JudgementsChapter 61 free porn video

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"How is she?" Hope asked Marcus as he eased the bedroom door closed.

"Sleeping." He rested his head against the wood of the door for a moment.

"How are you?"

"Me?" He turned to face her, surprised by the question. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not." She stepped away from the sofa beckoning for him to follow her to the garden.

"I'm fine, really," he assured her but followed her nonetheless.

"You're angry," she told him, once they'd emerged into the damp air. The recent rain prevented them from sitting on the grass, so they leant side-by-side against the wall. "I can understand you being angry. She hid things from you, but..."

"I'm not angry with Shawna," Marcus interrupted. "I'm angry with... too many people, I guess. Mark Williams, Connor MacNamara.

They're top of the list at the moment."

"Well, you need to get over it. Shawna needs you. When she wakes up she's going to need to know that you don't think badly of her."

"She knows that already."

"But she's going to need reassuring." She saw him frown, and cut off his question before it started. "She'll be feeling low, right now. She's just come out and admitted some of the things she feels guilty about in her life, and she's been taught not to have that high an opinion of herself. We need to have a high opinion of her, and she needs to know that."

"I'll tell her."

"Show her, Marcus. And you need to work this anger out, too. She's picking up on your tension, and it worries her."

"Why would it worry her? It's not aimed at her. I told her that."

"And because she doesn't always have a high opinion of herself, she assumes you're lying to try and make her feel better."

"I don't lie to Shawna."

"Did you talk to her about what your Dad said?"

"Not yet."

"A lie of omission is still a lie."

"I'm not lying. It's just not a good time yet," Marcus told her, on the verge of tears.

"You're worried about it, aren't you?" Hope realised, stepping a little closer.

"I have to talk to her about it, but..."

"But what?"

"But what if he's right? I'd rather find out later than now."

"Marcus, it's not a foregone conclusion, you know. I don't think he's right, I don't think she's going to leave you for m... for someone else."

"I do."

"Why? Why would you think that? What has she done to make you think that?"


"Then I don't understand."

"Because I would. If I had to choose between me and you, I'd choose you. THEM, I'd choose them."

"Of course you would, but you're a guy."

"Even if I weren't... She doesn't need to be lumbered with me for the rest of her life. I can't take her out places. I can't have kids. I won't be able to get a job, I..." He cut off as Hope placed her hand over his mouth.

"Shawna isn't the only one with too low an opinion of themself sometimes, you know."

"I have strengths," he countered, "but they aren't in those areas."

"Maybe that's why Shawna likes you. She's already strong in the social areas. She doesn't need that sort of superficial reinforcement. She needs someone she can trust, someone she can believe in. You told me you like Shawna because you felt comfortable around her."


"Well, all those social things she likes, she's acting. Pretty much everyone is. We go out into the world and we put on a face for the world to see. You don't. You're always you, no pretense, no deception. That's one of the reasons you sometimes struggle. Maybe that's what she needs when she gets home. Maybe she's happy just to have that."

"I don't know," he said and shrugged, turning to watch the little wooden duck atop the shed spin its wings in the wind. "How do you just let go of anger?"

"Forgiveness is the easiest way, I find," she told him quietly after a moment's thought. "Prayer. Church."

"Forgiveness? I can't forgive what Connor did. Nor Mark Williams."

"I have. Connor, I mean."

"How? How can you just... after what he tried to do to you?"

"Why did he do it? Is he that lonely, that desperately sad, that he feels he needs to do that?"

"No, he can click his fingers and Yvonne's there for him. He doesn't do it because it's his only option. He does it because he enjoys it."

"Maybe. I can't believe deep down that he gets the same sort of satisfaction from it that you and Shawna get, or Tony and Lorraine."

"That's... That's not enough of an excuse for me to forgive. Those aren't rights to which he's entitled. They're rewards for being true to someone, for... for not being a self-interested cock."

"Well, what's your suggestion for getting rid of this anger, then?"

"I just can't get past the idea of going round there and hamstringing him or something, something permanent. Shawna has to live with this for the rest of her life. You nearly did, and all he's got is a caution for affray that comes off his record in three years, the same as mine does."

"Violence just begets violence, Marcus. If you hurt him, he'll heal and then come after you again. Or worse, after someone you care about."

"Not if you do it properly," he muttered, thinking of several ways that he could.

"Perhaps." Hope shrugged. "He doesn't have to come after you physically. Imagine him sending letters to Shawna for the rest of her life, reminding her of what he did..."

