Graduation TripChapter 7 free porn video

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The plan was for Matt to drop me and the packs at Teton Village at the base of the tram and then go park the car at Jenny Lake where we expected to be after our three day hike. Then he would try to catch a ride back.

It was probably a twenty mile drive down to the south end of the park and to Teton Village just beyond. This is most known as a ski area and the aerial tram goes from here to the top of Rendezvous Mountain where ski trails start during the winter months. Now there was no snow and the ride would not only give spectacular views but would save us about 4000 feet of climbing. Matt and I moved the packs to a place where I could wait and I dug out a paperback book to read while I waited. The place where we would be coming back out of the mountains was ten or twelve or so miles north and Matt would have to find a way back after he parked the car. Actually he lucked out and found a ride from someone headed down here to ride the tram so he got back in a little over an hour.

We picked up our equipment and got tickets for the ride. The views were definitely spectacular as the car slowly climbed. We had read that the trip was about two and a quarter miles and took twelve minutes, but neither of us was timing it. When the suspended car pulled into the dock at the top the trip had seemed much shorter.

At the top was a building where one could get drinks or snacks. I remember my grandfather telling me that when he had first ridden the tram, instead of packaged snacks there was someone serving crepes made to order - for a price, of course. We skipped any food and shouldered our packs to begin the walk. We had about ten miles or so to cover that day to get to our first camping area.

While we both had frame packs they weren't overloaded. We were only planning on three nights and most of the food was freeze dried so it wasn't too heavy. I had brought one of the little telescoping aluminum walking poles and after a short distance Matt stopped and picked up a fallen dead sapling which he quickly shaped into a six foot walking stick.

We walked on through the morning. The first part of the trail started downhill from the ten and a half thousand foot mountain top. Some time well after noon we both realized we were getting hungry and started to look for a place to stop for lunch. We found one in a clump of trees above an alpine lake and slipped out of the packs with relaxed sighs.

For lunches we had brought stuff like cheese, crackers, nuts, raisins, and summer sausage. Now we settled down and made a meal of the sausage and cheese and a couple of cookies. We each had a couple of bottles of water but I knew that before night we would have to refill them from some of the streams or lakes. Even up here in the high country we would need to use a filter but we had a small one with us.

Lunch stretched for almost an hour. Well, it wasn't all lunch. We spent part of it kissing and making out in general. I think we both were ready to go a lot further but we really weren't very far from the trail and, while we hadn't seen another person yet, neither of us was ready to take that chance. Besides we both knew that having to wait until night would just make things hotter.

We continued along the trail which sometimes meandered outside the actual park into the national forest and then back in across the park boundary once more. Late in the afternoon we crossed Fox Creek and started along the Death Canyon shelf, a fairly level stretch several miles in length. The land began to level somewhat with the trail now largely flat. Off to the right were truly fantastic views of the flat valley spread out some half mile below us. Ahead the peaks still towered another four thousand feet or more higher We had already stopped and filled the water bottles and now we were entering the designated camping area. In another half hour or so we spotted a small tree covered hill standing some twenty or thirty feet above the surrounding land. This looked like an ideal campsite so we headed in that direction.

We entered the trees and checked around to find we had it to ourselves. Good. We moved in a little further and found a clearing where we could set up the tent. During the day it had been fairly warm - certainly enough that we had both been sweating as we walked with the packs. Now as the sun dropped lower it was beginning to cool and when we pulled off our packs the slight breeze caused me to shiver as it evaporated some of the moisture from the back of my shirt. Matt noticed and teased, "Is my really hot girl feeling cold?"

I laughed. "Maybe, but I'm sure it won't last. I'll warm up again pretty soon."

He moved over and pulled me against his chest. "OK, I'll help." Then we locked in a nice, long kiss. When we did pull apart, as if by mutual consent, we separated and began to set up the small dome tent and unroll the pads and sleeping bags. Then we began to gather things for supper.

No fires were allowed here but we had a small single burner backpacking butane stove. The nice thing about freeze dried meals is that they are quite easy to prepare. Just boil the right amount of water and pour it into the package. Then wait a few minutes and you have a pretty good tasting meal. Tonight we had chili which we supplemented with a few crackers and some peanut butter and washed down with lemonade. Afterwards we cleaned up everything and hoisted the food up well above the ground so as not to attract animals. When we had finished it was nearly sundown and it had become cool enough that we had put on our jackets.

