FTL II First ContactChapter 11 Education
- 4 years ago
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Sam said, "Then we need an airlock or vac-suits. I'd go with the vac-suits though.
Wendy said, "We can use better seats and it's too small for all of us."
Our shuttle was the size of a station wagon. It was cramped to get in and out of. There were a lot of sharp edges. All the guys wanted more power but we had problems there. When I came out of my dive, I used power from the accumulator to assist. We had sucked sixty three amps from the mains too.
We used the power that an electrical car would consume and we were not tied to the roads. Climbing had to be done at a gentler pace and the accumulator had to be tied in better to give the surges of power we needed. This had to be done automatically too because not everybody would be prepared for it.
Getting to an orbital position would take six hours at the rate we used. We would go beyond the limit of the broadcast power if we tried to do this. We were also overweight. This cut back on our acceleration. Broadcast power was good but it had its problems too with distance. Using our own power would mean a heavier ship and thus the need for even more power.
Aristis vehicles of this sort were very common. They did not take from their home power source but from the planetary grid. You paid for how much you used and for the use of the automatic machinery that all industrialised worlds used to control traffic.
When we all got back to my home, Mom said with a smile, "Did you enjoy your flight Wally?"
"There were a lot of minor problems to overcome then we had to discuss what could be done better. Chuck landed on the Sky Dome roof. Wendy flew around the CN Tower but stayed under three hundred metres. Your daughter flew with precision and grace but she likes to go fast. In fact all the girls went fast except Shirley. She was very meticulous in her use of power and controlled her altitude very well. Sam raced a train and wanted to land on the roof as if he was in a movie. Jerry raced down the streets in a dive at a hundred and thirty but the crosswinds were not that bad."
"And what about you?"
"I had fun too. I could not climb very far because radar would pick us up. I had to use emergency power from the accumulator to pull out well enough. We never got beyond four gravities but even that was momentary."
"No shield? You must have been seen."
"We were invisible alright but radar will still defeat our camouflage."
Mom hugged and kissed me. "It is nice to have a son that is still a boy sometimes. What you have gone through... well I am glad you are still a boy."
"Thanks Mom. It's fun to pretend too. Do you want me to pretend not to know about the party too?"
"You know everything. It was not a secret."
"That's good because I invited Miss Lime."
"How is she doing?"
"She shakes a bit but she is coping well. She mentioned that she heard some gossip about our family. She says it is interesting and that she would love to come."
"What does that mean?"
"I am not sure yet. It may not look good for Pop. If she makes love to a person and not a specifics gender then you might find a new friend. She hasn't met anybody since the... attack. She is currently getting some professional assistance."
"Tell me what she is like Wally. I talked to her in the hospital but you know her more."
"She looks fairly happy but I get this feeling that she is really a lot like June."
"Oh, really. Now that is interesting."
"I may be wrong so just go slow."
"I would never hurt her."
"I know that Mom. She may be looking for somebody strong to protect her. I hope she doesn't try to pursue me."
"We'll have to invite her to stay the night."
"That may be too much."
"Well, we'll see."
That night I made more thrusters and decided on a larger accumulator. We would mount them tomorrow and encourage the substrate to connect to the units. We could still use the ship as the computer grew once more.
The next morning I took an invitation to Miss Lime that was signed by all of us. She was happy to get it. During the day she smiled at me a lot more and I began to worry.
I concentrated on my investments but only picked up seventeen million. It was a slow day. We had accumulated twenty three billion dollars. Some of it was tied up in a computer processing company and a bit more in a conglomerate of small shipping companies. Nadac was making money hand over fist when he sold software.
I made hardware that went into all the trucks, planes and ships that we even owned a partial interest in. Cosner Data Processing took this information and helped plot the best route to follow. Our spy in the sky found traffic congestion and told our computer. Our machine told the ones in Cosner, who in turn informed the driver, pilot or captain.
Hijackings were common in some cities. The drivers were not told that they were monitored but three got fired for starting business on their own. The police were always involved. Gangs went after trucks with or without the driver's complicity. The police were always there to make arrests.
During recess, Erica asked, "What are you thinking about most of the time? You aren't talking to anybody."
"When we worked on Caputo to hurt him, we came on ways to do this financially too. We could have just destroyed but instead we bought some of the things he wanted before he skipped the country."
"I know you have a company that owns some of the houses around where we live."
"It is more than that. I have companies that own companies that own property. I was talking with the academy about what to do about it."
"How much do you have?"
"It changes all the time because some of it is invested in stock. Let's just say that I am well off."
"So you don't have to go to work when you get older?"
"That would be a dull life. I want to be a technician that makes machines and then fixes them. I want to be a soldier so I can defend those I love." Erica liked this part. "I want to be a leader that helps our people to a better life."
Betts was on the other side of me and said, "What about us?"
"All of you will be the same thing as me. Some will be better techs or better leaders. We can only tell when you are fully trained."
"I have to ask you about Miss Lime. Erica keeps me posted to the way she looks at you."
"I have two other women that look at me with an even hungrier look. You both make me happy so why do I need more complications?"
We worked after karate in Gail's garage. The lighting was much better and the tools were new. They took a bit of getting used to. When the welding was done, we had to repaint the burnt sections inside and outside the hull. I mounted all of the crystals even though it would take two week for the last crystal to be reached and made functional.
