Staking out virgin territory
- 4 years ago
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The next several minutes were extremely painful and embarrassing for Amita. In the first place, inserting anything in one's own ass is somewhat awkward. In the second, the butt plug's maximum diameter was a challenge. In the third, Kiran became rapidly impatient and tended to impede Amita by swatting her on the ass -- theoretically to goad her to further effort, but it had the opposite effect, since she would clench both before and during a swat. Amita was crying openly by the time she succeeded in burying the plug in her ass. "Isobel!" Kiran directed, "Take her to her quarters and watch her. The plug is NOT to be removed without my explicit permission!"
"Yes, Master."
"And YOU!" Kiran spurned Amita with a foot. "Crawl!" He gathered the other pair with his eyes. "That one is trouble -- well beyond what I expected YOU to be!" he told Kellie. "See that you learn from her!" He directed the pair to resume their earlier positions, side-by-side before him, with finger waves. "Sharmila, you are here to provide the benefit of your experience to S--, er, Kellie, so that she may please me. You will teach her what she needs to know -- demonstrate, show her, help her -- ease her transition into full womanhood. Do you understand this task?"
"Yes, Master. I believe so," Sharmila nodded.
"Excellent. You may ask questions and obtain clarification at any time -- do not guess. Do you both understand?"
"Yes, Master." It was a chorus.
"I will now stand. Remove my clothing, then begin with oral sex." Kiran rose and the women rose also to get at his clothing, after which he reseated himself. "Begin."
"Master, if you could bring yourself forward a bit and spread your legs widely, it would help us..." Sharmila requested tentatively. Kiran did as she asked; the chair surprised him by modifying itself to support him in the new position. Sharmila drew Kellie forward. "I will test the waters for a moment while you watch," she told the blonde girl. "Master, please tell me if I do anything that you do not enjoy."
"Proceed," Kiran intoned.
Sharmila began by licking the head and the underside of Kiran's erection, jacking back the foreskin so she could get at the frenum. With her other hand, she very gently rolled his testicles between her fingers. Kiran gave a grunting sigh of approval -- yes, Sharmila knew what she was doing. She pursed her lips and pressed them over his glans, keeping the ring tight, sliding them over his shaft while her tongue took over the job of teasing the underside of his glans. She applied suction -- not too much -- just enough to collapse her cheeks in over her teeth. She took him in several times to a depth comfortable for her, reversing each time until she was kissing his glans, then backed off.
"You are accomplished," Kiran approved. "That was very good!"
Sharmila ducked her head, embarrassed. "I enjoy it, Master." Kiran nodded and waved, and Sharmila spent the next several minutes talking Kellie through duplicating her efforts. When Kellie seemed to get the hang of it, Sharmila added, "There are other things -- if I wanted to drink Master's seed, I would give him a prostate massage -- but since we are preparing you to lose your virginity..."
Kiran waved. "It is probably better if I am not suffering from any immediate urgency. You may teach this, too. Kellie, you will collect my seed -- swallow it and do not spill any, as it is an insult to me to do so. Do you understand?"
Kellie nodded around his erection.
"Continue as you are," Sharmila directed. "Master, please forgive the invasion..." She wet a finger in her mouth and began probing Kiran's ass.
She was gentle and Kiran cooperated; soon, he was getting flashes of sensation from her buried finger. "Master, may I ask a boon?" Sharmila asked. "May we share your seed?"
"Yessss..." Kiran croaked. Both of his women were doing magical things. "Watch this," Sharmila told Kellie, and ran a fingernail along the line from below Kiran's anus to his testicles.
"AAAAAHHGHHH!" Kiran howled and lurched up, grabbing Kellie's head while his cock suddenly swelled and erupted in her mouth. Sharmila's finger continued to stimulate his prostate while e pulsed and pulsed...
