My Brother In Law Was My First 2
- 2 years ago
- 54
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Near dusk, Mother found us wiping picture frames and polishing furniture. She studied our work in minute detail. “What’s left on the checklist?”
“I think we got it all, Ruth.” Words I never would have spoken to her.
She had pinned the list to the refrigerator, with a magnet. Studying it, she coughed. “Did you sand the crossbeams?”
“I don’t remember that on the list.” Andrew cocked his head.
Mother looked at me. “You didn’t tell him?”
“I was washing the rugs out back.”
“Excuses!” She told her grandson, “That’s part of the room scrubbing. The humidity weakens the surface of those two timbers. Even if you oil them, you have to sand them once a year and apply fresh oil.
“Sorry. I’ll get to it after supper.”
“You’ll have to move out half of the furniture again to avoid drips.” She shook her head. “I don’t blame you, Grandson.” Until then, she had called him, Andy. “I see I should have been more specific. I trusted your mother to remember something that important. I was wrong.” She sighed and looked at her daughter. “You look proper worn out today, Ingrid. You can’t be expected to remember everything. I’ll help you in the kitchen.”
A dreadful line was crossed, when Mother started blaming herself and took direct control.
Mom whipped up a mean Au Gratin, while I baked porkchops and sautéed green beans. After eating the moderate but tasty meal. She supervised us to clear the table and wash the dishes. She didn’t say anything, just scrutinized every task. When the last fork was placed in the drying rack, I waited.
“Thank you.” She said and walked into her not quite perfectly reset living room.
I trudged into the shower. When I was done, Andrew took his. He found me under the top sheet, with the duvet folded down to the end of the bed. He crawled in next to me, not touching. “I’m beat.”
We didn’t sleep. Somehow, Andrew knew I was waiting. The clock struck nine. Mother called from the closed door. “Ingrid, see me in my room, will you?”
I climbed out naked and grabbed my houserobe. I had pulled it out of my suitcase and laid it across the back of a chair, before crawling into bed.
“Mom?” My son watched me cover myself.
“Try to sleep, Andrew. I may be a while.” I exited the room. I found mother wearing a thick, white terrycloth robe. She sat on her bed, beside her lay a ‘gift’ I hadn’t seen in years.
“Close the door behind you, Daughter, and lock it.”
“Yes, Mother.”
“Come here, Child.” She patted her lap.
I took off my robe and folded it neatly. Placing it at the foot of her bed, I turned and bent down, across her lap.
“Sweetheart, I love you.” She patted my backside with a warm hand.
“I know, Momma.”
“I’m not doing this for you. It’s too late for that. You’ve grown and built a good life for yourself. I’m proud of you.” She kept her voice low. “Your son is becoming a fine young man.”
“Thank you, Mother. I owe it to you. You raised me better than anyone could have.” I whispered.
“He’s outside. Isn’t he.” She whispered next to my ear.
I nodded. We both knew our offspring wouldn’t have remained in bed, no matter how tired he was.
Mother pick up the instrument. “Try to relax.”
I tried. I really tried.
When the hickory wand smote a red line across my backside, I cried out, “OOWWWW!!” My cheeks jiggled for several seconds after its impact.
“Don’t hold back, Daughter. I won’t.” She struck my bare cheeks again. CRACK!
I howled. “OOOOooooo!!”
“You forgot to count, Sweetheart.” I have to give you twenty more for forgetting.
“Good girl.” SWACK!! She hit harder when she praised me.
By the tenth stroke, I was bawling, but I never forgot to count.
After the first twenty, she rubbed an astringent into my welts. It burned deep. My tears were continuous streams.
She paused again when my count reached fifty. She rubbed more of the burning liniment into the raised lines across my ass. Mother was careful not to strike the same line more than three times. “Should we stop now, Child, or do you want the full count tonight?”
I knew better. “I need to finish it, Mommy.” I cried.
“That’s right, Ingrid. It’s always better to finish things while they’re in front of us.” Mother praised me loud enough for Andrew to hear. SWACK!! She struck out of rhythm. She put all her strength behind that strike.
