Going bi
- 2 years ago
- 29
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By the time I had got back to my room, a package for me had been delivered, or rather a large sized box sitting on my bed. There was a folded note attached, that though sent from Ted ... Master, had been written in someone else's hand, no doubt one of the Attendings.
"Maringa, as per part of this evenings guest's desires, I would very much appreciate it if you would indeed wear what is inside. Both Deidra as well as Bella will be wearing something similar to yours, so do not feel embarrassed about doing so. But I will add ... if you do decide to join us this evening, this outfit is mandatory!" T.M.
Curious, I undid the rather large bow surrounding the box, opening the lid peering inside before actually reaching into remove the "costume," which I called it to myself only then holding it up. I even laughed, realizing now what it was I was looking at. Glancing inside the box, I saw the rest of the ensemble and knew immediately what was being asked of me.
I walked over to the floor length mirror in my room, holding the very short ... almost too short, plaid pleated skirt up to myself, along with the white blouse, knee socks and dark blue cashmere sweater with some sort of an emblem over the breast pocket on the left side. "This has got to be some kind of a joke," I said to myself looking about the room, half expecting either Deidra or Bella to suddenly jump out laughing at me as I stood there. I read the note once again, carefully. I knew then, it wasn't a joke, this was for real. And if I were to attend dinner later on this evening, this would be the outfit I'd be wearing.
"Well ... if Deidra and Bella can do it, I certainly can!" I stated, and then headed off to shower, a small smile coming to my face as I began picturing myself, hair pulled back into a ponytail, no bra ... full breasts pressing daintily against the semi-transparent white blouse. I had noticed there were no panties included inside the box, which had told me something else almost immediately.
I wouldn't be wearing any.
Dinner was to be served promptly at eight. I soon after made my way down stairs, a little surprised that I didn't see the normal hustle and bustle of Novices scurrying about as they usually were, running errands of one sort or another. Reaching the bottom of the grand stairs leading off towards the dining area, I soon discovered why, though even that for a moment threw me.
There were two long lines of both Novices as well as Attendings, each one seated there in the hallway just outside the dining area. For the first time ever, I now realized that every Novice as well as every Attending there could possibly be were here tonight. Many having come in from the city in order to be here for whatever reason. But even more curious as I approached, glad to see both Deidra as well as Bella standing next to the double wide doors waiting for me, likewise wearing almost exactly what I was. But it was seeing some dozen or so Novices, all wearing short plaid skirts, sweaters in an identical cut, a deep red, almost maroon. Even the Attendings wore very similar attire, though their sweaters were light blue in color, with matching pleated skirts.
I walked up towards Deidra, eyebrows raised in question looking back over my shoulder at the two formed lines. "This has something to do with the guy you call the Weasel right?"
Deidra laughed. "Yeah, you might could say that ... you'll see why after we've had dinner. I don't want to spoil the fun for you, since this will be your first experience seeing this," she told me.
Just by the number of Novices and Acceptings here, I could tell there was something special going on, not to mention the obvious anticipation, nervousness and excitement in each one of their eyes.
"Obviously, this man too is fairly influential?" I asked.
"Oh yes ... though you won't recognize him or anything, he's always been behind the scenes, keeping his true identity and anonymity in check away from the papers or magazines. But ... he's probably amongst the wealthiest men in the world, and he has in place at least half a dozen corporate executives, who everyone else would think where the actual owners and CEO's of their own businesses. Nothing could be further than the truth in fact. The general public might think they are ... but the reality is ... he's the man behind the men."
"And he has a bit of a kink that Master allows him to enjoy here is that it?"
"Oh yeah, like I said ... he does, and which is why there's such a turnout tonight. But again, I don't want to give anything away just yet either. It's something you have to see for yourself with your own eyes, which we will later, in about an hour or so after we've eaten. First things first though, let me duck my head in and see where we're at," Bella stated. "They're still talking business ... or at least they were. If Master's ready to start serving dinner, I'll come back out and get you, and then make the introductions. Oh ... one more thing. I wouldn't recommend calling him Weasel to his face if you know what I mean," she laughed, and then headed inside.
Standing outside the door next to Deidra waiting for Bella's return, I was surprised when Deidra suddenly reached over, her hands coming up to immediately do up one more button on my blouse. I had assumed with instructions not to wear a bra, or panties that a showing of a little cleavage was to be expected. I was wrong.
