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Secret Lives - Part 6 Joanne Foxcourt, 2005 Foreword Welcome to part 6 of my story about Melissa "Josh" Stevens. If you haven't read the first five parts (chapters 1-23), then you should because what happens here won't make a lot of sense otherwise. This is a work of fiction so any resemblance to persons living or dead, in whole or in part, is purely coincidental. All of the usual copyright rules apply, but this story may be posted freely on any site that does not require a fee for accessing it. Also, the usual rules about legal restrictions on accessing stories like this apply according to where you hail from. I hope you enjoy, Joanne Chapter 24: Back in the Saddle "So? How was it?" Marie demanded as Melissa fussed with her nametag at the counter. "My date?" Melissa smiled. "It's was fabulous!" "So, spill then!" Melissa related the events of the previous evening, leaving out her conversation with Lisa afterwards. Marie was grinning openly at what happened with Andrea. "That must have angered her a lot," Marie laughed as Melissa nodded with her own smile. "So, are you and Steve going out again?" "I hope so," Melissa admitted as she completed the opening of the main doors to the mall. It was early, so the halls were largely empty, though she noticed that older man from the newscast peering towards the store. "What do you think he wants?" Melissa asked, nodding towards him. Marie shrugged. "Who knows? He's a nut, I saw him yesterday." "He supposedly runs some organization that supports family values." "Have you ever noticed that family values always seem to include some form of bigotry?" Marie asked. "I guess," Melissa sighed. "I didn't really have much experience with them before now. I wish I didn't still." She suddered at the glare the man directed her way. "He hates me and I never even met him before." "Come on, ignore him." Marie pulled Melissa back into the store. "Lisa needs some help setting up the sweater display for the fall line. It'll take your mind off of it all for a while." Melissa smiled and allowed herself to be pulled back into the store. ***** "You did what?" Carla demanded. Lisa cringed as Sue added, "We agreed to keep it to ourselves!" "Melissa's one of us now," Lisa protested. "I hated keeping that secret from her. You know that she won't care about that, beyond being supportive." "Why now?" Carla asked, calming down a little as she realized that Lisa was right. Lisa had the grace to blush. "I got a little jealous of her, I guess," she admitted. Sue and Carla rolled their eyes. "In spite of everything," Lisa continued, "Melissa seems to be pretty happy that it all came out and she doesn't have to keep herself in hiding. I'm tired of hiding too." "Yeah," Carla whispered as Sue nodded agreement. "Are you going to tell your Mom?" Sue asked. "I dunno," Lisa replied. "Melissa thinks I should, but with everything else going on, it just seems like a bad idea." "Yeah, I think you should wait," Sue told her. "Then I'm still in hiding," Lisa noted. "Does that matter, really?" Sue asked. "I didn't think so, before. Now, um, yeah, I think it does." ***** "Hey beautiful!" Steve called as Melissa prepared to head out to lunch. "I thought I would join you, is that okay?" Melissa grinned in happiness and gave Steve a quick hug and a kiss. "Are you kidding?" She added. "I didn't want to leave you last night!" "Was it my wit, charm, or devastating good looks?" "All three!" The pair made their way to the food court and split up to get their selections. Melissa stood in front of the local salad and health food place sizing up the menu options when she felt the shove from behind. Whirling, she came face to face with Turner Davis. "What do you want?" She snarled at him. "Hello faggot," Turner grinned and flexed his hands, his two friends snickering behind him. "We don't like your sort in this town." "What? Human beings?" Melissa shot back. "Don't piss me off faggot, you'll just get hurt." "Trying to get another assault charge added to the list?" "You're pushing your luck," Turner warned. "No, actually, you are," Steve said as he spun Turner around. "You're annoying my girlfriend and that tends to piss me off." "Another faggot," Turner snarled as he shoved Steve's hand off his shoulder. "What's it to you?" Steve asked, sounding very casual. "Did you want to make something of it?" "Maybe I do," Turner replied as his two friends came up beside him. Steve just grinned at them. "We don't like your kind around here," Turner added. "Then we have a problem," Steve admitted. "I don't like bigots around here and I don't plan to leave." "Who you calling a bigot?" "You're stupid too! Put two and two together bright boy." Turner snarled and swung his fist rapidly, but nowhere near fast enough as Steve's left hand came up in a block just as his right snaked out in an open-palmed punch to Turner's chin. Turner dropped to the ground as his two friends looked at each other and then at Steve. "Rule number one, when picking a fight," Steve suggested to them with a smile, "is that you check to see if your opponent has a black belt in Karate." The two boys backed up into the hands of a couple of security guards. "What's going on here?" One of the guards demanded. "We were just coming to the food court to get something to eat when the carpet on the floor there decided that he took offense to me and my girlfriend," Steve explained. "That's not true," said one of the boys in the grasp of a security guard. "Actually, it is," said the manager from the salad shop. "I watched the whole thing and the young lady was doing nothing when those three