In the back country bathrooms are where you make them. We moved off a little ways and found a place that would serve and each separately made our stop. We walked over to the edge of the tree covered area and stood for maybe ten minutes, our arms around each other's waist, just looking out at the fantastic scenery. Finally we walked back to the tent and moved inside, closing the flap behind us.

As I zipped the flap closed I was again overwhelmed by my desire for Matt. As we removed our boots I thought that here we were, alone out in the wilderness. We had seen no one since shortly after we left the mountain top by the tram. For all we could tell there could have been no one within a hundred miles. Of course we knew there were - thousands in fact - but it still felt like we had the world to ourselves. And this was all the world I wanted just then.

Matt must have felt the same way because he reached for me and pulled me against him. As we kissed he began to unbutton my shirt and I felt my desire suddenly rise at a much faster pace. I proceeded to do the same with his shirt and soon we embraced, skin to skin. We were kneeling, facing each other - the tent was not tall enough to stand - and now we held our kiss and embrace as we squirmed to stretch out on the sleeping bags. My hands immediately went to his belt and began to release the confining jeans. I could easily feel his arousal and wanted more than anything to feel it even more closely. Not just closely but inside me. Matt was not lying there idle either. Soon both of our jeans were pushed off and into the corner of the tent and seconds later there was nothing between us. That is, nothing except hot desire and Matt's rigid organ pressed tightly between the two of us.

This condition didn't last for more than a minute. We needed no foreplay. Matt was obviously ready and so was I. The head of his rod touched my opening and found it soaked and offering no resistance to his entering except the firm grasp of my muscles. Both of us groaned as he slid inside and sank to his full depth. This time was no gentle lovemaking, but rather a hot, demanding, pounding fuck. Now that I think back on it I am somewhat surprised that I describe it thusly, even to myself. I never used words like "fuck", even to myself. Well, almost never. But since last Saturday I found that and similar words passing through my mind rather often. Yes, I had found I loved "fucking" not just making love.

With the intensity of our coupling we couldn't last long and in only a few minutes I felt Matt tighten and then his hot flood flew forth. This released my own tension and I cried out in my own climax, clinging even more tightly to Matt as I did so. (Later I noticed that I had made a few marks on his ass from my fingernails, but I wasn't aware of it at the time and Matt gave no indication that he might have noticed except possibly to pull me even tighter against him.

We held each other close as our breathing returned to normal and then much longer as we gently stroked and petted each other. With our level of excitement it wasn't too surprising that we again became aroused in another half hour or so and then again we were "making the beast with two backs" but this time in slower, more gentle motions which allowed us to go on for quite some time. When we finally found our release once again we moved into the sleeping bags and snuggled against each other until we finally fell asleep.

I hadn't really slept nude before last Saturday. Oh, sure, I tried it a couple of times but it certainly wasn't a regular thing. Now I could hardly imagine wanting to sleep any other way - at least not while I was with a man. I wanted our bodies to be naked and touching.

Some time in the middle of the night I came awake with the need for a bathroom. I was trying to decide if it could wait and had about decided it couldn't when I felt Matt stir beside me. He opened his eyes and I leaned over and kissed him. "What time is it?" he asked.

"I have no idea," I replied, "I just woke up. Matt, I need to make a bathroom trip."

After a second he said, "I do, too. I guess the lemonade has gone through us."

We sat up and I started to reach for my jeans when Matt put his hand on my arm. "No, let's go as we are."

Surprised, I said, "You mean naked?"

He laughed and replied, "Sure. Why not? No one's around and it might be exciting. Oh, we should probably put on shoes."

At his words the idea flashed through my mind. Why not, indeed? It did sound exciting even if nothing like anything I would have thought exciting a few days ago. My small laugh joined his. "OK, why not?" I fished around and found the small roll of toilet paper and my boots, slipping them on without socks. It was dark in the tent but it sounded like Matt was getting his boots on also.

Soon he reached over and pulled the zippers on the tent netting and flap and pushed it open. He moved out and reached back for my hand to help me stand up outside also. The cool night air hit us and I shivered but at the same time I felt really - what? Oh, alive, I think. Yes, really alive.

