Track Coach
- 4 years ago
- 19
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Monday, April 18, 2005 (Continued)
I was a little surprised that Donna sat in her usual front seat. I had half-expected her to sit in the back, as a semi-girlfriend sort of thing. Maybe she didn't think of it.
Carol surprised me too. Partway to school she gave me a naked pussy flash, catching me by complete surprise. She dropped her skirt then laughed at the expression on my face.
A couple of minutes later, when Carol also didn't expect it, I TK-pinched one of her nipples. Pinched, hung on, and pulled it. Carol was wearing the new casual outfit she had brought back from Julia's house: A short skirt, above the knee rather than below as she normally wears, and a matching top. The top was considerably tighter than her norm, and she was even wearing a thinner than normal bra because I could tell where her nipple was, making it easy to TK it. I liked her new look considerably (there's a surprise). Carol seemed to enjoy its advantages too, because while I was pinching her left nipple, her right one visibly hardened.
I digress. The important thing was that my 'revenge' surprised her as much as her pussy flash had me. I enjoyed laughing back at her, and she knew exactly why. After the initial surprise, she enjoyed it too. I stopped it soon though, as we weren't far from school and I thought it'd be kinder if I let her two fairly obvious advertisements of 'enjoyment' soften a bit before she got to school. [An hour later it occurred to me that Carol might have enjoyed the embarrassment of having erect nipples at school, but then I thought she probably wouldn't as she wouldn't be doing it for Julia or me. Not understanding females, I wasn't sure of that, but I thought it most likely, otherwise she would've been wearing thinner bras to school for the last few years. That seemed logical, so I was very uncertain about it.]
Donna hung around for a few seconds, until the car had gone. Then she said to me, "I will be thinking of you today. I've brought a very good reminder." She pulled Substitute Mark out of her pocket to show me.
"Good grief. I hope that's not for 'Show and Tell', and that it doesn't go off accidentally in class."
"Yeah, it's a pity it's a bit noisy, even on the lowest setting. I can still use it turned off though. I'm going to enjoy myself today." Obviously busting her cherry hadn't caused Donna much pain this morning, which I'd seen when she'd walked out to the car easily.
"Have a good day then, sweetie. Try not to - cough, cough - 'think of me' too often, in case you get too tired to concentrate on your teachers."
"I'll tell you at dinner how many times I 'thought of you', haha. See ya." Donna shot off toward her area of the school.
Carol and I waited for Julia. I was about to ask her about Donna, when she beat me to it by saying, "You did very well with Donna this morning. She's very happy."
"Yeah, happy and horny, but you're right. It wasn't just me though because you set her straight very well last night. This morning I just repeated much the same as you'd told her. I don't know whether she had time to tell you, but we only did half a run and spent the other half in my room. I played with her nipples and then gave her the vibrator. She used it to get off while I tweaked her nipples some more. The sex was pretty lightweight really, as I only touched her nipples. I don't think the sex was important; what worked best was what we told her."
Carol said, "Donna told me most of that, but what had the biggest impact on her was that she tried to be so selfish last night, but you were so unselfish with her this morning. She said you gave her the best orgasm she's ever had without wanting anything for yourself. She was ashamed of herself and impressed by you."
"I didn't really have a plan. It just worked out that way. And before you can compliment me, let me compliment you instead: you're looking VERY pretty today. I know you're doing it for me so thank you very much. I appreciate it very much."
"Thank you. Nearly all of the clothes we bought on Saturday were to please you, so I'm glad the first two outfits make you happy."
It took me a second to recall the other outfit, then I got it, "The dress you wore to dinner! That wasn't 'an outfit', that was Heaven on Earth! That didn't just make me happy, it TOTALLY blew me away. When you wear that dress my hands actually hurt if I don't let them slide under your straps. I can feel a physical pull like a magnet straining to reach for iron. It's amazing. With your hair up, the high-heeled shoes and necklace, and that dress - you looked SPECTACULAR. Sophisticated and very, very sexy. And every single guy we saw all night obviously had the same reaction. I thought the taxi driver was going to drive us into a tree because he wouldn't stop looking at you in the rear vision mirror."
"I noticed the other guys, but there was only one guy who mattered to me."
"You made him very happy, believe me. You're a wonderful girl. For reasons far beyond how beautiful and sexy you are. I'm so much looking forward to living with you as husband and wife."
"Yeah me too. That's going to be fantastic. I pray your moneymaking idea works and that we can find a place that's got the privacy we want."
"I'm going to call Prof tonight to see if I can speed it up. Let's change the subject to something less frustrating. You got me a good one in the car just now. I nearly swallowed my tongue when I gulped in surprise. It was well done, thanks. You're a delight."
"I wanted to thank you for being so good to Donna."
"In that case, I will be very, very good to Donna every day! Haha."
"I'll just have to show you my pussy every day then, won't I?"
I deliberately folded my arms, and said, "You don't have to show me, I can see for myself. You're still not wearing any panties, are you?"