"There," Deidra said smoothing out my collar a bit, "Now you look a bit more modest ... for the time being anyway," she winked chuckling a little. "And nice touch on the ponytail," she added. "Almost wish my hair was long enough to do that. No doubt Mr. M will pay you a little extra special attention because of that."
"Mr. M?"
Once again Deidra chuckled. "Yeah, seriously. That's the only name any of us even know him by," she informed me. "One of the few secrets even Master keeps from us, though I'm not even sure he truly knows the Weasels true name either. Which is one of the reasons we all secretly call him that, though the reason for that of course ... you'll eventually learn later."
Just then Bella poked her head back out the door. "You may come in," she told us both. "Introductions ... and then dinner."
Dinner had been set for six, which I noticed upon walking inside. Including Master and the three of us, I saw an older gentleman, no doubt Mr. M, along with a much younger looking woman sitting by his side. All three rising as we came in. Even I had to admit she was striking, long dark hair falling well past her shoulders, a black floor-length evening gown, which made me feel wholly underdressed in comparison. But it was her pale white skin that truly stood out, and I wondered if she'd even seen the light of day, looking almost Vampire'ish in a sense, half expecting to see fangs emerge upon smiling at us as we were then introduced.
"Mr. M, this is Mistress Bella, and Mistress Deidra, and ... Maringa," he said turning towards me, leaving off the imaginary, or supposed title he'd given me for whatever reason.
"Pleased to see you again," he said acknowledging both Deidra and Bella with a quick brief shake of hands, though quickly capturing my own in between his two massive paws holding it there. "And very nice ... to meet you," he informed me, glowering over me for a moment fully taking me in from head to foot before turning towards the woman waiting patiently ... and as yet, unsmiling beside him. "And this, is my companion, Victoria," he said introducing her more to me than to the others, which told me in an instant, they had of course met her before. I wondered briefly in his having addressed her as that, the reason why master hadn't addressed me as such. Maybe he didn't want it to appear we were as intimately close perhaps as the two of them were, which is why he hadn't.
We soon after took seats, Master and Mr. M seated at either end of the table, me sitting directly across from Victoria, who I carefully took stolen glances towards as we began eating dinner. There was something about her I couldn't quite put my finger on, though she truly was beautiful in an almost Gothic looking way, something that for some oddball reason didn't quite add up with the obvious "School-girl" preferences he obviously had some kind of a thing for. I couldn't imagine her being dressed like this for one, which was perhaps the reason why in the first place the rest of us where.
We finished dinner none too soon, the curiosity and anticipation of the evening to come almost too much to bear as male staff, specifically brought in for the occasion, not only cleared away the dinner dishes, but the table and chairs as well, leaving only three there. Master now taking one for himself, with Mr. M, and Victoria taking and placing the other two chairs a short distance across from one another. I could only stand there slightly shaking my head in wondrous curiosity as Master spoke.
"Bella? I think we're ready to begin," he told her. "If you'd please escort in the Novices and Attendings?"
As Bella left to do that, Deidra once again leaned over towards me whispering. "This is where the fun begins," she informed me. "Mr. M loves playing this game. In a moment, each of us ... all of us in fact will be invited to sit down over his cock. You get one in ... and one out, that's it, and then you stand up and move to the end of the line. You may slide down over him quick ... or slow, and visa-versa as you extricate yourself. It becomes in a way, a bit of strategic coupling with him, the ultimate goal of course, in seeing which one of us will eventually make him come. But there again, he won't come inside you, if you're the one fortunate enough to actually get him off, he'll not let the next person sit down on his prick, thus declaring the previous girl the obvious winner."
"How strange!" I whispered back, not at all sure I was so inclined to participate, though one look over in Master's direction told me he was obviously expecting me to do so. "So what's in it for the girls then?" I asked. Obviously this was all something they quite looked forward to, for whatever reason.
"Whichever girl is the lucky one to do so ... is given twenty-five thousand dollars, on the spot, that's why!" She informed me, and then chuckled, though the doors had now opened with two long, yet mixed lines now coming in. "But that's not the half of it," she added. "If you get Victoria off too, the girl who manages to do that, gets ten thousand, so there's double the reason for each girl to be here in the hopes of making a substantial amount of money for little or no effort in having to actually do so."
