SamChapter 15D free porn video

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"It's the pain thing that bothers me the most, doc. I've become a pain-slut — something Mom was afraid would happen. In me, the most excruciating thing you can imagine feeling gets turned into something neither pain nor pleasure, and I find some things to be... enjoyable that other people would cringe just to think of. Does this make any sense?"

"Ah, well, you should more properly be taking this up with a psychiatrist..."

"You understand that I need to keep this a secret. The fewer people who know, the better."

"Why?" He sounded puzzled.

I thought back and realized that somehow I'd missed that part. I blushed. Embarrassed not at the situation, but at the claim I was about to make.

"The thing is... ah... what I do with this stuff. I have, like this part-time job. More of a hobby, really..."

Mom interrupted my verbal meandering. "She's a SuperHeroine," she said, flatly. I swear I could hear the capital letters when she said it. I almost expected some Wagnerian theme music to break out in the room.

"Yes. That." I finished, lamely. "I know that sounds soooo totally egomaniacal."

Dr. Bonner had almost gone back to his old self, but for some reason, now he looked shocked again. His eyes unfocussed and he looked off into a corner of the room for a bit before looking back at me.

"My daughter has a close friend that she went to school with..." he started, and then swallowed before going on with what he wanted to say. "The friend and her children were in a terrible car wreck this past weekend and my daughter went to visit her in the hospital this morning. She stopped by to tell me about it at lunch. Apparently another car passed too closely and forced them off the road and their car rolled down an embankment. They were trapped in their car and Gloria — my daughter's friend — was afraid the gas tank would explode and burn them all alive. Apparently a policeman arrived shortly after the wreck happened, but the car was all crushed and there wasn't anything he could do to get them out. Gloria told her that a couple of girls came along and stopped to help. She said the policeman put a blanket over them and then one of the girls climbed on the hood of the car and tore the roof off to free them. I assumed that she was just describing a dream she'd had under the influence of the drugs they gave her for the pain. Both her legs were broken in the wreck you see, and she's on a morphine drip to help control the pain. That kind of medication makes you pretty goofy."

I wasn't sure how to respond to that. It wasn't a question and I couldn't tell what it was he wanted to know. I knew what I wanted to know though.

"Are the kids all right?"

"Yes. Shaken up. Scared to death about their mother being hurt, but they are fine. The car was a blue Plymouth minivan." That last bit was so disconnected that it had to be a test.

"No. It was green," I said. The silence that followed was so thick that it could have been cut with a chainsaw.

"As you say. It was green. And you know that because... ?"

"I'm the one who got them out of the car."

"Thank you."

"No. Don't thank me. I don't do it for gratitude. I don't do it for any kind of reward."

"Then why?"

"Because I can. It's as simple as that. I believe in doing what you can to help. I can, so I do. That's all. I don't want publicity. I certainly don't want fame. I learned very early on that the only thing I can get from doing this that is of any value to me at all is the knowledge that I did what I could. So save the thanks. I don't want to seem rude, but you don't need to thank me for doing what I must do if I'm going to be able to look at myself in the mirror. It's actually a kind of insult, see? If I didn't believe I was doing the right thing, all the thanks in the world wouldn't be enough to take the job. Understand?"

"No, I don't. But then, I don't have your unique perspective on the matter."

"As I was saying," I said to get back to the subject. "Pain is a regular part of my job. If I jump in front of a bullet..."

"You've done that?"

"Uh, yeah. It hurt. A lot. But I had to deal with it and keep going, see? I can't be standing by, going 'Ow, ow, ow' while people are being killed. I have to suck it up and keep fighting."

"So this high tolerance, even an affinity, for pain is a necessity for you?"

"I guess. Does that sound like a rationalization?"

"As I said, I don't have your perspective. And I'm not qualified to tell you you're not completely out of your tree — pardon my clinical jargon — but it does sound like you have developed a viable means of coping with a... professional hazard. I wouldn't worry too much about it. The fact that you are concerned means that you are aware of the potential for this to become a problem and that indicates to me that you still have control of the situation. If you find yourself seeking out situations where you put yourself at risk just so you can experience pain, then you will know it has become a problem and you need to do something about it."

That made me feel a lot better. I hadn't gone out looking for The Torturer hoping he would hurt me. I just had been able to turn the tables on him by being tough enough to take what he did to me and turn the other cheek with a smile on my face.

