Abducted Ch. 10 free porn video

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Chapter 10 – The Grand Inquisitor Has His Way

Back at Hans’ chambers, he opened the door to his room, and pushed Emma in the direction of the bathroom. ‘Quick!’ he ordered. ‘Have a toilet, then strip off and come to the playroom, as quickly as you can!’

Puzzled, Emma complied. Two minutes later, naked, she entered the playroom, and in the very subdued light, saw Hans, in his shirt sleeves, pulling to the centre of the room what looked like a very narrow vaulting horse, about fifteen centimetres wide and one metre long, with a leather padded top, standing about seventy centimetres off the floor. ‘Lean over this,’ he commanded, ‘and grasp your ankles.’

Wordlessly, Emma obeyed. Hans quickly took each of her wrists and attached it to the corresponding ankle, using the catches on her leather bands. Her firm buttocks seemed to offer themselves to him, and he could not resist running his hands across them. ‘Lovely little bum,’ he whispered, as if to himself.

Suddenly, a mobile phone rang. Hans removed it from his pocket, and spoke. Emma could hear only one side of the conversation.

‘Hello. Hans speaking.’

‘Pedro! Hello! What can I do for you?’

‘A nice idea, my friend, but she’s too inexperienced.’

‘No, really! I doubt if she’s even seen one before, and certainly never used one. It would be unfair to use one in public the first time.’

‘OK, Pedro. Thanks for asking. Hope you perform well to-morrow.’

‘Oh, yes. We’ll be there. Goodbye my friend.’

Hans switched off his mobile. ‘That was the Chief Executioner,’ he said, mysteriously.

Emma sensed Hans kneeling behind her, and then felt leather being wrapped around her left leg, just above the ankle. There was a click, and then she felt her legs being pushed apart. Immediately, leather was attached around her right leg as well. In the gloom, Emma could just make out that her legs were now separated by a metal bar, about sixty centimetres long. Hans turned a handle at the side of the vaulting horse, adjusting the height so that Emma’s toes could just touch the ground.

‘I don’t suppose you’ve seen one of these before, Girl,’ he said. ‘It’s called a ‘spreader bar’. You’ll find that I use them a lot, and you’ll be amazed at the variety. They ensure that your interesting bits are nice and accessible when required.’

‘No, Master,’ she agreed, slightly bewildered, ‘but what’s going on? What are you going to do with me?’

‘We have a problem,’ he announced with concern. ‘The letter I was handed as we left the Inquest as to tell me that the Grand Inquisitor will be calling here at midnight, to assure himself that I have punished you appropriately. I need to convince him, so I’d better get started. He’ll probably want to fuck you as well, they say he’s particularly fond of petite blonde women!’

‘Fuck me, Master? But he’s so old!’

‘Old he may be,’ laughed Hans, ‘but not too old to get an erection!’

‘What are you going to do to me, Master?’

Hans picked up an item from the table next to him. Emma uncomfortably craned her neck to see it. ‘This is a paddle,’ he began, ‘and it works like this!’

His hand rose, and suddenly fell. Emma felt a stinging pain on her right buttock. ‘Ow!’ she shouted, ‘that hurt!’

‘Just a beginning, Girl,’ he announced. ‘That was just a warm-up, and doesn’t count. We’ll start with six on each buttock, twelve in all. You need to keep count. After each stroke, I want you to call out the number. This is very important. If you forget, or count wrong, I start again. Is that clear, Girl?’

‘Yes, Mast… OW!!!’ she yelled as the first blow fell. The stinging pain sank in, and finally she whimpered, ‘One!’

‘Just in time! You need to be quicker with your counting, or I start again!’

‘Yes, Mast… OW!!!’ The second blow fell on her other buttock. ‘Two!’


A third blow fell with increased force. She began sobbing, bewildered at her vulnerability. Tears ran down her cheeks, but she remembered to continue counting. After what seemed an age, she heard herself murmur, ‘Twelve!’ and burst into tears of relief.

‘I didn’t hear you count, Cunt!’ he bellowed. ‘Shall I start again?’

‘No, please, Master. Twelve! I can’t take any more. I won’t be able to sit for a week! Please, Master. It hurts so much.’

‘Of course it does,’ he laughed. He caressed her buttocks with his hand. ‘And looks so lovely too – all pink, and very pretty. Quite irresistible! But you haven’t thanked me yet!’

