Aggy book 2Chapter 64
- 2 years ago
- 39
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My 18th birthday was coming up. In the past couple of years, I'd gotten my driver's license and eventually – after a long talk with Alex Merriweather – got myself a car: nothing special, it was a three year old Honda Accord, gold in color – but of course, Honda called it 'Sunrise Bronze.' Just plain 'gold' wasn't good enough. I was still working at Mile High Designs and was an old pro by now at doing the CAD drawings. Darby was, of course, a full fledged junior architect, and I was more or less assigned as her full-time drawings slave. That's what Daryl and I and the other two draftspersons – Sherry and Mike – called ourselves: drawings slaves.
I had Darby properly trained, of course. She dictated her notes into a file that I could retrieve, and she stopped by my workstation often to make sure I didn't have any questions. She was assigned to small commercial buildings and the occasional home. She had me pretty much trained as well: I'd do the basic drawing, flesh it out with all the electrical, plumbing, and other detail drawings. Then she'd check it out and make any changes she thought were desirable. Note that I said 'desirable.' It was very rare that she had to make any changes that were 'necessary.'
When I had turned 16 I was officially put on the payroll, and I'd had two performance reviews since. Ms. Entroge (I stopped calling her 'Professor' some time back, since I never saw her University presence) had said once that I would have made a great architect. The only thing holding me back, she said, was that I couldn't read well, and that meant I couldn't really get a college degree. Architects these days had to be degreed, she said. I nodded and agreed with her.
Aside from that, I got great reviews and nice raises both times. The big raise was coming up. When I became an 'adult' in the eyes of the world, I was due for a substantial raise in pay: my 18th birthday. I didn't need the money, of course, but the boost in status or prestige would feel good.
On the home front, the plan was coming along nicely. Lu had been coming to see me almost every week, on Tuesdays. I'd eat her out and she'd give me a handjob, usually. About every fourth time – it came to once a month actually – she'd give me a blowjob. She'd get completely naked and kneel on the rug in front of the couch in my living room. That's where we normally met – in my house.
Then, Lu would start talking about how I was a special boy – her special boy. How I did wonderful things; how she wanted to do this for me and how she hoped this could go on forever.
FOREVER! She'd said. That's what I wanted to hear. And I had been hearing it every month for a long time.
My actual 18th birthday came on a Sunday. We were going to have a big party at a very nice restaurant. I invited the Beleveres, of course: Mr., Mrs. and Lu. In addition, I had my main man, Daryl, his wife, Stella Carruthers, Alex Merriweather, Gaby Entroge and Darby O'Shaunessy. Everybody I knew and cared about was going to be there.
We had a great dinner and after dessert I decided that this was the time.
I pulled out my chair and stood up. "This is the time, and I want everybody to share the moment," I said.
Then I pulled out a ring box, dropped to one knee in front of Lu, and said, "Lucinda, will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?"
I could hear Mrs. B. start to sniffle in the background, but my eyes were fixed on Lu. She looked surprised – which I expected. Then she looked shocked – which I didn't quite expect. Then she looked sad.
"Chris..." she started, then paused. She looked around and saw the expectant faces. " ... I just ... can't. I'm going to Law School and that's going to take up all my time. You're still young and..." Then she looked at Darby, who started out smiling but then her face looked alarmed. " ... I'm so sorry, Chris. You're a wonderful boy, and I love you a lot. But there's just so much going on right now."
I got it. She didn't love me enough. I snapped the box closed and you could hear it all over the room. Nearby tables, who had stopped what they were doing to witness a romantic proposal, started quietly talking again. I got to my feet and said to the table, "I guess I've made myself a fool enough for one night. I'm sorry ... to everybody..." I looked at each of them and then at Lu again. Her eyes looked moist. "Please don't let this ruin your night."
