A Girl Named Joe: Part Two free porn video

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On the Monday, following Joes' arrival in Cocoa Beach He dressed in a set of the panties and bra and hose the air force provided and put on a sleeveless dress with a lace collar and the rather frumpy brown shoes. Everything fit, but Joe felt like a damned fruit in the anachronistic women's clothing. Joe cleaned up the dirty dishes and gave the apartment a good holystoning the night before, specifically because he knew Lt. Burns was due to drop by. That was why he kept all the dumpy frumpy Patty Duke and Gidget clothes, so he could wear them when he needed to impersonate a 'Ghuhrl'. Joe even bought a tin of variety butter cookies and put on a pot of coffee for the Lt. whom Joe knew to be an Air Force psychologist pretending to a lower rank. How did Joe know this? For one the man was sure an old looking Eltee, for another he was married and for a third, he was pretending too hard to indifference. When Joe finished his preparations, he sat on the chair he bought and fidgeted. Every ten minutes he got up to go into the bathroom and check to make sure he was in the body of a woman. He made the periodic checks because of the dreams he had been having and because he was wearing Effing PANTY HOSE AND BRAS AND A DRESS! At one point, sitting and waiting Joe experimentally pulled up his dress, checked the insides of his panties, and hose by feel, Nope no dick, just a somewhat moist fleshy vulva and vagina. If he did not stop touching it, it would get moister. Joe almost jumped when he heard the knock at the door and got up to open it. True to expectations, it was Lt. Montgomery Burns, U.S. Air Force. Joe told the man, "Hey how's it going, come on in." Burns seemed visibly, but pleasantly surprised to see Joe in his female wardrobe and looked around the apartment. It seemed clean and well cared for. Joe asked Burns, "Can I offer you something, coffee and a cookie, maybe?" "Yes, please, thank you, Joanne." Burns sat in the other chair and accepted the cup of coffee, taking a butter cookie from the tin. Burns sipped the coffee and grimaced, then bit into the cookie to kill the taste of the coffee. Joanne said grinning sheepishly, I guess I shouldn't have tried to make coffee, huhn." Burns grimaced again and answered, "Perhaps you just need to work on it, Joanne. In any case, why don't you tell me how you've been settling in, to your new identity, that is?" Joe was unsure how much to tell this guy without giving the game away, so he elected for a minimalist approach. "Well, Lt. I guess I've been adjusting as well as anyone can, I won't lie to you, wearing these clothes is a little odd, but hey, what else am I going to do?" Burns finished his third cookie and told her, "I understand, at any rate, I just need you to sign here,-" Burns proffered a clipboard with a sheet on it, Joe read the sheet and it just affirmed that Joanne Bradford accepted receipt of an authorized stipend of 150 dollars and zero cents, U.S. currency on the present date in 1974. Joe signed it with his new public name and Burns took an envelope out of his briefcase and handed it to Joe. Joe took it and counted the seven twenty dollar bills and the single ten dollar bill. Burns nodded at that and departed, telling her, "I will see you next Monday, Joanne" "See you then, Lt." Joe stood on the stoop in front of his apartment and watched Burns reach his car and drive away. Once the man was out of sight, Joe bolted inside the house, closing and locking the door, and almost ripped the dress and hose and other feminine clothes from his body. Joe went naked into the bathroom and took another shower, as if he was trying to scrub the 'girlness' from his skin. When he finished he came out and put on his single concession to femininity. A pair of cotton panties. Joe then donned a T-Shirt with the MASH logo for the T.V. series. His next piece of wardrobe was a pair of tiger stripe utility trousers, his army boots, and his customary fatigue blouse. Joe did not know it, but it was almost as if he was dressing in drag as a biological man. Joe grabbed his satchel and stuck the additional monies in a cookie jar he used to hide his funds. Joe still had fifty dollars left from the last windfall and elected to break his fast at Michael's restaurant. By now, the staff and clientele were growing used to him and paid him no mind. Joe sat eating his ham and eggs with toast and hash browns and thought to himself, (That little faggot Michael might have decided to wear dresses and let some Commie fuck him in the hoohah, but not Joe no sir, no way.) As soon as Joe thought that, he regretted it. Mike had been good to him and done a lot to make sure Joe was O.K., All the same, Joe was frightened of Michael's advanced level of seeming feminine adjustment. Joe thought to himself, (No, I have a girlfriend; I wear pants and regular shirts. Sure, I wore that dress today, but that was just so Burns would fork over the bread and get the hell out to leave me be. I may be a woman in body, but NOBODY says I have to turn into a damned member of the Brady Bunch.) Joe finished his meal and signed his chit so that Mike would know to pay for it. Walking out, Joe looked around. He caught sight of a gas station sign and realized with a shock that gas was up to fifty cents a gallon. He KNEW about that whole OPEC deal, but what the hell? Joe was glad he didn't have a car,...anymore. It had been murder when gas was at forty cents a gallon. Joe was walking along clutching the strap of his bag and thinking about random thoughts when a man zoomed by on a bike and tried to grab Joe's bag. Joe was wearing it crosswise over his opposite shoulder witch cause him to spin to the pavement while still holding the bag. The guy on his Schwinn hit the dirt as well and Joe took the K-Bar out of his bag and told him, "Try to steal my bag will you?" As Joe advanced on him