Millie's Western AdventureChapter 15 free porn video

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Jim Hollister had been a Pinkerton for three years, all of it assigned to the Union Pacific railroad between Omaha and Sacramento. He had pursued various issues over the years, but this was the first time he'd been asked to chase down a seventeen-year-old girl who had gone missing. She was eighteen years old now, actuallyt, her birthday having passed by about a week previously.

The agency, and therefore Jim Hollister, had been hired by the dowager Mrs. Maureen Hatfield, widow of the late Phillip Hatfield, who had started The Boulder Creek Provisioning Company in 1849, not far from Sutter's Mill. Mr. Hatfield ran an astute business, making particularly good use of the ships plying the Pacific coast, bringing gold seekers, and goods for his store, from South America. By the time the gold ran out some five or six years later, some five or six hundred pounds of it was safely stored in one of the first class one bank vaults ever imported into that part of the country.

Phillip Hatfield lived an excessive life, which meant he did everything to excess. He ate to excess, he drank to excess, and the only exercise he engaged in - sex - he also pursued to excess. It was the sex that killed him. Or at least that's what he was engaged in when he kicked the bucket. Fortunately, his lovely young, and very satisfied wife, knew the combination to the vault.

Maureen Lucinda Philby, the only daughter of Terrence and Margaret Philby of Denver, Colorado, met Phillip Hatfield when his carriage almost ran her down on a street in said city. Having been narrowly missed, Maureen, who was sixteen at the time, picked up a horse apple and heaved it at the carriage. Phillip was struck, both literally and figuratively, by the spunk of the girl. He was already well off, and people had already begun to kowtow to him. This girl who did not - ever - kowtow to him, won his heart. She went with him when he took off to California, where he had a feeling he might be able to turn his modest nest egg into a true fortune. He was right, as it turned out. He started in shipping, and was one of the first to hear about the gold strike at Sutter's Mill.

Maureen continued to run the business after her husband died. She never remarried, and never went back east, "having become accustomed to the weather," as she said it. When she had lofted that horse apple at Phillip, back in Denver, she'd left behind a younger brother with her parents. That brother had eventually ended up in Missouri, where she kept track of him. He was moderately successful, but not a man of means. Being childless herself, Maureen had a special interest in the only child of her brother, a little girl named Elizabeth. To that end, she sent money she said was not for her brother, but for her niece ... to "provide her with something nice now and then." When she received a wire that her brother and his wife had died from an undisclosed illness, Maureen wired back with instructions for Elizabeth, who was now her sole, living relative, and whom she had met only once, to be sent to California.

When Elizabeth failed to get off the train in Sacramento, Maureen was annoyed, but not surprised. Train travel was still a chancy thing, and train schedules often gave way to things like weather, broken tracks and who knew what else. A week later, however, when her niece was still not there, she began to inquire. It took three more weeks for the railroad to inform her that her niece's two suitcases had been located in the unclaimed luggage room, five stops down the line. She spent another two weeks in a fruitless search for information, before being advised by one of her late husband's business associates to hire a Pinkerton to go find the girl.

Jim Hollister was that Pinkerton.

His search had been pursued on the simple plan of backtracking the train, getting off at every place the train stopped, prior to where her suitcases had been found unattended and removed from the train. Then, he simply asked around about the girl. He'd quit counting after fifteen or so towns, so he had no idea what Beaverton, Nebraska represented on the list. All he knew was that he was a little more than halfway to Elizabeth's point of origin.

Thus far, his job had been boring in the extreme. He was used to that. Being a detective meant going for long, mind-numbing stretches of time with nothing interesting happening. Then there would be ten minutes of terrifying action which, if you survived, led to more days and weeks of boredom. In this case, what he expected to find, when he located young Elizabeth, was that she had gotten off the train and been swept off her feet by some man, who either had money, or talked a good line. Girls of that age were usually empty-headed, in his opinion, and likely to go off on a lark at their whim. Still, it was good pay, and he got to see the country, so he didn't mind that his search, thus far, had been unsuccessful.

When he got off the train in Beaverton, however, and told the clerk in the depot what his purpose was, that clerk's reaction made it obvious he was in the right place. What was curious was that the clerk reacted with what looked like guilt. The detective's concerns were further heightened when he saw the same thing in the town sheriff's face. He got a highly improbable story about an outhouse collapsing around the young woman, who suffered amnesia as a result. When the mayor of the town arrived at the depot, out of breath and hatless, Jim's suspicions were confirmed that something underhanded was going on.

