Taking Inventory
- 2 years ago
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Charlotte called them all to sit at the "kitchen table" again. Again Su Li was allowed to remain in her cot. Charlotte asked Lucinda and Dana to make coffee for the group.
When Dana didn't get up from her seat immediately, Lucinda yanked her hair and told her: "C'mon you lazy whore. Haven't you figured out yet that she's the fucking general's sweetheart? She's in charge here, hey? That wasn't a request, it was a fucking order. Get off your lazy ass and do as you're told!" Dana shook herself loose from Lucinda's hold and looked ready to start a fight.
Before the situation could get out of hand, Charlotte barked: "Lucinda, y'all apologize ta her right now, ya hear? Ah said, y'all apologize right now!"
Lucinda put up her hands and spoke carefully to Dana: "I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry. I din' mean no harm, hey? I don' need no more enemies. Just forget it, okay? I'm sorry?"
Dana nodded and, with only minor hesitation, followed Lucinda behind a curtain located at the far end of the room.
The others began to besiege Charlotte with questions again, as soon as they were seated at the table. Her response was: "Now y'all just shut up and let me tell this in mah own way and then y'all can ask questions efter Ah'm done."
"Now ah don' rightly know how y'all got here, exactly. Ah 'spects Ah'd wind up dead if Ah ever really did know. Y'all are here and thet's thet! Let's move on ta "where we are and why are we all here." This here is a secret base and nobody knows where it is, much less thet we all's in it. There are ten thousand troops includin' their officers here and y'all can guarantee they don' leave here much, not at all, period. Now we are here ta keep General Fuad happy. Thet there is yer bottom line and I do mean bottom."
Charlotte turned her attention to the curtain and called out: "Lucinda, are y'all gettin' the job done back there?" Lucinda was quick to reply: "We're fine. I'm just giving Dana the grand tour."
Charlotte saw fit to seek confirmation with Dana: "Dana, is every li'l thang just alrighty back there?" Dana answered with: "It's okay. We're fine. This is incredible! Could I have one of the sodas in the refrigerator, instead of coffee. I don't usually drink coffee in the middle of the night."
Charlotte looked around the table to ask: "Would anyone else like a coke, instead of coffee?" With hardly a hesitation she yelled back to Dana: "Y'all go ahead and have yourself one, Dana, and bring one for little Kristin here. Ah don't think she drinks coffee, yet. Isn't that right, honey? Ah thought so! Now hurry it up y'all, Ah don' wanna have ta do this all twice. And Lucinda, y'all break out some new clean coffee cups. Bring 'em in here now, y'all don't have to sit there and watch the coffee make itself."
When Dana and Lucinda had rejoined the group, Charlotte continued: "Now where did ah leave off? Let's see... well, keepin' the general happy, thet's it in a nutshell, but it does get a little more complicated. Let's start with this room, Ah s'pose. Y'all will respect each other's belongin's. No one touches yer bed or yer clothes without yer permission. And by the way, there's a pen so's y'all can write yer names in them, just like goin' to camp. We takes turns doing the cookin' and dishes. We'll put up a new list now and y'all can sign up for turns, everybody gets one."
Lucinda interrupted: "Charlotte, hey! Cut to the chase. They don' care whose gotta do the dishes. They need to know what's expected of them, every day. Just tell em, okay?"
Charlotte flustered: "Well... , now... , Uh yeah! Ah was getting ta thet. Y'all are here ta provide sexual services ta General Fuad, and his officers, if he says so, and Doctor Arkan, and..."
Lucinda interrupted again: "And anybody else the damn General pleases or wants to please. In any way they please. C'mon Charlotte let's get down to the nitty gritty. We can figure out who's gonna fill the ice cube trays later."
Kristin asked: "We've got ice cube trays?"
Charlotte answered: "We shore do, honey! Now lemme get down ta it here... The bottom line here is... , ummm, y'all are here to provide a resident brothel for this here bunker. Y'all will have sex with whomever yer assigned, ta their satisfaction. Not that y'all might not find some satisfaction in it, but that's not a given and it's yer problem not theirs. Y'all can expect ta satisfy at least one man per day and most days a lot more than one."
Dana interrupted: "Charlotte, what about, you know... surfing the crimson wave... , you know, like... the monthly curse?" She was more than a little non-plussed when Lucinda snorted coffee and almost choked with laughter at Dana's question.