boys accosted her. Then the one on the ground took a swing at her friend." "He's unconscious," one of the security guards noted. "Glass jaw," Steve shrugged and grinned. Melissa snaked her arms around him and looked at the security guard. "We just wanted lunch," she told them. "I work at the Regency and I'm on my lunch break." "Right," the guard replied. "Well, we'll take care of this from here. Enjoy your lunch." ***** "My hero," Melissa grinned as she fluttered her eyelashes at Steve. Steve blushed. "Karate?" Steve shrugged. "I got picked on a lot when I was younger, so my parents decided that it might be a good idea. Karate taught me a lot about myself and made me comfortable in who I am. I guess that's why I was able to come out to my parents. It also ensured that nobody at school would take issue with me being gay." "Did they? At school, I mean." "Not to my face," Steve grinned. "Actually, as far as I can tell, most people didn't really care and those that did, kept it to themselves." "I'm scared of school," Melissa admitted. "It's in the open now, they aren't all going to be like that asshole." "I want to believe you, but nobody staged protests over you being gay." "True, I guess," Steve admitted. "I don't really think it's about you specifically though. I think they're scared because gender seems so immutable and you're not fitting that mould for them and that's shaking their beliefs." "You're a lot wiser than you look." "Nah, I just think too much for my own good. I've been thinking about you a lot, you know." "Really?" Melissa asked, suddenly blushing as she felt an unexpected heat. "Yeah. I mean, women haven't turned my head before. Sure, I could look at a woman and think she was beautiful, but that was all. I wouldn't be attracted to her. I'm attracted to you though." "You know I'm not a complete woman yet," Melissa noted. "Yeah," Steve agreed. "You might as well be though and I'm certainly not going to suggest that you stop half way just for me. You're a pretty girl, but it wouldn't matter to me. Something inside you has me trapped and, for the first time I can remember, I'm finding myself thinking that being in a heterosexual relationship could be just fine." "You meant what you said to Turner? About me being your girlfriend?" "Uh, is that okay?" Steve asked, suddenly looking a little awkward. "I mean, I didn't want to put you on the spot like that, but it seemed like a good idea at the time." Melissa just kissed him. Chapter 25: Prosecution "That was massively stupid," Layton Harper commented as he escorted Turner Davis from the police station. "Our entire defense is based on you being surprised to discover that you had been tricked by Josh Stevens and reacting to the situtation. Assaulting him in a food court is not going to help us." "I wasn't thinking," Turner muttered. "That's certainly obvious. Look, Mrs. St. Laurant is paying my retainer, but I'm not going to continue this case if you can't control yourself. As it is, I'm going to have to figure out a way to mitigate this incident because James Draper is going to be all over it." "How can it be admissable?" "It goes to motive and casts doubt on your story. So, let me make this clear: you stay away from Josh Stevens and anything related to him. Understand?" Turner nodded. ***** "Tell us, in your own words, what happened," James Draper instructed Sue after she had been sworn in. Sue explained the events of that evening in the club as Layton Harper scribbled notes. "Did Melissa Stevens ever make any claims about her gender to the defendant?" James asked. "Objection!" Layton Harper called out. "Joshua Stevens," he stressed, "is a boy. My esteemed colleague is confusing the with name and pronoun changes." "Your honor," James responded. "Melissa has legally changed her name and is currently in her real life test. It is generally considered courteous to address her appropriately." "Overruled," the Judge decided. "If you could answer the question, Sue?" "No sir. Melissa made no such claim." "How long after the first encounter did the confrontation outside take place?" "A couple of hours, at least," Sue told him. "When you were leaving?" "Yes sir, we were tired of being glared at by Turner." "The defendant was glaring at you?" James asked. "All evening sir." ***** "You claim that Joshua Stevens never claimed to be a girl?" Layton asked. Sue glared at him. "Melissa didn't say anything of the sort," she said. "Melissa is Joshua Stevens?" "Objection," James called out. "Your Honor, we've already established Melissa's circumstances." "Agreed," the Judge commented. "Counsellor, I suggest that you avoid grandstanding tactics in my courtroom." "Your Honor, the termonology is prejudicial to my client," Layton protested. "At the time of the alleged incident, Melissa Stevens was Joshua Stevens. I'm merely working from that period of time." "I'll allow the name, let the record show that references to either Melissa or Joshua Stevens mean the same person." "Did anyone at the table claim that Joshua was a girl?" Layton asked Sue after favoring James Draper with a tight smile. "Uh," Sue hesitated. "Answer the question please," Layton instructed. "Well, Lisa claimed that she didn't have a brother, just a sister." "I see. So Lisa attempted to fool people into thinking Joshua was a girl?" "No!" "You just explained that Lisa claimed Joshua as a sister. Joshua is a boy, so that implies that she was attempting to fool people. Don't you agree?" "Objection! The counsellor is leading the witness," James stated. "Your Honor, I'm merely trying to establish the circumstances of the encounter." "Objection overruled, the witness