Hawaiian Heat
- 2 years ago
- 21
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We were all having a good laugh as we pulled up to the hotel.
When Samara stepped out of the limo she looked up and asked “are we really staying here? I’ve never stayed anywhere this nice before.”
I looked at Ethan and smiled, then back at Samara and said, “If you are going to be working for us, you need to get used to it. If you work for us you are family, but if you are a part of management, you are close family members.” She actually blushed and as she turned bright red, she covered her mouth.
The rest of us exited the limo in front of the hotel. I grabbed Beth’s hand and rushed up to our suite where we found my wives waiting for us with Clarisse.
Still holding Beth’s hand I told my wives, “We need to shower.”
My wives led us into the bathroom, Liu turned on the shower to warm the water as Mai undressed Beth. Jade pulled me into an embrace and lip locked me in a very passionate kiss, I felt my clothes being removed. I turned to see Clarisse with a huge smile on her face. My shaft was growing hard and something warm and wet enveloped the head. I looked down saw Ming doing her best to bring me fully hard. She was looking up at me with a huge smile on her face.
All of us worked ourselves into the oversized shower even though the shower was oversized it was tight with seven of us squeezed in. Everyone was little giddy, hands feeling and probing whatever they could touch.
I felt pressure on my shoulders indicating I should sit on the bench seat in the shower. As I sat, Beth literally jumped on my lap for a quick ride pushing my shaft into position between her lips and slowly lowering until my shaft touched her cervix. She sighed and proceeded to take an energetic ride.
Each of my wives and their sister took a couple minutes to ride my lap.
Jade pulling Clarisse tight in her arms, kissed her like a lost lover with a couple fingers massaging Clarisse’s pussy. Ending the kiss and looking deep into Clarisse’s eyes, Jade said, “please finish our Master off. Let him fill you with his seed. Go ahead we have him ready for your hot, wet pussy. Clarisse turned to me and with a satisfied smile, mounted my shaft as it easily slid into her opening. She moaned as I penetrated her, she lowered herself over me until I felt the head of my shaft bottom out inside her body. A moan escaped her lips as she stilled, getting used to the invasion into her body. She started to raise and lower her body on my shaft her motions started to get more desperate as all her sisters encouraged her to go for it. Clarisse was really getting into fucking herself as Liu said “that’s it Clarisse, use him like your personal dildo. I looked at Clarisse’s breasts bouncing as Mai and Ming each latched on to her nipples. As they nibbled Clarisse threw her head back and loudly squealed. I felt her entire body trembling through a large orgasm. I lost control and exploded inside her cavity. It was about as intense an orgasm as I have ever had.
I felt her arms relax and slip from around my neck as her sisters started laughing. Opening my eyes, Jade and Beth were holding Clarisse’s arms. They gently lifted her and carried her from the bathroom.
Liu, Mai, and Ming helped me up and finished washing me. They turned off the water, dried me and lead me to the bedroom and had me lay down next to Clarisse. Beth whispered in my ear “cuddle Clarisse until she wakes up.” As I cuddled up to her, I fell asleep myself.
I started to hear noises as I entered a semi conscious state. I opened my eyes and saw Clarisse resting comfortably with her head on my shoulder, still sound asleep. I turned toward the noise on the other side of the room and saw all the sisters and flight crew talking.
Andie noticed I was moving and said “hello sleepy head. We were wondering when you would come alive.” I guess my movement woke Clarisse as she kissed me on the chest and softly asked “how did we get in the bed?”
I laughed and said “Jade and Beth carried you.”
Looking back at Andie I asked “how long have we been out? She giggled and replied “we have been here almost two hours and you were out when we walked in.”
Beth walked over to the bed and said “you two were so focused on each other that when you both climaxed, your bodies completely gave out. Jade and I took care of Clarisse and Liu, Mai and Ming helped you into the bed. After we got you settled in and went down to wait for the flight crew. When they arrived we showed them to their suites and came back here to look after the two of you. After settling in the ladies in the flight crew came here to relax with us.”