"I can't believe you can just forgive him like that."

"Maybe it'd be different if he'd actually succeeded with me," she conceded. "I don't know."

"Well, how do you feel about Yvonne? She raped you."

"No she didn't." Hope tried to laugh it off, but Marcus was obviously serious.

"She drugged you, and then coerced you into something while you weren't capable of rationally objecting."

"She was drugged too, Marcus."

"Extenuating circumstances, perhaps, but that doesn't change what happened."

"It's not like she forced me..."

"She didn't have to. She drugged you into compliance."

"It wasn't like that."

"Then what was it like?" Marcus turned on her, his voice rising a little. "What have I got wrong in that?"

"She's... People have hurt her, Marcus, deeply hurt her."

"Not deeply enough."

"That's a horrible thing to say."

"She's getting away with exactly the same things as Connor did."

"And yet you aren't threatening to go round and beat her up..." Despite herself, Hope knew she sounded vaguely disappointed, although Marcus didn't notice.

"I... She's a girl. I couldn't."

"So, then, you're letting her get away with it, too."

"No, I asked Corrine and Lorraine to do it, but they both said no. I figured if I taught you well enough you could do it yourself."

"You asked..." Hope stopped, trying to sort the rush of different emotions she felt. She felt slightly ashamed of the affection she felt for him for doing it, and disgusted at the idea, and strangely protective of Yvonne, and they all collided and gave way to a strained giggle. "I can... I'm sorry, I know you were serious, but... I've just got this image of the three of us as Charlie's Angels with you sending us out to right wrongs..."

"This isn't funny, Hope."

She stopped laughing quickly, but by then he was stalking away towards the gate, and she knew from the way he walked that it wouldn't be worth following him just yet.

"Have you forgiven me yet?" Hope leant over the back of the sofa with a conciliatory look on her face.

"Yes," Marcus replied with a faint smile. "Shawna had pretty much the same reaction you did when I told her about your Charlie's Angels idea."

"I didn't mean to laugh at you, it was just... It was a shock to think you would do that."

"Why?" he asked, turning to look at her. "It was a shock to think that you wouldn't."

"I don't believe in using violence, Marcus. You have to reason with people."

"Some people don't listen to reason."

Shawna came in, shaking water out of her hair, and was quickly followed by Tony, Briana, Lorraine and Elspeth.

"Are you still angry?" Hope asked, as Marcus stood to move to the kitchen.

"It doesn't just go away. I told her it wasn't her though."

"Tea, anyone?" Hope asked the crowd as they shucked off their coats, and was met with a chorus of approval.

"I can't do anything about Mark Williams anyway," Marcus said as Hope entered the kitchen.


"Apparently he got drunk and wrapped his car around a tree not long before Christmas."

"He's dead? How does Shawna feel about it?"

"Relieved, I should think." Marcus stopped, staring at the kettle. "Why... What..."

"Marcus, whatever else happened, she spent a lot of time with him, shared some important parts of her life with him. That sort of thing isn't just thrown away easily."

"But, you heard her last night. He was..."

"He was important to her. All the rest was true as well, but he was a big part of her life, and he's dead."

"That doesn't make any sense at all."

"Like you and your Dad do?" Hope pulled his arm, turning him away from the counter to face her. "He beat you. He hurt you, and, if Nick's right, he hurried your mother into her grave. Certainly took her away from you. And yet you make time for him, you talk to him..."


"Different?" Hope asked. "Is it really?"

They paused for a moment when he didn't answer immediately, and Hope pushed him gently out of the way as she finished rinsing out the teapot and preparing cups. By the time they returned to the sitting area the chairs had all been moved aside and the instruments were in place.

"Tea and biscuits," Elspeth announced with a chuckle, "the very essence of rock and roll hedonism."

"Are Aiden and Corrine still coming?" Hope asked, looking at her watch after putting the tray down on the table.

"They said they were this morning," Shawna assured her, sitting on the edge of the table. "They were supposed to be trying to borrow a drum kit this morning."

"That'll probably be them now," Tony said, cocking his head at the sound of feet on the steps outside. Hope was already at the door when the knock came, but when she opened it up it wasn't Aiden and Corrine.


"I... uh..." Yvonne muttered, as Hope stepped out of her way to let her in. "I heard there was an audition." She held up a large guitar case.

