Abducted Ch. 02 free porn video

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Chapter 2 – Captive

Slowly and drowsily, Emma woke from sleep. Normally after an evening of sex with Max, she would sleep peacefully and deeply, but last night had been marred by a succession of dreams – nightmares even – quite unlike her usual dreams. Dimly, she tried to remember. Strange faces appeared and disappeared, strange hands on her body, her hands and feet being bound, her body enclosed in a box – a coffin perhaps? Her head ached from a horrendous hangover. ‘Strange,’ she thought, ‘I only had a couple of glasses of wine last night, two glasses wouldn’t normally affect me like this. I must get up and take a couple of Alka-Seltzers.’ She glanced at the alarm clock on the table next to the bed – 6.40 – another fifteen minutes before it burst into life.

She moved to throw back the sheets, and then stopped short. ‘I’m sure I nodded off last night on top of the bed, in my bathrobe, but now I’m under the covers – and nude! Strange!’

She lifted the sheets and looked down her naked body. ‘What the hell?’ she exclaimed aloud. Her pussy, once adorned with neatly trimmed soft, blonde hair, was now entirely bare. ‘Max?’ she wondered. ‘Has Max been playing games?’ Max had often asked her to shave her pussy for him, but she had always refused. ‘Did Max creep back in last night after I fell asleep? No – he doesn’t have a key!’

She looked again, and something glistened at her navel – a small gold ring. ‘Ugh!’ she ejaculated angrily. Who could have done that? She hated the very idea of being pierced. Anxiously, she felt her ear lobes, and encountered two small studs in each ear. ‘Horrible!’ she thought, ‘How cruel! Surely Max couldn’t be responsible?’

Her anxiety increasing, she looked again at the alarm clock. It wasn’t hers! She became aware of the faint hum of an air-conditioning system. She looked around the room, dimly lit by a night-light in a far corner. This wasn’t her room! Much bigger, with tables, armchairs and a large sofa – but not her room! She rushed to the curtains on one wall, and pulled them back, revealing only a mirror, from which her own frightened face gazed back at her. She looked at her ears, and sure enough, each lobe was decorated with two small studs, capped with what appeared to be diamonds. She turned on the central light and tried the doors. One was locked, and she saw no sign of a key. Another led into a capacious marbled bathroom, with a large bath, separate shower, two enormous basins, a WC, and a bidet, all with gilt fittings. A door next to the bathroom led into a small toilet, with WC and wash-hand basin, matching the furnishing in the main bathroom. The fourth door opened to reveal an enormous walk-in wardrobe – a dressing room really, she supposed. A quick glance revealed some of her own clothes, and an assortment of new items, all with original tags, and all in her size.

Puzzled, and increasingly frightened, she returned to the main room. She noticed a telephone by the bed and picked it up. Dead! No connection whatsoever! She slumped into an armchair, trying to get her head straight, and made an effort to collect her thoughts. God! Her head still hurt! She noticed a sheet of paper on the table, and picked it up.

‘Thursday 20th May, 1999

Welcome. We hope you had a good sleep. When you are ready for breakfast, please pull on the rope next to the bed. Breakfast will be brought to you within a few minutes.’

‘Yes,’ she thought, ‘breakfast might help me get my thoughts in order. But I’d better put some clothes on first.’

A long hard pee helped a little – her bladder was almost at bursting point. She found a luxuriously soft robe behind the door, and went to put it on. As she did so, she noticed in the mirror something odd on the side of her left buttock. She looked down and saw strange marks, enclosed in an ornate small rectangle, about 2cm deep and 1.5cm wide, apparently tattooed. She tried to make out the marks. The first line looked like a number – squiggle–7–1–3–7. What could it mean? She looked again. ‘Of course,’ she realised, ‘I’m looking at it upside-down! Try again.’

Using the mirror, and with a great effort to get her befuddled brain to work, she finally read L-E-I-L-A – LEILA – what could it mean?