‘Thank you, Master?’ she queried. ‘For what?’

‘For beating you, of course. It is expected. Or do I need to punish you again, to teach you manners?’

‘No, Master. Thank you, Master,’ she blurted out, hurriedly.

‘Good Girl. But don’t forget in future. I expect to be thanked whenever I punish you. You are grateful for the time and effort I put into the task of correcting you, and making you into a dutiful slave!’

‘Yes, Master. I understand. Thank you, Master.’

He again caressed her buttocks. ‘As I was saying – all pink, and very pretty. Quite irresistible!’

He dropped the paddle, and moved behind her, grasping each of her buttocks with one of his hands. She winced at the added pain. With his palms flat against her twin mounds, he rubbed in circles, gradually widening the crack and exposing her pussy. Almost idly, his fingers caressed her outer lips, and he felt her shift slightly, as if to improve his access. His index finger probed within, and he felt her dampness. She moaned softly, pressing back against his hand, welcoming the intrusion, seeking for something to divert her mind from the numbing pain in her buttocks.

He moved his finger in and out of her orifice, feeling her juices increase. ‘Oh, you slut, you randy slut!’ he murmured. His lust got the better of him. Quickly, he undid his belt, dropped his trousers and underpants, and without foreplay sank his erect cock into her with one movement.

She felt him driving into her. Part of her confused mind accepted him gladly, pleased to be filled, happy to feel a new prick invading her empty cunt. This was the man who had rescued her, whose wisdom she had learnt so quickly to respect. She wanted him to fuck her, to make love to her – but not like this! With her wrists tied to her ankles, and her legs held apart by the spreader bar, she could barely react to his assault. She felt as if she was no more than an inflatable doll to him. She felt used and abused. Tears flowed again, and she sobbed quietly to herself in her misery.

He continued to move in and out of her cunt. Finally, becoming resigned to her position, she pressed back against him, wincing a little as his groin made contact with her pink glowing buttocks. She so wanted to bring her legs together a little, to increase the friction, but the metal spreader prevented movement. Her vagina walls contracted, trying to hold him in.

Hans reached under her body, roughly grabbing a breast in each hand, and squeezing. She whimpered a little. He began pumping his cock in and out of her, squeezing her tits in tempo. She felt that he cared nothing for her pleasure, his one concern was to satiate his lust. After a few more strokes, she felt him erupt inside her, yelling in triumph. He pressed further into her, as if to eject the last drop of semen. She pressed her bottom back against him, silently pleading for more, but knowing that he had none to give. His cock shrank inside her. Finally, he removed it, and shuffled round to stand by her head, looking faintly ridiculous with his trousers around his ankles, and his shirt resting on his semi-erect cock. He grabbed her hair, roughly pulled up her head, and spoke at last. ‘After sex, it is customary for you to clean your Master’s cock! Open wide!’

She obeyed, and he sank his member between her glistening lips. She sucked, savouring the mixture of her own familiar juices with the new taste of Han
s’ spunk. Her tongue revolved around the helmet of his penis, and she moved her lips up and down his length, as best she could. She sucked hard, her cheeks imploded, to squeeze out the dregs from his cock. Finally, he withdrew from her mouth.

‘Mmm,’ he muttered, ‘you suck well!’

‘I would do better, Master, if only I had use of my hands!’

‘Another time, Little One.’ He grinned, pulling up his trousers, and tucking in his shirt. ‘Soon, I will put you to the test, but for now, we expect a visitor.’

He stroked her buttocks, admiring the reddened globes. ‘Yes,’ he pondered, ‘they’re quite good, but I’m afraid they are not red enough to satisfy the Grand Inquisitor. Six more, I think – three on each side – and don’t forget to count!’

He retrieved the paddle from the floor, where it had dropped, and swung his arm. The paddle thwacked against her defenceless body with more force than before. She howled. ‘One!’ she yelled. ‘That really hurt, Master – even more than before!’

‘And this is even harder!’ he cried, mercilessly, swinging the paddle ruthlessly against her other buttock. ‘Two!’ she cried, as tears flowed again. She wasn’t used to this. In the past, if a man had taken her, she expected a little gratitude, at least a pretence of love, not a beating on her bare backside.

The third blow landed below her buttocks, at the top of her left thigh, which until now had remained unhurt and white. ‘Three!’ she whispered, sobbing loudly. A similar blow struck her right thigh. ‘Four!’ Tears poured down her cheeks, and she sobbed uncontrollably, inconsolably.