"We already have a guitarist." Marcus pointed out. Hope gave him a look that he knew was significant without being able to ascertain why. Shawna rubbed his shoulder.

"No-one's going to replace you," she whispered.

"We don't have a bass player," Hope pointed out, sizing up the case. "I didn't know you played."

"Well, it's been a while," Yvonne admitted, staring at the floor under her feet, uncomfortable in the silence that followed.

"You need to plug in?" Lorraine asked, stepping out the way of Marcus' amplifier. "Tune up before you start?"

"Thanks," Yvonne managed to whisper, keeping her head down as she crossed the room.

"Wow, full house!" Aiden and Corrine poked their heads in the door, smiling broadly. "Any chance of some help with this kit?"

"Marcus and Tony will help," Shawna declared, shoving them both towards the door. They went, and Hope and Shawna quickly closed in on Yvonne.

"Are you alright?" Hope asked, as Lorraine hovered nearby, keeping an eye out down the steps for signs of the others returning.

"I'm fine," Yvonne assured them, with a slight smile. "It's just... You guys have something going here, and I wasn't sure I'd be welcome."

"How did you know we were having an audition?" Shawna asked.

"Elspeth was talking about it to someone in a 'Renaissance Artists' lecture on Wednesday. I... I should have asked..."

"Well, we didn't advertise," Shawna smiled gently, "but we could use a bass player."

"Just put them over there for now," Lorraine called loudly, pointing towards the kitchen door, giving them the warning they needed.

"I don't think Marcus wants me here," Yvonne said. "I don't want to cause any trouble.

"This band's been trouble since I suggested it," Hope observed, with a grin. "Marcus will get over it. If he starts to give you trouble, just call him Charlie."

Shawna and Hope were still giggling when the door was closed on the last of the drums, and they started to put it together.

"That went surprisingly well," Hope said as she pushed the door closed and turned to lean on it.

"I'm knackered," Shawna declared as she slumped down into her seat, staring up at the ceiling. "How long did that take?"

"About five hours."

"'Purple People Eater' went well."

Despite herself, Hope grinned, and moved to the sofa to seat herself beside Shawna.

"He was so earnest about teaching us important lessons, wasn't he?"

"It was so 'him, ' though. Not subtle, but... You can't take it badly. Even if I did have to sing bloody show tunes. He knows I hate 'Evita'"

"I know what you mean. It's like... It's so obvious to him that he can't believe you can't see it."

"He might actually have a point," Shawna conceded. "I mean... I actually quite like 'War of the Worlds'. I just... I don't normally sing it."

"It was good," Hope said. "'Can't Fight the Moonlight' was better, don't get me wrong, but... It was good."

"Well," Shawna grinned, "'Purple People Eater' was probably your best."

"Oh, piss off."

Hope swung a cushion at her with a giggle as Marcus crossed the room, headed for the door.

"You off somewhere, honey?" Shawna asked looking up.

"I need a walk before my Dad gets here," he said.

"You could put him off. Tell him it's not a good day."

"I'll be fine once I've had some fresh air."

"Did you want some company?" Hope asked, sharing a look with Shawna who nodded her agreement.

"That's..." he started to decline, then noticed that the pair of them were sitting forward on their chairs. He realised they weren't just offering. They actually wanted to come. "That'd be good, thanks."

"OK, give us a minute to grab some shoes."

Shawna dashed off. Marcus looked at Hope questioningly, and she lifted her feet to show him she already had her shoes on.

"What made you change your mind?" she asked.

"Excuse me?"

"You were going to say no, at first, when we asked if you wanted company."

"I... You just both looked like you wanted to go. You weren't just being polite."

"Good spot."

Shawna returned, one shoe on and hopping as she tried to slip the other foot into place. Marcus held her coat for her. Hope shrugged her own jacket on, and they emerged from the door to find his father approaching the bottom of the steps.


"I know I'm early," he shrugged apologetically. "You never can trust that M8 traffic."

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Stacey got down on her knees in front of me and then bent forward and opened her little round tanned ass cheeks, I could see her little brown hole begging me to stick my cock in.I knelt down behind her on the rocks by the river and positioned my cock, it nudged against her little tight hole and she let out a soft groan.By now Kate, Stacey's twin sister and Mary and Kira had climbed out of the river and were now sitting around us eager to see me stick my cock in Stacey's ass.I pushed forward...