Below the word ‘LEILA’ were some other characters, in what looked like Arabic script, and below that some characters in what she took to be Japanese or Chinese ideograms. Finally, at the bottom, was a letter, followed by a number – D297. Emma was mystified. She tried rubbing at the marks with soap and water, but to no avail. They did indeed appear to be tattoos. She hated tattoos! She loathed earrings, and especially navel-rings, thank goodness they hadn’t given her nipple-rings as well! She even disliked her shaven bald pussy – it hadn’t looked like that for over ten years. This had to be some sick joke. Surely Max couldn’t be responsible for this!

She wrapped the bathrobe around herself, and went back to the table, again picking up the sheet of paper. Suddenly she noticed the date. Thursday? No – today was Wednesday, wasn’t it? She thought back. Sunday, she had had a date with Peter. On Monday, she went to work as usual, and Max had called to make a date for the next evening – Tuesday. On Monday evening, she had stayed in, to wash her hair, bath, and do her nails. Tuesday was work again, and then an evening with Max. Yes – today was definitely Wednesday! Her mobile phone would confirm it!

Emma found the handbag she had used yesterday, placed neatly on top of a dressing table. Hurriedly she sorted through it, her wallet, purse, make-up, etc. were all in place, but her mobile phone had disappeared. She searched further – no credit cards, no driving license, and no diary.

She needed coffee. She pulled the rope as instructed, and sat in an armchair to await developments.

Less than five minutes later, she heard a door being unlocked, and two tiny young women, plump but quite pretty, wearing traditional black maids’ uniforms with white aprons, wheeled in a large trolley. They pushed it to the centre of the room, next to the table, and curtsied. ‘Please. Enjoy,’ one of them announced. Emma thought she was probably Thai – Oriental anyway – as was her companion. They turned to go.

‘No,’ Emma called out. ‘Please don’t go! Please tell me – where am I? Why am I here? Who are you?’

They shook their heads, smiled, and left hurriedly, locking the door behind them.

Emma surveyed the breakfast trolley, and felt suddenly hungry. Orange juice (freshly squeezed), a vast array of fresh fruit (each piece at the peak of ripeness), muesli and cereals of various types, milk and yoghurt, cold meats and smoked fish, cheeses, hard-boiled eggs, rolls and croissants, butter, marmalade, jams and honeys, coffee and tea. She rapidly downed an orange juice, poured a large cup of black coffee, and started munching through a bowl of cereal and nuts with fresh yoghurt.

She finally noticed a neatly folded sheet of A4 paper, and read as she ate:

‘Thursday 20th May, 1999

Please enjoy your breakfast.

You have been under sedation, and may be experiencing unfortunate after-effects. If your head hurts this morning, we suggest the pill in the blue box. If your stomach feels queasy, the pill in the pink box would be better. We do NOT recommend that you take both – the side effects can be most unpleasant.

No doubt, you have many questions. You will be interviewed at 10.00am, and we will answer as many as we can. You will be collected at 9.55, until then, we suggest you enjoy breakfast, have a leisurely bath, familiarise yourself with your wardrobe, and get dressed in something suitable for an interview.

Lunch is served between 1 and 2pm. A menu is in the trolley drawer. Please indicate with a cross the items you would like. We recommend a light lunch, the main meal of the day will be served between 7 and 8pm.

When you have finished, plea
se pull on the rope next to the bed, and the trolley will be removed.’

Emma took another sip of coffee. Sedation? What did that mean? She opened the blue box, and swallowed the small yellow pill she found inside. After yet another sip of coffee, she felt that her head was at last beginning to clear.

She started attacking a large plate of cold meats and salad. She particularly enjoyed the succulent mint-flavoured slices of chicken, and the thin slices of lamb, flavoured with what? Ah yes – coriander. As she ate, she began to take stock. An interview? At 10pm – nearly three hours away. What could that entail? Was this some sort of initiative test organised by her employers? It seemed unlikely for a highly respected and old-fashioned firm of Edinburgh accountants, but she knew that one of the senior partners had recently spent a few months in Japan. They did strange things there, she knew.

But the tattoo, the piercing of her ears and navel, the shaving of her pussy? Surely, no company could take such liberties with an employee without permission. It couldn’t be buried in the small print of her contract, could it? If the interview didn’t go well, she might need a good lawyer. Max would help.

