SRU Form Follows Function
- 3 years ago
- 34
- 0
“Remember when you were young? You shone like the sun.
Shine on, you crazy diamond!
Now, there’s a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on, you crazy diamond!
You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom,
blown on the steel breeze.
Come on, you target for faraway laughter.
Come on, you stranger, you legend, you martyr,
and shine!”
-Pink Floyd “Shine On You Crazy Diamond (I-V)“
Hey, Susan again. I’m not sure of a lot of things at the moment, but I’m reasonably certain that’s who I am. (And again, I’ll tell you when it’s me.)
My eyes were closed, and through the haze of relaxation, I noticed that I no longer felt Julie’s presence in the bed with me. She’d undressed me for bed, laid down with me, and told me soft, relaxing things, until I couldn’t do anything but feel the relaxation wash over me. (Troy and Julie are so used to this feeling that they’re able to carry on long conversations in trance. I’m not there, yet.) There were other things that she said, too, but I could ignore those. They were for my subconscious mind. And now that I was so deeply relaxed, some friends of mine who came from there were coming to help me answer some questions. I was just waiting for them to show up...
My head. Well, I can ‘t really call it “the final frontier,” can I? I mean, there are certainly other people with heads in the world. I’ve seen them.
Anyway, these are the voyages of the starship Equalsprize. It’s Until-I-Wake-Up mission: To explore my subconscious. To seek out answers lost somewhere amongst all the crap in here. To find out how the fuck I got what, I’m calling for now, some kind of psychic connection with Helen!
I sat in my big, comfortable, swiveling chair, looking at all the buttons and lights and the intercom speaker on the right armrest. More light-up buttons and switches went down the length of the left armrest. I gave a big sigh and couldn’t stop grinning.
“Oh, MYYY!” Said a familiar voice, coming from someone sitting at the Navigator’s position in front of me, wearing a gold shirt and nothing else. “You’re looking quite sharp today, Captain. Shall I ... er ... send a class I probe to the Captain’s quarters?”
“No thanks, Mr. Su ... zy-Ho-Lu,” I told her. Let me just ... be happy for a minute that I’m finally getting a Star Trek one of these, ok? TOS, even! This has got to be Julie’s doing. You are SO going down on her when I wake up!”
I composed myself, still a bit giddy at all of this. I looked around the bridge.
“Ok,” I said. “So, you’re Sulu, and I don’t see a Chekov.” I turned to my left. “And there’s no Uhura, so that makes Sue...”
The turbolift doors opened. Someone else who looked like me was in an outfit with a blue shirt, wearing a pinky ring.
“Dammit, Susan!” Sue barked at me. “I’m a fuckin’ waitress, not a doctor!”
“Ok.” I said, trying to take her seriously, but unable to resist a giggle. “So that means that Suzy-Q is...”
“The only logical choice remaining, Captain.” She said from over my right shoulder. I turned to her. Yep, pointy ears, bowl-cut, everything. It took a moment for me to stop laughing.
“Sorry, ladies. You all look great. Just ... If I’m ever in here for a really long time; like if I’m in a coma or something, promise me we’ll come back to this one!”
“We’ll certainly try, Susan.” Sue replied.
“Before we get started,” Suzy-Q interrupted. “Let’s clear something up here and now. Sue, Suzy-Ho; are either of you spirit guides? Like, do you already know what we’re looking for, but plan to make Susan go through a bunch of shit until she figures it out herself?”
“No.” Sue said, then thought another moment. “Hell, no! I believe I would kick some spirit guide motherfucker’s ass and beat the answer out of them, if anyone here turned out to be one of those.”
“If I say yes,” Suzy-Ho-Lu asked. “Would you use sexual torture to get it out of me?”
“Nope.” I replied. “I’d let Sue take care of the punishment.”
“In that case, no. I am not a spirit guide.”
I turned to Suzy-Q, recalling her conversation with Helen on this subject.
“I didn’t suspect any of you, but thanks for thinking of that.” I settled in my chair. “Well, if I’m Kirk, I suppose it’s up to me to get things started.”
Sue stepped forward.
