owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 9 Him
- 2 years ago
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[Caution: this chapter contains violent and semi/nonconsensual sex. Uruk is the name for an Orc in the Black Speech.]
... she snapped awake, her cataclysm arrested, and instantly burst into tearless sobs.
Even in my dreams I can’t reach orgasm. What have they done to me? I’m broken and cannot be mended.
Once again she awoke free of bindings and entirely alone, with the door to her dungeon wide open. She was exhausted, her body a patchwork tale of abuse, and she studied the bright red remnants of cane, strap, and pincer crisscrossing her flesh. Her lips were raw and dry, her nipples engorged and purple ... and her labia swollen and wet as if freshly fucked.
Was I... ? She “felt” the depths of her channel, not daring to fondle herself lest she lose these few cherished moments of solitude. No. Just in my dream. And anyway, I can’t imagine they wouldn’t want me to be awake for such an event.
Wearily, she stumbled down the hall, clutching the wall in the half-blindness of her misery. The bath that awaited was as hot and soothing as ever, and the usual range of unguents and cloths were arrayed at its side. She made use of all of them, salving and rehydrating her damaged skin. There was also food and drink, and she partook of as much as she could consume and guiltily devoured the rest, unwilling to rely on the continuing charity of her captors. When she was as healed as possible she re-immersed herself to the neck and considered her options.
I could try to end my life again. I could hold my breath until the final moment, feigning life to the last, then sink into the water and ... no, it will never work. And what was Khamûl’s warning? “They have ways of bringing you back.” I can’t imagine what foul sorcery might be involved, but I don’t want to be confronted with that reality or its aftermath.
So what now? Trapped here forever, each day a fresh palette of torture until every cell is broken and remade by their twisted whims? And then to become a mindless automaton like that woman ... branded and marked, no more than a target for their whips and holes to be used for their pleasure? That fate is one in which I’m already mired, and its endpoint seems closer than ever. Though she could no longer see a future that belonged to her — it was all she could do to summon the necessary strength to survive her bleak present — it was with even greater despair that she realized she couldn’t clearly remember her past, either. Field and foal, hearth and hall, friend and foe ... all faded. I can’t picture the wide plains of Rohan, nor feel the rhythmic undulation of a galloping horse, nor test the heft of a well-forged sword, nor breathe the freshness and promise of the free air, nor turn my face to the sun as it rises and sets. Faces and voices elude me. Friends, lovers, enemies ... even my beloved brother and fallen King ... are formless silhouettes and silent ciphers. Why can’t I remember what they look like?
Éowyn had only two goals in her terribly constricted universe: somehow achieving the release she so desperately craved, and doing whatever was necessary to submit to her tormentors, no matter how painful or demeaning ... for every form of resistance only worsened her situation.
But are there even worse torments than those I’ve already suffered? I’m sure there must be, even if I can’t conceive of all they might entail. My captors’ imagination in this regard seems hideously boundless. Anyway, it’s not important. If they want to abuse me, I’ll submit to the abuse. If they want to make sexual use of me, I’ll let them. There’s no other way to survive. And one day, when they no longer expect defiance, perhaps Khamûl and I can...
She tried to shake her mind free of its sickening capitulation.
What’s wrong with me? How can I think this way? Where’s my will to live, to escape my abuse, to walk free, to wreak bloody revenge on my jailers? To this her mind found no answer, and her body ignored the question entirely. It remained immersed in the soothing water, borrowing what comfort it could in the moments it was allowed, yet still burning with arousal, the memory of pain, and anticipation of the next degradation. The next torture. Even if I could summon the will to resist, it’s too late. My flesh has already surrendered. Between thought and act there was an impenetrable fog, and though the fading vestiges of her deepest self fought against the encroaching haze, there was nothing tangible to which to cling. If I could win just one victory. One brief escape. One penetrating wound. One climax that belongs to me.
Through the fog the object of her most uncontrollable lust strode; naked, powerful, and utterly compelling. His cock was already fully erect, and her gaze was trapped and held by its majesty as he approached. Though her lips moved, she couldn’t form coherent sounds with which to greet him. She could only stare, overwhelmed by her desire for his manhood.
I should be angry at him for how things ended last time. At the very least he should first bring me to orgasm before I agree to serve him again.
Effortlessly, he lifted her from the water and cupped her breasts in his strong hands, kneading the flesh and testing the resistance of her hardening nipples. She winced, for their recent abuse had not faded, but she didn’t stop him. Then, taking her head between his palms, he gently but insistently guided her to her knees, nudging her lips with his glistening manhood.
How dare he? Neither word nor promise of help has he uttered, nor has he done aught to bring me pleasure, yet he expects me to...
But she was already opening her mouth. All her most righteous objections drifted away as he pushed his towering phallus through her encircling lips, distending her jaw and flattening her tongue. She licked his smooth glans as it passed, then gave in to his will and sucked him deeper ... and deeper ... and deeper still. Accepting, in one smooth and triumphant effort, the entirety of his impossible staff deep in her throat. I guess my long oral training served its purpose. If she could have breathed she might have cheered in victory.
Khamûl’s voice was hoarse and thick with lust. “You are the one. I knew it from the beginning.”
