Do It!Chapter 4 free porn video

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By the time I had got back to my room, a package for me had been delivered, or rather a large sized box sitting on my bed. There was a folded note attached, that though sent from Ted ... Master, had been written in someone else's hand, no doubt one of the Attendings.

"Maringa, as per part of this evenings guest's desires, I would very much appreciate it if you would indeed wear what is inside. Both Deidra as well as Bella will be wearing something similar to yours, so do not feel embarrassed about doing so. But I will add ... if you do decide to join us this evening, this outfit is mandatory!" T.M.

Curious, I undid the rather large bow surrounding the box, opening the lid peering inside before actually reaching into remove the "costume," which I called it to myself only then holding it up. I even laughed, realizing now what it was I was looking at. Glancing inside the box, I saw the rest of the ensemble and knew immediately what was being asked of me.

I walked over to the floor length mirror in my room, holding the very short ... almost too short, plaid pleated skirt up to myself, along with the white blouse, knee socks and dark blue cashmere sweater with some sort of an emblem over the breast pocket on the left side. "This has got to be some kind of a joke," I said to myself looking about the room, half expecting either Deidra or Bella to suddenly jump out laughing at me as I stood there. I read the note once again, carefully. I knew then, it wasn't a joke, this was for real. And if I were to attend dinner later on this evening, this would be the outfit I'd be wearing.

"Well ... if Deidra and Bella can do it, I certainly can!" I stated, and then headed off to shower, a small smile coming to my face as I began picturing myself, hair pulled back into a ponytail, no bra ... full breasts pressing daintily against the semi-transparent white blouse. I had noticed there were no panties included inside the box, which had told me something else almost immediately.

I wouldn't be wearing any.

Dinner was to be served promptly at eight. I soon after made my way down stairs, a little surprised that I didn't see the normal hustle and bustle of Novices scurrying about as they usually were, running errands of one sort or another. Reaching the bottom of the grand stairs leading off towards the dining area, I soon discovered why, though even that for a moment threw me.

There were two long lines of both Novices as well as Attendings, each one seated there in the hallway just outside the dining area. For the first time ever, I now realized that every Novice as well as every Attending there could possibly be were here tonight. Many having come in from the city in order to be here for whatever reason. But even more curious as I approached, glad to see both Deidra as well as Bella standing next to the double wide doors waiting for me, likewise wearing almost exactly what I was. But it was seeing some dozen or so Novices, all wearing short plaid skirts, sweaters in an identical cut, a deep red, almost maroon. Even the Attendings wore very similar attire, though their sweaters were light blue in color, with matching pleated skirts.

I walked up towards Deidra, eyebrows raised in question looking back over my shoulder at the two formed lines. "This has something to do with the guy you call the Weasel right?"

Deidra laughed. "Yeah, you might could say that ... you'll see why after we've had dinner. I don't want to spoil the fun for you, since this will be your first experience seeing this," she told me.

Just by the number of Novices and Acceptings here, I could tell there was something special going on, not to mention the obvious anticipation, nervousness and excitement in each one of their eyes.

"Obviously, this man too is fairly influential?" I asked.

"Oh yes ... though you won't recognize him or anything, he's always been behind the scenes, keeping his true identity and anonymity in check away from the papers or magazines. But ... he's probably amongst the wealthiest men in the world, and he has in place at least half a dozen corporate executives, who everyone else would think where the actual owners and CEO's of their own businesses. Nothing could be further than the truth in fact. The general public might think they are ... but the reality is ... he's the man behind the men."

"And he has a bit of a kink that Master allows him to enjoy here is that it?"

"Oh yeah, like I said ... he does, and which is why there's such a turnout tonight. But again, I don't want to give anything away just yet either. It's something you have to see for yourself with your own eyes, which we will later, in about an hour or so after we've eaten. First things first though, let me duck my head in and see where we're at," Bella stated. "They're still talking business ... or at least they were. If Master's ready to start serving dinner, I'll come back out and get you, and then make the introductions. Oh ... one more thing. I wouldn't recommend calling him Weasel to his face if you know what I mean," she laughed, and then headed inside.

Standing outside the door next to Deidra waiting for Bella's return, I was surprised when Deidra suddenly reached over, her hands coming up to immediately do up one more button on my blouse. I had assumed with instructions not to wear a bra, or panties that a showing of a little cleavage was to be expected. I was wrong.

"There," Deidra said smoothing out my collar a bit, "Now you look a bit more modest ... for the time being anyway," she winked chuckling a little. "And nice touch on the ponytail," she added. "Almost wish my hair was long enough to do that. No doubt Mr. M will pay you a little extra special attention because of that."