will answer the question," the Judge instructed. "Don't you agree?" Layton reiterated. "No, I do not. Melissa is a girl and we were minding our own business." "Your Honor!" "What's the problem counsellor?" the Judge asked. "The witness is not answering the question," Layton stated. "I believe she stated that she did not agree." "She insists that Joshua Stevens is a girl." "I believe we have established that, yes." Layton sighed. "No further questions, Your Honor." ***** "Ms. Stevens, why did you refer to Joshua as your sister in the club?" Layton asked. "Melissa is my sister," Lisa insisted. "He is, genetically speaking, a male correct?" "Objection!" "It's a simple question," Layton insisted. "Your Honor, Lisa Stevens is not a qualified doctor or geneticist, she's hardly in a position to comment on the genetic condition of Melissa Stevens." "Sustained. Rephrase your question counsellor," the Judge instructed. "Joshua's body is anatomically male, correct?" Layton continued after a small pause. "So?" Lisa responded. "Answer the question." "Yes." "So, you attempted to deceive Turner Davis into believing Joshua was anatomically female did you not?" "No." "Logically, by referring to Joshua as your sister you were implying that he was anatomically female. Is this not the case?" "As I said," Lisa insisted, "no it is not. Just because Melissa isn't complete, doesn't make her any less my sister. Being a woman is more than just the sum of our parts. Or do you think a woman with a hysterectomy isn't a woman?" "Your Honor," Layton protested. "I want that last answer stricken from the record." The Judge shook his head. "I don't think so counsellor. While gender, itself, isn't on trial here, Ms. Stevens has raised a valid point." Chapter 26: Lessons in Hate "Reverend Barrons," the reporter called out. "May we have a moment of your time?" "Certainly," Reverend Barrons smiled as he stepped away from the small protest circling in front of the courthouse. "Reverend," the reporter asked. "Why are you staging this protest today?" The Reverend drew himself up. "We're here today to help prevent a travesty of justice from being carried out. A young man is falsely accused of a crime having been led on by the wicked machinations of Satan marching in the guise of another." "I assume you mean Melissa Stevens?" "Joshua Stevens," the Reverend stressed, "is being led astray by Satan. He is prancing about in the guise of a girl in order to tempt and corrupt the innocent. We're here to prevent that and, with God's help, return Joshua to His light." "By the innocent, you're referring to Turner Davis?" "A fine, upstanding, young man." "Are you certain of this, sir?" the reporter questioned. "Indeed. Young Mr. Davis is an excellant example of a god-fearing child seeking his way in the world." "Reverend Barrons, have you done a background check on Turner Davis?" "What do you mean?" the Reverend sputtered. "He's been arrested several times for possession of alcohol, assault, and various vandalism attempts. Are you certain that you're defending the right person?" "Joshua Stevens is an abomination before God! He will be consigned to Hell to burn in the eternal fires of damnation unless he relents this blasphemy and returns to the bosom of the Christ eternal!" "Indeed," the reporter commented. "Thank you for your time, Reverend." ***** Denise Stevens winced as she heard the thunderous declaration of the self-styled Reverend and retreated back inside the entrance to the courthouse. No matter which way she turned, she saw people trying to cast her child as something wrong, something perverted. Tears streamed down her face as she fled to the closest bathroom. ***** "Wow," Arlene commented as she stepped up to the sink. "That Draper character is better than I expected." Martina laughed. "Don't believe everything you see in the movies," she commented. "The District Attorney is usually pretty smart or he wouldn't have gotten to that position." "Yeah, well, if he keeps it up, he's going to end up having the court rule that the little queen is a woman!" "No, but it doesn't matter anyways. The twerp is ruined 'cause this is all over the press. That psycho Reverend my mother adores is playing it up outside as well. By the time all of this is done, the punk won't be able to show his effiminate face in this town." Arlene laughed as she dried her hands. "What about Turner?" "Who cares?" Marty shrugged. "Two-for-one if they convict him in my books." ***** Denise Stevens felt her heart shatter as she heard the two women in the bathroom. "So much hate," she silently cried to herself. "My child would never hurt any of them, why do they hate her?" Denise sat up suddenly, registering what she had just said to herself. "Do I mean it?" she whispered. Chapter 27: Lessons in Love The small collection of protestors looked down the street in unison as the sounds of chanting reached their ears. A much larger group approached, bearing signs proclaiming support for Melissa Stevens. At the front marched Steve Jones, bearing a sign that stated "God is Love and He loves Melissa too." "Satan marshalls his forces," Andrea shouted as the group tried to increase the volume of their chant. Reverend Barrons stepped in front of Steve as his group approached the steps of the courthouse. The reporters in the area quickly started rolling their cameras, anticipating a confrontation. "How dare you!" Reverend Barrons thundered. Steve merely smiled and raised his eyebrows. "You seek the wrath of God by daring to support that child of Satan!" The Reverend continued. "My God does not teach a message of hate," Steve replied. "You dare to instruct me? A