RepercussionsChapter 9 free porn video

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Donny has company. There are about a dozen young men waiting for us in the barn, all of them around his age. They're leaning against empty stalls or sitting around on hay bales. All of them have a very hungry look in their eyes and it's pretty obvious I'm what's to eat.

Tank came up behind me and grabbed my arm. Donny grabbed my other arm and together they pulled me over to a hay bale in the middle of the floor. They lifted me up onto it and stepped back.

I watched as Reggie came over and handed the cattle prod to Donny. He took it from her and I breathed a sigh of relief when he walked away with it. I watched as he placed it on a charger. My hopes that I'd seen the last of it were dashed when he picked up another one just like it and brought it to her. Then he took a seat on one of the nearby hay bales.

Reggie walked over to me and looked up with a cruel smile on her face. She said, "I'm so turned on right now I could just about cum just thinking about what's going to happen to you."

She moved the cattle prod over my body for a moment and then she said, "I'm not going to threaten you. I hope you refuse an order. I really do."

Just then there was a loud noise. Someone pushed the barn door open the rest of the way. In the increased light I can see much better and I realized that I recognize some of the young men sitting around talking quietly and staring at me.

They're all about Donny's age so I don't know them from school. But I know some of them. They're friends of friends or they're the older brothers of people who were once my friends, back when I had friends. One of the guys works where we do our grocery shopping and another works at the theater in town.

Steph stood up and came closer. She has the movie camera ready to go. Reggie nodded to her and she began filming. Then Reggie turned back to me and said, "Hand me your clothes."

I knew from the time we arrived at this farm it was going to come to this. Getting me raped is what Reggie's life revolves around now. It's why she takes me anywhere. But that doesn't make it any easier. Three days ago I was a virgin. Since then, if you count blowjobs, I've had sex with twenty-three boys and men, three girls, and one dog. But it isn't getting any easier.

I looked around again and took an actual headcount. There are fourteen young men waiting for me to undress. I don't have to be a member of MENSA to know what's going to happen to me after I take off my clothes.

I guess I hesitated for a few seconds too long. Reggie snapped me out of my daze by pulling the trigger on the cattle prod. That horrible noise brought me back to the present and I quickly began to undress. I pulled my top off and handed it to Reggie. Then I took off my skirt. I wanted to leave my sandals on. The hay is prickly and the floor is dirty. But she glanced down meaningfully and I stepped out of them.

She took the sandals from me and while staring me right in the eyes she announced, "Okay, boys. She's all yours. She's a three-holer. Have fun."

They swarmed around me as soon as Reggie turned them loose. They reached up and groped me for a moment before two of them pulled me down onto the hay bale. I cried out as the stiff hay stabbed me.

Donny said, "Lift her skanky ass up for a second, guys."

As soon as they did, Donny put down a thick wool horse blanket. They dropped me back down and I looked around. I realized I'm now at the perfect height for them. A cock was shoved into my mouth and another one into my pussy and it began.

It lasted for more than three hours. They fucked me in every combination they could think of. Several times three of them tried fucking at the same time. They had trouble getting a rhythm going, too much trouble to make it pleasurable for them. Or at least that was my impression. But they kept trying despite my cries of pain.

At some point near the end of all those constant rapes they decided to see just how many cocks they could put in me at the same time. They tried putting two cocks in my mouth and two more in my pussy. Another man straddled by back and managed to force an inch or two of his cock into my ass. Two more men wrapped my hands around their cocks and although they couldn't actually have sex with me like that they stood around trying to figure a way to put more cock in my little body. They ended up settling for seven. I didn't think the two cocks in my hands should count but I wasn't about to correct them.

When at last they were all worn out they put their clothes back on. But they didn't leave. They sat around laughing and joking and congratulating themselves. Reggie came over and leaned down in my face. She quietly said, "That's going to be one hell of a movie, cunt. But now it's time for the grand finale. You're going to hate this. But if I can't get the scene I want, I'll get the one I promised you earlier. If you don't do what I tell you to do next I give you my word I will tie you down and put this fucking prod as far up in your sloppy cunt as I can get it. I'll pull the trigger and hold it down until you die or the battery goes dead. Is that perfectly clear?"