Suddenly there was a loud knock at the outer door. Hans glanced at his watch. ‘Damn! He’s early!’

He dropped the paddle, and headed off to answer the door. Emma heard additional footsteps, and recognised the voice of the Grand Inquisitor. ‘Yes, Master Hans, very nicely presented. She is a real find, perhaps my great-nephew’s taste is improving at last!’

Emma felt a wrinkled hand on her buttocks, and another moving up the inside of her thigh. ‘I see you have already performed!’ the Grand Inquisitor remarked with a smile.

‘Yes,’ agreed Hans. ‘I couldn’t resist any longer!’

‘Understandably! May I?’

‘Of course, Excellency. Please carry on, but I’m afraid her anus is reserved for His Highness!’

‘Pity,’ remarked the old man, probing her pussy with one finger while another played around her arsehole. ‘But her cunt will do nicely.’

He lifted up his jalabiyyah, revealing that he was naked underneath. He positioned himself behind Emma, presented his cock to her opening, and thrust in to the hilt in one movement. Emma gasped, surprised at the rigidity and length of the cock on such an old man. He grabbed hold of her shoulders, and pumped in and out of her, gradually picking up speed. ‘Oh, yes, Master Hans,’ he remarked, somewhat breathlessly, ‘a lovely tight pussy. You will have much enjoyment from this one!’

Emma’s misery returned. Once again, she was being used purely as a vagina, for the pleasure of any man. She would never get used to this, would never be able to accept it.

Remarkably quickly, he came. Emma breathed a prayer of thanks as she felt him empty his seed inside her, surely her ordeal was almost over. She felt him withdraw, and walk round to stand by her head. She stared at his withered, naked legs. Almost immediately, she felt a hand pulling her head upwards by the hair, so that she was staring at his groin.

‘Lick me clean!’ he demanded, thrusting his penis at her mouth with one hand, while the other held up his jalabiyyah. Trying to hide her distaste, she took his shrinking cock into her mouth and sucked it.

‘Mmm, not a bad cock-sucker either,’ exclaimed the old man. ‘My great-nephew has surpassed himself this time! Bet he can hardly wait to get his cock up her arse!’

‘There’s nothing arranged yet,’ said Hans. ‘I will discuss it with His Highness when her training is more advanced. He may wish a special ceremony!’

‘Yes, that could be fun. If so, make sure I get invited.’

‘Of course, Excellency.’

The Grand Inquisitor removed his penis from Emma’s mouth, and let his jalabiyyah fall. He studied her upturned backside, and stroked her buttocks. ‘I see, Master Hans,’ he began, ‘that you have started punishment. Her bum-cheeks are nice and red.’

‘Yes, Excellency,’ replied Hans, with foreboding.

‘But this punishment is far below Level Five, barely Level Four, I would suggest.’

‘I have not yet finished, Excellency. She will receive more punishment after you leave.’

‘I am not convinced that you appreciate the severity of her misdemeanour,’ commented the old man. ‘I think I shall have to offer some punishment myself.’

‘No, Excellency, I thank you for the offer, but that will not be necessary. I understand the severity, and will punish her accordingly.’

‘I insist! I have the right!’

‘Excellency, we should not dispute like this in front of the slave.’

‘You are right, Master Hans. Let us go into the other room.’

Emma heard the two men walk away, and the door closed. Through the closed door, she heard raised voices, but only a few words were clear enough to be understood, largely those uttered in the strong tone of the Grand Inquisitor, Hans’ softer voice was more difficult to hear.

‘Authority… discipline… Level Five… absolutely necessary… stand in my way… threaten…’

It didn’t make much sense to Emma, now squirming in her bonds, and feeling uncomfortable, with semen running down the inside of her thighs.

Finally, she clearly heard the Grand Inquisitor shout, ‘You know I’m right!’ followed by a mumbled reply from her Master. The door opened and the two men returned, Hans looking tight-lipped.

‘Right, let’s get started,’ cried the old man, triumphantly. ‘Get her off that and tie her standing up, with her arms above her head.’

Hans unshackled Emma, releasing her from the spreader, and helped her to stand. Cramp had set in down one leg, and she rubbed furiously to relieve the pain and restore circulation. Hans manoeuvred her to the centre of the room, immediately below a pulley set into the ceiling. She watched numbly as he fastened her hands together, in front, with the catches on her leather wristlets, and then tied them securely with a thick silk rope. Using a stool, he passed the other end of the rope through the pulley, and pulled until her arms were tightly stretched above her head.