"MMMPH!" Kellie grunted. Her mouth was filling! Kiran somehow managed to loosen his grip on her head and Sharmila murmured, "Back off a little. Swallow -- but save me some..." Kellie backed off a bit and strained some of the thick goo through her teeth and swallowed in, holding some in reserve. The taste was odd, meaty, like an odd gravy; it probably wasn't anything she would want to eat regularly, but it wasn't intolerable. Kiran let up and she suckled his glans, her lips ringing the base, while he panted and groaned, finally flopping back.
Sharmila withdrew her gooey finger from his rectum; he would be satisfied for an hour or so, she estimated, after that ejaculation. Hopefully, she hadn't ruined young Kellie's defloration...
Kiran waved at Kellie. "Give her her gift."
Kellie sat on her heels, trying to figure out how; Sharmila smiled and murmured, "Just kiss me, child, and pass it with your tongue." She leaned in, holding her gooey hand out to one side, and collected Kellie's lips. Kellie, embarrassed, tried her best to make it just a transfer, but the older woman insisted on sliding her tongue into her mouth and holding her head so she couldn't escape with her clean hand. Kellie waved her hands until she heard Kiran chuckle, then relaxed; apparently, he had no problem with what was going on, so she could only get into trouble by not cooperating.
When Sharmila had collected all she was going to, she backed off. "Thank you."
"Go wash and come back," Kiran ordered Sharmila brusquely, then pulled Kellie to him. "You did very well. Settle against me -- I wish to explore you." Kellie found herself on his lap, leaning against his left side, braced by the chair arm -- which adjusted to conform to her -- while his hands traced her breasts and her belly. The other chair arm melted away, allowing her to shift her legs and sit sideways "The furniture is amazing," Kiran observed mildly.
"Spread your legs." Kiran ruffled the trimmed fluff on her mons. "So you are really blonde -- or is your beautician very thorough?"
"I'm ... really blonde." His fingers drifted over her labia and the hood of her clitoris; it was insane, after what she had seen of his ruthlessness, but she wanted his touch. There was something in his attitude -- something disturbingly like Daddy ... Daddy was a 'Person of Power' as Kellie thought of it -- and she had seen him deal with people many times the way Kiran did -- not generally in a sexual way, but with the same basic manner; if you made a mistake, you paid for it -- and it tended to be either embarrassing or painful or both. Kellie had sat in Daddy's lap while he had dealt with subordinates many times -- and he could be stern, but he always appeared to be detached about the whole thing. And while Daddy had never, EVER touched Kellie sexually, she'd seen him deal with women -- and his methods were amazingly similar to Kiran's. Sometimes she wondered if he arranged for her to eavesdrop on him when he was breaking in some woman who thought he was her ticket to the easy life -- it was, after all, so simple to use the key Daddy had given her to let herself in the little side door that bypassed his secretary's office and sneak into the little closet that opened both from the bathroom of his office suite and the office itself -- that closet with the conveniently louvered doors ... Sitting on Kiran's lap brought on a sort of déjà vu -- she was one of Daddy's playthings -- and she was not. She was watching from the closet as he explored an acquisition and took possession of her -- and she was sitting on his lap.
Kiran was exploring the differences. "Pink nipples," he muttered. "I'm not used to those ... They look ... tender." He took Kellie's left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and Kellie stiffened, but he merely rolled it between them -- and it stiffened and lengthened and the areola around it tightened and crinkled just like on his other women.
Kellie swallowed and pulled in a breath, surprised at the sensations. Kiran was right; the Indian women both had brown nipples -- even Isobel, did, despite her fairer skin. Isobel was thinner, but had a lot in common with Donna, actually. Kellie was no longer under the illusion that her looks were ever going to be anything but a handicap with her new master -- but being different MIGHT help her achieve some kind of parity if she could please him in other ways. "They're just a little different in color, I imagine," she gasped. His cock was getting hard again, against her hip; she reached down and unfurled it.
"You seemed tentative with Sharmila," Kiran muttered, fondling her breast.