The accumulator was not done yet. We had everybody over helping but the charged accumulator has to stay protected. The small one we used held a lot of power. The power it had was not electricity but it worked much the same way when it shorted through flesh. The fifteen minute max would soon go up to an hour of level flight and perhaps twice that if we flew slow. Here it was air resistance against the power needed to stay afloat.
After the meal I sent the guys on patrol over Toronto. They could do just as good a job in front of their monitors if not better. There were seven seats though and seven of them.
Erica and Betts looked longingly as The Beagle left. "Come on girls, a little work for us then we can go to bed early." That seemed to help.
My birthday was today and everybody seemed to be coming to congratulate me. This had never happened before but people were talking a lot more to me since I met Nadac. They were going to be invited to my home tomorrow. This would turn out to be a sizable portion of the school. It was not just all of the grade eights but all of the children that Caputo hurt. This also included all the wallflowers that the girls and guys had found that needed some self confidence. A caterer was contracted to provide the food and would clean up later.
It was still too cool to swim but there was lots of grass. The opening in the wall to Gail's property was open and her yard could be used too.
Miss Lime usually walked around the class to see what we were doing. She would put her small hand on the shoulder of those she talked to though some saw this as improper. She usually looked at my drawing or art. Her hand usually went up my neck just a bit to make me shiver. Erica was not upset with this but wondered what it was all about.
At the end of the day Miss Lime said, "Your mother and I have spoken on the phone twice about the party. She seems to be a very nice lady."
"Did you talk to Mom I or Mom II?"
"I believe it was Lillian."
"Both moms are very kind and loving people. The family is very important to them."
Since we were now alone in the class, she said, "It is unusual to have two mothers and still have a father."
"I have three. My birth mother changed at my birth. It was best that I moved out. Lillian and Bert took me in. Our family has grown with Wendy, Erin and Leslie."
"And Paul."
"Definitely with Paul. Mrs Watson and her daughter Liza are our back door neighbours and they are in our family too. When you bring in my friends, then the house feels better."
"Your family is so interesting. The party is expected to last well into the night. Your mother invited me to stay over if I felt like it. She says there are so many empty rooms that this is no problem. How do you feel about that?"
"I think you will enjoy yourself. You will be safe."
"Why do you say that?"
"My family will look out for you... very aggressively. I see that your hands still shake. You are not over your trauma yet. You will be able to relax and enjoy yourself. Judgments are not made and you can be yourself."
"That sounds like an idyllic place."
"Family is supposed to be that way."
School was a little more fun that day and so was karate. Sensei Kazuyoshi had been invited. I said, "There will be a lot of adults at the party too."
"I think I will be able to come."
"That is kind of you. Do not be afraid though. Hardly anybody tries to murder us these days."
"That is good to hear. The police wanted to know about your training, especially with the sword. I said you had not been trained yet." In a whisper he said, "I did not tell them of the extra training you received someplace other than this dojo."
"That was kind of you too. It tends to confuse the matter somewhat."
When we got home, the younger ones jumped into the shuttle. One day they would find out and perhaps talk accidentally. Perhaps it was time to introduce them to Hal and Matt along with a communicator.
When we could, we got the kids to start their academy training. Betts and Erica went on early patrol but Chuck and Wendy stayed behind. There was lots of work to do for the party and they knew I was working on a new computer.
Just before supper, I made an important breakthrough. A small piece of road sand was partially displaced. It was only an infinitesimal portion of a small fragment of rock but it proved that this could be done. I did not know how it happened but it had to be investigated a lot more now. When I brought my head out of the box, my feelings of elation were submerged as much as I could.
The gang came back to eat though they would have skipped the meal to continue flying. During the meal, Gail casually mentioned the power surges that caused the lights to dim. Mom II didn't notice any at our house. The guys kept their faces down so nobody could look at them.
During the meal I said, "Nadac, I would like to have the use of the class seven med unit once more."
"How many more will you add?"
"Gail, the munchkins and their guy. I am not sure of Greg or Lasha. If I inform them of our shuttle then they will get more training. The two could be adopted or forced to leave our family. The authorities may do this to put pressure on me."
"The rest of your family should be included."
"At some time in the future, it is inevitable. If you place the communicator now I can set their minds up without them suspecting any change. When the time is right, they can integrated with no problems."
"I suppose so."
"I will send the unit down. I have made another unit for you that requires the crystals. Complete this unit and send it back for testing."
"We need another beam power transmitter. The surges are detectable. Last summer we had a blackout that was serious. We may have more. I do not like relying on accumulator power exclusively."
"It is very safe."
"Your people make good vehicles but ours are not as well made. I want safety if I can get it. We also learn more about beam power use and its distribution. One day we may need energy weapons. The accumulators made their usefulness limited."
"I will send the unit and the crystals. The largest crystal can be configured to beam in one particular area and thus extend the range of your craft."
A series of graphs came to me. The Beagle could reach orbit and now circle the earth under power as long as a computer tracked us to send the power our way. I had this information already in my head but it was not all sorted. We still had to pretend that I had not been given what Nadac told me was his complete memories. He was an Aristis though and I was not sure he had done so. What he had given me had also been stored in the 72 in case Nadac took the information away from me later.
Betts said, "What were you talking about?"
She must have detected my preoccupation. "I want the med unit back. We need a better power transmitter."
