SamChapter 17D free porn video

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I had to shut him up. Not to keep his screams from being heard by the neighbors — I was certain that everyone in this neighborhood belonged to Mind Your Own Business rather than the Neighborhood Watch — but because he was hurting my sensitive ears with that awful wailing. I closed my hand around his balls and twisted.

Greg sucked air and became instantly quiet. He was convinced that he was seconds away from castration, followed by cannibalism. Even though the pain was making his eyes cross, he remained perfectly still and attentive. It was time for my pitch.

"I'm going to give you one chance to keep your balls, Greg." I didn't bother trying to sound menacing. It would have been overkill. I let him absorb the concept that there was a way out of this for a few seconds, then I went on. "Your sister and your niece need you. They need you to pretend to be a man until they can get back on their feet. A man shoulders his responsibilities without trying to extort sex from the people he is supposed to protect. You need to decide if you are a man or not. Because if you are not..." I squeezed his balls for emphasis "... if you are not, then you won't be needing these!"

My pitch was interrupted by a stream of urine jetting from Greg's penis. It showered his chest and splashed his face and he seemed unable to stop it. I waited until nature had run its course before I went on. I knew I had his complete attention.

"In case you hadn't noticed, Greg, I'm a female." I shook my breasts unnecessarily and his eyes dropped to see the action. "And females of all species stick together. If I have to come back here again, I won't be leaving without a snack."

I wanted to give his balls a last sharp twist, but after seeing his bladder let go, I decided that I had done enough to poor Greg. I climbed off the bed and walked to the door.

"Don't even think of running away, Greg. There isn't a hole deep enough for you to hide in if you run. I'll find you. And when I do, I won't stop at your balls." I wasn't completely sure what I meant by that, but Greg was. The musty stink that suddenly filled the room told me that another of Greg's sphincters had let go.

"And wash those sheets!" I said as I pulled the door shut behind me.

I dressed quickly and left immediately. When I got outside, I was me again. I walked casually down the block and around the corner where Neeka could pick me up out of sight of the house.

"Well, that was disgusting," Neeka said as she drove back to the main road.

"If he had pissed on me, I would have ripped his balls off," I said, emphatically, but not really meaning it.

"I think he thought you would anyway. All the same, that's not the disgusting part. It's knowing that there are people like that who walk around on two legs and claim to be men."

"Maybe Greg will turn over a new leaf," I said, but not very hopefully. I really didn't want to have anything else to do with the scum, not even to eat his balls.

To improve our mood, Neeka and I traded testicle recipes for the rest of the drive down to River Street and our visit to Xaiolong Li. A couple of hers didn't sound all that unappetizing. I had found from exposure to Mom's cooking and her taste in restaurants that if you sauté something in garlic butter, I can eat it. It was the type of testicles that we were unsure about. Would a couple of big juicy ones taste better, or should you prepare a dish of several small pea-sized balls instead? I thought that the big juicy ones would probably taste better, but that it would be a shame to sacrifice a nice pair like that for one meal, even if you allowed for the leftovers. It would be much better to keep them in production, so that their output could be enjoyed over a longer period of time and in a wider variety of ways.

"Are you turning into a connoisseur of cum?" Neeka asked.

"Well, yes. I suppose I am. The flavor is certainly unique, and probably not to everyone's taste, but I like it. I know a lot of girls who think it's horribly yucky stuff, but if it's fresh and hasn't been sitting around getting yellow and stale, it can be very tasty."

"Would you suck a guy off just to taste his cum?"

"It depends on the guy, of course. If I'm attracted to him and he turns me on... sure. I'd do it. I think I already did that with Ron Majors, but that was more of a mercy-masturbation and I didn't get a very good taste."

"Would you suck off a total stranger just for his cum?"

"Now you're getting kinky."

"This isn't already kinky?"

"Maybe a little. It depends on how turned on I was at the time. Get me hot enough and I'll do pretty much anything."

"How well I know! But don't make this sexual. We're talking about eating cum, not how you get it out of the guy."

"For me, it's all part of the experience. I don't know if I'd want to microwave a plastic packet of cum, just to taste it. I'd want to get to know the balls it came out of first. I'd want to milk it right out of the cock myself — to suck it hot and fresh, straight from the source. I'd want the guy to see me do it, to know that I appreciated what he had given me."

"Would you rather he came in your mouth, your pussy, or just sprayed it all over your boobs?"