mere child?" "Out of the mouths of babes," Steve grinned. "This child is misguided," the Reverend proclaimed. "God has made us in his image and to dare to change that image is a mortal sin against His will and His plan for us. Repent your blasphemy here child and God will forgive you." "No, thanks anyways. As I said, my God does not preach hate, you do. Perhaps it is you who should be repenting." "How dare you!?" Andrea hissed, coming to the side of the Reverend. "Reverend Barrons is a god-fearing, righteous, man and you are an open sinner!" Denise stepped back outside the courtroom and her eyes were also drawn to Steve and the sign he carried on his shoulder. She hesitated before making her way to the confrontation in time to hear Steve say, "You need to find a different faith lady if the only reason you behave is that you fear. Some of us do the right thing because we want to." "I won't take such filth from someone who lies with other men!" Andrea shouted and stepped forward to slap him. Steve merely shifted with the blow, his smile never changing. "Touch that child again," Denise said as she interposed herself between Steve and Andrea, "and I'll make certain that you're charged with assault." "The mother of the viper," the Reverend hissed. Denise pulled herself to her full height. "Proudly so," she stated. "I want to thank you for that, Reverend." "What?" the Reverend responded, taken aback. "It wasn't until today that my eyes opened to the vitriol of hate you've spewed against my child. My sweet, wonderful, child who would never harm you or anyone else. My child that never did anything to deserve this and, despite it all, has carried herself with more pride and dignity than either of you could ever hope to manage." Chapter 28: Reunited "Wow, did I just see what I think I saw?" Melissa asked as the news segment just ended. "Indeed," Judy smiled. "I must admit that it surprised me as well." "Should I call her?" "I think so," Judy agreed. ***** "Mom, I'm proud of you," Lisa said. Denise just smiled wanly. "It's too late, I think. I was being such an idiot and I couldn't see it," she told her daughter. The phone rang. "I don't think it's too late," Lisa commented as she looked at the phone. "Hello?" Denise answered. "Mom?" "Oh baby, I'm so sorry," Denise cried. "I never realized how wrong I was until today." "It's alright Mom, I forgive you," Melissa told her. "I love you." "I love you too, Melissa," Denise told her without hesitation. "Melissa? You mean that?" "Yes I do. I won't stand in your way honey. I wish more women had your grace and dignity, myself included." "Oh Mom," Melissa replied as she started crying. ***** "So, are you going home?" Judy asked as she gently wiped Melissa tears away. Melissa nodded and smiled. "I'm going to miss having you here," Judy told her with a smile. "However, I think it is important for you and your Mom to reconcile. My door is always open, you know that? I want you to keep your key. Come when you need to, as a refuge when it gets a little tough. Okay? Promise me." "I promise," Melissa swore. "I can't begin to thank you enough for what you've done for me." "Hush. I think we both benefitted." ***** "Welcome home," Lisa greeted Melissa as she struggled with the suitcase. "It's a good thing Mom cleaned out your closet!" "She what?" "The uniform was the first down the chute." Melissa smiled and then started crying again. "Come on, Mom is taking us out to dinner tonight. We have to get ready and you still have to unpack. Wait until you see the dresses she bought us." "She what?" "You have to stop saying that," Lisa grinned. "I guess I'm still a little shocked," Melissa admitted. ***** "You both look lovely," Denise commented. "I'm going to feel old and haggard beside you." "Nonsense," Melissa grinned as she took her mother's arm and guided her to the front door of the restaurant. They'd both shed a few tears earlier when Denise arrived home, costing Melissa more time in front of the mirror to repair the makeup job. "Where do you think Lisa and I get our gorgeous looks?" Denise laughed as they entered. ***** "Your boyfriend is really something," Denise commented as they sipped on coffee after the meal. "He reminds me of your father. Strong, determined, and always a gentleman. He's also pretty hot." "Mother!" Melissa blushed. Lisa and Denise laughed. All three looked at each other for a long moment before Lisa turned away, her eyes moistening. "Lisa, what's wrong?" Denise asked. "It's nothing," Lisa muttered. "Tell her Lisa," Melissa demanded. "No!" "Tell me what?" Denise asked. "If you don't, I will!" "No!" Melissa gave Lisa a hard stare before turning back to Denise. "Lisa's gay," she stated quietly. "I know," Denise nodded. "What?" Melissa and Lisa said that the same time. "I've known for a long time," Denise told them. "I think that's part of the reason that I resisted Melissa so much. I knew that you couldn't change being gay, but I thought that if I stopped Melissa from transitioning, then I would still have a chance for grandchildren." "Oh Mom," Lisa cried. "I still want children." "How? It does take a man, even now," Denise responded. "It doesn't matter though. It took a long time, but I realized that you two are the most important people in the world to me and so I still have a lot to cherish. I don't think I could have raised either of you any better, nobody could have. You both make me proud." All three started crying then. When they finally stopped, Lisa grinned at her mother. "There's still the turkey baster if I want to get pregnant," she commented, causing all three to start laughing as the other two took swats at her.

