Unlikely Partners
- 2 years ago
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Oh! My! God! The next day was the worst pain I had ever felt since I came to in the hospital. I refused to use the very good meds they prescribed for home. I wanted to be clear-headed when I went with Dad. I needed help to just get dressed.
We met with the Assistant DA in a conference room. She detailed the charges we'd made against the three invaders, as we called them. One of them was a Senior at our high school. I never paid much attention to the sports programs, but he was a defensive tackle. Once again, I was thinking about how the school would react to someone who took down one of their football heroes.
The other two were former teammates who'd been dropped from the team a years before, and had dropped out of school and gone to work. Evidently Ricky was still tight with them. Ricky was the defensive tackle.
The ADA also detailed their defense, as relayed by their lawyer. It was that same BS as Dad had said. Dad said he wanted to show the ADA something that might be evidence. "Stop," she said. "I may as well get their lawyer down here. He and they have the right to see any evidence that we have. Sorry, it's the law."
My dad said fine. "Can you wait to see if I can set up a meeting?" she asked. Dad said "Sure. We'll go have lunch."
So we were eating lunch at 10:45 that day.
Dad said, "I know you're dying to know what evidence I have, so I'll let you in on a little secret. When you were just a baby, even before we knew your mother was pregnant again; we wanted to go out once in a while. We'd always used Grandma Campbell as a sitter, but then she got arthritis really bad and couldn't sit, so we started having teenage babysitters. We'd heard a lot of horror stories about babysitters fooling around and having boys over and drinking and all that, so we invested in a surveillance system, a babysittercam in modern terms.
"We could set it up on a timer, or to come on when there was noise in the living room. There was only one time when we were displeased at what we saw, but it was relatively minor, and we just had a quiet word with her parents and never used her again.
"So, when we got this cruise thing, we thought it would be a good thing to use the old system to check up on the situation while we were away. It wasn't so much you, but rather some concern that the twins would go to some lengths to kick up their heels and maybe try to get you in trouble.
"We set it to come on and noise-activate after 10 on the first night we were away, figuring Friday night was a big date night.
I said, "So, did it record the whole thing in the living room?"
"Yep," he said!
I thought that over. "Dad, the girls were kinda exposed when those bastards tore their clothes. I don't want those bastards and their slimeball lawyer to see my sisters partially undressed."
He said, "I'm way ahead of you, Jack. I used a video editor program to block out anything even slightly exposed," he said. "It's that blurry thing you see on reality shows to mask nudity and faces. They could always insist on seeing the untouched tape, if it actually goes to trial but I don't think it'll do them any good in either version." They'll look for a plea bargain. That video would put them away for a while. Any plea bargain will be better than what a jury would give them."
We killed time until Dad got a cell call to show up at 2:30.
We showed up a half-hour early. Dad pulled out a VHS tape. The ADA was startled. "I don't know if we have a VHS player any more; everything we get is on DVD now," she said.
So she had her staffers scurrying around. They finally found a VHS player in the training department.
The three thugs came in with their lawyer, in their jail jumpsuits. They glared at me. I didn't trust them one bit. Their two guards sat down way at the back of the long room, so I looked around for a weapon, just in case, and settled on a heavy cigarette butt stand just behind our side of the table. On the good side, they didn't look that much better than I did, particularly where Jan and I did our batwork. Their lawyer started to object to the tape as evidence, but the ADA shut him up.
"As long as you get a copy, the laws of evidence are satisfied. You are free to challenge its authenticity in the trial. But I'm telling you, it's going to be accepted.
"Now, let's see it."
You know, neither their lawyer nor the three dimbulbs seemed to get the import of what they were about to see. I don't know what they expected.
The tape started both audio and video, as Jan and Clare ran into the living room crying, babbling about how they had no idea those creeps had followed them. Jan said she was calling 911, and picked up the phone. Then she screamed, "There's no dial tone. My God, they're out there and they cut the phone line." They were scrabbling in their purses for their cell phones when you could hear the sound of the door being broken down. Then two of the defendants rushed in. and attacked the girls. The girls tried to get away from them and it took the thugs some time to grab them. They struggled with the girls, smacking at their hands and blocking their kicks to fight them off, and pushed them down on the couch. You could hear actually them telling the girls what they were going to do to them: rape them, beat them silly, and then ransack the house for money.