"Yes, which?"

"Yes, any of the above. OK, if we're still talking about from a gourmet point of view, then he'll have to cum in my mouth obviously. Being sprayed with it is nice in certain circumstances. Isn't it a myth that cum is good for your skin?"

"Don't tell any boys this, but I checked into this, and yes, it is actually good for your skin. It works better if you mix it with real skin cream so it penetrates, but there have been a lot of girls whose skin cleared up after they let their boyfriends cum on them."

"Whoa! I see a new business starting up real soon!"

"How many cums to fill an 8 ounce bottle?"

"Oh. So much for my delusions of getting rich before I'm 21. It would have been fun to visit the factory floor, though. All those hunks yanking away, straining to meet their quotas..."

"Or you could hire girls to do it for them. It would be a nice part-time job."

"Carpal tunnel syndrome," I warned. "All that repetitive stress."

"Yeah. Too bad. Have to use machinery. Strap them down and suck them dry. Then move on to the next one."

"I still prefer the old fashioned method."

"The collection bottle between your legs?"

"That's my favorite. There's nothing like having your pussy flooded with hot cum. It just feels so good to have a nice hard cock pumping away in me, filling me up... Hold on a minute. I need something from my bag."

"Do you want me to stop?" Neeka asked.

"No, keep going. I can reach it."

I squirmed between the seats and reached into my bag. When I squirmed back I had my pacifier in my hand. Seconds later, it was back in place, keeping my pussy happy.

"Mmmmm," I moaned. "I'm glad you taught me this. It helps a lot."

We had stopped at a light. "Show me," she said.

I pulled my skirt up and spread my knees as far as I could in the small car. I tilted my hips so she could see how my pussy was contracting repeatedly on the rubber bulb, looking for all the world like it was sucking away at the big pacifier.

"Steve said that's the hottest thing he'd ever seen," I bragged.

"It's surely high on my list," Neeka said, putting the car in gear and driving on. She kept glancing over my way, so I tried to give her a good show. I put my hands over the top of the tall car-seat and held my butt in the air while I tried to tear the pacifier apart using my vaginal muscles. I think I was getting to her because she kept having to jerk the wheel to keep the car from veering out of her lane. I know I was having a lot of fun and giving my pussy a good workout at the same time.

We pulled up in front of the old factory all too quickly. I tugged my skirt back into place and sat back down.

"Are you going to be able to calm down?" she asked. "Or should we wait a while before going in?"

I was panting like a dog in the hot sun. I hadn't cum, but I can't say why not. My pussy was twitching and my clit was stiff and still swelling. I felt wonderfully light-headed, like I had run several laps and was just getting my second wind.

"No, I'm OK. I'm a lot better than OK, actually. Let's go."

We got out, and I skipped to the door with Neeka following behind me. Inside, we were met by one of Master Li's assistants - whom I suspected were all close relatives of his — who showed us into a room that was hung all over with brocade banners with Chinese pictographs on them. It took me a minute to figure out that they were the equivalent of trophy cups from various competitions. There was a large wooden desk at one end of the room, so I assumed that this was Li's office.

We had only been waiting for a few seconds when Master Li himself strode in. He was moving at a much more brisk pace than I remembered from our lesson the previous week. I hoped we weren't interrupting something important.

"Welcome," he said. Then he paused. I wasn't sure if it was for effect, or if he was mentally translating something to say. I spoke up before he got a chance to say it, though.

"We want to apologize for missing class yesterday," I told him in a respectful tone. The man just oozed power and presence. I couldn't help being deferential, even though my head was buzzing and I felt like giggling.

"We had something urgent come up," Neeka explained. "We hope you will let us make up the lesson."

"Do not concern yourselves," he said. By which I think he meant, 'don't worry about it'. "I understand that you have... obligations. You may make up the lesson you missed should you choose to do so."

I spotted the partly open door of a largish entertainment center behind a screen of colorful banners. I pulled them back so Neeka could see the TV and video recording equipment.

"He saw us on TV," I said, understanding why he was being so courteous.

"I recorded it and I have watched it many times," he said. "I cannot say the words to express how impressed I am."

I though this was being a little too inscrutable.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because the words are 'Holy Shit' and my momma taught me not to cuss in mixed company."

"You're not from China."

"San Francisco. My Chinese is pretty good, for not having been used much since High School. My Kung Fu credentials are impeccable, though. In case you were wondering."