Ming said “as we were walking down to the lobby, Beth asked me if showering was always like that? I told her it’s usually not that intense or crowed. We always shower our Master whenever possible because showering is for all of us to become closer. The Master is not allowed to shower alone if one or more of our sisters are around.”
Ming asked “Master where is our sister Chloe and why isn’t she here? You can’t leave one of our sister’s home alone.”
I informed them all, “our education program picked up four new participants and Chloe is training two of them at the trust. Maybe you all should place a video call to Chloe to let her know how much you miss and love her. I know she misses all of you when you are apart.”
Jade asked “are they going to be receptionist like Maya and Mindy?
I replied “I am changing all of their job titles to personal assistants for the account managers. Of the four new ladies, two of them are friends of Mindy’s and will be working at the trust. The other two are sisters in their late thirty’s who could use a little help and maybe build some self confidence to create a better future for themselves. They will be working at the resort office for Adriana, though Jennifer will be doing most of their training.”
I explained “I talked to Chloe before landing she told me the two young ladies at the trust are very smart and their computer skills may even rival the four of yours. I told Chloe that you would really like to meet them.”
Liu asked me “are they cute like Maya and Mindy?”
I just looked at her and smiled.
Liu giggled and replied, “They are hot, aren’t they?”
We all laughed.
Sitting around a relaxing I was pelted with more questions about what is going on and how our flight from the mainland was.
The flight crew told me that my father was able to get them rooms on the same floor as ours. I told the flight crew “if they haven’t already grilled you about the flight, it is ok to provide my wives with all the gory details of our flight. I don’t hide anything from them, at all. My girls may want to spend some quality time with each or all of you tonight.”
Tiffany looked at me and asked “that’s ok with you?”
I laughed and said “as you’ve probably noticed we are not overly possessive, protective yes, possessive no. Have a good time I will be with my parents if you need me.”
My girls surrounded the flight crew as they told me not to worry about them, we will take good of them while you are hiding out in you parent’s room.
I smiled to myself and thought I love it when a plan starts to come together. I turned to walk up the hall as I felt a tap on my shoulder.
Turning, I saw that it was one of the pilot’s. He asked “can we talk for a little bit and invited me to their room.”
As we sat down in their suite, they looked nervous I picked up the room phone, called room service, and requested a bottle of Crown Royale be sent up. I looked at the pilots, held out my hand and said “my name is Jerome.”
They introduced themselves as Jack and Jairo. They both appeared to be of Latin descent, but with some Japanese influence, and to be brothers, so I asked “are you brothers?”
They replied “yes, we are brothers from Peru.”
I replied “I was thinking you were of Latin heritage, but didn’t understand the Japanese features mixed in. Now I understand?”
Jack said “most people don’t recognize or understand the Japanese influence in Peru I am impressed that you know something of our culture.”
As Jack said this I noticed them both relax a little.
There was a knock on the door, I opened it and signed for the Crown, turning back to them, I asked “would you like a drink.”
Jairo replied for both of them “since we are not flying for a couple days, please.”
I picked up three glasses, added ice, poured a couple fingers in each glass and handed one to each them. I then sat and joined them.
Taking a sip of my drink, I asked “what would you like to talk about?”
Jack replied “first off, we want to thank you for the opportunity of flying for your company. This is our first direct contract commercial flight since arriving in the US and we have already made two trips to Hawaii for your company.”
I told them “I am very pleased with my first flight and with you as pilots and haven’t heard any complaints about you prior flight with my family. I would gladly use you again. Why don’t you tell me a little about yourselves?” Thinking, I have to have a plan coming together, I will present the idea of a permanent flight crew to my father.
Jairo explained “we were in the Peruvian Air Force and retired about a year ago. Our plan was to get a job with an airline, but the airline industry in Peru is a little bit on the down side and we couldn’t find jobs as pilots.”
Jack continued saying “we applied for workers visas as pilot’s to immigrate to America. It took about six months to receive our visas, but because we are licensed as commercial pilots in Peru and not in America, the airlines wouldn’t even interview us. We applied as contract pilots for transport only and immediately received job offers going to work for the contract company we still work for.”
