Welcome to the Family Part 2
- 4 years ago
- 31
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JJ knocked on the Evans' door at six-thirty, Eileen told him to get here early. Erica Evans opened the door and when she saw him, let out a loud squeal. Opening the door, she was in his arms before he crossed the threshold, hugging him tightly, and pulling his head down, kissing him firmly on the lips. She stepped back, allowing him entry and he saw tears in her eyes as she took his arm and guided him into the dining room. Pulling out a chair, she asked, "Would you please sit here, Walter will be so glad to meet you, formally this time, he said he acted like a bastard at your last meeting."
JJ was watching Erica preparing something on a flat grill and she turned to see him watching her. "We are having French toast this morning," she said as she chuckled, causing JJ to laugh aloud. Watching her intently, he had never seen French toast prepared the way she was doing it however five minutes later, after his second bite, he decided it was the cook, and each had a style. His mom never made hers the way he saw Erica work, however both were delicious.
JJ's eyes kept dropping to her breast mounds, sitting beside him, leaning in his direction often. He wanted a repeat of two days earlier however; it looked as though he was going to be out of luck this morning.
Seeing a movement to his side, JJ turned in time to see Alice glide into the room, coming to JJ and hugging him firmly.
"Hey what is this, my women hugging on another man, I guess I am going to need a guard," Walter Evans said as he followed Alice into the room. Walking to JJ, he pressed JJ's shoulder, not allowing JJ to stand as he held a hand outstretched, "Son, you don't know how much I appreciate you. I know you wouldn't understand that, if you judged me by our first meeting. My attitude towards you was certainly uncalled for and I wish to apologize, in front of my wife and daughter. Please accept my apology."
"No apology necessary sir, everyone has an off day every once in a while," JJ said as he was shaking the outstretched hand.
"I seem to have more than my share sometimes," he said as he took the chair across from JJ, guiding Alice to the chair Erica had indicated was his.
JJ kept his eyes on Erica, while listening to Walter, as his and Alice's breakfast was being prepared. JJ noticed that he and Alice ate very quickly, hardly tasting the food, they ate so fast.
"JJ, I can't thank you enough for what you did for my family, anything you see here and you want it, it's yours. You don't have to ask me, just take it, if I need it later I'll get another. There are only two things important to me," he said as he reached to the hands of the two women sitting on either side of him. "Most days they don't think I appreciate them even, however that isn't so."
"I might be coming to see you soon, I have been using my car and I think I need a truck, I need to locate a good used one," JJ said looking directly at the man.
"Have I got a deal for you," Walter Evans said to him.
JJ knew it was time to duck, he'd heard that before.
"You see that green pickup behind you there?" Walter Evans said as he pointed out the window, it's been sitting there for two months. Take it and drive it, I'm paying for it, I personally guaranteed a loan for it and the owner bailed on me. I can't sell it without a lot of court filing and we don't drive it. Anyway you are going to be working for me in a way, so everything is square." He looked at Erica, "Have you talked to him about doing our outside work yet?" he said as he lifted his cup and drank.
"No, we haven't discussed it yet," she said smiling at JJ.
"I'll make a couple of calls this morning and see what I can scare up for more work. Honey, you call me after lunch and I'll let you know if I found anyone JJ needs to talk to," he said looking at Alice.
"Dad, I don't want to stay here alone today, and mom will be gone most of the day, can I go with JJ?" Alice asked.
"Do you mind if she tags along, JJ?" Walter asked while looking at JJ.
"I don't mind at all, however my days are boring," JJ said as he looked at Alice.
The smile on her face told JJ he made the right decision, her smile was deep.
Walter and Erica rose and Walter said he had to leave for work, shaking JJ's hand again, kissing his wife and daughter, waving as he picked up a briefcase and departed.
"Honey, you need to get dressed, JJ has to leave," Erica said as she gathered the soiled dishes from the table.
"Okay mom, do I have time for a quick shower, JJ?" Alice asked.