"I wasn't. I nearly beat Ed Morris this morning, using what you taught us."

"I know Ed. He's not as good as he thinks he is."

"Spoken like a true competitor."

He laughed at that. "Only in business. We have separate competitions. The different martial arts only get together for exhibitions. But I have seen Ed fight. He favors his right leg. How did you lose to him?"

"You mean, why isn't he a greasy spot on the floor somewhere?"


"He came to teach some defense moves to my Gym class. I only got to spar with him briefly."

"You must be finding that control you were looking for."

"I have a way to keep from demolishing everything I touch. I need to do better, though. I worry about hitting too hard."

"I understand." He paused again and I suddenly understood why he kept doing it.

"OK, you ask me one and I ask you one."

"Deal," he said. "How do you do the thing with your skin? That's not makeup."

"I have almost total control of my body, down to the cellular level. I just move the pigment around to make the design. How do you keep so still? That would drive me nuts!"

"Lots of practice. It's a psychological edge. It intimidates people. Old Chinese trick."


"Look, I'd give my right arm to work with you. You are a dream come true for anyone in this business."

"You can't tell anyone about me."

"I understood that last week. We're still finding pieces of that board. No, I don't want to exploit you; I just want to work with you. You are the ultimate student."

"Not 'apprentice'?"

"I'm not going to patronize someone with your abilities. It's going to be quite a challenge for me to find a way to work with you without getting killed. It's a good thing you have a partner."

"She has her uses." I got ready to duck as soon as I thought of saying that. It was a wise move. Neeka slapped at me and I bent over to avoid her hand.

"Don't bend," Li said. "Just flex your knees or move your feet to avoid a blow like that. When you bend over, you are shifting your center and allowing your opponent to influence you without making contact. It is important to remain centered at all times. Otherwise you will blow away in a stiff wind. Come with me. I will show you what I mean."

He led the way into a back room and we spent the next hour working on how to stay centered and in control while in a fight. At the end of it, I felt like I had made considerable progress. I could move and be instantly ready to attack or defend.

"It is a mistake to think that you can learn the fundamentals and then move on to more advanced things," Li told us. "Fundamentals are the most important thing. You must work on them every time you practice."

"When do you want us back?" I asked as we were getting ready to leave.

"As often as you can come. I will be available anytime you need me. You are the most important work I have."

"You are being very generous."

"No. I'm not. I have two grandchildren who attend Southside Elementary School. This is both an opportunity I will not miss and a debt I will not fail to repay."

"How's three o'clock Tuesdays and Thursdays?"

"Then I will see you both next Tuesday."

I still thought Master Li was being awfully accommodating in telling us we could show up anytime we wanted. Lots of people had kids that went to Southside or Ringling. They were the newest and biggest schools in the county. I wondered if all of the families of those kids were going to think they owed me.

"Don't they?" Neeka asked, eavesdropping on my thoughts.

"What? Owe me for doing something that had to be done? I didn't do them a favor. I did it because someone had to and the 'someone' turned out to be me... us. I don't want everyone thinking they owe me for doing this. I don't want their gratitude."

"There are going to be a lot of people who don't see it that way. Given the chance, they are going to want to express that gratitude."

"You're saying I should smile and be gracious about it?"

"Yes. Is that so hard?"

"No. I want to help people. I enjoy it. It makes me feel wonderful when I get to make a real difference in someone's life. Saving a life is the biggest rush I know of. They don't need to thank me, too! That's just so embarrassing."

"Gee, you've got it tough."

"Oh, hush. I know what you're saying. I should be noble about it and let them thank me and fawn all over me. I think I understand why Heroes don't stick around afterward. They don't want to have to listen to the 'thank-you's'. Disappearing afterward is a necessary part of the job."

"So is Public Relations. Dad runs into this all the time. When he gets back from a trip, he tells us these horror stories — no names, but we usually know who he's been working for — about people who get themselves in trouble because they forget that no matter how important or powerful they are, they can't ignore what the public thinks."

"All right. I'll try to be noble and gracious."

"Just say, 'Happy to be of service'."

"And then leave before they try to give me the key to the city or something?"

"Don't think they won't try."

"Oh, no!"

Neeka turned out to be clairvoyant. I had just walked into the house when Mom told me that Sheriff Foster had called.

"More trouble? Do I need to call back?"

