raced through me as I wrapped my legs round him and clenched his buttocks. He thrust harder and harder bringing me to a second orgasm until finally he stopped and started to cum I felt his sperm pulsing inside me. It was a beautiful feeling. Exhausted we lay side by side on the bed. We lay thee for a few minutes holding hands staring up at the ceiling, afraid to make eye contact, when we heard a knock at the door.

'Can I come in?'

'Yes mum' I said. She opened the door and walked in holding two cups of tea. We were laying on the bed, dad with his penis sticky from me and a small bead of cum still escaping from the eye. I was on my back with his cum slowly leaking out of me. I thought it was weird at the time mum coming in with tea, but looking back I realise it was to show there were no problems with it all. She handed me some tissue which I used to mop up the sperm and then she took hold of dad's flaccid penis and licked it clean. I was gob smacked, you don't think of your parents engaging in anything sexual, never mind oral, and you certainly don't expect to actually see anything.

I finished my breakfast, trusting mum to arrange for me and said. 'I'm off to work, later mum.' We kissed and I walked off down the road. It takes me nearly an hour to walk to work, but I can't trust a car journey, for reasons I mentioned before. Work was the usual routine, I had two clients to see, lunch, some tidying up of an account, with a few telephone calls and I was off home (I only work part time). On the way back, I phoned mum. This had become a bit of a ritual, I was supposedly phoning to let her know I was coming home, I reality, it was to see what she had arranged for me. You might think it easy for a girl to get laid, but within my safety boundaries (well mine and my dad's) it wasn't, at least not all the time.

We chatted on my mobile as I walked the long way home about mundane things, slowly working the way around to who was having me tonight. Casually, I slipped in how John had caught me coming out of the bathroom this morning and he seemed to find me attractive. She didn't say anything, but I knew she would think about what to do. I was about to ask who was having me when she said 'Mark and Joanne want you to drop by.'

Mark and Joanne are the nurses who hit me, but it was an accident, brake failure in their car. When they found out what had happened they volunteered to help out. I say volunteered; they were a kinky couple, so it wasn't much of a hardship for them, or me. 'How am I getting there' I asked.

'Already sorted, I have phoned your dad, he says wait by the library and he will pick you up from there.'

'Ok mum, bye, love you.' I hitched my bag higher on my shoulder and walked on.

Ten minutes later I was at the library and sat on the low wall waiting for my dad. I noticed three lads playing basketball in the playground next to the library car park and idly watched them as they played. Two were black and one white, and looked about nineteen or twenty, and seemed to be enjoying their game. They were also good looking and I was enjoying watching them play. I checked my phone for messages and noted the time; I estimated that I had twenty minutes to wait. After a minute or so, they noticed me watching them and started showing off, performing tricks with the basketball, I laughed and clapped. The taller of the two black guys came over, 'Hi he said, don't mind them they are just fooling.'

I laughed, 'I was enjoying watching you.'

'Hi, ' he said, 'I'm Louis, are you waiting for someone?' he asked.

'My Dad he is due soon to pick me up.'

Oh, I wanted to invite you to a party, ' he said.

I smiled, 'another time, please I don't want to spoil your game. He shook his head, don't worry about them, ' he said as they walked up and joined him. The next few minutes was spent mildly flirting and joking with them, when my phone rang. 'Hi princess, ' said my dad 'I've got to refuel and there is a bit of a queue, so I will be a little late.

'Hey, ' said one of his friends, 'we can party here.' They all laughed. I thought dare I? I wasn't desperate, but the urge was there, after all it never totally went away. 'Maybe, ' I said, they all looked as if they had been slapped, after all they were joking, they didn't hope to be taken seriously and certainly not by someone willing.

'Look, ' I said boldly, after all, I didn't know them and there was no comebacks from them, 'I like this sort of thing, my dad is going to be held up so... '

'It's a wind up, ' said the white guy, who I later found out to be Aran. I looked around then at Louis; 'is there somewhere private?' he looked towards a shed behind the library and in the park,

I got up and walked off, with all three in tow behind me. A minute later we were at the sheds; the smell was awful as they housed large bins. I looked around for somewhere better, and noticed that the design of the park building that formed part of the library had a section that left an alleyway. I quietly walked down there and noticed that it turned left and stopped, leaving a small three walled area. I looked around; there was only one first floor window with a filing cabinet against it. The only ground floor window was frosted glass, probably a toilet. There were security cameras, but they were obviously broken.

