Chance meeting
- 1 year ago
- 29
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Miss Lime was in better shape but I unexpectedly found an embryo. I compared the size to a chart and figured it was one of the men that raped her. I got the med unit to dislodge the cells from her uterus. She did not need this knowledge.
Gail was in as bad a shape as Mom. June was young but I found the onset of juvenile diabetes which took a while to repair.
Hal would interface with each of them but not let them know that they were tapped.
I slept in late Sunday morning and even found the bed empty when I got up.
"Betts, Erica?"
"We are giving flying lessons."
"Just checking. It's not often I wake up alone."
Some kids came home and others disappeared. All of them were now wearing the Aristis uniform. They were all saluting. The next morning, Mom looked at me with her head cocked to one side.
I said, "They are taking shuttle piloting lessons which relate to mathematics, coordination, construction methods and safety. Sort of a like a total emersion."
"I saw Patricia's report card last semester and I know what you are saying is true but you always use that mumbo jumbo with the shuttle?"
"All humans like the mumbo jumbo. All their religion, politics and customs are all wrapped up in rituals usually meant to confuse. They play the game and learn more. They are not hurt and they learn structure."
"I guess you're right but I don't like the saluting. It reminds me of the military and what happened."
"Mom the salute is not what any military has used for two thousand years. The military is not glamorised but it really does offer structure that many people need in their lives. Forcing a round peg in a square hole is no good but life is a good deal more complicated than two geometric shapes. We can fit in many other ways well enough to overlook where we do not mesh well."
The saluting continued but I tried not to meet anybody near Mom.
Miss Lime was one happy lady one minute then down in the dumps the next. She had morning-after regrets. Pop had to show her the error of her ways. I was not going to mention that he was having unprotected sex with a woman who was not on the pill yet. I tried to get an idea of why she would be that way.
Mom went in later and used the strap-on. Miss Lime was too fucked to think right. I caught glimpses in her mind of her having a baby. This seemed to be her goal. Finding a mate to help support both mother and child didn't seem to bother her.
Leslie went in later to give Pop a break and found herself being pounded by him.
The Doc came a half hour later and I let him in. "That uniform looks nice Wally. Star Fleet?"
"Ours is, though we figured the movies are wrong. This is the dress uniform. We are getting a casual and mess uniform made up now they are more conservative but still distinctive."
"I'd like to see them. I brought over three canvases, a spare easel and some of my painting supplies. I was hoping to see you paint something so I can get an idea of what you are trying to do."
"I can paint, I guess, but I need to put a few extra coats of primer on the canvas and then put vertical micro groves in it. It may be easier to do after the picture is painted."
"What will this accomplish?"
"I am not sure if I can do it or not so I would rather wait and see myself."
"That's ok with me. Do you want me to show you what I know?"
"I would be honoured."
"Then let's find a place with some natural light."
We set up in the living room with newspapers on the floor. The Doc drew a picture of me then put it on the easel. Just then there was a scream of joy from the bedroom. The Doc looked at me quickly.
"Don't worry Doc. None of them have died from that yet."
"Was that who I think it was?"
"As headshrinker three, I cannot say."
"But she's..."
"Doc, have you learned to trust me by now?"
"... I guess I have."
"Then there is no danger to anybody and the population of the earth will not increase minutely."
"Can you read minds?"
"No, but I am working on that too. Maybe I will share that info when I get it. You could shrink heads on an assembly line."
"It would help but I am still concerned."
"Then you do not trust me."
"It's difficult Wally."
"Just look at the facts Doc. Add them all up and see if I have been on the level with you. If it appears that I am right the majority of the time then place a little trust in me."
"But how did you know?"
"I have headshrinker three and also a lot of personal observations. Let it go now."
"I'll try."
"Thanks, then perhaps you can get on with the lesson. The great Swami predicts that the next eruption will occur in one minute followed by at least one more."
Doc looked at his watch then began to uncap paint and put in on his pallet. I was ten seconds early and in thirty more another voice was heard. Three minutes later there was another followed by a deeper bellow of release.
Betts and Erica were sitting in the chairs watching us and smiled at each noise coming from the bedroom.
The Doc showed me what to do then I painted something similar on the other mid sized canvas. I was a lot quicker than he was and the paint seemed to go just where I wanted it to go. The brush strokes were altered to see their effect and even rotated through the strokes.
"That's good Wally, you learn very quickly."
"Thanks Doc. I could go faster with a thicker paint and one that dried much faster. I have to wait for the paint underneath to dry before I can put detail on. One colour tends to bleed into another."
"There are tricks and that is what I was offering you before."
"I am doing one painting and perhaps use these two canvases if you will sell them to me."
"They are my gift to you."
"Thanks Doc but the large canvas has to be purchased."
"Ok, it cost a hundred dollars. Do you have that much?"
I hurried to my room and brought back a hundred dollar bill. When I handed it to him, I said, "Thanks for bringing them over."
We cleaned up quickly and started to make lunch. "Doc will you stay for just a bit. We have leftover chicken, leftover salad and leftover potato salad and a lot of other leftovers."
"Thanks, I don't mind leftovers."
"Are the girls coming tomorrow?"
"I talked to Chuck and Wendy. They will go to the other class to make room."
"You think of everything."
"I try and still fail."
Pop came out first and he seemed to be full of energy today. He shook hands with the Doc heartily and said, "Hello Doctor Suffolk. I wondered how come I smelt paint."
"Hello Mr Huggins. I promised to bring a canvas for Wally."