"Not today, thank heavens. No, he was very apologetic about it, but he promised he would pass several messages along to you. I think you may want to sit down for this."

I followed her downstairs with a sinking feeling in my stomach. When we were comfortable on the sofa, she held up a small pad and started to read her notes.

"Every TV station, radio station, and newspaper in the lower part of the state wants to interview you. Several civic groups want you to speak to them. The PTA, the Chamber of Commerce, the DAR, the Kiwanis, the VFW, Rotary, Civitan, American Legion, and Scout Troop 43 have all expressed an interest in having you attend one of their meetings."

"Scout Troop 43?"

"Apparently you are a big hit with the 14-and-under male demographic."

"Of course! The comic book readers."

"Yes. Like Mr. Morton, they are probably your biggest fans."

"Oh, no! I have fans?"

"You have no idea. You've been in school most of the day. You haven't seen what's been going on."

She handed me the front section of the newspaper. My picture filled half of the front page. Neeka's wasn't much smaller. The article was a bunch of questions for which, fortunately, the reporter had few answers. That was probably why the pictures were so big. The only thing they had managed to turn up so far was our involvement in thwarting the robbery of the grocery store.


"Mr. Morton called, too. The dear man was positively bubbling over with excitement. He said to tell you he has a design for a second suit for you with some improvements that he wants to show you whenever you can come into his shop."

"A second suit sounds like a good idea. I didn't know I would be this busy when he made me the first one or I would have asked about that. We'll go see him tomorrow after school. Neeka wants him to have a design put on her jacket, too."

"Hmmm, he will probably have some ideas to improve her costume, too. I hope he isn't neglecting his other customers because of this."

That sounded suspiciously like Mom had asked Mr. Morton to make her a swimsuit to wear this weekend and she wanted to make sure it was ready on time. With his quick turnaround, anything was possible, and surely a skimpy swimsuit would not take all that long to put together. If she had recruited professional help, maybe I needed to reconsider my decision to go easy on Bambi in our 'most daring swimsuit' competition.

"Mr. Morton isn't the only one going out of his way on my behalf." I explained How Master Li had pledged his personal attention anytime I wanted, and why he felt obligated to do that.

"I don't think people should feel that they have to pay me back," I explained. "Neeka thinks I should just put on a happy face and go with the flow."

Same as Sam
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PICNIC A bright, sunny morning with hardly a cloud in the sky, the girls had risen from their beds and had showered and dressed by 9.30. They took their breakfast of coffee and buttered toast on the terrace, sitting opposite each other with the low onyx-topped table between them. Jane was helping herself to more coffee. She was wearing a cornflower blue silk blouse. The blouse was semi-transparent, the white lace on the top of her camisole was showing through it. Looking over at her friend as...

3 years ago
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Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 12

Sola is finally back from her time away helping her grandparents moving on from their existence. Riley sure couldn’t wait to have her again and didn’t bother telling Justin she had returned. He only finds out when he come home from a meeting with Zate over future business ventures. When he steps through the door, the first thing Justin sees is a pair of shoes that he quickly recognizes as Sola’s. Smiling to himself, he heads for the bedroom, dropping his papers off on the couch as he passes...

4 years ago
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Theres a Girl in the Boys Locker Room

Wanda peaked through the double doors leading from the gym. The long hallway leading to the boys locker room was dim. Only a few lights were on for security. Good she thought everyone is gone. She slipped through the door and slowly let it close behind her, making sure it made no noise. Slowly she started sneaking down the hall staying along the wall. As if, this was going to keep her hid, if anyone was here. There was a good chance that a five foot five, 90 pound, 18 year old girl in a white...

2 years ago
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Online Chat Ended Up In Bed

Hello, my name is John and I am married. I am from Chennai, but kind of single.I wouldn’t want to be more specific as to why. This is my real sex story. Please send me your feedback or suggestions to that should help me with better narration in future. This is a real incident that happened to me a few years back during my bachelor days. This is one of the few incidents in the chat room that are yet to come. Those days we had yahoo chat one of the best chat media to interact with people...

2 years ago
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Reginalds FutureChapter 6

“Ooops. Sorry, Jessica. Mea culpa. Forgive me.” “It is okay, my love; just steering you in a sensible direction. You have to remember to be less academic with social chit-chat, darling.” “I am okay with that advice, Jessica. Point noted.” The midwife was at the door shortly afterwards, and put Jessica in her car before driving to the hospital’s maternity section. Reg kissed her farewell. After his quick lunch, Reg told everyone he was going to bed for another snooze, so he did not want...