"No wonder," I said turning back around again, though as I did so ... I had yet one more big surprise waiting for me as I did that.
Mr. M of course sat in his own chair. By now he had removed his fairly average, though quite hard looking cock. He almost looked silly sitting there as he was, pants down around his ankles on the floor, with obviously no intent to remove them completely. His shirttail almost perfectly splitting his hard prick, which sat jutting up between his legs in obvious expectation and excitement of the girl's cunts he'd soon be fucking, one right after the other ... including Bella, Deidra and myself by the looks of it. Once again, I figured that I could endure, if they could something like this, especially as it would be one single thrust in and out, and chances perhaps being ... that might be all I'd get with the number of women who were standing there. And then I looked over towards Victoria, wondering. Which is about the time my mouth fell open. She ... or rather he/she too ... had a very large, very full ... very stiff erection jutting up from between her legs as well.
"Surprise!" Deidra laughed as she looked over towards me. Unlike Mr. M however, Veronica had completely undressed, pulling off her gown to now sit there in black sheer stockings, garter and heels. She had magnificent looking breasts, that didn't look at all, or appear to be implants. It was quite obvious they were naturally enhanced, if that's what she'd done, simply taking hormones to produce the obvious fullness and natural symmetry of shape as I stood there gawking at her. Which is about the time she glanced over towards me, actually smiling for the first time ... licking her lips.
"Oh, one more thing?" Deidra said. "Victoria gets her pick of the litter for the evening too ... afterwards, Mr. M. and Master of course, enjoys watching her and one of us putting on a show for them later on. Though I can say, neither Bella nor I have ever been picked by her to do that ... though I'm sure there's always a first time."
Standing there seeing the way she looked at me, told me that Deidra and Bella would still have a while to wait for that yet.
There wasn't time to dwell on that much longer however, as two immediate lines formed, a mixture of Novices and Accepted both filtering in amongst one another. One line moving forward towards Victoria, the other towards Mr. M. Each girl sitting down in their lap, one down thrust, one up ... and then moving on to get into the other line, repeating the process.
"Well ... shall we?" Bella asked walking over to get in line behind Marlene, one of the Accepted, whispering to me as I followed her over. "Marlene got the twenty-five last time he was here," she informed me, and Chrissy? Our resident squirter and Deidra's currently assigned wake up Novice? She got the ten grand from having got Victoria off last time."
Though currently in line as we slowly moved forward awaiting our turn with Mr. M., I glanced over noticing as I did that Victoria continued to keep her eyes on me, smiling even more broadly, not at all interested as it appeared, as one girl after another sat down in her lap, sliding down Victoria's hard stiff cock. I had a pretty good idea then, that I would later be putting on a show for Master, though oddly enough ... the thought of that didn't exactly seem unappealing to me at the moment.
It wasn't long before I also realized ... this wasn't going to be over with any time soon, so far at least, each girl had gone through at least twice, with both Mr. M, and Victoria, with no indication so far that either one of them were getting very close to actually ejaculating. Also of interest however, which each pass, I now noticed that hands too had begun groping, the girls blouses suddenly finding buttons popped, opened, looking more and more disheveled each time they came through the line, including myself. Now moving forward to slide down Victoria's hard cock, she immediately reached up, her hands all but shredding the front of my blouse open, baring both breasts at once as she grabbed them holding on, and then suddenly crying out.
"Shit!" One of the young Novices standing behind me suddenly said, I'd immediately stood up of course, just in time to see a fountain of cream suddenly spurting out the end of Victoria's cock. The moment she had, there was a sudden scramble by everyone else to get into, and thus form an even longer line now in front of Mr. M.
"Looks like we have a winner," Master said grinning, looking at me. And once again, his look likewise said he had a pretty good idea of who it was Victoria would be selecting later as well.
The one good thing was ... having basically claimed my "prize", out of courtesy and respect for the others, I would no longer participate for the somewhat larger prize as the girls obviously began pulling whatever tricks they had up their sleeves in hopes of being the next one to get Mr. M off. Even Bella walked over towards me after her last attempt, seemingly satisfied with having at least put in a few appearances, now content to stand beside me watching everyone else.
