TurbulenceChapter 4 free porn video

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When Sioban asked me if I had a condom, I told her I had enough for the evening. She said, “Enough for the evening?” giving me a smirking smile as if to accuse me of bragging that I was going to fuck her brains out.

It was Colette who told me, “Always wear a condom when you’re having sex with a stranger Arthur. It is more than just birth control; every woman that you shag can be carrying the history of every unprotected penis that has ever been inside her. And every one of those dicks carries the history of each pussy it has ever fucked. It’s sort of like being in a room with mirrors on every wall; the images never stop.”

“I have three of them,” I said.

Her gaze was more of an assessment of me than an indication of how many condoms might be enough. Until a couple of months ago I had carried the same condom for the last three years. I threw it away when the package cracked and leaked the lube solution which left a stain in my Levi’s. All my friends carried one, but I doubted that they had used theirs either. Though I hoped I would have the opportunity to use mine, I never pushed it when I was with a girl. I couldn’t tell Sioban about Colette and that I had only used the condoms she had provided me with. And I didn’t want to tell her that prior to meeting the remarkable airline stewardess I never really needed them. It was Ryan who had reached into his drawer and given me the three condoms “Just in case” when he found out about my date and offered to vacate the room.

It was almost as if she were calculating our timetable perhaps thinking something like let’s see, maybe it will take fifteen minutes before he fucks me if I am lucky, and another twenty to twenty-five before he can get hard again. If he stays hard longer because he is not as sensitive as before. Maybe that will be another twenty minutes. It would probably be twenty-five minutes to a half-hour before he could get hard again. Another fuck could last another twenty to twenty-five minutes. All in all, an hour and a half of lovemaking and fucking would clip my horns for at least a week or so

“You’re an unusual bloke Yank,” she said. You seem to have a curious mixture of more experience than I would have expected and nothing at all.” She laughed. “And you make claims about your ability with such pure innocence that it’s incredibly endearing.” Taking my hand, she gave me a leering smile and chuckled before saying, “Take me to your den tiger.”

Picking up the pace to the residence hall I couldn’t help laughing which triggered giggles of her own. We were like two kids coming home from grade school. She exhibited no embarrassment as we walked into the lobby. Sioban’s comfort level put me completely at ease. No sooner had the door closed when she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with her mouth wide open thrusting her tongue into my mouth. Panting and writhing it seem that she was hungry enough to devour me. The way her body quaked made me think her knees were on the verge of collapse. Putting my left foot between her two feet to steady us I clutched each cheek of her bottom and pushed my thigh tightly into her groin. She captured my leg between hers and forcefully squeezed them together. The positive connection between my thigh and her clitoris allowed her to rub it between my leg and her pubic bone. “OH GAWD,” she gasped while riding my thigh like a strip club pole.

Thanks to Colette I understood this college girl’s climax but was amazed that it was happening so quickly. No sooner had I congratulated myself though I was experiencing a new sensation as I felt the strange wetness wicking through the fabric of her panties, skirt, and my Levi’s which made me wonder if she were peeing her pants instead.

“Oh MY,” she said, holding on to me like she dreaded what she had done. “I’m so SORRY.”

Having never experienced anything like this before I didn’t know what to say much less what to do. But I had prior knowledge of what it could be. Once, in high school, I was out with an upperclassman whose dad had a large 4-door sedan. There were eight of us in the car, we had just gone to a football game. Two boys and two girls were in the back seat. Two boys and two girls were in the front seat but because of the steering wheel and the stick shift on the floor only three people could sit on one seat. Prudence Farrell sat on Frankie’s Roache’s lap. We were at a drive-in restaurant and had just ordered milkshakes. Frankie started tickling Prudence. She giggled and twisted while trying to make him stop. We were all laughing so much that our laughter got out of control. In disgust, Frankie said, “God damn it something’s leaking on my lap.” Prudence started crying, which led to her becoming known as “Peepee Pru,” a sobriquet that would follow her through high school.

In trying to explain away my embarrassment with Sioban I told her about Peepee Pru. she said, “I DID NOT. This is something entirely different.” She was both embarrassed and angry, her feelings had been hurt.

Having just undergone the marvelous experience of helping trigger Sioban’s orgasm I crashed into the depths of dread when I realized how hurtful my unthinking comment had been to her. I was not totally soaked, most of it still being held in the fabric between us. But I felt uncomfortable with the amount of urine I thought my pants had absorbed. I was sure that she was even more uncomfortable and concerned about how she was going to get back to her housing with such a wet skirt and panties smelling of piss. Though I tried to make amends by hugging her she kept pushing me away. “How is it different?” I asked in as respectful a voice as I could muster.

She strained to say, “Most girls get wet when they climax. A few, like me, get extremely wet. And some, again like me, when we get really excited can actually squirt.” She went on, “I didn’t fully realize that I was THAT excited Arthur, but I just couldn’t hold back what happened,” as an afterthought, she murmured in dismay.