Jairo said “transport pilots do not receive the same pay as commercial pilots do. We kept flying transport contracts while working and studying for our American commercial licenses. Long story short, we just received our commercial licenses last month. We were able to pick up a couple contracts as replacement commercial pilots. This is our first contract as commercial pilots and not replacements for pilots who were not available when requested.”
Jack picked up saying “realization began to set in for us, we would have to develop our own clientele or we will only be flying when other teams are not available or a company’s first time contracting with our company. That doesn’t happen often, only for last minute flights and when one is offered we can’t afford to pass it up.”
Jairo said “even if we have personal plans, we have to cancel, so we can earn the extra pay as commercial pilots. This is the first flight we picked up without being a replacement team. We would like to offer our services to be your go to team whenever you need someone to fly your plane.”
I explained to them “I can’t promise you anything right now this plane is actually my parents and their corporations. If I am the one to schedule the flight, I have no problem requesting you as my go to pilots.”
I looked at them and said “I may even have to fly down to Lima next week on a no or short notice flight. My father’s attorneys are in the process negotiating a legal issue we have down there. It may require me to drop everything and leave with practically no notice.”
I explained “without knowing it, you may be the answer to my problem of a flight crew for that flight. I will have to talk to the flight attendants, chef, and hostess to see if they might also be available.”
Jairo said, “We are from Lima and our twin sisters are attorneys. If you need local assistance they may be able to help you.”
I looked at Jairo and said “you’ve got to be kidding me. What is their specialty? Is it criminal, civil, or some other area of law?
Jairo laughed and said “I would never kid about something this important. They have always worked in property law or dealing with real estate law. They are very good attorneys, but also very beautiful. Every firm they work for eventually tries to turn their beauty into a company asset. Now, they are not prudes, but they will not allow themselves to be whored out that way.”
Jack continued, “because of our sister’s refusal to whore their assets, so to speak, they have been let go a couple times. This has also caused both of them to become divorced. Peruvian men are very jealous and possessive men, just the thought that they might give in to their management’s demands made their husbands furious and very jealous. Home life became difficult to deal with and tore them apart.”
Jairo said “they are in the process of starting their own legal business, but still, the issue of their beauty comes up as potential clients want more than just representation. They are getting by, but just barely, working with the public defender’s office doing contract work. It pays the bills, though it allows for little else if they work from their apartment office.”
As I finished my drink, I said “I will talk to the person handling our investigation and see if they need or desire local help. One thing I can tell you is that if everything works out the way I think it will, we will eventually need a couple of local attorneys to handle all of our business down there. We also have six restaurants in Lima and maybe more in the surrounding area.”
They seemed relieved as I told them “I need to meet with my mother and father about a business meeting in the morning.” I shook their hands and said “we can talk more tomorrow.” When leaving, I let them know “if you eat in the hotel, you can charge your meals to your room and I will take care of it for you.”
They thanked me for everything we were doing for them. I shook their hands and went down to my parent’s suite to discuss our Hawaiian resort purchase.
As I walked past my suite, I heard lots of laughter and energetic discussions going on. I made the decision I would sleep on my parent’s sofa if I had too. There was not much sleep going to happen in that room tonight, and I was tired.
I knocked on their door and heard my mother say, just a minute. She had on a robe as she opened the door. I asked her “am I interrupting anything?”
She said “ten minutes ago the answer would have been yes” laughing, she let me in.
My father was relaxing as he read something on his computer and waived me over to the table.
He asked me “would you like a glass of Crown?”
I accepted and said “thank you.”
Mother brought me a glass of ice and my father poured generously as I sat down.
I looked at my mother and asked “may I sleep on your sofa tonight?”
She laughed and asked “trouble in paradise?”
I explained to her “there is so much noise in our room with ten ladies having good conversation and whatever else I would be no good tomorrow if I tried to sleep there.”
She told me “we have a spare bedroom, you can use it tonight.”
I kissed her cheek and said “thank you.” Turning to my father I asked, “What’s going on with your negotiations?”
He laughed and said “not much at all. I was frustrated when I asked them why they needed me to over pay by 20% to purchase their properties. They told me they are asking for the loans to be satisfied and that is the asking price.”
