95Chapter 9 free porn video

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My 18th birthday was coming up. In the past couple of years, I'd gotten my driver's license and eventually – after a long talk with Alex Merriweather – got myself a car: nothing special, it was a three year old Honda Accord, gold in color – but of course, Honda called it 'Sunrise Bronze.' Just plain 'gold' wasn't good enough. I was still working at Mile High Designs and was an old pro by now at doing the CAD drawings. Darby was, of course, a full fledged junior architect, and I was more or less assigned as her full-time drawings slave. That's what Daryl and I and the other two draftspersons – Sherry and Mike – called ourselves: drawings slaves.

I had Darby properly trained, of course. She dictated her notes into a file that I could retrieve, and she stopped by my workstation often to make sure I didn't have any questions. She was assigned to small commercial buildings and the occasional home. She had me pretty much trained as well: I'd do the basic drawing, flesh it out with all the electrical, plumbing, and other detail drawings. Then she'd check it out and make any changes she thought were desirable. Note that I said 'desirable.' It was very rare that she had to make any changes that were 'necessary.'

When I had turned 16 I was officially put on the payroll, and I'd had two performance reviews since. Ms. Entroge (I stopped calling her 'Professor' some time back, since I never saw her University presence) had said once that I would have made a great architect. The only thing holding me back, she said, was that I couldn't read well, and that meant I couldn't really get a college degree. Architects these days had to be degreed, she said. I nodded and agreed with her.

Aside from that, I got great reviews and nice raises both times. The big raise was coming up. When I became an 'adult' in the eyes of the world, I was due for a substantial raise in pay: my 18th birthday. I didn't need the money, of course, but the boost in status or prestige would feel good.

On the home front, the plan was coming along nicely. Lu had been coming to see me almost every week, on Tuesdays. I'd eat her out and she'd give me a handjob, usually. About every fourth time – it came to once a month actually – she'd give me a blowjob. She'd get completely naked and kneel on the rug in front of the couch in my living room. That's where we normally met – in my house.

Then, Lu would start talking about how I was a special boy – her special boy. How I did wonderful things; how she wanted to do this for me and how she hoped this could go on forever.

FOREVER! She'd said. That's what I wanted to hear. And I had been hearing it every month for a long time.

My actual 18th birthday came on a Sunday. We were going to have a big party at a very nice restaurant. I invited the Beleveres, of course: Mr., Mrs. and Lu. In addition, I had my main man, Daryl, his wife, Stella Carruthers, Alex Merriweather, Gaby Entroge and Darby O'Shaunessy. Everybody I knew and cared about was going to be there.

We had a great dinner and after dessert I decided that this was the time.

I pulled out my chair and stood up. "This is the time, and I want everybody to share the moment," I said.

Then I pulled out a ring box, dropped to one knee in front of Lu, and said, "Lucinda, will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?"

I could hear Mrs. B. start to sniffle in the background, but my eyes were fixed on Lu. She looked surprised – which I expected. Then she looked shocked – which I didn't quite expect. Then she looked sad.

"Chris..." she started, then paused. She looked around and saw the expectant faces. " ... I just ... can't. I'm going to Law School and that's going to take up all my time. You're still young and..." Then she looked at Darby, who started out smiling but then her face looked alarmed. " ... I'm so sorry, Chris. You're a wonderful boy, and I love you a lot. But there's just so much going on right now."

I got it. She didn't love me enough. I snapped the box closed and you could hear it all over the room. Nearby tables, who had stopped what they were doing to witness a romantic proposal, started quietly talking again. I got to my feet and said to the table, "I guess I've made myself a fool enough for one night. I'm sorry ... to everybody..." I looked at each of them and then at Lu again. Her eyes looked moist. "Please don't let this ruin your night."

Then I walked out the door. Alex came up out of his seat and put an arm around my shoulders as we walked. "Don't do anything foolish, Chris. I know you're upset. But she's dead wrong about you. You're a fine man, not a boy. A man your dad would be proud of. You took a chance, reached for the brass ring. This time you didn't make it. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

I stopped, looked at him, and said, "I've waited a long time to do this. This very thing. I ... We've done so much together, for each other. I just... " Then I looked at the concern etched on his face, and took a big breath of air. " ... Thanks, Alex, for everything. Yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Then I went back to my home, locked all the doors, turned on the alarm system, went up to my parents' bedroom (I had always stayed in my old room) and turned off the lights. Then I carefully set the alarm on the clock radio and cried myself to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream. Sleep was a long time in coming. It was a dreamless sleep, thank goodness.