"No. They're in my bag still."
"Look down then."
Carol looked down, to see that I had already used TK to raise the front of her skirt. I hadn't raised it anywhere near high enough for me to see anything - there were far too many other kids around for that - but I had pulled it up enough for her to be reminded that I could do so.
When she'd gotten the point of my demonstration, I said, "A short skirt like that could be above your waist in a second. Everyone would see everything."
Carol hugged her bag to her chest and spread her feet apart, and waited.
Yet another of my bluffs called. Neither Carol nor Julia come close to believing these threats of mine. That's the trouble of being known as a wimp. A very well-loved wimp, but a wimp nonetheless. I admitted, "You got me. I give up. You and Julia never fall for my bluffs."
"You mean you're not going to do it?"
"Um, no. I was only trying to scare you. Not really 'scare', of course, just for fun. But you called my bluff."
"Aww, I thought you were going to."
That reminded me. It had been a while since we'd played 'sexually embarrass Carol' games. I'd forgotten about them when I was raising her skirt. I realized that Carol hadn't adopted her 'helpless dumb girl' persona. So I asked her, "You're serious aren't you? Not playing one of those games you like?"
"I just thought you were going to do it, so I cooperated with you." After a short pause, Carol added, "That's so COOL! I can't wait to tell Julia about that."
I'm a bit slow at understanding females ("completely unable" being a form of "a bit slow"), so I did what I've found works well, and asked, "Why is it so cool?"
Carol explained, "My unquestioning obedience. I didn't even think about questioning you, let alone disobeying. I just assumed you wanted to do it and I cooperated. I'm proud of myself. And proud of you for being so trustworthy."
"My pulling up your skirt in public is hardly trustworthy of me!"
"Haha. No, you're right. It's naughty, which I also like but that's a whole other issue. It's your PREVIOUS trustworthiness that earned my obedience. Think about Donna. She's going to be far more obedient to you now because you've earned her trust. She came into our room this morning completely naked and not at all concerned that she'd been naked with you. Can you imagine her being that trusting a month ago?"
I thought about Donna's and my relationship a month ago. We liked each other very much, but I couldn't imagine her response to my telling her I was going to pull her panties down. It wouldn't have been the great delight she'd had this morning.
I started shaking my head, when Carol suddenly laughed, and said, "Ha, ha. Never mind 'a month ago', I just thought about 'a year ago'. If you'd tried to strip her a year or two ago, Donna would have beaten you to a pulp, and then told on you to Mom and Dad."
"Yeah. She would have killed me and then got me in serious trouble with Mom and Dad."
Carol added, "Mom and Dad have changed too. If they'd seen Donna coming out of your room naked this morning, I don't think they would've hit the roof, but they would have a year ago."
"You're right about that too. Mom knows I did something sexual with Donna this morning, but she pretty much gave me permission to carry on doing it."
"So people are trusting you a lot. That's why I'm proud of you. So, are you going to pull my skirt up now?"
"I can see what you think of that idea: your nipples are sticking out more."
"I'm glad you look at them. I need to wear bras most of the time, but we bought some thinner ones so you can see my nipples easier."
Not only see them, but the highly official Mark's-arm-holding technique felt better too. What else could I say, "Thank you VERY much. But, um, aren't you worried about other people seeing your nipples too?"
"I know the boys in my class are going to go a little crazy when I start dressing like this, but Julia's given me some good put-down lines. If they don't work, I'll get your help like I did about a year ago. Remember?"
"When I came to your class to tell Ed Miller to stop pestering you, right?"
"Yeah. That worked wonderfully last year. If the boys get silly about my new look I'll try Julia's lines first, but if they're not enough can I ask for your help again please?"
"Absolutely. Not only is that a small price to pay for seeing you look so good, but I'd even enjoy it. I like doing things for you."
Carol smiled her appreciation, then said, "I'm not going to dress like a slut at school. Julia and I know you wouldn't like that..."
I shook my head, to indicate, "No, I wouldn't." I don't even like it when the sluts dress like sluts. I better explain that in case you think I've got something against girls who show lots of flesh. I like their flesh FINE! The problem is that they've invariably got either an in-your-face aggressive attitude, or a stratospherically arrogant one.
" ... Mostly I'll be wearing clothes like these. Showing enough to remind you that I am sexy and yours. That's all I need to do."
"That sounds perfect to me. Don't hesitate if you need help with the boys though." One thing I knew for sure was that the boys in Carol's classes were going to make total fools of themselves. Carol's got a heavenly figure and now that she was actually showing its shape, the boys were going to get all gaga in the stupid way boys do.
Carol added, "I did get some slut clothes too, for when it's just us. Let me know whenever you want me to wear them."
A second later Carol laughed, and said, "I see I'm not the only one that has a problem with something that sticks out."
I struggled to overcome my having gone all gaga. Having a hard-on when standing next to your sister wasn't a good look, so a go-soft was definitely required. Julia arrived while I was deflating myself.