"Mr. M?"

Once again Deidra chuckled. "Yeah, seriously. That's the only name any of us even know him by," she informed me. "One of the few secrets even Master keeps from us, though I'm not even sure he truly knows the Weasels true name either. Which is one of the reasons we all secretly call him that, though the reason for that of course ... you'll eventually learn later."

Just then Bella poked her head back out the door. "You may come in," she told us both. "Introductions ... and then dinner."

Dinner had been set for six, which I noticed upon walking inside. Including Master and the three of us, I saw an older gentleman, no doubt Mr. M, along with a much younger looking woman sitting by his side. All three rising as we came in. Even I had to admit she was striking, long dark hair falling well past her shoulders, a black floor-length evening gown, which made me feel wholly underdressed in comparison. But it was her pale white skin that truly stood out, and I wondered if she'd even seen the light of day, looking almost Vampire'ish in a sense, half expecting to see fangs emerge upon smiling at us as we were then introduced.

"Mr. M, this is Mistress Bella, and Mistress Deidra, and ... Maringa," he said turning towards me, leaving off the imaginary, or supposed title he'd given me for whatever reason.

"Pleased to see you again," he said acknowledging both Deidra and Bella with a quick brief shake of hands, though quickly capturing my own in between his two massive paws holding it there. "And very nice ... to meet you," he informed me, glowering over me for a moment fully taking me in from head to foot before turning towards the woman waiting patiently ... and as yet, unsmiling beside him. "And this, is my companion, Victoria," he said introducing her more to me than to the others, which told me in an instant, they had of course met her before. I wondered briefly in his having addressed her as that, the reason why master hadn't addressed me as such. Maybe he didn't want it to appear we were as intimately close perhaps as the two of them were, which is why he hadn't.

We soon after took seats, Master and Mr. M seated at either end of the table, me sitting directly across from Victoria, who I carefully took stolen glances towards as we began eating dinner. There was something about her I couldn't quite put my finger on, though she truly was beautiful in an almost Gothic looking way, something that for some oddball reason didn't quite add up with the obvious "School-girl" preferences he obviously had some kind of a thing for. I couldn't imagine her being dressed like this for one, which was perhaps the reason why in the first place the rest of us where.

We finished dinner none too soon, the curiosity and anticipation of the evening to come almost too much to bear as male staff, specifically brought in for the occasion, not only cleared away the dinner dishes, but the table and chairs as well, leaving only three there. Master now taking one for himself, with Mr. M, and Victoria taking and placing the other two chairs a short distance across from one another. I could only stand there slightly shaking my head in wondrous curiosity as Master spoke.

"Bella? I think we're ready to begin," he told her. "If you'd please escort in the Novices and Attendings?"

As Bella left to do that, Deidra once again leaned over towards me whispering. "This is where the fun begins," she informed me. "Mr. M loves playing this game. In a moment, each of us ... all of us in fact will be invited to sit down over his cock. You get one in ... and one out, that's it, and then you stand up and move to the end of the line. You may slide down over him quick ... or slow, and visa-versa as you extricate yourself. It becomes in a way, a bit of strategic coupling with him, the ultimate goal of course, in seeing which one of us will eventually make him come. But there again, he won't come inside you, if you're the one fortunate enough to actually get him off, he'll not let the next person sit down on his prick, thus declaring the previous girl the obvious winner."

"How strange!" I whispered back, not at all sure I was so inclined to participate, though one look over in Master's direction told me he was obviously expecting me to do so. "So what's in it for the girls then?" I asked. Obviously this was all something they quite looked forward to, for whatever reason.

"Whichever girl is the lucky one to do so ... is given twenty-five thousand dollars, on the spot, that's why!" She informed me, and then chuckled, though the doors had now opened with two long, yet mixed lines now coming in. "But that's not the half of it," she added. "If you get Victoria off too, the girl who manages to do that, gets ten thousand, so there's double the reason for each girl to be here in the hopes of making a substantial amount of money for little or no effort in having to actually do so."

"No wonder," I said turning back around again, though as I did so ... I had yet one more big surprise waiting for me as I did that.

Mr. M of course sat in his own chair. By now he had removed his fairly average, though quite hard looking cock. He almost looked silly sitting there as he was, pants down around his ankles on the floor, with obviously no intent to remove them completely. His shirttail almost perfectly splitting his hard prick, which sat jutting up between his legs in obvious expectation and excitement of the girl's cunts he'd soon be fucking, one right after the other ... including Bella, Deidra and myself by the looks of it. Once again, I figured that I could endure, if they could something like this, especially as it would be one single thrust in and out, and chances perhaps being ... that might be all I'd get with the number of women who were standing there. And then I looked over towards Victoria, wondering. Which is about the time my mouth fell open. She ... or rather he/she too ... had a very large, very full ... very stiff erection jutting up from between her legs as well.

