S.M.O.M.S: IngridChapter 4 free porn video

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I had a fabulous day at work. Books flew through the system, delighting patron and Claire alike. Afterwards, Garrick and I made love before our son returned from school, and cuddled that night. I enjoy my man’s embrace as much as I enjoy getting off with him. I rose early and made breakfast.

Andrew surprised me. He revealed the collar and aimed it at my throat. “Mom, you cut it - you pay for it.” The cut I’d made was sharp. It scratched my neck while he showed me how to buy a replacement online. The pictures on that website disgusted me, even though I knew, the BDSM they depicted was a sham, fantasies at best.

“You’re lucky I don’t make you replace it with a chastity belt.” He hissed.

I drew the line at paying for it with a credit card. I took online anonymity very seriously.

“No problem, Mom. I already set up an account with a porn friendly escrow site. Transfer the cost to my account there, and we’re good.”

“We’re never going to be ‘good’ if you keep harassing me.” I sent the money.

“It will only get better.” He promised and released the collar.

That day, Garrick worked at his company’s office. I suffered the cut collar while stroking my son to a long built up cum.

“I saved it up for you, Mom. I’m done masturbating. You should drink it. I bet you drink Dad’s.”

“That’s none of your business!” My inner thoughts told me. “Stupid cunt. The only thing you’re good for is drinking cum!”

Claire surprised me with a meltdown the following day. “I can’t believe how stupid I am.”

“Claire, you’re not. Don’t listen, if any part of you says that. You’re the best librarian since I was hired.” I smiled.

“It’s not that, Ingrid.” She sniffed.

“Do you want to talk in the office?” I took her there.

“I lost my virginity last night.” She broke down.

Oh, shit. “Crap, Sweetheart. Tell me.”

“He was nice, at first. I get lonely, like most people, maybe a bit less, but I started dating online. I told him I didn’t get into sex. We’ve been going out for a month. I-I felt sorry for him. We’d been having wonderful weekends, getting out, dancing, walking in the woods, kissing. I do like kissing, you know. Last night, I thought I should try. I asked him to be gentle.”

“Did he hurt you?” I was ready to call the police.

“He was awful!” She burst into tears. “He simply fucked me and bolted. He swore at me, just before slamming my apartment door. He said I was a cold bitch, and now that he’d had me, nobody would ever have me again!”

I held Claire and added my tears.

The next morning, I threw pillows at Andrew when he invaded my bedroom. “Get the fuck, out!” He withdrew. That didn’t stop him from collaring me later and rubbing himself to orgasm before his father returned from work.

“Doesn’t it feel better when I use lots of coconut oil on my dick?” His oiled prick had felt cold at first but friction warmed it to match the heat of his cum. I had to wash my robe twice to get out the stains.

My new collar arrived the next day. It looked exactly like the one I’d attempted to sever. It was a lucky day. I managed to unpackage it and hide it while Andrew was at school.

“Hey, Dad, did we get a delivery today?” My son studied me. He hadn’t asked me when he return from school. He’d told me, “The collar was suppose to arrive today.” I shrugged.

“Ingrid?” Garrick passed short.

I shrugged.

He whispered after dinner. “Two can play at this game.” He dedicated himself to finding the replacement collar.

The next morning, I found the old one on my nightstand. I tucked it under my pillow before Garrick awoke. While he showered, Andrew walked into his parents’ bedroom, naked. “Did he see it, Mom?”

“You won’t gain anything if he finds it.” I warned.

He held out his hand. I retrieved it, passed it to him and walked into the bath. He didn’t follow.

He left it between the toaster oven and the bread box. Garrick didn’t eat toast. I draped a oven mitt over it, until he left for work. Andrew fetched it and collared me. “I want the new one, Mom. The delivery service says it was delivered at 2:14pm, yesterday.”

I always felt stupid wearing my son’s fetish item. It didn’t arouse me one bit. Why it affected me the way it did, simply pissed me off. I stood stupid, but defiant. I had dressed in my work clothes before making breakfast.

He searched every inch of my room. Then he made me jerk him off. I donned my apron for the deed. I think he got off faster seeing me in an apron. I only wore it when baking.