My father said he told them, “it is not my problem that you over leveraged your properties.”
My father continued saying “I now know why they are having issues selling their properties. They are barely staying afloat and open for business as it is and may be close to bankruptcy.”
I told my father, “There isn’t a resort anywhere that would be close to bankruptcy if they were running 90% occupancy. How did this happen?”
My father explained “they were having occupancy issues at a few of their resorts. I asked and they wouldn’t say which ones. They hired a consultant to come in and evaluate the properties. The consultant explained to them that the properties needed to be updated or turned into lower income properties.”
“They refused to lower their standards as they thought it would lower the value of the properties as a group. So they bit the bullet, leveraged the entire business group to rebuild the lower occupancy properties. After they made the updates to the properties, occupancy went from 60% to 90% and they thought everything was great.”
“The workload on their staff became more than they could handle, they were forced to increase housekeeping, grounds, and restaurant staffing by about 25%. This ate up most of the profit created by their renovations.”
“It turned out to be a no win situation, they explained to me the consultant told them this would happen before they spent a dime. They explained to me they didn’t believe they would have to increase their staff by as much as he said. They felt the extra occupancy would more than cover a small increase in personnel.”
I asked my father “have you talked to the bank.”
My father asked “why would I talk to the bank? They aren’t in bankruptcy and making their payments.”
I said “father, do you know if they are really making their payments or are they only making partial payments and falling behind on their commitments.” Shaking his head, my father said “I didn’t think to ask them.”
I told him “I will ask them tomorrow in my very special way.”
My mother chipped in speaking to my father “You are the one who told him to be himself and everything would be fine. I suggest we try it his way and see what happens. We aren’t going to buy these properties at the price they are asking anyway. If it doesn’t work out, we can just go home and look for something else or wait until they go into bankruptcy. Then maybe try and buy them at auction.”
My father knew when my mother was right. Looking at me, he said “our meeting is at 0900 in the morning.”
My mother tells my father “he has that look on his face there is something else on his mind.”
My father laughed and replied to my mother “I wonder how much this is going to cost us. What’s on your mind son?”
I said “there are a few things I would like to discuss.”
I asked my parents “What’s happening with Naomi’s investigation in Lima Peru? Have you heard anything regarding where we stand legally in regards to the resort Wilkinson was building using out money?”
My father said “our attorneys are having a difficult time coming up with what it will take to file a claim of misappropriation of funds. On the surface, it appears we have a solid claim, but there is a fine line in determining where that line is drawn that is stumping them. Without local support and knowledge we may not be able to negotiate from strength. It appears he has been using some unsavory or maybe even some gang types to help him get where he is. If you have to go down there, you may need a security team to protect you and your interests.”
I smiled at my father and asked “would you feel better if I took along one of your Special Forces teams you have hidden around here?”
Thoughtfully my father replied “I will have the team leader hand pick a half dozen or so of his best troops and head down there for some recon. We need to know what you are getting into before you arrive. I will feel quite a bit more comfortable if we have more than rumors or he said, she said type of information. I know that you and your wives can more than take care of yourselves, but if guns come into play, I am very concerned. I will call him before I go to bed and have him start an investigation.”
I said to my parents “aside from the security issues, we also have to overcome the legal issues we are facing. Have you looked into hiring a local legal team to assist us?”
My mother had a look of concern on her face as she said “we have inquired to some of the more prestigious firms in the area, but we are not comfortable with their responses. They keep trying to negotiate a piece of the action, so to speak. It’s like they already know about the property and how it was financed. Our team isn’t providing details, just asking general questions in regards to laws for real estate purchased with stolen money.”
Smiling I told my parents “what if we had someone we can trust?”
My father laughed and looked at my mother saying, “Our 18 year old son has a solution to our little legal problem that a team of seasoned, internationally educated attorneys can’t figure out. Ok son, I hesitate to ask, because the answer is probably so easy I am going to fire my entire staff of attorneys and let you take over.”
I smiled as I asked my father “what if a couple of real estate savvy attorneys could be found in Lima Peru, that we could actually trust, would you be interested?”
