Taking advantage
- 2 years ago
- 24
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Teran was twisting backward and forward, pulling on parts of her dress annoyedly, as she stood in front of the throne room doors. The two doors were a deep, satisfying black and were held together by three thick, metal straps buffed to a mirror-like shine. They met at a peak instead of a square and surrounding them were white, decorative blocks rising up into an arch. Two knights in full battlegear stood on either side of the doorway, hands at their sides. Over their armor, the knights wore a maroon tabard, cinched at their waists. An intricate design of a rising sun over mountain peaks centering a knight’s triangular shield was sewn into the tabard, signifying the knights were members of the First Platoon.
Teran was dressed in a dark blue, cotton dress which reached down to her knees and her wheat-colored hair was bound in its traditional braid down her back. The dress had buttons near the neck but, thanks to the summer heat, Teran had opted to leave them undone. With the buttons unsecured, the neckline plunged deeply to show off her modest cleavage. At her waist, a black sash was tied off on her left side.
“Teran, stop fussing,” Elva remonstrated to her daughter, tucking some stray hair behind her ear. She was dressed in a white, ankle-length cotton dress, with matching yet gleaming white, flat shoes. Her dress was cut low, showing off her ample cleavage, and had a matching white belt tied at her waist. Her dirty blonde hair, normally set up in a bun, was unusually loose, hanging down around her face, and was brushed to a fine sheen.
“It doesn’t feel right,” Teran grumbled. “The shoulders are too tight, and the waist is too loose. The sash looks ridiculous bunching all that cloth. Plus, the length of it annoys me at the knees. It’s just above the knee and the constant brush of it against my legs makes me itch.”
“I think you look beautiful,” Bena gushed. The younger girl was dressed in a deep burgundy, sleeveless dress which hung to the tops of the flat, black shoes on her feet. She had a shiny, dark red belt at her waist whose ends hung slightly to the left. She had her thick, white-blonde hair swept up and piled on top of her head in a fashion which looked haphazard but was delicate and beautiful.
“Have you colored your eyelids?” Teran asked in surprise as she continued to tug at her dress. “And your cheeks?”
“The maid said it would make me look older and elegant,” Bena replied with a fierce blush.
“It makes you look ridiculous,” Teran retorted, still fighting with her dress.
“Stop fighting with your sister,” Elva said immediately. She turned to Bena. “You look fine, dear. Very mature.”
Turning to Teran, she reached out and grabbed the young woman’s hands. “Quit your wiggling.”
“Fine,” Teran growled, forcing her hands to her sides. “I can’t stand all this finery. What was wrong with my leathers?”
“Nothing,” the three heard behind them. “If you want to look like an unrefined, uneducated peasant.”
Teran turned, her lips thinning and her deep blue eyes glittering like hardened agates. “Issa,” she said shortly to her younger sister.
“Teran, the queen needs to see us at our best,” Issa replied conversationally, with a wide, genuine smile. She was wearing a light green cotton dress which fell to mid-calf. It was belted at the waist with a shiny golden belt, two thin strands hanging at either side of her center. Her long, blonde hair hung around her face down to her shoulders in gentle curves. A long, green and gold sash wrapped around her left shoulder, hung down across the cleavage evident from the low neckline of her dress, and then was tied at her right waist.
Bena’s face turned dour as she recognized her older sister’s sash as the official raiment of an acolyte of Tyln. She’d worn one herself not all that long ago, though it hadn’t exactly been by choice.
Next to her, hand in hand, was Chugad Lewen dressed in black trousers and white shirt, ruffles at the neck, and a black vest which hung loose on his thin frame. The young man’s hair gleamed and his mustache and beard had been trimmed to look like nothing so much as left-over stubble. With his brilliant, white smile Bena had to admit that it made him look roguishly handsome.
“Elva,” Chugad said, stepping forward and reaching for the woman’s hand. He took it and bent, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “It is good to see you again. I must thank you for sitting and taking care of me on our long journey here. I know I could not have been pleasant company.”
He rose up, letting Elva’s hand go and smiled at Teran and Bena. “It’s nice to see you two again, as well. I look forward to spending some time getting to know the both of you better. If Issa and I are to marry, I want you to know that you can think of me as the brother you’ve never had.”
“We have a brother, thank you,” Teran said with a winsome smile. She was about to go on, but her mother surreptitiously kicked her calf.
“Thank you, Chugad,” Bena replied with a smile, her eyes twinkling mischievously. “I’m sure all of us look forward to getting to know you better, too.”
Chugad’s smile faltered slightly as he stepped back to Issa’s side. For her part, Issa just looked slightly upset. Before she could make a remark, however, the throne room door opened.