“OOooowwww...” I blubbered. “Fifty one.”
Then mother did something she’d never done before. She plucked one of my hands by the wrist and drew it down my body. Shifting her seat for better access, she pushed my hand under my belly and between my legs. “I hate that you’re suffering so. You used to hurry to your room after corrections. I know what you did then. If it still comforts you, it’s okay. It won’t slow my hand one bit.”
“FIIIIIFFFFy two!” I howled. My hand discovered the wetness of my pussy and went right to work. Over the course of my last, additional twenty swats, I drew three orgasms from the cunt that was slowly taking over my identity.
“SSSSSEEEVENTYYY, EIGHT!” I could barely speak. My eyes had run out of tears. My loins gave no further pleasure. My body thrummed, consumed with pain.
“SS-HHHEEH-venty nine.”
For the last swat, she pressed her lips to my flaming ass. “Eighty.” She declared. Instead of liniment, she spread soft, cold cream over my wounds. I cried and cried without tears. Mother hugged me and kissed my face repeatedly.
“Is it finished, Mommy? Did we finish?” I rasped.
“Yes, Ingrid.” She spoke openly. “You’re back in my good graces.”
“Thank you, Mommy. I’m going to be good. I will be. I promise.”
“You are, Darling.
I awoke at seven AM, in my mother’s bed, her arm around me. Getting up, I struggled into my robe and shuffled to the door. I was allowed to skip showering these mornings. I peeked into the guest room. Andrew snored soundly under the covers. Somehow I managed to put breakfast on the table in time.
“Grandson, you’re coming with me, this morning. It’s time you learned the nuts and bolts of things you operate.” Mother pulled a mouthful of coffee from her mug.
“What’s Mom going to do?” Upon seeing me that morning, Andrew regarded me with dreadful concern.
“I’ll put her worksheet on the refrigerator before we leave. Finish your plate, and let’s go.”
“Okay, Ruth.”
“Call me, Grandma. It’ll be easier for you.”
My son’s eyes bulged. He’d never experienced the full force of my mother’s will.
The list of tasks she left me were lighter, but they would fill every minute of the day, even if I weren’t hobbled by an ass dark from welts.
I worked steadily, without fail, grabbing fruit and nuts for lunch, continuing the work. The day wore on. I wore out, but I pressed myself. I ached from excessive labor over the two days prior. The undaunted agony in my hips and spine, masked sore muscles and stretched ligaments. I worked.
Mother called to say she would be an hour late. That still wasn’t enough time, but I managed to complete the list. I signed it, an old habit from twenty years ago.
“I’m sorry for being late.” She breezed in. Andrew followed, looking like hell. “Some lessons didn’t take as quickly as I’d hoped.” She promised to make dinner to compensate for her delay. She went to the freezer in the shed out back, returning with three frozen dinners. They were expensive organic ones, a special treat to my mother’s thinking.
My son and I ate slowly. Mother matched our pace by sheer force of will. We spoke little. She told me she didn’t need to check my work. “I trust you.”
During the day, I also washed my work worn pajamas. My son watched me change into them, his eyes blank as concrete walls. Before Andrew fell asleep, he promised, “I’ll never collar you again.”
I felt just as wretched the next day, and the next. Mother ratcheted up our workload exponentially. In one day we cleaned the attic and the guest room. The next, we cleaned her bedroom and reorganized the shed and garage.
“It’s Saturday. What shall we do?” Mother announced that morning. It was the first day I could sit down without wincing.
We spent the morning at two local museums, one historical, one of the arts. She bought us lunch at a crab shack. That afternoon, we strolled five miles through the city’s largest park. We’d left a lamb roast defrosting in the refrigerator. I cooked peas and carrots, mashed potatoes, and sweet corn on the cob, while she carefully broiled it. After dinner, we watched more of the costume drama she and Andrew had started.
“I’m going to bed, Grandma.” Andrew said as soon as the credits rolled.
