T.R.E.SChapter 11 free porn video

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Lookin' good, Nicole, I told myself as I turned first one direction and then the other in front of the full-length mirror hanging from my closet door. I wore my old standby, a black sheath that fit my curves perfectly. Well, maybe not. My hips had widened a touch. Hmm, not the product of fine dining, I reasoned. I was just getting womanlier. I'd debated about the height of my heels. Josh was taller than I, so I could wear any shoes I wished. In the end, I went with my highest heels. They gave my legs a better look.

Josh had liked my legs.

The doorbell rang, and my heart raced. I fluffed my hair, checked my front and back in the mirror one last time, closed the closet door, and walked ladylike to the front door.

When I saw Josh standing in front of me, I melted.

"Lookin' good, Nicole," he said and handed me a long, flower box. "Red roses."

"Oh, Josh! Thank you." I hugged him. The damned box got in the way. "Let me put these in water. May I fix you a drink?"

"I don't drink. Iced tea or a soda would be good. I'm partial to root beer."

"I recently acquired a taste for wine," I said as I dug a vase from the cabinet under the sink. I felt his eyes on me as I bent over. Out of habit, I reached for his surface thoughts and chuckled. I'd never considered my ass world-class, but I didn't mind if Josh did. Straightening up, I turned to him and smiled. "I thought you liked my legs."

He blushed and said, "Nicole, I can't think of anything I don't like about you."

I felt the same about him, but I wasn't ready to say it out loud. I plunked the long-stem roses into the vase, filled it with water, and then arranged them. "They're beautiful, Josh. I don't have any root beer. How about a coke?"

"Let's skip the drinks. I made reservations at Mary Elaine's at seven-thirty."

"All right." Mary Elaine's! My favorite restaurant. How did he know? And look at him! So handsome in that dark suit, white shirt and red tie - and eyes to die for.

"Nice car," I said as he opened the passenger door to a Mercedes.

"My sister's. She garages the Mercedes and a Cadillac Escalade in Scottsdale and doesn't mind if I use them, wants me to drive them once in a while to keep the batteries up, in fact. That's between you and me, by the way. It's another secret Sandy and I keep from my parents, like the investment company we formed."

He closed the door and walked around to the driver's side. When he was seated, I said, "Why the secrets? I'd think your parents would be proud of your investment company. By my calculations, when the deal you made today closes, you'll make over a million dollars profit. If I made a million dollars, my dad would be so tickled for me, he'd be jumping up and down with joy."

"It's a difficult situation to explain because I can't tell you everything, but I'll try. My parents are old-fashioned, very religious Mormons. Are you familiar with the LDS Church?"

"A little. I had a few Mormon friends in high school."

"Good, then I won't need to spent time explaining the religion. I'm the youngest of five children. Sandy's smack dab in the middle. The two older girls married returned missionaries in the Mesa Temple. Cal, my older brother, is on a mission now. My father is the Bishop of our ward, and Mom is a past president of the Relief Society.

"Sandy left the house before she finished high school because she couldn't take the pressure the parents were putting on her about her negative attitude regarding the church, and a similar situation developed between my parents and me not long ago. Because Sandy had paved the way, the pressure on me wasn't as intense, so I've remained at home. I plan to move into the townhouse I mentioned when school starts this fall, but I haven't told my folks about the move yet.

"The secrets stem from the money Sandy came into before she left home. The parents aren't aware of this money, and at this time, there's no reasonable explanation for the money. That will change soon. Anyway, about eighteen months ago, Sandy funded our investment company as a way for me to become independent should the parents react to my apostasy as they did hers. That didn't happen, but we've made so much money, neither of us wants to shut down the company." He grinned. "I seem to have a knack for making money in real estate."

"I'll say. Okay, I'm confused, but I assume the confusion is based on what you can't tell me."

"Yup. I've been mentioning what's secret so you don't slip and say something about one of them when you meet my parents."

"Oh, you plan to introduce me to your parents, huh?" I said with short laugh.

"Yup. Don't know when, but it'll happen, and I'll want to meet yours, too."