They looked at me, trying to decide if I was still serious, I liked the way they weren't rude or aggressive, again realising that while I had guessed correctly, I had potentially put myself at risk again, which is why I needed my parents to control my needs. 'Ok guys, ' I said, it's got to be condoms, but I'm ok with oral ok?' they looked crestfallen, as they obviously didn't have condoms on them. I opened my shoulder bag. Don't worry, I've got some. They still hesitated, wondering if it was some kind of set up, while I took some condoms out of my bag.

'How old are you?' said Louis. I sighed, being small and looking young can be a pain. 'Nineteen, ' I replied. I reached under my skirt and pulled down my knickers, stepping out of them, I put them in my bag. I looked around and handed a condom to each of them. Louis took one and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He slipped his arms around me and we kissed passionately and his arms slid down to my arse, and lifted up my skirt.

With it round my waist, he had access to my cheeks and squeezed them gently. I gasped, the itch had now become urgent and I reached for his belt, undoing the buckle and then his fly. I pulled out his rapidly hardening cock and started to stroke it. Within a few strokes it was rock hard and I stepped away. The other two were either side of me and were masturbating. I grabbed their cocks while Louis fumbled with the condom and said 'slow down boys.' Condom on Louis approached me, the only problem was he was tall and I was short and standing up wasn't really possible. He picked me up and I gasped at his strength and wrapped my legs around his waist. Now the only problem was penetration without help, he was sawing back and forth against my pussy lips but couldn't get in and I don't think his friends were willing to hold his cock and guide it in. 'Keep still, ' I said and lifted myself up and away from him. Letting go of his neck with one hand I reached down and fed his condom coated cock into my wet pussy. I gasped as he slid straight up inside me. Then groaned again as he started to pump. I held on tight as the ride was starting to get rough and could hear the slap, slap noise as he thrust into me. Quickly I orgasmed and seconds later so did he. He gently lowered me down and I looked at the other two.

'If one of you puts your sweatshirt on the floor I will do doggy, ' I said helpfully. Aran took off his top and laid it on the floor and I knelt down on it. The other black guy (whose name was I found out was Marvin approached and I turned to him and said 'condom, ' he nodded and started to put one on. Aran was standing near my face hopefully so I licked my lips and he took the hint and slipped it into my mouth. I hollowed my cheeks and started to suck when wham, I felt Marvin's prick slam inside me.

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I skipped dinner rather than face them. I stayed in my office doing busy work. The bank accounts were fine. My investments were fine. I answered all the emails I had been ignoring. What did I need if eleven guys couldn't satisfy me? Was I just one of those assholes who was never happy with what they had? And now the boys thought I wanted them to leave! What kind a fool gets a harem and loses it? That was an easy one - a fool like me. The real problem was that those words kept wanting to...

3 years ago
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Ill Conceived

--- Ill Conceived (MF, mF, Mf, mf, nc, drug, 1st, impreg, inc, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- I found a box of old videotapes while looking for something to tape a show on. I couldn't remember what was on them, so put one into the VCR. I watched as it showed myself, in a nice shirt, stepping back after setting my video camera to record. As I moved further back from the camera I could see our bed and my wife lying on it, still clothed but clearly far from coherent, her...

1 year ago
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My most embarrassing sex encounter

This time of year always reminds me of my most embarrassing sexual experience. I was 21 years old and returned home for the winter recess of my junior year in college. The prior summer I met and hooked up with a very pretty (out of my league) Italian-America princess named Nicole. She was 18 petite (5’) with dark hair and greenish blue eyes with a killer body. She has been dancing since she was five and still taught dancing. She could always make me laugh with her wicked sarcastic wit. We were...