“You can sleep in, tomorrow.” Mother instructed.
I woke at seven am with my son’s arm around me. I lay there for half an hour, grateful for a moment all to myself. Andrew stirred and withdrew his arm. I huddled, turned away from him. His bedclothes rustled. There was a slight jangle. I swallowed.
He slipped the collar around my neck and locked it. “Open you legs, Mother.” He wriggled up and spooned me. My son’s hard cock pressed into my sore asscheek. He waited.
I couldn’t talk. My mind blanked. My right leg lifted.
“I need you to show me, Mom.”
One hand reached between my open legs and caught the head of my son’s flaring prick. He eased it through my thighs. My hand guided it past the hairs of my nest and into my vulva. My vagina was dry. “Wait, Honey.” I slid his head up and down the warm slit, to occupy him and stimulate lubrication. I pressed and rubbed it several times against my hard clitoris.
Andrew’s heart raced and his breathing matched it. “What’s happening, Mom? Tell me.”
“I’m almost there. Can you feel it getting ready?”
“Yeah. It’s growing wet.” His said with ragged breath.
“For you, Andrew. It’s getting wet for you.”
“Aaaauuggghhhffff.” He suddenly groaned. Cum spurted out of his dick and along the groove of my pussy. He shot three times before I aimed it away from my wanting cunt. I held on, trying to catch every drop in my hand. It pulsed happily, spewing for lingering seconds.
“Oh my god, Mom. I can’t believe that happened!”
“You do realize, a chance like this may never occur again?” I warned.
“Not if I can help it.” He said stupidly.
“Pull the covers away, Andrew. My hands are messy.”
He was careful to keep them from dragging against my behind. Some of his cum dribbled out there. My right hand kept it from reaching the sheets. I didn’t put on a show, but I licked every drop of incestuous sperm from my hands. I reached between my legs for a second helping.
“Next time, Mom, push it into your pussy.” He urged hoarsely.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” I chinned the collar away from my neck, and he unlocked it.
The dresser clock chimed eight o-clock. I rose, showered quickly, dressed, and entered the kitchen.
Mother read the paper while I fixed French toast and turkey sausages. “I don’t approve.” She muttered.
“What?” I asked setting the table.
Two teams, baseball and soccer are fighting for access to the sports arena. The world would be a better place if society emphasized games of cooperation rather than conflict.”
“That’s something Andrew knows a lot about.” He loved to play co-op games.
“What, Mom?” The devil himself arrived.
“Good morning, Grandson.” Mother greeted him with a smile and folded the paper. She reached over and laid it on the counter. Andrew sat at his designated place.
“It’s Sunday,” I trolled, “Chew every morsel ten times.” I placed dishes laden with food between our plates.
“Rest is for the wicked-” Mother started. I chimed in. “Relaxing is for the accomplished.”
Breakfast stretched out for over an hour.
“How are you holding up?”
“Barely.” Her grandson didn’t lie. “Mom’s incredible!”
“She’s adequate, Child. Any greater praise will go to her head.”
“Mother, I’m going to visit Lila today. I’ll bake cookies before I go.”
“I’m a little upset about her, Ingrid. She’s been regularly irresponsible for a few years now.”
“She’s having trouble with Eric.” I spoke without thinking.
“How would you know that?” Mother stabbed.
“Um, we talked, briefly, a few days ago.”
“Is she well? I haven’t seen her in weeks.”
“I’m not sure. That’s one reason for seeing her today.”
“She likes gingerbread cookies with caramel bits.”
“I’ll have to go to the store.”
“Take Andrew. I’ll get things ready in the kitchen. Be back in an hour. I have a surprise for you both, this afternoon.”
I chuckled. “It’ll be faster if I leave him here.”
“Don’t contradict me.” Mother sliced.
“Andrew, clear the table and help me wash.”
“No.” Mother intervened. “I’ll do that. Change into something decent and go.” She scanned his sweats. “You too.”