"This is where they usually start putting all those techniques they've learned to the test," she told me. "Up until now at least, it's been like a slow-rolling train. After this, the girls will all be working their cunt muscles to best advantage, each one of them now hoping to be the one to finally get him off."
Seconds later after Deidra herself had gone through, coupled with him briefly, she then wandered over to likewise stand beside us. "Should be any time now," she smiled grinning broadly. "His face is starting to get red ... usually when he does that, he's getting pretty damn close. Also ... as you can see, he's making no bones about fondling the girls when they sit down either, grabbing their breasts, even fondling their cunts briefly as they sit down on him. That's usually when he finally looses it, so like I said ... any moment now."
It happened only minutes after that. The young petite redheaded girl who had been asked to demonstrate her pussy contractions for me in the phallic room was the one who finally got him off. She had slid down, no doubt working her magic on his shaft, continuing to grip it, squeezing it as she did so, even as she slowly began moving up and off of him. The moment she had done so, he reached out with his hand, keeping the next one in line from coming over to sit down on him herself. Sure enough ... he began spurting what appeared to be a gallon of cum-cream as rope after rope of semen began flying out the end of his dick.
"And there you have it!" Deidra said, "Pop goes the Weasel!"
In addition to the twenty-five grand paid out to the cute little red-head, and ten additional given to me, Mr. M then gave each one of the girls who'd participated a thousand each just for their efforts. Everyone soon departed with smiles on their faces, Victoria having already made her personal selection known to Master, which had of course been me. No one was really too surprised at that as she'd made it pretty clear as to who she was most interested in during the course of the evening.
"Mistress Bella? Is the room ready for us?" He asked her knowing full well it was of course.
"Yes Master," she responded already prepared to lead the way as our small procession soon after left the main dining area for Master's private wing where he had a small cozy, yet very intimate "play-room," as Bella had told me about earlier. On the assumption that I would indeed be the one chosen and selected by Victoria, Bella had filled me in on what I just might expect. The interesting thing for me was, I hadn't actually been asked if this was something I really wanted to do, or would do. And yet I somehow felt this was one of those "stretching the boundary" type of things that Master was curious to find out if I was willing to do. I honestly believed I could have very easily passed on it, and he'd have supported me. But I knew in doing so ... he would have displeased his favored guests.
I had in fact considered my options, but then merely nodded my head in his direction after everyone else had cleared out. What I received back in response to that was a small, yet very pleased looking smile as we shortly thereafter followed Bella up to his private rooms for what would no doubt be more fun, and entertainment for his special guests.
As Deidra and I had stood watching the final moments together, she had also filled me in a little on Victoria. Victoria had been Mr. M's companion now as I learned for the past several years. She had undergone the hormonal procedure in enlarging her breasts naturally. A nice sized "B" cup as it turned out, without the aid of implants. She had also decided however that it never was her intention of having a full sex-change operation. Victoria enjoyed having a cock, and though in a strange sort of way, actually considered herself a lesbian. She enjoyed having the ability to fuck women with it, often referring to her penis as "My really big clit."
Minutes later we entered the Play Room, yet again another room I was totally unfamiliar with, as I'd never been here before. I was honestly starting to wonder if I ever would see all of the rooms and chambers reportedly on the estate. Entering, I was somewhat surprised at the simple furnishings contained within the room, and at the same time struck with the somewhat uncanny appearance of it as well. The entire room was mirrored, floor to ceiling. Everywhere you looked reflections of us as we entered, all from differing angles and views as though being inside some kind of macabre funhouse with mirrors.
In the middle of the room was a small, yet functional and comfortable looking padded platform much like a small raised stage. I was to later learn that with the simple press of a button on the arms of two chairs sitting a short distance away from it, that the platform itself could be turned, thus spinning slowly in a circle until whatever new preferred view was then reached. Master, and Mr. M of course sat down in the two very comfortable looking plush leather chairs, Bella seating herself on the floor on a couple of large cushions next to him, with Deidra doing the same sitting down next to Mr. M.
Victoria was already disrobing again, moments later entirely naked waiting for me to join her there on the small unique little stage. Glancing up into the mirrors, it became evident that I'd be just as easily able to see them as they'd have in seeing and watching us, reflections of them appearing as an audience in a way, countless duplicates all watching, all waiting for show the two of us would soon be putting on for them.