he scuttled back and asked wide-eyed and panicked, "What the fuck lady, are you crazy?" "Crazy, Me? Naw, I just get a little testy when people try to rob me." He was trying to get up when he realized the frame on his front wheel was now bent from hitting the side of a building when his bike spun in. His ride was going nowhere. "O.K., O.K., Jesus, I won't take your shit, I'm sorry, Awright, FUCK!" Joe felt his face, his cheek was bleeding from where it hit the sidewalk, and his leg and hip hurt as well. The right pant leg of his army trousers was ripped open and a little blood from a scraped up knee was oozing out. Joe was holding the knife in a manner that bespoke experience in close quarters combat, with the blade held against his forearm. The man,...no, wait, the boy, he was just a kid, looked at Joe with stark terror. Joe told him, "Here is your choice. You can deal with me, or the cops. You can fight me, or we can walk to the cops and you tell them you tried to rob me." "But,..." "Or I could just cut your fuckin' prick off and keep it for a trophy." Minutes later Joe flagged down a cop and the stranger told the cop, "Yeah, I tried to get her bag, I figured she had some good stuff, maybe." The officer asked Joe for a statement and told him he might have to act as a witness against the man in court, but with his confession, it was not likely. The presence of Joe's Marine issue second hand K-bar never came up in the discussion. "Well, officer, I hope it won't get that far, I would hate to be responsible for CUTTING his future SHORT like that." When the office drove off with the would be purse-snatcher in custody, the latter man looked stricken as he looked back at Joe. All the same, that still left Joe with a cut cheek, a bruised hip, and a scraped knee. Joe limped to the bus stop and made his way back to the boardwalk and his neighborhood. Then back to his studio apartment. When Joe walked in, he looked around at his digs. A real bed replaced the futon. The place now had two secondhand soft chairs and a series of posters. The 15 inch black and white TV was gone and a 19 inch color TV sat in it's place. There were several other touches such as more and better food and more male-ish clothing. Joe's only concession to his womanhood seemed to be the panties he had to wear under his trousers. He only wore the bras when he absolutely had to, and he took notice of the fact that there were other women, natural born, who never wore a bra. So it wasn't as if HE were making some great statement by going smokeless upstairs. Joe walked over to the room's bed and sat down on it. He then reached under it as far as his slightly shorter arm could reach and found the magazines. Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, and Gent: home of the D cups. Joe flipped through some of them to reassure himself that the sight of naked women still aroused him. Joe was deathly afraid of 'turning queer' His lesbian affair did not phase him as to this day he did NOT consider himself a woman. What frightened Joe the most was the idea of having sex with a man and LIKING it. His perceived pseudo heterosexuality was all he felt he had left and he didn't want to lose it. Joe was now laying on his side looking at a centerfold of a blond woman in a library naked except for a pair of stockings, and he was starting to play with his right breast as he looked. That was when he was startled out of his reverie by the phone ringing. The magazines were knocked to the floor and he realized his shirt was now up over his breasts. He pulled it down and picked up the phone, "Uh, Yeah, Hello?" The voice on the other end was Meredith or 'Merry' Foster, "Hey, Silly- billy where are you, I thought we were going to the Movies today?" Joe sat bolt upright and answered, "Oh, Yeah, Sure, I just, uhm, had an, accident when I was coming out of the breakfast place, and Uh, I just need to clean myself up, O.K.?" "WHAT, You had an accident, are you O.K., what happened?" "Yeah, no I'm fine some moron on a ten speed just ran into me, (Tried to steal my pur-bag) and it took a little time to untangle from him (Threaten to castrate him and then take him to the police.) But I'm O.K., now, really (I'm shaken and scared and unsure of myself and I need to be held and comforted.)" Merry heard his words and somehow knew there was something under them, She told Joe, "I'm coming over, Jo-Jo stay there, I'll be right there." "No wait, don't It's O.K.,..." Joe realized he was talking to dead air as the dial tone buzzed in his ear. When Merry arrived, Joe allowed her in, and Merry's reaction was to instantly hug Joe and tell him, "It's O.K., Sweetheart, it will be alright. I won't let anyone hurt you." The unabashed and unconditional sympathy of her reaction caused what really happened to pour out of him. The fact that the 'accident' had actually been an attempted mugging and pur-bag snatching and how weak and vulnerable it made Joe feel. He also told her how he brandished a blade and threatened to castrate the offender. As Joe recounted the real story, Merry put him on the bed and removed his boots and pants so that she could use the first aid kit to see to the scrape on his leg and the cut on his cheek. The disinfectant hurt, but Joe withstood it, because Merry's sympathy and understanding ameliorated the pain and perceived humiliation. When his wounds had been treated and Joe was dressed in his other pair of army trousers and boots, Merry told him, "Still My Jo-Jo let him off easy, handing him over to the cops, You COULD have started him on the road to a career in the Vienna boy's choir and no one would have blamed you." Joe could not tell her the real reason he was upset. The real reason he felt plagued with nagging lingering doubt and creeping self loathing. He was weak, He was smaller, and He did not have the commanding physical presence and power he had enjoyed for much of his life. When Joe had been a little boy, he