Do It!Chapter 3 free porn video

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After making it back inside the estate, Deidra suggested we head back to her room, as it was closest, not to mention the fact she had a bit more interesting décor than I had in my room. In addition of course to a much wider variety of novelty's which she had spoken to me about previously, and which I was rather anxious to see or even try out.

The fact we'd all been getting along together so well over the past few days added to that too. I had found myself becoming more and more comfortable around the two of them. And curious! So far, we had teased, even flirted a little making suggestive lewd comments, though appreciatively perhaps sizing one another up a little during the process. They also had another distinct advantage over me, in that they had both seen the size of my moderately large clit. Something they had both commented on as to wanting a much closer look at, which had aroused me considerably the more I thought about them doing just that.

We soon after reached Deidra's rooms, as she led both Bella and I into her "Inner chambers" as they were called. Here, her bedroom was, with a bed that was even bigger than my own, nearly touching the walls on both sides, custom made obviously with just enough room to get out of it and walk around. Almost immediately she flipped a switch on the wall, the lighting suddenly changing from a subdued soft glow, to a deep rich red that momentarily took my eyes some time to adjust too. When they did however, I felt an excited, aroused thrill coursing through me at once. Just the lighting itself seemed sexual, naughty ... dirty for some reason. And being as horny as I obviously was, it was the last ingredient I needed to overcome any inhibitions I might have been harboring.

"Well? Make yourselves comfortable," she stated. "Can I fix anyone something to drink?"

"Maybe later on the drink," I responded back. Taking advantage of the fact I had remained wearing only my robe, now slipping that off and sliding naked on top of her large oversize bed, just as Bella had already done.

"So ... have you had ... much experience with other women?" Bella asked. Lying close enough to me there on the bed, she'd allowed her hand to reach out, fingers just barely grazing one of my extended nipples as she asked me that.

"To be perfectly honest? No ... I really haven't. I went through a somewhat typical 'curious-exploratory' phase in college, but even then ... I didn't do much beyond some mutual petting, toying a little. Though one girl and I did sort of grind against one another until we came," I said sharing with them, momentarily reliving the experience. I smiled inwardly to myself, it had been pretty nasty-hot at the time. "If my old school-mate Charlene could only see me now!" I thought to myself as Bella continued her gentle, yet very arousing tease of my hard nipple.

"You mean ... you never went down on another woman, licked her pussy?" Deidra asked pleasantly surprised at hearing that. As she now slid in bed next to me effectively sandwiching me between the two of them. I laughed.

"No, believe it or not ... I never have. Thought about it ... plenty of times yes, and wondered what it would feel like, if it felt any different when a woman did it to me, as opposed to a man. But there again ... being honest, I never have." And then I laughed again after saying that. "You probably won't believe this either. But that thing I did to that woman earlier this evening? When I basically clit-fucked her right there in front of everyone? That was a first for me too!" I told them.

"Well you could have fooled me!" Bella guffawed, almost shrieking hysterically. "Funniest, and horniest damn thing I've ever seen too! Daniel had it coming, and I for one was damn glad you took her down a few notches. I've been wanting to do something similar to her like that myself, but Master has kept me in check, biding his time. Though I know he's done so looking for an opportunity to have a face to face with her idiot husband. Now it would appear, you managed to get him one," Bella said actually looking impressed. "And I know he was grateful for that, which is also why ... I think he allowed you to see what you did this evening. That really was a very influential group of people you were with tonight in case you hadn't already guessed that!"

"I had a pretty good idea that they were. Mavis was it? Saw her earlier in the evening, sporting what had to have been several thousand dollars worth of diamonds on her at the time. And the other couple ... the one's wearing the masks? Though I heard her name, never did hear his ... but even with the mask on, he looked vaguely familiar to me."

"Guess its safe enough to tell you this now ... but yeah, that was Senator Jack Evans. What's funny about that is ... he's the one constantly tossing around religion waving it like a flag, talking about how we've gotten away from allowing religion in schools and such. If anybody knew..." she laughed even harder. "Anyway ... back to this," she said now reaching down brushing my pussy ever so slightly, causing a thousand goose-bumps to suddenly flair up all at once.

Bella lying off to one side of me, with Deidra now laying on the other, had both begun to gently brush their hands and fingertips back and forth up and down my quivering flesh. Bella had also positioned one leg, now bent at the knee, which now almost obscenely, yet quite erotically, displayed herself to me as I looked over. Her pussy only a few inches away from my face now as we lay there head to toe now.

Besides the obvious differences in the size of our respective clits perhaps, hers being just slightly smaller than my own, though I had also seen many in porn films and photos of women who had what I thought were gi'normous clits, far larger than mine. But what I saw laying there looking at her was, her labia were far larger, which she now seemed to take delight in, stretching them out a bit, pulling on them with her fingers.

"Wow," I found myself saying, not really having meant to, the words suddenly coming out however even before I'd realized it.