The next morning, the little computer in the back of my head had made some decisions. Decisions that I wasn't even aware of. First, I went to work and asked for the day off. I'd never missed a day in over three years, so Darby said okay and she'd clear it with the boss.

Then I went to one of those self storage places and rented two full sized garage/storage rooms. I made sure they were fully insulated and had electricity – it gets cold in Colorado in the winter.

I went to a Tesla dealer and bought a $75,000 electric sports car. I didn't get all the extra bells and whistles ... just the basic car. I wanted them to deliver it to the storage place tomorrow. I got a plug in charger, too, for the car. I easily qualified for their finance package, and it came to only $750 a month. I made more than that in interest on my conservative portfolio. I set it up on autopay on the credit card, so I'd get the 1% cash back every month.

Then I went to Ikea. I got a bed, recliner, table, TV cabinet, some drawers, and a desk. Had them deliver it to the storage place too. I decided I could use the public bathroom in the storage place lobby and I'd take my showers at home or at Mile High – they had showers down in the basement for the janitorial staff.

Then I went home, locked up, had a TV dinner and went back to my parents' room. The doorbell rang at about 8 p.m. but I didn't answer it. I did call Darby's cell, though.

"Hello?" she said. "Chris?"

"Yeah, it's me. Listen I need tomorrow off, too. It's just to finish up some stuff I set up today. Okay?"

"Chris, what are you doing?"

"Just some stuff. I'd rather not go into it just now."

"One more day? Then back to work?"

"Yeah, I promise."

"Listen ... uhm ... you have to come in for lunch tomorrow. Me and Estelle want to take you to lunch."

"Huh? What's it all about? You and Stella?" I was puzzled.

"We want to meet with you. And in person. So meet us at Rolando's Roadhouse at 12:30. I'll make the reservations."

That was a pretty upscale restaurant. It was also a place where we could have a private table. Very mysterious. I said, "Okay. 12:30."


Well, the delivery men came and went, at the storage place. I got the furniture situated almost to my satisfaction, and then I saw it was noon. I'd just have enough time to get to Rolando's.

When I got there, I saw Darby and Stella were already at the table. Sipping water. I expected them to be drinking wine, somehow. Darby was the classiest woman I knew, and Stella liked an occasional drink, I knew. And Rolando's was the classy, wine-drinking kind of place. Or a martini, I guess. I don't know anything about drinks. The most I'd take was a Mountain Dew. I kinda figured that I needed to keep all the brain cells I had, and not kill any by drinking any alcohol. Who knows if that story is true – about drinking killing brain cells – but I believed it.

"Hi guys. What's up?" I said in a chipper voice. I was dressed in chinos and a sports coat I'd brought with me today, in preparation for eating at a classy place.

They looked at one another then at me with a hang-dog expression. "Let's get some food," said Darby.

Stella said, "You've been out for two days – well one and a half, so far. What are you doing?"

"Oh," I said, "Just setting up some things. Finance stuff. You know I got that big settlement a few years back from the accident where my parents died. Right?" It wasn't a total lie. I had spent over $80,000 in just a few hours. That's financial.

Darby had signaled to the waiter who brought out food fairly quickly: two salads for them and a rare burger for me. I always had a burger – it was what I liked. Darby must have made arrangements beforehand.

We made small talk throughout lunch. Work, how things were going at Mile High, Stella's tries for having a baby (nothing yet, but trying was fun), and so on. Everything but the marriage proposal at my birthday party.

Stella pulled out her cell and put it on the table. It was a normal gesture, something I'd seen people do a thousand times. "About two or three months ago," she started, "I had a chat with Darby. We were worried about you."

That surprised me. I didn't think I did anything to be worried about. I looked at Darby. She nodded her head.

"And so, I started going to the University Law School." That was a surprise. She was a computer geek-ess, not a law student. I knew her schedule was flexible at work but... "And I posed as a law student. Met Lucinda Belevere. You know her, yes?"

Lu? "Sure," I said. This was very strange.

"Well," Stella continued, "I had several 'accidental' meetings with her..." She made air quotes around 'accidental.' "And several lunches, as we got to know each other better. Then, one time we met after classes and I got her a little tipsy. That's when we had this conversation." She pushed play on her mobile.