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When people enter a barbershop or salon the most extreme thing they think might happen is for them to leave with a bad haircut or styling, something that is annoying, but will grow out given time. 99 times out of 100 that is exactly what happens. However few people know there is a war, of sorts, going on and it is being waged by a secret cabal of salons, not on each other, but on everyday thought, everyday people. Some of these secret salons do what they do deliberately, others by...

3 years ago
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Secret Admirer

A Fairy Tale I was reading a three year old National Geographic about bats in Indonesia. Typical waiting room reading. I looked up and saw her sitting behind the reception desk. She was tall, maybe 5'9. She had a round face with pale white skin, nicely built. Her blouse was tight and molded itself to her body and left an inch of belly showing between it and her tight pants. The tight blouse molded to her body drew my eyes to her tits. The kicker for me was the red hair, long straight red...

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Secret Santa Stag

So, it was about time for the annual Christmas/Holiday party, and as usual, I was more than ready to participate. Of course, I was a lapsed Catholic, but a secret pagan side of me thought of it as Yule, which was the true origin of Christmas, anyway. Anyway, the parties tended to get a little wild at our company, a publishing firm where I was one of the rising young editors. Many of us were single young adults, and it was not unheard-of for a few people to get laid at the thing each year, often...

1 year ago
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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter six

Driving home in the car they were both laughing at the waiter’s reaction. He seemed completely at a loss and had no idea how to handle the situation. Dave looked across at his beautiful wife. “What do you think he’ll do with them?” “Well if he’s smart he won’t waste my cum and let them dry out. My bet is that he is in the bathroom as we speak making his cock slick with my sticky juices.” “Oh, Brit. That is so fucking hot. Another man using your cum as a lubricant. God damn!” “Well, I’ve...

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Secret lives Chapter 25

Suddenly the theatre went very dark as the screen, the only illumination in the place, went black. Moments later it went bright white before the film began playing again. “Shit! Everyone get dressed, now.” I looked around to see who had spoken; it was the girl who had been entertaining the guys when we first walked in. She looked frightened but I’m sure I looked just as confused as everyone else. “That’s the signal that cops are coming in, move it!” That sure got everyone moving. She took off...

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Secret Lives Chapter 24

We got to the theatre and purchased our tickets. The guy at the booth looked completely bored. When I asked him what movie was playing he didn’t say a word, didn’t even look at me, just pointed at a sign over to the right of the booth which advertised, “Gloryhole Goddesses”. We walked into the theatre and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. We looked around the place to find an appropriate seat. There were a few people in the theatre, maybe a dozen spread around. Some were...

