S.M.O.M.S: IngridChapter 6 free porn video

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I remained with mother for another week, helping to put her affairs in place before living with us.

Lila Aggis visited. We talked in the living room.

Mother was not entirely forgiving. “Lila, it’s been too long. I tried to see you, a few times, but your son told me you weren’t receiving guests.”

I asserted. “Eric is having a difficult time, Mother. I’m not sure he would have told her of your visits.”

“No.” Lila agreed. “I’ve had trouble escaping the house. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you this last week.”

“Oh.” Mother stepped back from one confrontation to spark another. “Send Eric to live with me for a month, and I’ll set him to rights.” It wasn’t a suggestion.

“Maybe when you come home again, in a month or two.” I told Mom.

“He called me a hag, once.” Mother fumed.

“I’m so sorry!” Lila lept up, but there was nothing she could do. “I didn’t know!”

Mother got up too. “Excuse me.” She turned and headed out of the room. “Those damn pills constipate a body. I may be a while.” She sequestered herself in the bathroom.

Lila sank into her chair. I sighed, and slumped on the couch. “What are we going to do?” I spoke softly.

“You’re lucky to be free, for a few days. I’ve been under Eric’s control, every day, for years.” Her eyes looked decades older than her forty something years.

My throat constricted. I choked out a long repressed sob and confessed! “What am I becomming? I encouraged him the other night.”

“I can’t answer, Ingrid, not reliably. Every woman’s story is so different.”

“How would you know?”

“The group. I told you about it.”

“How does someone attend? How did you discover them? Are they really helpful?”

“I tell Eric, I’m getting my hair done, and I do. He has no idea how long it takes for a beauty treatment. The group may be the only thing keeping me sane, but again, every member’s experience is different. You may find it a waste of time. You seem more in control of your situation.”

“It’s a sham.” I dropped my head into my hands. “He’s gaining control over me. I-I see how I’m being trained. I don’t think I can stop it.”

“Come with me, in two days. I’ll square it with our coordinator.”

“Maybe.” I wanted to go, but in my heart I feared redemption. “Mother may have plans for me.” I weaseled. My lower thoughts rebelled out their inner darkness. “You need to go to your son, and give yourself to him completely.” Guilt and shame overwhelmed me. I resumed crying.

“What’s the matter child?” Mother returned from her ablutions.

“Lila told a very sad story.” I prevaricated.

“I should go.” Lila stood in Mother’s presence.

“I’ll let you out.” My mom opened the door for her guest. “Please, do come again.” She meant it.

I heard her close the door, but I continued weeping into my hands.

Mother sat next to me and took me into her arms. “I should have hugged you more, Ingrid, when you were growing up. I-I’m not good at comforting. My father-”

“Oh, Mother, you’re wonderful!” I hugged her, suddenly happy to let my tears flow.

Two days later, I rang Lila’s doorbell. Eric answered, but I refused to enter the house. I told him, “She wants to introduce me to her beauty clinician.”

He eyed me and licked his lips. “She’s coming.” He grinned. Behind him, there were sounds, a woman’s voice, low and evocative.

“I can wait.” I backed off from the token porch. Two minutes later, Lila, deeply red-faced, shuffled out. Her lips signaled trouble. I kept quiet until we climbed aboard her SUV.

“What’s the matter?”

“I-I” Her speech failed. She started the engine and backed out of the drive way. Lila steered somewhat erratically. Turning right at the first intersection, she drove half a block and pulled over. Then she doubled over in her seat. “Oooohhh!” She gasped and clutched her groin. I saw something moving under her skirt.

“He’s such an idiot!” The housemom declared. She reached under the folds of her skirt and plucked out a small, egg vibrator. “After the first cum or two, these things dry you out and hurt!”

I gaped.

After recovering some comfort, Lila drove us to a beauty parlor. She didn’t care which one. She had quick work done while I waited. Exiting, we rode to the edge of town. It was a nice area. She pulled into the parking lot of a gentleman’s club.

