AbductedChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
Monique had formed a plan. She had thought carefully about the things the American girl had told her during dinner, particularly the part about the dream. Several other of her young initiates had told a similar story about such dreams. They always occurred when she had left them alone at the hotel. That bastard Shalla has been sampling my wares, she thought angrily to herself. Under normal circumstances, she would have reported him immediately to Gamal or another of her contacts and they would have taken care of the matter by quietly dumping his body in the bay, but with this new development of the American girl's husband coming, she would need his help. He wouldn't dare refuse when she confronted him with her knowledge of his assaults on her girls. She might even let him have a little more fun with her. That should keep him happy.
She pressed the service button by her bed and waited patiently until she heard his light knock at the door.
"Can I help, Madame?" he said as she opened it wide, motioning for him to enter.
Shalla sensed that something was wrong when the French lady invited him inside. She had never paid much attention to him before and he stepped into the room reluctantly, taking the seat she pointed to.
Monique stood in the center of the room looking down at him for a long moment. The Arab lowered his eyes. He did not know how to deal with such a woman. She was far above his class and her very presence unnerved him. She must know about his little afternoon parties with her friends. This would be the only reason she would be looking at him like this.
"Was she good this afternoon, Shalla?" she said coldly, still staring straight down at him.
There was a long silence and the Arab did not speak. He was frightened. He knew the people she was connected with and what could be done to him if she just gave the word. He would have no one to turn to, he was Just an immigrant without friends. He kept his eyes lowered to the floor, afraid to sneak. There was no one to defend him.
"I asked you a question, Shalla. Was she good?" Monique repeated, almost enjoying watching the Arab squirm. He deserved it, the bastard, having such a good time with her property. He might have damaged it irreparably playing his little games.
"I--I do not know of that which Madame speaks." he finally answered slowly, raising his eyes slightly from the floor but still not looking directly in her eyes.
"You sniveling little, cochon," she spat at him vindictively, "you know very well of which I speak."
"But I do not understand," Shalla defended, "why does Madame become so angry and talk this way. Have I not always been of good service?"
"Yes, yes, you have," Monique's tone changed to one of soft understanding. She knew she would have to be more gentle with him or he would never admit to anything. She was frightening him too much and this would never do, she didn't have much time to put her plan into operation and this would require his help or she would never succeed before the girl's husband arrived.
"I'm not angry with you, Shalla," Monique continued, speaking slowly; and addressing him now in respectful tones as she would another business associate. "In fact, I need your help."
The Arab looked up at her, not certain whether he had heard correctly. Surely this was some kind of trick she was playing on him to get him to confess. Then she would turn him over to some of the toughs who worked for her and he would be finished.
"Madame, Shalla knows his place, he does not do the things of which you speak. I have my duties to perform here, I have no time for other things."
"Shalla, my dear man, you must understand that I am not going to have you harmed in any way. I just need your help. How would you like to have the little American girl again?" Monique smiled at him and said this last sentence slowly so that it would sink into his mind deeply. She was certain he had enjoyed it, otherwise, Jean would not have given such glowing descriptions of the sensations she had experienced in her so- called dream.
"How do I know that Madame does not play a trick on me, to get me to confess to something I have not done?" Shalla also spoke slowly. His Arab intuition told him that this proud French lady really did need his help and she needed it badly. Otherwise, she could turn to any number of very important people here in Marseille to do the favor for her. She must have to keep it a close secret that was not to be known outside the hotel. Perhaps, just perhaps, if he played it right, he could benefit well from her obviously difficult situation. He was a lowly immigrant, but not a fool.
Monique could see the change of expression on his face. He had looked up at her and studied her eyes.
He knew she was in desperate trouble and needed his help.
This was bad. She knew the Arabs well by now and if they knew they had an advantage they would press it for everything they could get. They were the best hagglers in the world and quick to perceive a weakness in their adversaries. Perhaps she had just better put her foot down now before he got too far out of line.
"Listen you desk clerk! I can have you thrown to the fish anytime I desire. I know now what you've been doing to these poor defenseless girls while I've been away from the hotel and I think you had better admit it to me before I lose my temper." Desperation was apparent in her voice and Shalla sensed this. Whatever it was that she needed was extremely important and she needed him to help her accomplish it. He eyed her more confidently.
