DominionChapter 21: Desperate Stand free porn video

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The Panama Canal was always meant to be Dominion’s stopping point. Once Washington DC fell, he sent a contingent force, led by Blight, to catch the refugees. As planned, millions of people flocked south to try and escape his invasion, both citizens of the US and the Latin countries. They were funneled through the narrowing passage of Central America, the crowds condensing further and further as Dominion’s forces advanced behind them. It was rather like emptying a tube of toothpaste.

Roads and highways were flooded with people moving on foot, carrying their few meager possessions on their backs or having nothing at all. There were no cars on the road, either because they ran out of fuel or because they’d just get wrecked by the people fighting over them. The summer sun bared down on the poor wretches, with food and fresh water worth their weight in gold. Most people had to make do with whatever they could find, from drinking dirty water and animal piss out of mud puddles to eating roadkill and rotten food from garbage bins and compost piles. The roads were lined with the dead and dying, riddled with disease or sapped of strength from their death march. Most simply died from heat stroke or dehydration.

Over the sounds of bare feet and deteriorating sneakers pattering on the ground was the wailing of the destitute. Men, women, and children wept with each step, cursing the crippling heat, the aches and wounds of travel, their dry throats and empty stomachs, the lives they had left behind, the loss of friends and family, and the evil that chased them down. The sick and dying would beg passersby for aide, but no one had the strength to extend a helping hand.

For families, one member would often become sicker than the others, would deteriorate so fast that they’d lose the ability to walk. Their loved ones would get them into the shade, try to do something to ease their suffering and hopefully get them back on their feet. Parents would offer to carry their children, children would offer to carry their parents, but the reality could only be denied for so long. They’d have to be abandoned if the rest of the family had a chance of survival, the only question was would they be left to die or would their family stick around long enough to bury them, if they even bothered to do that. Countless people skipped this stage, realizing their sick and weak loved ones, carried on their backs, had already passed away several miles back, without ever getting to stay goodbye.

The stench of the refugees was spread for miles, from the mountains of shit and piss left behind to the unwashed bodies of the living and the dead. Upon being hit with the sun and kept damp by the humidity, corpses would swell up like hot air balloons. The gases inside would build until they finally popped and vented their cadaverous fumes. Then the flies would feed on the rotting flesh and lay their eggs, and their progeny would fill the air as a black cloud, dense enough to block out the sun. Decomposition was so fast that the bodies seemed to melt like butter in the heat, and when the rains came, the mixture of liquified tissue and human waste would wash off the roads and contaminate the surrounding areas, so that those still traveling would continue to get sick.

Any towns they passed by were stripped bare. Every drop and crumb were seized, no matter what had to be broken or who had to be killed to get them. The governments would try to maintain control, try to protect their resources and preserve order. Urban areas became war zones, with police and soldiers fighting the refugees. The government forces were better armed, but there weren’t enough bullets and clubs to stop the mob.

Once the fighting died down, the towns became refugee camps, places where people would bed down for a night and then resume their trek in the morning, though the idea of getting a bed or even a roof above was laughable. Most just slept in the streets with the rats. Those already weak from disease or injuries would pass on in the night. Others would often be killed while fighting for resources. With no one to remove the bodies, the refugee camps became mass graves, though the term ‘mass grave’ implies some sort of burial. The corpses just piled up, the towns resembling the dumpsters behind slaughterhouses.

Yet this horror still paled to what awaited them. They arrived at Panama, only to find that all the towns and cities had been reconstructed into new concentration camps. The main force coming from the northwest and a smaller force awaiting in the east; it was a pincer formation. The refugees had walked right into a trap, and as soon as they realized the danger, they were snatched up for processing. Countless people tried to take to the sea, to sail to South America or some small island where they could hide out, but the waters were being watched, and even if they managed to get away, the Caribbean was already under siege.

In the months that followed, despite the halt of Dominion’s advance, the exodus continued. Everyone in the eastern half of Panama, on the other side of the canal, flocked towards South America. South America itself was being emptied, almost everyone either boarding ships and planes to escape the hemisphere, or simply running as far south as possible. Of course, there were plenty of people who believed they could hide. They hoped to disappear into the jungles and deserts, to live their lives free, albeit in fear and isolation.

Those that went south into Chile and Argentina, their life expectancy was actually shortened. If they were captured, they’d become slaves and be worked half to death, but they’d be fed and sheltered. Instead, they flocked to a landscape not meant to support such a high population density. Every resource was fought over until it was exhausted. There wasn’t enough food to go around, not enough clean water or medicine. Shantytowns were constructed in the jungles because every inch of sheltered space in the real towns was occupied. The local governments didn’t stand a chance and simply crumbled like sandcastles washed away by the oncoming tide. There was no economy to speak of, all money rendered worthless, forcing people to either barter or simply kill each other for resources.