“Lila, I don’t think we have the same idea about sharing experiences.”

Uncharacteristic humor lit her face. “Silly. This establishment doesn’t open until nightfall.” We climbed down from the SUV. She led me to a side door and knocked. I was disappointed when she didn’t speak a passcode. The door opened, and the lady inside ushered us to the meeting room. It smelled like stale sex. More members arrived, and they lit a candle.

I’m not going to reveal that group’s stories or describe them. In the most important ways, none of them were special. Yet all of them suffered exceptional emotional labor at the whims of their son or sons.

I shared my story with them. In comparison to theirs, mine was as traumatic as a scraped knee. None of them judged me. They encouraged me to fight. Some of them had resisted more successfully than others. All agreed, the lower you fell, the greater you suffered. Poor Lila had fallen very low, but she wasn’t the one worst off. Her comment about the differences of their experiences sank into my soul. Their session ended when the candle burned out. I left by myself. Each member must, to avoid revealing secrets outside of the group. When I reached Lila’s car - she waited there for me - I fully understood the power of sisterhood. We embraced and had a good cry.

On the return trip, I grilled her for everything she knew about the organization. It mostly wasn’t. Hers was one of many groups around the world comprising an organization in the loosest sense. Most are in America where it started some time after the civil war. No one knows who started it or where it began, but it languished until a woman during the fifties managed to bring discipline to arranging the forums. The women who could, took proactive efforts to introduce others. Before then a few lucky hundreds of women were helped. Now it’s guessed that tens of thousands of son ravished mothers meet in secret. It still isn’t officially an organization. There aren’t leaders. Most circles hardly know one other. Unlike AA, if you’re lucky enough to be invited into a group, that’s the only group you’ll likely ever have.

Instead of history, there is legend. In the aftermath of the civil war, particularly in the south, so many husbands and older sons died in the war, a majority of wives and mothers took control of their farms and businesses. A tiny fraction of those women could not escape their conditioning to oblige male supremacy. They fell to the whims of their younger sons. These barely adolescent boys, struggling with the loss of fathers and brothers, and urged by the onset of adult hormones, took sexual control of mothers with submissive personalities. One amazing woman established the first group, against horribly oppressive social norms. The story Lila told mesmerized me. It would lay within, like a seed, dormant for months.

She dropped me off at Mother’s. Thanking her one last time, I lost my voice when I recognized how she shifted in her seat. I looked for the vibrating egg. It had vanished from where Lila, I thought, had rid herself of it.

She blushed, knowing what I suspected. “Please, do not judge me.”

I shut the door, speechless. Instead, I shook my head. “No. I never would.” I tried to communicate. She smiled, eyes glistening, and drove back to her son’s domain.

“You don’t look all beautied up.” Mom observed upon my entrance.

“I’m more beautiful on the inside, now.” I told her.

Days flowed into another week. I had packed the car. Mother make a few final calls to her employees and to her doctor. She was well on her way to recovering, he told her.

“The next two months will be easy as pie.” Mom smiled. We climbed in her car and rode off into the sunrise. Mother drove.

“For a ten year old, minor car line, this Ford Focus has an engine that rivals electrics. I made a few, special modifications.” Mother sped down the freeway. At one hundred miles per hour, it glided down the road as if it flew above it. Twice the highway patrol pulled her over. Each time, Mother spoke with them matter of factly, confessing her guilt, blaming her age, and flattering them like a Georgia flower. “They don’t even log the infraction on their computer, when I’m done with The Man.”

A five hour trip was made a four hour trip. The difference wasn’t as great as I expected. Cop stops took a big bite into our travel time. We arrived before noon. We’d had breakfast before departing. I made lunch in my own kitchen after nearly a month away. The men unloaded my mother’s things and installed them in Garrick’s office. He would have to work at his company for the next month or two.

