Richter indian porn

2 years ago
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Richter Part One

His powerful sense of smell allows him to pick up and track the unmistakable scent of a perverse young woman. Her sexual fluids and sweat giving away to Richter, her insatiable lust and the demented fantasies her mind concocts, draw Richter in with potency. His prey was 23-year-old Elaina. An athletic and pretty blonde girl who was comfortably in her bed, staring at a computer screen. Wearing nought but a night tee, she softly moaned as she stroked her exposed clitoris and buried available...

3 years ago
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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8 Chapter 14 Richter Base

I doubt my eyes would have stayed dry, even in a sandstorm on Alvor’s Cove when I saw her. There she was, the USS Tigershark. Repaired, refurbished and upgraded. Now I knew why the destroyer was shaped the way it was. It did not fit inside, but it docked right at the Tigershark’s belly. The biggest visible changes were the docking clamps for the Destroyer and the changes to the landing gear. Circuit had used mechanical arms and special tractor guide beams to dock the Apparition. To my...

2 years ago
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The Museum of Inquisition

The Museum of Inquisition By: Michael Alexander [email protected] Breanne stepped off the small tour bus and looked up at the imposing building.Its large stone walls seemed to tower over her petite frame, looming like athundercloud on the horizon. She lifted her sunglasses, and moved forward,allowing Professor Williams to exit and move to the front of the group. Hiscoifed hair stood still despite the cool breeze and his tweed suit, which hesaid made him feel more European,...

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Christmas Angel

“Elfi,” a male voice barked, directly to my left. I winced as the sound exploded against my eardrums, and angry flecks of saliva slapped against my cheek. “Get back to fucking work. Now!”If that sounded harsh written in English, let me tell you it actually made my skull vibrate in the original German. German is a perfect language for shouting.The words came from my boss, Klaus Richter, Head of Entertainment at the Christmas market in Berlin, where I worked. My muscles tensed, my hands started...

4 years ago
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Lonely in Berlin

Note: This story is a transgender erotic romance involving a dominant male and a shy, but very dirty, submissive t-girl. It's relatively long, it's a slow burner, and it's emotionally involved. It's told from the t-girl perspective. It is not a quick jerk-off story; however, if you're willing to embark on the journey, it gets filthy towards the end.If you're looking for a tale where a t-girl dominates and fucks a guy, this is NOT the story for you. The t-girl here is very submissive. If you...

2 years ago
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Margarethes Geschichte story in German

Margarethes GeschichteDer Richter klingelte mit seiner Glocke. ?Die Angeklagte habe zu schweigen! Noch ein Wort von ihr und sie wird wegen Missachtung des Gerichtes bestraft.? Margarethe, die M?llerstochter schwieg nicht. Sie verk?ndete ihre Unschuld. Der Richter zeterte: ?Die Angeklagte werde peinlich befragt. Zuvor erhalte sie ?ffentlich auf die blo?e Haut drei Mal die Dutzend Schl?ge mit Rute, Stock und Peitsche wegen wiederholter Missachtung des Hohen Gerichtes. Der Henker walte seines Am...

3 years ago
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Death by Chess

Death by Chess ©2004 by C. Smith Chapter 1 Werner Richter was a bitter man. He had done hisduty: he had presided over the slaughter of the woman he had loved dearly foreighteen years. He had watched them hang her up by the ankles and cut her throat.He had held her hand and kissed her as her blood drained past their lips, justas he had promised he would all those years earlier when they had first becomelovers. They had known that the terrible day was coming and he thought he wasprepared for it....

4 years ago
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Bestellt und Geliefert

Diese Geschichte handelt von einen jungen Mann, der von seiner Schwester in die weibliche Rolle gedr?ngt wird, weil er als IT Spezialist keinen Job hatte. Sein Lebensweg f?hrt ?ber Liberec nach Budapest, und dann passiert etwas in seinen Leben, was theoretisch m?glich ist, in Europa, er wird entf?hrt von skrupellosen Verbrechern... Stichw?rter: TV, gro?e Liebe, unfreiwillige GaOP, Versklavt als Zofe und... Bestellt und Geliefert ( Katrin*2012) Teil1 Einleitung War es wi...

3 years ago
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Ein Urlaub der keiner werden sollte

Ein Urlaub, der keiner werden sollte... ( Katrin...2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Als ich nach getaner Arbeit meinen Arbeitsplatz verlie?, wusste ich damals nicht so genau, was mich im Leben noch so erwartet. Mein Urlaubsantrag war genehmigt worden, von der Gesch?ftsf?hrung und auf die Sp?tteleien, meiner Kollegen, wegen meines femininen Aussehens, reagierte ich schon lange nicht mehr. In meinen Gedanken fragte ich mich immer, was w?re eigentlich, wenn die w?ssten dass ich ein Transvestit, mit T...

4 years ago
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Cindy and the Teacher

Her boyfriends weren’t much help. She was a senior in a Catholic high school, and her parents were very controlling about who she hung out with. Despite being a knockout redhead who wore here hair in punk pigtails, she could only date nerds and “nice boys” who either would only kiss her cheek or were so damn inexperienced they popped their wad after a few hand strokes. Messy, yes, and fun to watch, but far from satisfying. Sometimes, in class, she would find herself fantasizing about the...

2 years ago
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Horror Urlaub im S djemen German

Horror-Urlaub im S?djemen (German)Sehr harte S&M- Short story: Tags: FemDev., slavery, non-consent, abuse, debauchery, pet-play, slaughtering, interracial breeding, canibalVon: ?2011 masostud, die Rechte verbleiben beim Autor.Vorwort: Der S?djemen, der sich vor seiner Wiedervereinigung mit dem eher westlich orientierten Nordjemen (gegen?ber von ?thiopien am Roten Meer gelegen) nach dem Abzug der ungeliebten Briten hochtrabend als ?Demokratische VOLKSrepublik Jemen? (gegen?ber von Somalia am Golf ...