Some people actually moved back north due to the situation. They secluded themselves in the wilderness, hiding not just from Dominion above, but the desperate masses below.

At the start of September, Dominion resumed his expansion. His forces moved through the eastern half of Panama and down into Colombia, only to find the country all but abandoned. It was utterly still, the silence broken only by the cries of the birds and the clicks of the insects. The vultures and hounds were dispatched in all directions to search for survivors, but they came up emptyhanded. So, with nothing else to do, he gave the order for the new concentration camps to be built and for resources to be collected. In a single day, the nation of Colombia fell without a single shot fired or life taken.

The next day, they took over Venezuela and Ecuador, finding only a handful of families in hiding. On one hand, the lack of people made expansion quick and easy. His forces didn’t have to slow down for capture and shipment. On the other hand, when he finally reached the motherload, that’d be a lot of people he’d have to distribute all at once. Plus, when building concentration camps, he liked having the future inhabitants close by to determine how large to make the buildings and facilities.

Guyana, Suriname, and Guiana (no longer French Guiana as it was before the war, having been claimed by the local population in the chaos years) fell just as easily. In Brazil, he started finding adequate numbers of survivors, though they had to be combed out of the wilderness like lice. Why not go farther south? Either they thought they could hide from him, or they understood that simply running wouldn’t save them.

One by one, the South American nations fell under the mighty footfalls of the spawn. For Dominion, it was just as he had expected, and no less boring. He had hoped that someone would put up a fight, try some guerilla tactics or something, but most of his trouble came from the tedium of flushing the rats out of the jungles. He was also annoyed by the number of dead bodies he found due to the mass exodus. Every life lost was a soul wasted.

Once he passed the halfway point between the northern and southern halves of the continent, he came across the refugees, running out of room in Argentina and Chile and having to search for greener pastures. Towards the southernmost point, he and his forces found millions of people diseased and starving, living in squalor with many resorting to cannibalism. They huddled next to the coast, fighting over living space and writhing on top of each other like maggots swimming in viscera. The stench of their waste and their sickly bodies was nauseating. They were too weak to put up any kind of fight. It was rather disappointing.

He had at least hoped to be able to resume his experiments like he had in the US, but everyone was already so downtrodden that the results probably wouldn’t be very interesting. Oh well, hopefully he’d get better results across the sea.

South America had fallen, not with a bang, but a whimper, and the rest of the world had come to experience whole new levels of fear. The entire western hemisphere had fallen under Dominion’s control, but everyone knew that he wouldn’t stay content with that. In Paris, France, the UN was gathering to hold a meeting on the issue, Paris being the new host city after New York was taken. This new UN was composed not of diplomats, but the world leaders themselves, as they couldn’t allow a single second to be wasted due to miscommunication or emissarial incompetence, also because all of the ambassadors from the original UN were trapped in New York. Only President Collins, the President of Canada, and the President of Greenland were exempt, originally because they were so close to Dominion’s empire and couldn’t leave their homes for even a day, but now that North America had been taken, their seats would forever be empty. The Pope sent one of his Archbishops in his stead.

Although, to state that there was a meeting taking place due to this most recent development would be inaccurate. Once New York was taken and the UN recreated, all the world leaders remained in constant contact with each other, with world leaders flying back and forth to Paris up to three times a week. When the US was taken over, the heads of state no longer bothered returning home.

Every day was a meeting, starting at dawn and going long into the night. The discussions just repeated over and over, almost exactly word for word in many cases. Nations would ask each other if any clues to Dominion’s defeat had been thought up, if any information on his true identity, the source of his powers and his monsters, the origin of that planet-destroying octopus had been uncovered, and the most recent movements of his forces.

Books on mythology would be brought out and recited, in the hopes that some ancient story might prove relevant. Maybe one country would claim to have a new weapon that would work on the spawn, some super-powered bullet or bioengineered germ. There was already a long list of failed miracle cures, from praying to every god in human history to dropping chemical weapons of every possible compound onto Dominion’s territory, in the hopes of discovering some kind of allergen. Someone even suggested setting off a hundred or so nukes at the bottom of the ocean to try and destroy Dominion’s empire with the resulting tidal waves. Everyone was running out of ideas, not that they had very many when this whole mess started.

Then they’d complain about how their own nations were suffering due to America’s destruction, such as losses in trade. Unlike before the war against the undead, very few countries received any kind of foreign aid from the US, but many nations still relied on the US in other ways. Already, mankind was suffering from perhaps the greatest economic recession in history due to the fear of Dominion. With the end of the world breathing down everyone’s necks, it would be understandable if customers didn’t feel like shopping and investing in companies, or if employees were struggling to find a reason to bother going into work. America’s absence in the global market was simply another nail in the coffin. Just ensuring food was being distributed and made available was a daunting task for every country.