Not knowing what to say I hugged her more tightly. She was embarrassed and tried pushing me away. I had hurt her feelings by jumping to a conclusion that was easy to be wrong about. Thinking back, I remembered how when I ate Colette’s pussy for the first time she came and got substantially wetter. It was like a surge, but not a flooding surge of liquid that had leaked into my mouth. Before learning how elegant her vagina felt and tasted, I know I would have been turned off at the idea of having my mouth on such a gushing pussy. When it happened though, I became more excited and eager to lick her excess secretions away. When I commented to Colette about how wet she got when she came, she said, ‘That’s nothing Arthur some women actually squirt.’”

Sioban’s was more of a dilemma. “And if I walk through the lobby with that stuff still on my dress and panties I’ll smell like a bordello on the hoof.”

In the quandary of having Sioban put off by my boyish naivety, I knew that I tried for some kind of concession. “I’ll take your things into the bathroom and rinse them out.” The student quarters had upper and lower beds, two study desks, and two large wardrobes. The lounge had a kitchenette with two separate bathrooms at the end of the wall where the bedrooms were. Reaching into my wardrobe I produced a cotton laundry bag and held it out to her. She took the bag, reached up into her dress, and stripped her panties putting them into the bag. She then reached behind her, unbuttoned, and unzipped her skirt, then let it drop the floor before picking it up and putting it into the bag. While she was holding the bag out to me, I caught an oblique view of her body naked from the waist down. I noticed the contrast of her white skin against her red, curly bush. But wanting to get the clothes into the bathroom and get them rinsed as quickly as possible I didn’t permit myself to stare.

When I left the room Sioban standing in the room she had a perplexed smirking look on her face. She gave me no indication whether she might stay or just get into her wet panties and skirt and leave. In the bathroom I turned the water on in the basin, let it get warm then saturated the panties and squeezed out the water, and soaked them again. I squeezed as much water out as I could then rolled them into a towel and twisted it tight then stood on it. With the skirt, I put the wet spot directly under the faucet and saturated the area that shadowed the fabric then squeezed out the water, saturated it again, and squeezed harder. Finally, I rolled the skirt into a large bath towel blotted out as much wetness as I could.

Going back to the room I was pleasantly surprised to see Sioban stretched out under the sheet on Ryan’s lower bunk—climbing up into mine would have been extremely impractical. Her shoes were placed under the bed and her top and bra were folded neatly beside them. Her head was on the pillow facing me and her arm was under the pillow in a kind of hug. “I’m sorry Arthur,” she said in such a demure way, “my pussy is a fickle thing. You’re a quick thinker by the way coming up with the idea of rinsing them out and wrapping them in a towel that way.” Giggling girlishly, she continued, “The cool sheets felt nice on my naked body and kind of calmed me down,” rolling her eyes in a flirtingly apologetic way

When I held up the bag and took out the towels that were drawing moisture from the fabric of her garments she said, “Just put them on the floor and step hard on them with your feet, your bodyweight will squeeze out more moisture. Then you can take them out of the towels and hang them over the wardrobe doors.” The way she smiled told me that she dealt easily with setbacks. She appeared totally relaxed. “Depending on the amount of time we spend in bed,” she went on, “if my panties aren’t dry, we can put them in the microwave. A couple of minutes there will give me hot pants he-he.”

There was no dishonesty in this girl. She was open when she first asked me for coffee, open about why she had shied away from asking me the second time and open about wanting to be alone with me when she asked me to the movies. While she might have taken offense when I accused her of urinating on me, she did not answer me as if she were angry or hurt. She merely explained the strange circumstance of what some of her orgasms could cause her to do. Here she was under the covers waiting for me to make the next move.

I had envisioned that when we originally entered the room we would kiss, and fondle then eventually be getting naked. The question in my mind was should I take her clothes off; would she help take mine off or would she just take off her own clothes? The circumstances answered the question from a different perspective; she was already naked under the sheet. Feeling like I would be on display I tentatively took off my clothes. In the process, I thought I should probably get a towel in case she “squirts” again.

It was like she had read my thoughts when she said, “There was a bath towel hanging from the rail at the end of the bed—I am assuming I’m in your roommate’s bed. I spread it out underneath me and I’m lying on it.” She gave me an affirming smile then added, “I hope you’re not going to take all night to get your clothes off Arthur.”

In the stress of the “crisis,” my cock had gone limp. But since seeing her in the bed it was well on its way to an erection. When I dropped my trousers and stepped out of them Sioban’s eyes captured the bulge in my tighty-whities and she mirthfully said, “You could be a ballet dancer Arthur. That looks like a sock stuffed in there. Every guy thinks his cock is the biggest thing in the world,” but her comment affirmed what Colette had said. Trying not to appear obvious I unconsciously put my tongue in my cheek as I took off my underwear. The head of my penis caught in the waistband and recoiled, slapping my stomach before settling at a sixty-degree angle.