2 years ago
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Mistakes Happen

I like to write stories like this, but I'm no good at it. It's all in good fun I'm Gre9ory. My household consist of just me and my mom. It's been that way since as long as I can remember. I don't know my dad. All I know is that he's black. Mom never mentions him. She won't even tell me his name or age. My mom is a fat lady. She's both fat and not so attractive. I know since she's my mom, I should think she's beautiful, but she's a little below average. For some reason, she...

3 years ago
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Kates Transformation Part 3

Max was startled by Kate as she walked into the dressing room. “Kate, we're not supposed to see each other before the ceremony,” Max said. A voice suddenly came out of nowhere. “She came to see me.” It was Kyle, who was standing behind Max. Kate walked past Max and started kissing Kyle passionately. Kyle immediately lifted Kate up in the air with his hands gripped firmly on Kate’s behind under the wedding dress. He laid her on an elegant, waist-high boudoir stool placed against a wall and...

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Other Peoples Property

This is a story about sex, but it's not a sex story. So, right now I have 2 girlfriends. One of them is married, the other has a live-in boyfriend, and both are in love with me, but they are also in love with other people. The married one I've been with for several years (we will call her Amy), and the other (mmm... Sarah), I only met 6 or 8 months ago. Both are freaks in bed, both are brunettes, and both have to sneak around to see me. Oh, and both of them like to send me pictures of their...

3 years ago
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Saas ki chudai uske ghar mein

Hi friends, girls & sexy bhabhi’s mai aap ko sab se pehle main aapna parechay karta hoon, I am Roshan (name change) from Mumbai meri umar 32 saal ki hai, I am Married aur meri ek bacchi, aur mere saath jo hua hai who sab sach hai. Yeh kahani meri hai maine shaadi mere mummy ke sister ki ladki ke beti se ki thi main rishte mey uska mamu tha, aur meri Saas ka husband who mere door ke reshtey mein mamu lagta tha phir bhi humlogo ki shaadi ho gayi. Aur meri shaadi ko 1 saal ho gaya tha aur meri...

3 years ago
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The Magical Fruit

Who am I? That's a good question. It's one that even I don't know the answer to anymore. When was the last time I could recall who I really was? Hmm, I guess that would probably have to be about three months ago... Back then I was just an ordinary teenage boy. Well, I guess I wasn't completely ordinary. After all, who among us is? My flaw was my love of all things TG. What's TG, you might ask. It's simple: TG stands for transgender. On the internet, it's commonly known as "the process...

4 years ago
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Along Came Amy

Don't forget to enter your name for the main character's. Just click on the right side of the page (desktop) or the three lines atop the right side of the page (mobile) and go to 'Customize.' It was a day like any other in your mundane life. It wouldn't have stood out to you years from now, or even a week from now. If it hadn't been for that email. Such a simple thing. A quick greeting, a few sentences, and a bombshell that would change your life forever... You came home from work like any...

2 years ago
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Akriti Ke Sath Woh Haseen Raatein 8211 Pt 1 Shaadi Mein Mulaqat

Hi friends, mera naam Saurabh hai. Age 21, height 5.73″, slim body, size 6 inches. Main You.P. se hun. Aj kal Kota Rajasthan mein Allen mein medical preparations karta hoon. Kuch bhi ho, kitna bhi stories padhlo, porn dekh lo, lekin pehli baar kisi ladki ke sath enjoy kiya hua moment kabhi nahi bhul paoge. Aisa mere sath bhi hai. Main jyada bore na karte hue sidha topic pe aata hun. 3 saal pehle December ke time jab main 18 years ka tha aur 12th class mein tha baat tab ki hai. As you all know...

2 years ago
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Kerries Journey Chapter 10 Skyping with my husband turns sexual and offers new opportunities

In the days following dinner at Gemma’s I was in turmoil. I’d woken early the morning after the dinner in Gemma’s bed. She was on her back, her face soft with sleep. I lay beside her watching her before quietly rising, dressing and leaving her a note. I had to be alone. I needed to think.At home and in the cold light of day, I was frankly amazed at what had happened. I oscillated between feeling that I’d been a real slut and being highly aroused.The physical signs of the evening’s activities...