I proudly told him about my family, finishing about the time he pulled under the canopy at the Phoenician Resort where Mary Elaine's was located. He gave the keys to the Mercedes to a valet, and we strolled inside. Our table wasn't ready, so we waited in the bar. I ordered a white wine, and Josh a club soda.

He smiled at me and said, "You're wearing a full-body shield, aren't you?"

"Yup, and after I scanned you when you were leering at my world-class ass, you put up a shield, too. Thanks, by the way, but world-class is stretching it."

"Not for me. Why the shield?"

"It's our first date, Josh. Let's make it normal, as opposed to paranormal."

He laughed. "Fair enough. See that man at the bar wearing that god-awful plaid suit?"


"He's full of anger."

I scanned him. "Yup."

"Were you surprised at the amount of hate and anger around you when you first started reading minds?"

"Yes! I moved immediately out of over half the minds I entered."

"When did your ability surface?"

"During puberty. I thought I was goin' batty. It was intermittent, which made me feel even more certain I was losing my mind. It became constant when I was sixteen, and hasn't changed much since. How about you?"

"My experience reflects yours, except my abilities are still evolving. Did you tell anyone?"

"My mother, who told my father. She helped a lot, and after she died, Pop was a godsend."

"Anyone since?"

I grimaced. "Yeah, a boy I was involved with in high school, which was a huge mistake. I vowed never to tell anyone else."

"Until me."

"I didn't tell you. You knew. Who did you tell?"

"My sister when I was sixteen. No one else. Oh, I'd planned to tell my high-school sweetheart, but Sandy advised against it. As it turned out, telling the girl would've been a disaster akin to yours, I suspect. When Sandy's fear of what I do kept her away, I suddenly felt very alone. I talk with her almost every day, but... let me just say, meeting you, being able to tell you what I do, has taken a lot of the loneliness away."

"Oh, Josh, I know what you mean! That's why I visited that stupid telepath club. Meeting you... I don't know, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders." Which was true. I was almost giddy with relief.

The waiter came by our table and took us into the dining room. We ordered the tasting menus, and I ordered another white wine. If Harry and I were entertaining, he would've ordered two bottles of wine, a red and a white, and they would've complimented the meals perfectly. Oh, well, a girl couldn't have everything.

I said, "From what you've said, you must be very close to your sister."

"Yes. She's my rock, the source of most of my happiness as well as a lot of pain. When she refused to put herself in range of my empathic intrusions, she hurt me deeply. I spoke with her this morning and told her about you and the shield she could construct. I don't think she believed me about the shield. She believed me about you. With your permission, she wants to call you."

"Of course she may call me, Josh. Where is she?"

"Right now she's in New York City. She found a publisher for her first historical novel, and she's working with her editor."

"How exciting! What's the genre? A romance?"

He laughed gaily. "Hardly. It's heavy in the history of its time, which takes place during the tail end of the 10th century and the beginning of the 11th. The main character is an Arab astronomer, and much of the book takes place in present-day Afghanistan and India. There's some romance in the book, but it's basically a thriller."

"Gracious! That must take a lot of research."

"During the last year, Sandy spent some time in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, among other locales."

"She must be a very interesting person. How old is she?"


"My age, and she's already done so much with her life. Someday, I hope I can do as much."

He took my hand in his. "You will; we both will, Nicole. We're unique. That we will accomplish a lot during our lives is a given."

I squeezed his hand with affection and was happy I'd shielded my emotions and sensations from him. If he knew how strongly I felt about him, how much he excited me both intellectually and sexually, I might've scared him away. Then his words shattered my reservations.

"Fate put us together, Nicole. I've known you only two days, but I feel like I've known you for a lifetime. I hope I don't frighten you by telling you how strongly I feel about you, but I feel compelled to tell you. I don't love you, not yet, but I believe passionately that I will fall deeply in love with you very soon. Like me, you've been subjected to the perversities of our society, the absolute depths of degradation that exists in the minds of so many around us, but you haven't let the wickedness, the hatred, and the anger you've experienced in the minds of others turn you into an uncaring person. I..."

"Josh, I'm not perfect."

He grinned. "Good, neither am I."

"I mean, I've done some things I'm not proud of, some things I wish I hadn't done, and some things I'd do over again that others would condemn me for."