"Sure, I'll wait, take your time," JJ said.
Alice looked quickly at her mother before she left the room and climbed the stairs.
Alice was barely out of the room before Erica motioned for JJ to follow, leading him to the game room. Stopping beside the pool table, Erica turned and JJ saw the robe was open and spread, two round mounds and the shaved pussy staring at him. JJ walked close and she reached for his zipper, and loosened his trousers, letting them fall to the floor. Pushing her mound against his prick she asked, "You don't believe that line Walter gave you this morning I hope?"
"Alice and I are just two of his tools to get what he wants, he cares about us as much as that truck. He hates it, I fucked its former owner every day and Walter found out about us, he ran Sonny off, he threatened him," she said as she lifted her ass to the pool table, pulling his prick against her opening and got him started. "At the present time, you are important to him so you will reap the benefits while you are in demand."
"JJ, push, I need you in a bad way. You may as well know something about me, I like sex everyday and twice on the good days. I have told Alice where to take you today; I think you will be satisfied. If you don't just let me know as soon as possible," she said.
Erica was a woman, just like mom, Marge, and Tina, with one big difference, that difference being money. She loved to fuck and it was clear in her face while it was happening. She made it work for her, if she had time she would prolong the pleasure, however this morning she was short on time as she pulled his fluids into her body as though he was on automatic delivery.
Satiated for the moment, her eyes appeared to be thanking him as she allowed JJ to gaze at her body, prominently displaying each part as his eyes traveled from her toes to the tip of her nose. Her final gesture was like a seal, as she brought his hands to her mouth, kissing the tips of his fingers, her eyes cut upwards, and smiling.
Minutes later JJ was sitting at the dining table and Erica was refilling his cup. The moment and the light made her appear as a young girl and he took one last opportunity to caress her body, and slipping his hand under her robe. JJ was cupping a breast when Alice announced herself.
"Now I am not going to make another trip upstairs this morning," she said as she sat in the chair designated as her fathers. Erica didn't pull away, or rush, to hide their intimate moment and neither did he, as the touching just seemed to end.
JJ looked at Alice, fresh and colorful, although she was wearing a simple 'A' line dress of material jeans were made of. There was no movement on her part as he reached to touch the material, finding it lighter and softer than jeans. Her smile seemed to say she was pleased he was concerned, or cared, as she touched his hand lightly, a mere gesture, before pulling her hand back.
JJ was happy just watching her move, as she and her mom were discussing the day's activities. She looked fresh today, compared to two days earlier. He touched her neck, and the mark was barely noticeable, and she tilted her head, "You remember that?" she asked.
There was also a red mark below her solar plexus and JJ touched that area on her dress. Reaching her zipper, she pulled on it as the dress opened, almost to the waist. When she pulled one side open, she exposed a small thirty-two A-cup breast; a bruise marked the soft looking flesh just below her small mound. JJ reached to touch it tenderly, allowing his fingers to caress the skin a moment, as his rage grew.
"Don't worry, it will diminish gradually, and next week it will only be a memory," she said as she saw the look change on his face. Until he saw that bruise, he felt comfortable by "letting her family" take care of it, however at the time he wanted to take care of it, sort of like the old saying, an eye for an eye.
Alice tapped his hand, an attention getter more or less, and Erica said, "JJ, would you and my daughter like to join me at Casio's today about one?"
"Mom, NO! I don't want to go!" Alice exclaimed in a loud voice.
"JJ, I don't want her hiding; she is afraid people are talking about her, heaven knows there are a bunch of gossips here. However, Alice, this is for JJ, today may be an important day for him, and you know how most of these old biddies are. Honey the old saying, make hay while the sun is shining, that day is today. Trust me, it's important, and I am not trying to hurt your feelings, they're important to me."
"We'll discuss it this morning, Mrs. Evans," JJ said, as he looked from mother to daughter, each with a hopeful expression showing openly, although opposite results were desirable.