3 years ago
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Whats Love Got To Do With It Beths Story Part 2

After a restless night with little sleep, I struggled through my day at school on autopilot. Using Randy’s terminology, I was totally wasted. What I really wanted to do was go into a coma and sleep for a week, but I knew I had to go get ready for tonight. No matter how tired I was, bailing out on my first “free-night” was not an option. He wasn’t getting off that easy.I walked through the front door almost two hours later than usual, completely exhausted. Randy attempted to give me a kiss, but...

1 year ago
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OyeLoca Nikol The Hitchfucking Latina

Nikol is a sizzling latina hottie dressed in a leather jacket and Daisy Duke jean shorts. She is trying to hitch a ride, but nobody is stopping for her. She gets an idea which is to flag down a male driver of a car by flashing her tits. This actually gets someone to stop. She asks him for a ride out of this town and he lets her get into the car. She asks him what she can do to pay him back for the ride. He says he doesn’t know, but she has ideas of giving him a hot blowjob while he is driving....

2 years ago
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The Devil Asked Me to Do It

Hope you all enjoy this one. I wrote it some time ago back when I had some free time. Something I have very little of now. The Devil Asked Me To Do It Family, God, Country, Corps…All men should live by a code. You just heard mine and the order I live it. Family is a gift from God so they go above ALL. Any man worth shit would lay his life and happiness down for them. God is second. Live by his commandments, period. Some people, mostly religious nut bags, would have me burned for not putting...

3 years ago
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My friend Gary

My name is Tim, and I am a bisexual married man. I am a rather small man at five  feet six inches and only weigh 140 pounds. I also have a rather small penis. It is five inches and quite thin. I also really enjoy crossdressing.Today I invited a man I met online over to my home.My home is in a secluded community where neighbors don’t pay attention to what others do.Gary arrived right on time. I showed him to the bathroom were he could freshen up.Much to my delight Gary came out of the bathroom...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 19 Putting the Band Back Together

August 26, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Told you!” Clarissa laughed as she and I relaxed in my room after breakfast. “They sat with us at breakfast,” I said, then grinned, “So what?” “Even YOU aren’t that clueless, Petrovich!” “Just because Rebekah said she thought I fingered the frets expertly when I played the guitar?” “And she batted her eyelashes and flipped her hair. Short of asking you to fuck her, she couldn’t BE any clearer about what she wanted.” “Well, she’ll need to find a different...

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Family Indiscretions Ch 5

Dorothy Michaels sat in classes all day wondering how her mother was going to take her news. How was she going to tell her in the first place? Would she be open minded to something like that? Dorothy couldn’t help it. She figured that that was the way she was, and she had to accept it. Her mother would have to accept it also. ‘She could forget about grandchildren,’ Dorothy thought. Just because she never had sex with boys, was she a lesbian? Just because she was attracted to her best friend,...

1 year ago
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For Want of a MemoryChapter 14

Harper's review of cold case files found six cases in which there was either an attempted or actual kidnapping. Four of them contained DNA evidence. His next move was to ask the FBI to provide DNA samples from the Higginbotham brothers. "What are you up to now?" asked Agent Jefferson, who was frustrated by chasing what he now believed was a wild goose, concerning the "mastermind" of the Custer case. "I've got four cold kidnapping cases," said Harper, simply. "You want to stack the...

2 years ago
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RebelChapter 83 The Twins

The man was obviously frantic, nearly incoherent, but after we calmed him down the story spilled out. He had been to the market and when he returned to his farm it was crawling with Hessians. "They's strippin' it bare," he moaned, "takin' ever'thing." 'Damn shame," I said, shaking my head. "How many of 'em?" Lt. Foster asked. "Looked like twenty or so," the man said, "an' they got the twins." "The what?" I asked. "M'girls, my twins," he cried, wringing his...

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My Husband Asked Me To Fuck His Friend 8211 Part II

This is second part to my earlier story. If you like the story, post your comments on my mail or I was very happy to read that Suneetha finally had sex with 2 males outside marriage as per our wish. …I had succeeded in convincing Suneetha to enjoy sex without the boundary of marriage.. Next day I got another mail from Sudheer. It said, “I came to know everything what all happened these days dude. Sunitha told me each and everything. And guess what when she was narrating her sex deeds instead...