Fifteen minutes later, my son and I rode away in Mother’s car. Funny, never in my life had she cautioned me to be careful with it, as if an accident’s result would be a pleasure to fix or junk at her discretion.
“What was that about?” Andrew wondered aloud.
“Best not to ask. Best to let her alone.”
“Have we been cramping her style? Maybe she’s got a boyfr-”
“Rip that thought out of your head. Your grandmother is a virgin. She bore me from her navel.” I pulled into the local market’s parking lot and stopped the engine.
He pulled the collar from the inner pocket of his jacket. “I’m going to put it loose on you. So it will rest as low as possible. Hide it with your coat collar.
“Andrew, we don’t have time for foolishness!” I objected. I ended up pushing a cart with one hand and clasping the top of my coat with the other.
“Isn’t it fun, Mom. Only you and I know.”
Fortunately, it was Sunday morning when most people were at church or still asleep. Only the grocers took notice of us. Most of them looked close to the end of their shift or hung over.
Andrew seemed content with my level of embarrassment. Other than having to shop with one hand, we made it out of the store in good time. “Thanks for buying the wooden clothespins.” I’d told him there were plenty at home. He argued, they weren’t his to do with as he liked.
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I'd been involved with some hot wife couples as a Bull before, a different thing from helping a woman cuck her hubby. Hot wiving means the husband is involved somehow, or may sit back and watch and direct. Can be Hetero or Bi. I always went straight hetero with couples, as I'm averse to sex with men. Nothing wrong with the Bi thing, just not my bag.When I met this particular couple it was pure happenstance. I'd told myself I was going get out of the lifestyle because my last experience had...
CuckoldMeI'm a man that is truly alone with no family or children. all I really desire is a female version of me. one that loves giving and receiving sexual pleasure to men, women, and groups. All while putting the two of us first. All others being for either ours and/or there pleasure.a woman that like me seeks to put true honesty and pleasure in all areas of life and together we start a business that specializes in making people's and/or couples deepest hidden fantasies come true.
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Quick note: I published this story elsewhere but decided to continue it here. I have a few chapters planned, but I may run out of ideas quickly, so feel free to add to it or to suggest something. Also, this is a work of fiction, and doesn't reflect my beliefs irl. Respect people's sexual orientation and all that. Now, let's get to it. Today was Monday. I hated my job, but at least today there was a new hire in the breakroom. I was doing my best not to look, but she was just gorgeous. She...
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Hentai Streaming Sites"Mildred, you have to tell Joseph or Lady Christopher will find out about the medicine. If you don't, we're all in trouble." "Yes, mother. I guess it's my job since I originally suggested its use." Mildred sought out Joseph and explained as clearly as possible what was planned for him the next day. "That's about it," said Mildred, "and you'll be totally aware of what's happening at all times but physically unable to resist or even move. The Lady will think that you do not know...
I was scared. I was scared that he wouldn’t come home and that he would. I had never seen him like that. He had actually slammed the door. Purposely, purposefully slammed it. He was mad with anger; his face proved it. His eyes, though, his eyes revealed the hurt. He accused me and I dismissed him. I lied as long as I thought I could get away with it and I finally barked back at him, “So what?” “’So what?’ Is that all you have to say?” I was trapped. “Don’t be all fucking high and mighty, when...
SpankingHe catches her cheating, and won't put up with it.My wife knows me so well. She can predict where I will to take her out to dinner, for instance, though I've tried hard to surprise her. She has an instinct for when I need a little tender loving care too. She knows everything about my life...from fumbling flirtations with girls in high school to the angst of being passed over for a promotion I thought I deserved. She knows I'm scared shitless of snakes, whether they're dangerous or not. She...
I was a 52-year-old happily married father when my world turned upside down in an instant. My wife and I had been planning a vacation for several months with my 17-year-old daughter. We were going to spend 16 days with her parents in the Bahamas, fishing, skiing and hanging on the beach. We were leaving on Friday evening returning 2 weeks later, on Sunday. It was going to be the longest vacation I had ever taken. I am a National Sales Manager for a large company and was never willing to take...