“Ok, yes. But I’ve got something to say before we get started, too. You need to come out of this eventually, Susan. So, we’ve got to put a limit on the Shatner School of Acting stuff here.”
“My! God! Sue... -Bones!” I replied. “You’re ... absolutely right.” I stood up and looked at her. “Ok, it’s out of my system now. And while we’re getting things out of the way, I’ve always wanted to see this.” I walked over to Spock’s viewer and looked inside. Yep. Vulcan porn, just like I thought. I returned to my chair.
“Ok, Mr. Suzy-Ho-Lu. Sorry, I’m gonna stick to everyone’s usual names. I’m already torn over whether Suzy-Q should be Spocky-Q or Suzyock-Q, and that’s too much to deal with now. Anyway, let’s go visit your home, ladies. Plot a course for my Subconscious.”
“How do I do that, Captain?” Suzy-Ho asked. I had to think for a moment. We needed the answer soon, but yay, Star Trek Fantasy!
“Just hit some buttons that feel Sulu-y to you.” She nodded and started pressing random buttons.
“This better not be like the first movie.” Sue grumbled. “Where we spend forty-seven minutes looking at special-effects before anything happens.”
I heard the music that let me know we were on our way.
Contessa Helena de San Finzione tossed another cigarette out of the Mustang’s passenger-side window after it crossed the intersection of 85th street and Aurora. A few blocks later, the street turned from residential to commercial property, and at the next intersection was the warehouse where they were to meet the Elders’ representative. Beyond it, the street changed from houses and apartments to banks and shops for several miles before becoming a residential street again.
“Slightly more public than I’d expect.” Mander said. “Right on the corner.”
They pulled into the parking lot, Helen casually noting and pointing out the cameras and the men who couldn’t be seen from the street, patrolling the rooftop with AK-47s. Mander doing the same for the ones he spotted.
Helen lit another cigarette and took a long drag.
“Parking lot and street in two directions. Open space; fewer approaches for any Ultimados we might’ve brought along if we hadn’t been told not to.”
“Woulda been nice, though.” Mander replied, turning off the vehicle. After Helena didn’t respond, he asked, “You all right?”
“Sorry, just thinking about how all this began in a warehouse full of Triad goons. It would have, yes. But the Triads are jumpy, and we have to show that we’re no threat. Well, we’re a threat, but not a big one. Not one they have to worry about unless they piss us off, anyway.”
“So, why’m I here, then?”
“We’re not a big threat.” Helen replied, getting out of the car. “We’re also not a stupid one.”
“Least one of us ain’t.” Mander replied, getting out and walking behind her.
Helen approached the side door, dropped her cigarette, and knocked. A Chinese man in a black suit and tie opened the door and looked at them. He nodded and let them in. They walked inside, where three more with assault rifles watched them, fingers resting on trigger-guards. When the man who’d opened the door reached for Helen’s Prada Arcade bag, she pulled it away.
“My big, scary Englishman and I are both carrying pistols.” Helen told the man in Guangzhou Cantonese. “His is holstered, and mine is in my purse. You have AK-47s, unshouldered, which I would appreciate you not pointing at us. If you can’t begrudge us a little paranoia, too, we can turn right around.” She looked him in the eyes. “Because none of you will shoot, and you’ll get to explain to The Elders why I left.”
The men pointed their rifles away from them.
“This way.” The man replied in the same language and dialect, as he led them through pallets of stacked crates and shelves, toward the center of the warehouse. Unlike the last Triad warehouse that Helen had been in, this one was used for moving something other than captive women. Counterfeit electronics, Helen reasoned; from the information she read off the crates they passed.
The small hedge maze of crates led to an open area in the center, containing a folding card table with three chairs around it. The one who’d done the little talking any of them had thus far motioned to a chair. Mander walked forward, looked it over, and held it out for Helena. She took her seat.
“Seems very cordial, Your Countessness.” Mander whispered to her. “If not for the major ‘set-up’ vibe.”
“Not even a pat down for a wire, or insisting on taking our phones.” She whispered back. “See if you’ve got a signal.”