Bella giggled, which was strange in a way, as that wasn't something you very often heard her do, especially when she purposely had her face on. Giggling wasn't something one would ever consider as being part of her personality, or nature. And yet ... here she was, doing just that.

"You have a larger than normal clit, and I have slightly larger than normal pussy lips. I'm thinking, we should each one take the time to enjoy touching, feeling ... and perhaps even tasting the differences. What do you think?"

"I think ... that sounds like a fine idea!" I said immediately rolling over, my head suddenly between her legs as I straddled her in what would eventually become a somewhat traditional '69', though at the moment, neither one of us ventured off into that. Myself, content to take a moment or two, just looking, fondling and playing with her a little. It had been a long time since I'd actually done anything like this, and I wasn't about to rush it either. I wanted to take my time, let myself become even more aroused than I already was. And even as I did that, Deidra too got into the act, swinging around on the bed, with her own head next to Bella's the two of them gazing at me with their eyes and fingers as they likewise explored me together.

That in and of itself was damn fucking hot, and I could feel the juices already beginning to pool just inside the opening of my sex. I was actually glad and delighted that neither one of them seemed to be in any big hurry either. Taking delight in their almost too gentle explorations, fingertip touches and probing, almost more ticklish than arousing. But it wasn't even that so much, as it was hearing them actually talking about me as though I wasn't even there as they discussed, imagined, and spoke quite obscenely about my very exposed pussy. Hearing that, was really getting me excited, so much so, that I allowed myself to explore even more than I had been, likewise sharing in their almost vulgar, obscene conversation.

"God, look at that little fucker!" Bella said dinging my hard clit with the tip of her finger, flicking it with her nail even, which stung at first ... just a little, but then immediately became something far more than that. "Look, if you spread her lips apart like this, it makes it stand out even more. Look closely Deidra, it almost looks like a miniature cock, it even appears to have a nice glands surrounding it, nice little ridge that I'm thinking would enjoy being tongued." Though I was slightly disappointed when she didn't do that.

"Ooh, and look at that," Deidra said, feeling her finger tip as it gently probed me for a moment, parting the folds of my inner core. Look how much sauce she's producing, so slick, white and pasty. Bet that tastes damn fucking good too!"

I wanted to scream out, "So DO IT!" But I held myself in check, content as well, as I now pinched Bella's lips between my fingers, now pulling on them ... stretching them out fully, letting them go only to capture them and do it again to her.

"Oh yeah, I like that Maringa, keep pulling on them like that ... but even harder than you are, and twist them a bit while you do, I really enjoy feeling that."

I not only did that, but I yanked on them to, almost violently, flapping them about with my hands, yanking, twisting, and stretching them about as far as I dared. Even then, I still wasn't doing it hard enough to suit her however.

"Harder than that honey," she purred pleasurably. "Like you were actually trying to tear them off!"


"Yeah ... seriously, you hot little cunt, come on ... pull on my lips honey, let me feel a little pain here!"

"You know what she'd really enjoy feeling?" Deidra suddenly said sitting up.

"No, what?" I asked looking back, enjoying the rather decadent sight of Bella laying there staring at my cunt, just as I had been doing to hers. Excitedly, Deidra rolled out of the bed, running around the side of the bed across the room where an enormous bookcase filled the entire far wall. She opened one of the closed cabinets, which I now saw contained what had to be hundreds of different sized, colored candles. Taking one, she quickly lit it.

"Wait until you see this," she said carrying the now lit candle back to bed with her. "And the really nice thing about this one is ... it drips fast, burns fast too ... but that makes it even better for doing this," she added. Bella of course knew what she was about to do, and immediately extricated herself from beneath me, which was somewhat disappointing for me at that moment. I'd been only a few tongue tickles away from actually doing that.

"Hmm, I do love this," Bella moaned long before Deidra had done anything to her. I of course immediately knew what she was about to do, though I'd never done it or experienced it myself. Always fearful about causing either myself ... or someone else harm.

"How do you know ... where, how?"

Deidra laughed. "Practice baby ... lots and lots of practice!" She grinned, and then stood up on the bed, hovering over Bella's body as she lay there cupping her own breasts, toying with her amazingly hard thick nipples.

"Start here Deidra," Bella told her. "And then work your way down so that Maringa can see how to do it. After that, let her give it a try."

I watched as Deidra held the candle, leaning it over a bit as the hot wax pooled just then rolling off the lip. It dripped. I lay there having moved around once again so as to get a much better look while she did this. The first two splattering drops of hot wax hitting the tip of Bella's nipple almost perfectly, several others coating the lower half of her puckered areola, clinging to it, quickly hardening. Bella moaned deeply, the pleasured quick burn teasing her aroused flesh.

"Doesn't that ... hurt?" I asked inquisitively.

