An Unlikely ProtectorChapter 2 free porn video

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Oh! My! God! The next day was the worst pain I had ever felt since I came to in the hospital. I refused to use the very good meds they prescribed for home. I wanted to be clear-headed when I went with Dad. I needed help to just get dressed.

We met with the Assistant DA in a conference room. She detailed the charges we'd made against the three invaders, as we called them. One of them was a Senior at our high school. I never paid much attention to the sports programs, but he was a defensive tackle. Once again, I was thinking about how the school would react to someone who took down one of their football heroes.

The other two were former teammates who'd been dropped from the team a years before, and had dropped out of school and gone to work. Evidently Ricky was still tight with them. Ricky was the defensive tackle.

The ADA also detailed their defense, as relayed by their lawyer. It was that same BS as Dad had said. Dad said he wanted to show the ADA something that might be evidence. "Stop," she said. "I may as well get their lawyer down here. He and they have the right to see any evidence that we have. Sorry, it's the law."

My dad said fine. "Can you wait to see if I can set up a meeting?" she asked. Dad said "Sure. We'll go have lunch."

So we were eating lunch at 10:45 that day.

Dad said, "I know you're dying to know what evidence I have, so I'll let you in on a little secret. When you were just a baby, even before we knew your mother was pregnant again; we wanted to go out once in a while. We'd always used Grandma Campbell as a sitter, but then she got arthritis really bad and couldn't sit, so we started having teenage babysitters. We'd heard a lot of horror stories about babysitters fooling around and having boys over and drinking and all that, so we invested in a surveillance system, a babysittercam in modern terms.

"We could set it up on a timer, or to come on when there was noise in the living room. There was only one time when we were displeased at what we saw, but it was relatively minor, and we just had a quiet word with her parents and never used her again.

"So, when we got this cruise thing, we thought it would be a good thing to use the old system to check up on the situation while we were away. It wasn't so much you, but rather some concern that the twins would go to some lengths to kick up their heels and maybe try to get you in trouble.

"We set it to come on and noise-activate after 10 on the first night we were away, figuring Friday night was a big date night.

I said, "So, did it record the whole thing in the living room?"

"Yep," he said!

I thought that over. "Dad, the girls were kinda exposed when those bastards tore their clothes. I don't want those bastards and their slimeball lawyer to see my sisters partially undressed."

He said, "I'm way ahead of you, Jack. I used a video editor program to block out anything even slightly exposed," he said. "It's that blurry thing you see on reality shows to mask nudity and faces. They could always insist on seeing the untouched tape, if it actually goes to trial but I don't think it'll do them any good in either version." They'll look for a plea bargain. That video would put them away for a while. Any plea bargain will be better than what a jury would give them."

We killed time until Dad got a cell call to show up at 2:30.

We showed up a half-hour early. Dad pulled out a VHS tape. The ADA was startled. "I don't know if we have a VHS player any more; everything we get is on DVD now," she said.

So she had her staffers scurrying around. They finally found a VHS player in the training department.

The three thugs came in with their lawyer, in their jail jumpsuits. They glared at me. I didn't trust them one bit. Their two guards sat down way at the back of the long room, so I looked around for a weapon, just in case, and settled on a heavy cigarette butt stand just behind our side of the table. On the good side, they didn't look that much better than I did, particularly where Jan and I did our batwork. Their lawyer started to object to the tape as evidence, but the ADA shut him up.

"As long as you get a copy, the laws of evidence are satisfied. You are free to challenge its authenticity in the trial. But I'm telling you, it's going to be accepted.

"Now, let's see it."

You know, neither their lawyer nor the three dimbulbs seemed to get the import of what they were about to see. I don't know what they expected.

The tape started both audio and video, as Jan and Clare ran into the living room crying, babbling about how they had no idea those creeps had followed them. Jan said she was calling 911, and picked up the phone. Then she screamed, "There's no dial tone. My God, they're out there and they cut the phone line." They were scrabbling in their purses for their cell phones when you could hear the sound of the door being broken down. Then two of the defendants rushed in. and attacked the girls. The girls tried to get away from them and it took the thugs some time to grab them. They struggled with the girls, smacking at their hands and blocking their kicks to fight them off, and pushed them down on the couch. You could hear actually them telling the girls what they were going to do to them: rape them, beat them silly, and then ransack the house for money.

