- 4 years ago
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This is the final Chapter of my Story SAM. Enjoy!
Standing at the entrance to the large lounge room at the old Queenslander Squirt witnessed the beautiful scene of a family enjoying life. Near the double French doors leading out onto the southern veranda the two girls were playing quietly, while Sam was feeding her baby twin boys. She could hear clattering of fine bone china, so crept quietly around to the rear kitchen door and helped Becca bring the tea out onto the cool of the veranda.
‘Sam I just came up to tell you that the new mechanic has arrived with his wife and young son. I have shown them to their cabin but I think he would like to meet with you.’
Sam snapped back at Squirt. ‘Can’t you see that I am busy with the boys? For fucks sake Squirt, do I have to do everything myself? You can tell the idiot that I will be there when I am ready and not until. Now kindly fuck off.’
Quickly leading her down onto the lawn Becca quietly told Squirt that ever since the boys were born Sam had been like this. ‘To tell the truth she needs a good break away from everything. She even snaps at the girls these days. Sometimes it’s as though she were a small girl herself, she depends on me for everything. As for sex, well it’s a thing of the past and yet a good sweaty night of hard fucking would do her the world of good. Squirt I am at my wits end. All I seem to do is try to keep the peace between her, the girls and everyone else.’
‘Oh God Becca I didn’t know it was as serious as that. I just thought she was not feeling well. I will go down to the new employee and tell him that Sam is not well and that he will have to refer everything to me until further notice. Look, once the kids are in bed how about Zoe and I come up for a quiet drink and chat about things. Do you think that may help?’
‘I don’t know Squirt, talking to Sam these days is like winning a lottery sometimes you succeed but most times you are talking to a brick wall. I’ll give it a go and phone you back but I don’t promise anything. Love you.’
At nine that night Zoe and Squirt climbed the stairs to the veranda on the old Queenslander. Seeing no lights Zoe questioned that it was the correct night.
‘Yes Zoe but Becca did suggest that she may take Sam outside for a quiet moment before coming back in. They have the buzzer to tell if the kids are restless. I think we should turn the veranda lights on and wait for them. I’ll go get a coke while you wait here.’
‘Please I am so scared, Sam can be a bitch when she’s like this. Make it a little stiffer if you can. A whisky would be great.’
‘Here is your whisky for you. WOW you should see the lounge, there is nothing out of place and you wouldn’t think there were kids in the house. It is spotless. I looked in to see if the girls we sleeping and yes they are there. Oh here they come now … Hey Sam hey Becca great night isn’t it?’
Coming onto the veranda arm in arm Sam walked up to Squirt and hugging her began to cry. ‘Oh Squirt I shouldn’t have attacked you like that this morning but it always happens when I am feeding the boys: the sons that George never knew about.’
‘Hey darling forget it, we all know that you have so many memories but just remember that Zoe, Angie and I are always here for you and don’t forget Chloe because she also loves you. Now Becca, Zoe and I have been talking and we feel that you need a good holiday.’
‘I can’t take a holiday I have my baby boys but maybe you guys could fill for me for four weeks so that I can relax with my family and Becca. Dear Becca I don’t know what I would have done without her. She has done the cooking, cleaning, washing and on top of all that has been my nurse and comforter and yet I have treated her like dirt. Darling Becca! Don’t think that I don’t love you because you are the most caring and most amazing lover in the world. I just want to spend time with my kids and my Becca or should I say husband because to me Becca is my husband. I am not like you Zoe. You are strong and confident while I am weak and need someone to care for me.’
‘WOW Sam may I tell you of a conversation that George and I had all those years ago when our parents had gone to the Country Club Christmas Weekend?’
Suddenly took Becca’s hand and holding to her breast: ‘Okay Squirt what was it about.’
‘We were in bed after you and Zoe had gone shopping for swimming costumes and also to have a quiet breakfast together. I had told George that I was really a very submissive kind of person waiting for that someone to enter my life. We then discussed Zoe and her interest in lesbian love making and George felt that she was really very loving and very strong which confused him because Zoe seemed to be submitting to her lesbian school friend. I cannot remember her name.
‘It was Charlie Brewster.’