"Surprise!" Deidra laughed as she looked over towards me. Unlike Mr. M however, Veronica had completely undressed, pulling off her gown to now sit there in black sheer stockings, garter and heels. She had magnificent looking breasts, that didn't look at all, or appear to be implants. It was quite obvious they were naturally enhanced, if that's what she'd done, simply taking hormones to produce the obvious fullness and natural symmetry of shape as I stood there gawking at her. Which is about the time she glanced over towards me, actually smiling for the first time ... licking her lips.

"Oh, one more thing?" Deidra said. "Victoria gets her pick of the litter for the evening too ... afterwards, Mr. M. and Master of course, enjoys watching her and one of us putting on a show for them later on. Though I can say, neither Bella nor I have ever been picked by her to do that ... though I'm sure there's always a first time."

Standing there seeing the way she looked at me, told me that Deidra and Bella would still have a while to wait for that yet.

There wasn't time to dwell on that much longer however, as two immediate lines formed, a mixture of Novices and Accepted both filtering in amongst one another. One line moving forward towards Victoria, the other towards Mr. M. Each girl sitting down in their lap, one down thrust, one up ... and then moving on to get into the other line, repeating the process.

"Well ... shall we?" Bella asked walking over to get in line behind Marlene, one of the Accepted, whispering to me as I followed her over. "Marlene got the twenty-five last time he was here," she informed me, and Chrissy? Our resident squirter and Deidra's currently assigned wake up Novice? She got the ten grand from having got Victoria off last time."

Though currently in line as we slowly moved forward awaiting our turn with Mr. M., I glanced over noticing as I did that Victoria continued to keep her eyes on me, smiling even more broadly, not at all interested as it appeared, as one girl after another sat down in her lap, sliding down Victoria's hard stiff cock. I had a pretty good idea then, that I would later be putting on a show for Master, though oddly enough ... the thought of that didn't exactly seem unappealing to me at the moment.

It wasn't long before I also realized ... this wasn't going to be over with any time soon, so far at least, each girl had gone through at least twice, with both Mr. M, and Victoria, with no indication so far that either one of them were getting very close to actually ejaculating. Also of interest however, which each pass, I now noticed that hands too had begun groping, the girls blouses suddenly finding buttons popped, opened, looking more and more disheveled each time they came through the line, including myself. Now moving forward to slide down Victoria's hard cock, she immediately reached up, her hands all but shredding the front of my blouse open, baring both breasts at once as she grabbed them holding on, and then suddenly crying out.

"Shit!" One of the young Novices standing behind me suddenly said, I'd immediately stood up of course, just in time to see a fountain of cream suddenly spurting out the end of Victoria's cock. The moment she had, there was a sudden scramble by everyone else to get into, and thus form an even longer line now in front of Mr. M.

"Looks like we have a winner," Master said grinning, looking at me. And once again, his look likewise said he had a pretty good idea of who it was Victoria would be selecting later as well.

The one good thing was ... having basically claimed my "prize", out of courtesy and respect for the others, I would no longer participate for the somewhat larger prize as the girls obviously began pulling whatever tricks they had up their sleeves in hopes of being the next one to get Mr. M off. Even Bella walked over towards me after her last attempt, seemingly satisfied with having at least put in a few appearances, now content to stand beside me watching everyone else.

"This is where they usually start putting all those techniques they've learned to the test," she told me. "Up until now at least, it's been like a slow-rolling train. After this, the girls will all be working their cunt muscles to best advantage, each one of them now hoping to be the one to finally get him off."

Seconds later after Deidra herself had gone through, coupled with him briefly, she then wandered over to likewise stand beside us. "Should be any time now," she smiled grinning broadly. "His face is starting to get red ... usually when he does that, he's getting pretty damn close. Also ... as you can see, he's making no bones about fondling the girls when they sit down either, grabbing their breasts, even fondling their cunts briefly as they sit down on him. That's usually when he finally looses it, so like I said ... any moment now."

It happened only minutes after that. The young petite redheaded girl who had been asked to demonstrate her pussy contractions for me in the phallic room was the one who finally got him off. She had slid down, no doubt working her magic on his shaft, continuing to grip it, squeezing it as she did so, even as she slowly began moving up and off of him. The moment she had done so, he reached out with his hand, keeping the next one in line from coming over to sit down on him herself. Sure enough ... he began spurting what appeared to be a gallon of cum-cream as rope after rope of semen began flying out the end of his dick.