She poured herself another cup of coffee, filled in her order for lunch – an interesting fish dish, to be followed by fresh fruit – and studied the room again. It wasn’t like any hotel room she had experienced. There was no TV, not even a radio. The room was expensively furnished, and tastefully decorated. She wandered around, opening all the cupboards. Finally, she found what looked like a TV, but on closer examination turned out to be a DVD player. Next to it was an impressive collection of DVDs, and CDs carefully filed in order of composer. She found, and put to play, a copy of the Goldberg Variations, with Angela Hewitt on the harpsichord – she always thought better with Bach!

She removed a bottle of mineral water, a banana and a pear from the breakfast trolley, placed them on a small table for later consumption, and pulled the rope. Almost immediately, the two oriental maids reappeared, curtsied, cleared the table, and left, locking the door behind them. Her further attempts at questioning them were met only with polite smiles and further curtsies.

Two pairs of dark brown eyes watched her, unseen through a two-way mirror. ‘She appears surprisingly calm,’ remarked the woman.

‘Yes,’ her companion replied, ‘a very promising attitude.’

‘Right,’ Emma thought, ‘two and a half hours to get ready. Bath first.’ She looked at herself in the mirror, and felt her hair. ‘And a hair-wash. And I must get rid of those horrible earrings!’

With a little difficulty, Emma managed to undo the studs in her ears, and remove the diamond pins, which she placed in a drawer. She could not, however, work out how to undo the gold ring in her navel. That would have to wait for later.

She ran her bath, selecting from the array of luxurious bath oils on the shelf, and relaxed in the large tub.

Just over an hour later, freshly bathed, powdered and conditioned, her soft blonde hair newly washed and dried, Emma appraised herself in the full-length mirror. ‘Mmm – not bad!’ she thought, twisting to admire her firm buttocks, and again catching sight of the tattoo on her left hip. Her headache had gone, and she was able to think more clearly. She had almost convinced herself about the correctness of her theory about an ‘initiative test’ of some kind, but the tattoo perturbed her. The pierced ears and shaven pussy would mend in time, but the tattoo seemed unduly permanent. Perhaps it was only some sort of indelible ink, and would wear off.

Her right breast and nipple were still discoloured, where Max had bitten them last night. She looked again at her shaven pussy. Now that she was getting used to it, she quite liked it. Max would be enthralled. She wasn’t sure of Peter’s reaction, but he was nowhere near as adept with his tongue as was Max, normally his only thought was how quickly he could get his cock up her, he might not even notice. She admired the way her clit peeked out, and stroked it gently. ‘Mmm – nice,’ she whispered to herself, ‘but no time for that now!’

Still naked, Emma vacated the bathroom, and returned to the bedroom. It felt silent and empty. She needed some cheerful, energetic music. Searching through the CD collection, she finally settled on Haydn – String Quartets, Opus 76, played by the Quattuor Mosaique. As the sound of the gut strings filled the room, she caught sight of her nude body again, in another mirror. Idly, her fingers brushed across her mound, and again found her clitoris. ‘I wonder,’ she thought, and hurried to the cabinet by the bed. Opening the drawer, she found, nestled at the back, not only her own favourite vibrator and dildo, but also some new toys. ‘Very thoughtful of them!’ she considered, ‘I’ll look forward to exploring those later.’ Experimentally, she turned on one of the new vibrators, much larger than anything she had previously experienced, and pressed it against her clit. A familiar sensation wafted over her, and she sat on the bed.

‘Surely she’s not going to start masturbating now?’ said one of the unseen watchers. ‘Oh no – just experimenting,’ as Emma regretfully switched off he vibrator and returned it to the drawer.

‘LATER!’ she said to herself in a firm voice. ‘I must get ready now.’

She went to the dressing table, searched through the large selection of powders, creams and potions, and applied a light make-up.

‘What to wear?’ she wondered. ‘I don’t want to show that I’m worried or upset – something fairly frivolous, I think. Let’s see what we’ve got.’