Later that day, I signed Mother up at the local, consulting doctor’s office. That night I resumed conjugal visits with my husband in our bed. It was as fulfilling as ever. We fucked like lab animals subjected to pheromones and separated by a partition, after the partition had been pulled out. The second night, we made love.

It took another week for life to settle into a new routine. It pleased me greatly that, all the while, Andrew couldn’t find one minute to collar and use me. His balls must have been dark blue from weeks of backed up cum, or he broke his promise to stop masturbating. Half of his summer remained.

I settled into my old routine at work. Claire filled me in about fires, those she had put out and those ongoing. She had handled the job better than I expected, and I knew her to be incredibly capable. I invited her to meet my mother. Our schedules didn’t sync up for over a week.

The designated night saw the best meal ever prepared in my home. Everyone pitched in. Garrick grilled the salmon. Andrew made garlic potato smash, his own invention. I sautéed young asparagus in lightly peppered butter, until their rigidity barely softened. Mother roasted eggplant over a burner and seasoned it with truffles and delicately simmered leeks. Claire brought a black forest cake she had made from scratch. It was a crowning taste to the wonderful dinner we shared.

Afterwards, Mother extracted story after story from our guest, until I had to separate them. “Mom, I swear you’re bleeding her pale to expiration.” In my home, I was freer to be assertive with Mother. “Oh, you.” She waved me off. My distraction allowed Claire to escape to a swiftly struck up conversation with Andrew.

Garrick informed that he had finished cleaning the grill. “Now you can start on the dishes.” Mother announced. My husband didn’t dare argue, but he flashed me a WTF. “I’ll help.” We tacked the pile with aplomb. Fortunately, we owned a dishwasher. I had capitulated almost a year ago.

“Andrew has been acting odd, since he returned from your Mother’s.” Garrick started.


“He created an encrypted folder on the computer, and he’s been taking his car out for hours.”

“He said he went to the race track, yesterday.” I reminded.

“It’s either that or the university.” My husband worried. I didn’t. Our city was lucky to have one the best in the state. He deciphered the skepticism on my face. “You had to be here.”

“What about his part time work?”

“I asked him that. He said he’s been earning enough for his car and occasional pizza/movie nights, under the table.” Garrick related. “When I pressed him, he told me to trust him.”

“Do you?”

“Since when was this about me?” He got defensive.

“Honey, you just raised enough red flags to turn America communist.”

“And he’s been spending a lot of time with your mother in her room and in the garage.” My husband’s evasion succeeded brilliantly.

I stopped talking. My brain spun ouy possibilities like a million monkeys typing. We finished the hand wash items and loading the dishwasher, long before my brain stopped typing out dire possibilities. Garrick left me standing in the kitchen, like a wall unit. Wait, how would my husband know what Andrew’s been doing, while he and I are both at work. A worse thought batted that one out of the park. What was my sex deprived son doing with my mother?

“I’m teaching him to be a mechanic.” Mother told me the next day. “He’s already getting odd jobs on Angie’s List. His rating is top notch, but it could be improved.” Mother never settled for less than perfection. But why would Andrew keep this effort to himself?

“I wasn’t sure I could live up to Grandma’s standards.” He told me that night.

“Andy,” I assured, “Nobody could!”

“Well, she’s not the same since she moved in with us.”

“Yes, here she doesn’t have absolute control. And she’s been through a challenge we can’t possibly measure. Mother made a terrible mistake taking those drugs. It nearly killed her. Now she has to forgive herself. From what she’s mentioned about her father, he wasn’t at all forgiving.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Actually you’re helping, distracting her from the troubles with what she loves most, but you’re also slowing her progress.”

“Now you’re sounding like the tough-love goddess of the family, instead of her.” He chuckled.

“Why are you spending so much time at the university? You have another year of high school.”

“Summer won’t last forever.” Was all he’d tell me. Truth was, I trusted my son. I knew the dark secret of his heart. Other than that, he was strong and capable and moral. Garrick trusted the boy because he’d given up trying to inspire him. The son’s personality was already outshining the father’s. Too, Garrick deeply loved his progeny, and he also believed Andrew was a good man. What wasn’t there to trust? If only my husband knew. I prayed he never would, and I am an atheist.