"And there you have it!" Deidra said, "Pop goes the Weasel!"

In addition to the twenty-five grand paid out to the cute little red-head, and ten additional given to me, Mr. M then gave each one of the girls who'd participated a thousand each just for their efforts. Everyone soon departed with smiles on their faces, Victoria having already made her personal selection known to Master, which had of course been me. No one was really too surprised at that as she'd made it pretty clear as to who she was most interested in during the course of the evening.

"Mistress Bella? Is the room ready for us?" He asked her knowing full well it was of course.

"Yes Master," she responded already prepared to lead the way as our small procession soon after left the main dining area for Master's private wing where he had a small cozy, yet very intimate "play-room," as Bella had told me about earlier. On the assumption that I would indeed be the one chosen and selected by Victoria, Bella had filled me in on what I just might expect. The interesting thing for me was, I hadn't actually been asked if this was something I really wanted to do, or would do. And yet I somehow felt this was one of those "stretching the boundary" type of things that Master was curious to find out if I was willing to do. I honestly believed I could have very easily passed on it, and he'd have supported me. But I knew in doing so ... he would have displeased his favored guests.

I had in fact considered my options, but then merely nodded my head in his direction after everyone else had cleared out. What I received back in response to that was a small, yet very pleased looking smile as we shortly thereafter followed Bella up to his private rooms for what would no doubt be more fun, and entertainment for his special guests.

As Deidra and I had stood watching the final moments together, she had also filled me in a little on Victoria. Victoria had been Mr. M's companion now as I learned for the past several years. She had undergone the hormonal procedure in enlarging her breasts naturally. A nice sized "B" cup as it turned out, without the aid of implants. She had also decided however that it never was her intention of having a full sex-change operation. Victoria enjoyed having a cock, and though in a strange sort of way, actually considered herself a lesbian. She enjoyed having the ability to fuck women with it, often referring to her penis as "My really big clit."

Minutes later we entered the Play Room, yet again another room I was totally unfamiliar with, as I'd never been here before. I was honestly starting to wonder if I ever would see all of the rooms and chambers reportedly on the estate. Entering, I was somewhat surprised at the simple furnishings contained within the room, and at the same time struck with the somewhat uncanny appearance of it as well. The entire room was mirrored, floor to ceiling. Everywhere you looked reflections of us as we entered, all from differing angles and views as though being inside some kind of macabre funhouse with mirrors.

In the middle of the room was a small, yet functional and comfortable looking padded platform much like a small raised stage. I was to later learn that with the simple press of a button on the arms of two chairs sitting a short distance away from it, that the platform itself could be turned, thus spinning slowly in a circle until whatever new preferred view was then reached. Master, and Mr. M of course sat down in the two very comfortable looking plush leather chairs, Bella seating herself on the floor on a couple of large cushions next to him, with Deidra doing the same sitting down next to Mr. M.

Victoria was already disrobing again, moments later entirely naked waiting for me to join her there on the small unique little stage. Glancing up into the mirrors, it became evident that I'd be just as easily able to see them as they'd have in seeing and watching us, reflections of them appearing as an audience in a way, countless duplicates all watching, all waiting for show the two of us would soon be putting on for them.

I decided at that very moment, I was going to thoroughly enjoy myself. Victoria was an interesting woman, even if she/he did have a cock, especially as it was in fact a very nice thick one, now hard ... and well aroused. As I was myself quickly becoming. It would be interesting for me, having a pair of breasts to play with, caress and suck, while no doubt being simultaneously fucked as I soon joined her now naked myself crawling up and onto the platform.

"Begin by sucking one another's breasts simultaneously," Mr. M, now requested. In hearing that, I knew the two of us would no doubt be choreographed throughout the entire evening, succumbing to his wishes and desires, regardless of our own. But even then, I found myself strangely aroused by the thought of that, wondering what it might be he'd soon be requesting us to do to one another.

Victoria had spread herself out, lying on her back as I crawled over towards her, basically feeding her one of my breasts as I in turn leaned forward capturing one of hers in my mouth at the same time. Glancing up, her cock stood proud and stiff, easily within reach. I reached out clasping it in my hand, feeling her shudder excitedly, her mouth moaning around my sensitive hard nipple as she sucked it. I likewise felt the thrill of her sucking mine, her hand now coming down to reach towards me simultaneously, fingers dancing inside the opening of my very wet juicy split. As we did that, I felt motion, opening my eyes seeing that our stage was slowly turning in order to give Master, and Mr. M a much better view from the side as we continued doing that.