As the screen showed them starting to tear at the twins' dresses, their lawyer stood up and demanded the tape be stopped. He turned to his three clients, and started to yell at them for lying to him. One of them, Ricky, must have decided to take advantage of the confusion to get revenge on me. He jumped up and started to come over the table at me. The other two started to go after my Dad.

The guards were caught flat-footed.

Soon after they'd come in, I'd already hefted the butt stand standing behind our side of the table. I only had my right arm to work with, but managed to swing it up, just like Dad's old baseball bat, and clobbered Ricky right in the face with it. I almost screamed from the pain in my ribs, but it was worth it.

Dad decked the first one of the two who made it across the table, and pushed him back into the other one.

Then things got very exciting, with the guard finally wading in and other policemen crowding in to get their shots at the two who were still conscious.

They were hit with further assault charges and their lawyer quickly resigned their case. Then the assigned Public Defender sat down with them and told them the facts of life. He went over all the charges and the evidence, including the tape, AND the surveillance videotape of the last meeting where Ricky tried to jump me. He told them he would defend them if they wanted, but that he thought they'd be facing 15 to 20 years if the sentences went consecutively. Which they probably would, especially since they had committed violence after bullshitting the court assigned Shrink on how full of remorse they were.

Well, they were full of something, I thought

A few months later, they pled guilty and each got a 7 to 10 year sentence.

But their sentencing happened months after my first day back at school, which was the first Monday after I cold-cocked Ricky with the butt stand.

The twins were way too nice to me for the rest of that week and weekend before the big day. I finally got fed up with them falling all over themselves to fetch and carry and do for me. I called a kids meeting and laid it down for them.

I told them I really truly abso fucking lutely appreciated them trying to be so nice to me, but that it wasn't going to work. They were pampered younger sister-princesses and I was their skinny dorky older brother. That was what the high school world was used to. It was what their high social rank was pegged to.

I wasn't able to express it very well, but what I was saying was that they had to go back to school with that same deal as before, to keep their high status, which I knew was important to them. I wouldn't mind them being a little bit nicer to me and maybe repair some of the damage from their bad-mouthing, but not at the expense of them losing their position at the top of the social scene.

They protested, but very reluctantly finally agreed. However, they would not hear of being that way at home. That was a permanent change. I was their hero, and by golly they loved the hell out of me. So we compromised. They would call me dickwad in public and stuff like that, but with a certain air of fondness. They would not call me needle-dick and they would try to repair certain impressions that they'd given of me along that line.

They would no longer bad mouth me. After all, the whole school would probably eventually know that I'd saved their lives and stuff, so how could they treat me like shit?

Fair enough.

They did say that the whole thing was already all over the school, and there were all these rumors that I had done something heroic, although nobody but them knew how and why. They'd been going to school since the previous Tuesday.

On my back-to-school Monday they offered to drive me, but I said that wasn't their image. They agreed, so I schlepped myself up Blanken street then right down Hampton avenue to the high school. I was still pretty stiff and sore from everything, and I stopped off at Mrs. Hitchens' house to tell her I was OK, and take a little rest. She had been one of many people who had called and said they'd heard I'd been hurt in a home invasion.

She was a grandmotherly kind of woman, and lived alone in a big old house. It was close to the school property line, but still quite a hike from the school building itself. Rumor was that she'd been a teacher there, back maybe when my Dad went to school there. Hey, she might have even seen Dad hit that home run!