All three women were talking and didn't see the Doc until they were in front of him. Miss Lime turned pale and fled. Mom was after her in a flash. What was surprising was that Mom grabbed Miss Lime and threw her over the arm of a chair. She pulled the woman's dress up and her panties down. Three quick smacks were heard and the struggles ceased. Mom gave some very strict orders and both women came back into the kitchen.
Mom said, "Hello Doctor Suffolk. How are you today?"
"Just find Mrs Huggins."
Mom looked at Miss Lime and the woman said, "Hello Doctor Suffolk. It is nice to see you today?"
"It is nice to see you too. You looked a little pale. How do you feel?"
"I was a little worried before, but not now."
"That's good to hear. We all need friends."
"I have found some good ones, the kind I need."
"Really! That's good too. Wally was going to feed us some leftovers. They were good yesterday so they should be good today."
"Some things improve with time Doctor."
We ate casually. Pilots and trainees came and went regularly and I doubt if there was ever an empty seat in the shuttle. They came in and fuelled up and went to study. Nadac was giving the finer points of shuttle handling both inside and outside the atmosphere though we kept our own altitude below radar. Our shuttle had none of the bells and whistles so his course had to be much more basic.
The Doc commented, "How come all the saluting all of a sudden?"
"Part of the structure we are building. There are a lot of books dealing with naval regulations and we are using the better points of all of them."
"Naval? I always thought your rank of captain was for ground forces."
"It always was naval but actually Star Fleet."
"A one ship fleet?"
"The idea of building a ship is to learn. There are not many people that could have made The Beagle. With that behind us, we are building a larger one. This one may have a screen to show images. A standard shuttle is like two school buses joined side to side. We are going with a smaller version for now."
"You have the money to do all this?"
"The Beagle cost two hundred and ninety dollars to build. Not bad when compared to NASA. We could have cut the cost to a quarter with used metal. I also have investments that bring in revenue. The end product I am getting is a person that is confident and can use their hands."
"I thought your product was your shuttle?"
"You are mistaken. People are moulded as you must know. I want well balanced psyches and strong bodies. Military structure helps if it is adjusted to the age of the trainee."
"Professionally speaking you are doing a great job. They are inspired and happy. Too bad that Star Fleet is so far in the future."
"It's as close as we want it to be."
"What do you think of the Augusto girls?"
"Tell the law that I think they're pretty and I like them. For your own information, they were hurt by their loss of a father and their mother's inattention. Reading between the lines of the newspaper, it looks like they were headed for rape and possible murder. The girls could have been linked to a house used for three kidnappings. They still need help and we can give some support. As I said before, the community has to help as well."
"What if the community helped you financially?"
"I would rather donate my time, Doc."
"You can't build shuttles that way."
"Yes I can. I am building people and they will make them, even out of papier-mâché if necessary."
When the Doc left, the adults settled down, well all except Miss Lime. Mom got everybody into the master bedroom and asked me to come too. Mom stood beside the bed and said, "Connie, come here please."
Miss Lime came close. She was extremely nervous now as she stood before Mom. Mom held her like a lover and kissed her passionately. I could see Miss Lime's body relax in her lover's embrace. When they separated, Mom moved their bodies so they were both facing me.
Mom said, "We all love Connie, Wally. She still has her problems and misconceptions. Her rape just triggered what was in her mind all along. We had a long talk, when we were not having fun. Connie wants you very much. In her mind she is positive that it was you that killed all those evil people. She feels that her instincts are pulling her to find a mate that is strong, and able to fight for her and her children."
I said, "Did you know that Connie does not take contraceptives?"
Miss Lime turned red and looked down at the floor.
I said, "Is she starting to transfer her focus to Bert?"
"Partially. It will take time but I do not know how far we can go. She has really fixated on you. It is as if she was searching for you since she was born."
"Connie," I said as I moved closer. She didn't raise her head and I put my finger under her chin to get her to look up at me. "What is it that you really want from me? Do not lie and tell me everything."
"... I... am attracted to violent people. Many times I am hurt because they beat women. I am looking for a man that will hold me but not hurt me unless I'm bad. I want to have children but my common sense was able to make me take my pills. I... I worked hard to get the job I now have. It was to be near those that were hurt but then I found out that you killed to protect your family. I wanted you to hold me even if it is only once in a while."
"Why did you go off of your contraceptives now?"
"... I thought... that if I carried your child you would want me more. I tried very hard to resist you. Erica and the other girls protect you the way I want you to protect me. I could not get close. Sometimes I broke down and had to go after you but then I felt bad for doing that until the next time."
This was weird but all people are weird one way or another. "Would you be bad on purpose to be punished?"
"... if you want?"
"Would you do this for your own reasons?"
"I think so, but I wouldn't if you did not want me to."
"Tell me how you feel about making love to another woman?"
"I want men a lot more. When the woman is strong... like your mother, I do what I am told and I like it a lot more. I would stop doing that if you want or do more if that is what you want."
"Next year I am changing schools. What were your plans?"
"I would do anything you want."
"What were your own plans?"
"I do not have a licence to teach high school. I got the job I did because I am a good psychologist. I'm trying to get into the system as a counsellor. The graduating classes could all be put together and I could watch them. I would still be close to you though not as close as now."
"We'll talk later. I have to do a lot of thinking."
"I'm rich Wally."
I had to smile. "Thanks for telling me but money is not important, not even close."
"Will you consider me?"