At work, I hugged Claire. “You should come over.” She’d had dinner with us every blue moon or so. She said she was free Tuesday after the weekend. Our work schedules never overlapped on the weekends. We each had a full day to ourselves. Sunday was my day, to flaunt against the county’s other libraries that could barely open five days a week. What priestess would close her temple on a holy day? (except when I’m on holiday)

“I’m going to school early, Dad.” Our son announced Tuesday morning. “To use the field track and measure the distance.”

“Good thinking, and shower before class. I never let your mother smell my stink.” He waved his son goodbye.

Garrick finished his breakfast, pushed back in his chair and patted his lap. I sat and we kissed. Mmmm!

“I’m glad we have the morning to ourselves, I didn’t want to embarrass Andy. He reached down to a bag on the floor next to his chair. Horror gripped me. I had hid that bag.

You must know, like most boys, our son is interested in porn. My husband’s hand hovered over the bag.

“Um,” I gulped. “I know.” I interrupted myself.

“We’ll, let’s just say I’ve been monitoring his stash. You’d think a kid these days would keep his porn encrypted on a hard drive, but our son apparently likes physical copies. He keeps a few old books and magazines, tucked between his mattress and the box spring.”

I would have spanked my husband’s shoulder and laughed, if I hadn’t been desperately trying not to look at the bag.

I swallowed bravely. “What’s in the bag?” ... knowing full well. After Andrew swore he’d given up masturbating, I decided the only place he wouldn’t look for the new collar was with his languishing porn.

He lifted it and plopped it on my lap. “Look.”

I opened the bag and dropped my jaw theatrically.

“Looks new, doesn’t it?”

“I suppose.” I touched the evil circlet.

“Honey,” His voice summoned my attention. “SHOULD we do something?”

“At the very least,” I glared, “You should stop ‘monitoring’ your son’s porn.”

“Heh. Caught me.” He looked sheepish. I didn’t care if my husband masturbated. After our son started abusing me, I couldn’t give a damn if Garrick ‘monitored’ his porn.

“Do you want to talk with himmm,” I drew out the last consonate. “ ... Or should I?”

“How about both of us show him we’re united in our verdict.”

“And what is our verdict?”

“He’s too young to be messing around with dogs.”

I managed to keep riotous laughter in my belly. “We’ll tell him tomorrow. I’m bringing Claire to supper after work.”

“What’s her problem this time?”

“Garrick!” I brushed the sack from my lap and stood. “That’s mean.”

“You only invite her over when she’s having man problems.”

“Not true. We had a lovely Thanksgiving with her, last year. She wasn’t dating then.”

He left, mostly handled. I picked up the bag and hid it at the base of our bed. Andrew had already searched our room. I left for work, soon thereafter. The work was steady and straightforward. The patrons were only mildly annoying. I actually love people for visiting libraries, but you know, humans ... Claire and I accomplished minor miracles, the likes of which kept patrons coming back. She accompanied me home after closing. Tuesdays were short days. Budget cuts.

We waited for the bus. “You’ll find someone, when you’re ready again.”

“Maybe I should just fuck everyone. That way I won’t have to worry about idiots who think women are only worth fucking.”

There was nothing to say to that. I resisted shaking my head. “I bought steaks, yesterday.”

“That’s something I love talking about, food!” She smiled. The bus arrived. We nattered on the ride. We nattered walking to my home. We nattered inside, until Andrew called me.

“Hey, Mom. Come in here for a sec.” His voice sounded as if he didn’t care if I heeded or not. “Hi, Claire.” He added.

“Hi, Andrew.”

“I’ll be right back.” Covering my annoyance at my son’s beckoning, I told her. “Sit down and grab a book.” Claire gave me the finger. I headed to my son’s room. He caught me in the hall and dragged me to my bedroom. On the bed was the bag.

“I knew you’d move it to your room after I searched it.” He hissed victoriously.

“Andrew, we don’t have time.”

“Hush.” He lifted the collar. “I want to see if it fits.”

“It’s exactly the same!” I complained.

“Hush.” He looped it about my neck and locked it. I liked that it didn’t scratch. “Or do you want Claire to become part of a threesome?”