I'm already half dead. I moaned and responded, "Please, Reggie! I can't take anymore of this."

She chuckled and replied, "Pull yourself together, cunt. It's just one more blowjob. Then we'll rinse you off and take you home."

I groaned again and struggled to sit up. Every inch of my body hurts. I know I'm going to be black and blue tomorrow. But I figured that if nothing else I'm at least beyond humiliation now. Nothing they can do to me could be more degrading than what they have already done.

I was wrong.

I heard a noise at the rear door of the barn and looked around to see Donny leading a large horse inside. I feel the panic rising again. This has to be a joke. They must surely be trying to scare me. If that's the plan it's working.

She wants me to give a blowjob to a fucking horse?!!

She saw the horrible realization on my face. She smiled and said, "You're going to go over there and hold his tail out of the way. You'll bend down and lick his nuts for a few minutes while Steph gets some good pictures. Then you're going to crawl under him and suck and lick on his cock. Once he gets a hard on I want you to suck on his cock and beat him off until he cums in your mouth."

I stared at her in shock until she shouted, "NOW, BITCH!"

I looked around at the faces of all the young men who just raped me as if hoping someone would put a stop to this. All I saw was an anxious, almost out of control lust that seems to demand my sacrifice for their entertainment. Very Romanesque!

I was still struggling with the concept, the incredibly perverse act she's demanding of me, when I heard the terrifying noise the prod makes. I don't doubt for a second the cruel bitch will do just exactly what she threatened if I disobey her.

I struggled to my feet and looked back and forth between her and the huge animal tied up nearby. I'm still having a hard time wrapping my mind around this. She wants me to suck a horse's cock!!

My befuddled mind can't deal with this. Grasping at straws I thought that if I do this she will surely lose her hold over me. If all these people see me having sex with a horse, won't that make it impossible for her to blackmail me?

I stuttered, "But ... but ... if..."

She must have read my mind. She grinned down at me and arrogantly replied to my unspoken question. "Don't worry, cunt. I'm still going to own your ass. Now move. I'm not going to tell you again."

I started toward the horse in a daze. She stopped me and said, "We better take this off. You wouldn't want to ruin it."

She removed the dog collar around my neck and then shoved me in the direction of the horse. Donny came up behind me and held me by the shoulders. He guided me toward the horse's head and said, "First let him see you and smell you. Give him a minute to get used to you and decide you don't plan to harm him. Then work your way down his side, petting him as you go. Stand to the side when you first lift his tail in case he kicks. Once you start to lick his balls and he decides he's enjoying what you're doing he'll stand still for you. When he starts to cum you need to be careful. He can thrust pretty hard so you'll need to keep a tight grip on his cock. And that expression 'hung like a horse' exists for a reason. You're going to have to control that thing."

Steph is right up in my face with the fucking camera, close enough to catch Donny's directions and my dazed look. She moved to the side and followed me as I did all the things that Donny told me I had to do as though I were in a trance. It didn't occur to me until later to wonder how he came to know the best way to suck off a horse.

At first the horse seemed almost as nervous as I am. His mood seemed to change when he smelled me. I'm dripping cum from my ass and pussy. I have it in my hair, on my face, and my tits were coated with a lot of it, too.

I stood beside the large beast's head and gently patted and then rubbed his neck. He turned his head and I let him sniff me. His nostrils flared and he snorted, his nose just inches from my chest. I was startled when his huge tongue shot out and took a swipe across my cum covered tits. I gasped in shock and moved out of his reach. I began moving slowly down his body, running my hands over his side as I went.

When I reached his ass I stood to the side and leaned around to locate his balls. They weren't hard to find. They're hanging down between his legs and they're huge! His rapidly twitching tale hung down just past them. I'm not kidding. I expected them to be large. But damn! They're fucking huge! Their like baseballs!!