I decided at that very moment, I was going to thoroughly enjoy myself. Victoria was an interesting woman, even if she/he did have a cock, especially as it was in fact a very nice thick one, now hard ... and well aroused. As I was myself quickly becoming. It would be interesting for me, having a pair of breasts to play with, caress and suck, while no doubt being simultaneously fucked as I soon joined her now naked myself crawling up and onto the platform.
"Begin by sucking one another's breasts simultaneously," Mr. M, now requested. In hearing that, I knew the two of us would no doubt be choreographed throughout the entire evening, succumbing to his wishes and desires, regardless of our own. But even then, I found myself strangely aroused by the thought of that, wondering what it might be he'd soon be requesting us to do to one another.
Victoria had spread herself out, lying on her back as I crawled over towards her, basically feeding her one of my breasts as I in turn leaned forward capturing one of hers in my mouth at the same time. Glancing up, her cock stood proud and stiff, easily within reach. I reached out clasping it in my hand, feeling her shudder excitedly, her mouth moaning around my sensitive hard nipple as she sucked it. I likewise felt the thrill of her sucking mine, her hand now coming down to reach towards me simultaneously, fingers dancing inside the opening of my very wet juicy split. As we did that, I felt motion, opening my eyes seeing that our stage was slowly turning in order to give Master, and Mr. M a much better view from the side as we continued doing that.
"Victoria," Mr. M began. "Now I'd like to see you tit fuck her with your breasts," he urged, the obvious sound of lustful desire clearly heard in his excited tone of voice. One again we moved, me now lying on my back, legs spread provocatively, obscenely as Victoria slithered up between them. I soon felt the soft press of her breast as she cupped it within her hand, mashing it against the opening of my vulnerably displayed pussy. She began working it up and down, back and forth, teasingly nipple to clit as she tickled me ever so delightfully with it.
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Casa del Fuego Brian Frost: 20, senior at IU in the fall studying Chemistry, even though it is only his third year; 5′6″, brown hair, blue eyes; patrón of the clan and full member of both Casa del Fuego and Casa del Agua; Chef Brian of Young Cooking, Executive Producer of Redress, and co-CEO of Hearthstone Entertainment; birthday: 10/5. Rose Davis: 20, junior at IU studying Management and English Literature; 5′1″, golden blonde hair, deep blue eyes; Brian's cónyuge and matrón of the clan;...
Chapter Seven Victor Freeman returned from an absence of six weeks, longer than he had thought, but then again he had thought that his younger sister’s heart operation would have been successful. They had waited at his country home for two weeks for the operation, and then she had died on the operating table. As her only relative he had to bury her and sort out her estate. Then he was on a mission for two weeks a long way from Britain and when he returned he was exhausted and depressed. He...
El repartidorAquel verano me lo iba a pasar solo, sin trabajo y sin pareja, con el paro casi agotado, me salió la oportunidad de trabajar como repartidor de una pequeña cadena de supermercados.Un contrato de dos meses y repartir por la ciudad desde las 3 de la tarde hasta terminar, el sueldo no era gran cosa pero una posibilidad.Nuestra tarea era recoger los pedidos, meterlos en la furgo y luego repartir, éramos dos el conductor y yo. Si había un cliente sólo , salía yo y el esperaba en la...
It was my first winter break home from college, and it was then I realised that all my friends in my past were moving in different circles. I found that away from college, I was very much alone. It was nearing Christmas, and so I was always meeting my new friends in town while shopping. It was when I got back to my little suburban estate that backed onto the country that I found myself alone.One morning, I awoke to find it had snowed heavily overnight and that all the buses into town had been...
IncestI was resting myself on Anju’s shoulder while she was resting herself on the wall. We were both under the shower and my tired cock was touching her ass. We were both tired and there was a satisfying smile on my face. There were moans coming from the room; Mausam was moaning loudly but I didn’t care much and stayed there with Anju. Slowly, the moans were getting softer and Anju turned towards me. She looked so happy and satisfied. She kissed me and then we cleaned ourselves. While cleaning, we...
Chapter 2 Don woke and checked the clock to see it was 2 A.M. His stocking clad toe touching the covers reminded him of his predicament. He also had to use the bathroom again. Since Mandy was asleep beside him, he quietly slipped out of bed and across the hall to the bathroom. Since he was wearing a long nightgown he figured it would be just as easy to sit down to pee, even though he resented having to do so. On returning he slipped back into bed, finding Mandy had awakened in his...