3 years ago
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He was maybe 5'7, he was more of a botterscotch in complexion and somewhat between athletic and muscular. His beard thick and a light low cut faded hair, or whatever you guys call it. It was obviously he had a recent hair cut, maybe 6 hours fresh because the lines were sharp. It wasn't my intention to have sex with him, it honestly wasnt. We were just meeting up to see each other because hey, pictures dont always tell the truth.Now, lets start from scratch, i initially met him on a dating app,...

3 years ago
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Dark ReasonsChapter 11

Justin walked down the long hallway that lead to the elevator in Jenna's apartment, his hands full of Chinese take out boxes. The smell that wafted up to him, spicy vegetables, sautéed chicken and beef, sweet and tangy sauces, made his mouth water. He could only hope that Jenna would accept this for what it was, a kind of apology for this morning, for making a fool of himself in her bathroom. Even though he'd never forget the way she'd felt in his arms, her petite form pressed against his...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 968

This one is compliments of Joe S The Boss The different parts of the body were hanging out, just talking about stuff, and the Brain said, “You know, I should be the Boss of this outfit since I do all the thinking!” The Hands immediately disagreed. “We do all the work! Not only that, y’all would get mighty hungry if we didn’t shovel food in your mouth! We should be the Boss!” The Legs spoke up. “Heck with all that! We carry the load! We want to be the Boss!” The Asshole said, “I’ll SHOW...

2 years ago
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A visit in the night

Chigaru entered Asim’s room like the predator he was. He knew what he wanted and wasn’t leaving without it. Approaching the bed he looked down at Asim’s sleeping form and smiled at the small snores he could hear. Asim was sleeping so peacefully. As he turned for the door Asim rolled over and opened his eyes.“Chigaru couldn’t speak as he looked down at Asim’s chest laid bare by the slipping sheet. He rolled over and sat up some making the sheet slip down even more showing Asim’s smooth...

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Seduced By My ExGirlfriends Mom

My name is John. I have always been a fairly well-balanced, healthy, All-American boy. Six feet, 185 pounds, athletic body, blond hair, blue eyes. Good family, normal relationships, all that jazz. When I was twenty-seven years old I met and became involved with a girl named Jen. She was twenty-two at the time. The relationship started off with a bang and was balls to walls all the way. She was a piece of work. After about a year the ride got a little too wild and I jumped off. I broke up with...

2 years ago
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Haunted by the Past Ch 07

Lynda Curtis had realized the night she almost took advantage of her best friend’s husband that she had to let go of her feelings for Charles Richards. She didn’t want to ruin her friendship with Diana. A little over a week later, they had let her know that she was forgiven. Diana had even made that crazy offer to let her kiss and touch Charles…as long as Diana got to watch! There’s no way I could ever do that… Lynda still found Charles sexy as hell! And it was hard to try to tell her heart...

1 year ago
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First Gang Bang

I've been married for twenty years now. We're very happy together.My wife, Lauren, is forty-two. She has auburn hair, a curvy body and huge breasts. She has a little belly now, adorned with beautiful stretch marks. They're kind of decorations that remind me of when she was pregnant. Pregnant sex was always a special interest of mine.Neither of us believe that women should shave; hair adds interest to a woman's body. Lauren's body is definitely interesting. I notice young guys looking at her...

1 year ago
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Mike and MeganTuesday

Well, we made it back to my place and got cleaned up. I remember putting our clothes in the drier and saying it would be a half hour or so, then putting on a movie, and watching a bit of the movie... then I must have fallen asleep. The next thing I remember is Lisa screaming "What the hell!" "Don't you ever knock?" I said, half asleep "No... you two had a good night, I see" Lisa said I remember thinking what? Then I realized there was an arm, across my chest... a female arm. I...

3 years ago
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Cock tease

Written as a fantasy….Like a lot of young girls, I like to dress like my age. This is nice as I can move freely and do all the things I like to do. It does mean that, sometimes I get attention from much older men, and women, while I am out and about. And I like this as, now I know, I am a ‘cock tease’. I didn’t know that I was one until I overheard a few men calling me that as I went by – so I looked up this online. Well, I knew about cocks, and I knew I was a tease, so I wasn’t shy about being...

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