Then I walked out the door. Alex came up out of his seat and put an arm around my shoulders as we walked. "Don't do anything foolish, Chris. I know you're upset. But she's dead wrong about you. You're a fine man, not a boy. A man your dad would be proud of. You took a chance, reached for the brass ring. This time you didn't make it. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"
I stopped, looked at him, and said, "I've waited a long time to do this. This very thing. I ... We've done so much together, for each other. I just... " Then I looked at the concern etched on his face, and took a big breath of air. " ... Thanks, Alex, for everything. Yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow."
Then I went back to my home, locked all the doors, turned on the alarm system, went up to my parents' bedroom (I had always stayed in my old room) and turned off the lights. Then I carefully set the alarm on the clock radio and cried myself to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream. Sleep was a long time in coming. It was a dreamless sleep, thank goodness.
The next morning, the little computer in the back of my head had made some decisions. Decisions that I wasn't even aware of. First, I went to work and asked for the day off. I'd never missed a day in over three years, so Darby said okay and she'd clear it with the boss.
Then I went to one of those self storage places and rented two full sized garage/storage rooms. I made sure they were fully insulated and had electricity – it gets cold in Colorado in the winter.
I went to a Tesla dealer and bought a $75,000 electric sports car. I didn't get all the extra bells and whistles ... just the basic car. I wanted them to deliver it to the storage place tomorrow. I got a plug in charger, too, for the car. I easily qualified for their finance package, and it came to only $750 a month. I made more than that in interest on my conservative portfolio. I set it up on autopay on the credit card, so I'd get the 1% cash back every month.
Then I went to Ikea. I got a bed, recliner, table, TV cabinet, some drawers, and a desk. Had them deliver it to the storage place too. I decided I could use the public bathroom in the storage place lobby and I'd take my showers at home or at Mile High – they had showers down in the basement for the janitorial staff.
Then I went home, locked up, had a TV dinner and went back to my parents' room. The doorbell rang at about 8 p.m. but I didn't answer it. I did call Darby's cell, though.
"Hello?" she said. "Chris?"
"Yeah, it's me. Listen I need tomorrow off, too. It's just to finish up some stuff I set up today. Okay?"
"Chris, what are you doing?"
"Just some stuff. I'd rather not go into it just now."
"One more day? Then back to work?"
"Yeah, I promise."
"Listen ... uhm ... you have to come in for lunch tomorrow. Me and Estelle want to take you to lunch."
"Huh? What's it all about? You and Stella?" I was puzzled.
"We want to meet with you. And in person. So meet us at Rolando's Roadhouse at 12:30. I'll make the reservations."
That was a pretty upscale restaurant. It was also a place where we could have a private table. Very mysterious. I said, "Okay. 12:30."
Well, the delivery men came and went, at the storage place. I got the furniture situated almost to my satisfaction, and then I saw it was noon. I'd just have enough time to get to Rolando's.
When I got there, I saw Darby and Stella were already at the table. Sipping water. I expected them to be drinking wine, somehow. Darby was the classiest woman I knew, and Stella liked an occasional drink, I knew. And Rolando's was the classy, wine-drinking kind of place. Or a martini, I guess. I don't know anything about drinks. The most I'd take was a Mountain Dew. I kinda figured that I needed to keep all the brain cells I had, and not kill any by drinking any alcohol. Who knows if that story is true – about drinking killing brain cells – but I believed it.
"Hi guys. What's up?" I said in a chipper voice. I was dressed in chinos and a sports coat I'd brought with me today, in preparation for eating at a classy place.
They looked at one another then at me with a hang-dog expression. "Let's get some food," said Darby.
Stella said, "You've been out for two days – well one and a half, so far. What are you doing?"
"Oh," I said, "Just setting up some things. Finance stuff. You know I got that big settlement a few years back from the accident where my parents died. Right?" It wasn't a total lie. I had spent over $80,000 in just a few hours. That's financial.
Darby had signaled to the waiter who brought out food fairly quickly: two salads for them and a rare burger for me. I always had a burger – it was what I liked. Darby must have made arrangements beforehand.