"Madame is wrong," he spoke with feigned hurt in his voice. "I think I must leave."
"Shalla, stay where you are," he could almost detect a pleading note in the tone of her voice now. "I need some assistance and can make it well worth your while to help me."
"What does Madame wish me to do?" the Arab asked slyly. He would find out how important this favor really was and then negotiate the price.
Monique outlined to him briefly the part she wanted him to play in her little scheme, leaving out the most important factors that would give away the true reason for her plan. She didn't dare to divulge it all to him. She knew he would demand a price that would cut her profit down considerably, and she envisioned quite a sum from Gamal if her plan worked well. It had to work, it was her only chance.
Shalla listened intently to the outline of his part in this venture of the French lady. She tried to sound casual as she described to him the details of the actions he was to perform but he knew now beyond all doubt from the discernible concern in her eyes that there was so much more to it than she was divulging to him. She was going to a lot of trouble to merely humiliate this girl. There must be something else to it, it sounded much more complicated than she described.
"How much will this man pay to see her raped?" he asked, attempting to draw more of the story from her.
"He will pay a great deal if you and your friend follow instructions well. He likes this kind of thing and is willing to pay for it."
"But it is dangerous and if the police find out, it will mean a long prison term for myself and the friend I will need to help. We also will have a witness in the girl. She will know who all of us are and be able to identify us for the authorities."
"Don't worry about the witness, my dear Shalla, our friend who wants this little exhibition will take care of that part later. All you and your friend must do is to hold her here tomorrow and then deliver her as I instruct--but your timing must be absolutely perfect--and, of course, you may have your little fun like you did before, but no rough stuff, I want her fit tomorrow night."
"And how much does Shalla receive for this?" the Arab asked, knowing in advance that whatever figure she first offered would be a pittance compared to what she would receive. He knew she was selling these girls and that the correct timing had something to do with a sale.
"You will get half, and the gentleman is willing to pay two hundred American dollars. That would be one hundred for you which is more than you make in a month working here."
"A girl like that is worth three thousand American dollars to some in Marseille." Shalla watched her expression change as he made this statement. He knew by the sudden frustration that crossed over her face that he could almost name his own price now. She wanted this done tomorrow night and he knew it would be impossible for her to arrange it with someone else in that time. He had sent the cable for the American girl and knew when her husband was arriving. This would mean the plans would have to be completed tonight or he might take her away with him. Obviously, the French lady had already arranged the sale and this would destroy her plans completely.
Monique had been afraid of this. Damn Arabs, they would take the very clothing from an honest woman's back if they had the chance. She also knew she was in no position to argue with him too much and that speed was of the very essence if the plans were to be completed before the husband arrived.
"All right, you bastard Arab, five hundred American dollars and no more." Monique spat at him in desperation. "This is my final offer and you had better accept or I'll make you wish you had stayed in Algeria and let the revolutionaries string you up!"
Shalla smiled to himself as he heard the frustration rise in her voice. He knew the price was open now and that he had gained the upper hand. This may be the chance he was looking for. He had worked as a lowly hotel clerk too long already after losing his family shop in Algeria during the revolution. It was time he became a business man again and this was an excellent business. He had to play his hand carefully in order not to upset the fine balance of things as they stood.
"You are too kind, Madame, to a lowly hotel clerk. The price sounds too high. I think we should wait until the deed is done before we make the bargain. I do not want to be overpaid for my services."
"Then I have your agreement?" Monique asked, a smile of relief showing discernibly on her face.
"Yes you have my dear woman. I will do your bidding, asking only that I be treated fairly after the affair is finished."
"Agreed," Monique beamed. This had been easier than she had expected. She would give him a small tip after it was over and if he gave her any trouble, she was certain Gamal would take care of him for her.
"A drink to seal our bargain," the Arab said, looking at her with his penetrating stare. He knew exactly what she was thinking and counted on her overconfidence to reveal the entire set-up later on to him. Right now, he had to equalize them. It would be taking a chance with this haughty bitch who considered him slightly above the social level of a pig but he had to try now while she needed him. There was only one way to do this, and that was to fuck her senseless before he left this room. There was no better equalizer in the world than to debase her by shooting a hot stream of his sperm up into that hot belly of hers. That would convince her she was no better than he was.