"Oh yes darling ... but in a very, very good way," Bella moaned again as Deidra tipped the candle once more, hot drippings of wax now coating the upper half of her rather large, dark areolas, as well as splashing and almost fully covering her nipple itself now. "Oh fuck!" She cried out as it did, obviously savoring the intensity of the sensation as the wax quickly cooled, once again hardening, capturing her nipple in a waxy cocoon.

"Here Maringa ... you do the other one," Deidra said holding out the candle to me. I quickly stood, nervously accepting the candle from her as the two of us now stood over Bella. Looking down at her, one breast almost fully saturated with a red crusty caking, looked extremely erotic, and I found myself wondering what it would feel like.

"Right about there yes," Deidra instructed judging the near perfect height at which I should pour it, only then beginning to as I likewise attempted to aim the first few drops against the point of Bella's uncovered nipple. She groaned, moaning deeply again as several drops hit, most of which in fact landed against her bare nipple and surrounding areola. I adjusted my aim, moving it over a bit, and succeeded in covering it completely, just as Deidra had done. "Nicely done!" She complimented, taking the candle back. "Now ... comes the fun part!"

I knew where she was going, and momentarily found myself surprised, though she quickly answered my unspoken question. "Only one or two drops," she told me. "Just enough to make it sting good, but not so much that you cover her clit like we did her nipples. Takes too long having to dig it all out for one thing," she chuckled. "And nothing worse than a waxy-tasting cunt!"

Her aim was perfect, and just as she'd indicated, she only allowed a couple of drops to actually splatter against Bella's clit, which she had herself revealed even more vulnerably, holding her pussy lips a part with her hands. Once again Bella groaned, even more deeply this time, squirming about on the bed, savoring the intensity of the titillating burn on her exposed tender clit.

"And now ... we peel it all off," Deidra informed me. She then placed a small towel over Bella's tummy, reaching up and began to lift the now hardened wax off Bella's breasts and nipples placing it on the towel. "You do the other one," which I began doing. Exposing the somewhat reddened tender flesh beneath as we slowly stripped away the wax still clinging to her flesh. Even that seemed pleasurable to her as we did so, eventually peeling it all off. I now watched as Deidra began tonguing Bella's left breast, joining in, doing the same to her right one.

"Oh fuck that feels good!" Bella expelled, her now even more sensitized flesh being teased and caressed by our rapidly flicking tongues as we teased her tits simultaneously. I spent what felt like a lavish amount of time sucking and licking her hard fat nipples, quite enjoying myself as that too hadn't been something I had much experience in doing before.

"I'll let you have the honors," Deidra told me, now pointing with her eyes down between Bella's legs. A bit more wax lay waiting for us there as well, as I grinned, slithering down her nude form, now staring once again at her openly displayed pussy. There, three or four spots of wax clinging to her lips, as well as a rather large one actually covering most of her almost injured looking clit. I carefully, and gingerly peeled that way, though using my tongue to help in doing so. I felt a thrill course through me as Bella shivered excitedly, her hand coming up to rest itself against the back of my head. With the wax now gone, joining the pile we'd created on her tummy, Deidra removed the towel as I even more comfortably situated myself between her legs.

"Oh yeah Maringa, eat me baby ... suck my cunt, lick my pussy!" she now demanded as my tongue for the first time ever, began lapping away at her sopping wet split.

As I lay there enjoying my first pussy ever, licking and sucking her very tender clit, Deidra, not to be left out by any means, crawled around behind me. Seconds later, she had me scoot up slightly, still bent over, still licking, and now fingering Bella's extremely wet cunt. I had an idea, and was expecting her to momentarily begin doing the same thing to me. But even now she surprised me a bit. Still kneeling behind me as I did, I felt her lips, mouth kissing and biting the flesh of my ass. One finger, and then two splitting my clit in a "V" as she massaged it, teasing it capturing it between her nimble fingers, rolling it around which began driving me nuts. If I thought that was intensely pleasurable, I had as yet an even bigger surprise in store for me.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, speaking right into Bella's cunt as the realization of what Deidra was doing hit me. Never before in my life had I ever been 'rimmed' either, and now ... here I was. Deidra's tongue tickling me in a way that I'd actually never really considered before. Sure ... I had on some few occasions, double finger-fucked myself, and enjoyed the twice-over sensation of it whenever I had. But to actually have someone now licking, tonguing me there, wasn't something I had anticipated or certainly expected.

"Like that huh?" Deidra mouthed continuing to finger-fuck me, still spearing my tight little opening with her tongue simultaneously. "Me too," she added..."So keep that in mind when it's your turn," she informed me.

I had latched my lips around Bella's clit, pulling on it quite severely, not even realizing that I had as Deidra's tongue dove repeatedly in and out of my ass, her fingers doing things to my clit at this point that I didn't think possible. I'd already felt the beginnings of an unexpected orgasm begin, which is why perhaps I clamped down on Bella's clit the way that I had. She giggled once again, feeling me do so, though it had likewise brought a bit of additional intensity to her as my mouth surrounded her hard firm clit, working it forcefully.