“Gee, Andy, what are you, thirteen? Claire’s half again your age.”

“Just kidding. She’s not really much to look at. She is nice, though. I hope she finds someone good for her.” He admired me, his occasional sex slave. “Maybe when she’s your age, I’ll reconsider.” He winked.

Claire walked in smiling, not fully aware at first. “I heard whispers.” She saw my collar.

“Woof.” I spoke the word. If I hadn’t been wearing it, who knows how I might have reacted.

Andrew covered his surprise with outpouring welcome. “Claire! This is perfect.” He waved his hand in my neck’s direction. “What do you think?”

“Um...” She hummed. “I don’t know what I should think.”

“I, uh- ... wanted to spice up my parent’s, er, you know.”

“Ohhh.” Claire nodded, thankful for the context, any context. “It looks ridiculous.”

“That’s what I told him.” I agreed.

“Aw, Mom, Dad will love it.”

“I’m going to find that book.” Claire turned one-eighty and fled to the living room.

“Andy, if you don’t take this wretched thing off, right now, I’m going to butcher you and save the steaks for myself and your father.” I already had him working every chore I could invent. How he found the time to keep his grades up, I didn’t know. He was a B student. Maybe that explained it. He unlocked me. I sought the safety of the kitchen where I quickly immersed myself in fixing dinner for four.

An hour later, Garrick escaped his office. “Claire, I hope you don’t mind my late welcome.”

“Of course not. I prefer men who don’t expect much from me.” She wandered into the kitchen, soon after. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to ask to help.”

“Don’t worry.” I grinned. “I don’t need help. I need those bowls and utensils washed.” Hands dripping with bloody marinade, I pointed at the sink with my chin.

“Those steaks better be perfect.” She warned and hiked up her sleeves.

Twenty minutes later, Claire announced in the middle of chewing. “This is fabulous!” She swallowed. “Garrick, I’m going to cuckold you dietetically, by sneaking over and eating lunch with her.”

“Uh, oh!” My husband feigned. “I’ll have to shift my home office days randomly, so I’ll be sure to surprise you two. Ingrid only goes all gourmet when she feels guilty.”

After hot cherry pie and ice cream, Claire sauntered out of our home.

“Andy!” I emphasized after closing the front door, “Dishes, now.” Garrick and I snuggled on the couch. Afterwards, he looked at his son’s homework. I sought our bed and fell asleep.

The next day, I kept my mouth shut while my husband warned my son against beastiality.

“Um, okay, Dad.” He looked as if he wanted to scream. We were dying from held laughter. “I won’t do that.”

“I’m glad we could have this talk.” Garrick offered his hand. Andrew shook it.

Thereafter, our son took extra precautions to hide the collar. I think he hid the new one under the house. It was often dusty when he fastened it around my throat. I assumed he’d thrown out the old one.

I managed to evade my son’s collar, on average, six days a week. His job, his demanding car, and studies saved me most of the time. I kept him busy with chores, and I spent extra time at work now that I was in charge. I took some comfort in that he never required more from me than a handjob or rubbing himself on my body. He often asked me to taste his cum, which I never did. His grades improved, A-.

Garrick took the family out to Andrew’s favorite restaurant, an Eritrean place noted for its spicy sautés and fluffy injera. We even allowed him a small glass of their honey wine. “Congratulations, Son. You’ll be a senior next year. I remember senior-itis well. I was dating your mother.”

“You’ll sleep on your side of the bed tonight, for that, Honey!” I ended with a squeak.

“What I’m trying to say is, if your senior grades are a solid A, I’ll send you on a month’s vacation to whatever continent you want.”

“Gee, Dad, that would be amazing!”

To show approval for my husband’s surprise announcement, I showed him, in bed, I didn’t hold a grudge about his dating comment.

The next morning I surprised Andrew. I went to his room while his father showered.

“Mom?” I interrupted him tying his running shoes. “What’s the matter?”

“You know.” I set my fists on my hips. “I’ve fought you too often already. So I’m going to make you a deal.”

“You’ll come with me, when Dad sends me on that vacation?” His eyes twinkled.

I ignored him. “I’m sick and tired of wearing that lame collar.”