4 years ago
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Pollyanna part 1

8:45 PM, the dressing room is buzzing, everyone is putting the finishing touches on their make-up. Most of the girls are already in costume, G-strings, pasties, and high heels or boots are standard for all the girls. They individualize their outfits from there, the usual stuff you see at a gentlemen’s club, cowgirl hats and vests, French Maid outfits, leather dominatrix corsets with matching thigh high boots, and schoolgirl tops and skirts.Michelle decided to go with the schoolgirl look. Since...

3 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 124

Mike was feeling better on Tuesday. He wasn't all the way back to normal, yet, but it was Tuesday at the Record-Herald, and Tuesday was a day you didn't miss unless you were the subject of a funeral. Kirsten left Susan with Jackie, and came into work, which helped. She stuck her head into the office door, and said, "Hey, hon, we still need your column." "I'm working on it," he said, turning back to the computer, where the words appeared on the screen: "In the end, it took the...

1 year ago
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Anusha From Gym To The Washroom

Hey fellows, this is Ankit here again, with another wonderful sex encounter but this time with gym partner, if any suggestions or if you want to know me, feel free to mail up at And in no way, I am going to share any of the girl’s details. So kindly please don’t ask for it in mail. If any girl and ladies in Bangalore, want to have some fun, you can mail me up. Coming to the story, I am 25 years old with 5 ft 8 in height and 6 inch tool. I hail from an eastern state of India, but reside in...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 15 ABOARD THE HYPERION

Here I was treated like a part of the crew. Aboard the Hyperion the only difference between enlisted personnel and officers was more or less only the rank pin on your collar. Captain Zezz treaded and acted the same around the lowest First Class Starman as he did around his bridge officers. He told jokes with them, participated in games and on board sporting events and most unusual. The ship used only one mess hall. Officers and enlisted ate in the same place. There wasn’t even a specific...

3 years ago
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Pleasure filled thoughts

Before you begin let me start by saying I decided to write this because I wanted to see how well I could depict the situation it involves. As you lay there naked next to me, the only thought that passes through my mind is, ‘I want your long hard cock, so I can lick it from shaft to head and then slide it in my mouth and suck on it, while you rub on my clit.’ Just after you get off I climb on top of you, while I’m dripping wet I slowly slide down on you, remembering every little sensation as I...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Teacher And Friend

Hello everyone!! This is my second story in ISS. I really enjoy reading stories here and I hope to make you all hot! Please send your feedback to Well I am from Hyderabad. This is a completely fictional story involving my sexy tuition teacher and my super hot friend. Usha was my teacher. She was really fair and had perky boobs. Tharani was my friend who used to come to the same tuition. She was a year senior to me but she had huge boobs. Her boobs were as large as that of a pregnant woman and...

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The Day I Left My Wedding Dress On A Train

The Day I Left My Wedding Dress On A Train ANNE-MARIE: "I'd had my wedding day all planned out ever since I was a little girl, I'd been obsessed by weddings ever since my Auntie chose me to be a flower girl at hers. I knew the type of venue I wanted, the flowers, the colours my bridesmaids would wear, the music I'd dance to, I had a good idea about the kind of man I wanted to marry too. And of course I had my dream wedding dress. I would be a fairy tale princess for the day, gloriously...

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Leons Halloween

Despite it being Halloween night Leon wasn't too happy. His plans of attending the Halloween party put on by some friends were ruined when his wife was called into work. It was one of the small annoyances at being married to Doctor who was on call.The outside of their house had been decorated with lights, giant spider webs, gravestones and eerie figures. A soundtrack of scary organ music emanated from hidden speakers and it was plain to everyone that Halloween was his favourite holiday.The warm...

2 years ago
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Holiday Away From The Care Home Spanked Again

Dale and Sandra weren’t even aware that they had upset Ella and the others so much. It had been a nice sunny afternoon and all the college girls were sitting in a corner of the swimming pool patio listening to Miss Mason explain about the project they were going to be doing. Dale and Sandra commented to each other how lovely the girls looked in their skimpy vest tops and very tight cotton shorts and joked about going across their bare thighs for another spanking. Of course, the memory of last...

1 year ago
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German SlavesChapter 3

Hello my name is Tim and what I am about to tell you is a story of sadness and despair. About a week ago, me and my brothers Patrick, Albert and Sasha had become slaves to our bitch ex girlfriends. We spent more time in ouir Mistresses' place than our own. In college, we had to carry their girlfriends' bags while our Mistresses walked in front of them, chatting away about other people. Because we spent more time with our Mistresses than our own gym coaches, our coaches told us that they...