"That is what I have to think about and I have to involve Betts and Erica."
"I can make you happy without them."
"Perhaps you could but I happen to love them. I want you now to have fun. Gail and June will help you do this. If there is nothing pressing at your home, I want you to stay here tonight. All of you better get some sleep too. There is work tomorrow."
"I will do whatever you want, Wally."
Pop followed me out of the room and we closed the door behind us. "What are we going to do with her? Mom likes her, I think because she is like June in a way."
"I don't know Pop. My tastes run toward people that are self assured now. I am wearing my soldier personae and will have to keep this for the rest of my life. I love Betts and Erica. I am either going to die or be somebody important. If I manage to avoid early death then my time will be limited. I want children but I am not going to bring them to life without me being there to guide them."
Pop said, "My life has changed too. All of a sudden I am a father again. I want the best for June and that is to let her have a family of her own. Gail I hope is just being friendly. I cannot keep up to her sometimes. Mom has changed dramatically. She is now much more outgoing. It is as if she is staking her claim as number one wife. I love Leslie even though she is young for us. I don't know what I am going to do when I get older."
"Pop, I have this feeling that you will keep up just fine."
"Your feelings are pretty good, Wally, but I still don't know what to do with Connie."
"I'll talk to the girls but a vague feeling is that Connie will fit in with Doc and Irene. The time is not right for that yet though. I don't know why though."
"They're good people."
"I think so too. Now you better get in there. Gail and Mom are probably acting like samurai at the moment."
"Oh, you know about that?"
"Pop, I am the great Swami, remember?"
"Yes, I remember."
Betts and Erica were waiting in the living room with Chuck and Wendy. Chuck said, "I didn't think Miss Lime was quite like that. She must have worked hard to keep herself together."
"She is still working now but not as hard. You heard me say that the Doc and Irene will get her later but a lot of things have to happen for this to work and I am not sure of all of them. Betts, Erica do you mind sharing me with Connie? It will be temporary but it also may last for a few years."
Betts said, "Can you take care of three of us? Miss Lime, or probably Connie in this situation, is hungry."
"You two are the same way whether you realise it or not."
"Can you keep up?"
"I can. Connie is going to have to move in with us."
"Why, we have our academy training to continue?"
"I know that. I also know that she has to live here. She will not let our secret out. I also implanted a communicator in her. I am not sure yet how much she will be allowed to learn"
Wendy said, "Only the adults don't know. We have the new shuttle coming. The sheer size of it will mean they will catch on at some point. I have been doing a lot of thinking recently. Some facts keep cropping up that I cannot work out a solution for."
"Tell me them."
"I am a lot smarter now than I was before or I would not be able to come up with the other ideas. The people that gave you the crystals would not let you use them the way we have unless they were extremely sure that they could control any situation. That means that they have had a long time to become familiar with this crystal technology. That amount of time would cause some of the technology to percolate to the rest of humanity. I found no evidence of this. You are far more intelligent than we are or what you were before. This means you somehow got smarter the way we did. Your fighting is good for your age but you can do some amazing things that we cannot do. I cannot open a safe they way you do and you know where your enemies are even if they are hiding. The drones feed you information but you do it far better than we can."
I said, "Betts, do you have anything to add?"
"I sure do. You make love to me and I feel too full. You last a lot longer than you did before. Everything Wendy said, I thought too. I thought that you were just getting advanced training but even that is starting to become unbelievable."
"Erica, anything that you see as odd?"
"You became stronger after both visits north. Your reflexes got better too. When I see you shooting, it is as if you know where the dart or bullet is going to go, something like an invisible laser light that only you can see."
"Star Fleet is just too good even for the academy. The two computers are and example of this. You going to explain?"
"I have been waiting for this time. I think it best to wait for the others to come back so I can talk to all of you."
Chuck said, "What about the trainees?"
"They will know eventually and now is a good time. Let's go meet them in the garage."
It felt comforting that Betts and Erica held me. If they had a lot of worries then they would either run or keep their distance. Elaine, Shirley and Sam were in the house being a happy triplet.
The shuttle came in and the trainees or cadets got out along with Jerry and Ashleigh. They had all heard our conversation and said nothing now mentally or verbally. They did line up with the rest as if on parade.
"I am going to give you the story without going into all the details. First off, I was born with some gifts. I sometimes know what is going to happen. The gift is erratic though. All of us have certain abilities that we may never see unless they are developed. We are all telepathic to some extent but it will never be developed if we use the communicators the way we are now.
"All of us have the latent ability to move small amounts of matter with our minds. I have the rare ability to perceive the lines of flux that are emitted by certain molecular structures. I can see in more than the three common dimensions to do this. These last two abilities work together to allow me to move small portions of these molecules to form multi dimensional forms. The crystals so formed go into all sorts of devices.
"My ability to see in more dimensions allows me to focus through objects to see them behind a barrier. At one time it was like a slice was made with a knife and I had to keep slicing until I saw all the pieces then put them together to see a person or a tumour.
"Those abilities are in many of us but as I said, they are dormant. Now for some history. You have heard of the Tomma. They exist." This didn't seem to shock them at all.
"The Tomma came to earth a long time ago and formed a colony. This colony was a way of doing an experiment on themselves. Something happened. The colony failed but the altered Tomma did not all die out. We are those altered Tomma."
I got some grins but they said nothing.
