DreamWeaverChapter 18 free porn video

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The next morning, I got dressed and hit the gym early. Mel was driving today, and I wasn’t expecting her until close to noon. I started with my yoga routine, getting a few weird looks from the mostly power-lifter crowd and then went into my own workout, starting with cardio and then moving on to weights for the second half of the morning. About 1PM, Mel whistled for me from the front of the gym. I grinned and got up to greet her enthusiastically.

“Wow!” I breathed. “You look amazing! Not that you don’t always, but wow!”

I looked her in the eyes, drinking her in. She looked relaxed and beautiful and perfect, but she always looked perfect.

“Get your stuff,” she said lightly. “We’re going back to the hotel, so you can shower and change and then we’re going to lunch and then shopping.”

I kissed her very carefully, not wanting to ruin her makeup before I went to collect my things and we got out of there with a few longing looks directed at Melody from the rest of the people working out. She sat and watched while I showered and talked about how wonderful the spa had been. She got a dozen gift certificates for an all-inclusive spa day and decided to split them evenly between Beth and her mother.

“That’s a nice gesture,” I said, grinning at her from the shower as I quickly washed up.

I got out and dried off while she laid out one of the three suits I’d brought with me. We went to an upscale restaurant I’d been to a time or two that specialized in Southern cuisine and we had a pleasant time drawing stares from the other patrons. Even I admitted that I looked good in a suit.

After lunch, she pulled out her list of places to go. We managed to get a half-dozen cameras that would suit our needs. We got four cameras that were disguised as universal chargers and two more that were tiny enough to be missed. We also got a supply of snacks and drinks we wanted for around the room. We could get the same from room service, but we could buy a flat of soda for the same price room service charged for a can. While we had money, old habits die hard, and we still focused on the cost.

We got a dedicated receiver that would download the video from the cameras, so we wouldn’t have to switch memory cards or make sure the laptop was running to get a signal. That night, we did a full costume rehearsal and the cameras worked perfectly. Mel wasn’t satisfied with just setting them up though. She wanted to make love while they recorded.

“This is going to be for us,” she declared, slowly undoing my tie and slipping it from around my neck. “I want to be able to watch the two of us make love over and over again.”

I could see the excitement in her eyes and despite my misgivings, her passion roused my passion. I let her undress me and she took her time, running her hands over my body lovingly as she pulled first the shirt off my shoulders and continued with each new piece of skin she exposed. I smiled at her and let her have her fun, moving to help her strip me nude. I was getting used to having people look at me and I figured I was going to get plenty of that this week, between here and DC.

When she was done with her work, I turned my attention to her and unzipped her dress, letting it fall from her shoulders. That’s when I got my next surprise. She was nude under the dress. She’d been walking around with me all day without underwear of any kind. That made me smile and she grinned at me brazenly, laying back with her legs spread to show me how turned on she was.

I slid to my knees and pushed her knees back and apart. Her thighs were wet with her secretions and I licked and nibbled at them, savoring the hint of her womanhood as I moved closer to her center. I let my tongue tease her, swiping up and down the outside of her pussy where her thigh met her sex. She was groaning and mewling, her hands busy gently pinching and pulling on her nipples.

I licked up and down her slit, noticing how red and swollen she was. I held her steady with my hands on her ass as I plunged my tongue into her and groaned myself, loving how responsive she was.

“Oh, yeah!” she breathed excitedly. “Fuck me with your tongue!”

She trembled and when I looked up, she was mauling her nipples more passionately. She was rocking her head from side to side as I swirled my tongue around her channel before I turned to pay attention to her clit.


She groaned and reached down with both hands, holding onto my head as I ate her through her first orgasm. She squealed and growled in delight as I pulled two more out of her in rapid succession. When my jaw ached too much to continue, I stood up and put my cock at her entrance, waiting for her to come down from her last climax. She looked at me with lust-filled eyes and nodded for me to start.

I slid the tip into her and watched with a smile as her eyes rolled back in her head. Today she wanted to be owned, and I was getting the sense that this was her preferred method of making love. She loved the primal feeling of being dominated, not in a bondage sense, but more a feeling of being so desired that it was an inevitable She liked that feeling. To me, there was no resisting her body.

We started slowly, but before long, we were slamming together almost violently. She shrieked through her next orgasm and I opened up the throttle, pounding her harder and faster, knowing that she loved it when I fucked her through her orgasms. She was a babbling, incoherent mess by the time I pulled out of her, but she whimpered with disappointment at the loss of my cock. She looked up at me with pleading eyes and I smiled in response.