"Yes," Kellie agreed. "I don't do that sort of thing..." Suddenly, she remembered the AI, "Well, not around guys, anyway. I didn't want you to get the wrong idea."
"What idea would that be?" Kiran asked.
Kellie, sensing a trap, replied carefully, "That I was more interested in girls than in guys."
"Have you much experience with women?" Kiran asked.
"Some," Kellie admitted. "It was, um, a game, sort of, sometimes..." This was as close as she wanted to come to admitting that she'd occasionally made one of her sycophants pay her dues between her legs.
Kiran chuckled. He got it -- and didn't feel any need to abuse her over it, for the moment. It wasn't a surprise, after all -- he'd have done similar in her place. "Good. I plan to have Sharmila assist in relaxing you. Clearly, we won't be further unnerving you by introducing you to anything new." He lowered his hand to her vulva and wormed a finger between her nether lips, moving it up and down the pink inner core of her; Kellie began to moisten immediately.
Sharmila returned. Before she could settle to her knees before him, Kiran directed her, "Turn around." The pig-tail was still there, pointing down. Kiran frowned. "Kneel where you were for the insertion of your tail," he directed. Sharmila knelt and turned side-on to the chair. "Turn the opposite way," Kiran corrected. Sharmila did so; this left her facing to Kiran's right. "Correct the tail," Kiran instructed Kellie, "I want it pointing up."
The instruction was SOOO 'Daddy'; many times he'd had her on his lap and had he do some little thing to add to someone's humiliation. Kellie didn't even think about it -- she just reached out...
"Try not to make it too uncomfortable for her," Kiran added as her hand settled on the pink rubber tail.
"Yes, D-- um, Master," Kellie replied dutifully and set about determining just how tightly the plug was stuck. It WOULD rotate; Kellie gently twisted it back and forth until it seemed to be adequately free to rotate, then turned it to the desired position. Sharmila limited herself to a couple of quiet grunts.
"Is that unpleasant?" Kiran asked.
"Well, er, not terribly..." Sharmila admitted.
"I think she enjoyed it," Kiran chuckled, making a motion for Kellie to move the tip in a circle without rotating it, an action that would tend to stretch Sharmila's anal opening a bit. Kellie did so, gingerly, and Sharmila groaned. "Yes, I'm sure of it. More later, perhaps." He released Kellie, prompting her to stand. "We will retire to my suite, now." Taking Kellie's hand in his left and Sharmila's in his right, he led them to the bedroom.
"Mr. Wentworth," said Michael, Joseph Jeremiah Wentworth II's assistant, entered the room, "The police commissioner is on the telephone with some ... disturbing news."
J. J. Wentworth didn't get calls from beat cops -- for anything. "How disturbing, Michael?"
"I really don't know, Sir." Michael kept his job by not exposing himself unnecessarily.
J. J. grunted and punched the button. "Good evening, Paul. What can I do for you?"
"Well, J. J., this is good news or bad, solely based upon your opinion of it," Paul returned, "but I figured that I should relay it. There was a pickup at one of the malls today -- the little bakery café at the one off Fortieth. Kellie was extracted."
J. J. grunted. He'd been trying for three months to organize a pickup for Kellie; the plan was for her to go out with a bright young man in R & D whose family was firmly in J. J.'s pocket, thereby granting Kellie significantly more control over her situation than the data indicated that most concubines had. This ... this was unexpected. "Do you have any details?"
"I had an investigation done," Paul Barkleigh, replied, "and delayed things for a couple of hours in order to have something for you. Witnesses said she presented herself to a young fellow of Indian extraction -- and that he was somewhat ruthless in bringing her to heel."
Wentworth frowned. "How ruthless?"
"She was somewhat insistent in pressing her case," Paul replied. "The man accepted her, then directed her to remove her clothing. She gave him some lip and he slapped her around some, first for disobedience, then for poor attitude. Then he had her, um, fellate him."
Wentworth grunted again. "I was hoping to avoid that scenario."
