Memories of Flight 109
- 3 years ago
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I managed to finish my shower and dress before the Realtor showed up. I met him in the office before Wilson arrived for the day's review of our bugs.
"Hello there," the Realtor said.
"Hello, so do you have the offer ready?" I asked.
"Yes I do. Here you go. You are going to offer $200,000 total for the property known as the Railroad Hotel. This gives the legal description and location. It states you are offering 5% earnest money with the understanding the owner will respond within 48 hours. The rest is just bullshit," the Realtor said.
"It better not be important, I got one bad ass lawyer," I said.
"Do you want me to read it," he said.
"No, I trust you. I just wanted you to know upfront," I said.
"Fair enough, I don't want you to get your hopes up. You are $75,000 below what he thinks is market value." The Realtor said honestly.
"If he says no, I'll come back next year with a 5% lower offer," I said.
"If you don't get the hotel, what are you going to do with the warehouse," he asked. He obviously did his homework.
"The plan as of now is to move the toy and tool chest plant into that building," I said. It was more or less the truth.
"Well I guess we will see within a couple of days," The Realtor commented.
"So?" Wilson asked an hour later. "Are we going to own it or not?"
"Most likely not," I replied. As I said it my phone rang. "Wilson please change this ring tone when I finish this call. I want it to ring like a fucking phone."
"Hello Nate, do you have some news for u?" I asked.
"We are going to be shipping a high value load this week. It is going to be sorted today and out for delivery tomorrow," Nate said.
"Let's see what we come up with. Please stay available tonight." He got to make the final decision, since he had the load at risk.
Since Wilson had been eavesdropping, he had the recording from the bugs on Tiger Lady cued up. We began with the phone calls she made or answered. There were none that sounded anything like an alert to a Hijacker.
Then we went to the cockroach mike under her desk. Someone used her land line to make a call out. The person was a man, so it wasn't her. The man probably wanted to use her phone in case they dumped the phones. It would appear that she was making the alert, when it was actually a man.
"Nate who was in Joan's office at 3PM today?" I asked.
"I will have to check. She wasn't in the office. She was on the floor helping the people sort the load. Everyone was helping to repackage the load. I'll have to call you back." Nate said.
"Nate don't confront him. We aren't sure about anything yet," I informed him.
I turned to Wilson. "How the fuck can we be so wrong, so often?" I asked.
"Sylvia, we did what we had to do in a case like that you followed the evidence. I'm just glad we didn't confront her," he said.
"Get your ass busy and find out where the money is coming from. We need to know before we clear her," I demanded. I sat on the deck drinking coffee and waiting for something to happen.
First it was Nate's call. "Okay the person in her office at 3PM was Jasper our security guard on the gate. He has been seeing Joan according to a couple of the other people. It's been going on for some time though, so no one thought anything of him waiting in her office to speak to her."
"Could he have found out from papers laying on her desk, or would she have had to tell him," I asked.
"Joan probably had a manifest or something akin to it laying around. He could have seen it especially if he checks her office out regularly," Nate said. He sounded like he didn't want his leak to be Joan.
"Is he the guard who was working the night I planted the tracking device on the truck?" I asked.
"No he is the day shift guard four days a week. I think he is a bouncer in a strip club at night and on weekends," Nate said. At least someone said that once a while back. I gave it some thought and decided there was no conflict of interest." Nate suggested.
"Can you tell me the name of the club. I just want to verify he still works for them," I explained. I was actually hoping for more information.
"I'm pretty sure it's called the Pink Lady," he said.
"Okay just act as thought nothing different is happening. When you leave at five or six, whenever you would normally leave, come by my place. We can let you in on what we know, then decide what to do next," I explained.
"Wilson find out if Joan Tiger works for the Pink Lady strip club," I said.
"She seems a little old to be doing that, but you never know," Wilson said. "So are we going to let the shipment go, so that we can trap them."
"Nate can't afford to lose the shipment, if anything goes wrong. We need a better plan."
When Nate arrived at 6:30PM, Wilson and I were ready for him. Wilson played him the recording of the leaked transport information.
After Nate heard the recording he asked, "So what are you going to do?"
"Well there are a couple of things we can do. We can turn this over to the police right now or we can wait till we catch the bad guys in the act." I suggested.
"If it goes bad I can't afford the loss," he suggested.
"Well we need to get them with the truck, so the cops have some leverage to try to find out about your other shipments," I suggested.
"I'm sorry, I just can't afford the loss," he said.
"What if we go in tonight after mid night and transfer the product to a different truck then put in a less valuable load. Then we can have the Sheriff's Deputies reel them in with a load." I suggested.