Charlotte response was: "Lucinda, now y'all just stifle yerself! Dana, honey, they don' rightly care if yer bleedin' or not. If yer vagina is ta the point where y'all jest can't stand something in it, then y'all will satisfy them with yer mouth, yer bottom or whatever it takes to keep 'em happy! Is thet clear?"
Dana asked: "Okay, so I have to give 'em a blowjob during my period is that it? Do we get flavored condoms, at least?
Lucinda answered her: "No, 'honey', ain't no condoms here, period. We women have been trying to get the men used to us pushing the cum back out of our mouths after they're done spewing. It gives them some sort of thrill to think there was so much that we couldn't get it all in our mouths and it beats the hell out of having to swallow it all."
Beth pushed herself back from the table and volunteered: "Eww! Ickky! Ickky! Ickky! That's ishhhh! In our mouths? Ewwwww!"
Lucinda continued: "That's not the worst of it, Beth. You get used to the taste of the cum...
Patty, with a look of total disgust on her face, interrupted: "Oh! Let me guess. The worst thing is that we're in a desert here, right? So some of these pricks haven't had a bath in a week... or more? And they eat really spicy foods and they are definitely not getting their eight glasses of water a day? So they have a stinky, uncircumcised dick that spews something that's gonna taste like bleach..."
Lucinda finished for her: "And you'd better act like it tastes like the yummiest ice cream you've ever had. They had better believe that you've been just moonin' aroun' waitin' for the next taste of their special flavor."
Charlotte tried to reclaim control: "Okay, Ah think it's time to take a little inventory here. Now, I want everyone to tell me the absolute honest truth. Not tellin' the truth is goin' to make it hard on everyone, is that clear?" She looked around the table. "Okay, now! How many of y'all ain't never had sex with a camel, raise your hands and I better see everyone's hand in the air. Put 'em up there and leave 'em there until I tell you can take 'em down."
Beth asked: "What about Su Li? She's still in bed. Should I go get her?"
Charlotte replied: "No, she needs her sleep. Ah already know her answers. Okay, now put yer hand down if y'all have had sex with another woman."
Again, Beth was prompted to burst out: "Ewww! Ickky! Ishhh! Yukkk! That's disgusting!"
Patty had taken her hand down, along with Charlotte, Lucinda, and Dana. She spoke out: "Well, actually it's not disgusting at all! It can be very sweet and you don't have to worry about getting pregnant and..." She stopped as she noticed all eyes were on her. She decided to change the subject: "Say Charlotte, what are we supposed to use for birth control, if there aren't any condoms. I don't suppose we can assume they are all going to have vasectomies or something?"
No, honey, that sure isn't gonna happen. Ah wouldn' mind handin' out a few of them vasectomies personally, but thet ain' gonna happen. Y'all will get a complete physical from the medical doctors here. They have a good staff, but they don' really know much about women. Be glad yer not in Bahrain! Doctors there cain't look at your pussy directly, they have ta look at it in a mirror. This bunch does a good job, most of the time. Y'all will be on the pill and, if'n it's necessary, we got some of thet French RU42 stuff, ta handle little accidents thet slip by. But make sure y'all take yer pills. The General takes a mighty dim view of a girl gettin' herself knocked up, a mighty dim view indeed. If y'all want it, the medical staff could tie yer tubes. Ah thinks thet's best, but it's up to y'all, and don' count on a long recovery time."
Kristin spoke up: "Can we rest our arms, mine's getting really tired?"
Charlotte smile and said: "Yeah sure, honey, put 'em down. Alrighty! 'The sixty four thousand dollar question' is: are any o' y'all a virgin? Now, hold up yer hand! She snickered: "No way Lucinda! Ah mean in yer vagina, not yer left ear. Well, Kristin and Beth... Bless yer hearts. That's somethin' to know. Alrighty! Put yer hands down."
"Alrighty, now how many of y'all have never had a man in your bottom? C'mon show me yer hands... Patty y'all can drop yers if y'all have had a good size dildo or vibrator up there. Yep, thought so! Okay, Beth! Ah guess yer the only one. Kristin, are y'all sure what Ah'm talkin' about here? Ah thought y'all had yer hand up fer bein' a virgin."