"Another Tomma colony altered themselves far more and failed, but a different way. This colony survived and grew far more than we did. They also collapsed a few more times. The last time allowed them to develop the crystal technology far beyond what the Tomma were able to do. These people are called the Aristis. Going back a bit, the original Tomma civilisation fell too and until recently was far more barbaric than what the human civilisation is at this point.
"Over three centuries ago the Aristis were involved in a war with the Wikki. In my opinion the war started because the warlike Aristis wanted to test their skills and show that they were brave. The Aristis were and I guess still are composed of a lot of kingdoms with no head king.
"On the world of Casslis, King Rontem was overthrown by an Aristis faction with the help of the Wikki. He did manage to escape in the Fonduush which you have seen the images of. The ship needed guidance and the king placed most of his personality and memories into a class 72 computer. His body and a good portion of all those onboard died in the fight.
"A hundred and thirty seven standard years later one of the two intelligent probes found the world of Cralto which happens to be one of the worlds the Tomma inhabit.
"For nearly two centuries, King Rontem that now lived in the computer as a natural entity, organised the planet. The fighting by the barbaric Tomma came to a halt. They were organised to begin mining and manufacturing. The Fonduush had been partially repaired by some scavengers but not much. The Tomma were taught much the same as you are now learning. They are missing one important feature in their minds that allows them to work with crystals the way I do.
"You have learned from the story mentioned on the computer's that the Tomma are telepathic but not latently. They actually communicate that way. The males cannot leave the planet for long or they die. The women though can crew the Fonduush.
"Now for new knowledge. One of the two probes sent out, found earth. The probe at first just assessed us. The main computer houses another man by the name of Nadac. He has been the one in charge of the academy. When it turned out that the Tomma could not manufacture crystals or repair the still damaged computer on Fonduush, King Rontem ordered that a search for people like me be undertaken.
"When they found me, they put small crystals in my body to assess my abilities and as a marker which all of you now have too. My brain was changed to make me more intelligent. I failed most of the criteria to be an Aristis. A small crystal computer was implanted and I never knew it. This computer interfaced with my more intelligent mind and now I am even smarter than before. I learned that I had to fight to survive and I did just that.
"I did some odd things and I think it was because I was becoming more Aristis like. I fully intend to be a tech so that I can repair the Fonduush and revitalise the cultures of the Aristis, the Tomma and ourselves. To do this we need administrators. I want to join the aristocratic caste. To make sure all of this happens I need to be in the warrior caste.
"Now to the younger members of our group along with Greg and Lasha. There has been a lot of fighting recently. This was me. My big mouth forced King Rontem to command me to not only fight but to rescue those that needed it. Before that there was the farm that originally had Caputo held Greg. Chuck, Jerry, Sam, Betts and I were the ones that made the raid."
Greg burst out, "But commandos did that."
"It was us along with some extra help from Nadac. In fact, there are drones in this room controlled by both Nadac and King Rontem. They want us safe and to do that they watch over us, the same way we use the drones I make."
The trainees didn't know about this so I said, "There are a lot of drones around. The ceramic boxes in my bedroom are living beings though the Aristis may tell me different. We can use our minds to control small spies that fly in the air and see or sometimes hear what is near.
"My main job is to learn how to repair the computer on the Fonduush and to make other crystals as they are needed. The tech caste is high but I want more. The Aristis happen to love conflict. This keeps them strong. The leaders and the soldiers have to know how to fight. We are that part. Star Fleet was something in the movies or on televison but now it is real. One day we may even be the same way the organisation is portrayed in the movies.
"Now for some personal data. The Aristis males altered their DNA to become what they now are. One of the things they changed was their pricks. They wanted to please the ladies more.
"Nadac changed mine to do this. I can last longer too.
"To take Caputo down, we made him sell off all his property. Nadac is one very smart guy. He is devious too and that is a nice thing to say to an Aristis male. We bought up all we wanted from Caputo at real cheap prices. When he escaped he was going to go to a different country and live off his money. The money was all put into electronic funds and Nadac managed to grab that money too. This means that the companies I own are quite wealthy."
Everybody looked stunned. They had known that something was odd but I guess not this weird. "Now for a stupid question. What clarifications do you want?"
The questions came so quickly I got them to go in order but only ask one question at a time. It was good that I did not have to talk because there were a lot of explanations.
An hour later I called a halt to this and ordered that the trainees be shown how to use the drones. This gave me a rest. Not long after we had supper. During the meal, the adults noticed that we were exceptionally quiet. That was the furthest from the truth because we were communicating mentally. One major question was answered but not voiced just yet. Connie could move in with us and both Betts and Erica would support her.
After the meal, the adults along with Betts and Erica had a meeting. Miss Lime, or I guess I had to call her Connie now, was on pins and needles. To get it over with I said, "I have made my decision Connie. You thought me the best choice because of my ability to kill and perhaps my intelligence. Love has not developed but I know that it will. I will take you but only in the understanding that I will look for another mate for you. I estimate that you will be with us a few years. If I find nobody that is suitable then you will stay with me."
She ran to me now and hugged me to her. I guess she had the right because I just gave her permission. She said, "Thank you Wally, I know you will not regret it. I will make you happy."
"Connie you will be one of my mates. You will have a room in this house but you will sleep with us. Women that are not dominant do not inspire you but my other mates will show you who is boss. I think that you will enjoy your new life here."
"What about my home?"
"It's a condo, isn't it?"
"Sell it. Keep the money. I will be supporting you."
"But I am rich."
"Are you questioning me already?"
"No, Sir."