He smiled, made it appear that he had swallowed all their bullshit, and asked if he could talk to Miss Philby, who everyone in town was calling Millie, for some reason.

He was taken to a one-room school house, where a dangerous looking girl dressed in buckskin appeared to be an armed guard, stationed by the door of the building.

That was when things stopped being boring for Jim Hollister.

"Miss Philby, my name is James Hollister, and your aunt hired me to come find you."

"Aunt Maureen?" asked Millie, her eyes wide.

"You remember her?" Jim stared at her intently.

"I remembered her name, but that's all," said Millie. "Just Maureen."

"How is it you got injured?" asked Hollister.

"It was an accident," said Millie.

"What happened?"

"Well, I'm not sure. I don't remember anything of it. I woke up in Bob's office -"

"Bob is... ?" asked Hollister, interrupting.

"Doctor Fisk," said Millie, flushing. This man had dark, penetrating eyes, like he was able to see deep inside her. She wondered if he could see that she and Bob had been intimate.

"Go on," he said.

"Well, I woke up there. He was stitching me up and -"

"I was led to understand that all you got was a bump on the head," interrupted Hollister again.

"Oh lord no," she said, blinking. "I almost died. Bob said he had to..." She stopped, flushing even darker. "He had to go to extraordinary lengths to save me."

"All this from an outhouse ... collapsing ... around you," said Jim.

"I assume so," said Millie.

"Didn't it ever occur to you to ask for more details about this ... accident?"

"Well ... no ... I suppose it didn't. I mean people were so nice to me ... giving me a job and a place to live and all that..."

"And it didn't seem odd to you that a town like this would welcome a stranger, with only one dress to her name, feeding her and clothing her?"

"Is it odd?" asked Millie. "I don't know!" She was clearly flustered.

"I'm sorry. Clearly you've been through a traumatic experience. But you appear to be healthy enough. I'll telegraph your aunt and ask for instructions, but I suspect she'll want me to take you back to Sacramento."

"Oh," said Millie, whose mind was whirling. She'd spent hours wondering who she was ... wondering what her "real" life was like. Now that she appeared to be finding the answers, she was suddenly less than eager to find out. If she went to Sacramento, she obviously wouldn't see Bob again. That made an ache in her middle that made her want to groan.

"I'll get us adjacent rooms in the hotel until we hear from your aunt," said Hollister.

"But I have a house!" objected Millie.

"I'd like to see it," said the detective.

"Can it wait until after school? I need to get back to the children."

"Miss Philby, while you don't remember your past, I can assure you, you are no teacher. Your aunt is a wealthy woman, who I understand sent money back east to provide for your education. I believe she intended to offer you the opportunity to come to California, where she was going to sponsor your coming out celebration, but your parents died before she was ready to issue that invitation."

"Oh." Millie was at a loss. None of this information was ringing a bell.

"My parents are dead?" She felt badly because she didn't feel ... badly ... about that.

"They were taken by illness, shortly before you started your journey west." He clapped his hands sharply, once, which caused Millie to flinch. "But these are all things your aunt should be telling you. If you insist, you may return to your classroom. Perhaps you can make preparations for someone else to take over the instructional duties. Then I will inspect your lodgings. Meanwhile, I'll get a preliminary report on the wire." He turned and walked by the little gaggle of townspeople who had stood off to one side - at Detective Hollister's request - while he spoke with Millie alone.

Mayor Robinson approached the woman he now knew was named Elizabeth Philby.

"What did he say?" asked the man, anxiously.

"Apparently I'm to be taken to California," said Millie, her mind still whirling. She looked off at the retreating man who had just kicked the embers of the banked fire that was her life. "As if I'm some sort of luggage," she added under her breath.

She looked around for Bob. She had expected him to come, since Boots had taken off at a run as soon as the Pinkerton man had started barking orders left and right. But he was nowhere to be seen. When she went back into the school room, the children left the windows they had all been straining to see out of, and crowded around her, all speaking at once.

It took her several minutes to quiet them down.