"Yes!" said Kristin, while turning beat red. Her mind went back to a summer in junior high. Her mother had almost grounded her for life when she found out she had to go to summer school to keep from having to repeat eighth grade. Maybe she didn't, because Kristin's stepfather would use his belt on Kristin again. Her mother was scared of his temper, when she was sober. More likely, if Kristin were grounded she would have had to quit her after school job and the money she brought home made it easier for her mother and stepfather to go to the bars. On a good night, her parents would come home late, barely able to drive and go straight to their bedroom. The bedsprings would squeak for a long, long time and her mother would squeal and cry out. Eventually her stepfather would let go a string of curse words and things would get quiet. Her mother would make a quick trip to the bathroom and then retire for the night. The children would rest easy, knowing the parents would not be back out to "educate" them that evening.
The only bright spot in that summer had been Robby. He was a freshman at the local junior college. Her parents had been somewhat concerned about the age disparity, but Robby was willing to listen to her stepdad's endless stories from his army years and he even flirted just the tiniest bit with her mother. That was enough to make him welcome in the house. Most of the time he was smart enough to come around after her parents had left for the bar. Her friends were totally in awe of her for dating a real "college man." Kristin had no illusions about Robby's attraction to her. It had a lot to do with her breasts that had somehow grown so huge over the last year. He loved to play with them while they made out and it made her get all hot and wet "down there." He would suck on them so hard and then slip his hand under the waistband of her panties and play with her clitoris. And he didn't even need to be told where it was, another advantage of dating an "older, experienced man." He had asked her to go all the way many times, but had always stopped when she insisted she couldn't.
Another major plus to the relationship was: Robby could get booze. All she had to do was to call him and he would drop by for the money and return with whatever she asked for. This had made her immensely popular with the "IN" clique at school and she and her friends were invited to parties that would have been closed to them "PR". That was the time: "Pre-Robby." She couldn't imagine how life would be without him, yet it was obvious his "love" was strongest when she went further and further with him sexually. She had tried to maintain the tension as long as she could, but something was going to have to give. Maybe she shouldn't have started drinking with her little brother and her stepbrothers at home.
They had promised to pay for the liquor and they would even let her have some. Their parents were gone for the weekend to some veterans convention. She had called Robby and he had come through, as always. He couldn't stay to party, but he told her to go ahead and have a good time. They had started drinking early in the day and had kept it up until late that night. Her stepbrothers had dared her to show them her breasts and she had agreed, if they would show her something. Somehow it had wound up with them all naked in their parents bedroom.
To this day she couldn't remember exactly how Tom, the oldest, had talked her into trying to give him a blowjob. Partly it was because she had always had the hots for him, "PR", and partly because she wanted to learn to do it for Robby. He was going to want something more from her eventually and she would have to give him something. She had started out jerking him off and then he had wanted to be jerked off all over her chest. From there they had graduated to tittyfucking and now he was always trying to either stick it in her pussy or her mouth, whenever he was ready to come. She was so frightened of getting pregnant that she had been thinking about learning to please him orally. Somehow that had slipped out while talking with her brothers.
Tom had assured her that a lot of guys wouldn't even care if they could get in her pussy, as long as she sucked them off. Of course he was only too willing to teach her how to do it. He made a big deal about how she had to promise to swallow it. The other brothers had ringed her like a cheering squad and she felt incredibly excited to be the center of attention. It was so nasty and dirty to be kneeling between her stepbrother's legs while he sat naked on the edge of her parents bed... and so totally hot.
Tom was a tall and skinny boy and his thing was really long and skinny. He first taught her to slide the skin back and forth like he did when he was playing with himself. She didn't tell him she had already conquered this skill from experience with Robby. Tom didn't seem to question how she was able to pick up just the right rhythm and pressure so quickly.
The next thing he wanted her to do was to run her tongue all up and down the shaft and get him all wet. That was kind of gross, but it was exciting too. The other brothers were playing with themselves and that was just like in her fantasies when she played with herself.
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Premium Asian Porn SitesDamn it's cold out today! Julia thought as she hurried from the parking garage across the street and into the building she worked in.Stopping by the mailroom on the main floor, she picked up her office mail and then grabbed a cup of coffee and made her way to the elevator to head up to the fourteenth floor where her office was.It was indeed cold out that December morning–one of the coldest her hometown of Buffalo, New York had seen in some time. And the cold was only part of it; the wind...