Monique suddenly detected the other, more bold change in his voice. It emitted a certain unmistakable suggestiveness that suddenly curled her stomach. It took several seconds before the full impact of what this cur's voice had so subtly implied, but one look at his face and there was no question what he had meant.
He wanted her to submit to him!
This sniveling Arab wanted her, Monique DuFour, to submit to his base touch. The thought of rubbing bodies with this filth sitting before her nauseated her no end. His despicable pock- marked face and yellow decaying teeth sickened her stomach, and now he had the nerve to expect her to submit to him. She held herself back from screaming at him to get out. He had agreed to assist her and she couldn't afford to lose him now.
"I'm tired, Shalla my dear, perhaps we can have one another time when we've completed our agreement," she smiled sweetly, hiding her contempt as best she could under the circumstances.
The Arab looked at her and she knew her ruse had failed. She felt as though he were looking straight into her mind and was sensing every thought. Perhaps she shouldn't have called him into this, she had misjudged him. He was a clever one and she knew she wasn't going to get out of this as cheaply as she had thought.
"We had better have it now, Madame," he said, rising from the chair and pouring them two large glasses of the Courvoisier cognac she had sitting on the dresser.
Monique stood frozen in the middle of the room, not taking her eyes from him as he handed her the glass.
"Drink," he commanded, raising his glass to his lips that were now curled in a contemptuous half-smile. Monique found herself lifting the glass to her lips almost in a daze, her superior bearing lost. She was shaking slightly, fully aware of the fact, that she had lost control of the situation and that she had to put up with his insolence or lose Gamal, her best customer, and this was impossible as all her future business plans rested upon his acceptance of her girls. She drained the glass, feeling the hot liquid sear down her throat softening for the moment the impact of the sudden change of events.
Shalla reached for the bottle and poured her another.
"I think Madame will need this, we have many plans to make if we are to succeed in our little venture. It will not be easy without total cooperation between us. Do not you agree?" he smiled triumphantly.
Monique nodded numbly in assent, taking the glass as he passed it to her, and pouring another large swallow into her throat. She felt as though she would scream in revulsion if this pig touched her but she knew it was coming and had to deaden her senses. Things had gone too far now to turn back and she just could not afford to lose Gamal's loyalty as a client, in spite of what degradations she had to submit to in order to save it. It meant her reputation and that was all one had in this business. Either you delivered if you had promised to do so or suddenly found you had no customers for your girls. It was that simple and she knew it too well.
Shalla knew at the moment she nodded her head that the battle was won. He was going to fuck this high-class bitch and there was nothing she could or would do to stop him. He had drained all fight from her because she needed him and would do anything he demanded in order to insure his help. He smiled lewdly as he stood in front of her unbuttoning his pants and letting them drop slowly to the floor. His hardened cock stood out from his body throbbing straight at her. It looked like a giant oak growing up through the black underbrush of his thick pubic hair, as with one hand he stroked the foreskin back and forth over the expanding head. It grew jerkily in size each time it disappeared and reappeared through the thick flap of flesh covering it. He watched the loathing in her face as her eyes remained involuntarily locked on his dark growing member. His excitement flared as he saw the helpless fear rising in her eyes. It would be more fun than with the American.
This one would be conscious of the things he was going to do to her!
It would be he who was bringing forth the moans of pleasure and pain this time and not some distant lover that would receive the credit for his caresses. It was he, Shalla, who would be felt when he drove it deep into the soft unprotected belly of this desperate bitch.
"Strip," he hissed at her. "Or should I do it for you?"
Monique moved, she couldn't stand the thought of this beast touching her yet. She undid the buttons of her dress at the back, wriggled it off her shoulders, down over her lush full hips and stepped out of it. She could feel the Arab's lewd eyes devouring her ripe mature body but she didn't dare look at him. She was still well built and solid for a woman of forty and kept herself in good condition by daily exercises. She pulled her slip up over her head and let it limply slither to the floor at her feet with the dress. She suddenly for the first time in years felt extremely defenseless and naked. Thank God, for the cognac that had deadened her nerves.
The Arab had removed his clothes except for the dirty green socks that had large holes in the heels. His yellow pallored skin clung tightly to his thin rib cage; his long sinewy cock jutted menacingly out from his belly.