I would stop by when going to and coming from school. I would ask her if she needed anything done, like little repairs or errands. In winter, I would walk over and shovel her walk after doing ours. In summer, I'd hike down to her house, lugging along our old Toro, and mow her lawn

I liked her, and was trying to be a good neighbor. I knew she lived alone and didn't have anyone to do that stuff for her. Her house was the only one on the property right by the school. Once, when I was walking home in the rain, she came out and told me that her old dog, Tony had gotten out and run off, so I walked around the neighborhood and tried to think where a scared confused old dog might go... and there he was! I used my belt for a leash and led him home to her.

Then we had that big ice storm last winter, and we saw on the county cable channel that school was cancelled because the power was out at the school. That made me think of Mrs. Hitchens, who was surely on the same power feed. So I got the keys to my Dad's 4- wheel drive Jeep and inched my way over there. She was freezing in that cold old house. I took her and old Tony and wrapped them up in blankets and brought them over to our house to stay until the power was fixed.

So she and I were pretty good friends. And so I stopped by and told her I was starting back. She tried to pump me for details of the invasion, but I was trying to get past that. I told her some guys had broken in and I had called 911 and the police had come and arrested them. She looked at my multicolored face and arm cast and laughed. "Wait until I tell my granddaughter about what you just tried to pull," she said. I played dumb and asked her what she meant.

"And you got hurt cowering up in your room, right Jack?"

"Well, I guess I did try to protect my sisters."

"I'll just bet you did, Jacky. You're a damned nice young man, but a lousy liar. Go on to school."

So I did. It was the weirdest day I'd ever spent. Everyone just kept looking at me when I walked by or sat in the classes. When I passed Jan and Clare with their friends, they stopped talking and watched me. But it wasn't their usual who-is-that-insect-crawling- down-our-hall look. Nothing at all like that. More interest and curiosity.

I thought things would get back to normal when I passed the locker area known as Football Alley. They might cut me some slack for my broken arm and stuff, but there was no way they would let me go by unscathed if I'd fucked up one of their teammates. And it was obvious that Ricky was no longer with them.

But they just ignored me. No glares, no jostling, no nothing. And when Coach Craven came out of his office, he looked at me with some interest.


I caught up with a couple of my loser buddies, at least that's what the school social arbiters would call them, but they were just my friends. They had heard all kinds of wild rumors and wanted to know what had happened. I gave them the same blowoff story as Mrs. Hitchens. I really wanted to downplay all this.

The day went by ok in classes and such. I had gotten my assignments while I was out of school and wasn't behind in anything. I usually carried pretty good grades, anyway, and that wasn't going to change. I needed good grades to get into college, my Dad stressed.

In the classrooms and out in the halls and cafeteria I kept getting those odd looks like I had two heads. But nobody hassled me. In fact, a couple of Jan and Clare's friends were surprisingly nice to me in our classes together. One of them, Marcy, a gorgeous redhead, said something about wishing she had a brother like me.

What? This girl had never spoken three words to me before, and now she says that?

She smiled at me, squeezed my good arm, and sauntered off, her perfect ass wiggling at me.

Another one of the golden girls was having a discussion with a football player who was trying to get her to go on a date. I was walking by as she was brushing him off. I heard him say something like, " Geeze, Dody, what does a guy have to do to get to go out with you?"

She looked past him and saw me walking by. I was struggling a little bit trying to get a book out of my bag. That broken arm made things a lot harder than I had thought.

With a perfectly straight face, she said, "I don't know, Ron. Maybe if you were a little bit more like Jack Ryan there, I'd feel safer going out with you. He protects his women; he doesn't attack them."

It was said pretty loud. I stopped and I'm sure my face went beet red as she looked at me and smiled. She knew! Or she knew something. Marcy knew something, too. Damn I was going to have to have a talk with the twins. I thought we'd agreed to keep it all a secret.

That evening, they said that they just couldn't go on as if nothing had happened. That they needed to tell people something to account for their change in attitude toward me. That no matter what I had said about keeping everything the same, they just couldn't go back to being the snotty sisters as before. And if I didn't like it, that was just tough! There were more important things than just being popular.

Go twins, I thought.

A bit later they went into my Dad's den and closed the door.

Oh-oh, I was being excluded and I didn't like it.