“He doesn’t, Contessa.” Said a now familiar voice from a speaker in the darkness. “You’re right. They’re not worried about recording devices or signals, because I’m taking care of those.”
A Chinese man, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase, came out of the darkness from the side and took a seat at the table next to her, regarding Helen with a nod.
“You will pardon me, Contessa.” The man said in perfect West-Coast American English. “My name is Lee.” Helen nodded. If he’d been American, it would have been Smith. “The Elders felt that they should hear both sides of this dispute.”
Mander remained standing behind Helen as another figure entered from the far end of the room-within-the-crates. The man wore a new suit, and what looked like a motorcycle helmet with the visor closed, blacking out the wearer’s head entirely. The figure walked closer and took a seat at the table. It was then that light flickered from the helmet’s visor; light that made Helen think of a screen powering up. The thought was proved correct a moment later when Leonard Whyte, CBE’s face appeared in the visor.
“Nice to see you face-to-face again, Contessa.” He said from speakers on the sides of the helmet. “Well, not really face-to-face, but you understand.”
Helen exploded into hysterical laughter. Whyte’s face on the monitor indicated that he was waiting for her to finish.
“Yes, I do!” Helen got out between gasps for air. “After ... all this shit ... My ‘arch-foe,’ ... my fucking ‘nemesis’ ... in this ‘deadly cat and mouse game’ ... I’ve been playing ... for the last two months ... turns out to be DAFTPUNK???” She wasn’t finished laughing, but still tried to get the rest of her sentence out. “There is ... FAR more truth to that ... than you could possibly know!”
“Oh, it’s a bit Tron, I know. When the people who watched the warehouse video before me didn’t obey your commands as well, I determined that your ... unique talent ... wasn’t something that could be transmitted electronically, the idea just came to me. It also answered that burning question ‘Why doesn’t Contessa Helena de San Finzione just go on TV and conquer the world already?’ So, this little baby blocks off all outside sound and light, depending on built-in cameras and internal speakers, allowing us to speak without worrying about your ability. Provided that it’s me at the table, that is. Knowing me, I might’ve just grabbed a bum off the street and gave him a new suit and a thousand bucks to put on this helmet and sit here for an hour. Maybe he’s watching Spongebob. The thing gets Netflix. He’s not bored in there.”
Helen composed herself and lit a cigarette. The answer that involved Whyte exploiting an innocent was likely the correct one.
So Night Follows Day part 13 By T. MaskedWriter with Special Guest Author Susan Bailey “At the tender age of three, I was hooked to a machine, just to keep my mouth from spouting junk. Ha! Musta took me for a fool, cause they chucked me out of school, cause the teacher knew I had the funk. But tonight, I’m on the edge, better shut me in the fridge, cause I’m burning up! YOW! I’m burning up. With the vision in my brain, and the music in my veins, and the dirty rhythm in my...
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The first week passed in an organized chaos of digging, diving, and dirt displacement. By its end the cabin had been made generally livable. Doug had patched the leaks in the clay tile roof, ending the drips that accompanied the daily afternoon showers. All had cleaned the grime from its interior. The shutters were functional, thanks to new nylon rope hinges, and could be closed in case of another storm. The mosquito netting had been repaired and draped over the bed. Doug had used the nylon...
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Sandy was a tall slim blonde throughout high school and grew into quite a hottie. At 5'8" and 125 pounds she was a looker in anyone’s book . Her long legs, curly blonde locks, grapefruit sized tits, and nice tight body constantly drew looks from guys no matter what their age. She was 2 years my junior and was still living with Mom when I moved out at 20. She spent her High School years in a private all girls school, so she didn’t have the exposure to sex crazed teenage boys. A few...
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“I go to parties, sometimes until four. It’s hard to leave when you can’t find the door. It’s tough to handle this fortune and fame. Everybody’s so different, I haven’t changed.” -Joe Walsh, “Life’s Been Good” La Contessa’s Eurocopter EC 155 was powered up and waiting on the helipad when she emerged from the castle. Unbowed by the winds pushing down and back from the circling blades, she climbed the little steps into the vehicle and strapped in. The pilot confirmed that she was secure...