"It's not unusual for a sponsor to make a new concubine pay for her ride up front, J. J.," Paul murmured.
"I know," Wentworth sighed. "I'd hoped to put her out with a somewhat more malleable sponsor."
"For the record, I don't believe anything but her pride was injured."
"Given the circumstances, that would be an event certain to occur, anyway," J. J. actually chuckled. He had conducted quite a bit of research on extractions and had few illusions. "What about the Eggers girl?"
"She was also extracted -- by another male of Indian extraction," Paul replied.
"Can you forward me the report? I'll need names. Who can I talk to in order to get a grip on this?"
"You can't get her back, J. J.," Paul warned. "It just doesn't happen."
"I just want to talk to her and her sponsor -- that's all. I'll want to do what I can for her. At least she managed to get picked up..."
"I'd start at the embassy, I guess," Paul told him.
"Thanks, Paul. Shoot me the details ASAP, will you?"
"Certainly," Paul replied, and hung up.
"Get me the Confederacy Ambassador," J. J. directed Michael, "and get me that report!"
Sharmila was busy, jacking Kiran's erection while licking and sucking Kellie's clitoris and pink split. Kiran had actually been there for a bit, but had moved up to engage Kellie's lips and breasts. It seemed to be working; Kellie was wet and wriggling...
For Kellie, things were a lot different than that ugly scene at her pickup. Kiran was being extremely attentive and gentle and Kellie would have been aroused in any case -- but Sharmila was playing her pussy like a violin! Kellie's fears that Kiran would climb atop her and shred her hymen while she screamed in agony -- the scenario suggested by her pickup -- were set aside; Kiran was approaching her defloration as a rite of courtship. Kellie was under no illusions -- it was her great good luck that she had never deigned to allow some boy to take her virginity; if she had, Kiran would no doubt have used her and abused her and tossed her aside like a toy -- preferably broken. This was her opportunity to achieve parity with the other women in her little family -- and she wanted to be successful, whatever it took. Fortunately, it appeared that all she REALLY had to do was relax and enjoy Kiran's ministrations...
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Incest"I love you, Kaylee," I whispered, placing her hands onto her butt. "You are one in a million," I made clear before I kissed her."I know, you don't have to keep reminding me," she let me know, letting her palms onto my butt as well. "I'm the one that went to your moms to help me be able to please you. I'm the one that got you to say 'Yes.' to me, but yet you keep praising me.""I just want you to remember how lucky I know I am. Even though we never showed each other our naked bodies until that...
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He didn't take the flogger from my hands right away; instead he walked to the radio/bluetooth music player thing - you know the kind in all the decent hotels - and to my surprise he turned on some low music. I didn't know what it was, and looking back on it, it could have been most anything. I heard some trance-y, slow electronica beats type of thing, very sensual..I was wondering what Daddy is up to when he came up right behind me and quickly put an arm around my waist, kissing...
Winter mornings here in Houston had been excellent running weather: light breeze, mid to low 50's, low humidity. Other than feeling exceptionally horny that morning, that particular morning in mid January was no different. At least the early part of the morning wasn't. It was uneventful, I had finished my run and gone into my home gym to work on some weights and stretching. It felt good to loosen up the old body. After a pretty intense workout, I stood in front of the mirror. A lingering look...
First TimeNatalie was really nervous now. The thought of what she was about to do made it incredibly hard to even swallow. It felt like her heart was in her throat.The pretty teenager was used to being in "situations" and even found some pride in being in trouble sometimes. She was a rebel and proud of it. Only this time, things just might have gotten a little out of hand, she thought.Riding up in the elevator of the big flashy hotel, Natalie thought about the events that had led up to this moment, and...
My name is Kevin McCarthy; my wife is Gail. When my story begins, we were both 27, married for six years, childless by choice. I won’t bore you with the details of how we got together. It was typical of thousands of other relationships: We met, hit it off, fell in love and got married. At the time of our marriage, I would say that we were very average. Neither of us had to beat off the opposite sex with sticks, but children and dogs didn’t run off howling either. We had sex a comfortable...