Flushed with gratitude at his praise and the promise within, she took the initiative and fucked her throat with his rigid pillar until she was again bruised and raw. What she was doing wouldn’t have been possible save for the hours of relentless oral assault she’d been forced to endure, and her already waning resentment at such treatment dissolved. Ignoring her discomfort, she focused instead on the pleasure she was bringing him. Her own needs were unimportant; her only goal was to make him come and then to feed on his creamy sustenance.
His words continued, their tone dark and strangely ominous. “I have not forgotten your request.”
What request? She sucked harder, swirling her tongue around his length whenever he retreated from her throat. My hopeless dream of escape? Please, Khamûl, stop talking and let me finish you. We can speak of the ephemerality of freedom after you’ve given me your seed.
“It is almost time. You must endure a little longer. That cannot be helped or arrested. But when the moment arrives I will come for you, and together we will seek your truest desire.”
She knew she should be listening, knew she should be paying attention, but in truth she could barely hear his words. At the moment the only things she could comprehend — the only things she wanted to comprehend — were his cock and the sweet gift it would soon provide. Sucking until her cheeks hollowed, she popped her mouth free of his hardness, stroking his length with both hands while she noisily slurped at his enormous balls. When they’d been satisfactorily bathed and worshipped she slowly licked up his shaft until she reached the end, plunging forward with vigor, aggressively impaling her oral cavity with his rod. She gagged at each penetration, reveling in every moment of asphyxia as he rammed deep into her gullet.
Groaning, he clutched her hair and became the aggressor. With powerful strokes he fucked her throat, smashing his pelvis into her face as he stretched her down to her esophagus, pounding and punishing her for his pleasure. She welcomed every staggering thrust, every painful tug on her hair, wanting only to serve him, to let him use her until he came, however and whenever he wanted.
He continued to whisper mysterious words about the future... her future ... but at the moment she cared nothing for his promises. There would be time to discuss the impossible later. Grasping his flexing ass in a desperate attempt to keep his cock all the way inside her, she silently begged him to arrest his rambling and bless her with his tribute.
With an accelerating series of grunts, he withdrew his phallus until only the head was sealed by her eager lips and poured a river of burning semen into her mouth. She gulped and choked, on the verge of climax at the mere thought of drinking so much of his nectar. It soon proved impossible for her to swallow as quickly as was required, and in desperation she pressed her face forward, directing his scalding fluids into her throat. Still, streams of ejaculate oozed back along his pulsing cock, and in sudden panic over the thought that she might lose a single drop she pulled him all the way in, bypassing her ability to swallow as the rest streamed straight into her gullet.
When he was finally spent she diligently applied herself to a thorough cleansing of his rod, greedily chasing and lapping up every stray drop. Her sight was dulled and unfocused by her numbing lust, yet she could conceive of no greater purpose in life than kneeling before his mighty phallus to do it obeisance, and so — despite being unable to see clearly — she again opened her mouth, preparing herself to take him into her throat once more. Her tongue was already circling his hot glans when he yanked her to her feet. Confused, she stared into his smoldering eyes until her focus returned, and in that moment any notion of complaint or objection evaporated. She waited patiently, wishing only to learn how she could continue to serve him.
When his stiff rod prodded the entrance to her pussy, she thought she knew his answer. She was incredibly wet but otherwise physically unprepared; penetration would certainly involve a great deal of horrible stretching before it could be accomplished. But she pushed this unimportant thought aside., I’ll willingly accommodate him there or anywhere else if that’s what he desires... because that’s what he desires.
She whimpered as he squeezed her buttocks, lifting her from the floor to grind her dripping sex against his cock, sliding her up and down its length but denying her fulfillment. Her swollen labia enveloped only a fraction of his girth, but her hyperextended clitoris vibrated with arousal as he stimulated her to the breaking point. She wrapped her arms around his enormous shoulders, pressing their bodies together, and in response he whispered in her ear. “One day you will have no thought except to beg for my cock. It is on that day that you will finally be free.”
Her brow furrowed between her gasps of pleasure. She wondered if he meant that she shouldn’t beg now, as she’d been on the very cusp of doing so. There was also his odd phrasing to consider. “You will finally be free.” Does that mean we won’t be free together? But how could I truly be free unless I’m offering him pleasure? Then his glans strummed her clit, and she abandoned any thought or desire beyond the mechanics of their union.
“Your greatest tests are before you, but by their end you will know who you truly are. Whenever you offer yourself for my pleasure you will remember this, the moment you took the first step towards your destiny.”
Though she should have felt a thrill of fear at his warning of torments to come, she was so focused on the fire in her loins that she didn’t care. We will be together after all. Of course I’ll endure whatever they want if the eventual reward is submitting to him. But why does he still speak only of the future? What about the craving that consumes me right now? She squirmed against his body, pleading without words for him to take her.
He released her ass, and she impatiently reached between them to grasp his manhood, positioning it at the entrance to her desperate sex. His hand gripped her wrist, immobilizing it (and her) with only the tip of his glans still teasing her eager channel. She whined with desire, straining to draw him inside despite the strength of his resistance.
“Beg me to fuck you,” he growled.
Éowyn writhed, trying to impale herself on his spear but unable to dislodge his restraining hand. “Yes. Yes! I beg you to fuck me. I implore you to fuck me right now! Please, please, please ... I want your cock! I need it. Please, please, please, please...” she repeated, fading into incoherence.