Elva pulled the three cards from her belt and, as she had been instructed, passed them to the royal herald who had appeared in the open doorway. She’d read through the cards, so she knew they had titles and a brief description of the three of them. She didn’t agree with how they were to be announced, but the cards were accurate.
The herald glanced at the cards and smiled at Elva. It was not difficult. The woman, while safely a decade or two younger than the herald, was exquisitely beautiful.
“Thank you,” he said quietly, bowing slightly to the matriarch of the Tulat clan. He looked her over again before turning back through the door.
“Your majesties, please allow me to introduce Goodwoman Elva Tulat, wife of late blacksmith Ardt Tulat, and her daughters, Kin Teran Tulat, Ranger of the Southern Reach, and her excellency, Bena Tulat, High Priestess of the goddess Deia,” the herald intoned. He said it slowly and in a loud voice yet never seemed to take a breath throughout.
As Ataya had instructed them, they entered with their heads bowed, Elva leading the way with Teran on her left and a half-step back. Bena on her right, the same distance behind her as Teran. They walked at a slow, steady pace, not rushing but not keeping the queen and king waiting, either. Ataya had been quite clear that they should take their time but not dawdle.
Teran saw her mother trembling just a bit as they made their way down the red carpet leading to the twin thrones. “Fortitude, mom,” she whispered quietly. “Just breathe in and out. You’ll be okay.”
They kept their heads down as they walked, so they were surprised to reach the small, white balustrade separating the thrones from the rest of the room and see two sets of legs and feet at the rail. Elva looked up and swallowed, her eyes going wide with fear as she looked up at the Queen and King. Ataya had said she wouldn’t actually meet them. She’d indicated they would remain on their throne and call to them from the slight distance between the thrones and the separating fence.
The queen saw the startled looks on the faces of the three women and smiled. “Peace,” she said simply, reaching for Elva’s hand. Elva’s eyes grew even wider as she clasped hands with the sovereign. “I hear that you lost your husband,” she glanced at Bena and Teran, “and father in defense of my daughter. The reports I’ve received from Gillen Hawksley, Syl Troel and Uud Beffing tell me Ardt Tulat was a brave, heroic man who willingly gave his life that my daughter might be saved. I cannot make up for his sacrifice in any way, but I want you to know that I consider you friends and as such please feel free to call on me at any time and for any reason. Further, if you have a need – any need at all – please but ask it of me and, if I can possibly give it to you, I will.”
“Know also that the name of Ardt Tulat will posthumously be added to the rolls of knights of the realm,” the king spoke up. “He will be listed as fallen in battle and be memorialized forever in the halls of heroes. I can think of nothing more fitting for the man it is our sad misfortune to have never met but who gave everything for us and his kingdom.”
“I ... I am overwhelmed,” Elva admitted, tears now streaming down her face. “I know my Ardt was a humble man and would rail against being recognized in this way. I, however, can only thank you for ensuring he will never be forgotten.”
“It is we who should thank you,” the queen said with a soft smile. “I hear you accompanied Ataya here and kept her company. For that alone, even without Ardt’s sacrifice, we would owe you our thanks.”
“Please, Goodwoman Tulat, Ranger Teran – or do you prefer Kin Teran?” the king asked.
“Y-y-your highness,” Teran stuttered. “Kin is ... an older title, seldom used within the Southern Rangers. We have no real need of rank – we all simply do what must be done regardless of status.”
“I understand,” the king replied. “Would that we all could use such a workable system. Please then, Goodwoman Tulat, Ranger Teran and Excellency Bena, have a seat in the gallery and, after we have greeted all of our guests, you are welcome to a late supper with us.”
As the king spoke, Bena happened to glance at their thrones. The twin thrones dominated the pedestal upon which they sat, and each throne had a single knight standing behind and just to the side. Off to the far right there was a smaller, seemingly temporary chair where a large figure dressed in black trousers and a light green shirt with an open collar was sitting. Over the shirt was a darker green tabard with golden trim.
His face was dour and his angry, beady little eyes seemed to glower at them from over ten feet away. He had gentle, wavy black hair, parted in the middle, that reached down and brushed his shoulders. He was clean shaven, which only served to highlight the heavy frown he wore, thin lips set above a rather prominent jaw.
Bena knew if looks could kill, she wouldn’t be long for this world. The man seemed to take her very existence as an affront.
For his part, the bishop had been warned not to interfere by both the king and queen. It wouldn’t have stopped him from voicing his displeasure at a self-appointed high priestess for a false goddess, but he was reminded how close he’d come earlier to allowing his impatience to set back his goals. There would be plenty of time later to take care of the false priestess. She was, after all, just a little girl.
