Karma and ReincarnationChapter 2
- 3 years ago
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Onboard the Cecilia Payne, collision alarms broke through their lovemaking, Atarah still hanging onto the handrail as Jabin pulled away. They had never gotten into the shower, nor even eaten breakfast.
“Pilot, report,” Jabin barked.
“There has been a collision affecting Drive Pod.”
“Relay,” Atarah asked as displays flooded her mind via her BCI.
Jabin tapped the feed, and together they examined the data, though Pilot had already traced the faults and highlighted. With a touch, Jabin requested Drive to go to idle immediately. Atarah grabbed a hand bar expecting the loss of acceleration. Nothing happened.
“Pilot, halt Drive Immediate,” Jabin vocalized out loud.
“Drive already idle,” replied Pilot.
Nothing. Still accelerating.
“Pilot diagnostic and report!” Atarah unnecessarily yelled.
“Diagnostic already running. Report shows nominal acceleration, 98%. No faults found.”
She looked a Jabin, “Nominal? Why didn’t Pilot shut down the Drive?”
Jabin was already using manuals to attempt shutdown. Then realized the problem wasn’t in Pilot, but somewhere else, possibly in the interface to Drive. The same interface that manuals used. Except it wasn’t possible, there were three separate redundant pathways and three separate interfaces.
“Diagnostic complete. Nominal operation”, Pilot reported, feeding them the results.
The two stared at each other.
They bounded up the hall and fed by adrenalin leaped up the core tube towards Control, shouting commands as they went as their emotions were too high to use their BCI.
“Pilot initiate full halt on Drive, immediate, override.”
“Drive halted. Acceleration 98%.”
“What the fuck!” Atarah replied.
“Pilot shut down Thruster D4 immediate.”
“Thruster D4 already in halt status.”
Their weigh was still with them; they were still accelerating.
“Pilot set Drive Acceleration to 50%, immediate.”
“Job complete. Acceleration 98%.”
They felt no change.
“Pilot reset all Drive interfaces immediate.”
“Working ... Reset complete.”
“Pilot halt Drive immediate!”
“Drive halted. Acceleration 98%.”
They reached Control and strapped in. Jabin threw up all the displays for Drive Pod. Everything showed green. Drive status showed offline in one place and running at 98% capacity in another. Atarah scrubbed back to the time of the collision event as Jabin continued drilling into the current data from Pilot and Drive.
“140 milliseconds”, she replied to herself.
“The entire event after the collision lasted 140 milliseconds. Before that, everything was green, then during that time, alarms all over the place, then they were all gone. Nothing, all green.”
He looked at the display.
“Impossible! Self-heal is fast, but that much damage would take minutes or seconds at the very least, even if every system switched to redundancy.”
Atarah didn’t mention that one of the alarm messages had been critical imminent fusion containment failure. There wasn’t an alarm for actual containment failure. Nobody would be left to read it.
Pilot added, “I have compensated for new location data.”
“What? What new location, Pilot?”
“Ship location R14.2435123 D134.543224...”
“Stop!” Atarah shouted unnecessarily.
They looked at the orbital graph.
“What the fuck! How’d we move 250 klicks, SIDEWAYS ... in 140 milliseconds?”
“Not only sideways, but look at this. We went TOWARDS the impact direction, not away. It sucked us toward it?”
She switched back to looking at ways of shutting down the Drive. She knew she could always scram the fusion reactor, but that would doom them unless someone could magically catch the ship. These engines generated tiny amounts of antimatter, which fed back into the fusion process keeping it going. Without an initial injection, they could never restart the reactor. They were already moving faster than necessary to escape the Solar System. They would become the first interstellar humans, dead interstellar humans, when their fuel cells ran out a few months from now.
She checked the fusion reactor in detail, requesting full diagnostics on it. She looked at one of the reactor readings, almost mentioning it, but didn’t. The Lawson Criterion governing fusion was slightly different from what she was used to seeing. That wasn’t possible. Otherwise, all diagnostics showed green, but could she trust the data?