Julia said, "I had a flat tire at home. It took me a few minutes to repair it."
Being the sexist I was soon made to feel, I asked, "Didn't one of The Boys offer to do it for you?"
"No. I was taught how to repair my own punctures years ago. They helped me learn and do the first couple, but that was all. Mom and Dad said I have to be able to do things like that myself. It's not hard, you know, even for a poor, helpless little girlie." The last was said with a put-on humorous tone. Julia added, "I better make sure I learn how to change car tires too."
Carol prompted me, "Ask Julia about dinner tonight."
As instructed, I said, "Would you like to have dinner at our house tonight?"
"Sure. That'd be good."
Carol said. "Great. I gotta go now. See you at lunch, bye."
Julia and I immediately headed off toward our first class too. On the way I told her that one of the reasons to invite her to dinner was so she could get to know Donna better, as she'd suggested a few days ago. I gave her a brief summary of my morning's activities with Donna and Mom's reaction to it. Julia was pleased. Everyone seemed pleased: Donna, Carol, Mom and Julia. I must be doing something right. I remembered to tell Julia that I wasn't going to show Donna my TK yet, just in case it came up in conversation while Donna was around.
School has a weird schedule where every seventh schoolday has a different order of classes. It's mostly for elective classes that aren't important enough to have every week. Today was one of those odd days, but it started with a very ordinary class: English. During it, a student came in and passed a note to my teacher, who called out, "Mark Anderson, report to Mr. Millane in the gym." I didn't know a Mr. Millane, but this class was English so I was more than happy to report to anyone anywhere.
I recognized Mr. Millane when I saw him, he's the school's track coach. I said, "I'm Mark Anderson. You sent for me?"
"I heard about your 10k win. I want you to join our track team."
"No thanks. That was a oncer. I'm not running any more organized races." ("Oncer" is a word I've picked up from Dad. Pronounced "once-er". It means "one-time event", which is what I should use, but don't. You can blame Dad if you want.)
I turned to leave, but Mr. Millane stepped in front of me. "Please reconsider. It would be very good for you and the school."
Reconsidering didn't take me very long at all. "Nope. I'm not running any more races. End of story. Bye."
Apparently it wasn't the end of story because Mr. Millane moved to block me yet again. He launched into an impassioned speech about why I had to do as he requested. All sorts of crap reasons:
I owed the school loyalty. This would be the same school whose lack of protection drove me to suicide.
Track was important. How the world was a better place because Person A ran around a circle faster than Person B completely escaped me.
How sports would teach me important life skills. The ONLY 'life skill' I'd noticed sport teaching anyone, including Mr. Millane, was how to be a bully.
I talked over his tirade with, "No! I don't want to do any running. I want to go back to class now."
He wasn't listening, and carried right on ignoring my objection.
I started getting quite pissed off. I was about to get seriously angry in his face when, #1:
I told him, "You've convinced me that we need to talk with the Principal about this, so we can sort it out asap. The school year is nearly over so there's not much time. Let's go."
Believing the merits of his many arguments had convinced me, Millane was willing to let me walk out the gym's door with him. I led the way briskly to the Principal's office.
On the way he said, "We don't need to see the Principal. I can easily take care of the paperwork myself. There's not much."
I answered with, "I'm in a special academic program which the Principal oversees. I need to talk with him." What it lacked in accuracy, it more than made up for by sounding good.
Millane said other things on the way, but I treated them with the same respect I'd treated his previous comments.
When we got to the Principal's office his secretary wouldn't let us in. "He's busy."
I insisted. It's so cool that I can do that. The secretary knew who I was, of course. The assaults were only a few weeks ago and the school had started getting its act together in several ways. She was still reluctant because he wasn't just busy alone; he was having a meeting.
I insisted some more. Did she really expect me to be sympathetic about some random meeting? No doubt one of hundreds, if not thousands, he has a year. My saying, "I'll call Mom then" as I pulled out my phone resolved the issue. Mom has been negotiating with the school over a financial settlement, so I'm sure the secretary didn't want to upset my mom, or upset the Principal by having my upset mom come down on him.
The secretary went in to talk with the Principal, and his meeting suddenly ended. A couple of minutes later Mr. Millane and I were ushered in.
I started by saying, "Mr. Millane, please explain what you want me to do."
"Join the school's track team."
"Now list all the reasons you used to try to convince me."
I made him be as complete as possible, rather than letting him get away with just the two reasons he initially gave. I also made him explain each of the reasons, telling him to "repeat the same explanations you used with me." After I'd prompted him a few times about stuff he'd left out, he didn't need further assistance. He actually got excited about repeating it all again, the idiot. He even explained some reasons I'd failed to notice the first time, which unsurprisingly didn't change my mind. All of this took several minutes, and I was pleased that the Principal patiently sat through all of it. The only reason he would have done so was because he either respected or feared me. Both were good.
When the dipstick had finished his list, I said, "You left one reason out, the last one you used to try to influence my decision."