“And you see a girl’s brown body, dancing through the turquoise, And her footprints make you follow where the sky loves the sea. And when your fingers find her, she drowns you with her body, Carving deep blue ripples in the tissues of your mind.” -Cream, “Tales of Brave Ulysses” The Sun shone through the open balcony doors into the bedroom of the castle. It cast its beam across the marbled floor, onto the Persian rug, across the king-sized bed, and onto the face of Contessa...
For those who have been waiting on this chapter, I apologize for the length of time it took to publish. It took a long time to figure story out and with setbacks from my computer crash and subsequent loss, this chapter has been written and rewritten a ton. I hope it is enjoyable and look to continue this story. The sun glinted off Ser Alec’s armor as he exerted himself in battle. A continuous fight that plagued him every few seconds while he climbed a path etched into the side of...
Go easy on me it is my first time..... Backstory: (summarized for context because it would be very drawn out into the story) After having moved far away from the city I was from, an ex and I connected again (Facebook of course) and our chatting was friendly but of course flirting had occurred. We had not intended for anything to occur as we each thought the other was happily married. An illness in my family required me to travel back home often and by myself and when I returned my ex...
I have had a life of hard work. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I was forced to do it that way, or that I didn't want it that way. I did. But, it seems that all my life, I've worked hard to achieve what I've done, then put it to good use. Being a doctor, that isn't an unusual story. Just to get into pre-med and stay in pre-med took hard work, especially the organic chemistry part. Ask most doctors, they'll agree. Then med school and long hours of classes, labs, study. You can't do it if...
Oral SexHowever, in most cases, nobody cares or is evening paying you any attention at all. Around mid morning today, I got myself motivated enough to go to the pool. I was wearing my ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos (there are lots of pics of me wearing them on my blog and Twitter account). As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, when I go for a swim at the local pool, I usually jump out of the pool, wrap a towel around my waist, throw on a t-shirt and drive home. When I got home from the pool, I thought...
Part of the thrill, and fear, of dropping ones dork shorts and wearing speedos in public is thinking that everyone is looking at you.However, in most cases, nobody cares or is evening paying you any attention at all.Around mid morning today, I got myself motivated enough to go to the pool. I was wearing my ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos (there are lots of pics of me wearing them on my blog and Twitter account).As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, when I go for a swim at the local pool, I usually...
Part of the thrill, and fear, of dropping one's dork shorts and wearing speedos in public is thinking that everyone is looking at you.However, in most cases, nobody cares or is evening paying you any attention at all.Around mid-morning today, I got myself motivated enough to go to the pool. I was wearing my ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos.As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post, when I go for a swim at the local pool, I usually jump out of the pool, wrap a towel around my waist, throw on a t-shirt and...
Gay Male“I showed up late one night with a neon light for a visa. But knowing I’m so eager to fight can’t make letting me in any easier. I know I been wearing crazy clothes, and I look pretty crappy sometimes. But my body feels so good, and I still sing a razor line. Every time.” -The Who, “You Better, You Bet“ Contessa Helena de San Finzione stood in the Equals household’s living room, rapt in nostalgia. She admired old photos of the three of them at various stages of her life up until about seven...
“But no one ever changed The Church by pulling down a steeple. You’ll never beat The System by bombing Number Ten. Systems just ain’t made of bricks, they’re mostly made of people. You may send them into hiding, but they’ll be back again.” -Crass, “Big A Little A“ Interpol had a Master Detective, known for being able to solve the most elaborate of crimes in mere minutes. Criminal organizations hated and feared him, there were prices on his head all over the world, and his services were in...
“Ice is forming on the tips of my wings. Unheeded warnings, I thought I’d thought of everything. No navigator to find my way home. Unladen, empty, and turned to stone. A soul in tension that’s learning to fly. Condition grounded, but determined to try. Can’t keep my eyes from the circling skies. Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I.” -Pink Floyd, “Learning to Fly“ Susan’s Log: Stardate ... eh, fuck it. They just made them up on the show, anyway. I’ve been traveling through...