As the screen showed them starting to tear at the twins' dresses, their lawyer stood up and demanded the tape be stopped. He turned to his three clients, and started to yell at them for lying to him. One of them, Ricky, must have decided to take advantage of the confusion to get revenge on me. He jumped up and started to come over the table at me. The other two started to go after my Dad.
The guards were caught flat-footed.
Soon after they'd come in, I'd already hefted the butt stand standing behind our side of the table. I only had my right arm to work with, but managed to swing it up, just like Dad's old baseball bat, and clobbered Ricky right in the face with it. I almost screamed from the pain in my ribs, but it was worth it.
Dad decked the first one of the two who made it across the table, and pushed him back into the other one.
Then things got very exciting, with the guard finally wading in and other policemen crowding in to get their shots at the two who were still conscious.
They were hit with further assault charges and their lawyer quickly resigned their case. Then the assigned Public Defender sat down with them and told them the facts of life. He went over all the charges and the evidence, including the tape, AND the surveillance videotape of the last meeting where Ricky tried to jump me. He told them he would defend them if they wanted, but that he thought they'd be facing 15 to 20 years if the sentences went consecutively. Which they probably would, especially since they had committed violence after bullshitting the court assigned Shrink on how full of remorse they were.
Well, they were full of something, I thought
A few months later, they pled guilty and each got a 7 to 10 year sentence.
But their sentencing happened months after my first day back at school, which was the first Monday after I cold-cocked Ricky with the butt stand.
The twins were way too nice to me for the rest of that week and weekend before the big day. I finally got fed up with them falling all over themselves to fetch and carry and do for me. I called a kids meeting and laid it down for them.
I told them I really truly abso fucking lutely appreciated them trying to be so nice to me, but that it wasn't going to work. They were pampered younger sister-princesses and I was their skinny dorky older brother. That was what the high school world was used to. It was what their high social rank was pegged to.
I wasn't able to express it very well, but what I was saying was that they had to go back to school with that same deal as before, to keep their high status, which I knew was important to them. I wouldn't mind them being a little bit nicer to me and maybe repair some of the damage from their bad-mouthing, but not at the expense of them losing their position at the top of the social scene.
They protested, but very reluctantly finally agreed. However, they would not hear of being that way at home. That was a permanent change. I was their hero, and by golly they loved the hell out of me. So we compromised. They would call me dickwad in public and stuff like that, but with a certain air of fondness. They would not call me needle-dick and they would try to repair certain impressions that they'd given of me along that line.
They would no longer bad mouth me. After all, the whole school would probably eventually know that I'd saved their lives and stuff, so how could they treat me like shit?
Fair enough.
They did say that the whole thing was already all over the school, and there were all these rumors that I had done something heroic, although nobody but them knew how and why. They'd been going to school since the previous Tuesday.
On my back-to-school Monday they offered to drive me, but I said that wasn't their image. They agreed, so I schlepped myself up Blanken street then right down Hampton avenue to the high school. I was still pretty stiff and sore from everything, and I stopped off at Mrs. Hitchens' house to tell her I was OK, and take a little rest. She had been one of many people who had called and said they'd heard I'd been hurt in a home invasion.
She was a grandmotherly kind of woman, and lived alone in a big old house. It was close to the school property line, but still quite a hike from the school building itself. Rumor was that she'd been a teacher there, back maybe when my Dad went to school there. Hey, she might have even seen Dad hit that home run!
I would stop by when going to and coming from school. I would ask her if she needed anything done, like little repairs or errands. In winter, I would walk over and shovel her walk after doing ours. In summer, I'd hike down to her house, lugging along our old Toro, and mow her lawn
I liked her, and was trying to be a good neighbor. I knew she lived alone and didn't have anyone to do that stuff for her. Her house was the only one on the property right by the school. Once, when I was walking home in the rain, she came out and told me that her old dog, Tony had gotten out and run off, so I walked around the neighborhood and tried to think where a scared confused old dog might go... and there he was! I used my belt for a leash and led him home to her.