Monique shuddered visibly this time, thinking back to the horrors of another evening so many years ago when she had been ravished brutally by a gang of his kind in the same room where the broken body of her husband had lain grotesquely spread in death on the floor. They had been farmers in Algiers before the revolution and had been caught in their home by surprise one evening by a roving band of Arab guerrillas. They had tortured her husband to death before her eyes and then had taken turns committing every kind of indecency imaginable on her then young defenseless body. Her mind still bore the scars of that night and its horrible memory had prevented her from ever having a man since that time. Most young wives of the slain settlers had come back to France and out of desperation for money had ended up on the streets. She had not. She had worked hard in developing her little trade, using the contacts she had with their Algerian friends that had survived the revolution. She had prided herself in the fact that she had survived and had not given herself to anyone in respect for the memory of her dead husband. And now, this. This horrible creature was standing before her ready to perpetrate the same indecencies on her helpless body again. The thought revolted her of that thin emaciated body slivering across hers, using her for its own obscene pleasures. She couldn't do it... she just couldn't... !
Chapter 4 – More Questions Back in her room, Emma looked at the clock. 12 noon. She had been in the ‘interview room’ for less than two hours! It was hard to believe. So much had happened. She went to the bathroom, started to run the water for a bath, and slipped off her robe. She stared in the mirror at her soft, white body, the whiteness of her skin marred by angry red marks on her breasts, torso, thighs and buttocks. She found the jar marked ‘Bath Balm’ and applied the ointment liberally to...
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This story is meant for the enjoyment of adults only. This is my first attempt at a science fiction story and I would like to hear what you think of it. I tried to make an implausible situation believable and still have the prurient interests involved. Please write to me at [email protected] and let me know what you think. Abducted by Aliens Written by 4play My girlfriend and I were driving to...
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Chapter 7 – Recovery {AUTHOR’S NOTE: – Apologies to my few ardent fans about the delay in publishing Chapter 7 of Emma’s Saga. Blame holidays, pressure of work, lack of time for research, and writer’s block – in no particular order. Emma doesn’t get fucked a lot in the next few chapters, but I’m still developing some important characters. Chapters 8 to 11 follow almost immediately. There may be more, but only if you want it. Please take the time to give me your reactions – for good or ill....
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Chapter 6 – It Just Got Worse The two men got back into their uniforms, but left Emma naked. They conversed together in whispers. Emma strained her ears, but could make out nothing. Suddenly Clyde strode towards her, grabbed her wrists and pulled her off the bed and to her feet. He marched her across the room to an upright frame and tied her wrists to the cross-bar, above her head, about a metre apart. She struggled, and kicked out, but Boris held her around her thighs, taking the opportunity...
Chapter 1 – Max Max took a deep breath, puckered his lips and blew a draught of cool air into Emma’s glistening vagina. A muffled sigh, and a slight tightening of her thighs around his head, were testimony of her appreciation. She pressed her pussy against his face, and he extended his tongue to caress her soft musky cavern. He tried not to be aroused by the scent and feel of her damp recesses, but it was useless! He tried to force his thoughts to other matters – his mortgage – the children’s...
Chapter 10 – The Grand Inquisitor Has His Way Back at Hans’ chambers, he opened the door to his room, and pushed Emma in the direction of the bathroom. ‘Quick!’ he ordered. ‘Have a toilet, then strip off and come to the playroom, as quickly as you can!’ Puzzled, Emma complied. Two minutes later, naked, she entered the playroom, and in the very subdued light, saw Hans, in his shirt sleeves, pulling to the centre of the room what looked like a very narrow vaulting horse, about fifteen...
Chapter 2 – Captive Slowly and drowsily, Emma woke from sleep. Normally after an evening of sex with Max, she would sleep peacefully and deeply, but last night had been marred by a succession of dreams – nightmares even – quite unlike her usual dreams. Dimly, she tried to remember. Strange faces appeared and disappeared, strange hands on her body, her hands and feet being bound, her body enclosed in a box – a coffin perhaps? Her head ached from a horrendous hangover. ‘Strange,’ she thought, ‘I...
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BDSMThis story is a tribute to an original story piece called ‘Alien to Ambition’ written by The Greyman and published on both TheOverflowingBra website and his DeviantArt account (http://mrgreyman.deviantart.com/). Many of the characters in it and universe they inhabit are completely his creation and all credit goes to him for it. I just hope I and my fellow contributors can do it credit. You feel as though you are drifting, your mind clouded as though trying to rise from a heavy sleep. Your limbs...