"Likewise. I can't cast the first stone, and fortunately, it appears you can't throw any rocks, either. That only makes me want you more."

"Fuck," I said quietly, a thought that escaped my lips inadvertently. In my defense, I wasn't in my right mind. I was so full of love and lust, I wasn't thinking straight.

"Nicole, may I scan your emotions? I have a desperate need to know how you're feeling right now."

I looked into his wonderful eyes, removed my shields, and said, "Yes."

I felt him in my mind, but only briefly, and then I raised my shield again, but only for my mind. I wanted him to know what I was feeling, but I still felt a need to protect my attitudes, which Josh said was his way of reading minds.

He smiled and said, "I feel the same way."

"May I scan you?"


I probed deeply. He let me linger. Some of what I found surprised me, but nothing dismayed me. Finally, I said, "Yes, the idea of marrying you crossed my mind. I even mentioned the possibility to my father when I called him last night. He pressed me and asked when. I told him next June." With a little laugh, I added, "He said, 'That long?'"

"June is good. You'll have your degree; I'll have mine."

"Yours? How?" I knew from my deep probe, but I wanted him to tell me.

"I tested out of high school, and I've been attending Phoenix College online for over a year. That's not a secret, by the way. I needed my parents' involvement to overcome the bureaucracies in the way of my goals. Online I can move at my own speed. I planned to finish during the summer next year. With the incentive you just offered, I'll try to finish by June."

"Josh, are you finished eating?"

"What about the dessert?"

"Uh-uh. Scan me again."

"My townhouse?"

"Now. If I don't feel your arms around me soon, I'll burst. You know what I want."

Josh stopped at a red light, turned to me and asked, "Do you believe it's possible to love more than one person at the same time?"

"Yes." Should I tell him? Ah, fuck, the question was moot. Keeping secrets from each other would be impossible. "Josh, I know about you and your sister. I probed your mind deeper than you realize. For what it's worth, I've a few things to tell you about my checkered past, but not tonight. We'll work out everything later, but from what I found in your wonderful mind, we aren't too far apart. Tonight is just for us. Okay?"

I watched him sag with relief, and then his smile lit up the night.

"Nicole Halliday, I just fell madly in love with you."

Love at first sight. Go figure, I thought, and I wasn't referring to Josh's thoughts. I was thinking about myself.

"Joshua Johnson, I fell in love with you when you smiled at me and told me to get out of your mind yesterday. Step on it, bub. As much as I love you, right now I lust for you more."

Two blocks down the street, I said, "We'll do it together."


"Become a man and woman of the world."

"Yeah we will."

"Josh, you've been wondering, so I'll tell you. I enjoy sex with women almost as much as I like sex with men. That's part of my checkered past I need to tell you about later."

"Hoo boy!"

I didn't get a tour of his townhouse, not that night, but what I saw from the front door to his bedroom looked as if it'd had a decorator's touch. The place was full of antiques. Probably his sister's doing, I thought. I was happy to see the large bed wasn't the canopied bed I'd seen in his mind that was in Sandy's so-called apartment. It was king-sized, and thick and soft, and covered with white satin sheets.

Just inside the townhouse, he'd kissed me until my pussy turned to mush, and then he'd carried me - handily, I might add - to his bedroom, while I clung to him like I never wanted to let him go.

Inside the bedroom, he kissed me again, and as if by my magic, my clothes disappeared while he continued to kiss me, brushing his lips against newly exposed skin before exposing more. I helped him remove his clothes, and when I pushed his boxers down his strong legs, I gasped with pleasure at the beautiful cock bouncing in front of my eyes. I couldn't resist. I dropped to my knees and took it into my mouth. I adored everything about it, its length, its unusual thickness, its taste, and I made love with it, rolled it over my cheeks, my eyes, under my chin, and I told Josh how much I loved it, how much I loved him.

Not surprisingly, he soon climaxed in my mouth.

Then I was on the bed, and after he spent some wonderful minutes with my sensitive breasts, his face moved between my legs. My first climax happened moments after his mouth covered my cunt, but he persisted, and I came again a few minutes later. He slid up next to me and held me in his strong arms while I recovered. His lips wandered, giving me soft kisses everywhere.