The three women curtsied, Teran and Bena awkwardly, but Elva did so as gracefully as if it were an everyday occurrence. With a smile at the monarchs, Elva grabbed the hands of Bena and Teran and walked with them to one of the benches in the middle of the gallery.
As she walked, she noted the evenly spaced knights standing stiffly against each of the walls. They were in full armor, sheathed swords hanging at their sides. Their visors were down and, though she watched curiously, she couldn’t see them so much as move.
The knights against the walls peaked her curiosity, so Elva looked around even as she sat. The benches were made of iron pine, somehow colored and glossed to a rich, almost black sheen. The throne room itself was at least forty to fifty feet long, and maybe half that again wide. Colorful tapestries decorated the walls behind the knights, with intricate stained-glass windows spread evenly throughout. The roof was high and majestic above them, its upper reaches cloaked in shadow.
Elvan glanced over the thrones on their pedestal but the pure animosity on the face of the man seated on the far right startled her. Bena saw where her mother was looking and leaned over, putting her lips to her mother’s ear. “A priest of Tyln,” she murmured. “Probably the Bishop we’ve heard about.”
The Bishop was a common topic of quiet conversation around the palace. He was spoken of in whispers and low tones. Many of the rumors had him as a puppet master, leading the queen and king around by their noses. Others had him a tragic, benevolent hero, sacrificing his time to provide wisdom and guidance to a shaky, overwhelmed monarchy. In either case, he was certainly a polarizing figure.
“Your majesties, please welcome Goodwoman Issa Tulat and Entertainer...” the royal herald broke off and the three turned. Issa appeared to be having a pointed discussion with the older man. After a few minutes of arguing, the man shook his head and turned back to the throne.
“Your majesties,” the herald started again. “Please welcome Goodwoman Issa Tulat and her betrothed, Entertainer and Hero, Chugad Lewen.”
“Chaos,” Elva swore under her breath.
“She is certainly stubborn,” Teran remarked quietly, shaking her head.
“She gets it from her father,” Elva remarked darkly. “I love the man beyond measure, but his stubbornness sometimes made me want to throttle him.”
“Mother!” Bena said indignantly. Then broke down into giggles. “Where do you think Yren gets it, then?”
“Dad may have rubbed off on him,” Teran chuckled.
“Who do you suppose those folk are,” Elva asked, changing the subject. The thought of Ardt still brought a sharp pain to her heart and tears to her eyes. She doubted she’d ever get over him.
She made a discreet gesture towards a group of six people sitting in the very front of the gallery. Like her, they were dressed in white, but where she wore a dress, they were wearing pale, white robes with hoods pulled up over their heads. They seemed almost preternaturally still, no sign of movement even though she and her daughters watched them closely for a short time.
“I have no idea,” Teran said curiously. Her head tilted as she stared at the cloaked figures, as if she might somehow learn their identity simply by staring at them.
Bena paused, her eyes losing focus and then frowned. “Deia knows but she won’t tell me.”
Her frown deepened. “Sometimes I think she enjoys surprising me.”
---- ∞ ----
Tryl asked her granddaughter.
Alia responded. The young woman was impatient. She wanted whatever the anomaly was to finally show itself. She had high hopes if they found the thing and dealt with it, she could finally return home.
Alia went on.
Tryl reprimanded the younger woman. She almost smiled. She had been her granddaughter’s age once. She remembered having the impatience of youth. She knew the impatience would recede as the centuries passed. When you had eternity, there didn’t seem to be a need to rush things.
Alia replied formally, duly chastened. Her hood hid her face in darkness, so she closed her eyes and felt for the anomaly. She could sense it near – or at least not far. She couldn’t be sure, but it seemed to be within the palace walls. Since it arrived at the same time as the princess, it seemed logical it would be within her party.
Debor observed. Tryl and Alia sat, left and right respectively, in the center of the group. Byr and Voryn sat to the left of Tryl while Debor and Kiva sat to the right of Alia.
Tryl suggested, her voice intrigued.
Tryl said in their minds, her words becoming concise and business-like.
One by one they confirmed they’d brought the thin metal rods hidden under their clothing.
Tryl continued.
---- ∞ ----
Elva, Teran and Bena watched as Issa and Chugad made it to the balustrade. The queen and king had returned to sitting on their throne after greeting the three earlier and made no move to leave their seats. Arguably, Issa should be greeted with the same warmth as the rest of Ardt’s family but, while Elva and her youngest and oldest daughter couldn’t hear the conversation, the monarchs seemed to greet Issa and Chugad from their thrones. It seemed to be a warm greeting, if distant.