We made small talk throughout lunch. Work, how things were going at Mile High, Stella's tries for having a baby (nothing yet, but trying was fun), and so on. Everything but the marriage proposal at my birthday party.
Stella pulled out her cell and put it on the table. It was a normal gesture, something I'd seen people do a thousand times. "About two or three months ago," she started, "I had a chat with Darby. We were worried about you."
That surprised me. I didn't think I did anything to be worried about. I looked at Darby. She nodded her head.
"And so, I started going to the University Law School." That was a surprise. She was a computer geek-ess, not a law student. I knew her schedule was flexible at work but... "And I posed as a law student. Met Lucinda Belevere. You know her, yes?"
Lu? "Sure," I said. This was very strange.
"Well," Stella continued, "I had several 'accidental' meetings with her..." She made air quotes around 'accidental.' "And several lunches, as we got to know each other better. Then, one time we met after classes and I got her a little tipsy. That's when we had this conversation." She pushed play on her mobile.
Stella: "So you and this guy ... Chuck?"
Lu: "Chris. Chrissy. He's a peach."
Her voice was a little bit slurred.
Stella: "Chris. Right. So you and him are doing it?"Lu: "On no! He's not marriage material. I've played with him for years. Aside from him being easily trained, he's not my type."
Stella: "What's wrong with him? He out screwing other girls? I know a lot of guys like that."
Lu: "Chris? HaHaHa. No. God the idea of him and other girls ... funny."
Stella: "And your type would be... ?"
Lu: "Yeah you know. Big, athletic, all limbs working right, properly working brain."
Stella: "And that's not this Chuck fella?"
Lu: "Chris ... He's all hung up on me, though."
Stella: "So what's the story?"
Lu: "Well, he's a crip. And mentally defective to boot..."
Darby reached across the table and took my left hand in hers, and gave me a little squeeze. I just sat there, mouth open, listening.
Lu: "But he's got a great tongue. Lemme tell you. I've been seeing him for years. YEARS! Every week, he eats me until I can't take it any more."
Stella: "Wow. And all this time..."
Lu: "Yeah. All this time I've been with other guys. I learned what the other choices are ... But Chris has a nice trust fund, too. I found out about it when his parents died. Mega-bucks. It's like eight or nine figures."
There was a gap as somebody came to the table and they ordered another round of drinks.
Stella: "What? Is he a patsy or somethin'?"Lu: "I guess. Lately I've had to throw him a bj now and then. Don't get me wrong. He's got a nice, big cock. But he doesn't know what to do with it ... But I'll train him eventually. That trust fund is a real good incentive."
Stella: "So why not marry him and get going on the plan?"
Lu: "I started thinking about it when I heard about the settlement on his parents death. Kinda crass, huh? He was just a child. Still is, mentally. But I mean ... he's a RETARD for Chrissakes. What's he gonna do with it all. I'll help him manage it. For both of us."
There was a pause.
Lu: "I guess I started to defend him when he was little ... haha ... or younger anyway. He was never little. I was always nice to him, 'cause he didn't know any better. In a lot of ways, he's a real nice guy. Just ... not my type."
Another pause.
Lu: "So when I marry him, eventually, I won't cheat on him. He's too nice a guy and it would break his heart. I care enough not to do that. I want to sow some wild oats, first. Then when I'm closer to graduation, I'll start letting him fuck me. But I'll use a diaphragm and some spermicidal jelly. He won't know the diff. That way I won't have any deformed kids. But I will get pregnant and he'll have to marry me ... I have my eye on a candidate dad. I'll have to be real careful getting to see him. Maybe something out of town ... Nice big guy with a big dick. Rugby player ... Haha ... He's not that smart either ... Then I'll get the healthy kids and the trust fund. Maybe I'll even keep the Rugby player, too. And have Chris to warm the home fire. Hahah. Maybe I will cheat a little bit. But I won't get caught. He's not mentally with it, so he'll never catch me. What he doesn't know won't hurt him."