The world leaders now lived in their hotel rooms in Paris. Any time not spent in meetings was used trying to run their countries from over the phone, as well as interrogating their nations’ scientists, researchers, and military commanders over any new developments they could bring to the table. They’d be lucky to even get a few hours of sleep.

The fall of South America pushed many world leaders over the edge. Almost everyone had already been self-medicating with antacids to deal with stress, scarfing them down like candy. Most were on heavy prescription drugs to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and ulcers. When the news came, several world leaders were hospitalized and Poland’s Prime Minister killed herself. Like the US and Canada, the seats occupied by the leaders of the South American nations were now vacant.

Now, today, the exhausted men and women in charge of the nations of the world once more gathered in the council chamber to discuss this newest turn of events. They all looked disheveled, no longer caring about appearances or etiquette. Few were wearing clean clothes and many had been drinking since they heard about South America. The room stank of sweat and stress, no matter how many times it was cleaned.

The chairman of the EU stood at the podium at the back of the room, about to initiate the newest of a long line of pointless meetings. He’d bang a gavel, open up the floor to anyone with something to say, and act as moderator. It was a job he was painfully used to, yet today, he couldn’t bring himself to do it, he just didn’t have the strength in him as he honestly couldn’t see any point. What hope was there? What chance did they have of surviving Dominion’s wrath?

He looked out over the sea of gaunt faces, all equally devoid of hope. It’s an ironic fact that great threats can bring even the bitterest enemies together, forcing them to cooperate in order to survive. Dominion was no different. These men and women had spent so much time together in this stuffy room, that it was like they were blind to politics. They addressed each other by first names, they gave each other a hard time and argued like children, and even let slip personal secrets as if they were drunk. It was a strange little fraternity that had formed. Fear of Dominion had torn down all borders and differences and showed how pointless political etiquette was.

The sudden rocking of the building shook him from his lamenting, and before anyone could react, a hole was blown through the ceiling and something landed in the center of the room, kicking up a cloud of dust. Security rushed in to investigate with everyone coughing on the dust, but before anyone could even get out of their seats, the cloud vanished, with every particle of smoke and drywall forced down to the ground in submission.

A nude man sat in a crater in the floor, his body curled into a ball, and with his limbs loudly cracking, he got to his feet and stretched. No one who saw him could believe their eyes, first faced with the weirdness of the sight before them, and then horrified by the true meaning of what they were looking at. They had been visited by Priest, the cult leader of ‘the Dominated’ from Portland. He now ran the concentration camp, but he was no longer human. Like Blight and Dominion’s harem, he had been infused with wraiths and turned into a homunculus.

When he came out of that mall, he was wearing a dead baby as a mask, with eye and mouth holes cut into the hollowed torso and the head and limbs hanging limply. In his baptism, that mask had affected his transformation. The mask had now become his actual face, the baby itself fused with him like a parasitic twin. The tissue was alive, but it didn’t have a soul. The baby moved its eyes and limbs without any actual thought, simply twitching like a beheaded snake. Across Priest’s lanky body, random baby limbs grew out of his flesh like branches on a tree. Even his fingers had all been replaced with the arms of infants.

Upon decrypting his appearance, several men and women vomited on the floor, crossed themselves, and even broke into tears from revulsion and terror. Had he come to kill them? Were they going to meet their end at the hands of this grotesque monster?

He held out his arms and flashed a deranged smile. “Friends, fortune is on your side. I have come to save you from despair. Your nightmare is over.” Nobody could believe what he was saying. This was a joke, right? Was Dominion offering some kind of deal? Was this messenger going to announce that he’d expand his empire no further? “You’ve made yourselves ill with worry and uncertainty, so in an act of unfathomable mercy and kindness, Lord Dominion, the one true God, has sent me to clarify the situation so that your questions as to the future may be put to rest and you may sleep soundly, comforted by the presence of an orderly schedule.

At noon on January 1st, to begin the new era of human civilization, my Master will arrive here to accept your complete and unconditional surrender. Your presence here is mandatory. At which point, every single man, woman, and child on Earth must present themselves for collection. You should know by now that any attempt at resistance is utterly futile, and those who try to defy us will meet a terrible fate. Those who quietly hand themselves over will be spared torture and death.

That gives your four months to get your affairs in order. Fulfill any lifelong dreams or desires, make peace with your enemies and spend time with your loved ones. Or go wild and set the world of fire if you so wish. Let it be a celebration of life, of the step you will all take together into the glorious service of Lord Dominion. Overindulge yourselves on the nectar of freedom, so you will not be burdened by such desires when you take your proper places in our holy temples.