The moon had risen, still a couple of days short of the last quarter, and we could see without having to use our flashlights. Hand in hand we moved along to where we had designated our bathroom area. I had never shared a bathroom - real or outdoors like this - with a guy. But somehow it didn't embarrass me at all to be out here, totally naked with a naked man and I simply squatted and let go without thinking about it at all. I don't know if it surprised Matt or not but in a few seconds he turned slightly away and released his own stream. Once I had wiped and risen Matt again reached for my hand and we started back. Just short of the tent we could see through an opening in the trees. The moonlight flooded the flat valley far below us and lighted the towering peaks to our left. This couldn't be real, could it? I mean, it had to be a movie set or something. So lovely.

We moved on to the tent but before ducking back inside we came together for a long, deep kiss, hands sliding over backs and bottoms, chests and groins pressing against each other. When we finally pulled a little apart, our breath coming as short, shallow drafts, our eyes were still locked on each other. We pulled back slightly, my hands on Matt's shoulders and his on my hips and both of us looked the other up and down quite slowly with no embarrassment at all. None. In fact all I felt and I'm sure all he felt was arousal.

Finally the spell broke and we both climbed back into the tent, laughing as we closed the flaps. "I'm glad we did that," I said. "It was exciting."

"Yes, me, too," he replied.

We moved back on top of the bags once more and came together in a tight hug, front to front. I could feel my nipples, now rock hard and I don't think entirely from the cold, as they rubbed across his chest. I could also feel that he was hard again and I let my hand slide downwards to grasp him. Matt drew in his breath and a slight moan escaped his lips.

I lay back and began to pull him down on top of me, but he had other ideas. His hands pressed my shoulders down but instead of coming down right on top of me he slid between my legs until his face came to my sex. I sharply drew in my breath as his tongue began to touch in my most sensitive places. As I have said I have never had a boy go down on me until Matt did, but I had found the feelings it produced were indescribable. I rolled my head back and moaned as my hands slid over and through his hair. Matt continued to tease and torment me with his oral attentions for a long time.

I have no way of knowing how long it actually was but I'm sure it was at least fifteen or twenty minutes. When he finally raised his head I managed to gasp out, "Matt, that was wonderful! Let me return the favor."

I started to move to bring my mouth down to his cock, but before I could he said, "Next time. Now I want you another way." His hand touched my sex and found it soaked. No surprise there, and I was ready. Again I started to lie back when he reached for my shoulders and rolled me over onto my front. I felt him come down on my backside and as his rod touched my thighs, I parted them slightly and brought my knees forwards a little to raise my ass. This was evidently what he wanted and I felt the head of his hard cock slide into me from the rear as one hand came around to grasp my breast and his weight pressed against my back. He began to pound into me from behind and it felt like he was going deeper than ever before. Each forward thrust moved him against my ass and then my whole body forward, driving my breast against his palm. God, this was hot!

Matt continued to drive into me, his strokes getting harder and harder and I found myself rising higher and higher. He helped things along with a few murmured comments. "You really have a fantastic ass, Lover." "Such wonderful firm tits." Even, "You are really an incredible piece!"

Somehow the somewhat crude comments didn't offend me at all. No, instead they excited me more and more. I had read that such words could be exciting but had never understood just why. I still didn't understand why but there was no denying that they were. As Matt continued to ravish me from behind I even had the thought flash through my head that I wondered just what it might feel like if he fucked my ass like this. That thought sent a shudder through me, but, still ... Then as I felt Matt make a long, slow push into me I forgot all about such ideas - at least for then.

We made love once more before dropping off to sleep and once again in the morning before getting up to make breakfast and break camp. This day's trek would not be as long as the previous day but it was still several miles. However, most of it was along the relatively flat Death Canyon shelf. We stopped for lunch about noon but didn't do anything beside eat. Not that the desire wasn't there. I think that if either of us had started something the other would have been happy to escalate it.