4 years ago
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B ses Spiel mit Jessica Rabbit

Diese Geschichte habe ich als Thread bei "MACC'S Celebrity Fun und Disneys Prinzessinnen" begonnen. Irgendwann hat mir der Text nicht mehr gefallen und ich habe ihn überarbeitet und stelle ihn nun als neue Geschichte hier ein. Ich habe versucht das ganze als wirkliche Fortsetzung von „Falsches Spiel mit Roger Rabbit“ zu gestalten, wobei ich auf Ideen des Films zurückgreife, aber auch neue Ideen hinzugefügt habe. Ich hoffe das die Geschichte bei den Lesern gut ankommt und auch echte Roger Rabbit...

2 years ago
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Barbaras Geschichte

Barbaras GeschichteBarbaras Mann war bei seiner Holzf?llerarbeit im Wald. Sie versorgte die Kinder und hatte eben begonnen Fleisch einzup?keln. Da h?rte sie vor der H?tte gro?en L?rm. Nicht oft war am Waldrand der L?rm eines gro?en Trosses zu h?ren. Neugierig ging sie nach drau?en und wollte nach der Ursache dieses Zuges schauen. Gerade als sie die T?r ge?ffnet hatte, ritt ein schwarz gekleideter Mann vorbei. Barbara stie? einen kleinen Schrei aus. Im gleichen Augenblick huschte ihre schwarze Katze zur T...

4 years ago
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The Sidereus Prophecy Part 4

A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: This story is my thank you to a community that has provided me free fiction for years. It is also my first story (and probably my last), and I will warn you- it is long. My intrepid editor, Robyn Hoode, slaved through the drafts of the story, providing insightful and helpful commentary. His enthusiasm for the subject material kept me motivated. Honestly, without him and his constant feedback, this story wouldn't exist. So, if you enjoy this story, you have him...

2 years ago
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In den Faengen der Mudschaheddin

I n  d e n  F ? n g e n  d e r  M u d s c h a h e d d i nKey-words: Male-Dom, military battle, war crimes, kidnapping, slavery, non-cons. breeding, scatology, serious, body-modific.,rtorture, abuse. GERMAN language.Roman von masostud ? 2010 by Masostud Provided by bdsmlibrary.comSummary: Begeistert zieht Panzerkommandant Sergei in den sowjetischen ?Befreiungskrieg? gegen die afghan. Mudschaheddin. Er wird aber gefangengenommen und verschleppt. Zum Tier degradiert erlebt er die hasserf?llte Rache ...

2 years ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 19

With the help we had from the townsfolk, it was easy to get things unloaded. Kasumi and Longfellow headed up to Acadia to get the next load. Her parents decided to help with Brooks going through the things of the Lee’s store. Avery was feeling a little better, thanking me for taking over. She told me that she’d never wanted to be in charge, it just sort of happened to her, and she’d always felt like a fish out of water. The net result was that two hours after breakfast, my team was headed...

3 years ago
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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5 Chapter 10 Reunion

Even though I had little medical knowledge, my time serving in the Devi’s sick bay and getting basic med training at the Academy I was helping with the triage of wounded and somehow remembered Dr. Dwyer my old Nilfeheim doctor as I derma-patched an eleven year old’s scrape wounds he had suffered falling while running and hiding inside an service crawl. The Casualty numbers were depressing. “943 dead among them many civilians and 1532 wounded of which more than 500 were very critical. Over...

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Games The Gods Play 0

The System Lord Ba'al had the right idea but stealing Stargates was definately the wrong thing to do, after the fall of the System Lords Ba'al wanted to start all over but we all know how that ended. The Replicators, Ori and the Tau'ri using Asgard technology make it impossible for any Goa'uld to regain the power and status we once had plus trying to restart in the Pegasus Galaxy wouldn't work either because we would have to deal with the Wraith, so what's a Goa'uld who wants to be...

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The Badendorf Family History Part Four

By Emerald Green Warning: The following history contains adult material. If you are not an adult or if adult themes offed you, you should read no further. Four • Down the Rhine River to Rotterdam The first thing the next morning after Otto went to the shop he counted out an amount of money he was sure would be enough to pay for three passages on a barge that would float them down river to Rotterdam. Leaving a sign in the window that stated he would be back before midday, he locked up...

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Die verh auml ngnisvolle Keuschheitswette

Diese Geschichte ist nicht von mir fand sie aber sehr anregend und wollte sie euch nicht vorenthalten. Hoffe sie gefällt euchMax war ein erfolgreicher Banker, machte in seiner Freizeit viel Sport und hatte einen Körper der eigentlich gar nicht zu einem Banker passte. Er war sehr muskulös und gut gebaut. Seine Frau Hanna arbeitete in einer Firma, die Polizei und Gefängnisausrüstung herstellte als Entwicklerin. Sie sind ein glückliches junges Ehepaar. Sie 26 und er 27. Zusammen haben sie ein...

3 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 149

“Girls are the only ones who can really give each other close attention, the kind we equate with being loved. They noticed what we want noticed.” —Emma Cline, The Girls I DIDN’T IGNORE Desi and Brittany. Once we were sure we had shown our senior girlfriends how much we loved them, we left them cradled in each other’s arms and moved to the other bedroom. There, I tried to show the two of them that I loved them just as much as I loved Rachel and Livy. When I could no longer rise to...