I took one of her legs and turned her over onto her stomach before pulling her up to her knees by her hips. She got the idea and lowered her head to the mattress, sticking her ass out at me. I held my cock steady and pushed into her again, able to thrust deeply into her in this position. She groaned as she felt me push into her again, and I took hold of her hips, guiding her movements as I pulled her onto each thrust of my own hips.

We moved together, loving every second of this. On impulse, I raised my hand and spanked her right ass-cheek, causing her to scream in shock. She looked over her shoulder at me and mewled in unashamed lust.

“Play with yourself,” I told her. “Play with your pussy so I can feel your fingers.”

She nodded and reached between her thighs to masturbate herself while we fucked. I spanked her again, alternating sides as I took her. When her orgasm started, I spanked her hard which seemed to intensify her climax. She was still on the height of it when I took hold of both her hips and power-fucked her, my hips slapping against her ass loudly as I slammed into her hard and fast, her screams drowning out the sound of our bodies slapping together.

My balls were bouncing off her fingers as she kept frigging her clit like she was chasing another one and I knew that I was too close to hold back. I howled my own release and pulled her back onto my cock as I blasted my seed deep inside her.

When it was over, I pushed her flat onto the bed, moving to cover her body gently with my own, keeping my elbows under me so that I wouldn’t crush her. We drifted together in mutual bliss. I covered her shoulders and back and neck with kisses as we rested. When she was recovered enough to speak, she looked at me over her shoulder and told me she loved me.

“How did you know that would turn me on?” she asked, amazed.

“I love you too,” I told her before answering her question. “I didn’t really know that it would, but I took a chance. It seemed like a stroke of genius in the moment.”

“I wouldn’t want you to get too carried away with it, but it set me off like you wouldn’t believe!” she groaned and squeezed her thighs together, putting a little more pressure on my member, which was still buried inside her.

I kissed her neck again and licked her earlobe, making her shiver.

“Shower or round two?” I asked playfully, flexing my hips to move inside her a little.

She squeaked and whimpered.

“Shower!” she decided. “I want to be able to walk tomorrow when we meet May and Glen.”

I chuckled and helped her up, cupping a hand under her pussy before I pulled out, knowing that she was going to leak before we could get to the bathroom. I walked her into the bathroom with our mingled cum pooling into my cupped palm as she giggled and got the shower ready for us. She was about to step in when I stopped her with my other arm around her waist. She looked at me questioningly and I told her to bend over for me for a minute.

She looked curious but did as I asked. I had a great view of her ass, the cheeks starting to turn bright red from the spanking. I took the handful of cum and smeared it liberally over her starfish, slipping a finger into her there, slicked by our cum. She gasped in surprise at the feel of my finger wiggling into her ass and looked at me with an unreadable expression.

“Round two?” she asked with some nervousness.

“Not yet,” I told her gently. “I just want us to get used to this.”

She nodded and started rocking back and forth on my finger, telling me that she didn’t hate it. I added a second finger and she shuddered and had a small orgasm from that alone. It felt far different from fingering her pussy. It was tighter at the opening, but seemed looser on the inside, with the muscle all concentrated at the ring, rather than along the length of the passage. I thought it was something that could be enjoyable, but I wasn’t sure it would ever replace her pussy or her mouth as my preference. I fingered her to a second orgasm that way, managing to slip a third finger into her when she looked over at me.

“Do it!” she gasped. “I want you! Fuck my ass!”

I don’t need to be told twice, so I pushed my cock back into her pussy for a few strokes to make sure it was covered in cum while I fingered her ass and then I put the tip at her back door, two fingers still holding her open as I pushed the tip into her.

“Tell me to stop if it’s uncomfortable,” I told her softly and she nodded, biting her lip. “Are you ready?”

Instead of answering, she pushed back, impaling herself on my cock and gasping at the feel as it slid smoothly into her. I gasped a heartbeat later, feeling her ass swallow my cock eagerly. I let my fingers slip out of her and her sphincter closed around me tightly. As much as we’d both just cum, this was something new and exciting that we were trying for the first time. I was in Heaven and I could tell from the trembling and the noises she was making that she was cumming every few strokes.

I reached around to play with her nipples while she placed one hand on the wall to steady herself and the other on her clit, swiping over it madly. We were gasping and panting, turned on beyond belief and I knew that she was going to milk me dry. Round three would not occur for at least a couple of days. Suddenly, she squealed and tensed up and it was like a vice had clamped down on my cock, pushing me over the edge to cum with her. I grunted and spilled my load deep inside her, pumping raggedly as my orgasm thundered through me. In the aftermath, I clutched her to me possessively.

“I love you, Melody!” I told her ardently.