"Thanks! That helps."

He helped me down off the table and gave me some paper towels to wipe off the greasy lubricant he had applied to my pussy and my anus. I thought the darn goo was unnecessary. I would have been fine without it.

Mom helped me back into my clothes while Dr. Bonner watched with an almost wistful expression. I had been quite comfortable naked and I think he had gotten used to me being that way, too. It made me smile to think that there are some rewards for being... decorative.

When I was dressed and seated again, he gave us his opinion of my health and recommendations for making the best of it. Most of it was the same dry stuff we got in the Health segments of girl's Gym. When he got down to why I had agreed to the visit in the first place, my ears perked up.

"... even allowing for your unique physiology and your abilities, I think you are in excellent health and I have no reservations about you becoming a breast milk donor. I will send a letter to that effect to the hospital and they will let you know when you can start making deliveries. Although why someone like you would want to do this is beyond me."

"Because I can."

"As you say. And I admire your sense of purpose. I suppose superhumans need a strong sense of purpose, as well as a very rigid sense of right and wrong, to deal with the temptations of the job."


"You've never wished you could take revenge on someone for doing something petty and making you mad?"

"Of course. But anyone who really makes me mad is going to be very sorry for a very short time afterward." I smiled wickedly for the nice doctor who thought I was a superhuman. Of course there were times when all of us want to pound someone. But we don't, even if we can. It's just not right. I had wanted someone to pound for days, and I was still waiting for the Killer Robots from Space to land so I would have something to really wail on. Even now that I knew how to limit the amount of destruction I was capable of doing and I felt much more positive about using my strength, I still had an urge to really let loose.

I left Dr. Bonner's office with spring in my step and a prescription for birth control pills strong enough to keep a female moose from getting pregnant.

On the way out past the appointment clerk's desk, we overheard a news broadcast talking about a couple of teens who had gone camping in the woods east of town and had gotten separated from the group and hadn't been seen since the previous night. A search was underway for them and the reporter said that concern was growing, since nightfall was only three hours away.

The reporter ran down a list of all the dangerous creatures native to the woods and how a couple of hungry and lost teens would be easy prey to a bear, a pack of wild pigs, or a gator in one of the many swampy areas that dotted the landscape.

What he didn't say was that the two had probably separated themselves intentionally so they could spend the night cuddling up in a sleeping bag together without the benefit of chaperonage by the rest of the group. The story of a couple of scared children lost in the woods would play much better than the one of a couple of horny kids who had snuck off a good distance so the sounds of them trying to screw each other's brains out wouldn't be heard back at the main camp. At least that's what I would have been doing if I had been one of those kids.

Following the reporter's spiel was the inevitable interview with the Chief Law Enforcement Official On the Scene, in this case, good old Sheriff Bob Foster. Sheriff Foster gave the equally predicable reassurances that everything that could be done to locate the two unfortunate youths was being done — dogs, experienced local hunters, all available resources were being brought to bear on the situation. Blah, blah, blah. He was so polished that I thought Sheriff Bob had probably given this same speech several times before during his time in office.

"Not all," I mumbled to myself.

"What was that?" Mom asked.

"I said that not all 'available resources' had been brought to bear."

"Oh. That's what I thought. I suppose you want to join the search?"

"I think I might be able to help."


"Gee, that was easy," I thought. But then, finding a couple of kids lost in the woods did sound a good deal safer than some of the things I had been into lately. She was probably relieved to hear that this job wouldn't involve me going out as bait for some sadistic nut-case.

I rang up Neeka on the mental intercom and discussed it with her. She suggested doing this job incognito, wearing hiking clothes and carrying backpacks instead of roaring in on the 'DragonCycle' in full crime-fighting regalia. I thought that was a very good plan and congratulated her on being willing to dispense with the bike this time out.

She said she didn't see how it could be useful in the forest and besides, the place was already a media-rich environment. If we showed up as The Dragon and sidekick, notice would be taken. She suggested meeting her back at the Reynolds house, and after briefing Mom on the plan, that's just what we did.

We had just pulled into the driveway, when Neeka came out carrying two backpacks and a bundle of clothes.

"I thought you would want to get moving right away," she said. "I packed the bags and got you some better clothes to wear, so unless you have to go pee or something, we're ready to go."