With a violent twist he spun her ‘round and bent her at the waist. Her momentary bewilderment was quelled when he sank a thick finger into her sodden cunt and then brought it to her mouth. She attacked it with a frenzy, tasting her delicious arousal, then tensed as his stiff prod slid upward to her puckered rear entrance.
“Now beg me to fuck you here.”
Despite the extremity of her need, she hesitated. I want him inside me so badly, there and everywhere, but can it be? If it’s even possible, the pain will be enormous. I could be injured, or worse. The physical objections rolled through her mind, but her mind was no longer in control. Her body, in all its deranged lust, spoke for her. Beyond thought, beyond care, beyond rationality, she sobbed her answer.
“YES! Khamûl, please fuck my ass! It’s yours, all yours, only yours. Bury your giant cock in my tightest hole. Ravage me. Use me. Fuck me as deep and hard as you can. Stretch me. Split me open. Ruin me. Make me scream in pain and pleasure. For you. Only you. Please, please, please!“ Again her words descended into an indistinct litany as she reached back to pull her cheeks apart, opening herself to him, straining backwards, choking with the intensity of her desire.
The pressure was immediate. His oozing tip pressed against her resisting sphincter, and even though his emissions were lubricating her tight entrance, even the slightest forward movement seemed impossible. Immense discomfort flamed into pain. Every nerve and synapse in panicked protest, she tried to assemble the will to push him away, to pause and prepare herself. The terrible stretching as he tried to widen her aperture was unbearable, and she feared he’d never breach the entrance without ripping her open. Still, she didn’t care. She was determined to let him take her, no matter the price.
Gritting her teeth, steeling herself against what was to come, she pushed backward with all her might. Some damaged quarter of her mind welcomed the sharp escalation of pain, desperate for the penetration no matter the physical — or perhaps even mortal — cost. And yet, despite all her undeniable agony, pleasure grew in direct proportion to the terrible force; pleasure at being a pliant vessel, pleasure at being used, pleasure that her suffering could be the path to another’s pleasure. She knew with complete certainty that she would come the moment he broke through her barrier, and she reached between her legs and furiously abraded her clit in building anticipation. She could already feel her orgasm starting, and her body shook with tremors even as her ass resisted his entrance to the last of its waning strength. Pleasure and pain. Pain and pleasure. I finally understand: they’re the same! They’re one and the same! She opened her mouth to scream this exalted truth.
Suddenly, her mind shattered and her searing agony disappeared as she fell into an insensate nowhere. Her tenuous grips on reality and consciousness failed, and her raging emotions dissolved into despair and confusion. Had he successfully buried his cock in her ass? Had she collapsed from the pain? Had she finally achieved her long-desired climax? Was she dead?
She found no answers. Instead, she drifted through a void of infinite nothingness, bereft of sensation, forever frozen between the moment of comprehension and the moment of surrender.
When she awoke, her thoughts — and her fingers — flew to her nether hole. Did he... ?
Nervously, she probed.
No. I’m a little sore, but nothing ... certainly nothing of his size ... actually breached my entrance. But then what happened? Why did I pass out? Was the mere anticipation of the pain more than I could endure?
She opened her eyes, and immediately regretted it. Blinding light was everywhere, bathing her in harshness. She was lying on the cold stone floor of the dungeon, her collar loosely chained to a ring driven into the floor. Flight was impossible, but within about a ten foot circle she had complete freedom of movement. Nor was she blindfolded ... though there was still no hope of identifying her captors, for her form was over-lit by dozens of torches blazing in dazzling yellow flame, behind them arrayed glittering panels of well-polished silver that functioned as mirrors. All light was focused on her, like a prisoner under interrogation. Her image was reflected back at her by the panels, and seeing her naked, chained, abused, and vulnerable flesh from every angle was a shock. Though it was pointless modesty given her circumstances, she sat up and drew her limbs close.
Voices murmured from behind the panels. One that she knew all too well rose above the others. “I understand that you are desperate for an orgasm.” It was the cruel Voice again. Seeing little point in evasion she nodded, bowing her head to her knees ... for she was sure this conversation portended another session of torment and denial. “You must be desperate if you considered taking Khamûl into your ass without preparation,” he continued. “Even an experienced anal slut like you could never hope to do so without irreparable damage. At least not yet. Once that stage of your training is finished you might be able to accommodate him. It will never be easy, but of course your pain is of no more concern to us than your pleasure.”
Éowyn looked up in growing concern, whispering the name of her fear. “Khamûl ... is he... ?”
Mocking laughter came at her from all sides. “His energies have been redirected to something more useful. Your dalliances have been entertaining, to be sure, and your greedy enthusiasm for his staff and seed have been most impressive,” he said as she gaped at their intimate knowledge, “but his task was to restore you for what is yet to come. Whatever else happens is irrelevant. Should he deem it an appropriate reward for his services, he is free to make use of you as opportunity permits and within the limits we have set for you. You may see Khamûl again, and you may not, but what you will not do is reach climax on your own terms. You forget, slut, that your orgasms also belong to us. You were close to achieving one that we did not grant, and so it was necessary for us to take immediate and extreme measures to arrest your behavior. For that you will be punished, and harshly. As for Khamûl, I assure you that few are as well-acquainted with the price of disobedience.”