I drove into the yard of a small house that had trash scattered all around it. The gray Chevy SUV was in the drive. I looked to be sure that it was the one in the hit and run. I parked my Honda behind it, then hit speed dial to call Wilson. "Wilson, I'm not sure what county I'm in but figure it out and call the Sheriff. Tell him I'm sitting in the driveway of the guy involved in the hit an run thirty minutes ago and he might want to get a car over her before he leaves. Before the deputy...
As I knew they would, things got boring. I returned Letter to patrol as a sergeant. Mrs West turned up nothing on him. It took two weeks after we shut down the drug gang, before I got the call from Miami. "Well you said you would close us down in Warren County and you pretty much have." the voice said. "Well, we are a small county and I may have got the Heroine business, but I haven't touched the other. However I am still looking for them. If you want to be a friend someday, move your...
I fell into bed and asleep. The next morning I called Mrs. West before I showered even. "What's the word from the hospital?" I asked. "Two kids dead, but all the others will be fine in a few days," she said. "Lots of broken bones but none too serious, mostly emotional trauma." "Anything on the woman we arrested last night?" I asked. "How do they say it on TV. She has lawyered up, thanks to the public defender," Mrs West said. "That should really help her out," I said. "Are...
So I talked to the bitch from ABC new's affiliate in Capitol City. I gave her the official story with a few extra statements, like how I felt while it was happening thrown in. Then she asked, "Can you get me an interview with the two men who came from Swamp Dog?" "Not in a million years. You feel free to call them, I expect you can find the phone number." I replied. I got back to the office at 5PM. According to my arrangement with the patrol commander, I rode with one of his officers...
I decided to wait until I was less emotional before deciding what to do about Osborn. So the next morning I was at the sports field at 6 AM. I ran my hour and did about seven miles. I had stopped counting the laps and just ran an hour. I hated to fucking run. I always had hated it. It was seven thirty when I pulled into the gym and hit the bag for an hour. Since it was Sunday, I didn't have a real plan for the day. Reggie didn't say a word, he seemed to have something on his mind. He sat...
I awoke the next Morning with the smell of her all over me. I hated the thoughts of a shower, so even though I knew better I took Dog and went for a ride on my trike. He and I did about an hour on the thing. It was so hard to pedal up hills that it was as strenuous as running. Well it did give me a chance to rest during the downhill run. Dog couldn't but he had learned to run along beside and not to pull me. If he kept that up, we could do two hours, I thought. We stopped at Hardee's and I...
I went right from my office to the pub. I got there in time for a cup of coffee, and some down time before I had dinner. Dinner was also going to be from the pub. Nita agreed to cook me a grilled cheese sandwich. I have no idea why it wasn't on the menu, since she made the best one in the state. They started to drift in about eight. "Brit put all their drinks on my tab but make absolutely sure none of them drives home tonight." "Me and Jeremy will take them home. The SUV will hold seven...
"Damn that pisses me off," I said while he was still standing there attentive. "What that he is so smug," Eddie asked. "No that he thought I was a man," I replied. Eddie broke out laughing. "Well now that you mention it Sheriff," he said. "Careful I can't fire him, but I can you," I said. "You don't have a union." We were in a good mood while Wilson directed the search so that the people stayed out of his way. The lab had first priority while looking for evidence of a...
Osborn and I left the gym at 9pm. We both were absolutely exhausted. She followed me to the pub for dinner. Juanita had made a giant taco salad from which she dished a bowl of stuff for each of us. I had a dark beer and the salad, while Osborn had a bowl of the salad and a diet coke. "What's up with the diet coke?" I asked. "I'd like to have a body a little more like yours, than like mine," she said. "You have to be kidding. Didn't you see how those guys looked at you. They looked...
I placed a call back to the station. They had everything under control. Mostly they were processing evidence from all over the damn county. It was a big job, but they seemed to be on top of it. "Sheriff, we are going to need to process some of this, and pass it on to the SBI. The bust is going to be out of our jurisdiction. Should I make the call, or do you want to?" Eddie asked. "Let me look at the evidence before you send it off, then we can decide what goes where together. Now I got a...
Kara began talking, but I didn't believe a word she said. "Yeah I recognized the guy the girl in the picture left with, but believe me she didn't look like that. She looked like a hooker." "How did you recognize the guy," Eddie asked her. "We was one of my customers for a while, but he got tired of me and moved on." she said. "So what was his name," Eddie asked. "Man, I don't know," she said. I sat in the corner of the interview room. It was a big room. The lights were off...
I drove toward my home in County Seat thinking, I might have to go back to the SBI lab after all. It meant giving control of our cases to their investigators and taking a back seat to their people. I hated losing control of the cases. Damn it, if I could only get the Colonel interested in the Forensic services. He could surely come up with the facilities. Even if it meant a friendly take over of an existing private lab. I was still in the car when the phone rang. "Sheriff Porter this is...