Stella pushed the off button on her mobile.
Darby said, "Doesn't she know how you were injured at birth? That it's not genetic?"
I just sat there. I reached for my cola, but before I got it, I just upchucked everything I'd eaten. Everything. Partially digested French fries and hamburger. Soda. Puke green bile. It overflowed the plate, got all over the table and was on my pants.
Everything Lu did was a lie? She was taking advantage of me the whole time? Even when she told me not to get involved with other girls? She's been fucking me over since my parents died? And her attitude about me was the worst thing.
I threw up some more.
Darby came out of her chair. Stella grabbed her mobile – to keep it out of the spew – and then offered me her linen napkin. Three waiters were there immediately, like this kind of thing happened all the time at Rolando's. They seated us at another table, started clearing the fouled table and accepted Darby's explanation: "He's just had some terribly upsetting news. He'll be all right." Which was pretty much true. And then her arm was around my shoulders. She dipped a napkin in her water glass and was wiping my face with it. "When you're up to it, take a little water, Chris."
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Once again, Dave could have skipped this month's trip to New York, except for the need to bring Shae home. Spending the time with her made it worthwhile, and he was anxious for the waiting to be over with. For the most part, the rest of the trip could have been done over the phone or not done at all. He visited Aaron Tietelbaum, more for a face-to-face than for a document signing since they'd been calling, faxing, and e-mailing back and forth regularly. Aaron had been able to defer and...
Daium was panicking. A first contact! Her meeting with these strange fur-less creatures was a first contact, and she was fucking it up! Oh, by the First Tree, this was bad. Yes, her situationwas bad, that of her people, her culture ... but, a first contact! Ruining a new species! How would she ever face her ancestors, let alone herself! Everything she had been taught, everything she'd ever read, everything she BELIEVED, went against what she had done! But, what could she have done? Her...
Sabse pahle mai apni khuli hui chut se sabhi khare lund ko salam Hai mera naam rani hai 20 saal ki umar hote hote mai kai logo se Chudva chuki thi lekin chudai ka vo sukha mujhe aaj tak nahi mila tha Mere parivaar me mammy, papa, mai, ek chhoti bahan aur ek chhota Bahi hai. Ek mere tau ji hai jo dusre sahar me rahate hai vanhi karobar Karte hai unke bibi bachche nahi hai . Tau ji aksar hamare yhan aate Rahate the. Es baar vo kai mahino se nahi aaye to maa ko bahut chinta Hone lagi. Tab ek din...
Bachpan se hi main padhane main bahut tez huin jiske karan main hamesha lakdiyon se ghira raha.isliye liye mere sabhi dost mujhe prem kah kar pukarate hai aur bad main mere parents bhi isi nam se pukarane lage. Mere class ki lagbhag sabi lakdiyon mujhase kuch puchhane ke bahane hameshha mere sath time gujarana chahti thi. Par main kabhi unmain interest nahin liya. Shayad mujhe chut aur lund ka relation hi nahin pata tha. Bat aj se 2 sal pahale ki hai. Jab main college main padhta tha. Mere ek...
Hello. This is rajesh from Bangalore. I have recently come across Indian Sex Stories and am amazed to read all the stories. I feel few are friction and few are real but in any case they give lot of pleasure. So here iam to share my story and give you pleasure. I will introduce my appearance to you. Iam 5feet 10inched tall, asian complexion, little extra fats here and there. Average looking and 6 inches dick. Iam a 29 year old and am bisexual who like to have relation with both males and females...
Me and my wife, Sara, have a couple of friends whom we have known ever since high school, Thomas, Tom and his wife Chris. Tom and I were roommates and Chris and Sara were in the same classes as we and when I asked Sara out Tom asked Chris out and ever since then we have been together almost every weekend. The only exceptions have been when either couple have been at some family gathering. We used to alternate between apartments and were seriously thinking of getting even closer. That is Tom...