"I think you're gonna make her cum doing that," Bella told Deidra ... which is fucking fine with me, because the way she's sucking my clit at the moment ... she's gonna make me cum too!"

Ted actually laughed, startling the young Novice kneeling between his legs as she dutifully continued sucking his cock, hands and feet bound together, a black drape completely covering her so that 'Master' had no idea which Novice she was. He turned off the monitor in Deidra's room, pleased with what he had seen and witnessed, adding to his own level of arousal, though now it was time to get back to business.

Standing near the doorway, Belinda, one of the most trusted and senior of the Attendings stood nearby, her face stoic as she stood there watching. Melanie, the young Novice was one of her two charges. Her performance, or lack thereof, would weigh heavily on any favors Master were to show her going forward. Well aware of his impending orgasm, he of course gave no hint of it, letting it happen when it did, gauging the young woman's response to it seconds later when he began filling her mouth with his semen.

As he had expected, the young Novice whose identity remained a secret to him, continued sucking, draining his cock as she'd been taught to do. In that at least she'd won favor, though her technique and style still needed further improvement. A simple nod of his head towards Belinda brought her over towards him, carrying the collar she held in her hand. A tap on the young girls shoulder beneath the cape caused her to sit up at once, releasing Master's prick. The moment she did that, Belinda smoothed the cape down fully over her head, securing the collar around her neck on the outside of it before releasing the bonds securing her arms and legs together.

"A bit too tentative, too soft," he told Belinda, though all in all she had done fairly well. "See to it she spends two hours in the phallic room," he stated. "Teach her a bit more forceful technique." The cloaked hidden woman stood, her identity remaining unknown so that Master neither showed her too much favor, or judged her too severely if later running into her. Belinda smiled inwardly however, no one ever went away without additional time in the phallic room, practicing, learning to improve and perfect their techniques. But it was rarer still even then that Master didn't demand several hours of it during the course of a week. It had been in a sense a great compliment, until Master looked down at himself after the woman stood. There was a line of his spending clinging to the underside of his balls. He frowned, looking up at the Attending. "She missed some," he said glancing down at himself, his look no longer pleased. "You will see to it she is given additional time in 'consumption' ", he told the Attending. "And you as well are to report to Mistress Bella before noon tomorrow!"

"Yes Master!" she said, and then knelt down before him herself, quickly licking him clean, doing what was necessary in accounting for the most obvious failure of her own favored Novice. She herself would be punished for this infraction, minor as it was. But the difference being, Bella, or even Deidra wouldn't see it that way, and would no doubt see to it that she remembered it for quite some time afterwards. The cloaked nervous Novice stood off to one side, unable to see or know what was going on, though she did know her Attending had been verbally humiliated and embarrassed in front of her. Even with the added time now being given her to be spent in the phallic room, she feared more for the additional time she'd be forced having to do others things in making it up to her mistress.

After the two had departed, Ted reached up turning the monitor back on in Deidra's room. They were still going at it, Maringa now lying on the bottom, Deidra sitting on her face, Bella now lying between Maringa's thighs devouring her cunt by the looks of it, along with the decadently wicked sounds being vocally expressed by all three.

Master again smiled to himself. It was nice to see that the training had already begun.

We'd been at it for hours. I'd lost track of the number of orgasms I'd given, let alone received, nearing the point of exhaustion now as morning arrived, the announcement of it coming in the form of a knock on the door.

"That would be Novice Chrissy," Deidra announced languishing in the afterglow of her most recent climax. "It must be just six," she replied only then calling out. "You may enter!"

I later learned, as I would soon have my own Novice to wake me each and every morning, as well as being available to run errands, or do chores for me, though I had no intention as a 'Companion', in demanding such a thing. But as Chrissy entered the room, it was evident she was used to finding Deidra entertaining someone in her room, not at all surprised to find the three of us laying there naked together.

"It is six," she announced confirming the time. "Though as passed down to me as a reminder, breakfast will be at ten-thirty this morning," she informed us all. Deidra nodded, pleased that the young woman had saw to even that minor detail upon waking her, though we of course hadn't even been asleep yet. I was surprised that we'd gone the entire night, though fatigue I knew would eventually catch up with me as I actually yawned feeling the first effects of it.

"Let me see," Deidra said asking the young girl, though what she'd just asked and requested I had no understanding of. But almost as quickly as Deidra had asked it, the young woman lifted the simple white shift she was wearing up and over her head, now standing there naked holding onto it. What I now saw intrigued me a little. A smooth white length piece of rope perfectly framed either side of her pussy, her lips puffy, protruding outwards quite erotically. The twin strands led from there upwards towards each of her small pointed breasts, encircling each one, crisscrossing back over her shoulders and meeting the ties behind her back around her waist. "Have you touched it?" Deidra asked.