As her eyes riveted my groin she exclaimed “CRIKEY’S, get over here so I can see if that Willie close up. Or are my eyes deceiving me?”

I knew Sioban was a forward girl when she asked me for coffee then asked me to the cinema where she had signaled that she wanted intimacy. She was the one who put her hand on my thigh. It wasn’t really a sexual thing for me when we first met, I took an instant liking to her. She was sociable and intellectually engaging in a way like she was a younger version of Colette, perhaps the kind of woman that for whatever reason was attracted to a male like me. And like the randy airline stewardess she made it plain that she both enjoyed playing and that her intentions to play with me were right on the surface. I was too young to get involved in a serious romantic situation with a girl and so far, had never been bitten by the lovebug. So, I was looking forward to the sexual knowledge Colette said she was prepared to teach me. And in this new and unfamiliar position, I was standing naked beside my roommate’s bed with a pranging boner thinking, my parents could not have given me any better opportunity to learn some valuable life lessons.

When I got close enough to the edge of the bed Sioban’s hand shot out from beneath the sheet and grabbed hold of my shaft. Sitting up she pulled me closer. With her feet on the floor and her red ponytail dangling off the side of her neck she brushed me with the areola of what appeared to be her C-cup breast. She inspected my penis a specimen in an anatomy class. Opening her hand, she formed a platform analytically hefting my balls while pinching the circumcision scar and lifting my erection to inspect the bottom of my shaft. Moving it up, down, and sideways she took in its totality. “PERFECT,” she said, her green eyes looking up into mine. “You’ve nothing to be ashamed of here Arthur.” When the crystal bead of precum appeared in my slit she dipped slightly, extended her tongue, and like a frog catching a fly, snapped it into her mouth. “Mm, this is so HOT. It’s like nectar from the gods Arthur, Mm, mm, MMM.”

With tingling balls, I look into Sioban’s eyes which were staring at the end of my cock, her face so close that I could feel the warm air from her open mouth and the breath from her nostrils washing the top of my glans. When her head moved forward my knob disappeared inside her face. Closing her lips behind the rim I winced, and my knees grew weak. Putting my hands on her head to steady myself, she looked up at me with the expression one would see on a gourmand’s face trumpeting the taste of delicious food. For the first time in my short relationship with Sioban O’Neal, I realized that sex was more than just a pleasant experience for her, it was something she practiced and savored. Colette Bentley flashed through my mind. I wondered if sex with her started as early as it had with Sioban. How long might she have been doing this? And how had she gotten started?

Half of my seven-inch organ disappeared into Sioban’s head where she pushed the envelope, and my glans dented the back of her throat. When she gagged. I found it wickedly exciting. Adjusting from the site of her gag reflex she pulled back and bobbed a half dozen times. As she pulled off, she looked up at me with spit stretching from my head to her lips she grasped the base of my shaft and said, “Oh Arthur I do so LOVE this. Isn’t the human body a MARVELOUS thing?” With her other hand, she pressed my turgid penis against her cheek in an adoring cuddle. “I’m OVERWHELMED with sex Arthur; I just LOVE it.”

Having always been timid with women I was beginning to realize that I could have had more sexual experience had I been less of a wimp. The girls I had been out with had been off-putting, but I was beginning to understand that their resistance to my weak advances was just an act to show propriety. It was like high school cheerleaders at an athletic competition where, when the home fans started booing the opposing players, they shook their heads to discourage the boos but waved their hands behind their backs to keep the booing alive. It finally hit me that the girls were resisting but on the other hand, they were encouraging me to, “Fondle my breast,” or “put your finger inside my pussy” or even “fuck me.”

I thought about how Colette had singled me out when she walked on the plane and how Sioban approached me the first day of class. It would have been easier to understand had she at least been a first-year student. But she was a SOPHOMORE, two years my senior. I knew how young I looked but with the confidence, Colette had instilled in me I was feeling more comfortable than Sioban, who had just taken my cock into her mouth, had me wondering how these two phenomenal events happened within days of each other. Having heard the term “charmed-life” I wondered if I might be living one. And there was the question are English women more sexual than the American females I know? And do women like Colette and Sioban love sex so much just see me as a pliable teenager. Or maybe they think I have charisma, a term I had just learned. Whatever, I hoped that when I returned to the states, I would be more confident with women there due to my experience in England.

As she licked my scrotum I was still questioning its validity. Why do women like doing this? The question brought my mother to mind and I cursed myself for imagining her in Sioban’s place. In a fit of self-discipline, I was able to at least change my presence to that of my father, which opened the door of possibility regarding my mother and fellatio. Am I some kind of creep to be thinking like this?