“I love you too,” she said. “You took my virginity,” she said softly. “You have all of me!”

She sounded happy about that.

“I’m going to keep you forever too,” I agreed, squeezing her against me gently.

We disengaged and got in the shower, I made sure that her body was completely washed, pampering her and worshiping every inch of her. She returned the favor, lovingly soaping and scrubbing my body, her fingers teasing my ass in response to my invasion of hers. We reveled in the endless supply of hot water that hotels offer and showered long past the point that we’d have fled from cold water at home. After that, we turned in, looking forward to tomorrow with May.

Christmas Eve ... If the day of the Christmas party had been the worst day of my life, this night made up for it. We slept in and I treated Mel to her very first nude yoga demonstration. She masturbated lazily while I demonstrated pose after pose and then suggested that she might want to start taking Belinda’s yoga class when we got back, just to protect me from the predatory advances of the women in the class.

We had an early lunch in the hotel restaurant and then got ready for our afternoon with May. I had no doubt that Glen would mutter something that could pass for civil and then hide in the den, watching movies about World War Two and Vietnam. That was fine with me. We were just finishing up lunch when May called to let us know that Beth had left for Roger’s parents’ place and wasn’t expected back before 10. We got in the SUV and Mel was nervous.

“Relax,” I told her. “May already loves you and Glen already hates me.”

She laughed at that and I drove out to their house in the suburbs. The traffic was extremely heavy as it was Christmas Eve. Last minute panic-shoppers and provision-runs had a lot of people on the road, and that didn’t even count the number of people that were traveling today. We got to the house without any problems and I parked the SUV at the curb rather than block Glen in, in case he decided to make a tactical retreat.

I got out and waited for her, taking her hand in mine comfortingly. I’d dressed in something tight and light, knowing that we were going to be spending a lot of time in the kitchen today. I had a sweater for the return trip tonight, but I really wanted to show off a little once we were inside. I led her to the door and rang the bell. A moment later, May threw it open.

“What do you think you’re doing ringing the bell,” she scolded me and threw her arms around me with a huge grin. “It’s so good to see you,” she told me, “You look like you’ve lost some weight. Are you eating okay?”

I laughed at that.

“I’m eating fine, May,” I assured her and took her hands from around my neck gently. “May, I want you to meet Melody. She’s my life.”

I turned to introduce the two of them.

“Mel, this is May.”

May looked at Mel in surprise, taking in her beauty.

“My word, Child! You are an angel!”

She wrapped her up in a hug and squeezed her tight.

“Thank God for you!” she exclaimed. “I worried myself sick about this boy. Since you came along, he’s a lot better.”

She stood back and grinned at us before she remembered herself.

“Come on in. I was just cleaning up from lunch. Have you two eaten? I can feed you before we get started.”

She led us inside, assuring us that it would be no trouble.

“We ate at the hotel,” I told her. “Let’s just talk a bit and then jump in,” I suggested.

I took off my sweater, making May gape.

“Oh my God!” she said with a shocked grin. “You look...” she trailed off, coming to touch my shoulders and smile at me proudly. “I’m so proud of you! You look like you’re in the best shape of your life.”

“I am,” I told her and made my pecs bounce a couple of times for fun. “I could never do that before,” I joked.

She reached out and touched one tentatively and I made it jump as soon as her fingers rested on it, making all of us laugh.

May felt the hardness of the muscle gently before withdrawing her hands.

“Come on, kids. Glen is watching TV. Let’s go make the introductions.”

She slid back the door and the sound of a war movie flowed into the hall. He’d kept the sound down to normal this year.

“Hello, Glen,” I said lightly. “Merry Christmas.”

He paused his movie long enough to be polite and say hello. He stood up and turned toward us, stopping to gape at me.

“Good Lord!” he blurted out. “Did you run out and enlist?” he asked, clearly shocked by the change in me.

I shook my head, enjoying the reaction.

“After Beth left, I took a few days to get drunk and feel sorry for myself and then I joined a gym. I spend a lot of time there. If I hadn’t, I probably wouldn’t have met Melody,” I said and introduced them.

Poor Glen was already off-balance from the change in me. Introducing him to Mel in that condition was like delivering an artillery strike to a trailer park after a tornado. Mel was merciless. He didn’t stand a chance.

“Colonel Calder,” she gushed, turning her megawatt smile on him. “I’m so glad to finally meet you!”

She came up to him and put her arms around him like they were old friends, kissing him on the cheek when they parted.

“Merry Christmas and thank you for having us over the holidays!”