“Somebody probably warned the queen and king,” Bena remarked darkly.
“Be nice, Bena,” Elva said, then thought better of it. Her lips curled downward as she watched Issa and Chugad sit in the front, across the aisle from the six figures in white. “You’re probably right, though.”
“Your majesties, please allow me to introduce Hal Ledic Scollaw Ellsworth, Arch-Ranger of the Southern Reach, and Goodman Dakin Oovert,” the herald intoned loudly.
Although not used much in the Rangers of the Southern Reach, rangers had ranks just like any other quasi-military organization. To begin with, there were three levels to the Rangers apprenticeship. Someone learning to be a Ranger started as a Kit, advanced up to Fawn and then to Cub. Once graduated from cubs, a Ranger became a Kin, which was Teran’s official rank and was the lowest rank for a full Ranger. Eventually, Teran would likely rise to become a Tor and finally a Dao. If she was very lucky, she could become a Hal, but very few rangers became what was, essentially, an Arch-Ranger. Typically, there was no need. Regardless of rank, a Ranger did what was needed and necessary. They were responsible for policing and maintaining the forests, culling the herds of animals when necessary, which provided meat and pelts to sell, cutting overgrown trees as necessary to maintain a forest’s rich diversity of life, which provided wood to sell, and even capturing poachers and other criminals, which brought in a bit of coin as bounty. The Rangers were recognized by the crown as a law enforcement group but, unlike the military, they received no actual payment from the crown. Some cities did provide payments but that was the exception instead of the rule.
Scollaw and Dakin were greeted by the queen and king as Issa and Chugad had been, warmly but distantly. The two bowed deeply to the royalty and then made their way to sit just in front of Elva, Teran and Bena. Scollaw smiled at his former apprentice as he sat but remained silent.
“Your majesties, please allow me to introduce Sir Tergin Givens, Retired Knight of the Realm and his daughters, Goodwoman Bremer Givens and young Andwynn Givens,” the herald intoned.
The monarchs rose and walked to the balustrade to greet the three members of the Givens family. Even from this distance, Teran could see Bremer blush as the queen, with a wide, warm smile, clasped Bremer’s hand in both of her own. The king was laughing as he knelt to speak with Andwynn, glancing up every now and then to talk with Sir Givens. It looked like nothing so much as a reunion of old friends.
From the side, the priest of Tyln looked on with barely concealed contempt. It was obvious he was angry but just as obvious he didn’t care for those the queen and king were greeting. Nor the queen and king, for that matter.
Eventually, the king stood and escorted the queen back to the thrones, with Sir Givens bowing and Bremer and Andwynn curtsying with astonishing grace. The three in the Givens family walked back and took the benches just behind Elva, Teran and Bena.
“The king said he would give me a tour of the castle,” Andwynn babbled excitedly. “He even called me a princess!”
Elva, Teran and Bena chuckled at the little girl’s enthusiasm and shared a friendly smile with Sir Givens and Bremer.
“The queen said she’d restart my apprenticeship in the Rangers, if I wanted,” Bremer told Teran enthusiastically. She glanced surreptitiously at Ranger Ellsworth and her voice dropped to a quiet whisper. “Do you think Ranger Ellsworth would take me as an apprentice?”
“With the queen’s endorsement?” Teran whispered back. “I’m not sure how he could turn you down.”
Bremer smiled winsomely as the Givens family sat down on the bench behind the Tulats.
“Your majesties, please allow me to introduce the First Unit of the Knottline Guard,” the herald called. “The First Unit is lead by Lieutenant Kevold Winnaker. The first sub-unit is led by Leading Field Usher Bromer Hedding and is comprised of Subofficer Ferise Chevaul, Exempted Doro Klenfel,...”
The herald droned on, providing names as the people walked in. The Knottline Guard was organized into three separate units led by a single leader in charge of twenty guards. The units themselves were further broken down into four sub-units, each with a leader leading four guards. The aisle leading to the thrones was too narrow for four people in a single line, so the sub-units lined up three abreast. The first sub-unit had lost a guard, so they only needed three abreast but the second sub-unit was even worse off as they’d lost their leader and one of their guards. One of the sub-unit had been promoted in the interim and so lead a sub-unit of only two guards.
The queen and king greeted the guard from their thrones, their voices echoing in the chamber. Their greetings were warm and cordial and the monarchs were effusive in their praise. They promised the guard a ceremony the following day where they’d be awarded medals for their bravery. The guard bowed as one and then, as a unit, turned around and made their way to the benches in the very back of the room.