‘Fuck Zoe, you still remember her name? Anyway we then came to you and he could not answer the question. After all you loved wild hard sex and you had always been the life of the party but as he said … is it simply a cover for a person who is really a very submissive person looking for that one strong influence in her life and yet is frightened to let the world know. We also discussed your dislike for the Sapphic lifestyle but again it’s interesting because like Zoe, it appears all you needed you was that someone with more experience to show you the way.’
Sam drew Becca’s hand to her lips and kissing it asked: ‘You said all that back then? George never told me about it.’
‘Yes he said he wouldn’t. Don’t worry, you and Becca have your four week’s fun and Zoe and I with the help from Angie and Chloe will manage everything.’
‘Sam, you and I are twins and although we may be different in some aspects we always know what the other is going through. I have known about your problems for so long but have left it to you because I knew that when you were ready you would come out in the open. Now Becca I suggest you take you wife to bed and give her the hardest fucking of her life. See you in four weeks darling sister of mine.’
After the others had left Sam and Becca sat listening to the night insects and the plashing of the small waves on the sand. Looking out so sea they could see the lights of yacht sailing south. As they sat Becca moved Sam’s head round so that she could look into her sad blue eyes.
‘Darling can you remember when we last made love?’
‘Darling Becca. Yes, it was twelve months ago down in the Grotto the day that George died.’
‘Let’s go down there now and do what your twin sister so eloquently suggested.’
‘We don’t have a baby sitter.’
‘Squirt or Zoe will do it you see.’
Becca got up and dialing the private number to Squirts house. ‘Hey there baby could you baby sit at such a short notice. Oh thank you and of course bring Chloe with you. The bed is made up in your old room on the veranda. Yes, that’s right Sam and I are going to visit the Grotto where we last made love. See you for breakfast at … what? … Say nine thirty. Oh thank you sooo much. Love you guys. Good idea we will take my phone with us.’
‘There you go Sam. Make any other excuses and I will paddle your butt for you.’
‘Hmmm, please paddle my butt as you did when you were training me all that time ago. WOW … that seems like another life time now.’
‘Okay but I am using the big board paddle. After the way you have behaved you need to know you have been spanked.’
‘You grab the paddle and I will grab a blanket and pillows. Oh bring the candle lanterns they’re so romantic. Fuck I feel so naughty, I am wet already.’
‘Darling when I collected the paddle Squirt suggested that you should receive five from each of us so that means you should receive twenty-five spanks in total. Do you agree?’
‘Yes I agree. I have treated you all like shit, I accept that but with the big paddle bruising i
s inevitable but nothing serious please. Just a good crimson butt.’
Sliding her shorts down and bending over Sam looked back at Becca saying ‘You can begin Mistress Becca.’
She gasped when with a dull thud first stroke landed across the middle of her butt and after five Becca announced that she had received punishment from Angie. After the second five Sam’s butt was a deep red but as yet she had not cried out. On the fifteenth stroke Sam cried out and half stood but then she returned to her original position and waited for Chloe’s five to commence. Again she gasped as the first blow landed across the middle of her butt and by the twentieth she was beginning to pant with fast short breaths. Finally, the last five commenced and this time they were a lot lighter than the previous twenty.
‘The final five are for me darling and as I have not seen anything that I did not expect my five are lighter.’
On the twenty fifth stroke Sam’s butt was a deep crimson which defined medium bruising but nothing serious. Slowly standing she rubbed her hand across her hot buttocks and smiling told Becca that now she at least had something to show the others.
‘Now darling, seeing that we have gotten my punishment out of the way let’s light the candle lanterns and make our bed for the night. I brought an old doona that I found in a cupboard that has never been opened since our parents left the house to us. I also brought our pillows. We can hang the lanterns from the exposed tree roots on the cliff face.’
Having made their bed Sam lay down cuddling into Becca as they began a big open tongue thrusting kiss their mouths wide open as they swapped tongues, sucking them between their lips. As Becca drew Sam closer so the kiss became deeper and more urgent with Sam quietly moaning as she felt her lover leave a deep hickey on her neck.
Becoming the aggressor for the moment Sam rolled over her Mistress sliding her hand under Becca’s blouse feeling her nipples swelling though the cups of her bra. She tried to remove the blouse but Becca wasn’t going to have any nonsense and rolling Sam back she began to lift her tee shirt over her head exposing Sam’s smaller naked breasts. Gazing down on them Becca growled quietly as she leaned down and took a nipple between her lips letting her tongue slide across its tip. Not wanting to forget the other breast she palmed her hand slowly across it feeling the soft swell of her lover’s beautiful orb.