“Honestly, Mom, I actually thought it would grow on you. I guess porn makes for bad education, even when it makes for good fantasies. What are you offering?”

“Hand job, once a week, guaranteed. You’re lucky to abuse me that often.”

“Use you, Mother.” He corrected.

“You’re taking foolish risks. What I’m offering is safer and more convenient for both of us.” Last month, we were nearly caught when his father exited his office to use the bathroom. “Goodbye vacation and everything else! You’re old enough to be booted out of the house without a cent to your name.”

Andy didn’t get mad easily, but his eyes turned to steel. “I don’t want your damn hand jobs. I’ll get rid of the collars, but you have to up your game.”

“That’s not going to happen. This is a take it or leave it offer.” I managed not to flinch.

“Get out of my room, Mom.” He hissed. He didn’t bother me for two weeks. It was an evil portent. I had worried I’d be more vulnerable during his summer break.

My mother called, two weeks later. That’s when I learned what Andrew had been up to.

“Ingrid, I want you to drive over here as soon as possible, with Andy. You will help me with the house here for a couple weeks, and we’ll celebrate his seventeenth here as well.”

“Mother, I can’t leave work at a moment’s notice.” It was the closest thing to a refusal I could say to her.

“Andy assures me you have a competent underling. The solution is simple, hire a temp to help her while you help me.”

“Mom, we don’t have the budget.” I tried.

“You’ll figure something out. I didn’t raise a complete simpleton.” She hung up.

In the end, I took time off without pay. Claire was delighted. She hired someone who had temp’ed at the main branch, half volunteer, half paid.

When I announced my mother’s wishes at dinner, Andrew kept a blank face. He had gotten good at that, after a few close calls with me and his father, over the years. I helped him wash the dishes that night, while his father read.

“What did you say to your grandma?”

“I told her how much I missed her and asked if I could help her over the summer. After that, it was easy to convince her how useful you could be to me and the effort.” He grinned. A drop of spray from the faucet ran down his chin. “She promised she’d overhaul my car’s engine, while we cleaned and moved everything in her house, in exchange and for my birthday.”

Where was my compensation? “I hope your car explodes on the way down.” I seethed. Five minutes after leaving his father, who was glad to escape ‘the effort’, Andrew had me pull over. He collared me and made me jack him off.

“Mmmm, I’ve been saving that one.” He rested, watching me clean up with paper towels kept in the car. “You could save those towels, if you licked it off and swallowed it, Mom.”

I warned him, if there was the smallest stain on my clothes, I’d drive us back home. But Mother awaited. Apparently, Andrew’s car was as unable to resist her summons as I. We made good time, even if it did leak a quart of oil over the five hour drive.

He kept me collared the entire trip. Just outside of my mom’s neighborhood, he had me whack him off again. He persisted. “I’ve tasted it, Mom. It’s nasty, but you’ll learn to like it.” I pulled more towels from my door’s side compartment, having anticipated his lust. He pouted.

Once I was clean, he unlocked the collar and stuffed it into his backpack. Only when we reached ‘Grandma’s’ door, did we put on happy faces.

“Andrew!” Mother gushed and opened her arms. Her grandson blushed and embraced her. “Aw, Grandma, it’s nice to see you too.”

“Son, you’re old enough to call me Ruth. I want you to.”

“Hi, Mom.”

“Get inside, Ingrid. Don’t leave us standing in the doorway.” She hugged me after I shut the door. “I wasn’t sure when you’d arrive. I readied sandwich fixings: cold cuts, lettuce, cheddar.”

“Mom, Andrew texted you several times.”

“Daughter,” she looked at me as if I were twelve. “I don’t like computers in cars, phones or anywhere else they don’t belong.” She turned a smile to Andrew. “You can eat all the white bread you want, here, Andy. Your mom can make us a hot breakfast in the morning, to ready us for the work ahead. Tonight we drink and make merry.” She allowed him one glass of light rosé, while we watched some night club show. He watched her dance once dance. The she watched him dance until he stumbled.