Oral SexWhen I was a teenager, I watched that movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.” You know the one with Sean Penn and Phoebe Cates. Well, there was a scene when Phoebe Cates was showing Jennifer Jason Leigh, how to give a blow job with carrots. When I was a teenager, I practiced that all the time on carrots. I even practiced on zucchini’s. I wanted to know how to give a proper blow job when the time was right. I would practice on various objects and I would try to take these things down my throat....
"It's ok, mom. I don't mind." My mother was looking at my naked breast, my nipple standing up where she had just touched me, then pulled her hand back. It felt nice to be caressed by her. She has been lonely since dad left. And I've always been attracted to older women. I thought, "Why not share my body with her?" She touched me again and I let my eyes flutter closed at the gentleness of it. When I opened them, she had just put her mouth on my nipple and was suckling softly. "That's nice," I...
When I was a teenager, I watched that movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.” You know the one with Sean Penn and Phoebe Cates. Well, there was a scene when Phoebe Cates was showing Jennifer Jason Leigh, how to give a blow job with carrots. When I was a teenager, I practiced that all the time on carrots. I even practiced on zucchini’s. I wanted to know how to give a proper blow job when the time was right. I would practice on various objects and I would try to take these things down my throat. I...
Oral SexI am a twenty-six-year-old woman who loves to have hot foxy funI have long blonde hair and a very shapely sexy beautiful body I am really proud of my bouncing BOOBS and luxuruous long legsI am a legal secretary and have had the same boss for two yearsAt the end of of my first year, my boss Norm, started coming to me in very subtle waysSometimes, as he stood beside my desk while I was typing, I would notice he had a nice bulgerunning down his pant leg. Other times he would stand behind me and,...
Rick read the test message again.Ready to try a 3some?It was from Nancy. It seemed an odd text to receive from someone that was on a date. Rick slowly typed his responseYesHis phone beeped when she responded.Call me now.Rick slowly punched her numbers into his phone... She had specifically told him not to put her on speed dial."Hello," Nancy said in a hushed voice"Hi, It's Rick.""Everything okay there? How is my favorite babysitter doing?" Nancy asked."Yea, everything is fine. Bedtime went very...
Hi, my name is Tim Donehy. I discovered my special gift when I was 10 and I measured my cock at eleven inches erect! I'm now eighteen years-old and my dong has expanded to over fifteen inches in length and nearly 10 inches in girth (that's a little over three inches wides, ie : larger than a can of Coke). Not only is my dick massive, but, through an intense bodybuilding programme I started when I was ten-years old in order to build up my muscular mass, it is...
Hi sexy boys and hot girls. I m a great fan of the stories here and have read almost each and every story on this site and have shared many of my experiences with you all. This incident took place few years back when I got a job in a private firm in Hyderabad and joined as an executive which was my first job. My boss was a US returned guy, very decent guy from whom I got the inspiration to migrate to US for career opportunity and reap the benefits in the future here which I did later. He was...
Hi friends I m Rajat here again with my another true exp , it is real even the names also.I m 20 years old with a slim weight of 65 in 5 ‘7 . This is my 2nd post 1st was She was of 17 and now this is .This is with my gf shruti , she was friend of ruchika ,the same gal that I have mentioned in my previous post .Due to some reasons I have lost my password of email account so please do post me the responses about both the posts on my new email that is Now let me tell u how that happened Ruchika...
Hello everyone, I am Riya back with another episode of hot seducing. Please go back and read the previous parts first, as this will be a direct continuation. For the new readers, I am a beautiful 24years old girl with a curvy figure of 32D-28-36. I used to be an innocent girl not too long ago. But my brother and his three friends have managed to make me a slut of their group over the past few weeks. All of them are four to five years younger than me, and they never miss an opportunity to fuck...
I recently had an experience that could have ended so badly but instead ended magnificently.My wife was gone for the weekend so I was home alone. I had gone out with a few friends and had some cocktails. About 11:30 pm I was on my home. I live in a rural area so there’s not much traffic so I wasn’t too worried about my driving abilities. I was almost home when I saw the red and blue lights behind me. My heart started pounding as I knew I was legally past the limit and this was going to cost a...