Her head fell once again, but not as far as her final thread of hope. It’s too late, then. They were watching and listening all along, and I have to assume they know everything we talked about. I’ll never escape. And poor Khamûl... Her last tattered shreds of resistance drained away with the first of her tears.
Again the Voice laughed, and as before there was limitless cruelty in it. “Do not cry, whore. We are about to give you something you want. Look behind you.”
Despite her weeping, Éowyn complied. There was a small pile of instruments on the floor next to her that she hadn’t noticed before. She stared, wiping away her tears, and then her breath caught as the instruments’ form and purpose became clear ... for most either were or bore a prodigious representation of the male organ. The smallest were by any measure large, while others were of epic scale, though varying wildly in shape and material. There were also bulb-like devices attached to what looked like long metal fishhooks. That’s what they’ve been using to stretch my ass while I sleep, she guessed, though these look bigger. A dual phallus, designed for the simultaneous impalement of both holes, was half-obscured by the rest of the items, and some sort of even more complicated construction rested at the base of the pile. There was also a large vessel of thick golden oil. But then her eyes strayed, for horror loomed as close as ever.
A few feet away, right below one of the reflective panels, was a neatly arranged line of what the Rohirrim called horse-tail whips. She knew that there was a more common name, but she couldn’t recall it at the moment. From each sturdy grip streamed scores of thin leather strips. Used gently they were a kinder substitute for a crop or a full-size whip, employed to encourage recalcitrant horses and other beasts to comply without causing significant discomfort or damage. Used forcefully...
I doubt they’ll be used gently today, and there’s no question at all who will be their target. Her body trembled with anxiety; there were eight of them, and her flesh would surely be rent to shreds should all of them be simultaneously and violently applied. They claim they won’t let me die, but the pain...
“You are wise to be afraid. But we are feeling uncharacteristically magnanimous, and have decided to offer you an opportunity to avoid the caress of the lash.” She squinted into the light, fearful yet curious. “And, along the way, to achieve for yourself what you have so selfishly begged from others.”
She waited in silence, though her hands were shaking.
“You will note that there are eight floggers, one for each who watches from the shadows. At the end of a single hour, those who remain will take them up, punishing you to our satisfaction and using you for our own pleasure in whichever order we choose and for as long as we want. But you have an opportunity to send all of us from the room and escape this reward. All you have to do,” he snarled, “is come. Can you do that, slut? Is that not what you seek?”
Éowyn remained planted on the floor in confusion.
“You have one hour to perform for your own pleasure and our amusement. Use what we have provided to come like the shameless whore you are. Each time you do one of us will depart the room with their flogger. If you can achieve eight climaxes before the hour is up, you will — for now — escape the lash and anything else we wish to do to you.” She thrilled with relief and hope. In my frenzied state eight orgasms should be trivially easy.
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place after Aragorn and company depart for the Paths of the Dead. Éowyn has once more declared her love for Aragorn and her desire to ride with him, but has again been rejected. King Théoden arrives mid-chapter and prepares to lead Rohan’s army to Gondor, ordering Éowyn to remain and rule in his absence. Elfhelm is the Marshal of the East-mark and a leader of Rohan’s forces. Caution: some of the sex in this chapter is nonconsensual.] 8-9...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place before the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli. Reference is made to Boromir’s passage through Rohan on his way to Rivendell.] 21 February 3019 (Third Age), Edoras “Please stop. We should not. I cannot...” “Peace, my beautiful Lady. We have this time and no other. Let us not waste it in idle protest.” His lips drove into hers, strong hands gripping the muscular firmness of her rear through the thin film of her nightdress. He...
[ Setting the scene: Éowyn commands the Rohirrim who’ve retreated to the refuge of Dunharrow.] 5 March 3019 (Third Age), Dunharrow Inaction. She was deathly tired of it. Month after month of the King’s seemingly unbreakable malaise had — against all odds and thanks to timely intervention of the Wizard — finally been broken. Frenetic activity followed, as if to make up for so much lost time: Théoden and company off to Helm’s Deep, everyone else evacuated to the refuge of Dunharrow. Unless...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place at Dunharrow. Aragorn, who Éowyn has unsuccessfully tried to seduce, and the rest of his Rangers will depart for the Paths of the Dead in the morning.] She remained still. Waiting. Shivering and trembling in fear, yet powerfully turned on by what she’d already done and what was about to happen. For a long while, though, what happened was nothing, and her tension grew. Finally, Dûrthéod spoke. “It might be interesting to let you...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place as the Rohirrim ride to Gondor. Éowyn has defied King Théoden’s orders twice: first by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm in order to join the ride, and second by inviting Meriadoc to come with her. Only Marshal Elfhelm is aware of Dernhelm’s true identity. The leader of the Drúedain is guiding the Rohirrim along a shortcut to the Pelennor Fields, and the company is taking one final rest before they join the battle already...
[ Setting the scene: Éowyn commands the Rohirrim who’ve retreated to the refuge of Dunharrow.] 5 March 3019 (Third Age), Dunharrow Were she infinitely patient her wait might well have been eternal, for he stood rooted to the floor, looking increasingly anxious. I guess I’ll have to grasp these reins. Sidling up to him, she delicately pressed her fingertips to his glistening chest. Stroking. Circling. Teasing. With her other hand she traced the sharper angles of his jawline. “Is there...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place at Dunharrow. Aragorn, who Éowyn has unsuccessfully tried to seduce, and the rest of his Rangers will depart for the Paths of the Dead in the morning.] For Éowyn, the next few moments passed in a sort of delirium. The brothers pulled free of their respective orifices, momentarily leaving her alone on the table. Her mewling protestations at the loss went unanswered. Fingers dripping with semen were brought to her lips — she realized...