"We have enough if we watch our acceleration."
"Sometimes you may not have a choice. What about the second ship? It is a lot larger. We may use both at once. The stronger shield to absorb radar require more power. We need a longer range too."
"It sounds like you are talking big now."
"Yes I am."
"How much power do you think."
"A megawatt..."
"Wow!" I heard from nine minds.
"... to start. There will be millions of shuttles some day. A gigawatt in ten years then go up."
"Up to where?"
"Up to where the power can be used for most fuel burning applications. We humans are killing our only planet and I have to find ways of allowing poor earth to live longer or until we can move to other systems."
There was a pause then, "But we burn coal to make electricity?" I got the feeling that they knew that this was not a good idea.
"There are other clean and safe methods."
Sam said, "Antimatter?"
"That's the best."
Pop said, "What are you guys worried about. You are quiet all of a sudden."
Betts said, "Not worried, just thinking."
"It must be important."
Wendy said, "How are you going to make it?"
"I am not sure yet. What I am worried about is the fact that antimatter reactors will be detectable from orbit."
Ashleigh said, "Just build it in an old uranium mine."
"That's a great idea. I'm glad I got friends like you guys."
Elaine said, "How are you going to buy the land? Even that will cost money. Then there is all the equipment. It could run into the millions."
"I have enough money for that."
"You do!"
"We will talk later, ok?"
We cleaned up and Pop said, "It's Friday night. Caputo has left us. Have you guys thought of going out for a change? There are some good movies on. The paper mentioned a good science fiction movie."
"It sounds interesting but I have some work to do."
"Your Star Fleet computer?"
"It is coming along nice, Pop."
"Aren't you carrying this play acting just a bit far?"
"Actually I do some very good thinking there. You might also think that since I am thirteen that I cannot dream. I am thinking of how to improve the lives of all of us. Antimatter is something that just cropped up. It is very costly to make and I have to produce some and make it profitable."
"I heard that a gram of antimatter would cost trillions of dollars."
"That's right Pop. I need lots of it to generate cheap and clean power. With that power, I can change the way we travel. I want to stop using fossil fuels. Better communications will mean we do not need to travel as much. Food can come to us. Public transportation has to be pushed so that it is used like our buses and subway but only more so."
Mom said, "Pop was only saying that you seem to play a lot when you are so bright. You are still young and even adults play. It is very commendable to look for ways of improving human interaction. I personally think that if it is ever done then you will probably have a hand in it."
The shipment from Nadac came later that night and Betts brought me the contents of the shipping sphere. They had been introduced to it from academy graphics that showed a sphere arriving when one of Nadac's personalities was talking to one of his particular students. It was not ho-hum but it was not frightening.
I came out of the box and put the equipment aside except for the med unit. I loaded all of my communicators in it and said, "Betts, try to get Patricia in here alone."
"Is she ready Cap." This was a command decision and not relating to us personally.
"Yes, Private."
Patricia came into the room and hugged me. "What's up Captain. Betts said this was official."
"It is. Star Fleet requires both a medical be performed and a communicator be given you."
"We play doctor sometimes. Do you want me to take off my clothes?"
"Not this time Sweety." She didn't look happy with this.
"Lie on the bed with your belly down. This takes only a little while."
"Ok," she said as she bounced on the bed.
This time I used the med unit to put her to sleep. It would be less stressful this way. Betts held her sister as I parted the hair. The med unit went to work and did what was required of it.
The unit then went all over Patricia's body checking and correcting minor problems. Hal asked me all the time whether something should be done or not. I could trust him up to a point. He was still young and had to learn what I would allow and what I would not. The same information was sent to Betts so she would understand.
Liza and Erin went quickly. What had really happened to them was not mentioned. They would grow into the idea slowly I hoped and there would not be much stress. Hal and Nadac would have to monitor them for years to make sure they did not slip up.
When Paul came in, I said, "Hello Brother."
"Hi Wally. You don't call me Brother much."
"No but we are brothers. Star Fleet sent over this nifty gadget. I..."
"Is that a class seven med unit?"
"Sure is. Regulations say you have to be tested and given a communicator."
"Ok," he jumped on the bed the way the girls did. This said the girls had told him what had happened.
When I got close and parted Paul's hair I felt the urge to cuddle and protect him. I had to smile at the way nature had made his mind do that to everybody around him. Betts held his head and he went to sleep.
Paul's body though had many more problems relating to his being fucked so many times in the kiddy porn films. Nature had short changed him to compensate too.
Paul woke up a half hour later and said, "I must have went to sleep. I am sorry Sir."
"Nothing to be sorry for. The unit put you to sleep. We did a complete scan. There were a lot of small problems but all of us need some tinkering. You pass the medical."
"Do I get the communicator now?"
I told him more than I had told the munchkins so that he could tell them personally. "It is already implanted. Over the next few weeks, your mind will adjust to the communicator. You can send your thoughts to us and we can do the same thing. Data can be fed to your mind now. You do not need a computer. A screen will appear in your mind for visual data. The communicator that Kirk used or the small communicator they used on the 'Next Generation' has been superseded with the new unit. You have the ability to turn it off and to only talk to those of us you choose."
"I don't feel anything."
"You are not supposed to. I have a word of warning for you."
"What is it, Sir?"