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Hello friends and I am Aakash and I am in Delhi for quite some time. I am 27. 6 feet average built with boy next door features. Let’s start with the story. Main Delhi main ek rented apartment mein rehta hoon first floor pe mera aparment hai aur 2nd floor pr ek family rehti hai. Husband Ajay wife Sonia aur ek baby hai choti se family hai. Ajay se meri achi dosti thi bahut jyada nahi bus weekend ko drink krne ke liye hum dono ko ek dusre ki company mil jaati thi. Sonia se bhi interaction acha...

2 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 200

Tuesday raced by like a horse on steroids. I offered the director job to Kelly with a probationary period. The extra ten thousand a year would be the tipping point in getting the house they wanted. Courtney made the announcement at the site and put him in charge as we had discussed. She also informed the group that the North six were leaving on Thursday and she and her group the first of the week. I left KCC after lunch. Lorrie and Roseanne were scheduled back at two and we were all going...

2 years ago
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Train Me Chut Bur Choda Aunty Ka 8211 Part 1

Hello friends mera naam surya(badla hua naam) hai or main ghazipur k ek chote se area se belong karta hun meri age 19 year hai meri height 170 cm, land ki maap 5 inch seena chauda colour gora dekhne me thoda smart hun m diploma kar rha hu mera is samay 2nd year hai mujhe middle chuchiya badi gand pasand hai mujhe girl aunty pasand hai aur maine bahut si girl aunty aur lady ko choda hai idhar udhar ki bat na karte hue main sidhe story par aata hun ye kahani tb ki hai jb maine first time sex kiya...

1 year ago
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Cumming Together

“What the hell’s going on in there?” her father asked outside her bedroom.“Fuck,” she said, sitting up, dropping her sweater, closing her legs, and waiting, panting for air.Elvia was behind her computer wearing only headphones, a blue, silk organza ribbon tying her curly brown hair and the beige knit sweater, under which she had been groping her large breasts and pinching her hard nipples and getting loud.“Elvie,” her dad said sternly behind the door.“Nada, papá,” she said. “Just a...

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Sex With My Hot Aunt

I’m a frequent reader of ISS. Gr8 website it is………. Hi I’m Arun Kumar living in Chennai. I’m 19 years old and I’m going to share my sex experience with you guys! I was enjoying my semester holidays in my Aunt’s house. We all went to ECR to a resort for a swim in the pool. She don’t know swimming so I taught her. I had a great opportunity to see her curves. I held her navel and gave her a support to swim. I could not resist myself. I touched her breast and it was so soft. We came home so late....

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The Spa

The Spa By: Michael Alexander [email protected] Author's Note: This is story is radically different from the many othersthat I have written, and even radically different from those normally foundon the BDSM Library. There is no torture, no pain, no non-consensual sex, nobondage, and not even any spanking. This is merely an intense sexual experience,light in taste, and totally consensual. So why read it? Because I think thatalmost every man will tell you that this fantasy is one...

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Maria A true story

- - - - "Two beers thanks mate." Nothing really beats a few beers with a mate down the pub when your wife and his girlfriend have gone OS for a few weeks. We were one week into our two week bachelor stint and tonight we wanted a decent feed and a few beers. As we sat and hooked into our tucker I saw Maria, a friend of a friend, come into the pub. II'd heard about Maria being a bit of a slapper who put it about quite freely so I watched her with interest for a while and pointed her out to...

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StockingsChapter 6 Boners of the Gods

LATER THAT WEEK the four of us were sprawled out on the little patch of shaded lawn behind Ruth and David’s cabin. Their folks were over at our place with Mom and Dad, and it didn’t take a great deal of imagination to guess what they were up to. Idly we tossed around going over there to see for ourselves, but it only took us about three seconds to realize if we demanded they respect our privacy, we owed the same to them. We carefully avoided thinking much about the times we’d gone ahead with...

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A Completely Consensual Reluctant Gangbang

The #metoo movement is helping to right many wrongs in our society, but it is also making it much more difficult for men and women to interact, especially in flirting or casual pickup situations. But modern technology is always ready to offer a solution to any problem.This is a story of a reluctant-style gang bang. All characters are over eighteen and all actions are completely consensual.  * * * * Janet Bryce felt the pendant on her necklace vibrate slightly and she knew that they were...