Millie said goodbye to the children with tears in her eyes. Amy Hawkins, also weeping openly, stood beside her, having been appointed by Millie to be the temporary schoolmarm until ... she didn't know what. Jim Hollister stood at the back of the room, pointedly separate from Boots, who also stood with arms folded. It was fairly obvious that neither cared for the other.

That attitude came to the fore when Hollister tried to take Millie's elbow as she was leaving. Boots, who was in an emotional uproar over what all this meant - something she didn't know yet - was feeling territorial about her friend. She basically forced her body between the two, taking Millie's arm herself, and looked at the Pinkerton.

"You can go off and do whatever it is you boys do when you're not needed. I need to talk to my friend ... private like."

"I was hired to find her," Hollister started, but was then interrupted by Boots.

"An' you did. Good job of it too. Only took you what ... mebbe three months? But it's a big country an all, and she didn't leave a whole lot of sign behind."

"I was also hired to see to her safety once she was found," said Hollister.

"An' I been seein' to her safety for the last three months. Without pay, I might add. You kin just run along. When I'm done jawin' with her I'll let you know and you kin take over guardin' her or whatever it is you think needs doin'."

Jim tried going official on her. "Look, this is Pinkerton business now. You need to butt out, girly ... if that's what you are -" He stopped, wide-eyed as her pistol was suddenly out of her holster, cocked and pressed against the second button of his vest.

"Millie is my friend," said Boots, her voice level. "I don't have to butt out of anything."

The Pinkertons didn't hire faint-hearted operatives, and that became clear now. "Her name isn't Millie," he said, his voice just as level. "It's Elizabeth Philby."

Boots probably would have made a good Pinkerton, assuming they weren't so misogynous as to refuse to hire women.

"Elizabeth Philby is my friend," she said in the same voice. "I don't have to butt out of anything."

"Both of you stop!" barked Millie. She looked at the man. "You are welcome to keep an eye on me, as long as you don't interfere with the few friends I have in this world at present." She looked at Boots. "He's just doing his job. Put that gun away and don't play with him again."

"Play!" objected the Pinkerton.

Millie waved a hand in irritation. "She wouldn't have shot you. Not just for calling her 'girly'." She turned back to Boots. "Where's Bob? Why didn't he come back with you?"

"That's the doctor, right?" asked Hollister. "Why do you need to talk to him? Are you ill?"

Boots, who had put her pistol back, turned to look at the man. "Were you hired to stick your nose into her business too?"

Hollister wasn't deterred. "The way I see it, protecting her means looking out for her interests. And I'm a little worried about her interests and her ... friends ... seeing as how the story I've been getting about how she came to be here has holes in it wide enough to run a locomotive through. I'm not buying that an outhouse collapsed around her and almost killed her."

"'Course it didn't," sniffed Boots. "It was the bein' dragged half a mile inside the outhouse that done the damage."

"And why is it that you're the first person in this whole fucking town to mention that little fact?" asked Hollister heatedly.

"Prob'ly 'cause you asked the wrong people," snorted Boots. "Lemme guess. You asked the mayor."

"I did," said Jim. "Actually, he came and found me, once he learned I was inquiring about Miss Philby."

"Lots of people all eager to talk to a big time Pinkerton detective, huh?" said Boots, grinning. "I bet folks just fall all over theirselves to be helpful to you boys. That happen a lot?"

Jim Hollister was no fool. He knew people had been serving him up a plate of bullshit. But here was the first person who appeared to be willing to tell the truth about things. And they weren't on the best of terms. Further, it was looking more and more like she wasn't quite the provincial, empty-headed female he'd assumed her to be.

"How about we start over ... Boots, is it? My name is Jim Hollister, and I appreciate you taking good care of Miss Philby in the time it took me to find her."

"Nice try, bucko," said Boots, but at least now she smiled. "Yer still the same man you was a minute ago."

"Yes, but now we're on the same side," said Jim, also smiling.

"Now that you two are fast friends, may we go?" asked Millie, frowning. "Boots, you never answered my question. Where's Bob?"

"I found him. He told me what to tell you. I had to write it down," said Boots. "I didn't understand some of the words." She pulled a scrap of paper from the possibles bag tied around her waist and unfolded it. She read laboriously: "In light of the fact she has now been identified, I don't feel like my presence would illuminate the situation any better than it already is." She looked at Millie. "What's that mean?"