In early afternoon we crossed out of the park into the national forest. Mount Meek rose a thousand feet or so above us on our left and other peaks soared even higher to our right as we went through the pass and started to descend into the Alaska Basin area. When we reached the Basin Lakes we found a likely campsite off the trail and set up the tent. It was still early so we took a little time and walked around some of the shore of these small lakes before returning to the campsite. This area was more open with only small clumps of trees but after all we were almost ten thousand feet above sea level. We had found a small group of trees near our campsite. We hoped this might help break the wind a little because we had been told that at night the winds could be quite strong in this area as the cooler night air displaced the warmer.

We finished supper and clean up well before dark. Not wanting to go inside just yet, we brought out a nylon ground cloth and made a comfortable place to sit on the sandy soil with our backs to a smooth rock. Actually I had an even better place to sit because Matt invited me onto his lap and I certainly wasn't going to decline. I leaned back and snuggled against his chest as his arms wrapped around me, holding me close. The sun was starting to drop below the ridge to the west and darkness was filling the valleys and crannies of the towering mountains around us. We looked up where the trail we would follow the next morning climbed a long, open hillside before going over the pass to the northeast.

I leaned my head on Matt's shoulder and said, "This is more magnificent than I thought it could be. Really fantastic. I can hardly believe I'm really here."

With his face buried in my hair I felt Matt nod in agreement. "Me either. Not to mention I never dreamed I'd be here with such a wonderful girl."

I turned my head and placed a kiss on his lips. "You didn't imagine this! This is all so unlike me. I would never have thought I would have done anything like this. Not in a million years."

He returned the kiss, with interest. Smiling he asked, "Do you regret any of it, Lauren?"

"No!" I immediately replied and then added, "No, not any of it." Then I felt some of the strange doubts that had slipped into my mind in the last day or so poke their ugly heads out.

I think Matt noticed as a shiver went up and down my spine because he looked down at me with a concerned question on his face. "Really? Not any of it?"

"No, Matt. None of it." I think that because he didn't ask was the reason I could bring myself to say, "I don't regret anything, Matt, but I am a little worried about some things." Before he could say anything I went on, "Not really worried, but maybe a little concerned. Matt, you know because I've told you, that before last Saturday I had never had sex. Oh, I wasn't totally without experience but I had never had real sex. Now don't go worrying about that. I loved it and still do. In fact, I think that's what is making me concerned."

I twisted around a little more so I could face him and plunged on. "Last Saturday was my first time and it was wonderful. But since then I seem to want it all the time. We've been making love three, four, five times a day or even more. Each time is more wonderful than the previous one. I'd never really slept naked before but now I want to every night. I want us touching whenever we can. I like being naked with you. Like last night when we went out bare. It was exciting and turned me on."

Thankfully he remained silent and let me proceed at my own pace. After a half minute or so of silent contemplation I continued. "Matt, I think what I'm a little concerned about is this. Have I unleashed a bad side of myself? Becoming addicted?" Then I rushed on, "Matt, am I changing into a slut?"

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Graduation Party

Not you, though. You’ve always been more elegant and mild-mannered. The decadence and irreverent nature of teenage years had seemed to pass you by. You always were the quiet one, frequently blending into the walls, the type of girl John Green would model his novels after. It would be a lie to say that I never noticed you, though. In the fleeting moments of the day where my brain wandered, it always seemed to wander towards you. I’m such an outspoken and brazen guy, an active participant in the...

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Graduationeasier reading

Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I had lost dozen of friends before until I had finally just stopped even trying to make new friends. I lost track of most of them anyway, and it didn't seem worth it anymore. Arriving in town, I looked out the window thinking about how nice all these houses looked. We had money. But even...

2 years ago
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Moving was always painful and it seemed like all we did was ever moved. My mom was recently moved to a small town in Iowa. Everyone knew everyone or at least almost everyone. I had lost dozen of friends before until I had finally just stopped even trying to make new friends. I lost track of most of them anyway, and it didn't seem worth it anymore. Arriving in town, I looked out the window thinking about how nice all these houses looked. We had money. But even...

4 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 20

Lois Tillman found herself in a situation she wished she could have avoided. Several months earlier, before she and her husband Rod split up, she agreed to let Dennis Livingston, the teen-age son of a friend, stay at her house for a few weeks while his parents traveled in Europe. The young man didn’t want to go on the trip and her friend thought having the bookish, unathletic boy spend some time with Rod and Lois might be good for him. Dennis was stocky and soft-looking, and he wasn’t homely,...