That is all I have come here to say. I bid you all farewell.”

Then he rose off the floor and shot into the sky, leaving everyone bewildered and exhausted.

Try as they might, the UN couldn’t keep Dominion’s declaration from reaching the public. Even those who thought they had lost all hope clung to the possibility that Dominion would remain content with the entire western hemisphere, and he’d leave the east alone. But he had openly announced his intent to take over the entire planet. He wasn’t declaring war, he wasn’t offering negotiations, he was just awaiting the complete surrender of every nation on Earth, for the world leaders to simply bend over without even asking him to be gentle. The impotence of every government had been made painfully obvious, like a child being scolded by his parents in front of his friends.

Almost every nation was descending into total anarchy, with their governments having to sequester their assets and resign themselves to their capitals in order to ensure their survival, like a hypothermic body minimizing blood flow to the extremities to keep the vital organs warm. What few resources they had couldn’t be wasted trying to put out the fires of carnage sweeping across their countrysides. Areas outside of their control had to be severed like gangrenous limbs. The great nations of the world were reduced to city-states.

As always, the UN remained in chambers, trying to figure out their next move. They were given four months in which they didn’t have to fear invasion. That, in itself, was a godsend. The bible had stories less miraculous than that. They had one last chance to defeat Dominion, four months to try and find a way to kill him and send his demon army back to Hell.

“What I don’t understand is why he would do this. Why wait until the new year? Why give us so much time?” the Australian Prime Minister lamented.

“A cruel joke, most likely,” the EU Chairman responded. “He’s going to let us wallow in our fear. He’s announced the day of our executions and given us enough time to go mad. Rather than just rip off the bandage quickly and crush us, he’ll let our nations burn themselves to the ground. He wants us to suffer like death row prisoners.”

The room was silent, no one knowing what else to say. “I have a proposal.” The words came from the Russian president. “He said he will invade France and come here for our surrender. A cruel man such as himself, I have a feeling as to where his attack will come from.”

“Normandy,” the EU chairman muttered.

“Such an evil twist of historical irony, I doubt he will pass up the chance. I suggest we gather all of our forces together and wage an all-out war on those shores. The combined fighting power of the eastern hemisphere, with the added power of a nuclear bombardment, should the need arise. If that can’t stop him ... we move on to Plan B. That messenger said it himself: Dominion will be here on January 1st. That means we have a guarantee of a time and locations, so there will be no better chance for a nuclear strike.”

“You want to bomb Paris?!” the French president shouted.

“We’ve already lost a whole hemisphere to Dominion. What’s another city?”

“However, it will require us all to be present,” said the High Chancellor of the UIR. He understood what the Russian president was really suggesting.

“Correct. Dominion will come here to accept our surrender, meaning we have to be the bait that will lure him. There is no running, no hiding. We have to die in the blast with him. So, I suggest you all appoint your successors, on the off-chance that it works. Like the monster said, we have to get our affairs in order.”

For over a minute, the room was dead silent, with everyone mulling over the proposal. In a way, it was an easy decision. Few people still thought there was a magic bullet for stopping Dominion, that some ritual or holy relic would be discovered that would kill him. If they failed to find anything, then on January 1st, they would become enslaved and inevitably die in chains.

The Russian president’s suggestion just spared them the pain of living in a concentration camp, and if it didn’t work, then there really was no point in trying to resist. Mankind was simply destined to be crushed under Dominion’s heel. Doing this would mean actively embracing their death. This wasn’t committing suicide due to pain or depression, this was hardly any kind of escape. This was self-sacrifice that had little chance of working.

The Russian president placed his arm, wrapped in a cast, on the desk in front of him. He then drew a pocketknife and began carving away at the plaster. Everyone watched him. For months, his arm had been in that cast, but he never explained how he got hurt. “Would you all like to know how my wife died?”

The scream of his wife drew the Russian president from his private study. He had never heard his wife make a sound like that. It was a sound he never wanted to hear again. He rushed down the hall to the master bedroom and wrenched open the door. He saw his wife on the floor, left lame from terror, and being looked down upon by a wraith coughed forth from the darkest pit of Hell. Garbed in a black cloak with tentacles for limbs, it floated out of their closet towards his wife. Behind Scourge, darkness spread from the closet like oil across water, blackening the room.

“Mariska! Move!”

The president drew a small pistol from an ankle holster and raised it to fire. Scourge, his face invisible, hissed and launched something from within his hood. It was a black mass the size of a basketball and it struck the president’s hand with enough force to snap his forearm. The mass stuck itself to the wall like a clump of mud, with the president unable to pull his hand free.

“Ivan!” his wife cried out as she scrambled to her feet.