The next day there was an announcement that period four was being turned into a special assembly. They were going to have a visit from a police officer to speak about safety for high schoolers. Fourth period was mostly PE classes and school committee meetings and such. It was just before lunch, so no real classes were ever scheduled then.

I met up with some of my friends and we went into the auditorium. As usual we went up to the balcony, where we could get a better look at the stage and stuff that way. We could also get out quicker. There were fewer rows of kids heading for the exits up there.

All of the student body was required to attend the assembly and all the names were registered as we went in. That was unusual.

First there were some school announcements, most of them were old news and we paid little attention. Then the next speaker was Coach Craven. "There's something I want to clear up. Most of you were at the game two Fridays ago. I'm sure you recall the ridiculous foul that Ricky Pender made that lost us the chance to tie the game. And the subsequent brawl when he charged the official who made the call.

"After the game, and after a week of thinking about it, I suspended Ricky from the team permanently. I told him last Friday night. We had no game, and I had given it a week's deliberation.

"It has come to my attention that Ricky and a couple of his lowlife friends decided to do something to make it up to Ricky. Something nasty and twisted. The rest of that story should be a cautionary tale for all of you young women."

Wow, I didn't think Coach even knew the word "cautionary" much less what it meant. "

He turned the floor over to none other than Officer Hardy, the designated Officer Friendly. Damn, I hadn't even recognized him.

Officer Joe Hardy looked around at every face in the hall, as if he was searching for someone. He nodded to Jan and Clare. When his eyes came up to the balcony, and he saw me sitting in the front row, he nodded again. Everyone looked up at me.

I did not like the feeling at the pit of my stomach.

He picked up the story where coach had left it.

"They apparently targeted two young women, students at school here. They encountered them in a public place and tried to force their attentions on the girls. The two girls were smart enough to see they were in some possible danger, and got themselves out of the club. They drove home to what they thought was safety."

There was a big screen TV perched on the front of the stage and several others on the walls of the auditorium. It was the custom to televise stage shows being presented so that viewers far back could see an image of what was going on. The lights were dimmed, and the officer clicked on a remote. I sank down in my seat.

The tape started both audio and video, as Jan and Clare ran into the living room crying, babbling about how they had no idea those creeps had followed them. Jan said she was calling 911, and picked up the phone. Then she screamed, "There's no dial tone. My God, they're out there and they cut the phone line." They were scrabbling in their purses for their cell phones when the sound of the door being broken down was heard, and two large young men rushed in. and attacked the girls. Their faces were clear.

There were gasps from some of the students as they realized what they were seeing.

The two invaders, Ricky one of them, grabbed the girls after they tried to evade them, slapping at them as they pushed them down on the couch. Bragging what they were going to do to them. I heard exclamations of shock from around me.

The rest was selectively blocked, as I had seen before, to spare the twins' modesty, but the audience had seen who the two young women were. Then Officer Hardy froze the frame as I made my appearance.

Too bad nobody thought to do any modesty blocking for me, because when I came on the scene, I was wearing my customary jockey tighty whities. It was what I was wearing when I went to bed. There were a few derogatory whistles at my skinny body frozen at the moment that I appeared wielding my dad's baseball bat. In my skimpy underwear.

Then there was silence as the battle was waged. Somehow, the police technical people had been able to slow the action, so it was like watching a slo-mo replay of a football play. Even I had to wince at the punishment I was giving out and taking.

I watched it with everyone else. I hadn't seen it past this point in the ADA's office, because the creeps' lawyer had jumped up and yelled to turn it off.

It wasn't any different. All the same things happened. Then I thought how stupid it was to think that. Like something would change?

When I got stabbed, I heard people gasp. The back of my jockeys was soaked with blood. When I went to my knees and they were all around me punching and kicking at me, my face and legs and lower back were all bloody.

Same as An Unlikely Protector
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Size Really Does Matter

Prologue This isn’t a love story – it’s just about sex, about what perhaps was the most erotically and sensually charged experience I’ll ever have – and also the most painful and humiliating. The story has its roots in an observation I made some years ago, when Eddie was a student in my geometry class. He was a fairly nondescript boy, a little bit on the smallish size. He was a fairly nondescript student as well. I can’t remember a thing about how good he was in my class, which means he was...