"It means," said Millie, changing directions and lengthening her stride, "that he knows Mr. Hollister here has been fed a line of bull, and doesn't want to be put on the spot and be required to disagree with the town fathers."

Boots moved up beside her friend. "And what does that mean?"

Millie stopped suddenly and turned to face Boots. "How, exactly did I get hurt?" she asked.

Boots blinked. "Nobody ever told you?"

"No Boots, they did not."

"Oh. Well, three boys - that would be Ben, Chauncy and Mikey - wanted to play a prank on somebody, so they waited until you was in the outhouse and then threw a rope around it, so's they could tip it over. They had the rope tied to Mikey's saddle horn, but the horse got spooked and ran half a mile, draggin' the outhouse - and you inside it."

"Ben, Chauncy and Michael? In my class at school?" Millie gaped.

"The very ones," said Boots.

"Now I get it," said Jim. "They're worried about a lawsuit."

"A lawsuit?" asked Millie.

"Your aunt is a wealthy woman, and is an influential person in California politics," said Hollister. "She has gone to great expense to find you."

"But this is Nebraska," said Boots, proud that she got it right this time.

"Yes," said Jim. "But trust me. Mrs. Hatfield can make significant trouble for the town, if she has a mind to."

"Why?" asked Millie. "These people took care of me. The doctor saved my life! They gave me a way to support myself ... a place to live!"

"And they did all this when one message on the telegraph would have alerted people up and down the line where you were. Had we known all this, you could have been rescued months ago."

"Now wait just a damn minute!" said Boots. "I sort of think 'rescued' is a bit strong. It's not like she was bein' held captive."

"They hid her," said Hollister. "They hid her because they were afraid that the town would be held responsible for her injuries."

Boots' brow wrinkled as she thought about what Hollister had said. "Well, that does sound like Henry Robinson," she snorted. "I got to admit that."

"What now?" asked Millie.

"I'll need to file an updated report," said Hollister. "As I said earlier, I expect to get a message telling me to escort you to California."

"I see," said Millie. She started off again, with a long, almost angry stride.

"Where are you going?" asked Hollister. "I thought this house they gave you was over that way." He pointed.

"She's goin' to see Doc," said Boots, knowingly.

"Why?" asked Jim.

"Well, I've only known her for three months," said Boots, striding beside the detective. "But she's the best friend I ever had, and based on that, I expect Doc's in a mite of trouble and she's on her way to inform him of it."

"Why would she be angry with the doctor?"

"Because he abandoned her to your tender mercies," said Boots, grinning.

Millie had said she wanted privacy. Boots and Hollister stayed out in the surgery, while Millie took Bob back to his living area. There was no door, though, and within a minute, Boots was urging Hollister outside.

"Sounds like they're married," said Jim.

"They are somewhat sweet on each other," admitted Boots.

"Is it serious?" he asked, wondering how he was going to explain this to his employer.

"Not so's anybody would notice," said Boots. By that, she meant that no one had seen them kissing ... or doing other things.

"Good," said Hollister. "A ... romance ... could complicate things."

"He's a good man," said Boots. "And she's a smart woman. We all knew she was high bred, just by how she acted. He kept remindin' her of that, and kept tellin' her somebody would come lookin' fer her sooner or later."

"I see," said Hollister, who didn't see at all. Miss Philby was a good looking woman. Any man who had a chance to get something from her would try. He would have, so he assumed any other man would have too. Maybe that's what she was so upset about. Now that she had found out she was somebody important, she was berating the man who had soiled her. But that wasn't really his business. His mission was to find her, report, and then do whatever his employer demanded of him.

With that in mind, he told Boots he'd be back, and went to find the station master to send another telegraph message.

Millie wasn't berating Bob for soiling her. She was taking her frustrations out on him. She had grown to depend on his support, and when she was stressed by events, and his support wasn't there, she got frustrated. He was smart enough to understand that, and let her vent. He had already half steeled himself to losing her, once he found out the Pinkerton man was looking for her. The Pinkertons didn't come cheap, so he knew he had been right all along. Somebody important had been looking for her. They wouldn't let her stay here, now that they'd found her.

Millie's anger slowly seeped out of her, to be replaced by the dread of the unknown. She, too, was aware that her aunt would be expecting her to complete her trip. That she had no memory of her aunt meant she wasn't eager to leave the only things familiar to her and leap into new environs. And she was aware that the special thing she'd found with Bob was now going to disappear as well. She mourned for her loss, whether she knew it or not, and in advance of the actual loss itself.