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The Letter

The LetterThis seemed to be a typical Saturday, with Mr. Dawson mowing his lawn and the boys playing basketball in the driveway. I loved the way the sun warmed my face as I stepped beyond the shadows of the house. I thought how this was a perfect day to celebrate our fifteenth wedding anniversary. Well, it would have been except for the fact that Dave had been called away at the last minute to settle a labor problem in their east coast branch—something about a pending strike. It was unusual for...

Wife Lovers
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Bermuda Night

It’s an unusually hot night in Bermuda, the air isn’t circulating well in the bedroom and we’d both been sweating all day playing tourist all over the island. It’s just warm enough that we can’t seem to get to sleep, even tired as we are. Neither one of has any clothes on, but the heat makes the idea of touching repelling. After an interminable time trying to find nonexistent currents of cooler air, you decided get up and take a cold shower to cool off. You enter the bathroom and I slowly get...

4 years ago
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Call Me Julie part 5

Kelly is kissing me passionately, and I am kissing her back. Her hands are all over me as she feels me up. My tucked package is straining against the material of my panties as she grabs and gropes at my feminine attired body. Her hand snakes its way under my dress and into my panties, which she pulls down enough to release my cock, and tugs on it vigorously. She breaks the kiss and snakes down my body, flips my dress over her head and engulfs my cock with her mouth. Her fingers probe between my...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Brooklyn Chase VR 23035

First you’re like ‘huh? Where’s that sweet siren sound coming from?’ And then it’s like BOOM! Big tits in ya face, courtesy of Brooklyn Chase. And that even rhymes! This is a Naughty America VR pornstar experience that will leave you a boob man if you’re an ass man. Brooklyn Chase’s big tits will cover and smother you in so much love that you won’t want to come up for air! Those fat, massive jugs swallow your big cock between them and then Brooklyn swallows it down her throat. Turn her around...

1 year ago
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Dream StateChapter 24

I had thought that our trip up and down the east coast had convinced June that she was really a member of our family. On the first night after we arrived back in Makena, though, June told me that she was a bit hesitant to sleep with Mary or Aimee. I told her that she should just talk to them and go at her own pace. There was no rush, I told her. The next morning, however, Aimee had her own solution. After breakfast was all cleaned up, Aimee turned to June and said, "June! Report to Sunrise,...

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Bhabhi Ki Chudai

My name is rakesh.I’m pure amadavadi living in ahmedabad.My very best friend, like my brother residing near me and he is a married man. His wife’s name is sudha, but we called her sudha bhabhi. She is very beautiful. Let me give her idea, she is very fair, 5″6′, very busty, with nice ass and beautiful black hair. she was 35 and very beautiful in shape. I have a very good relation with them. I’m visiting his house very routinely. I’m 32 single. Some times they invite me for dinner & lunch too.We...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Abella Danger Unleashing The Lust

Abella and Lucas – Annoyed by her mother’s domineering ways, Abella sneaks away with her sister’s boyfriend and seduces him in her mom’s office. Taken aback by Abella’s aggressive sexuality, Lucas can only surrender to his lust for her sexy curves–pounding his rock hard cock into her dripping wet pussy. Their forbidden encounter unleashes their frustrations on one another and everything looks to be going perfectly – until a surprise visit stops them in...

3 years ago
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INTERRUPTIONS by Geneva During the 1870 Franco-Prussian war a young Prussian spy in Paris is captured by a brothel owner and is turned into a girl by her magic book. The new girl escapes and finds refuge. She eventually gets revenge for an old injury and finds love. START I took a deep breath, hoping to steady my nerves as I made my way to the general's quarters. It did not help much. My stomach was cramping too much in my nervousness. The general's quarters were near enough to...

2 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 19

As we were walking back, Lydia was curious about something. “I don’t understand something, my Thane. We can SEE the College of Winterhold from here. Why is it that if Urag or any members of the College were concerned about Septimus, they didn’t just go out and look for him themselves?” “It’s simple, really. Think about yourself for a minute. About the you that was, before you met me. How far outside of Whiterun had you actually gone?” “Well, I’d been to the meadery, and ... that’s ... I’d...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Question Part Four

Later in the day, Sharon called me to touch base.  "So, I had a few minutes between appointments and wanted to call.  I know that we all had a great time last night and this morning.  I wanted to say thank you for understanding that we needed to blow off a little steam before we talked about the particulars of our agreement.  Why don't the three of us meet for dinner at a restaurant tonight and go over everything."After a short pause, I answered, "That sounds great!  To be honest, I thought...