‘Good!’ announced the Grand Inquisitor. ‘Now blindfold her, but don’t gag her – I want to hear her scream!’

Emma panicked at the last remark, and tried to struggle free, whimpering like a helpless kitten. ‘Sshh!’ whispered Hans. ‘Try to relax, it will hurt less and be over more quickly.’ He placed a blindfold over her eyes, and the world went black for her.

‘Pull more on the rope,’ ordered the old man. ‘I want her on tip-toe.’

Emma felt more pain as her arms were pulled higher, leaving her precariously balanced on the tips of her toes. She heard a cupboard door opening. ‘This is what I need,’ she heard. ‘Has she had the bull-whip before?’

‘No, Excellency, not that! She won’t be able to take that. She’s only just starting to learn how to handle pain!’

Emma went pale. Bull-whip? If that was what she thought, it would really hurt. Sweat began to pour from her body.

‘Nonsense! I’ve been training slaves since you were in nappies!’ asserted the Grand Inquisitor. ‘A strong girl like her will take it without problems. Six will be enough.’

He moved to take up a position about two metres from the suspended girl, and admired the black leather whip he had taken from the cupboard. He snapped it experimentally, and Emma jumped at the loud crack made by the three metre tail. She whimpered in fear.

Hans blanched, and steadied Emma. ‘Try to relax,’ he repeated in a deep whisper, ‘and for goodness sake don’t forget to

‘Move away, Master Hans!’ commanded the old man. Reluctantly, Hans obeyed.

The Grand Inquisitor flexed his arms, and changed his stance. He stood, feet apart, gazing in Emma’s direction, idly waving the long whip in front of him. Suddenly, his arm swept backwards, and then rapidly forwards again. The long black leather snake ripped through the air, and cracked as it wrapped itself around Emma’s soft white waist. Her agonised scream reverberated around the room, echoing off the walls. She felt as if she had been cut in two.

Gradually, her scream subsided to a low moan of agony. She was too shocked even to sob. Silently, Hans begged, ‘Count, Girl! Count! For God’s sake count!’

As if reading his mind, she managed a hoarse, ‘One!’

The Grand Inquisitor grinned as the fronds of the whip fell off her limp body. ‘It hurts, doesn’t it?’ he asked, rhetorically. ‘And leaves a lovely red mark! You scream beautifully, Slave. Only five to go, but there’s no hurry. I’ll just decide where to put the next one!’

Max looked on helplessly. ‘Sadist!’ he thought to himself. ‘He’s putting her through additional mental torture, just for his own amusement.’

At last, Emma found tears, as the shock of the unfathomable pain subsided. She hung limply from her bounds, and sobbed quietly. ‘I wish he’d get it over with,’ she thought. ‘The waiting is agony!’

She thought she heard him drawing back his arm to strike again, and tensed her body in expectation of another assault. Nothing came. It was a false alarm. She heard a little chuckle and relaxed a little.

Suddenly, it was there again. She wasn’t sure whether the crack of the whip or the pain came first, but howled in anguish as the whip coiled around her again, this time, just below her breasts. That was even worse, she thought. Her howl continued, subsiding eventually. She remembered to gasp, ‘Two!’

‘Excellent!’ said the old man. ‘See, Master Hans, I haven’t lost my touch. Another good strike.’

He walked around Emma, examining the red wheals on her body. ‘Where next?’ he muttered to himself.

Emma sobbed through her pain. ‘Please, Sir,’ she implored, ‘I’m sorry. No more. Please.’

‘Too late now, Slave,’ he responded. ‘Your punishment has been decided, and must be delivered.’

He turned to Hans. ‘Pull on her rope again. I want her dangling off the floor for the next one.’

Hans made as if to protest, but thought better of it. He pulled on her rope, and she cried out as her arms were stretched still further, feeling as if they were about to come out of their sockets. Her toes lost contact with the floor, and she hung helplessly.

The Grand Inquisitor stroked her body with the handle of his whip. She winced as the firm end passed across her wounds. ‘Where next?’ he repeated. ‘Here?’ he traced a finger across her stomach, just above her pubic mound. ‘Or perhaps here?’ she felt a finger moving across her thigh, just below her buttocks. ‘Or maybe even here?’