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a*****ED on our camping trip!Mom and I decided, well actually she decided we were going camping over the 3 day holiday weekend. I'm in my teens and I don't spend a lot of time with her so I reluctantly went along.We arrived at the campsite. It was a rented tent big enough for 6. I remembered mom use to come her with dad once in a while. Mom took our backpacks from the car, threw it down and pulled her top over her head undoing her bra freeing her big 34 EE tits with big, I mean massive nipples...
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Jane fell, then was half-dragged by Buck and Silas into the front room, where they threw her roughly down onto the cot. "Well, lookee what we got here," Josh scowled at the others. "A little girl come right outta the woods. What ya doin' way out here in no where, honey?" Jane gazed up fearfully at the tall mustached man in front of her, remembering the rough treatment Buck and Silas had given her outside. She said nothing, but clenched her teeth and pursed her lips tightly, vaguely...
"I'll show ya how to make it back to Calder real quick," Buck said as they walked out of the clearing and stood on the dirt road that circled from the woods beyond the shack. They walked up the road until they had gotten to an open rise that gave a good view of the complex of buildings and the small valley below. There was the shack, the stone house and the second growth timber like a hedge behind. She could see the road ribboning out into clumps of hills, and she breathed deep, knowing...
"Now that's more like it," Josh leered and stood back watching as the curvaceous young girl's fingers moved reluctantly from button to button down the front of her dress, a stoic expression on her face. The soiled cotton that molded itself tightly around her full curving figure eased slowly open, revealing a tanned and creamy line of flesh. Josh grunted to himself as the skimpy bra of her bikini swim suit appeared. The cups seemed to barely cover her ripe swelling breasts and squashed...
Jean Taylor had been on this same train two nights previously. She had lain in the same bunk that Kevin Taylor did a few nights later, but he had no way of knowing it. Her thoughts also ran over the events that had occurred in the hotel, her eyes seeing them in a different light. How could he have been so cruel, she thought, what had turned Kevin so suddenly into the raging animal he had been? She ran her hands over the raw tips of her swollen nipples that were so sore she could not...
From a broom closet next to the room of the American girl, the Arab peered hungrily through the small hole bored through the wall. He could see her slowly remove the thin robe she was wearing, exposing the flimsy night gown that covered her firm luscious body only down to the tops of her full well-rounded thighs. He smiled in anticipation when he saw her lift the glass of tea to her lips and drink deeply from it. He held his breath as she winced slightly from the initial bitter taste; then...
Monique smiled complacently to herself as she had entered the taxi several hours earlier in front of the hotel. She had reason to be satisfied. After all, she mused, this was the fourth girl she had brought to Marseille in the past month and the market for them was good. Since the tourists had stopped going to Algiers because of the Arab takeover, the demand for young white girls to fill the Arab brothels was almost unlimited. They were bringing up to two or three thousand American dollars...
The voluptuous young girl stirred restlessly on the rumpled bed. Her eyes fluttered open and fought with the darkness that permeated the thick stale air of the shabby room. Strange odors wafted through her nostrils, causing her brow to wrinkle slightly as though in deep concentrated thought. Her tongue circled her lips, tasting the slight pungency of a sticky moistness around them. Her eyes adjusted quizzically to the darkness and followed her form lying on the bed below. It was a strange...
About an hour before the Arab had closed Monique's door and stealthily stole back to his bunk downstairs, Jean had suddenly bolted up in bed to a sitting position. She had been awakened by a noise in the adjacent room. It sounded like the muffled squeal of a pig being put to the slaughter. She had been sleeping soundly and had thought at first it was a dream but it came again, jarring her to alertness. Something was wrong in Monique's room. Other muffled sounds were echoing through the...
"Monsieur Taylor, Monsieur Taylor," the loudspeaker blared through the shouts of the porters and the cacophonous noises of the crowded railway station. "Message for you at the information desk." Kevin motioned for the porter carrying his bags to follow him and walked toward the booth displaying the "Information" sign in English, French, and German. Kevin identified himself, and the small squat Frenchman behind the desk pointed toward a woman standing about fifteen feet away. "The...