Stella got out the candles and lit them. Sitting them around the lovely small cottage anticipating that the electric may go out and if so then it would be the ideal time for them to have a nice playful night. And this would be the night that she gave Dave, his one most memorable fantasy that he had been begging her for.Once the candles were lit, she went into the master bath to prepare for the evening. She filled the luscious tub with warm water, adding the bubbles to it, and stepping in to...
Hi all, This is sravan from Hyderabad. i am 28 years old and staying in near KPHB-JNTU. i am a married person. This story about how i fucked my neighbour aunty Janaki. This is my first story in ISS. I have been regular reader of ISS since one month only. Coming to the story: Janaki is very beautiful and gorgeous. she is my neighbour and she is having 2 years kid. Her husband runs business in near KPHB. He always spends his time in shop only regularly I used to go for morning walk. She also...
You are a woman of rare desire. Your need to be taken and used is found in so few females my love you know what a woman is capable of. You know what limits she can be brought to. You understand what women were were born to do with the men that love them. You crave the intense burning that comes to your insides when you are taken by your man and brought to the place where he will make you become as female as you were meant to be. I know that your nipples respond first as they swell with the...
Matthew stepped out of the coffee shop, a cup of hot chocolate in one hand and a blueberry muffin in the other and glanced at his watch. He had plenty of time to get back to the store before meeting that new sales rep. He glanced up and down the street and noticed a young woman looking at him. She flashed him a quick smile and looked away again, almost as if she were embarrassed. Matthew grinned to himself, turned away from her and started walking. His attention turned back to the...
My Final Resting PlaceSpecial thanks to the members of the Gromet?s plaza, who gave me the inspiration and drive to write this story, especially the likes of Jenny and Toran**It all started 3 years ago, when a group of us met up, and decided to start a game, a sex game of warped proportions between our group. Each round was 6 months long, and usually involved a modification of some sort, and recently the stakes had been getting higher.My name was pulled out of the hat.My head started to spin.My...
Chapter 1 After both ladies washed up in the shower , Max was using Joan as a footstool, smoking a joint , as he casully watched a lesbian porn on tv. Joan couldnt help but see the nasty, taboo pictures posted all over the dungeon walls . First Carol (Max's mom ) & Joyce(Max's Stepmom ) dressed normally with jeans, tshirts & running shoes smiling . Then beside these two pics , the ladies were completley naked with cum on their faces & wearing dog-collars & leashes with thigh high hooker...
This is a follow up story to “My First Time With Another Woman.” After Wynona, the married woman with whom I had a lesbian affair with moved away it was several months before I hooked up with another female. Several of us girls at work got together for lunch once or twice a week and often on Thursday nights we’d go directly from work and have a few drinks before going home. One of the girls, Dori, an open lesbian living a lesbian lifestyle, and I became close friends. Now Dori has a partner,...
‘You jerk!’ Bridgette shouted at Karen, as Karen remerged from the soapy water in the tub, like a dolphin jetting up out of the ocean, to splash resoundingly in the water below. ‘You got me all wet!’ Bridgette’s grin belied her mock anger. ‘Well, duh, you ARE in the bathtub, Bridge. You already ARE wet!’ Karen replied. ‘Not my hair, dummy,’ replied Bridgette sulkily, though she wasn’t really mad at Karen. After all, she knew what would inevitably result from two highly sexed, beautiful 18...
Kay Lovely calls a meeting with her employee Jason Moody. She tells him his sales are low and asks him what is causing this loss in productivity. Jason insists that he’s doing his best, but Kay is stern as she tells Jason that she needs RESULTS. With his sales plummeting, she just doesn’t know if she can keep him on the team anymore. Jason really needs the job, and desperately promises to do better. Kay considers this for a moment and then tells him to stand up. When Jason obeys...
xmoviesforyouAnalog Time, Part Four "Nix" by Sandy Man Her glazed eyes grew wide when she looked up and saw me, eyes that spoke of a woman who had just entered hell. And I was the devil. "What do you want?" she asked. "Who are you? What is this place?" Her jaw trembled as she spoke. I could see the pulse on her neck, like a jackrabbit. Her chest quivered with sharp, quick breaths. Her hands stayed at her sides, but I could...