Vicki’s turn: Marriage is everything I imagined it to be. And then some. Oh, I know that there’s a segment of the population that would look at me and my Billy and see all sorts of things wrong – me a tender exploited teen, him a predator, all that. It’s kind of in the news about sex trafficking. Matter of fact, one of the newest additions to our group was in the middle of that, hauled out of Central America to be sold off. Camila’s lucky. They were saving her virginity for the added value...
Previously: As you read in chapter one, my husband's best friend and college roommate, Glenn, stayed with us at our home in Aurora, Colorado during his internship during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month earlier, and was breast feeding her. Soon after Glenn's arrival, I became aware that he had discovered some naked pictures of me that my husband, Chris had taken when we were still students at Penn State University. While embarrassed, I was also...
Wife LoversHi indian sex stories dot net readers Incest means having a sexual relationship with close family members. My incest experience began with you younger sis Supriya. I was studying in college and she was in high school. When my parents go out of home for work, we used to be at home. We group up together. We were staying in same room. We were good friends as well. We used to tell each other everything. That time Suman was in 9th class. One day she told me that her classmate friend was severely...
IncestSo I'm lying here in my darkly lit little room, flat on my back, legs spread and taking dick. It's really late and I'm pretty tired but the five guys doing me aren't and now I hear one of them calling his friends so I guess I can expect a few more guys and this will probably turn out to be an all nighter. My bed is wet under my ass because the cum loads keep, well, coming. Not that I'm complaining. I mean, I really like life a lot more when I have a dick pumping into me, and I'll take...
I began having dirty sex with Carl when I was just eighteen. He is an amazing nasty sex partner. He loves big tits and a wet cunt and I have DD tits and it seems I am always wet waiting for a nice big cock. I love a big dick. Carl is ten inches and very thick. Today we are both naked and I grab his head and pull his mouth to my tit. I tell him "Suck hard if you want that cock jerked." He begins sucking harder and rolling his tongue over the nipple. My pussy begins to tingle. I do love a good...
While this story is reasonably standalone, for some background you may care to read Chapters 5 and 6.My less than satisfactory encounter with Robbie, plus Jennifer’s insistent reminders, led to me feeling that I maybe I should see Timmy again. Hopefully he’d still be interested sexually in me. The question was how. I couldn’t just ring him up and invite him over that would look a bit odd.Heather, my sister and his step-mom, finally gave me the perfect excuse. She mentioned that since he had now...
TabooBlonde bombshell Monique Alexander is a nude model for shy artist Tony De Sergio who has been having naughty fantasies about her. Well in today’s premium Penthouse porn scene, the lucky stud’s fantasies starts to cum true when the banging hot babe takes his hands and places them on her luscious tits. It ends up even better than the artist could have even imagined with an amazing blowjob, licking of her sweet pussy, and fucking his muse every which way until he unleashes his load all...
xmoviesforyouAs usual Mistry was wondering what it was like for the Dryworlders. They had all covered the stories in history lessons at school, but Mistry had continued to ponder the unanswered questions on and off over the years. For long periods of time she barely thought about them, but then it would all come flooding back, and she would become obsessed. Her work suffered, and her friends worried about what was wrong with her. The basic facts were undeniable, no matter how vague the details were. Before...
This story ties into alot of the pics that I have sent to Mistress Lpics to be posted. I hope you enjoy. It had been one of those days at work where nothing seemed to go right, a real "pain in the ass" (which makes me think of my Mistress and only seems to make me wish more that the work day was already over so I could be home. The only good thing about the day were the messages from Mistress telling me what laid in wait for me when I got see it is Friday and that is the...
Sharon Byrnes hummed an old 60's tune as she walked the streets of Greenwich Village. Never mind that the song had been recorded two years before she'd been born, it always made the 27 year old feel good. And today was definitely a day for feeling good. She had been hired by a large local clothing manufacturer to set up a new computerized inventory system. Her contract with the firm had called for her to have the system up and running in four weeks. Instead, she had finished it in three,...