Stella: "So you and this guy ... Chuck?"

Lu: "Chris. Chrissy. He's a peach."

Her voice was a little bit slurred.

Stella: "Chris. Right. So you and him are doing it?"

Lu: "On no! He's not marriage material. I've played with him for years. Aside from him being easily trained, he's not my type."

Stella: "What's wrong with him? He out screwing other girls? I know a lot of guys like that."

Lu: "Chris? HaHaHa. No. God the idea of him and other girls ... funny."

Stella: "And your type would be... ?"

Lu: "Yeah you know. Big, athletic, all limbs working right, properly working brain."

Stella: "And that's not this Chuck fella?"

Lu: "Chris ... He's all hung up on me, though."

Stella: "So what's the story?"

Lu: "Well, he's a crip. And mentally defective to boot..."

Darby reached across the table and took my left hand in hers, and gave me a little squeeze. I just sat there, mouth open, listening.

Lu: "But he's got a great tongue. Lemme tell you. I've been seeing him for years. YEARS! Every week, he eats me until I can't take it any more."

Stella: "Wow. And all this time..."

Lu: "Yeah. All this time I've been with other guys. I learned what the other choices are ... But Chris has a nice trust fund, too. I found out about it when his parents died. Mega-bucks. It's like eight or nine figures."

There was a gap as somebody came to the table and they ordered another round of drinks.

Stella: "What? Is he a patsy or somethin'?"

Lu: "I guess. Lately I've had to throw him a bj now and then. Don't get me wrong. He's got a nice, big cock. But he doesn't know what to do with it ... But I'll train him eventually. That trust fund is a real good incentive."

Stella: "So why not marry him and get going on the plan?"

Lu: "I started thinking about it when I heard about the settlement on his parents death. Kinda crass, huh? He was just a child. Still is, mentally. But I mean ... he's a RETARD for Chrissakes. What's he gonna do with it all. I'll help him manage it. For both of us."

There was a pause.

Lu: "I guess I started to defend him when he was little ... haha ... or younger anyway. He was never little. I was always nice to him, 'cause he didn't know any better. In a lot of ways, he's a real nice guy. Just ... not my type."

Another pause.

Lu: "So when I marry him, eventually, I won't cheat on him. He's too nice a guy and it would break his heart. I care enough not to do that. I want to sow some wild oats, first. Then when I'm closer to graduation, I'll start letting him fuck me. But I'll use a diaphragm and some spermicidal jelly. He won't know the diff. That way I won't have any deformed kids. But I will get pregnant and he'll have to marry me ... I have my eye on a candidate dad. I'll have to be real careful getting to see him. Maybe something out of town ... Nice big guy with a big dick. Rugby player ... Haha ... He's not that smart either ... Then I'll get the healthy kids and the trust fund. Maybe I'll even keep the Rugby player, too. And have Chris to warm the home fire. Hahah. Maybe I will cheat a little bit. But I won't get caught. He's not mentally with it, so he'll never catch me. What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

Stella pushed the off button on her mobile.

Darby said, "Doesn't she know how you were injured at birth? That it's not genetic?"

I just sat there. I reached for my cola, but before I got it, I just upchucked everything I'd eaten. Everything. Partially digested French fries and hamburger. Soda. Puke green bile. It overflowed the plate, got all over the table and was on my pants.

Everything Lu did was a lie? She was taking advantage of me the whole time? Even when she told me not to get involved with other girls? She's been fucking me over since my parents died? And her attitude about me was the worst thing.

I threw up some more.

Darby came out of her chair. Stella grabbed her mobile – to keep it out of the spew – and then offered me her linen napkin. Three waiters were there immediately, like this kind of thing happened all the time at Rolando's. They seated us at another table, started clearing the fouled table and accepted Darby's explanation: "He's just had some terribly upsetting news. He'll be all right." Which was pretty much true. And then her arm was around my shoulders. She dipped a napkin in her water glass and was wiping my face with it. "When you're up to it, take a little water, Chris."

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Fucking my sisterinlaw

About 13 years ago I was hosting Thanksgiving at my house. We invited family over to have some turkey with us. The only ones that could make it was my sister-in-law and her husband. My wife Linda, was little bit unlucky, she had to work that day but she did got off at 2pm. Linda’s sister Jenny and her husband Mick got to the house about 12:30 because I needed help cooking. So me and Jenny was in the kitchen cooking getting stuff done while Mick was watching t.v. It was almost 1pm and the only...