Well, this was nice, an unexpected opportunity to spend a night sleeping with my wife. Now, that is the way to live. It was not until late in the afternoon before my rifle was ready and I had checked and re-zeroed it. The gunsmith had done an excellent job. While he was working on it, I had him put in a peep-sight to replace the open "V" notch sight that the rifle came with. I much preferred the peep-sight over the notch sight as I felt that it gave me better accuracy in my aiming. I admit...
I opened the door to her cell and let myself in, closing the privacy curtain behind me. She was sitting on the single bed against the wall. With the exception of the handcuffs on her wrists in front of her, she was completely nude. I always prefer the girl to be nude and handcuffed on our first meeting. It makes her feel vulnerable and completely available. It makes her very afraid and very easy to connect with on a very deep basis. I think they feel that if they connect with me, I will have...
100% fiction! My husband all ways wanted to have a threesome with out best man and I all said I would think about it. Then one night when my father in law came to live with us after my mother passed away and I saw the size of his cock it turn me on. That night I asked my husband if he still wanted to have a threesome he said he did. I told him we can have that threesome if I can pick the other man. He said I could and then asked me who the other man I wanted to fuck. I told him I wanted to fuck...
IncestThe first thing I do when I get back home from work is take my dog out. I put the leash on her, walk out the backdoor and start my daily round. It’s not a very big round. Big enough for her to do her business and to get some exercise, while I just want to go home, eat and relax after a day at the office. I just moved to this apartment complex. After my girlfriend and I broke up, I needed to have something and this was the first one I saw that I could afford. It’s not a bad place, the...
The world seemed in never ending turmoil as the decade of the 60's drew to a close. Vietnam was an ongoing war and the peace movement was in full swing. Woodstock was fresh in everyone's memory having provided our generation with the hope that as we graduated high school we could actually affect change in a world of unchanging politicians and nineteenth-century morals our parents had grown up adhering to and tried to force on our generation.After receiving the diplomas we'd work twelve long...
Once again, the Great Hall of Erlenburg castle was filled with guests. It was Easter, and lent was over, finally. That alone would have made for a celebration. However, the festive mood was increased by the news that the visiting Count of Nassau had come with an offer to end the generations-old feud between the two houses and establish friendly ties. The Count and Baron Arnulf had been in talks for two days already, and most of the issues had been resolved. Bjoern Isebrand had briefly taken...
Her parents had gotten take out pizza and she had already had 3 slices before leaving. Her parents were being way more affectionate than usual as she went out the door. Her mother was straddling her dad's lap and the two of the were kissing hard and breathing like they were running a race. She shook her head as she shut the door. Her dad has his hand up mom's shirt opening her bra. " Get room!" she called as she closed the door with a chuckle. She passed several other amorous couples...
I'm wearing my "Natasha" costume as I get into the cab you called to pick me up at the hotel. It took me a while to get all my long blonde hair tucked under the glossy black Dutch boy wig, though the raspberry beret helps. Though it's a bit hard to see with the sunglasses on at night, I can see well enough to notices that the driver seems to appreciate the rest of my ensemble, and as I watch him watch me in the rear view mirror, I let my long black trenchcoat open so that he can see a bit...
Dedicated to someone that needs this in her life as well as someone to let the freak out with, you can have both. Everyone above the age of 18. * Hands cover your eyes as you close the door to your apartment, startling you a bit but bringing a smile to your face. The hands are gentle as they blind your sight and you feel his hot breath on your neck, sending shivers down your spine. ‘What do you think you are doing?’ you ask. ‘Oh, nothing much really I have a surprise for you, darling,’ he...
Im 23 years old and this is a story of what happened about a month ago. I work in a local Record shop, iv’e been there for a couple of years it’s not a ideal job but I enjoy it and it pays my bills. As it’s a small shop it never gets very busy so I work there full time with my Manageress and a guy that works there at weekends. My Manageress is 42 years old and for the sake of this story i’m going call her Pam. Me and Pam get on really well, we have worked together for a good few years. Shes...
IncestWith me being the only female in the group, I knew I was always going to be eye-candy for the guys. And I won't lie, I don't think I can blame them for that. I'm not vain and I'm certainly no bombshell beauty but I have always had guys undress me in their heads since my breasts had fully developed. And with my body type, they always draw attention. I stand at 5'9, brunette, D-cup (since 14yrs old) , 156lbs, lean build and a slight tan, not too muscular but almost perfectly toned. That...