Then we had that big ice storm last winter, and we saw on the county cable channel that school was cancelled because the power was out at the school. That made me think of Mrs. Hitchens, who was surely on the same power feed. So I got the keys to my Dad's 4- wheel drive Jeep and inched my way over there. She was freezing in that cold old house. I took her and old Tony and wrapped them up in blankets and brought them over to our house to stay until the power was fixed.
So she and I were pretty good friends. And so I stopped by and told her I was starting back. She tried to pump me for details of the invasion, but I was trying to get past that. I told her some guys had broken in and I had called 911 and the police had come and arrested them. She looked at my multicolored face and arm cast and laughed. "Wait until I tell my granddaughter about what you just tried to pull," she said. I played dumb and asked her what she meant.
"And you got hurt cowering up in your room, right Jack?"
"Well, I guess I did try to protect my sisters."
"I'll just bet you did, Jacky. You're a damned nice young man, but a lousy liar. Go on to school."
So I did. It was the weirdest day I'd ever spent. Everyone just kept looking at me when I walked by or sat in the classes. When I passed Jan and Clare with their friends, they stopped talking and watched me. But it wasn't their usual who-is-that-insect-crawling- down-our-hall look. Nothing at all like that. More interest and curiosity.
I thought things would get back to normal when I passed the locker area known as Football Alley. They might cut me some slack for my broken arm and stuff, but there was no way they would let me go by unscathed if I'd fucked up one of their teammates. And it was obvious that Ricky was no longer with them.
But they just ignored me. No glares, no jostling, no nothing. And when Coach Craven came out of his office, he looked at me with some interest.
I caught up with a couple of my loser buddies, at least that's what the school social arbiters would call them, but they were just my friends. They had heard all kinds of wild rumors and wanted to know what had happened. I gave them the same blowoff story as Mrs. Hitchens. I really wanted to downplay all this.
The day went by ok in classes and such. I had gotten my assignments while I was out of school and wasn't behind in anything. I usually carried pretty good grades, anyway, and that wasn't going to change. I needed good grades to get into college, my Dad stressed.
In the classrooms and out in the halls and cafeteria I kept getting those odd looks like I had two heads. But nobody hassled me. In fact, a couple of Jan and Clare's friends were surprisingly nice to me in our classes together. One of them, Marcy, a gorgeous redhead, said something about wishing she had a brother like me.
What? This girl had never spoken three words to me before, and now she says that?
She smiled at me, squeezed my good arm, and sauntered off, her perfect ass wiggling at me.
Another one of the golden girls was having a discussion with a football player who was trying to get her to go on a date. I was walking by as she was brushing him off. I heard him say something like, " Geeze, Dody, what does a guy have to do to get to go out with you?"
She looked past him and saw me walking by. I was struggling a little bit trying to get a book out of my bag. That broken arm made things a lot harder than I had thought.
With a perfectly straight face, she said, "I don't know, Ron. Maybe if you were a little bit more like Jack Ryan there, I'd feel safer going out with you. He protects his women; he doesn't attack them."
It was said pretty loud. I stopped and I'm sure my face went beet red as she looked at me and smiled. She knew! Or she knew something. Marcy knew something, too. Damn I was going to have to have a talk with the twins. I thought we'd agreed to keep it all a secret.
That evening, they said that they just couldn't go on as if nothing had happened. That they needed to tell people something to account for their change in attitude toward me. That no matter what I had said about keeping everything the same, they just couldn't go back to being the snotty sisters as before. And if I didn't like it, that was just tough! There were more important things than just being popular.
Go twins, I thought.
A bit later they went into my Dad's den and closed the door.
Oh-oh, I was being excluded and I didn't like it.
The next day there was an announcement that period four was being turned into a special assembly. They were going to have a visit from a police officer to speak about safety for high schoolers. Fourth period was mostly PE classes and school committee meetings and such. It was just before lunch, so no real classes were ever scheduled then.
I met up with some of my friends and we went into the auditorium. As usual we went up to the balcony, where we could get a better look at the stage and stuff that way. We could also get out quicker. There were fewer rows of kids heading for the exits up there.
All of the student body was required to attend the assembly and all the names were registered as we went in. That was unusual.
First there were some school announcements, most of them were old news and we paid little attention. Then the next speaker was Coach Craven. "There's something I want to clear up. Most of you were at the game two Fridays ago. I'm sure you recall the ridiculous foul that Ricky Pender made that lost us the chance to tie the game. And the subsequent brawl when he charged the official who made the call.