He looked blankly at me. He actually didn't know what I was referring to. A particularly stupid dipstick then, as he still had no idea that he'd talked himself right into the middle of a trap.
I prompted, "Remember, you talked about what would happen to my grades in other subjects."
He saw the trap now! "I don't think I mentioned anything about those."
"Yes you did. It was the very last thing you said to me before I said we had to talk with the Principal. Don't you remember?"
"No, I never said anything like that."
"It's just as well that I have a SUPERB memory. That's one of the reasons my IQ tested out at 226." That got his attention big time! He obviously had no idea who I was, other than a fast runner, but he knew that an IQ of 226 was a FREAKILY high IQ. He looked at the Principal, who nodded confirmation. Then he just looked sick.
Having established the credentials for my memory as best I could quickly, I said, "I deliberately memorized the exact words you used. You said, and I'm quoting you word-perfect now: 'Track is important in this school. If your other teachers learn of your refusal to support your school, you might find your grades start going downhill.' Now tell the Principal how many times I had refused to run for you?"
"I'll answer for you, seeing as how you're apparently unable to count. By the time you found it necessary to threaten my grades, I had refused your request to run for the school twenty three times. Twenty three! I counted them. Now would you please explain to the Principal why you thought it was necessary to pull me out of my English class in order to make me listen to your ceaseless prattle and threats. English being my weakest subject and the one that I have to work at the hardest in order to keep my grade point average up." Not that I cared a monkey's fart about English or my GPA. I was pretty sure I was not going to be going down the usual career path that every other kid had to face.
Dipstick apparently decided that offense was the best defense, and he started accusing me of making up all these accusations about me. I let him run on for a while. I probably couldn't have stopped him, but it was amusing to listen to him anyway.
After he wound down somewhat, I said what my internal planning session had decided on, "I've got several points to make about your untruthful denials of my twenty three refusals:
-- "First I made you describe to the Principal all the reasons you used to convince me to run for you. You listed every reason under the sun, and described them at length. Clearly I didn't agree to run or you wouldn't have needed to try so many reasons, at such length.
-- "Second we can contact my English teacher and ask what time I was summoned out of class. What with the walking time required and the time now, it'll be obvious that I must have spent at least twenty minutes talking to you in the gym.
-- "Third, ever since I won the race on Saturday I've been approached by a never-ending stream of people wanting me to run for them. I have consistently given the same answer: 'I won't run in any more organized races.' If I called my mother now and without prompting her in any way asked her how I would answer if I was asked to race for the school, she would repeat those exact same words. She's heard me say them over and over this weekend, as have all my family."
-- I turned to face the Principal, "Shall I call my mom and ask her that question?"
The Principal thought it was unnecessary. Although I'd exaggerated about all the people chasing me, I knew Mom would've confirmed my decision not to run again. I'd also been reasonably sure the Principal would have preferred not to call Mom if I offered him a choice on the matter.
I continued, "Having established that you lied about my twenty three refusals, your saying you never threatened my grades is now not credible. On the contrary, your threat is entirely believable. I had been repeatedly refusing to agree to your demands and after you'd exhausted every reason under the sun to convince me, it's entirely believable that you'd revert to threats. Now tell the Principal how many times you physically prevented me from leaving the gym when I wanted to."
He obviously wasn't going to do as I wanted, and he started making a fuss. I was pleased when the Principal shut him up. Politely, but effectively.
I told the Principal the answer to my own question, "Three times I told him that I wanted to get back to my class and I moved to walk around him and out of the door. All three times he blocked me by interposing himself between me and the door. He was using physical intimidation to force me to stay where I was. I was pulled out of an important class and forced to endure a long-winded tirade on a subject that I hold in some contempt. I refused to do what he wanted twenty three times, and three times tried to leave but was physically prevented from doing so. Because of my repeated refusals I was then subject to a very serious threat against my grades.
-- "I will mention that I am already enrolled in OSU and have their permission to audit and take any Mathematics courses I want. Free of charge, too. OSU have, at their own expense, provided me with a brand new home computer, high speed internet access, several expensive software packages and online access to all their course materials. The Dean of OSU has already spent a considerable amount of time smoothing my way to access his university. My girlfriend's father is a Professor and he has told me that if I get good grades this year then I will have universities and colleges from all over the world, large corporations and several Federal Government agencies pursuing me next year. All of that has been put at risk by this dipstick's not accepting my twenty three refusals to run around in circles for him."
Ambush complete, I folded my hands and looked to the Principal to respond. He was starting to react already, "Okay, Mark. First we don't want to start using epithets, regardless of whether someone is a 'dipstick' or not."
It was clear that the Principal had decided whose side he was on, and he was letting the dipstick know it wasn't him. That left me with only one worry, which I decided to leave to the Principal. I'd decided he wasn't such a bad guy. He'd handled this meeting very well so far, and he'd already started doing the right things in school as a result of my previous assaults. The Principal was still talking, but I interrupted him, "Sorry, sir. But I want to get back to class, and this has wasted enough of my time already. I'd like to leave this to you to fix, but I'd like to say a few things before I go. Is that okay?"