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"He makes my pussy cream" Sarah said as we walked through the woods at the top of the hill, eating our ice cream as we walked. "Wow! can I lick it?" I said as I took a long, loud slurp of my ice cream. Sarah stopped dead in her tracks. Sarah was fourteen at the time, I was two months past my twelth birthday. Sarah was tall for her age, five, six, and about one hundred twenty pounds. She was pretty and had a set of big tits, skinny waist, and a nice inverted heart shaped ass....

1 year ago
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Millie Part 2

One night I was talking with the girls at the back door of a club when Millie pulled up in her red convertable with the top down. Millie had a sly grin on her face as she motioned for me to get in. She pulled around to the other corner of the building into some trees where we were completely hidden from view. She threw the car into park and slid across the seat and was unbuckling my pants before the car stopped rocking. Millie immidiately started to give me one of her intense sloppy and loud...

4 years ago
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Milly and Alan decide to spice it up

Me and Milly had been fucking around for about a month now, we had had some good long sessions where I had actually stayed over and slept with her, sneaking around wasn’t too bad either. It had started to get harder as Julie was beginning to ask more questions about where I was. But they weren’t too difficult to fend off. But I didn’t know if I could do it for long. Mine and Milly’s relationship was also developing nicely too. She was sweet and loving, and when we went out of town to do things,...

4 years ago
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Millie Growing Up

Millie's pussy was wet again. Ever since her last stay with Uncle Biff, it had moistened at least once a day, and sometimes more. Without Uncle Biff being there to sort it out for her, she'd found she could do something to help with just her fingers. Before she'd left, Uncle Biff had promised that next time she came to stay with him, he would make sure she had no problem with a wet pussy and no way of sorting it. In the meantime, he suggested, her brothers might help, or even her father –...

2 years ago
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Millie Joins the Computer Generation

My wife and I could see Millie was lonely. She was an attractive young looking forty-two year old Widow who had somehow lost touch. With all her friends now exchanging E-mails, Millie had become uncomfortably aware of her shortcomings. Her friends had joined the ranks of the computer literate and she hadn't—She felt left behind. My wife, Beth as well as being ravishingly sexy, with a quirky sense of humor, had a kindness about her that was unusual. She actual liked helping people and enjoyed...

3 years ago
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Millyrsquos Cousin Janie

Milly couldn’t disagree with my choices however with her wearing a baggy nightshirt I was going purely by memory which had already given me a boner which was again clearly visible pushing up the front of my shorts, “Maybe you would like a closer look Frank?” she suggested as the juice was taking a firm hold on her inhibitions as she finished off her drink.“Mmm Milly, I think that would be a great idea” I replied with a twinkle in my eye and suggested she stand up in front of me for her...

1 year ago
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Millies Night Out From Hell

The night had finally arrived, it was the employee of the year party and awards night and everyone was excited. The top ten employees from each franchise had been voted by the company directors, and were being whisked away for an all expenses paid night out, at a swanky club in Liverpool. Last years event had been a raging success, and Millie Stone was delighted to be attending. She was only just 18, and had only worked at the company for about 8 months, but she'd obviously made an impression!...

2 years ago
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Millyrsquos Cousin Janie Part 2

While Milly was out of the room Janie sat back on the sofa and now had a look of lust on her face albeit she didn’t know it and I could see her nipples standing out like little bullets and she was still licking her lips as she got to grips with the after taste in her mouth, “Do you mind if I stay naked Janie?” I asked as I sat back with my limp cock hanging down, Janie giggled as she looked down between my legs and I got the impression she was enjoying seeing her first male specimen, “Oh no...

4 years ago
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House Girl VIII The Western Flight

As important as I am to the national defense, and I don’t say that with any boast, I am really just a small part in what is the most sophisticated amalgamation of power, science, political will, intelligence and firepower. There had to be something else that I was missing. Something incredibly important. So important it should have been obvious. It had to be right in front of my face and I was overlooking it. “Mrs. Honeycutt,” I said over the office intercom. “Please step into my...