I slowly slid my hand around his hip and gently cupped them with my fingers. The horse flinched and snorted. But expect for a violent shiver that wracked his entire body he didn't move.

Steph is still right in my face with that damned camera and behind me I can hear the boys, Reggie and Tara closing in around me for a better view. I held the horse's tail out of the way and once I was as certain as I could be that he isn't going to kick me I leaned down and moved my head around to his huge nut sack.

The smell is really gross. It's just about more than I can take. I gagged and nearly pulled away. But I think Reggie must have been anticipating that reaction. The sound of that cattle prod startled the horse. But it reminded me of why I'm doing this.

I stuck out my tongue and licked his nuts. There was a chorus of noises from my audience that made it clear what they think of a girl like me; a girl who would allow Reggie to make me do something as horrible as this for their amusement.

I tried to focus on the task at hand. My only way out of this is to get it over with as quickly as possible. I licked and then kissed the animal's nuts until Reggie was satisfied she has enough footage of that particular perversion. I can see her standing off to the side with a feverish look on her face. She's getting off on her power, on the outrageous things she's able to make me do. She wasn't kidding earlier. Degrading me this way apparently does have her on the brink of an orgasm.

She nodded and I moved along the animal's side again. When I reached a point approximately halfway between his front and hind legs I ducked down under him. His cock has grown. It's now nearly twice the size it was when I first approached him. This is the first horse I've ever seen up close. And of course I've never seen a horse with a hard on before. Looking at his enormous cock I can't hide my shock and my fear.

Unfortunately, much to my dismay his cock is still growing! It isn't fully erect yet! It continued to grow as I took it in my hands. I trembled with fear and disgust as I kissed it and licked it, fighting the urge to vomit as I perform the incredibly perverted acts Reggie is demanding of me. By the time his cock stopped growing it was nearly two feet long and as big around as my forearm!

Once it stopped growing I forced my mouth down over the malformed end and used my tongue on it while struggling to jerk him off with both of my hands wrapped around his cock.

I'm already exhausted from the gang rape to which I have just been subjected. But every time I think I can't go on, that my arms are about to fall off or my neck can't stand to remain at this unnatural angle for another second or that my jaw is about to break from being forced open so far I imagine that I hear the cattle prod going off and I can almost feel it on my skin. I'm still more terrified of Reggie than of how this perverted act with the horse is going to end.

But end it finally did. The horse began to shuffle around skittishly. He made strange, loud noises that increased my nervousness. Then his entire body seemed to quiver. He snorted and whinnied and his hind legs began to dance around.

I was afraid he might kick me for a moment. But then I forgot all about those large hooves. A flood of hot, foul tasting liquid shot out of the end of his cock with more force than I would have thought possible. It filled my mouth and squirted out around the head of his cock, covering the front of my naked body.

It went on and on. He must have cum for several minutes, filling my mouth over and over before the stream finally trickled away and stopped. I swallowed a big mouthful when it first started, more by accident than design. But after that first mouthful of foul slime I allowed it all to run back out of my mouth. Reggie either didn't realize I wasn't swallowing or didn't care.

I held onto that huge cock until it was over and then I fell back on my ass, out of the way of the animal's hooves. I sat there for the longest time, gasping for air and struggling to keep from vomiting.

All I want to do now is rinse that coating of slimy crap from my body and get away from the curious eyes of all the people who just witnessed my shame. But even now they're not done degrading and abusing me!

Reggie prodded me with her toe and said, "Get up, bitch. No one said you could take the day off."

I can't see her at the moment. My eyes are too full of tears. But I struggled to my feet and limped after her, following her blurry outline out of the barn. I walked across the gravel until I heard Donny say, "Right over there is good."

I was led to an area off to the side, right beside a corral attached to the barn. Reggie ordered me to lie down on my back in the dirt. I have no idea what's coming. But I suppose it doesn't matter, not anymore.