"We will come by your home after we finish karate. We will help you move your personal belongings. This will continue all week. Next week you will accompany us to karate and participate unless your duties at school require you to stay." Connie's eyes blazed while Mom and Pop were a bit stunned.
"I want you to go to your new home now."
"Yes, Sir."
Connie left and I said, "You two better go too. I'll be along in a moment."
When they left, I said, "Connie needs somebody to take charge. I do not love her but I do care for her. I had to put on that act so she would fit in better."
Mom said, "What's going to happen to her?"
"She will move in with us. She will be given responsibilities to carry out. We will make her happy but I think she belongs with Doc and Irene. I don't know why yet but that is where she will end up. She will be happy there too."
"How do you know that?"
"It is a gift. Sometimes I can use it and some times I cannot. This time I am not sure of what will happen."
Mom said, "She is bound to find out more about your past, the same thing you were trying to avoid with those two girls."
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I got to work and immediately went into the shop area to get Bryce's stupid apology out of the way. Harp was back there, wiping down a sick-looking custom bike. "Wow!" I said. "What a cool bike! Who's is it?""Customer's," Harp replied, not looking at me. "Bryce is in Kim's office. They're waiting for you.""Ugh. Whatever," I groaned, heading down the hall to our Office Manager's office. I passed by my boss, James' office and was stopped."Heather!" I heard, from behind me. I poked my head in...
TeenPerformances of Scriabin’s “Le Poème de l’extase” have always been extremely rare. Madeleine listened enraptured to the solo trumpeter. He had a gorgeous tone and immaculate timing, obviously helped by a good ear. He was a natural. She admired the way his long fingers danced on the valves of the instrument and imagined those same fingers playing on her breasts. She admired his lean, athletic figure and his smart attire. The brass buttons of his navy blazer caught the spotlight and seemed to...
I have a girlfriend since a year , for a simple and average looking guy like me , my friends always said that she was too hot for me , her name was Andrea she is 20 , 5′5 feet tall and has amazing hair and a superb body , her curves are really amazing and very beautiful , her figure is 36b , 32 ,38 , we meet and college and were in a relationship for 2 years , in these two years , we hardly found a place to have sex , which we both were comfortable with , she wanted to have sex but never...
Wendy was a little surprised when she arrived at the Demarre estate and was told to go directly to Mrs. Demarre's office. Usually Mrs. Demarre made her wait before summoning her to her office to satisfy her desires. But then she remembered the day before, smiled, and went directly. As usual the woman was seated behind her desk. Today the aristocratic matron was wearing a green floor length dress with her hair tied up. Wendy walked to the front of the desk and smiled at Mrs. Demarre. "Good...
I hadn’t paid a lot of attention to the ‘For Sale’ sign on the house next door until the moving van showed up early on a Thursday afternoon in the middle of June. The moving company was owned by my high school buddy Dave, so I wandered over to see if, as was often the case, he was doing any of the actual moving. I was dressed in the running T-shirt and jeans that I usually wore when I didn’t have to go into the office, and it had been a few days since I’d shaved. ‘Hey, Bob,’ I said to one of...
My name is Erik and this story took place during a costume party my friends and I attended a few years ago. My friend Kevin and I became best friends after we found out that we played on the same World of Warcraft server. Since then we were inseparable. We spent all day hanging out together and quested on-line even more often. So yes we are complete nerds and we love it. In time we met even more guys in town who were into on-line gaming and our geeky posse grew. Eventually we got so into the...
GayI had only been out with Julie twice before. She was a beautiful blond, long hair, about 5'6", B cups which were firm. Long legs that ended with a perfect, round sweet ass. I was actually a little intimidated, she was easily the hottest girl I had ever dated, but she was nice and seemed to be into me. So the night of our third date we went out for dinner, then a movie. Then dinner was nice and intimate and several times she reached out and held my hand. The movie was a thriller, not horror, but...
This is my first submission to Literotica! My story has distinctive references to the game Dragon Age Origins, but you don’t have to know it as I only borrowed names and places and not the complete plot. Please rate and comment! I would hate to waste your time, so know that this story takes its time and this first part has no sex scenes. My focus on these first chapters are mostly character development. You have my word that I will post the continuation of this as soon as tomorrow depending...
I woke up on Saturday morning and made my coffee and breakfast. I turned on the computer and fooled around on Facebook for awhile, checked out some sports scores, and read a few articles of interest, but eventually my mind turned to something the internet does so well – porn! I went to a few of my favorite sites – one with videos, one with pictures and one with stories – and opened them all in different tabs of my browser. I totally immersed myself in porn and flipped between the sites....
Yancy floats up to his mom for intimate docking in their pool. Based on art from Pandora's Box - email me if you want the drawing. Veronica remembered a line from Auntie Mame, “... all the girls crouch down on the floor and pretend to be lady fishes, depositing their eggs in the sand ... and all the boys do what gentlemen fish do.” Of course, she wasn't on the floor, but in the pool. However, her son, Yancy, certainly was about to do what gentlemen fishes do: fertilize her eggs....
It was a day like any other day. Uneventful and boring. It's come to the point where Bryan sees nothing else but schoolwork when he gets home. To the point where he just started living off of his school loans instead of working. "Who has the time?" Bryan thought. Despite his complacency, fortune had smiled on him a few times. He remembers when he used to play online blackjack to clear the bonuses and pocket the money. It was convenient and fairly easy to do. That is, until the big boys...