Group Sex
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NubileFilms Daisy Stone Your Wildest Dreams

Logan Long is enjoying a layabout in bed, but Daisy Stone isn’t about to let that big morning wood go to waste. Dressed in a sheer nightie, she rubs her titties and lets the material slide up her hips until her ass that’s covered in just a thong peeks out. Then she crawls into the bed and springs Logan’s hardon free to fill her hands and mouth with its length and girth. Leaning in to get more comfortable, Daisy strokes slowly and works her way up to sucking in more and more of...

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Yolass girl

Yolas's girl By QModo "Welcome back to the world of living beings sweetie," the voice said. Who's sweetie here? I had a DNR order on the necklace tag and in my breast pocket. I had non-operable C so what effing resuscitate? - - - - I woke up as I was thrown into the pain. It was everywhere. I could breathe, and that was the only thing I could. There were voices and other sounds instantly. "Alive..." I even couldn't cry out while there was something in my throat. I...

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Smoke and MirrorsChapter 2

After returning to the main camp at Esquel, Argentina, Polk and Robinson met with the rest of the Win DX team to formulate a strategy. Then Bud and Grady turned in to one of the tents for some shut-eye. In the remaining daylight, Pat, Brian, and Ted would place the remote audio sensors and transmitters on the three peaks triangulating the villa where Handley stayed. In addition, two cameras far more sophisticated than your typical security cameras were focused on the front of the villa where...

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Swimming teachers can be more than friends Part 2

Running the pool at the Y had been my job for almost a year. There was a little friction between the Red Cross and the Y because while the Y charged for swimming lessons, the Red Cross did them for free. Holding some of our Red Cross Life Saving classes at the Y was much easier though because of the size of the pool. We just had to hold the classes very late. And by we, I mean Fran and I. She was the lead instructor and I was her co-instructor. Just coming up on twenty, the Chapter didn’t yet...

Love Stories
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My Wife had a great Black Boss

When we lived in Baltimore, MD. My wife was working downtown for an insurance company, part of her job was to be a part of a team that would travel from city to city and inspect and evaluate the companies that were under their corporate banner, to ensure all legalities and ethics, and rules were being met and followed.After a few years of traveling with her team, they were told a new manager was coming in from San Francisco and he would be assisting them and learning the process, so when he...

3 years ago
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Ty and Charlie Part 2

Introduction: Wow, I am blown away by the positive comments and ratings. All I can say is Thank you! A.N. All the events are a first for me and this story is unfolding right now so if you like it, rate it up, and I will post more about what happens. 10:09 p.m. Charlie: hey, whatcha doing Ty: flipping through netflix for a movie. you? Charlie: my friend is gone now, feel like chilling? Ty: of course! where are we going? Charlie: um….idk, where do you wanna go? cant stay out too late, but...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 38

The debriefing by Roxanne was quite extensive as it had become apparent we’d stumbled upon a goldmine of information about an area of historical time almost entirely redacted from Orc records, though it was also apparent that we didn’t have anything like the entire story. “So, these Vultoqi were regarded by the Orcs as fearsome warriors who didn’t congregate in large enough numbers to justify orbital strikes… or rather the few they did try were ineffective somehow?” Roxanne mused after a...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Jillian Janson Confessions Episode 2

Donnie (Donnie Rock) doesn’t know it yet but his wife (Jillian Janson) is convinced that he gets off listening to her confessions and she wants to show him that he doesn’t have to hide it. The cock hungry slut begins telling Donnie about her recent erotic encounter with the maintenance man (Stirling Cooper) and soon notices that, as she expected, her confession is giving him an erection. Jillian wants to enhance the experience for her husband so she gives him a seductive handjob while she...

2 years ago
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The Handsome Rapist

Introduction: A controlling female executive learns things she never imagined. *** Based on a PM and some comments in a forum thread. I am writing another first for me. Please understand that this is entirely fictional/fantasy. Everyone has sexual fantasies and if you cannot write about them, or think about them, then what freedom does one really have? Please send me PMs or write a Comment. I like getting feedback… and as you can see from this it gives me ideas. I really hope you enjoy this...