I had peed before leaving the doctor's office. Never missing a chance to pee was one of my favorite axioms, and I also had to use the restroom to finish wiping the grease out of my butt-crack anyway. That stuff made it all slippery and it was distracting. Having a well-lubed anus wasn't unpleasant; in fact it opened up new worlds for me. I hadn't considered my nether hole to be an erogenous zone before. In fact, if someone had suggested putting anything in it, I would have refused without thinking about it. Now, the idea of being fucked in the ass sounded vaguely attractive. At least it was something I would be willing to try sometime in the future — say — as soon as I could arrange it. Until then, I tried to take a mental inventory of the toys in my drawer to see if there was something in there that could help me make up my mind about having visitors in my back door. I seemed to remember several things that might fit, or that I might be willing to experiment with.

Neeka already had her rough-country clothes on, so I changed into mine in the back seat on the way. She had brought a pair of my jeans and what looked like one of her father's old denim shirts. The jeans were a touch fashionable to be worn in the woods, but it was probably the only thing in my closet that would be tough enough to protect my legs from briars and stuff. The shirt was laughably huge on me, baggy even across my chest. I started to tie the shirt-tails together to make it fit me better, but I decided to leave it hanging. Although I wasn't happy with looking tubby instead of voluptuous, this wasn't going to be a situation where my looks would be any help at all and Neeka had already pointed out the advantage to being incognito.

By the time I crawled into the jeans, sleeveless shirt and sturdy half-boots she had brought, I had only managed to flash or moon two cars and an 18-wheeler. The cars hadn't paid much attention, but the 18-wheeler stayed close until I had the shirt buttoned up and had blown the driver a kiss.

After changing, I inventoried the packs she had brought. Mine held the first-aid kit, a couple of bottles of water, half a dozen of the energy bars, my special suit and shoes, as well as the fully-loaded fanny-pack.

Neeka's was something of a surprise. She had her own crime-fighter outfit, a camp blanket, water, a pair of nunchuks, and a big damn handgun.

As soon as I saw it she said, "I know. You don't like guns. But I'm not sure how well my Kung Fu will do against a black bear and anyway, ever since the other day, I've been feeling that I need some more personal clout when we're out on a job. Call me chickenshit if you like, but I feel better knowing I have the .357 along. Those are hard-cast lead bullets in there. They should be good against anything we run into in the woods, from feral pigs to felony perps."

"Where did you get this?"

"Dad got it for when he was away on business trips. He wanted to feel that Mom and I wouldn't be sitting home defenseless. He made us both go to the pistol range and practice with it until we could both put all six rounds in the target at 25 feet. Mom always hated the thing. Even though she got pretty good with it, I doubt she would ever do anything more than point it at someone if the house were really broken into. She had no problem with me taking it with me. And I have no problem having it along."

"Not from me," I said, holding up my hands. She made sense. Hand to hand combat was one thing, hand to tooth or claw would be something else. And being prepared for anything sounded like an excellent plan. Still, I sat the pack with the gun on the other side of the seat from me and made sure the business end wasn't pointed in my direction.

Finding out that my partner/sidekick/lover was armed and dangerous was something of a shock. Still, even though I didn't want or need a gun, I had to admit that I was a minority of one. All my professional colleagues carried them and had no problem with the idea. Gail Adams had even tried to talk shop with me on the subject. I had to admit that I could see situations where it would be better to stand off and blast away rather than close with someone, or something, that presented a clear danger. I decided that I should practice some with the throwing-stars as a way to give myself the same capability.

When we reached the camping area, it was swarming with local media types who were busy interviewing anyone who would stand still long enough. Access to the command post was blocked by a deputy who barely glanced at my badge before waving us through. Apparently his job was only to keep the media far enough away for some real work to get done.

When Mom pulled her very out of place luxury sedan in between a couple of battered pickup trucks, Neeka and I piled out of the car, shouldered our packs, and went looking for the Sheriff. He wasn't hard to find. He was in a knot of people standing by a rescue squad truck with a map taped to the side of it. Neeka and I joined the fringe of the group and listened to him run down the areas that had been searched and where he wanted the next sweep to go. Someone in a plaid shirt and leather vest asked if we would keep going after dark.

"No. That would just get more people lost out here. We sure don't need that. Do you want to be the one the TV people put on the 11 o'clock news as 'lost while searching'? I didn't think so. Listen folks, we're going to do this by the numbers until we have something more than a lost-kids situation. We're going to run this sweep until a half-hour before sundown and then everyone will head back in and report, so we know we haven't lost anyone. Is that clear?"