She entered the dressing room, out of sight of the watchers, and started perusing the clothes. It would help if she knew who might be interviewing her. Male or female? Probably male – there was only one female partner in the firm, and she was rumoured to be Lesbian anyway. Skirt or trousers? But there weren’t any trousers. Several of her own skirts and dresses were hanging on the rails, but none of her trousers. OK – skirt or dress? She held various outfits in front of her body, looking in the mirror, and tried on a few of the new items, astonished at the array of designer labels. Finally, she settled on a bright jungle print Gucci dress, with short sleeves and a low neckline, which finished about ten centimetres above her knees. She thought it demonstrated confidence and nonchalance. Now for the accessories!

She searched thoroughly, but found no underwear – no panties, knickers, bras, anything. ‘Some silly male must have packed,’ she thought, ‘Ah well – won’t be the first time I’ve gone somewhere with no knickers!’

Similarly, she found no tights – a varied collection of stockings, some with suspenders, and some self-supporting. Finally, she settled on a pair of sheer tan silk stay-up stockings, not wanting to risk suspender catches spoiling the outline of her dress.

She found a wide leather belt, matching handbag, and a pair of strappy shoes with two-inch heels, all by Salvatore Ferragamo. She opened a large jewel box to reveal a stunning collection of expensive-looking necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings and several watches. She selected a plain gold necklace, with matching bracelet, and a simple Cartier watch to complete the outfit. She admired herself. Her breasts were small, and could have used a little enhancement, but were firm enough to fill out the dress sufficiently, even without a bra. She gave a little twirl, and smiled at her reflection. ‘Yes, I think that’ll do,’ she mused. ‘It should make him sit up and pay attention anyway, whoever it is. If necessary, I should be able to give him a flash of my pussy if I cross my legs! We’ll see how it goes!’

Emma re-entered the bedroom and returned to the dressing table to apply lipstick, and ponder on a choice of perfume, finally settling on a light application of Gucci. The unseen watchers were impres
sed with her selection of dress, and her deportment. ‘An excellent and original choice!’ said the woman.

‘Yes – it shows great character. She’s obviously trying to show that she is not at all worried by her predicament,’ agreed her companion.

‘That will soon change!’ remarked the woman with a smile.

The CD stopped playing and, right on cue at 9.55 prompt, there was a light knock on the door.

‘Come in!’

She heard the door unlock, and in came two burly men in combat uniform with holsters at their waists.

‘Good morning, Miss,’ said the blonde man, in what sounded like a Russian accent. ‘You are ready?’

She nodded assent.

‘You need blindfold,’ he stated, in a tone which would brook no argument.

Meekly, she submitted, as the black man passed a black velvet hood over her head, and tied it loosely at her neck. Each man took one of her arms, holding on firmly, but quite gently, manoeuvring her towards the door and along a corridor. They walked for a few minutes, the sound of their steps on a hard floor echoing from the walls, and from the number of turns and twists, Emma felt that they were trying to disorientate her, to make sure she could not find her room again without assistance. Finally, she heard another door open, and they went in. She was manoeuvred around the room, and then was pushed backwards slightly. She felt something brush against her calves.

‘Sit!’ commanded the Russian, and she complied. Immediately, she felt her wrists being enclosed in what felt like leather clamps. Her handbag slipped from her grasp and fell to the floor. As the hood was removed, she found that she was sitting in a wooden chair, with her wrists securely attached to the arms of the chair. She struggled, but obviously could not break free.

‘Why are you doing this? Why am I tied up?’ she asked, suddenly feeling apprehensive. She couldn’t imagine why she needed to be restrained like this for an interview.

The two men simply smiled. ‘Madam will be with you soon,’ said the Russian, and turned to leave. ‘Don’t go away!’ he added unnecessarily.

As they left the room, Emma noticed that each of them was missing the little finger from the left hand. ‘What a coincidence!’ she thought.

She looked around the room. In front of her was a desk, and around he room various pieces of apparatus, looking similar to some of those she recalled from the gym.

Suddenly the door opened, and in walked a smartly dressed woman of about forty, about 5ft 7in tall, slimly built, with long raven hair, and dark brown eyes. She smoothed the back of her short navy skirt, and sat behind the desk, opposite Emma.

‘Good morning, Leila,’ she began, ‘I am pleased to welcome you here. My name is Yasmin, but you will address me as ‘Madam’.’