"No Mistress!" Chrissy exclaimed, obviously worried that Deidra wouldn't believe her. "Honest Mistress, I have not ... not even once!"

Deidra seemed to be gauging her expression, looking into the young girls eyes.

"I believe you," she said finally, her expression relaxing, as was the young woman's upon hearing that. "So ... would you like to?"

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The last couple of months I have been dreaming about submitting to my spouse. It was getting to the point I would hurry home from work to dream and masturbate while I was alone. We have sex once or twice a week, and it was always OK, but my orgasms were much more intense when I masturbate to my fantasies. Last night, after sex, I was finally asked what was wrong. I seemed so distant while we were playing around. I broke down and explained most of what was on my mind. I wanted to be used like a...

4 years ago
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Teenage Roma King of the WorldChapter 8

“This isn’t bad for school food, I must say,” Laura Van Pham expressed a little surprise now. “Yeah, well, it helped that I changed some of its properties. The wonders of my new powers, you know. From now on, all of the food here will be this good. So, tell me, babe, would you like to head my new security service, something like the Secret Service crossed with the Swiss Guard and a few other such organizations? You’d be my top security officer, bar none. How does that grab you?” I asked...

3 years ago
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Whos Vanilla Now Ch 03

Kylie the room service maid with the sweet sex service sideline had left, but Rachel was far from finished her oral attentions to my revived cock. Alone again, I enjoyed the tongue bathing. Rachel closed her mouth around the cock head and flicked the underside with just the tip of her tongue. She paused, pulling back to lick a drop of precum off the tip of the head, savouring it on her lips. This was followed by a tender kiss on one side of my shaft just below the head, which lead to Rachel...

1 year ago
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Relations Adventure

Mala short for Malathi Chopra was also in the same frame of mind, waiting for her son at the Airport. She could not believe herself when she saw the Boeing landing. She too could not believe she would be seeing her son in a few moments. Three years? Three years was too long a wait for her and now when the time had come to see her son, it was like seeing God. It was not just three years that Mala had suffered. It was three years and three months precisely since the tragedy fell upon her, when...

2 years ago
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Beach Apartment 2 of 2

BEACHAP2.TXT 2 of 2. by Cindy V. Femdom, TV, humiliation (Author's note: This is the follow-up to my story BEACHAPT.TXT, or Beach Apartment. In that story two gorgeous sisters, Lisa and Nancy, let a co-worker Dick stay at their beach apartment in return for him agreeing to do some maid chores. They force him to dress in female clothes, and they find many inventive ways to humiliate him for their own amusement. The story ended with them making him suck off a blow-up male doll called Mr....

1 year ago
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Hot for Teacher Part Two

I looked at the clock as I sat at my desk in the front of the classroom. My right leg bounced up and down as I watched the clock hands slowly move. Five o'clock couldn't come soon enough. Twelve minutes until classes were over for the day. Twelve minutes until I could gather my things and head to my office. Twelve minutes until I could make Ana's sweet face blush again. Twelve agonizing minutes until I could smell her arousal all around me again. She had gifted me with a pair of her panties...

3 years ago
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The Change Up Part 2

I watch Emily get into her car and drive away. My mind just can’t believe what just happen. The clock on the wall says 5:00 oh my. I only have four hours to get ready. I am opening the packages that Emily drop off for me, the dress looks utterly gorgeous, lace and beading should be outstanding on me. Next the shoe box, the phone rings, looking at the caller id it's from India . I snap back to reality it’s the wife, should I talk to the witch or not. Reluctantly I pick up the phone. “Hello...

3 years ago
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Moms Day At Waterbury Hills College

“Hey Mom!  Are you ready to see what college is like in this century?”“Haha, very funny Jeremy.  It was only twenty years ago when I was in college.  I’m sure it’s changed a little, but not that much!”“Yeah, it has changed a lot.  And so have I!  You might be in for some surprises!”“Well let’s see! It’s going to be fun shadowing you in your classes today.  Let’s get breakfast and get started.”Jeremy and his mother, Ashley, started their day.  Ashley was a young mother who had her son while...

College Sex
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Visiting Our Little Secret

As my brother drove our Winnebago up the driveway past the Our Little Secret sign, I silently asked myself, “Aurora, are you sure you want to stay at this spooky old Victorian Inn?” I assured myself how intriguing it all sounded in that story I’d been following in Xhamster. After all, we needed a little R&R before we initiated our next group of prodigies. Louise, the proprietor, greeted Michael, our protégé Jillian and myself graciously then explained that there would be additional...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Alyce Anderson Fucks her hot stepdad while mom is away

Alyce Anderson is busted. Her stepdad found a condom in her laundry and now he knows what a little teenage whore she is. He confronts her about it and she just confronts him right back, she’s seen him peeking on her in the shower and jerking off! He tries to deny it but Ayce admits that she actually loved it and wouldn’t mind taking things a bit further. Mom hasn’t been around for awhile so he must want it bad, right? How are you supposed to turn down such a perfect teen body?...