2 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 18

Bobby couldn’t wait for the graduation ceremonies to end. Afterward, he and Paula were going to spend the weekend alone at a beach house her parents owned. He was surprised when both his parents and hers agreed to let them do that, but they had and, as soon as they could, he and Paula would be on their way. As the young man sat there, listening to the commencement speaker drone on, and his thoughts drifted to what happened between him and Mrs. Dennison a few days earlier. He’d been making...

3 years ago
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Graduation Ch 2

I partied well into the night, relishing the end of high school. All night I couldn’t get Will’s note out of my mind. I had put it in my purse, not wanting to lose it. I had decided to phone him when I got home. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but if it was anything that made me feel as good as his fingers on my nipples had earlier, I was game. There was a party at one of my classmate’s houses after prom, but I didn’t want to go, I had something waiting for me at home. my date went with me,...

2 years ago
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Graduation Party

It was my high school graduation party. All of my family and friends were there and we were really enjoying ourselves. It was also one of the first times I had been allowed to drink, and I was really taking advantage of that. I mingled and socialized with my family friends, men and women who had watched me grow up from a young girl. There were a couple of my father's friends who kept inviting me back to chat more and give me more elongated hugs and congratulatory kisses on the cheek. I didn't...

4 years ago
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Graduation By Julie O. It was the last day of school and I was busy in my classroom. I was entering the grades from the final into my computer. It was the end of my first year teaching US History & Econ at Eastview H.S. When I started I was ecstatic about getting hired here. It was a brand new school in an upscale suburb in Southern California, but after being here a year I was debating on whether or not it was a smart move working here. At the time I was in my early 40's and...

4 years ago
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Graduation Day and Beyond Part 2

Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part II By Janis Elizabeth School days It was the first day of school and Janet was excited about the prospects of wearing feminine apparel to class, although her choice of attire was limited. All freshman girls, either by gender or apparel, had to wear a blue uniform dress each day. The dress had short sleeves trimmed in white, a white Peter Pan collar, a fitted bodice and a full skirt that fell to just below the knees. A white cardigan sweater...

2 years ago
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Graduation Day and Beyond Part 3

Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part III By Janis Elizabeth First Date, First Kiss Janet looked through her closet searching for just the right outfit that would make the right first impression on Megan. Although they rode to school daily, and Megan helped her mom do Janet's and Elizabeth's hair, Janet still considered tonight her chance to make a good first impression. After looking at several skirt and blouse combinations, Janet looked at her dresses. She selected one in green...

1 year ago
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Graduation PARTY

After graduation Mrs. Haven invited all of us to her and her husbands house for a huge party. Everybody was drinking having a good time, and of course Mrs. Haven looked as hot as ever wearing tight shorts and a skimpy tank top she changed into. I couldn't help but stare at her, for an older woman she was stunning. She stood at 5-6” tall, large breast and descent body that made all the boys turn their heads. I think she noticed, because as the night went on and everyone got drunker she...

3 years ago
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Graduation Party

The Graduation Party!It was such a wild party! We had just passed the last exam with flying colors and were now fully fledged technicians and that called for a huge celebration.The school had arranged for buses to pick us up and drive us to a "secret" location, where the party was to be held. It turned out to be a large, old inn way outside the city, where we could throw the wildest party without bothering the neighbors, 'cause there weren't any."School is over" was the most played tune that...

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Graduation ball

There were 10 of us. Female teachers standing along the walls of the gym in our bras and panties. When I had reached my assigned spot, I was told to put my legs together. One of the guys took off his belt, coiled it around my ankles and buckled it, so that I could not move my feet. There we were. Ball-gagged, handcuffed and unable to move. Ready for inspection. And inspected we were! The students strolled back and forth giving us the elevator look. It was immensely embarrassing. But it was also...

1 year ago
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Graduation from Fag School Magna Cum Laude Chapter 1

graduation from Fag School - Magna Cum Laude - Chapter 1 Eventually a fag knows and loves that he is a fag. Sometimes the fag follows a long transition from straight to bi, to shemales, to shemales and guys, and finally to just great guys with those beautiful great cocks. Then the happy fag should reflect on his fantastic erotic voyage and thank those who helped him to his all-dick destination. In my case, believe it or not, I mostly have a woman to thank in helping me become the finest fag I...