There was a general round of regretful nodding at the wisdom of not running search teams after dark, and everyone headed out for their assigned spots. After they were gone, only Neeka and I, the Sheriff, Lt. Grogan, and a State Police officer whose rank I didn't recognize were still left. The Sheriff smiled when he saw me and we joined the smaller circle.

"Hi, Sam. Good to see you again."

"Sheriff. Lieutenant. I thought we'd see if you could use a hand out here. I hope you don't mind."

"Noooo! Happy to have you anytime you care to join in. I don't know how we can make use of your, ah, special skills today, but you are certainly welcome."

The State guy in the smokey-bear hat looked down at me and said, "Bob, I didn't know you'd run so low on manpower that you'd resorted to calling out the Girl Scouts, although this one looks more like a Brownie to me. Heh, heh!"

My friendly smile got thin and stretched as it widened to the point of showing my clenched back-teeth. The State Police officer kept chuckling at his little joke and looking down at me, but Neeka, the Sheriff and Grogan each took a half-step back to give them a head start in removing themselves from a scene of potential carnage.

"Ah, Phil..." Sheriff Foster started, but checked himself when I wagged a finger in his direction.

Before Mr. Smokey-Hat could get the other foot in his mouth, I put out a hand and said, "Sam Kramer. Pleased to meet you."

He stuck out his hand in return and I took the best grip on it I could. He was a tall, rangy guy and his hands were much bigger than mine, but I got a hold on three of his fingers and squeezed.

He gave a grunt as I tightened my grip and said, "Gee, Bob. Chubby here has a grip on her."

That did it. I cranked down on his fingers hard enough to feel the bones bend and he dropped to his knees with his eyes crossed. I let go as soon as he got down to my level and he rocked back on his heels and fetched up against the side of the truck, holding his sore hand with the other as he checked for broken bones.

Same as Sam
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The picture Alan posted on Facebook was a large, blue, Corning Ware bowl… heaped with some of the biggest, beautiful blackberries I’d ever seen. After several comments by people who wanted the berries, without having to pick them off their thorny vines, I sent my former student a private message, “Alan, I would love to have some of those berries. I would be willing to pick all I can, and only take a third of what I pick. In fact, I would also be willing to cook up your share, into preserves,...

1 year ago
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Total Woman Academy 07

Ned entered his residence suite to the sound of running water in the bathroom. Inside the steamy room, he saw that someone was using his shower. Her hands vigorously scrubbed around a head and hair covered in shampoo suds. With her eyes closed against the soapsuds and the drumming water masking outside sounds, she made no sign of noticing Ned’s presence. Turning her wet body around to face the shower spray, Ned saw tattooed words across the top of her vaginal area. He was unable to read them...

3 years ago
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Transition in Lessor Plumpton

The private bar of the Cock Inn, Lesser Plumpton was a bit more private than most. The residents of the village used it for orgies to which selected paying guests were invited. Currently it was occupied by a couple of country solicitors a doctor. A lab technician and their business people spouses who were fucking as if it was going out of fashion.Di was the Cocks part time cook and had just finished deserts so she went through to the bar to chat to the barmaid. Lisa was filling in as the...

1 year ago
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Roleplay With My Boyfriend

Hi everyone! Second story, let me know what you think! ,) My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship. (He’s now working as a vp at his father’s company, I’m still a sophomore at university studying Political Science). It had been quite a while since we last saw each other, at least three months. We decided to meet up at my house for a couple hours and then drive to Los Angeles and spend a night there afterwards. He was going to be in LA anyway for a family event and figured this would...

3 years ago
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Main Mera Pati aur Uski Behan

Hi i am huma at your service. First of all I must thank all my readers for the overwhelming response they have given me. I will try my best to raise the cocks and wet the pussies of my brothers and sisters, who are my readers. Sorry, no offence intended. Here is my new story. I got lots of suggestions that I am at my erotic best when I write in hindi, so dear I am going to narrate my story which is in continuance of my pervious story Fuming Huma. Mere nikah ko ab koi ek mahina beet chuka tha....