2 years ago
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My Neighbour Uncle Is No More Far

Hi ISS readers, thanks for reading my first story And for your warmfull mails. I really didn’t expect I would get so many mails. Anyhow it’s very encouraging and would like to write my second encounter. Once my vacation was over, I’m back to my hometown and within another 3 months, we shifted to the new area in the same town. I liked the new house very much since it has a well and a small garden around in the back yard....

Gay Male
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Making A Problem Small

Dr. Lynn Kook, at the age of just 42 years old the lovely dark haired brunettestands at 5ft3 and just tips the scales at a simple 135lbs. With a firm welltoned body of a 20 year-old college girl that most guys would love to haveas there girlfriend. Lynn is a Genetics DNA research scientist that has beenworking for years on a cure for several of the worst diseases known to mansuch as Aids. She also has been working on other types of cures as well. Whileworking on a new study a few weeks ago she...

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Naked Bangalore Daredevilry 2

After that night of prancing about nude in my balcony and around my building, I embraced my new naked risk-taking hobby with the enthusiasm of a new convert. I could not do anything for a while after that night, because Anagha, my air-hostess roommate was back in town. But luckily, Anagha informed me that in a few days, she would be gone for a week for some training program in Malaysia. From then on, it was a countdown in my head, in days, hours and minutes, until she left. And finally she...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 48 Developments and Offers

April 1, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Sensei, I need both Will and Therese, today, please.” “For?” “One of them to spar with Marcia, because if I were to do it, I’d have my butt handed to me by a blue belt!” Sensei Jim laughed, “Personally, I’d be more worried about a certain six-year-old yellow belt.” “Well, yeah, but you know what I mean. Whoever isn’t sparring with Marcia will work with Dyani.” “Sounds good. Welcome to life as Master of a dojo! Shall we see to our charges?” I bowed and...

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Sunday Funday

"Oh yeah? That's awesome, I for sure wouldn't recognize a celebrity if I randomly ran into them. Ha! Well cheer's thanks for the drink!" James said as their glasses clanged. A shot of Fernet on a Sunday morning, James thought with a smile. It was only his second month being in a new town and being able to converse with new people over a simple football game felt nice. "I'm Rodge by the way." The man shifted his arm over. "Jim, nice to meet you," James said reaching out and feeling the...

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Room 255

Note: All of the factual elements of this story are true, with the exception of a few name changes. As for the ‘supernatural’ elements, who is to say? If anyone has a friend or family member stricken with Alzheimers’, and would like to post a public comment or send me a Private Message, please do so. If this story moves you, I would greatly appreciate you taking the time to vote. Happy Holidays to all the Literotica staff as well as our wonderful readers and writers! * In the half light of...

2 years ago
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It Was Monsoon at the Seaside

“I swear if you don’t fuck me tonight, I’m going to go and have filthy, hot sex with that young guy in the next shack!”The woman’s voice drifted in with the wind through my open window. To my knowledge, this was the first time she had acknowledged my existence.I had been living on this cheap, rented beachside wooden cottage that was more like a shack, for the past four days now. Upon arrival, I had been a lone guest in the only kind of hotel service that was open here this time of the year....

Straight Sex
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Fiance Life at HubbardChapter 6

"First we had to get me out of the dress," Julie told her friends on Tuesday. It was lunchtime at Hubbard, and she'd just come in, more for the paperwork and name change than anything else. After an hour of wrestling with the paperwork, someone had suggested going out for lunch so they could talk. "I learned that wedding dresses are designed that way." "It's the first step in the wedding night," Anna said. "He undresses you slowly—as if he could do it any other way without tearing...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 65 INTERLUDE STAHL

Stahl got up and Alycia said. “Are you leaving?” He smiled at her. “Not just yet, I thought now that most of the big wigs are gone and the band plays nice old Earth tunes I know, I decided to get up and ask you for a dance.” She got up just a little too fast to appear dignified and with a deep smile. “You truly are a master tactician, old man. A simple offer and all my defenses are obliterated.” They joined a few other couples already dancing, almost all of them humans knowing the old...