"Victoria," Mr. M began. "Now I'd like to see you tit fuck her with your breasts," he urged, the obvious sound of lustful desire clearly heard in his excited tone of voice. One again we moved, me now lying on my back, legs spread provocatively, obscenely as Victoria slithered up between them. I soon felt the soft press of her breast as she cupped it within her hand, mashing it against the opening of my vulnerably displayed pussy. She began working it up and down, back and forth, teasingly nipple to clit as she tickled me ever so delightfully with it.

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It’s over ten year’s story now and I had just completed my MBA and got my first job as medical representative in a leading company in South Delhi. I did not know many people there the only relative we had in Delhi was our distant Mausi named Ruchi in Lajpat nagar. I was staying in kalka ji and used to visit them some or other time randomly they had a small house of three floors. The ground floor has a drawing room and used by two sons of Ruchi Mausi for study as well they were younger and used...

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Wie ich von zwei Shemales gefickt werde

Zur Erklärung, stelle mir vor, dass ich Batman bin in einem geilen engen Latex Kostüm. Ich habe erfahren, dass sich Harley im Keller eines Geschäftshauses aufhält. Also schleiche ich mich in den Keller, komme in einen langen Gang mit einer Tür am Ende, welche angelehnt zu sein scheint und ein Lichtschein wird auf den Gang geworfen. Langsam schleiche ich mich an, an der Tür angelangt lunse ich hinein. Was ich sehe ist nicht viel, ein Tisch in der Raummitte und den Rest des Raumes kann man nur...

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Mothers Birthday Present

Mother's Birthday Present By Bobbi Gold My name is Robert Gold. My mother calls me Bobby. In my mind, I like to think of it as Bobbi. I am 17 years old. I have been reading stories on Fictionmania since I was 12. I know the name of the site has the word FICTION in it, but it sounds like a lot of the stories on here are true, or at least partly true. Obviously the ones about magic and spells are not true, but some of the other ones, especially about girlfriends or wives or...

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Magnif 2 Survival

"Damn!" said Jeff, goggling. "What?" replied Beth, knowing very well why Jeff reacted that way. "You look fantastic!" he said. The black dress Beth wore this year for the final anniversary party of his election as Captain of Magnif was incredible. Minia had outdone herself. Again! How did the master dressmaker continually outdo herself? The dress fit Beth perfectly. It emphasized her breasts without giving too much away. It exposed just the right amount of skin. It slimmed her already...

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My life As A Sissy Faggot

My Life As A Sissy Faggot Ladyboy Paula was taller than me, especially on her heels, and hot looking with her long black hair and makeup. I had thought about having sex… My Life As A Sissy Faggot Ladyboy Paula was taller than me, especially on her heels, and hot looking with her long black hair and makeup. I had thought about having sex with a transsexual and sucking my first cock for years till I finally came across her ad and showed up at her place, ready to take the plunge. We stood...

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The Great Shift One Mans Opinion

GS: One Man's Opinion By Tanto Two fifty-five. Five more minutes to go, I thought, as I glanced once again at the clock on the wall. It was Friday. I was in my last period of the day, World Geography, taught by the closest thing to a witch I'd ever met, a fat, ugly old hag who loves to torment us by giving us bad grades on the most spurious of grounds. To my left was Courtney Bitz, a blonde sophomore, who's a good friend of mine. To my right was the other Courtney, Courtney...

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Secret Love Pact Ch 03

Feedback more than welcomed. Should I continue this? ***** ‘Chantel you up?’ I asked just above a whisper. I was lying on my back and she had her head on my chest, while I caressed her back. I couldn’t sleep, I was so lost in my thoughts. What had we done? Had we gone too far? What happens next? Where do we go from here? Will this fuck everything up? So many questions. ‘No I am just laying here basking in the moment. Just taking it all in.’ ‘Hmph.’ See this is where I would normal insert...

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Game Over

Game Over By: King in Yellow Shego awoke first, as usual. For her it was an unspoken part of the game. If she ever admitted the fact to Kim the redhead would try to awaken first. And then Shego would have tried to awaken even earlier until eventually neither of them would get any sleeep. Not that either of them got much sleeep on forfeit nights, but they slept wonderfully when they finally fell asleeep.Shego smiled as she stared at the sleeeping woman beside her. To see her adversary, this...