Feeling this Sam moaned louder as she felt a jet of moisture bead across her sex. Locking her legs across her lovers back Sam lay back accepting all of Becca’s aggressive love making. Her breasts beginning to throb as she felt Becca’s insistent nipping of her puffed out nipples.
Becca could feel Sam’s longer slower breathing recognizing what she knew was an early indication of an impending orgasm. At first she was surprised that Sam was not trying to delay the deep pulsing of her abdomen and cunt muscles but remembering that this was her first time for twelve months Becca simply continued exploring and sensing her wife’s desperate need to arrive at her sexual crisis.
Sam felt the obvious signs but did not have the will power to stop or delay the inevitable because it was already upon her and with a scream to wake the dead she clenched her legs across Becca’s back and with hands gripping the doona, her head stretched back and thrown to the left feeling the powerful waves of orgasm rolling through her. Like a huge tsunami the ripples became waves and the waves became surges of wild lust filled orgasm. Sam’s butt began to thrust up as each wave tumbled over her and then she screamed again as the final massive surge of the tsunami broke over her with squirt after squirt of her cum flooding onto her spread thighs.
After half an hour she relaxed and looking over at Becca smiled an almost embarrassed smile. ‘God, I have just experienced something I have never felt before. After all, you had only begun on my nipples and I exploded screaming like a banshee.’
‘Yes darling I hope you didn’t wake the kids. Poor Squirt if you did.’
‘For once, fuck the kids, I have just experienced something that I have needed for the past year. I know that over that time you have survived with your fingers and dildo but I haven’t even done that. Fuck I needed it though.’
‘Will you allow me to make love to you properly now?’
‘That wasn’t properly: then I am waiting with bells on baby.’
Settling back again Sam looked up at the small lanterns of soft candle light twinkling from the cliff face. She was about to say something about them when Becca came down on her lips again and began to open kiss her again. Sam accepting Becca’s out thrust tongue stabbing at her.
Moaning again she settled back beginning to suckle on Becca’s tongue as she felt her inquisitive fingers begin a slow massage of her breasts. They kept slowly moving under the bottom of her breasts as though she wanted to test their weight and then she felt her milk squirt as Becca drew her fingers up and down across her distended nipples. ‘Oh fuck you are milking me like an old Jersey Cow please do it again its naughty but I love the sensations.’ Laughing quietly Sam suggested it was like her boys were here with them.
‘It’s amazing what one little orgasm has done for you. This time yesterday if I had done that you would have attacked me.’
‘You call what I have just experienced a little orgasm. Please get on with the second and then we can discuss the magnitude on the Richter Scale when we wake up.’
Returning to her breasts Becca squirted some more milk and then leaning down licked it off Sam’s breasts. Before licking over the tip of the nipples as the other hand slid down between Sam’s legs feeling the cum on her thighs. Slowly she kissed her way down Sam’s velvet highway dipping into her navel before kissing along her left thigh and sliding close to her pussy but not touching it.
Sam lay back in suspense as she felt Becca’s annoying tongue so close to the heat of her sweltering cunt. Groaning in despair as Becca lent across her and repeated her close tongue slide as she slowly adjusted her position so that she was lying between Sam’s out-thrust legs and to Sam’s satisfaction sliding her tongue slowly up the slit of her cunt to her clit. Sam arched her back growling in fierce satisfaction as she felt Becca’s tongue swirl across her so sensitive love button.
Hearing this and again sensing Sam’s early notice of her next orgasm Becca thrust a finger deep inside and began to suck and lick across her clit. It wasn’t long and she felt Sam’s rippling stomach muscles announce her next volcanic eruption. She continued sucking harder and faster her feather like tongue darting across the sensitive tip of Sam’s swollen clit and thrusting two more fingers deep inside her cunt Becca felt a massive muscular contraction as Sam came, her head flung back and mouth silently screaming her orgasm. Like before it came with thrust upon thrust wave upon ever stronger wave of Sam’s orgasm, as she felt the cum begin to gush onto her hand.
But not like the previous orgasm Sam suddenly sat up and holding Becca in a vice like grip as her breath came in in short deep pants she strained as her final massive volcanic eruption came crashing through her. After three or four minutes Becca watched Sam slowly drift back onto the doona and settle back into a deep sleep.