She tried to climb across the bed to reach him, but Scourge grabbed her with his tentacles. They bound her limbs and lifted her into the air, her body now like a puppet on strings. They were deathly cold and layered with an oily film, feeling like they were made from the stitched-together tongues of corpses. Scourge hissed and tore away her clothes, exposing her body, pitifully frail compared to this creature. Their hearts dropped to the sound of the fabric ripping.

Same as Dominion
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Lustful Rendezvous 8211 Part 4 Desperate Sex Needed

For the benefit of all, a brief introduction. This is a steaming story between a young man of 21 who is in the final year of his graduation and a woman of 34 who is smoking hot and married. The woman stands 5”7 tall and with a stat of 34D-30-36. The next day, I woke up, and the first thing that came to my mind was Sandy and the desperate sex I had with her. Her beautiful body and especially her beautiful sexy ass. How I wished I could ass fuck her. But I vain she had gone away. I wondered she...

2 years ago
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A Desperate Instance

Myself Peter. I was born and brought up in Bangalore. I was exposed to the sex world in a very early age. During my school days, I used masturbate by fantasizing my teachers. During my pre college I used my classmate girls for the imagination m finally during my professional degree college days I used to imagine both my teachers and my classmate girls. The incident in this narration also happened in Bangalore. The incident happened an year ago , while I was pursuing my final year of my BE...

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Desperate Night Of Masturbation And Lesbian Webcam Sex

(This is a true story. The girl is me, and this happened a week ago and I thought I should share it cause sharing dirty stories makes me horny too.) It was half past four in the morning and Roshni had had a long night. She had been working hard on a project due the next week for college. Roshni wasn’t the typical Indian girl, she was headstrong and aggressive and sexually inclined. As she was browsing websites for research on her laptop, she suddenly remembered a song she had heard earlier in...

3 years ago
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Desperate for Cock

Desperate for Cock!To be honest, I am not a desperate woman at all. I normally have enough sex to keep me happy in more ways than one. I have a wonderful husband that rocks my boat every day of the week. I also have a friend, Beth, that I see every now and then and when we get together the sparks really fly. My husband and I are also swingers. Which means we get to a few clubs occasionally, I would say about two to three times a year. Yes, I am one hell of a lucky woman.So, I am not sure how I...

Quickie Sex
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Desperate for Moms Help Part 1

Christ, how did I manage to fuck up both hands! Oh yeah, being a stupid seventeen-year-old guy with no fuckin’ sense on a four-wheeler. I’d gotten home yesterday afternoon from the emergency room and was tired and thirsty. Drinking a glass of water just before bed wasn’t my brightest idea either. I had to piss so fuckin’ bad at six in the morning, before Mom was up, and I needed her help. Dad had helped me pee and get undressed last night, but I knew he’d left even earlier this morning to catch...

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The sight of male members makes mom horny beyond her control! By Oediplex 8==3~ Inspired by the il-lust-rations of Pandora’s Box, the world’s greatest incest artist ~~~~~~ Slightly dated as to current plot of the series, this does not effect the action between mother and son. My mom and I love to watch “Desperate Housewives” on TV. I think three out of the four main ladies are hot, and I love the sexy things that go on in the series. My mom loves the hunks, and dirty...

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Desperate For Zack

I really enjoyed volunteering at Stonybrook Hospital. It was one of the easiest ‘jobs’ of my life. I delivered balloons and mail, I brought patients glasses of water, and I’d escort them to the X-ray room. It was extremely simple. The only obstacle I had was overcoming boredom. There just wasn’t a lot to do. When I tried to talk to the patients I was told to ‘mind my business’ and ‘let them rest.’ Obviously, the vast majority of the patients were elderly. It was a new experience for me, and...

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Fantastic Foreplay Lead To Sex With Desperate Delhi Housewife

Hello, everyone, this is Vikram back again with awesome experience to you, so guys and girls be ready with your tools and let’s have some fantastic fun while reading this story. Don’t forget to mail me your feedback and valuable suggestions and if any your problems which I can solve for you send me at and Firstly thank you all guys, for your valuable words of appreciations and suggestions and mostly your compliments for my previous stories, and do ping me this time also and any place I will...

4 years ago
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How I Satisfied A Desperate Single Mom 8211 Part 2

Hi, I Joginder from Chandigarh. This is my second sex story. I am 25 years old. Physically well-built and having fair skin tone. I am a Punjabi guy and my height is 5 ft 9 in. My boner is 6.5 inches long and its girth is 5 inch. I have good stamina and can satisfy any woman regardless of age. This is a continuation of my first sex story “How I satisfied a single mom – part 1”. Any girl, aunties, bhabhis and desperate housewives which need sex and want to have some good time in Chandigarh...