3 years ago
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Adrift In The Maybe Sea

You know it’s funny, sometimes you have a premonition about things to come, like I know for sure that I will never see Karen again, the former love of my life. I just know it, don’t ask me how. And sometimes everything is a big maybe, a time when uncertainty rules and all you can do to console yourself is say, “what will be, will be.” I knew exactly what I wanted and needed. I was looking for my perfect match, my psycho-sexual twin, someone to blaze steamy trails of sexual passion with. I was...

3 years ago
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The Most Wonderful Mistake

Chapter 1 I had finally gotten to college. While growing up, my favorite television show was ‘How It’s Made,’ a program that takes you through all the stages and steps required to manufacture a familiar, everyday product, all the way from a toothbrush to a grand piano. The complex machines used to make these products fascinated me and I knew that I wanted more than anything to become a mechanical engineer so I could think up and build those kinds of machines. So, I studied math and science...

4 years ago
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fishing trip

When I was younger, Mac my step dad use to take me and my sister Helen fishing. We would go for a weekend and come back with stories and no fish. As I got older he stop taking us and now it was something in the past.Now I’m 17 and graduating from school, Mac decided after all these years asked me if I want to go fishing like the good old days. I said sure and planed a weekend to go.So that weekend came, we went to the spot were we fish and got the same hotel we stay at. Mac’s friend, Tom was...

1 year ago
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iTubeGo doesn’t make any big, perverted claims about their masturbatory utility out on their front page. In fact, their whole website is about as SFW as you can get, and the app itself could be used for all kinds of wholesome, family friendly activities. Hell, if your grandma is good with computers, she might even be interested in iTubeGo just for archiving family vids and saving her favorite clips from The Golden Girls. I don’t mean to judge anybody here, but I’m guessing a sexual deviate like...

Useful Software
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The toys in the shoerack

Dad was a construction worker.Mom was a waitress. They married when i was 1 year old and my Brother was 3 we never knew any other DAD and he was great. Hard on us for schooling but took us on super vacations and made it to most of our games or had them taped. Mom and a friend Valeri cropped the tapes to just us kids and the prettiest vacation shots, with a tape of BLOOPERS to laugh at. We were a tight family and had nice friends like val/bert, linsy/don maggie/phil . Couples that spent weekends...

3 years ago
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My War in FactChapter 12 The Storm

I had to stop and take time to think about how cool my life had turned out, not in Vietnam, in Germany with Hanna and friends, my new association with my old guy friend the boiler man. I had lived in Hawaii and was from the Pacific Northwest with a combination of life adventures both awesome and bad. But all in all I had a gamut of experiences and I was still only 22 years old, the sergeant E-5 draftee of the late 1960’s. Why I was chosen to serve at the kaserne that was a Hitler favorite,...

1 year ago
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Indian porn is one of the underrated categories of sexy smut that you can look at. People think of Asian porn, but they don’t often remember to look up Indian girls too. Sex Tube Desi is a site that has the hottest Indian honeys doing the nastiest things that you can think of. Of course, there are hot pornstars like worldwide famous Mia Khalifa, who is actually Lebanese and not Indian, but hey, she will pass, and Sunny Leone, there are tons of drop dead gorgeous models who are total amateurs....

Indian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Magic 101Chapter 6

Mom and Dad had purchased a nice RV, the kind that have the van front end and the cabover spare bed, but this one had a long body and lots of room. For their Christmas present, I got a new stereo installed in the RV with a CD player and everything. There would be one in the dash and one in the lounge area. I also got CD versions of about thirty of the albums and cassettes, even a few 8-tracks they had laying around. This was all a major bummer, of course, as I was too young to drive and...

1 year ago
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First Time I Sucked Cock

When I was 19, I was like most guys – thinking about pussy a lot. My good friend Kevin was the same. We talked about it a lot – much more than either of us was getting. Still, he had a few experiences at fucking some pussy…and I had a summer where I fucked another friend’s mom quite a few times. She was the one that taught me what fucking was all about. But then came his spring break.He was in his sophomore year at UCLA and I was working in the factory. We hadn’t seen each other much since the...

4 years ago
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Whiskey JackChapter 11 A Death In The Family

Josh took a cab to work. Too much was happening and he wanted to think. Josh left the cab intent on his own personal problems. He didn't notice the driver, or the way his eyes glittered with hatred. The driver removed a cell phone from his shirt pocket and spoke in rapid Arabic. Josh had his attention focused on clearing away the rest of the day's business. Then he intended go home for the inevitable confrontation with a wife he had never loved and barely tolerated. He knew it would be...