‘No!’ she whimpered, as a finger moved over her breasts, across her nipples. ‘Please, Excellency!’

‘We’ll see,’ he laughed, ‘all in good time. It will be a surprise for you.’

He resumed his original position, and again flexed his arms. Emma listened intently. She heard him move and tensed her muscles, bracing herself against the onslaught, but nothing came. Twice more, he made as if to strike, but then relented. Emma was in agony, waiting for the inevitable pain to come. For two minutes, seeming to Emma more like twenty minutes, he played with her, before finally, just as she was relaxing again, he swung with even more force and smiled as he caught her unawares. The whip cracked and wrapped around her buttocks with such force that she started swinging from her pulley like a pendulum. ‘Nooooo!’ she screamed. ‘no more, pleeeeeeease! No more!’

At last, she remembered. ‘Three!’ she murmured.

‘Halfway!’ he announced, triumphantly, and then suddenly, and unexpectedly, swung his arm again. The thong wrapped around Emma’s thighs, about ten centimetres below the previous target. Again, her scream pierced the air, rising in pitch, and suddenly cut off, as if strangled. She now hung limply from her pulley, exhausted.

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Strictly speaking this isn't my story. No I haven't copied it from elsewhere but it is based arounda family that I got chatting to online. Even then it is all four individually. This was over 10 years ago and it started out with just one girl who was 18 at the time who I had met in a chatroom.She had a coloured boyfriend but kept on asking me about sex. She obviously wanted to learn quickly.One night she told me that she had one younger sister and two parents but she did seem to prefer talking...

2 years ago
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catching mother in law

My mother-in-law is not the prettiest woman in the world, but to me she is the most beautiful woman I have loved. Her name is Lynn and she is thirty nine years of age. She has straight Brown hair, Brown eyes and beautiful full lips. “Mom” also has the prettiest smile I have ever seen. Her sight, her nice smell and the feeling of her next to perfect breasts pressing against me when we hugged or when she kissed me excited me ever since I met and married her daughter, we were staying with her Mom...

3 years ago
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Barish K Faida

Hi ISS readers! May 1st time apni aik real story aap logo say share karnay ja raha hoo. Yeh maray sath abi k barishoo may pash aya. May 30 yrs ka aik average looking man hoo aor Karachi, Pakistan say mayra talook hay. 27th July ko yaha Karachi may kafi barish hui. May apnay aik kam k silsilay may bahir tha. Rastay may bohat tez barish shuro ho gai. May nay socha k risk laynay say behtar hay k may gari kahi side may rok loo aor barish ruknay ka intizar karoo. Abi mjay 5 minutes he hua thay k...

2 years ago
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Office party continues in a filthy motel

I attended an office’s mates party that Saturday night with my sweet wife.I was not really in the mood for a party; but Ana insisted and I finally accepted, after hearing from her that the catering was very nice and the alcohol would flow freely; so I thought it would be fun…Once there, we sat amongst a group of Ana’s coworkers; mostly of them were men who had come alone, without their wives. I barely had met some of them before.They kept getting drinks for the whole table, especially for my...

2 years ago
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Waking up in the van with my arms and legs secured to the walls wearing thick boots, a thick black leather collar and a tight leather posing pouch. Opposite three sleeping girls chained spreadeagled with black knee high leather boots, black collars and black rubber thongs. Either side of me, two men shackled to the wire grid via the clips on our leather cuffs and leather belts round our boots. The light in our moving cell came from a screen showing femdom porn where slaves of both sexes were...

3 years ago
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The Bike Shoppe

The following story is fictitious. This is an original post. Do not copy and post to any other sight without expressed permission of the author.Comments are always welcomed after reading. “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out”. Those were the last words spoken to my wife of 15 years. I came in from the shop one afternoon and she was standing in the middle of the living room with a suitcase. She said she fell in love with a co-worker and was leaving. In some way I understand...

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Little tease

I'd been keeping my eye on you most days of the week. I couldn't help but notice you on the bus in that short dress. I could nearly see your pussy clearly but then you'd only tease me. I decided to follow you home. As you walked in through the front door of your empty house you didn't quite close it. I had my bag full of the rope I was going to tie you with it was now or never. I creeped in through the door closing it gently behind me. You where standing there with your head phones in looking...