3 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 9

News of the bared cheerleader backsides rocketed through the school Wednesday morning, possibly spurred on by the blurry photos of the two shapely asses that had been placed on every bulletin board in the school. I was not surprised when neither Missy nor Lisa showed up for English. There were no confrontations between my entourage and Junior's gang all day. Even Thursday passed with little more than a few barbs hurled across the cafeteria. School settled back into what passes for normal...

1 year ago
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Lindas friend Liz

Linda had fallen out of touch with one of her friends Liz, they exchanged texts every now and again but had been more into meeting up for a drink and have a good catch up. Liz had been recently divorced and hadn't been responding to Linda's text for a while, so when Linda received a text from Liz suggesting they meet up Linda was right on it and although it was midweek she agreed to meet up.It had been late when Linda arrived home, but we chatted for a few minutes as she got ready for bed. Liz...

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Cell Phone Slave Pt 2

Amaya woke from a strange dream and turned off her alarm. Helen hadn’t budged from her bed. Amaya took a moment to wake up and realized that this was the first morning in weeks that she didn’t have to have crackers for breakfast. That was when she remembered everything that had happened yesterday.When she rolled out of bed, she felt her thong tug on her pubic hair. For a brief second she wondered if her memories of yesterday had been a dream but the thong dispelled that idea. While waiting for...

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Please red Turkish Delight Chapter 1 and TURKISH DELIGHT -THE SEQUAL to fully enjoy this story. Thanks.I lay there awake in our hotel room, it was just getting light and I could see the faint outline of my wife Sarah next to me looking sexy and curvaceous. Some holiday this was turning out to be. As far as I knew, and we had always been pretty honest about our past sexual exploits, she had never experienced a spit roasting but she had loved it last night when Ali, the pool guy, had slipped into...

4 years ago
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I spotted her again through my telescope, in her little bikini, lying on a recliner in her tiny back yard, she was almost all legs. She lived with her mother and step-father in a trailer park, on the very edge of the woods. Her name was Jenni Lane, she was eighteen. From more than three thousand yards away, I admired her tan body, as she began to oil herself. My plan was coming along well. As I stood away from my telescope, I ran the plan through my mind one more time. The contractor had...

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Auto Strip for One

The summer is never merciful in the South, but the sun baked the air like cornbread on the Saturday we four, my three friends and I, hopped in the car for a day trip to the coast for a dip in the ocean.Loud music and terrible singing didn’t last long. Only 45 minutes passed and we had arrived at the Outer Banks, a tourist trap, but our home.We were surely thankful for my car’s air conditioner because the thick summer, salty wind did nothing to dry our sweat. (Usually everyone complained that...

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A Strangeness In The Sorority House

A Strangeness at the Sorority House Part 1 - Starting a New Term by Bill Hart The first thing that Chris Wagner saw when he woke up was his best friend and roommate Terry Jenkins reading the final draft of the paper he'd been working on into the wee hours of last night. Noticing that his roommate was awake, Terry set the paper back down on the desk. "That's a nice bit of writing. It's short and straight to the point." said Terry. "Quite eloquent, in fact. But then,...

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A Night With Sonya Lynn

Sonya looked out the door into the starry night as she felt breeze whip through her strawberry blonde hair. The moon light sparkled in her eyes making them look like blue sapphires in the darkness. She remembers years ago when shegave up her virginity so willingly wishing she knew then what she knows now. A rush of wind blew through her thin nightie sending a cold chill all over her golden tan body. She certainly felt very old to only be 18. Sonya silently shivered making her nipples...

2 years ago
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A different kind of friend

This is a totally ficticious story. No real people involved. About 5 years ago I met a guy , and it brought back feelings that I had been hiding for years. He asked about the book I was reading(Anne McCaffery), and I said that it was a very interesting book. He introduced himself as Dave, and I told him I was Steve. As we talked, we found out that we had a lot in common. We agreed to meet a week later for coffee. We talked for over an hour about everything we watched, listened to, or...