[Caution: this chapter contains semi/nonconsensual sex, violence, and torture.] Time ticked away in a haze of punishment, humiliation punctuated by perversity, and climaxes denied, demanded, or coerced. Whenever she was left alone she would rest, bathe, and heal, waiting to be summoned to service Khamûl and the others or to endure a new exploration of her body’s sexual and traumatic limits. Her tolerance for pain grew, as did her orgasmic response to it. Her ass was regularly stretched and...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place before the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli. Warning: the sex in this chapter is largely, but not exclusively, non-consensual.] 21-22 February 3019 (Third Age), Edoras [This chapter dances with the temporal. All will become clear as the narrative coalesces, but it may be somewhat confusing until it does.] Sunset streamed through the open window, setting afire the spread of her golden hair with its glistening, ice-tinted...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place before the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli.] 23 February 3019 (Third Age), Edoras It was the ache in her hand that she felt first. Dangling over the edge of the bed, unsupported through hours of motionless sleep, its tendons and muscles were paralyzed by stiffness, her fingers still curled around a long-absent shaft. Unbending them was a long, slow process accompanied by tooth-grinding pain. Her other hand couldn’t move at...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place before the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli. Béma is the Rohirric name for the Vala Oromë.] In a burst of frustrated energy, he flew at Éowyn, whipping her around and flinging her onto the bed. She did not resist. He’d excited her, he’d given her the orgasm she so desperately needed and so many more, all the while playing her body like master might play a finely tuned instrument. But he was still Wormtongue, still her...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place as the Rohirrim ride to Gondor. Éowyn has defied King Théoden’s orders twice: first by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm in order to join the ride, and second by inviting Meriadoc to come with her. Only Marshal Elfhelm is aware of both Dernhelm’s true identity and the order to leave Merry behind. Holbytla is the Rohirric word for Hobbit.] 10 March 3019 (Third Age), Eastfold Merry stirred, snorted, then settled back into the...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place as the Rohirrim ride to Gondor. Éowyn has defied King Théoden’s orders twice: first by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm in order to join the ride, and second by inviting Meriadoc to come with her. Only Marshal Elfhelm is aware of Dernhelm’s true identity. Théoden has just met with the chief of the Drúedain, who has agreed to show them a shortcut to the Pelennor Fields.] 13 March 3019 (Third Age), Drúadan Forest There he...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place before the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli. Elfhid was King Théoden’s wife. Théodwyn was his sister, and the mother of Éowyn and Éomer.] 24 February 3019 (Third Age), Edoras Éowyn knew she was dreaming. How she knew, she couldn’t fathom; she’d never before been aware of her dreams while still within them. Nor did she understand why she couldn’t just force herself to wake. Still, it was comforting to know that her current...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter — a series of displaced interludes — take place just after the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli. Éowyn’s two encounters with Aragorn (as described in the book) are referred to in their immediate aftermaths. Over the course of this chapter, Gandalf unmasks Wormtongue and heals King Théoden, the ride to Helm’s Deep begins, and Éowyn is ordered (against her will) to lead the rest of their people to the refuge of Dunharrow.] 2 March 3019...
[Caution: this chapter contains violent and semi/nonconsensual sex.] Éowyn moaned. At the moment it was all she could do. But she could move, she realized. Despite the fire that seared her body, despite the throb that suffused every muscle, joint, and patch of skin, she was neither restrained nor hanging from the ceiling. Movement was, in theory, possible. Reasons to move were obvious. She lay in the disgusting residue of her own long-dried emissions, half-adhered to the cold dungeon...
[Caution: this chapter contains violent and semi/nonconsensual sex.] Her ritual grew familiar, even comforting, in its tedious simplicity. Wake, assess damage, bathe and soothe a portion of the pain away. Eat and drink if possible. Wander back and forth between the two rooms to which she was allowed access, purposeless save to await her next ordeal. In an occasional fit of loneliness — curiosity was an emotion she was barely capable of feeling anymore — she tried the other doors, but they...
A rush of noise and motion shattered her final rest. She felt hands gripping her unresisting body. Water rushing past her face. Humid air filling her unwilling lungs. Do they now defile my lifeless body? “Do not do that again!” In her deathly sleep she registered both the words and the voice that authored them. They’d been spoken out loud. She’d heard them. So ... I’m not dead after all? With great reluctance she opened her eyes. Her blurred vision rendered him an indistinct silhouette,...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place as the Rohirrim ride to Gondor. Éowyn has defied King Théoden’s orders twice: first by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm in order to join the ride, and second by inviting Meriadoc to come with her. Only Marshal Elfhelm is aware of both Dernhelm’s true identity and the order to leave Merry behind. Holbytla is the Rohirric word for Hobbit.] 12 March 3019 (Third Age), Anórien Éowyn pressed her forehead against the frigid rock...
[Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place after the battle of Helm’s Deep. Aragorn, the Rangers of the North, and remnants of the Fellowship have arrived at Dunharrow. Éowyn has openly declared her love for Aragorn and her desire to ride with him to the Paths of the Dead, and has been rejected on both counts. Onodrim is the Sindarin name for the Ents.] 7 March 3019 (Third Age), Dunharrow Face down and crying into her bed, Éowyn knew she cut a pathetic figure of leadership. A...
[Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place at Dunharrow. Aragorn, who Éowyn has unsuccessfully tried to seduce, and the rest of his Rangers will depart for the Paths of the Dead in the morning.] Sweat. Heat. Need. Panting with lust, she nevertheless forced herself to remain still. She needed to think. Her encounter with Aragorn ended terribly, it was true, but as she fled blindly through the night she was surprised by the swift onset of numbness, both to her feelings and...
[Caution: this chapter contains consensual, nonconsensual, and violent sex.] The ache was intolerable. Everything hurt. Even — perhaps especially — her sore inner flesh. Bruised, battered, and violated, there was no specific focus to her misery, only the bitter totality of it. Voices surrounded her. Indistinct. Muttering. Care and fear were beyond her strength. Nor was there much purpose in either, as she still couldn’t move. Could not, in fact, do anything at all except suffer in...
[ Setting the scene: this chapter takes place during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. As King Théoden lies dying at her side, Éowyn faces down the Witch-king. Meriadoc the Hobbit is nearby, alive but overcome by horror. Caution: this chapter contains violence and nonconsensual sex.] 15 March 3019 (Third Age), Pelennor Fields “Come not between the Nazgûl and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy...
[Caution: this chapter contains violent and semi/nonconsensual sex. Simbelmynë is a flower that crowns the burial mounds of Rohan.] Éowyn jerked against the restraints that bound her wrists to her ankles, but they were hopelessly tight. For a time they left her lying on the cold floor, but then a rope looped through her collar dragged her to an uncomfortable kneeling position, her arms still locked behind her. Blindfolded and trussed, she could only wait and listen, gnawing on her litany of...
[Caution: this chapter contains torture and violent semi/nonconsensual sex.] A scream dragged her from the depths of her nightmare, but it was only as she struggled to consciousness that she realized she was its source. Face down on the edge of the bath (someone had apparently moved and bathed her while she slept), innumerable aches from her marathon of sex and torment still throbbed. But the pressure at her nether hole was neither memory nor illusion. Despite the lengthy ravaging it had...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place after the battle of Helm’s Deep. Aragorn, the Rangers of the North, and the remnants of the Fellowship are preparing to leave Dunharrow for the Paths of the Dead. Éowyn has again openly declared her love for Aragorn and her desire to ride with him, and has been rejected on both counts. Elladan and Elrohir, the twin sons of Elrond, arrived with the Rangers and will journey with Aragorn’s company. Historical people and events to which...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place as the Rohirrim ride to Gondor. Éowyn has defied King Théoden’s orders twice: first by disguising herself as a man named Dernhelm in order to join the ride, and second by inviting Meriadoc to come with her. Only Marshal Elfhelm is aware of both Dernhelm’s true identity and the order to leave Merry behind. Holbytla is the Rohirric word for Hobbit.] 11 March 3019 (Third Age), Eastfold That’s it. I regret bringing the Halfling. Hands...
[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place at Dunharrow. Aragorn, who Éowyn has unsuccessfully tried to seduce, and the rest of his Rangers will depart for the Paths of the Dead in the morning.] Arms limp, legs weak, neither her body nor her voice offered the slightest protest as the Rangers picked her up and carried her across the tent. Two of them folded her hands around the sturdy poles framing the door, holding them there until her failing strength proved sufficient to...
The Lesson Plan -- Part Four Episode One: The Audition Chapter 1 I'd forgotten what it was like to audition for something. Not the preparation, the worry and anxiety, the learning the pages, the decisions about how to do a scene. That I hadn't forgotten. But the act of walking into a room, facing two strangers and being on, transforming instantly, delivering everything you've got and then, just as quickly, it being over. That I'd forgotten. How fast it is. How quickly it seems...
Note - This is a completion to the unless otherwise incomplete story called "My Wife’s Audition for TV Serial (very erotic)"I had choosen india to be the place of this story as it is a great country with a blend of modern western and old eastern cultures.you can find there the conservative people and the open minded ones.there is one last reason which is that i really like dark women and brunettes all over the world wherever they are.I wrote a story with no fucking but i'm sure that you will...
Wow, sweetheart! You look incredible! Davids jaw had almost dropped to the floor once he saw his beautiful young wife emerge from the bedroom. David had never seen Cindy dressed in something so tight and skimpy before – except before or during their lovemaking sessions. But this time it was different, because David knew that his 25-year-old wife would soon go out into public in that very provocative and sexy outfit. Thanks, Cindy smiled in return. She did a pirouette and added, Im glad you like...
Gwen had a daughter that had just graduated from high school and was going to the state university in the fall, so Gwen fully met the requirements to be classified as a MILF. And that was what she wanted to talk to me about. Her daughter was going off to college with a rather limited experience with people of the opposite sex. And she wanted to introduce her daughter to sex in a safe way. For some reason she had decided that I was a good candidate to be the one to help. It came as a bit...