The herald looked a bit startled as he began his next address. “Your majesties, it is my honor to introduce the Third Platoon, accompanying your daughter, Crown Princess Ataya Wehran, her maids, Goodwoman Caprice Worthton and Goodwoman Mulet Gyrin, as well as her ... her ... her guardian and champion, Yren ... Dray-Tulat. She is further accompanied by her guests, Empress-an Audette Illa Invar, Red Guard Legate of the Fifth Company and future Empress of the Empire of Kortho and Red Guardian Ilzu Fareen.”
---- ∞ ----
Alia said, the sound of her mind almost a whisper.
Tryl looked around carefully, peering closely at the princess’ company. She gathered, from the startled expression on the faces of the queen and king and the wide, disgruntled eyes of the Bishop Renud, that something about the Princess’ party was a bit of a surprise.
She could feel ... something. Something ... large. Something ... powerful. She could not place it, however. Her granddaughter was much more attuned to the anomaly than she was.
she asked her granddaughter. The rest of her words got stuck before she could think them.
Three knights led the princess’ party. They looked formidable in their gleaming silver armor, their heads uncovered, a brunette woman in the lead flanked by a blonde woman and a brown-haired man. Yet, her eyes barely rested on them.
The princess stood behind them, half hidden due to her diminutive size. She seemed to be nothing as much as a tiny, dainty rose so valuable as to be guarded by women and men in deadly steel. A delicate golden crown was seated carefully among curly, near untamed red hair that seemed to be haphazardly brushed but came together in total to appear as carefully coifed as either of her maids. That red hair hung around an oval, thin face, centered by a thin, majestic nose. Above her nose, her eyes were wide and inviting, green gems amid a smattering of the red stars of her freckles. Her lips were full and red, above a rounded chin.
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Before you get too excited, you should realize that this story is just about a strip club experience which I recently had. Unfortunately it did not lead to some fucking which I really would have liked.A friend and I went to a dive named Pope's Nude Bar in Palm Springs. It is a dark little hole-in-the-wall that costs $20 to get in with no liquor sold or brought in. We were the only guys in there but there were three girls working and they were fine. The club is total nudity and I was entranced...
Saturday was spent in the great outdoors biking on local trails. My mind raced all day about the prospects of seeing Jill and Emma doing a strip tease on stage. Twice, I almost got into an accident because I could not keep my mind on the trail.The day progressed quickly; after biking, we went back to the motel and took showers. We ate a lovely dinner at a place about five miles away. We returned to the motel and relaxed; all but Carl took a short nap. Just before 9pm, the women gathered up...
VoyeurWell I was 17-18 I think and I usually helped our nighbour. She was 23 years old, with well shaped legs, big breasts, long blond hair, and she always went around in clothes that seemed to shout "Im the sexiest thing in the world"!Anyway...I was helping her as usual for 200 kronor an hour. And I thought she was the hottest thing I had ever seen and this time I was wearing a pair of training shorts and a linen. And as she came into the room I got a hard-on and couldn´t hide it.-What are you doing...
We have the lovely Skyler Luv today to show us her gorgeous thick body. The way she can shake her ass makes me just want to start drooling and jerking off. She’s definitely a nice thick PAWG. We have her with Josh Stone who knows a thing or two about PAWGs, especially since those are his favorite. Skyler shows us her goodies, including a good view of her tweking her ass. It doesn’t take too long before Josh whips his cock out and Skyler was more than ready for it. Skyler’s big...
xmoviesforyouBrandi spoke nervously to her friend Jessica before she hung up the phone, "you're sure this will work?"Jessica understood her friend's fears, ever since they had begun discussing this plan of action. Jessica knew that Brandi was just starting to explore the depths of female dominance, and she knew that Brandi was worried about how her boyfriend, Brian, would react to their plan, as well as worrying about her own role. But above all else, Jessica envied the excitement that her friend was...
"Milady... he's here." The Enchantress Allura stood by the window. She turned slightly, her profile silhouetted against the evening sky. The herald gulped at the sight of her stunning figure: long silky hair, dark as midnight; endless legs leading up to a narrow waist that blossomed into huge round breasts. Her clothing left little to the imagination -- high heeled sandals accented her toned legs, while her short, low-cut dress revealed a deep chasm of cleavage. Yes, Allura was truly stunning,...
FantasyI got off the plane and looked around, finding the large red bus in the parking lot. I started walking towards it and noticed some other women, most of them young like me but a few in their 30s or 40s, heading the same direction. We didn't say anything to each other; we felt awkward about it given where we were headed. We saw a tall blonde woman with cropped hair waiting outside the bus with a smile. She waved to us. We approached, and she said, "Bags, please." We handed her our bags one at a...