My father looked at my mother said, “I can’t believe I am saying this, our son, who has never left the country, has contacts in Lima Peru that may be the solution to our problem.” Laughing my father said, “I have to hear this one. Please explain my son.”
I explained to my parents “the pilots who flew our airplane to Hawaii are from Lima Peru. Their twin sisters are struggling attorneys, mostly because of local male intentions, in Lima Peru. They started their own legal firm, so men couldn’t make demands they weren’t willing to give in to. It’s causing them immeasurable amount of trouble as everyone is trying to use them and their assets. Currently they take on contract cases with the courts to represent the under privileged. They are making ends meet, but just barely. They could use some real work in their area of specialty, and we could use some local representation. Father, guess what their area of specialty is.”
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Hawaiian Vacation I was anxious to pick her up at the airport. I bought the largest bouquet I could. It was at least 3 feet long. We had many conversations and agreed that we would spend a week together in Hawaii . Her stipulation was that we had to go ‘dutch’ including the airfare. After agreeing to her wishes, I made the reservations and garnered us a neat package. Time was of the essence as we both had limited vacation periods. It made sense to meet her incoming flight from the...
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Kandy glanced at the calendar and circled in bright red marker was that coming Tuesday, the day of their trip to paradise. It’s just five days away, and she had everything packed and ready. The two of them could hardly wait. Every night they would talk about what might happen and ended up fucking like two love struck teenagers. That Friday Todd called and told her there were no changes in the schedule everything in place. The only thing left to do was boarding the plane and fly off to...
That Friday night, Todd was sitting at The Green Dragon, in Boston Ma. He was enjoying a few beers with his friends, Kandy and Mark. They were talking about some of their hottest sexual encounters. Todd took a few chugs of beer and said, “I can remember the times when I’ve fucked five women out in the open while others watched. Some of them, I was married to, others, were married to someone else. One of the wildest times I can recall was when I was on vacation in Hawaii with my friend Melinda....
That evening after they dined at one of Hawaii’s five star restaurants. Afterwards, they returned to Todd’s room for a night-cap. Todd unlocked the door, and Mark and Kandy followed him into the room. Todd walked over to the small refrigerator to get out some wine, and chilled glasses. Before he could get it, Mark tapped his shoulder and whispered, ‘Forget the wine, let’s you and I have some more fun with Kandy.’ Todd gulped, and felt his cock swell, ‘Oh man, let’s do. Think she will let us...
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Our vacation was coming to an end and Sheri was feeling a little guilty. She had got to fuck Matt and Rya next door, she had the amazing massage experience, and even an afternoon fling with Rya that we didn’t write about. While I can’t remember a time when Sheri and I had more sex over a two-week period, she was definitely afraid that I was feeling a little left out. Sheri told me repeatedly that she had something special planned, but wouldn’t tell me any details. On our last night there, she...
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Wife LoversSo my soon to be sister in law Lexy and I had come up with a plan to help my brother Mark become a better lover. He was according to Lex a good man but an average lover only twice has he given her an orgasm. So she asked me as a wedding present the night before to help her teach my brother how to not make love to her but fuck her stupid. I had my doubts it work but I was willing to try to help, personally I felt he would punch my lights out and call off the wedding but she really wanted him...
My trip to Hawaii was more than most people would believe. First of all we were there for my brother Marks wedding the lucky SOB was marrying Lexy a curvy red head with big tits, full lips, green eyes and a love for wearing tight clothing. See me and my brother have similar taste in girls we like them chubby, stacked and full of energy.Mark was twenty and he and Lexy were highschool sweethearts and waited till she turned eighteen to get married. I was the same age as she was. So it was me,...
"This is so romantic". "You look stunning my dear. You're going to look even prettier in due time".You did look ravishing in your grass skirt and lei. Your nipples were hardened from the chill in the air, and your breast were sitting up firm and full. "I feel so free being topless. I feel so sexy". "You are sexy love. I've always told you that", I said, placing my fork on my plate, indicating I was done with the meal. Taking a sip of the wine, I studied you,looking beyond your eyes...