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Cheating with gay guy in bathroom while

There I was with a random guy in a tiny bathroom at a late night party. Loud music playing as he sucked my cock. I had come with my gf, but this guy was eyeing me and had followed me to the bathroom and after making moves on me I let him taste my cock. Keeping an eye out and making sure no one came through the door as he worked my cock like a pro. He the got up as he stripped off all his clothes came over and pushed me to make me lean back against the sink. He went ahead and climbed on top of...

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I used to work a couple of years ago with a girl called Vicki. Vicki just turned 18 and a very petite blonde with something of a reputation as a girl not afraid to put out with pretty much anyone. She wasn’t conventionally pretty but to me with her almost flat chest and her cute ass she was the hottest thing I’d seen for some time. I’d had a bad break up and hadn’t kissed, let alone had sex, with a woman for some time. I was a good 12 years older than Vicki and we often used to work Saturday...

3 years ago
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Just Like in the Movies pt 1

to wonder if it had been lost in the mail. The FEDex man handed me the package, gave me a, "Have a good day," with a smile, and left me standing in the door. "Yes, and you, too." I almost wondering if he had any idea what was in my package. At any rate, I closed the door behind me and looked at my purchase. It had been an internal battle; I was twenty-two years old, a college student, in a good relationship with my boyfriend, Justin, and I was still a virgin. To make matters worse, I had...

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My Sexual Reawakening

I am a middle aged married housewife and turned 43 a few months back. I had an arranged marriage when I was 23 and, before this story starts, had made love only to one man – my husband – all my life. Before marriage my college mate Sunil had kissed me and fondled my breasts a few times. That’s it. I was totally naïve about sex and, frankly, did not have any lust as I never knew how much fun sex could be. I grew up in Poona and had an arranged marriage with Gopi and moved to Bombay thereafter....

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Cuckold Again

My wife Carla and I were in this scuzzy adult book store and I had gone into one of the peep show booths, leaving my wife still browsing the porn. When I came out my wife was behind the counter kissing this black guy and rubbing her hand all over the bulge in his pants. I could see everything as well as several other guys that happen to be in the store. This black guy had his hand on her ass while he kept kissing Carlaand didn't even notice I was watching them. By this time the other guys in...

2 years ago
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My YouthChapter 17 Caroline Part 9

This is about me now... Caroline, her mother Mary and I may as well have all moved in together. I only checked in enough to keep the parental units from putting my face on a milk carton. Dad, I explained the situation to and he, more or less, agreed with it. The witch found out, not exactly WHO I was with, but threatened to get dad to disinherit me. Fat chance of that, but warnings of being ruined for any woman right down to boys my age having sex would cause me to need glasses. I was...

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The Long Road to Paradise

...It had come at last. The night of nights. Mitt's princess stood before him, her long blonde tresses curling down her back, her green eyes alert, yet respectful. The white wedding dress brought out her beauty all the more, a cone of lace crowned with the smooth softness of her bare arms and shoulders. He had called her a "vision of loveliness" in his toast, and indeed she was. His wife's face - yes! She was his wife now! - was so perfect he could not take his eyes off it.She reached...

3 years ago
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Nancy For Lunch

In a little less than an hour’s time, I had concluded an advertising pitch in downtown Chicago, just a couple blocks off Michigan Avenue. The client interrupted me early on in my presentation and asked me five or six rapid fire questions. It may have been the strong coffee I drank that morning, or the adrenaline of my first big meeting at my new job, but I handled each question he asked me and then shut up, just as my boss had instructed. After his last question the client said “I’m good with...

Straight Sex
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A Short Game of Scrabble

On the rack before me were the following tiles: STARBES We were only a few turns into the game, but my wife was already way ahead (as usual). She is an avid Scrabble player and a voracious reader, her mind possessed an incredible vocabulary, including every two- and three-letter word in the Scrabble Player’s Dictionary. But I enjoyed the game regardless of whether I won or lost, and besides it was difficult to feel bad or discouraged about anything when Jennifer was near! Anyway, it was her...

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happy campers

'Kari this rain isn't going to die down' Sara complained, flicking back her curly blonde hair. Kari and Sara were camping out in the Moore Valley and for the third day in a row it was raining.'Baby I know but we can still have fun' Kari replied wrapping an arm around her lover's shoulder. Kari pulled back her long dark hair from her pale face and secured it with an elastic band.'How can we have fun when there is nothing we can do except stay in this tiny tent?' Sara exclaimed, throwing herself...

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Emily and The Newlyweds

He had probably been waiting up for her. She told him not to and that she would be out with the girls all night and wouldn’t see him till the next morning. But, there were no other lights on, so maybe he was in bed. She walked up to the front steps, moved the cute little gnome that she had bought to give the place a little character and grabbed the key from beneath it. Her legs were a little wobbly from the night of drinking and lack of sleep. She probably shouldn’t have been driving, but...