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VCR Desperate Housewives

NOTE: This story is set in the VCR universe created by Dee Janes. I have her permission for the story. She also looked it over and offered some editorial help. Thanks, Dee! --------------------- THE VCR: Desperate Housewives By Desperate It was Charlie that came up with this brilliant idea. He brought in the camera, the tapes, and the girl. And he's the one that brought the damned VCR. It was January, and Hinkman had just gotten home from his all-expenses paid,...

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The Desperate Bhabhi

Hello ISS readers. This is a true incident of a hot bhabhi and me which happened a few days ago. I am 21 years old and active most of the time on the internet. I keep chatting with hot women online on sites like omegle. I will not be mentioning any names to maintain secrecy. The story starts now.. One day while chatting in an online site I met a woman who was 27 years old(which she told me later in the chat).. I asked her interests and I also asked why she was on that site. Initially she was a...

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Tales of the desperate amateurs

Tales of the desperate amateurs. Tales of the Desperate Amateurs By YarianaSo there I was, nervous as hell. I was picking up my first couple to film. I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew that I had had it with asshole bosses. I also had no illusions about being an expert in something as taboo as filming porn.She was not as pretty as the picture that she had sent me. It would not be the last time that this would happen. I picked them up in front of their trailer. She had been pretty...

3 years ago
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Dirty And Desperate One Night Stand At Office Guest House

Hi friends. I am Arun and I’m 24 years old. I’m here to share with you my dirty and desperate sex with my colleague Thulasi. She is 22 years old, dark and is very sweet looking girl. She works as an accounts assistant in our company’s factory site and I work in our head office. I saw her for the first time by end of February 2014 when I made a 3 day visit to the factory to oversee some accounting work there. I got attracted to her the very first time I saw her. Her body was slim and fit body...

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Desperate Times Desperate Measures

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures "Man I hope this works out well" Kevin heard his partner state as he was sitting down in the bedroom the two share. He was glad his partner was up for this, as his parents were eager to meet him and his recent partner. Kevin himself was wearing a nice dress shirt and slacks, with his short sandy hair slicked back, framing his stocky face punctated by light blue eyes. He turned towards his partner. "Didn't figure your folks would be that...

2 years ago
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Story Of Desperate Housewife Vasundhara 8211 Part 2

Hello all, thanks for reading part 1 about the desperate housewife. Without wasting any time, I will continue my story. The next morning, I woke up a little late than usual time. My back and legs were paining, and there were a lot of love bites around my neck. I felt shy when I saw it in the mirror. But I was happy and mostly married life was back on track after that wild fuck. After this incident, I used to have sex with my hubby every night. I became a sex addict and become his servant on the...

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Desperate Actions

DESPERATE ACTIONS By Geneva Simone, a middle aged woman, comes into possession of a magic book. She uses it to foil a gang that tries to stop her geologist husband's work, but finds she has to take steps to keep the book secret. This story is a kind of sequel to my earlier stories, "Mrs. Braithwaite, parts II and III" and refers to events in these, where Simone was a main character. START The drive really didn't take that long. Once I had got onto the A1 the scenery passed...

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Subgoal sissy Desperate streamer slowly becomes a girl pt1 intro

[Hi everyone, I've been a lurker on these sites for maybe 10 years now, and I've finally decided to say thanks to the community. Fibaro, I love your work, and all the rest of you are great as well. This is going to be a slow burner, but things will ramp up. I've planned several parts out already, and hope to keep you all edging along with our character's journey for as long as I can. There will be pay-offs, but I want this series to last, to give you something to look forward to. Also,...

3 years ago
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A Desperate Gambit

Megan and Fiona return home, giggling a little and basking in the joy of being part of Miss Caitlin’s group. Caitlin had set a couple of new rules with the induction of Fiona (the two not allowed to directly to play with each other, but are permitted to watch and be pleasured together) and has also left instructions for Becky to take on Fiona as part of her mentoring duties. A twinge of disappointment courses through Megan but Becky is hardly a disappointment, the gorgeous blonde is always a...

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Joanne Is Desperate For Black Cock

She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Mike had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as she slipped a moist finger inside her. Should she pleasure herself now or later? As horny as she was feeling she decided to wait and let the feeling build up, knowing that her climax would be stronger. It was a warm day and she chose a black bra that gave her big tits plenty of uplift, a t shirt and short skirt. Amazingly she left her...

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Am I Lesbian Or Desperate For Sex Part One

Events and friends dictate how you develop as an individual. Progressing from school to college, immediately changed my view of the world, introducing me to a new circle of friends and attitudes. I met Gemma on my first day at college in the reception area. As we saw the other, we stopped dead in our tracks. It was as though we had just seen our mirror image. True, she was an inch shorter than myself but that was where our differences ended. We have long dark wavy hair, with blue eyes....