"You make me feel so loved, Josh," I said. "And I'm so very much in love. Isn't loving and being loved incredible?"

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i going to share my sex experience with my sex bomb mother in law. Her name is surna reka. Her body stat is 38-36-40. You can imagine how big boobs ,she is not fat but her boobs are awesome and she is 5.5 feet tall fair complexion. Since from my marriage i had an eye on my mil. We used to stay very closer to mil home and their family consist of my mil, fil and my wife. On every weekly off myself and my wife used to go their home and spend time with them.She used to wear only sari at home and...

3 years ago
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Deneuralized Pussy

Both girls looked up at him in surprise. "A hundred bucks each? What's the catch?" The girls were pretty and young, both roughly 5'6 inches tall with sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes, and wearing identical bikini bathing suits patterned after the rebel flag. "A friend of mine dared me to get wild on my vacation, bet me a grand I couldn't do it, so I intend to win that bet any way I can." One sister looked at the other before responding. "Are you for real? She...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Chloe Temple Let8217s Watch Together

Juan wants to use the laptop to watch Team Skeet’s hit series, Sis Swap, but his stepsister, Chloe, yoinks the computer away from him. When Chloe sees her stepbrother is watching fauxcest porn, she’s mortified, but once she gets into it, she realizes it’s actually kind of hot. Juan walks in on Chloe rubbing her clit, and sees this is his opportunity to get some stepsibling bonding time in. It doesn’t take long for things to escalate, and soon Juan is deep inside his stepsister’s pussy. She...

2 years ago
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Between UsChapter 3

The next day Regina woke up to the smell of bacon and coffee. She stretched her body and realized she was feeling really aroused. She smiled and licked her lips. She flipped over to her side and reached out to feel her husband, but Tony wasn't in bed. She groaned in frustration. She stared up at the ceiling and the night before suddenly crept back into her memory. She began remembering her brother's hot kiss. She quickly opened her eyes and took a deep breath. "Ok, stop it!" She advised...

3 years ago
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First Cruise of Lt StewardChapter 2

After six and a half months into the cruise, everything was down to a routine. I had entered into a dialog with the Tuull AI, whom I had nicknamed ‘Eddie.’ I told him it was after “‘Fast Eddie’ Felson” that Paul Newman played in ‘The Hustler’ and ‘The Color of Money.’ He really liked those movies. But really, I named him after that character of ‘Eddie Haskell’ on an old television show. He had that same kind of smarmy, I’m-gonna-tell attitude that got on the crew’s nerves. Because I was XO,...

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Perfect 10

It was the size of her arm. The head bigger than her fist. It was an immense cock and she must have it inside her.The man lay on his back in the center of the gymnastics mat. His identity didn't matter. Maybe she recognized him, maybe she didn't. All that mattered was the mountain of meat between his legs.She knelt close to it, salivating. She wrapped both hands around the thing. Or at least tried to. It was so thick, she could only cling to it like an uneven bar.And it was so long. Nine...

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Vandana ko chodaaa

Hi guys i m going to write my experience with my neighbor girl vandana. Vandana is very beautiful slim girl with big boobs. I always get excited seeing her boobs. She always give me a smile when she sees me we were good friends but i always have to do sex with her. One day when i came back from college i saw vandana wearing nice pink dress her boobs were bulging i was excited since then. I was alone in my home as my parents were out for some religious function for 2 days so i thought there is...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Hubby Ravi Sexy Wife Nisha 8211 Part 1

I had joined a dating site where several single men, women and couples have joined to search partners for themselves only a couple of days ago and was searching a couple to get my threesome fantasy fulfilled. After several days of browsing I came across a couple profile and it read something interesting. The husband had mentioned that he wants his wife to enjoy the free sex life and she being a typical Indian from a native village dreaded thought of another man. He wanted someone who can help...

3 years ago
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Apartment Slavery

Apartment Slavery Part I   by Reavan   A divorcee in his early sixties rents a small apartment, one of two onthe third floor of an older home.  A strong minded and bitchy youngBusiness woman moves into the other apartment.  In a few hours while heGrudgingly helps her move in, she converts him from a normally independentIndividual into her unpaid house servant by exploiting an older man'sdesire for sex with a young female.   Part I   The apartment was small but comfortable.  The landlady gave me...