‘No, no – there’s been a mistake,’ shouted Emma, suddenly losing her composure, and feeling very afraid. ‘I’m Emma Stewart – not Leila Somebody. You’ve got to let me go!’

‘No! You WERE Emma, but that name is considered inappropriate. You are now Leila. And you WILL address me as ‘Madam’!’ retorted the woman, in a firm tone.

‘Like fuck I will!’ screamed Emma. ‘I demand to know who is responsible for bringing me here! I insist you release me at once!’

With an exasperated expression, Yasmin withdrew something from the desk drawer, and moved behind Emma.

‘I will sue everybody involved! I want to go at once!’ continued Emma, panic building in her voice. ‘I demand…’

Emma’s shouts were cut off as Yasmin placed a simple gag over her mouth, and tied it tightly behind her head. ‘You, my slut, are in no position to demand anything!’

Yasmin returned to the desk and pressed a buzzer twice. Immediately the two men who had escorted Emma to the room re-appeared. ‘Yes, Madam?’ asked the Russian.

‘Boris, this stupid bitch is not being co-operative. Gag her properly, strip her and tie her to the frame. I will return shortly.’

‘Yes, Madam. At once. In which position, Madam?’

‘Just a normal ‘I’ shape, Boris, arms straight up.’

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Video fantasy My sister has a hidden hobby

I'm in the 9th grade, and so is my best friend Brad. We do okay in school, but our grades in English suck. But my sister, Beth, is a senior and she is really good in English. She reads all the damn time. Shit, she's been making straight As since kindergarten. She doesn't have too many friends at school, and the ones she has are pretty much as nerdy as she is. She can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. My mom came up with this brilliant plan that Beth could help me and Brad with our...

1 year ago
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What Would Be the ChancesChapter 2

It was now some three months later and Mark Bellamy and Amanda Victoria Smythe had been living together for four weeks. Amanda had put the lack of initiation of sex in bed down to Mark getting used to their domestic arrangements, but now she was not so sure. She had, without Mark's knowledge gone to see a doctor and asked advice, never mentioning the full details that they were brother and sister, in fact she stressed that they were deeply in love but just could not get it together properly...

4 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 17

The next morning, I awoke in Felix’s arms, the young man having definitely proven just how close and vulnerable he could be by snuggling up tight on one of the loveseats with me, using me my hairy body for warmth. We were both naked, but at least it was summer, and a Kentucky summer no less. We weren’t likely to get that cold at night, not in July. I ruffled his hair a bit as I smelled coffee brewing, and sure enough, it was Mom’s idea. Aunt Leigh was up and with her, as Felix and I...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 18 Faith in Love

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava I gasped as the black and white light radiated from Thea and Otmar. It swept around us a second time, merging and splitting into all the hues. Last time, it just touched our souls, like it was reading us, sounding our intentions. Now ... it bound us and... The light knifed into my soul. My back arched. I let out a cry of shock as it attacked something inside of me. It hacked at ... at cords bound about my heart. It severed the...

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Cross-Feed --------------- This is the first story I've written in a while. I have started several stories, but put them on the back burner because I just can't find a good ending for them. I always want to get a story 'just right'. Anyway, here's my latest installment. There is really no TG or cross dressing in it, but I feel it belongs in the genre in a weird sort of way. I hope you like it. --------------- He was a stallion, and she rode him hard. He did not...

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Visual Pleasures

I had looked up across the way in the small cafeteria where I usually went to grab a bite to eat during the lunch hour. It was one of the perks working for the financial investment firm where I was employed. Good food at a reasonable price. Everyone knew of course that by doing that, it ensured people were hardly ever late getting back to their desks, thus ensuring the company was even more successful and profitable. My thoughts weren't really on that however, but at the moment, on Carol, a...

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Best friends wife

In some people's opinion, I would be something of a rat. I mean, seducing your best friend's wife is hardly the sort of moral, upstanding behaviour that you would commend to your c***dren and making love with her while her daughter, my goddaughter, slept in the next room is almost certainly guaranteed to ruin a long-standing friendship.I never really meant to seduce Joanne. I admit that I fancied her so much that it would drive me crazy at times, but she was my best friend's wife. We flirted...