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BlacksOnBlondes Summer Chase 02202018

Summer Chase is an ass eater, but more about that in a second. She’s a cheater, too. But more about that in a second. Summer’s a liar, too. But hold on! Summer Chase is a gym rat who loves to work out for one reason: there’s a ton of dudes at the gym, and most of them are black. Summer lies her ass off to Steve, her boyfriend…and her latest lie? “Sandy” is her new massage therapist. That’s what Steve thinks. In reality, Sandy is really an extremely...

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Tomake chudte chai

Hi, amar naam Raj, ami kolkata te thaki, amar age 28 ebon ami Software niye kaaj kori.ami Iss er member ebon eta amar prothiom story. Amar ghore amar maa,baba ebon ek didi royechhen, amar ek masi Krishna nagare thaken,masir biye hoye gechhe aaj theke 3years aage kintu kono bachcha hoyni. Ami 4months aage Krishnanagare ekta software-er kaje giyechhilam. Kaj shesh kore masir barite gelam, giye dekhi Baari khali. Mesho office-e kaaje baire gechen firte 5-6 din deri hobe. Masi amake dekhe khub...

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TRAVELS (LESBIAN TALES)Many of the lesbians I know or I’ve met, single or married, told me that much of the exciting sex they have had was on a trip, either a holiday or business. Here are a few examples, although all are fictitious, written as if they were narrated to me. MANDY (Single. 40 years old. Canadian. Brunette, rather plain face, nice body)I was never one to “go south” during our long cold winters, but last year I was fed up by the time Christmas came around and went to a travel...

4 years ago
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The Angel Demon on my shoulders

Would it be hard to believe that angels and demons are real? And that they play games with the mortals of earth. Both in attempts to control another. One trying to hide the eyes and actions of lust from the human mind. The other to break them free from the humiliations of dignity. Let’s say that it’s all true, and that they’ve been doing so for centuries. One of each for every man and woman on the planet. Never to actually be seen. Conveniently making themselves known only as subconscious...

1 year ago
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It Began With A Tat

It Began With A Tat Emile 2010Usual caveats apply - Please obey the laws of your jurisdiction.---He was in the biggest K hole of his life, and was powerless to resist them.  It seemed like only minutes ago that they'd been on the dance floor, chatting about how it was his birthday, in a new town, all alone.  They'd seemed so friendly, so masculine and strong.  He'd felt the thrill of the unknown, and had gobbled up the little blue vials they'd popped in his mouth with a suggestive fingerfuck of...

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Fundraiser A drabble by Karen Hansen The gavel fell, then clapping... Lance, now Lynnette, stepped carefully down the stairs. Cuffed, he couldn't catch himself... led past the people... "How wonderful 'she' looked enfemme..." "What a 'nice' gesture..." Lance couldn't see the last bidder. Mistress whispered, "See you in 48 hours." Winking. It couldn't be too bad... different Mistress... new chores... it's what Mistress wanted... to help out the...

2 years ago
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Visiting a prison

Some months ago I had started chatting online with a young man. His screen name was Big Joe. In the beginning our mails were purely sexual and then I was able to achieve satisfying orgasms fantasizing about my online lover. But later, as time passed by, Big Joe one day confessed that he had been keeping a secret: he was an inmate at the California State Prison, serving ten years sentence for armed robbery…Then I felt no sure about writing again… I took a whole week to respond him. Big Joe then...

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Chennai Business Woman At Mahabalipuram Resort

Hi to all my loved ISS folks.Thanks for your valuable comments and feedbacks for my past sex stories. Girls who mailed me are so interesting and innovative in their questions.Your queries are more hotter like you girls and ladies.I expect the same support and valuable feedbacks for this story too. Girls ladies and aunties who like to have a spicier and hardcore sex just ping me a mail on 100% pleasure and privacy is assured.I am not only to give a pleasurable sex and also a sensual...

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Caught in my Fredericks

As with most Friday mornings, I had made an early start in order to finish up the week’s work and enjoy a worry-free weekend. Arriving in my office a few minutes before 7 a.m., I began taking advantage of the quite time to concentrate on a few pressing matters. Just as I was deep in thought, I heard what sounded very much like a young girl’s half-timid and half-joyous giggling. The how and why a teenage girl would be in our suite of offices before the start of business caused me to investigate....