I think he was more than happy at my leaving him, so he assented.
I said, "I'm not worried about being made to run races for the school. Obviously no one can force me to run if I don't want to, and if they tried I'd just sit down and read a book. The only thing that Dipstick said that matters was his threat to damage my grades. That implies he either has access to my records, or can influence some of my teachers into downgrading me. Both are extremely serious concerns. I will call my mother shortly and explain that I was bullied by a teacher - because bullying is exactly what he was doing - and that my grades have been threatened. I am sure Mom will then call the Corvallis and Oregon Boards of Education to alert them to Dipstick's threats. You're going have to work with my mother and the Boards over how my grades for this year and next can be protected from his carrying out his threat or getting revenge on me. Clearly he's a liar, a bully and in a position of authority, so I'm seriously concerned about this. Mom may well have additional concerns and I'm sure she won't hesitate to call you if she feels it necessary."
The Principal was sure of that too.
I took my departure shortly after that, making sure the Principal saw me pulling out my cellphone as I left. I sent Mom a text message: "Julia coming for dinner. Call me if convenient re another bullying attempt, no hurry." I walked slowly back to my English classroom, figuring that if I walked slowly enough I might successfully miss the whole class and therefore get some benefit out of Dipstick's stupidity.
Mom called back before I got to class, and I quickly filled her in. I reassured her that I wasn't really worried, believing that Dipstick had simply gotten carried away and was probably just blowing smoke with his threat. He obviously didn't know who I was and I had trouble imagining that any of my teachers would deliberately downgrade me on the Track coach's say so. I was sure the Principal would do his job fine. I told Mom that I'd done it mainly for two reasons: because Dipstick was seriously pissing me off and so deserved some major trouble as a consequence, and because I thought it'd help Mom squeeze a little more money out of the school.
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It was a Friday night after a late baseball practice at my high school. I am in my senior year. I had turned 18 already and my parents did not mind me staying out late. Since I had no curfew to worry about I was in no rush to get home and dallied in the locker room. Before not too long I was the only person there. Being an 18 year old boy my mind immediate went to sex. After I looked and confirmed no one was around I pulled my pants down, sat down on a bench, and started to masturbate. ...
First of all, I admit I was a wiseass. There wasn't one teacher thatdidn't want to kick me out of school.But my grades were passing and I was also quite good on the trackteam, the football team and the baseball team. I also worked out withthe wrestling and swim teams.In fact, the school let me use my elective credits in sports. Iliterally had two letter sweaters by the time I was asophomore..that's right a sophomore.But I was a wiseass too.Then in my junior year, I went too far. I started to...
HEAD COACH The coach was horny! More than usual, that is. He seemed to have a perpetual hardon lately. At first he'd thought maybe it was because he hadn't had his ass plowed with a big dick in a long time, so last night, after his nephew was asleep, he'd gone over to John's house and gotten his butt royally fucked with eleven inches of fat prick. He'd even blown a wad himself at the same time his gut was being filled with cum. He'd told John what a great fuck it was, but he was lying....
To catch the readers up: I am an 18 year old in high school ( I got held back ). My baseball coach, Coach H, caught me masturbating in the locker room after a Friday evening practice. Coach H is 58, hairy, and athletic. He tells me masturbation is natural and does it as well. We went to his office and masturbated a bit before he fucked me in the ass. Since that evening Coach H and I have gotten together in his office Friday evenings after baseball practice and masturbated and he fucking me...
The next Friday I again ask Coach H if the two of us could masturbate after baseball practice. Coach H invited into his office as usual. I undressed first and sat on the sofa and started to play with myself. Coach H stopped me and handed me an ice pack. “Put this on your groin and think of something non-sexual like physics. I want your dick limp” he tells me. I comply. After a few minutes my cock is cold and limp. It has shrunk to its non-aroused state. While I am holding the ice pack...
We had another late baseball practice the following Friday. Wondering if Coach H (late 50’s with a hairy athletic body) meant what he said that I could ask him about masturbating with him again I delayed going back to the locker room to shower off by hitting a few balls in the baseball cage. I got back to the locker room as the last of my teammates where dressing. I undressed and hit the showers. While drying off in the shower I heard a cough and it was Coach H. He told me that if I had any...
First of all, I admit I was a wiseass. There wasn't one teacher thatdidn't want to kick me out of school.But my grades were passing and I was also quite good on the trackteam, the football team and the baseball team. I also worked out withthe wrestling and swim teams.In fact, the school let me use my elective credits in sports. Iliterally had two letter sweaters by the time I was asophomore..that's right a sophomore.But I was a wiseass too.Then in my junior year, I went too far. I started to...
Coach Kennedy had truly rocked my world by having me swallow his cock and hot load. I had no clue that he was interested in guys at all. I had always had a crush on him but never ever imagined it would be anything more than just a fantasy.After our shower encounter, I cleaned up and got dressed. As I was leaving the locker room, I saw Coach's girlfriend pull up. I overheard Coach Kennedy tell her he was going to rock her world tonight. I wondered if she would realize his load wasn't as big as...