Two days after the party, the dice rolled in Andrew’s favor. Actually, he had been working for this opportunity for two weeks. Mother was getting her check up and maintenance prescription. Garrick was still at work, and I ended a short day. My son met me at the door with my collar.

“Not now, Andrew.” I resisted. “Mother will be home at any moment.

“You’re wrong, Mom. I texted her about the wait. You know how crowded those public rehab clinics get. That gives us more than an hour. Now take your collar like a good bitch.”

“Don’t expect much.” The noose tightened once more upon my neck. “I warned you, things would be different now that we’re back home.”

“Say what you want, Mom. Now go into my room and take off your clothes, everything.”

“AUGHH!” I exclaimed my frustration, as my body moved to obey.

I waited nearly five minutes for him to check on my compliance. He entered carrying a small plastic lunchbox that looked like a tool box, or maybe it was a toy toolbox. He nodded and drove his eyes up and down his mother’s naked body. “Good. Now bend over, putting your hands on my bed and pushing out your butt. Today, we’re going to learn about ownership.”

“Andrew! I will not accept being violated by you, I’ll fight with conviction. You may be stronger, but it won’t be any fun. I know you would never rape me.”

“Don’t be sure about anything, anymore, Mother.” My son growled. “I may not ‘rape’ you in the classic way, but your consent isn’t worth a piss when you’re wearing that collar. Put your hands on my bed and stick out your butt.”

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I was a younger man at the time around 45yo 6’2′ 210lbs and had been separated from my ex wife for several months. I was a frequent patron of a local bar after work, and stopped in for a few beers after work. The bar was pretty quiet except for the juke box playing country music, with only a few people sitting at a table at the back end of the bar.  I noticed Judy sitting at the bar alone talking with her friend the owner. I had always been attracted to her so I sat down on the stool next to...

2 years ago
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Blackwater Cove II A Neighborly Affair

I can remember the first time I fell in love vividly. Her name was Carol. She lived next door to us. The problem was she was older and married. Her son was two years behind me in school. I was an average kid from an average family. I played on the Blackwater Cove High football team. I wasn't the best athlete or the worst. My grades in school were routinely in the B area. I'm average height with an average build. My mother was a nurse and my dad worked for the local cable company. The point...

2 years ago
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Period of AdjustmentChapter 10 A Spectacular Detective

I slept well that night, but images of a beautiful blonde drifted through my nocturnal thoughts. I awoke rested, but well aware of those images and the effects they had on me. I was surprised that this woman was having such a dramatic impact on me, and I was determined to spend more time with her if she would allow it. "Good morning, Colin," Cassie sang. She was in cheerful spirits as usual. I saw a crepe pan on the stove. "Are you making what I think you are making?" fingers...

2 years ago
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JeanChapter 3

Three days have passed since I had the most sex in my entire life, so I spent this period of time away from my girlfriend Kim, her sexy sister Kyra, and that hot clerk Pam. Well, today was supposed to be like the others, except, I had a date with Kim to go to that night. Until, I had to postpone when something unexpected happened: When I got up in the morning, I had what most guys had which was ‘morning wood’, so, I decided to remedy the problem. I got out of bed and did not bother to get...

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Swapping Of Moms Seducing Of Mom And Fucking Her Ass

In my earlier story you might have read how I seduced my mom and fucked her. After reading that I got response and I found a matured aunty and we met and had sex and I helped her in seducing his son and swapped. So the story goes this way. So let me introduce my self Vikrant age 22 6ft. Sporty fit guy. My mom Vishaka now after sex her size is 36d 32 38 Now aunty Rupa age 44 figure 34d 32 36 5ft 3′ Her son rupesh 19 5’8 . So the story goes this way I met Rupa and we had chat she said she...