At first Becca was disappointed but then she thought of the morning and that her turn would come then. She sat looking down onto the beautiful calm face of Sam remembering all the stress and tears of the past months. Leaning over her she kissed her lightly on the lips. ‘Goodnight darling you have finally learned how to relax again. Love you baby.’ Becca quickly licked along her thighs tasting the tell-tale strawberries and cream of Sam’s cum before spooning into her and drifting into a dreamless sleep.
Slowly waking Sam’s first thoughts were of her boys and
their feeding time. Slowly unfolding herself from Becca she quickly dressed and leaving a note in the sand set out for the old Queenslander. Squirt met her on the veranda.
‘Hey Sam the boys are just stirring. You look a new woman but so you should after last night’s fun and games.’
‘Oh my God did you hear me?’
‘Hear you? Hey girl people twenty kilometers away were complaining about the noise but darling you have needed an evening like that for so long. We have all been so worried about you. Well today is the beginning of your four week break and Zoe and Angie are the next babysitters to sleep up here if you guys want to veg out somewhere else.’
‘Thank you Squirt and thank you for forcing me to do this. Look is breakfast still on for nine thirty I just want to return and do for Becca what she did for me last night.’
‘Yes baby but not up here Zoe and Angie are also joining us so we will do it down at the restaurant where we can have the breakfast staff look after us. It has already been arranged.’
‘Okay love you.’
As Sam walked slowly along the beach she could see Becca standing waist deep in the water allowing the waves to lift her as they rolled up to the beach. Taking her in her arms Sam walked her back into the Grotto announcing that it was now her turn.
Laying back submissively Becca watched Sam undress and settle down above her. Looking up into Sam’s incredible blue eyes Becca felt this uncontrollable urge to be loved. ‘Make love to me baby, please make love to me … it’s been too long precious.’
Sam dipped down kissing Becca’s sweet lips burying her hands in her hair, her tongue snaking into her mouth.
‘God you little minx you know how turned on I get when you do this to me.’
Becca moaned with pure animal pleasure as she felt Sam begin to play with her swelling nipples. Sucking on Sam’s tongue allowing her hands to slide up and along her breasts but Sam swatted her hand away and began to stretch Becca’s nipples out. Pulling on them and teasing the tips with her nails Sam began to feel Becca begin to move. Hearing her moan Sam grinned as she told her that she would never get tired of making love to her.
‘Becca darling this morning I am going to open that clam of yours and tease your little pearl until you beg me for release.’ Becca watched as Sam payed homage to her breasts her silky tongue trailing sexily across the swollen tips of her so sensitive nipples.
Suddenly dipping lower Sam began to lick Becca’s sweet cunt and yet never touched the burning ember at the top. With more force she slid her tongue deep into Becca’s steamy puss and felt for a moment that Becca was going to explode but then slowly her shuddering movements settled back again. Arching her hips up she begged Sam to delve deeper and smiling to herself Sam gladly obliged and holding Becca’s thrusting hips drove her tongue deep inside her pulsing oyster.
Sam was relishing bringing Becca this exquisite torture as her tongue fluttered through the musky folds of her desperate cunt. Breathing the musky scent of her sweltering clam. She began to move faster across Becca’s clit as she felt her beginning to buck against her fierce tongue lashing.
At first Becca just gave a throaty moan but as Sam’s tongue and fingers continued to play through Becca’s desperate cunny Sam heard her begin to buck and push against her as her breathing became short hard pants and sobs until shouting her orgasm she came with loud gasps and moans as she shouted her lovers name.
Laying still for a minute she sat up and pulled Sam’s face onto her lips and as tears began to flow she kissed her deeply. Looking into Sam’s blue eyes and shaking with the convulsive sobs Becca held Sam close and rocked her like a baby.
‘Thank you, thank you darling Sam, thank you for loving me, thank you for being you.’
‘But why darling you know that I love you, why are you crying?’
‘Darling it has been so long and I have been so very worried for you. There were days when I thought you may even take your own life.’
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Samantha By Cal Y. Phigia Samantha Johnson, the new hire, was exquisitely beautiful. James Mann thought her the most gorgeous woman he'd ever met. He'd love to ask her out, but her good looks were somehow intimidating. He feared she'd reject him. If she did, he'd feel mortified. It was better, he told himself, to fantasize about asking her. That way he'd control her answer, and her answer would always be yes. The day that Mr. Sloane hired Sam as his new secretary the...