1 year ago
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The New Place part 1

I had recently moved to a new place, Not knowing the neighborhood and people made me a bit nervous.I had unpacked my clothes,kitchenware,and misc. boxes. I had not showered for a day or so in the midst of getting everything ready. I had just got undressed and was already hard and horny.My cock was needing some attention as well. I figured I could have some fun after or during the shower. The water was hot and relaxing as it cascaded over my body and bouncing water droplets off my cock. I...

1 year ago
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New Years Party

It’s 8pm on New Years Eve. I’m standing in front of the bathroom mirror and just finished applying the final touches of my make-up. I’m wearing a long black dress and just hope it won’t offend anyone at the party. It looks like a very simple dress from the front, but the back is cut out very low and with a back like that, there is just no way of wearing a bra. After a final check in the mirror, I walk out into the hallway. Looking at my watch, I realize I have 15 minutes until he will be...

4 years ago
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Aunty Ki Bahen Ko Choda

Hello dosto kese ho aap sub. Mera naam jayesh he. Me Gujarat ka rahne vala hu… bharuch se. meri age30 years he. Muje badi aurto k saath umrame badi sex karma bahut pasand he…. Ak baar meri ye khvahis puri ho gai… kese ye ab me aapko batata hu…..Meri pados me ak aunty rehti he unki bahe jo Ahmadabad me rahti he vo ku6 dino k liye yaha par aayi hui thi…. Uunki umra karib 55 ki thi par vo 45 ki hi lag rahi thi…aur meri karib 25 saal kit hi . unke boobs kafi bade bade the blouse me nahi samate...

2 years ago
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My Virgin Nymph

I never expected to get as lucky – in every sense of the word – as I did with Amy. She was one of the new girls on my college’s all-girls’ Ultimate Frisbee team. 18 and barely out of high school, she already stood out because of her slammin’ bod. The other upperclassmen on the team and I stood watching as the new frosh practiced and tried to show off. I watched Amy’s breasts strain against her sports bra as she ran and jumped. Cassie, my close friend and occasional fuckbuddy, leaned over to me,...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 5 Jill TrimbleChapter 7

Prudence and Ted had been submerged to their necks in the water for ten minutes. They seemed to just be talking, as far as Mirriam could tell. Prudence was laughing, at something. Mirriam felt much calmer when they left her alone, and she felt much more in control of herself. Watching them, she thought about everything that had happened. Ted was a mystery to her. He wasn’t like any other man she’d ever met. He was so open ... so direct ... so willing to say what was on his mind, even when...

3 years ago
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The Invasion of Nicondria

As night closed over Nicondria, Krasis was escorted to the breeding chamber in his cruiser. If any man aboard chose to reproduce he did so here with one of the slaves. As the slave women had children they were turned into warriors. If the child was male he began training by age 6. If it was a girl they usually became slaves, but in rare cases were trained as priestesses, spies, assasains, or bodyguards. If elite officers took a liking to a certain slave than the slave would be that officer's...

4 years ago
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Serum Dippity

Jake left the science lab hungry and exhausted. It had been four months, and he knew he was getting into trouble. In the past few weeks, he had been neglecting his classes, and his marks were starting to suffer. As usual, these sort of thoughts only occurred to him after he had spent about thirty six hours straight in the lab. The student union was closed, and the only place that had food this time of night was Chico's, a sort-of combination fast food and drinking hangout near the...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Jane Rogers Cums Hard for Stepfather

Watch: STREAMTAPE MIXDROP DOODSTREAM EVOLOAD VIDEOBIN Redhead teen Jane Rogers is driving stepfather Tommy Pistol mad with all the boys coming over day in and day out, and he decides to put his stepdaughter to the test, to see if the little Penthouse nympho really has the skills she claims to have. She feigns surprise at his proposal, but one touch of his hand to her soaking wet pussy and he could see she is clearly turned on. What ensues is young Jane getting fucked harder than ever over the...

1 year ago
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FilthyMassage Nina Lopez Rubbing Down Nina8217s BIG Naturals

Sexy Latina Nina Lopez is packing a pair of beautiful, big natural tits. Tyler Steel is tasked with oiling them up & rubbing them down. He soaks her top so her fat boobs are visible through her shirt. He unleashes the girls and jiggles and squeezes them, exactly like you know you want to yourself. Nina gets turned on as he puts his fingers deep in her wet pussy. She turns around to expose her naked ass to him – Tyler uses both hands to penetrate her cunt in this position. Nina is...