He stammered that it was nothing at all, to call him Glen, and that we were welcome in his home. May and I exchanged bemused glances, knowing that Mel had just wrapped Glen around her little finger with her sparkling eyes, dazzling smile and enthusiasm. Well, that earned him another grin and hug and then she stepped back to cling to my arm sweetly. He was completely charmed by her. It was the most amazing thing imaginable. The four of us sat down for a few minutes, the movie forgotten as we got acquainted. It was the most pleasant conversation I’d ever had with Glen.

“So, how did you two meet?” he asked, his eyes traveling between us, unsure where to look.

“Your daughter introduced us actually,” Mel said delicately. “I’m not certain that she really remembers, but it was at last Christmas’s office party.”

“You worked with Beth?” he said, intrigued.

“Not exactly,” she said. “Beth was, um, employed by my late husband,” she admitted.

That made Glen blink. “Your husband was...”

She nodded. “Stan Weaver,” she finished. “After everything came to light, I joined a support group for people whose spouses cheated on them. One of the women at Rand’s gym is a member. When she met him, she invited him to join. Imagine his surprise when he first laid eyes on me and figured out who I was,” she giggled enchantingly, and I smiled at her.

“I fainted,” I supplied helpfully.

“You’d just run yourself into exhaustion when we showed up at your door,” she defended me.

“You joined a support group?” he asked me, arching an eyebrow.

I nodded.

“Most people I knew didn’t understand. They thought that I was out of line or that I should be able to shrug it off, but it’s harder to shake something like that than I’d have believed. It helps to have friends that have been through the same experience.”

“Ten years ago, I would have called you a pussy for it, but we’ve organized a couple of those groups for vets. Not the same, I know, but I’ve seen the value in those groups over the last few years.”

“Thanks,” I said. “The people in that group have become like family to both of us. We look out for each other, whether it’s talking us out of our own heads, or if we need help with moving furniture.”

“Well, whether it’s the group or your young lady, you seem to have landed on your feet from last summer,” he said, sounding like he approved of how things had turned out.

“Thanks, Glen,” I said sincerely. “It means a lot to hear you say that.”

I was starting to see some of the changes that May, and Beth had both told me about. He gave me a slightly embarrassed smile.

“I owe you an apology,” he said. “Actually, I owe you several, and a couple of thanks of your own. You and May have both pointed out to me that I’ve treated you pretty poorly over the years. She reminded me that her father wasn’t charitable to me. He was a scientist and thought his daughter should be with someone better than a lowly soldier. She pointed out to me that I’d done the same thing to you. I’m sorry for that. You pointed out to me that I didn’t always treat May the way she deserved, too. I thank you for that. She deserves better than Colonel Calder. That’s why I’m retiring next year. They’re reducing the size and function of the base here anyway. I can just slip out the back door instead of taking a transfer.”

He shrugged uncomfortably.

“May’s also been very frank in telling me that my criticism probably had some influence on Beth’s attitude toward you at the end. That was never my intention. She used small words, so they’d fit into my thick skull, but she made it clear that little girls love their father and look for his approval. When I refused to give it, May said it probably helped her justify pulling back from her marriage.”

“I don’t think you should take that onto your shoulders,” I said gently. “Just like me, you wanted the best for Beth. That’s part of why we went ahead with the divorce. It was clear that I wasn’t what was best for her anymore. I don’t blame anyone. I don’t blame Beth for how she felt, and I don’t blame myself. Until I found out about the affair, she never told me that she’d felt anything but love for me. I don’t even blame Stan Weaver. By the time he came along, the foundation on our marriage had already crumbled.

I certainly don’t blame you. It was just an unfortunate outcome for all of us. Beth sounds like she’s a lot happier with Roger and I know Melody and I are much happier together than we ever were before we met. So maybe this all turned out for the best. It was painful, but maybe we’ve all come through it to better places.”

I paused and gathered my thoughts, remembering that conversation.

“I want to tell you I’m sorry too,” I said to Glen. “I said a lot of angry things the last time we talked. I told you that you weren’t my father-in-law any more. I shouldn’t have said that. It was mean and spiteful and I’m sorry. I still want very much for us to be family, especially now that a lot of the hurt has dissipated.”

He smiled and thanked me.

“I want that too,” he said sincerely.

It boggled the mind. This ranked right up there with the last conversation I’d had with Stan. We talked a little more about less heavy topics and then May declared that we needed to start baking. Glen never intruded in May’s domain, so he returned to his movie while the three of us bonded over May’s coveted recipe box with its multitude of file cards that each contained a secret of her kitchen.

“So, your apple pie is cinnamon and nutmeg?”