TAKING MOM Maybe it was one too many Buds…or taking one too many tokes before I got home. Or maybe it just finally came down to my uncontrollable want to take her. Whatever the reason or reasons when I got home that night I was pretty fixed on the fact that I was going to take my Mom, have my way with her, and let the cards fall where they may. I had been living back home for about three weeks and I was miserable. I moved out when I was seventeen, went to college, got a graduate degree, and...
IncestIt was a week before Jonah got in touch. I admit I’d been a tad unsure whether I was going to hear from him again. Even so, there was not a chance that I would text him first.Okay, I probably shouldn’t have slept with him the first time we met but I was horny. And, anyway, I don’t buy into that three date bullshit or whatever it is that girls and guys set themselves. My friend Cassandra is a big fan of that rule and, trust me, she has many more and longer sexual droughts than I do.‘I haven’t...
AnalPaul and I had completed the job we were sent to do in minimum time. We got up early Saturday morning, checked out of the hotel and were on the road by seven o'clock. The day was going to be sunny and cool, perfect for traveling the hours long trip home. The miles rolled by without my noticing. I was thankful that Paul had volunteered to drive because my mind was in turmoil debating how to handle the situation. Should I tell her. Should I not. Paul must have known what was going on in my...
Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 4: The next morningThe Next MorningI showered, then dressed in a tee shirt and cargo shorts. Entering the living area I started a pot of coffee brewing in the small kitchen area. Opening the suite door, I retrieved the newspaper, intending on reading it until the girls awoke.The aroma of brewing coffee filled the room. I was pouring myself a cup of the strong brew when I heard the girls bedroom door open then softly close. Turning...
My friend Victor had come to me earlier that morning before class with news about yet another neighborhood party his m0ther was throwing at his home tonight. It was more than an invitation but rather a plea to come as we would serve as the buffer from his charismatic mother. On such short notice, only I and another mutual friend, Herman could make it. Luckily so as it meant even more food for us at the party. At the sound of the final bell, we bailed from our high school, and headed to...
Not long after our doctor put us on our hormone meds to help assist in achieving conception, my husband had to go out of town on business. We knew this was going to be somewhat of a challenge to get though w/the drawbacks & side affects the doc had told us about. He was to be gone for five days. Thankfully, w/ our fingers, toys & our private portfolios that we made of each other, we got through it. He had already been gone four days & he would be home some time in the morning. I...
Taking Over By Shrike "Everybody on the floor or we'll kill you." I looked up and saw the shouting person was a classicly dressed super villain in what looked like spandex, but probably was the new Neolastane. It was the latest fashion using nanotube reinforced synthetic fabric. The man threatening everyone in the pharmacy wasn't alone however. There were three more similarly classic dressed villains. They were undoubtedly MORFS survivors with superpowers. The one who yelled...
By Randy MacAnus NOTE: All rights are reserved by the author. If you are underage in your jurisdiction or you are offended by stories of gay sex, that includes bondage, Dominant/submissive themes, pain and humiliation, then do not read this. The author does not encourage or condone the use of manipulation or dishonesty to get laid in the real world under any circumstances. The whole point of fantasy, is that it's a safe release for our emotions and no one gets hurt. Stay safe. Stay...
This all started when my wife was trying to quite smoking. She had been have a hard time of it, and was seeing hypnotist shrink to try to quit. Personally at the time, I thought it was stupid ideal, but she felt it was helping. One day I went with her to see if she was throw away our money on with this type of treatment. I was upset to be told that I couldnt go in with my wife for her session. While I waiting, I asked to use the restroom but the doctors public restroom was out of order. Already...