Sioban was on her feet again kissing me, capturing my prominence between her legs, and sliding her wet pussy on the top of it, her red pubic curls meshing into mine and tickling me. Hugging me she flattened her soft breasts against my chest, gazed into my eyes, pecked my lips, rubbed the tip of her nose on mine and said, “Thank you Arthur for taking care of my clothes.”

I started to answer but when she took my lower lip between hers, I never got the words out of my mouth. She suckled my lower lip then segued to a passionate open-mouth kiss where we reveled in more tongue-twisting titillation. With her hand cupping the cheek of my bare bottom she pulled me tight, tensing her butt and legs while pushing her pubic bone hard against mine. As she broke the kiss, she murmured in my ear, “The moment I saw you in class Arthur I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” She was certainly saying things I wanted to hear but didn’t know how to handle her adulation. “The way you looked at me coming into the room that day, the way your eyes were locked onto mine with such hunger I could have let you take me on the floor. You’re a very sexual fella you know?” Wild caresses amid labored breathing and impassioned kisses formed a lake of saliva behind my teeth. “Take me to bed Arthur,” Sioban said with a giggle, “I have to find out if you are as good as I think you are.”

My night on the plane and my day with Colette was a crash course in sexuality during which I could have had no better tutor. Not only had she told me what to do she showed me then stressed pointers for improvement as she was doing it. Before our encounter, the only clues I had about sex were fantasies in my mind to which I masturbated. But it was clear that Sioban was no novice, she was more than sexually aware. She was a sexually practiced young woman. Even with the advantage of Colette’s mentoring I was baffled why Sioban chose me. If it might have had anything to do with sexual magnetism that was still a myth in my mind.

I knew what she meant by taking her to bed (“fucking”). But she could not have expected a seventeen-year-old, even having enjoyed such a sexual odyssey with Colette taking me on to satisfy her in the way in more sophisticated ways she must have grown accustomed to. I was eager to revisit some of the things Colette had drilled into me though. So, taking both of Sioban’s hands I sat her down on the edge of the mattress, dropped to my knees, vacuumed our shared saliva from her chin while tenderly caressing her breast then lowered my lips to her right nipple, sucking it between my moistened lips. Kissing her eyelids and the tip of her nose I pecked her lips with mine as I began rolling both nipples between my fingers and thumbs. “Not too hard at first,” I remembered Colette saying. As I rolled them back and forth, I gradually increased pressure. I knew that Sioban was prepared to caution me, “More gently please,” just as Colette had done. But the look in her eyes told me that she was surprised and even excited at what I was doing and how I was doing it.

When I gave the left nipple a quick, hard pinch followed by a syncopated pinch of her right nipple she gasped, “Oh YES.” I did it the way Colette had me do hers. She seemed just as surprised as I had been with Colette when she had acted so keenly when I picked it up so quickly. Though I was proud of myself for conquering my timidity and acting on something I was not sure this college sophomore would welcome in the same way, when she said, “I’m AMAZED that you knew what that would do to me.” Giving me a long, appraising gaze, she added, “You’ve been with an older woman Arthur haven’t you.”

She was right. Maybe I should have shared my experiences with her about Colette Bentley. But at the time, it was about getting to know each other well enough to develop trust about the kind of sex that we could enjoy in the moment. I have to say that her response to having her nipples pinched this way made me feel like a real stud. The boost I felt in confidence made me ready to put my mouth on another female’s pussy.

Once I got over my gaffe regarding Sioban’s squirting I was eager to assert myself in at least a quasi-dominant way. “Lay back on the bed Sioban,” I said in as confident a manner as I could muster. When complied and went for the center of the bed I said, “No sweetie (these endearing terms were coming easier for me) just keep your bottom on the edge of the mattress and lay your back on the bed while keeping your feet on the floor. She surprised me at how compliantly she reacted. it brought a more relaxed attitude to both of us. The pressure was no longer on Sioban to guide me, the ball was in my court.

Crouching between her parted legs I coaxed her to open them wider. Grasping her ankles, I raised her legs in the air which allowed me to see her splayed vulva. As I checked her reaction, I saw an “Oh wow” kind of grin. From my experience with Colette, I found how quickly and how much I loved eating pussy. Now it was a matter of me, but it was not the time to hesitate. So, with the “rare-meat” pinkness of her open pussy glistening at me I went for the gusto and covered the whole thing with my gaping mouth. “Oh YES Arthur,” she yelled, “I LOVE it,” making my confidence jump another notch.

Lapping her spongy, pink femininity I realized that her scent was somewhat muskier than Colette’s, heavier and more “womanly,” a “gypsy-like” taste that made me wonder if all women with red hair might smell that way. But we are always grasping at generalities. We were both excited but Sioban’s excitement with my mouth on her pussy energized me most. She sighed in pleasured surprise as her body writhed in appreciation of my gift. Imagine, I thought, TWO PUSSIES in just one week! Chuckling to myself I thought that less than a week ago the thought of doing something such as this would have disgusted me.