3 years ago
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part 14 Monday night Country Western FUN in V

Finally - We were able to head home after Mondays fun with Billy & Dick. Angel however was NOT done being seen & used by others. Angel was oozing cum as we walked back to Billy's room to get what was left of our stuff in his room ( I had already had a valet put most of it in our car earlier). All Angel had to grab was her purse, sheer denim blouse & denim zip down skirt & her cowgirl boots. However I had her stay naked to our car & carried her clothes for her to wear later.I...

3 years ago
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Part 12 Sunday Country Western FUN in Vegas

Angel began the day impaled in her ass by a huge cock & spent the day there while other guys enjoyed her cunt too. A few even got to DP her asshole too. Sunday night a LOT of guys enjoyed DPing Angel while she was impaled on a huge cock in her ass, even more cocks in her ass too.Sunday we woke up around 11:30am so Billy & me went in to see how Angel & her friend in her ass were doing. They were still sleeping on their sides & he looked like he still had about 10" of semi-hard...

2 years ago
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The old rundown cabin seemed to,hold a charm of its own though no one lived there any more. The small grave yard just metres away prove testament to the humans who had tried to farm the arid hostile land and failed, the grave markers fallen to disrepair, the writings faded with time, the ancient mission church not over a mile away also littered with graves and fallen down gravevstones, some still bearing names and descriptions of people long forgotten. One ancient stone crypt stood like a...

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Part 7of 14 Country Western FUN in Vegas Angel

Since we went to bed kind of late after a full day on Monday we did not wake up until about 2:30pm. Angel still had that J hook in her asshole too. We then let her go into the bathroom to clean up & out but she had to leave the hook in her asshole.While she was showering Billy called room service to order breakfast/lunch.When Angel came out of the bathroom we told her to lay over a couch arm so we could move the hook in her from her ass to her cunt. She did have a wide open asshole once the...

1 year ago
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Part 65 Country Western FUN in Vegas Monday n

Once we walked out of the barn with Angel she was given a pint jar of cum to drink as she walked into the back yard of Joes.Joe did have 1 roommate that lived with him & he was busy barbequing our dinner on a big built-in grill, ribs, sausages, corn on the cob, & baked potatoes. This was just finishing as we got to the tables & benches there.Now came another surprise for Billy. Joe took 2 barbequed ribs & 2 sausages over & had Angel bend over the table so he could shove all...

3 years ago
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Part 5 Country Western FUN in Vegas After some

We got up Sunday morning about 10:30 am & rather then getting dressed to go to breakfast Billy ordered room service for all of us, including his band manager & lead guitarist that had came in shortly after we woke up to talk to Billy.We discovered that since the order was for 7 people it took 2 waiters to serve it. When they knocked on the door Laurie & Angel both answered the door naked for them to come in with our food. This time Angel fucked 1 waiter for part of his tip &...

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Part 45 Country Western FUN in Vegas Angel a

Laurie was allowed to have the gag out of her mouth as we went downstairs BUT to keep it moist Jeff did with it to her as I had done with it earlier to Angel, he put it in her cunt with the cum still in her for flavoring.Once we got downstairs Billy introduced Laurie & Jeff to his band & the stagehands & told them that she too was here for their entertainment with Angel. Jeff then pulled the ball out of Laurie's cunt & put it back in her mouth again.The audience was just...

3 years ago
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Part 25 Country Western FUN in Vegas Thursday

As soon as we got out of the Limo we headed for the Strip in front of the casino & walked towards the Stardust. We soon found that the dress Angel was wearing was both short enough & tight enough that as Angel walked in it that it inched up slowly revealing her butt cheeks & her pussy. People walking behind her occasionally got a slight view of the bottom of both her butt cheeks & the bottom oh the stamp tattoo on her ass. People walking towards her got a slight view of the...

2 years ago
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Western Sex Tantric Guru Bed My Wife

My wife Nisha had just turned 33. She is stunning woman who had increasingly become very confident over the last eight years that we had been married. Her sexual appetite had increased in recent times and we were enjoying each other in the bedroom most nights. This was an improvement over the last 2-3 years where at some stages intimacy had almost died. Nisha was peaking physiologically in a sexual sense and her curiosity and her need for sexual gratification had recently escalated. My marriage...