3 years ago
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Mazi navin katha bhaag

Marathi dostano namskar, mi kedar. Hi mazi dusri katha. Ya aadhi mi mazya atyaci kathalihili hoti. Ti tumhi kadachit vachli asel. Maza chulat bhau eknath pan ashach katha lihito. Mhanun jar tumhi tyacha goshti vachlya astil tyamule hi katha tumhaka yat kadachit survatila kahi navin vatnar nahi pan hi katha mi lihilelya aadhicya kathe peksha vegli aahe. Tumhi mala olkhat asalch pan navin vachkan sathi mi punha thodkyat sangto. Mitrano, mazya aatya barobarche he prasng mi 6-7 varshacha astana...

2 years ago
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Sexual Decathlon

Sexual Decathlon   I hope you enjoy this multi-part story. I would welcome any feedback at: [email protected] particular – I have not ticked the ‘snuff’ box. When you read part one, you will understand why. Which way do you feel it should go? Part OneThe finest thing about this project was, undoubtedly, the way the outcome hung in the balance. Some of you will have read ‘The Drop’ before alighting here. If you did, you will know that my little scenes traditionally have a common, and...

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Kara Without Care

Once in the car and heading away from Dallas, Kara removed her suit jacket and tossed it in the backseat. She and Dirk had eaten a light supper in a downtown eatery near Kara’s office and were on their way to a nightclub in the stockyards area of Fort Worth, some thirty miles away. After entering the expressway, Kara continued the transition from lawyer to Friday night reveler. As he drove, Dirk stole quick glances at her, unbuttoning the white silk blouse she had worn under the jacket. “This...

Straight Sex
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The Dinner Party Second Course

It had been two months since the evening we’d spent at the Dinner Club. And Chloe had changed. She was much more adventurous and vocal in our lovemaking. Our love life had always been good but now we were pushing new boundaries with role playing, light bondage and new toys. Tonight we were going to the Dinner Club for the second time, and this time we both knew what the night might hold. Chloe was preparing herself for the evening. She had showered, shaved and was putting on the new underwear...

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A new way to play Cupid Part One

"Just you wait, the birthday present I got you is amazing!" Zoe, my best friend said excitedly. I couldn't help but smile at her words as I recalled her previous presents. For my sixteenth birthday, she gave me my first orgasm. Last year I unwrapped a vibrator, which has become a common toy in our play times. With such great gifts in the past two years, I had no idea what she could possibly have in mind for my eighteenth. I couldn't resist asking though. "Well, where is it?" "Oh, you won't get...

1 year ago
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Twelve Days of Hrive Isia Ch 05

On the ninth day of Hrive ‘Isia The sharp pain of her hair being yanked and her head being tilted back brought Gilraen awake. She cried out and tried to jerk free. A pair of eyes, black as night, stared down at her and hair that looked thin and oily created a veil around her face. She pulled away, as the elf’s breath threatened to force the contents from last night’s meal to be expelled. ‘She is the Princess,’ the elf muttered, pushed Gilraen’s head back down then moved to cup her breasts....

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 35

There is a satisfaction in a job well done ... personally, Mick preferred his burger that way ... well done. Jobs? When he was working ... yes. Remembering ... far too realistically ... the time from leaving Singapore until he was on the HMS Sussex, in the sea off Keppel Harbour, when the Japanese surrendered Singapore, September 4th 1945. It was a pretty good day ... but not the best. He had left friends behind ... and they never reappeared. The Nips weren't all that good about keeping...

1 year ago
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Odd Alice

ME You can find me frequenting a club called Bedaism (pronounce it how you want, no one is quite sure how you say it anyway), a large BDSM sex club in the city that takes up an entire thirteen-storey building. They have just about everything you could want in that kind of club, and I gotta tell you I haven't even seen it all. I've tried so much there and learned so much about myself. What I discovered that I liked most was being the dominating one, treating others like sex objects,...

2 years ago
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Nicoles New Life

You, Nicole, stifle another yawn and look at the clock again...12:15am. You had hoped you could make it until your new boss arrived. You're used to getting up early and jogging as the sun comes up so this late of an hour is hard. It probably wouldn't look too good to your new boss to be sleeping when he arrives.You can't believe your luck on finding this job. Just fresh out of college, you sent out applications to all the companies listed in the phone book that did interior decorating, but...