3 years ago
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me and you

So there i am standing in the rain when you walk past wearing a long red coat and black high heels, your hair is curly and you are wearing a little make up with red lipstick. You are completely dry under your umbrella when you stop and ask me for the time. I tell you and you say you are an hour early for an appointment and would i like to join you for a drink. I agree and we find a nice little bar with big comfy sofas. You order a martini and i order a bottle of corona and we sit down. I take...

2 years ago
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+ + + + + Weblink: Nestled in the Berkshires, ‘The Virgin and the Unicorn’ Bed and Breakfast sports some of the most beautiful scenery of the Northeast. As featured in ‘Haunted America’ tours, perhaps as you sip apple cider this Halloween, you will be visited by the couple reputed to haunt the grounds. Local folklore holds that this working farm and manor house was built by Ethan Verence to impress the woman he wanted to make his bride, Corrine Parsons. + + + + + Rowan Knapp was at her...

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Middle of the Night Play

I feel a hand on my waist and that is when I realize that I was sleeping. But I can’t think of a better way to wake than your hands on me. It takes me a moment to rid myself of the fog and I open my eyes. Yes. You are laying beside me, as you were a few hours ago when we fell asleep together. You smile sheepishly at me, as if you are sorry you woke me. As your hand slips to my ass, I smile back. No. I am not upset you woke me. You may wake me anytime. To talk, to cry. Even to make love. I...

3 years ago
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A servant and Mistress Part 2

Part 2I slept the sleep of the dead that night, and awoke late the nextmorning. I lay on my stomach as I realized the sun was already shining,but I didn't care. What was the worst she could do to me, whip me? I nolonger feared her whippings. The pain I could handle, it was her I couldnot. I felt I hated her with every fibre of my being, more than I hatedsin. She was evil, pure evil, and I wished it had been I who had floggedher, even if it meant that I had to receive twice as much, it...

3 years ago
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A meeting part two

Sarah was breathing heavily, panting after cumming and I was gently stroking her pussy and rubbing her ass while she calmed down but put a hard slap into her ass with the ruler just to make sure she was awake and with it! Then I started to slide it up and down her slit watching her squirm as the sharp edge grazed her clit “what do you want now?” I asked and a quiet voice answered “your cock please” and as I was nicely warmed up I decided she should have it now so told her to stand as I sat back...

3 years ago
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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 20 A Change In Plans

As the sun set the Karenna was forced to slow even more, to accommodate the other ships. Once the convoy had settled into their nightly operations, those invited to dinner started ferrying across. As they landed, each group was met by one of the senior cadets (teen aged crewmembers), and given a quick tour of the ship. Jake had been given the first tour by Senior Cadet Mary Kennedy, Marie’s daughter. Catherine had assigned someone to be at each stop on the tour. The cadets explained what each...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Lia Lin Horny Dr Lia Lin Takes Pussy Pounding From Patient In Examination Room

Brunette beauty Doctor Lia Lin is getting ready for work in the clinic’s locker room and since she has a little time to spare, she grabs a glass dildo and pleasures herself! She doesn’t realise that her first patient, Vince has seen her from a distance so when he enters the examination room he comes onto Dr Lin and soon has her sucking on his massive cock! Vince forgets about his back pain and thrusts his shaft into Lia’s pussy while rubbing her clit. He slams her from behind...

2 years ago
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Breaking The Ice With Mom Once Again

In continuation of my previous story, Years pass by, my brother shifted to Saudi Arabia for a job. A few years later, I also joined him and was working with him. My father passed away at a relatively early age, he was 52. My sister got married in our home country. My mom started living with us in Saudi Arabia for the most part of the year. She was just spending a couple of months back home with my sister each year. I was obviously spending more time with my mom. She was lonely as well and of...

3 years ago
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The Penny Part 1

After reading many of the stories on Fictionmania, I thought I would post some of the stories, I've been working on. This story is part of a much longer story I've been writing and editing for over 3 years. This story was written as one, but in the interest of 'keeping it simple stupid', I am breaking it up into several chapters. I welcome any constructive criticism to help improve my writing and this story. Any questions or comments can be emailed to: [email protected]. The...

2 years ago
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bad boy next door

BAD BOY NEXT DOORhi my names peter, pete to my friends and petey to my family. i am 30 yearsold 5'11 short blond wavy hair emerald green eys and what people would calla swimmers body. i'm a gay single dad to an almost two year old his mumwalked out on us when he was only a baby. she couldnt handle the fact i wasgay we only got together to plaese my mum it would kill her if she knew shebelives your one or the other and if your the aother you need shot. so igot with this lass had to get drunk to...