I haven't stopped crying but my vision has started to clear. I can see the young men and Tank all gathered around me in a circle. I can hear their disgusting and disgusted comments but I'm not really listening. I lay there crying quietly and praying for this ordeal to end.

When the first spray of hot urine began to rain down on me I knew immediately what was happening. But it didn't matter by then. I didn't move. I didn't protest. Slowly they all joined in until fifteen streams of hot smelly urine were streaming over my face and body, washing away the horse cum and any remaining traces of self esteem.

When they finished I was ordered to stand and Donny hosed me off with cold water. After the rinse he ordered me into a trough and I soaked for a few minutes before he led me into a small, rudimentary bathroom in the corner of the barn and let me take a cold shower with soap.

I took a shower and washed away the smells. But the nightmarish memories will remain forever. No amount of soap will ever be able to wash away the memory of what has happened to me here today.

I dried off and walked slowly back out to join the others in the barn. I heard them talking as I approached. I just about lost my mind when I was able to hear enough to know what they're talking about. They're planning another one of these get-togethers!

But surely it's over now. It has to end. This must have been the last straw. I can't possibly let Reggie run my life now. After all, fifteen young men have just watched me suck a horse's cock! It isn't possible that so many men will be able to keep that a secret. What hold does Reggie think she has over me now?

And yet, when I returned to the group I let her order me to my knees and I sucked off Tank and two other boys before they left. I didn't even argue. I just did as I was told.

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Agrats are ugly, mean scavengers about the size of a house cat. Somehow they managed to stow away on spacecraft from their home planet to every junkyard, slum and sewer in the known universe. They have been around for so long no one knows which planet they originated from. Agrats are easy to trap and integral to our plan to get by the robot guard. Admittedly Odion 450 Class C robots were old technology but still very effective at close range. Originally they were designed to guard warehouses...

2 years ago
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A Night for Hunger

At the top of the stairs she stepped aside so I could let her into the apartment. Before opening the door I turned to her, looking at her. Reaching up I placed my hand upon the back of her head, running my fingers through her soft hair. With my eyes on hers I closed my hand, taking a fistful of hair. Slowly, firmly, I pulled downward. I was rewarded, as her face turned up, with her leaning her body against mine, her hands on my arms. With her face turned up, her eyes closed and her lips...

4 years ago
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The Harriss Part 2 the ThreatChapter 3

narrated by Steve Harris I’m at work on Wednesday and at around two pm I get a call from Greg. Beep, Its Becky my receptionist. “Mr. Harris, I have a Greg Benson on the line and he...” I cut her off. “Put him through Becky.” “Yes Mr. Harris.” Click. “Greg, how are you?” My friend seemed agitated, “Steve, was there some kind of altercation at our house on Monday morning? “Oh shoot. I’m sorry Greg, I meant to tell you but with...” “Just tell me what happened? I just got a call from a...

1 year ago
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FirstClassPOV Natalia Nix Petite Babe Natalia Nix Messy Facial After Intense Banging

The beautiful babe, Natalia Nix, is all wet and ready to have her tight pussy filled up by a huge cock. She shows off her newly-bought laced lingerie to Alex Jett. Her perky tits and round ass look amazing as she seductively sways her hips. Watching Natalia play with her pussy made Alex hard and horny in an instant. Not able to resist the urge any longer, he bends Natalia over on the couch and starts banging her from behind. Natalia licks her pussy juice off Alex’s big cock before lying...

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The Anomaly Volume Three Into the UnknowableChapter 15 Intrepid 3756 CE

It was now over a month since the Intrepid plunged into the Anomaly and Paul was no more relaxed about it than he was before despite Beatrice's constant reassurances. What troubled him most wasn't just what was going to happen to him now that he was inside the Anomaly but whether he'd ever return to the universe he came from. "I look at the bulletin boards every day and read each and every the scientific report," Paul told Beatrice who was sitting beside him, "and I've still seen...