had been subjectively smaller and weaker, but that had been different. It had been a by definition temporary condition. This was different. This was permanent and what was more, he would only get weaker as age took him in the fullness of time. Not so very long ago, if Joe Bradley had been mugged he would simply have beaten the offending little turd within an inch of his life. Not now. Not ever again. That was when Merry took his chin in her hand and kissed him. Her lips were soft, and warm, and welcoming against Joe's own and Joe responded by kissing back. Before the action could get too hot and heavy, Joe broke contact and said, "Movie." Joe was not really that interested in a film, but right now he was even less interested in sex as it would only remind him of what he didn't have and could not do. He didn't have a penis and could not penetrate and thrust into Merry the way he wished he could right now. Joe Bradley wanted and needed to feel like a man and getting his boobs sucked and licked and his pussy eaten out and frigged would only make him feel more emasculated right now. "Sure, I wanted to see that new Sidney Lumet film anyway, Joe, let's go. Joe and Merry sat in the darkened theater and watched as perennial everyman actor Jack Lemmon played Paul Kersey, an older professional man who's wife is beaten to death and who's daughter is raped by street criminals in New York. Paul Kersey is sent on a business vacation by his boss to deal with the tragedy and after a time, Kersey returns to New York with a presented revolver and begins a career as a vigilante. The film was called "Death Wish". Joe had to collect himself from the spectacle of happy go lucky funnyman Jack Lemmon shooting people in open street violence. Mr. Lemmon acted his heart out and it was clear that what he was doing was twisting Kersey up, possibly worse that the crime his family suffered. The message was clear; taking the law into your own hands was no way to deal with personal tragedy. As they left the theater, Joe thought about what he was doing. He was butching it up and trying to be a man when his body just would not play ball. Joe decided that he needed to get his mind right. He needed to figure out just who in the world Joe Bradley was, especially when the square of plastic in his pur-BAG said his name was Joanne Bradford. Joanne Bradford, who in the world was she; she was nobody, just a name on a piece of laminated cardboard. Joe Bradley was some dude that died in Hawaii, so who was HE? That was what Joe needed badly to figure out. Merry took Joe to a club near the University of Miami and Joe sat in the booth listening to a Three-dog-night cover band doing a credible job on songs Joe remembered his son liking. There was a glass of tea in front of him and he sipped at it slowly realizing it was a Long Island Ice tea. Joe didn't mind that as he was nursing the drink slow enough and snacking on the bowl of pretzels so he would not get too drunk too quickly. A young man Joe didn't know sat down at Merry's request and he looked at Joe and told her I na genial voice, "Hey, Soldier-girl, can I buy you another one of those?" Joe was surprised; no one in his life had ever offered to buy HIM a drink in a manner clearly meant to pick him up. He responded as best he could in a clumsily demure manner, "Oh, no, I, uh, that is, I think I'm good. Another glass of L.I. Iced tea materialized in front of Joe regardless and he tried his best to make it last. After reaching the bottom of the second glass Joe realized he was feeling buzzed and happy and a little woozy. He had felt this way before and knew the sensation. He was drunk. After two long island iced teas it seemed improbable until he remembered that he was neither as tall, nor as muscled as he had been and so would have less body mass to soak up the alcohol. Someone was helping joe up and out of the booth and leading him to an upstairs wing of the club. Joe was feeling happy and silly and beneficent toward his fellow man and when the stranger started unbuttoning joe's unform blouse he was not even fully aware of it, he just felt flushed as if he could use the fresh air. Then Joe was laying down and his pants were coming off, that was when Joe started to realize what was happening and mumbled his protests, "No, don't I don't want to,..." The strange man was bigger than joe and stronger than joe and before he fully realized it his panties were off and a hard hot erect penis was pushed into his pussy and began thrusting in and out. Joe was being raped. Joseph Bradley felt small and helpless and did his best to try to fight, but with two spiked drinks in him and a man bigger and strong than him on top of him he didn't have a chance. Joe tried to cry out, but the man's left hand was over his mouth and Joe could only manage a muffled whimper. Joe lay there, helpless with this man, this brure moving on top of him and inside him until his penis twitched and pulsed and he climaxed inside Joe's body. When he did so, he got up and fixed his clothes and walked out. Joe laid there for what seemed to be hours. Then he got up and dressed as best he could after cleaning himself up down there. His panties were ruined and so he just left them behind. Joe walked downstairs, past the booth shared by Merry and her god damned hippy freak friends. Joe walked in the darkness back to his apartment. There was darkness and death in his eyes as he walked the streets. Twice men he did not know crossed the street to get away from this frighten quiet and dark eyed woman In the military fatigues. His left hand was in his bag wrapped around the hilt of his knife and he was resolved to kill the next person who laid a hand on him. Joe Bradley resolved that after the aliens, and the nurse at that damned hospital and that son of a bitch at the club, no one was going to touch him, not ever again. He was not going to be anyone else's woman for any reason not EVER AGAIN!