I asked, reading over the recipe as we were making a full batch of them for tomorrow.

“That’s awesome. I never suspected.”

We carried on through the afternoon and through suppertime, pausing the baking for something light to eat. After dinner, I brought in Glen’s gift from the SUV and set it carefully out of the way. Beth’s and May’s were in Mel’s purse. He looked at the rather large box that housed the sand table and the slightly bulkier package that contained the rest of his gift, curious as to whose gift that was.

“Went a little overboard shopping for May, didn’t you?” he asked without any of the hostility of other years.

“Actually, this is your gift from the two of us,” I told him. “Mel’s got the rest of the gifts with her.”

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When our youngsters were still fairly young wife Sarah taught part time at their school to help pay our bills. Occasionally the school did fund raising and so in 1983 it was a “Tarts and Vicars” Dance event that was planned to help raise funds for the school. I had no idea what happened for one, but Sarah explained that men came in fancy dress as Vicar s and the women in sexy dress like a woman of less repute. I thought the easiest way for me was to use my security uniform with a few...

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friends wife and the glory hole

This begins a few weeks ago when i was in a adult store lookin for films. I was racking threw the film when a woman walked in that looked alot like my fiend mike's wife sue.She headed to the back of the store and threw to another room so i followed her in and there was three booths and the middle one was occuped so was the one on the right so i went in to the one on the left and closed the door. I could hear a slurping sound coming from the next booth and there was a 5" hole in the all so i had...

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Lucky Jim 2Student Farmer Volunteer Pickup Truck DiplomatChapter 18

I spoke with Ramón at breakfast, explaining what I wanted to do with the remaining money from selling the Kozlov properties. He stared at me, stunned, when I told him my plan. I wanted to build houses or manufactured homes on the rocky property for our workers on the rocky property, rather than have everyone live in trailers or mobile homes. We would use the mobile homes for older couples whose children had moved out or for newly married couples with no children. Eventually, we’d use them for...

4 years ago
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I was a good girl. Before I turned eighteen I had never been kissed, never had sex. I was a virgin. Not long after my seventeenth birthday, I met a guy. His name was Ellis. He worked as a mechanic. He was amazing; he was tall, broad shouldered and had a great toned body. He had light brown hair and gorgeous big blue eyes. The two things that I liked most about him were his smile and his voice. Whenever he smiled, it sent chills down my spine and when he spoke to me, I melted. After six months...

Straight Sex
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Sex Du JourChapter 9

I feel bored to tears. I feel fed up and tired with life itself and everything else. I am all by myself here at my house and dwelling, totally and figuratively doing nothing at all. Stian has departed off for work and I know that he will come back back any moment in a little while. Yes. I have to cook and steam and heat up dinner and evening meal for him. It is murky and gloomy outside with little if not any slim flicker of radiance and luminosity and the forest bordering our house is all...

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Intermezzo 1 A Gathering Of Witches

Charia stifled the impulse to pinch her nose, rub her eyes, or message her forehead. She contemplated using magic to ease her headache, but she was sure that would only make it worse. Not to mention, it would show weakness to the other members of the council. She was the de-facto leader of the CWC. The Central Witch Council. A position she had hard fought for and was easily enough to lose. "Next!" Charia shouted out and the previous witch agent slung back to her seat. It was a...

2 years ago
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First Time Anal With My IndoAmerican Girlfriend

Hey there, guys! Thanks for the love on my previous story! My last story was about how I got my gym friend pregnant. I and her parted ways since she didn’t want me to interfere during her pregnancy. I came back to my home in Dallas, Texas. My tinder bell rang and it was a match. There, I found this very pretty Indo-American girl, Lily. She was glamorous. I started a conversation. Me: Hey (A few hours later) She: Hi! How is it going? Me: Very well, thanks for asking. How about yourself? She: I...

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James Bondage QuickiesStuffed Pig

Valerie leaned against the wide stone pillar as a warm evening breeze blew across her scantily clad form. Her shoulder length lavender hair was tossed by the wind as cars whizzed down the street. The dye job was complemented by her short, one-piece dress and form fitting choker necklace. Their purple sheen gleamed brightly in the night time city lights, calling attention to her ample curves. Her dress terminated not far below her waist and from there her attractions became more bold. Black...

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Nancys Journal 1

Nothing good came out of the mailbox Like everyone else after Saturday night, I am starting a Journal. Helen suggested it and I can appreciate the value of one for future historians and research professionals in Social History. Hell, maybe it will provide the basis of someone's thesis some day. So here is how and what I remember most. I remember thinking out loud, "I was supposed to get Tenure, damn it. Three books in addition to my PH.D thesis, lectures around the country, and a shot at...