3 years ago
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Constant Fucking

Dawn has a smoking hot body for a 33 year old woman, never married with a 5 year old son. She is 5'5" tall and weighs 110 pounds, with eye-popping measurements that are exactly like they are now, 34C-21-33. She has thick long bk hair, nice suckable tits and a small waist, incredible legs, and an absolutely perfect ass, she is the ultimate male fantasy. She never married and has a little boy from a previous boyfriend. Dawn is currently not in a relationship with a guy and is not actively...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Andi Rose Gaping Rimming Anal Player

Andi Rose is a slim, natural-bodied brunette with long legs, little tits and a deep adoration for anal sex. The fun-loving hottie wears sleek lingerie to accentuate her luscious bod, teasing and stripping through a hot intro. Director/performer Mick Blue chats with her in the following moments. Andi stands up to show off the butt plug wedged in her rectum. She masturbates on the couch. Mick stuffs a dildo into her anus, to prep her for the upcoming sodomy. Andi moans in ecstasy, spreading...

3 years ago
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Power Trip Chapter 2

Chapter 2It was difficult for Colin to concentrate during his last class of the day. He had been distracted during all of his classes, but the last class seemed to drag on the longest. It was as though time was distorted and every minute took an hour to pass. Every glance at the clock made him more anxious for the school day to be over; when he wasn’t thinking about the agonizing seconds he was thinking about Veronica. Colin’s step-mother had suggested she wanted to watch him masturbate again,...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 54 Doctor Adams I Presume

May 28, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “You did well for your first tournament,” I said to Jolene on Tuesday evening. “Bullshit,” she spat. “Marcia won the championship her first time!” “Oh, come off it,” I said, sure I sounded exasperated. “You know as well as I do that black belt competition is a whole different thing from lower belts. Marcia is going against kids who may never earn their black belt and I’ve already taught her black belt techniques. Sensei Jim didn’t win HIS first time! Are you...

2 years ago
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The story is in the Dutch language. Several times is asked the stories to translate in English. But I am sorry, not alone no time, but also is my English not good enough for translating. But perhaps is there anywhere a dutch speaking person with a good translating feeling who will translated my stories. It is possible under the name of Louis, but can also under your own name. Zoals al mijn verhalen is ook dit verhaal weer van A tot Z verzonnen. De personen die worden genoemd bestaan...

1 year ago
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Jules Jordan

Ah, gonzo pornography! If you follow the adult film industry at all, then you should know who the fuck Jules Jordan is. This guy is a legend in the industry. But, if you don’t know who he is, I’ll give you a rundown. He is a legendary adult film director who has dozens upon dozens of awards for shit like “Favorite Director, Studio of the Year, and he has even been inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame!” This isn’t just some dude shooting shitty porn flicks in his garage. Though he did get his...

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Discipline Correspondant

The Discipline Correspondence School. The Submissive woman after searching the internet located an interesting site. She could not believe her eyes, it was exactly what she was looking for discipline orientated site that would actually tailor its levels to the Sub. Eagerly she joined and filled out her Submissive questionnaire. The next few hours were exquisite torture for her, what would be her first lesson. And would she be able to complete the tasks, if not what would they demand as...

2 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 21 The Plan in Practice

Tired but not exhausted thanks to Mary's soporific massage and a deep lengthy sleep the day before, the sun lighting the world as it arose behind her burned her night accustomed eyes when Marianne cruised into Milwaukee looking for the second downtown exit off the Interstate. Just being in the vicinity churned out adrenalin. Her old world of cheap hotels and big van fucks and the vocal brutality of her former pimp reemerged like a long forgotten childhood nightmare. She clamped her mind down...

1 year ago
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I gave her a rideE171part1of1

This led to more and more rides because the commute was just easier for Ashley to ride with me, I’d pick her up on my way to work in the morning and drop her off in the evening at a place where someone from her family would meet us to get her on home. I gave her a ridePart-1-of-1 Ashley was assigned to me to give me a hand in the office. Ashley was a cute short girl of 21, who stood 5-foot 2 and weighs 115 pounds. She has emerald green eyes and medium length auburn hair. Her alabaster skin has...