David I arrived back at the mansion about an hour later. Johnny was talking to Susan and drinking a Dr. Pepper. I said I see you two are getting to know each other. He said yeah, Colonel, little feisty, kept badgering me wanting to know where you were and if you were alright. I told her you can take care of yourself. She gave me a stare that would boil water. Johnny didn’t need to know about our relationship just yet so I debriefed him on what I found out and asked him to locate Rothschild....
Introduction: My names Catharine Im in my second year of college. Up until this summer I was pretty innocent but that was all to change. Since starting college Ive made loads of new friends at both my college and the one where most my secondary school mates went to. This story is about the first of several sexual ventures I had this summer. I was at my friend Henrys house with several other friends as his parents had gone to France for the summer so we pretty much had free range. Other then me...
Chapter 1 – Week1 – Monday Morning - Arrival and OrientationARRIVALThe four boys were getting pretty restless after the three hour long ride from the state penitentiary to the prison school, as it was called. The state had contracted with the training school to take minimum security inmates that had at least one year to serve and train them under an apprenticeship program to become employable and certified skilled construction workers.They were all fitted with special bracelets that were not...
Gay MaleThe ShowerThe shower door slides open and he steps inside; she is not startled, she senses him even as her eyes are closed. The fragrance of her body wash is heady as he stands behind her nibbling her neck. She melts, sighing as he kisses and sucks her nape. He moves his mouth to her shoulders, she quivers with wanting.The warm water cascades over her perfect curvy body as he moves in closer he places his hands on her hips. Gently he slides his right hand around her and caresses her beautiful...
As she walked thru the door, silence fell along with most of the men in the room’s jaws. Damn, she was HOT, real HOT. Her long strawberry blond hair fell past her hips and swayed gently caressing them as she walked further into the room. John came here every evening after work and he knew every woman who frequented the bar. He didn’t recognize her; she must be new to the area. Her dress, red lace, was slit to the hip on both sides and dipped dangerously low in the front, letting...
The normal schtick here. While nothing adversely sexual will be happening for some time, this story is on a site that is strictly legal-age only. The Rolls and the Pipe is a slow-moving story, but I would like to think that it is worth it. Please offer feedback!! Frankly, I don’t expect you to offer feedback until the story is complete, but each to their own. Enjoy! * * * * * From Kaiser Mattanthas’ Perspective: I drove up to the doors of the Riva Café – it was one of my favorite haunts in...
"Ugghhh....why do I always have to gather food for you again...", said the you pokemon cleary irritated by her mother. "Because im your mother, and because I told you to, I warned you that you would have to help me with your have to stop doing things just for yourself sometime krystal, you're helping whether you like it or not. "Fine...", krystal headed off into the trees looking for berries and plants for them to eat, the two greninja's lived in a small forest area abundant with...
The purple phone looked incongruous sitting on the dirty, scarred table in front of him. It lounged there, smugly indifferent to the gaze of the man watching it, waiting for it to ring. It was a cheap Jitterbug, bought for a one-time usage. Once it rang, it would be confined to the trash, never to be seen again. The man shifted restlessly in the old rickety chair. A fat roach (there seemed to be no other kind in this dirty apartment) skittered across the dark linoleum underneath the table....
17:50 Wednesday, November 13th, 1991 392 7th Ave San Mateo, CA 94401 It's nearly time, Jack Kostowe knew. Tonight, they were to have supper with two couples that had contacted them through the Oakland Yacht Club, inquiring about the berth the Joy Redux wasn't actually occupying. Jack and Deb had discussed possibly subletting the spot out, and she'd advised sounding the other couples out, first, over supper. Deb had done some research, and found both couples were partners on a wooden...
That evening, Sandy and I teamed up and treated Jean like a queen. It was especially good when Sandy and I made love to Jean for two hours non stop. After her tenth orgasm, Jean had to cry uncle. We totally wore her out and she went to sleep right away. Sandy spent the rest of the night in her own bed so the new 'mommy and daddy' could snuggle up together to sleep. Jean and I decided to get an early start preparing for the baby to be born. We had a fourth bedroom that we were only using...
A Sissy called Jezebel Part VIII - Jezebel has returned to hir classes at Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. We are all getting an education on the Matriarchy in hir sissy life skills class. (Authors note: We are definitely at that world building point, where I really let my imagination fly off the hook. I am throwing out a lot of ideas, but hopefully in...
Whitney Wright is meeting her boyfriend Robby Echo at his stepdad’s office. She gets there a little early and starts snooping through his desk and gets caught. Robby’s stepdad, Sterling Cooper scolds Whitney and tells her that she lacks discipline. He bends her over his knees and lifts up her short dress, exposing her perfect ass. He spanks her gorgeous round ass until it’s turned bright pink. Robby and his friends walk in as she’s getting spanked and Robby is shocked at...
xmoviesforyouElla Reese loves some chocolate but what she really loves is a big black cock to fuck and suck. Those BBCs turn her on so much. If you want to see hard nipples and a dripping wet pussy bring out that big black cock and Ella will beg for you to fuck that tight little pussy. Isiah eats out her pussy slurping up all her wet juices making her just want more! Ella deep throats his cock without even trying getting all sloppy with it! He slides his bbc right into her pussy making her beg for more. She...
xmoviesforyouIt had not been easy traveling across multiple states with limited money she had earned babysitting. It didn't take her long to realize it also wasn't easy to find even the most basic job without any type of identification or a birth certificate. She didn't know if her mom had reported her missing but not wanting to take a chance she took the first name of her beloved childhood dog, Sammi, and thought herself clever to take the sir name Shepherd. Sammi was a chocolate lab but she had...