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Two Moms Two Sons 11 Joe And Pete Do Something Sexy For Their Moms

POV: PeteJoe and I suddenly bit down on our bottom lips and made eye contact just for a few seconds. Needless to say, my hard-on deflated just a tad. No one said a word for over a minute, but we both surely knew they wanted to see the sight, judging by the looks on their faces.Then both of them came to us, but they went to each other's sons, so I had London press the front of her body onto mine. "We fucked each other for you two, solely to please you," she admitted, wrapping her arms around...

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When Joe met Mary Aly met Sam both for sex h

This is the first story although they can be read in any order. Joe & Aly came to Sam & Mary for help with their sex lives. They agreed to certain conditions chief of which was that they could not say no to anything suggested to them. They also had to agree to do anything they were ordered to do. When they hesitated they were led to the front door, at which point they both pleaded to Sam & Mary to take them on as clients. At that point they were told another condition is they would...

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Joe massages his busty mom

Joe is a teenager, young and full of thoughts about sex and fantasies. One thing occupying his mind is his mother Gina's luscious body. Her big bubble ass and her over sized tits measuring 75 F with cups as big as his head. He often brings one of her bras when he jerks of his growing cock, thinking of how he it would be to fondle them or even better suck them like when he was just a bejby. A moment he loves and also brings him a lot of sexual tension is when mommy asks him to massage her...

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Selena and JoeChapter 17

Joe woke Thursday morning in one of those dazes where you don't know where or what you are. The shades had been drawn, but light peeked in. He thought about a hotel room in Phoenix, but the sudden urge to pee changed his concentration to his penis and the night before came back to him in spades. He turned his head to see the sleeping Selena. "My God," he thought to himself. "This woman literally sexed me into submission last night. I've never seen a woman so possessed with sexual...

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Selena and JoeChapter 6

A rustling on the bed began to rile Joe from his sleep at he washed he cobwebs from his mind. He became aware of Selena slipping in behind him on the bed to spoon him, reversing the position they fell asleep in. "Good morning," she whispered with a kiss to his cheek. "Good Morning yourself! Are we sorry for anything that happened last night?" "No, not for me anyway. There was a lot of sexual tension building and I think we lifted it. My reasoning may have seemed flawed, that a first...