Jabin manually ran diagnostics on Drive and each interface and then on each Pilot computer. There were three computers, scattered in three locations, each the size of a shoebox but more powerful than every computer on Earth just a century ago.
She packaged messages to Blue Ion. Boy was she pissed at them! She started to record a message to her mom but stopped. There wasn’t anything her astronomer mom could do sitting on the Moon, two hundred million kilometers away, except worry.
Instead, she recorded a message to her dad and attached the data and current reports.
“Dad,” she started, her voice broke, started again, “Dad, please check this data. We have a very unusual anomaly occurring and would like assistance. I’ve sent the same to Blue Ion. Don’t pay their bill. I love you.”
This was all she could manage without screaming or crying. The two of them were in an out-of-control multi-billion credit spacecraft that was supposedly foolproof. She laughed at herself, thinking about that two-century-old space picture show, what was the title, Titanic? No, of course; 2001 ... and HAL.
“Pilot send message.”
“This requires repositioning primary antenna. Contact with Luna will be lost.”
She almost screamed at Pilot, “Use the fucking secondary antenna!”
“Atarah, I am sorry. Please repeat your command.”
That was the first time she heard Pilot use her name. Actually, anyone’s name. That worried her.
“Pilot, please send via the secondary antenna.”
She took a breath and added one more anomaly to the list, then checked up on Jabin. He had Pilot listing every possible method of shutting down the Drive, marking dangerous or fatal ones in red. She laughed at ‘blow up ship.’
She was surprised at how many ways, non-fatal, were available. She started with the ones not marked red.
“Pilot, halt core processor one. Run diagnostic on core processor one. Return to active.”
She repeated for the remaining two. A single CP could run the ship, but with three, they constantly voted, cross-checking each other. Once completed, she had Pilot halt Drive. No change.
They were adding several kilometers per minute to their speed, minute after minute. Normally, they would reach a midpoint where they had to shed their velocity as orbital mechanics played out its dance. Pilot would shut down the Drive, turn around, and fire up the Drive, ridding them of the delta-v they had built up until they matched their destination. Even that was hitting a bullet with a bullet. But now, they would flash by the orbit of 2 Pallas with no stopping and no 2 Pallas anywhere near.
“Pilot, recalculate for 2 Pallas rendezvous with turnaround while running at 98% Drive rate with no coast time.”
Jabin looked at her, “That would be fun. Spin the ship around WITH the Drive on. Like a pinwheel firework. I feel dizzy just thinking about it.”
“I just hope Pilot can do the calculation. Did you hear Pilot call my name?”
“Don’t cuss at it.”
She laughed.
Jabin calmly said, “So your plan is to spin a thousand ton, hundred-meter-long ship with one-third gee burn still on, slow to near rendezvous and ... scram the reactor and hope for rescue?”
She smiled, “This girl’s got guts, ‘eh?”
“Let’s try these other things first.”
Pilot interrupted their conversation, “StarNav is reporting anomalous tracking data for 2 Pallas and Luna. Correction for the new position of 2 Pallas and Luna added to high gain antenna tracking and rendezvous calculation.”
Too many anomalies at once. She started with this newest one.
Atarah questioned, “Pilot, what is the new position of 2 Pallas?”
“2 Pallas is now located at R35.23455...”
“Stop! Darn it literal AI’s...” she zoomed the orbital graph to the asteroid.
“Jabin, my brain hurts. How does a trillion tons of rock move 7 klicks into a new orbit?”
“ ... And Luna moved 3 klicks from its orbit”, Atarah added in disbelief.
Jabin used StarNav manually, but this time shifted to spectral Doppler measurements. Relative to the Sun, he found most of the planets and largest moons were not quite in their expected locations. He had Pilot confirm his own data.
She took a breath, this time she needed her mom ... for astronomy and moral support. She recorded a message.