Samantha Chapter 1: Discovery So, this happened. I'm sitting in a quaint neighborhood bar with my friend Jamie, and this guy comes over. I'm expecting him to hit on Jamie because she's looking pretty adorable in her wrap dress and heeled sandals. I'm starring down at my rather nondescript ballet flats trying to avoid looking at him. "Samantha, meet Ben, an old school friend of mine," Jamie said as she poked me with her elbow. I tried to say 'hi', but I was too terrified....
“Andrew!” a female voice called. “Andrew!” I turned and there was Samantha, running to catch up to me. “Hey, Samantha,” I greeted. “What are you up to?” “Not much. You?” “On my way home.” “Can I ask a favor?” “Sure.” “Finals are coming up and I was wondering if you’d help me study for my geometry final? It’ll be a miracle if I pass it.” “Miracles so happen, you know?” “I know, but can you help?” I smiled. “Sure. My house tonight?” “Sure. Thank you, Andrew.” So that night, Samantha and I sat on...
First TimeSetting note: I was in the US Navy before DADT was implemented. Samuel and I weren’t paranoid, there was actual imprisonment on the table if one was caught being gay. I subscribe to the belief that it is no crime to break an unjust law, but the military doesn’t exactly share that view. I didn’t realize my sexuality until after I’d enlisted, and the choice I made was to stay for my enlistment rather than taking an Other Than Honorable discharge. Samuel was problematic for me. We were...
The telephone startled me out of a deep sleep and I shot up in bed to grab it. This late it must be important, since everyone knows I get up very early to go to work. “Hello?” I rasped into the phone while glancing at the clock next to it to verify the time was indeed 1:30 AM.“Dad!” Sams voice, my 15 year old daughter Samantha said urgently, “you have to come get me right now!” “Get you from where hon? Are you in trouble? Where are you?” I asked trying to wake up and makes sense of the...
I suppose the strangest thing about my current predicament was that I had always been something of a “good girl.” I knew from a fairly young age that with my long dark hair, bright hazel eyes, and clear complexion, I could have nearly any guy I wanted wrapped around my finger. I didn’t take advantage of this. Instead, I did everything I could to melt in, unnoticeable, with the rest of my classmates. I wore glasses instead of contacts, and a sharp, ballerina bun in my hair instead of letting it...
I suppose the strangest thing about my current predicament was that I had always been something of a “good girl.” I knew from a fairly young age that with my long dark hair, bright hazel eyes, and clear complexion, I could have nearly any guy I wanted wrapped around my finger. I didn’t take advantage of this. Instead, I did everything I could to melt in, unnoticeable, with the rest of my classmates. I wore glasses instead of contacts, and a sharp, ballerina bun in my hair instead of letting it...
MasturbationMary slipped her plain cotton panties off, folded them carefully, and added them to the neatly organized pile of the rest of her uniform. "You don't have to do this," James whispered. "It's not something I have to do, it's something I want to do." Mary leaned forward and kissed him. "Are you ready?" Mary followed James's gaze down to his midsection, where his raging erection, looking as hard and straight as a totem pole, left no doubt as to his readiness. She took one more deep...
I was a graduate student at the state university and had finished my classes for the week even though it was just Thursday. Mom was a professor of literature at the university and was at the library helping with a ‘get kids to read’ program. I had been volunteered to read for them. There were eighty little third graders in the library. I somehow ended up surrounded by a bunch of boys reading from a book from Gerald Durrell. It had been my favorite book growing up so I was glad to revisit...
I've always know Samantha, she lives next door and is three years younger than me. She always has been that scrawny brat that followed me about, getting in the way or the girl I would sit upon and tickle until she cried. The seasons changed and unknown to me she had grown up and now has gentle curves. You know how it is, you see someone every day, and you fail to notice the changes in them. This fishing hole was one of my best-kept secrets and I knew that we wouldn't be disturbed on this hot...
My husband and I were thrilled when he finally got a job at a big Wall Street brokerage. It was something we had been working toward for years, and the money was really good. It was a welcome relief to both of us because his student years had been so tough. For his twenty-seventh birthday I decided to do something special for him, and reserved a room at a very nice hotel, and a table at one of New York's finest restaurants. To get him ready for it, I picked out a very revealing outfit from a...