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My Innocent Mom

My name is Mark Lynn. I am a typical 18 year old High School jock. Despite of my 6 ft. and 5 inches of height, wavy blonde hair, prominent blue eyes and ripped physique, I am in a constant state of turmoil. I was born lucky in many ways but there wasn't a day that had gone by when I didn't thank God for my sweet innocent mother... Mrs. Elizabeth Lynn was everything you ever wanted. She was simply angelic, a figure of pure beauty. Every person in town knew my busty mother because she was like...

1 year ago
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Iam the Neighborhood Cock Sucker Gay

Knoxville is a great city to raise a family, with conservative, religious values, and I was fortunate to have lived there all my life. My name is Jason, and my life was typical I suppose, having met Emily, the girl who would become my wife, when we were juniors in high school. We dated for the rest of high school and then through college at the University of Tennessee.We got married right after graduation, and both worked, living in an apartment for four years while we saved for a down payment...

2 years ago
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An Unusual Seduction IV

As Carol was leading John and me to the bedroom by our cocks, I once again found myself dazed, confused, and extremely horny.  I was amazed that I had any sexual stamina left in me, and I was thrilled by the thought of what might be left for us to try. When we got to the bed I pulled Carol to me for a burning hot kiss.  She was moaning into my mouth.  As I was kissing her John moved so that he was behind her.  Carol turned her neck so that she could give John a tongue twirling kiss. He reached...

Wife Lovers
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A Good Fucking Day Part 6

He hadn't slept much that night. Or any night for that matter since his party. What started out as a night of fun and euphoria, turned into a night full of remorse. Tyler had slept with.... how many girls? He usually wasn't like that at all, preferring monogamy in his relationships. But something inside him that night turned him into the biggest player he'd ever seen. It was fun, but he was sure he wouldn't do it again. Tyler found himself showered and fed, and decided to just head...

2 years ago
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Give Anything

GIVE ANYTHING This story is one of six stories in the compilation, A New You by Emma Finn, a book of transformation and body swap stories available on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. 1 The woman who lived opposite our house had nothing that we did but she also had the only thing of value I desired. My husband and I lived in Mossgill, on the very edge of Nockton, right on the border with Barton, its evil twin. Between our house and hers was the...

4 years ago
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High School Reunion

All characters are over the age of eighteen.Finally walking off the plane from my first class seat on a Thursday evening, it feels good to be home. I’m back in town for my ten-year high school reunion. This time I’m going to be the one everyone’s jealous of. I’ve got the perfect job, making more money than I know what to do with. Well… being an accountant for a huge tech firm, I obviously invest my money to earn interest and make more money… but my point being, I’m far better off than all the...

1 year ago
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Forever YoursChapter 2

"Telling you my story is having a profound effect on me; as I told you Anita was quite shocked seeing herself in a portrait with me. A painting that was two hundred years old." I stood, my joints creaking, "Would you excuse me for a minute, I've been sitting here 'free falling' too long. I need to stretch these old legs. Perhaps I could buy you a coffee, Yes?" "Ok." "Let's walk to the kiosk while I tell you what happened next:" Anita started shaking from the shock, the...

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Seducing Stephen Chapter 4 Rhondas visit

The next few weeks were a bit of a blur, but they seemed to fly by.Stephen was obsessed with his new found love and personal sex goddess. He rushed home from school daily to have me before Jim got home. In fact, one afternoon, he skipped basketball practice to get home early. I told him that was not acceptable. I explained quite sternly to him that the reason his parents allowed him to stay with us was to finish the school year uninterrupted and to compete in sports; not to have wild sex with...

2 years ago
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When I worked at the womens prison

When I was 25, I got my CNA liscence. I got hired on with a temp agency,and I was assigned to work at the local correctional facility for women.My first day I was given the nick name "Busy Bone", cause I'm light skinned,had super long hair at the time,and I talk fast. My job was easy, too easy all I had to do was take blood preaasure so I always asked my boss Carl." Is there anything else I can do to kill time around here, cause if I'm not moving.The clocks not moving, so he put me in charge of...