Feminization 1Just say that nothing extra ordinary in terms of sex or orientation, I was not different. He studied at the university, like everyone else. Girls liked, but did not give much. So, more in porn specialized in the internet. You look, you twist and life normalizes.That's how he lived, it's okay, the truth is boring enough. But during this time I became practically an expert theorist in terms of different types of sex.There was a lot of theory, practice with partners was zero. So I...
She Got Ass? Well, from what I’ve heard in most black nations a woman’s beauty is defined in many ways but when it comes to sexiness there is the issue of; she got some ass or not. However, I understand that in other societies, it's a matter of; wow! That dress looks good on her only because she has a fat ass because basically, women with some booty are countable. And don’t argue with me because I’m dealing with facts here, after all, whether your girlfriend has got ass or not is entirely your...
Black Porn SitesIt took them a while to finish eating, the calorific intake of an adult Borealan was massive. When they were done, the sun was low in the sky, and it didn’t look as if they would get any more work done that day. Ursi walked over to Dennis, sitting heavily beside him on the cargo bay floor. “We’ve gone over the plans, I think everyone knows their task now. We must wait for the bark to boil so that we can use the strips as rope in order to tie the logs together. As the strips dry, they will...
i look around and wink at her, wearing very very little, a hot wee corset n stockings, she looks kind of shocked n scared until i signal with my hand for her to come a little bit closer, ur still moaning quite loud cause all through this i dnt stop. You still have no idea whats going on. I tell her to come closer n silently communitcate to her that she can have a shot n it would be a secret, you'd never know, u are blindfolded, so you'd just think it was me. Obviously curious she comes...
-------- Billiards and the Hooker --------I was sitting at the bar in a rock and roll club not far from the traffic circle just outside Fort Benning. I'd been there for a little while, sipping a beer. The band wasn't too bad, but the crowd was small, not much going on.A skinny little guy, younger than me, long hair, worn clothes, your generic weasel type, had come in and sat down at the bar a couple chairs down. When the bartender came to serve him, he ordered a draft beer and dragged out...
"Hi sweetie, how was practice?" George's dad asked as he walked through the front door. "It was great dad. I got a few strikeouts," George replied. He was currently dressed in his softball team's uniform having just got back home from practice after school. George's dad Stephen was busy folding laundry in the living room and he had the TV turned on and was watching one of his reality shows. "That's great honey. Dinner will be ready for when your mother gets home," his dad...
Early the next morning….and early is relative in this case….I woke up a little startled and I felt a blanket being put on me. Nadine had come down stairs and saw Robert and I sleeping on the couch and was kind enough to get us a blanket. I looked up and was cuddling with a man other than my husband for the first time in my life, had a neighbor friend looking down upon this situation and had no idea what time it was. I blearily asked Nadine what time it was and she said it was half past 9am....
part 2 Flash fwd a few months of hooking up with my wife's younger sister eating her pussy worshiping her tight perky ass 2-4 nights during the week after work while my wife is asleep. Bottom line she controls are encounters and i am loving every moment about it. Thursday nite of last week i get the txt msg while i was in the living watching TV. It reads " bring your ass up to my room and give me a long pounding" so i ran up stairs washed up and entered her room that is right next to my wife's...
“Damn, that stings,” John said aloud. He turned the water off and opened the shower door and keeping his eyes squeezed shut tightly as he blindly reached for the towel rack searching for his towel. His hand felt along the wall unable to find his towel. “Your towel fell on the floor; it’s to your right.” He recognized his younger sister’s voice. What was she doing in the bathroom while he showered? John bent down and searched to his right and found the towel. He stood up and pulled the...
After our eventful day in the spa together, we had carried on our day and night like nothing had happen, the odd times we would catch eyes and smile but it just felt like nothing had happened at all. That night me mum and dad had dinner out like normal. We got back to the cabin, watched abit of tv and then went off to bed. I woke up about 11am and my parents were in the kitchen cooking up breakfast, the usual morning chat as we sat round the table and had our breakfast. Right what's in store...