2 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part VIII

The Moon, who from the hilltop streamsOn each white face and throat her beams,The song-enchanted fellows sendTheir chords of gold Rippling beyond time’s end.- Robert Graves, Music at Night. It was a door.But a door like no other. Moments before, it had appeared miraculously at the sound of her voice and now Claudia continued to stand looking at it, mutely, as though awaiting further instructions or some further miracle. She stood for several minutes and nothing happened then she took a...

Group Sex
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First time gay fuck

Luke and I had always got on well. Sharing a mutual dislike of a girl we had both dated, but who had cheated on us both meant we had a sympathy for each other’s situation. We soon found we liked the same things though,and it was really easy for us to have a laugh together. This is the story of one time we met for a drink, which had an end neither of us would ever have imagined. It was summer, and we hadn’t seen each other for a while. We met up at a bar nearby and started having a few drinks. I...

Gay Male
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My friends horny gran

I guess you could say I was born “blessed”; So much so that my uncle nicknamed me “tripod”, a name which stuck until I moved to a new school at 11. Even my friends used to call me it, having no idea why!At 16, I had a 9 and a half inch cock, and I saw it as more of a curse than a blessing. The rumours about Mike having a big dick soon circulated through the school, much earlier than my 16th year, but I was much too shy to do anything about it. I had a few girlfriends, good looking ones, too,...

1 year ago
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Brown Eyes Blue Smile Ch 02

The rain was still falling but no longer where they under it. The room was dark — Eric had killed the lights — they liked it like that. They stood in its centre, naked, feeling their hands over each other’s body. Their fingers intertwined and like lovers lost at sea, pulled themselves towards each other. His hands felt for her face and their lips met in a gentle kiss. The kiss at first seemed tentative, but then their tongues felt over each others, everything else followed suit. Eric led her...

1 year ago
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The Incest Makers Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! A super story coming from your favourite writer Incester read and conveys your thoughts. Rooth was a beautiful African-American woman in her mid-forties with two beautiful boy and girl: a 19-year-old son Lijin and a 21-year-old daughter Isabel. She was recently divorced from her husband George whom she had been married to since she was eighteen who left her without an explanation why. She was left alone... and extremely horny. She honestly felt like...

2 years ago
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Caught playing

Hi It happened to me once at my office. I was working late when I got the urge. I thought I was alone since everybody I knew left. So i opened my computer to EP and was chatting with friends and looking at their cock pics. I hiked up my skirt and pulled my pantyhose down and started to play. I came a few times and kept going. I leaned back in my chair and put my legs up and closed my eyes and continued. As I was cumming again i opened my eyes a bit and I couldsee the cleaning guy on my window...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Chloe Krystal Swift Hoes with A Hose

Busty Czech babe Krystal Swift and her girlfriend Slovakian sex goddess, Chloe, are getting kinky for our cameras and putting on a big titty premiere that you definitely want to be a part of. Join the voluptuous and glamourous Eurobabes for some fun in the sun as they frolic about in their bikinis playing with a big hose and having our minds wishing it was our hose these two horny hotties were handling. Watch the titty shaking titty twins as they get intimate with a shared vibrator, and probe...

1 year ago
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BLAKE'S ADVENTURESChapter 14Blake was waiting on Dan finish a phone call so he decided to check thebalance in his savings account. "Wow!" he said when he saw the figure onhis computer screen."Something wrong?" Dan asked as he put his phone down and walked towardsthe teen."No, it was just the surprise at seeing how much my savings have grown,"replied Blake."Do you mind if I look?" Dan asked. Blake said that he didn't and turnedhis screen slightly so that Dan could see better. "That's quite...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend Ka Dard Or Mera Pyar

Ab main aapko apne mare me btata hoon main filhal agra me rehta hoon, main abhi civil ki taiyyari kr rha hu aur maine abhi tak 3 ladkiyo ke sath desi hot sex sex kiya hai jisme se ek ki kahani main aapko btane jaa raha hoon, ye baat hai last march ki mere ghar wale kahi bahar ghumne gaye hue the uss time pe maine apni collegemate jiska naam shalu hai k sath enjoy kia. M usko apne ghar pe leke aaya tha wo dihkne me smart or kafi attractive h uske boobs bahut bade hai 36 size ke main humesha unhi...

3 years ago
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The Joy of Text pt1

The phone flashed, again. "So? Got a date?" I turned to look at him again. He raised his eyebrows, nodding at his phone. Feeling mischievous, I typed a reply, "That's for me to know; and you to find out! Anyway, I'm married." I was actually meeting my sister after work, and had dressed in white linen trousers and a nice white chiffon blouse, lace bra, with a slinky pair of sandals. Seconds later he replied, "Lucky fella...hope he's worth it." Before I could return that...