"When your unit begins to communicate, the girls may be inclined to be so excited that they will tell others a fraction of the truth. This cannot be allowed to happen. Even when Star Fleet is recognised, there are some things that have to be kept secret."
"Like the cloaking device that Star Fleet developed but were not allowed to use."
"The movies are not accurate. We have the cloaking device now."
"Will I still get the corvette?"
I remembered the drawing of him. "I think so but you will have other ships first. Piloting the shuttle should be on the computer now if Star Fleet is working right."
"I'll look Sir."
Paul went to leave but stopped, turned around, and hugged me the way Lasha had been told. I hugged him back and felt good about it.
Betts was hugged too and she enjoyed it as much as I did. She said when Paul left. "Paul is so special."
"Yes he is."
"What about Lasha and Greg?"
"You better put on your uniform and I will too. When it is official then they will not be as nervous."
"Can we do them both now?"
"Let's try it your way then."
When Lasha and Greg came into the room, they immediately went to attention and saluted. I saluted them back the way the Aristis did by striking the right fist over the heart.
"This is a compulsory medical examination. Both of you on the bed, face down."
The two hurried to comply and thought they looked at each other smiling at the game, they went to sleep. They woke up slowly after both went through the medical. They had bowel problems too but they were not bad. Lasha had a disc problem in his spine and the body started to make some minor repairs. To do more would require him to be immobilised for twelve hours. This could be done after they were made aware of what the med unit was good for.
When they stood before me I said, "Repairs were started but you, Cadet Guriis, need to spend the night in Star Fleet sick bay."
"What is wrong Sir."
"A minor disc problem in your back. You will be ordered to sick bay in twenty eight units."
"That will not interfere with my schooling Sir."
"Your birthday comes near that time soldier. You may find your priorities have changed by that time."
They didn't understand but they marched out again. Betts said, "You want me to get June?"
"Ah... June is playing games with the adults."
"What is she doing?"
"Lillian is wearing a plastic device and working it into June's vagina."
"That sounds like fun. What about the rest?"
"Gail is doing the same thing to Leslie. Pop is pooped."
"How come you can see in there?"
Betts did not know abut my seeing through walls so I said, "Rank, hath its privileges."
That night I accessed the thoughts of all six people with the communicator. They had no defence and I was abusing a privilege but I was also trying to do a lot to help humanity. I did not delve into their thoughts the way Nadac could do to me but there was still a lot to see.
What surprised me was that Paul loved the girls but they were too much for him. He wanted to play with guys like others of his age did. The munchkins were jealous of each other when it came to Paul's affections. It was not at a destructive level yet but I was going to have to make some changes.
Greg and Lasha both thought I would make the best mate for them but hid it from the other. Lasha liked girls more than I thought but then again so did Greg. Liking guys was not black or white but somewhere in between.
Saturday morning brought my birthday present. Erica had made it to that important part of me first and stayed there until I gave her what she wanted. It was easy to see that she wanted a baby too but we were too young for that. Erica climbed aboard then and was on her second orgasm by the time Betts woke up. It was not too long later that I started to think like Paul.
Wendy and June made breakfast and came in to serve it. Betts was sitting on my mouth feeding me all she could. When her orgasms passed she took the food and put it into my mouth interspersed with kisses.
People started to come over early and set up a large tent. It looked like it may rain and it was best to be prepared. The girls had been given the money to make all the arrangements but they wanted to use their own. Wendy thought she was still rich because of the money left over from purchasing her share of the house. The insurance company was balking at paying on her mother's policy still. Our lawyers said they would have to pay.
June worked for a living and had a seven hundred dollars saved up. Betts made $500 a week clear like the rest now and the additional $1000 a week for learning to fight and to be a soldier in general. I won out when I pulled rank. The party would cost thousands.
The guys and gals had slept over but after breakfast they took to the air. This time Ashleigh and Jerry stayed behind. To compensate I opened up Matt's home and showed them the working computer as they talked to Matt. It was a little eerie but Matt seemed comfortable. I showed the pair the new med unit in parts and the power transmitter. They were learning more about my abilities at moving molecules of matter so the flux lines would change.
Learning the truth slowly seemed to be the answer. At some point they would need to be told the rest in one lump but that had not occurred yet.
Jerry said, "So our unit gets one of these for ourselves?"
"Yes but that means that all of you have to learn one more piece of equipment."
"When does it end?"
"We all need to be techs and soldiers. Think of all the equipment we need. The list never ends and more stuff is invented all the time. When it comes to operating strange equipment you are able to fudge it. The various functions of a device have to be learned which is easy then you learn all you can about each function. New equipment is not 100% new just different ways of doing something or it has different modules. It's like learning to be a car mechanic. There is a lot to learn but you have only a few ways to do what needs to be done. Learn the basics then you can fix nearly everything."
"That sounds logical. The academy is predicting changes to our planet that make even the movie version of Star Fleet look horky."
"Those are predictions. It is like those science magazines that promise a plane or a car will take over in just a year or two. If you read really old issues you can see just how much bullshit they threw at us."
"My dad has some and I know."
Ashleigh said, "Tell me about this power transmitter."
"It is an extra level of security. I want to ease up on the power consumption here. Our power bills won't be much but with the new shuttle it is going far up. The cops are looking for grow operations and I want to avoid that.