JJ looked at Erica and thought of Charlene, each with a common goal of getting JJ to Casio's, the object was to show him off, and he understood that. One made a remark similar to, I can't wait to get you there, while another asks, would you like to meet me there; how different people were, and both are sincere. He was still shaking his head trying to figure these people, actually he was trying to figure himself out.
JJ made an exaggerated rocking motion and laughed as Alice drove from the service station onto the main road. She was a little rough shifting however; she did a reasonably good job for a beginner. She glanced at him quickly, the hand slapping at him automatically as he made the exaggerated jerking motion. Making a motion like he was being choked was enough for the hand to come at him again as it retreated quickly back to the wheel, causing him to speak, "You are choking the steering wheel."
She was staring straight to the front, and her hands were gripping the wheel tightly, as in the case of most new drivers. She wasn't licensed yet however he succumbed to her request after they aired the tires, refilled the battery, and washed the windshield. He was still chuckling at her after they had to push the truck to get it started. The battery wasn't completely dead however it wouldn't start the truck and JJ made her push to get it rolling down her drive. The funniest part, he waited for her at the bottom of the drive as she stomped her foot and pointed to her feet. She wanted him to drive back up the drive and pick her up where she stopped pushing. He did, however he made her think he wanted her to walk the two hundred feet.
"Where are you taking me?" JJ asked, making a choking motion again.
Alice seemed to relax her grip somewhat, although she retained a firm grip as she smiled and replied, "We're going to Wigwam's."
Making several requests for more than she was telling him, he finally sat back and watched her drive, she was becoming more relaxed, and he felt fairly comfortable when she turned from the road after driving ten miles into the country. They passed the house and JJ saw a tall black man and three small children watch them pass. He noticed the negro man wasn't impressed as they passed, rather he looked upset.
Alice's loud scream made him jump and reach for the ignition when she screamed, "IT WON'T STOP!" JJ saw she had one foot on the brake, as well as one foot on the accelerator, and she was pressing both. The truck jerked to a stop a few yards after he switched the engine off. He started laughing and she started crying. He stopped laughing and waited a minute to allow her to regain her composure. She looked at him with tears in her eyes at the same time Wigwam approached her door.
"Wigwam, it wouldn't stop," she said excitedly as the tall negro man opened her door. He saw her feet were still pressing both pedals and started laughing. Three children looked in the truck and started shouting, "Alice, Alice."
Half an hour later Wigwam, William, explained Alice couldn't pronounce his name when she was small and that name stuck. He was laughing as he said he was proud of it. Wigwam said he worked odd jobs, gardening mostly. After another hour-long conversation with him, JJ learned cutting grass was not all that was expected of him, JJ had to admit that was all he knew how to do. His laugh was genuine and agreed to work for JJ, if JJ could get enough work for himself.
"Miss Alice, you need to take JJ to the women's lunch today," was all he said to Alice and she nodded. She wasn't happy but he asked her to take a walk, JJ watched as they walked down the drive he could see them talking. When they returned she was smiling and did not seem depressed although she had been before the walk started.
JJ guessed Willa's age to be close to twenty, ten years younger than her husband, and there were five children in the house. She started breastfeeding the baby as she and JJ carried on a casual conversation. Unashamed, she opened her dress, and placed a nipple in the baby's mouth. JJ was shocked initially; however, he felt it was the most erotic moment he had ever witnessed. The longer JJ watched the baby feed, the harder his prick became. The youngest was nursing and the second youngest claimed leftovers. He was hurting in his groin when Alice asked to leave, needing to make one other stop before Casio's. Her refusal to drive sparked a laugh from Willa and Wigwam.
Alice was only in the house a few minutes however she didn't tell him who she stopped to see and he didn't ask. She was silent as JJ drove and her words broke the silence, startling him, "You found Williamena pretty, didn't you?"
"Found who... what?" JJ questioned.