It took two days to get Jamison back to County Seat. During that time I rode along with the swing and the midnight shift deputies. It was a bit of a learning experience. I would rather have been an undercover boss, but they knew me quite well by then. We had been through most of our first year together. I had ridden with both deputies several times. In doing so they talked to me like a cop not a boss. We told stories about our days working the roads in Warren County. We answered calls and...
It took me all day to move past my anger at the FBI. I beat the crap out of the heavy bag before I really felt better. It was two weeks later and I was already running, when Osborn showed up at the softball field. She sat on the bleachers until I was in sight, then started to run. "You didn't tell me you were coming to run," she informed me. "I didn't know I was going to run till I pulled into the parking lot. I think I'm running on autopilot in more way than the obvious one. Damn...
"Mrs. Novak, I have some very bad news for you. We found Tommy. It appears now that he had an accident in the woods. I'm so sorry but Tommy died in the woods. I don't know if this is any comfort at all, but I'm very sorry for you loss." She broke into wails of high pitched screams. It was a terrifying sound. I finally took hold her to try to calm her down. I let her cry it out. I knew I should let her grieve before I questioned her, but she would have to be one less vote I received next...
I gave some serious thought to pulling Randy Ralph over, jerking him out of the truck and beating the crap out of him. We were finding all kinds of crap he did wrong but I still couldn't pin the rapes on him. Instead I went back to the Railroad B&B for Wilson. "So what the fuck would he pick up at the docks and deliver to a taco truck?" I asked Wilson. "Maybe they are distributing drugs," was his answers. "If it was drugs they would never throw them over a fence and hope their...
"So Detective Thorn, you like your job?" I asked. "I sure do Sheriff," he said looking all serious and shit. "Well you need to be better at it. See I took a quick look at the crime stats." I said. "Yeah, most crime is down all over the board," he said all proud of himself. "Yeah and statewide most crime is up in almost every category. You know why crime goes down in one area like that?" I asked. "Because we are doing a better job, than those other places," he said. "I...
I called dispatch and told them to have the officer backup for Simpson to swing by the courthouse to pick me up. It took about twenty minutes for the chubby little blond twenty five or so year old to show up in my office. She was cute in the thirty pound overweight way. "Hi there, I'm Deputy Melissa Osborn. Dispatch said to report to you," she said. "Yes you and I are going on a little road trip," I said. "I'm going to Dobson and I need a ride. So you get to be my driver." "Of...
I woke up Sunday morning in the middle of the night to the sound of my phone. I searched through the pile of my clothes till I found it. "This better be good Simpson," I said. "Actually it's bad. There was a high school basketball game last night at the northern high school gym. There was an accident outside the gym as the crowd left." Simpson said. "How bad," I asked. "Car ran into the crowd. Six kids are in the hospital, one is in critical condition," he suggested. "I'll get...
I went home and went to sleep, but only after I punched the bag for half and hour. I felt guilty and planned to run the first thing the next morning, since I missed my run that night. When the sun came up I was at the softball field. I checked for cars. I almost didn't stop when I saw the Grey Honda. The woman inside saw me drive into the lot and got out to wait for me. Since she had gone to all the trouble of walking up in the middle of the night, I figured I owed it to her to run along...
"When I told my wife we why we hadn't Identified the girl. She asked, if I had found her wallet. No girl would be caught dead going out at night without at least a clutch bag. According to my wife. So I got to thinking, if she was killed here, then her bag might be somewhere around here. If so where was it? I checked all the other buildings and there it was. Well it was near some disturbed dust in this little building, but under an old desk. It was late at night and dark as the Sheriff's...
"You better start at the very beginning, so we can help you out of this mess," I suggested. "The first of this school year one of the cheerleaders said, 'The only way to be popular with he boys was to you know do things.'" Ellie said. "What things," I asked. "To sorta have sex with them," she said. "Not real sex, none of us wanted to be pregnant not even the guys wanted that to happen. So we did other things." "Like what kind of things," I asked. There might have been some...
The sound in the hallway surprised even me. Tommy Kilborn pointed the pistol at me and waited. His attention on the door. When the doorway filled with something out of a video game, I had the derringer in my hand. Kilborn jerked a little when the .22mag hit him, then his face exploded when the .45 caliber hollow point struck him. I sat down hard, ad Liam removed his helmet. "Andrew is out in the parking lot making nice with the local cops. Lucky one of your deputies knew I was on the way...
I went home and put all dog's toys in a box. I had spent a lot of money between the vet and improvements to my place for Dog, but you know I didn't feel bad or let down about it. I had save him and he was worth saving. Like me Dog just got re purposed. We was going to another place. They might ask him to risk his life, but he would be doing something worthwhile. I knew exactly how that felt and I had never been more alive then when I had it all hanging out there. So I missed Dog, but I...