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The Adjustment of Nicola JamesChapter 4 The Cage

My other business concluded, I took the time to visit Nicola's cage. I hadn't really noticed before what an excellent job had been done welding the bars to the frame of the cage, how neatly the hinges on the door had been finished, how solidly the steel rods were set in the concrete floor. The grey steel burnished to a dull grey smoothness impressed on those within it, or without, the strength of the construction. The lock on the cage's door, its key plate in polished brass, confirmed that...

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Late Rent Payments

My name is Pete. I'm in my early sixties and still in decent shape. The family and I had been talking about moving from our current home to one we own on the far side of our property. Though it was only about a hundred fifty yards across a field, the move would solve several problems for us. That home has larger rooms and much easier access for our wheel chair using family members. It is also much closer and has easier access to our two and a half car garage with attached barn. The garage has...

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Sam I Am

Sam I Am by VoaT Metaprologue Many authors spoonfeed their readers. The original samiam draft I excavated was very comfortable to read, entirely handheld, and utterly, utterly predictable. This is the even-earlier, paper-draft I excavated predating that. = = = [ Sam I Am ] = = = the story of a boy and a girl and the other side. 1. "Hi, my name is Sam." 2. "Well, for a girl, you give up your body if you want to compete in sports." 3. "Here, I'll walk you to...

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SweetSinner Silvia Saige The Breaking Point

Sweaty from a hike, Silvia and her daughter’s boyfriend, Lucas, return home to discover that they’ll be alone for the rest of the day. With their attraction reaching a breaking point and the perfect opportunity – Silvia grabs Lucas by the shirt and pulls him into her. There’s little resistance as Lucas has wanted to be inside Silvia for months now and it’s even more than he bargained for. She’s tight and ready and she swallows his dick with an enthusiasm he...

2 years ago
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Birthday gift from hot aunty

Hi friends, Dr nikhil sharma here for the first time.. Me 24 yrs old,6ft tall,fair,n 70 kg in weight,n from pink city,i am going to write my story for the first time, hope u will enjoy it, mail ur comments at so without making u much wait,let me start my real story, which happend with me on my 24th birthday. Her name is deepika,28, with 6 yr old child, lives in shillong,her husband is a businessman n most of the time he goes for the tour. We met on internet n started chatting, after...

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Katie PunishedChapter 18

Katie O' Brien rolled off Angela and lay on her back beside her, brushing her lips against her friend's soft warm hip and tickling her lovely black pubic bush with her fingers. Angie lay on her back, relieved in a way that her companion's weight was no longer on top of her, and tenderly kissed Katie's butterfly tattoo and ran her fingers through Katie's copper coloured pubic hair. "Why did you let me stand up just at that end of that lovely fantastic long fight?" "I didn't want to...

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Gods of high school

The power to persuade others to do just about anything is given to a kid in high school Maybe this was a mistake made by the gods who had planned to give it to someone else who'd use it for something much more...productive for humankind. Or maybe they just wanted to see a bunch of teenagers fuck. Either way you choose which of these horny sociopaths received the gift and how they use it. And no, none of them gives a shit about stopping world hunger.

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MAU New Love

MAU - A Different Kind of Love. By YONI I am not really sure how to go about this, I am a 44 year old man, single, somewhat overweight about 6'2" tall. By single I mean that I have never been married though I have been in love several times. They say love at first sight is a wonderful thing, but they never tell you about the people who fall in love with someone who never loves them back. I have often wondered if the people we call stalkers are people who have a case of unrequited...

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PART – 42 ME AND MY PREGNANCY I was having regular sex with my husband till I completed seventh month of my pregnancy. All we were doing was with consultation of my lady gynecologist. Yes! We have reduced frequency of fucking a bit. Previously, till my fifth months of pregnancy, we were having our fucking almost all daily but after that we reduced it to 3 to 4 times a week. At the end of my fourth month of pregnancy, we stopped having wild sex. We were having a very gentle fucking...

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SeniorChapter 2 First week of classes

Saturday was moving day so Megan and I didn't even consider running. After a continental breakfast of orange juice, cereal, toast and coffee, we set off in different cars. Charlie and Debra went to the hardware store for cleaning supplies. Megan and I were to stop by the landlord's house to pick up the key and open the house up. As I took Main Street to River, I kept noticing Megan leaning over to check the odometer. "It's a mile from my apartment to River Road and about another half...