3 years ago
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Its a Man ThingChapter 10

The next day, Tuesday, I got a call from ... Philippa. Could she come and stay for a few days? "Of course, petal. A few days, a week, a month ... whatever you like. I told you, you'll always be welcome here, Pip." "Thanks. Only, I had a talk with Sam this morning. He's not happy. I don't think he'll make trouble – he's not the sort, I don't think – but ... I just don't want to be alone in the house. Don't let me cramp your style, though." I continued to work at the computer and...

2 years ago
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Kama Kadhai Vasaki Priyavai Othen

Vanakam Nanbargale, Kadantha sila mathangaluku munbu nadantha unmaiyana sex sambavathai unarvu purvamaga pakirnthu kolkiren. Naan ezhuthiya kadhaiyai padithu oru vasaki sex seiya vantha arumaiyana kama kadhaiyai muzhumaiyaga pakirnthu kolkiren. ungalin karuthugalai marakamal kizhe comment section-il pakirnthu kolungal! varungal kadhaiku pogalam! En peyar rajkumar, vayathu 25. Kadantha munru varudangaluku munbu engineering padipai mudithu vitu tharpozhuthu velai ilamal vettiyaga veetil vasithu...

4 years ago
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20 Years of Infidelity Part 18

Marty left me kneeling before the couch; instead walking over to tap lightly on the wall that our condos shared. In a few seconds Mary walked through the front door. 'Oh, she's such a nice bitch.' 'She needs more training,' Marty replied. Telling Mary to strip, Marty came to sit on the couch, ordering me to suck his cock. Kneeling on the floor between Marty's legs I took him in my mouth and began giving him a blow job while Mary came to sit next to him. Curling up like a kitten beside Marty...

2 years ago
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A Day in Gotham Batgirl Wishes Pt 02

((Authors Note – Please note that this is adult fiction, so only read further if you qualify! This is the second part of three covering Batgirl’s experiences after the ‘Wins’ series. As before, it’s best read after Part 1, but just as a quick summary… Batgirl has just about recovered from her traumatic experience with Batman (see Batgirl Wins), and has surprisingly been reconciled with Catgirl again, just as danger threatens from another quarter when Catwoman receives a dire threat from a...

2 years ago
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Aunt Anne and Her Friends Ch 01

My name is James. I was twenty-two years old at the time and had just completed my second year at college. I had agreed to visit my Aunt Anne for a couple of weeks (but I managed to spin it out to three for reasons that will soon be apparent!) She was my dad's forty-two year-old sister and had recently moved house. I had agreed to do some odd jobs around the place for her. She always tended to spoil me a bit and I enjoyed her company; she is chatty and has a good sense of humour.She was always...

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A Late Session

I always spend my Friday nights with my good friend, George, drinking and exchanging our troubles. Months before my divorce from Rita, he had listened patiently to my sad tales of how we were drifting apart. He offered some advice, even suggested marriage guidance, but that had gone down like a cement balloon with Rita.Anyway, about six weeks after the divorce, while bending my body and twisting while lifting a heavy box, my lower back clicked painfully. Over the ensuing months, the pain became...

2 years ago
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first date with shelia

MY FIRST DATE WITH SHEILAby shootistI met her and Bill at their home in NJ. Quite a nice little home...made me feel very welcome as soon as I got in...wish I could feel like that in my own house. We talked a bit on how my trip was coming out from Arizona. Said it was a bit tiring (I had driven) but seeing her in person more than made up for it.We had spent many hours on ICQ, chatting and just general BS so it felt like we knew other quite a bit already. Bill, her husband, seemed a little...

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MomsOnMoms Bridgette B Reagan Foxx Battle Of The Bosses

Confident company CEO Reagan Foxx is in her office, on the phone with someone far beneath her that threatens to make her look bad, professionally. She doesn’t take no for an answer until the man agrees to do her bidding — she always gets what she wants. Meanwhile, rival corporate executive Bridgette B opens the door to Reagan’s office and struts inside. She is equally as powerful and confident, looking around as though she already owns the place. She technically does since a...