2 years ago
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The Hostess

A fictional story by Jennifer MorrisAbout 3 years ago I lived in Missouri with a guy named David. We lived out in the country near a small town about 50 miles outside of Kansas City. Most of David's friends knew I was a Trans gurl and totally accepted me as a female. David was very into poker and hosted weekly games at his house and the good thing was, he usually won more than he lost. I had just moved in 2 weeks prior when David asked if I would mind putting on something sexy and serving the...

3 years ago
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A Lucky Fan The Next Chapter

This fantasy is about the Actress Demi Lovato. Former star of ‘Sonny with a Chance.’ In the fantasy, I am dating my all time celebrity crush, and Demi Lovato’s real life best friend Selena Gomez. Selena and I are hanging out at my apartment in Burbank. Selena had just gotten back in town and was spending a few days with me. We are sitting at my kitchen table playing a board game when Selena’s cell phone rings. Selena answers it and tells me that it was Demi calling. A couple of minutes...

2 years ago
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Cunt Whipping

“Spread your legs, bitch. Farther apart.” He pushes my knees even further apart than I thought possible. He tugs at my cunt lips, runs his fingers over my clit, and plays with it a moment before slapping it hard. I was about to see where my misdeed of masturbating without explicit permission would get me. It had been weeks since my confession, and I thought he’d forgotten. Not. He removes his belt from his pants. There cannot possibly be any greater sight or sound than a man ripping his belt...

1 year ago
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Stranded in a Foreign LandChapter 5 Concerts Weather and Steampunk Movies

"Samuel?" President Atkinson called to his Chief of Staff, motioning with his finger as they left the press room following another meaningless news conference. "Follow me, we need to talk." The president wasn't fond of these Press events. The reporters felt free to call out any question they wanted, even though they'd called the event to announce a single issue. Although they'd come in handy during the election, he hated the press with a passion he sometimes found hard to conceal....

4 years ago
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Hand of a friend

Years ago, when I was at Uni I ended up sharing a bed with my friend Karl. This was not unusual at the time, we led a bit of a partying lifestyle and often ended up staying over at friends’ places after a party. This particular night we were at a party where we didn’t know too many people and most of those we did know had gone home. Karl had already arranged to stay over as the party was at one of his mates’ houses and I was too skint to get a taxi so we agreed we’d share a bed. Cue lots of...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 11

She groaned, but we all filed upstairs where Mom and Frank were just saying goodnight. There was a friendly hug that turned awkward when they noticed us coming into the living room. “Kids!” Mom said, horrified. “We were just-” “Saying goodnight,” Frank supplied with a nervous chuckle. “Relax,” I said as I limped over to join them. “I noticed the two of you were getting along a couple of hours ago.” I smirked. “So did Dad.” “He did?” Mom asked, looking upset. “And he saw fit to mention...

4 years ago
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Diary Of Sex 8211 Part 2

This is Amar(name changed), 24 years of age with a fair complexion and 5’11” I height, and a 6” dick. I had just finished my engineering and am working in a reputed company. This is the continuation of diary of sex with my cousin’s sister. I request the readers who have missed the first part to go through and give your feedback. My cousin’s sister’s name is Usha. She is 23 years of age pursuing M.Tech. Usha is 5’10” tall, with curves just in the right places, and has a flawless body of...

2 years ago
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sisters Wet April Fools

You've probably read this kind of story; even the same theme as this story, before but I just wanted to write my own version, so here it is. And to avoid any hint of plagiarism I've carefully made sure I haven't read anyone else's versions beforehand, should they even exist. Short and sweet and hopefully sufficiently tasty for your pleasure! 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0You'd have thought that by the time we reached and passed 18 that we'd have got past playing silly jokes on each other but not so....

3 years ago
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Mardi Gras Passions

An attractive looking female blonde tourist, wearing a mask during the festival is wandering around checking all the thrills and sights. The feathered mask matches perfectly with the white button up dress that is low cut in the front, which shows off the young blonde’s ample cleavage. She has a string of white pearls around her neck, which hangs down so it rests just above the exposed cleavage. Her outfit is finished with the white 3” heels she is wearing; they accentuate her already firm...