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The Groomers get their Payback

The Police force had let them go three men who groomed and raped four teenagers the locals were not happy. The three were all Immigrants from the far East and had large families so getting to them was not easy. Two ex nurses and one ex police woman had a plan. Revenge would be drastic. One of the guys worked as cab driver and they found out which company he worked for. Over the next few days they prepared all they needed drugs surgical instruments and restraints. They agreed to call the...

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The Lord and the Stableboy

You are the Lord of many lands, with hundreds of serfs that work under you and are obligated to you and part of that obligation means that they must ensure that you always have somebody to meet your physical needs. Each year for ten years on the longest day the villagers have sent to your mansion a girl with who you can relieve your appetites and discard when she ceases to satisfy you. You are aware that the serf do not like this much and many have appropriately aged daughters sent to other...

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Joys of AccountingChapter 2

Staking Out My Territory It was about 4 am when I woke, sometime during the night mom had grabbed my dick and was sleeping while holding on to my cock. I got up and went to the john, on the way back me and my dick had an idea. I started shaking mom, "Come on Mary, time to move to our bed, let's go." I don't think mom really woke all the way, she was just letting me drag her, anything if she could just keep sleeping. Halfway down the hall I had to stop and look at my mother, naked, not...

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Mummy Ki Unexpected Chudai 8211 Part 2

In my last sex story, I told you guys how things were getting naughty between me and my mother.Now this is the continuation of the story,sorry for late update I didn’t get time was busy on the job.And thank you for feedback and mails you provided hope my advice helped you guys.After the completion please mail me the feedback also at And any girl or aunt in Delhi interested can also mail me. So coming to the story now. Delhi aane ke baad me mummy ke baare me hi sochne me tha mujhe kaise bhi...

4 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 2 Rock My World Little Country Girl

NIS Day 1 – Afternoon - Medway High School 12:17pm, Monday, October, 30, 1979 “Hey! Teresa! How’d you’re first period of being in your birthday suit go?” I said as I walked into the café. Our NIS tenth grader was obviously invited to join our lunch crowd, because her partner, Greg Smythe was in PE this sixth period. I figured Sammy, Lynette and Tempe didn’t want her naked and alone at another table. “It was kinda scary and kinda cool at the same time, if you know what I mean?” Teresa...

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The First Stone

"I'm so scared, Rick!" Sue Anne DiAntonio confessed to her boyfriend, as they stood in the darkened parking lot, forty miles from their hometown. "Do you really want me to do this? What if something goes wrong?" "What can go wrong?" Rick Markland said soothingly to his beautiful young lover. He made sure no one else was in the parking lot, then kissed his girlfriend passionately on the lips. "I'll always be close by!" he assured her. "We'll never forget today, your 21st...

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HeroChapter 2

Mallory French sat on the side of his bed for close to an hour - holding his hand. He gripped her hand tightly when the demons came back to haunt his memory. The demons kept trying to claim the girls again as he saw them in the car crying, gulping the dirty water as they screamed to him for help. He snatched them away from the demons of death and took them to their momma. He felt good and slept with the pretty woman’s hand, holding his hand. Marc rested peacefully for the first time since he...

2 years ago
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Story Reader Ki Palang Tod Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hi doston rakesh ek bar fir hajir hai ap logon k samne apni nai ap biti le kar meri koi bhi kahani puri nahi hogi jab tak main un sabhi ka shukriya na ada kar lun jo mujhe mail kiye Watsapp kiye dostong ye iss ka mera ek bahut bada friend circle ban gaya hai or ap logon se do sal bhi jada pyar mila uska shukriya kai logon k msg aye galiyan bhi di ki main kisi ki wife k sath sex kyon kiya ya anjan ladki k sath kyon sex kiya ye achi bat nahi doston mera sirf yahi kahna hai agar kisi ladki ko sex...

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Secondary Education Chapter 10 Reincarnation

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 10 Reincarnation I am asleep in the arms of my Bodhisattva. He strokes my forehead. "Look within to find consciousness of the skandhas that survived your rebirth." I concentrate, and focus on a fuzzy, black and white image. "I was Private Flores, an American warrior in the jungle battles of Laos. I killed many and died filled with guilt and hatred. These passions survived inside me, and even they roil...

2 years ago
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The Program Chapter Four

29th July 2010 Despite my fears I got a good sleep last night as the bed was far better then my bed at home. The next morning I got dressed as I had been trained to do. First the fake breasts in the bra, then the girdle to give myself Eleanor's body shape. At least I don't have to sleep with it on. I decided that if I pretended to my mother that I was perfectly happy then her watch on me would loosen and then maybe I could get the necklace off and mete out some serious revenge. I...

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