He walked me to the house quickly, letting me steady myself step-by-step on the damp stone entrance. I loved holding onto his big arm and shoulder, my heels definitely not made for anywhere but the house, and maybe a stripper pole. He knew a short code that he typed into the keypad. I hung on him, staring at him, seeing myself so needy and horny from the drive, never wanting to be out of physical touch with him until he's satisfied... He opened the door for me and I stepped into the...
The past three weeks were very eventful for me. Especially at work Lauren was insatiable when it came to pleasing her sexually. Not that I was complaining I had never had as much sex in as many positions and public places as I had in these weeks.I opened the door to my apartment, putting my keys down on the table next to the door. I slumped down into my couch. Today was the only day that I had gotten actual work done without Lauren seducing me with her cleavage or her tight ass in body-hugging...
AnalPlease note: This short story was written for people over 18, about people over 18. It is a simple fantasy. The author does not in any way condone kidnapping or rape in real life. If you can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, go read someone else's story.Jason was a planner. He had never believed in rash actions or spur of the moment decisions, and he certainly did not intend to start now, as he planned the abduction of Becky Smith.She had caught his eye a year ago when he saw...
Taking An XHamster Lover and Teaching Her PT 1 Recently I have met a beautiful woman on here who has shared some amazing images of herself with me. While I am not at liberty to share either her user name or any of the pictures, I have taken what she has shared with me and written a story of what it would be like if she would just relent and consent to meeting with me for a night… or two… or four…..[/Image] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For my vacation, I was riding my motorcycle...
I awake with a start. I allow me eyes to adjust to the dark room and check my watch. 2:13am. What woke me? Wasn’t a nightmare or dream, of that I am sure. So what woke me? No idea. However, I do know I am thirsty so I head for the kitchen and as quietly as I can grab a glass of water. Having wet my dry mouth and quenched my thirst I head back to my room. But on the way, I pause. A sneaky idea came into my head. But no, go back to bed Gav, jeez! But hey! Think Gav. You and your Mum have...
IncestRhonda begins to notice that the dick she is sitting on is now sliding in and out easily as her other dick pushes harder into her pussy. The men cum close to the same time and they all collapse together. As they all uncouple Rhonda reaches for another hard dick and pushes him back onto the bed. Smiling all the while, she crawls up onto him and lowers her pussy onto his hard dick while facing him. Moving slowly once again she wanders back into orgasmic bliss, she then feels a finger press into...
I work at a shipping firm. Mainly I just take orders from my boss, then tell others what she wants. Normally the moment she comes in she heads straight to her office, closes the door then calls for me over the intercom. Then the barking begins. Today I looked up at the time. Four minutes from now the doors will open up and she will walk in. As usual I had her coffee ready, the sales reports ready, as well as a few other things that she had texted me earlier that she wanted when she came in....
InterracialClaudia and her daughter, Desiree were tending Claudia's beautiful garden. Claudia was in her late forties, but only she knew just how late. Standing around five-feet six or seven, she had a magnificent bosom that threatened to spill out of her shirt every time she bent over. The long sleeved shirt she wore was unbuttoned down several buttons in the front and the overflowing peaks of soft, pink flesh were obviously apparent through the opening. And today she wore a pair of long pants to...
Ava stood hesitantly, watching the girl suck Mr. Lewis. Mr. Gibson explained that Ava had been watching them through the window, had gotten hot and got herself off while watching them, and now wanted to join them. Mr. Lewis said he was more than happy to have another participant. The girl never stopped sucking his cock, just gave a thumbs up. Mr. Gibson told her, “It looks like you’re in.” He smiled devilishly at her, and moved her hand to his cock. She was eager to taste him. She asked him to...
*~* real subs - pls pm me - I'm on the look out for new sub (F))The Next MorningI showered, then dressed in a tee shirt and cargo shorts. Entering the living area I started a pot of coffee brewing in the small kitchen area. Opening the suite door, I retrieved the newspaper, intending on reading it until the girls awoke.The aroma of brewing coffee filled the room. I was pouring myself a cup of the strong brew when I heard the girls bedroom door open then softly close. Turning around, Amy was...