3 years ago
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The Landlady

"Coming!" I rushed to the door.When the door opened a charming smile and beaming brown eyes greeted me."Oh! Ms. Marigold!" I smiled as a rush of excitement came over me. "How are you? I didn't know you were coming over! Did Andre know you were coming?""No, actually!" She brushed a lock of wavy dark hair behind her ear. "I was hoping I could talk to you both about the rent?""Oh no, he isn't here. But come in!" I stepped aside to let her in."Thank you." She said as she slipped...

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This is fiction but I can dream cant I

This is fiction - but I can dream, can't I. "How I became a Stocking wearing cocksucker"It was a Saturday night and my wife said, “I want you to take me to one of those movie/peep shows with you. The ones where you jerk off while you watch the movie. I want to go with you.” “Why?” I asked. “Because I want to see what you like about them. You could watch a porno movie here and jerk off, why do you go there?” She had asked me about them before and had always wondered. “I just like to.” I...

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Tit for Tat

So Sandy and I were watching T.V. the other night and the female villain was going through the predictable moves of intimidation and indiscriminate flirtations. Sandy said to me, ‘Frank, let’s do something outside of the norm, let’s invite some folks over and place some sex toys in obvious places that our guests would find.’ I said, ‘Sandy, that sounds good but perhaps you want to re-think this before we invite anyone.’ She said, ‘You must think that I’m kidding?’ I said, ‘Well, sometimes you...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 22

I drove toward my home in County Seat thinking, I might have to go back to the SBI lab after all. It meant giving control of our cases to their investigators and taking a back seat to their people. I hated losing control of the cases. Damn it, if I could only get the Colonel interested in the Forensic services. He could surely come up with the facilities. Even if it meant a friendly take over of an existing private lab. I was still in the car when the phone rang. "Sheriff Porter this is...

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt29

Introduction: Conclusion Twin Japanese Nieces Pt29 Vacations are a wonderful thing, especially when you get to go with your whole family. The two weeks we had spent in St. Thomas were absolutely outstanding and the family had been healed. But unfortunately the world does not stop in its day to day trials. And when we got back to the house, the trials of life reared its ugly head once again. As we pulled into the driveway we met the FedEx man just walking away from the front door. He had an...

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Veena8217s Stunning Moves

Hi, Amit here again. Thanks for all the appreciation and all your mails for my previous story. Here’s another incident that happened a few years back with an ex-colleague, Veena, which was totally unexpected. She used to work in another dept. as an admin incharge. I remember her welcome me with a sweet smile when I had newly joined. She was one of the warmer colleagues and it was always a pleasure to talk to her. She was good looking, 5’2”, complexion towards the darker side, average built,...

3 years ago
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Cougar Breeding The Agony and Ecstasy

So it was a year ago to the day when I had finally made that life changing decision to register an account with Xhamster. Before I signed up I found myself drawn repeatedly to a blog by a woman named Lisa. She would detail her exploits of teasing, indulging, deflowering, and defiling young inexperienced boys. She had this cute little street sign as her avatar that said "Cougar Xing" (though cute would be the wrong word to describe her sensual appetite), and I usually would feel my pulse quicken...

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Bhabhi ko choda neend mein

hi iss reader main harry ek baar fir apni agli kahani ke sath aaya hoon meri pichli kahani ko kaafi saraha gaya main sabka tahedil se shukriyada karta hon . pehle main apne baare mein batata hoon meri hight5’8” hai aur mera lund 8 inch ka hai jo har khobsurat ladki ko dekh kar fadakta hai. yeh ek baar ki baat hai jab meri bua ke yaha makan ban raha tha tab meri bua ki bahu yani meri bhabhi aur bua mere ghar par sone ke liye aaye the. garmi ka din hone eke karan sab log chat par so rahe the...

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NonStrangers On A Train

Night was starting to envelope the French countryside. The spectacular sunset was gone, and the first stars were starting to peek out. The shadows lengthened, covering the vineyards that stretched across the hills, and few and far-between, centuries old stone buildings nestled in those hills. Some looked abandoned, but as lights winked on here and there, others proved to be occupied. I watched the light fade from our 2nd class train car. I glanced at my companion, who was curled up beside me...

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Losing My Virginity To My Neighbor Aunty

Hi all I’m john, age 20, dad is working abroad, and I don’t have any brothers, and I’m here to tell you my first experience which happened last year, (all name changed for safety, my mail id), My house was near with a house of a person that was closed and they were shifted to another place, so they were given it for rent and last year January the old members of that house shifted and next week on morning I saw some new people there, and they were our new neighbors, that family consist of a...