Thoughts Jim and Lucy were a watershed event that I would always compare my future interactions against. And it was a defining moment in more than one way. First I experienced an owner who cared enough for his fembot to be the enabler for what she couldn't yet do on her own. It showed me how in a perfect world 'bots and owners could interact to the benefit of each other. Second, it was my first experience in watching a 'bot being asked what she wanted. Nobody had ever cared what I...
Following her return, Ki Jung settles back into her daily routine, but it isn’t the same. There is plenty for her to be upbeat about. She is earning money as a martial arts instructor. This alone make her happy. This income allows her to help her mother with the bills. Due to her excellent grades and SAT scores, she received a full-ride grant to attend the State University, which she intends to take advantage of. The university has accepted all her high school AP courses for credits. The...
Mark Brita asked if I would stay overnight with her, and I did. We cuddled together in her large bed, and in the middle of the night we made love again. We ate breakfast in the nude, and then I fucked her on her kitchen table. It was just the right height. After that we showered together. “Can you stay today? I have meetings this morning, but I’m pretty sure I can blow off the afternoon.” Brita asked. “I’ll make it happen. Does that include dinner and another sleepover?” I teased. She...
Arriving downtown Linda saw an Italian restaurant featuring pizza and grabbed the bus’ stop-cord. She realized that hunger pangs were making her cranky. Ms. Mouse agreed. Linda walked into the restaurant and, since it was open seating, she selected an empty table by the front window. She was pleased that the pizza menu allowed customers to order by the slice. Linda ordered two slices of pepperoni pizza and a Pepsi. It was really good pizza. She would definitely return to this place when she...
I was aware of children playing in the street. A soft morning breeze drifted across my naked body, refreshing me. A warm shaft of sunlight added just the right note of sensuous well-being. It was everything I loved about a Saturday morning sleep-in. In a moment, I would think about opening my eyes, but for now, I was drinking in these tactile sensations. Slowly, my mind replayed the sensations my body (and mind) had felt before drifting off to sleep with my wife in my arms just a few hours...
You are a young boy, approaching the awkward age of puberty, but not quite there yet. You live in a small village in the mountains, and your father is a goat herder. You are likely to inherit his profession, as there is not much else you could do in this place. You spend your days playing with the other children of the village and chasing unruly goats around with sticks. Ultimately, life is boring. You gobble up the stories about grand adventures that the occasional traveler tells you and the...
They made their way up the hill and through the woods to the back of Helen’s house. The smell of food hit Cordelia’s nose as she stepped on the porch, and she realized that she was starving. Her stomach growled and Micah grinned and opened the door. She grinned back at him as she walked inside. When Cordelia looked up, Helen was standing there staring at them. The look on her face was clear, she knew. “Aunt Helen, it smells delicious,” Micah said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and ignoring...
SupernaturalCordelia ran at a hard sprint, pushing herself harder, trying to outrun all the emotions that had been building inside her. When she couldn’t push it any further, she slowed to a jog. As she slowed to a walk, she started to feel the cool air and realized she should have brought her cloak. She looked around and saw that she had run a lot further than she had planned. Cordelia was almost two miles outside of the village. She stopped and bent over with her hands on her knees, so her head was down...
Supernatural“Don’t stop running!” the woman panted, dragging her son with her. The boy was scared and crying. He didn’t understand why his sister and father were not running with them. They ran for the hidden cave in the side of the mountain. “It’s a little further, son,” his mother said as she tried to reassure him. They made it to the river and she paused long enough to pick the small child up and leap over. She landed gracefully, set the child down and they continued to run. She finally saw the...
SupernaturalStephanie woke up and couldn’t move. It wasn’t long before she realized she was tied down. Three large leather straps ran across her chest, belly and hips and pushed her down into the mattress. Her arms and legs were free to move about. She pried on the leather straps but she couldn’t find a buckle anywhere. What was going on? Where was she? It was dark, she could barely see a thing. The silhouette of bars surrounding her. Was she in a cage, but why tie her down if she was already...
"Tell me again why I'm doing this?" Faith asked, arms folded across her chest. "Because you love me," Buffy replied, grinning. "And because Willow has been feeling kinda left out lately. You and I have been doing the Slayer thing and the relationship thing... I just don't want to be absentee friend again." Buffy set down her grocery bags on the kitchen counter, and started unloading. "Besides, with my mom out of town and the house to ourselves, it's the perfect chance for a girl's night." Faith...