"Sometimes all of Toronto has a blackout. To get power we either buy a generator or use the portion of the power grid that is beyond the city. I own an office building south of here that will get a unit. Higher power bills mean I pay more."
"What about beyond the grid?"
"Both do that too. The office building can get two generators running on natural gas. A small one could take care of small problems and a large unit kicks in if the need arrises."
Jerry asked, "That sounds good but is there enough power to run the building and the shuttles at the same time?"
"It's going to have to be."
The adults came out of the bedroom slowly. They had showers and sometimes a bit more loving before coming to breakfast. Pop looked done in but he also looked happy. Gail slept over most of the time and was not shy about kissing Pop. June was the only one that could not do this when strangers were around.
We all sat together talking. I said, "Pop, I want something special for my birthday."
"It is kinda late but I can try."
"This is for next weekend."
"I want you to take Paul away on Friday night. Find a place to camp and then fish Saturday. Camp that night and come back Sunday night."
"That is not about you."
"That is my request."
"But I have other commitments."
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Hi, this is Surya and Srishti again with our second part of our sex adventure. After the first part, we became very bold and we started talking about sex and other things openly. The very next weekend I asked her if she can come and stay over in my place. She nagged a little but agreed after so much pleading. I know in my mind that this is the day in which I will enter her hole and extract the juices out. I went to a medical shop. I did some walking to and fro just to make sure no customer is...
Black Lace has been expanded upon after my first writing. I intentionally sent the shorter version to meet Bashful's Holloween Story 99 guidelines. Regretablly, only part 1 has been written to date. It's hard to say if and when I'll ever write a part 2. I never intended to, leaving the follow on to the reader's imagination. This story was written long before there was a site on which to post it. I did write only for myself back then. ********************** BLACK LACE (long...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I have always been a perverted horny guy. My mom is so sexy, it's no wonder I want to duck her. She is tall huge ass. I had been wacking it every night for the past two years to my mom. I needed my mom sexually. So one day I decided that I was was going to seduce her, or at least try. I put on my compression shorts that were practically see-through. I had a hard-on put just pushed it up so that my mom will be able to see the whole thing. I walked out...
IncestI know you've heard of the old cliche, "She's a daddy's girl." Well, when I was really little, I wasn't all that close to my father, but now that I'm a bit older (fourteen next December), I really like to spend quality time with him. So, I guess being a daddy's girl isn't confined to any particular age bracket. Besides, as I've matured, my father has turned into one of the most handsome, sexy guys I know. Lately, my parents' marriage has not been going too well at all. I found out...
Despite the knowledge that this may be our last night together for a very long time, we slept well. I woke up at about my normal time and went back to my room to get my running clothes on. Considering what was on the schedule for the morning I took my shortest track, just something to wake me up. Everyone was still sleeping when I got back so I just did a couple of quick stretches, started the coffee, and hit the shower. Mom passed me just as I came out of the bathroom. "Good morning,...
"Ok, but you're still not getting it. It's not dangerous to have intercourse without a barrier. Illegal- yes, but for hundreds of years, this is how women got fertilized, and it made sex feel so much better." No matter how many times or different ways he tried to explain it, he could tell that he just wasn't getting through to his senior high school public health class. The government had beaten it into everyone's head, starting with the smallest of children, that having sex without a...
Voyeur“Luke? Luke? Please wake up, Luke.” The urgent whispering and the fingers gently prodding his exposed shoulder registered long before he was able to emerge from his REM-sleep fog and grasp that there was someone else in the room. Someone sitting on his bed, cautiously but persistently trying to rouse him to full consciousness. The apartment was close to pitch black — the downpour that began around sunset had only grown heavier, and the dim glow of the microwave’s digital clock was all the...
My older sister thought that she had the house to herself for the weekend. This was an entirely reasonable assumption: our parents were away on a 10-day cruise in the Caribbean, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, which left only me – and I was supposed to be spending the weekend at a Girl Scouts camp in the mountains. It was a three-hour drive to get to this, and we were more than halfway there when news came through that because of a forest fire in the area the camp site was...
The concert had begun. The sounds of the crowd swelled as the band took the stage and the rhythmic thumping of the heavy bass and drums rang out in the filled-to-capacity arena. Everything came off without a hitch, just as it always did when Alex was in charge. It was his job to make it look effortless, but several months of planning, sweat, and hard work was now paying off. Alex’s job was over for the time being. There would be more to do at the end of the night, but for now, it was time to...
“The raiding party never reported back in,” Crewmaster Lortz said, his hands clasped neatly behind his back as Korbaz marched into the conning tower. The other personnel averted their eyes, staring at the carpet with their heads bowed, anticipating some form of retribution. “What happened?” she demanded, leaning on the table as she examined the holographic display. “The fleet diverted from the Araxie territory as ordered,” he replied, gesturing to the map. “They made their way to the Black...
NOTE: Okay, so I don’t know about you, but I think the story is going a little slow right now, I'm boring myself, basically, so let’s bring back some excitement! The next day, the boys persuaded Mrs. Weasley to let them go off to Diagon Alley on their own, using Christmas shopping as their excuse. "We can’t very well shop for you when you’re standing right behind us, mother." George told her. She agreed to send them with ministry guards, which made the boys happy. After all, a...