July 2006 Austin, TX "All I need ... is everything you are, everything you are..." Do you remember that song? No, I didn't either. Not until I met the singer, and she reminded me. Now I recall it from a while back, a few years ago. Wasn't it on some Internet service commercial? Yeah, it was. The song's still around, still a good one even if people don't remember it. There's emotion in it, heart, feeling. Great lyrics also, and a tempo of diverse chords stunningly blended together....
It seemed late when we finished dinner. There was a Welcome Aboard talk in the ship’s theater and after that we did a bit more exploring. There were all sorts of stuff on the boat, including a shopping center with incredibly overpriced stuff, a casino, and a bunch more bars, restaurants, and lounges. We walked around the deck and then went back to our cabin, where we discovered it had been made up, the bed turned down, and an odd animal formed out of some folded towels. Kelly decided she...
Why didn’t I expect that being here now would cause this to happen? It never even crossed my mind that Molly and I had been here during this same week when we visited years ago. I rocked on the porch swing at the cabin, giving Ellen the chance to enjoy herself without being close enough to make her hold back around the other kids. Even if I was only eighteen, having any parent around always made me not want to do things that weren’t even bad, but I thought they might be, so I didn’t risk...
Hello friends mera naam Ankit hai aur mai Banaras mein rehta hu. Mai ISS ka regular reader hu. ye meri iss pe pehli aur true story h. ye story pichle week ki h jb mai luckhnow gaya tha apne exams dene k lie. pehle to mai aap sbko apne bare me bata du qki ye meri 1st story h. mai ek 18sal ka athletic body type ka ladka hu aur gym jana pasand karta hu islie meri body fit h. mere penis ka size 6inch h aur bht mota h aur meri height 5feet10inch hai.Ab mai sidhe story pe ata hu. mai exam k 1din...
"Are you coming? Or are you going to leave me out here by myself?" Your call makes me grin and I look out and meet your gaze as you skate light-heartedly around the frozen pond. I contemplate for a moment, knowing that joining you would mean I could no longer admire you in this scenery from a distance. However, it is quickly made up for in the knowing that it meant I would get to be by your side again. "I'll be right out!" I shout, proceeding to rush inside to get on my one skates. I...
Young, petite blonde spinner Lana Sharapova drizzles shiny oil on her pert titties. The precocious girl gives pro studs Mick Blue and Ramon Nomar an eager double blowjob, sucking their big cocks as they fondle her luscious ass. She bends over to enjoy their pounding pricks as the guys fuck her mouth and cunt spit roast-style. Lana gasps as a thick prick plunges into her asshole. In an intense double penetration, the two dicks simultaneously drill her twat and butthole to a spasmodic orgasm. The...
xmoviesforyouIn a small community, in this case, 60,000 people, where you have lived for a long time, using a dating website and focusing on your exact geographical area inevitably means you come across people you know. That’s perfectly natural - you’re all there for the same thing and it’s nothing to worry about, as long as your profile is tasteful and decent.That’s how I see it, anyway, but different personalities see it in different ways. I know a guy, for instance, whose snappy pickup line on one such...
AnalCassie's Horrible Family : A story about Cassie's terrible step-family's and her experiences with them. Includes everything embarrassing and horrible that could happen short of gore and extreme violence. Montezuma's Revenge (Cassie is cursed with a never-ending need to go to the bathroom, which can either take the form of not being able to stop going or continuously feeling like she needs to.) Alien Host (A foreign organism decides to use Cassie as a host, making use of her lower holes as a...
TeenDr James Madison has done it. He has succeeded in creating a time machine. His machine allows a person's mind to be transported back into the past into a body of a person in that era. For as long as he could remember, James wanted Anna. Anna Wilson was his neighbor, She had a petit body, was 5'5, had long blonde hair, smallish sized breasts and very slim. The problem was her wild lifestyle got the best of her. All the years of alcohol, cigarettes and wild sex had its impact on her body....
Alexa Chapter 22: Cars The summer so far had been great, other than the whole Marilyn situation. Jenny had talked to her a few times via telephone and met up with her for lunch one day while I was at work at the Foundation. It had gone "OK" in Jenny's words. She did tell me that any time she spoke of me to her mother, Marilyn only cringed at the sound of my name and did not make any comments so that was a start. Jenny said she asked her mother if she was still drinking and Marilyn...
I really don’t think it’s a good idea.I know that this isn’t what you want to hear right now, but I have to be honest. I don’t want to string you along, that wouldn’t be fair. I couldn’t do that to you.I try and change the subject to something more light-hearted, less dangerous, but I know that it’s still on your mind. I can’t blame you for that, because ever since we really got to know each other, I have been thinking about it too. Most days, if am truthful. It’s exciting, it’s erotic, it’s...
Reluctance"Penny. Penny. Penny." The all too familiar knocking pattern of Sheldon Cooper, his very weird neighbour who was Leonard's roommate. What on earth does he want at 12 midnight? In her long stay as a neighbour to Sheldon, she had however learnt to expect the unexpected from him. Weird did not even begin to describe him. "Coming!" She replied and kicked her warm duvet away. She was still friends with Sheldon even after her ugly break up with Leonard. A few months back, he had even helped...