Atarah woke, rolled over to find Jabin asleep beside her. She started laughing. All this time, the buildup, the mating party, and what do they do on their mating night? Sleep! She kissed him. He opened his eyes.
“Hi, my love. I guess you didn’t do me while I slept?” she kidded.
He blushed, his clothes were still on. Hers were crumpled underneath her. He rolled over on top of her and kissed her. His hands slowly slid down her naked body, still under the cover with him.
She asked, “May I?” as she found the tear strips on his mating clothes and ripped their seam without waiting for his reply. His clothes came away as easily as hers, including his underwear. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he kissed her breast and nibbled on her nipples. She giggled to his touches and moved her hands down to his hairless butt, squeezing it.
“You don’t want to wait, do you?” he kidded.
“I’ve dreamed about this for a year,” she replied with a sultry tone.
“I hope I live up to your dreams.”
Luckily, their memory attenuator had reduced most of their previous virtual sexual encounters and that explosive orgasmic porn mem to just a tiny glow. So, she would be experiencing her first real lovemaking. Assuming if he ever got on with it. She pressed on his butt cheeks and spread her legs wide for him.
“Too quick, my love. We need to build,” he whispered.
She stopped, “Wait! HOW do YOU know how to build ... my LOVE?”
“Hey, I’m 14, I have my ways.”
She swatted him. They tumbled, wrapping themselves in the covers. She ended up on top.
She pushed the covers off of them.
“Hot,” she whispered, fanning herself as she sat up, straddling him.
“Yes, you ARE!” he snickered.
He ran his hands from her waist up to her breasts and stroked them with his long fingers. He traced little circles around her nipples then pinched them.
He pinched them harder. Her eyes flared, and she collapsed onto him, her 6 kilos lunar weight a mere feather on him. He felt her long toes tickling his feet as her hands stroked his sides. They kissed. She pushed her tongue against his lips. He opened his mouth to accept her. School hadn’t described French kissing, but they had figured it out quickly over a year ago.
School did describe, in useful detail, the mechanics of sex and the romance of mating, even without the possibility of children. In other words, how to enjoy lovemaking. She remembered back to that time under the hydro garden where they nearly had sex. But this seemed different. Almost like they were a long-married couple. Just gentle touching, holding, being close.
But then she felt it. Between her legs, it touched her. She realized his bare penis was touching her nude vulva. She returned into the mood, their lips kissed and tongues licked. She slid her body up and down his, still on top of him. Easy, fun. She let her whole body move over his, feeling his body with hers. She slid up until her breasts were in his mouth. Then down until her pussy pushed against his hard prick. She slid down more, bending his prick downwards until he groaned. Then back up again. She used her whole body to hump him, something difficult on Earth, but easy here. Practicing Kama Sutra would be a piece of cake in lunar gravity. Her motion back and forth slowly reduced to just rubbing and releasing his prick against her slit. She felt herself get moist and felt him become sticky with pre-cum.
Her motion decreased still further until she was just rocking her sex against his prick. She looked into his eyes. He had been staring at her face the entire time, watching her, feeling her. Her movement slowed to a gentle, tiny motion of her hips. His tip was at her entrance. She knew this next part would sting, but her desire started to burn, not wanting to wait. But she held back, just feeling. Feeling him so close to her. She knew this was important to remember; their first time.
He caressed her small body as she lay on top of him. She looked like a little girl. She was a little girl. His girl. His love. As she rocked on him, he massaged her breasts, just larger than small rice bowls. He ran his fingers down her torso, to her hips, feeling her protruding pelvic bones. He ran his hands across her belly and to her bare mound, his fingertips sliding between their legs. She lifted herself on her hands and knees until she was just touching his prick against her slit. His body urging him to hump her as she held herself like so on top of him. Being so light, he could lift her and move her whole body around. Their teen burn seemed almost subdued this morning. Maybe due to their BCI disabled, unable to pass their emotions, like they had in the past. His mom said they would re-allow access as they grew more mature together.