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Surviving in Vegas

‘What are you doing? Can you SEE the other cars here, or is your head too far up your ass?’ It seemed that David was having real trouble controlling his temper. Ordinarily, I would have made a joke about the wisdom of yelling at people who can’t hear you, but this weekend, I was trying to keep my sense of humor to myself. I was tense, and my jokes get proportionately less funny according to the strain I am under. Besides, I couldn’t’ really blame Dave for being edgy, it had certainly been a...

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The Painter

It was 11:00am when I opened my eyes. The room seemed strange to me, making me think I was not in my own bed. But reality stepped in when I saw my dresser draw that contains all my pleasurable toys in it. The room was kind of junky because the painters were coming to paint and actually, they should have been here by now.I sprang up out the bed when I heard my dad talking down the hall to strange voices. I knew that since they were upstairs that they would be coming in my room very soon to paint...

1 year ago
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Hindu chut addicted Musalmani Dick

Namaskar, Sab hindu bhaiyon aur Muslim chudakkarou ko Shilpa ki choot ka pranam, mai aaj aapko aapko apni chudai ki sachi ghatna sunane jarahi hoon, meri umr 23 saal hai,5.6, rang goora, 36c ke ubhre hue boobs aur lachakti hui gaand 36. Mai aksar tight salwar pahen kar hi bahar jaati hoon, mai college jane ke waqt hamesha raste mein chalte log meri mast jawani ko nangi nazrou se dekhte aur kuch to comments bhi kaste ke ‘ kya maal hai saali ‘ Salwar mein bhi hokar lund ko pagal karrahi hai.....

2 years ago
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It's not every day you walk in the door to find an elf in your living room – especially a female elf.Slightly under five feet, she was taller than I expected. She had long blonde hair braided down her back, so that it was easy to see her slightly raised ear lobes that were not as tall as I expected. Her brilliant blue eyes were slightly larger than I expected. Her lips were painted a bright, festive red color, and she wore a little makeup to enhance her beauty. Her skin gave a light golden glow...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Neighbour Sonia Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hi, everyone.. This is sameer a 26-year-old techie from Bangalore. This sex story is about my sex with my neighbor aunty, it happened in 2010. I was a normal guy with a nice personality and a 6″ hard rock tool we were staying in my own house with 3 flats and we were on ground floor, one day our neighbor got transferred and a new family came there. The husband was around 38 years old, his wife (the main character of this story) was appx 32 years old. Let me describe you about Sonia (aunty...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Angelika Grays Blonde Stunner Angelika Grays Gets Dirty In The Kitchen

Statuesque blonde Angelika Grays is in the kitchen clad in her favorite lingerie and prepping a pastry for Angelo Godshack. She hopes that he would help her get rid of her sexual frustrations and achieve release. Angelika did not notice that Angelo was behind her until naughty hands explored her body. Hunger for each other took over, the stud lifts her onto the counter and starts to lick her pussy. Taking over, Angelika pushes him against the nearest wall, gives him a blowjob, deepthroating...

2 years ago
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The ExhibitionChapter 2

Sammy assumed that the show had ended. It'd been a long time since someone had poked or prodded her. She could feel herself slightly swaying on the frame, and began to wonder if she'd signed up for something more than she could handle. Sure, the orgasm that had hit her had been fun, but she couldn't quite figure out why she'd had it. She hadn't been able to get the ben wa balls to trigger one, but having someone grope her and knowing that they were doing it in front of a crowd seriously...

1 year ago
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Prototype TenEpilogue

"Sorry, Mac," the bartender shrugged, "can't help you." "Can't, or won't?" the guy asked, still shoving the stack of mixed Earth and New Earth credit notes toward him. "Can't." the bartender looked him square in the eye for the first time. "Those two show up, have a drink or two, then I don't see them for months or years at a time. God knows where they hang out, but it ain't here." "But damnit, I need to talk to them!" the guy did look desperate. "I mean, shit! I've...