3 years ago
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AlifChapter 10

Ana was seeing a great deal of Binta these days. On those days when her friend was not working late, she rarely returned home directly after work. She would wander along to Binta's room and the two girls would chat together or go swimming in the Brothel pool. On some evenings, they would meet in the roof garden: high above the city and the only part of the Brothel open to the sky. Like many others, Binta had a small plot in the garden she could tend when she could. It was a very small plot...

3 years ago
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Meis Quest

Back again with another Story. This on is loosely based of Mei from Overwatch. As you can see by the image below.Please be sure to leave the dirtiest comments you can think of."Mmmph.", I moaned, my mouth completely filled with the hard, throbbing member as I sucked it, my tongue working along the underside with horny zeal on it's way towards the tip. My head moved rhythmically back and forth as the head of his cock grazed my tonsils, then back out to the tip until my mouth was flooded with his...

4 years ago
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Tripps ClubChapter 5

From a distance I could here the murmur of people. My heart raced as I thought of what was about to happen. I was half naked, with a chain leading from the lips of my vagina to my best friend's nipples. And I was about to be put on display in front of a large group of wealthy perverts! "Ouch!", Monica yelped as my slowing pace caused the chain to pull her breasts. "Sorry, ... I'm scared.", I whispered back. We followed Tripp up a back staircase, and onto a small stage. The black curtain...

1 year ago
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A night awayPart 2

Part 2 “Are you ready for the most intense night you will ever experience? If you don’t want this, tell me now.” I stammer back at him, “I am, I want this. So bad. Please.” My need is heard in my voice, and he chuckles. “I think you are going to work just fine.” I don’t really understand this last statement, but it’s really not where my focus is at the moment. I close my eyes, feeling the throbbing between my legs growing stronger. He gets out of the car, and seconds later my door opens....

3 years ago
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She needed the money Chapter 7

Rhonda laid on the bed, her pussy stretched and a little sore. But she couldn’t say she didn’t enjoy it. Ann smiles as she takes off the harness. Victor hugs his wife and kisses her passionately. “That was amazing” he gushes “thank you darling”. Ann says goodnight and returns to her room. She uses her fingers to satisfy herself before falling asleep. It had been quite an experience. She couldn’t help wondering if she too could enjoy being pounded by that monster dildo. Victor didn’t mention...

3 years ago
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SUBSTITUTE the story of a wedding

SUBSTITUTE - The story of a wedding ? by: Nicci Knox Chapter I - Before - an offer made and accepted. Abbi looked at me for several moments before she responded to my offer. "If you really mean it," she said, "there is something you can do. Take the Friday, Monday and Tuesday off work, over the weekend of the twenty/twenty-first, come round to my place Thursday evening and spend the weekend and the next couple of days with me." That weekend incorporated the Summer Solstice....

3 years ago
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Daddys Cock ForeverChapter 13

At breakfast, of course, there everyone was, from Amy, Cassie, Billie, and me, on the one hand, to Roger and Elisabeth (which Samantha started to call “Robeth” for some reason), to Dieter and Samantha ... to Dr. and Judge Butcher. From the look on Samantha’s face, she was very satisfied with the outcome of last night’s sexcapades. She wore a simple sundress that entirely showed off her luscious legs, too. The way that she winked at Wayne demonstrated that he had indeed rocked her world. Then...

1 year ago
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Mona Brewton Mona Brewton touched the low neckline of her bejeweled blouse. Her hands trembled so intensely that she could hardly grasp the tiny top button. She was about to undress before a group of total strangers. She glanced quickly down at the people seated around her hoping that they somehow might be ignoring her. Instead, eyes of lust and lasciviousness stared back at her. She was mortified. Her mind and her emotions were on high alert as she tried desperately to comprehend all that...

1 year ago
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My Cousin

Note : This story is completely fictional! It happened on a hot saturday afternoon.My cousin was visiting family in town when she unexpectedly showed up at my house. She wanted to use the pool. I told her to go right ahead. I went inside and got two drinks for us and when i came out she was in her bikini feeling the water with her toes. Her skin was always pale but i thought she was hot. She is a really sexy,beautiful girl. Her hair is long and red, her breasts are big and perfect and she has a...