He didn’t mind, as just touching her nakedness against his for the first time felt wonderful. He saw something flash in her eyes. She was ready, she wanted him inside her. He felt the tip of his prick pressing against her, something new, something he had wanted from the time in the hydro-garden. That time had come.
Their eyes fixed on one another. He tamped down his own urge to pierce her, letting this be hers, important for her. He felt her push down and widen. She was tight. His crown was just barely inside. His tip pressed against what he knew was her maidenhead. The irises on her green eyes narrowed as if concentrating.
Then she pushed.
He felt his dick pressed into a too-small area, even for him. He heard a whimper and a flash across her face. He felt her pain, even without their neural connection. He lay still even as his body prodded him to move. He felt he was wrapped in her. Warm and moist. She lay down on his chest, listening to his heart, now beating fast. He was inside her. They were mated.
He couldn’t resist, he had to move, ever so slowly. He slid an inch out, then paused. Then pushed in, this time deeper. She whined a bit but moved her hip, torn between pain and pleasure. He repeated, this time just a little bit out and a little bit in, rocking now. She took up the rocking, speeding up his moves. They were humping. Having real sex, not virtual over the link separated by walls, if not minds. Now they were physically one, connected together. He was sexing her. Their first lovemaking for real. His breathing increased. He felt his balls slapping against him in the low gravity. They thrust together, in heat, in desire. He heard her moan, and her motion became almost like a gallop as she sat upright on him holding tight to keep from being bounced into the air. Her eyes closed and breathing rapid, coming in fits as she hurried towards her finish line.
Her eyes flashed wide, unfocused, a breath caught and she froze for a second, then her whole body shook. He realized she was in orgasm. He cried out her name and exploded into her, pumping his sterile juice, spurting, spurting as his mind blanked in ecstasy. Physical love and sex outdoing virtual. She collapsed onto him, tears on her face. He held her tight, feeling permanently attached to her. They slept.
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xmoviesforyouThat brings us back to present day. I fed in the address Jeremy had given me into my GPS and began following its instructions to his house. When I got there, I had to drive around the block to see if I had made a mistake; I couldn't believe my eyes I was that surprised! It was absolutely beautiful. Since he had no kids, ex-wives or girlfriends to tie up his financial resources Jeremy invested all his time and money in his house and, from the way he described it, he must have put every...
Rattlesnake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is the culinary equivalent of cruel and unusual punishment. I’d about had it with rattlesnake by the end of the third meal on the first day. I skipped lunch and picked at supper the second day. By the evening of the next day, I hated snakes as much as Seraina did. Mood affects perception. The blue funk of disappointment settling over us transformed our dark and cozy shelter into a dank and dismal prison. We slept like babies and fucked like...
Tali has just finished mixing down Auroras new hit! Now Tali has to pass it on to all the big execs to get it on the radio. The only problem is sometimes that can take forever. Tali has a way to make Aurora her top priority though. If she lets her DYKE that pussy out and let her dildo fuck her, she will undoubtedly make her a star ASAP. No struggling musician could say no to this, and Aurora proved that her cunt licking game is just as good if not better than her singing game. Tali is...
xmoviesforyouMy Girlfriend Came at the Gynecologist.Back a few years ago I was dating an incredibly sexy but prissy woman, who pretended that she didn’t like sex but would orgasm multiple times during it.She always dressed very class with a tiny hint of sexuality and had very conservative views. The time came for her to go to the gynecologist she seemed overly concerned about it and asked me to go with her. I did think a woman her age would have been to the OBGYN multiple times in her life and that it was a...
VoyeurTransmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...