My phone buzzed as I was fixing lunch. When my hands were free, I checked to see what the message had been. It was from a young guy by the name of Jeremy, around 23 or 24 years old. He'd started coming over to my glory hole earlier in the spring, and had been doing so fairly regularly ever since. He was what I suppose you could call a 'skater.' He had a girlfriend (so he claimed, and he was good looking enough that I had no reason to doubt his assertion), but, he'd mentioned before, with a...
"AGHEEE!", she screamed in fear and rage as the man sank deeper into her. She stiffened with the pain and grunted again, involuntarily this time, as her rapist jammed his cock ever deeper into her aching cunt, his strong hands cruelly mauling her large breasts. Her six foot, muscular body, deeply tanned but for the white strips at her breasts and crotch, was straining desperately but futility against the ropes at her feet and hands which were holding her nude body spread eagle against the...
Hi, guys, this is my second sex story here in iss. Thank you very much for your motivational feedback. Thanks to all the ladies who have written and are still writing. This is a big story worth spending your useful time on. We have these kinds of memorable sexperiences with positive souls very rarely. It happened a few days back and I really am aroused as I am writing this story.. Waiting for your valuable feedback yet again and everybody is welcome. Ladies from jaipur, new delhi, ncr,...
Unfolding Amy By RoseX© 2017Note: Stories by RoseX, including this one (Unfolding Amy) are available on Amazon at affordable prices. If you want to support my work (and keep the stories cumming) please consider buy one. Thanks! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078J4DJXJ - it's just .99 plus you get a nice cover!This is hardcore porn. We use all the dirty words. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. MF, MF+, MFF, D/S, Dominance, Oral, Anal, light pain.Part OneI grew up in a strict religious household...
Introduction: Maeve is kidnapped and forced to marry, but her new husbands father is angry that she has not born a child, so he punishes her… This scene was originally part of a book I am writing, but I ended up changing the storyline to allow them to escape in order to save her sister from fate worse than death. Also, for where I was publishing it online this scene was too erotic. ,) But it was too good not to share, so enjoy! If you want to read the whole story, even though this scene is no...
This is a true story about to fuck my real cousin. Her name is Soni. She is very cute and sexy. I was thinking to seduce and fuck her for so long. Finally I got the chance to make my dreams true. Main koi 2-3 saalon se incest stories internet per pad raha hoon. But meri pehli incest story mainay ek patari per biknay wali kitab me padhi. Jisme ek ladki jo chotay bachon se apni choot chatwati thi, ko uska bhai choot chatwatay hue dekh leta hai or use blackmail kar ke uski choot per lund ko dhaar...
Robby was tucking in his shirt when I pulled open the door of the winery. The second car we heard drive up had stopped, forcing us to get a move on. I don’t know how long we would have laid on top of the pallet of wine. I took a moment to brush off any dirt my t-shirt had accumulated while it was on the floor. Satisfied, I looked up to greet the new customers. Before I could shout, I heard Robby say quietly behind me, ‘I plan on continuing this tonight.’ Inwardly, I grinned. Outwardly, I...
Manufacturing a Partnership Part Two By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Maryann opened the rear passenger door of his fancy Mercedes Benz S-class coupe and loaded all the hard copies of the presentations into Blake's attach? case. When she closed the door. they were off to the meeting of their lives. as Blake sat oddly in the passenger seat. used to being the driver. You could cut the air with a knife as the tension became stronger as they drove ten minutes without saying much to ...
“Really?” I looked at mom in surprise as she held the swimsuit up from the store rack. “But it’s a two piece.” I had to keep my reply short, I didn’t want my voice to give away my excitement at the idea. I knew that there was no way dad would ever let me wear anything like it. Sophie wasn’t even allowed to wear one until last year. I thought maybe this was some kind of trick. Or a joke. Mom wouldn’t be that cruel would she? “A bikini.” Mom corrected me. “And why not?” I blinked, still in...
Delilah had been friends with the two lesbian girls for some time, and they had both tried to get her to join them, but she simply wasn't interested. Her boyfriend was always around when she was as well. Delilah was gorgeous, young and innocent looking blonde just like Sarah and Jessica, but she was a little taller, and thinner. I arrived the following day, Monday after work. I was ready to take the girls out to the farm again so they could enjoy a good fuck from the Stallions. Jeremy was...