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CherryPimps Madison Summers Madison Summers Loves Her Teddy Bear

Madison Summers grew up loving her teddy bear, like any girl does! She did everything with her teddy. She ate snacks, she played, she skipped, and so much more! Well, Madison has always been a growing girl, and a growing girl has different needs as she gets older. Since Teddy is her very best friend, she was glad to see that he grew with her! Even though her needs were getting naked and fucking wildly in her bedroom. Teddy made sure all her needs were met, through and through! What a guy! She...

4 years ago
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Was I Dating An Alien

I'm a fairly ordinary guy, but after two weeks of dating Triffy, things just didn't seem very ordinary anymore. I had taken a girl named Barbra to a drive in movie. Not sure if they still have drive in movies anymore today, but back in the 70's they still had a few drive in movies left in California along with the left over Chariots. Barbra asked. "Would you get me some buttered pop corn and a Coke?" With a smile, I said,"sure." I headed over to the pop corn stand and it was lust at...

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The suit life on deck just got sweeter re wright

Hi my name is Zack Martin. I go to a school on a ship called the S.S. Tipton. I go there with my brother Cody, London Tipton (owner’s daughter)and, Bailey Pickett (Cody’s Girlfriend). They all are my good friends. One weekend we all got a lot closer but you wont see this on are tv show “Suit life on Deck”. here is what happened. We were docked in Paris. We all were really happy that we were to be in the city of love for a week. I hit on a bunch of French babes. Cody and Bailey were up in...

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Call Center

Maybe I should IM him. She thought, but didn't know his name. Nina went back to work, she didn't want anyone to know what she was doing. This office is so noisy, everyone in everybody's business. I'm sure everyone is fucking everybody anyway. “I'm not going to get caught up in this shit, no matter how fine he is. I'm not noisy and I could already tell the girl at the end of my cubicle is fucking everyone. How many guys be walking up to her desk. That's not the way to do it. Shit I could...

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Bobbys Reward

johnstr Bobby lay looking at the ceiling of his room. His smile was plastered across his face. Who would believe that two short weeks ago he and his sister Marsha could barely be in the same house without fighting, and now they were having sex every chance they had. He thought to himself, “If I only knew, I would have been a lot nicer, a lot sooner.” It was hard to hide their new relationship from the parents. They had to put on a good act. Yesterday had been Bobby’s 15th birthday and...

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The Bosss Daughter Pt 1

~ Clint ~ I’m on the phone with a high-end client. The business part of our conversation is over and now we are just bull shitting back and forth. I’ve switched the call to speaker so that I can talk to him while standing near my huge office window and watch the city below. He has invited me to join him and some friends this weekend to do some fishing on his boat. I have a very charismatic personality, receiving these types of offers is a frequent occurrence, and normally I try to accept. The...

2 years ago
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Mothers Milk

As the junk spans on for miles in this cramped warehouse of a store, a sudden tingle on the back of Stephen’s neck had him spin around. Along the back wall near the furthest corner set a bunch of what looks to be some old-time items from northlands or something. As Stephen moved close to the table it was the wooden looking mask that captured his attention. The dull jade color wood had a metal worn nose guard centered between the eye slits. As if drawn by an unknown voice Stephen lifts it from...

3 years ago
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Dumb Jock

Helios was a really dumb jock, and to use an old British expression relating to a lack of intelligence, ‘he was as thick as two planks.’ He was, however, also the finest tribute to masculine perfection one would ever see. Much as I would find communicating with him agonizing the morning after we had enjoyed a great evening of sex, the build-up and physical interaction preceding the morning catastrophe, was heavenly. Nonetheless, once the evening of bliss had ended, getting rid of him the...

Gay Male
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Hired Gun From Santa FeChapter 5

The bloody shootout that managed to make headlines as far away as Saint Louis caused the Territorial authorities to send down a pair of U.S. Marshals to help restore order to the valley. The pair of lawmen consisted of a pathetic shell of an over the hill shotgun-toting oldster with glasses and bad eyesight and a young reckless wannabe fast draw artist with no sense of accuracy. Still, the badges made all the difference and the place quieted down at least for the duration of their stay. Sam...