"You thought Willa, Williamena, you thought she was pretty. I could tell, you left with a hard prick." Alice chuckled. "I guess you saw she wasn't wearing panties, and that's what made you hard." She looked over in JJ's direction and smiled.
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My Goddess and I are in a female dominate relationship. My Goddesses name is Belinda and my name is Dudley. A little about Belinda and myself, I am from a wealthy.family and I became wealthier when my entire family was killed in a tragic accident. I was a mess when I met Belinda as I was suppose to be on the plane that crashed and killed my family. I had begged off from going with a lame excuse, I was living with a ton of guilt. I was going to therapy to help get my head back on my shoulders....
At first it looked like not very many parents and staff would show up to the monthly school Board meeting, but as it got closer to 7:30, the seats began to fill up. Carl Johnson was there with his son, who had been invited to attend because he had done so well in a math competition at his middle school. Mike was a very bright 16-year-old who had just started to notice the young ladies. His dad was looking at his watch, curious about how long he would have to wait before he could go home and...
Ripped and tatted Hungarian hunkster Jason Stromm makes his See H?️M Fuck debut today and we paired HIM up with the lovely Kylie Quinn for this week’s update. After our director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about HIM, including a deepthroat joke that literally made us ? Jason gets naked for us and Kylie begins to apply a lot of lube ? to his phenomenal body, paying close attention to all his muscles, especially the one that’s ?✂️ uncut ? She ? sniffs and licks ?...
xmoviesforyouACT OF SUBMISSION Hail My King- My Masculine, Virile, Absolute Ruler, You are full of strength and deserve my absolute submission. I am Your servant, Your devout servant And I am Yours always. In eternity. My mind belongs to You, My heart belongs to You, My female body is Your temple And You are my only God. My eyes are Your eyes, My ears are Your ears, My hands are Your hands, I walk ten feet behind You And follow You everywhere. At Your feet I kneel and pray, That...
Mere lund kafi bada aur mota hain or age 26 saal hai.meri behan ki age28 saal hai wo bohat pyari aur sexy hai us k bare bare booboo hain aur moti gand.main jab bhi us ki gand dekhta mera lund josh main aa jata lekin mujhe us gand naseeb nahi ho rahi thi wo raat ko soti main us ki gand ko dubata booboo dekhta aur bebus ho jata hai. Ek din papa ghar aye aur kaha k aj main aur tumhari mummy 6 din ke liye dilli ja rahe hain. Aap log ghar main rheyega aur kahin jaane kee jaroorat nahi aur haan meri...
"Kimmi, I know you are awake!" I sheepishly open my eyes. "Sorry," I squeak, with Cara's big tits dangling over me.I look over to see Jake slipping his shorts back on, covering his drooping cock. "How much did you see?" Jake asks."Ummm, not much," I lie."Kimmi, tell the truth," Cara demands."Everything," I whisper, pulling the covers over my naughty voyeur eyes. From underneath the covers, I hear them whispering. I want to crawl in a hole and die I am so embarrassed."Good idea,"...
College Sex"What the hell is going on here?" A loud roar woke me from my stupor. Sitting bolt upright, I ended up throwing Dixie off of me. It only takes my fog filled mind a few moments to analyze the scene we were caught in. My sister was still lying next to me, naked, and Dixie had been on top of me, still enjoying my d**g enhanced hardon. This was how Ron, Dixie's boyfriend, and Amber found us. Amber didn't seem to mind so much, but Ron's face was an angry red color."Huh, wha--?" I can only manage to...
"Put my panties down you sick fuck!"I walked into my apartment to find the caretaker of my building on his knees with two pairs of my panties, one being stroked against his cock and the other pair held up to his face.I had complained earlier in the week that the sink in my en-suite had kept blocking and that I needed it fixing, he knew I would not be in that day and took his opportunity. However, I had finished work early so he had not been anticipating my arrival.I opened my bedroom door to be...