1 year ago
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Halloween Eve

It’s the Saturday before Halloween; the big Halloween party night. It was our favorite holiday, his and mine, and he’s gone, so I really don’t care this year, I pretended it wasn’t coming, I skipped the parties thrown by friends at school, though now I do wish I’d bought pumpkins and carved them and put candles inside and salted and roasted the seeds. I also wish fall was in the air; I miss the damp, melancholy romance, the cold swirling fog, I miss San Francisco; Halloween in San Francisco....

2 years ago
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Victorious Corrupting Cat part 1

Keywords: Ff, Oral Victorious: Corrupting Cat Part 1 by K.O.P ([email protected]) "Why are you so mean to me?" Cat asked in a small voice. Although the sound had been barely above a whisper it sounded deafening in the lightless room. Those words were the first Cat had uttered since Jade ruined the redhead's spontaneous bedtime story video. Of course Cat had expected Jade to be mean, but she had been hoping for funny-mean, not mean-mean. And then Jade had pretended she had...

4 years ago
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Blow Job in a Portable John

This is almost a true story, I had to change the names to protect the participates. BJ in a Port-a-john I am a civilian working in Afghanistan at one of the very large US military bases with over 20,000 troops. I work in a tent, eat in a tent, sleep in a tent and the bathroom is in a tent. I live on a military base surround by America’s finest. Being a bi-sexual guy one would think that it would be easy to find hard rigid flesh for some MM activities. But the military restricts the access to...

Oral Sex
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Serving You and Your Mistress friends

my first task would be to cook a delicious meal for You and Your friends. I assume that You would want be to be naked whilst I was cooking, wearing only my collar, anklet, Your cage and my rubber mask. Whilst I was preparing dinner I would serve You all champagne. For a first course I would prepare a crayfish and crab salad with guacamole, served with a chilled dry white wine. For the main course, chicken breasts stuffed with pate in a mushroom and brandy cream sauce, served with baby new...

3 years ago
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Coming of AgeChapter 7

Paul tingled with excitement as they turned off of the main highway on to the dusty road that led to his grandmother's house. They had somehow got the whole family, dog, and luggage into the van for the forty mile trip. The farm house and out buildings were just coming into view, nearly hidden by the trees and bushes that were in thick profusion. As they got closer, he could see that there were several vehicles already parked in the empty field in front of the house. Jack had grumbled at the...

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Crossdressing with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend Part 2

Cross-dressing Days with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend By Cindybelle PART 2 The next morning when I got up, very late, the first things I noticed were the clothes I'd worn last night scattered on the floor, Aubrey's white party dress and her shoes, and the tights and panties that Cathy had provided. Looking further I noticed someone, probably mom or Cathy, had also returned the orange satin pants and top from yesterday plus...

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Having threesome with my wife and MIL

I was at the club when my phone rang and I was very unsure who it was so I picked it, then I discovered it was my Mother-in-law...she told me that she was in my house and that my wife was really feeling very terrible and not that happy. As a loving husband I hurried home to check on her, only to find my M-I-L naked in our room and she told me that she wanted to become a mature mom in a pornographic movie, though I tried to convince her, that what she was doing was wrong, she walked up to me and...

1 year ago
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My mom great slut

100% fiction! Hi guys this is harsha 24,m, from chennai. i first of all want to thank this wonderful website, it gives pleasure of sharing our real life incident with our fellow friends and enjoy. i love this website more than anything else. My native is from rajasthan and we settled in chennai very long back before my birth. my sex life was started very long bfore while i dont know anything abt cock, pussy or sex plays.......In my family it was just me and my mom sunitha. we dont know abt my...

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The 48yr old divorcee and her young black lover

A great little story of a 48yr old divorcee and her young black lover.I just got divorced this year. I'm glad though. I got his house and his money. I like to chat with guys online at night and meet them for some good sex.One night I was drinkin' some beers and chatting as usual and I started chatting with a guy named James. He was really nice. Then he showed me his pic. Damn! He's a hottie. Tall, black, and young. He was 18. I told him he was sexy and I wanted his cock. Then he asked me how...

1 year ago
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My Lucky Sexy Brother

Hi friends! Here I share my true experience of getting into gay life. Though it’s lengthy, I am sure intelligent readers cannot afford to miss it. My name is Douglas. Now I am 24 years and do sex with girls as well as boys. I prefer man to man sex more. I had my first sex encounter 6 years ago. I was dragged into sex by my lovely brother, who himself took away my virginity. I thank him personally on several occasions for he has managed me to feel like a mature guy. Now he works on ship overseas...

Gay Male

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