"After the game, and after a week of thinking about it, I suspended Ricky from the team permanently. I told him last Friday night. We had no game, and I had given it a week's deliberation.
"It has come to my attention that Ricky and a couple of his lowlife friends decided to do something to make it up to Ricky. Something nasty and twisted. The rest of that story should be a cautionary tale for all of you young women."
Wow, I didn't think Coach even knew the word "cautionary" much less what it meant. "
He turned the floor over to none other than Officer Hardy, the designated Officer Friendly. Damn, I hadn't even recognized him.
Officer Joe Hardy looked around at every face in the hall, as if he was searching for someone. He nodded to Jan and Clare. When his eyes came up to the balcony, and he saw me sitting in the front row, he nodded again. Everyone looked up at me.
I did not like the feeling at the pit of my stomach.
He picked up the story where coach had left it.
"They apparently targeted two young women, students at school here. They encountered them in a public place and tried to force their attentions on the girls. The two girls were smart enough to see they were in some possible danger, and got themselves out of the club. They drove home to what they thought was safety."
There was a big screen TV perched on the front of the stage and several others on the walls of the auditorium. It was the custom to televise stage shows being presented so that viewers far back could see an image of what was going on. The lights were dimmed, and the officer clicked on a remote. I sank down in my seat.
The tape started both audio and video, as Jan and Clare ran into the living room crying, babbling about how they had no idea those creeps had followed them. Jan said she was calling 911, and picked up the phone. Then she screamed, "There's no dial tone. My God, they're out there and they cut the phone line." They were scrabbling in their purses for their cell phones when the sound of the door being broken down was heard, and two large young men rushed in. and attacked the girls. Their faces were clear.
There were gasps from some of the students as they realized what they were seeing.
The two invaders, Ricky one of them, grabbed the girls after they tried to evade them, slapping at them as they pushed them down on the couch. Bragging what they were going to do to them. I heard exclamations of shock from around me.
The rest was selectively blocked, as I had seen before, to spare the twins' modesty, but the audience had seen who the two young women were. Then Officer Hardy froze the frame as I made my appearance.
Too bad nobody thought to do any modesty blocking for me, because when I came on the scene, I was wearing my customary jockey tighty whities. It was what I was wearing when I went to bed. There were a few derogatory whistles at my skinny body frozen at the moment that I appeared wielding my dad's baseball bat. In my skimpy underwear.
Then there was silence as the battle was waged. Somehow, the police technical people had been able to slow the action, so it was like watching a slo-mo replay of a football play. Even I had to wince at the punishment I was giving out and taking.
I watched it with everyone else. I hadn't seen it past this point in the ADA's office, because the creeps' lawyer had jumped up and yelled to turn it off.
It wasn't any different. All the same things happened. Then I thought how stupid it was to think that. Like something would change?
When I got stabbed, I heard people gasp. The back of my jockeys was soaked with blood. When I went to my knees and they were all around me punching and kicking at me, my face and legs and lower back were all bloody.
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xmoviesforyouErik and his mother, Kate, arrived back at home after the appointment with Dr Taylor. Neither one could look at the other and soon it became quite awkward. It was about 11 a.m. and both of them were thinking about an upcoming doctor visit.Erik was totally unsure what to make of what just happened. He had come from the doctor's office where a sexy older woman jerked him off and let him cum and not only that but he did it in front of his mom! Then Dr. Wood prescribed "masturbation" as she had put...
A bit of background first my mom at the time was 40 as i was 19 and my father had died the year before. My mom is about 5ft 11 with blonde hair size 10 and her tits are a 36c.She used to miss not having anyone to share her bed so sometimes i would sleep in the bed with her but nothing would happen this one time however, she must have been dreaming of some horny sex has i woke up during the middle of the night and she was pushing her knee into my groin i became aroused and started to push my...
Hey guys, we’ll want to continue with my excitement story, this is part 2, this is going to be a lot of tease and fun, enjoy reading guys. So the night was still young, I was on top of her kissing her beautiful lips that made me crazy from day one, her legs were trembling with passion, she wanted to be explored more, but I was not ready to let her have orgasm, she was still furious about that and caught my neck and started kissing me vigorously. She was wild, very wild, she had to be tamed, but...