The last time I saw her was 4 years ago when we were both 20. It's funny how quickly things change when you're young. When last I saw her, she only wore baggy pants and hooded tops over a myriad of t-shirts. Now, standing in front of me was a lovely young woman dressed stylishly in khaki pants and a fitted light-blue shirt with a couple of buttons undone showing just a hint of cleavage. Her hair was layered and shoulder-length framing her face beautifully, so different from her short spiky...
Red lived in a small house with her parents near the center of the village, and at that particular day her mother had baked some apple pies. The sweet smell of the pies greeted her when she entered the kitchen. "I'm so glad you're here Red, I need you to take this to your grandmother before it gets dark. I don't want you walking through the woods at night". The girl rolled her eyes at her mother's repetitive speech about walking in the woods at night, and taking her basket and her hood,...
"It's slow, Teri ... I'm going to leave early. You and Beth should be able to hand it now." "Sure, Andie. Was that your new boyfriend with the cute little girl?" "She's a doll, isn't she?" Andie took her apron off and put it in with the laundry. "Bet she has Daddy wrapped around her finger. Bet her Daddy is going to be in trouble with two cuties chasing after him." Andie got her things and waved goodbye as she headed out the door of the little shop. She made a stop at Macy's...
For those how asked for the second part. Hope you like this part as much as the first one Happy reading. My only c***d and I still live together although he is now 42 and I am in my sixties, his dad died over twenty five years ago and I hit a bad patch after his death. Last week I took his virginity from him, his first ever sexually encounter and my first real cock in over twenty years.My pussy was sore for a few days but his enthusiasm for his mom did not diminished one little bit. I do not...
Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate a fictional story. This story is about how I got a chance to fuck two of my sisters together. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. I’m a 20 year old college going guy. I have had several physical relationships with girls from my college. There were difficult times and joyful times during these relationships. One person who helped me a lot during both tough times and easy times was my 23 year old...
IncestDelinsilversworth Oh, was it hard to let her go; even for as long as it would take to get her things and place her on my back. Des didn't seem to have much and she quickly bundled it up and placed it on her back. "Now have you thought of how we're to do this? I don't want to be upsetting you but you aren't very big." "You could never upset me with the truth. My sire has told me to have you ride on my back just in front of my wings. I seem to remember something about that in one of...
This Halloween, the Addams Family is going through a crisis! But when Morticia looks a hell of a lot like Audrey Noir, and Wednesday bears a striking resemblance to Kate Bloom, what can you expect? Everyone seems to be getting down and dirty around the old haunted mansion, and the head of the Addams Family, Gomez, is not too happy about it. So, the ghouls solve the problem the only way a supernatural family knows how, they head to the master bedroom and have an undead orgy! Wednesday gets...
xmoviesforyouThe only thing nicer than her warm, wet pussy is the feeling I get when she hands me the money. The look on her face is worth a lot to me too. The disgust that plays over her face, the absolute loathing in her eyes as she kneels in front of me to suck my cock. The hatred displayed for me when she opens her legs for me makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The contempt in her voice when she says, "Okay damn you, go ahead and fuck me" sends a tingle through my loins. But the absolute, all...
I awaken with a throbbing headache. My senses are suddenly reeling, where am I, what has happened? I become acutely aware of the fact that I am restrained, spreadeagled over a very uncomfortable barrel.I slowly open my eyes almost afraid to take in my surroundings. As I focus in the dimly lit room, it seems as if I find myself in a cellar as the air has a certain damp smell to it. I suddenly sense that I am not alone in the room.Your boyfreind is standing looking down at me naked as the day he...
I was out on the town partying away with my work friends as it was one of there birthdays so we decided to go in fancy dress which is always great as I went dressed out as a naughty nurse, my outfit was hot and slutty and im not just saying that. I was wearing a sexy 3-piece leather nurse uniform, it was very short and made my tits look very nice. We headed into our first nightclub and the guys eyes lit up seeing older women dressed like cock starved sluts, we got loads of attention and guys...
“Oh my God, John!”, Mike moaned as I wrapped my lips around his hard, throbbing cock.I felt my body and mind go numb as I gently sucked on the head of Mike’ erect penis. I had my hand wrapped around his shaft as I licked the head of his cock. Mike’s body arched backwards and I ran my hands up and down his hot chest. I slowly moved my mouth down his shaft and started slowly sucking my best friends cock. I looked up into Mike's eyes as I was sucking him. Mike was moaning with excitement and it...