© 2003 Have you ever been in love so bad, your bones hurt. You think of the person day and night. They get in your brain, in your blood and in your soul. You dream of them, dreams of passionate love making. Well, I've felt that way about one of the most beautiful, caring, and loving persons for most of my life. She's been there for me since the day I was born. No, it's not my mother. But, my beautiful sister, Alana. She's ten years older than me. She has been my sister, my mother,...
Lulu Chu is studying when Apollo Banks suddenly appears at the window. Normally a surprise visit from a boyfriend is a nice thing, but Lulu needs to study for finals, plus Lulu’s strict parent is right downstairs! What if they get caught? But Apollo REALLY misses Lulu… after all, Lulu’s been studying for a whole week already. Isn’t it time for a little break? Lulu admits to missing Apollo too, and agrees that a break from studying wouldn’t hurt. They kiss and get...
xmoviesforyouJimmy, His Brothers, And His Mother Jimmy, Billy, and Joey were talking rather loudly about Mandy and her twin sister Candy. They were talking about how the two beautiful girls had allowed Jimmy and his two brothers to feel them up. What they were most adamant about was that they were too scared to do more to the two girls. They were pretty sure that the girls would have allowed them to go further and that they had missed the opportunity to finger fuck them. That was when their...
Like most women, I always wondered why men were so interested in anal sex. Why would you want to put your cock in that hole when there is a perfectly good, silky smooth pussy right next door? Well this is how I came to love anal sex....Before I was married, most men I dated would ask me for anal sex and I always turned them down. To me, my ass was for one purpose and that wasn't very sexy! There would be times when a man would go down on me and would put a finger in there and it actually felt...
‘Love the one you’re with…’ Tanya smiled at the words. She remembered parking under the Franklin Street Drawbridge and climbing into the back of Rudy’s Trans Am on July Fourth. 'God, when was that? 1970, ’71?' They watched the pyrotechnic waterfall flow off the expressway bridge with the top down, wrapped in a blanket so the hundreds of people crowding the streets couldn’t see what the two of them were up to. She yelled and screamed and listened to that song, riding Rudy’s big...
Cameron had asked Rachel in the car on the way to the bus station whether or not she'd ever seen Adam naked. Rachel was confused by the question. She didn't really know why Cameron would be asking about his best friend - Adam was a lovely guy, and very good looking in Rachel's eyes, but she'd always managed to keep her thoughts on him to herself. "I don't think so. Should I have?""I was just talking to him the other night, you know how we got a little fucked up, well we were talking about sex...
ThreesomesScrambled eggs, bacon and toast prepared in the kitchen greeted Joe and guests from the Marriot. Joanne had heard the cars arrive, and started things. After introductions, including the kids, to whom the ladies from New York and San Francisco found charming little angels as most people did, the kitchen filled with the sounds of eating, a couple on stools having their breakfast at the dividing wall between kitchen and living room, the shutters open to make things less claustrophobic. Joanne...
"Are you finally done? Some of us might want to use the bathroom, you know?" called out the pretty brunette from the couch as the quartet emerged from the bathroom. "Geez Nancy, is it that time of the month already?" asked Tina. "Very funny," replied Nancy. "What is it with you trying to turn all these guys into your life sized Barbie dolls?" "It's just fun, besides I never hear the guys complaining," replied Cass. "Fix your makeup," instructed Tina. "Put on something sexy too. ...
First, before we begin the story, we have to determine your gender. Are you a male or female?
Mind ControlMary’s mind reeled at the feelings and thoughts of what had just happened, was it really true? Had Michael just proposed to her? He still was before her, still on one knee, could this be real? Or was it just a dream? They had only met the evening before, and yet she felt a bond for this knight in his pure white uniform that was unmistakable, she truly felt love, not the passionate sexual love she had had with Bret, something more, a love that came from within her heart and soul. ...
NovelsA week passed. Both Claire and Drummond were pleased with Shanti's work as housekeeper. Twice, in the company of Drummond Walker, she had found the opportunity, while wearing a short dress or skirt, to bend over, exposing her shapely legs and providing a peek at her panties and cheeks. The second time, Claire as well as her husband, was treated to the dark skinned delights. Claire's first momentary reaction was discomfort, but there was also a tingling between her legs which brought the...
I had never had my cunt licked to orgasm before I met him and the first time was a huge discovery of exciting new sexual pleasure for me. I loved the way he talked to me as he was licking and teasing my clitoris then my cunt lips as he slowly got me to a fantastic orgasm with his wet and strong tongue. He told me after as we were fucking he almost suffocated as I pulled his lips and tongue into my sopping wet cunt while he had his hands holding my arse cheeks. Every week after that he would...