I have been celibate for the last four years of my life. In those last four years I haven't had sex with anyone except the five sisters. And, before you ask, I am not a fat slob who is unlucky with women. I am what many have described as quite the eye candy. I am Six feet tall with washboard abs, a decent size dick, a killer sense of humor and a wife more beautiful than Ava Gardner. Yes, I have a wife. Now you know why this story is in the Loving Wives section of your favorite website. I...
Karun now surveyed those that still stood against the wall, their small and beautiful forms wracked with terror. Only one held his gaze, her chin upturned in defiance as her eyes shot blue daggers at him. He smiled but his smile seemed to freeze the defiance that stood within Karina and she shivered, feeling the coldness from the burly giant and lowered in gaze immediately. She had been crazy to single herself out by staring him down. Where would that get her? In a collar, no doubt. She could...
I live with my girlfriend Beth in a nice little two bedroom cottage in a town on the South Coast of England. Beth and I have been together for about four years and we enjoy a very active sex life. Beth is 5’7’’ tall slim with a 34B bust and a very cute pert bum. This tale is about a time when one of her friends, Jane came to stay with us for a time after she broke up with her boyfriend of two years. Jane had been living with her boyfriend Paul for two years and they were planning on getting...
AnalPaul, uncharacteristically, had lied. He was sitting in his small apartment, flipping channels on TV and trying to figure out why he was even entertaining the idea of bedding a skinny, wasted-looking black woman. But the crazy bitch set him off... It made no sense; she was a professional hooker -- not even high-end -- and a druggie. He was a professional, and she was his client -- that was reason enough to avoid her right there. But she didn't care... What the Hell did she see in him? And...
Operation Casablanca I By Adriana Ovelar I start with a reminder for all the readers of Fictionmania. Fantasies can become reality, and what was an erotic dream come true, can be transformed into a nightmare. It happened to me. I had a good marriage with Ilsa. I believe that I fell in love with her when she told me that, in her childhood, she dressed her smaller brothers as girls, just for fun. Men dressed as women excited her. She told me, tenderly, that one of her first boyfriends...
Introduction: Continuing with Alison and helping her with her sex-life ALISON UNCOVERED 2 This is the continuing adventures with my new found friend, a married english gal, just moved into my local village&hellip,and who I wickedly seduced and opened her up to a new vibrant world of sex. Husbands away, wives go out to play, especially when plied with the local wines. Alison and I returned to my home after an outrageous outing to St. Tropez market. Watching (and photographing) Alison,...
Candy was an honor student at Broadfield, an exclusive boarding school tucked in the piney hills of New England. She was extraordinarily gifted and qualified in many fields of academics and the Arts. Her recent invitation to join the schools violin quartet was the icing on the cake for this success-minded young woman whose fair skin, tall, thin body, long brown locks and lovely brown eyes set her beauty far above any other girls in the school. And for her upcoming sixteenth birthday, her father...
Chapter 1 It was early December and in a rare bit of bad weather around Boston as the snow was falling hard. The night was the worst night you could pick to travel. Up to four inches of snow was expected to fall overnight. That wasn't the real problem, the problem was that it was near whiteout conditions in Boston at times. Despite the bad weather there were some hearty travelers braving the storm to get to where they needed to go. In the Tip O'Neill Tunnel things were going smoothly...
Chuwane Ka Maza Papa ke sath…. Dosto mera nam Priyanka tiwari hai aur main assam ke sudar sa chota town Difu main rahati hun apne paiti Sundar Tiwari,meri soutan Rani arur hamari 2 sal ki bati Sandya and 1 sal ke beta Prakash.mari umar abhi 18 sal hai aur mari soutan Rani 16 sal ki hai,hamara pati sundar tieari 40 sal ka hai.hamara bahut hi sukhi paribar hai….hum sab melki khali chod ne ka game khalte hai ghar main….ab main aap ko mari puri kahani bistar se batati hun…. Aaj se 22 sal pahle mere...
Anne is plagued at work with the very Hot Boss who she can not get off her mind. This afternoon she is so worked up after a meeting with him she sneaks out of work to get her needs fulfilled. She is determined not to play around at work but a Girls gotta do what a Girls gotta do. Knowing she is short of time she walks into the Glory Hole banging on the wall for dick, “Come on out Dammit” She says. She is immediately going from dick to dick to calm herself down from her frenzy....
xmoviesforyouHe watched his mom for a moment, then he striped out of his sweaty run clothes, and crawled onto the bed with her. Leaning closer, he whispers, "Mom?" He then kissed her gently on the cheek, and she sighs, and wakes up. “Hmm…Johnny?” "Good morning, mom.” his mom rolled off her stomach and onto her side. “Good morning, Johnny.” She then took note of the fact her son is naked. “I sense you want something.” “I can’t hide anything from you, can I, Mom?” "No, you can’t.” Her...
I gazed down at my cock. It was sticking straight up, still bone hard and coated with mom's saliva."So, son of mine...still upset that your date stood you up?" Mom asked."No way." I signed.Mom smiled, her big tits giggling, as she ran her fingers through my hair."Top or bottom?" She asked."What?" I asked."Time to cash in all those points, sweetie-pie. Top or bottom?" She smiled."Bottom." I said.Without hesitation Mom threw one of her long legs her leg across my lap and straddled me. I gazed up...