Chapter IIINext afternoon, after seeing that everything was in working order in the Snuggery, I threw open both doors as if carelessly, and taking off my coat as if not expecting any visitors, I proceeded to putter about the room, keeping a vigilant eye on the stairs. Before long, I heard footsteps on the landing but pretended not to know that any one was there till Alice tapped merrily on the door saying, "May we come in, Jack?""Good Heavens! Alice?" I exclaimed in pretended surprise as I...
Jack felt an intense satisfaction fucking Becky. He muttered something about cleaning up and left shortly after getting dressed. But Garrett hung around. He felt a tug at his heart. He didn’t want to be parted from Becky.Garrett went closer to Becky. Her body was still warm from the fuck fest. He sat next to her as she lay on her bed, smiling with satisfaction. Garrett knew that the more he fucked Becky, the more he was falling in love with her. Yes he was in love with her. His mind was clear...
Group SexBy : Jonynayan Hi, ame Jony from Bangladesh ISS ame shai 2years dora porce, tai vablam abr amr kicu story aapna der boli ame chittagong a thaki age 28. height 6″ penis- 7 inch abar golpo ta ashi ata aaj thaka prai 3years agar gotono ame gram a khub kom jetam tokon grammar barita amr boro jeta jetima amr 2bowde r ame jettutho bon lakki didi thaka lakki didi’r bia holo prai 5yrs. figure tao darun. 36-28-38 deklai j karo matha guria utba kintu ame didi k khub voi petam tai asob chinta vulao...
Scarlett Bloom likes to tease her stepbrother. She licks a lollipop seductively in front of him, pretending she does not know how hot she looks with a round object in her mouth. He tells her she can practice sucking on him, and she takes his lollipop for a spin. Later, she needs help washing up in the shower. Her stepbrother lathers her caramel body up and jumps inside to slam her tight twat. A couple days later, Scarlett sneaks some photos of her stepbrothers thick dick. He catches her and...
xmoviesforyouI feel the air surge with his energy as Dillon runs toward me. He always loved running, to feel the wind in his hair and the earth give under his toes. It’s different now, though. We can’t feel the wind or the earth underfoot, only energy. Energy, that is all there is between the two of us, and everything else. ‘What now?’ I ask as he flits over the ground with his legs and arms pumping. He can’t pretend to be out of breath, though. Imitating life only goes so far. ‘A group is coming!’ He...
“So what do you want me to make for you?” Alaina asked as they trouped back down the stairs. “You know, if you’re trying to have a serious conversation with me, wiggling your butt back and forth in yoga pants that tight isn’t helping.” She pouted over her shoulder at him as they reentered the kitchen. “It was so hard even getting them on! I haven’t worn these in a long time, and they don’t even fit right anymore.” Will gawked as she sashayed over towards the refrigerator, her hips swinging...
It was well past midnight when I got home from my last date with my now-ex Sarah. I had dropped her off at her house, having resisted the urge to tell her to go to hell and walk home. Getting dumped was bad, but having to drive her home was extra insult. As I pulled into the driveway I shook my head. This was the second time in a year I had been dumped, and for the same reason. I unlocked the door as quietly as I could, hoping to wake no one. I passed my stepsister Liz's door and then turned...
Mike Stoner sat and watched as his boss read the report. Dennis Butz scanned through each page carefully, taking extra time to check out the psychological profile Mike had prepared. Satisfied with what he saw, Dennis placed the report down next to him. "Very thorough," he stated. "Thank you," Mike smiled. Dennis Butz was a good man to work for. "I think she is a very good choice for who you have in mind." Dennis nodded. "When can you move her?" "Tomorrow morning. I...
This is how we startedThe title isn’t meant to be literal but it was our first dabble with public nudity. Let me start by introducing myself, I’m David and at the time of this incident 5 years ago I was 39 and my sexy wife Lucy was 33. We live in London with our two young daughters and live a normal life where we meet friends and family most weekends for sports and social activities, neither of us had ever considered nudism as a one off thing let alone a way of life. It all started when my wife...