It was close to midnight when I got back to the motel. Osborn still wasn't in. I had a message, but I hadn't seen her for any amount of time since we arrived in town. I decided that I would phone her and request her presence. I need her to do some background checks on the major players in our move. I didn't want to call in Swamp Dog, when she could do it just as well. Okay not just as well, but well enough. I called her cell. As usual there was no answer. I went to bed, even though I was...
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They pulled into a yard that was already filled with vehicles, so they pulled to the side of the house, right behind Doris's car. Pete had momentarily forgot that Mike was bringing Misti and the babies here this morning. They, along with her Mom and Dad would be here for, and at the behest of, Doris for at least a week. She had let it be known that she wanted them here. PERIOD!!!They went into the house to a scene of total chaos, or so it seemed. At first glance it looked like bedlam, but, at a...
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ODE TO THE SPELL CHECKER Eye have a spelling checker It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steak eye kin not sea Eye strike a key and type a word And weight 4 it 2 say Weather eye am wrong ore write It shows me strait a weigh As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rare lea ever wrong, Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect awl the weigh My chequer tolled me...
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Saturday October 3, 1896 Crow Valley, Oklahoma Territory “Let me see that map again, Deuce,” Ezra said. He stood next to Eli and Isaac as they looked at the map. They had just gotten their first orders as Deputy United States Marshals two days ago, and the six of them were excited as they saddled up. They’d packed the night before and already had their two packsaddles loaded with tents, food and supplies for at least a two-week stay once they reached their destination. They were being sent...
The scene reminded me of an old Western. The room got quiet as everybody turned around to look at Sara and her dance partner; the band stopped in the middle of their song. The only thing missing was a bartender diving down behind the bar. The spell was broken as two faculty members appeared from nowhere and made their way over to the two of them. Chris was on his way in from the sidelines as Jill nudged me toward Sara. I looked at her, wondering why she was pushing me. "Go on." I walked...
Present – Jens, Ben and the others – Bad News Unfortunately our room wasn’t finished yet (Rats! I wanted to try out the mirrors on the ceiling) so we went back to the meeting room. The meeting was over but the main phone rings, Gretchen answers it and announces, “Jennifer it’s Samantha for you.” I figure it must be something about the report she did so I walk over to the phone and ask, “What’s going on Samantha?” Samantha shocks me when she instead says, “Jennifer, you’re not going to...
I expected a lot of things when my name was announced. I had figured about half the studio audience would wonder who I was. I figured the other half would wonder why I was being interviewed. I did not expect them to stand up and start clapping the moment I stepped through the curtain. I stopped and looked around to see who was coming out with me to garner such a reaction. But I was alone on the soundstage. Denny Daniels saw me stop and got up from behind his desk. He walked over to meet...
Thorn was the first to go. As I promised I wrote him a good recommendation for a job with the highway patrol. The state really seemed to be swimming in the Warren County labor pool. I really didn't mind Thorn leaving, even if it was on short notice. He left only two weeks after I took office. It just meant I had to find a detective willing to come to Warren County to live and work. Either that or I had to find someone worth a damn on the Department at that moment. "Good morning Chief...
Here is the deal Seth. I found a 9 mm in your room at your dad's house. We also found one at your girlfriends house. It really isn't much of a gun. Of course it don't take much of a gun at close range. Now we got a shell casing from the scene and also the slug in Burt. We can't do a ballistic check on the slug here. That went to the state crime lab last night. But what we can do is an extractor mark comparison. It is almost as good as the expert's testimony. So we are going to do one of...
I talked to a bunch of people who came into Hardee's, while I drank from the endless coffee cup. As far as I was concerned I had closed the Wilbur Owens case. He had committed suicide and I didn't give a damn what the medical examiner's opinion was. After all was a fucking butcher. I laughed at that last. It was almost lunch time but I wasn't hungry. I think the thought of Liam as an old man scared the hell out of me. When he was an old man, me being an old woman wasn't far behind. I...
"Now that you are a big boss how you liking it," I asked her when she came on the line. "I don't. Especially when one of my agents fucks up as bad as Morris. There is something personal going on with her. She can hate you as much as she pleases Sylvia, what she can not do is try to bully you. I would never allow that with anyone, especially with someone who can not be bullied. If she want's to play whose is bigger, there is no place for her in the SBI administration. She can be a field...
I waited until they went through the cheerleader's computer and Jamison's as well. Nothing told us who Lucy was with that night. Nothing told us who anyone was with for the last week. Jamison only updated the files weekly. So the prick still had something to deal. That must have been his thinking. He had planned that it would be about the kiddie prostitution and maybe porn, but he never planned on murder. Accessory after the fact of murder was going to be quite an incentive to talk his...