Nun sind wir schon 10 Jahre Verheiratet. Nun wollte meine Frau ihrer besten Freundin die Schweiz zeigen.Aus diesem Grunde luden wir sie zu uns in über Weihnachten und Neujahr ein.Mir wahr bewusst, das dies die kälteste Zeit bei uns wird. Aber sie wollte einmal Schnee in Wirklichkeit sehen.Da ich Ihre Freundin gut kannte und auch in sie verguckt habe, da sie eine geile Figur hatte, hatte ich nichts da gegen einzuwenden.Nun war sie also schon 14 Tage bei uns und wir kamen uns auf...
Frank didn’t vocalize his orgasms. So I never knew he’d cum until he stopped his motion and pulled out of me. Then I’d look over my shoulder with a smile and ask, “Did you cum?”And Frank, already backing off the bed, his big cock curving downward now, would reply, “Yeah.”Although normally quite chatty, in the immediate aftermath of sex Frank turned into a man of few words, a regular Clint Eastwood (though not nearly as tall or handsome). Without having to be asked I would back off the bed as...
CrossdressingBy : Jwala Hi iss reader I am Jwala from Katmandu Nepal ,I am new in hear this is my first story in ISS. I start to read story from last 25 days I read almost 400 stories in that time. After reading these stories I decide to sear my experience in ISS at first I want to apologize for my poor English’s I would like to tell you about me, as I have told you I am Jwala from Katmandu ,18 years old am 5.8″in height. With mascular body that’s why all people can’t believe that I am only 18 because of...
Hi all indian sex stories dot net doston, first of all, thanks for your amazing feedbacks on my first story Coming straight to the story, this is about very recent, I was living in a 1 bhk room where I share a room with one of my friend Amit and her girlfriend Nidhi, they were not in a serious relationship they were just living together to fulfill their needs only, which I understood later on. Talking about Nidhi, she is very fair, cute and is a bit healthy, I figured out her size with her...
My girlfriend is a very busy lady and works long hours doing her job. However the harder she works the more money she earns to keep us in the style to which we have become accustomed. Her long working hours mean that sex between us is a rarity and unfortunately we do not make love that often. Sally, my wife has a very high-powered professional job, which entails traveling round local businesses giving advice and sorting out their I.T. problems. It means lots of traveling and long business...
We had more people than could sit at one table for meals now. Even with the children at a separate one, we still had to do shifts for the adults. It wasn't a big problem, but the dining room was easily large enough if we only had a bigger table. I was trying to think of the best way to build one when my earlier thoughts of prodding the potential hidden spacemen hangers on into more gifts came back to me. I decided to get a discussion started, hoping for many more questions to let me voice my...
It’s difficult for Cyrus King to ignore his smoking hot stepdaughter Pepper Hart as she practices yoga in front of him, but the petite coed is definitely interested in her stepdad’s attention. She teases him with provocative positions, rolling so her legs are in the air and her yoga pants strain over her tight ass and bare pussy. When her pants split to reveal her cream filled twat, Cyrus knows he can’t hold out another minute. Eager to please her daddy, Pepper gets on her...
xmoviesforyouHello, there this is Ridaa again with the next part of my story. In the last part, you saw how Hardik had made me a whore and how we fucked like rabbits all the way. Now we had landed in Mumbai, and I did not feel like leaving Hardik and going home. As such, my mother was not bothered about my whereabouts. Hardik took me to his car. Hardik: “I will drop you home.” Me: “Main soch rahi thi, ab randi tune bana hi diya hai, toh kyu na tere ghar chalke chudai kare? Teri maa ko bhi toh patau, use...
IncestA young couple from the deep south offend the wrong black man and are taken to task. They learn a deep and abiding lesson in race relations. (Mm+/F, nc, intr, exh, blkmail, b**st)***There are people who will not like some of the things that I write in this story. If you are of the opinion that the south will rise again (or that it should), if you are convinced that the American Civil War was fought for financial reasons or to secure state's rights then I highly recommend that you skip this...