Watching a big manly ex-bodybuilder put a condom on a baseball bat was kinda hot. I started getting a semi. God damn, why did I wear sweats today?! Afterwords, the class and I all went off the bleachers and lined up for coach gave us all a few condoms. It was kinda awkward being in line with a big semi-erection bulging out of your sweats. Coach gave me a wink when he passed me the condoms. Oh shit. Coach knew. Was it really that noticeable? No one else stared at my crotch but him. Me...
Fucked By My Coach & A Masseuse!Remember Coach Smith made me the team captain after our wonderful fuck? I had a responsibility towards the school, team and him. Well I have been living up to all 3 of them wonderfully.Our team was better, We won loads of trophies for our school and I fucked Coach Smith as and when he felt like it. We banged all the time. After practice in his room, In the locker area, In the shower area and even on the fields after sundown. Coach Smith loved banging me bad....
It wasCoach William’s lucky day as he had caught Jim and Amy half naked in the ball room. Jim and Amy were two of his seniors from his last period gym class. There Jim was, pants around his ankles while Amy was sucking his cock. Amy’s top was off and her shorts were half way down her thighs. Coach held back and watched for a few minutes. What made things hotter for him was how Amy was drilling her middle finger up Jim’s ass as she sucked him. Coach’s cock swelled in his tight shorts as he...
It wasCoach William's lucky day as he had caught Jim and Amy half naked in the ball room. Jim and Amy were two of his seniors from his last period gym class. There Jim was, pants around his ankles while Amy was sucking his cock. Amy's top was off and her shorts were half way down her thighs. Coach held back and watched for a few minutes. What made things hotter for him was how Amy was drilling her middle finger up Jim's ass as she sucked him. Coach's cock swelled in his tight shorts as he...
BisexualThis a re post of an earlier story. The pictures are not the same model do help the imagery of the story. Melissa strutted through the gym as the basketball team worked on their drills. Coach Washington watched as the teen girl parade past his team. Damon his best player ran into another player as he was distracted by the hot white chick as she shook her tight butt in front of the team. Coach thought to himself now there is another white bitch that needs to learn to not tease young black men....
Her cries were making me harder by the second; this sex goddess with her legs spread in front of me begging for my cock was more than a dream come true. I took a step closer and held the base of my cock as I slid the head just in the entrance of her hole. Then I pulled out and rubbed it along her slit keeping pressure on it so it rubbed her clit as I went. Then back inside, then out, going a bit deeper each time. Being a coach of a girls basketball team for 4 years had its up and downs, but I...
TabooI was able to make it to Coach H’s house the following Saturday. Coach H greeted me at the door and invited me in. He handed me a beer as we went into his living room. We sat next to each other on the coach. While talking about school Coach H turned on the TV and started up another video of him and his wife having sex. There were multiple angles in the video. Some from the side, some from behind, and some from Coach H’s POV. Coach H and I were rubbing our cocks through our pants while...
While I felt wonderful, I still needed coach’s big dick. I was a little afraid with his wife there, if I was going to get any of it, or was she going to hog it all. I pointed to his prick and asked in my cutest little pout if he had something to make me feel good. He stopped laughing long enough to tell me that if I wanted it we would have to go back to the club. This confused me. How was I going to get fucked by my favorite toy with all those other people around? Oh well,...
(Setting the scene: I am an 18 year old in high school on the baseball team. One Friday after practice I was caught masturbating in the locker room by my baseball coach Coach H. He is 58, hairy, and athetic. Instead of getting in trouble Coach H started to masturbate with me and eventually we ended having sex. We have had sex several times since then.)Coach H was grumpy during the next Friday night baseball practice. He did not even wait for me to ask if the two of us could get together. ...
Caught Coach By DionysusMas Sara Winslow had been coaching the girls’ volleyball team at Eastern Valley High for 3 years now and had been keeping a terrible secret for the last year. At a very awkward time in her life Sara found herself drawn to one of her students. This was the first time in her life that she experienced any sort of sexual feelings for another female and the fact that it was an 18 year old girl was quite troubling for her. Sara had been married for 20 years to John Winslow and...
A recap. I am an 18 year old high school student on the school’s baseball team. Coach H, my baseball coach, is in his late 50’s, has a hairy athletic body, and a large veiny cock. Coach H caught me masturbating in the locker room after a late Friday practice. He told me that masturbation was natural before he joined me. We ended up in his office where he fucked me in the ass after tongue fucking my hole. Afterwards Coach H told me that that if I felt like masturbating with him again to...
Mr. Crete’s new student teacher was Jessica Calhoun, a former all state cheerleader from the next county. Jessica was an excellent English major, and she was an outstanding teacher-in-training. However, her real talents were as a cheer coach who could choreograph the most innovative cheer and dance routines. Jessica was quickly assigned the role of varsity cheer coach as part of her student teaching assignment.Jessica was able to recruit a handful of junior and senior girls as cheerleaders. ...