4 years ago
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Frontiers Flint MurdockChapter 9 Western Union

Cayuse and I, feet up on opposite sides of the sheriff’s desk, were sipping after-breakfast coffee that Rosie had brought us from the Bighorn. He said, “Take a ride, jefe?” Talkative this morning. “Sure. Where?” “Sodbusters.” It was outside our jurisdiction, some miles south of town. But things from the outside often slopped over city boundaries. And if Cayuse suggested it... We got our mounts from Livery Lou and wheeled them left, past the Holy Redemption, past Matty’s Bar, past the...

1 year ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 2

Doc stared down at the girl on his table. He was beginning to be concerned. She'd been out for a long time. She was very pale, and that didn't bode well. He picked up the needle he'd used to stitch up her wound and began prodding various places on her body, looking for reaction. He got normal pain reflexes from her body, suggesting the nerves were working, but she didn't wake up. Next he pressed his ear to her chest, listening to her heart. It was strong, but seemed slower than normal....

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Millies Western AdventureChapter 3

Bob had them prepare a plate to take back to his patient. When he brought the towel-covered food back to his office, the girl was still asleep. Her color was better. He examined the scrapes that weren't covered by her new dress and nodded with satisfaction that none of them looked inflamed. Her mouth was closed now, which suggested she wasn't under quite so deep. He gazed at the lush lips. He hadn't kissed lips like those in ... he couldn't even remember how long it had been. Whores...

4 years ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 4

With Boots keeping an eye on Millie, Bob felt like he could check in with the authorities. To that end, he went to the Sheriff's office. He found Sheriff Clint Miller sitting back in his desk chair, his boots up on his battered desk. There were a few faded and curled wanted posters on the walls, but in reality there wasn't much for a lawman to do in the little town of Beaverton. He was used to things being sedate, and this recent uproar had him nervous. He stared at Doc, who had just...

3 years ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 5

The stew was eaten. Bob, knowing the women would feel more comfortable bathing if he wasn't in the building, said he was going over to the saloon for a drink and to play a game or two of cards. Millie tested the water in the tub, which was still steaming. Boots stood nearby, having announced that she was going to remain there to assist the bather in and out of the tub, and "deal with any trespassers." Millie was fairly sure nobody would molest them, but she didn't say anything. She'd...

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Millies Western AdventureChapter 6

It may have been something Bob said to one of the town fathers about Millie's situation and how the two women had been required to fix up the schoolmarm's house all by themselves. Or it could have been that word got out about her circumstances, and that she was going to teach school. Whatever it was, people began to respond to Millie's plight and needs. The next day, a wagon arrived in front of her little house. In it were three women, mothers of some of the children who would be coming to...

2 years ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 7

Two weeks went by, and no one came asking about Millie. School was going very well, in Millie's opinion. The town fathers apparently thought so too, because she was provided with fifty cents credit at the general store each week. Of course the town fathers didn't know Boots was a student too. They'd have probably laughed at the idea, but Mille was quite happy with the progress her friend was making. Bob showed up at school one day and asked if he could borrow the three thirteen-year-old...

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Millies Western AdventureChapter 8

Millie found out the whole sordid story of Boots and Jasper quite by accident. She'd gone to the general store, to pick up some flour and lard. Bessie Robinson, the mayor's wife, was there, engaged in gossiping about whether or not Melissa Thistledown, a local rancher's wife, was simply gaining weight or pregnant again. When she saw Millie she squared her shoulders and approached. "There is something I wish to discuss with you, dear," she said, confronting the teacher. "Yes?" said...

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Millies Western AdventureChapter 9

Originally, Millie intended to spend perhaps half an hour teaching Boots how to dance. What actually happened was much more complicated than that. Boots demonstrated what she knew of dancing, which consisted more of stomping and clapping and singing at the top of her lungs. Millie joined in and the natural production of endorphins began. Within a few minutes of starting, both women were laughing and panting. Boots, being energetic by nature, enjoyed the rhythms of dance though, as Millie...

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Millies Western AdventureChapter 10

Doc stepped forward, putting himself between Millie and the trapper who had so unexpectedly claimed Millie as his mail order bride. He held up his hands for silence, and people began to stop their nervous chatter. When it was quiet, he spoke. "How do we know any of this is true?" he asked. "Millie can't remember anything of her past." Black postured. "Her name is Jenette Duchette, and I paid a hundred and fifty dollars fer the right to marry up with her. It don't matter if she...