That evening after they dined at one of Hawaii’s five star restaurants. Afterwards, they returned to Todd’s room for a night-cap. Todd unlocked the door, and Mark and Kandy followed him into the room. Todd walked over to the small refrigerator to get out some wine, and chilled glasses. Before he could get it, Mark tapped his shoulder and whispered, "Forget the wine, let's you and I have some more fun with Kandy."Todd gulped, and felt his cock swell, "Oh man, let's do. Think she will let us fuck...
Group SexThat Friday night, Todd was sitting at The Green Dragon, in Boston Ma. He was enjoying a few beers with his friends, Kandy and Mark. They were talking about some of their hottest sexual encounters. Todd took a few chugs of beer and said, “I can remember the times when I’ve fucked five women out in the open while others watched. Some of them, I was married to, others, were married to someone else. One of the wildest times I can recall was when I was on vacation in Hawaii with my friend Melinda....
Group Sex"You are out of your freaking mind, Mitch!" I couldn't believe that he was serious about this. "Donnie, you've pulled it off before! You can do it. I really need your help!" "Ask someone else, Mitch! Ask my sister, Marie. We look enough alike. That will work." "Well, maybe she'd look like you, but since you were so sociable at the Halloween party, and became friends with almost every female partner, secretary or spouse, you've become the subject of conversation ever since. 'When...
"Donnie, come on..." Mitch tried to calm me down, but I was having none of it! My adrenaline level was off the charts and I needed to get away from him. He tried, once again to touch me, but I ducked under his arm and I ran to the second bathroom that was off of the lounge and I slammed the door shut. I locked it before he got to me. He pleaded with me through the door, "Donnie, come on, please! We talked about this last night. We both wanted to do it. Please, open the door and talk to...
When the doors closed, Mitch sighed. "So... Saturday, huh? Are you still determined to come clean about everything?" I nodded. "That's what I'd like to do, but... I won't do it unless you agree to do it, too." He took my hand and squeezed it. "We'll figure it out, hon. We'll tell them together." I stood in silence for a moment before I asked, "And if they don't take it well?" Mitch looked at me and smiled. "Then we say 'Fuck You' and we move on." When the elevator doors...
"Ok," I agreed and handed the pictures back to Mitch, but I held back the final one. The one of her looking so happy in her school uniform. "Have you met her?" Mitch nodded. "I've known her her whole life. Her father and I played golf together." I shook my head. "The poor baby. What's her name." Mitch put his briefcase down on the floor and turned to kiss me goodnight. "Good night, babe. I love you." What the hell!? I knew that he'd heard me. "I love you, too,...
When we got home and into bed, I sat next to Mitch, still rubbing moisturizer into my arms while he sat up, watching the news. Without turning to me, Mitch said, "I think she likes you." I smiled. "She is an amazing kid. The more I see her, the more I love her." Mitch looked at me and smiled. "I could tell. You know... I don't think I ever thought about becoming a father. I mean... I considered it as an abstract, but in real life... I wasn't really ready for this. Now that's it's...
Mitch gave me a kiss. "She loves, you, you know. Mae Mae, I mean. I can see it by the way she looks at you." That made me smile. "I hope so. I certainly feel very close to her already." He began kissing my neck. "You are going to be a great mom." God, I hoped he was right. For me, Sunday began with a nice, warm shower and some badly needed maintenance - mostly body hair maintenance. I still had some places that insisted that I was still a male. I spent a little more time on my...
Monday, July 12, 1971 “ ... so Catherine told me that I should let them work it out among themselves,” I told her. Narvenia and I were sitting on a couple of those plush loungers by the hotel’s swimming pool and looking out at the Pacific Ocean while I was trying to explain what had happened with the girls and their wedding plans, and why. It was a little slow going because earlier, I had attempted to explain what Mai Tai’s were. Finally, I ordered her one to show her. But after she asked...
At noon we joined our spouses in the restaurant downstairs as we had agreed we would. I was afraid it would be awkward, but it wasn't, really. They were already there when we arrived, and were sitting very close together on the left side of the booth. We slid in on the right side and sat equally close. I could tell that we were each looking a bit anxiously at the two people across the table; me at Jim directly across, and at Sandy over by the window. They both had idiotic smiles on their...