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Desperate For Fuck

By : lust4sex1979 Hi friends this is Addy again sharing one more real encounter it was a time when I had shifted to Delhi and was new in town. I do not have any contact here. I shifted to saket in Delhi. I used to go to office and come back there was no social life as such and there were nobody i knew in the city my life has become very boring and there was not much entertainment left in my life one night I decided to get a call girl and fuck her. I used to do this frequently at my home town as...

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A Desperate Gambit

Megan and Fiona return home, giggling a little and basking in the joy of being part of Miss Caitlin’s group. Caitlin had set a couple of new rules with the induction of Fiona (the two not allowed to directly to play with each other, but are permitted to watch and be pleasured together) and has also left instructions for Becky to take on Fiona as part of her mentoring duties. A twinge of disappointment courses through Megan but Becky is hardly a disappointment, the gorgeous blonde is always a...

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Desperate housewife

Hi Readers, thanks to all of you for lovely stories and it’s always great to receive you responses. Before telling you about the recent incident I wish to introduce myself to all of you who are reading me for the first time. I am 26 yr old young single guy from Hyderabad working in one of the top IT MNC. Since I had never discussed regarding one of my secret service of providing Vibrators to desperate housewives and lusty females who finds it an easy way of relieving themselves from the...

3 years ago
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Desperate for Cock

Desperate for Cock! To be honest, I am not a desperate woman at all. I normally have enough sex to keep me happy in more ways than one. I have a wonderful husband that rocks my boat every day of the week. I also have a friend, Beth, that I see every now and then and when we get together the sparks really fly. My husband and I are also swingers. Which means we get to a few clubs occasionally, I would say about two to three times a year. Yes, I am one hell of a lucky woman.

4 years ago
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Desperate to keep her job at all costs

I had employed Carly about 6 months before based on the fact that she had good experience and from her qualifications appeared that she could do the job expected of her. Carly was very conscientious and always began work before time and often stayed late when I required her to do this. As the months passed by and the work given to Carly became more complex to the level expected of the role it became clear that without significant help to do the job, Carly was just not capable of doing the job....

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The Desperate Housewife

Hi im shravan(name changed) a gigolo from hyderabad. I am 22 years old. I am going to share one of my best experiences with a housewife who is also from hyderabad. As usual I was on omegle one night and I met a female who was of 32 years old. Initially we had a friendly chat and then she said her husband was not satisfying her as he lives in the us for work. As she had insisted we exchanged gmail id and we started having deepest sex chats. After a week I told her to meet me and she readily...

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An Old Reader And A Desperate Author

Anjali was a 34 year old housewife whose life was as boring as the old black and white movies. She had a small family of three with her hubby and a daughter living in a posh apartment in a city. Her husband used to leave for work early in the morning and come back in the evening all too tired and she did her best to de stress him but that didn’t help and he could never sustain erection for longer than a minute in bed and cited office issues for stress and lack of performance. Her daughter used...

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Desperate Decision

Desperate Decision By Mark Dayette I remember it like it was yesterday, I was in college attending a small but insignificant four year school and it was my very first semester there. I was in a World Religion class and that's when I noticed this girl who stood out from the pack like no other, her name was Holly. Holly was gorgeous with long dark hair and a complexion that was pale almost tending toward the goth look. Her facial expressions and mannerisms were the haughtiest I had ever...

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My Work Colleague Was Desperate

Hello all, I hope everyone is staying safe in good health. Thanks to everyone who send me a good note on my . It makes me happy and motivates me to write about my real incident with my work colleague. In this story, I am going to share a real incident with my colleague. Her name is Priya Sinha, around 34 years. Priya is a senior person in the office. She is intelligent and has good knowledge of the process. She is known for perfection, and she was rewarded with a prestigious award in the...

1 year ago
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Desperate China teacher

I was principal of a secondary school in guangdong. I was invited to a primary school new year party. I met a fine lady, ms wong who is the head of department for maths in the primary school. We became good friends very fast. the same night, she called me and to my shocked, she expressed her liking for me. we chatted a while and I had to fly off two days later. one week later, when I returned to guangdong, she came over to my place meet me. When I opened the door, ms wong just hugged me and...

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Under the Grandstand

fine figure, in fact she's downright sexy. Her best asset is her ass. She is 5' tall with reddish blonde hair, blue eyes and a bubble butt ass to die for. We have always been a perfect match in that she is a true exhibitionist and I really get turned on when some strange man is viewing her privates. Its even better because she gets hottest when she can show her asshole and that is also what makes me the hottest. So it all makes sense. Her sexiest part is what turns...