While spreading her pussy I could not miss the size of her “clitoris,” a word I had only been familiar with for a few days. It reminded me of a large lima bean, appearing almost swollen. When I flicked it with my tongue her body jerked as she mouthed a sibilant shudder. Skating my tongue-tip on the prominence of her oversized node caused her body to gyrate as she emitted a “yes, yes,” kind of moaning.

Feeling totally in control I caressed her breasts, alternately rolling her nipples and making faux pinches to stir the suggestion of pain. My tongue skirted between and around each labium, coursing her slippery groove and plumbing the threshold of her core as deeply as I could make it fit. Working the sheath of her clitoris I rolled it back enough from the protected covering to trigger shocks that made her twitch. Flattening my tongue on the bean-like bump I raked it with the rough unevenness of my taste buds. With her increased wetness I complimented myself for increasing her pleasure. I pinched her right nipple with a quick, crushing pinch which made her body tighten as increased wetness swamped her groove.

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Hello ISS readers,Mera naam abhishek mishra hai age 19,height 5’11,7 inch ka lund aur atletic body hai jo haar ek ladki apne boyfriend me dekhna chahti hai aur me mumbai se belong karta hu.Ye meri pehli story hai so please galtiyo ko maaf karna.Zyada bore kiya bina story pe aata hu. Ye kahani 2 mahine pehle ki hai jab maine ek ladki anaita(name changed) karke ladki jisse maine facebook pe request bheja tha kyuki usske pics aise the maano voh koi pornstar thi.Dusre din hi usne request accept kia...

4 years ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 25

I finished my breakfast, basking in the glow of my morning Anna smile, hug, and kiss. Just to make my day even better I got another Anna smile when I paid for breakfast. I was on my way to find Mr. Mendoza when I ran into Juan. After exchanging pleasantries, I asked him to send a wagon of lime, all the scaffolding he could spare, and the longest ladders he had out to the Hacienda. He said he could do that but wasn’t sure exactly where the Hacienda was being built. “Juan, if you travel up the...

2 years ago
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The Twins In San FranciscoChapter 3 Love

"Come on! That was pathetic!" I looked up from Trinh's sopping wet cunt, my entire face coated in a layered sheen of wetness from the orgasm she had just spilled onto me. This one had seemed so powerful that she was almost squirting into the air as her hips had shuddered with release. "Pathetic? I've never been so drenched!" "Oh, that was a great orgasm. But there was no finesse to your technique! You just pushed me straight up to climax without enough little teasing to make me...

3 years ago
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Bareback with the Barback

Saturday nights in the summer were our busiest. Being a popular place, the bar was always packed with beautiful people. Not just the customers, but the staff also.I had been there for well over a decade now. I loved our staff. We were like a family, an incestuous family, but a family nonetheless. We loved to flirt with each other and joke around. And yes, I had slept with a few co-workers over the years. There was a new one, however, that I had been keeping an eye on.Carlos was a...

Quickie Sex
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Theres Something About My Sons Girlfriends 7

I watched the two naked young teenagers as they climbed off me, while I lay naked on the living room floor, my pulse racing. The sensation of Susie's tight pussy sliding up my erect shaft, her juices dribbling down it's length as she finally released me from her warm, wet sex, elicited a deep groan from me. Susie smiled as she looked down at me. "Aww, do you miss me already, Jerry?" she giggled, then knelt down to give me a peck on the cheek, her still-hard nipples brushing against my arm. My...

1 year ago
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A Little Gem

I had travelled by plane from Europe to the UK. I was feeling rather jaded by the time I landed in Glasgow. I picked up my car and travelled to Ayr. By the time I reached Ayr I was beginning to feel like having my cock sucked. It was about 10:00pm and I stopped off at toilets where I had picked up men in the past. On entering the toilets I found that the lights were not working and the place was in darkness. I thought this is no good, but was so hot sexually I thought I would have a wank and...

1 year ago
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A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXI

A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXI - Jezzie returns to fair Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Jezzie goes from the fun of hir party to another perilous situation. That Jezzie, trouble just finds hir. Now the party starts! Sissy parties are rare around here, but they do occur occasionally. There is fruit punch in a giant crystal bowl, snacks like popcorn and pretzels, and various low sugar versions of treats like peanut...

3 years ago
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Not given a chance chapter 3

A few minutes later I cummed into her mouth and she swallowed until it was all gone. I kept my side of the deal I untied her from the bed and helped her to the washroom where she went to the bathroom. I then gave her a wet washcloth and she started to clean her pussy wincing everytime the cold water touched her ruined body. After she was done I gave her a water bottle that she gulped down and a nutrition bar. After she was all done I led her to a wooden horse and pulled her onto...