1 year ago
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Graduation and Ch 17

A man Bobby Draper didn’t know was about to do help the young man solve the problem of breaking things off with another of his adult lovers. The man, whose name was Lee Barnes, pulled into the parking lot of the hall where the Jamestown High School reunion banquet was being held. He had been divorced for a year, so he was attending the reunion alone. He hadn’t been back to his home town in years and hadn’t been to a reunion since he graduated from high school. As a result, he hadn’t seen most...

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Graduation from Fag School Chapter 2

Good morning class. I am the school's co-owner and a shemale with a very large cock that we will use in a lesson in a few days. Today, I am going to bring some of my boyfriends over for your fag lessons. You will just love kissing them, dancing with them, slowly undressing them. Then you will get to suck their beautiful cocks and swallow their cum, load after load after load. For one special person in class, I will bring out his boyfriend for the day. That man will have a romantic encounter...

3 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 27

Lois woke up horny. That was nothing new. Ever since Dennis had come for his visit, she’d been waking up horny. But, the delightful thing was that the young man’s presence gave her the means to do something about her horniness. There were things that made this morning bittersweet for Lois, though. This was the last time she’d be waking up next to Dennis for a while. His parents were returning from their European trip, which meant he was going to have to go home. Later that day, she and Dennis...

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Graduation Cruise Vacation

My name is Stacy. My twin brother Matt and I had just graduated High School. After the parties and family get together, my parents surprised us with a Caribbean cruise vacation. Matt and I were booked for side-by-side cabins in the lower decks of the ship. The trip consisted of 7 nights with stops in St. Thomas, Salt Cay, and St. Maarten. Matt and I boarded a plane leaving Newark, NJ headed to Cape Canaveral, Fl. A few short hours later, we were looking at the biggest ship we had ever seen in...

2 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 12

Helen Parker and her husband Dave were in the process of getting a divorce. When the couple first separated, the woman did get a restraining order, but as the divorce progressed and things went well, she dropped it. Unfortunately, her estranged husband had begun to drink more and more and, as the divorce proceedings continued, he began behaving more and more irrationally. Finally, Helen, frightened by her estranged husband’s behavior, had the restraining order reinstated. Then, one day while...

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Graduation Doctors Visit

Now Shannon, 22 years old, is the all around best girl. She's one of the most personable girls in her class and knows just about everyone since she was on the volleyball team as well as the honors society sorority. Shannon is about 5 foot 9, thin, with dark brown hair, green eyes, and that southern tan skin. She has an athletic body, perfectly sized C cup breasts, and the toned butt any girl would die for. With the semester coming to a close, Shannon's mother has been on her case about...

3 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 04

When Linda arrived home from work that afternoon, Lois, wearing only a filmy robe, was in the kitchen, working at the kitchen counter. Linda looked at her friend and felt a shiver race through her body. ‘Lois is so beautiful!’ the slim woman thought as she gazed at her auburn-haired friend’s lush body. ‘She’s always had such a fantastic body. I wish I wasn’t so skinny. I wish my body was more like hers.’ ‘Hi, Lois,’ she said. Lois turned and smiled at her friend. ‘Hi, Linda,’ she said. ‘I...

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Graduation and Ch 13

Lois Tillman lay on her bed, her lush body quivering with unsatisfied desire, while she watched her lover, Doreen Ingalls, disrobe. Her husband, Rod, was away overnight at a coaching conference, so they didn’t have to worry about him catching them together. Lois was actually looking forward to spending the whole weekend making love with Doreen. Lois needed loving so badly! Her hand stole to her yearning pussy and she began stroking her clit. If no one else was available to satisfy her, she’d...

3 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 21

Bobby Draper awoke from a fantastic dream that someone was making love to him. The dream was so real that, even after he was awake, he could feel warm wetness surrounding his cock. In fact, he realized as sleep left his mind, he wasn’t dreaming at all. His stiffening organ was deep in Paula’s mouth and her lips and tongue were doing what they could to make it swell even more. Bobby decided to pretend he was still asleep and see what Paula intended to do. Her insistent, arousing oral caresses...