2 years ago
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In the City of Flesh and Rust

The conductor looked out at the passengers of his car, all shaking in their seats with anticipation as they approached their destination. It hadn't been a long journey--not for him, anyway. He'd traveled on week-long excursions across the continent on a few occasions, whereas today's crew was only pulling into the station after a peaceful ten-hour trudge through the wilderness. All of the faces looking up at him now were just waiting for their chance to get up out of their seats, take their...

3 years ago
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Changing for Napoleon

Characters: Anna, Big Mike, JulioI had just finished a light lunch and I was looking out of the Refectory anteroom windows. It looked like a lovely day outside. I could go for a little walk in the gardens, after all I had three hours that I did not know what to do with. There would be tea at five with Jeanne and shortly after Jasmine was going to help her with calculus. Jasmine is a science genius, and what’s more important she has the gift of clear explanations. She can make mathematics very...

3 years ago
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Games The Gods Play 2

The last of the System Lords Ba'al and all of his clones have been killed which makes me the last Goa'uld posing as a God, so as long as the Jaffa, Tok'ra, Tau'ri and the Lucien Alliance don't find out about me I don't have anything to worry about. I have a lot of Goa'uld tech at my disposal, Ribbon device, hand healing device, personal shield, Sarophagus, Blood Of Sokar, Staff and Zat weapons but my favorite is the cloaking device it allows me walk amongst my Humans, completely...

4 years ago
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Triburg Vollstrecker

Wehler und Richter saßen zusammengekauert im Sicherungsabteil einer Mitternachts-Minna. Wehler, riesig und haarig, starrte mit einer dumpfen Ungläubigkeit auf die elektrische Handschelle, die seine Arme lähmte. Richter, schmächtig und dunkel, atmete schwer und versuchte immer wieder, ein Gespräch mit dem Bullen anzufangen, der sie hier bewachte, von Hals bis Fuß in Nex-Kevlar gehüllt und einen Tazer stets in der Hand. Die Autoritäten gingen kein Risiko ein. Wehler und Richter hatten sie ein Mal...

4 years ago
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Triple Play

Triple Play By Ellie Dauber (c) 2004 Author's Note: If you ever wondered whether there was a point to posting comments to a story, this story is your answer. When I first posted it to the TG_Fiction List, it had a different ending. But, after reading and thinking about comments I got from from Jezzi Stuart, Steve Zink, and Ron Green, I re-worked it to the ending it has now. Thanks for the help, you three. *** Matt Bauer saw his prey about twenty...

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Red and Darla Clayton chapter two of two

"Mom, we don't hate dad. We never did," said Jennifer. "That's right mom. Heck, we love him, I guess. But . . ." started Randy. "Kids, I know what you mean, and your dad, neglectful as he was, and stubbornly so, did things the best he could. He, well, he, he just thought that he needed to do more, well, to make a better living for us. He was always a workaholic. Still is I guess," said Darla. "Mom, we're willing to see him, talk to him; I mean if you want. Randy and I talked. You know after...

Love Stories
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Teen Dreams Book 2Chapter 21

We woke early the following morning, and after having a quick shower, and getting dressed, we packed our backpacks and went down for breakfast. After checking out it was a short walk to the riverside where we boarded the first of two boats. This one would take us up the Rhine Gorge, past the Lorelei rock and to Koblenz, where the Mosel meets the Rhine, at the famous Deutsche Ecke . The boat had a running commentary, in German and English on the many attractive...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5 Chapter 11 Rewards

When I came around, I was still lying under that purple thing. The armed and fully armor suited men were close now holding their weapons ready pointing them at my friends. The bearded dark skinned man wearing a battle suit of unknown origin argued with Cardwell. “I want you to open those Translocator storages now. We do not have much time.” Cardwell barked back and pointed at me. “I told you that two command codes are needed to open them, the only one able doing that was killed by your...

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Molly Curt Naked In School Chapter 19

A number of the Program's headquarters employees had teenaged children. Most of those kids were plugged into the usual teenaged spots on the Web. For whatever reasons, none of them had said anything to their parents about the 'Surviving' and other anti-Program sites. When the ads began to appear, they were placed on general-use pages, not those aimed at teens. Thus, just before midnight Friday, Summer received the first panicked call. Her call to Ben was her immediate reaction. "Summer,...

3 years ago
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Double TwistChapter 160

“She was something new.” —G.S. Jennsen, Dissonance I SUPPOSE LAUGHING when you see a girl naked for the first time isn’t really the appropriate response, but I couldn’t help myself. Remas scowled at me and stomped her foot, which did nice things for her ample breasts. Despite the humor, my cock was rising in her direction. “What? What’s so funny about my naked body?” she demanded. Cindy and Desi returned from the bathroom with their toothbrushes in their mouths and both snorted when...

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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

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Der schwarze Bachelor

Fall abgewiesen Kerry weinte im Zeugenstand, als Reginald Jordan aufstand , um sie zu verhören. "Euer Ehren, meine Damen und Herren der Jury", sagte er und ging die Akte zu der jungen Tochter des Predigers, die schwarze Schwänze liebte. "Ich werde es kurz und bündig machen. E & I Enterprises ist eine Pornofirma und das ist weithin bekannt. Natürlich finden ich und die meisten von Ihnen das, was sie tun, unangenehm." Jordan lachte innerlich, aber er zeigte ein perfektes Pokerface. Der Jury war...