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The Swap Ch 02

The order of my stories to read is: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, Case of the Executed Evangelist series. The Swap series Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are...

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A young teacher returns to the town

“Hey Jenny, you made it!” Cara exclaimed as I walked through the patio gate towards the gathering of other women near the pool. Even though I had known Cara for years, I was still pretty nervous showing up as the only straight girl attending a hot summer day pool party with a group of her lesbian friends. Cara started introductions and everyone was very nice and their greetings took some of the edge off my being uncomfortable. I had gone to school with Cara and knew she was gay,...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 58 Redemption

Monday, Kelly told me that she was going with me to the lawyer’s office, and the way she said it indicated I had better not argue. I still wasn’t sure what Brockport could do for me that Stillwell couldn’t. Everything I had heard from the guys the other day showed that no matter how I got out of this, the County Attorney and the County Council would still demand they get rid of a killer, and I was still probationary. “Grim, just listen to what he has to say. Daddy says the guy is a magician....

1 year ago
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THE LEASH SM fantasy story if there a

It was a splendid day in mid-July at 10:30 I was in the garagea pair of Masters and Mistress.I contact them I was a slave to them for educational treatment, the Mistress blackberry,breasts bursting with beautiful feet and she felt the most severe and authoritarian of the two, the Masters speaks quietly but with great authority told me to undress.I was totally naked, shaved and shaved properly, I had put a collarfor dogs with a leash attached to a chain, a cap with a black latexthe openings of...

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PenthouseGold Lia Lin Hot and Horny for Her Lover

Exotic babe Lia Lin is bored at home while her boyfriend is away, so she calls lover Mathew Mayers for some dirty talking that gets her so horny that she’s soon touching herself and masturbating with a glass dildo. Just as the naughty cheater is on the verge of cumming, she gets a knock on the door from her stud and they continue their illicit affair. After sucking on the slim Penthouse starlet’s pert little titties and eating out her shaved pussy, they fuck until her mouth is full...

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BackscatterChapter 11 Dawn

Megan let out an explosive burst of joy as beautiful golden sunlight began streaming in through the eastern windows. It was as if somebody flipped a master switch on the great dome of outdoor light. Megan raced to the windows to see, laughing with uncontrollable delight at the sight and the release of her guilt. The sun was already about twenty degrees above the horizon and a little north of due east. "Oh look!" she cried to her husband. "Look how beautiful Alvaro! Come and see the good...

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I was sitting at the dinner table when it first hit me. My two daughters were telling me that they had both been selected to attend a weekend band camp in the Poconos. They would leave next Friday afternoon and return Sunday evening. Suddenly, my pork chop lost its flavor. It was Monday and I had a really bad feeling I would be going to Cleveland next weekend. It was a tremendous shock, yet I felt calm and rational. Had I been blind? Had I missed the signs? Had there even been any signs? Was I...

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can i dance for you

Kelly stood waiting to go on stage her hair and makeup immaculate. Looking in the mirror next to her she smoothed her hand over her stomach and twisted sideways to check her costume was right. She hated working in the week and tonight was no exception. Wednesdays were the quietest and she might as well have danced in her flat for the amount of customers that came in. Fridays and Saturdays were the best nights and this week she was only working one of them. Tutting at only having one busy shift...

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A long Romanian sex story

It was difficult telling whether the Gypsy stripper was moving around the pole or if the pole was just moving around her. She slipped around it like a silk ribbon, twisted her body around it sensuously. Her full, pouty lips were parted slightly, as though she were silently moaning. The evil and cruel Romanian club owner and sex trafficker was pleased. He smiled darkly as he rubbed at the growing bulge in his pants, enjoying the show. The strain of his shaft against his pants was finally too...

4 years ago
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Ola Wali Sexy Friend Part1

Hello, friends, I am very new to the iss story writing, although I am a big fan and reading stories from here since last 3-4 years. Let me tell you about myself, I am ankit chaudhary, I am a women lover boy from gurgaon/ncr, love to enjoy and play wid new girls. Any hottie, aunty, divorced, unsatisfied, women, girls can contact me on {} for fun. But privacy matters* So let me quickly jump over my story, I am currently staying in noida sector-15, I am working here for a pvt. It sector mnc, this...

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WinteringChapter 3

Bill Meyers was back in his routine since he had come back California. His going to his two car dealerships to see if he needed to do anything and golfing were now the highpoints of his week. He still thought about Traci and what might have been but he had accepted that it never will be. While he had somewhat put the relationship he had with her behind him, there were the memories he had of her that would not be forgotten. At work he continued his practice of periodically visiting all of the...