I have recently started to take up golf again after a long time off. One Saturday while cleaning out my garden shed I took the golf clubs out; clubs that hadn’t seen the light of day in fifteen years, and decided that I would scrap them. Once I put them in the back of the car to take them to the dump I thought to myself: why not go to the driving range and see how it feels to hit a ball again before I throw them away? And that is exactly what I did. Arriving at the range and seeing and hearing...
VoyeurHi,Me a punjabi hot guy with a young and dashing personality, size 8″ length 3″ dia.here I would like to tell you a real story of mine, but let me put this in hindi as it will be much more enjoyable. Baat un dino ki hai jab mai 1st year mai tha.. Aksar mai college se late he ghar aya karta he, but aj jab mai ghar aya to ghar par mere liye 1 surprise that… Hamre family friend Anuj Uncle apni nai naveli dulhan ke saat hamre ghar aye huye the… Wo bhi chandigarh mai he shift ho gaye the… Mai unhe...
Morning After the Night Before - Part Two After the transformations of Halloween, we continue to observe the changes to Samantha and Olive Thanks once again to Cresser for taking the time to review, tweak and Edit the story the changes are subtitle and allow the story to flow more smoothly/ --- "Unfortunately," Olive continued, "I appear to have misplaced the charger." Helen just looked and laughed with Olive. "Sometimes the obvious is just under your nose," she said. "Here I...
As he plowed away, and as I shivered and began spewing little shots of cum with each thrust, I began reflecting on what got this girl where she is today, and reviewing the details that made me who I am and defined what gets me off. I had an affinity for satin as a little boy. As I matured I discovered my sisters satin bras, panties, and slips, and began using them for masturbation tools. At first I could be satisfied by just rubbing them on my cock and around my legs, and the smooth,...
One morning a husband returns after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out. She motors out a short distance, anchors, and reads her book. Along comes a Game Warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and says, "Good morning, Ma'am, what are you doing?" "Reading a book," she replies, (thinking, "Isn't that obvious?") "You're in a Restricted Fishing Area," he informs her. "I'm...
Famous people often have crazy fans, and trust us when we tell you SuperBull Mandingo has the craziest fans of all. Just look at Quinn Wilde, for example! She’s willing to risk going to jail just to sunbathe topless — without permission — by “Dingo’s” pool! Quinn knows the risk, but she’s fully aware of the reward, too: 13 inches of hard, hot black meat! Sure enough, she’s caught, and after a brief conversation, pretty white girl Quinn is on her...
xmoviesforyouLady Rawlings looked down at the tableau of girls before her. Her maid lay naked on the floor her legs spread wide. Between them sat Veronica her hand laid on the back of the girls knee. Diane was sat to the side gently stroking the shoulders of the exhausted innocent. 'Help her on to the settee beside me. ' Lady Rawlings said softly to her daughter. The girls got up slowly, helping Wendy to the couch. 'Lay her head on my lap, that's the way.' Diane's mother said as they helped the...
Well lets just get to it, as a young male growing up in the 70s and 80s with a mother who was very curvy. My mom was in her 50s at the time this happen. She is a true red head and fair skinned. She has some of the biggest tits I had ever seen to include some of the ones I had seen in magazines. Every chance I got I sneak a peek of her in her bra or look down her tops to see her cleavage. I also scope out her rather nicely round butt every time she bend over. So one day I was laying around the...
The party was huge. A hundred or more costumed people drinking and dancing their way around the city's most exclusive hotel's ballroom, an invitation only affair put together by Merlin Oberon, the famous billionaire turned philanthropist. The night's gala had already raised, according the thermometer-like gauge on the wall, nearly fifty thousand dollars to support stem cell research, and the fete was only two hours old. Peter Overbee was smashed. He wasn't a frequent drinker, and it'd...
If you want to start the day off right, you need a morning special, and Susy is the only chica who knows how to do it right. She will show up at your casa scantily clad and ready to get your day started with a bang! After shaking her ass all up in your face, she will slowly strip and allow you to rub her tits. Before you know it, your cock is rock hard and Susys time is up! This is where you have to spring for the deluxe package. As soon as she gets her extra cash, your cock will be halfway...
xmoviesforyouFreedom! Well, sort of. Jennifer’s parents have finally left for the weekend to spend their time together at a resort. She was supposed to go with them, but she wasn’t feeling well. The flu had really knocked her down, but she’d seen the doctor and gotten some medicine. She had to force them out the door, repeatedly telling them she’d be alright. She spent Friday night and most of Saturday in bed, but was starting to feel better. It was Sunday afternoon when she woke up. Although she felt...