2 years ago
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My Friend8217s Husband Fucked Me

One day it just happened and all names faked and I went to my cousin’s house. I told him that I’m coming but he said he is out of the city and his wife is there to care us. We went there we had some food and all. Mini wore blue long top and jeans. Her top was too long. We were seeing mini’s boobs and ass she went to the kitchen and I followed her. All boys are normal and dusky in colours 6 feets and gym bodies. She was doing something in kitchen and seen and said why you came here? Go and sleep...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Part 1

When Sasha Lake and Monica Brown became best friends in the sixth grade, they could never have imagined that one day one of them would betray the other by not being able to control her erotic desires for someone who is forbidden. She never planned to have such a strong erotic attraction, but as she says, the erotic fate gods stepped in, and her attraction for the young, good-looking twenty-one-year-old took control and their heated passion also took control. It all started when Sasha moved back...

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Camping with Chip

Camping With ChipPart 1I broke up with my boyfriend Marc two months ago. Since then I haven’t been very social. I have mostly kept to myself and avoided most outings. But Brad and Becky (aren’t they cute) were having their annual summer soiree’ and ‘No’ just wasn’t an option. That’s the night I met Chip. We both were assigned our half hour of ‘bar’ duty at the same time. We immediately hit it off. There was a sense that I had known him for many lifetimes. We talked about so many things...

2 years ago
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Mr Ks Favourite Student

Jen had been at the school for 5 years, she was a complete brain box, she knew the answer to every question, and every teacher thought of her as a model student. I joined the school in year 8; all that time ago, we barely knew each other, we’re not that close now, just good friends. It’s year 10 now, things are getting scary as we realise it’s just a year and a half left till we sit our GCSE’s. There was one more thing about Jen, she was stunning, not so much in school, so most of the boys...

1 year ago
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The Luck of the Irish

It was Friday, another long week had finally come to an end. It was also, St. Patrick's Day weekend. My husband and I had plans to meet at a local tavern after work, along with our co-workers, to start the weekend.We work together, but as attorneys, we don't get the luxury of always being in the same building. Today, had been no diffrent, John got to spend the day in the office, I had been out working with women at a shelter, and than in court. We were okay with that.We decided to role play...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 13 Departure

The morning of departure was problem-free, for which Arron was grateful. He had ensured the additional wagons for the extra supplies needed for the Princess and had sufficient military escort as well as the wagons for her retinue. With extra military protection to the border and the Halcyon Prince meeting them on the Halcyon border, Arron was confident that baring a full-scale military assault the Princess would be delivered safely. There were some last minute changes with the Matheros...

2 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 87 Opening doors on New Eden

John sprawled on the bed, his chest heaving as he panted to get his breath back. He gazed wide-eyed at the stars through the clear-crystal dome, admiring the beautiful sweep of bright starlight that shone down on the trio in the Observatory. The Invictus was in high orbit around New Eden in the Procyon system, located right in the heart of the Core Worlds, so the stars and constellations were reassuringly familiar. “Oh fuck!” Alyssa squealed, drawing his attention to her. He glanced across...

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Part way through the evening our friend, Tom pointed out that he had heard of a 'house' party planned at the university which was just a short drive away. It wasn't long and we were at the party and there were students everywhere - Now this was a party! There was lots of dancing, music and people laughing everywhere. Soon Tom and Bill (my hubby) were engrossed in one of their conversations. Pam and I wandered downstairs to the rec room where everyone was dancing. We got out on the floor...

2 years ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 17 Mile High Club

"Wake up, sleepy head," he heard as he felt the light jab on his shoulder. He rolled over and looked for the alarm clock. 6 a.m.? He wondered what was up. He rolled back over and tried to focus on her shape in the dim light from the closet. She was dressed in her jeans and a white cotton t-shirt. The bed moved as she sat and began pulling on her socks and shoes. "What's up?" he asked groggily. "Come on, Darren. Mom'll be here to pick up the kids in a few minutes." "What's the...

3 years ago
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The Gift

The Gift By JoAnna Michaels I am still alone. The house is quiet again. An hour ago, perhaps a little longer, I thought I heard voices and laughter upstairs. Between the old, thick walls of the house and my mounting anxiety I could not be certain. It was probably only my imagination, or the wind, or nothing at all. I am blindfolded and bound. Both my wrists and ankles are imprisoned in thick, padded leather cuffs. These cuffs, in turn, are fastened securely to the arms and...

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Tall Blonde Mature Milf Fucking Session

I worked with a 6ft tall blonde milf in her early fifties.She had an amazing body with a fantastic tight ass.She was way out of my league though so i never thought i would get a chance with her.One day i was walking through the back area and i saw her bending over a workbench.Her trousers emphasised her ass and my cock immediately sprang to attention.This made me decide to take a chance.I walked up to her and put my hands on her hips before grinding my stiff cock into her ass.I fully expected...