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The not so innocent minds Ch 2 STANDALONE

There stood my childhood bestie drinking water. I thought of calling out to her but with held myself as she was acting peculiar. I hadn't even walked across the hall but she was on her third glass. The hallway is pretty crowded during the breaks so not many were paying attention to Delra but if they had, I wouldn't have minded their judging eyes. Well I put on a "looking at trash" expression and stood beside her until she noticed me. Bad idea. She spat out the water on...

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Sara and Mr Rostand

Sara sat in her desk, her stomach in knots, she needed an A on this test. Each test, which she studied so hard for, had come back to her with a lower grade than she expected. Her grade had gone continually down until she was in the C+ range. A place where she was not comfortable being. People never believed that she was a straight A student, they judged her based on her looks. Her hair was a lovely shade of blonde, that looked like golden flax. It cascaded down her shoulders, a waterfall of...

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Urlaub im Ausnahmezustand

Dieses Piepsen war nicht auszuhalten. Ein elektronisches Geräusch, das in ihrem Kopf anfing zu kreischen. Sie hatte versucht, es zu ignorieren, aber der Ton war hartnäckig geblieben. Tina hatte keine Ahnung, wie sie in diesem breiten, warmen Bett gelandet war und wem die schmale, zierliche Hand auf ihrer nackten Möse gehörte. Blinzelnd sah sie sich suchend um und entdeckte ihr piepsendes und vibrierendes Handy auf dem Parkettboden, direkt neben ihrem schwarzen Slip. Neben sich hörte sie ein...

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Der Gefngnisaufstand

Dr. Angelina Schneider wartete sehnsüchtig auf das Ende Ihres Arbeitstages. Nicht nur, dass es Freitag war und ein freies Wochenende bevorstand, es war auch ihr letzter Arbeitstag überhaupt an dieser Arbeitsstelle. Nach Abschluss ihres Psychologiestudiums hatte die Stellensuche länger gedauert als gedacht und erst nachdem sie noch mehrere Zusatzkurse belegt und ihre Doktorarbeit über „Sexuelle Gewaltfantasien“ geschrieben hatte, hatte man ihr eine Stelle in der Frankfurter JVA als...

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Professor One Night Stand

The musky scent of whiskey and cigars clung to his heavy breath as Jolie encased his tongue in another one of her ravenous kisses. The bar was crowded and people were in their own worlds; minding their own business as this sex deprived couple created their own world too.  The man began to slur in his heavily intoxicated state, “Can we take this somewhere a little more…quite?” Jolie smile mischievously before she replied. “Sure thing, come with me.” Jolie quickly finished her drink and grabbed...

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The Standin

The Stand‑inThe casino was packed with people trying to win a fortune but most were well on their way to losing a fortune. Kim however had just inherited a small fortune and was making her way through the crowded casino to her favorite machine. She had come to the casino mostly to escape her overbearing and jealous boyfriend. Reaching her machine she began playing and was soon so oblivious to the world around her that she didn’t notice the eyes stalking her. Lupe and Ruby were sisters both were...

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Turning Handstands

TURNING HANDSTANDS 1. CRASH! Ian Bradford paused at his computer, glancing up at the ceiling in growing irritation. What the hell was Aggie up to now? He had two papers due next Monday and she'd been bumping around upstairs all afternoon. The constant pounding was wreaking havoc with his concentration; he'd just written the same paragraph four times. God, he wished he'd headed down to the library this morning. His life had descended into chaos since his precocious young cousin...

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The Courtship of Miles Standish

Copyright© 2005 by Carlos Malenkov And then I'm softly touching you, gently caressing your lips with mine, holding you so very close. I'm a man of letters. A scribe. In the olden days a practitioner of the craft would have been writing letters and filling out official papers for illiterate peasants and laborers. In this age of computers and the Internet I write personal ads and letters for semi-literate software engineers and tongue-tied technical types who can't express in words their...

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 1 The Kickstand

The scene was timeless. The sun had always been hot here, the sky always cloudless. The rocks had always looked old and weathered, even when they were young and new. There had always been lizards and snakes, sunning on the heat blasted rocks. Lichen and cacti had always been the only vegetable matter hardy enough to eke out a meagre existence amidst the rocks and dust. The road though, that was new. Nothing in this desert stayed new long, and this road was no exception. It was faded and...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 15 Compacts and Understandings

Myka woke up long before dawn after a restless night. It had taken all the efforts Prince Kyftassa and she could muster to get Alyssa to go to bed instead of fleeing back to Meikar in devastation. Myka had then been rudely hauled into the room the prince was to use to be interrogated as to what was going on. By the time the handsome man deigned to let her leave, Myka was exhausted from the long ride and the explosion of emotion which she had to face that wearying day. The young Ce'al rose...

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