Business conferences are always a surreal experience. You're living out of a suitcase in a hotel, working from your laptop in a city far from home. This time around, my workmate Livy had attended the conference as well. She wasn't supposed to attend; another colleague had been scheduled, but due to the newest merger talks, Livy ended up filling the vacant space. Livy is a very attractive woman, 5 foot 11, dark brown hair, baby blue eyes. Even though many of my male colleagues in the company...
Office SexAuthor note: If you have read my blog you know the second chapter was posted as the final. Since I'm now writing another obviously that was a mistake and I'm quite sure it was a mistake on my part. I hope I will be forgiven and not judged to harshly. I'm a simple man that works each day earning the weekly paycheck. Well, enough self pity and now on with the story. By the way, I'm quite certain this will be the last chapter. By the way, if this episode seems short maybe it's because it's...
The summer had been fairly boring thus far. I had been stuck at home most of the time watching my brother and helping mom in our garden. Occasionally my friends would come by and we would go to my room and talk, or go hang out somewhere. I preferred it when we went and talked in the woods. I've always liked the woods and the outdoors. I couldn't wait for my friends to come over, aside from releasing me from my boredom we would talk about my OTHER favorite subject... BOYS! We would talk about...
Ch. 11: And she rides off into the sunset… Not long after the great coming out party, Beth and Martin were able to escape to a private, if short, vacation out of town. They returned to the place where they had enjoyed they equally brief honeymoon, the Long Beach area on the west side of Vancouver Island. They even stayed in the same little hotel that offered individual cabins, each tucked out of the way enough to offer complete privacy to the guests. What they had especially enjoyed was the...
Hello. Everyone it’s same story soniya kapoor’s sex year part 2 ke aage ki story hai To jihne mere bare m nhi pta wo phle wali story pd le aur jihne pta h wo aage ka enjoy yahi se kree. Jisne soniya kapoor’s sex year part 2 nhi pda h please wo pde tb jyda maza aayega to m aage se start krti hu Next day mom ke job pr jaane ke bad m n bhai ko dubara invitation dene ke liye aaj maine black bra aur panty m poochha lgane lgi. Bhai ko awaj dekar uthayaa bhai ne mujhe waise dekhaa aur sidhe apne...
Renald Gold drove his sister’s blue 2012 Toyota Rav4 down the highway. The five-foot-nine, one-hundred-eighty-pound Jamaican had arrived in the U.S. only days before. He thought Texas was pretty cool for the most part. He was especially happy that a pretty young sissy had hit him up on Tagged. They conversed back and forth for the better part of the day.Prentiss Lewis was at home in the bathroom getting ready. His parents both worked the overnight shift at their respective jobs. He was an only...
‘Julie, come in here and shut the door will you please?’ I said over the office phone. ‘Be right there Pete’ was the reply, as I heard her stifle a giggle. She knows I’m hot for her. She’s a lot younger and certainly can get someone her own age, but for some reason she is into this office thing we have going. She seems to be constantly on ‘horny’, and I have to do is touch her and she’s ready to go. When she walks in the office I feel my cock jump. Damn she’s hot! Being only 21, she...
I have always had a thing for small breasted women. Probably goes back to the second girl I ever had sex with. We'd been friends all through high school but never anything more."Hey Lee, want to watch a movie?" "Sure Danielle, come on in. I'll make some popcorn.I made some popcorn and we were on the couch sitting together watching the movie.She was 5' nothing and 85 pounds on a fat day, blond, green eyes. Looking down at her, watching her laugh and squirm away from me tickling her I couldn't...
The next morning Jennifer awoke. She was in a bed. "Good morning!" It was Marcus. He was naked and his cock was limp. Marcus helped her out of bed and guided her to a shower. He soaped her up and rinsed her off. He laid out her tooth brush. It wasn't long before she was fully aware of her surroundings. She stepped out, and he dried her off. "Now fix your hair. I don't like a woman with stringy hair. Fix your make up, too," he said. She did as she was told. He offered her a blunt and lit it....