The exclusive island resort offered the ultimate vacation experience - a week in someone else's body. What could possibly go wrong? THE RESORT by BobH (c) 2018 - 1 - "Jeez, everyone here is so *old*!" said Wanda, with that mixture of horror and distain that only a fourteen year old girl could manage. To be fair, her equally fourteen year old friend Christine looked embarrassed by her outburst, though she tried to hide this by fumbling awkwardly...
It had only been two days since I took Sally to the airport on Friday so she could go spend a little quality time with our friend Bob. In his wanderings online he had found a nude resort he thought might be fun, but the rules of the resort stipulated no single males. He wanted Sally to go with him. About a month earlier, we had spent a long weekend with Bob at his farm. One afternoon, he and Sally went swimming in a stream that runs through his land. They wound up skinny dipping, and one thing...
My husband John and I had been married a little over 10 years. We were both very sexual and experimented with a lot of different things including some light swinging. Both of us enjoy oral sex immensely and I love it when he eats my pussy, he is so good at it I normally have 4-5 strong orgasms just from that. Most of the time we make love we are watching porn online. John always picks some very hot movie for us to watch and he gets so excited by eating me and my giving him head that he normally...
It had been about a month since Sally and Jack had visited and we had had our weekend fuckfest. What wonderful memories I have of their visit. It was like an orgy. Jack would fuck Sally and then I would follow up with my turn. Sally loved it and I didn't think anyone could have that many orgasms in such a short time. Jack seemed to enjoy it as much as Sally. I think he really enjoyed watching Sally being fucked by another man, and I certainly enjoyed pleasing them both. My mind kept wandering...
Straight SexAs you know from my first five chapters, my name is Irene. I am a forty-two year old mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. Until very recently, I had never been intimate with any man other than my husband. But on a Friday night several weeks ago, that all changed. To celebrate Oscar's birthday, my husband dressed me in a very revealing outfit and took me across town to the Hotel Vela in Barcelona. He escorted me to the club located on the twentieth floor of the hotel and...
LesbianTitle: "Married Adult Sister Invites Her Brother to Nudist Resort"Prelude: This story is about a twenty-five year old married woman that invites her twenty-three year old married brother to spend a weekend with her at a nudist resort. Story is told by the brother.The story starts now:My older sister Kathy is on the phone with me right now. She is the "Fun and Leisure" editor for a large newspaper company and is talking about writing an article about a nudist resort that recently opened over in...
Hey! It's Spring Break And My Family Is Going On Vacation! We're Heading To A Miami, Florida Beach Resort. My Parents Told Me That If I Wanted I Could Invite A Friend To Come With Us For The Week. So, Of Course, I Called Spencer. Spencer: Hello? Me: Hey Dude. Guess Where We're Going For Spring Break? Spencer: Where? Me: MIAMI!!! Spencer: Miami!?! Wow. That's Awesome! Are You Guys Flying There? Me: Nope. Where Driving. It's About 7 Hours Away. ...
Anniversary Weekend At A Nude ResortMy husband and I were on our way to Palm Springs to celebrate our anniversary. I couldn’t believe he had talked me into staying at a nude resort. I was nervous and excited at the same time. A few weeks earlier, my husband had asked me if I would be interested in staying at a nude resort. I had never thought about it, but decided that it might be kind of fun. After extensive internet research, my husband booked us two nights at an “anything goes” resort in...
ExhibitionismHello Friends, I am Rohan and today I will tell you about my sex experience with a sexy college girl I met on ISS in Guwahati, Assam. I am writing this story because she wanted me to share this story with everyone. When I wrote my last story about my sex experience with my crush, I got many emails from different cities. One of those emails was from Anamika (name changed). Anamika stays in Guwahati and is now completing her studies at a college. Anamika liked my last story because the story...
Doc's Complex 24 - Doc's Resort by Lee Most Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: Chapter 24 of the FMNaNoWriMo challenge novel "Doc's Complex," in which Alice and Keela spend time on the beach at Doc's Resort. They discuss all sorts of things about the history of the resort and the nature of man's desires, but really this chapter is mostly about love, breasts, and orgasms. Categories and key words describe only this...