3 years ago
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Showing her the ropes

Showing Her “The Ropes” by TKTrucker3 (Tom K) Donna Anderson peered over the edge of her coffee cup at her young neighbor. She was a little concerned about what Cheri was telling her. Cheri and her new husband had only been married a few months, and had recently moved in next door. The two women became fast friends and got together quite often over coffee on Saturday mornings where they shared their lives. This particular morning, the subject had turned to their love lives, and Donna, being a...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Mom Part 2

His mother was naked, except for a pair of red heels she’d been wearing when I got there this morning. She was bent over, holding the kitchen table for support, her nipples brushing against the mahogany top. This was the first time in the last two months that I’d skipped the WHOLE day of school.. and I spent it inside every hole in her body. We took breaks in between, but mostly we just kept fucking. This would be my 5th orgasm, which doesn’t seem like a lot given the nearly 8hrs I’d been...

4 years ago
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The Way BackChapter 4

I know it's most men's fantasy (well it's mine anyway) that they awake to a warm feeling on their cock and open their eyes to see their wife/girlfriend/girl–who–stayed–the–night, with the aforesaid cock deep in their mouths. For some it does come true, lucky sods, and I was a lucky sod that morning! Trish was kneeling at the end of the bed, leaning over me and sucking me gently into consciousness and my cock into life, and looking lovingly into my opening eyes. "Good morning!" that's...

2 years ago
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Wolfs Bane Rescue beyong the Rim

Rescue Beyond the Rim By: Malissa Madison Wolfs Bane; LSF Lydia Shore, Col, Commander Torri Sharr, driver Wraith; TM III Lorrna Shaye, Commander Goth; Frill Layella Dellorre, Primary Driver Terror; LSF Mark IV Troika Deirri, Commander, Lycan Sanissa Demure, Co- Commander, Driver (Cord Demure's younger Sister) Grief; TM IV Tarra Demure, Commander (Reno's Older Sister) Genie Fall, Primary Driver MTS-1, DLS 1.2-T FJ-123, FJ-124, FJ-125,...

1 year ago
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Call Me Kate Chapter 3

Kate That was the single hottest experience I’ve ever been a part of! It took every ounce of willpower in me to refrain from riding his beautiful cock! It got bigger since last year, that’s for sure! I’m just so mad at myself for taking it to the next level and making him cum inside of me. Yes, I’m on the pill (I get them through the school nurse), but he looked super uncomfortable with the situation. I’d never seen somebody so quick to leave my side after being inside of me. That never...

4 years ago
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Old Lady and the Sissy Femboy

A few nights ago I had a very strange, erotic dream. Now remember, I am bisexual. I like being dominated, topped, controlled and desired by older men (I am already 39, so “older” would be 55 and up), but I am sexually attracted to women, to their smooth, curvy bodies. Well, this night I dreamed about being with a woman…but not the woman you would think. Not a hot, sexy, erotic smooth and curvy young-looking girl, no, it was an overweight, varicose-vein and wrinkle-covered...

2 years ago
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All in the FamilysChapter 3

For the last three weeks, since she and Daddy had been making it, Matty had changed her routine at the gym. She had always worn a full leotard before, not wanting to seem too sexy. But lately, she had wanted to bask in her erotic impulses, and had been wearing the white string thong, with the small bra. She now rubbed vaseline on her whole body like the body builders, making her tan skin shine. She had been sunning at home in the thong, so there was no tan line showing. She could feel all...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Bonus On His Desk

I’m stopping by the movie theater after school today to talk to the manager about getting my job back. Because I’m a college cheerleader, I can’t work during basketball season, but my manager had agreed to let me take those months off and he’d give my hours back when the season was over. Some of my coworkers complain that he only did it because he’s hot for me, and he would never have made that deal for someone who wasn’t attractive. They’re probably right. I don’t care. If my looks help me get...

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