1 year ago
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Desert Heat Part 25

Desert Heat – Part 25Thursday, August 16, 1985Jerry got home from work first. The first thing he did was ask Ginger and Pepper if we were a happy functional or sad dysfunctional threesome. Pepper held up her ring and smiled. Jerry kissed the two of them and congratulated them, then went to his room to change out of his work clothes. When he returned, he grabbed a couple beers and headed out to the grill. Handing me a beer, he congratulated me on being a happy threesome. I asked if he knew...

2 years ago
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Nipple Torture

I am an attractive 29 year old professional woman with a reasonably good income. I live in New York City in a nice apartment near Washington Square. About four years ago I started having an insatiable craving for sex. That’s a pretty dramatic way to start this little story but I might as well get right to the point. I have become obsessed with getting orgasmic relief. It seems that I can’t go for more than a few hours without making myself cum or getting some male acquaintance...

3 years ago
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Our Stories Field Work Visit

Sheri was going to school to be a therapist. As part ofthis, she had to perform two sessions of field work during the summers. Her first field work assignment was between her junior and senior year. She and a friend of hers from school, Trish, got assigned to the same rehab facility about 45 minutes from our home town. As part of their field work, they were allowed to share a dorm room at a nearby college as opposed to having to pay for an apartment. I was working that summer at a department...

4 years ago
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The Camp Out PT 1

The b o y was standing by the trailer---holding his big gulp, mouth open, just staring. Dustin gave me a light tap to the belly and points at him. “Check him out, Matthew—dude's in heaven”. I give a chuckle, “ya—what dude wouldn't be”. The trailer load of quads was a site—we got stares and on-lookers every time we stopped. Two trailers, actually, the other truck was still at the gas pump. Eight flashy 4-wheelers, all polished up looking like they were brand new. Any healthy b o y would...

3 years ago
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The pictures to this story and are at my site here on HAMSTERS and it's a TRUE STORY!I was at a friends house and he had invited several couples over for a cookout. I knew one of the women coming and she and I have been fucking around for about two years now. Camille is married and her husband has no idea that we do! A few times, I had even been at their house and she and I would sneak off to the bathroom during parties and she would suck me off or just bend over and let me fuck her! At one...

4 years ago
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Watching TreyChapter 2

Robbie gave Lindsey the full treatment as well, sensing that she needed it, maybe even more so than Trey. As she completely stripped off the robe before laying down on the table, he was astounded by how much alike she was to her daughter. She too, was petite, though not quite as small as Trey, but not so much bigger. Anywhere. She was trim and compact, with a nice tight, well maintained body. And she truly enjoyed the full course of Robbie's treatment! Even more vocal than Trey, she was...

1 year ago
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Southern Hospitality Ch04

Laura lay beside him, her back to him, the stolen duvet wrapped around her like a cocoon of warmth and comfort, a bastion against the cold that plagued him. Biting his lip he inched towards her, finding the edge of the duvet and beginning to unwrap her like the gift she was. He had intended to urge his way under the warmth with her, but as she felt the coolness of air against her unprotected back she stirred. Ash let out a soft beep of surprise as the sleeping form of Laura moved, she...

3 years ago
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Reciprocal NeedsChapter 2

The telephone jangled, a hateful, raucous sound. Darrin opened one eye and glared at the offensive instrument disturbing his sleep. "Answer the damn phone, Darrin." Who? Carrie. Suddenly, he remembered. Carrie was in the bed across the room. He reached and picked up the phone. "Yeah." "It's six o'clock, sir." "Yeah, thanks." When he tried to replace the phone on the receiver, he missed and it fell to the floor. "Fuck!" Then he remembered Carrie. "Sorry." "Sokay. I'll get...

3 years ago
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Skin Show And One Side Fun Thrilled Me

Hi this is Ravi Kumar from Visakhapatnam. Once again I’m back with another story. Friends who are not gone through my first story u can have a look at that “A journey to remember with Sruthi in A/c bus”. I am 21 older B.Tech graduate. I am good looking guy with average body my cock size is 6-7 inches. Please send your feedback’s to my mail I became very bold after reading many stories in ISS. It helps me more to convey my feelings and learn many things through this site. Finally thank you ISS....

2 years ago
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The Tutor

During the holidays I needed to be earning money to keep my student loan as low as possible. Mum organized a tutorial job with a neighbor. I knocked on the door. A tall slim african american woman dressed in a tight white blouse and white skirt with white high heels opened the door behind her stood a teenager in her school uniform."Yes Oh you must be Philip" "Yes Mrs Smith. " I looked the statuesque woman in the eyes. Her eyes were black pools.She smiled."Come in. This is Jasmine. Jasmine show...

1 year ago
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What they say about Orientals is true

There was this girl in college who drove all the guys crazy when she walked down the halls or around campus. She was a senior and about 25, but she looked 15. With her long jet-black hair down about ½ way to her ass and brown eyes that looked right through you she was an oriental beauty. She stood about 5 foot tall and weighted maybe 110 at the most. She had one of those heart shaped face that looked like she was smiling all the time. You know most Orientals are small and most are attractive...