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Danielles New Life

Danielle's New Life By Scott Wilson My name is Danielle Patricia Ricci. I live just outside Milan, Italy with my husband Carlo and our two daughters, Maria (5) and Sophia (3). Carlo and I have a small, but high end, fashion design house. We sell our fashion designs all over the world, to some of the most exclusive fashion houses. My story actually starts much earlier. I was born on July 6, 1990, as Daniel Patrick Murphy, to my parents John and Susan Murphy. I was named after Daniel...

2 years ago
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The Tides of WarChapter 40

The years rolled by and the Crater prospered. Nairobi grew larger with new settlers coming from all parts of Europe to find a new life in Africa. Susan had been asking David to take the family back home to England so she could show the children to her parents, but he always found an excuse to put it off. Finally, in late 1911, he took Susan and the children to England to see their grandparents. After an initial stay with them they travelled back to London so Susan could see her old Professor...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 13 Camille first French woman

VOLUME-1 Chapter XIII Camille my first French woman. • Lascivious delights. • Harlots by the dozen. • Baudy books. • Tribades. • A grey-haired cunt. I came into my property, and to the great horror of my mother and family, soon gave up my post at the and my intended career and determined to live and enjoy myself. I had been all but posted to a regiment, that commission I resigned, though all my youth desiring it. I lost much money by doing so. What I did between the time that I had the two...

1 year ago
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PornstarPlatinum Alix Lovell Nikki Phoenix Feather Duster Asshole Fucker

Nikki Phoenix & I are maids & this guy, Rocky St.Roberts and we are always cleaning up after him, especially in his bedroom. He is always leaving his room a mess, especially his freaking bed! Nikki & I have come to the conclusion he is doing it on purpose, and he has cameras set up in his room watching us in these sexy maid outfits he makes us wear! Sure enough as Nikki was cleaning, when she spotted a fucking camera! What a weirdo! Nikki has a great idea, we should fuck each other...

3 years ago
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Your Mum Your Mum

Mom has a dirty and very kinky gangbang with stepson's enemies.This is a secret I have kept to myself for years, about what my stepmother Teresa did one summer morning. Now, I think it's time I made all privy to this strange and lurid tale; the account of "Your Mum, Your Mum!"Some months after the incident of "Teresa's Torture" [which will be in another story] when I was 18, it happened. Firstly, I heard some of the local 18 to 19 year olds talking about Mum and her secret porno film! Obviously...

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Hot Bottoms at Middlesex High Missy Meets The Dean Part B

The humiliation of lying almost bare, over this good-looking stranger’s lap with her skirt raised high like a little girl being punished by her mom, was intense. Having to count out her own spanks overcame her with shame. At least when she was spanked at home, that never occurred. Bob Perkins started the slaps again, still nice and slow, once again allowing each spank to be fully appreciated by Missy’s tender buns before the next one fell. These were however, a bit harder and caused her bottom...

3 years ago
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Bimbo Tech how it all started

SHIELD ACADEMY While Fitz and Simmons were eager to and fro in their new lab, Coulson watched curiously as dozens of boxes were brought to the lab. It had long been clear to him that the two would one day be one of SHIELD's leading scientists. He had actively promoted the career of the two since they had come to the Academy a few years ago. Maybe one day they would have developed enough to get on an away team, but they weren't fit enough for that. They were only 19 years old and both were still...

2 years ago
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Completely Casual

"What do you think the team would do if they knew about this?"I stared down at Joe, completely confused as to why he chose this moment to ask the question. My hands were currently wrapped tightly around my throbbing shaft. His own saliva was sliding between my fingers as I massaged my length, preparing to push deep into his depths."I don't know Joe. I honestly don't. We have so many different kinds of teammates. Some would be disgusted, some wouldn't care, and then there's some freaks who would...

Gay Male
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Harry And Doreen And Helen

Harry and Doreen Shemmings were a married couple in their very late fifties who liked to spice up their sex life by occasionally devising situations which would titillate their partner.They had gone shopping at the local supermarket and as they pushed their trolley around Doreen leaned towards her husband and said in a low tone "Harry, what would you say if I told you that I had come out shopping without putting on any knickers?."Harry, in an equally low tone replied "Doreen, if you told me...

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Future wifes first interracial

I’d like to share my true interracial experience, which didn’t affect me directly but my wife when she was a student around twenty-five years ago in the mid-90s, two years before we met.While she was twenty and studying at university, she spent a year working at a placement with a large multi-national company near London.  She hadn’t been there long when she was invited to a Halloween fancy dress party by one of her workmates, so she decided to go along as a sexy Halloween cat, with a cat ears...

3 years ago
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Daddys Little Girl Part 2Chapter 5

Over the next nine months Gail and Bill completed twenty-nine round trips. The Valley was in the middle of one of the hottest summers on record. They both felt that they needed a vacation and were beginning to form their plans when Carlos asked to speak to them after they returned from their latest trip. "Gail, Bill, management couldn't be more pleased with your job performance. You've done everything we asked of you and more. Now we're asking you to take on a very important assignment....

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