‘Are you going to that seminar today?’ Alicia asked. ‘Unfortunately I am scheduled for it. I really think that they are barking up the wrong tree with this. I have a feeling that this is going to have the exact opposite effect on what they want’, Jerry said as they continued their walk to the opening shift meeting at the front of the store. ‘I completely agree. I’m not scheduled for the seminar until Friday though. You will have to let me know how it goes’, she grinned. ‘I will. I came...
Jord lay in agony under the healer’s care. Jona had bathed him in an herb infusion thought to reduce the pain and the swelling, but healing had been slow. Now she suffered with him, literally feeling his pain as she tried to help him bear it. She tended to her other duties mechanically, depending on her daughter and others in the village to make preparations for the coming winter. All were willing to help, none held back, as they saw the pain of their co-leaders. Seth and Leana, with Tia,...
Donna found herself sitting in the food court amid loud chattering families, eating a meager salad, while Ms. Brendan had Chinese noodles with chicken. A real meal. She never expected Ms. Brendan to eat in such an ‘average’ place. After the expensive dinner, the hotel, the life style of her, this was completely against her nature. “So tell me, how do you like our weekend so far?” Ms. Brendan asked. Donna looked around and knew she could not speak freely about the sex and all, nor did she...
A Week of Harmony by captv8td [email protected] 1Harmony Collins had been looking forward to this weekend for a long time. As an alumnus of Wardham College, she was very involved in reunions and other school events. This weekend was the “Old Girl” Hellenic Games. She had only missed one of these alumni events since graduating some twenty years earlier.Wardham College was founded in 1911 as a women’s college to “develop the leaders of tomorrow.” Indeed, their alumni included a...
Diane Knocked on the door of the apartment she was feeling could still feel the wet throbbing of her pussy. She was still horny from having her pussy eaten by Ms. Jones.Diane could not believe that she actually licked and sucked Mr. Howard semen out of the pretty lady's wet cunt and then she shared it with the young lady. Diane felt so ashamed but also incredibly turned on.Jimbo answered the door he was still in his gym shorts and no shirt.Jimbo told her to come on in we have plenty of things...
Max was packing his bags to leave school. He couldn't wait to get home to masterbait to some anime futa porn. He liked futa but only the anime ones as futanari don't exist in real life and those chicks with dicks are just guys with tits. As true futa had a furtile pussy with a dick. Max finished up and walked out the door, down the hall out to the bus and Road home. As he left the bus he saw a book in one of the bushes. He walked over and picked it up. On the front read Reality Note. He opened...
IncestHi guys and girls, after your good response on my first part, I want to reveal little more of my secret to all of you.After the first hot session with that stranger, I found his name – Rahul, how does it matter, what matters is what next after that session. After I got my first ever fuck with a stranger I was very confused next morning, didn’t know what is going to happen and was feeling guilty as I should not have done with a stranger and mainly another person than my husband. Next morning I...
are you ready for a twist. the SRS race continues.. as Dale turns into Daisy.. oh as far as the punctuation i'm lazy.. so you'll have to bare with me. Maggie , Jennifer, Wing, and Sue all stood up and put on this lotion around their huge cocks.. and slowly they took them off... they were state of the art electronic cocks that atttaches with glue... i held each cock and looked them over.. and then started sucking on one.. and pushed another back up into my pussy.. the girls just...
I work in an office where attractive women are few and far between. There is one analyst for whom I would die for one torrid lesbian affair. She's blonde, blue eyes, 5'7", 110ish, mid 30's and All-American good looks. Yesterday, I was briefing our director and she was sitting behind me. Since the weather has changed, she has switched from dress slacks and heels to skirts/dresses and boots, and she was wearing her leather boots with black nylons, black pencil skirt, and a nice fitted blue...
Naan oru engineer, oru katidathil velai paarthu varugiren. Ippozhuthu en sontha uurai vitu vitu thali vanthu irukiren aanal naan en kanaal paartha sexyaaga kaama anubavathai ungalidam pagira vanthu irukiren. Naan pothuvaaga kaama kathaigal niraiya padipen athanaal enaku en vaazhvil nadantha sila suvarasiyamaana anubavangalai ungalidam pagira pogiren. Naan velai paarkum idathil athigamaana aatkal velai parka maatargal 10 perku kuraivaagave velai paarpaargal. Athanaal naan eppozhuthum avargal...
The rest of the evening was sedate. We had dinner and I enjoyed listening to the girls chat. Melissa and Lavi had known Ji for years, probably spent hundreds of hours with her, but were only connecting with her as friends now. It was fascinating to watch. I liked Ji but didn’t feel a connection with her. She was a teenage girl, a cute one, a sexy one, but still a teenager while Melissa and Lavi were women to me as irrational as that might be but I also realized that was starting to change. Ji...
Copyright 2003 by Powerone and Danielle. Ignoring my pleas, you bury your cock all the way into my little pink hole. You hold it there feeling me squirm, I'm panting, trying to catch my breath, the pain is unbearable, and I scream in agony. "Yea baby, that's it, scream for me, tell me how much it hurts." You pull your cock out of me only to shove it back in again with such force that I almost pass out. The pain rips through me with each thrust. "Do you like my big cock? Does it feel good...