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Above and BeyondChapter 6 What doesn t kill you

That early December weekend began the confirmation of the love affair between Gabrielle and me. If there had been any doubt beforehand, there was none now. By Christmas we had moved in together. We made no secret of our relationship. I phoned Rex to make sure he was aware of our decision and while he was surprised and wondered how this had all come about so soon, he had no objection. I knew what he was thinking ... if for some reason our affair came to a crashing end ... but I was confident...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5 Chapter 12 Changes

There was about ten more minutes before the meeting was due to start. I had left the bridge and found my new quarters on the same deck and not far from the bridge. Everything was still sterile and new. My quarters were spacious and equipped with the latest technology, including an Auto Dresser, but to my astonishment it was not the standard Navy issue but an advanced Saresii model. I still had time to correct my shave, get a haircut and alter my uniform according to my new rank. As I stepped...

2 years ago
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A New PastChapter 33 In a Pinch

My eyes teared in the wind, despite my sunglasses cutting the reflected glare of the sun on the white drifts covering the cemetery. Jeryl hugged my side as the minister finished the graveside service for Cynthia Morgan. I returned her hug with one arm, as I held Ali with my other arm. We had flown in the day before, after getting the call from Janet about Cynthia’s passing. I had not liked Jeryl’s grandmother when we first met, but had grown to respect her for her will and determination, if...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8 Chapter 9 Surprise

The Dai fliers had reached the crumbling wall and one of the men stood up, his voice amplified. “We know you are hiding there, Union wench. My Cam wants you and all must yield to his will. Come out and I let the rest of the scum live.” Pander-Go yelled before I could respond. “You are Na. You can not afford any witnesses. She has as much claim to be Patri as you or the Tar of the Hi. What you are doing is not Than. If your Cam wants her, let him come forward and challenge her. Hundreds...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8 Chapter 12 Arsenal IV

After we had triaged the wounded and contacted the Union Carriers, the news spread fast. There was an intense but very short space battle. The Na tribe and their closest allies had used their ships to bring the non-Dai troops to Thana Shoo, with many Muta-Kerr and Shiruti still in the ships. They were intended to take over the mothers and battleships of the non-compliant tribes. The Dai were fired up with anger and flew their fighters with a merciless vengeance. However, the true difference...

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Double TearsChapter 147

“Reese sucked in a breath and played faster, hurling the anger through his fingers until it spun all his fear, all his rage, into the gentle voice of music.” —Willowy Whisper, This Hostile Land FRIDAY AFTER SCHOOL, I did one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I picked up the five remaining members of pod two and took them to King Arthur’s Camelot for a sundae. We didn’t get the super king size sundae with its attendant bells and whistles. We just got dishes of ice cream and sat at a...

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L auml szlig t sie sich auf die Spiele

Da ich zur Zeit keine Geschichte fertig kriege, mal wieder eine alte. Diese ist von 2004. Ich bin nicht sicher, ob ich sie schon mal veröffentlicht hatte, aber wenn, dann im Greyarchive.Mit der Kategorie bin ich mir nicht so sicher, es will eigentlich keine so recht passen, aber nach dem englischen „NonConsent/Reluctance" scheint mir „nicht festgelegt" am Besten.Wer keine Beschreibungen von Sex oder moderate Gewalt mag, bitte doch woanders hingehen, das www ist schließlich groß genug.An einem...

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Private Lessons

Brenda Richter was one of those girls that every other girl in the school either loved or hated, but all envied. Michelle was no different. She had admired the girl's curvaceous, perfect body and cover-girl looks since she first met her. Brenda had a confident air about her that was disarming too, though this didn't seem like a great mystery to the lesser blessed girls of the school; with looks like Brenda's--those penetrating green eyes, long, flowing wavy blond hair, and silken, flawless...

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Beths Reformation

Beth knew. She'd heard the same stories everyone else had. The reform schools had total authority over their charges and exercised that authority in the form of rapes and brutal tortures. The story of Sally Richter was popular when Beth was in junior-high. Sally had been a bright girl. Popular, beautiful, and intelligent, she seemed to have a promising life. Until she was caught with a dime bag of heroine. The new drug laws mandated a year long stay in a reformatory. Sally had been in for...