“Well, I saw Lon Chaney walking with The Queen. Doing the Werewolves of London. I saw Lon Chaney JUNIOR walking with The Queen! Doing the Werewolves of London. I saw a werewolf drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vic’s. His hair was perfect.” -Warren Zevon, “Werewolves of London“ Hi, my name’s Susan. I know that’s what I usually say, so I’ve been trying to mix it up throughout things. We’d been riding to the club in the back of Helen’s limo. Since we were going a longer distance than before,...
Note : This story is completely fictional! When I was growing up I always had the feeling that my sister was not the innocent little girl she made herself out to be. She used to hang out with some girls that were known to be a little frisky, and even stayed out too late one day and felt the wrath of . Sandy was a tall slim blonde throughout high school and grew into quite a hottie. At 5'8" and 125 pounds she was a looker in anyone’s book . Her long legs, curly blonde locks, grapefruit sized...
Incest{Because of something that happened in "Lost Indian Caves" before he was born, Alex and his family have a condition that changes their gender; male in the dark, female in the light. Now that he knows the truth, Alex's simple goal is complicated by the power struggle within the first school he's ever attended.} Knight and Dey 2: Top Dog By Ron Dow75 "Wow, he actually did the death scene," Lyza said, on her side, her head in a hand. "Hmf! He looks pretty alive for somebody who...
Humor‘She’s been lookin’ like a queen in a sailor’s dream, and she don’t always say what she really means. Sometimes, I think it’s a shame when I keep feeling better when I’m feeling no pain. Sometimes, I think it’s a shame when I keep feeling better when I’m feeling no pain.’ -Gordon Lightfoot, *’Sundown’* The ball continued. Several hours later, Julie Equals was seated with a group of wealthy old women, chatting away with a champagne flute in hand. ‘So, it took some persuasion, but we finally...
This story takes place three weeks after ‘The Day Before The Day.’ ‘She keeps Moët et Chandon In her pretty cabinet. ‘Let them eat cake, ‘ she says, just like Marie Antoinette. A built-in remedy for Khrushchev and Kennedy. At any time an invitation you can’t decline.’ -Queen, ‘Killer Queen’ The Sun shone through the open balcony doors into the bedroom of the castle. It cast it’s beam across the marbled floor, onto the Persian rug, across the king-sized bed, and onto the face of Contessa...
‘Come on babies, grease your lips, grab your hats, and swing your hips. And don’t forget to bring your whips, we’re going to the Freaker’s Ball. Blow your whistle, bang your gong. Roll up something to take along. It feels so good, it must be wrong, we’re freakin’ at the Freaker’s Ball.’ -Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, ‘Freakin’ at the Freaker’s Ball’ Troy’s doorbell rang. When it wasn’t immediately answered, it rang again. A series of short, quick rings followed. Troy ran to the door and...
Pulling the Train with Mom My mom and I had established a routine after we “came out” to each other. Seems we both loved wearing feminine undergarments and we loved wearing them while we masturbated and sucked each other. I’m the middle-aged son in the basement apartment and she’s the sixtyish mom upstairs and we have a monthly date when we get dressed in our finest lingerie, open a bottle of chilled Prosecco, cuddle for a while and them let our fingers do the walking until we’re both well...
I have had a life of hard work. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I was forced to do it that way or that I didn't want it that way. I did. But, it seems that all my life, I've worked hard to achieve what I've done then put it to good use. Being a doctor, that isn't an unusual story. Just to get into pre-med and stay in pre-med took hard work, especially the organic chemistry part. Ask most doctors, they'll agree. Then med school and long hours of classes, labs, study. You can't...
“Come on babies, grease your lips, grab your hats, and swing your hips. And don’t forget to bring your whips, we’re going to the Freaker’s Ball. Blow your whistle, bang your gong. Roll up something to take along. It feels so good, it must be wrong, we’re freakin’ at the Freaker’s Ball.” -Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show, “Freakin’ at the Freaker’s Ball” Troy’s doorbell rang. When it wasn’t immediately answered, it rang again. A series of short, quick rings followed. Troy ran to the door and...