Lesbian“Let's start with a few simple stretches,” Coach Garren said. “Great let me just change,” she said. She had only been training with Coach Garren for a couple months but already felt a strong bond. He was kind, caring, and doting. However, as Alice peeled off the track pants covering her shorts, she felt an unfamiliar sense of vulnerability. It was strange being alone with a much older man. His silver hair and imposing figure reminded her of her own father. He looked like a wrestler. She was...
You’re not sure why you’ve been called to Coach’s office. You recently celebrated your 18th birthday and are on the cheer leading squad. There’s a game tonight but you’re not the captain of the squad and usually Coach is preoccupied getting ready for the game. Tonight is a critical game too, your opponent is your school’s long time rival and a win means playoffs, while a loss…well it’s too terrible to even think about…but a loss means the end of the season! You knock timidly on Coach’s door...
It was the start of the high school football season at Central High School and Coach Johnson was looking over his initial roster of players. He recognized a few of the names from the previous years–some of his best players were on it. Of course, he had lost some good ones as they graduated this spring and were now playing college ball or had moved on. But he was still pretty pleased with what he had to work with this year. There were positions to fill, just like every year, but he had a good...
AnalThis is a true story of my first time with a guy.Coach Kennedy was my high school football coach and was constantly pushing me to do more. One day at practice he told me was riding my ass over a dropped pass. He told me to start running laps and not stop until he told me to stop. When practice was over, I was still running. My teammates hit the locker room and I was still running. I asked Coach could I stop and go to the locker room. Coach Kennedy said "Did I say stop running?" I kept running...
(This will be from the racer's prospective, than the coaches prospective.) Coach: I am excited, the race is this week, a week I have off from college, thanksgiving. I'm 25 and I'm at the terminal now, my client right behind me. My muscles bulged, as he strained to carry the gigantic packages. Airplane attendants asked me if I wanted help, and I declined it, wanting to show superiority. Danny: The entire flight through I snored, and when I awoke, my crotch had a nice warm feeling, the canvas...
FetishTo be perfectly honest, I was a bit ashamed and felt like a weirdo when puberty hit. I was pretty late bloomer, but when puberty hit it did so with force. My voice changed very quickly, my body got a lot more muscles, and most of all my cock grew huge. My trouble started when the other guys in my sport teams saw my cock in the shower. Funny how someone's body part can make other people either hate you or admire you, some at the same time.I felt like an outcast, since my cock while soft was...
Jim and Amy rushed to Jim’s house after Coach William released them. Amy’s pussy stayed wet as she could still taste Coach’s cum on her lips. Jim was in a state of half arousal, half confusion as he had just sucked his Coach’s dirty cock after he fucked his girlfriend. He was embarrassed that his cock got so hard watching Coach saw his cock in and out of Amy’s pussy in addition to licking another man’s cum off her ass. “Hey, are you ok baby?” Amy asked her boyfriend as soon as they got into...
BisexualOur local soccer team had reached the semi-final, and Jaq and I decided to attend the match.Coach travel seemed to be the best way to get to the match. I arranged match tickets while Jaq arranged the coach travel. The match was taking place on Saturday afternoon; as the week commenced, we became excited about our trip to the game.Saturday arrived and we arrived at the designated pick up for the coach; a lot of supporters were also there. The majority of the supporters were males of varying...
ExhibitionismIt was the last Friday baseball practice of the season. As usual I hung around until the other students left before I went to the coach’s office. Coach H was sitting at his desk doing some paper work when I came in. I closed the door behind me and walked over to the sofa. Coach H quickly finished and put the papers way. As he got up off of his chair he started to unbutton his shirt. By the time he as at the sofa his shirt was off and his pants were unzipped. I pulled off my shirt and...
This is a story I have had in my head for a while and decided to act on it, please let me know where I can improve as I am not a writer by trade. Thank you The story is going to be a long story with multiple parts in the end with each part adding to Tori's sexual experiences. It's starting with an older guy and Tori at age 16 so if that is not your thing don't bother. She may get to be 20+ in the story when all is said and done. The story is not a 3 paragraph nonstop sex text fap story...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt has been a while since my last story which was two parts, and now we're finally on to part 5 of the long running saga! Sorry it took so long to make a new one!To those of you who don't believe this is real, take it as fantasy, though I assure you it IS in fact real. Though obviously memories fade so the stories are all based on what I can remember happening.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Graduation day had finally come and me and James'...
My therapist and I was able to convince my parents to put me on puberty blockers, but they would not budge on getting me the surgeries to make my full transition. They insisted on me waiting until I was 18 so I would be “sure” … I thought it was so ridiculous at the time, but I was glad they were at least somewhat supportive, some people don’t even have that benefit. The result being that I had just the slightest of rise on my chest and no hair anywhere on my body. I ended up being a little...