3 years ago
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The King in Yellow Chapter Five

“Good morning”. Dmitri was amused to see a younger woman briskly enter the interrogation room and plant herself in the seat opposite him and was also struck by her beauty; her ash-blonde hair was cropped like a boy’s and her lithe, small-breasted form modestly sheathed in a charcoal grey trouser suit and high-necked blouse. Dana had insisted that she was ready for the challenge and Katya could find no reason to deny her. Nonetheless, she was studying them through the two-way mirror and was...

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No Contest Book 3 Tallying the Score 20012003Chapter 33

Joe, Celia and Jane finally arrived at Rhonda’s house. The one she shared with Theresa, and Lynn, the transsexual, and eventually Bob, who’d share the basement with Lynn. The house was full of people. Theresa had made delicious canapes for everyone. People sipped red or white wine, also nice. Except Eddie and Rachel, who drank bottled water. “Okay, we’re all here,” Bob said nervously, glancing at his mother. He walked in front of Theresa and knelt, a small jewel box in his hand. He opened it...

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Faceoff Book 2Chapter 7

Our first encounter with the Grayly troops happened before we reached the entrance to the mansion. We were charged by about 25 men armed with swords and shields. That would have been plenty to overrun us if we had not had our shotguns. However, we acted quickly and decisively as we poured buckshot into the charging troops. They had never faced massed shotgun fire like that and did not know what to do. Obviously, the only thing you can do is run like hell, but they just came at us. We wound...

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An insatible cleaner part 1

Born on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, she was used to deprivation and poverty, and from an early age she decided she would do whatever to escape and find a good live elsewhere. She had one sister and three brothers, and many “uncles” who used to regularly visit her mother. She was about 12 when she inadvertently came across her mother, who was a fine looking specimen of womanhood, bent over the back of a chair, totally naked and an “uncle” who was standing behind her, Her mother pert...

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Nicole can drive stick shift in her pretty high he

It all started the first day of college last year. I sat in my first class Art Appreciation and began scanning the classroom without being obvious for hot babes. The hippie dude at the front who I assumed was the teacher said to group up with one another in groups of 2 but no more than 4. Class would beheld on location around Tampa Bay once every two weeks. Since it was the first period class I get to sleep in was my first thought. My second thought was what female would be the best to group up...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 195 Vengeance is Mine

When I got home Friday afternoon it was quiet. Too quiet. I'd had a great afternoon wrapping things up at the studio and Polly and I had a good hug and forgave each other. I guess I can work with her but I can't work for her. But it was strange not to have anyone around when I got home from work. It hadn't been unusual for Jen, Court, and Sam to all be out on the horses in the afternoon before the fair, but with Jen in a cast from her ankle to her hip, that wasn't likely. And Anna had...

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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 39 Little Surprises

After I give Saul another welcome home present, where he shows me how much he has missed me. We settle back and talk. "Saint Louis was not what I would have thought of as big city." Saul says. He has his arms wrapped around my shoulders and breathes in my hair. I am sprawled across his body with my legs wrapped around one of his. I have my chin tucked into his neck. "Oh I mean there were big buildings and wide streets. But I don't know I thought there would be more. More people and shops...

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Shobha My Neighbour Aunty

In my c***dhood days, I used to stay at a day care in our neighbourhood when my parents used to be at work. It was run by a c***dless lady. Her name was Shobha name changed and I used to call her aunty. I stayed there from early c***dhood till I was 12-13. So I still have good relations with Shobha aunty, and I meet her frequently those were the days during my undergraduate engineering college at that time.Shobha was around 40, but she looked like a 30 year old woman. I started getting sexually...

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FamilyXXX Clara Trinity It8217s Playtime For Little Teen Step Sister Clara

As they old saying goes. When the parents are away the step sister and step brothers will play and Jake Adams has just enough time to enjoy the sweet tasting pussy of his teen Asian step sister Clara. Clara quickly gets her soaked panties slipped to the side so Jake can bury his face and lick up every bit of her hot pussy juices before he can slowly slide his throbbing cock inside Clara’s tiny tight pink pussy. Once again Clara takes over and fucks that hard cock for a nice splash of hot...