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Wednesdays I fuck your young wife

``````````Her long chestnut hair was fixed in a pony tail. Her face freshly scrubbed, no make-up. She wore a man's large flannel shirt, yellow and black plaid, her long, shapely legs bare. ``````````We greet by touching fingertips affectionately, touching lips in a brief and conspiratorial kiss. ``````````"I come to you pre-fucked," she said wryly. "He threw a quickie into me this morning. I made him pull out and cum in my mouth, though." ``````````"Yeah?" I said, playfully drawing...

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The Hardship of a Large Chest

Introduction: Exactly as the title says. My choir teacher claps, alerting our attention. Your dresses have finally arrived. When I call your name, please come take yours and try it on in the storage room. Yay! Judging by the walls framed photos of past choir classes, the dresses are so lovely. I already feel stylish and queenly thinking about mine. Abigail. Hooray for having a name early in the alphabet. I step off the risers, snatch the dress handed to me, and leap into the storage room....

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F Field

"...5...4...3...2...1...impact!" The screens went white for a second, and then lines began spreading out from the center. A general cheer went up throughout the room. "Well, my friends, it is official: after all the bad magnets, alignment problems, and other Bullshit, we have collision," Dr. Legard said in French. "Here's to us, my fellow physicists and engineers," he added, raising his glass high. There was a collective here here, and a quaffing of champagne. Several people left, with a few...

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Captain Montague s Mission

Group Captain Montague's Mission By Vivienne Marcus One: The young British officer stood straight as a musket on the varnished wooden floor of the office on the seventh floor of the Whitehall Headquarters of the Secret Service. There were three other people in the room. Ahead of him, sitting behind an imposing oak desk topped with well worn dark green leather was a short gray-haired man in a dark brown tweed suit. He had a neatly trimmed moustache. A straight pipe was...

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It began with a sudden realization of Rod's while turning on his compact disk player. Mike was standing in the room looking out the window thinking, watching an attractive black woman walk down the street, turning the corner and disappearing. She had been very pregnant from the looks of it, as still very attractive. He wished that Lisa would want to have more kids. They had only Will, and Will was a fine son but Mike had always dreamt of having more children. The black woman seemed a...

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The Sidereus Prophecy Epilogue

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read the story. The encouragement I received through comments here and e-mails I received, along with the enjoyment I had in writing the whole thing, has convinced me to write again. It won't be as long, but it will be TG- themed. Please let me know about what you think about the saga as a whole either here, or by e-mail: [email protected] DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents...

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Games The Gods Play three

Even if I took a Wraith as a host I would still need to use the sarcophagus, the Wraith don't age and as long they feed they can live forever but Goa'uld symbiotes have a lifespan of 2,000 years. Unlike Human hosts I could keep the same Wraith host forever plus if my Wraith host feeds on a Human and kills him or her I can place that Human in my sarcophagus where that Human will be ressurected and rejuvinated and my Wraith host can feed on him or her again and again and again. Sitting on my...

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Father s Shelter

“I’m telling you. Please just stay at home with me, Emily.” I can still remember how it all began with my mother’s words. It feels like it happened so long ago. As it so often happened in my life, I had to endure her nagging and guilt tripping. Whenever there was something I wanted or needed to do, she would try to shut it down. It was endearing as much as it was annoying. She was overprotective and unreasonable but didn’t care to admit it. I was old enough to take care of myself, and her...

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BackscatterChapter 9 The Betrayal

Five months later. Time: Saturday, December 12, 2048 3:10 PM After two solid hours of work, Megan took a mini-break to stretch, putting her editing aside and walking around the plush office that was now both hers and Alvaro's. She was high in the mountains of Madeira, inside the energy research wing of the green-badge complex. As was usual for a Saturday afternoon, the research staff had left by 3 PM and now the wing seemed deserted, though Megan could still see occasional energy...

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Reginald s FutureChapter 6

“Ooops. Sorry, Jessica. Mea culpa. Forgive me.” “It is okay, my love; just steering you in a sensible direction. You have to remember to be less academic with social chit-chat, darling.” “I am okay with that advice, Jessica. Point noted.” The midwife was at the door shortly afterwards, and put Jessica in her car before driving to the hospital’s maternity section. Reg kissed her farewell. After his quick lunch, Reg told everyone he was going to bed for another snooze, so he did not want...

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Erica Olafson Journeys of the Tigershark Vol 9 Chapter 10 Togr

The former slaves were received like kings. The Golden and their employees went out of their way to accommodate them. Tables and benches were carried out on the big central yard of the Golden enclave. The Golden handed out food, clothing and what surprised the former slaves more than anything, weapons. I jumped on a table and said.”You are free beings now. You can walk out that gate and try to find a new home. I will ask the Golden to give all those who leave 100 polos, so you are not...

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Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6 Chapter 3

DALBRA Ninohfiv, the guarantor of Kermac protection and guardianship to the Dolbarian society stepped out on the balcony of his residential tower overlooking the sprawling capital city of the numerous and industrious Dolbarians. Those perpetual nervous and laughable weak mammalians had the great fortune to be of interest and use to the Kermac. Ninohfiv longed for a real Kermac world, and despised these rodents. They were hairy and small; their technology rudimentary at best and their...

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Life UncommonChapter 3

I wandered down to breakfast Friday morning into a sea of complete chaos. Apparently, a large number of students had sneaked out last night to go to an underground rave, and had gotten caught. The school had cancelled morning classes in order to call an emergency school-wide assembly to address the issue. Looking around the cafeteria, I noticed that Cara seemed to have made it back from her date, but eleven of my classmates were missing. After looking over (and dismissing) the cereal...

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Love Never ChangesChapter 33

Jacquelyn and I both laughed at his comment. “Thank you, but no,” I said, a huge smile on my face. I saw Doctor Kundanika holding her stomach like she was physically ill. “Are you alright, Doctor? I have excellent physicians at CIT and in other locations, and of course, if it’s simply any kind of infection or disease, we have a cure for that.” “No. It’s not that.” There was a chair behind her, she stumbled over to it, sitting down and then looking up at me with haunted eyes. “What ......