4 years ago
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Secret Moments 1

Secret Moments 1 By Lorna Elizabeth Black Copyright - Lorna Elizabeth Black 2007 None of this work may be distributed as original by any other person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this work in its entirety and any credit is given to me as the original author. Any resemblance between characters in this work and persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Be also advised, some of...

2 years ago
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Secrete Sex

I was still in high school, I spent the weekend over at a friends home. I was afforded my own room and after eleven the family went to bed. i t was well after midnight, when I felt the bed move, thinking nothing of it I drifted back into deep slumber. I was startled by the weight of a heavy body climbing over me, as I laid prostate on my stomach. Suddenly I became aware of a massive blunt appendage probing my neither region.I tried to raise up when I heard the deep rough voice of my friends...

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Secret Affair With Team Member Dhanya

Hi Readers, This is Deep Roy from Kolkata, West Bengal. I’m visiting ISS in every Sunday’s & checking all the latest stories. From past 4 years I’m reading everyone’s stories which I would like, whether it’s a real or fiction story by the submitted author. But it’s made me hornier & gives me sexual pleasure. After all I thought why I shouldn’t share my real story with ISS which happened recently (after a long time affair) & this is my first story for all the readers. Now let me introduce...

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Secret Girlfriend

My Secret Girlfriend "So, off to see the woman you've stashed away again, Ken?" Barbara was always teasing me about my love life (or lack thereof). I'm guessing that married women feel they're entitled to know everyone's business for some reason. "Uh, she's not 'stashed away' Barb, just, well, she's a bit shy." "Is she really ugly, is that why you don't want us to meet her, Ken? We won't judge. Let's set up drinks after work, just to be friendly." Boy, she never lets...

2 years ago
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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter ten

Brittany was feeling a bit tender. She had cum more times in the last week than she thought she had in years and on top of that, her and Lisa had been anything but gentle with each other. But damn it had felt good though. She was smiling to herself as she started picking up her clothes. She loved the well-used feeling in her pussy and as she slipped her shirt back on she looked at Lisa who seemed to have the same smug smile on her face as Brittany felt on her own.“Lisa, that was......”Brittany...

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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter Nine

They sat down after ordering at a nearby cafe and began talking about their purchases. “So Rob wants to see you in a naughty nurse uniform, hey?” “He's got no idea what he wants to see me in, other than nothing at all. I like surprising him from time to time, though. He might come home from work sometime this week and I might decide that he looks a little ill and needs some special treatment from his naughty nurse.” Brittany laughed but she couldn't deny that it actually sounded fun. She was...

3 years ago
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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter seven

Weeks later when the date of her appointment at the fertility clinic was looming closer, Brittany knew she would have to discuss it with Dave. She thought long and hard about how to go about it, agonizing over the guilt of not telling him straight away, she finally settled on a plan. She still felt guilty about the way she had manipulated Dave into not coming on this trip to the doctors but she also knew that it would be a lot less stressful having Lisa with her. Lisa was fine in the city, in...

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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter Six

Weeks later, when the date of her appointment at the fertility clinic was looming closer, Brittany knew she would have to discuss it with Dave. She thought long and hard about how to go about it; agonizing over the guilt of not telling him straight away, she finally settled on a plan. She still felt guilty about the way she had manipulated Dave into not coming on this trip to the doctor's, but she also knew that it would be a lot less stressful having Lisa with her. Lisa was fine in the city;...

3 years ago
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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter five

All the way to the restaurant Dave couldn’t take his eyes off Brittany’s legs. One of the reasons he had bought that particular dress for her was because it would show off lots of her legs, which he thought were fantastic, but Brittany had just never really had the confidence to wear it more than once until tonight. She had to remind him a couple of times to watch the road even though she was smiling as she said it. She loved that he was so excited by her and she had forgotten the amazing way...

3 years ago
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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter Four

Over the next week, Dave noticed a sudden and dramatic change in Brittany but he had no idea what to make of it. Brittany had gone from looking despondent and only talking when it was necessary, back to the excitable chatterbox she had been when she was younger.Some people didn’t like this aspect of Brittany’s personality and people who didn’t really know her often made the mistake of thinking she was a bit of an airhead. The reality was that she was just excited by life. It was one of her...

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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter three

Lisa had an early model four-wheel drive with a bench seat and when they had both climbed up into it they sat for a moment both staring through the windshield out onto the street. A couple of cars went by but this had never been a busy town with lots of traffic. Lisa shuffled around to face Brittany then pulled her panties down her legs right there in the front seat of her car in the street. Brittany felt a tingle of excitement in her pussy as her friend handed her very wet panties to her.“Look...