This is something that my wife told me about years after the event...First, some background - my wife's sister, Angie, is married to an Italian whom we will call Larry. There has always been a bit of innuendo and banter between the four of us but nothing ever happened. We did once all swim together, all in underwear which gave me a hard-on because my wife was walking around the pool and I knew Larry was checking her out. He would have gotten a good look at her panties, front and back, from...
Just before Halloween, Hippie Girl decided I needed to have sex with other people to broaden my sexual perspective. The two of us had been going strong in bed for several months. I learned later that she just wanted to seduce a new girl in school and didn’t want me to be jealous. So she linked me to Brenada, a tall, brunette with beautiful brown eyes, a fantastic ass, and perfectly shaped 36 C boobs. Brenda looked a lot older than a fifteen year old but she wasn’t. It all began in...
The first chapter of a new story. I need a push to get it finished so I'm sharing it with you. Last time I did this is was a disaster so I am approaching it with a nixture of trepidation and determination. There is no feminisation in this chapter but I hope it tells you enough to know where the story is going. Trouble and Strife Chapter One "I've messed up Sis, really badly." Shelley was on the telephone to her sister, Marie, in Cornwall. "What have you done?" asked...
On our way out of class, Linda Grover, our website content guru, rushed up. “There you are, Kevin, a bunch of us’ve heard that the feds are trying to locate and shut down the site, you know?” “Yeah, I heard that at lunch. Any news since then?” “Not about the feds, but the media are trying to find the site too. There’s going to be something on the six-o’clock news about it and the kids who did the website and server setup and some of the others will be watching. They wanted me to find you...
Hi friends this is Nikunj with one more series of Dipty and her stories. Thanks for so much of the response and I feel only females read stories on ISS. I got so many response from them. I have also notice that they like insent stories much. This incident was told to me by a female whom I love to chat on net. She is from states. I have to change the name for secrecy. So now let’s start with the story. Everyone knows Drinking is a big problem for so many students and females losse their...
IncestDie achtzehnjährige Julia fühlt sich beinahe wie im siebten Himmel. Sie kann es kaum noch erwarten, bis sie in einer Woche endlich ihren zwei Jahre älteren Freund Steffen heiraten wird. Ihre beste Freundin Melanie wird bei der Hochzeit eine ihrer Brautjungfern sein. Melanie erzählt ihr, dass Steffens Freunde am nächsten Abend eine wilde Junggesellenparty planen und dazu als Höhepunkt eine professionelle Stripperin einladen wollen. Julia starrt ihre Freundin total entgeistert an, als sie...
WE’D HAD DINNER and most of the team was in a party mood. Brent, Franklin, Allison, and I were going to pass on the parties. We had finals tomorrow. I was glad that Allison was accompanying me this time, but I couldn’t find Lissa. I thought maybe she’d be in the room. No such luck. “Where’s Lissa?” I asked. “Mmm. Well. See there are some players who don’t have matches tomorrow, so I think she went out partying with them.” “Al-li-son? What’s going on?” “Lissa is staying with Whitney and...
Case File It had been a pretty quiet day, and I was taking advantage of it to get some paperwork done when I got The Call. "Massive Magic outburst at the Hotel MAcDonald." "How long ago?" I asked as I got my coat. "Two hours, maybe less." "Dam. Hope we're not late for the party." By the time I got there, the rest of the squad was already there. Anderson, who had made the call, was pointing up at the top of the old hotel. "Top floor, honeymoon suite," he...
we pick up this scene at the 9:09 mark of this vid clip: did I know that I wouldn't have very long to bask in the moment of the first time a woman had ever made me cum. No sooner had the waves of pleasure finished riding over me than I found myself being forced into a new position by the petite, blonde officer.She leaned against the car and took of her belt. With me facing her, still handcuffed, she put her hand on my shoulder...
With his father out of town, Seth Gamble detects some shady activity on the part of his busty stepmom, Alexis Fawx. He confronts her with evidence of her marital infidelity. Alexis desperately begs for his silence, but the only thing she has to offer her stepson is her voluptuous body! Seth shoves her to her knees to make her suck his hard cock. The MILF gives an expert, very taboo blowjob. Young Seth relentlessly fucks his stacked stepmother’s pussy as she moans in pleasure. He cums on...