3 years ago
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DVD Night or My Second Public Outing

DVD Night, or My Second Public Outing This is an autobiographical work of non-fiction. Everything described here, in all detail, is true, as it was in my first accounting "Buying Water as a Girl." I hope you enjoy, even though it's far more pedestrian that the adventures many of you had. It may interest only me. But my hands still shook from the adrenaline when back in the car. ---- Didn't Blockbuster used to be open to midnight at all locations? Didn't it? Now they close at...

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Caught Part 4

I'd been married for just about ten years. Through the years, things with my wife and I had slowly drifted off, and our relationship, while remaining 'civil' and 'friendly' pretty much stopped there. After our kids were born, our sex life died. Her claim was 'age' and 'schedules' and 'life', whereas my hormones for whatever reason never slowed down.My wife and I had our problems with the lack of sexual activity. We would argue time to time, and she'd get upset, claiming that guys are supposed...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 8 Paradise Regained

Queenie had not been completely honest with Jacqui on the previous evening, in that Jacqui had only seen the outer, respectable, bar of the Ladies' Riding Club and had not been into the inner room where the "games" took place. Tonight she would be taken through and punished. After a couple of drinks, to loosen Jacqui's inhibitions a little, Queenie took her through to the back of the bar and into a wonderland of lesbian BDSM. There were various Doms and their Subs in different stages of...

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Stranger8217s wife in Village

Rural women are doubtlessly hotter than the make-believe horny urban bitches. This is a true experience I encountered during one of my official tours. My name is Raja. I work for a coal mining company for which I have to visit some of the north eastern zones of India. I am 27 years old with a strong heavy macho physique. Most females in the city of Delhi admitted to me that I have a strong sex appeal. This way I had lots of chances to enjoy sex with numerous young sexy urban chics. Once as...

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BrattySis Kenzie Reeves Kiara Cole My Best Friend Is Obsessed With My Brother

Kiara Cole and her friend Kenzie Reeves are drawing in the kitchen as Kenzie chats to Kiara about how she’s heard that her stepbrother’s dick is really big. She even draws an informative comparison. At a bit of coaxing, Kiara admits that she’s seen her stepbrother’s dick and it is, indeed really big. Kenzie suggests that Kiara should try to get in on that action. She points out that Kiara’s stepbrother, Damon Dice, is in the shower right now and if they’re...

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Ruthie Throws an Orgy Ch 05

On Sunday morning, I woke up as part of a naked heap. My most urgent need just then was to go to the bathroom to urinate, and I crawled out of bed at the foot to avoid disturbing my bedmates any more than I had to. When I returned after washing my hands and face, they were both awake, and took turns using the same facilities as I had. Rather than going down the hall to use the bathroom there, we all preferred the intimacy of using ‘our’ bathroom connected to ‘our’ bedroom, even though it...

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Masters IslandChapter 11

The discarded bra and panties were not burning cleanly. A thick acrid smoke swirled about the camp. Jennifer jumped to her feet and dashed inside the hut. Standing, I casually leaned back against the palm tree. "Oh shit!" Brittany hissed and attempted to get to her feet. I jerked the leash before she could gain her feet and she fell back on her butt in the sand. She looked up at me then back at the approaching Kimberly. "Oh shit, shit, shit. She is pissed!" she exclaimed. "Kneel at...

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Tricks of trade

INTRODUCTIONThe aim of the Tricks of the Trade workshop is to provide health and safety information relevantfor street sexworkers and those who work with them.A street sexworker needs to:• attract customers;• negotiate with the customer about what s/he will do, where and for what price;• provide the service agreed;• maintain health, safety and dignity in the process.Sexwork styles and the problems that people have with it are individual and various. Handingout pamphlets and supplies can never...