2 years ago
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Reach Out For The Sunrise Ch 12

© Sadie Rose Bermingham & Bellora Quinn 2010 ‘Hello again, lovely people, this chapter turned out very long so forgive us for the slight delay. I know I said it would be the last but because of the length there will be a little epilogue as well. We like things to flow nicely. By now you should all know that these stories contain shameless vampirism and boy-on-boy sexiness, but just in case you don’t… there’s your final warning. Hope you enjoy it. As per usual, don’t take our words without...

2 years ago
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Homespun FunChapter 9

"Well, what's all this about?" Ken asked, closing the door. "We waited supper for you," Dana said. "We didn't know where you were or when you'd be back, but we waited anyway." "That's not what I mean and you know it." He crossed to his chair and sat down. "Why don't you have any clothes on?" The girls exchanged glances, then Dana said, "Daddy, Nan and I had a long talk while you were out. We, well, told each other what we'd done with you. We didn't mean to, but it just...

3 years ago
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The Sun I Cant See CH 03

“Kill me!”“No... I won’t kill you. Come on. Stop acting like a baby.”I pressed the button on my talking watch for the tenth time.“The time is 8:38 am.”Last night at the Fox & Spice, everything was going fantastically well until... the kissing slave girl. I've been crying my life out since that moment. Immediately after what happened, I changed back in my regular clothes, and we went straight home; it, unfortunately, shortened our evening. This morning, Miles tried to make me feel better, but...

1 year ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 64

Heather was a wet, squirming mess. Fourteen times now she had to do her dance for incoming guests. At least three times she had seen them pull out cell phones and natter about her to their friends. She suspected that some were arriving forewarned. Now she faced Brad and wanted to crawl away and die. Or crawl back to Ms. Bendon and beg her to lift the trigger. Or plead with her to just let her cum. "Good evening," Heather began, her voice in a permanent quaver from her strained...

4 years ago
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The Walmart Greeter and the Librarian

May 10th 2003 Whiskey Illinois High School in the town of Whiskey Illinois 18 year old Andy Ripley is at his High School Graduation Ceremony when it is his turn to accept his diploma. He unlocks his wheelchair brakes goes to the front of the auditorium accepts his diploma then he returns to his seat. When the graduation ceremony ends Andy says goodbye to his fellow graduates then he removes his cap and gown folds them up and lays them on his trucks passenger seat. Then he takes his high...

1 year ago
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Last StrawChapter 2

Julie's next conscious recollection was either waking or regaining consciousness on the floor of her room, with her mother pounding on her locked door and yelling her name. After a few seconds of total confusion, she remembered, and felt her stomach start to churn. Staggering into the bathroom that opened to her room, her brother's room, and the upstairs hall, she barely made it to the toilet before emptying her stomach. As she moaned in anguish afterward, she heard her mother trying the...

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Attraction reaction

——————————————————————————— Chapter 1 The event that changed everything Lily and Tessa have been neighbors and best friends since they were toddlers. Growing up together, they both know most of each others secrets and can talk about almost anything together. Lily is the shy one and the follower of the two, sometimes shes embarrassed by Tessa’s brashness. Lily’s shyness and Tessa’s brashness has made their relationship work well. Lily and Tessa are both 18 years old still living at...

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Renters InsuranceChapter 5

I entered the apartment, and as promised, I heard the shower running. I Stepped into the bathroom and was shrouded by steam. Forget the mirror and the shower door being steamed up, I could barely see the had in front of my face. I stripped off my clothes and moved toward the shower. It was amazing how comfortable I had become with this business. I knew what waited behind the door for me was neither young or attractive, but I had had some truly amazing experiences since Bonnie had gotten her...

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I was out partying one night when I met a guy I used to know.We were chatting a bit when I started to remember how hot he was in bed.:P He offered me a drink and after a couple we headed to his place.I couldn't contain myself as I was tingling with excitement.As we were driving along my hand started wandering..i could feel his cock was already hard..so I leaned over and unzipped his pants..I reached in and pulled out his cock.It already had precum dripping out the tip..I opened my mouth and...

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