HumorInitially, I tried staffing the Slutty resort with girls that worked for me plus people we recruited. The problem was, it ended up always being minimally manned. If I took enough models, actresses and strippers to fix my manning issues, then I would have to close the rest of Slutty. I couldn’t get enough men to do the menial jobs like landscaping, maintenance, construction and any other labour intensive position. I also had problems recruiting educated people like doctors and lawyers. The...
My wife Julie and I decided to take a well deserved vacation to the Caribbean. After some research we decided on Jamaica. I went on-line to look at the different resorts, as we looking for some privacy. I found a small exclusive resort called Goldeneye. It was expensive but very private. I searched on-line at work and printed a bunch of articles on the resort so I could take my time at home and read through everything later that night. After dinner I sat down with a glass of wine and started...
"Wake up, Tim." Your twin sister Angie says while giving your a hard nudge. "We're pulling into the resort." You look at your window as the car drives by a side reading: Welcome to the Brooks Family Resort. Having just recently turned 18 you were exactly excited about taking one last family vacation before going away to college, but your parents promised it would be fun. A family resort...yeah, that is going to be fun. You can't help but picture bingo with old ladies and a pool filled with...
We reached the banks of Gajol Doba. Babu and Paltu said that they would get ready and come in an hour or so. We should proceed and make the necessary arrangements. I, Mimi and Arun went towards the car. I now knew somehow that my role was to drive so that the newly-wed could make love. I sat in the driver’s seat and Arun said, “Bah ei to dada tumi bujhe gechho.” (Good that you have understood your task.) Me: “Bhai sob e ek diner jonno.” (Bro everything is just for a day.) Arun: “Haan kintu oi...
This resort was everything I hoped it would be. I had just graduated from Georgetown Law School and I was treating myself to a resort before starting with the mega firm, Mugin and Hatcher. They were going to overpay me and overwork me, big time. My name is Tim Sharp. I had seen a brochure advertizing a hypnoerotic resort. I was a good amateur hypnotist, using the stage name Master Hypnotist. It was a good way to make a few bucks and to get women without trying too hard. The resort seemed...
My father had been a mercenary and I think a pirate. The peninsula was a hundred thousand acres of evergreen trees, ferns, wild flowers and green moss. To the north were deep waters full of large game fish and even large predators. To the west were the beginnings of the reefs and semi shallow rocky ocean floor. To the south were thousands of colorful reefs and fish. I finished growing up while the resort was being built and learned all the hidden secrets no one except my father knew. He...
The Trailways coach bus pulled into the New Paltz Bus Terminal on Main Street. Since I’m not normally a long-distance bus rider, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised to find that in comparison to airplanes, in which every available seat is filled and people are crammed together like sardines, the bus had seats with plenty of leg room. I surely appreciated that. Also, in direct contrast to airports where I always found myself waiting in long lines to clear TSA security,...
Straight SexLong days, sleepless nights, stress and anxiety. These plague everyone who must sacrifice their time to the daily grind of life. It is enough that practically everything suffers; health, relationships, understanding, enjoyment, anything that can be worth living for is thrown out for the soul crushing experience of life. But, at times, there are ways to combat these things. To refresh and restart yourself to make life bearable again. And that is to take a vacation. Everyone has their preferred...
FetishThe resort was set in the redwood trees and medows, with a view of the ocean. The rooms where large and set in small groups in buildings s**ttered around the grounds.Like most resorts of this kind, there was a pool and tennis courts, you could get a seaweed facial or a Shiatsu message. But this resort offered services of a more private nature as well. At the customers request, after the whole body message, a spanking would be administered, leaving a glow on the bottom in addition to the...
My life has always been different than most. My mom was a prostitute. I never knew my dad and never had any siblings. Other than knowing my mother, I could almost be an orphan. My name is John Taylor but my friends always called me Zeke. One day someone called me Zeke and I thought it was cool so I've been Zeke ever since. I am forty-six years old and manage a resort on some ocean front property. Before getting into that part of my life, I think I should go back and tell you about my early...