4 years ago
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The Duel the Damsel the Deception and Debauchery Part Four Nude Massage

The rest of my Saturday was spent in relaxation and camaraderie. The size of the site, roughly twenty-five partially-wooded acres, gave me the feeling that we were the only ones around for miles. Every now and then some other members of the group would make an appearance, but we were mostly left to our own devices.Most of our day was spent lounging in the sun. It was a perfectly mild summer day; not too hot and hardly a cloud in the sky. We lounged on blankets and furs beneath the sun,...

Group Sex
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Karens BootsChapter 3 Wiedersehen

Bob sat at the kitchen's breakfast bar and thought hard and long about her note. He eventually decided that he would take her back if (1) she was really sincere in her apology, something that would be revealed in time and (2) she would tolerate the most extreme physical punishment that he could think of – short of mutilating or marking her beautiful body. What would be the point of destroying beauty only so that you could own it? But it must be pain or discomfort so bad that she would...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 85 Planning the Liaison Structure

Wednesday, April 20, 2005 (Continued) Tuning out the girls recounting my many humiliations at Rocky's left me free to contemplate important matters. First dinner, then thinking about what we'd do afterward, how many times we'd do it, and in what positions. Important stuff. It'd been far too long since I'd had sex, and I badly needed to compensate for being in Rocky's company for so long. We'll have to take Donna home before we could start our celebration of the end of the...

4 years ago
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Black Russian

Mary loved visiting a rough bar close to the docks. The men frequenting the place invariably appealed to her. Mary was average-looking, but had two puppies in her blouse that usually drove the men she preferred wild with lust. Large as her tits were, they were absolutely beautiful.Mary loved well-endowed males but never responded rudely when men were not up to scratch. She always let the bug-fuckers do their thing, before making one or another excuse for an early departure. The worst men for...

1 year ago
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Awakening The Sacred Gate to Supreme Bliss Tantri

Awakening The Sacred Gate June 2003Awakening The Sacred Gate to Supreme Bliss:Tantric G-Spot Orgasm & Female Ejaculationby Somraj Pokras and Jeffre TallTrees, Ph.D.Published by TantraAtTahoe.comCopyright © 2003 by Tantra At TahoeALL RIGHTS RESERVEDNo part of this publication may be stored, reproduced, forwarded via email, or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording,or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system,...

3 years ago
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How did I end up in this position? This was the thought running through my head as I lay face down across the bed. My mind flashed back to the moment it all began. It was a beautiful Sunday morning with a cool springtime breeze blowing through the open window. I was cleaning the house. I hated cleaning, mostly because it is never fully done. No matter how much cleaning you do, there will always be more. I'd have much rather been out enjoying the nice spring day, but it had to be done. Then it...

4 years ago
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Jothi 8211 Took Me To Heaven

Dear all readers and college is the time when we wish to meet that someone special and make life beautiful but what to do when you just can’t decide who that special one is. The more the merrier and the first two years of college life was quite uneventful in terms of relationship with girls. Then one day when in Chennai my school friends met up and this guy shared details of naughty stuff he did with some girl then I thought 2 years down and 2 more to go. I should make it eventful. This story...

4 years ago
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My father my delight

More love FOR SEX WITH MY FATHER !I'll tell this story was delicious but I hope not to repeat adventure!I am 28 years brunette with mannequin 36 , 'm pretty skinny , small tits tenhos , fleshy mouth and have a arrebitadinha ass.I always liked sex and masturbated a lot when teenager ... my goodness ! How masturbated !I grew up with a lot of curiosity for sex and began to see many porn videos and read all about this issue so delicious .I am married for 2 and half years and my hubby is 5 years...

3 years ago
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Young Guy From An ABS

I had just dropped off my wife for the weekend at her sister's like I have for years. They like to shop and go to plays...and it gives us a break from each other. We haven't had any sex in years and the only sex I have had in that time, other than with myself, was with a young couple (my first story on Xhamster) - but even that was a couple years ago. So quite often I would stop at an ABS near my home. I loved to at least dream of having sex with someone else. I would not jack off for a few...

3 years ago
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The English Are Put in Their PlaceChapter 6

The next thing I knew I was turned over onto my stomach and twisted around so that the bench was supporting my stomach while eight horny, sweaty men lined up, four in front of me and four behind me. I had never experienced sex with two men at the same time before. It was very exciting. Everything about this was exciting. I love being a slut!! I was too busy to notice at the time, but while I was being fucked violently and sucking one cock after another, two more men came in. There were ten...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 185 Whatever You Need to Do

I saw Rhonda slip out of the studio. Donna and her parents were talking with the others and I followed Rhonda. "Thank you," she said. "I love you." "I meant for the chocolate." "I still love you." "Please stop, Brian." We wandered to a couple chairs in the lobby. Since it was Saturday, the place was pretty deserted. We sat in silence for a minute. I was so happy to see her that I couldn't think straight, but I was still so torn up inside I wanted to throw up again. "I'm...