3 years ago
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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter Two

From the moment she had stumbled upon those first few images, Brittany hadn’t been able to get them out of her mind. A day hadn’t passed since then that she hadn’t made love to Dave or masturbated, sometimes both. Things were a little less tense between them but they still hadn’t discussed any of their thoughts with each other yet and Brittany couldn't shake the thought of Dave having an affair.Dave was feeling better about things between him and Brittany; certainly, some of the spontaneity...

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Secret Lives Chapter 28

She grabbed one hand, Jess grabbed the other and we all took off to the elevator. Once inside, they practically pounced on me. Both of them were kissing me and each other. There were hands and mouths everywhere and it was often difficult to know whose was whose. I was achingly hard again and getting desperate for release. How we got to the room from the elevator is beyond me. It’s all just a blur. As we entered the room, the lights went on and the first thing Sarah did was go to the window and...

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Secret Lives Chapter 27

We all stepped into the elevator and after a moments silence, Alice sighed and her shoulders sagged. “I just don’t want it to be all over you know. I know I’m not a teenager anymore but I don’t feel all that old either. I’m just not ready for my life of adventure and love to be over yet.” “Perhaps you just need to rediscover what turns you both on now.” She looked at me and sighed again. “Philip has always been the passive to my aggressive. I’ve always wanted to experience everything first...

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Secret Lives Chapter 26

“Excuse me. Excuse me.” I turned at the sound of the voice and was surprised to see our friend from earlier in the elevator. Was that really this morning? It felt like a lifetime since Sarah had embarrassed the hell out of him. “Look Sarah, it's Phillip.” “Well hello there Phillip.” Sarah practically purred which, of course, caused poor Phillip to go beetroot coloured again. Jess looked at us both questioningly; I could see what was going through her mind but I also knew she would figure it...

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Secret lives Chapter 23

Sarah and I straightened ourselves up and headed for the door. I held her hand as we walked out the door into the main part of the shop. We stood back a little as the main crowd began walking out. Several people gave Sarah a smile or the thumbs up. One lady walked up to us with her husband. She looked Sarah over appreciatively. “I love that dress.” “Thank you.” “What you did in there. Just wow! That was so brave and so hot.” Sarah was blushing furiously. Which although it seems odd, isn’t...

4 years ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 22

I was musing over this thought when Sarah was led back into the booth by Jess. Both of them were quite red faced with excitement and with the three of us in the booth it was quite warm. No matter how or where I stood, I was pressed up against someone very sexy. There was no way that I wasn’t rubbing my cock against someone. I wanted to get it out and feel it rubbing against their flesh. Sarah and Jess were talking excitedly to each other and Jess kept touching Sarah on the arm. “Sarah that was...

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Secret Lives Chapter 21

We walked in and every head turned; those on necks and otherwise. There were quite a few people in the shop front at this particular time and it felt momentarily awkward until Jess walked around the counter. She had changed clothes since this morning and the effect was breath taking. Her lovely breasts were being contained, barely, by a low cut sports bra that would most likely be completely useless as an actual sports bra. It was, however, exceptionally good at showing off her ample cleavage,...

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Secret Lives Chapter 20

After having some lunch we went in search of an adult theatre. We found one that didn’t look too grotty however the place was empty so we decided to come back later in the evening. We spent the remainder of the afternoon just roaming around the city while Sarah gave little shows to random strangers. Most just glimpsed and kept walking. Everyone is in such a hurry in the city. I will never understand what is so important that I couldn’t stop for five or ten minutes to watch someone who...

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Secret Lives Chapter 19

It was agreed on and we headed back out into the sunshine. We strolled off with no real destination in mind and eventually found our way to a part of town that had really interesting alleys with lots of gothic style architecture and some great smelling specialty cafes. This city is renowned for its quality food and these narrow alleys were packed with people wanting to get their coffee fix. We found a cafe that had a servery outside and stools lined up along the edge like a bar. We each picked...

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Secret Lives Chapter 18

It was down some dingy looking back alley and was as cliché as an adult store gets. I half expected some unshaven old guy to step out in a trench coat and flash at us. None of this daunted Sarah in the slightest. She just waltzed on in like she owned the joint. In stick on letters on the door were all the legalities; no one under 18 years to enter, no one intoxicated to enter, no soliciting etcetera . I suspect that every one of these rules had been broken at some point and I also suspect that...