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Graduation and Ch 24

Paula was out on the beach and Bobby was getting ready to join her. Before he went outside, he stopped and looked out the beach house’s huge windows. His heart sank. Paula was lying on a blanket on the sand. Standing over her was a muscular, good-looking blonde young man. Jealousy flared in Bobby. He and Paula were supposed to have this time alone. ‘What the hell is that damn beach bum doing here?’ he thought. His jaw tightened, he turned, went downstairs, grabbed a beach chair out of the...

3 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 14

Helen Parker paced back and forth in her living room. She was nervous and couldn’t keep from wondering if Joe Denton, the police officer she’d met that afternoon, really would return that evening as he promised he would. Was what happened between them a one-time thing? Was he one of those jerky guys who’d take advantage of finding a woman at a weak moment and… The phone rang, startling her. She picked it up and stammered, ‘Hel…hello?’ ‘You still want me to come over?’ Joe Denton asked. ‘Of...

4 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 28

Stacey Dixon was lying in his bed, reading a magazine, when the phone rang. He was home alone, so he grabbed the phone next to his bed and said, ‘Hello?’ ‘I’d like to speak with Stacey Dixon, please,’ a sultry voice on the phone said, sending thrills down the young man’s spine. ‘Ah…that’s me…I’m Stacey,’ the young man replied. Who was this? ‘My name is Rita Meckler,’ the caller said, ‘Nicole Everett suggested I call you.’ Excitement rushed through the young man. If Mrs. Everett told this...

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Graduation and Ch 08

Bobby gazed lovingly at his date for the prom. Paula Wilton looked stunning in a black satin dress that clung to her wonderful curves but had a lot of gathers and a deep cut in the back. Her waist length blonde hair was pulled back into a simple pony tail and she was wearing understated makeup. She was so lovely that looking at her made it hard for the young man to breathe. He had the problem the whole time her parents, who’d met Bobby and seemed to like him, were taking pictures of them....

2 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 06

Lois and Rod Tillman were attending the traditional year-end get-together that was given for the Jamestown High School faculty and staff by Maxwell Cartwright, the chairman of the school board, at his sumptuous home. The Cartwrights, an extremely wealthy couple, had a magnificent home, a mansion, really. Lois had attended the party there for several years, but she was still dazzled by the home’s opulence. Lois was disappointed that Doreen Ingalls, the assistant principal, wouldn’t be there, but...

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Graduation and Ch 22

Detective Sergeant Joe Denton parked his car, got out, walked up the sidewalk to Helen Parker’s house, and rang the doorbell. Helen opened the door and her eyes brightened when she saw him. ‘Hi, Joe,’ she said. ‘Wow!’ Joe said, ‘You look fantastic!’ His date had on a turquoise dress, loose-fitting, gathered at the waist by a sash. The looseness accentuated, rather than hid, her voluptuous figure. ‘Thank you,’ Helen replied. She felt her face get hot and knew she was blushing. It had been a...

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Graduation and Ch 01

As the end of Bobby Draper’s senior year approached, the young man was looking forward to the festivities that would wind up his senior year at Jamestown High School. The senior prom was coming up soon and would be followed by commencement a few weeks later. He wasn’t forgetting the parties that were usually held at the end of the year, either. He’d already been accepted at a college, so that problem was solved, but he had a lot of other weighty matters on his mind. His girlfriend, Paula, was...

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Graduation and Ch 02

Lois Tillman’s life was in turmoil. She was married, but growing more and more dissatisfied with her husband. Every day brought her closer to the courage to take steps to end her marriage. But that wasn’t her only source of distress. During the previous summer, she’d begun a forbidden affair with one of her students and, in a weird set of circumstances, that affair led her into an affair with the new assistant principal at the school where she taught – a female assistant principal. Then, while...

3 years ago
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Graduation and Ch 16

Rod Tillman was in a rush. Carol Dickinson called him at his office at school and invited him to her house for the afternoon. ‘I’m just sitting here alone,’ she purred into the phone, ‘and I’m at loose ends. You think you might know some way of alleviating my boredom?’ ‘You better believe I do,’ Rod replied, smiling. His cock was already getting hard, just from hearing her voice. ‘You know where I live,’ Carol said, then the phone went dead. Ten minutes later, Rod parked outside the...

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