It had been months since the last DVD arrived, Susan looked forward to seeing how sluttish her little girl had become. She masturbated daily to the few DVDs she had. The first showed Candy in a friendly gang bang, she truly enjoyed being used by three big men. This opened up a new world for Susan, she no longer felt sorry for herself, wondering where her daughter was. She started bar hopping again. Picking up nameless guys and fucking them where ever she could. She especially liked when the...
Susan opened the newest package from her slut daughter. She hoped it was Candy being a slut at the adult-book store that she’d mentioned in her last DVD. She suddenly felt a little guilt thinking of her daughter the slut, that went away when the screen lit up with her happy little girl. The guilty feelings were being replaced with feelings of lust more and more as the tapes arrived. “Hi mom, it’s me your little slut again. I have a new experience to share. This is another of my favorite...
It had been so long since the last DVD of her precious little slut arrived. Susan could hardly contain her excitement. She ripped open the package thinking of how six months had gone by since witnessing Candy being used at the adult book store. What perverted things had she done. Susan’s lust took over, she spread herself like the pedophile slut she had become, rubbing her frothy cunt and staring wide eyed at the blank screen waiting. Candy’s face appeared streaked with cum, her hair was...
Jean cowered in the center of the bed, her arms still bound tightly above her head. She felt her nakedness as a great shame covering her like an evil blanket. One that couldn't be dislodged no matter how hard one struck out against it. And now, that blanket was going to be replaced by something even more evil, the bodies of strange obscene men. Men, who would not even know her name or that she would not know, except as great shafts of indecent flesh drubbing into her helpless body. She would...
Monique smiled sweetly across the table at Kevin, lifting her champagne glass in a toast. "Well, here's to the conquering hero. Honestly Kevin, she was absolutely crushed. You should have seen her face when I showed her the note. She couldn't believe you would turn into a tiger like this." The words eased Kevin's worried mind. He had walked about the city all day worried to death about Jean's reaction to the note he had written for Monique. Several times, he had almost gone over to...
The room was blurred a dark gray and out of focus. A low hum of voices surrounded him. Kevin groaned, and shook his head to clear the cob-webs that kept his thoughts from coming through clearly. He tried to move. He couldn't. It felt as though he were wrapped tightly in a cocoon and the glazed picture of a colorful butterfly escaping and bursting forth into the air to freedom flickered through his mind. He was somewhere whirling in a great vacuum, but where, he didn't know. A dulling ache...
Kevin awoke the next morning to the loud medley of traffic and street vendor sounds that carried up through his window from the street five storys below. His head felt as though a pile- driver were crushing down on it and the thick cotton taste in his mouth almost nauseated him. He groaned, and sat up in bed, blinking his eyes at the full bright rays of sun that trickled in through the breeze fluttering curtains. It was a short moment before he could recall where he was and what he was doing...
As Kevin finished packing his bags he picked up the suit he had worn last night from the floor where he had left it and started to fold it into the case. As he shook the jacket to straighten the wrinkles a packet fell from the inside pocket to the floor. It was the manila envelope he had been given by one of the men who had brought him back to the hotel last night. He had forgotten about it in his anxiety today to get to the hotel where Jean had stayed. In feet, he thought dryly, I've...
Jean awoke early. Kevin's train should arrive within a few hours and she wanted to get all her things packed and meet him at the station. They could move to another hotel directly from there. This way, she would not have to face Monique. She couldn't look her in the eye again after last night. She could still picture Monique's firm full body pumping crazily beneath that man, whoever he was, and could still hear her impassioned pleas begging him for more. She shuddered each time the thought...
The Arab had no intention of letting this chance of making fast money escape him. He had the girl completely under his control and he could turn that into quite a sum in a matter of hours if he kept the customers turning over fast enough. By tonight when he had to deliver her to the address the French woman had given him, he could have amassed a small fortune. He smiled to himself when he thought of the French woman's warnings to him about not hurting the American girl. Great ghost of...
At school, she was a very popular girl, head cheerleader, and dated the football team captain. She was always getting stared at by all the boys because she had grown so much in the past year. Just last year, she had knobby knees and was flat chested. This year, she had blossomed. Her first menstrual cycle came during the summer. Her mother had rented a limousine, and had taken her to a very fancy restaurant and bought her a new wardrobe. “Now that you are becoming a woman, you need to act and...