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Molly Curt Naked In School Chapter 17

"You know what Penny and Bert are doing, don't you?" Lisa asked Molly as they and Cassie relaxed in loungers by the pool. "No ... you mean!?" At Lisa's nod, Molly asked "Does that make you sad?" "Sad?" Lisa asked in puzzlement. "Oh, you mean am I jealous? I couldn't expect Bert to feel that way about me. I'm happy for Penny. She's had a rough time at home, too." Molly, like everyone else, could not help but be impressed by the sweetness of Lisa. How anyone could put her...

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Mind the TimeChapter 31

The next "Eep!" was caused by a semiconscious Vee turning her head to examine the hard, soft, warm object brushing her ear. Contact with her nose and lips, although not exactly pleasant, was the starting point of a very minor tremble in the lower regions of her torso. The fleshy tube exuded a strange odor that was pleasing to her senses ... so much so that she wondered what it would taste like. When Vee was was much younger ... not all that long ago in the scheme of things ... she begged...

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KarlaChapter 10

Since I had to wait for Helmut to take me home, I sat down outside on a shady bench next to the brook. He would certainly spot me there whenever he was ready. I would have a little talk with Alfred in the meantime. He answered my call instantly. "Alfred, a full download please. There is not much time and we must act immediately." "Sure, Bert, prepare yourself, think English." As before, the download was quick and painful, much worse than ever before. However, Alfred had the full...

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KarlaChapter 11

Helmut, though he held his peace, was not quite satisfied with my answer, that much was certain. Alfred rejoined us after some lengthy interlude and addressed the problem immediately. "Helmut, it is as I suspected. Your wife has been subjected to the most convoluted and cruel brainwashing imaginable throughout her childhood. Yet, she has shown astonishing resilience. Without that, she would not have been able to marry you, would not have allowed you to become intimate with her. This...

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KarlaChapter 21

The reformed harridan came back soon. "Sir, the gentleman asks you to wait here. Says he won't be long." I did not mind a little time to rest and think over happenings so far. We had to be extremely careful now. Neither Helmut and Karla nor the attorneys could ever hear about this visit. And we dare not tell anybody what we did. And to whom! Alfred told me later that the girls were not allowed to use the common rooms. Their meals were brought to them. Their quarters, a suite actually,...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8 Chapter 13 Done playing nice

Everything was right as snow to me. I sat in a command seat surrounded by many of my friends. We were in Union Space inside a very fast and very well armed ship and were on our way to meet the rest of my friends and crew. I was really looking forward to my ship, my own quarters and whatever mission lay ahead. I reclined comfortable, had my legs crossed and almost dozed off, looking at the soothing sight of deep space displayed on our main viewer, some stars showing as Quasi streaks of...

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Alexandra s New Practice

Alexandra looked up from the pages of pink and yellow forms, intensely frustrated. Dr. Alexandra Prince was not frustrated by any inability to make sense of the complex lab report, for she was a good, indeed, a brilliant doctor. Rather, Alexandra was frustrated on a much more basic level, as a woman. John, the young hunk she had living with her, the man who had been keeping her gears oiled regularly for the last year or so, suddenly had to travel on business. She regretted now that she had...

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A Threesome with Jen and Cat 1

The first girl to come out is Victoria, a Korean girl I’ve fucked before. She would do. The next girl is Karen. She has a very pretty Eurasian look and big boobs pop out the top of her bustier. If it were Victoria and Karen, it would be OK. The next girl is pretty and brown like a Thai girl and wearing a black bikini over a body that fills and spills and thrills. I am reminded of Jessica Gomez. Wow. “Hi, I’m Jen. How are you?” Her accent is almost Aussie and she sounds...

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Everybody liked Bernie. Her given name was Bernadette but everyone called her Bernie. She was a hard worker, a live wire and an inspirational leader. People loved being around her and worked hard for her because she busted her ass, was always positive and enthusiastic, had a great sense of humor and could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo in February. Oh, and she was also hot as a firecracker. Bernie was in her early forties but looked ten years younger. She was of medium height with light brown...

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Lisa was my wife, friend, lover for four too short years. Dead two and a half times the length of our marriage, she lies under an ancient oak tree’s sprawling canopy in Overland Park, a relatively new, yet unfilled cemetery on the north side of the small berg I live in. On this May 18th, as I do every May 18th, I called on Lisa, the mother of our born dead child, a daughter, leave two dozen pink sweetheart roses fanned in front of the tombstone to commemorate my two loved ones. I stop by...

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007 Quantum of Soreness

007, aka James Bond, was in a major slump. It had been weeks since he’d last beat up a bad guy and M was getting a little pissed off that he was not having success tracking down a financial terrorist cell that was wreaking havoc in the UK financial markets. James had to admit, the loss of his girlfriend, Vespers, had been tough on him, and in more ways than one. Heartbroken, he attempted to take his mind off of her by sleeping around with some other beauties in various places he traveled. But...

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Chronicles of Rek hovek Chapter 1

Chapter 1 The world officially ended on 22nd,September, 2018.(About the time I started to write this book ;-P) This catastrophic event was later on known as the refringement. The start of the refringement was marked by a deep purple Aurora that covered the whole Earth. Soon after the appearance of the Aurora, each and every electronic device and electrical appliance was rendered useless. The people at that time confused this as a large scale EMP burst that was caused due to a large solar...

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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH4

The next morning Rebecca came striding into my office with a huge smile on her face. She was wearing a very nice dark blue knee length skirt and a white blouse with no hose and dark blue shoes. Her high heels really made her calves stand out as she walked into my office with her usual steaming cup of coffee. “Good morning,” she said with a very satisfied look on her face as she sat down in her usual place. When she spread her legs she grimaced, depicting a little bit of discomfort. “Good...

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Tom Sue John Debbie Ch 07

Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-6 of this series, I suggest you do so. Otherwise, you’re going to miss out on a lot of detail. I appreciate you votes and your comments. RCG * * * I drove as fast as I could to the apartment. Debbie was still holding John and sobbing, ‘I love you.’ John was still unconscious. I pulled into the complex and Tom said, ‘Park as close as you can to the door.’ I pulled up within a feet of the apartment’s front door in a ‘No Parking Fire...

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Cumlord Stories School Orientation Part 2

I quickly snapped myself out my daydream, and realized a bead of drool had rolled out the corner of my mouth, along with a drop of precum from my once more rigid dick. Why waste my time fantasizing when the real thing was within spitting distance in any direction? I'd gotten myself worked up again, and my cock throbbed angrily. There wasn't the same feverish need to rut as there had been in Beth's classroom. This time I felt a calmer, but somewhat crueler drive. I wanted to hurt someone....

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Upsetting the apple cart Part 7 0

The clock on Lynn's bedside table read just after eight and with Sandra coming at ten Steve decided to get things moving, he had a semi lob on and wanted sex followed by a good breakfast before then. Steve untangled himself from Jane and spooned up to her mum, he dribbled a mouthful of sylvia onto the palm of his hand and smeared it around his ever swelling bellend and the top two inches of his thickening shaft. Aiming it between Lyndi Loo's soft arse cheeks he rubbed his wet helmet...

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SAM Ch 08

This is the final Chapter of my Story SAM. Enjoy! ***** CHAPTER EIGHT TWELVE MONTHS LATER Standing at the entrance to the large lounge room at the old Queenslander Squirt witnessed the beautiful scene of a family enjoying life. Near the double French doors leading out onto the southern veranda the two girls were playing quietly, while Sam was feeding her baby twin boys. She could hear clattering of fine bone china, so crept quietly around to the rear kitchen door and helped Becca bring the...

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The Perfect Storm Chapter II

DaneWe are listening to soft piano music, sipping our wine and enjoying conversation about countless topics, after a great meal. We both eat fairly light entrees, but are enjoying a shared creme brûlée for dessert. She looks fabulous and so inviting in the sexy leopard print dress. We are both a bit tipsy by this point, and I decide it is time for me to make my move. I have been lusting over that body for long enough, I reason. I lean over kiss her gently and whisper in her ear, “I really do...

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Ride Along Part 2 of 3

That’s how their affair began. They both knew there was no going back now, they’d done it. They couldn’t unring the bell; they would have to be secretive and discreet. It heated up even more after that. Every other week Bernie would plan a day riding with Jayden…or sometimes just an afternoon…and it was always just a prelude to what they were going to do in her hotel room that night. Bernie would anxiously look forward to those days and they would professionally go through the motions of the...

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Love In The Time Of Coronavirus

Bored, bored, bored; I was so fucking over the endless Ohio winter. And then the boiler failed and I was even more bored, being frozen does that to you. This was peak tedium, ten on the boredom Richter Scale, even worse than when my nieces made me watch Frozen for the fifteenth time.Not even tasteless exploitation horror movies warded off that chill. Shivering my tits off, alone on Valentine’s day, then encouraged to self-isolate. So, when I ended up watching Wolf Creek and not giving a damn...

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Confessions of a Cum Slut Pt 3 5

You know what’s weird? When you go from being a senior in high school—totally chill, biggest fish in the pond, wise and sophisticated—to being a freshman in college—totally lost, insecure, minnow in a big, strange ocean. People treat you like you’re twelve years old, and you kind of feel that way. That’s sure how I felt, anyway. Add in that I was an 18-year-old virgin, maybe a lesbian, and a cum slut who got off sucking anonymous dicks in a glory hole, and weird was too feeble a word to...

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Big Screen Secrets

"Come on up to the house." The intercom system didn't do her justice but hearing Hailey Buchanan's smooth tones was reassuring: I was at the correct address, a stone’s throw from the famous French Riviera. I took a deep breath as the massive wrought iron gates opened automatically and then I slipped the hired car into gear.Late on a Friday evening, my editor informed me that he had rearranged Mrs Hailey Buchanan's interview — and swiftly added that my flight was the following day. Annoyed...

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The Vampire of Prague

-Charles Perrault, "The Sleeping Beauty in the Wood" *** She was born on the banks of the Vltava, in the days when there were no bridges, in the shadow of old Castle Prague. She was the first child of her father's house, and they called her Ruza. This lovely newborn so enchanted the good spirits of the city (Prague has always been a haven for invisible creatures) that they made a pilgrimage to her cradle with gifts: wit, grace, virtue, joy, and the promise that her beauty would...

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Moonlight Moody s Escape To The Country

Well, fuck…that was damn nice, I remember saying to myself!I love beginning my Saturday’s with a good masturbatory session, I have needs and that morning my need registered a huge ten on the pussy Richter scale. I had just the right toy at hand to deliver that much-appreciated earthquake and subsequent aftershocks!Now, my question was, do I pack ‘Mister Happy’ in my suitcase? Will there even be room?OK, I was joking; he isn’t THAT big, giggling at the thought of an echo down below!  I live with...

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Light of Hellfire Chapter 10 1

Chapter 10 “Well, Rosemary is on board,” Baltoh said. He and Selene were lying in the bed of their new favorite hotel room (after Baltoh repaired it with a quick spell), both naked after having made love just a short while ago. Just minutes before, Selene had returned to the room, having left New York to go up to Earth in order to bathe, as was customary after sex or battle. “Oh, really? I’m going to need details,” she purred, kissing his chest. “It turns out she is a...

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Love and other sins part 1

"Nav...sob..sob..sob.. Come over here ..sob..sob..sob" "what?now?" "sob..sob.. Yes..sob..sob" "but its impossible!Just look outside.." "Nav.. Come over or i will do something..sob..sob..." the line cut.  So here i was gunning my bike through rain, wind and poodles of water at 1 am on a frigid december night. All of it was a soup and one that was going to scald me. The female of human species is not only dangerous but also delirious.  "Give me a towel"  I said with as much...

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A Man of the Modern Era

I am become, without choice, a modern kind of guy though I'm over fifty. I recall the heady days of JFK and his Camelot, when all seemed right with the world. As a kid back then, I had a head full of pie-in-the-sky ideals; everything seemed magical. I later watched men walk on the moon live-as-it-happened, with Walter Cronkite on TV gushing about the greatness of another uniquely-American achievement. That's when there was a world to speak of. Not quite such a thing any more. We...