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Secret Lives Chapter 17

We arrived in the city and went straight to the parking garage of the casino. It is one that is never closed and never empty plus it’s a damn site cheaper than any of the other parking places nearby. I collected the ticket at the entry and drove straight up the ramp. It’s not worth wasting your time looking on the lower levels for a spot especially when the elevators take you to any floor you want. Besides, your car is less likely to get damaged because there are less people parked on the...

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Secret Lives Chapter 16

We got further down the road to where there was a small turn-in for people needing to have a rest from driving and decided that we needed to stop to readjust our clothing and sort ourselves out. We got out and I pulled my shorts back up as Sarah pulled her skirt back down. She redid the buttons on her shirt then reached into the back for a towel that we often carry with us now. She gave the seat, the door trim and the window a bit of a clean. Best thing I ever did was buy a car with leather...

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Secret Lives Chapter 15

Some of the chill had gone out of the air and the sun was warming the car nicely through the windscreen. Sarah had removed her cardigan and I was down to my t-shirt. It was a perfect day for a road trip. The traffic had gotten a bit heavier now that people were waking up. Lots of soccer mum's making their morning runs but also quite a few truck drivers. It was these that Sarah was enjoying. I would pull out to overtake them and as long as no one was behind me I would slow down and travel...

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Secret Lives Chapter 9

I stood up and started clearing empty bottles and coffee cups while Sarah wandered off to do what she had to. The boys wandered into the lounge room, presumably to sort out sleeping arrangements. I think the evening’s passion had been pretty well smothered for all, unfortunately. That was such a shame considering the fire of passion that had been fanned earlier for all of us. Neil came back in to the kitchen where I was standing, contemplating the day’s events. He looked really tired but in...

2 years ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 13

Well that was only mildly awkward and before things could get too weird I decided to get some air. I offered to go to the bottle shop for a top up of our drinks. Sarah said she would like to come but first she wanted to get changed out of the clothes she had been wearing all day. I got a list together of what we needed then headed for the car. I was sitting in the car when I received a message from Sarah. “I’ll be down soon, but first we are going to play a game.” As turned on as I was, I was...

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Secret Lives Chapter 12

The message was short, to the point and in no way playful; I couldn't help but think things had gone badly. Neil needs to talk about things? How much does he know about Sarah and I? The guilty feelings were really sinking in now and I was nearly sick with the whole uncertainty of it. Then I got all indignant and thought what right do you have to judge what Sarah and I did after what you did? When I arrived, I sat in the car for a moment and gave myself a stern talking to about jumping to...

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Secret Lives Chapter 11

Breakfast was a very awkward affair the following morning. Sarah was wandering around the kitchen in what appeared to be some form of auto pilot. Clearly she was deep in thought and she probably felt as conflicted as I was. On top of that the boys were all looking very uncomfortable too; not just emotionally either. We were all quite hung over. I decided the best way to deal with that was to have a huge fry up breakfast. Nothing cures a hangover quite like fat and protein. So bacon, eggs and...

1 year ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 10

I woke up several hours later and several things came to my realisation. The first is that I had a raging hardon and the worst case of blue balls that I could remember since high school. The reason for it, apart from an entire day of intense teasing with no satisfaction, was the next thing I became aware of. At some point during the night I had rolled over and cuddled up to Sarah. She was facing away from me and had her ass pressed firmly into my crotch. My cock was nestled firmly between the...

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Secret Lives Chapter 8

Sarah walked out to the kitchen and I followed. There were a lot of hushed whispers from the lounge room and rustling of clothing. I walked up behind Sarah as she prepared the coffee. “Are you okay?” She shrugged her shoulders then they began to shake. I wanted to hold her and tell her not to cry but then she turned around and I realised she was laughing. I was shocked at first but then she said. “Did you see the panic? The looks on their faces were hilarious.” “Are you sure you’re okay?” “Yeah...

4 years ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 7

 I wasn’t as sure as she was if I wanted to see what I suspected was going on but curiosity was getting the better of me too. We both stood up and straightened ourselves out then I followed Sarah out of the tub. We walked around the side of the house and down the access path. There was a narrow, upright window that looked in on the lounge room. I could see a strip of light coming from a gap in the curtains. Sarah stopped at the gap, paused, and then slowly leaned forward to peek through the...

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Secret Lives Chapter 6

Of course I was going to obey Sarah. I moved back to the other side of the tub and lay back. She was facing me but I’m not sure if her attention was on me or the neighbour she couldn’t quite see. She began by pinching her nipples through the material of her bikini top then once they were nice and hard she released them into the night air again. She was slowly running her fingers over them, pushing them down then letting them spring back up again between each finger. She did this a few times...


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