1 year ago
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Her Toy 2

2 Your tongue sweeps outward into the air, time after time and then finally you look at me with a pathetic little pout. You want it. I want to see you get it.... so why are you restrained baby? What's stopping me from giving this to you. You look back at that little slut and her eyes are closed, lips open and she's just fucking cooing like a little slut in anticipation. The pressure at your neck is constant and even, reminding you that you just can't have it until I release you into...

Group Sex
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Sarahs Nightmare

“Won’t be but a moment, Sarah. I was told that I might have to wait for a few minutes since the offices are in the basement.” My dad brought my attention back to him and the door. I noticed he was fidgeting, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him fidget before. Must be an important client he needed to get papers from. My gaze wandered around as he rang the doorbell again. Briefly I wondered why he picked me up from school early fifteen minutes early instead of letting me take a bus home. ...

3 years ago
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Probleme der High Society

Martin war ganz gespannt, wie Ralf seine Planungen aufnehmen würde. Ralf war dafür bekannt, daß er bei der Ausführung seiner Aufträge Wert auf äußerste Präzision legte. Er war immer noch verwundert darüber, wie er zu einem derartig wohlhabenden, aber auch skrupellosen Auftraggeber gekommen war. Ralf hatte allen Grund auf ihn sauer zu sein, schließlich war Martin in Ralfs Haus eingebrochen und hatte sich mit Ralfs Frau eine ganze Zeit vergnügt, womit Simone – Ralfs Frau – nicht gerade...

2 years ago
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Locked Inside

One of our first products was a fairly sophisticated alarm system I helped design myself. I was extremely proud of this new product. It took advantage of the fact that most burglars do not walk in through the front door. Most burglaries of businesses involved tampering with the either the power going into the building or the alarm itself to disable it. Our new system took this fact into account. The doors of the businesses we installed the system in had special locks. These locks were kept in...

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21Naturals Amber Deen Upload my Orgasm

Amber Deen convinces Tarzan to take a little break from the keyboard and come dial her digits for a few minutes. The lusty platinum blonde has all the equipment he needs: sexy natural breasts, beautiful full booty, and a slim babe figure. He leans in to lick her pussy while she purrs with pleasure at his skill. Amber is hungry though, and thankfully Tarzan offers his big dick to be swallowed by her deep throat. Spreading her bubble butt wide, she takes him deep inside her pussy as he thrusts...

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‘Things are not always as they seem,’ Nancy said, smoothing the boy’s hair. She let her hand linger as she pondered if it was time to take the shears to his thick, dark locks. He had come through the door with a look of excitement on his face. His exuberance was always a joy to her, but she had cautioned him that the younger children had gone to bed and were not to be disturbed. ‘Joshua, what has happened? Why are you late?’ She motioned for him to take a seat next to her. This was their...

1 year ago
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Billys Machine Malfunctions

Kimberly was getting ready to head over to Billy's house as she had agreed to help Billy test out a machine he had been working on. As soon as Billy told her about what the machine is meant to do Kimberly was completely on broad to help out. Kim is rushing as she told him shed be there around 12:00 and its 11:45 and shes just now gotten fully dressed. Somethings already going wrong which wont be the last of that today but Poor Kimberly didn't have a clue what was coming for her! Kimberly rushes...

1 year ago
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NaughtyAmerica Lana Rhoades Stella Cox VR 22607

What’s better than showering one beautiful woman with gifts before she reciprocates with the best sex of your life? Showering two beautiful women with gifts and having an intense threesome! Your girl for the night, Lana Rhoades, brought her sexy British friend Stella Cox to play, just as you had requested. When they see the lingerie you’ve purchased for them, along with the stack of cash you hand over, their pussies start dripping all over the hotel floor! Take in their big natural tits and...