NEW POSITIONSetting: Present day. Eastern Europe is a good locale, which I expect works well logistically.CASTKaryn: Slave / unemployed young woman Casting recommendation: Choose someone whose English is not fluent.Anna: Mistress of Slave Training School Casting recommendation: Age mid to late 30sMr. Krupp: Buyer of Karyn Casting recommendation: Age 40s. Businessman. Nice suits. Direct, but gentle manner.Eva Novek - Employment AgentErica – Trained slave, awaiting auction.Milo: ...
SRU: Field Trip Jack woke up as he always did. Messed up from a night of partying and binge drinking, with of course the occasional mixture of various drugs. Groggy and clumsily, he got up from bed and looked at his calendar. "A visit to the zoo? Oh joy!" Jack said with a sarcastic tone. He had never thought much of animals in general nor was he going to start to now. What with being a troublemaker in class, this would just be another opportunity to do more trouble, he...
I laid back onto the bed and continued to watch Jill and Sam kissing each other.Sam's tongue was quite long and as she pushed it into Jill's mouth Jill sucked on it like it was a cock.Suddenly Sam pushed Jill back so she fell on the bed and Sam pushed her mothers legs apart then she was eating Jill's cunt which was still full of my spunk. I moved further up the bed and turned Jill's head so I could fuck her mouth with my stiffening cock while i leaned over Jill's body and watched Sam fucking...
Mom was waiting for me when I got home. "You're late sweetie?" said Mom looking at her watch. "That's OK isn't it?" I asked heading to my room. Mom followed me. "It's fine. I just wondered what you were up to that's all." I began getting undressed. Suddenly as I pulled off my top I was worried what Mom would say. "I was really bored at school today ... and I had so much fun yesterday that ... well I really didn't want to go to math class ... would you undo my bra Mom?" I...
Nova Cane has a great rack. One day while she is at home, her stepbro comes up to her and asks if he could borrow her phone. He explains that he is really horny and wants to use her phone to watch some porn and rub one out. She flashes her panties at him and he has a better idea, jerking off to her tits. Later that night, he sneaks into her bedroom and she wakes up only to find him jerking off again. She slides her panties off and lets him finger her while he rubs his cock. The next day, Nova...
xmoviesforyouRory The afternoon passed slowly and I was in a state of nervous tension. A lot of questions were racing through my mind. It was obvious from her remarks that she knew about me staring at her in the classes we shared. So why had she not said something before? I could have understood if she had just got fed up with it and decided to do something about by confronting me and roasting me with her tongue but she had not done that. She had obviously planned something and arranged for her...
While Jeff thought the one year holding period would never come it finally did. Not wanting to affect the price of the stock he sold seventy five percent of John’s company stock in small lots over a period of time and reinvested the proceeds. The twenty percent in capital gains tax was a big nut he had to pay but it was something he was going to need to face sooner or later. More than offsetting this tax was the twenty four percent rise in the price of the John’s stock that occurred during...
Ben immediately ordered everyone to reload their weapons and to mount up. He asked Missus Taylor if she could ride, and to his relief she could. Ben quickly caught up the horse that the man had been riding who’d slid off the back of it, after he’d made it rear up, and brought it to the woman so she had a mount. Ten minutes later Ben, Cecily, and Dove, as Missus Taylor told Ben and Cecily to call her, were on the horses and riding back towards the fork in the trail, moving at a steady...
Well, it's been a little over a year since the night I fucked my drunk big sister at her sorority party, and now I'm a student at the same college. Weird, you go from being a BMOC senior in High School, to once again being a lowly freshman. I wanted to party, that's for sure, but being a frosh (and after the way the last party turned out) I figured that my Sister wouldn't invite me to any more sorority parties; and I was partly right: she invited me to a fraternity party instead. "Don't worry,...
IncestCHAPTER SEVEN: That night with Blackie was followed by another try several days later. Mitch and I never specifically talked about how Blackie might fit into a sexual relationship. He seemed to just be content that it was. That first time with Blackie was nice. Yeah, I know, ‘nice’ doesn’t sound like an overwhelming endorsement for canine sex, but ‘nice’ is a world better than ‘not nice’.We may not have talked specifically about how Blackie would fit in (and suddenly that sounds like a pun),...
The look in Renata’s eyes was terrified and pleading, and her cheek was starting to darken with a new bruise. It would probably be a nasty purple in a few days. I started to move toward Renata more out of instinct than from any belief I would actually get to her. I felt a hand grip tight onto my shoulder, holding me fast. I was still a little shocked to see her. In the back of my mind I had already resigned myself to her being dead, as I couldn’t make it add up for the Russians to keep her...
Hii this is Ranjith again with my sex experience with my dream girl who is nothing but my computer teacher. Her name is Thanuja, age 28 with having ultimate figure of 36-26-36. I had this experience when I was in grade 12th. I had friends who thought me to watch porn and masturbate. So my sexual desires started from that time itself. While seeing my teacher’s hot ass I used get erect in my pants. So I was masturbating myself thinking of her. To say about her she was teaching us computer. She...
A friend of mine asked me if I’d stay at his house while he was at work, he was expecting the Estate Agent to give him a price on his house, as he’s a mate I said I would. I arrived as he was going to work 8:30am and he told me to help myself to anything and text him with the price the Agent said, I said I would. “He should arrive this morning sometime”, “Ok” and with that he went to work.9:45am there was a knock on the door, there stood a mature man holding a leather bound file. “Hi my name’s...