Jonas staired at the window, the rain hammering against the panes. It had been raining almost constantly for two weeks. But at least it wasn't as bad as last week. The rain had been so heavy the week before that the dirt-track back down into Seven Lakes - a rustic town so stuck-in-the-past that they were still using horse and cart to get around - had been washed away. He had been living at the cabin in the hills above Seven Lakes for just over a year, earning just enough money from his...
I stood idly on the weed strewn platform with the blustery wind ruffling my thin summer suit, as it rattled the locked waiting room door and rustled the lush cow parsley on the now neglected station garden and I watched the little train which brought me chuff busily away up the steep sided valley as I fretted and wondered why Brabbinger my chauffeur was not there to pick me up in the Rolls Royce. Old Ted the toothless ex stationmaster looked out from the old station house across the road...
It had been his chosen spot since he moved to this area some years ago. First of all the tree was huge and old. The mossy ground around it was soft under the soles of his trainers. Hidden behind the bushes he would stand here for hours at a time, thinking and watching the world go by. The joggers on the track below to be precise, just passing by or stopping at the rail for some light stretching. He had named every regular, every female regular, imagined their lives, their bodies without...
Suzie and I hit the hot tub again for a bit, then decided to go to sleep as we were both exhausted from our day, and night of fucking. We both slept naked, and she laid her head on my chest as we drifted off to sleep. I found myself dreaming that night of fucking both Suzie and Jake at the same time again. I feel like I dreamed all night long, dreaming of different scenarios and positions the three of us could get ourselves into. I woke up to the bright morning sun beaming into the window. ...
Hi readers this is raj from pondi I glad to meet u all. I’m a daily reader of ISS.please send your comments and request to my mail id If any aunties or girls interested in me mail me I will keep our relationship in secret relationship This is my first story which i narrating first I introduce myself I’m raj ,age-20 ,9 inch about my aunty her age is 43 and her figure is 36d-29-38. She always looks dam sexy. I love her ass very much and every boys in her street die to watch her ass while she...
IncestMy mom and me are close to each other and my dad never "does it" in bed with my mom, I heard him say he was "to worn out everyday." For a quick description my mom is Latina with very large boobs, a tight ass, and a thin body. I'm a thin girl and I have a big ass and large boobs but not as big as my mom's. I night I woke up and and it was late at night but I saw some lights on in my mom's room. I walked out of my room to see my dad asleep on the couch. I cracked open my moms door to see her bed...
As soon as I fucked my mother, my whole lifestyle changed. I no longer had to sneak around with my girlfriends or my sister. I just took them whenever and wherever I had the urge. Of course, mom got the same treatment from me to keep her on edge. I always enjoyed molesting her as she was occupied doing other things around the house. I convinced her to wear dresses and hold up stockings, for my pleasure. I would come home and find mom sitting on the couch, in her stockings, reading a cook book...
Jamil slowly withdrew his bloodstained, condom covered prick, removed the sheath and wiped me, then himself, before we snuggled down again under the soft sheets of the hotel bed. While I hadn't reached the heights of ecstasy I'd read in many stories, I'd enjoyed the experience and was glad the boy I loved took my virginity. We'd finally overcome the difficulties and barriers our parents and our unnatural shyness put across our paths. No words were spoken, none were needed; we lay close,...
Once I had my very first proper orgasm at the age of 12 , probably like most adolescents, I could never get enough of wanking to make myself cum. It’s like a new world opens up to you. A world of fantastic pleasure. All you need is one way or another to keep those fantastic feelings going is to keep rubbing that cock,You want , - no need, more and more of it, there is no porn channel, no access yet to porn mags, just pics of ladies in underwear in catalogues, they were good early wank material....
In ancient Judea, the way to allow the land to regain its vigor was to let it lie fallow periodically. Doubtless there was a relationship between the religious day of rest and allowing fields to rest that was approved by our ancestors, and so the fields were rested every seventh year -- a sabbatical year. Similarly, several thousand years later, it was felt that the intellectual soil needed to rest from time to time, and so the sabbatical year for professors came about. A time for rest, for...
February 1978 The incessant ringing of my alarm woke me from a dream. Or rather, a nightmare. Jennifer and I had broken up and weren’t even speaking to each other. I was rattled and shaking when I got out of bed. A long, warm shower didn’t help much, though I stopped shaking. I had a sense of foreboding that I could not overcome. Someone was going to be hurt badly. Becky. Jennifer. Birgit. Me. And depending on the outcome, it could be all of us. As much as Birgit insisted that we had to...