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Selena and JoeChapter 55

Selena's Sunday morning dream made her sleep serene. It was of the simple life she and Joe would share someday. It was idyllic in her sleep thought, as if floating on a cloud where making each other happy and enjoying their children were the only chores. What made it seem even more real was the gentle calling of her name as Joe tried to wake her. "Selena,... Selena? Essy, are you awake? I need some help." Joe whispered as he gentle rubbed her hip. Suddenly she startled. "What! Is...

3 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 31

The final days of Selena's 3-week internship were bittersweet for her. While the internship turned out to be little more than an audition for both parties involved, she truly did not want to leave and felt she was ready step right in. However in the last few days there were situations that cropped up where she, for the first time in her stay, felt clueless. Ross Curran pointed out privately where he felt she needed work and polishing, and at the final meeting and evaluation with the entire...

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From Teen Bride to Hot Wife 5 Back To Reality Joe The Cuckold

Joe stands behind Caroline as she sits at the table writing. He lifts her long hair to one side to uncover the nape of her neck, kisses it gently before saying, "Tell me again, Caz. Tell me how his cock tasted.""I've an essay to finish," Caroline says, her pen moving quickly across the page."Please, Caz. It won't take long. I've got a hard-on just thinking about him having you like that."It's five nights since Caroline's visit to Dammartin Manor. This evening she's sat at home doing coursework...

Wife Lovers
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Selena and JoeChapter 52

Sunday dinner was just being cleaned from the table as Selena prepared coffee and Betty Hanson was cutting the apple pie she had made for Joe. Joe was due for another vicodin, but he wanted to skip them until bedtime when he could take 2 and go right out. He wasn't in a lot of pain, just a dull ache when he tried to move the leg. He knew in bed, in his sleep, these movements would wake him for sure, so he wanted to be above that threshold. But he had "business" he wanted to take care of...

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Joe BradyChapter 4

After stopping at the Police station and saying good-bye to Carla, Joe was on the road heading west to Colorado. He thought he would like to visit some of the named ski resorts he heard about like Vail and Breckenridge. It wasn't that he was a skier, he wasn't, it was just that he thought he would like to see and say he had been to these places. He visited these two resorts and was impressed. While there wasn't snow yet on these runs what impressed him the most was the steepness of the...

3 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 10

As Spring Break time began to roll around Selena began to feel Joe out to see if they could go away together. She knew he rarely rested from his investment games and keeping his finger on the pulse of Johnson Construction. If there was anything about him she wanted to change, it was that. As obsessed as she was with hard work, she was still young enough to realize the need to recreate. She was hard pressed to remember a day she had spent with him where work didn't enter the equation. If this...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 26

Selena was happy that Joe's homecoming Friday was a forgetful day at Polytech. One class had been canceled altogether and another was cut short when a professor was called out by the birth of a grandchild. Classes had reached a review and study phase anyway so Selena went through the day on an auto-pilot of sorts, her little notes of the where and how to meet Joe at the airport etched in her mind. Joe was coming in on a government charter and not going through the public terminal. She was...

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Susan Adam and Joe

Susan, Adam and JoeFamily, Close Relations, Up skirt/Pantie Flash, Multiple partners, Cum Dump, Pregnancy Joe arrived at Susan's in the mid afternoon. Adam and 4 of his “crew” were there. Susan had on her “little Blue Dress”, one just sexy enough to entice, over sheer “Day Glow” bright yellow, bra and pantie set. Adam brought in his suit bag and over night suitcase. He noticed the suitcase was weighty, but passed the thought, and left with his crew. Coming back an hour later, out of the view...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 43

The gentle ringing of the phone stirred Selena. She had set it on low ring, figuring she would rarely need the wake up call. "Hello thank you!" She said to the waker and hung up, then quickly sat up on the side of the bed afraid to fall asleep again. Once again the phone rang and she reached for it again. "Please don't hang up in my ear this time." She heard Joe say. "Oh my God, that was you! I'm so sorry my love." She said, embarrassed. "I just called Joseph and told him I...