3 years ago
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Community TooChapter 9

Kimberly's turn: It's like that day that I was interviewing with the math dudes - it's over. I'm flat on my back in the back seat of Tina's car and my head WAS hurting but Tina and Cindy talked me out of it. Mizz Patel ... Doctor Patel, really, but she's Mizz Patel to us, I guess, just called Cindy and told her that I have survived the mathematical portion of the 'let's get Kimberly through college FAST' process. Tim's astonished. "This thing doesn't happen except in fiction,"...

2 years ago
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Getting if finally

Since childhood being shy to girl was hard for me to get into girl friend stuff. But time changes… When I came from my home town to pune, it was a great surprize! We had a building adjacent to – kind of forming a right angle traingle. Family in that house had two sublings apart from parents. One elder kid and other young girl. Though only one year aparts them. Coming here in pune got me familiar with sex stuff and I got more excited day by day. One day when i was studying in my bedroom...

1 year ago
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It was raining as Ian got off the plane he looked around for who would pick him up. Would it be his Mother, Jess, who was in her 30's. She was 5'5, had brown hair, medium sized tits, and an amazing ass. Or would it be his Aunt Becky, with the same sized tits and an even better ass. It could also be his sister Cara, which had blonde hair, a fat ass, and perfectly sized tits.

4 years ago
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Lisa My Uncles MaidChapter 3

Shortly thereafter my uncle announced it was time for bed. As he rose from his chair, he said, "I will be in contact." As an afterthought he had taken two keys from his pocket and told me they were for Lisa's collar and the drawer holding the control mechanism. He suggested I keep it secure on my person to avoid "anyone's wayward temptations". Then taking Lisa by the hand he led the lovely maid off to another wing. I sat by myself, watching the fire slowly die and considered the...

3 years ago
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Chris ChrissyChapter 5

I went to bed, very uncomfortably due to what my sister had just said to me, causing me to be extremely aroused. Sorry Mom, but I have to masturbate tonight. So, I took my dick in my hand and played with it for a while, but I didn't seem to be getting anywhere. I was doing all the things Christine had done to me, including playing with my balls. Nothing! I got up and quietly walked to my sister's room and slipped inside. I crawled into bed with her, and she rolled over and said, "Hi...

3 years ago
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Adam and the Ants The BeginningChapter 4 The Cruel Month of June

Strange voices are saying-- What did they say? Things I can't understand, it's too close for comfort This heat has got right out of hand It's a cruel, cruel summer, leaving me here on my own It's a cruel, cruel summer, now you're gone — Bananarama, "Cruel Summer" (used without permission) Friday, June 8, 1984 9:18 PM The emergency room was a madhouse. A three-car accident on the turnpike had brought six other patients to the trauma center, all with injuries worse than mine. I...

2 years ago
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Rosa Diaz Humiliation

Since this interactive is female-only, there are a few characters changes I'm making to allow for that. Also, this interactive will be very unrealistic, obviously. The Captain: Amy is acting as the precinct's captain due to the fact that the last captain (Captain Nikki Martin) requested a precinct change after she was publicly humiliated by detective Diaz. Gina serves as Amy's assistant. The Sergeant: With Amy as the captain, a new Sergeant was moved into the precinct: Sergeant Madison Brooks....

4 years ago
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Rimonoteague Chapter 5

 “Robert! The bacon!” I yelled. The smell of burning bacon interrupted that sexual afterglow before reality intervened. Robert came back to reality, cried “Fuck!” and rushed out of our bedroom. While he had been making breakfast, my new husband-sanctioned lover and I had had bone-shaking love. My husband was mesmerized by the way his wife had fucked his friend to near-breathless gasping. Maybe I had fucked Thomas’s autonomic nervous system senseless as well: he could not breathe or see or...

1 year ago
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The Grantham ClinicChapter 1

Amanda Pierce stood shivering by the kerb in the cold November air, dressed in just a thin blouse and her school skirt. The swim practice had finished early and she now had to wait while her father travelled from the other side of town to pick her up. She'd texted him from the changing room twenty minutes earlier and had considered waiting in the warm foyer, but was afraid of missing him. He'd be annoyed if he was forced to get out of the car to find her. The diminutive sixteen year old...

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