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Mi VidaChapter 6

I'm groggy and I'm trying to parse Pat's words. "She's crying? Why?" "I dunno, Dave. Maybe the stress is catching up with her. Maybe ... You didn't, like, DO anything with her, did you?" "Pat," I gasped, "she's FOURTEEN! No!" "Well, at least come over and talk to her." "I'm on the way. I'm driving. Just in case." "In case of what?" "I dunno. Just in case." "Okay, I'll look for your headlights, then." "Tell Lita I'm on the way." Time to rescue Lita again....

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My Wildest Fantasies IThat I Wanna Do

The last time I had sex with a girl she made me squirt like hell and my pussy was so damn hot,n,creamy and thirsting for more*My boyfriend filmed me while I was lick then when it was my turn *** mmmmmmmmm let's just say the girl got a good licki n and my man loved watching ,e even more so that just turned me more crazy***so i put on my star-on cuck and gettin' ready to fuck her sexy little juicy cunt*****When my man fuck me well the girl started to eat my clit and everytime i would be ready to...

2 years ago
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Our Vacation

Our Vacation Story   It’s a cold windy day and Sherri and I are at the airport ready to leave for a warm vacation at a beautiful all inclusive resort in Aruba .   While sitting in the waiting area for loading onto the plane you start talking to the woman next to you to find they are also going to the same resort and like us so happy to get away from our miserable winter.   She introduces herself and husband Frank to us and tells us this is their 12 th year anniversary and are looking so...

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The Boutique

I was browsing the isle in the TV Boutique. It was 5:30 on a February evening. I was nervous. Uncomfortable I guess you could say. There were other men, not in drag there, 4 of us in total. We were all probably checking the others out to see what other cross dressers looked like or wondering if each of us was a cross dresser, TV or an admire. I guess I thought I could tell one older man, with pronounced stubble, was an admirer. He kept looking at me as I perused the PVC...

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1120 from Euston

Milton Keynes Railway station has little character, it lacks soul. Few got off the Virgin 11.20 Euston to Glasgow train, and even less got on. The carriage that Dan was sitting in was only quarter full, so he was surprised when a stunning girl sat directly opposite him. He had watched her walk down the aisle with interest. He found all attractive females interesting. Some of the other male passengers turned to admire the sway of her hips as she passed them. She was long legged with a charcoal,...

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DchasChapter 40

In the week following their move to the ship, Ann's Clan relocated there. Even though they hadn't worked out all the details regarding the Enclave's farm, the time for Marsha's and Gina's babies to arrive was rapidly approaching. With the doctors all on the ship, that's where they wanted to be when it was time. They continued to monitor the Enclave's farm by Cathy, Sam and several others switching off on daily trips there. Besides them, several bots, Jean, Andy, Diane and Barbara...

4 years ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 6

"Oh, Shit! Abner, take your squadron after the fighters, and we'll go after the mother ship." Jacob's four ships started to jump almost before Jacob had completed his order. He didn't hear Abner's reply, but Jacob was sure that Abner would know what to do. Jacob's squadron jumped in to help Obgor and Brund with the attack on the mother ship. Obgor and Brund didn't need any help. They had already dumped four nuclear warheads on the enemy and were raking the ship with torpedoes as fast...

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Mrs Bookman

This is a story about how I was first introduced to sex. My early teen experiences formed the basis for my sexual preferences today. Mrs. Bookmen had been our next-door neighbor ever since I can remember. Her husband had left her years before for some young secretary or something, leaving her in pretty good financial shape and she never remarried. They never had children of their own and over the years she had always treated me as if I was her baby sister as she put it. Mrs. Bookmen had a...

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My lovely room mate

When the recession hit I had to make some tuff decisions about how I could save money, where I could cut corners. I decided one of the best things to do was bring in a room mate. I put a lot of thought into it and tried different places trying to get someone I thought I could get along with. Newspapers, internet sites, word of mouth and then one day it just happened.I was on the bus when this lovely little blonde who wore a nurse’s uniform clamored on. A cup of coffee in one hand, a medical...

2 years ago
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The Favour 8211 Part 1

The story is a work of fiction. Read it for fun. Similarities to real life characters are merely coincidental. All comments to be written in the box below. Sunil: Rehaan’s dad Shanti: Sunil’s wife Prakash: Sunil’s boss Aarti: Prakash’s wife He slurped his noodles as he listened to them talk. Grown-ups are boring. While they dined, the men spoke about their jobs while the women spoke about their day. Classic small talk. What a waste of time, he thought. Well not exactly. The women in the green...

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