Now five years into her second marriage, it had all come to her as a shock to her system. She had always liked to dress well, she could afford to do so from her own income, working in a company near where she lived. She had joined them when she got married and moved to the area. The success of her work life greatly differed from the failure of her married life. Her husband was a bully, a bigot, a bruiser, a blustering dictator. She had not given any thought to his attitude when they first...
I remember slipping out of Mr. and Mrs. L’s bed that morning after the Christmas Party, getting dressed and going downstairs. No one was awake yet so I found my panties, jeans and pullover in the room off the kitchen. I got my coat and gloves from the hall closet and quietly left the Dean’s home. As I walked home I was trying to understand just who I was. Am I still the sissy I love being or am I bisexual now that I've fucked a women? The rest of the winter passed with me being called to the...
Gay MaleDecisions often simplify other decisions. Mine certainly did. Once I decided to let myself be seduced by the Republicans, my driving objective was to find a competent person to run the Concord office. Morgan Robertson was ideal if I could get her to take the job. In this, I had an advantage and a handicap. The handicap was that I was not going to offer the money others might. The advantage was that Morgan clearly thought my star was rising. She might want to hitch her cart to my horse....
Phoebe stared at the gold flecked piranha swimming in slow circles in its large aquarium and wondered if the fish was as bored as she was. Biology wasnt her favorite subject and although the teacher, Mr Whitman, seemed to have a wonderful rapport with the animals he kept in his classroom he didnt connect well with his students. His lectures were delivered in a monotone and conveyed nothing that wasnt covered in the reading assignments. As Mr Whitman continued to drone on, her eyes moved to the...
"Good evening ladies." Arin sneered, halting a short distance away. Bowing before them in a sarcastic mockery of polite formality, before turning to face a stunned Ryoko directly. "Did you really think to be rid of me so easily Ryoko?" "You can't be here!" She murmured thickly. "It's impossible!" Ryoko wailed, now in the grips of a rising hysteria. "HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU HAVE TO DIE?!" She screamed as she leaped igniting her sword. As she descended upon the sight of her own...
After we ate - what turned out to be the second most favorite steak I had ever eaten, I tipped the waiter and asked to meet with the cook. Elizabeth informed me they have a chef, and I asked her to go with me to meet him. I gave him a twenty and told him that steak was cooked to perfection. He recognized me and we chatted as my mistress clung to me like she was a vine. When the Valet brought my Vette around, he held the door for Elizabeth as she slid in with her skirt up over her hip. When...
Chapter 1Disclaimer:I do not own any characters thatwere created by someone elseClaimer:Go to my profile to view my charactersKazooie grumbled as Banjo folded up the hot air balloon, had it not malfunctioned during flight an hour ago theywould be at the Smurf Village by now. Of course, the honeybear was toolazyto checkthe fuel tank before they left, and now Kazooie was beginning to regret on convincing himabout going on an adventure. She sat there in the blue backpack she resides in for 13...
hi friends… This is rakesh from hyderabad.now i will tell my real incident in hindi. Mai hyderabad mein B.Tech third year padhta hun,obhi mere dosth ki sister ke ghar mein rehkar,kyun ki mai unka bahut close family friend hun.mera friend ke sister ka naam,ramya.usski shaadi hokar 2 bachhe bhi hai,aur usska husband ek contractor hai.otho hamesha camps par ghoomta rehta hai.mai mere friend ke sister ko DIDI keh kar hi bulata tha,aur usske husband ko JIJAJI.jab bhi JIJAJI camp ko jaate the tho...
“Hi, this is Lana,” Janey said in a breathy voice into the phone. She looked in the mirror and smiled at her image and continued, “Is anyone else excited it’s Friday? Why don’t you call me and tell me your naughty plans for the weekend. Maybe we can have some fun together?” Janey added, “Call me!” as she hung up the phone. Looking closer in the mirror, Janey noticed a few stray hairs on her chin, which she quickly plucked. She cinched the waistband on her sweatpants and walked into her...