The Johnson’s were both young and vibrant with the desire of sensual stimulation that drove them into carnal relationships that grew increasingly more passionate with each passing month. Now, they had a teenaged babysitter and her mid-twenties step-mom in their living room both bottomless and already flushed with the emotion of recent sexual activity making them pant with eager need for up close and personal flesh to fondle with casual abandon. Josie was also a cheerleader at the local high...
Janet was laying on her back, knees pulled up and spread wide, feet flat on the bed, while Jason slid his dick in and out of her pussy. They had just started actually screwing, and already her mind was wandering. In all of her more than 19 years, she had never had an orgasm. In fact she wasn't sure that all the talk of orgasms wasn't just hype. Or perhaps, it was just her who was different than everyone else. But she wasn't thinking of that at the moment. She was thinking of other lovers. Other...
He walks up behind me, as I place my bag on the dresser. I glance up at him in the mirror and see the look in his eyes. He reaches out and brushes his hand along my neck as he leans in and follows his hand with his lips. My breath catches as his hands reach around and cup my breast, I feel and see him as he kneads them in his strong hands. I moan and he lifts my shirt up and off. He looks at me in the mirror, his hands running up my chest; he pushes my arms over my head as he pulls me against...
VoyeurSexy Stepmom Dana DeArmond’s had enough of spoiled stepdaughter Sofi Ryan and confronts the too tempting girl after finding a strap-on. Young, all-natural brunette Sofi tries to deny it’s hers, but her very beautiful stepmom holding a strap-on makes her crave hot sex with Dana. Their sexual chemistry is combustible as Dana begins making out with Sofi on the bed and it quickly turns into hot pussy eating. Both ladies get each other off with mouth and fingers until Sofi’s...
xmoviesforyouThis is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual or past events and individuals is entirely coincidental. All characters are 18 years of age or over.IMy name is Teddy Carlson. I’m twenty-two years old and I fucked my stepmother. Not just once in some momentary lapse of judgement. But again and again…and again. Before you judge me, there’s a few things you need to understand. First, Dad and I never exactly got on like a house on fire. He was the CIO of a large hedge fund which meant that he...
May-June, 1985, Chicago, Illinois Bethany arrived on Thursday afternoon to have time to relax before she started her first summer class the following Monday. She and I spent the afternoon moving her things to the room that she’d be sharing with Kara, while Jennifer, Josie, and Stephanie organized their rooms in the coach house. That evening, at dinner, Jennifer and Josie discussed their plans for the commitment ceremony. I thought Jorge was going to have a stroke. “Wait, you two are...
Hi ISS readers,this is my first story hope yo will enjoy this story.So, jyada time na waste karte hue mein apni story par aata hoon. Meri family mein 4 log hai .Papa,mummy,sister and mein.Hum kafi rich family se hai.Humare ghar mein ek naukar hai jiska naam azaz hai .Meri mummy jo ki kafi sundar hai or apne yoga or excerise ki wajah se kafi fit hai.Unka figure 36-30-38 hai ,colour white and height 5.7 “.Mere papa ka work export ka hai so wo apne kaam mein hi busy rahte hai and di apni medical...
As the blackness of it all dissipated, he could see clearly the white-capped blades of grass and the misty wetness of the day powering it's way in. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary from any of his other days. The nine full-length windows in the front of his home were covered with frost and crackled with ice. The air outside was bitter, wet and left no doubt that the sunny warm days had made way for a new season. The house was empty except for him. The music was playing; the fire on the stove...
Gayby Julius Copyright 2005 Eleven-thirty and Celia was feeling tired, her bed was beckoning. The gentle knock at her apartment door was an unwelcome interruption. She peeped through the little spyhole and saw Stephan looking back. A little reluctantly, she opened the door. "What d'you say to a midnight swim?" he whispered. "Pool doesn't open till next week." "I've got a key," he grinned and brandished a large bunch. "I've no suit," she was too tired for...
I didn't know what to say."Well... I." I managed to finally stammer.I don't quite remember later why I had left the room but when I headed toward his bedroom again later I saw he had his jockeys back on and a white t-shirt. I was kinda disappointed."Hehe. I was kind of k**ding back there. You know how I am sometimes."Knowing he is NOT that way at all around me I just nodded, pretending he was always that way.It seemed like the darkness outside lasted forever. It was only 10:30 as I wrestled...
Sarah wondered if she should tell Karen. She bubbled with pleasure, wanting to tell someone how fantastic she felt. She couldn’t tell her sister about being fucked gloriously, day after day, by her son and Keith. She didn’t know what Karen’s reaction would be to that. But she knew that Karen knew she didn’t date, go out with a man. If she told, her sister would suspect where she was getting so much cock, and start to question her, and then it would all come out. Karen, dressed in a white,...
Chapter Two ‘Know when to walk away…’ ‘Now just take the chalk lightly in hand and start your circle.’ That voice was so soft and soothing. His mother was smiling at him with that tone of unconditional love, combined with beaming satisfaction. It was the eve of his thirteenth birthday and his mother had decided that it was high time that he learned how the majicks worked. Shortly after midnight this morning, his powers opened fully to his true potential. The floodgates had opened and washed...
Linda By Sissie Maid Cuckold " name is Jennifer Dobson; I am 38 years old, 5' 7" tall and 127 pounds. I have long blond hair and get hit on a both guys and gals. I was married once to a jerk for 6 years. He lied to me, cheated on me, ignored me and so I divorced him. I got most all of it and he lost all of it including the girlfriend he was cheating on me with! I got the business, a consulting business and began to systematically replace most of the men with...