Our story had taken some exciting turn already, in previous episode we have read how Kiran slowly but finally gave up and got involved in a discreet relationship with Reddy. Gautam too wasn’t far behind, as he took full advantage of his divorce seeking client – Mrs. Ahuja. But while Kiran started meeting Reddy regularly, Gautam had to travel back the next day leaving his lover of the night behind. But at the same time the rest of our residents too were lining up for some exciting turns in their...
Ms Courtney Taylor wants a leading role in the school musical, while her teacher wants to be in Courtney:I had the call back for the lead role in our Colleges Musical for this year. I had missed out with illness last year. This was my final chance as a senior. But I wasn’t confident. You see my primary audition in front of the main panel of three teachers had gone flat. I mucked it. Too tense. Too flustered. However; I’d got an email just before the lunch break from my music teacher Mr Chalmers...
My dad was a really great guy, but sadly died in a motorcar accident when I was fifteen. Dad was one of those, ‘live for today people’ and after his untimely demise, mom and I had a few rather difficult years. Six months before I graduated from high school, mom met Marco and they were married two months later. Marco lived in a lovely home, a far cry from the life mom and I had led in the preceding years. Marco, however, did not take to me and our relationship deteriorated from day one.Marco...
Gay MaleA few weeks ago, my current boyfriend and I were invited to share an informal lunch with some lovely people that I met through work. Martina and John ran a very successful company making erotic garments, but during the course of the lunch it transpired that some years ago they had both worked in the adult movie industry, which is where they met and fell in love. They’d continued to make ‘point of view’ type films of themselves for their own pleasure, and this had fuelled their interest in...
HardcoreSpencer was the official photographer for the Zander Corporation, a secretive organization made up of business professionals. The group’s purpose was to use their power and influence to assist upwardly mobile individuals toward career success. The reason the group remained secret was due to their operating procedures. Ninety-nine percent of their ‘internships’ were awarded to women. They were all especially beautiful young women who were required to have a three hour interview with each of the...
AnalJames had short dark hair, an athletic body from sports he played in high school. He had a faint set of abs. He was six foot one in height and was very handsome. He had girlfriends in the past but was single. He had always been the sporty type in high school but he had recently wanted to change that. He had a desire to start acting classes. He wanted to be a big actor like you see in the movies. He had an audition booked for tomorrow at 2pm. The movie was a French film. He did not really...
The week following my initiation, Ann continued my accelerated education. We spend every moment of free time in bed, well, the bed, the kitchen table, the couch, the balcony. Essentially, every possible surface you can sex on. I was eager to learn and Ann was thrilled to teach me. In our spare time, Ann let me into her world. She told me many of her adventures, but the thing that amazed and appealed to me the most was her dedication. It wasn’t just that she liked sex, it was her complete...
BisexualI met Ann online. We chatted for a while and finally decided to meet. Against all odds, we hit it off pretty well and in a matter of weeks, we became a couple. The first few months were like wedded bliss, romantic dates, and outings, doing almost everything together. And of course the sex. Sex was incredible. Well, at least as far as I could tell, being young and very inexperienced.Ann was the same age as me, but it was clear from the beginning that she had way more experience with sex. I...
BisexualHe called me into the audition. I did my usual monologue, which I’d done before. After I was finished, he and his assistant took a moment, whispered something to each, before his assistant suddenly left. I watched her go, then asked, “Am I done?” He looked at me with a dirty little grin and said, “Oh, no. Would you come here?” I tentatively approached him. I should mention that I usually started the day with a nice morning jack off, after an evening’s full of hot dreams. It at least...
“I can’t believe you’re going to do this!” Juliette Bancroft said.“Neither can I,” Lilly Xo replied, nervous.“Can I ask you a question? Why?”“Why?” Lilly didn’t want to say the first thing that came to her head, that she wanted to do this audition because she wanted to do the audition. That would make her sound like a slut. Instead, she said: “I need to get into a good college, and I don’t have a trust fund like you and your brother. You know my folks can’t send me anywhere but Community...
I stepped off the bus double checking the address on the slip of paper I held in my hand. The small theatre I'd been told to arrive at appeared to be just around the corner. I was early yet, and decided to take advantage of the time walking into a nearby Starbucks ordering a coffee. While I sat sipping that, I checked myself out in a small mirror I kept in my purse. Taking a moment to run my fingers through my short dark hair, sassing it up just a bit. I likewise checked out my almost...
Hey guys, I’m Samaa aur aaj main apni pehli desi kahani likhne jaa rahi hoon. Meri age 19 years hai aur mere stats 33-26-34 hai. Mera complexion dusky hai aur meri height 5ft 7in hai. Main model, dancer hoon aur kaafi attractive hoon. Maine school mein hi sex chatting shuru kar di thi. Main tight tops aur deep neck pehenti hoon toh saare ladke meri chuchi dekh kar pagal ho jaate hai. Main chudai karte waqt gandi gaaliyan sun kar pagal si ho jaati hoon. Main randi hoon aur mujhe gangbangs bahut...