High Heel Hell debra darling Janice had come home to find a shocking sight. Her husband Bob was standing in their bedroom masturbating. That was embarrassing enough but what Bob was wearing was even more shocking. He was done up in a pair of her best black pantyhose and her new Manolo Blahnik spike heel sandals. All of that was bad enough by itself. She might have gotten over it if her best friend had not been with her. She had brought Susan home to show...
Chapter 9 Kelly, Belinda, Susan, and Natalie had been talking about the news they learned about Ann at the mall. The more they discussed it, the more aroused they got. The girls went back to Natalie’s house. Natalie lived just 2 blocks from Ann, so she said she would go drop by for a visit and report back on what she saw to the other girls. Kelly and Belinda started making calls to their friends to let them in on the gossip, but Susan said she would wait to hear back from Natalie’s...
I’ve been holding off writing about this because you probably think a gang bang is hot or cool or fun. But, in reality, it’s not like a porn movie — it doesn't last as long, and it’s awkward and clumsy. Yes, some bits are fun -- but other times it’s rough and painful.Meeting Dan for over a month or so, we became friends and fuck buddies. I mean, he hits the right spot.We’ve talked about fantasies and desires and the topic of a gang bang came up a few times. I’ve had three men but my favorite...
Group Sex(This story is a tribute to 'The Cat Lady', and picks up after the ending in which susan talks Mitzi down from killing the 'Eye of Adam'. If you haven't played the game this story may contain spoilers, but even if you don't care I recommend playing or watching a playthrough of the game. Its excellent and very thought and emotion provoking. This story may touch on harsh subjects such as murder, suicide, depression, and cancer. Please enjoy.) It has been a week since the incident with the 'Eye'...
Romance"Stop taking things from my room," yelled Elizabeth from behind the door to Devon's room. There he was hiding with his friend Mike, snickering at his younger sister by two years who was banging on the door. Devon was carefully skimming over his sister's diary in attempt to irritate her for his and Mike's amusement. He smiled as he read a passage, and then repeated it out loud to Mike. "I think Josh is so cute, especially when he wears that blue button down shirt," read Devon, just loud...
So guys this is my first story that I am submitting. I have been a rugular reader of indian sex stories dot net . This story is real and me and my aunt had lots of memories during this period. Describing my aunt. Her name is bhavna and she is 39 years old and have been married for 14 years and his husband is 10 years older than him. She has one daughter and one son. Her figure is ahem ahem Awesome she looks like an experiences women who had a lots of sex in her life. Her boob size is 34c and...
I work as a security guard for a public parking garage during graveyard shifts. It's normally pretty quiet but there's a bar a couple blocks down. A lot of people from that bar park in our garage, and when the bars let out we sometimes have some problems. One night, I was down by the street at the entrance to the garage keeping an eye on things when a trio of gorgeous girls staggered into view on the way to their car in the garage. Two were wasted and I guess the third was a designated driver...
Melinda page nervously through a two tear old Newsweek, while waiting for the receptionist to call her name! She had just turned eighteen, and her mother had decided that it was about time she had her first ‘female doctor’s visit’! ‘Good grief,’ she thought to herself, ‘she was in great shape, why in the heck did she need to see a gynecologist anyway!?!’ It sounded just like a gun shot when a nurse poked her head out of the door leading to the examination rooms and said, ‘Melinda, we’re ready...
Amy had never told anyone about this until 5 months after I had started dating her. Back in August of 2015 she had been out walking one evening she told me. She was always told you should never ever walk alone at night so she had been warned. She hadn’t listened and paid the price for that. She asked me if I had wanted to hear what had happened to her. She said it was scary but somewhat sexy at the same time. I told her yes, please tell me. She said a few years ago while out walking an...
Joey and Robert went to the movies with Deirdre (Joey's Mom) and Lillian (Robert's mom), when they got out of the movies. Deirdre and Lillian decided to take the boys for a little walk. As they were on their walk, they see a man in the on the sidewalk near them selling Federal Express boxes. Down the road a trucker starts shooting at Deirdre and Lillian for no apparent reason. Lillian and Deirdre dive to the ground each grabbing one of the boys and telling them to lie down and don't move....