"Don't say a word and just go pay for your shit and come back out to your car.. I'll be waiting. And don't say one word to the bitch behind the counter or I'll shoot you before she can even think about what you were saying." Were the only instructions I received before the stranger walked away. I knew if I tried anything slick it probably wouldn't work so I just went along with this scary figure's plan. I somehow sensed that the cashier knew something was wrong yet she didn't ask say...
While one of the black women had completely shaved her pussy and inserted a large vibrating butt plug into her ass, and the other attached strong metal clamps to both of her large 36DD nipples tightened until they had turned blue and a ball gag in her mouth. The huge black stud, Jamaal first moved to her face to show Laurel what he was going to fuck her with and she recoiled in terror. Then he moved his mouth to her succulent, full pussy lips and lapped at them expertly with his thick black...
He grinned with mischief as he read her reply to his questions on the BDSM Dungeon. The woman who called herself "AMF" was indeed very kinky. She liked to have someone force her to do stuff that she wanted to do, but also feared. She had fantasies where someone abducted her and made her service him and his friends. The Taskmaster thought that might prove useful to fulfilling his own desires. He knew that no one had abducted her before, because she had said as much online and that she...
Shirley was only 16 years old but had developed into an extremely beautiful, extremely shapely and extremely voluptuous school girl. She was about 5' 5" tall with a fabulous figure. She had a beautiful face, sultry eyes, rosy cheeks and full succulent lips, with her blonde hair cascading down in gentle curves. Shirley's full shapely smooth thighs, narrow waist and flat tummy increased her sex appeal. The most amazing but magnificent feature was her bosom. Only 16 but she had inherited her...
ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...
AbductionShe stood at the window of her apartment bedroom, staring out into the night. Absently, she set her mug of fragrant, steaming tea on the windowsill with a quiet, precise clink. The darkened room at her back perfectly suited her pensive mood. She sensed a presence behind her. Probably L, she thought, and without turning, she asked, ?What do you want?? A subtle scent of some unknown perfume was her only warning, jolting her out of her reverie as a female voice whispered, ?You,? and a...
I woke before Tom at 8AM and watched him sleep and thought that he certainly is a good looking man and man does he ever know his way around my body. I got up sometime in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom when I saw that he shot another load on my tits and face. I lost track of how many times he got off but it had to have been at least a half a dozen and then he came on me again while I was sleeping. God knows what he did to me besides fuck my tits. Now I’m more confused than...
Abduction... that never happens. People go missing all the time. Jerry had seen it so often on the news that stories of disappearances or abductions didn't even register. He always thought that happened in bigger cities to people with skeletons in their closets. Jerry was twenty, mild mannered and didn't have an enemy in the world. That kind of shit didn't happen to him. So regaining consciousness in a small padded cell didn't make much sense to him. His movement was severely...
First Abduction She heard a noise but kept walking. She was just being silly and scaring herself. She had just finished working and decided to walk home that night, as it was cool and slightly breezy. There, she heard it again! She laughed, probably a cat. She turned the corner and as she passed the alleyway, a hand came out and covered her mouth and yanked her into the alley. A soft hood was thrown over her head and she was shoved into a car. She was too startled to do anything but gasp...
ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF MEGAN. I was watching the young bitches as they walked to school in groups or in pairs. I needed to get a bitch on her own so that I could force her into my car. Then I saw her, a bitch walking on her own, her high heels clicking on the pavement. She was young and pretty a gorgeous little redhead. She was wearing a short skirt and high heels that showed her sexy toes. She was just the sort of bitch I wanted to rape and torture. My cock went hard as I thought of all the...
Mahi always enjoyed the atmosphere of The Ice Dragon. Unlike most modern bars, it was pleasantly quiet, with the voices of excellent jazz singers and the sound of small combos playing softly. Mahi’s Indian mother and massively mixed-race father were jazz and classical music buffs. Mahi grew to appreciate complex and sophisticated music. She dismissed rock, and especially rap, as crude and simplistic. Mahi’s jumbled genetic background had gifted her with dark skin, straight black hair, brown...
Tom went upstairs to get us some drinks and I laid back on the bed and marveled at what he did to me. Did he really just make me cum six times in a row? I didn’t think that was even possible. And then when he shot his cum there was so much plus I wanted it in my mouth. It was only one day ago that I had never even seen a real cock and now I’m begging this man to let me drink his cum. I guess I never realized the power of passion and sex. He’s turned me into a cock hungry slut in two days...