The AuditionThere were no handcuffs on her wrists and no ropes tying her body down. She did not move.There were no locks on any doors and nothing forcing her to stay. She would not move.There were no obligations or promises that she could break and could not offer disappointment.She refused to move.She was not a slave in any true sense. In fact, her services were not wanted. She had come begging, pathetic in a way not thought possible to the man before. For months he had denied her. He was an...
by Fidget The audition: Cindy's story Cindy walked timidly into the room, her small hand shaking as she closed the door behind her. The room's layout was stereotypical, with a large wooden desk and camera on one side, and what was clearly a casting couch on the other. Cindy briefly wondered what sorts of acts had happened on that couch as she walked to the center of the room and faced the man in a sleazy-looking suit sitting behind the desk. James looked her up and down, quickly assessing...
“Beautiful aren’t they?” Roy whispered as he came behind her, putting his arms around her, cupping her breasts, rolling his thumbs over her nipples. “They look so sweet, so innocent,” Ann whispered, leaning back against him, feeling his erection pressing against her back. “Hardly innocent,” he chuckled, “that daughter of ours is a right little pervert.” “I should say,” Ann sighed, “you should have seen her pushing that wine bottle up my arsehole yesterday.” “Which end?” He said, pinching...
Mary Beth was eighteen, just out of high school, pretty as a picture, perky little tits, rosy red lips, hardly black at all considering her dad was black as O’Barma, and she was just so thrilled when I asked her out and suggested she was cheer leader material. She wasn’t exactly girlfriend material, no great shakes in the brains department, no style, no sense of humour really, so her best chance of going to uni was a scholorship. I suggested she try out for the cheer leader squad and she...
((note: story inspired by NilioJ (Harry potter spell book of desire‘s)) (Note 3. For the purposes of this story, all students start hogwarts at the age of 18, as Hogwarts is a High School/ College. ALL students are 18+. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft...
FantasyMax Shimmer sat behind his oversized black desk spreading out pictures of the young, blonde actress. Having the ability to recognize talent and to visualize the actor in the part made him a successful Casting Director for a major motion picture studio. Each time he saw his name roll onto the screen during the movie credits, Max felt important. But that was only part of the reason Max loved his job. The livelihoods of struggling young actors and actresses were in his hands. He held the key to...
With nervous butterflies in her stomach Nadine walked into the studio. She would finally become a real actress. For years her agent had only send her out on modeling jobs and told her she couldn’t act, but now for the first time she would do an actual real screen test. ‘Welcome,’ A guy with baby blue eyes reached out his hand. ‘I’m Martin the director, are you ready for your audition?’ ‘Yes Sir.’ Nadine tried to hide her nerves under a bunch of enthusiasm, but she realized it sounded...
Walking through Manchester one sunny day I cut through the back streets to an Adult store I visited regularly. I'd got to know the guy who worked there, Alan; he was happy to pass on the more hardcore uncensored stuff to me. I browsed the shop but I wasn't buying, I explained to him that I was flat broke. He offered me a leaflet off the counter."Try out for that," he said: "they're auditioning for a porn film. You tell them what you're willing to do and they pay accordingly."The audition...
The Agency Julie Taylor was not normally a shy girl, nor for that matter a timid girl in any sense of the word. At nineteen she had lost her school-girlish outlook on the world and those about her, as long as she was mix- ing with her own age group. When a perfectly normal, healthy girl as attractive as Julie looks at an older person...well, she couldn't help thinking that anyone over thirty is middle-aged, and over thirty-five they must be well past it! It was perhaps this normal...
It was about 48 hours after my first experience in the porn industry and I was back at work at hooking. I was trying to pick up a customer at the bar but there were no takers. I walked out and found Gary beside my car. I had met him briefly at the studio where I had made my first movie. He was the perfect specimen of a Midwestern hood. Mid-20’s, tall, thin, and wirey with black jeans and jean jacket over a plain white shirt. His hair that looked like it was held in place with salad oil. More...
I spotted the ad late one night while browsing job ads online. I scrolled past the ad initially, but my curiosity about the headline got the better of me. Easy Money - First Time Models Wanted - No Professionals For the record, I don’t think that I’m some sort of model. I know that I’m too curvy for anything like that, but it sounded better than the waitressing and retail jobs that I was qualified for. The first line of the ad told me that the job wasn’t for me, but I kept reading. Looking...
HardcoreHi fellow ISSians, Boys take your cocks out of your jocks and Girls put your hands inside your pants because im sure you’re gonna enjoy this story :) This story is about a famous director Leo who helps out a cute 19 yr old girl named Amelia ;) an become a star in Bollywood. Down that muddy line, poor Amelia was walking that night think about her bleak future. She was done with petty stage acts and small commercials, she wanted to go up there – where the spotlight would always be on her....
I awaken slowly, the soft light streaming through the curtains warming my still-closed eyelids. I sigh contentedly as I recall the events from the night before. I stretch my neck slightly, feeling the dried cum cracking on my soft skin. Patrick loves my hot, wet mouth almost as much as I enjoy being the masterpiece he paints when he unleashes spurt after spurt of steaming hot, sticky cum all over my face, neck, and tits. He pinches my hard tight nipple again and I realize this is what has...
ToysToday is a very exciting day for me. I had seen an ad for modelling and when I responded to it, the people actually called me in for an interview! I couldn't believe it! So, I wanted to dress sexy for it. I really didn't have much that screamed sexy, my body had started developing nicely when I was quite young and ever since then my parents have been very protective in trying to cover myself up. They say it's not appropriate to be showing off my body. But, last week I just turned 18 and I...