THE DOCTOR’S WIFEMartha, the doctor’s maid, did notice that Mrs. Howard had changed into a rather short skirt that evening after dinner but didn’t take much notice of it. The doctor’s wife sometimes went out alone and Martha never asked her where she went, neither, she was quite sure, did the doctor. The maid did notice though that Mrs. Howard - her full name was Olivia Howard – had put on make-up and was dressed more for a party, with her low-cut blouse and high heels, than a formal dinner or,...
Welcome to my story. Hope you enjoy it, if you do, make sure to like this story. Liking certain chapters will let me know what aspects are good so that I can write more about it. Besides that, it also motivates me to write more! You are watching porn on your screen and jerking off furiously. The screen is showing a video of a young blonde getting fucked by a black grandpa. This old guy would never be able to score a chick like this. She is a perfect 10 while he is a 0. Even worse, the old man...
The sight of the cash neatly bundled and stacked three by four deep on the bed made Jenna stop in her tracks. Her jaw dropped as she took in all of that green. She had an overwhelming itch to reach out and touch it, or pinch herself because she must be dreaming. “Is that all real?” she asked skeptical. “Of course it’s real,” Mikey said, delighted seeing his girlfriend eyes widen at the spread before her. Unable to hold back any longer, Jenna grabbed a bundle and ran her thumb over the edge. The...
ReluctanceMom went away for the whole week end.I wrote my experience with my sister in front of her friends (girls)I am going to share my experience with s*s,s friends with the help of sister.I have had sex with sister,s friend for few times but the time use to be short.One Friday when I came home from work. s*s was home. She made tea for uswe sat and drank tea and talked. s*s said mom went to see aunty her sister she will be back on Sunday evening. I asked if every thing is ok at aunty? Gogi said aunt...
Sword Kellie lopped off the rapist's foot. The second rapist looked up fast enough to see the Left Tower's staff being flicked at his chest. One hundred pounds of steel flung by a Tower's augmented strength ... OUCH! "I think you killed him," I told the Left Tower. He kicked the first rapist out of his way. Slapping the second rapist, the Left Tower shook his head at me. The sixteen year old girl they'd been about to rape crawled away from us. She ended up too close to a jail cell...
Dear Grandpa, it’s been a week since I have last seen you, and I can’t tell you how much I miss you. Our long walks in the woods, and talking about our wonderful loving family. But more then missing see your handsome face each day, I miss waking up in your arms every morning after a night of wonderful love making.I now know why mom send me to you, she wanted me to have the same kind of love that you give her, when she was my age. A man that would show me how to love. I will always hold the time...
This is a collection of short stories about the stunning and sexy Jessica. Hope everyone likes them as much as I enjoyed writing them for all of you. As summer comes by and college ends for the 19 year old Jessica, she comes home to finally see her family and friends. Though when she did get home her parents let her know that they were planning to be traveling a lot this summer and so they wouldn't really be home all that much. Even though Jessica was a bit bummed out she couldn't be too mad....
It was my first week in Bangalore, getting used to with new colleagues, workplace and city. During a coffee break one of my colleague said they have declared Bangalore Bandh on 31st July and quite serious one. They were planning for a booze party in his apartment and i was invited. That day evening, he took me to a gym for membership sign up. I happened to meet a hot chubby girl who was his friend. She was looking cute and chubby. Her assets were superb. She was wearing a superb tights and...
Hi I am suraj (changed name) a 5.5 tall 18 years of age and average looking. Hello friends this is my story how I fucked a rand. Let me start the story Mere ghar ke samne ek kotha tha jha din rath chudai ka masla chalta rehta hai . Ek din me kothe ke samne khada tha aur dekh raha tha ki waha aadmi aate hai ek rand ko ishara karte hai aur wo uth ke andhar chal jati hai. Toh meine socha mein v dekhu hota kya hai . To me v kothe pe gaya ek rand ko bulaya aur bola “Didi suno na mereko kam karna hai...