2 years ago
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Cindys makeover

I would like to share my latest cross-dressing experience. Like many cross-dressers, I dress up part-time. I am married and my wife does not know of my fetish of warning woman clothing. My dressing need stems from my enjoyment to the attention I received from admires. I am new at this cross-dressing having only started dressing five years ago. Many cross-dressers started their fetish when they were young, preteen or in their teens. As a cross-dresser, I now pay more attention to woman's...

3 years ago
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One Hand Luke

The wind swept through the valley, relieving some of the heat of the day. A cowboy wearing a black Stetson and black chaps rode into town slowly on a black horse. He looked ragged from days of travel, his left hand gripped the horse's reins tightly.He stopped in front of the saloon. He was in his mid-twenties, his light blonde hair contrasted with his black hat and a grey shirt.He climbed off his horse, quite aware of the town people looking at him. He smiled, he was aware of his reputation....

4 years ago
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My First Time

Everyone always looks back on their first time and remembers what it was like to experience the touch of another person, the joys of the build up. Most say they were confident, other say they were nervous, me on the other hand, all I can remember was being incredibly horny.It all started in year 8 in high school where I began to develop my first love. Well I say first love because that's how I felt at the time, in reality it wasn't as romantic, just a big crush or lust for Hunter O'rielly. He...

3 years ago
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MFelixSprite present Whores Lies and Sinker

Friday 8:36 AM Charlotte knelt on the king-sized bed, her slender legs parted, her soft white ass nestled between her thighs as she went about the task of folding laundry. She quietly hummed while listening to the shower door slide open, glancing once towards the bathroom as she deftly folded a pair of green lace panties. She listened for the sound of the electric shaver, smiling to herself at how well she had memorized her lover’s routine. Shower, a quick shave and a thorough brushing of...

2 years ago
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Luna Meets A Bounty Hunter

The harsh chords of Motorhead’s Ace of Spades pierced the air as the lone occupant of the house sang along. A hard knocking somehow made it through Lemmy’s gravelly vocals and brought a halt to the single woman concert that had taken over the living room.“Hold on!” the occupant shouted while lowering the volume and shuffling over to the door wearing yellow ankle socks, pink booty shorts – white draw-strings tied in a bow at the front – and a wife-beater.She gazed through the peep-hole and...

3 years ago
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The Booby Trap

The Booby Trap by Jennifer Chapter 1 The pale flicker of neon light bathed my face as I sat intently reading the sports page in the insulated environment of my car. Every now and then, I took a swig of my luke-warm coffee and looked out at the sleazy streets that surrounded me. "God this really sucks." I thought in disgust. "It figures that I'd get stuck subbing for Livingston, a guy that works the fucking red light district!" My thoughts were abruptly broken by the sound...

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The Watching HusbandChapter 3

"Are you sure this is the place? It looks awfully fancy so far." Kate looked down again at the instructions that Sam Dagon had written out for her. "Yes, it says turn right... I keep telling you, it probably is very fancy. Mr. Dagon has a great deal of money, I'm sure." "O.K., O.K. It just seems like we've been driving forever, that's all!" Tim felt in a very ill humor, although he was glad to have liquidated all of his problems with the apartment back in San Francisco without...

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Chapter 1 After college with a degree in accounting. I went to work for a large CPA firm, the only woman who was a full CPA. For a couple of years it was work, work and little time for men or recreation. When my vacation time had built up to the point of using it or losing it I set up a trip to Jamaica. A girlfriend of mine laughed when I told her where I was going. She told me that Jamaican men have the biggest thingies in world she read on the Internet. We laughed it off after a little more...

4 years ago
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A Freebie for Randy continued

The Saturday morning after giving Randy a freebie I awoke feeling happy and very horny.I was still lying in bed enjoying the smooth feel of my soft skin and the silk camisole and panty set that I put on before bed.  While I was having a good time with myself and my favorite dildo, I heard a knock on the door.  Leaning towards the window I saw the UPS man walking back towards his truck, and I knew that my new outfits had arrived.  I quickly jumped from the bed and dashed for the front door to...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Lovely Young Housewife 8211 Part 2

Hi readers I am back with the 2nd part of my story”Sex with a Lovely Young Housewife” wherein I had shared my experience of having 1 on 1 sex with SIMRAN. After having cum all over her tits and satisfying Simran, we lay down together and shared a smoke and she said that she had more surprises for me if I was still ready for it and had the time. Maybe looking at my age she did not think I would have the stamina for more, but I may be old but I still have a lot of energy and in fact people do...