2 years ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 11

The last dance ended. Millie smiled at Harvey. She had saved the last dance for him intentionally, and told him so. Now, having stepped on her toes twice, he grinned and backed away, bobbing his head at her, looking just a little embarrassed. He said he hoped there was another dance real soon, and then turned away. People began to slowly make their way out of the Silver Dollar. Sheriff Miller had posted himself by the entrance when Black left, to make sure the man didn't try to come back in...

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Millies Western AdventureChapter 12

School, on the day after Millie learned to masturbate, was no different than any other day. Boots was there, but her actions, and Millie's thoughts, were both as normal as the day is long. Even when Boots followed her back to the little house in which her sexual world had doubled in size, Millie's thoughts were on what she was going to teach Boots that night - subtraction. She had Boots pick up two handfuls of pebbles on the way to the house. Then, on the table, she manipulated the...

1 year ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 13

Boots sat loosely in the saddle, letting the horse walk at its own pace through the twilight. Since arriving in Beaverton, she'd made it her business to know who was who and what was what. Normally, that didn't extend to the cowboys who worked the various ranches around. Dusty had changed that, though. She was still confused by the man. It was unusual for her to think about any particular man for more than a few minutes at a time. Bob was one of the exceptions to that general trait. And...

2 years ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 14

Bob almost didn't go back in Millie's little house. That was primarily because even after jerking the spunk out of his prick, he still wanted to lie on top of Millie and make sweet love to her. As he stepped up to the door, he hoped she was still naked. As he opened the door, he hoped she'd gotten dressed again. This woman was tearing him up. She hadn't gotten dressed, but she'd pulled the sheet over her body. He stood, just looking in her direction. It was too dark to perceive any...

1 year ago
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Millies Western AdventureChapter 16

It's amazing how different life can be with some relatively minor changes. Bob, for instance, had generally spent about two hours with Millie each day, usually in the evening. An hour of that involved eating. Granted, that other hour was a lot more emotionally charged, but even after they started engaging in sexual behavior, that usually only lasted half an hour, at the most. So in one sense, all Bob had lost was two hours with his girlfriend per day, and only half an hour of nookie ... and...

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Millies Western AdventureChapter 17

Still upset, Bob walked around town for a while, to settle down before going back to his office to go to bed. Along the way, he saw lights in windows, and smelled the odors of cooking. He heard snippets of conversation from open windows or doors. These little domestic scenes made him feel lonely and empty. He felt like a fool for letting a girl almost young enough to be his daughter get under his skin and steal his heart. Finally, he turned toward his surgery. He was still a hundred yards...

3 years ago
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John slumped. The lava lamp glow of the screen on his desk was barely enough to illuminate the keyboard, barely enough to illuminate the scribbled notes that had managed to hold him awake until now; until now when the relentless drip of cheap vodka down his throat had overpowered the passion in the pen. Perhaps John would have called it poison in the pen. Anyone walking into the room would have noted that whilst in general it was tidy, the desk was suffering an overflow of...

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Millys Story

Milly was off school today as there was one of those teacher training days and as Rachel had a full day of appointments she asked if I would be kind enough to keep an eye on her which of course I accepted, I liked Milly and I knew her experience was far greater than her tender years and I wanted to get her to open up and tell me about her life, I felt pretty good about it and after making some fresh juice I was looking forward to an interesting day.As I was still in the recovery stage I felt it...

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Millie found the perfect partner to fulfil her handcuff fetish

Millie is a plain girl-next-door you would not notice twice. Though she had a petite and attractive body, she hardly ever found a guy to her taste. Most thought she is a too shy and introverted. But in reality, Millie had fetishes including handcuff fetish that often threw regular guys off-track. So, every time she started dating a guy, eventually they would run away as soon as she disclosed her kinky side. It was getting frustrating for her so she decided to look for guys specifically based on...

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Millie Continues Her Computer Education

It had been two weeks since my wife, Beth and I had last seen our friend Millie. Just when we thought she had forgotten us, we got an E-mail. "Hi Teachers," it read, "I think I'm ready for another computer lesson when you are. I'll be shopping in our usual place tomorrow around ten o'clock. See you there?" Love you guys! Millie To say that Beth and I were pleased would be a definite understatement. We were ecstatic! Beth was especially delighted since she had been shortchanged during...

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