It was a hot summer night an you invited me for a barbecue party at your place. Like you told me I prepared before arriving at your place. I removed any hair from my body and cleaned my sissy cunt. We went to you room, walking arm in arm. At your room you opened your closet. "Let's see what we are going to wear tonight." I heard you say while I was undressing as you taught me. I put on my red rubber hood while you smiled at me. "You look gorgeous sweetie." Invisibly I flushed "Thank you Reyna"...
Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. I was really excited about the trip. Abigail and I headed to our rooms. Anna was packed and ready to go. Anna: Hey! Ready to go? Me: No. Because nobody told me. Anna: Really? You had no idea? Me: None...
"FUCK!""FUCK!""FUCK!"The words bang out, followed by a locker door slamming shut, the metallic bang echoing in the large concrete locker room. Coach is off to a staff meeting, so it's only me and whoever is having a fit about eight aisles down. Channeling my inner Adams, I gather up a handful of towels and make my way to the eruption.I find her in the aisle just before Varsity Corner, where the team maybes get lockers until they prove their worth. She is half way down, sitting on the dividing...
LesbianChapter 3 Chrissie Remembers Mommy I awoke on Saturday morning drenched in sweat from the hot flashes I had been having all through the night. The strange erotic dreams I had about my mother, Rob, Alex, Helen and Heidi were still hovering barely beneath my consciousness. It was 7:00 am and Heidi was still asleep next to me in our bed. I quietly slipped from under the covers, grabbed my robe and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and learned lesson one about...
Caden finished his incantation, the swirling strands of energy coalescing to form the shape of a tiny butterfly. The magical construct emerged from the light at the end of his staff, fluttering as though blown by a breeze as it flew off down the tunnel ahead of them. “We did it!” he exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air triumphantly. “We must be near another exit! All we have to do now is follow the butterfly, and we should come out on the other side of the ridge.” He turned to look at...
I am a typical 17 year old boy. Up until recently, the biggest decision in my life had been choosing my 'A' level subjects. I live alone with my Mum who has been divorced for about 5 years. She doesn't often go out on dates but last week she did. On leaving the house I was told 'not to wait up'. I heard her come in just after midnight and go straight to her room. I lay awake and heard her sobbing gently as our rooms are next to each other. I got up to see what was wrong... as I approached...
As me and my sexy neighbor headed to the shower both smelling and taste like sex and cum I turned the water on and turned around to grab some towels and bumped into him. We kissed while running our hands all over each others bodies. I felt him getting hard again so played with his cock while he kissed and sucked on my neck which got me so hard. I felt a hand on my cock, then he played with my balls while we went back to making out. About this time the water was ready so we climbed in. We were...
Suddenly we felt the floor jump and tremble. Earthquake, I thought. There was a faint "whump" sound felt more in the chest than heard with the ears. Faint screams came through the heavy closed door. "What was that?" I asked. Down deep inside me I knew whatever it was had been directed toward us. "Oh no," she moaned in despair, "What now?" I went to the door and opened it to look up and down the hallway. Screams and cries of pain and terror filled the hallway outside our suite. Where...
Please take time to rate and comment, these are free your reading. all will appear later on a website I am launching later My first day of retirement resulted in a little more excitement than I ever could imagine. I pulled myself from bed about 07:30. Outside the .wind was blowing hard against the windows rain lashing the pains with all their might. Ahh I thought, should be on the 07:15 now and half way to the city slowly sipping from my second cup of tea, my wife having long left for the...
It was Saturday and my little boys birthday party was in full swing, it had been a busy morning of excitement and relatives arriving and by lunch time there was a full BBQ and party games and everyone was in a great party mood.Then the doorbell went and I headed to the front door to answer it, and opening the door I was greeted by the lovely vision of a tall slim blonde in a tight t-shirt and jeans."Hi Peter" she smiled"Zoe hello!" I replied in surprise to see my lovely tanned cousin stood...