2 years ago
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My Lovely Sister

We have always been close and would talk to each other about everything and anything. We both lived together with out grandparents until about 4 years ago when she moved away approx 500 miles. We always talk on the phone almost daily to keep in touch with how we were both doing at work. About 6 months ago she asked if she could come and stay at mine for a couple of days because she wanted to see some old friends. This was fine with me because we hadnt seen each other for a while and it was...

2 years ago
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A lift from a stranger

It was a sunny Friday afternoon and you were now regretting your current choice of outfit. It had been miserable weather the last few days and you did not expect this sudden heatwave. you were in a long sleeved shirt and jeans and was now sweating from the heat. The fact that you had a rucksack full of heavy books and notes did not help the situation and you were not looking forward to the very long walk back to your home. You were new to the area, arriving here to study at university and had...

3 years ago
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A Night Out

As Sara woke, panic came over her like a wave crashing to the shore. Where was she? As her eyes slowly focused, she remembered. “The hotel,” she whispered to herself. A slow stirring next to her brought everything back. She looked down at her wrists to see the slight bruises that had started to come to the surface of her skin. As she struggled not to wake him, the bed sheets caressed her bare bottom. The soreness was enough to make her cringe. The pain, the passion; it was all real. A shower...

3 years ago
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Phone Sex

I was woken by the ring of my mobile which was on the table next to the bed, I looked at the alarm clock, its' red display was telling me it was forty-five past two in the morning. I looked at the phone, it was the wife calling. She was out for the evening with a couple of friends, all the same type, happy when being wined dined danced, and fucked but not always in that order. However, two of the three had settled down a little (my wife included, I thought) and lived for the occasional night...

3 years ago
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Wifes first time with another man

When I met Janice I was 19 and on my way to Vietnam. She wrote me every day, and we became very close friends. After my military obligation, I moved to Texas to be with her. We fell in love. I was the first man to have sex with her. She was so innocent, and I loved her. We soon married and began a life together. One nite while lying in bed, watching a well known late night show, she commented she would like to have sex with the host of the TV show! I was shocked!! I knew she had never had sex...

3 years ago
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Getting ByChapter 25

The People began arriving early in the morning on the day of the celebration, and, as always, brought their own contributions to the festivities, including, this time, their own homemade 'firewater' as John Hipa jokingly called it. In truth it was a quite respectable 'white lightning' sometimes, though rarely, mundanely labeled corn liquor. Since the heat precluded starting the party until the sun went down, the People pitched in to help wherever they could. We had set up canvas...

1 year ago
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Legion of LightChapter 26 Second Chances

The plans we had laid out for the creation of a library in Ureda required establishing a local presence first, as we did not want a mysterious building to appear out of nowhere. We wanted this to be something the local Uredans felt they had built. The location we picked for the library was on a promontory a little more than half a mile from the fork in the coastal trade road that marked the turn off to Ureda. At the fork itself, we bought an old building that had been built over 30 years...

2 years ago
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The word maybe has become the single word that ignites extreme passion in me. Let me explain, my wife is a sexy one hundred pound , five foot four hot wife. I made her that way by suggesting that she have sex outside of our marriage. It actually started one night after a bunch of friends that had come over to swim and drink had left. One of my friends was over served and I took his keys, I told him to crash in the guest room. As my wife and i where picking up around the pool I told her that Id...

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my Arab wife is sleeping with my Pakistani friend

Guys this is as real as it gets. I wouldn't just write a story otherwise but it's been crazy what has happened to me. Obviously these things are very rare in my culture. anyway, here it gies, I'm married and have an Arab wife. When I got married my mate came to our wedding. He is very close to me and we been through a lot in life. We have even had the same girlfriend years back at one stage. We live in Birmingham. I got married abroad a year ago and all my family and he came to wedding. He said...

4 years ago
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Wishes Granted Inc Case Two

Wishes Granted Inc-Case Two By Micah Distel "Kevin! How many times have I told you to quit sneaking in my room?" "I don't know. How many?" "That is not the point! Everyday, I come from cheerleader practice and find you in my room looking for my diary. What am I to do with you? I know, I'll just tell mom when she comes home from work. With a little twist to it." "You don't scare me. She won't do anything. I'm the good kid. Remember?" "Oh we'll...

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