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The Standoff Miss Tiffany Saloon Owner Joe ORiley Sheriff

The year was 1882; the west had started to settle down and many of the old wild, rough and tough towns were no longer that way. Such was the small cow town of Apache Creek, AZ; at one time it was famous for being one of the roughest towns to drive cattle through. A town that use to be run by crooked Sheriff Williams, who looked the other way when cattle were rustled or a cattleman was robbed.Now it had settled down and the old sheriff was gone, replaced by Sheriff Joe O’Riley, an Irish bloke...

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Selena and JoeChapter 15

When they got into the car for the short jaunt home Selena kept her eyes forward and asked. "You're not pissed, are you?" "No, not really," Joe answered, "But, you could have started World War 3 there. Why in hell did you go and do it NOW. We could have waited until we were a year together or something? You were lucky, I'll tell you that. I'm very tempted to give you that red bottom you talked about." "You better not! I've been a spoiled little girl all my life and you're...

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Uncle Joe

I had just returned from a long solitary afternoon walk in the forest. The house looked really pretty in the snow, with its fairy lights adorning the rafters and windows. In fact, it was quite picture perfect, so I stopped to take a photo. I framed the house against the white valley in the background, making sure that I included the lush green fir tree to the right of the house and avoided the somewhat tacky lighted plastic reindeer in the middle of the garden. The sun was low in wintery...

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Selena and JoeChapter 45A

Thursday morning when Selena's alarm went off they both woke, having had a good nights sleep, despite the exhaustive tryst they had. They hit the bed around 9 o'clock and were asleep by 10. "Want me to make you some breakfast babycakes?" Joe asked as she began to get up and put on her robe to head to the shower. "Oh, honey! I didn't realize you were even awake." She answered and rolled back into the bed. "We were naughty last night when we were supposed to be making love. You make...

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Selena and JoeChapter 45B

When the tour group got to Monument Park they each broke off from the lined group and checked out their favorite plaques and monuments. Joe sidled up to Shelley. "Fancy meeting you here." "You don't hate me do you?" "No, of course not. I was disappointed, but knew I had to understand." "It hurt me too, you know. I loved you like crazy, but things were just... that's it, "Just"..." "You look different; something is not quite the same." Joe inquired. "I had a jaw reduction....

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Cousin Joe Pimps Cousin Emma

“Hi Joe! I am coming to Detroit for an internship interview, can I crash at your place?” I said on the phone. “Definitely!” replied Joe, “When are you coming?”, “I will fly there this Friday afternoon”, “Sure, send me your flight info and I will pick you up”. After I landed, I grabbed my carry-on and headed out, cousin Joe was waiting by his white BMW. “Emmaaa, welcome to Detroit!” said Joe, and gave me a big hug. He stepped back and looked at me head to toe, “Wow, you look like a Barbie...

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51 Avis makes joe a sissy boy reissue

51 Avis makes joe a sissy boy [reissue]Joe had promised that we would reverse role playing and I decided to take him up on his offer. "We're gonna play reverse roles today" I announced one day and after a bit, Joe agreed. "What would you like to do?' he asked me. Looking straight into his eyes, "You're going to be my sissy while I make love to my old boyfriend" I replied. I knew he would have to agree after promising, so he looked at me, "I did promise" he answered back and so the stage was...

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Selena and JoeChapter 49

Waking Wednesday morning the last thing Selena wanted to do was go to work, but she figured it might be the only way she could pass the time until Joe came back up from his tests. She had already informed Ross Curran that she would be leaving early. He, in turn, informed her that if she were there as a full time member, as she would be after July, this would not be a serious enough situation to lose a member over in peak trading times. She knew she was required to always be fully informed as...

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Selena and JoeChapter 8

Joe slid his little sports coupe into the dorm parking lot and scanned the area for Selena. Just as he parked the car he saw 2 girls round the corner, one being Selena. Upon seeing Joe she ran in mid sentence to meet him. Without even having a chance to get out of the car her lips were on his, kissing him. "Oooo I just had to get my lips on yours. God, I can't wait to hold you. Let me dash upstairs and I'll be right back." Selena said, barely taking time to breath. She ran from the car...

4 years ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 22 Keisha And Joe Give Sandra A Crack At Them

POV: Keisha.We both took each other's hands and made our way to Sandra. As we saw Pete, London, and Gia disappear, we both put our hands out, and she willingly took them. Although she still had a weird look about her face. Nevertheless, she failed to speak, and we just escorted her to our bedroom, as we knew her room currently had other people in it, right then. We both went into our bedroom and calmly sat her down on the bed. I shut the door, came right to her, lowered myself to my knees, and...