“Flash of mauve, splash of puce, fool and king, ghoul and goose. Green and black, queen and priest, trace of rouge, face of beast. (Faces!) Take your turn, take your ride on the merry-go-round of an inhuman race. -Andrew Lloyd Webber, “Masquerade” The limo arrived to collect Troy and Julie Equals at 7 PM precisely. Julie had half-expected Helen to send a horse-drawn carriage with page boys in powdered wigs attending. They sat holding hands as the car made its way out of the city...
“She’s been lookin’ like a queen in a sailor’s dream, and she don’t always say what she really means. Sometimes, I think it’s a shame when I keep feeling better when I’m feeling no pain. Sometimes, I think it’s a shame when I keep feeling better when I’m feeling no pain.” -Gordon Lightfoot, “Sundown” The ball continued. Several hours later, Julie Equals was seated with a group of wealthy old women, chatting away with a champagne flute in hand. “So, it took some persuasion, but we...
“All right! Stop whatcha doin’, cause I’m about to ruin the image and the style that ya used to. I look funny, but yo, I’m makin’ money, see. So yo, world, I hope you’re ready for me. -Digital Underground, “The Humpty Dance“ Note: Before Ms. Bailey takes over, I’ve gotten some comments about the use of parentheticals. Strong arguments were made about their taking the reader out of the story, and I agreed, so have been trying to use them less. Susan, however, has that “House of Cards/Ferris...
“I had the shit till it all got smoked. I kept the promise till the vow got broke. I had to drink from the lovin’ cup. I stood on the banks till the river rose up. I saw the bride in her wedding gown. I was in the house when the house burned down.” -Warren Zevon, “I Was in the House When the House Burned Down“ “So, what’s it going to be, then, eh?” Contessa Helena de San Finzione asked the question of the two men she was seated with. Except that she wasn’t asking the question of both the...
“If your mem’ry serves you well, you’ll remember that you’re the one who called on me to call on them to get your favors done. And after every plan had failed, and there was nothing more to tell. You knew that we would meet again, if your mem’ry served you well. This wheel’s on fire, it’s rolling down the road. Best notify my next of kin. This wheel shall explode.” -Bob Dylan, “This Wheel’s on Fire“ How’s it going? Susan here. I don’t seem to be to most of the people with us right...
“I’d like to help you, Tom, in any way I can. I sure appreciate the way you’re working with me. I’m not a monster, Tom. Well, technically, I am. I guess I am.” -Jonathan Coulton, “Re: Your Brains“ Leonard Whyte CBE paced around his suite as the sounds of gunfire and explosions thundered from one floor above him; in the La Contessa Suite at the Seattle Hotel de Società Finzione. He wore a blue suit, identical to the one he’d given the vagrant before sending him to his death the night...
“Did you light the candles? Did you put on ‘Kind of Blue?’ Did you use that Ivy League voodoo on him, too? He thinks he’ll be all right, but he doesn’t know for sure. Just like every other unindicted co-conspirator. Mata Hari had a house in France, where she worked on all her secret plans. Men were falling for her, sight unseen. She was a genius.” -Warren Zevon, “Genius“ “There’s another question for you, Contessa.” Leonard Whyte CBE said as he composed his suicide note. “Back at the...
“Leroy says there’s something you should know: Not everybody has a place to go. And home is just a place to hang your head. And dream of things to do in Denver when you’re dead.” -Warren Zevon, “Things to do in Denver When You’re Dead“ Morning, Susan here. Well, afternoon. We all stayed up late, and Helen didn’t get in until 7 AM-ish. We settled for a late bacon, eggs, & what was going to be toast before an Ultimado ran a plate of croissants out of the oven across the street to us for...
“Abandon all hope, and don’t rock the boat and we’ll all make a few hundred grand. Everybody’s tryin’ a be a friend of mine. Even a dog can shake hands. You’ll be making the scene, till they pick your bones clean. No, they don’t leave much for the fans. Everybody’s tryin’ a be a friend of mine. Even a dog can shake hands.” -Warren Zevon, “Even A Dog Can Shake Hands“ A note from T. MaskedWriter before we begin: As this story winds down, I’d like to say a word about feedback. I appreciate it....