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The End Begins

The wedding invitation, blood-red script on black, didn’t surprise. However, the time and place did pique my curiosity. Aza and Harri’s wedding was precisely timed, six minutes past eleven on Halloween in the Terminus Chapel at Rookwood cemetery.Now Rookwood wasn’t just any cemetery, it was Sydney, and indeed Australia’s, largest, having been open for business for one hundred and fifty years, with a million burials under its belt.As you would expect, I giggled at the Terminus Chapel name, which...

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Express Service 0

Feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected]. Train Ride I get the train every day to my work and back at the end of the day. I sit in silence, only ever speaking to the person next to me to ask them to move when I arrive at my stop and occasionally to buy a ticket for my journey. I people watch and watch people looking at me, with...

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my sisters part 2

"Shit." I hissed. I looked at my sisters. "Get it together! Pick everything up!" I ordered them, then I headed outside, hoping to stall Mom long enough for Ashley and Riley to calm down and pull themselves out of each others' hair. As I walked up to Mom's car, I could see her bent over the trunk, her navy-blue skirt hugging her hips as she pulled out her luggage. "Hey!" I called out as I reached the car. "Let me help you, Mom!" She stood up and smiled at me. "Max! Come give...

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Son Of Cupid Chapter 3 Exploring The Animal In Us All

Andy Williams; (AkA GOD NAME Orgasnick): A 18 year old soccer player with shaggy dirty dark blonde hair He has crystal blue colored eyes. Andy also has a pretty boy face. His body is completely smooth except for very light amounts of hair on his legs and arms . He also has a nicely trimed area of pubes that match his naturally dark blonde hair color. To couple this he has a 2 2/3 inches wide penis with a length of 6 1/2 inches soft. When fully hard his penis is 3 inches wide and 8 in length....

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DIY Teens ptII

I still had a crush on Gary; the boy from the other school but we went weeks before I finally plucked up the courage to talk to him. It was a Friday afternoon and I'd been especially horny all day because the weather was hot and sunny plus I'd been playing hockey in the afternoon. That alone wouldn't normally have made me horny; but afterwards when I got changed and showered I gazed at the other girls in my class for the first time and got a new kind of buzz from looking at all of their...

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Kat got the Cream

I hope you read my story, “Not Everything in Life is Black and White.”  My experiences there were enough to keep my imagination on full throttle for some time.But ‘some time’ is not forever and I was beginning to get antsy wondering if I dare call V and make another visit.  Life had dealt me some really lucky hands, and with the vision of Amber and Kat making love, and then the threesome with Amber and V, I assumed I had claimed all the luck I deserved.After picking up the phone and putting it...

Straight Sex
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Allie s First Anal Sex

After we had been having sex for a couple months, Allie and I had gotten really good at it. We knew what each other liked and had no problems giving each other mind-bending orgasms. Of course, it was easy for her to get me off with her tight cunt and mouth. Getting her off was different a bit for me. I found that she would have a couple different types of orgasms....slow and soft when I fingered her clit, intense and fast when I fucked her and hard and violent when I licked her pussy. ...

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How Sheila learned to grin and bare it! Inspired by an il-lust-ration from Pandora's Box By Oediplex 8==3~ [Author's note: It works this way. I take a drawing PB has done, and I tell the story of that il-lust-ration. I try to make the details fit the picture, and yet tell what the people in the art are experiencing in a way that titillates, stimulates, and consummates the reader/viewer.] The green plush couch was a piece of heaven to Sheila. After a day on her feet, on...

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Playing with his tool in the cool pool was hot! by Oediplex 8==3~ Jimmy, my son, sat beside me in the car, on our trip up the New York Thruway. It was a two hour trip to the lodge, a two week stay we had planned. Our friends, the Jansens had asked us to house-sit their posh second home in the Catskills. It was just going to be Jim and me. My husband, Ted, was tied to his work in the City for the duration, on a critical project he had to supervise. I would miss Ted, but my kid was...

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Express Service 1

Feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected]. Train Ride I get the train every day to my work and back at the end of the day. I sit in silence, only ever speaking to the person next to me to ask them to move when I arrive at my stop and occasionally to buy a ticket for my journey. I people watch and watch people looking at me, with...

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Saint Patrick s Day

Saint Patrick’s Day Here in America we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day on March seventeenth. This year it was on Wednesday. Everyone wears green and most people claim to be Irish. I myself wore a T-shirt that read: “Kiss me I’m Irish.” Tradition in my neighborhood says that you start drinking green beer and shorts of Irish whisky right after work and you don’t stop for anything until you pass out. I do stop to throw up and eat some food. That way I can outlast most of my...

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Madison Ashley III Chapter 1

Introduction: The beginning of a very dark secret (society that is) Jim leaned back in his office chair and yawned as he stretched. Then spun around and was greeted by the beautiful New York City skyline. Jim stood up from his chair and walked over to the window and looked down from his perch some 50 or so stories high. He thought to himself, out of all the city skylines in the world, New York’s just seemed to feel like home. Summer time just appeared to be the most beautiful time of...

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Talk About A One Night Stand

Talk About A One Night Stand You have all heard the stories about a “one night stand.” You pick her up in a bar late at night, take her to a motel, and have the best sex of your life only to wake up in the morning and have her gone. You didn’t even get her name or phone number. Then for weeks afterwards you mop around about the love of your life that got away. You always thought that you were a “player” and that true love was a just a hoax. You search that same bar every night for a...

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Milk Milk Lemonade

Milk-Milk Lemonade I usually go with my wife to her doctor appointments and she usually comes with me to mine and this appointment was no different. This was to be her gynecologist exam where they take a Pap smear and check out her internal plumbing. She had just gotten completely undressed and had the paper gown on with the slit in the front as she had been requested to do when a little boy entered our examination room. He was so cute that my wife started to talk to him. She...

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