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The Doctor0

doctor and rose just came back from another adventure on planet galaktos, and doctor started being horny after the water incident that went on roses top, he started thinking about him rose being together, but because hes a timelord he cant have her, rose sat down on the chair and started reading a book called 'men and how to control them', he walked over behind her and bent down, "what are you reading?" he asked, "oh, nothing," she replied, he breathed on her neck, the tention was...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 7 Whipped

Shortie picked a vicious looking cat-o-nine-tails and Soushi a shorter single tail whip. They swished and cracked them harmlessly in the air while Makuto removed Jim's gag. "We like hear you scream," he grinned. Swinging the cat in a wide arc, Shortie brought the thongs down hard across his victim's back. Jim groaned loudly from the pain. I wished I could have done something to stop it but I was immobile. We'd been told the Japs were not allowed to draw blood but I wondered how closely...

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Janes Experiences

Jane and Aiden had been dating for a long 5 years. Jane was determined to remain a virgin until marriage. She wasn’t a Christian. She was hardly religious at all, but she knew that no man would ask for her hand in marriage only to get into her pants and then file for divorce. It also may have rained upon her that it would make her first time worth it. Though, poor Aiden was persistent. It wasn’t only sex he wanted from his lovely partner, but a teenage boy, in fact any boy, enjoys and wants...

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complicated seduction part V

Hi to all..my dear hot cock sucking girls and bhabhis and my cunt licking male friends , thanxs for all the admiration, responses and support from so many people, I never thought that my story would be like by so many people.. I never thought that I would get so many responses from the female admirers as well, and this is due to the love and support of all the people that I am back with the last and final part of my story. I have personally mailed the last part to many people as per their...

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Forum Ophilia? Did you know that forums were still around? Yeah, the ones you used to troubleshoot your old iMac. The one with the blue transparent back that ran on dial-up. Well, those computers may have died and gone obsolete, but forums are still going strong. Sure, their golden age may have passed, but there’s a ton of good forums out there that are still active, especially porn forums. Places to share videos, stories, advice, and all kinds of stuff with fellow porn junkies like...

Porn Forums
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Part 1 TeenGirls were my downfall

Youth does have its problemsI had spent nearly twenty years living and working overseas, in the far East to be exact, and never really got around to getting married, nor why should I, when all the expat brats, were horny for a good time, a meal and a drink, then get naked for a great fuck session, on the pill, so bare-backing their tight pussies was a dream come true, and the supply was never ending.All this fun came to an abrupt end when in Phuket, well on the beach to be exact, these women...

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Hot fuck

just a quick note....had to let you know...hmmmm just been perving on your hot pics again......love a hot wank and cumm shot but nothing beats a quick hot fuck knocked off earlier on Friday had a couple of beers and a local trendy pub, having a bit of a perv on the office girls coming in there short skirts, on the way home played with my cock and got so horny...so I was watching some porn on the laptop while doing quotes...then logging on Hotmail and perved on your pics....what a Friday....lol...

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Overcome by LustChapter 2

Kyle's family was not quite as devout in their worship of The Lord as the Isaacson family, and did not actually attend church every single Sunday. They had pretty much degenerated to the point where they only attended on special days such as Easter and Christmas (and, truth be told, they had been prone to missing one or the other of those in recent years). What this meant was that Kyle was still sound asleep at 8:30 the next morning, the only day of the week he could linger in bed as long as...

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A Study in ScarletEpilogue part 3

The evening was hot and steamy and while the rain had ended, the humidity was high, too uncomfortable for an evening stroll. It didn't take long for a bus to appear and John hopped on and sat in a seat behind the driver. He felt a bit uneasy, as if something was trying to get his attention but kept slipping from the front of his mind. The bus ride didn't take long and John exited the vehicle and casually strode the couple of blocks to Patty's place. He rang the bell and waited for her to...

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Star Trek Voyager Parody XXX Style

Sex Trek: Voyeur (A Sexual Parody of Star Trek Voyager) by Miss Swallows.com(The names have been changed slightly for copyright infringement avoidance.) ==================================================Captains Log Star date 9801.01 It has been several years since we’ve made our trek back home to the Alpha Quadrant. The crew’s morale lately has been low and I must say something is going to have to be done to boost it soon, or we’re going to be in trouble. People are reporting late for their...

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