1 year ago
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The two of you make it back to the hotel room. "I have a special surprise for you," he says. You sit with anticipation on the couch. Walking to your bags he returns with a dark red scarf. "Close your eyes."  He wraps it around your head tightly, tying it into a blindfold. "I have a whole night of sensual pleasure in store for you." You are unable see anything but this only serves only to heighten your other senses. He kisses your lips, his tongue lingering for a while with yours. You hear a...

Group Sex
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Anne Marie Submissive Slutwife

Introduction: Anne Marie treated like a Slut in front of hubby I havent written about my hot wife in a while, so I figure its time to fill you in on her latest sexploit. Anne Marie is 40, looks 27, and fucks like a 19 year old. Shes tall, tanned skin, with long wild dirty-blond hair. Her legs and ass are perfect. I dont mean perfect for a 40 year old, I mean just perfect. Toned, rounded in all the right places and tight as a drum. Her 34 B tits are perky and her nipples (nipple ring on the...

3 years ago
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Retro Rookie CopsChapter 3

Arvin Allhigh was the next criminal higher-up on our list. His specialty was armed robbery and his phobia was music. Well, not actually music as such, but rhythmic noises. I suppose he could tolerate rock-and-roll, but swing would have killed him! Allhigh was a sphere with arms and legs, 3 of each. He also had 3 eyes and 3 ears, equally spaced around his equator. His nose and mouth were at his north pole and his waste elimination system was at his south pole. Don't ask about his genitalia,...

4 years ago
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Relationship Between Mom And Son 8211 Part 2

Airport se lautte hi hum log flat pe pahuche maine mom ko parking pe hi drop kiya aur phir mai apne office k liye chal pda aur mom se bolo ki mai 2 ghante mein aa jaunga…. Kaam khatm kar k jb mai aaya toh us tym 6 bje hua the shaam k main andar gaya to dekha mom sofe pe baithi thi unko dekh kr toh mai ekdam se mst ho gaya woh single piece pink colour ki dress phene the aur unhone skin colour ki stockings phen rakhi thi jise unke pair bahut hi sexy lag rahe the maine to aaj mom ko chodne ka pura...

1 year ago
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The Journey Ch 07

Rabbit ran, cursing the weight of the girl the entire time. He had to find his way down to the core, and that meant passing the hydroponics facility. The place gave him the creeps, even worse than the floor where the geezer ran the show. Prometheus (or Johnny, Rabbit reminded himself, not willing to credit the bastard with his choice of title) had woken up the hospital wing, the terminal patients, and had them working their final days in slave labour, in order to feed his cronies. Many of them...

2 years ago
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Relaxing Break

A few years back my wife and I went on holiday to Jamaica, it was an all-inclusive package deal and as soon as we arrived we kicked back and relaxed. On the second day we went to pool for a change from the sea and found just one other couple there a white woman with her black partner.We started to talk to them and it turned out they were American she was in her fifties and looked quite fit with blonde hair and a lovely figure topped off with huge boobs, Her partner didn’t say much and she...

1 year ago
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Modern Family Mannys PillsChapter 12

“Well, this is working better than expected,” Dr. Arvin Fennerman smirked as he witnessed the effects of the pills that he gave Manny. Everything had gone better than he ever thought, but now it was time for him to tie up the loose ends and reap the rewards. His revenge on Haley wouldn’t be complete until he did so. Arvin grinned as he used the key that he had copied from when Haley gave it to him some time back. He walked inside the Dunphy house and simply, quietly placed tape recorders in...

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