2 years ago
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The Price of Charity 2 Terms and Conditions May Apply

Part 2: Living Arrangements "Hey! Come on! Hurry up!" The loud pounding on the wood door of his bathroom jostled Nathan out of his thoughts. "I... I need a minute!" he said, biting his lower lip. In actuality, he was already ready. At least physically. Mentally, he'd never be ready. He shifted his weight on the toilet seat, painfully aware of certain noises coming from underneath him. The rough, growling voice of Marcus flooded his ears again. "Come on! All we told you to do was...

1 year ago
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Alona a strict wife

                   Alona A stict wife:   heavy interraccial remarks, if it isn't your thing please don't read    "I lik to tease my boyfriends especially my new bo' Jack or I call Jacki" Alona laughed whispering to her best friend Ally. Half drunk Alona, short reddish blonde hair blue eye "b" size breast, a wantabe model, grabs me by the hand "nite nite time, time to go."    I was waiting for those words I hated her friends they never talked to me, I usually ended downstairs waiting for the...

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How Long can you hold your breath

I developed it on the high board at our swimming pool at school. I was a senior and just turned 18 and had the body of a diver. One day a girl in my class and on the swim team named Sue, was watching us guys and she started to attempt to do what me and my buds were doing. She got up on the high board and made several attempts that really hurt her legs because she didn't hit the water right. I asked her if she wanted my help and she gushed Yes! I coached...

2 years ago
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Huge Loads

I once sucked a cock and received a huge load, and I do mean huge, while taking a train from Florida to North Carolina.I boarded the train in Sanford Florida heading to Charlotte, North Carolina. While in the club car having a cocktail before dinner, I began a conversation with a very nice-looking middle-aged man. His name was Oscar and mine is Felix and we had a chuckle about that, as they are the names of the characters in a famous Broadway play later made into a movie called The Odd Couple.I...

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DaftSex POV

When you think of premium POV porn, what goes through your mind? A giant hole in your wallet? Well, fear not; The Porn Dude has come to rescue you from that kind of fate. You can expect from me today a site unlike any other that focuses on POV porn at its highest quality on the market, and you won’t have to pay a single penny for any of it. That’s right; it’s If you haven’t read the general review of this site, it’s basically premium porn without the cost of a premium site! Well,...

POV Porn Sites
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She Tries To Forget Ch 17

Passion in James County XVI ‘I wonder where she is?’ Lonnie Ames thought as he listened to Ann’s phone ring and ring and ring. ‘She ought to be home. Why isn’t she answering her phone?’ ‘Who are you calling, son?’ his mother asked. ‘A…a friend, Mom,’ the boy replied. He put the phone down and turned to face her. ‘Someone who works with me.’ ‘Why on earth would you want to talk with anyone who works in that place?’ his mother asked, sounding disgusted. ‘After what they did to you today, you...

4 years ago
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My First Blow Job

My First Blow Job a bio by Wendae My body is all shaved and I've donned my black panties, panty hose, girdle, half slip, bra, breast forms I enter the bathroom to apply my makeup. I'm getting pretty good at it and now use the smokey cat's eye technique for my eyes. Back for the black skirt, red blouse, and 4 inch black high heels. Lastly my long hair wig, jewelry and false nails. I'm off to my therapist. Wonder if I should share this experience with her? As I sit here all femmed...

3 years ago
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Sexy Reunion With Virgin School Friend

Hi, I am Kunal (name changed) who just started his first job in Pune. I am not a tall guy but my complexion is good and blessed with big dick. A few days before joining my job, I was traveling by bus as my bike had some problems. I was cursing the heated bus but had no choice. I saw one of my old classmates traveling. Anjali (name changed) left the school after 10th standard and I was seeing her after 5 years. She was a real sex bomb. She was around 6 feet tall with big boobs and hot curvy...