1 year ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 8 Honing Skills

Thoughts Jim and Lucy were a watershed event that I would always compare my future interactions against. And it was a defining moment in more than one way. First I experienced an owner who cared enough for his fembot to be the enabler for what she couldn't yet do on her own. It showed me how in a perfect world 'bots and owners could interact to the benefit of each other. Second, it was my first experience in watching a 'bot being asked what she wanted. Nobody had ever cared what I...

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Dougs New Life 2

DOUG'S NEW LIFE -- 2. By Throne. There I was, in my honeymoon suite, with my tempting bride Jenna, but I had been made over into her lesbian plaything. Her friend Andy was still with us, visibly gloating over my reduced circumstances. With my cash, credit cards, IDs, and cell phone all locked away in the hotel's safe, and Andy holding the receipt, I was utterly unable to help myself or seek aid from anyone else. In a last ditch attempt to stir their sympathies, I whispered...

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Night Nurse Comes CallingChapter 3

Sister Helen, as I found out her name, returned about half an hour later and told me that they needed a sample; I asked a sample of what, and was so a sample of my semen was required for DNA testing. I told the sister to leave the pot and I would sort it later on, she turned to me and said that it was not an option for her to leave it as the sample was required as soon as possible. Now standing beside the bed she pulled the sheets down and said let's get this over and done with. Without...

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Co worker experience

Janie was excited about her co-worker Tyler. They worked together. she had never been so turned on before, thinking of doing her co-worker. but she was ready for Tyler, He was coming over! She had a secret that he would find out sometime later that night. This wasn’t the first time she had done this, but she wouldn’t tell Tyler that. Since Tyler had lusted after her for as long as he had worked with her, and she lusted after him. He knew tonight was the night he was going to let her know his...

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Diane breaks the budget

I was all revved up by the time I got home. There was no question that this time Diane deserved it and boy was I gonna give it to her. I burst in through the front door and stormed into the kitchen. She was standing there next to the coffee pot, mug in hand sipping from the cup. She looked startled as I started hollering. “WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN CHARGING ON THE VISA CARD?” I began. I walked over to her, grabbed her coffee and flung it into the sink. She looked nervous now and that got me...

3 years ago
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Redemption Part 1

She'd already got the breakfast, now hopefully she could find a flower store that was open this early. Linda Riley had always been an early riser, and sometime forgot that the rest of the world wasn't the same. Ah, there was a shop up ahead, just opening. She popped in, smiling at the pretty boy arranging some flowers in a vase. A woman behind a counter said in a loud voice, "Welcome to Zelda's Flowers. I'm Zelda, what I can do for you today?" "I need a dozen long-stem pink...

2 years ago
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Next door daddy

He wasnt joking at all , he had snapped pictures of me wearing my sissy panty , in my living room , in cute pink frilly panty and camisole washing my vibrating buttplug ''i saw you tonight before going out sexy neighbor''''you looked so cute i wanted to come say hi but i had a dinner , I am gonna think of you all dinner wearing that toy ''i looked at my phone txt message feeling scared , my black older neighbor ive been thinking so much about caught me finallyi had been cracking my curtain in...

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My Little VentrueChapter 105

~~Beatrice~~ “It this ... everyone?” Sighing, Jack nodded, crouched low on the roof of Robina’s. “Clara’s not here yet, but yea, h this is everyone. If any of the hunters escape into a nightmare, Azamel will send Fiona to help us on that end. You know, assuming she can find us.” Beatrice started counting. Six vampires, one werewolf, and one monster; potentially two monsters, if they had to fight in the nightmare. That was not nearly as many people as Triss was hoping for. And, for some...

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Letter from Charleston

LETTER FROM CHARLESTONDear Shoeblossom: I still get wet when I remember that first thrashing in my grandfather’s barn. My little denim miniskirt turned up, panties down, struggling over Gramp’s knee as the huge strap had come down again and again against my jiggling full butt cheeks. When the strap connected with my buttocks, bouncing a bit off my little tuft of pubic hair, Gramps screamed at me about my abuse of the free will God had granted me! And as I’d screamed, he’d brought the strap down...

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