3 years ago
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The Eyes

I don’t know when it started, but I know for sure what I first noticed. It was her eyes. How they would look at me, linger on mine for longer than a glance. The first time, she looped an arm over the back of the sofa she was sitting on, then half-turned to look at me, I was at a desk behind her. I looked up directly into her eyes. She held my gaze for several long seconds, she didn’t blink, she didn’t smile, she didn’t glance away. I couldn’t read her, but the depth of her eyes pulled me...

4 years ago
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Family Tradition of Bondage Pt 05

Part 05: A Slave’s Life This is a continuing work of fiction, all names and places are fictional, any relation to any real person or place, real or imagined, is purely accidental. * Sherri woke to the alarm clock’s gentle chiming and realized this was her first Monday as Robert’s slave. Robert didn’t move, and 20 seconds later, it stopped chiming. Sherri realized her first thought was of him again and her smile widened. She snuggled into him, and gripped the arm that was around her tighter. ...

1 year ago
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Mage Life

You are a female mage living in medieval times. You were trained long ago as a young child and now as a young adult in your 20s you are a master of your craft. You have trained yourself to contain the abilities to stop time, use mage hands, fire bolt, and many other great and useful powers. You live in the kingdom of Augusta, and you have traveled through many other kingdom lands before. However you were framed for a crime you didn’t commit and you were captured in your sleep and transported to...

2 years ago
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That Damn Dating Site Part 1

[I finally decided to flex my creative muscle a bit and become a more active member of the community here on FM. I have much bigger plans than this, actually. This was merely a side-though while developing a much larger literary concept. A driving theme to all my works that will be posted here. But my overarching idea isn't TG in and of itself, so I felt it was more respectful of your community to start out with more run-of- the-mill bits of drabbling wank-fic.

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Punishing Lily Part Three

I completely forgot about the principal standing next to me. I forgot that I was in my university, surrounded by a thousand giggling, gossiping students. My mind was focussed entirely on the gorgeous, dripping slit in front of me I so needed to bury my cock into. I leaned forward, guiding my throbbing manhood to the Lily’s tight, quivering opening. She gasped in the daze of her climax, her head tipping back and she gave a long, deep groan to feel my head pressing against her entrance. As I...

4 years ago
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BBW Neighbor teaches a pup some new tricks Part 1

Mrs Anne Davis. I’d known her since I was a k**; she lived four doors down from me. Her husband was a good guy, but built like a brick shithouse, so he soon got the nickname Shrek after he shaved his head one year. He was a lorry driver so would be out to work all over the country, leaving poor Anne home alone quite often. I’d lost my virginity a little while before, but was still a little bit of a state when it came to girls. This confused and delighted them no end – because I was a total...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Rosalyn Sphinx My Psycho Step Sister

Nathan Bronson made a big mistake by making out with his stepsister, Rosalyn Sphinx. It may have been fun in the moment, but Rosalyn is now obsessed with Nathan and wanting more than he’s willing to give. He finds a pair of Rosalyn’s panties on his pillow and realizes that they’re damp. He can extrapolate that the moisture is from Rosalyn’s pussy juices as she masturbated herself to climax before placing her thong on his pillow. Later that week, Rosalyn snuck into...

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Puppy Love

Puppy LoveI was watching football when I heard my boyfriend, James, come home with the groceries.  It was a close game, and my beloved Vikings were down by only 2 points with just 15 minutes left in the final quarter.  I could hear James thumping around in the kitchen putting groceries away, and I thought guiltily that I ought to go help, but I didn’t want to miss the end.  When the game was over I went into the kitchen where I found him putting the last few items in the cupboard.  I put my...

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Feels So Right It Cant Be Wrong chapter 3

Kelly woke in her brother’s bed cuddled next to his nude body. The sheet barely covered his morning erection. She thought about teasing him awake, it struck her as the big-sisterly thing to do, but then rolled onto her back, stretched, and immediately dozed off and slipped into yet another rerun of her dreams. Like most of those she’d had recently, they involved sex. Unlike the usual panoply of unfulfilled fantasies, however, these featured the sex she’d had the night before with...


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