I hope you have enjoyed ‘Because of the Night’. Creating Mr. Leif, Taylor and Sir Glen was probably the easiest part of this journey. Thank you for your time and enjoy the final installment of ‘Because of the Night’. ==== ==== ===== ==== ==== ==== Taylor was on the lounge in her private room that Sir Marcus had provided for her. Since her return, she had kept to herself in this single cell, venturing out only when requested. True to his word, no ill befell Taylor here under his care, but he...
Well we finally parted ways with Kathy and got a couple rides to Salt Lake City. We ended up at the truckstop a few miles west of the airport. It was late at night and I was for finding a place to sleep, but Pst wanted to keep going. We disagreed, and he headed on down the road, while I found a spot to lay down and sleep. I woke up in the morning, went to the truckstop and took a shower and had breakfast. I made my way to the highway to try to get a ride. After a little while a guy in an old...
So what do you do if you’re a young stripper with a great body who loves sex? If you’re 19 year old stunner Misha, you go make some porn! The first thing you notice about Misha is just how beautiful her body is with perfect natural tits, an ass that just won’t quit and a tight hungry pussy you just want to devour (much like our resident stud did much to her pleasure!). We’ve got some great behind the scenes video for you as she gets ready for her shoot trying on lingerie...
xmoviesforyouJimmy The next time one of these girls tells me someone is 'special', I'm leaving town. Don't get me wrong, I like Christine; I think she's wonderful. She's fun, smart, self-assured, easy to talk to, and she's certainly a lot of fun to roll around naked with. Heck, she doesn't even hog the covers, but this... How do I keep getting mixed up with stuff like this? It seemed like every woman I meet has some kind of crisis. They're either in trouble and need my help, like Samantha and...
“Well, well, you actually made it to class today, in spite of it being daylight! I applaud your resolve and resourcefulness, my new vampire student! Class, let’s give Charles here a hand! This can’t be easy. He has a major handicap here, having to deal with the sun’s light sapping his strength. I’m just glad that it doesn’t fry him as the legends claim. I kinda like having him around,” Mrs. Barker, who had NEVER shown any interest in me, sexual or otherwise, stunned me by flirting with me in...
Hi, mera naam Nazim hai aur mai pune ka rehne wala hu meri age 19 hai.. Hum ghar mai 4 log rehte the mummy daddy main aur simran humlog ka ghar bohot he purana hai aur ek moholle mai hai. Aur ground floor par kitchen aur hall aur ek bedroom hai aur upar 2 bedroom hai niche ke bedroom mai mummy daddy rehte hai aur upar ek room mai main aur meri didi aur ek room mai sab saman store kar ke rakhe hai. Mummy school mai teacher hai aur unki ek friend ke ghar par wo tuitions bhi leti hai aur mummy...
All the participants in this story are eighteen or older. This story is pure fiction. * By the time I was fourteen, it was obvious that I was going I have an abnormal set of gonads. By the time I was fifteen, I was having trouble getting it all stuffed into my underwear. You may think this was a good thing but the fact is, it embarrassed me. My fellow students saw it in the shower room after football practice and started calling me ‘Donkey’. Pretty soon, everyone in school was aware that I...
Bethany and I soaked up the sun after Mark ran off to play volleyball for a while. We lay next to each other with our pinkies linked and sometimes she’d squeeze my finger. Eventually we got sweaty and decided to go swim for a bit. As soon as we hit the cold surf, we splashed each other and squealed as we waded in deeper. Once we got about up to our necks Bethany swam over to me and grabbed on. We were in the trough of a wave and invisible from the shore, when she gave me a salty kiss. I...
Demi Diveena was hanging out at the pool with her stepson Diego Perez. Her lovely body was wrapped in a cheetah print bikini. The sun was shining. It was hot. They needed some sunblock to not get burned. She asked Diego to put some sunblock on her. When it was her turn to put sunblock on him she noticed he had a boner. He explained it was because he thought she was hot. She thought that was a natural thing that a boy would have a crush on his stepmom. But she was still worried that he might get...