2 years ago
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Blow jobs in the beer garden

Thursday night and it was disco night, some call it grab a granny night but I call it grab a fella or two night. Me and my hubby went out all dressed in our dancing gear. I had a short dress on with no knickers, my husband Tony liked it that way. Walking around and dancing was risky but gave me a thrill, Tony was on a power trip too. We go to the main club in the town which is an old public house converted into a night club, it is called the Boars Head. We had been in the club for about half...

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Wifes birthday weekend

Wife’s Birthday Weekend Well it all started months before my wife’s birthday when the discussion came up as to what she wanted for her birthday. She told me that all she wanted was to get away with me for an intimate sex filled weekend somewhere since I had been working out of town so much. She wanted some place that we could just stay in and stay naked for the entire weekend and just enjoy each other and relax. I looked at my current schedule and picked the only weekend I had available and...

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Craigslist Ad Gay

The first time I sucked and deepthroated a cock, my throat was sore for almost a week, and I felt a bit dirty and excited. But, it was such a thrill to submissively kneel down and have a horny married man grabbing my head and forcing his stiff prick inside my mouth, shoving it down my throat, that I knew I had to try it again. So I ran another ad on craigslist that started off like this:"Are you a married man? Have you wondered what it would be like to get your cock sucked by another married...

2 years ago
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Curse of the Werebitches

You swear under your breath as clean the bite on your forearm. This camping trip has officially gone pear-shaped. You'd heard the tall-tales of course, the ones about the sultry dog-women in the woods that turn people, man and women alike, into more of them, but had dismissed them as just the tittering musing of a couple of hormonal adolescents. Now look at the situation you're in. When you heard rustling outside your tent, the last thing you expected to see was a naked woman rummaging through...

3 years ago
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The Ice Cream Man Ch 03

Chapter 3 The Wedding What can I say? It was fabulous! Mary and Jen, put it together so quickly that it had to surprise everyone that everything was so well done. I found out that Mary had contacted my Mom and she lent a hand in helping make decisions about the food and decorating. It was surprising how my mother and Mary became such good friends in such a short time. I was surprised when I arrived at the church and it was full of people. I guess the Bradley’s had a lot of friends and...

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The Nurse Who Turned His Life AroundPart I

John really didn’t know how he got roped into all this work and travel. He wasn’t in a rut, he was in a deep dark cavern. John was quite frankly exhausted and wounded in more ways than one. His attempted reconciliation with his former wife Carol had failed miserably. John’s over-sexed seventeen-year-old teenage daughter Stacey had gained early admission to Princeton, left home for college and was probably fucking everything that moved and having more fun than John could even imagine. John’s...

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Prince Achmads Trial

The Prince donned the regal blazing purple that proclaimed his status in the world. He was on the Observation Platform, and before him was a throng of his subjects who were all crying and cheering and clapping in their own way. The heavy, gold clasp at his neck closed with a satisfying thunk, which allowed him to raise all four of his arms to wave at his people. Seeing his acknowledgement stoked their cries causing their sounds to swell to a fever pitch. He then lowered his arms, holding them...

2 years ago
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My Awakening What Happened Next

If anyone has read “My Awakening”, this is what may have happened later. It didn’t but I still wanted to have more of my motherNothing happened between my mother and I until my brother had left home for university. I had continued to touch her tits whenever I could but these opportunities became few and far between. There was always someone else in the house which made it difficult, and I had started dating girls my own age. However, an opportunity arose as my father had heart problems and was...

2 years ago
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Me and Mathews first time

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It all happend when i was 14 years old. My name is Allen and when i was 14 i was a fairly small kid for my age. About 5,6 110 pounds. I was an extremely horny kid so every chance i got to masturbate, i did. One of my best friends at the time was a kid i met playing soccer, his name was Mathew. Me and mat would always hang out at each others houses and our parents...

1 year ago
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Grab me a beer will you

Some things are better cold. Beer would probably be at the top of the list though. Never knew pussy could be included on a list of things better served cold however. My story begins at a coed softball game. I was on our company softball team while I was stationed in Alaska. Our team was pretty good, lol well we won more games than we lost anyway. Well we finished the game and we won. Well now what better way to celebrate a win than to go get stupid drunk back at the barracks? There were 5 of us...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotist

When I was in my twenties I was in a relationship with a man who knew me so well sexually, that 25 years later, I still get wet thinking about him fucking me.Gabe was sexy. Not overly good looking but he had a great laugh, was confident as hell and loved making me cum. He also had a great cock and did literally anything to turn me on. He found my weakness in telling me stories of other people fucking. I really don’t know how that started, but I still get myself off thinking of some of the...

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