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Blackmailing Joe

Blackmailing Joe ? Conferences are always a lot of fun.  Joe uses them to get away from the wife and kid just for a few days a couple of times a year.  Don’t get him wrong? Joe loves his wife and kid, but it is always nice to get away and loosen up. ? This conference isn’t different.  He gets to go to Mexico for four days during the off-season, so the only people around are the fellow conference-goers.  The first day there he notices a nice looking woman.  She isn’t the typical Barbie doll...

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Selena and JoeChapter 47A

Joe Johnson's little roadster pulled to the front of Ben Bensons and the parking valet rushed to escort them out of the car and into the warm waiting area. Joe explained they had reservations and their third party was likely already inside. Soon they were being escorted to a booth in the back under a wooden fish sculpture. It was "Joe's table" at Bensons. It was also "the table" of many regular patrons much more famous to Joe, but it was early enough that he was able to get it. There...

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Selena and JoeChapter 28

The weeks of the lovers Summer of Love seemed to whistle by. From the moment Selena finished her last exam she melted into the cozy confines of co-habitant living. After a few weeks it seemed that had always lived together with life going on like a well-rehearsed symphony. Most days were spent with mornings devoted to the business of investments and sharing household chores. Many of the afternoons were packed lunches and off to local parks and beaches for picnics, and sometimes the rest of...

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Selena and JoeChapter 37

On Monday night, her last day of a long Founders Day weekend, Joe said his goodbyes just after 7 o'clock. Their lovemaking had been intense and fulfilling so that losing their last 12 hours originally planned was easier to cope with. Joe always pledged that her school was number one, so when she became worried about her presentation for Doc Stevens, Joe knew where her priorities had to be set. Dressed in a hooded jogging suit she drove into the dorm parking lot and saw Lucy's car...

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Selena and JoeChapter 48B

The morning air made her feel jubilant as she walked in almost a march against the cold breeze that froze her face. She felt like every eye on the street was on her and they were saying "there she is, that girl who's in love more than any woman ever. There she is. I wish I was her." Although she was always content in her relationship with Joe, there were always lagging doubts because many of the women who had wanted him were still close. Whether it was the ring, or the way the ring made...

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Selena and JoeChapter 33

The ride home from New York City was almost surreal for the couple. Their love had reached a height even they had no idea was possible. They spoke little on the way but glances to each other that caught their eyes were 1000 word soliloquies. Despite Joe's years of relationships he was as much the babe in the woods that Selena was at this level of adoration. With the wind blowing above their heads in the top down roadster the ride was a series of deep sighs. Until they turned up the street to...

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Selena and JoeChapter 14

The days had grown to only a few before the lovers left on a vacation alone for the first time. Joe made the arrangements to fly into New York City on Saturday afternoon before her meeting with Wall Street Global. He planned on showing her a bit of New York that night and after her interview, if time allowed. He worried her by telling her that she should tell the group whom she was dating and planned to marry, and what he did. He wanted to be sure there was no conflicts involved with her...

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The Bun also Rises Chapter 2 Cuppa Joe

Mary spent the rest of the day at The Bun also Rises in a tizzy. Alternating between flying with the birds and swimming with the sharks, her stomach was all over the place. Several times she even found herself in the restroom thinking maybe a prayer to the porcelain god would help her. The clock went between not moving, to moving backwards, to jumping ahead hours at a time. Joe Ferguson would be here at 5 pm and she was going to have coffee with him. Joe, please bend me over the counter and...

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Selena and JoeChapter 46

Selena lay in bed listening to the purr of Joe's light snore. She felt empty and alone. Although Joe said her admission made no difference, they went to bed without making love or the usual affections. They both downed their wine and Joe took her hand and led her to the bedroom. She undid her robe and Joe took it and laid it across the foot of the bed. He patted her bare butt and she crawled into the bed with Joe following her. She played coy and rolled away from him hoping he would spoon...

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Mary Joe Resume Their Vegas Fun

Mary and Joe were having a great time in Vegas. The night out at the dance club really excited them both. Joe was amazed at the way Mary opened up, and how brazen she had been around the black men. She really liked to tease them with her sexy body, making her very excited. Joe knew it as all in fun, and always kept a close eye on her, being alert and ready to intervene if things had gotten too much out of hand. He would protect her, at any cost, while she played and enjoyed herself. After all,...

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