4 years ago
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My Bhabhi

Hi. I am in my early 40’s well built 5’8 and crazy for mature women. This story is about my beautiful sister in law who is of my age and married to my cousin brother. She is 5’2 fair looking short hairs and full of flesh at right place otherwise fit as fiddle. She has great boobs of 36+ size to my knowledge which would make any man crazy. It is her boobs which attract me towards her. She wears tight fitting bras and blouses which make her boobs all the more apparent and jutting out of her...

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Big PaulChapter 2

I left work at five o'clock with four hours to kill before I met Shona. I was on my way to get a meal when my phone rang, it was Stu from the Scotsman. "I've got your mate Mitch's wife here, she's had far too much to drink and is threatening to drive home. Can you come by and talk some sense into her?" Mitch was my best mate, we had known one another since we served our apprenticeship together thirty years ago. I was also godfather to their two children. He worked offshore, and was due...

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Samantha by loyalsock

She couldn't help herself, even though it was so dangerous now, this collection of pornography. Sex, it all its guises, all its forms, had always fascinated her, reached into her deeply. She'd been building it for years, harvesting the best from the floods of pornography that flowed across the net in the days before the ultra right took over things in the country. After that, many of her e-mail pen pals disappeared, one by one. Too many had careers or families to protect, and the net had...

1 year ago
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I was only a twelve year old curious boy when I stumbled upon lush stories. Every night I would come to my computer and masturbate to stories people wrote. Not I am 16 and still enjoy the habit of going to this website to read some stories and to jack off at the same time. In your comment, please write if you think its ok for a 16 year old to read stories on this website.

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Vacation with my family part I fixed For LesLara84

(note: I am not the author. I have no intention of trying to plagiarize or take credit. When the real author, LesLara84, finally posts this story without any HTLM codes, I will delete this. I apologize for any harm or anything, Im just doing this because this seems like a good story. I added limited spacing and fixed some punctuation but did not change any grammar or spelling.) edit: italicized quotation marks show up as question marks – didnt know this. Vacation with my family Hi everybody!...

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StepSiblings Skyla Sun Willow Ryder Anything For The Prize

Twin-like gals Skyla and Willow find out their stepbro James asked both to wear the same hot basketball costume for tonight’s Halloween contest. To settle who should go to the competition, James suggests a basketball game, a great occasion to worship the girls’ stunning asses while playing. Without any result, Skyla and Willow decide to try a different approach: whoever makes the other cum first can go to the party! The curly-haired vixens use a dildo to do the trick until James steps in, eager...

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The Blackwater Trail

Welcome to Halverton, your average small city nestled away in the Rocky Mountains. Halverton was established in 1807, it was nothing more as a roadhouse for road weary travelers starting to settle the west. The city grew fast as travelers started to fall in love with the city and the surrounding area. The entire city itself was booming and it was decided that for the future a section of land will be designated as protected land and no one could build or do anything there. The cities...

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The Chosen One

Have you ever had a nightmare when something happens to your sleeping, unconscious body in the physical world and your mind weaves the experience into your nightmare, making them the most realistic, terrifying, disturbing dreams ever? I had a few in my teenage years, and there are two in particular that I remember very vividly.The first one took place when I was around twelve, my pet rat escaped from his cage one night and decided to waltz across my snoring face, which my brain transformed into...

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Older Black Stepbro

Older Black Step-b*oMy Dad left us when I was 3 years old. To be honest, i don't reallyremember him much, but i do remember that it made my mother sad. Although inever knew it, we struggled for a few years after the divorce wasfinalised. My mum had me at 32, but was still a vital woman in her midthirties, and soon managed to fall in love again. His name was Cal Wilson,and he was the manager at the time of a local hardware store. I rememberbeing 5 years old and being frightened by him. He was...

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how it all started with becoming a cuckold part 1

first I want to start by saying that I know there are a lot fake stories on here and that is just fine and eventually I will try to write a fake one and post it for entertainment, but for now I have enought experiences to share all of the 100 percent true events first. the only thing in these true stories that I will change are some of the names. other than that it all actually happened and I will try to give and most exact details that I can. Enjoy!this all started when I was about 18 years...

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Game Plan

Hi all, I am Mahesh and a regular reader of ISS stories and I am here to share my great experience which is hard to believe and quite enjoyable to read. I am 35 years old bachelor working for a consumer durable major in Bangalore. Our department consists of more than 100 employees and our section comprises of nearly 20 employees. I live alone in Bangalore as a paying guest near jaya nagar. I look little fat, with normal height. For many young girls in my office, I don’t look that attractive...

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