It wasn’t hard for my Coach to seduce me. After all, I was young, horny and inexperienced. Some one touching my cock, anyone, was a dream come true. The first to touch mine was my soccer coach, about 20 or 30 years older than me. It was exciting and flattering that an older man took such an interest in me. The first time he sucked my cock was after a practice. He was giving me a ride home and it started with his hand on my thigh, I think when I didn’t protest, it was like a green light for him...
It was my last year in high school, the magical summer was over, I still spend some time at casper house and especially enjoying my anal romance with ram who kept delivering amazing orgasms, feeling me up with his greasy cum and humping me day in day out when the family was out, he was doing my biding and i liked it, but still i needed someone to dominate me and make me feel like a true whore, an anal slut, a dirty cum filled bitch. As it happened a new coach was hired and we saw him during...
1 ?Miss me Duncan?? the whispered words sliced through the silence. That was how it started. Cold, harsh, calculated. She didn't have to see who spoke them. ?Cheating death itself these days huh Marcott,? the blond fired back. That comment brought a chuckle from the woman, who pressed the cold barrel against Heather Duncan's neck. ?You know I couldn't die. There was too much unfinished work to do,? Mallory hissed. Heather heard the soft clacking of her shoes as she...
This is the 4th part in an ongoing series. This is all true.-------------------------------------------------------------------------After the long night that Coach, James and I had, we all took a long hot shower, and James washed us all up and down. A few days had passed since we had come back from states, and the Coach and I hadn't interacted as much as we both would have liked. James had called me up a few times late at night and we would have some phone sex, but since we both lived with out...
You're not sure why you've been called to Coach's office. You recently celebrated your 18th birthday and are on the cheer leading squad. There's a game tonight but you're not the captain of the squad and usually Coach is preoccupied getting ready for the game. Tonight is a critical game too; your opponent is your school's long time rival and a win means playoffs, while a loss...well it's too terrible to even think about...but a loss means the end of the season! You knock timidly on Coach's...
TabooIt started like any other Saturday evening visit with my baseball coach Coach H (He's 58 and I am 18). He gave me a beer to drink while we watched a video of the coach having sex with his ex-wife. When I was sufficiently relaxed and horny Coach H asked if I would like to make video with him. Seeing how erotic the videos of him and his ex-wire were I said "Why not". Coach H lead me to another bedroom. In the center was the bed with several video cameras on tripods pointed at the center of the...
It all started when Coach caught me screwing Ted under the bleachers. Ever since we hooked up last month at a party, Ted had kept bugging me for another fuck. He was cute enough and I didn't have anything steady going on right then, so I met him after football practice and let him lead me under the stands. It was kind of wild because the hot afternoon sun was shining through the bleachers painting everything in zebra stripes. The light played over us in a strobe pattern as we moved beneath...
(A short story encounter that I’ve been thinking about while I’ve had writers block)It started as a usual Saturday evening meeting with my baseball coach at his house. He gave me a beer and we watched a video of the coach and his ex wire having sex. After the beer relaxed me we went up to his bedroom. As we started to undress Coach H told me keep my underwear on and to get under the bed sheets. I climbed into bed first. I noticed Coach H still had his underwear on as he walked over to the...
Introduction: High School Fiction Hii, I am Jenna a senior student at my high school. 18yrs old. I have long black hair. Hazel eyes, Luscious lips. Long slim legs and a very toned body. 36C boobs, Puffy nipples. Tight pussy and a round ass. I love to play in the sports teams, the sense of rivalry mixed with fun, passion and victory turns me on. I am in the girls football team, on the swim team and I do play more indoor and outdoor sports. There were Girls Football Team tryouts happening for...
Coach SmithHigh School Fiction.Hii, I am Ashley a senior student at my high school. I have long blondish brown hair. Brown eyes, Luscious lips. Long slim legs and a very toned body. 36C boobs, Puffy nipples. Tight pussy and a round ass.I play many sports, I am in the Girls football team, On the Swimming Team and i do play more indoor and outdoor sports.There were Girls Football Team tryouts happening for the Captain of the team. Brit and Me, We were the two competing for the captains post.Coach...
Everyone was at school bright and early on Tuesday. Kyle and Jon said hi to Rachel, but then she disappeared. The seniors on the team decided that they wanted to take over a remote section of the lockers just for themselves, sort of Upper Classmen Privilege. That was fine, as everyone still ended up in the same showers.Practice was again grueling as the August heat wasn’t about to let up. Towards the end of practice Kyle noticed that Coach Tim was saying something to Coach Barb. He could...
TabooWith bags in hand we got in the elevator and headed up to 4th floor and room number 415. Coach Jim slid the key card and opened the door. Bob and I ran in and jumped on a bed, claiming this bed to be ours. Both coaches just laughed, told us that bed assignment was left up to them, and it was time to clean up and get ready for bed. Bob was my new best friend. We had a lot of things in common. We even had birthdays in the same month. He and I are both going to be eighteen next month. Also, his...
Gay Male