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Leaning on Each Other Chapter 2

The next morning, Cassandra and her son, Adam, ate a light breakfast and fought off the urge to fuck again. She wanted the two of them to get waxed so that they weren't having to deal with the pubic hair. And Cassandra was turned on by shaved cock and balls and felt sexier when she was smooth below as well. She hadn't had the need in so long, she had forgotten the pleasures of a smooth muff and partner.They arrived at their destination in time for their appointment. Since it was her son's first...

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Random Encounters

This is the story of how a lonely, frustrated life was changed one day in the most unexpected of places.5'5", long wavy strawberry blonde hair, turquoise eyes, DD cup breasts, voluptuous hour-glass figure. Lonely, depressed, repressed, frustrated, trapped, controlled, engaged. These are the words Beth uses to describe herself...this is what lead her to a random encounter."Crap I'm late again!" Beth mumbled as she ran out of the house and jumped into her car. ‘Buzz -Buzz’ her phone started...

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Mothers Confession

For the sake of this story I will call myself Heather. It’s not my real name and for various reasons I think its best we all just leave it at that, if you think about it I’m sure you can understand why. I’m a 35 year old widow and mother of one. I stand five feet three inches tall and I weigh around on hundred thirty-five pounds. I know most women would not dare to speak of how much they weigh, but I have the added bonus of being anonymous, so it makes no difference...

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The Party

The Party I was sitting alone, watching TV, when the boy peeked around the edge of the door and then came into the family room. He came over and sat down next to me. I could see he had on a dry swimsuit, so I knew he had not been in the pool yet. He had a bottle of wine with him, and it was already partially emptied. "Hi," the boy said. "My name's Sammy." " I'm Margie," I replied. Sammy and I began talking for a while, and began to talk about boyfriends, girlfriends, and sex. I tried to seem...

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My Beautiful Brianna 7

Introduction: High school sweet hearts get married. My Beautiful Beautiful Wife Brianna 7. We are married!! She is my wife, and I cannot tell you how happy I am! There are no words that can be used! After my last entry I spent the rest of the time having my pictures taken, with my best man, family and the groomsmen. I was starting to get nervous as hell. I was excited on top of that! Brianna and I hadnt seen each other much for over three weeks, well sort of. Here is why. My father and her...

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Heading East The Jones Family

Newhall, Missouri was a changed place. In the past two and a half months every town agency had been completely torn apart by the state and federal corruption probes. There was rampant nepotism, greed, extortion, conflicts of interest, fraud, and embezzlement throughout the town brought to light by the investigators. It went further to include the County of Hadley which Newhall residents completely controlled. Things were dire in the town. The sheriff's office was torn in half...

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Diary of a School Slut MrTom

Introduction: High School Fiction Diary of a School Slut – Mr.Tom Hi, I am Bianca, Bee as people would generally call me in School. Description: 57 Long auburn hair, Fair skin tone, High-cheek boned, Light brown eyes, Plump lips, Long toned legs, Curved body, Have a waxed body with no tan lines ,) A tight pussy, 36C boobs with pink nipples, A round tempting ass which made guys just want to muff drive me, Suck my boobs, and fuck and eat my pussy. ~# I was not very good at one subject, Math1....

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 5 Planning for Change

Sharon did not implement Ann’s advice immediately. She knew that they couldn’t afford it. The cost of completely replacing her wardrobe would have been the financial blow that would break their back. Instead, she went through the house for a week making an honest assessment of what they owned. At the end of the week, she came to the conclusion that her house was filled with junk that was never used. For the next week, Sharon started planning how to change her situation. At first, it seemed...

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Justice Club The Scarlet Witch Project

Chapter I The Scarlet Witch received the message from Charles Xavier at Avengers Mansion. She carefully listened to what the leader of the X-Men had to say and then agreed to assist him. It seemed that several young mutants belonging to Generation X, including Jubilation Lee, had gone missing. Jubilee's guardians had expected a visit from her for her birthday, and became concerned when she didn't show up. Professor Xavier had used his powerful telepathic powers to trace Generation X mentor...

4 years ago
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Personal Journal of Dr Cindy Cox

August 15th - Doctor Davis has asked me to take over a couple of his patients while he honeymoons in Paris. It was a beautiful wedding, tastefully done. While Chris and I have had our ups and downs, I think Beverly will be good for him. Tall and statuesque, and just dumb enough not to argue too much. That was one of our downfalls, neither one of us could admit to being wrong. We could get past that, even laugh about it, as friends. As more than that...not so much. So, he moved on and found her...

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